#catboi but sad
holly-fixation · 1 year
Another Thing to Hide
Summary: When the public notices a reaction from Sephiroth only around Genesis of all people, Shinra has to deal with the public nightmare from the one piece of the Silver Soldier they couldn’t control. Because he couldn’t control it either. He didn’t even know it was happening. Could Sephiroth really…purr?
Inspired by this ask to @altocat
Please enjoy!
Oh gods. What was it now? His last appointment was three days ago. There was absolutely no way they needed new samples or tests or a new examination. What they needed was to leave him alone. He didn’t care about the ‘urgent’ emails clogging his inbox. He had way too much work to get done on his desk to worry about this. 
Nothing in this god awful science department was ‘urgent’ enough for this. 
He was barely in the examination room for ten seconds before the slimy scientist slithered his way in, clipboard in hand and black glasses blocking his eyes as always.
“What do you need of me now, Hojo?” He did not waste a single moment. “This better be quick.”
Good. The scientist wasn’t looking to waste any time. “I need you to purr.”
He blinked at the asinine request. “...Have you lost your mind?”
“I think it’s a simple request. It’s just purring.”
“I am not an animal, Hojo. If you wish to mess with me, at least make it believable.”
“Believable?” He echoed.
“That is what I just said, yes.” 
“Snippy today, aren’t you?”
The soldier ignored the comment and questioned again, “What is this urgent request?”
The scientist moved his clipboard to his side and scanned the soldier inquisitively, slowly raising his hand to his mouth in thought before clenching it in a soft fist once realization struck. “You truly have no idea what I’m talking about.”
The taller man scoffed, crossing of his arms. “Was I not clear enough? Did you call me in here just to mock me for my eyes?”
The look in his gaze hardened, and the soldier visibly straightened to gain the slightest shred of distance when a pen was pointed at him. “I have told you a thousand times your appearance is perfect, Sephiroth. You’re clearly spending too much time around the wrong people if you even think otherwise.”
The soldier went quiet, his body tensing ever so slightly by instinct.
“Now follow me.” With a single wave of his hand, he gestured to the door he came through, and both of them walked down the hall to a desk.
Sephiroth watched silently, trying to discover what the scientist was looking for through the various seemingly disorganized folders on the multiple monitors.
The scientist adjusted a speaker before finally clicking on a video. 
On the screen was an old tape of some interviewer that caught him and his red haired friend in the city on their way back to HeadQuarters. But what did this have to do with today? It was so long ago, his hair was half of its current length. 
“Sephiroth! Genesis Rhapsodos! A word please!”
Though Sephiroth was clearly annoyed, his glare instantly sharpened to perhaps draw blood from the annoying reporter, Genesis lit up and pulled him along. It was the first time someone recognized the Crimson Soldier, and Genesis was ecstatic.
The interviewer asked them both a few questions, but Genesis took the lead by answering almost all of them, occasionally giving him a playful nudge. Sephiroth truly had no idea what was going on. “What does this prove?”
“Listen,” Hojo insisted.
There seemed to be a deep rumbling beneath the talking, perhaps a car that happened to be idling too close. But Hojo said something about…
The scientist closed the video and opened the next one. And the next. And the next. And each one was cursed with the same rumbling, soft and deep but ever present. Each video showed years of broadcasted appearances with him and Genesis together, sometimes with Angeal as well but never just him and Angeal. The final video was posted only a few days before, but that false white noise still persisted.
That’s impossible. His ‘inhuman’ strength and speed were trained into him for years. The only abnormal things about him were his hair and his eyes, but… he never produced such animalistic sounds. 
Worst of all, he had no idea he made them in the first place.
“Public Relations is currently working on a fluff piece to deter any assumptions about your character.” The black glasses reflected the light back at him. “But you need to get a hold of this. And if you can’t, I’ll take control.”
Sephiroth stared at the open monitor, at the frozen image of him and his closest friend. Instead of the smiles he saw and the warm memory they came with, his heart sunk. Had this truly been happening for so long? And neither Angeal nor Genesis mentioned it or joked about it once? How did this stay silent? How did he not know it?
He was terrified. His own body betrayed feelings he would never admit to himself or the public. He didn’t know it was happening, didn’t feel a single vibration in his throat. Or at least he assumed it was his throat. He couldn’t control this. He couldn’t control this. And after so much silent deliberation, his traitorous mouth opened to a soft whisper, “...what would you do…?” 
“Well,” Hojo was far too prepared for that question, “If the vocalizations are coming from around your chest, we can update your uniform and pretend the added armor is purely aesthetic. Possibly a chestplate. But if it’s coming from your throat, which is much more likely-”
His head slowly fell, his bangs blocking his eyes as he stared at the floor.
“I believe a simple collar should be enough to dampen the noise. Placement and thickness are critical, of course. And then there’s the issue of design, matching the uniform, making sure it represents the company in a positive light, dealing with the marketing department, manipulating public opinion- ”
“Do it…” His voice was broken, his shoulders low and his body dropping in defeat. Hojo needed confirmation before moving forward, and Sephiroth didn’t give him the chance to ask. “Make the collar… do it…”
Well, Hojo absolutely wasn’t passing up this golden opportunity with his son being so compliant.
* * * 
Sephiroth obeyed every order, sitting like a statue for measurements of his torso and neck, his coat and armor somewhere on the floor to allow perfect access. He hated it. He hated it all. He understood exactly what a collar would symbolize. He prayed that whatever rattled inside him only forced him into more armor, not kept him inches away from a leash. 
But he still couldn’t purr on command, which meant not only could they not find the epicenter of this uncontrollable call, but they couldn’t test their products without stimuli. They needed something that worked, but no pill or injection triggered the reaction. Only one outside force guaranteed the sounds.
They needed Genesis. 
Sephiroth wanted to hide in a hole, but that didn’t stop him from sending his friend a message to come to the lab. He wanted this over with. It certainly didn’t stop Hojo from inviting the Crimson Soldier as little more than a resource required for his tests.
With such a silent cry for help unseen to Sephiroth, his friend rushed into the room in minutes. 
The look on Genesis’ face only pulled the ache in his friend’s chest higher. 
The sight before him was so rotten the redhead struggled not to attack the scientist nearby. 
Sephiroth couldn’t even meet his gaze, sheer embarrassment clogging his heart. But at a soft touch on his arm, his inhuman eyes lifted to the other mako blues.
“What did they do to you? Are you alright, Sephiroth?” Genuine care bled through his words, infecting the tense breath of his friend like a virus, yet with a calm he couldn’t describe.
“I’m alright…” He answered slowly, weakly. 
“What happened?” 
Gods, why did he have to look at him like that? Like he could tell him anything? Like this was a safe place? Why couldn’t he keep his walls up around him? Why did that intense gaze make him feel warm and safe? Why did he-
Barely a few seconds. It was barely a few seconds since Genesis entered the room, and Sephiroth’s tainted purring began.
Genesis’ gaze even softened at the sound. He knew. He knew all along, but he said nothing because he knew what it meant… didn’t he? 
Their moment of peace shattered when a cold stethoscope slid along his open chest. 
The Crimson Soldier’s eyes burned as he stared daggers at the scientist currently moving the instrument up and down the bare skin, but Sephiroth stopped him, almost grabbing him. 
“It’s just a test,” He explained quickly, deliberately avoiding why Genesis was necessary. “They just need data. I’ll be back on the SOLDIER floor soon.”
“Data for what, Sephiroth?” The concerned care twisted to a caring sternness, and with everything happening, the Silver Soldier just looked away like a disobedient child. “Data for what?” 
Still, the rumble didn't stop. Sephiroth never got the chance to speak before Hojo retreated and scribbled on a clipboard. He found the source. Good. 
“Just some control data. Nothing more,” Sephiroth lied. “It'll take a few hours. I'll talk to you soon…”
Hojo interrupted them, incessantly tapping his pen on the paper. “Yes. Get out of my lab. We have work to do. Your presence is no longer needed.”
Genesis almost growled, but the puppy-dog look in Sephiroth’s eyes convinced him to stand down. “See you soon, okay?”
“See you soon…” He repeated softly, and just like that, he was alone again, free to every touch and prod of the technicians around him. 
However, this visit required no samples, no needles, no extensive physical examination. The worker bees of the lab simply spent their time making and testing the fabric that would stifle his neck to protect him from yet another thing in his life he could not control. 
When Sephiroth eventually returned to his office on the SOLDIER floor, with a leather collar ordained with the SOLDIER logo, the only thing that stopped Genesis from burning every lab in this building to the ground was Sephiroth himself.
He was so, so sad, his cat-like eyes thin and ashamed, dark and sunken. Painful.
Genesis dropped the rage and immediately trapped his friend in a hug. He knew he’d never admit to needing one, but he knew this helped him, ever so slightly. 
His arms were warm and safe. 
Sephiroth tried to return the embrace, his hands shaking ever so slightly. He wanted Genesis to know he appreciated the gesture, but the single quirk that let him reveal his silent truth was now muffled by the band around his throat.
Thanks for reading!
Author’s Note: If you think this is bad, you should read ‘Another Part to Hurt’. Thank you again to @altocat for letting me steal her ideas!
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savagegood · 11 months
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jaskier & cat. important. | THE WITCHER SEASON THREE
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nekojiima · 4 months
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The wilting flower still adores this world.
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shower-phantom-ideas · 7 months
Jazz becoming the next big Gothem villain is such a solid concept. Theres so much to explore.
She targets corrupt mental institutions. Corrupt companies who destroy their workers state of mind so they wont quit. She attacks landlords who make it impossible for people to live comfortably.
She is the staple anti-hero of anyone struggling to get back on their feet. People should have to work three jobs just to afford a crappy one bedroom, no utilities, half bath, in crime alley apartment, with a roommate.
Shelters should be aiming to gain a profit instead of using the donations to support others.
She is tired of these big name heros leaving children to clean up messes. She has watcher her own brother wither away to a shell of his former self trying to make a change and she is sick of it. Hell she herself is a child but if this is what it takes, then this is what it takes.
Enter from the left The Manipulator™️
Feared by all corrupt. People think she has mind control or something. When she targets someone they make almost a full 180 in their ways. “She will do anything to get her way or to make people into what she thinks they should be. And she mist be stopped” cries big business.
In reality she is the worlds best damn psychiatrist ever to be known. She doesn’t force anyone to change but gives them the choice to be better. To see how much more they can be. And it terrifies them. Helps them find themselves again and to move past their troubling pasts. No force and no mind control. No manipulating. No one but those who she has helped know the truth but when they tell the truth it only fuels the fire of her being controlling.
Theres one thing also fuelling the flames of mind control. Thats the fact that every single major hero to go after her can’t. Any who approach her find themselves no long near her. Superman just wants to talk, well she doesn’t, and he is then back in his city?!? Batman is stalking her to figure out how to deal with her but once he gets too close he suddenly finds himself in the batcave?
At first they think it’s teleportation but time is passing? Theres video feed and tracking of no they just went back themselves. No response from them the whole trip. As if possessed. (Lmao it’s just good brother danny pranking his sis a little by making her seem all powerful but also protecting her anyway he can. Or could be Dan instead)
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legalisecatboyss · 6 months
i’m gonna walk into the ocean what the actual fuck is wrong with them
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bruneburg · 2 years
his name is miserable kyle and this is his life.
(animation and music by me)
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hattoriscap · 6 months
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couldn't resist
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cinderella-ish · 2 months
Momiji Sohma and his beautiful, complex relationship to Kyo (part 1 of 5)
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So, if Yuki is my favorite character of the main trio, Momiji would have to be my favorite of the large cast of secondary characters. He may even be my favorite character outright- a hard pick, as there are so many characters to love in Fruits Basket!
When it comes to Yuki and Kyo, their relationship to each other and Yuki's relationship to Haru (which is beautiful and now I want to do a post on them, too) are perhaps the two most obvious dynamics among these four boys. But I think Momiji and Kyo have their own important, deep relationship, with huge significance to the plot and to Kyo's arc in particular.
In many ways, Momiji and Kyo's stories are parallels.
They both lost their mothers at a young age. Kyo watched as his mother stepped in front of a train, and Momiji watched as his mother's memories of him were erased (though it's worth noting Momiji's mother was also suicidal). Both watched their mothers suffer for years because of the curse.
Both had a parent who viewed them as sub-human. Momiji's mother referred to him as a "creature," and Kyo's father called him a "monster."
Both also had fathers who put responsibility for their mothers' mental health issues on them and ultimately abandoned or neglected them. And both had loving surrogate father figures who took them in out of guilt, Kyo in Kazuma and Momiji to a lesser extent in Hatori (it does seem like Momiji's father was somewhat present in his life, though Hatori was much more present for him).
They also both had reputations as a bit of a wild child, Kyo because of his short temper and aggression (and stereotypes about the cat), and Momiji because of his id-driven hedonism and frequent lack of supervision. They're both impulsive to a fault, Momiji in pursuit of maximum fun, and Kyo out of extreme self-hatred and a desire to protect the people he cares about (mostly from himself). They each lean into people's misconceptions about them - Momiji encouraging people to underestimate him due to his small size because it allows him to get away with more, and Kyo willing to let people see him as a monster because he believes that's true (and therefore using physical intimidation as his main strategy for protecting people he cares about).
They're also both quite good at reading others - for Kyo, this is remarked upon several times in canon, and for Momiji, he's often cited by fans as possibly the most emotionally mature character in the series.
And they both are at their best when they act a bit more like each other, Kyo when he lightens up and lets himself have fun, and Momiji when he stands up for himself and the people he cares about.
I would even argue that Kyo is the main driver behind Momiji's character development, and that Momiji is the main catalyst for Kyo to understand and accept his feelings for Tohru.
So, with all that in mind, let's look at Momiji's first appearance with Kyo at the first culture festival.
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(An aside: Hiroshi's reactions in this scene will never not be funny to me.)
So, the first time we see Kyo and Momiji together is at the first culture festival, when Momiji is officially introduced to Tohru and thus to the reader (after a brief appearance 1 chapter/3 episodes earlier, where we're not entirely sure who he is). In quick succession, Momiji proceeds to:
jump on Yuki's shoulders and tell him he looks like a girl
get scolded by Hatori for running off on his own
excitedly introduce himself and Hatori as relatives of Yuki and Kyo to the crowd of students, making sure to mention that he's half-German
climb on top of the rice stand, frightening everyone, eating a rice ball he probably didn't pay for
get dragged away by a grouchy Kyo, laughing all the way
It's quite a memorable entrance!
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But a closer look at this scene suggests that Momiji was causing a stir for Yuki's sake as much as for his own desire to have fun.
he jumps on Yuki right when Yuki's feeling extremely self-conscious about all the attention he's receiving, immediately after both Tohru and Kyo have made comments about his appearance
he climbs atop the riceball stand right when Yuki looks ready to murder Hatori
One could argue that this is just Momiji being his typical wild-child self, especially since he tells Yuki he looks like a girl right when Yuki's at his most self-conscious about his feminine appearance, but it fits with a pattern we see repeated throughout the series: Momiji is willing to make a spectacle of himself if it helps him achieve his goals, whether they are to have more fun or to protect someone he cares about (all the better if it's both!).
I do wonder about that comment - Fruits Basket can be very subtle, so I think there are multiple ways of interpreting Momiji's comment to Yuki. It's possible he made that comment because he didn't know what Yuki was so upset about, or to remind Yuki that of course people are going to talk about what he's wearing when its unusual for him, or maybe for another reason altogether. But what I think is most telling is that he says it without any judgment - it's simply an observation of fact. That, in and of itself, might be enough to help Yuki feel less self-conscious about the whole thing, whether Momiji intended that or not.
As Momiji is dragged off, Hatori reveals to Yuki that they're here because Momiji brought home the flier Tohru dropped when they met 3 episodes/1 chapter earlier. He also reveals that Akito wanted to come, to Yuki's terror, but was too ill, so Hatori is here in her place.
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After Kyo drags Momiji away, we see the first iteration of their play big-brother/little-brother dynamic. Kyo's been trying to scold him this whole time, and Momiji fake cries that Kyo "hit" him, but he immediately beams when he realizes Tohru is right behind them.
Kyo probably gave Momiji a light rap on the head or something while scolding him (we know Kyo's a skilled martial artist who knows better than to fight people without training), and Momiji overreacted because teasing Kyo is fun and that's their "thing." But what's super interesting to me is that the only other person Kyo has scolded up until now or given a knock on the head is the only person we know he cares about and wants to protect: Tohru. So, even though outwardly, Kyo seems angry and annoyed at Momiji, he's treating him the way he treats people he cares about and wants to protect.
Momiji then goes over to Tohru, where he:
tells her he came specifically to see her
FLIRTS WITH HER IN FRONT OF KYO ("Ja! Fate brought us together that day, huh?")
tells her his papa owns the building where she works and he likes to hang out there
and confirms she knows the Zodiac secret before announcing his plans to hug her
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Kyo physically prevents Momiji from hugging her and they have this INCREDIBLE exchange.
Kyo: "Hold it, Romeo. Remember where you are." Momiji: "Keeping Tohru all to yourself just because you like her? I bet you hug her every day!" Kyo: *blushes* "As if I'd do that!" *drops Momiji* Momiji: *jumps into Tohru's arms* "Gotcha!"
At this point in the story, I doubt that either Kyo or Momiji feel the deep, romantic love they both feel for Tohru by the end of the series. But if we accept that they both have at least a crush on her by now, they're going about it in completely opposite ways. Momiji openly wants to hug Tohru as often as possible and spend as much time with her as he can, whereas Kyo wants to avoid making Tohru uncomfortable and avoid any semblance of impropriety that could reflect poorly on her.
So, Momiji hugs Tohru and transforms, and Tohru's classmates pull back the curtain and start asking questions about what happened. How do they get out of this situation?
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Well, Yuki takes a lesson from Momiji's earlier actions, making a spectacle of himself to protect the family secret (and therefore Tohru).
So, in summary, in Momiji's first appearance:
he shows Yuki it's okay to play up the aspects of yourself that make you different in pursuit of a goal
we clearly see that his crying at Kyo's scolding is an act
he immediately notices and calls out Kyo's feelings for Tohru to trick Kyo into letting him go
he generally just does whatever he wants, including hugging Tohru, in stark contrast to Kyo, whose approach to life seems to be all about denying himself what he wants because he doesn't believe himself worthy (which is the exact opposite of the advice he gives Tohru, that it's okay to be selfish sometimes)
We see that Momiji is much smarter than he lets on, but also that he has a lot of growing to do, and that he and Kyo are opposites in many ways.
I'll leave you with these cute shots from S2 (because they didn't fit with any of the other posts), where we see their big brother/little brother dynamic was already in place in elementary school. (Also, poor Yuki!)
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Momiji and Kyo: Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
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catboy-a-day · 22 days
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catboy 107 is in a band ! how cool of him.
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blazingjackdaw · 11 months
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Sometimes to face the demons You have to walk through Hell... [x] 🎶
This game and Aviators' songs about it live rent-free in my head
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brikaloma · 1 year
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Sé que en algún momento algo así va a pasar
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altocat · 7 months
Tiny mewing kitten!Seph crying all alone
*picks him up and finds a nice mama cat for him to cuddle with*
Also this man killed everyone
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local-fire-dumpster · 27 days
Fruits basket au where there is no curse and All zodiacs are shapeshifters instead. Shape-shifting is an ability that only few possess within the Sohma family but for some reason it's super prominent in this generation.While it is a rather peculiar ability it doesn't come with disadvantages such as transforming when hugged by the opposite sex or a bond that forces a connection between "God" and the shifters.The only disadvantage is that the shifter is still influenced by their non human forms.(like having a hair and eye color that is not normal or for example Kyo being slugish when it rains)
Akito,the head of the family, has an immense dislike for all of the shifters.(It's Jealousy). She tries and fails to be as manipulative and controlling as in canon.
Anyways the Sohmas are still.... unpleasant when it comes to the shapeshifters but at the same time way less toxic and abusive to their children.
The key difference would be that when Kyo runs into Kyoka,he saves her from the drunk driver and eventually meets Tohru, who then gains a catboy boyfriend, a win-win for everyone
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humblemooncat · 4 months
I might just end up taking a longer mental health break until March. At least I'll have Miqomarch to get me back into the swing of doing daily things.
I'll obviously still be doing my Swap stuff, maybe hopping back on Nanari (@hikinghydaelyn) if I feel like slowing down for a bit, and occasionally posting over on my bg3 sideblog (@frostbittenbard) if I'm not actively playing, but otherwise I'm not gonna push myself to have a presence here when it feels like a chore. (not due to anyone, just my own mental health)
If I end up with something to post, I will post it either here or the appropriate sideblog, but otherwise I'll see you all in March. o/ <3
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cimicherrychanga · 9 months
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But you are only relevant to their story when you are making mistakes
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placesyoucallhome · 9 months
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fair is fair
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