#kathy webb
dailydccomics · 6 months
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the other Batwoman! Batman Incorporated #4
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mistergreatbones · 6 months
man i love the kane family: Elizabeth and Elizabeth and Mary and Mary Elizabeth and Katherine and Katherine and Catherine and Katherine and-
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herpsandbirds · 3 months
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Red-breasted Nuthatch (Sitta canadensis), family Sittidae, order Passeriformes, northern U.S.
photograph by Kathy Webb
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batmanlovesnirvana · 1 year
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by AshWinterGrey on Ao3
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Summary : Today on Buzzfeed Unsolved, we look into the Murder of Thomas and Martha Wayne.
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“Today on Buzzfeed Unsolved, we’re digging into a rather famous case,” Ryan begins, a grin on his face. “Its actually a case I grew up hearing about, and one that I like to keep an eye on from time to time. So I was, very, excited to get permission to do this case.”
“Oh, is this what I think it is?” Shane questioned.
“You saw the file,” Ryan gave his friend a look.
“Yeah, but I wasn’t sure if it was a file or just a list of things you wanted to talk about if you ever got permission,” Shane protested. “I mean, you’ve brought this case up pretty frequently.”
“Yes, yes, that is definitely the case,” Ryan agreed, turning a giddy grin to the file. “Today, ladies and gentlemen, we’re looking at the murder of Thomas and Martha Wayne.”
“This is going to be interesting,” Shane clapped.
“Was that sarcastic?”
“It felt sarcastic.”
“Eh…maybe a little. You do go on and on about this case.”
“Yeah, but only, like, vague details.”
“Sure. Vague.”
Ryan shot Shane a look, to which Shane stared right back with a flat look. After a moment, Ryan turned away and flipped over the file.
“Shall we begin?”
“Yeah, of course,” Shane motioned with a flippant wave of his hand. “Let’s begin!”
A giddy grin filled Ryan’s face as he turned to the case file.
“On June 26th, at 10:47 pm, the world lost two of the kindest rich people anyone could have met. But first, let’s get a bit into their background. Doctor Thomas Wayne-”
“Wait. Doctor? Thomas Wayne was a Doctor?”
“Yeah! I was getting there! Let me get there!”
“Okay. Okay. You’ve just never mentioned he was a doctor, before.”
“I told you, you didn’t know everything. There’s a lot about this family I haven’t mentioned.”
“Well now I’m intrigued.”
“Doctor Thomas Wayne was born the son of Patrick Wayne and Laura Elizabeth Wayne. This made Thomas Wayne one of the last living descendants of the Five Families of Gotham.”
“Five Families.”
“Yeah…I…don’t know why I included that.”
“You weren’t going to explain?”
“I am now.”
“The Five Families of Gotham are the Crowne Family, which died out years ago with Amelia Crowne, though their of rumors of an illegitimate child. Maybe we’ll do that another time. The Cobblepot family, and we all know what happened to that family. The Elliots, Kanes, and Waynes. These Five Families are credited to helping build Gotham.”
“Doctor Thomas Wayne dedicated his time to his medical studies, his family company, to helping the Glades, and to his family. Doctor Thomas Wayne was originally not the inheritor of the Wayne fortune as he was the youngest child of the Waynes. But Philip Wayne died in Afghanistan, and Agatha Wayne renounced her family name when she married into the Carson family. Doctor Thomas Wayne, with a full medical degree, and a budding physician having started a free clinic in Park Row, found himself the inheritor of a multi-million dollar company.”
“Park Row?”
“Better known as Crime Alley.”
“Oh! Wait…it’s name isn’t actually Crime Alley?”
“Yeah, surprising, right?
“Martha Wayne was born into another Founding Family. The Kane Family. Her family history, of course, is a little rockier in the public eye than most of the world’s wealthy would prefer. Nathan Kane married a woman named Kathy Webb and was disowned, losing his grasp of the inheritance. Philip Kane is the inheritor, and the line might just die out with him. Jacob Kane lost his first wife and one of his daughters, remarried, and became an army general. Arthur Kane is recluse and not staying with his family. Martha Wayne seemed to break out.”
“Good for her.”
“You just seem pretty on board with that.”
“Well, yeah. I like history.”
“What does that have to do with anything?”
“A lot.”
“You’re not…you’re not…going to…elaborate?”
“Nope! That’s an entirely different video.”
“Martha Wayne married Doctor Thomas Wayne as one of many acts of rebellion. Martha’s mother didn’t approve of the marriage at all, and even threatened to disown Martha. Martha’s other most notable act of rebellion was to become a social worker.”
“I like this couple more and more.”
“Yeah. Here are two people. Helping others.”
“That they did.”
“Most people with money would just… throw it on junk. Not them. They seem like good people.”
“Later, Doctor Wayne and Martha welcomed a son into the world. Bruce Thomas Wayne. Then, eight years later, while taking their son to a movie in Park Row, a man stepped out of the shadows. As told by the account of Bruce Wayne, the only surviving witness, the mysterious man demanded their money and Martha’s pearls. However, the two barely had a chance to grab said items before the first bullet was fired. Thomas Wayne died almost immediately with that first shot. Martha moved to grab her son, but that was when the second shot was fired, and she, too, died almost instantly, according to police reports. A couple hours later, the police arrived.”
“That poor kid.”
“Yeah, I know. He was with his parents for a couple hours.”
“His parents just died, and he’s probably sitting there, begging them to wake up. And no one is there to help. That’s…that’s terrible. I’m surprised the guy wasn’t more messed up.”
“You could probably argue he was a little messed up.”
“Well, he did disappear for a few years, then reappear acting like a, you know, a floozy rich guy.”
“Maybe we’ll cover that another time, too. But, long story short, Bruce applied to the FBI, got in, then quit the FBI, disappeared, and came back as a generous, but perky rich playboy.”
“Now that we’ve talked about the Waynes and their murder. Let’s talk about why this case is unsolved and then get into a few theories. To begin, the Wayne Murder case was never solved. Mainly because the only living witness besides the killer, was Bruce Wayne, an eight year old boy who was left beside his parents bodies for hours. The shock definitely kicked in, and because of how dark it was, Bruce was unable to see the man’s face.”
“Of course a traumatized boy wouldn’t be able to identify his parents’ killer! What the heck do people expect!”
“Yeah…not the GCPD’s finest moment.”
“The First theory is that the Falcone Family did the hit.”
(Wheeze) “A mob hit?”
“Yeah, we definitely don’t get those all that often, do we?”
“We never get those!”
“This theory actually has some weight. It’s rumored that Thomas Wayne was actually a close friend of Francesco Falcone. A bond that formed when Thomas Wayne supposedly saved Francesco Falcone’s life during a mob hit. It’s also rumored that Thomas and Martha met at one of Francesco Falcone’s parties.”
“If this theory is true, then my respect for Martha Wayne has skyrocketed! That woman was a rebel!”
“Really? After everything I just said, that’s what you want to go with.”
“The Kanes were jerks. I’m allowed to be proud of the woman.”
“However, its also noted that at some point, Thomas and Falcone stopped talking to each other. Their friendship supposedly fell apart, and if they left on bad terms, its possible that the Falcone family ordered the hit. However, unless the GCPD is covering it up, there is no proof behind this theory, nor is there much proof that Thomas and Falcone ever actually had a friendship other than a few pictures of the two at parties. And, if you know nothing about Gotham, you should know that Gang Leaders mixing with the Elites is…pretty common.”
“Too common.”
“Way too common.”
“But, I’ll be honest, I’m not sure this theory has too much weight.”
“Yeah. I mean, think about it. Saving someone’s life is…a pretty serious debt. Like, a life for a life debt, except you save it. If Doctor Thomas really saved Falcone, then the betrayal had to be dead awful for him to turn like that.”
“That’s…that’s a good point. We’ll put that theory on hold, then.”
“The second theory is that the Court Of Owls planned the hit.”
“The Court of Owls?”
“Yeah. You heard of them?”
“Yeah, I’ve heard of them. If you had mentioned this, before, I might have been way more interested in this case.”
“Wow, I had no idea you were so excited about this.”
“It’s history, Ryan! Of course I’m excited about it!”
“You realize this is Gotham’s biggest Ghost Story, right?”
“Of course. But I also know the history around it.”
“The Court of Owls are a long standing legend in Gotham. The rumors claim that the court is comprised of Elites, supposedly related to the Crowne family. According to legend, the Court recruits elites into their system, and they recruit civilians to be assassins. These assassins kill those that oppose the Court.”
“That was a rough version of the Court of Owls. Not bad.”
“Thank. But now I’m curious to know what you know.”
“Maybe another time. Its too long to go into.”
“It’s believed that Thomas and Martha Wayne opposed the Court of Owls, and because of this, they were killed by a Talon.”
“I’d agree with that...”
“Yeah. Yeah, I would. If ever there was a conspiracy theory I’d believe, it’s the existance of the Court of Owls. The history is fascinating.”
“Wow, I guess we…really need to do a history lesson on the Court of Owls.”
“The only thing that I think is a little sketchy is the fact that they…left Bruce Wayne alive.”
“It’s not their style. Unless Bruce Wayne agreed to join the Court. But…given his charities and stuff, I doubt it.”
“Huh. I guess that’s fair.”
“The third theory…”
“You’re gonna hate this?”
“Don’t say aliens.”
“Nope. Not aliens.”
“The third theory is that Thomas and Martha Wayne were murdered by a ghost.”
“Oh, yes!”
“Ryan. No!”
“The Wayne family went through Park Row, a place well known as Crime Alley. There are a number of Crimes that happen there in a day, so its no wonder a large population believe the mysterious killer that was never caught and never seen was that of a ghost who lost his life in a mugging attempt where he failed.”
“The Court of Owls theory holds more weight than this.”
“You know what, I can and will deny this theory. Forget this theory.”
“How does this hold less weight than the Court of Owls.”
“I need to give you a history lesson.”
“The fourth theory is that it was an inside job done by the GCPD. Due to the fact that the guy was never caught, and the history of police corruption, its not surprising that this was a theory that popped up. In fact, up until Jim Gordon became Commissioner, many cases in Gotham like this one were swept under the rug.”
“Good old Jim Gordon.”
“He was on this case, actually.”
“He was?”
“Yep. In fact, it’s rumored that this particular case was what led Gordon to turn the GCPD around. And he’s supposedly still close to Bruce Wayne.”
“His daughter dated Bruce’s oldest son.”
“With all these theories, there still isn’t any clear answer as to who killed Thomas and Martha Wayne. And that leaves this particular case…Unsolved.”
“They don’t deserve that,” Shane sighed.
“Yeah, they seemed like genuinely good people for rich people,” Ryan agreed with a nod. “What do you think happened?”
Shane winced, scratching the back of his head. “Right. I like the Court of Owls theory, but…I think it was a rando mugging.”
“Then…then how do you explain the lack of a suspect?”
“Police corruption. The Waynes were trying to turn Gotham around. A few corrupt cops just…swept it under the rug.”
“That’s…” Ryan froze, looking down at his files. “That’s actually not a bad theory. Why didn’t anyone use that theory.”
“Maybe they’re not supposed to.”
“That’s terrifying. Absolutely terrifying.”
... .... .... ..... .... .... .... ....
“ This is...”
Jason paused, sending a look towards his younger brother.
“Genius?” Tim gave a sharp, Cheshire grin.
“Definitely,” Jason grinned back. “What exactly did you give them permission to do?”
“You’ll have to wait and see.”
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cendrillonmedousa · 2 years
Notable, Present-day, Radical Feminists
As a second wave feminism, we assume that radical feminists are hard, if not impossible, to find in today's world. Here is a list of notable women you can still interact with today.
Chude Pam Allen, co-founder of New York Radical Women
Ti-Grace Atkinson, author of Amazon Odyssey
Kathleen Barry, co-founder of the Coalition Against Trafficking in Women
Linda Bellos, first Black lesbian member of Spare Rib feminist collective
Julie Bindel, co-founder of Justice for Women
Jenny Brown, author of Birth Strike: The Hidden Fight Over Women's Work
Professor Judith C. Brown, pioneer in the study of lesbian history
Susan Brownmiller, author of Against Our Will: Men, Women, and Rape
Professor Phyllis Chesler, co-founder of Association for Women in Psychology
D.A. Clarke, known for her development of feminist theory
Nikki Craft, creator of the Andrea Dworkin Online Library, Hustling the Left website, and No Status Quo website
Christine Delphy, co-founder of the French Women's Liberation Movement
Professor Gail Dines, author of Pornland: How Porn Has Hijacked Our Sexuality
Melissa Farley, founder and director of Prostitution Research and Education
Marilyn Fyre, author of The Politics of Reality: Essays in Feminist Theory
Carol Hanisch, best known for "the personal is political"
Merle Hoffman, co-founder of the National Abortion Federation
Professor Shelia Jeffreys, author of The Spinster and Her Enemies
Lierre Keith, founder of Women's Liberation Front
Anne Koedt, author of The Myth of the Vaginal Orgasm
Marjorie Kramer, editor of Woman and Art Quarterly
Professor Holly Lawford-Smith, author of Gender-Critical Feminism
Dr. Catharine Alice MacKinnon, author of Sexual Harassment of Working Women: A Case for Sex Discrimination
Robin Morgan, creator of Sisterhood Is anthologies
Dr. Janice G. Raymond, author of The Transsexual Empire
Kathie Sarachild, coiner of term "Sisterhood is Powerful"
Alix Kates Shulman, author of Memoirs of an Ex-Prom Queen
Gloria Steinman
Michele Faith Wallace, author of Black Macho and the Myth of the Superwoman
Dr. Marilyn Salzman Webb, co-founder of the first feminist consciousness-raising groups in Chicago and Washington D.C.
Harriet Wistrich, founding director of Centre for Women's Justice
Laura X, led the campaign behind making marital and date rape a crime in over twenty countries
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alexlacquemanne · 3 months
Février MMXXIV
Maigret voit rouge (1963) de Gilles Grangier avec Jean Gabin, Michel Constantin, Vittorio Sanipoli, Paul Frankeur, Guy Decomble, Françoise Fabian, Paulette Dubost, Laurence Badie, Roland Armontel et Jacques Dynam
L’Étau (Topaz) (1969) d'Alfred Hitchcock avec Frederick Stafford, Dany Robin, Claude Jade, Michel Subor, Karin Dor, John Vernon, Michel Piccoli, Philippe Noiret et John Forsythe
Flic Story (1975) de Jacques Deray avec Alain Delon, Jean-Louis Trintignant, Renato Salvatori, Claudine Auger, Maurice Biraud, André Pousse, Mario David et Paul Crauchet
Poupoupidou (2011) de Gérald Hustache-Mathieu avec Jean-Paul Rouve, Sophie Quinton, Guillaume Gouix, Olivier Rabourdin, Joséphine de Meaux, Arsinée Khanjian, Clara Ponsot et Éric Ruf
Air Force One (1997) de Wolfgang Petersen avec Harrison Ford, Gary Oldman, Glenn Close, Wendy Crewson, Liesel Matthews, Paul Guilfoyle, William H. Macy et Dean Stockwell
Bob Marley: One Love (2024) de Reinaldo Marcus Green avec Kingsley Ben-Adir, Lashana Lynch, James Norton, Henry Douthwaite, Sevana, Hector Lewis et Tosin Cole
Sister Act (1992) d'Emile Ardolino avec Whoopi Goldberg, Maggie Smith, Kathy Najimy, Wendy Makkena, Mary Wickes, Harvey Keitel, Bill Nunn et Robert Miranda
Astérix : Le Domaine des dieux (2014) d'Alexandre Astier et Louis Clichy avec Roger Carel, Lorànt Deutsch, Guillaume Briat, Alexandre Astier, Alain Chabat, Élie Semoun, Géraldine Nakache, Artus de Penguern, Lionnel Astier et François Morel
Race for Glory: Audi vs. Lancia (2024) de Stefano Mordini avec Riccardo Scamarcio, Daniel Brühl, Volker Bruch, Katie Clarkson-Hill, Esther Garrel, Gianmaria Martini : Hannu Mikkola et Haley Bennett
Buster (1988) de David Green avec Phil Collins, Julie Walters, Larry Lamb, Stephanie Lawrence, Ellie Beaven, Michael Attwell, Ralph Brown et Anthony Quayle
Laura (1944) d'Otto Preminger avec Gene Tierney, Dana Andrews, Clifton Webb, Vincent Price, Judith Anderson, Dorothy Adams et Lane Chandler
Affaires sensibles
Présidentielle de 1995 : un scandale d'Etat - Michèle Mouton, le Groupe B et les Finlandais volants - Les Ecoutes de la République - La secte du temple solaire, le drame d’une société secrète - Munich 1972 : destin tragique d'un rêve olympique - Les révoltés des Jeux olympiques - Le crash de la Germanwings - Alexandre Litvinenko, victime d’un permis de tuer - Martin Luther King : la naissance d’une icône - Martin Luther King : du rêve au cauchemar - Dans l'ombre de Gérard Lebovici - Macron 2017, le traitre méthodique - Kurt Cobain, portrait d’une génération - Crash au mont Saint Odile
Maguy Saison 1
Rose et Marguerite, c'est le bouquet - Babar et Bécassine se mènent en bateau - Docteur j'abuse - L'union fait le divorce - L'annonce faite à Maguy - Le coupe-Georges - Amoral, morale et demie - Cinquante bougies, ça vous éteint ! - A visage redécouvert'' - Le serment d'hypocrite - Tu me trompes ou je me trompe ? - Comment boire sans déboires - Un veuf brouillé - Le père Noël dans ses petits souliers - L'emprunt ruse - Tous les couples sont permis - L'amant de la famille - Travail, famille, pas triste - Blague de fiançailles - Macho, boulot, dodo - Mi-flic, mi-raisin - Trop polyvalent pour être honnête - La traîtresse de maison - Les trois font la paire - Un grain peut en cacher un autre - La quittance déloyale - Belle-mère, tel fils - Manège à quatre - Comme un neveu sur la soupe - Toutou, mais pas ça ! - A corde et à cri - Jamais deux sans quatre - L'amant comme il respire - Le chômage, ça vous travaille ? - La faillite nous voilà ! - Le divin divan - Toubib or not toubib - L'écolo est fini - Loto, route du bonheur
La croisière s'amuse Saison 2
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Kaamelott Livre IV
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Coffre à Catch
#153 : Finlay, le retour ! - #154 : Gloire aux Heels ! - #155 : Les débuts historiques de Sheamus ! - #156 : Les Bella Twins arrivent à la ECW ! - #18 ; CM Punk continue d'impressionner & quelqu'un fait du vélo ! - #12 : Le Push de CM Punk + Bsahtek le Bikini !
Castle Saison 4
Sexpionnage - Jeux de pouvoir - Une vie de chien - Le Papillon Blue - Pandore, première partie - Pandore, deuxième partie - Il était une fois un crime - Danse avec la mort - 47 secondes - Au service de sa majesté - Chasseurs de têtes - Mort vivant - Jusqu'à la mort s'il le faut
Les Brigades du Tigre Saison 1
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Alfred Hitchcock présente Saison 2, 6
Incident de parcours - Pièce de musée - Reconnaissance
The Grand Tour Saison 5
Trop de sable
La ville Noire
Première partie - Deuxième partie
Les Petits Meurtres d'Agatha Christie Saison 3
Mortel Karma
Monsieur chasse (1978) de Alain Feydeau avec Michel Roux, William Sabatier, Françoise Fleury, Yvonne Gaudeau, Pierre Mirat, Xavier Vanderberghe, Michel Mayou, Bernard Durand et Roland Oberlin
La Bagatelle (1977) de Jean Meyer avec Amarande, Patrick Préjean, Jacques Balutin, Brigitte Chamarande Bel, René Lefevre, Pierre Aufrey et Didier Roussel
Femmes en colère (2023) de Stéphane Hillel avec Lisa Martino, Gilles Kneusé, Hugo Lebreton, Nathalie Boutefeu, Fabrice de la Villehervé, Sophie Artur, Clément Koch, Magali Lange, Aude Thirion et Béatrice Michel
La Pélerine écossaise (1972) de Sacha Guitry avec Jean Piat, Geneviève Casile, Philippe Etesse, Robert Manuel, Raymond Baillet, Françoise Petit, Alain Souchères, Janine Roux et Ly Sary
Piège de chaleur de Richard Castle
Spirou et Fantasio, tome 15 : Z comme Zorglub de André Franquin, Jidéhem et Greg
Kaamelott, tome 1 : L'Armée du Nécromant d'Alexandre Astier, Benoît Bekaert et Steven Dupré
OSS 117 : Tactique Arctique de Jean Bruce
Astérix, tome 17 : Le Domaine des dieux de René Goscinny et Albert Uderzo
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beautifulfaaces · 2 years
Masterlist - Female Green Eyes
Addy Miller
Ava Kolker
Amirah Johnson
Beatrice Kitsos
Caitlin Carmichael
Ella Ballentine
Ella Rubin
Isla Johnston
Larsen Thompson
Mackenzie Foy
Megan Scott
Melissa Collozo
Sky Katz
Alana Boden      
Alba August
Aleece Wilson
Alexandra Tikerpuu
AJ Michalka
Ali Collier
Alicia von Rittberg
Alina Bobyleva
Alina Boz
Alina Kovalenko
Alycia Debnam-Carey
Allegra Carpenter
Amine Gülşe
Amy Forsyth
Anna Grace Barlow
Brec Bassinger
Breezy Eslin
Brenna O’Brien
Cailin Russo
Caitlin Carver
Camren Bicondova
Catherine Missal
Chloe Grace Moretz
Danielle Campbell
Dove Cameron
Eda Ece
Emma Appleton
Ester Expósito
Esti Ginzburg
India Gants
Frances Encell
Isabel Hodgins
Jella Haase
Jenna Boyd
Júlia Molins
Katerina Tannenbaum
Laura Bilgeri
Lauren Froderman
Lauren Jauregui
Lauren Potter
Leonie Benesch
Lexi DiBenedetto
Lilli Camille Schweiger
Lola Rodríguez
Louisa Connelly-Burnham
Lucy Boynton
Luna Marie Schweiger
Madeleine Coghlan
Madisen Beaty
Madison Davenport
Madison Lintz
Marielle Scott
Meredith Mickelson
Mia Healey
Natacha Karam
Nell Tiger Free
Paula Beer
Pauline Burlet
Pinar Deniz
Rachel Matthews
Riley Voelkel
Romi Van Renterghem
Sabrina Bartlett
Savannah Baker
Sophie Turner
Stephanie Styles
Tiera Skovbye
Ulrikke Falch
Vanessa Grasse
Willa Holland
Abbey Clancy
Abbie Cornish
Alex Paxton Beesley
Alexa Chung
Alexa Davalos
Alexandra Turshen
Alissa Jung
Alison Sudol
Amanda Seyfried
Amy Winehouse
Ana Beatriz Barros
Ana de Armas
Angelina Häntsch
Avigail Harari
Bar Paly
Beren Saat
Carrie MacLemore
Claire Boucher
Clara Alonso
Darla Baker
Eliza Coupe
Elizabeth Knowelden
Elle Evans          
Emilia Clarke
Emily Baldoni
Emily Tremaine
Esther Povitsky
Felicity Jones
Genevieve Angelson
Georgia King
Haley Webb
Hannah Ware
Hilarie Burton
Isidora Goreshter
Jasna Fritzi Bauer
Jen Lilley
Jenna Dewan
Jessica Keenan Wynn
Jessica Lowndes
Joy Lauren
Julia Hartmann
Julie Marie Berman
Kate Lambert
Kate Phillips
Katie Cassidy
Katie Leclerc
Kayla Ewell
Krysten Ritter
Laura Bell Bundy
Lauren Cohan
Lindsey Kraft
Lucy Hale
Mallory Jansen
Marcella Lentz-Pope
Maria Sole Mansutti
Meg Steedle
Meghan Ory
Melissa McIntyre
Monika Reithofer
Paige Spara
Priscilla Quintana
Rachael Taylor
Razane Jammal
Rebecca Breeds
Sara Canning
Sarah Power
Shelley Regner
Tammin Sursok
Yasemin Kay Allen
Adamari López
Alison King
Amber Valletta
Angela Kinsey    
Anna Torv
Artemis Pebdani
Becki Newton
Brandy Clark
Brooke Elliott
Charlize Theron
Christina Applegate
Constance Zimmer
Dorian Brown Pham
Erica Durance
Ginnifer Goodwin
Jennifer Morrison
Jessica Chastain
Jill Flint
Julia Parker
Kathy Kiera Clarke
Keri Russell
Leslie Bibb
Melissa McCarthy
Niki Karimi
Portia de Rossi
Sabrina Grdevich
Sarah Rafferty
Stephanie Waring
Traci Dinwiddie
Alexandra Paul
Amy Ryan
Catherine Tate
Elisabeth Shue
Emily Procter
Francie Swift
Gia Cardis
Julianne More
Kelly Rutherford
Marcia Cross
Mary Page Keller
Melina Clarke
Natascha McElhone
Rebecca Stab
Sherry Stringfield
Allison Janney
Chloe Webb
Diane Keaton
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waspredteeth · 8 months
The Kane Family (hc)
Making things complicated for myself: pt 3, for the Flamebird AU.
In order to properly explain/get through Bette's backstory and add context to Kathy Kane, I need to actually detail my headcanon version of the Kane family (which includes canon too bc why not). To me, the Kanes are like the Kennedy family if they were from New Jersey, Jewish and just about as many in-family deaths that happen maybe a bit too fast after the other. Also, they absolutely suck at maintaining their image and finances.
Read below to get a glimpse into the overly-detailed thought I've put into something that will only really connect to maybe like, 2 flashbacks.
(Putting a cut to save your dashboards.)
First things first; the patriarch and matriarch.
Roderick and Elizabeth Kane. Canon names. Not so canon history.
Roderick had an older brother named Mordecai (non-canon) who was dating a wealthy young lady named Elizabeth Miriam Ritter, who is from a notable German Jewish family that's very conservative.
Elizabeth got pregnant out of wedlock, immediately putting her out of favor with both the elder Kanes and her own family. She was going to marry Mordecai out of genuine love, but then uh...he died young at 28.
Because the Kanes had already announced the engagement but hadn't specified which Kane brother she was going to marry, they harassed and forced Elizabeth to marry Roderick instead in order to save face with the public.
While neither are particularly pleased, they go through with it.
Really all you need to know is that this forced marriage completely soured both of their outlooks on life, and the strained marriage that followed very much affected their children and grandchildren.
Roderick is emotionally constipated, quiet, and the exact opposite of affectionate. Still, he allows his children some freedoms that Elizabeth vocally dislikes.
Roderick used to be an engineer, not a businessman (that was his brother's claim to fame) so when he's forced to run Kane Chemicals - he completely botches it.
Later on, he's blackmailed into debt by a mobster named Judson Pierce, which leads to the bankrupt of the company and Roderick has a stroke that leaves him utterly paralyzed. (this is canon).
Despite one of his son's efforts to recover the company, they're forced to sell the business to ACE - thus creating Ace Chemicals. (also canon-ish)
Elizabeth, on the other hand, is a mother who is very overprotective and too involved in her kid's lives. She's not a great grandmother.
She's very religious compared to Roderick, which sows conflict between her and her children, as they are variously devoted to Judaism.
Dislikes all of her grandchildren bc they are all born of non-Jewish marriages out of wedlock or just out of a marriage that's not beneficial to the Kane name. Did not take in Bruce bc he's a Wayne, did not take in Bette bc she's born of a heavy scandal, and has no relationship with the twins bc Jacob purposefully kept them from her.
Not abusive, but overbearing and disapproving in that stiff, "will pinch you harshly if you're misbehaving" and be uncharacteristically affectionate in public when you do something "good" way.
Then, there's the Kane siblings, each known by the public whether its good or bad publicity. The number of siblings is not canon, but I need a way to explain how some of these people exist in canon along with Martha and Jacob, especially with the number of children they have.
Nathan Eli Kane (canon)
the oldest
Mordecai's biological son, but no one ever told him this.
Smothered by his mother and neglected by his father.
Protective of his siblings, especially fond of Martha.
Prepared since birth to be the Kane heir and an exceptional son.
Stifled by this, which explains why he dates and eventually marries the daredevil and unladylike Katherine "Kathy" Webb.
Fun fact, he canonically bought an entire circus for her.
He was formerly a Gotham City Councilman before he basically quit and fucked off to elope with Kathy as an act of rebellion when Martha was disowned.
They moved out of Gotham for the rest of their marriage.
He died of a heart attack at around 42 (out of stress/heartbreak not too long after Martha's death) - leaving Kathy Kane a widow. Canonically, he's around 47 when he dies, but it seems too old for the timeline I'm working with.
Never had children.
Philip Walton Kane (canon)
second eldest (2 yrs younger than Nathan)
a perpetual bachelor.
Doted on by his father, the most spoiled and objectively annoying of the siblings. Was one-sidedly jealous of Nathan.
Allowed to study and do whatever he wanted bc Nathan was supposed to run the company and his other siblings were too young to object.
As a teen, he became disillusioned with Gotham and moved out of the state. He almost renounced the family name when Martha was disowned, but decided against it bc he's still a daddy's boy.
Canonically studied to be geologist before being brought back by Roderick to run the company. (before the stroke).
Philip sucks ass at running the company and is partially the reason why his father gets blackmailed by the mob.
Took over Wayne Enterprises after Thomas and Martha were killed bc Bruce was too young. Canonically made business decisions that Bruce hated.
Died at 51 after being shot by the Joker (back when he was the Red Hood.) (also canon)
Never got married or had children.
Jacob Asher Kane (canon)
the middle child. 1 yr younger than Philip.
While Nathan and Philip always argued, adding to the strife of parents that did not love each other, Jacob never involved himself in any arguments.
He refused to be shoved into any kind of limelight, so he's not as famous as his siblings. He also kept to himself most of time, so no scandals either.
The second he graduated high school, he joined the army half out of a sense of duty, half to escape his family.
While in training, he met Gabrielle "Gabi" Hunter and they began to date.
Indifferent to his older brothers, but he doted on Martha, who was his favorite sibling. Simon was too young for them to bond.
The father of Kate and Beth Kane.
Named them after his mother bc of tradition and begrudged affection, never calls them their full names out of spite.
Martha Romi Kane (very canon)
middle child, the only daughter of the family. 3 yrs younger than Jacob.
Spoiled and doted on by all of her siblings, the most famous Kane child out of the good deeds she did and the scandals she was involved in.
the "wild child", I hc her as being just as weird and neurodivergent-coded as Bruce. She was incredibly interested in medicine, funerary practices, insects, self-defense, business, politics and many other "unlady-like" things of her time.
Despite her mother's efforts, Martha was never the picture-perfect daughter. She regularly skipped social events with Jacob and actively sabotaged public figures she disliked.
Fun fact, she was canonically nicknamed Marty in some stories.
The most philanthropic of her siblings, she regularly created and donated to various Gotham charities, volunteered, and was often seen disguised in the poorer parts of the city in order to help.
The biggest scandal of the city was when she started dating Thomas Wayne.
The Waynes had an eternal reputation as the name of womanizing, debaucherous men and scandalous, rude women. Both Roderick and Elizabeth were vehemently against Martha's relationship with Thomas. Not completely unjustified as Thomas had a reputation for being a womanizer and an alcoholic before he met Martha, despite his renown skill as a doctor.
Adding to the scandal, the Waynes were very Catholic.
Roderick actually liked Thomas, he just didn't want him to marry his daughter. Elizabeth absolutely hated Thomas and thought he was the evil of all evils.
When Martha threatened to elope, Elizabeth decided to disown her instead. Her siblings never forgave this.
By the time she was murdered, Nathan was in self-exile and both Philip and Jacob were out of state. Philip took legal guardianship of Bruce for a week before Alfred Pennyworth took over bc Philip just isn't a fatherly type.
Simon Mordecai Kane (non-canon)
the youngest Kane. 4 yrs younger than Martha.
Too young to bond with any of his siblings, but he actually loved his parents deeply.
He followed Martha around at a young age, idolizing her tough spirit and confidence.
He was separated from his siblings before they could really get to know him, as he was sent to a boarding school.
When he was 19, he had Bette by accident when he got the daughter of a businessman pregnant. She sent Bette to him as an infant to raise.
Bette's full name, Mary Elizabeth, is completely in loving reference to her grandmother.
At Gotham University, he studied architecture and contributed to Gotham's skyline and various other buildings later on. Bette was always with him in lectures and in his office.
A closeted and heavily repressed homosexual, he never married - which his mother resented.
As a young adult, he was well-adjusted and was a loving parent to Bette. He re-kindled a sibling relationship with Martha and a friendship with Kathy Webb-Kane, becoming close to both women.
He had a dangerous romance with the scion of an old, wealthy assassin organization - which may or may not have contributed to his death.
At 28, he died in a particularly fire-filled car crash on the Kane bridge. Bette was with him, but she wasn't mortally injured as he managed to get her out of the car before it exploded. (She was 9 years old.) By this time, Bruce was already 26 and Kate was 25.
As per his will, Kathy Webb-Kane adopted Bette and raised her up until she was 15.
That finishes it. If anyone has any Kane family headcanons or comic references that might change this, pls tag/comment!
A good majority of this will not make it into the fic as text, but there will be references.
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awardseason · 1 year
10th Annual Make-Up Artists & Hair Stylists Guild Awards — Film Winners
Best Contemporary Make-Up “The Batman” (Naomi Donne, Doone Forsyth, Norma Webb, Jemma Carballo) “Everything Everywhere All At Once” (Michelle Chung, Erin Rosenmann, Dania A. Ridgway) — WINNER “The Menu” (Deborah LaMia Denaver, Mazena Puksto, Donna Cicatelli, Deb Rutherford) “Nope” (Shutchai Tym Buacharern, Jennifer Zide-Essex, Eleanor Sabaduquia, Kato De Stefan) “Spirited” (Monica Huppert, Autumn J. Butler, Vivian Baker)
Best Period and/or Character Make-Up “Amsterdam” (Nana Fischer, Miho Suzuki, Jason Collins) “Babylon” (Heba Thorisdottir, Shaunna Bren Chavez, Jean Black, Mandy Artusato) “Blonde” (Tina Roesler Kerwin, Elena Arroy, Cassie Lyons) “Elvis” (Shane Thomas, Angela Conte) — WINNER “Till” (Denise Tunnell, Janice Tunnell, Ashley Langston)
Best Special Make-Up Effects “The Batman” (Michael Marino, Mike Fontaine, Yoichi Art Sakamoto, Göran Lundström) “Black Panther: Wakanda Forever” (Joel Harlow, Kim Felix) “Elvis” (Mark Coulier, Jason Baird) “Roald Dahl’s Matilda the Musical” (Barrie Gower, Emma Faulkes, Chloe Muton-Phillips) “The Whale” (Adrien Morot, Kathy Tse, Chris Gallaher) — WINNER
Best Contemporary Hair Styling “The Batman” (Zoe Tahir, Melissa Van Tongeran, Paula Price, Andrea Lance Jones) “Black Panther: Wakanda Forever” (Camille Friend, Evelyn Feliciano, Marva Stokes, Victor Paz) — WINNER “Everything Everywhere All At Once” (Anissa E. Salazar, Meghan Heaney, Miki Caporusso) “Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery” (Jeremy Woodhead, Tracey Smith, Leslie D. Bennett) “The Menu” (Adruitha Lee, Monique Hyman, Kate Loftis, Barbara Sanders)
Best Period Hair Styling and/or Character Hair Styling “Amsterdam” (Adruitha Lee, Lori McCoy-Bell, Cassandra L. Russek, Yvette Shelton) “Babylon” (Jaime Leigh McIntosh, Ahou Mofid, Aubrey Marie) “Blonde” (Jaime Leigh McIntosh, Lynnae Duley, Ahou Mofid, Robert Pickens) “Elvis” (Shane Thomas, Louise Coulston) — WINNER “The Woman King” (Louisa Anthony, Jamika Wilson, Plaxedes Kelias, Charity Gwakuka)
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grotesquelly · 7 months
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dctable · 2 years
Batman Timeline First Events Differences
The Golden Age
Bruce was a bored socialite who bought a Manor and its adjacent barn for his base of operation, friend of white haired Commissioner Gordon who investigates vigilante Bat-Man whose first enemies are Dr. Death and Hugo Strange, fiancée of black haired Julie Madison who's targeted by vampire Monk and Dala, then left for Hollywood since Bruce can't get committed, after being targeted by jealous silent film actor Basil Karlo who became Clayface, after he became Dick's guardian, faced The Cat and The Joker
The Silver Age
After losing his parents Bruce was raised by Uncle Philip Wayne and caretaker Mrs. Chilton, Joe Chill's mother seeking redemption, until he's old enough to go training
The Bronze Age
Following his parents death Bruce was comforted by socialite Leslie Thompkins who he considers mother, Bruce became Dick's guardian at approximately age 20, Bruce age 28 fell in love with Talia, age 19, who Dick, age 18, hate, because Ra's shot and kidnap him from Hudson University as a test, Dick had a crush on Babsgirl but didn't go anywhere since she's 25, Catwoman's trying to go legit to impress Batman but jealous of Batgirl
The New Age
Bruce fell into the cave at age 4, raised by Alfred after his parents died at age 8, began traveling the world at age 13, return at age 25, allied himself with Harvey Dent and Lieutenant Jim Gordon, rescued his baby son, chased after Red Hood into a vat of acid, faced The Joker and Hugo Strange, worked together with Joe Chill to track down The Reaper, strapped himself with a bomb so Superman will work with him to capture Magpie since he doesn't trust him, and became 10 year old Dick Grayson's guardian after a court battle following his parents death the day he met 3 year old Tim Drake
The Dark Age
Same as before but he also faced The Monk, Hugo Strange and his Monster Men, broke up with red haired Julie Madison after she found out his identity and that he indirectly caused her father's death, faced Riddler, Penguin and Poison Ivy, worked together to capture woman-killer Catman, tracked down The Holiday Killer, lost Harvey Dent to Two-Face, became Dick's guardian
The Modern Age
Same as before but he has a childhood friend Tommy Elliot, strapped himself with a bomb to make Superman worked together with him but he found out immediately, Dick was 12 when he became his guardian, trained him for 6 months plus The Gauntlet, fired him when he disobeys, then rehired him
The Miller Continuity
Same as New Age but he was abusive towards Dick, age 12, which attracted the attention of the Justice League and Hal Jordan, who Dick almost killed, meanwhile Black Canary is horny for Batman, and Barbara became Batgirl age 15
The Morrison Age
Bruce was sent by Omega Sanction to prehistoric time and met Anthro The Caveman's family, starting the tribe of the Bat, time jumped to Puritan time and Blackbeard time, Thomas Hurt Wayne summoned Barbatos and became immortal, Kathy Webb married Martha Kane's brother and inherited his fortune after he died, Bruce arrived in the time after his parents died before jumping forward again, Batman's depressed life became colorful when he adopted Dick and he became Robin, but weirdly the villains started to become comedic too, black haired Julie broke up by letter because Bruce kept busy being a vigilante, Dr. Hurt monitored Batman's psyche
The Didio Age
Toddler Bruce lost his unborn baby brother in a car accident orchestrated by The Court of Owls, fell into the cave while testing a new Wayne Tech that ended up recording the cave interior and bat inhabitants, investigated The Court of Owls following his parents death, raised by Alfred, expelled from Gotham Academy, considering lobotomizing himself to escape his trauma, left Gotham after graduating high school, return at age 25, faced Red Hood Gang, at the same time Oliver Queen return from that island, The Riddler and Dr. Death, worked with Lieutenant Jim Gordon and Lucius Fox, met 10 year old Duke Thomas, avoided red head Julie Madison to commit on Gotham, Talia al Ghul tracked down The Untitled to Gotham and trained Jason Todd, adopted Dick Grayson, age 16, right from under The Court of Owls watch, went to Apokolips to rescue Superman, faced Darkseid, and formed the Justice League
The Rebirth Age
Bruce cut himself following his parents death before deciding to avenge their death, Jacob Kane blamed Thomas for his sister's death, Kate Kane was kidnapped and rescued, Gabi and Elizabeth died, Jacob was hired to track down The Court of Owls and The League of Shadows, 25 year old Bruce met Selina and Holly on the street, faced The Riddler's Zero Year, met Duke Thomas, adopted Dick Grayson, age 10-12, who was unknowingly groomed by The Court of Owls, captured The Cat on the boat with Dick, then moderated The War of Jokes and Riddles, causing Kite-Man's trauma
The Infinite Age
25 year old Bruce met Selina and Holly on the street, got stabbed, went home, and decided to become a Bat, later he adopted Dick Grayson, who was unknowingly groomed by The Court of Owls, who lost his parents because his father was protecting and fell in love with Tony Zucco's mail order bride, from which union born Melinda Zucco
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ulkaralakbarova · 3 months
Both dumped by their girlfriends, two best friends seek refuge in the local mall. Eventually, they decide to try and win back their significant others and take care of their respective nemeses. Credits: TheMovieDb. Film Cast: Rene: Shannen Doherty T.S. Quint: Jeremy London Brodie: Jason Lee Brandi: Claire Forlani Shannon: Ben Affleck Gwen: Joey Lauren Adams Tricia: Renée Humphrey Silent Bob: Kevin Smith Jay: Jason Mewes Willam: Ethan Suplee Stan Lee: Stan Lee Ivannah: Priscilla Barnes Svenning: Michael Rooker La Fours: Sven-Ole Thorsen Security Guard: Carol Banker Arresting Cop #2: Steven Blackwell Pull Toy Kid: Kyle Boe TV Executive #1: David Brinkley Fan Boy: Walt Flanagan Guy Contestant #1: Ethan Flower Girl with Easter Bunny: Chelsea Frye TV Executive #2 – Bentley Garrison: Jeff Gadbois Guy Contestant #2: Ed Hapstak Cop #1: Terry Hempleman Game Show Host: Art James Steve Dave: Bryan Johnson Child at Kiosk #2: Mikey Kovar Fan at Comic Store: David Klein Roddy: Scott Mosier Saleslady at Lingerie Store: Crystal Muirhead-Manik Kid at Poster Kiosk: Tyson Nassauer Gill: Brian O’Halloran Passerby in Parking Lot: Aaron Preusse Child at Kiosk #1: Britt Swenson Teacher: Mary Woolever Team La Fours: Brad Fox Team La Fours: Gino Gori Team La Fours: Zach Perkins Team La Fours: Brad Giddings Team La Fours: Bryce Mack Team La Fours: Christopher O’Larkin Audience Member (uncredited): Earl R. Burt Shopper (uncredited): Tammara Melloy Screaming Girl in Audience (uncredited): Rachel Oliva Shoobie Shake Girl (uncredited): Jessica Sibinski Comic Book Fan (uncredited): Joel Thingvall Film Crew: Supervising Sound Editor: Richard LeGrand Jr. Producer: Sean Daniel Producer: James Jacks Thanks: John Hughes Supervising Music Editor: J.J. George Casting: Don Phillips Writer: Kevin Smith Stunts: Phil Chong Producer: Scott Mosier Stunts: Sven-Ole Thorsen Stunt Coordinator: Robert Apisa Director of Photography: David Klein Original Music Composer: Ira Newborn Editor: Paul Dixon Production Design: Dina Lipton Executive Producer: Caldecot Chubb ADR Mixer: Alan Holly Set Decoration: Diana Stoughton Line Producer: Laura Greenlee Stunts: Chuck Zito Production Supervisor: Beth DePatie Post Production Supervisor: Terra Abroms Foley Artist: Joan Rowe Stunts: Carl Ciarfalio Sound Effects Editor: Charles Maynes ADR Editor: Bob McNabb Makeup Artist: Toni G Main Title Designer: Mike Allred Executive In Charge Of Production: Donna Smith First Assistant Director: Fernando Altschul Stunts: Eric D. Howell Casting Assistant: Ethan Flower Script Supervisor: Carol Banker Second Assistant Director: Louis Shaw Milito Sound Re-Recording Mixer: Michael C. Casper Set Costumer: Roseanne Fiedler Costume Supervisor: Dana Kay Hart Foley Artist: Diane Marshall Sound Re-Recording Mixer: Daniel J. Leahy Location Manager: Ralph B. Meyer Sound Designer: Harry E. Snodgrass Key Makeup Artist: Brigette A. Myre Foley Mixer: James Bolt Sound Editor: William Hooper Sound Recordist: Charlie Ajar Jr. Sound Editor: William Jacobs Costume Design: Dana Allyson Music Supervisor: Kathy Nelson Color Timer: Dennis McNeill Title Designer: Dan Perri Orchestrator: Don Nemitz Stunts: Jake Crawford Prosthetic Makeup Artist: Crist Ballas Supervising ADR Editor: Norval D. Crutcher III Assistant Sound Editor: Samuel Webb Negative Cutter: Gary Burritt Assistant Sound Editor: Michelle Pleis Boom Operator: Anton Herbert Production Coordinator: Lisa Bradley Music Supervisor: Jeff Saltzman First Assistant Editor: Richard J. Rossi Location Manager: Bob Medcraft Art Direction: Sue Savage Cableman: Matthew Magrattan Second Second Assistant Director: Shari Nicotero Assistant Editor: Paul Kieran Hairstylist: Sherry Heart Sound Mixer: Jose Araujo Casting Associate: Dee Dee Wehle Assistant Editor: Elisa Cohen Hair Assistant: Kristin Mosier Movie Reviews: JPV852: Only the second time seeing this (last was probably in the early 2000s on DVD) and thought it was okay but guess like others, this has grown on me. Laughed throughout even when the dialogue wasn’t the greatest, but I have an appreciation...
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ala18b-town · 5 months
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Our November Calendar Fundraiser was a hit! We raised $661 for the National Veterans Creative Arts Festival! From $1 to $121 donations, we will help Veterans enjoy a week of competition doing what they are skilled at and love! We had a total of 26 donors! Thank you for your donations: Jenny Tracy Sue Freeman Lisa Liford Janice Wampler Margaret Amos Hannah Amos Kathy Zimmerman Gary Black Twylla Webb Cherril Threte Leslie Wolfe Kim Strychalski Ellen Rinnert Penny Buttery Priscilla Cuevas Jan White Becky Kehrberg Amy Terry Mindy Kyle Kelly Lambe Vicki Swafford Jackie Farris Bobbie Krebbs Stephanie Barnes Nancy Martin Sarah Jascewsky Lori Williams GREAT WORK!!! Lori Williams Gary Black
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screamingforyears · 6 months
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@fullofhellandnothing are here w/ “LIKE STARS IN THE FIRMAMENT,” the second single from their forthcoming collab EP titled ‘When No Birds Sang’ (12/1 @closedcasketactivities) & it finds the two veteran heavyweights shedding any preconceived notions while bringing the simmered goods across 5+ mins of hypno_hazed, wistfully whispered & slow_coring DreamPop. “THRONE OF AMBER” is the second single from @harp.band’s forthcoming debut LP titled ‘Albion’ (12/1 @bella_union) & it finds former Midlake frontman Tim Smith, his wife Kathi Zung & bassist @paulalexanderaudio (along w/ a lyrical assist from William Blake) “struggling through very hard times” across 4+mins of Gothically_hued, dreamily_popped & folkishly adorned NewWave. @mountkimbie are here w/ “DUMB GUITAR,” the A/side from their recently released 7” & it finds the London-based quartet of Dominic Maker, Kai Campos, Andrea Balency-Béarn & Marc Pell beefing up their minimalist template across 5+ mins of Yucca Valley inspired, head_bobbingly grooved & spaciously textured AltPop. “END OF THE NIGHT” is the second single from @splitsystem666’s forthcoming album titled ‘Vol. 2’ (2/9 @gonerrecords @leglessrecords) & it finds the Melbourne-based quintet of Jackson Reid Briggs (vox), Arron Mawson (guitar), Ryan Webb (guitar), Deon Slaviero (bass) & Mitch McGregor (drums) bursting out the gate w/ a loaded 2:49 clip of riffed-up & gloriously garaged PunkRawk.
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project1939 · 8 months
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(The Ritz Bros, left, hosted the All Star Revue today, while a humble doctor and his wife discover something incredible in his medicine bag on Tales of Tomorrow, right.)
Day 34- TV and Radio: 
All Star Revue, “The Ritz Brothers,” May 17th, 1952. 
Tales of Tomorrow, season 1, episode 35, “Little Black Bag,” May 30th, 1952. 
Father Knows Best, “Car Troubles,” May 22nd, 1952. 
The Chase, “Newspaper Reporter After Germans in South,” May 25th, 1952. 
Edgar Bergen and Charlie McCarthy, May 25th, 1952. 
All Star Revue was hosted by the Ritz Brothers tonight. I had seen some of their stuff before in movies from the 1930s, and I remember calling them a low-rent version of the Marx Brothers. I’d still essentially stand by that, but I enjoyed this show more than I thought I would. The way they stormed around the theater live on air was fun. There were entertaining hijinks with them running through the audience and hijacking the control room. It was cool to see what the auditorium looked like. There was also a good Dragnet spoof narrated by Jack Webb! (The real star of Dragnet.) Also as I mentioned in my first post, Evelyn Knight sang a couple of songs, so overall I liked the episode. 
Father Knows Best might have been my favorite episode of the show so far. The family takes a road trip and endures car troubles, Bud’s hunger, Kathy’s missing shoe, Mom’s backseat driving, Betty’s boyfriend worries... etc. The writing team for this show is just seriously, seriously good. Every episode is structured well, and most of the jokes still land very effectively. 
Tales of Tomorrow was really enjoyable again. It was a bit of a morality tale with some futurism and magic thrown in. A broke doctor with a demanding wife pawns his medicine bag in desperation. The pawn shop owner sells him a cheap replacement, but it has a secret that might make it the most valuable bag in the world.
...And now a word from today’s best sponsor: Kellogg’s Raisin Bran! Don’t you get sick of raisin bran cereals with dry pathetic little raisins whose hearts have turned bitter and shriveled? Well worry no more! Kellogg’s pampers the shit out of their raisins! Only Kellogg’s dips them in honeycomb, keeping them deliciously plump and juicy! Why, they’re the most babied raisins in the whole world! “Just look at them and they sigh with tenderness! Just touch them and they sigh with plump pleasure!” Yes, those are direct quotes from the commercial I just saw. Clearly when the admen wrote this, they had other things on their mind! 
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 8 months
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/E076BQJ by DanaHoltzbert A quick history on Carrie Kelley aka Robin in the DC Danaverse. Words: 629, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Series: Part 9 of Summations (DC Danaverse) Fandoms: DC Comics Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: Gen Characters: Robin, Carrie Kelley, Batman, Dick Grayson, Mary Wills, Kate Kane, Bette Kane, Headmistress | Kathy Webb, Barbara Gordon read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/E076BQJ
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