#casual ableism got me like
If i see one more post calling Rei Suwa "lazy" when he is very obviously disabled, I'm going to lose my mind
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wibta if i asked someone to adjust how they’re writing a blind character?
this is also rp related 👋 i’m 24. you can use any pronouns for me. i’m legally blind and use screen readers to navigate the internet. i work from home which gives me a lot of freedom, so i fill my time in multi fandom rp servers. they’re a lot of fun, usually
in one server i’m in, there’s someone (28nb) writing a blind character. it’s not an oc of theirs, and the source the character is from is sort of… bad at handling the character’s disability. not offensively bad, it’s just obvious the writers didn’t put much thought into it
i know the person writing the character is not blind. here is my problem: the way they write this character concerning their disability is just… it’s really uncomfortable. the first thing i noted was that they went out of their way to mention the character is blind at basically every opportunity. most conventions the character is in they end up bringing it up, like it’s the default topic they turn to when roleplaying the character. and obviously, as a blind person, i understand it’s a big part of our lives, but to bring it up every single conversation? they had the character make an offhand comment about how they would probably struggle to learn the names of the stores in the area (??? i assume because they wouldn’t be able to read the signs, but there are plenty of other ways to learn store names?) and in another instance the character asked another character to do a google search for them, claiming they couldn’t do it themself. there are just a lot of instances of them obviously over exaggerating how difficult some mundane tasks would be for a person who is blind, in a way that comes off as belittling
the thing that really got to me though is the fact that - despite writing a character who uses a screen reader - this person clearly as no idea how screen readers function or what they do. ic, their character (character a) fussed at another character (character b) for having a slightly erratic typing style. character b does make a lot of typos, but their messages are by no means unreadable. screen readers can be pretty smart and often know how to sound things out. but character a was making a stink about character b saying things like “oki” claiming it was unreadable. any actual, decent screen reader wouldn’t have a problem with that. my screen reader doesn’t have a problem with it, i can interact with character b fine and i always have. i was literally sitting there listening to them complain about messages being unreadable by a screen reader and using a screen reader to understand those “unreadable” messages
it’s so, so obvious that this person has but no work or effort at all into understanding the disability they are trying to write here. it’s extremely uncomfortable. i don’t think it’s done out of malice, but it is lazy and, i’ll say it, reeks of ableism. on one hand i feel bad for trying to dictate how people write their characters, but on the other i feel justified in pointing it out, as someone who is blind. but also this is a casual rp server for fun so it’s… maybe not a big deal? wibta if i asked them to maybe do some research and fix their writing accordingly?
What are these acronyms?
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delicatestones · 11 months
Rereading Worm for my purposes and the early sections are giving me unexpected emotions about, of all things, the dynamic between Brian and Alec.
They have such a quiet teen boy sort of back and forth, is the thing. Like, yes, Brian finds Alec profoundly annoying, Alec is being profoundly annoying on purpose - but one of our earliest examples of Alec laughing is when he trips Brian and Brian goes across the room to put him into a headlock and starts punching him in the shoulder.
Insinuation 2.9
With Brian gone and Lisa absorbed in trying to patch up Bitch’s ear, I was left with Alec.  To make conversation, I said, “Alec.  You were going to tell me what you do.  You go by Regent, right?” “The name is a long story, but what I do is this.”  He looked over his shoulder at Brian, who was returning from the washroom with a damp washcloth in hand.  Brian, mid-stride, stumbled and fell onto the floor. “Way to look good in front of the new girl, gimpy!” Alec mocked his teammate, laughing. Grateful for the break in the tension, I couldn’t help but laugh too.  While Alec continued laughing, Brian got to his feet and ran up to the smaller boy, at which point he got Alec in a headlock and began punching him in the shoulder repeatedly.  This abuse only made Alec laugh harder in between his cries of pain.
I mean, there's the casual ableism and Alec being a little shit at an inappropriate time, but it's also notable to me that Brian, the stiffest man-teen in the world, is still roughhousing with Alec instead of actually being angry. It's also a lot that Alec, given what we know about his relationship to touch, likes this. Getting a headlock from Brian probably feels the closest to a hug Alec gets, well. Ever.
Then there's the sparring moment before Taylor gets her first bout with Brian, where Alec wears basketball shorts (???), gets bored, and fucks off to play video games - but Brian still cares enough about Alec to want to teach him. He cares about Alec to the extent he goes 'easy on him' (read: just teaches him like you should teach people to fight), which Alec takes as a slight (slightly sarcastically, because it's Alec), but we learn not too long after that Brian's father's method of teaching him how to fight was basically just short of actively kicking the shit out of him. But Brian doesn't do that to Alec, or to Taylor.
Then later on, in Shell 4.4, Brian gets Taylor that dragonfly in amber for her room in the loft (Brian!! down bad for the bug girl), Taylor hugs him, and we get:
“Hey!” a voice from behind me startled the wits out of me, “No romance in the workplace!” I turned around to see Alec and Lisa standing in the hallway, grinning.  In Lisa’s case, grinning more than usual. I must have turned beet red.  “It’s not, no, I was just thanking him for-” “I know, dork.  I was with him when he bought it.”
And I'm entranced by the concept of Alec and Brian on their separate side shopping trip while Lisa and Taylor were having that Very Straight Shopping Date. Brian contemplating a giant Declaration of Paying Attention To The New Girl in this big open air marketplace while Alec stood there in his new Kid Win shirt laughing like a little cartoon hyena.
It just makes me rotate things in my brain at high speed about both of them.
(This is also good foreshadowing for what Aisha is going to be like when she comes onscreen because you can feel the Exhausted Big Brother rolling off Brian in waves.)
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sophieinwonderland · 2 months
Today is the day I make one lucky cringizen's dream come true!
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I've had this screenshot saved for over a month, knowing this day would come! So congrats little cringizen, your wish is finally granted!
Because I'm going to talk about Aspen's bullying of Custom-Emojis, and recount my two minutes in Aspen's server!
So let's see if I can sum this up. Aspen, an anti-endo TikToker, goes into the Custom-Emojis server. She barely says or does anything there. She gets banned for conduct in other places. Rather than moving on, Aspen plays victim while mocking people's triggers, and says she was banned for saying hi.
You can find the story from Custom-Emojis here:
Aspen escalated and is now allegedly openly admitting to bullying Custom-Emojis.
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I do say allegedly because these screenshots are from r/systemscringe and I don't actually know what the context is for that second one. But if it's legit, yikes!
Now, I normally wouldn't get involved in this drama. Mostly because I think both parties behaved pretty poorly. Aspen blew a ban out of proportion instead of just moving on, and chose to mock people's triggers in retaliation for banning her. Obviously terrible. But... I also don't support Custom-Emojis following up by telling people to mass report her TikTok. Both seem like massive overreactions that only furthered the conflict.
There are no mature adults in the room.
So why am I talking about this?
Well you see, I have a funny story to share!
See, a while back, when r/systemscringe added Aspen to their hit list, I wanted to see what the deal with her server was. Was it really as bad as r/systemscringe claimed?
So... I joined it... just to see.
I never actually got to find out!
While casually scanning, before posting anything at all, I read people talking about me just joining. They recognized my name. A few were explaining to the mods who I was and that I was an endogenic systems. I think they mentioned I was a tulpa too.
One of them even mentioned following this blogs for the laughs. Which, if you're here now, hi! 🙋‍♀️
And then, everything went black. Well, gray. Point is, I was kicked from the server! Instantly! In what was probably less than 5 minutes having said absolutely nothing!
All for the crime of being an endogenic system.
And at the time, I didn't comment on it. It seemed... disadvantageous. r/systemscringe was focused on Aspen. Aspen and her server was focused on r/systemscringe. Why interrupt that? Why get in the way of ableist anti-endo factions tearing each other apart?
But with this latest incident, I had to talk about the sheer hypocrisy of Aspen's community at being outraged over Aspen getting banned while doing the same exact things!
It's just too funny to not point out the hypocrisy of Aspen and her followers!
Wait... Aspen's Here?
Okay, so everything above I wrote Thursday or Friday. I didn't post then because other things were going on and I wasn't quite ready to get dragged into the drama. Then surprise, Aspen made a new Tumblr! And one of her first acts was invading inclusive tags.
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Expanding on what this anon says, the pluralgang tag isn't merely where endogenic systems hang out. It's a tag that was made explicitly for the inclusive plural community.
As a reminder, the "plural" label originated from non-disordered system, and has always been inclusive to all plurals for nearly 30 years. The plural community is our community. And hate isn't welcome here.
Oh, did I mention she tosses around ableist slurs?
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Putting aside the blatant ableism against people with schizophrenia with that slur, let's reiterate that the existence of non-disordered and endogenic plurality is back by actual psychiatrists. This is not schizophrenia. It is not a mental disorder.
Transgender Mental Health by Eric Yarbrough explicitly states that you can be plural without trauma or a disorder.
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This is a book that was peer reviewed and published by the American Psychiatric Association.
The ICD-11 states you can experience the presence of multiple "distinct personality states" (the same term it uses for alters) without a disorder in their entry on DID.
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The existence of non-disordered and endogenic plurality is FACT!
And anyone who says otherwise is either ignorant or lying.
Oh, and since I'm sure this post will get around to r/systemscringe and one or both of its servers, be sure to check out my debunk of r/systemscringe's lies while you're here. 😉
Also, as always when an anti-endo invades inclusive and pro-endo tags, my response is going into anti-endo tags. If any anti-endos don't like this, please take it up with Aspen. I'll respect boundaries as long as the boundaries of our community is respected. Otherwise... 🤷‍♀️
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magiclovingdragon · 10 months
Casual ableism drives me mad. Someone on twitter was saying how hospitals are inaccessible, I replied with how I got made to leave my crutches at the door and walk unassisted over to the mri table which was so high I hurt myself getting on and off again and when it was over I had to again walk unaided out of the room to my crutches and I’ve had like 5 people tell me “the mri machines are always on, they cant risk metal in the room, there should be solutions but its just not possible”… I know the mri scanners are always on but there are other options that could be implemented* so a disabled person who needs mobility aids is forced to go without them and putting themself through even more pain. I also had one person tell me that whoever referred me or myself on the day should have told them I had mobility issues… my physio did, the phoneline is an automatic system so I wouldnt have been able to get through and when arrived I was clearly using my crutches and no one gave me any alternatives other than walk unaided over to the machine.
*create temporary in-hospital mobility aids out of plastic or something, hell even one of the nurses helping me to walk would have been fine
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1863-project · 11 months
One of the reasons I really don’t engage much with fandom spaces at all these days is just how much casual ableism there is in fandom spaces, a lot of which is internalized ableism. And unfortunately, when you try to explain this to people, they often don’t want to hear it or accept that the ideas they’ve latched onto are actually often pretty harmful to people in the real world.
An example, one of many: people have had theories on N being a Zoroark since Black and White first came out in 2010. That was ableist then, and it’s ableist now - the changeling myth is thought to be rooted in children turning out to be neurodivergent (especially autistic), and if you’re looking at a human character that feels neurodivergent-coded and going “What if they’re not human?” it’s...well, neurodivergent people are already dehumanized in the real world. We’re so often treated as less than human that having a character who comes across as neurodivergent suddenly being not human can feel like a slap in the face to our own humanity.
(Ironically, neurodivergent people often found representation in non-human characters before human characters with neurodivergent traits started popping up in media - this goes back at least to the half-human, half-Vulcan Spock in Star Trek, and possibly far, far further. But that’s a topic for another time.)
Every time I see a character who feels pretty damn neurodivergent, I also see a wide chunk of the fandom interpret their neurodivergent traits really negatively, and it hurts. I don’t engage with the Submas fandom anymore outside of answering people’s train questions that they bring to me because enough people in said fandom looked at Emmet, a character who is more like me than any other fictional character I’ve ever seen in my life, and decided he was scary and unhinged, creepy because of the way he talks when he isn’t close to someone, potentially violent because of his intensity. He’s none of these things, he’s just one of the most autistic characters to ever be written. But the damage was done, because when I saw people treating a character just like me like that...well, it basically told me how they saw me, too.
I graduated high school way, way back in 2007. Some of the people on this website now weren’t alive back then. I wouldn’t get my autism diagnosis for two more years, and all I knew was that I was somehow different from the kids around me, and so many of them had bullied me for this. I was treated horribly because I was intense about my interests, talked differently, walked differently, and acted differently from them. It more or less went on for my entire time in school before I got to undergrad. That shit stays with you. I had this notion that this was how everyone saw me, and that still sits in the back of my mind in my 30s. It’s actually one of the things that prevents me from trying dating, because my bullies were primarily my male peers growing up. It was so important for me to see Ingo and Emmet being themselves and being accepted as themselves, because it meant that maybe people could accept me, too. Except then PLA dropped, and a bunch of new people came rushing in...and enough of them reacted in ways similar to how my bullies did when I was younger, so I had to disengage because it hurt too much.
And the cycle continues with every new character that takes the stage. Nemona debuted in Scarlet and Violet, and once you get more of her backstory in the later game and eventually the postgame you realize she sounds like a neurodivergent person surrounded by neurotypicals. I’ve seen headcanons of autism, ADHD, and a few other neurodivergencies, all of which were definitely people relating to her experiences with their own - Geeta even introduces the “weird girl” to the “new kid” at the beginning of the game in the hopes that she’ll make a friend, a common experience for neurodivergent kids growing up. But then I started seeing people calling her a yandere, and they weren’t joking, and I knew that people who related to Nemona who saw that were going to feel hurt the way I did with people taking Emmet’s autistic traits so negatively.
Fandom spaces tend to be online bubbles, so to speak, and people don’t often realize the impact that these attitudes have in the real world. It’s important for people to have representation and see themselves in the media they interact with, because that’s extremely affirming and validating. Seeing a fictional character just like you being accepted for who they are goes a long, long way when you’re being bullied for who you are in your real life. When you see a bunch of people looking at those harmless traits of yours that people bully you for and interpret them in ways that portray you as scary, creepy, or even unhinged and dangerous...it does damage.
I think about people with psychosis. I think about how media has portrayed them throughout the ages, and how stigmatized they are as a result. I think about people with personality disorders, about people with OCD (of which I’m one myself), about autistic people and ADHD people and people with Tourette’s and other tic disorders, about plural people/systems...the list can go on, and on, and on, and this post doesn’t even touch upon physical disabilities and how ableist fandom spaces can be to them, too (cons being physically difficult to navigate are just one challenge of many they face). I think about how desperate we’ve all been to see ourselves as characters - nuanced characters that feel like real people, not caricatures. The days of the “evil, unhinged schizophrenic” need to be over. We know people with disabilities and mental illnesses are more likely to be victims of violence than perpetrators; we have so many studies affirming this. And yet the rest of the world is taking a long time to catch up on this.
Sometimes, you’re 12 years old and you make an edgy OC who wears a straitjacket because they like to stab people, and then you get a little older and you realize that was pretty ableist and you grow and change as a person. That’s normal - you’re learning about the world around you and learning how to be more kind. But if someone who’s out there in the real world explains why something is ableist towards their disability or mental illness, and they provide examples, that’s not the moment you double down and act like you can do no wrong and that everything you’ve written is fine. It’s supposed to be a learning moment for you, a chance to step back and try to do better. And this especially applies to internalized ableism - like I said, so many fandom spaces are heavily neurodivergent, and the internalized ableism I’ve encountered in fandom spaces has grown substantially with the rise of social media. Sometimes the call is coming from inside the house, and we need to be mindful of how we’re portraying people like ourselves, too.
I think it’s a good idea to really try to be aware as we engage with others in fandom spaces and try not to perpetrate harmful stereotypes or portrayals, and becoming more thoughtful and nuanced about how we depict characters is a big part of that. If you’re writing something edgy just for yourself, that’s for you, and you don’t really have to think too hard about it. But if you’re sharing it in a public space, remember that anyone can encounter it, and it might do damage you’re not really thinking about. It’s important to remember that the internet is a public space, too, just like the places we go in real life, and that we should carry ourselves the way we would if we were interacting in person - we need to try to be respectful, and accept feedback and improve things when we accidentally aren’t.
As an extra reminder, here’s a great graphic from Sonny Jane Wise on Instagram that shows just how many things fit under the neurodivergent umbrella:
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Please do your best to do no harm, but if you accidentally do, please listen to the people who are being harmed and want to help you do better.
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snookpal · 7 months
Rant about that “Slugass” user
> Casually check my notifications at 6am
> “Slugass liked your post.”
> Realizing i said “Bezerk” in said post
> Block her ass to prevent her reblogging me
> …Relief!
But in all fairness, Slugass (the user i mentioned) wouldn’t be in my blocklist if she weren’t calling the word ‘Crazy’ an “ableist slur” when she literally has a comic about Usop making TransMisandrist (or transphobic idk) Jokes towards Tubee and calling him a “trans vest-tight” (yk what i mean.)
Idk if this was to make fun of the word or if it’s a genuine anti-trans slur
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Here’s what it reads:
“Now that you’ve come out as trans, Can i make trans jokes at you?”
“Go ahead!”
“B-But i don’t wanna make you feel bad…”
“Go for it! I won’t cry!”
“But you might”
“I Promise i won’t cry!”
“*Ahem.* LMFAO TR__NSV____TE!”
Idfk if she even is Transmasc or not, But it did kinda set off a few red flags in my head.
Plus i remember her posting an image of tubee with the caption “He’s a 10 but uses the r-slur ironically” Which would be *to her* internalized ableism.
oh and btw This is the word he said
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And a message to Slugass IF i wanna unblock her
Stop making words “ableist” bc they aren’t !!!!
And probably LEAVE OTHER USERS ALONE? just because they said something that you think is bad DOESNT MEAN YOU GET TO REBLOG THEM AND JUST CALL THEM OUT. /SRS
We BETTER not forget the time you used RACISM TOWARDS ASIAN PEOPLE as an excuse for someone saying the word “insane”.
I’m not asian so i’m not saying much on the topic
But her posts are enough to piss me off to the point where i just wanna barrage her with insults but THANK GOD i’m holding myself back because she would post shit like THIS.
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sorry bout that i got angry
So erm yeah Stay safe !!!! :PPP
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He’s Like Me
This is an autistic Morty oneshot I’ve been sitting on for a while because I didn’t know where to go with it. I’m still not too happy with the ending but I think this is the best I’m gonna get it lol.
Summary: Morty is keeping a secret from Rick and Rick wants to know what it is. Hurt/comfort. ~3k words
Warnings for mentions of ableism (including internalised ableism).
Rick suddenly snaps back into reality after being absorbed in his latest project to find that his bladder is full and his stomach is rumbling. A glance at the clock tells him it’s been at least four hours of uninterrupted work. It’s not unusual for Rick to get so into something that he can spend hours at a time on it without a break, and four hours is fairly mild for him. Still, now that he’s aware of his body’s needs, he can no longer ignore them.
Standing up from his desk, he stretches his back and arms, hearing the former crack in a way that’s half-satisfying, half-concerning. The joys of ageing, he thinks wryly. He lets out a groan and makes his way to the bathroom.
Once his most pressing need has been satisfied, he directs his attention towards food and drink. He makes his way down the stairs, the usual family hubbub sounding from the kitchen. As he approaches, he can begin to make out details that indicate that it, in fact, isn’t the usual family hubbub. The raised voices, while not uncommon in the Smith household, are laced with strong emotions that betray a deeper conflict at hand. Rick pauses outside the kitchen, trying to decide whether it’s worth getting involved or if it would be easier to simply travel off-planet for some dinner instead.
“Mom, p-please don’t tell Rick!” he hears Morty cry out, a note of fear in his voice. Rick frowns, wondering what secret Morty wants to keep from him and why.
“Now, sweetie, come on, I think it would be good for him to know. It’s not anything definite yet, anyway, and if he knows, maybe he can help you.” Beth speaks as if trying not to frighten a wild animal, a tone Rick remembers using himself when she was little.
“No! Y-you don’t get it, Mom! It’s alright for you, you’re not the one being told there’s something wrong with you! You’re smart, like him! Rick already thinks I’m dumb, what is he going to think if he hears about this?” 
OK, now Rick’s really starting to get worried. He takes a moment to set his face into a mask of disinterest before entering the kitchen.
“What am I going to think if I hear about what?” he asks, trying to keep his tone casual and unbothered.
“N-nothing!” Morty blurts out, too quickly to appear innocent even if Rick hadn’t overheard the conversation.
Beth takes a deep breath. “Dad, Morty’s got a new teacher, and she thinks-”
“No! I told you not to tell him! Why do you never listen to me?” Morty shouts, tears running down his cheeks, and storms out of the room. The family hears his footsteps stomping up the stairs and the door to his room slam.
“Geez, wh-what’s with him?” Rick asks, quirking a thumb in the direction of the door, disguising his concern with an air of annoyed detachment. Beth opens her mouth to respond, but Jerry jumps in.
“Morty’s just a little upset about something his new teacher said in our meeting with her. I’m sure he’ll come down when he’s feeling better.” 
Something in his tone is unusually protective and harsh, directed at both Beth and Rick, his eyes flicking between them both. While Rick usually isn’t fond of Jerry’s behaviour, he feels a grudging respect for the man’s ability to actually grow a spine and stick up for Morty for once.
“Jerry, don’t you think we should tell him?” Beth stage whispers to Jerry.
“Beth, don’t you think we should respect Morty’s privacy?”
Rick tunes out the conversation, not interested in their usual bickering, and instead makes for the fridge. He roots around inside, grabbing a drink, then reaches for the cupboard door. Beth breaks the argument to turn to him. 
“Oh, Dad, dinner’s almost ready. Don’t spoil your appetite.” her tone changes seamlessly from angry to bright as she shifts her attention from Jerry to Rick. Rick drops his hand from the pack of wafers he was reaching for and sits down at the table, sprawling out in his chair as he waits.
“Morty, Summer, dinner!” Beth shouts to the kids and begins plating food. One bedroom door swings open and Summer comes down to join them, scrolling idly on her phone. 
Beth turns around to see only one of her children present and sighs. “Summer, get Morty.”
“Morty!” Summer shouts, not looking up from her phone. Rick has to give it to her, the volume is deafening. There’s no way Morty could have missed it.
“Ugh, that’s not what I meant.” Beth pinches the bridge of her nose in frustration. “You know what, fuck it, if he doesn’t want to eat, that’s his problem.”
Four-fifths of the Smith family eat in relative silence, Rick taking advantage of the quiet to try to figure out what’s going on. Morty still hasn’t appeared by the time they’ve finished.
“Do you think I should go check on him? Take some dinner up to his room?” Jerry suggests.
“What? Jerry, no, it’s just a tantrum. He’s at that age. If he’s old enough to be a moody teenager, he’s old enough to heat up his own food when he misses dinner.” Beth replies dismissively.
“I’ll go.” Rick offers, trying to sound bored. Beth seems surprised, but doesn’t question her father. Rick takes the untouched plate of food and heads upstairs to Morty’s room. 
“Morty?” he calls, knocking on the door. No response. 
“Morty?” he calls again, slightly louder, continuing to drum his knuckles. Still getting no response, he barges his way in.
The room is dark except for the light Rick is letting in from the hallway. Morty is curled up on his bed, facing the wall and clutching a pillow to his chest.
“Morty?” he allows his voice to soften slightly.
“Go away, Rick.” Morty’s voice, already quiet and strained, is muffled from speaking into the pillow.
Rick sits gently on the edge of Morty’s bed.
“Look, wh-whatever this is, I’m gonna find out eventually, so you might as well just tell me now and get it over with.”
Morty turns to face Rick, seeming surprised. His eyes are red and swollen, and Rick feels a pang of hurt at the idea that Morty is this upset at the idea of Rick finding out… whatever it is he’s hiding.
“M-Mom and Dad didn’t tell you?” he asks hopefully.
“Nope. I just came here to give you this since, y’know, you didn’t bother to come down for dinner.” he keeps his gruff facade in place as he holds out the plate of food.
Morty sits up and takes the plate from him, setting it on his lap but making no move to eat it. He hesitates in the way Rick has come to know means he’s building himself up to ask something. Rick reels in an impatient urge to demand that Morty just spit it out.
“R-Rick?” Morty stammers. “You, um, w-would it be OK if… there was something wrong with me?”
Rick snorts to hide the concern he’s feeling. “Buddy, there’s already plenty of stuff wrong with you. Wh-wh-what’s one more thing?”
Morty winces at this comment, and Rick knows he’s fucked it up. “Yeah, but what if it was something… something actually wrong with me? Like, medically.”
OK, now Rick’s really confused. What is medically wrong with Morty that could be picked up by a school teacher?
“Morty, I can take you to any number of super advanced alien hospitals. Hell, I could probably fix it myself, if you just tell me what it is.”
Morty withdraws into himself even more. “I, um, I don’t think it’s something that can be fixed.”
“For cry-for God’s sake, Morty, what is it?” Rick demands. Morty refuses to answer, refuses to even look at him. Rick waits for as long as his patience can take, but Morty doesn’t yield. Feeling frustrated and defeated, Rick gets up and leaves to find an answer elsewhere.
He hears the rest of the family in the kitchen, and decides to ask them, when he’s distracted by an envelope on the couch with the distinct look of a letter from school. He reaches inside and pulls out Morty’s report card, scanning past the grades, which don’t interest him at the best of times, let alone now. He’s about to give up when he notices another sheet of paper inside the envelope. Unfolding it, he reads,
‘We recommend Morty for ASD assessment. If you wish to proceed or learn more, please contact-’ 
Rick stops reading. ASD? Autism? That’s it? The kid was acting like he had terminal cancer or something. Besides, Rick could’ve told Morty he was autistic within minutes of meeting him.
However, his indignation fades as stronger emotions take its place. He remembers the way he was treated as a child, the way adults talked about him like he couldn’t hear them, like there was something wrong with him. Like he was evil, or stupid, or something to be pitied. He remembers the way other children reacted to him, able to tell that he was different even at their young age. He remembers conversations between his parents late at night when they thought he was asleep, not quite hushed enough to avoid him overhearing. 
Rick swallows hard and pushes the memories away. Instead, a sinking feeling sets in as he realises that not only is Morty now experiencing these exact same thoughts and emotions, but that Morty thinks Rick will treat him like this. The feeling is some sort of sickening mix of shame and anger that curdles uncomfortably in his stomach. 
Rick turns to go back upstairs and speak to Morty, only to be met with Jerry.
“Did you read it?” Jerry asks.
“N-not now, Jerry.” Rick tries to brush past him, but Jerry catches his wrist to stop him. 
“Rick, wait.” 
Rick yanks his arm out of Jerry’s grasp, fighting the urge to rub away the residual feeling of touch. 
“You know I don’t like you taking Morty out on these adventures. If I had my way, you wouldn’t see him at all. But whatever you do, don’t you dare start treating him differently because of this, got it?” 
Jerry’s tone is surprisingly defensive in a way Rick never expected from the man. Sure, his voice is shaky and he’s clearly on edge, but he’s actually standing up for Morty. Still, Rick resents the implication that he’s the same as the people who made his own childhood hell.
“Jesus, Jerry, wh-wh-what do you think I am, some sort of monster? Why do you think I don’t like Morty going to that school in the first place? Why do you think I dropped out? It’s not a place for smart people, Jerry!” 
As soon as the words are out of his mouth, Rick knows he’s given too much away. Just the reminder of his own childhood has regressed him into a weak little kid who can’t hide his feelings. Thankfully, Jerry’s too shocked to respond, so Rick takes the opportunity to slip past him and make his way up to Morty’s room.
He doesn’t bother to knock this time, barging right in. Morty is lying on his front with his face buried in his pillow, his body shaking, the plate of food untouched on his desk. Rick sits on the bed again and rests a hand gently between Morty’s shoulders, feeling the boy trembling.
“Morty, it’s OK. I know.” he forces the words out, his voice toneless. Morty turns and lifts his head, looking at Rick through fearful, teary eyes. Rick takes a breath before continuing.
“It’s OK, Morty. M-m-me too.”
“Autistic, yeah.”
Morty sits up and throws himself at Rick with such speed and force it takes Rick a second to understand what’s happening. Morty clings to Rick, sobbing into his chest. Rick hesitates before wrapping his arms around the boy, one hand gently stroking his shoulder.
“Sh, Morty, it’s OK.”
Rick remembers his own past and squeezes Morty tighter. When Beth was born, he’d worried about her experiencing what he’d had to, sworn that he would shield her from judgement if she had been like him, but… well, she’d never made it that far. Now, with his grandson shaking in his arms, he feels those protective feelings bubble up all over again.
Gradually, he hears and feels Morty start to calm down and eventually, Morty pulls back, wiping his eyes.
“So is it… OK? That I might be autistic?”
“Kiddo, there’s no ‘might’ about it.” Rick feels Morty tense and quickly scrambles to make him feel better. “I-i-it’s fine, Morty! It’s not something bad. It’s just another variable of humanity, like… like the shape of your nose. You got my nose, dontcha?” 
Morty nods, but doesn’t look convinced. “But… I’m not smart like you.”
“Morty, nobody is smart like me, I’m a genius. Everyone else is dumb to me, even all these other so-called ‘smart people’.”
“So… you’re not smart because of autism? I thought autism made you either like a super-genius or dumb.”
“What? No, Morty, you’ve been watching too much bad TV. A-anyway, you’re focusing on the wrong thing here. Autism is just… your brain works differently to other people. Sometimes it makes you smart, sometimes it doesn’t.” 
Morty is quiet for a second, mulling this over. “My teacher said that’s why I’m struggling in school. You never struggled in school.”
Rick feels a reflexive burst of anger at that assumption, but tries to fight it back. 
“Morty, I struggled in school so much I dropped out. I struggled so much I ran away from home.” 
Again, the truth spills out more than he wants it to, the emotion eroding his filter. Morty looks at him in shock.
“N-n-not that I’m saying you should do that, Morty. Y-y-you need to stay here so you can go on adventures with me.”
“What? No, Rick, that’s not what I mean. I-I don’t get it. You’re a genius, how did you struggle?”
Rick shrugs, trying to appear nonchalant. 
“I didn’t like the way they treated me, like I was an annoyance, or a pity project, or a problem. They didn’t get me, I didn’t get them. They wanted me to do things the way they wanted, when they wanted. I didn’t like that. If they thought I was too smart to be struggling, they didn’t believe me, thought I was just being difficult. If they just saw me as a problem, they didn’t believe I was smart enough to do things myself or make my own decisions. I-I had to constantly act, just so they’d believe I was competent. It’s tiring, pretending to be someone you’re not all day, everyday, just to be treated like anyone else. I got tired of it, left so I could be with people who didn’t care what I did.”
Somewhere in his story, Rick realises his hands have curled into balls and his leg is bouncing. He pulls out his flask and swigs from it, partially for the enticing numbness promised by the alcohol, but mostly to give himself time to rein in his emotions before continuing.
“Out there in space, Morty, they don’t care. They don’t even know what a human is, let alone how humans should act. I-i-if an alien thinks you’re weird because you breathe oxygen and have hair, they don’t give a shit if you flap your hands o-or don’t know when it’s your turn to speak o-o-or whatever.”
“So I can only be normal to people who already think my species is weird enough that they have no idea what I’m supposed to behave like?” Morty responds despondently.
“No, Morty, I’m saying it doesn’t matter. You can do whatever you want, be whoever you want.”  
Morty doesn’t respond to that, and Rick remains silent. Eventually, Morty speaks up.
“I-I always knew I was different, y’know? I could never make friends or-or understand things as easy as other kids could. But hearing my teacher talk about me like there was something wrong with me… it made it real.”
Morty’s words choke themselves into silence as he ends the sentence. Rick can’t reply, emotions hijacking his brain. He pulls Morty back into a hug instead. After a moment, Morty continues, his voice quiet and muffled against Rick’s shoulder.
“A-and I know I’m not smart like you, or Mom, or Summer, and I thought that if you knew there was something wrong with me… you might not take me on adventures anymore. Or you might get a new Morty instead. One that’s not… broken.”
“Hey, stop that.” Rick scolds Morty, shaking him gently. “You’re not broken, OK? Neither of us are.” 
“Y-you mean it, Rick?”
“Course I do, buddy.”
Morty nestles into him even closer and Rick feels his grip tighten without meaning to.
“Thank you.” he hears Morty mumble, so quietly he almost can’t hear it.
After a while, Morty loosens his grip and Rick responds in kind. Morty pulls back to wipe at his eyes before his stomach growls loudly.
“Oh. I guess I should eat, huh?” he chuckles sheepishly.
Both of their gazes turn simultaneously to the plate of food on Morty’s desk. Rick has to admit, it wasn’t the best even when it was fresh, but after sitting out for a while it looks outright unappetising.
“You wanna go to that place we found on Epsilon 12?” he finds himself offering.
“Really?” Morty asks, finally seeming to perk up.
“Sure thing, buddy.”
Rick rests a hand on Morty’s shoulder as he shoots a portal and guides his grandson through it. It might be too late to shield Morty from discrimination completely, but he resolves to try his best anyway.
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allsadnshit · 6 months
I've tried to keep myself from spiraling all day but I think I've actually just had a really awful day and there's some themes and things that really do push me over the edge and trigger me even though I'd like to think most of the time I have a lot more self control than I used to and have generally made really positive changes and moves in my life emotionally
I had a really terrible shift and ended up reading conversations about unionizing for livable wages in the city's coffee scene and just seeing so many people publicly saying they truly don't feel baristas are skilled workers or deserve livable wages even tho they personally have no vested interest or stake in the game for these changes but simply want to make it clear peoples worth is defined by their jobs and what they have access to should also be defined by things like their academic accomplishments when every one of those systems is deeply broken and rooted in classism and ableism already just really really gets me
The reality is lots of people want others to have less because they feel it validated themselves as being worthy of good things rather than it being a human right to have safety and comfort as people
And because I was always in a disadvantaged situation with schooling I've been aware of this dynamic of value my whole life and I think it really brings me to a place of real disgust, rage, and hatred when I see people so casually say they would vote for people in the service industry to have less because they see them as lazy and stupid
It really has put me in an emotional spiral despite it being something I'm already extremely aware of and to see myself disassociate so hard once I got to that really dark place to the point where I now feel embarrassed about not being self controlled is just really sad and makes me not like being a part of society and makes me not want to be around other people
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fooligandan · 20 days
got sent a reaction/review thing to apparently the second attempt of orchard's dunmesh video (first one got taken down) and like. Yeah alright i'll take the L and play this game, i got nothing better to do today
this is literally just the same review again lmfao just without the part about calling anyone who likes anime a pervert. completely just doubling down on everyting
spoiling the ending of the series without warning as a "checkmate, weebs" thing to keep justifying her hatred of some guy who isn't real from a show/medium she clearly hates
still not even a good review, completely misunderstands/misrepresents the whole story. I do NOT know how any of this happened, I think she either is doing this on purpose to be a contrarian (why? no clue. all things considered suggest she actually believes these things?) or else was watching/reading with her eyes closed except for the parts that support hating on laios specifically. CANNOT tell which. Maybe it's both
not directly show critique related but the casual description of rural areas being "backwards" and calling cities "civilized" while ALSO calling detractors/people she just dislikes "inbred hicks"… preddy telling... of what idk but its Telling of something. like what's you're prawblem
^ also really telling is the "autistic people can know how social cues work they just choose to not follow them cuz they think theyre dumb" comment (as a point for why laios is, like, a misanthropic nihilist who doesnt even care about his own sister, or else doesnt show it "correctly". which gets repeated often). what in the ableism is this? ma'am are you ok? what's even happening here anymore? this kinda disturbed me tbh ngl
Terrible, kinda felt like I was being fed sandpaper. Hope to never hear anything from/about orchard ever again if I'm being completely honest. Luckily that's easy peasy lolll
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olderthannetfic · 6 months
I based the language used in (both) asks on how the author had written on her social medias before during and after her books became available, and her stances to the things she herself believes in. As in, the author herself has called herself a diaspora, she herself calls herself 1st/2nd gen diaspora. From what I remember she was born as diaspora but mentioned that she spent most times in her home country so she herself used the 1st/2nd gen label. The author is an American diaspora though, if that means anything.
All my arguments about her book come from how the author put herself and her writing on a pedestal, mentioning herself how she'd use her status to write, with a standard she herself decided should be the goal. I can definitely understand how some people got the idea that I held "higher expectations of a POC authors writing when it comes to racism" or something because I didn't make it clear where my criticism came from, but no I did not do so because of her background.
It's a case of "I'll criticize people who claim they're a better writer while punching down on everyone else for doing it wrong, and then claiming they'll write a book that's going to tackle the issues of racism/sexism/queerphobia/ableism much better than any other books out there, with an incredibly progressive main character and hold them to the standard they themselves set up but within the book. But then ends up not only failing, but unironically making the lead have an unquestioned racist view. " ... Just read the other follow-up submission, I explained with more detailed what the issue in the writing and framing was. https://olderthannetfic.tumblr.com/post/736443105288519680/httpsolderthannetfictumblrcompost73599012479#notes
It was a very "I'm not racist but..." part of the story. Like I said, it could have been a really good exploration that even people who're progressive can still hold prejudicial views and then realizing they hold them, especially with how hard it sticks out amongst the rest of the story. But it just wasn't and it felt like the authors own views were reflected in how she wrote. And with how casually it's just left unquestioned in the book it really leaves a bad taste. I will even admit that at first I was intrigued and thought this was going to be a part of the leads journey. It wasn't.
This was a case of the author basically saying "Everything I believe is reflected in this book" all throughout, and then really messing up distancing the artist from the art by her own design.
On the American accusations: I'm not American and I don't live in America, but I also am a diaspora in the current country I live in. Only thing I would give you is that we don't use "diaspora" but that's more because I don't live in an Anglophone country, and the word used here is a synonym for "foreigner". I thought it was fairly obvious I have ESL syndrome lol. English isn't even my second language more like E3<L
In fact, if you hadn't been raised by this US-centric mentality of "there's whites and then there's POC and these are the only two kinds of categories in the world," you'd know that EVERYBODY hates EVERYBODY.
Not American. Still not under any illusion that that's the case. I've read history books. Really not understanding where you got the idea from that I had from my one description of specifically ONE person's writing. "Racial and ethnic hate is not something that only people born with blonde hair, lily-white skin, and light blue eyes can make others suffer through." Yay, we agree on something. As in, I 100% agree with you on this. I know I could probably just drop the name of the author and the books. But honestly I did some contemplation and there are two things that make me not do it. I'm just an anon, I have no reputation or name to keep clean or uphold, and I've been on the internet long enough and experienced enough of the absolute senseless dogpilling creatives get especially these days with how popular review bombings are, direct attacks and other harassment, and the not good environment social media has created for creatives misstepping, which includes twitter/x, tiktok, and youtube. Even if I believe that out of 100 people on here none would go and do that, the 101th person might decide to be an ass about it. The second reason, and the main reason I didn't just mention the book from the start is that the author herself has removed most mentions of her books on all her social media, they're still available but since it seems she's removed herself from her own writing I'll just respect it.
Tbh I gave enough info in my opinion that someone could probably find the books if they made a real attempt. The issue I mentioned has been handled by some of the people who reviewed the book.
As always, saying the name of the book will get people arguing about whether they agree with this interpretation of this book.
Not sharing the name will get people remembering either the last time some sanctimonious author was annoying or the last time some clueless reviewer missed the point, depending on which has annoyed them more recently.
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moodr1ng · 16 days
(making my own post after being in someones replies again lol) i do think there was kind of a Moment on tumblr in i wanna say circa 2019-2021 where a lot of the accumulated biphobia that was present in the lgbt community at large and in particular on tumblr sort of blew up into a number of bi bloggers starting to talk a lot more on the subject and make a lot of posts explaining the material consequences of biphobia, the lack of support bisexuals have always gotten from the rest of the community, the specific biphobic opinions/takes that are popular both offline and in online communities, and also a lot of conversations about bisexuality, what its like to be bisexual, what it means to us, a ton of education on bisexual history, a lot of trans and nonbinary bisexuals talking about how bisexuality interacts w our genders, etc. at the time and being involved in all of this tangentially it felt a bit like a sort of tumblr bisexual renaissance where the pot finally boiled over and a ton of us started to be really loud and in your face about bisexuality and biphobia. i think this was a major reason for why a lot of takes that had previously been very widespread and either accepted or at least treated as debatable (thinking about butch/femme discourse for example) got rolled back and a lot of people who had been very casually biphobic all over the place suddenly changed their tune, switched their public opinions, and started sharing a lot more of support for bisexuals (though, tbh, i dont think i have seen literally one apology for past biphobia).
i do think there was some discourse that went a bit too far and ended up counterproductive (ive personally rolled back a lot of my past anger about the pansexuality vs bisexuality shit into a view that i think is a lot more charitable and community-oriented), but overall bisexuals on here did a lot of work to get heard, get understood, and get some much-needed support by the rest of the lgbt community, and there were also a lot of behind the scenes conversations where bi people created spaces like very active discord servers where bisexuality was explored in-depth among bisexuals, which tbh i largely credit for me being able to comfortably identify as bigender.
but, well, this Moment of bisexuals being loud and proud about bisexuality and refusing to continue to tolerate biphobia was met with, like, extremely caustic and vicious backlash which has led SO many bi bloggers who i followed, knew, was in servers and dms with, was/am friends with etc to either quit tumblr or move to new blogs where they only keep around vetted people and no longer widely engage w the topic of biphobia. my alter ran one of those blogs which i dont think could have really been qualified as popular, but which had a ton of constant interaction and some really big posts, all of which led to daily biphobic harassment as well as scrutiny of every other part of his identity and repeated cruelty about things that it was incredibly inappropriate for people to attack him on - some of you who followed him will recall the repeated attacks and accusations of ableism for his 'weird' typing style, despite a disclaimer on his blog that he types like this bc of autism+adhd+did, as well as a lot of vitriol and aggression which i think was at least partially racially motivated. like, im not even willing to disclose the url or his name here because im STILL paranoid about getting harassed years after he deactivated, which, like many others i know, he did because the constant biphobia was so bad for his mental health that the blog even just continuing to exist was not sustainable.
im not sure to what degree the conversations that were started on here during this time are continuing - im not seeing much of it anymore, but then again maybe im just not following the people having them - but it certainly feels like that Moment has died down now, though i certainly still feel the aftereffects in how a lot of people have changed their stances on bisexuality. it does feel like an acute loss still that so many bi people were effectively shut down and harassed off tumblr or into silence and reclusiveness by the backlash to bisexuals speaking out (and this especially imo affected bisexuals of color, especially black bisexuals, as per usual on tumblr). i miss the posts i would get to read daily as well as the very active discord servers and other conversations i got to be privy to at the time. i think this, as much as the discussions on biphobia themselves, rendered very explicit the degree of biphobia thats present within the lgbt community. as soon as a number of bisexuals got fed up with it and started to talk about it openly, the open and unashamed biphobia also ramped up.
ig the thing im stuck on is - were not talking about it as much, but all the people who dedicated themselves to harassing bisexuals into silence for years are still here. some stances have been changed and a lot of performative "we love bisexuals!" posts got shared but ultimately the work is still cut out for us going forward. however, i dont think i or my alter will be doing any of that work on tumblr in the future. the focus will have to be on real-life community to spare ourselves the backlash that comes from speaking about this on here.
idk, not sure how to end this whole tirade. i just happened to be thinking about all this earlier today and a mutual brought it up again just now so its on my mind. i do still miss that sense of heightened bisexual community that came from all of this. i personally not only was able to re-identify as bisexual after identifying as gay for a few years bc these conversations led me to reevaluate my sexuality in a more accepting light, but also i unlearned a ton of internalized biphobia which i had not only tolerated but often strongly believed myself, usually with a sort of self-flagellating notion of "i have to bow down to the rest of the community and accept that my opinion is inherently lesser because bisexuality is an inferior sexuality" which i only stopped believing after being in these bisexual communities. ig i just have to be content with the circle of bi friends ive built both online and offline and what benefits ive gained from these discussions.
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AITA for telling my friend I thought he was autistic and making him cry?
I (25F) have been casual friends with "M" (25M) for several years. We're not super close friends (or at least, I'm not super close to him, I suspect he is more emotionally invested in our friendship than me. Also, according to several classmates back in college, he had a crush on me. Idk, but seems possible based on his actions. I'm gay and now have a gf, he's always been very chill and respectful about any feelings he may or may not have). Honestly, our interests, energy levels, and socializing preferences are not super compatible, but he's a good person, and we've stayed in touch after college, occasionally meeting up every few months for a hike.
For the last 5 years, I assumed he was autistic. I am also autistic (got diagnosed in my teens) and noticed a ton of autistic/neurodivergent traits as soon as I met M. TBH that's one of the big reasons we became and stayed friends, we may not be 100% compatible as friends/people but neither of us have to climb over all the neurotypical social rules and stigmas just to hang out. I've talked about my experiences with autism with him, in a commiserating/companion-type way, and we both talked about our very different childhood experiences with speech therapy and special ed.
Anyways, I had casually told my gf and mom that M's autistic (my mom got diagnosed with autism a few years ago, after I did, and my gf recently got diagnosed after both of us recognized she had similar autistic traits as me). M visited me 2 or 3 months ago and we went hiking, like usual. Afterwards, we were hanging out at my house (I live with my parents, my job's close and there's few apartments here) and M was talking about how he got fired from his job a few months ago, and was having trouble finding a new job. He was about to leave, and I left for a few min. When I came back my mom was telling M about how he should talk with HR at any future job about his autism because he was probably fired in large part due to ableism (I agree ableism played a role in his firing, probably because his bosses were shit at actually communicating and assumed everyone were mind readers). M was pretty obviously uncomfortable, and my mom is not tactful or very sensitive, so I intervened and we left.
The two of us talked for a few min. It turned out that he is Not Autistic (or at least, not diagnosed). I told him the reason my mom thought he was autistic is because I assumed he was and told her. It turns out that he has a lot of shame and negative emotions about his time in speech therapy and special ed as a kid (he had always talked about it as though they were annoying, sometime unnecessary, sometimes helpful, so I didn't know this) and some internalized ableism directed at himself. I mostly talked about my experiences with autism and getting diagnosed, and emphasized that, although I thought he had autism/neurodivergence, I'm not an expert and not trying to tell him what he is, and also that autism (especially for me) is not a bad thing. It was awkward and uncomfy for both of us, and by the end M was visibly very upset. I apologized and let him go. Before he shut the garage door I heard him start to sob. A few hours later (he lives about 2 hrs away) I texted him to apologize and reiterate what I had said earlier. He said it was ok, but idk. We've texted some, and called once since this, but haven't seen each other yet.
You may judge me on any or all of the following (potential) dick moves:
assuming M was autistic without him actually telling me
telling 2 other people he was autistic without his permission or telling him
allowing mom to bring up a sensitive subject like this
how I handled the situation afterwards, including telling M I think he's autistic and talking about myself
any other asshole thing you may ID from this story
What are these acronyms?
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irregularbillcipher · 10 months
something that i think a lot about is a square just casually mentioning that his grandfather was isosceles and was only allowed into the equilateral class very shortly before his death, because i don't think a realizes how incredibly bizarre what he's saying is
like okay we have a few possibilities here
a is just wrong. like let's get that outta the way, a lot of times a is just straight up wrong, or assumes propaganda he's been fed is true. he tends to be more wrong about larger societal things-- ableism against irregulars, misogyny towards lines, classism towards isosceles (and especially specimens, which falls into ableism again as specimens are isosceles considered "unintelligent" because of their angle size,) etc.-- and is less likely to be completely incorrect about his own family history, but, well. a is a. we can never discount that sometimes he just doesn't know what's up
this is his maternal grandfather, and his equilateral father just married the daughter of someone who was, at the time, classified as isosceles. not impossible, but pretty unlikely considering flatland culture. the lower the classes are, the more stringent they are in marrying within the same class, in the hopes of producing a son that elevates the family name up a rung, and remember, equilaterals aren't high class. they're middle-- lower middle, arguably, since they aren't yet counted as "gentlemen" and are still considered part of the "acute rabble." they're afforded some degree of humanity but they're still only one step above the lowest class able-bodied shape. they're still counted as some of the lower, "least intelligent" of their species, and it's stressed pretty hard that they need to do whatever they can to move out of that class
so could a's equilateral dad have married an isosceles-born girl? sure, there weren't any laws explicitly against it, and i'm sure most isosceles families would have been absolutely thrilled to hear an equilateral wanted to court their daughter. would he have married someone in a lower caste?
i really, really doubt it. especially since a is so incredibly brainwashed-- he would have mentioned his mother being lower class, or his father "foolishly" choosing a marriage out of sentimentality when talking about marriages that are "less carefully" arranged. (no insult to his own mother, i'm sure, but he is just stating facts and all!!! <- heavy sarcasm)
a's dad was isosceles-born and "adopted" by equilaterals, and somehow found out that his birth father was promoted to being an equilateral before he passed.
not super likely, imo, but i figured i'd toss it in here. maybe someone fucked up somewhere along the way and let him know he was adopted, maybe a's dad got in contact with his birth father, maybe said birth father was remeasured and declared as Actually Equilateral.
the thing that makes me really not believe that-- other than these "adoptions" being very, very closed-- you would think a would discuss this when talking about the process of isosceles children being stolen by the board and given to equilaterals. if that was a part of his family history, and was a known part of his family history, he would likely bring it up there... so i think we gotta try again.
four, and, i think, most interesting:
the grandfather was on a's dad's side, and he was promoted to equilateral... and so was a's dad.
lemme explain.
like i implied in the theory above, if a's grandfather had truly been an isosceles who had a child who qualified as an equilateral, he would not have been allowed to keep his son. that's how flatland works, because flatland is terrible!
so, a's family is just a normal isosceles family. a's father wasn't taken from his grandfather because there was no reason for him to be. a's dad grows up with his family, marries someone... and then has a.
and a is a square.
a being a square is far too big of a leap in class ascension for the circles to be able to justify. an equilateral from an isosceles is to be encouraged! (within reason.) it keeps hope amongst the lower classes after all, but a square? the implications of an isosceles being able to produce a square poke too many holes in the laws of configuration.
so they backtrack. a's father was an equilateral after all-- he has to have been! he couldn't have had a square otherwise, of course he was... and his father was too, to avoid the generational caste jump from being too severe. they missed an equilateral birth amongst the rabble a generation or so ago-- it was probably the grandfather's parents' fault, somehow. they're gone, after all, it's easy to blame them.
that "moral shock" from the isosceles many years ago who accidentally skewered a polygon definitely stunted your family's growth and you've all been slowly earning it back, and we missed it! it usually takes so much longer after a mishap, so we didn't think to keep our eye on you, whoopsie! but gosh, you guys did it, you earned it, you're such go-getters, so here, we'll make it right-- you both should have been equilateral, you poor things, so here's the votes saying so... and good news! you get to keep your boy! no pesky adoptions necessary because we don't want to have to explain to a square family what's happening, we don't have protocol for this just make sure he knows how Good and Just the laws of configuration are-- and maybe keep this little ascension to yourself, you know, as your start your new business career with your oh-so-promising son
and a's father does keep quiet, for himself, but maybe mentions that his father was given a certificate-- very soon before he passed, very soon after a was born-- as a sort of motivational thing. and a's only real memory of his grandfather is him explaining that if it only hadn't been for that stupid relative, generations ago, he would have been declared an equilateral so much earlier!
and a, like always, is just so brainwashed and has so few critical thinking skills that he doesn't stop to think why his father would have been raised by an isosceles if everything were actually above board
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sophieinwonderland · 6 months
r/FakeDisorderCringe doesn't know what biblical canon is, atheists are offended by saying God is plural, and other people casually throwing out some blasphemies and ableism!
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For uncreative title.
Atheists Pretending To Be Deeply Offended...
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So, let me guess, you're not actually Christian are you?
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Those guys sure aren't.
So weird how people pretend to be offended over a religion they aren't even a part of.
(Let's be real though, that's most of the tulpa discourse.)
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Oh... you considered converting.
That clearly gives you a say in this conversation. /s
Meanwhile, my host actually lived the religion. He was Christian through his teenage years, and as a child helped his mom teach Sunday School and went to sleep every night on a Noah's Ark pillow.
Sorry, I distracted from your point. We're thieves stealing from a religion. 🙄
Okay, let's talk "canon!"
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I just... I LOVE this whole conversation! 🤣
THIS is actual cringe.
Does anyone see the issue here?
I'll let u/AdSuccessful3533 spell it out. Possibly the only person with sense in the thread.
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It's not just Catholic Canon either, but Biblical Canon! Like, there's a whole Wikipedia article on it!
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The sheer self-righteous ignorance of r/Fakerdisordercringe (and r/systemscringe) never ceases to amaze me.
All of these people so bent out of shape over the use of "canon" to describe biblical text as if that's not been in use for hundreds of years!
"Something a middle schooler would say."
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The Heresies!
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That's correct. This is NOT the modalism heresy.
Modalism suggests God is a single unified being who reveals himself in different forms. God being plural would mean that God is three beings in one. This is completely in-line with the views of Trinitarianism.
An example of the modalism heresy would be more like this...
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Comparing God to Optimus Prime, arguing that they're just different forms like Optimus Prime in a truck form vs him in a robot form, is modalism.
But if modalism isn't enough, we've got some tritheism too!
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Besides the tritheism... it's really hard to take people who are calling tulpas appropriative seriously when they don't even know basic facts about the most popular religion in the world.
Also, the part about System not being a term for a person with DID is technically correct. System is, rather, the term used for the total collection of all the alters. But it is very much a term used by psychologists and it's accurate to refer to the Trinity as a system in this way.
Also, if the Tritheism bothers you, don't worry! We're going to go right back to modalism.
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The H2O metaphor is controversial for the same reason as comparing God to Optimus Prime. It suggests God is simply changing form to become these different things.
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Can you show me that rabbit hole?
I'm the one who Tweeted that, and have NEVER been on the OSDD sub.
Who do you think I am?
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No... it definitely doesn't sound right. Religion shouldn't just be a thing for neurotypicals.
If one believes in God, then surely God made all people, including those of us who have mental illnesses. Why should Christianity and biblical references be kept away from people with mental illness other than ableism?
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I mean, if by in peace, you mean without endogenic systems, then no. You can't.
We're here and we aren't going away. Ever.
And we exist in all spaces, including in your churches and your religious communities. And Christian systems shouldn't be expected to hide who they are because our existence bothers bigots like you.
We're going to share this world, and we're going to share spaces. And that includes churches and religious spaces too. Deal with it. 🤷‍♀️
I would like to thank everyone at r/fakedisordercringe for giving me the free material. For a subreddit that's designed to laugh at people for supposed "cringe," you all sure are a goldmine for it! 😜
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audhdnight · 7 months
Got muted in three of my Facebook groups this week alone for pointing out ableism because they call it “armchair diagnosis”.
Like bro I didn’t say “this person definitely has pda profile autism” I said “it’s ableist to moan incessantly about how gross it is when people don’t brush their teeth and how disgusting people who struggle with hygiene are, whether this person has a causal condition or not”.
I have since left all three groups because FUCK THAT but also one woman responded to my comment simply saying “yeah as someone who struggles with hygiene I probably shouldn’t have read these comments” and THAT is exactly who I’m speaking up for. I am so sick of getting silenced for defending my own fucking community.
For context: the group I’m specifically referencing in the above example is dedicated to making fun of the trash men who send unsolicited pics and get really really upset when you aren’t impressed. Someone shared a post in that group where a woman told a man she would expect him to brush his teeth multiple times a day, and his response was, verbatim: “That doesn’t work for me. I suggest you find someone you think is better than me. Good luck.”
Like… that’s not even what this group is for??? He said they didn’t click, respectfully cut contact, and wished her well?? He wasn’t even rude! WHAT THE FUCK IS THE PROBLEM WITH ANY OF WHAT HE SAID??????
And everyone was in the comments with puke emojis and saying things like “no one should have to ask for basic hygiene” or “there is no excuse for this” or “men are so fucking disgusting”. Like hello casual ableism? Also, men are not the only ones who could struggle with caring for themselves. There are SO. MANY. reasons someone might not brush their teeth often. I personally have a hard time with it because with my adhd I genuinely just forget and with my autism the sensory experience can be a LOT so it’s hard to make myself do it on the rare occasions when I do remember. And I’m definitely not a man, cis or otherwise.
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