#catharsis through poetry
mulholland-driver · 7 months
Nomad's Lament
I breathe in sun, Now I breathe out ice. And I wish I could be enjoying The familiar aroma of pumpkin spice.
But I can't.
Because I'm numb And I'm torn Didn't ask To be born, And I'm cracking My teeth Between smokes.
But I'm stoked
For the scantily clad life That awaits me Because all this time, I've only been trying To Escape Me. To break free From this life And this town And its staunch crowd That Hates Me.
My teachers The stress My parents The mess I held on And I bent And I broke.
But I meant Every word I've written Since the day you came. Finding myself smitten With each vowel in your name.
A-E-I-O You are all I think about, Even though I'm just Queen of the concrete now.
Homeless, day one Still feels like A freedom run. All alone, I am Second To None.
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desire - clementine von radics // intimacy - angelica alzona // bloodsport - yves olade // that unwanted animal - the amazing devil // the banquet - guillermo lorca garcia-huidobro // things have gotten worse since we last spoke - eric larocca // the body - stephen king // bones and all (2022) // dialogue between ghost and priest - sylvia plath // stem peels & pits collaboration with stephanie gonot - samantha margherita // give me a god i can relate to - blythe baird
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p2ii · 9 months
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forgot to post abt this panel but god it absolutely breaks my heart. I love when kaworu's 'ethereal easy-going' composure is broken through and we get scarce bits of the lonely boy unacclimate to being treated like a person underneath.
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thebirdandhersong · 2 years
you know what's interesting
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lizzy-bonnet · 11 months
Questions to ask yourself before giving up:
Are you hydrated? When did you last glut your thirst with a handful of spring?
Have you eaten anything besides emails or your fingernails in the last three hours? Have you pulled the protein out of an oak tree or palmed an avocado pit this month? Are your forlorn probiotics
languishing on your butter shelf? Are you dressed? If so, does your skirt strike matches alight as you walk by? Can you melt it a little around your waist and ribcage? Are you resisting
a dream? Wrestling a dreamless night? Let yourself take a bath in your bed clothes for fifteen minutes, no pressure to fall asleep. But make sure to turn off all your beehives first. At least take them out of your bedroom.
Have you uncoiled the ropes of your legs and strung them along the length of the city today? Have you let a lake or a snow bank sketch silent letters on your back? When did you last give away
your unworn clothes, your well-fitting metaphors? Tell a neighbour or a person across the coffee shop counter how well they catch the light.
Have you snugged into a seedpod in the past couple days? Do you need a massage? Complete something
smaller than a lichen: return a library book, or a letter, or a look, or a relationship you regret. Sew a button on that’s come loose. Crack a window. Crack an egg.
Do you feel unattractive? Rub your skin with smooth stones or strong magnets. Wear sunglasses. Take your reflection in on the surface of a puddle.
Give yourself ten minutes. Give yourself ten years. Give yourself an orgasm. Give yourself a change of seasons. Give yourself a new lover. Give yourself a to-do list written with sidewalk chalk and hopscotch across it.
Have you been working really hard shovelling all the sidewalks of your friendships? Remember it takes time to recover from exertion, especially when you are a seedling.
Know that your friends want to send help. They want to send daffodils and their extra hands to braid your hair. They all want to be deciduous trees and long semi-coloned sentences for you. They want to.
Remember: you are a comma, one beloved earring, a house circled on a traveller’s map, sometimes misplaced, but never an imposition.
Everyone feels like a hallway at some point or another. But you are a room that people enter to stay.
by Kaitlyn Boulding, November 19, 2015 | GUTS Magazine
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theperplexedpoet · 1 year
it was for me
thought I was writing for you but turns out it was for me that is what gave the words truth and made their light hard to see it is what gave them their roots allowed them the room to breathe thought I was writing for you but turns out it was for me fate slates the pen for the bard stitched my heart upon my sleeve was dealt a handful of cards but no moment of reprieve was shown no kind of regard on days built only to grieve fate slates the pen for the bard stitched my heart upon my sleeve thought I was writing for you but turns out it was for me it's why I was resolute allowed the pen to flow free yielded laborious fruits never mind how they might read thought I was writing for you but turns out it was for me fate slates the pen for the bard stitched my heart upon my sleeve which made the days pass so hard could not face them and believe in the stations nor the cards nor the worlds which I conceived fate slates the pen for the bard stitched my heart upon my sleeve thought I was writing for you but turns out it was for me what I needed to get through how I needed things to be through this purge I am renewed I bleed so I might be free thought I was writing for you but turns out it was for me fate slates the pen for the bard stitched my heart upon my sleeve (5/31/23)
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i loveeee to read fics that make me feel physically sick
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5 Literary Terms for Studying Prose Narratives
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AESTHETIC DISTANCE: An effect of tone, diction, and presentation in poetry creating a sense of an experience removed from irrelevant or accidental events. This sense of intentional focus seems intentionally organized or framed by events in the poem so that it can be more fully understood by quiet contemplation. Typically, the reader is less emotionally involved or impassioned—reacting to the material in a calmer manner.
CATHARSIS: An emotional discharge that brings about a moral or spiritual renewal or welcome relief from tension and anxiety. According to Aristotle, catharsis is the marking feature and ultimate end of any tragic artistic work. He writes in his Poetics (c. 350 BCE): "Tragedy is an imitation of an action that is serious, complete, and of a certain magnitude; . . . through pity [eleos] and fear [phobos] effecting the proper purgation [catharsis] of these emotions" (Book 6.2).
IN MEDIAS RES (Latin: "In the middle[s] of things"): The classical tradition of opening an epic not in the chronological point at which the sequence of events would start, but rather at the midway point of the story. Later on in the narrative, the hero will recount verbally to others what events took place earlier. Usually in medias res is a technique used to heighten dramatic tension or to create a sense of mystery. This term is the opposite of the phrase ab ovo, when a story begins in the beginning and then proceeds in a strictly chronological manner without using the characters' dialogue, flashbacks, or memories. (Contrast with flashback, in which the past events are experienced as a memory, and anastrophe, in which the entire story is cut into chronological pieces and experienced in a seemingly random or inverted pattern.)
JUXTAPOSITION: The arrangement of two or more ideas, characters, actions, settings, phrases, or words side-by-side or in similar narrative moments for the purpose of comparison, contrast, rhetorical effect, suspense, or character development. 
PERIPETEIA (Also spelled peripetea, Greek for "sudden change"): The sudden reversal of fortune in a story, play, or any narrative in which there is an observable change in direction. In tragedy, this is often a change from stability and happiness toward the destruction or downfall of the protagonist.
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allthatmay · 2 months
I am finally coming out of my writing slump, and you have no idea how excited I am to write up some of these ideas. Here's everything I have in the works at the moment—no promises on when they'll be ready!
The Colour of Hibiscus—ShanksAce ongoing fic, seven chapters, 32K and counting. Chapter 4 is almost complete! "5 times Ace finds Shanks, and one time Shanks finds Ace."
The First Mate—BennAce oneshot. This was originally a prompt ("BennAce fisting & emotional catharsis") but it's going to be a bit longer than my usual prompt fics! This is the first thing I'm hoping to post after CH4 of TCoH.
Money Honey—ShanksAce sugar baby fic. I have a full outline for this fic but no idea how long it will be! "When Izou suggests becoming a sugar baby, Ace doesn't think he's really going to go through with it. That is, until he stumbles upon the profile of one Shanks Silvers, Luffy's beloved role-model and Ace's teenage crush…"
The North Wind—NamiVivi oneshot. Based off Egyptian love poetry. Otherwise known as 'that fic where I try to make fish sexy.' "Vivi decides it's time to make her move—the Alabastan way."
The Princess Bride—ShanksAceMihawk fic, probably a two-parter. Based on the Princess Bride. "Mihawk and the Cross Guild are hired to kidnap Ace, the chosen bride of the prince, but their plans are scuppered when Dread Pirate Rogers seeks to save him."
Background Stuff (this is stuff I've put on the backburner while I work on the fics mentioned above):
Damned If I Do Ya—AceSanji oneshot. Based off that one scene in Alabasta. Need I say more?
Dead On Arrival—ShanksAce vampire fic. Unknown length as of right now. "Shanks finds a newbie vampire, Ace, and tries to help him accept his nature."
Kingdom Come—ShanksAce non-con oneshot (because I had to try writing one at least once!) "Shanks returns to reclaim the throne he was denied."
The Fine Print—ShanksAce office oneshot. "After being injured in his last line of work, Ace is hired as the assistant to a hotshot defence lawyer. If only he'd read the contract properly..."
Only now I've written all this down am I like, "Wow. You're crazy. Why the fuck are you writing so much at once?" Listen, comrades, it's the ADHD. I can't stop. This list isn't even exhaustive. I have a Shadowzel fic in the works for a friend, alongside 2 LawLu fics that I don't know if I'll ever finish...
Time to beat my head against the keyboard!
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fuckassinstincts · 3 months
I have been OBSESSED with a music based BNHA NoQuirks!AU for a couple of years now and I had to share...
Basically I've heard specific songs/artists and go "that's totally *specific characters* vibe" and have built a world around that and how I think each character would find catharsis through music. Drabbles for the "main" cast under the cut
Dabi/Touya Todoroki: Ran away from home as a teenager to upset his parents (his dad), but they didn't care. Specifically, they never reported it because Enji and Rei were caught up in their pending divorce and they figured he would come home eventually. He ends up joining a band (the LOV of COURSE) as their singer. His vibes are based off McCafferty and CORPSE.
Shoto Todoroki: His parents divorce gets REALLY ugly and through a weird chain of events he ends up under Touya's custody. He ADORES his rebellious brother and follows in his footsteps like a shadow (Touya says he hates it, but secretly is happy). He joins Bakugo's band after their original singer leaves. His vibes are Sub Urban and AFI.
Katsuki Bakugo: Same as cannon, his parents signed him up for drumming lessons to get out his excess energy. Started a band with Undercut-kun in middle school, but Bakugo took it WAY more seriously than his friends did. Eventually Undercut and Co walked out, leaving Bakugo to find new members in high school. His vibes are Blessthefall and NP.
Eijiro Kirishima: Wanted to become a musician to inspire people, just like his Idol Crimson Riot inspired him. He can sing, but gets embarrassed by his voice, so he sticks to the bass guitar when at all possible. Is part of Bakugo's band OFC. His vibes are Too Close To Touch and Dance Gavin Dance.
Hitoshi Shinso: Laid back and devil may care attitude. His foster fathers (Aizawa) are a promoter/manager and (Hizashi) a radio DJ. He has been dragged around the industry for years. Learns to play the guitar after meeting Bakugo and joins his band. His vibes are Current Joys.
Izuku Midoriya: In this AU he lives with his father, while his mother is in "America". His dad is pretty uninvolved with Izuku, and he still gets bullied in elementary and middle school. Izuku ends up turning to poetry as an outlet and falling in love with music. He has performance anxiety and selective mutism, so he would rather produce music. But when he does perform it's like the heavens open up. His vibes are Alec Benjamin and Cavetown.
Ochaco Uraraka: She is conflicted in her decision to get into music. She wants to become rich enough to buy her parents a house and take care of them, but she also knows that the music industry is not nice to the 99% that are not uber famous. Her vibes are Billie Eilish and Poppy.
Others in this AU include: Hawks, Jirou, Yamomo, Mina, Sero, Toga, Camie, and Kaminari. I may post another list of drabbles about them.
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the-bloody-sadist · 1 year
If you don't mind, can I ask, what are your top 10 (or top 7) favorite media (can be books/ manga/ anime/movies/tv series)? Why do you love them? Sorry if you've answered this question before......Thanks....
Thank you for asking! I had one person who sent me an ask related to this and then deleted it before I could answer (I think I scared them away yelling at other people in my asks 😂).
So here we go, a compiled overview of my TOP TEN FAVORITE MEDIA!! Some will be current that could change (like songs, ever changing) and others will be permanent (like shows).
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NBC's Hannibal [Show]: It shouldn't come as a surprise that this is my top favorite piece of media of all time. Not to do the whole 'I liked it before it was mainstream' but I FOUND IT WHEN IT WAS STILL RELATIVELY CULT-LOVED AND GOT INTO IT WHEN IT WAS ON AMAZON PRIME VIDEO. THE FANDOM FELT TINY ❗️ Anyway, I'm so glad to see how far it's come and how the fandom has grown. This remains one of the only series that was cancelled that I couldn't tell was actually cancelled because it still wrapped up so nicely in the last-aired season. I'm endlessly impressed with the character arcs, the dynamics, the PSYCHOLOGY (a huge deal for me), and especially the dialogue. I mean, I could list literally every element of this show and how tastefully it was used, but the main highlights are how artfully the gore is shown - giving great perspective of the killers whose eyes we mainly see through - and the dialogue. There's a surrealist tone to it, and so many of the lines are subtle poetry without being the hamfisted one-liners of so many other shows that try to do the same. The actors are incredible, the scenes are precisely paced, and just overall you can tell this was a work of the heart. I mean, more superficially, the homoerotic nature of Hannibal and Will's relationship appealed to me as soon as it was introduced, because GODS is it miles higher in chemistry than like ACTUAL EXISTING so-called LGBT romance shows. (I'm glaring FLAMING DAGGERS at the garbage Interview With a Vampire show in which they ruined everything but most of all the chemistry that the original story did so well.) In any case, please watch it! It's one of the best things I've ever seen.
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Last Night in Soho [Film]: Directed by my favorite director, Edgar Wright, who has the most fantastic habit of matching musical beats to visuals (a particular love of mine), this film is GORGEOUS, for one. The colors and scenery, the editing, the lights, the creative shots, the effects, the MIRRORS! Don't get me started on the mirrors. I love mirrors. One of my favorite things about characters - although ONLY when done well - is the contrast of duality. Some of the best portrayals besides this one are in Tokyo Ghoul and Moon Knight, off the top of my head. It's hard to find portrayals I like, but this one shines above them all. There are technicalities on the actual character being dual, but I wouldn't spoil it for you. It's the journey of both a past and present woman, one struggling to find her place in the fashion industry, and one struggling to escape the sex industry before it devours her. I heavily related to certain themes in this one and was viscerally enthralled in the choices and character arcs made in certain scenes. It's cathartic, it's overwhelming, it's PURE ART. You're missing out if you never see this one.
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HBO's Sharp Objects [Show]: On so many levels, this one speaks to my wounded little heart. Dealing with heavy topics like childhood trauma, parental abuse, self harm, child murders, the bad sides of southern/small-town culture, and mental illness, I don't know if there's another character that I feel quite as connected to as Amy Adams' portrayal of Camille Preaker. The outstanding detail of this one for me, personally, is Camille's mother, Adora. I can confidently say that there IS no other mother that resembles how my childhood felt than Adora, and because of that this show was a painful sort of catharsis. But I love feeling emotions to a dangerous degree, and I'll just say the finale of this one wiped me the fuck out. I'm currently rewatching it for the first time with my close friends, and I'm so scared to get to that finale again. Lmao. But in a good way. In any case, other than Adora, I also identified with the accurate and visceral portrayals of self harm and PTSD. The way that they show flashbacks and visually jumpscare the viewer WITHOUT the presence of blasting music was the show's shining glory. You have literal ASMR wind and crickets over shots of a dead child's missing teeth, blood hitting pavement, pornography on a cabin door, and then a hanged corpse in the corner of the bedroom, right there with Camille in the shot. It is...SO accurate to the feelings of PTSD. It's just so good. I would recommend the show for that alone, and yet everything else is so perfect, too. Along with the gripping plot of a murder case, the intense shame that follows Camille wherever she goes makes for such good conflict and friction with her surroundings. Everything is personal because it takes place in her hometown. Anyway, I can't keep rambling my mind out of its skull over this one. It's beautiful, it's perfect, it's fascinating. Please see it. I beg of you. For me, it represented so much of how it felt to grow up with family dynamics like Camille's. If you relate to it, you'll either love the catharsis or hate the memories it revives.
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No Longer Human [Novel]: Pretty sure I've already rambled my ass off about this one when I made the 10 Characters 10 Fandoms post since Yozo is one of the most relatable characters I've ever read about and thus one of my faves! But yeah, this novel is everything to me. I want so many quotes on my wall from it but honestly the one that I constantly think about is still that first line: "Mine has been a life of much shame." It's well known, but that doesn't make it any less impactful for me. I still tear up sometimes when I think about it. Yozo's thought process is just so...accurate. And knowing all about Dazai Osamu and his life as the writer and how closely it's tied to it? I don't think it will ever move from its spot as my top novel of all time.
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The Vampire Armand by Anne Rice [Novel]: Lol so the gif isn't from this story specifically but I need gifs for happy brain so I have one related to the story. Probably one of my favorite romances of all time, mostly because it's a very reserved romance, in the sense that it can't exactly be labelled "romance" except in sub-context. (I mean they do have sex but it's like a story about vampires first, if that makes sense? The romance is sort of a subplot to Armand's vampire adventures.) Anne Rice is a favorite writer of mine, and this book was a masterpiece to me. The language she uses and the scenes of vampirism fascinated me, and I wish that vampire media was better at bringing Anne's true style to life. They make it so goofy nowadays, and no other vampire stories apart from some anime portrayals are ever interesting to me. Not to mention the new Interview With A Vampire series as aforementioned is SO BAD and I hate it. Anne could handle that excessive grace of a man who's lived for centuries and the intelligence gained along the way without ruining their humanity, and knew how to portray the loneliness of such a life without making her characters sound like the emo piss babies of Twilight. She has such a grasp on the poetry of words and breadth of experience, and I'll never get over just how exciting it was to read this book for the first time. Truly felt like I was discovering vampires for the first time, and how they would realistically operate if they existed.
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Tokyo Ghoul [Manga]: I believe everyone knows quite enough about Tokyo Ghoul, so I promise not to ramble on this one! But in short, as a psychological thriller lover PLUS horror lover PLUS dual-personality-when-done-right-and-realistically lover PLUS cannibalism-exlored-and-the-terrifying-effects lover I MEAN THIS IS JUST THE STORY FOR ME OBVIOUSLY. Kaneki has and always will be fascinating to me no matter how mainstream or over-talked about he is. He is amazing. Did the anime leave out most of the good stuff from the manga? Yeah, but Kaneki was there. The torture scenes were great. Is the manga better? WORLDS BETTER. But I still enjoyed the anime and got into it through there. I respect the anime's attempt to capture what was a sincerely tragic and deep emotional story. But man, reading the manga is something else, entirely. I haven't had the chance to read every single volume, and I may have skipped around a bit in search of the best parts to invest my time in, but boy I never regretted it. Kaneki's arc, getting to see into his head and experience his trauma and eventual decline into madness was SO SO SO SO SO FUCKING GORGEOUS. Nothing will beat it for a descent into madness story for me, I don't think. Plus ghouls as a whole and the art of the manga are just so *claws the wall* I wish I could draw like that.
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The Phantom of the Opera [Score]: What's this?? Het media on Sadist's list?? Okay. I'm a huuuuge music fanatic. I grew up with multiple instruments in the house and played to escape, wrote to express, blah blah blah you get it, I NEEDED music to survive. When I discovered this soundtrack, as someone who despises musicals (and still does, but a few have made it through to my heart), I was ENTHRALLED, I tell you. ENCHANTED! Never before or since have I heard such riveting, mysterious, ethereal music, much less in a musical. Every single fucking song on this soundtrack is evocative and perfect and EVERYTHING. And the STORY! AUGH! I've always adored the story. One of my main quarrels with het 'romance' media is that so many of the "greats" (AKA The Notebook, 50 Shades, Twilight, After, etc.) have these fucking...WALKING RED FLAGS that are presented to be the most romantic things ever. Like the movie itself is gaslighting the audience into believing the emotionally manipulative man dangling off of a ferris wheel and threatening to kill himself if the girl doesn't go out on a date with him is adorable. I don't find it cute I find it reminiscent of every bad partner I've ever had, and I can't watch the movies because NOBODY in them ever acknowledges or is affected negatively in any way by these glaring, abusive behaviors. In Phantom of the Opera, Eric (the phantom) is obsessive, stalkerish, possessive, etc. - many things that other media presents as love WITHOUT understanding how it's also terrifying. The movie (though a little goofy at times and dramatic, I'll admit - which is why the score and not the film is on my tops list LMAO) presents these factors as they SHOULD be presented - scary. The music is ominous, the songs are obsessive and enchanting, and it's not presented as cutesy romance. That's why I love it so much. If you want a toxic love interest, please go right ahead and make one! You guys know me, that's literally what I write about. So I hope I've made myself clear about this topic and what I mean - just present the actual abuse as ACTUAL ABUSE, and scary and horrible, even if the protagonist is falling in love with that. Because reality can be like that. It's tough. But in Phantom, Christine goes with the healthy love interest in the end, Raoul, and I've always thought the ending was beautiful for that, because the Phantom still learned love in the end by letting her go. ANYWAY! Enough of that, good grief lmao. Tumblr with no word limits is so dangerous for me.
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Mo Dao Zu Shi [Donghua]: 3 Seasons and I still haven't had enough of it. I just recently rewatched this with my close friends and good gods I was appreciating all the intricacy and character development the second time around. There isn't a single character left un-developed in this donghua like SERIOUSLY. Seriously, big kudos to the fucking author. In anyone else's hands, the magic system and the multiple plot lines and the larger-than-life characters most likely would've been fumbled. But whoever directed this KNEW what they were doing and KNEW their source material. And look, even though I barely know who is who because names are confusing and I barely understand half of the magic going on and why people are fighting, THIS IS THE SINGULAR SHOW THAT EXISTS WHERE IT DOESN'T FUCKING MATTER. I'M STILL TRYING TO UNDERSTAND HOW THAT WORKS. But it does? The emotional capacity of every scene no matter if I know what's happening or why just HITS and I'm always rooting for the characters or crying over them. Like, it's just insane. Okay. Everyone who's into BL should watch it, because it's one of the best. And even if you're not into BL, it's one of the best. The action is INCREDIBLE. apffff moving on.
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The Case Study of Vanitas [Anime]: BRUUUUUHHHHH. We all know. We all know. I don't need to say anything. But the two boys, man. Two of my top faves. The show is gorgeous, the character designs are beautiful, the setting is romantic, the boys are gay (they are. they are gay.)...I mean what more can I ask for. Oh yeah also vampires! They're vampires. And I love vampires that are like, actually cool. Thank you for making actually cool vampires within a really interesting magic system. I would kiss the author but she made Vanitas straight so no kisses. ONE OF MY FAVORITE COUPLE OF CLIMAX EPISODES OF ALL TIME BTW.
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A Silent Voice [Anime Film]: :(...I can't really talk about this one. I relate to it so much. Social anxiety, depression, attempted suicide. It's a really beautiful and painful movie. I cry every time I watch it. The end, that's all. The imagery and the meaning behind so many shots is just...UWEGH.
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To Your Eternity [Anime]: *furiously points* LOOK AT THE BABY. OH MY GODS LOOK AT HIM. You guys, you guys. You guys. If you haven't seen this, and you like crying, and you need to cry really hard, and you need the most fascinating and heart wrenching story of all time, this is the one. Fushi, also? Hot. The Beholder, his daddy? Hot. Kenjiro Tsuda? Hot. Sorry, besides the point. This is the best written "you're supposed to cry" story I've ever seen. Nothing beats it. You know what they're going to do to you but yet they somehow subvert your expectations of HOW every fucking time, and MAN??? It hurts. But it hurts so good. And Fushi should be real so I can kidnap him, that's all.
Oh yeah and as extra I wanted to throw in my favorite song right now because IT'S REALLY PRETTY.
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strelitzia-mystery1097 · 10 months
Dream Sans catharsis
I have mixed feelings about Dreamtale as a whole (kinda want to rant about that in a different post) but I always feel so bad for Dream. He was like 6 when the apple incident happened and then everyone just gives him so much $hit. I just want good things for him.
Idea 1. Dream gets to save Nightmare somehow. Or At least their multiverse war stops and they try to mend their bond.
Idea 2. Dream snaps and finally speaks the harsh truth.
Like I want him to slap Nightmare in the face when Nightmare is about to wax toxic poetry about how this is Dream's fault and stop Nightmare in his tracks. Then Dream gets to release his anger and pain in a rant that he deserves to rant about because Dream should be so sick of this $hit. Something along the lines of 'Yeah you went through a horrific childhood but so did I! Stop blaming 6 year old me for your trauma because news flash it wasn't either of our faults what happened! Also YOU were the one to keep your pain a secret from me so how am I the one at fault when I didn't know what was going and you pushed me away! I never betrayed you and I every time we fight I try to help you but you keep being a dramatic biotch! You were not the only victim damn it!'
Point of this is that hey Passive went through $hit but so did Dream.
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definegodliness · 3 months
Hi hi. I hope this finds you well. Haha.
Your work is fucking riveting. Just the perfect amount of Perplexing, relatable and You.
I keep wondering, given you mentioned you didn't ever expect or perhaps want, to get into writing how did writing find you and how is your experience. Writing. What does that feel like for you?
And your writing voice. Its so eloquent so... artful..is that something you cultivated or was that simply a natural happening.
Personally I find nyself very disconnected from my work and the experience when i try to actively cultivate or "play around" with technique and prose etc. I naturally have a keeness to word play of sound and feel. Cadence. But the eloquence of your word choice is beauteus. Its something I would love to see in my own work im not quite sure though how to approach that goal whilst staying connected and thoroughly immersed in my experience when writing.
Hello there, Anon,
Thank you for your glowing, upbeat words. They have found me very well today, and I will cherish them. I did not expect to get into writing, because as a young adult my aim was to be successful in a rather narrow- corporate-minded way. I aimed for a job that paid well. So, writing absolutely did not fit my ego-fueled ambitions. A simpleton I was, but fortunately I can blame my inexperience in doing this living thing. I have always been a logophile. A word sponge. I care not for archaism or rarity, what matters is descriptiveness. When I find a word that is oddly particular, specialist, and above all precise, I experience a sense of elation. Even more when I finally get to use such a word. I guess you could say I favor precise communication over clear communication. Ironically, this is instigated by an innate longing to communicate clearly; as to achieve the purest possible connection, with as little as possible noise on the line between sender and receiver.
So, even when I had abandoned my love (for writing) to climb the corporate ladder, she has always kept seducing me, and has always remained part of me. Life, since then, has been slicing away at me. On the one hand, unfortunately, because life would be so much easier if I still had the same ambitions as then, but on the other hand I feel fortunate to have been chipped away, and ongoingly ever closer, to my core-self. Now, I can honestly say The Writer is a core-part. A part of me that blew up when I met my first love.
Without consciously setting out to write poetry, in hindsight, I wrote poem after poem for that girl. Of course, back then, it felt like simply sharing my heart with her. And it was such an overwhelming outpour of love, that, when she was not near, I had to canalize it through writing.
When she shattered my heart, it was very much the same. I developed scribomania, and for years I could not go without writing without suffocating. I always say writing helped me to learn to breathe underwater. However, it was more than catharsis. Prose turned to poetry, and I fell in love with this art form. Aside from getting emotions out, I also soaked in every bit to do with the craft. In that, poetry has given me a sense of purpose. What I love most is that you're never done learning, and therein you are never done evolving as a poet.
Curiosity is key. Reading-wise, when I like a poem, I am always keen to learn the whys. Then, try my hand at it. So I tried a lot of different styles, and when I finally wrote a satisfactory poem in that style, I went back to my own. Still incorporating the things I have learned. I have tried (nigh) every type of fixed verse similarly. Yes, sometimes fixed verse feels mechanical. But when I reread old work I do see my, then subconscious, emotions resurface. It may feel as if you are more disconnected than when writing free verse, but I assure you you are not. The set boundaries of fixed verse should not be seen as shackles, but as a lens; you utilize it to create a focal point.
Still, if you are truly averse to fixed verse, it has been mostly beneficial to me, because counting syllables, utilizing meter, and searching perfect rhymes has often sent me to my thesaurus and dictionary. It helps to hone your inborn skills, like lyricism and cadence. I do think my writing voice is natural, and that any writing voice is — I have never searched for it, doubted, or questioned it — but I also have cultivated it, longing to make it resound as clear as can be.
I think it's great you are confident in your own writing voice. That you know your strengths, and can play around with them. Never let anyone take that away from you. Never be hesitant, worried, or ashamed to write what you feel, need, or just plain simply want to write. Like I said, I love poetry because you can continuously keep evolving, and even if you feel a poem turned out subpar, or bad, or great for you but it turns out nobody else likes it, it is always a step in your evolution. There are many roads that lead to Rome. I now shared a glimpse of my path. But if you stay curious and just keep doing what you love, you will always get where you want to be.
Long answer, but I haven't written for a week, and I guess I am still a bit scribomanic. Your message offered a welcome distraction, and reason to pick up the pen.
For which you have my thanks,
Best wishes,
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melodiesofmidnight · 1 year
One of the most unfortunate notions to have emerged from the afterbirth of the very odd resurgency of Puritanical morality (in regards specifically to literature as well as to fictive works of film and/or television) is the idea that characters must be inhuman in their goodness.
Not in that they must be angels, or that they must be without moral quandary, but that they must, in the end, transmute these struggles into redemption, or, at the very least, into qualities which render them more sympathetic than condemnable.
That, however, renders a disservice unto readers. As poetry, if one were to align one's views with Wordsworth, the purpose of a literary work is to contain "the spontaneous overflow of feelings," and thus to evoke such in those who consume it.
There must be catharsis. A good character is not so necessarily because he is morally good, or because he is an embodiment of our most noble and admirable traits (though well-written and well-rounded characters certainly can be so), or because he serves to bolster a work whose exigesis would extoll the virtues of a parable, but because he is deeply human; because he is multi-faceted; because he is flawed.
Humans are not paragons of virtue. To hold a character to the standards of perfection expected of martyrs is to divest the character of his humanity, and, thus, of his use to us. Characters do not need to be role models, or motivational, or inspirational, they simply must speak to our humanity.
It is dishonest to claim that humans (at least, those worthy of respecting, according to those braying the loudest within communal spaces that they have never experienced an incorrect thought, nor held a questionable belief, nor behaved in a way they would wish to keep from being broadcasted across the Internet) do not possess traits which are reflected in well-crafted, realistic characters: in Byronic heroes, in Romantic heroes, in Picaresque heroes, in anti-heroes, in the wicked, in the cruel, in the sadistic, in the mad.
It is necessary to recognise these traits within ourselves and to endeavour to become truly, intimately familiar with them. You must know the darkness of yourself as well as the light, if you truly wish to grow into a functional, kind, and well-balanced individual: you must learn to deal with your shadow. Those who pretend it does not exist within themselves often struggle the most with its existence, and often are the most easily consumed by it.
Characters who are darkly relatable to us, in their quickness to anger or in their sardonic, mean-spirited wit, or in their selfishness, or in their impulsiveness, or in their stubbornness, or in their wrath, are the most instructive in conveying the importance of goodness.
There must be catharsis. There must be purgation. We must see the darkness behind our eyes reflected in the faces of these characters, and we must see them fail because of it. We must see them hurt those they love because of it. We must see them lose everything because of it. We must see them destroy themselves because of it.
We must be allowed to explore the darkness of humanity within fiction, because it is that acknowledgement of darkness that allows us to wrestle with it, to know it, and to best it. No monster in the closet has ever been defeated by refusing to look it in the face and to name it. You cannot heal if you do not identify and treat the wound.
It is through the morally upright and the morally contemptible characters that we find traces of ourselves, and that we are allowed to proceed forward on the path to becoming the well-rounded, mature, and critical-thinking individuals we aspire to be. To continue to strike down 'problematic' content and characters is to sit beside the book burners of Fahrenheit 451, to worship Big Brother in 1984.
The good and the bad aspects of oneself must be explored in equal measure to grasp reality by the shoulders and to sit upon the throne of your identity, confident in the knowledge that your mastery of yourself and your answer to who am I? can never be shaken by outside forces.
The best and safest way to explore these aspects is within the sheltering confines of literature, of music, of film, of television, to see ourselves in the faces of others and to know what that means. To know what it means in others. To grow empathy and compassion and acknowledgement that all are human, all are imperfect, all are light, and all are dark -- and to not only acknowledge these facts, but to accept them as being inescapable, as being inherent, and as being okay.
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paimonial-rage · 6 months
A while back, my friend asked me what I thought my writing style was. It's been something that has been sitting on my mind for a while, but I think I finally got to an answer. I'm putting this on here because, one, I like talking about myself, and two, I have a bad memory so if I'm ever asked this question again, I have something to refer to.
Simply put, my writing style, at least for longer fics, can best be described as opening a can of worms and then wrapping them up prettily into a present. My main goal when writing a fic is to introduce tension, then bring it to catharsis. Majority of my fics will have a central core theme. This theme can be a statement, problem, point, etc. By the end of the fic, my goal is to reaffirm the theme, explain it, subvert it, or bring it to closure. However, because I want my fic to be akin to a present, I try to wrap everything up as satisfyingly as I can.
One can say that introducing conflict and resolving it is the form for every story out there, but I specifically want my fics to bring about catharsis. I want the ending to give endorphins. I want it to feel good. I want it to feel right. I want it to be a proper ending. I want it to be the mic drop at the end of a killer slam poetry performance. I'm not saying I'm good at it, but I want the ending of my fics to be a statement that there is absolutely no doubt about what my story is about.
I'll say this again. I'm not necessarily good at it, but the way I try to achieve this is primarily through the manipulation of tension. I do my best to frame everything, from the sequence of the events to the wording of my sentences, to keep an ongoing sense of tension through the fic. You as the audience is tasked to deal with this tension. However, it is through this emotional labor that when the tension is finally resolved, the ending feels better because it was deserved. I want my audience to feel that the work they put in was worth it.
However, this is not so simply done. As before, the ending of a fic needs to be framed properly. There should not be any loose threads or worms wriggling around. So then comes the question of how does one do this? I'll be honest, there are many different ways, and despite this, I still have a difficult time. My favorite way is through parallels. I enjoy making a direct parallel between the ending and the theme or the beginning of the fic. Either way, you should feel goosebumps from the ending you choose. You should be proud of it. That's the only way you know you did it right.
Some examples of things that fall into this writing style is What Destiny Has Brought. The theme is self-worth and self-acceptance. The parallel is first Fischl giving her true name to reader. And ends with reader giving her name back to her. In Follow the Wind (part one/part two), the theme is control and fear of change. The parallel is that you start off forever running after him, but in the end when he finally lets you in, you overtake him. In Slitherer-Outer, the theme is that Zhongli never pays for anything and here's proof! However, the end of the story chucks that whole premise out the window in the rudest way possible.
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mareenavee · 1 year
Fic Authors Self Rec!
Tagged by the indominable @kookaburra1701! Rules:
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love!
I love this. OKAY LET'S GO. Tell me about how proud you are of your work, friends. You've come so far <3
Tagging: @paraparadigm, @polypolymorph, @changelingsandothernonsense, @thana-topsy, @dirty-bosmer, @thequeenofthewinter, @gilgamish, @archangelsunited, @throughtrialbyfire, @expended-sleeper, @ladytanithia and YOU yes if you see this, talk kindly about your writing journey and TAG ME BACK <3
Below the cut because I do be ramblin' (: They're not really in any particular order, I just love them all for different reasons.
1) If We Knew Anything At All
This one was a hell ship prompted by a list that Topsy shared with a bunch of us and I had a brainwyrm, then ended up crying while I wrote the end of it. Quite possibly one of my favorite ever pieces. This one is both the inevitable end to my fic universe and something completely outside time. How did I manage this? Via Sheogorath's voicing. I don't think it gets more unreliable than that.
2) Metempsychosis
A very dear friend and fantastic teammate I met through Skywind sent me this prompt and it gave me such an excellent challenge not only to flex on weird god voice stuff again, but also to bust out some spoken word poetry tricks. I did end up recording myself reading this one too and it felt like old times. I loved all the layers of references I shoved into 1,000 words. It is also my first Morrowfic. And also one that reminded me what I am capable of even more strongly than some of my other projects did. 🥰
3) Serpens Caput
This one is newer, yes BUT OH MY GODS what a flex it was. ANOTHER Morrowfic but it's set in Ceth's fic universe featuring not only major character death but the mindset of a villain in his final moments. And we get to see Danger!Josh through his eyes. It was WEIRD. WEIRD WEIRD but so much fun. I don't think I've yelled so much about a fic whilst writing before. Ceth threw me this prompt, but I don't think was expecting this to end up...being this way (: Borrowed the description of Teldryn and Nerevar from her universe and just RAN WITH IT.
4) Little Dragon
This was written as part of my cute, happy LDB!Athis polycule AU where nothing is quite as horrifically messy as my main fic universe. It is a different kind of catharsis to write, often fun and humorous and a flex in that direction, since I didn't know what i was capable of—I always write pining and heartbreak lol. This came about as part of a fic writer's duel with AU (judged by Poly) which was honestly one of the coolest fandom experiences I've ever been in. It has become its own thing now with multiple other stories and I've been in yet another fandom duel since then. So it's all cute fuzzy feelings and happy memories and I love it to bits.
and last but certainly not least:
5) The World on Our Shoulders
My longfic which throws characters into extremely tough situations, handles horribly difficult themes and topics, shows people being messy and still finds ways to show it all with grace. It's what got me out of my multi-year writing slump and truly, truly brought me back to myself. So yes maybe some of the characters have some of my irl nonsense. Some scenes are far too relatable and it's a little scary sometimes how horrible that is, but it's a different kind of Catharsis. I love also the support its gotten so far for its specific type of storytelling structure as well as all the weird details that sprawl into other stories (Like my honorable mention written for Para, Recurse) and sequels and spin offs. It's been a great joy to be writing this and it's continued to inspire me. From draft one, which I wrote in challenge mode, posting every day this last February to now, where I am mid-ground-up-edit, I love this project to bits and will do all I can to see it through to the end. I see how much I can accomplish in this project. I see what can be done with common tropes and themes and even Fic in general. It's unalienated labor that I do for the sheer hell of it because I can and it's mine and I don't have to follow The Rules. There's something beautiful about that. It's one reason I get up at the crack of dawn every day -- to write for the sake of writing. Out of spite sometimes for all the ways the world tries to crush this kind of self expression out of us. This is my gem of a project. And I am proud of it and how far I've come since I started it. (:
So now it's your turn, if you got this far. Why do you write? How have your favorite fics you've written changed your perspective on the craft so far?
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