#catherine hamilton-kane
talas-first-lady · 1 month
Surprise we're also doing Batwoman!
The characters of Batwoman have been allotted one use of the word "fuck" per season. Use it wisely.
Bonus points if you share the episode/scene/line they should use it in.
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mistergreatbones · 7 months
man i love the kane family: Elizabeth and Elizabeth and Mary and Mary Elizabeth and Katherine and Katherine and Catherine and Katherine and-
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From the Gotham Knights launch trailer: Catherine Kane is the GCPD Commissioner.
Earlier screenshots have shown that Jacob Kane is the CEO of Kane Industries.
So where's Kate? 🤔
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Catherine: I'll save you a seat in Hell :)
Alice: Bitch I'm Jewish??
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bitterrobin · 8 months
Small tangent on Bette Kane and how people treat her
re-reading Beast Boy (2000) in order to really get a sense of where Bette was pre-Batwoman run (2014).
Does anyone else just feel sad whenever Bette brings up Titans West and everyone shoots her down? Objectively, I know that no one thinks Teen Titans West is a great team - especially when people like Hawk and Dove seem better off solo. But you do get a sense of loneliness whenever Bette is so excited at the prospect of getting the band back together.
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Given that it's become sort of a running gag for Bette to suggest reforming Titans West, it is something that DC is aware of.
As the Beast Boy run continues, Gar gets himself into incriminating shapeshifter trouble and is put in a holding cell by the police. Bette goes to help him in her Flamebird costume (notably the one from the 80s).
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After reading a lot of her earlier appearances in older Titans comics, this kind of exasperated annoyance when Bette makes an appearance is surprisingly frequent. She doesn't have a great reputation among the other Titans at least.
Later on in issue #2, Nightwing hears of Gar's predicament and goes to LA. In the next issue, he fights an enemy shapeshifter who was impersonating Gar. Bette shows up back in the police station to try and bail Gar out, but her check is invalid and the police officer from the prior issue rips it in half. Bette mentions, confused, that she's never tried to post bail before and that she even borrowed money from her Aunt Kathy. (Knowing that Catherine Hamilton wasn't created until the Batwoman series, I personally think this Kathy is supposed to be Kathy Kane.)
When the police learn that Nightwing is fighting "Beast Boy", the heroes learn that the murders of the previous issues were the cause of an impersonator trying to frame Gar. Bette leaves and goes to help Nightwing.
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This is the first time I've seen Dick and Bette interacting outside of brief Titans crossovers. It's super obvious that he thinks she's annoying and that she's not skilled enough to be a vigilante. He cuts her off mid-speech and tries to sideline her when they fight the shapeshifter. When it inevitable gets away, he puts the blame on her involvement. Later on, he leaves her to deal with the police and the public on her own.
Putting all of these panels together, the writers are making Bette out as not a "real" hero, someone who clings to the past. In comics like this, Bette is always treated like that annoying little girl who doesn't know when to give up. Especially because Bette has never had her own solo comic, all of her characterization comes with the perspective of whoever's run she's cameoing in.
I am willing to concede that Beast Boy is a very early 2000s comic but since Bette is the only other female character in it besides two villains - it doesn't look good overall. Not to mention, this comic still sticks with the continuity of "Bette has a crush on/is obsessed with Nightwing." ANYWAY this leads to some panels that I actually like, even if it comes off rude and a little misogynstic with Dick telling Bette what to do.
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It's that last little declaration of defiance that really solidifies to her character to me. Bette Kane has never needed permission to do anything, especially not being a hero. Also, this kinda puts back into canon that Dick was the inspiration for Bette becoming Flamebird.
When it comes to her characterization, I can't help but feel like she should be (rightly) a little bitter about this convo. When we get her back in Batwoman, Kate doesn't treat her as an equal either and also tries to get her to quit. Bette is a bit younger in the Batwoman run since I think it's post-one of many reboots, but it just adds onto the lack of trust anyone has in her.
Despite being Bruce's cousin, she's a blip in the wider Batman comic-verse. I'm pretty sure Bette hasn't directly interacted with Bruce in a comic, much less anyone other than Dick, Kate, or Cass (once).
All of this goes to say that I'm definitely addressing all of that and making it a main point in my fics. My Flamebird-in-Gotham au came about specifically because I want to reconcile the Bette Kane I like with the way others in-universe treat her. Bette deserves to be treated with respect. Trust me, there will be words had in fanfic form.
(Also bc I just think Bette and Damian interacting would be both interesting and funny).
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zahri-melitor · 5 months
Someone needs to study DC’s habit of randomly making the nearest woman character the GCPD Commissioner, particularly in other timelines, without stopping to consider whether this makes any narrative sense for the character in question.
Barbara suffers this the worst of course, but also Renée Montoya and Catherine Kane suffer it (Catherine Hamilton fucking Kane. Tell me you haven’t read Batwoman without saying you haven’t read Batwoman).
The only positive example I can think of is that hot minute Sarah Essen was Commissioner when the mayor demoted Jim in the mid 90s. And even then it was ‘Sarah’s just a stand in while we have narrative tension with Jim’.
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newgenog · 11 months
Notes: STILL NOT ready to share part one of chapter six (and am not totally sure that's happening this time around). So, this is another teaser from chapter six.
If you're just stumbling across this, and haven't already done so, please stop and start by reading part one of chapter one.
This #Batwoman AU is based on the ABC tv series #Revenge. Ryan Wilder had just about everything taken from her when we met her, and she was doing her best to get it back. In this version of the story, that means taking some people down along the way. And, she's definitely no hero.
I won't keep you. I'm 35% done w/ this chapter, and have a goal to post it to Ao3 by the last Friday of the month. So, I gotta focus on my focus, and ask for y'all to send me all the positive vibes. Until then, here's another out of sequence and context peek at chapter six.
I appreciate you!
Before retrieving the file they were sent to pick up from Catherine's home office, Evan stops in the kitchen to grab a bottle of Pellegrino for the road. They find Jonathan Cartwright sitting in Tommy's lap, and Beth propped on the table, leaning towards them both. 
Jonathan is playing in Tommy's hair, and Evan feels like they walked in on an intimate moment between the three of them, which is emphasized by the audible gasp heard in reaction to the discovery. Beth, Jonathan, and Tommy had gone out after brunch the day before, and Evan didn't think much of it but passed on joining, with the work week resuming the next day. Apparently, they were still going strong. Not knowing what else to do, Evan quickly turns and walks back out of the room. They want to get what they came for, and to banish all other thoughts from their mind. But, they're stopped by someone tugging their arm. 
Tommy: "Why did you rush off?"
Evan: "I'm in a hurry."
Tommy: "Because of that…?"
Evan: "Look, I know I'm pretty fluid, but poly just isn't my thing. To each their own, but I personally feel like there's plenty of me to go around and prefer someone who sees me as enough."
Tommy: "Babe, I'm all yours. You don't have to worry about that."
Evan: "Being pretty doesn't make me dumb."
Tommy gets close, so he can speak in Evan's ear. 
Tommy: "Of course not. I find your big brain very attractive, but you are also very pretty."
Evan doesn't pull away, but that doesn't mean things are okay.
Evan: "I'm also not easily manipulated. Whatever you're trying to pull on all of them, count me out. I want no parts of it."
Tommy: "I would never-"
Evan: "Wouldn't you though? I find it interesting that you're so suspicious of Robyn, considering. Maybe you've always just been projecting."
Tommy: "Look, I've been honest with you. And I'll continue to be, but neither of us is going to get anywhere if we don't take advantage of our opportunities. I need you to trust me. My success will be yours too. We're in this together, right?"
Evan doesn't know what to say. Kate is important to them, and so is Mary, and Robyn too for that matter. But they can't say they feel an allegiance to the elder Hamilton Kanes, or the evil twin. Moreover, this was only supposed to be a stepping stone, and maybe Tommy was right to remind Evan of that. They might have different tactics for their pursuits, but their goals weren't entirely dissimilar.
Evan: "I don't trust her…"
Evan nods in the direction of the kitchen, indicating Beth.
Tommy: "I'm not asking you to, but she likes to talk, and she doesn't like her parents very much. I'm learning a lot that I can leverage. Proximity to her is advantageous."
Evan sighs, and Tommy places a quick kiss on their cheek as a form of appreciation for the forgiveness. 
Evan: "I do have to go. Just remember what I said. And maybe take a shower? I can name every bar you traipsed through last night by how you smell."
And with that, still not totally thrilled, Evan leaves Tommy to whatever he was plotting and orchestrating before they arrived.
To be continued...
I've got two Fridays to finish this chapter. I believe I can do it. Do you? Lie to me if not. LOL!
Hopefully you've been following the Writer and Actor strikes. If not, now's the time to get informed. I support the people that gave us these characters and this story. They deserve to afford to eat and have health insurance while many of them are still in between jobs since they cancelled our show. #PayWriters #PayActors #StopCancellingDiverseShows
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musical-dreamcasts · 2 years
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Hamilton - Adrianna Hicks (she/her) as Angelica Schuyler
Birthday: March 14, 1989 (age 33)
Birth Place: McKinney, Texas
Theatre credits: Catherine of Aragon (Six), Sugar “Kane” Kowalczyk (Some Like It Hot), Dorothy Gale (The Wiz), Celie (The Color Purple), Rat Queen (Ratatousical), Joanne Jefferson (Rent), Ensemble (Jesus Christ Superstar)
(Pictured on the right is Ta’Rea Campbell, who is currently playing the role in the Philip Tour production)
Credits: Y.E.C. Creations, Joan Marcus
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lazaruspiss · 8 months
Historic Gotham: Part Three
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Tricorner Armory: The Tricorner Armory was built and used by the Hamilton family for generations as a supply depot for their armaments business. The heir to the family fortune - Catherine Kane (née Hamilton) - inherited the business, which boomed under her guidance. Her husband, Jacob Kane, also used the armory for a time to store equipment while Kane Tower was being renovated. The armory was emptied out when Catherine Kane became police commissioner. Some of the gangs tried to hijack the transport trucks, but the Kanes had hired a very competent security team. Since then, the building has been used by many of Gotham's criminals to conduct illegal deals away from prying eyes.
One of the first deals I ever stopped was at the armory. According to GCPD records, it was about two million dollars' worth of weapons. Not bad for a day's work! - T. D.
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GCPD Central: This is the central precinct of the Gotham City Police Department. It houses the detective division -- where Renee Montoya works -- central patrol and allows pre-trial holding for the Gotham City Courthouse. The Bat-Signal used to sit on the rooftop of the building but it was taken down when Catherine Kane became the new police commissioner. Many of the vents and windows I used to sneak in through have been blocked or shut closed, which makes accessing the building much more difficult. Unfortunately, since Jim Gordon's death, corruption seems to have risen in the ranks. One of the main reasons for this was the creation of the Major Crimes Unit, an armored task force dedicated to stopping vigilantes and criminals alike. Officers in this division often abuse their power and are known to take bribes. It's safe to say that cooperation between vigilantes and the GCPD is now officially at an end.
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James Gordon Memorial: Originally, this was the Gotham City Police Memorial, where the Wall of Honor and the eternal flame were installed in the 1970s. The plaza was expanded two years ago to add a memorial for commissioner James Gordon, after his death in the line of duty, and the memorial was renamed accordingly. Engraved on the front of the statue is a quote from Jim, reading: "Gotham has called, and we have answered. And we will never abandon her." Even though it's been two years since he passed, the people haven't abandoned Jim either. They still bring flowers to the memorial regularly. Gotham City will be forever in your debt, my friend, and we'll do our best to keep her safe.
You may be gone, dad, but I know you're still watching over me and the city you loved so much. I miss you. - B. G.
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Powers Club: Named after the Powers Brothers banking family, the Powers Club occupies the mansion and former residence of the late Gloria Powers. The Powers estate was built in 1864 and has seen many renovations, like the addition of an aviary. Following Gloria's death in 1973, the house was left abandoned for many years, until the stock market boom of the 1980s. The mansion was then transformed into a private-members club that strictly caters to Gotham's elite and is protected by a private security firm. I've attended a few soirees myself, but they always left me feeling nauseated. Perhaps the overabundant taxidermy just got to me. I haven't returned to the Powers Club for a few years now, but I suspect many backroom deals are still being made within the walls of the manor.
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Martha Wayne Foundation: The Martha Wayne Foundation was created by my mother a few years before her death. She built that branch of the Wayne Foundation to focus on matters that were important to her: charity programs, education and research grants, the arts, historic preservation, and community development. The company moved to the high-rise office tower it's now located in at the beginning of the 2000s when it outgrew its previous office space. Through the Martha Wayne Foundation, we've been responsible for the restoration of numerous historical sites around Gotham, financed an arts gallery and sponsored at-risk youths to go to university, among many other things.
Managing the Wayne Foundation, and all its branches, has been a lot of work. I don't know how Bruce was always on top of everything, but I'll do my best to continue the work he and his mother started. - D. G.
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 5 months
Gotham Gifts
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/nSbqkf0 by Silver_Inspiration Takes place in an AU where, about a year after Bruce's parents were murdered, Alfred received word that Marie, the mother of his daughter, Julia, has also died. As a result, he wound up taking Julia to live at Wayne Manor, and raising the two children side-by-side. Not in chronological order. Christmas at Wayne Manor. Words: 7586, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Series: Part 1 of Children of Gotham Fandoms: Batman (Comics), Batwoman (Comics), Batman: Gotham High, Zatanna and the House of Secrets, Zatanna (Comics), The Batman (Cartoon 2004), Batman Black & White, Batman: Earth One Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: F/F, F/M, Gen, M/M Characters: Bruce Wayne, Alfred Pennyworth, Julia Pennyworth, Leslie Thompkins, Mrs. Chilton (Batman), Original Characters, Dr. Douglas Dundee (Batman), Thomas Wayne's Mother, Roderick Kane (DCU), Nathan Kane, Philip Kane, Tommy Elliot, Ethan Bennett, Thomas Blake (DCU), Harry (Batman Comics), Brent (Batman Black & White), Edward Lamont III (Batman Comics), Kate Kane (DCU), Zatanna Zatara, Julie Madison, Catherine Hamilton Kane, Horatio (Original Dog Character), Viva (Original Dog Character), Pearl (Original Cat Character), Smokey (Original Cat Character), Derek Winters (Zatanna and the House of Secrets), Simon Trent, John Dean (Original Character), Penny Whitehead (Original Character), Gwen Whitehead (Original Character), Stewart (Batman: Earth One), Madame Marie (DC Comics), Pennyworth Family (Mentioned), Norman Madison (DCU) Relationships: Alfred Pennywroth & Bruce Wayne, Alfred Pennyworth & Julia Pennyworth, Alfred Pennyworth & Julia Pennyworth & Bruce Wayne, Leslie Thompkins & Julia Pennyworth, Leslie Thompkins & Bruce Wayne, Alfred Pennyworth & Leslie Thompkins, Alfred Pennyworth & Leslie Thompkins & Bruce Wayne & Julia Pennyworth, Alfred Pennyworth & Leslie Thompkins & Bruce Wayne & Julia Pennnyworth & Original Characters, Original Male Character/Original Male Character, Mrs. Chilton (DCU)/Original Female Character, Mrs. Chilton (DCU) & Original Female Characters, Kate Kane & Julia Pennyworth & Zatanna Zatara & Original Female Character Additional Tags: Christmas, Christmas Fluff, Christmas Presents, Beauty and the Beast (mentioned), A Christmas Carol (mentioned), 'Twas the Night Before Christmas (mentioned), Santa Claus (mentioned) - Freeform, Father Christmas (mentioned), Slice of Life, Honestly this is probably too long, And boring, I'm Sorry read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/nSbqkf0
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snowluthor · 5 years
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[shortly after Catherine and Jacob got married]
Catherine: i hope i can prove myself to be the mother you never had.
Kate: ...I had a mother.
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82. Catherine dies (BatwomanEpisode 1.8 A Mad Tea Party)
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Catherine: I've always wanted to see you work in your clinic. Mary: How did you know about the clinic? Catherine: I've always known. Mary: How come you never said anything? Catherine: The fastest way for you to stop doing something is for me to approve of it.
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seeing-red-arrow · 5 years
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batwomanseries · 5 years
Batwoman | First Look Trailer
Batwoman is coming Sundays this fall to The CW!
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lonestarfangirl2014 · 5 years
“Waynes never stay down. We RISE”
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First appearance: Batman issue 89 February 1955
Agatha has been discribed as Thomas Wayne frail elder sister. She occasionally visits Bruce when he’s a adult. On earth two where she originally debuted it’s been said that she helped out the next person on this list with young Bruce whenever she could.
It could be possible that either Agatha or the next person on our list was the one to inherit the family ancestral home based on earth two/Golden age Bruce buying a mansion to live in shortly before becoming Batman.
Agatha has a counterpart on new earth/post COIE who is said to be the only sibling of Thomas Wayne(still as a older sister.)
It is unknown if she has ever had kids. On Earth two there is evidence that Bruce has at least one possibly 1st cousin who I will talk about in another post I’m planning on making about Bruce’s cousins
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(Not to be confused with Martha’s brother of the same first name whose farther down this list)
First appearance: Batman issue 208 February 1969
Originally introduced in the earth-one era of comics it is later revealed that a Philip Wayne did exist on the earlier earth-two.
On both Earth-One and Earth-Two Philip Wayne was the one who took young Bruce in after he was orphaned.
It is unknown who is older between him and Thomas but based on the appearance of Earth-One Philip(white hair and mustache) I would say that Philip was the older one at least on that earth where both he and Thomas took charge of the family business AKA Wayne Enterprise.
On Earth-Two Thomas was the one to inherit the family fortune suggesting that he was the eldest of the two Wayne sons on that Earth. Earth-Two Philip is only seen once and it’s only a silhouette of him.
It is unknown if he has ever had kids. On Both Earth-Two as well as as Earth-One there is evidence that Bruce has at least one possible 1st cousin on each. Both of them I will talk about in another post I’m planning on making about Bruce’s cousins.
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Vanderveer Wayne SR.
first appearance: Powerless episode 3
For the sake of this post I will say a Fourth Wayne sibling to my knowledge has never appeared in the comics(please correct me if I’m wrong) HOWEVER a paternal Uncle Of Bruce was introduced in the short lived TV show Powerless as Vanderveer Wayne SR.
Vanderveer Wayne, Sr. was the original boss of Wayne Security, before passing the job to his son Vanderveer Wayne Jr and taking a position on the board of directors of Wayne Enterprise.
ON PRIME EARTH/NEW 52 it is said that Thomas Wayne was a only child. As of April 10 2019 none of the other Wayne siblings has so far made a appearance in Any Comics set on Prime earth.
First mentioned in Batman Incorporated(don’t quote me on that) taking place on New Earth And is confirmed to exist on Prime Earth as well.
Not much is known about Nathan. We don’t even have a proper picture of him. What we do know is that he is the eldest son(Batman Incorporated vol 1 #4)and he was the one who inherited both the family fortune as well as the family Crest Hill Estate after family Patriarch and Matriarch Roderick and Elizabeth/Elisabeth(seen it spelt both ways) both died. He is called the golden scion of the family.
On New Earth He married the original Batwoman aka Katherine Webb-Kane the year Batman became active in Gotham. If the issue I quoted from in the previous paragraph is to be believed He was 40 when he started dating 25 year old Kathy Webb-Kane, 43 when he finally married(the year Batman age 25 debuted in Gotham) and 47 when he died.
Now according to DC Wikia and I quote ‘Though their order of birth is unclear Nathan inherited the fortune after their father's death,which implies he was the eldest.’ 43-25 is how much again? And If the DC wiki is right about Nathan being the eldest then OH BOY! No wonder Thomas in-laws hated him post COIE
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Kathy Webb-Kane/ Katrina “Luka” Netz
First Earth-One appearance: Detective Comics #233 (July, 1956)
First Earth-Two Appearance: The Brave and the Bold #182 (January, 1982)
First New Earth Appearance:Batman #678 (August, 2008)
First Prime Earth Appearance:Batman Incorporated Vol 2 #10 (June, 2013)
The Original Batwoman!
Strap in because this is a long one
On earth-One her history is as follows: Kathy Kane was a wealthy heiress who gained great acrobatic skills during her career as a circus trapeze artist and stunt cyclist. Becoming infatuated with the Batman, she fashioned herself a costume and secret hide-out and started operating as Batwoman. At first she upstaged Batman and his sidekick Robin in capturing crooks. However, Batman eventually learned her true identity and tracked her to her secret cave hide-out. Showing her how easily it was for him to learn her identity, Batman pointed out that criminals could probably do it just as easily and tried to convince her to drop out of crime fighting. Disobeying Batman's advice, she tried to capture mobster Curt Briggs. During this caper, Batman went missing and Briggs, struck with amnesia, left thinking he was Batman. Ultimately the real Batman reappeared, and Biggs was turned over to the police. Afterwards, Batwoman went back to retirement. However, Kathy Kane became tired of the dull life of a rich heiress and came out of retirement once more in order to recapture a criminal named Elton Cragg. It was during this case that Batwoman gained super-powers and after her heroic deeds, she convinced Batman to let her continue her crime-fighting career. Ironically, around this time, Kathy started dating Bruce Wayne and she started to fall in love with Batman, unaware that they were the same person.
When Bruce Wayne was framed for a crime he didn't commit, Batwoman teamed-up with Robin in order to clear Batman's name. During an undercover mission, Batwoman was captured by a criminal leader and was rescued by the Dynamic Duo. When both Batwoman and reporter Vicki Vale were nominated Gotham City's "Woman of the Year", both tried to upstage each other to get the lead in the contest. With the help of Batman and Robin, both Vicki and Batwoman captured Moose Molloy's gang and both were crowned woman of the year. When Batman and Robin were trapped in a cave in, Ace the Bat-Hound guided Batwoman to help free them and capture the criminal Dr. Midas. Batwoman next helped the Dynamic Duo capture Firefly, aided them in preventing Lex Luthor from atomizing Superman, and helped them capture the Spinner. Batwoman later met with Bat-Mite and working together, they captured some crooks to save the Dynamic Duo.After this adventure, Bat-Mite became infatuated with Batwoman and tried to become her sidekick, creating chaos for everyone until he realized his mistake and left. When trying to solve the mystery of who murdered Professor Lacy after his discovery of a living caveman, Batwoman was saved by the caveman who sacrificed himself to save her from Lacy's killer: Harbin, Lacy's assistant. When Kathy Kane purchased a mystical belt, she becames a target of the criminal Star-Man. The belt sucked Batwoman's life energy from her body and she was saved by Batman and Robin, who arrived in time to stop Star-Man.
When Kathy's niece Betty Kane came to visit her, the young girl learned of her aunt's double identity. Kathy agreed to train Betty to be her sidekick, thinking that the young girl would eventually lose interest. However, to her surprise, Betty proved capable and became Batwoman's sidekick Bat-Girl. On their first mission, the two women helped Batman and Robin defeat King Cobra and his gang.Batwoman then became a victim of Luthor's experiments, who manipulated Kathy and gave her super-powers to fight her allies. After a long struggle, Superman managed to break Lex's control over Kathy and she returned to normal.When Batman and Robin were briefly transformed into alien creatures, Batwoman was one of the few who actually believed they were the real Dynamic Duo, until they were restored to normal.She later helped Batman and Robin capture the "Rockets" Rogan Gang. Later, after Batman and Batwoman were captured by the Moth, they were rescued by Bat-Girl and Robin. Later, Kathy went on a date with Bruce Wayne to an amusement park that was previously the location where the Justice League of America recently had a battle.As Batwoman, Kathy joined Batman on a trip to Washington D.C. to testify to the Senate Committee, leaving their young sidekicks to defend Gotham City in their absence.She next aided Batman and Robin in capturing the criminal known as the Vulcan.
Kathy's romances with Bruce Wayne and Batman became rocky, first during a period where Bruce Wayne was briefly transformed into a child, he made it appear that he's seeing another woman in order to keep Kathy away,and later when Batman, while under the effect of a love potion, fell in love with a woman named Elsie.Kathys romance woes became more complicate when Alpha, the Experimental Man fell in love with her, until the artificial man sacrificed himself to save her from falling off a cliff.
When helping Batman and Robin solve a murder during Mardis Gras, she got into a feud with Vicki Vale over who is the right person for Batman, forming the first of many competitions for Batman's affections.She later helped Batman capture Catman.
When she and Batman were briefly transported to another dimension by invaders from that world, their mortality was in question unless they were freed. During this period, Batwoman managed to get Batman to warm up and admit some of his feelings toward her before they were rescued by Robin and Bat-Girl.
Batwoman's feud with Vicki Vale heat up again when both women tried to determine if Mirror Man's assertions that Bruce Wayne was really Batman were true. When Batman scolded Batwoman for getting in the way of his attempts to capture Catman, she faked her intentions to join the criminal as Cat-Woman, until Catman seemingly died in the battle.Batwoman and Bat-Girl later helped the Dynamic Duo end a feud between the Joker and Clayface,and helped Batman and Robin capture the Terrible Trio.
Once more suspecting that Batman and Bruce Wayne are the same man, Kathy Kane was convinced otherwise when Superman posed as Batman. However the plan went awry when a bomb goes off seemingly killing "Batman" and necessitating Superman to pose as the ghost of Batman for a time.
When Batman was briefly transformed into a gigantic creature, Batwoman teamed-up with Robin and Ace the Bat-Hound to track down the crooks that have the cure. After this, Catman reappeared and discovered his costume had mystical properties that gave him nine-lives, allowing him to continue on his crime spree. With her Cat-Woman costume, Batwoman helped Batman and Robin capture him.
Following this adventure, Batwoman went into retirement and disappear from Batman's life almost entirely. She become the owner of a circus, but often longed to return to her former crime fighting career.
Batwoman came out of retirement to aid Batgirl(Barbara Gordon)against Killer Moth and the Cavalier, but her return was never intended to be permanent.Kathy Kane was then present at a surprise party for Bruce Wayne at Wayne Manor.When Batwoman was later disintegrated into nothingness on Barbara Gordon's doorstep, Batgirl and Robin teamed-up to find the cure and restore Batwoman to her normal form. Shortly after this, Batwoman met the Huntress from Earth-Two and aided her in capturing Catwoman, Poison Ivy and Madame Zodiac. When the Freedom Fighters of Earth-X searched for a group of criminals known as the Warmakers, their search led them to the carnival owned by Kathy Kane. Kathy, as Batwoman, aided the Freedom Fighters and Batgirl in defeating the Warmakers. In her last recorded adventure, Kathy Kane was murdered by the League of Assassins who were being manipulated by Ra's al Ghul. Her death was eventually avenged by Batman.
Katherine Kane was also known as Batwoman in the Earth-Two timeline. Her history and career are said to reflect that of her Earth-One counterpart, except for that version's untimely death. When Kathy adopted the role of Batwoman, Batman wanted her to retire from the role for fear that she would be hurt in her costumed exploits. Kane would continue to operate in her costumed identity until she learned that Batman had become deeply romantically interested in someone in his unmasked identity. While Wayne never revealed his identity to her, or explicitly told her of his private life, she said she knew of his change in his attitude to her and assumed as such. She largely retired from her costumed role soon after this. Years later, she learned that Wayne was the original Batman when his costume identity was revealed to the general public after his own demise. Not long after this, Kane resumed her costumed identity when she learned of the presence of a "new" Batman. When she found him, Kathy learned that this Batman belonged in the alternate timeline of Earth-One, but the emotional shock of seeing Batman alive was still great. However, Kathy realized that he was not the love of her life reborn, but was a completely new person.
On New Earth her history is as follows
By age 25, Kathy Webb was an underground film director, a poet, and something of a wild child. But when she met Nathan Kane, he bought her a circus, and she fell head-over-heels in love with him. They were together for seven years before he died of a stroke. After this, she was approached by a secret organization called Spyral to find the Batman's secret identity. Assessing the information on the Caped Crusader, she decided the best approach was to make him chase her. To that end, she brushed up on detective skills, martial arts and motor-biking, got a costume and started calling herself Batwoman. Her plan worked, and within a few months they were an item. However, Batman was careful not to give her his secret identity, and in fact worked out hers first. This, coupled with her feelings for Batman, lead her to try and break off ties with Spyral. However, her employer, the mysterious Agent-Zero, turned the tables on her, forcing her to break off on both sides, which she did. She was believed to be killed by the Bronze Tiger on behalf of the League of Assassins. The second Batwoman investigated the murder, but could not find anything. That was because she was never killed; after a staged death, she worked behind the scenes with Spyral to stop Leviathan. She eventually succeeded in shooting Talia al Ghul during her final standoff with Batman, before claiming that she would not be meeting Batman again, leaving to continue leading Spyral.
On Prime Earth she is Katrina "Luka" Netz one of Spyral's oldest members and the daughter of the former Director of Spyral Herr Netz. Kathy presumably being a alias that she used.
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First appearance: Batman vol 2 issue 21 August 2013
Introduced during Zero Year(the volume he’s introduced in isn’t in the hardback version however) on Prime Earth Philip Kane ran Wayne Enterprise in Bruce's absence. While Bruce was traveling the world training, Philip held down the business with his adviser Edward Nygma.
He had studied to be a geologist as a younger man, he was on a Expedition in northern Mexico when his father Roderick learned that he was dying and had came to get Philip to take him back home. Philip and his father fought because he didn’t want to go. Their fighting resulted in Philip splitting his head open which resulted in him getting a metal plate in his head.
He had given up that dream to take up the responsibility of running the family business. During the Time that Bruce was abroad Philip managed to in his own words “Finally Merged the families” with both families companies(Kane Materials, Wayne Industry)seemingly merging into Wayne Enterprise.
Philip was the one who had Bruce Wayne declared legally dead which Bruce originally didn’t want to reverse. Philip Kane was also the one who was able to mostly track where Bruce was during his training. Not even Alfred knew where he was.
Philip was unfortunately blackmailed like many other citizens of Gotham by Red Hood One into joining the Red Hood gang. Being branded "Red Hood 347", Philip did the bidding of the gang leader until Kane turned. During Batman's assault on Red Hood One at the Ace chemical processing plant(which ironically on new earth used to belong to the Kane family as Kane Chemicals before being sold and the company Renamed Ace Chemicals )Philip gave his life to distract the Red Hood while the villain was going to kill Batman.
Trivia:Philip Kane was the one who originally own the Giant Penny whose forging he had overseen himself.
Next up is one every one who kept up with Bat related related comics since 2011 should be very familiar with
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First New Earth Appearance: Detective Comics issue 854 August 2009
First Prime Earth Appearance: Batwoman vol 2 issue 1 November 2011
A lifelong soldier, Jacob had been a field officer with USSOCOM for most of his career, leading numerous tactical operations across the globe
He and his first wife Gabi are parents to twins Beth and Kate Kane
Jacob has earned the following military awards: the Army Achievement Medal, the Kosovo Campaign Medal, the Afghanistan Campaign Medal, the Iraq Campaign Medal, the Global War on Terrorism Expeditionary Medal, the Global War on Terrorism Service Medal, the NATO Medal for Kosovo, the Kuwait Liberation Medal, the Presidential Unit Citation, the Meritorious Unit Commendation, and an Army Aviator Badge. Jacob has worked extensively with military intelligence services.
The Kanes often moved due to the nature of Jacob and Gabi's work. Jacob was frequently away from home, since his duties included intervention in various international military crises.
They eventually moved to Brussels in Belgium, since the parents were now serving at NATO. However, the family was soon torn apart due to a terrorist attack. Gabi took her daughters out to celebrate their twelfth birthday, and they were kidnapped by heavily armed men. Military intelligence eventually located the hostages, and Jacob was put in charge of the tactical unit sent to rescue them. However, they were too late, as his wife had been executed and his daughter Elizabeth was believed to be dead. He rescued Kate himself, but she was traumatized by the sight of her dead mother and sister.
Colonel Kane plays an important role in his daughter's Batwoman operations. He provides her a one-man command, control, and communications center. They stay in constant radio link, with the elder Kane being able to run searches, provide advice, and generally work in the background using his considerable knowledge, contacts and experience. Colonel Kane primarily uses his connections and his intelligence-gathering and management skills. He has access to numerous databases that are normally only accessible to military and law enforcement personnel to provide intel to his daughter.
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Gabrielle Kane
First New Earth Appearance: Detective Comics 855 September 2009
First Prime Earth Appearance: Batwoman volume 2 issue 27 March 2014
Captain Gabi Kane is the mother of Kate Kane (who later became Batwoman) and her identical twin Beth Kane. A member of the US Army's 525th Battlefield Surveillance Brigade, she married another soldier, Jacob Kane. Both Kanes worked extensively with military intelligence services, and often moved as a result, even after their children were born. On Prime Earth When her sister-in-law Martha died she went to the funeral with both her husband and Kids. She reminded her husband that not all of Martha was dead(referring to Bruce) Eventually, the Kanes moved to Brussels, Belgium, since the parents were now serving at NATO. The family, however, was torn apart due to a terrorist attack. As Gabi was taking her daughters for their 12th birthday, they were kidnapped by heavily armed men. Military intelligence eventually located the hostages, and Jacob was put in charge of the tactical unit sent to rescue them. However, they were too late, as Gabi had been executed along with Beth. Jacob rescued Kate himself, but she was traumatized by the sight of her dead mother and sister.
TRIVIA: Gabi had a tattoo of the Special Forces arrowhead insignia on her right bicep; her daughter Kate later copied this.
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Catherine Hamilton-Kane
First New Earth appearance: 52 #7 (August, 2006)
First Prime Earth Appearance: Batwoman Vol 2 #0 (November, 2012)
Heiress to the Hamilton arms fortune, and second wife of Jacob Kane.
Cathy is a jet-setter and socialite involved in politics.The Hamilton fortune was built upon guns. Catherine family owned the enormously successful Hamilton company, which apparently became a household name during the days of the Old West Firearms.
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