#cause things like this will normally take between 3 week to 4 months T-T
angie-starz · 11 months
I seriously don't know what to call this au but I'm gonna tag it at Chrono+LOV:AU
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Introduction in that episode where twice and toga are introduced
Hari and Kai haven't seen eachother in years and this is the first time they see eachother in long time
After twice was forced to reveal his quirk, toga and hari do not approve
Nemoto forcing Chrono to reveal his quirk (and it is at this moment hari decides to have a vendetta against him)
Basic information about his quirk
Explaining his drawbacks
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nathank77 · 4 months
7:50 p.m Added to/Edited
Last blurp: I am worried that if I drug myself with 2mg of Melatonin, 25mg of Hydroxyzine and 1mg of xanax at 3:30 a.m I'll struggle to sleep bc by the time maximum effectiveness hits it'll be 6 a.m and I'll have only been up for 12 hours and 30 minutes... I shouldn't have let myself oversleep.
Maybe I'll take it at 4:30 or 4 a.m. I should pass out regardless but I mean I want to make sure. I don't want to have to take a second Hydroxyzine or one 25mg of Benadryl.... I don't want to be overly sedated. I mean I already overly sedate myself on the 1mg Xanax days cause when I see myself falling asleep at 8:30 a.m... it's like my circadian rhythm is getting worse... I got to be asleep by 7:30 the latest... I don't want my life to become more dysfunctional. I got a lot of phone calls to make and I can't be waking up at 5 p.m although I don't think that'll be a long standing issue. It's just between yesterday and today, I woke up yesterday at 4:48 and today at 5:15... also I fell asleep closer to 9 a.m both days... tomorrow I will probably wake up around 2 p.m or 3 and it should help reset everything.
I won't have another 1MG Xanax day until my t-shot next week. Everything should go back to normal tomorrow.
Beyond that I wish my family did something for memorial day. My family is so fucking dead. We have a pool and everything and we planned nothing. I'm going to get ear plugs on the 1st so I can swim. Whenever I decide to do that which won't be often but- when I want to if I don't have ear plugs I get water stuck in my ears and it drives me crazy! So I wont swim until I get them.
On Thursday after therapy I plan to watch movies with my mom. Wednesday I'll go grocery shopping if I don't tomorrow and then I'll have therapy at 7 p.m on Wednesday. I prob will wait on the gym. Once I get the oil change out of the way, my next big thing is the apple store for apple care cause of my quicktime player taking years to add videos together.
I don't want to get ahead of myself. All I have to do this month is the oil change/car wash, my t-shots, bloodwork for my thyroid, the dentist on the 11th assuming he doesn't cancel again and get the estimate on teeth sealant cause I want to move on that and then the cardiologist on the 26th. The gym is going to fit in nicely and I'll have time to game at least once or twice a week. Of course I want to move on glasses but the money makes me want to wait... I'll consider the teeth sealant Cost versus the glasses... if I could get the bad tooth done for 150$ or less tbh it's more important than my glasses...why? It's fucking BROWN in the corner and nothing gets it off. And it's significantly cheaper than glasses...
Of course I could game after therapy or something too but I care about immersion... and tv time and sleep is my only escape from this shitty hallucination. Despite that I want to game and I figure if I cut out a day or two a week I can enjoy it...
I really want to go up 3000mg of white mulberries a day but I'm waiting until the 13th of June cause it'll be a month as of that date since I went to 2000mg and it has been well tolerated...
I got to get cbd on June 1st which I'm not happy about but I said I'd give it to June 26th at least 2 months on 100mg... I may give it to July 26th cause I feel the need to up my white mulberries. They really do seem to work as an antipsychotic.
I also got to call about disability a few times this month so I can either keep my appt in July or reschedule it depending on my dad cause I want my backpay as soon as possible but another worthless phone appt to accomplish nothing makes no sense. So I should call prob every week until I hear he is receiving disability and cancel/reschedule depending on that.
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alltoolewis · 2 years
Can you write something where You and Mason have been trying to get pregnant and when you finally think you are, you end up having your period and Mason tries to comfort you because you try blaming it all on yourself
No Matter What- Mason Mount ✨
Mount Monday!!! Thank you so much for requesting lovely, I love this idea so much. Hope you all enjoy it & thank you for all the love recently it means so much (Sorry it's not the best) 🤍
Warning! Negative pregnancy, unable to get pregnant
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From the very first night, you met Mason, you knew you wanted everything with him. Some people may think that it's extreme but you didn't care, he was everything you had been searching for and more. And as your relationship went on the feeling only got stronger every moment you spent together, so when 3 years passed and he got down on one knee in Mykonos, both of your families present, you didn't hesitate to say yes! This leads you to now... newly married with love of your life, living in a house you could only dream about as you both had your dream jobs, but something still felt like it was missing...
"I want a baby..." Mason sighed in your hair, hugging you closer to him as you laid on top of him listening to his heartbeat, your body froze as the words left his mouth "Huh?" "I want a baby." He repeated without hesitation "Just think about it... were happily married, live in this huge house which constantly feels bare. Imagine a little me or you running around here, calling us mummy & daddy" You could hear the smile in his voice as he continued to reminisce on his little fantasy "Bringing them to the matches and letting them bond with all the other children... seeing me lift trophies and there Mumma kill it with her own job. It would be a dream..."
It was that moment when you realized what was missing. Your eyes grew watery as the thought of you and Mason not being alone and having responsibility for someone else ran through your head. "Okay..." You whispered, not having the energy to speak any louder "Let's do it" Mason shot up at your words, taking you with him as you sat in his laps "Really!" He smiled, tucking a piece of hair out of your face "Cause if your not we can wait a little longer, I don't want to force you into everything..."
Pushing back down on the bed, you straddled his waist. Leaning down to peck his lips in between words "I. want. this." You mumbled against his lips, hands already grabbing the hem of his shirt "I want a baby with you." Mason couldn't help but smile at your words, letting out a happy laugh he pulled you down to him flipping you over so he was on top.
"I love you so much..." He whispered removing your T-shirt "I can't wait for this next chapter with you!"
"I love you more" You gushed, pecking his lips softly "You're going to be the best daddy in the world.."
That night was 11 months ago, and after many more tries, there was still no sign of mini mount's arrival. Although you both tried your best to remain positive, deep down you couldn't help but feel deflated. Friends and family told you that it can take a while and you weren't expecting to fall pregnant straight away. But your heart didn't know how many more negative pregnancy tests and rushed quickies it could take. You knew it wasn't you or Mason as you both got tested just before you started trying however every time the little negative sign comes up you can't help but think it is all your fault... why wasn't it happening?
But for the last week, you started to get your hopes up, your body felt weirder than normal and you couldn't put your finger on it. It just didn't feel right. You were starting to feel sick in the morning and your boobs began to feel sorer. But the one thing that was raising faith the most was your period being late by 4 days...
You wanted to take a test badly but you didn't want to be disappointed, so you held back the feeling as best as you can, resisting the urge to go tell Mason not wanting to get his hopes up as well. He had been so strong throughout the whole thing despite his own sadness and disappointment, you didn't want to give him false hope.
You and Mason were spending the night cuddling on the sofa when it happened... the thing you had been dreading.
The second you felt the cramp in your tummy, your heart dropped. "I'll be right back..." You forced a smile to Mason, pecking his cheek before hopping off the couch hoping that he didn't notice the tears running down your cheeks. Making your way into the bathroom, you shut the door behind you, pulling out your period box as you already knew what to expect... and to your despair, you were right...
With clouded eyes, you sorted yourself out before sliding against the marbled walls. You didn't care at the moment as the tears and sobs escaped your body, your head tucked into your knees. You knew you shouldn't have gotten your hopes up and that it was your own fault for not taking the test before but truthfully you were scared... scared of this exact moment happening again.
Mason started to get worried as the minutes passed. "(Y/n)?" He called, running up the stairs straight to the bathroom as he knocked on the door "Sweetheart are you okay in there?" Putting his head against the door, his body froze as he heard your sobs. Without hesitation he pulled open the door, heart only breaking more at the sight in front of him... Your eyes were puffy and red, mascara tears running down your cheeks as your body shook with every sob. He had an idea what had happened but seeing the little box on the counter only confirmed it for him.
"Oh, sweetheart..." He sighed, tears coming into his own eyes as you looked up at him. "I am so sorry Mase" You cried, shaking your head "This is all my fault..."
Mason dropped down in front of you, immediately pulling you into his arms as your tears soaked his shirt. Your legs wrapped around his waist as he sat there on the cold floor with you "Baby what are you on about?" He cooed, lifting his head up to wipe away the tears "None of this your fault okay? It just isn't our time yet..."
Shaking your head rapidly you continued to let the tears fall "No.." You muttered to yourself "No... this is my fault. It's my body. I should be able to have a baby by now, we have tried so many times and I still can't do it.." Holding your cheeks in his palms, he pronounced his words softly and clearly "Baby, You have been tested... this is not your fault. If it makes you feel better we can get tested again but I promise you this is nothing to do with your body"
"Why do you even love me?" You asked, putting your hands over your face as you sobbed into your hands "I can't even make a baby for god sake! I thought this was it, Mase... I thought I had the symptoms, I really thought we did it.... How can you love me?" His heart shattered as he listened to your cries, only holding your tighter as your whimpers and questions echoed through the room "You listen to me right now..." He sniffled, trying to stop his own tears from falling "No matter what... no matter when or if we have a baby" Lifting your head from his chest, he pecked your lips gently "I will always love you..."
"Why?" You asked, voice shaky as you tried to stop the tears.
"Because you're my everything.." He smiled, intertwining your hands "See those rings on our hands?" He asked, looking down at your entwined hands, both of your rings glistening in the bathroom light "I made a promise that day that I will love you for better or for worst. Right now darling is our worst... but any day now we are going to get back to the best but we must stick together okay? No more hiding things or keeping these feelings to yourself. We are a team" Pecking your lips, he smiled "We are the mounts... and besides if there is anyone to blame for it's me. I mean it's my swimmers that are not making it in time!"
You couldn't help but giggle at his silly joke, causing Mason to smile pushing his forehead against yours "I love you (y/n)… & when we have our baby I will love them just as much. But right now we need to focus on ourselves okay?"
"Were not trying anymore?" You mumbled, heart sinking at the suggesion.
"I don't mean that honey..." Mason sighed, pecking your forehead "I just think we should stop putting so much pressure on ourselves. When it happens it happens. But right now I just want to enjoy making love to my wife without the pressure of it all. I want our babies to be made out of love not pressure and meaningless quickies... although I do enjoy them!" He quickly added, making a small smile appear on your lips "It's killing me to see you break apart like this & I know you're tired of it all too. So how about we just go back to being newlyweds having fun without protection yeah? and when mini mount wants to make an appearance we'll greet them with open arms and a whole bunch of love. But right now I want to give that all to you for however long that takes... how does that sound eh?"
Giving him a teary smile you nodded, dropping your head into the crook of his neck "I like the sound of that.." You sighed, feeling a rush of relief at the idea of not being under as much stress "I love you so much Mase" You mumbled against his neck, your message passing straight to his heart as butterflies erupted in his stomach like the first time you said it "Thank you for being my rock, I don't know what I'd do without you.."
"You never have to know.." He whispered into your hair, leaving small traces on your back "I'll love you till the very end darling... No matter what..."
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jasgirl-creations · 3 years
"Thank you Jas, I really appreciate this," Amy managed to gasp out, as if Jasmine was doing her a favour as simple as making lunch. The casual whine of gratitude was made even more ridiculous by the position that Amy had contorted herself into on her soft pink bed; lying on her back with her head on the pillows, folded over so that her toned ass was in the air and her knees by her flushed face.
"I know Ames, I know..." replied Jas, almost wearily. She really had just wanted to read her book to destress after the day. Jasmine loved her sister dearly, but still, having to fuck her into a temporary coma multiple times a day was tiring. By the time Jas reached Amy's bed her cock was fully hard, over 12 inches of throbbing meat that already had a pearly bead of pre-cum glistening at the top.
Amy licked her lips needily as she watched her sister wrestle with the thing, having to wrap both hands around it in order to roll a bubblegum coloured condom down the wrist thick monster. Not that Amy considered her sister monstrous. She was beautiful, and wonderful, not just because the two were identical twins. The fact that Jas had a cock was just something the two girls accepted growing up together, but in the last year it had grown massively at the same time as Jas had put on weight.
The bed creaked as the heavier twin climbed on top of it, resting her hands on the splayed legs of her groaning sister while Amy still worked the obscene toy in and out of herself. A month ago the wet, sloshing sound of her sister methodically wrecking her holes would have made Jas flee the house, now it was just constant background noise like the wind or the sea.
"Alright, this is the last time today, okay Ames?" Jasmine had already said this twice today, and each time Amy simply nodded with her cute, needy eyes. Jas swatted away Amy's hands and gripped the base of the toy herself, tugging the heavy lump of plastic and causing Amy to moan whorishly as it came slowly out. Jas' veiny girlcock twitched at the sound, the sight of her skinny little twin sister undeniably slutty and hot.
With a last tug the toy popped free, revealing a hungry gaping chasm where Amy's formerly tight little hole had been.
"Ready sis?" Asked Jas,  a small smirk on her face that she couldn't hold back anymore.
(parts 3 and 4) Jas positioned herself between her sister's legs, hands on her thighs, her cock pressed against Amy's obscenely gaping hole. It was almost funny to remember how Amy had begged her for days... a full week... before their first time. Jas had never wanted to fuck her sister, even though she had fantasized about other girls all through school. Her twin sister was just... her sister! Her mirror image and constant companion. But the drugs had changed everything. Amy had been prescribed something new for her crippling depression, and the side effects had been more intense than anyone could have predicted. The doctor had warned their parents that Amy's sex drive would likely increase, and that she'd probably be masturbating a little more than usual. Their parents had in turn warned Jas, and explained that because the twins shared a bedroom Jasmine would just have to put up with her sister's new need to self pleasure. Of course, Jas would never complain. She new her sister had been suffering, and if having to deal with a horny room mate was the cost of having a happy and healthy sister, Jas could put up with it. But it was SO MUCH worse than anyone expected. Amy was horny beyond control. Nearly out of her mind with need. She masturbated at every opportunity, and after the first few days she didn't even try to hide it! Their parents turned a blind eye and pretended everything was normal, but they also started staying later at work and taking trips away from home on the weekend. Finally, they announced they'd be going on vacation for at least a few months, leaving the girls t home alone. Anything to get away from their ravenously horny daughter so they could pretend like everything was just the way it had always been. It had only taken a week for Amy to convince her sister to fuck her. A week that started with suggestive jokes and cute flirting and slowly progressed to bargaining, pleading and finally desperate begging. Jas tried not to give in. She didn't WANT to have sex with her sister. But the constant smell of hot cunt, the wet sounds of that enormous dildo sliding in and out of her sister's lubed holes, the incessant moaning. God, the moaning! Jas tried so hard to ignore it all. But despite her best intentions she found herself watching her sister masturbate. It was impossible not too. And once Amy knew she had her sister's attention, she went out of her way to do it right in front of Jas. When Jas came out of trh shower, Amy would be sitting on the toilet pleasuring herself. As Jas worked on homework, Amy would be at their shared desk next to her, watching porn on her matching laptop. If Jas was trying to relax and text with her friends, Amy would cuddle up next to her right on the bed and fuck herself to a shuddering orgasm. And most especially any time Jas tried to masturbate, Amy was RIGHT THERE! By the end of that first week Jas was walking around the house with a permanent erection that she could barely control. Of course, their parents pretended not to notice. When Jas finally gave in to her sister's begging she fucked her twin so hard that they both passed out. She bent Amy over the living room couch and forced all 12 inches of her swollen cock into her sister's needy pussy. Amy gasped and moaned as Jas hammered away, working out a week of frustrated arousal. Jas had hoped that their first time would be their only time, but Amy was insatiable. And the truth was, Jas could no longer help herself. Now that she had given in, her cock wanted her sister's cunt. And so that second week had been a marathon of raw hungry sex, with Jas flooding her twin's cunt, ass and mouth over and over. But Amy really couldn't get enough, and even though her sister was fucking her several times a day, she was never satisfied for long. Meanwhile, Jas was quickly growing exhausted and annoyed. Fucking her sister had turned into a chore! Still, even if it had become a chore, Amy's constant arousal had worn off on her sister. Jas' huge cock was rock hard as she slowly pushed it into her twin's gaping cunt. Right
now her only goal was to fuck her sister into absolute exhaustion so she could FINALLY have a few hours to herself!
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Do you know of any fics that have John at the Surgery in them? It wasn't really explored in the show so... it can be just like one scene within a larger fic, but I haven't been able to find any fics with this. TIA
Hey Lovely!
Ahhhh you know, I have a lot of fics where he’s at the surgery, but I’ll be damned if I can remember them all!!! Here’re the ones I do remember! <3 Please add your own fics, my friends, if your fic is in the Surgery!
See Also: 
Hospital Fics
Hospitals Pt 2
Doctor / Caretaker John 
Doctor / Caretaker John Pt. 2 
Doctor / Caretaker John Pt. 3 
Doctor / Caretaker John Pt. 4
Excerpts from Purgatory by reapersun, what_alchemy (E, 5,829 w., 1 Ch. || Post-TRF, Doctor John, Reunion Fic, Rough Sex, Angry Sex, Bottomlock, Fic with Pics)  – John serves community service in homeless shelters for chinning the superintendent. Unbeknownst to him, the Homeless Network has his back.
The doctor is in by PlainJane (E, 7,581 w., 1 Ch. || Omegaverse || Sex Therapist, Anal, Hand Jobs, Frottage, Virgin Sherlock) – Sherlock is a young alpha with an aversion to his cycle. John is a gender medicine specialist. Nothing could possibly go wrong... Part 1 of Doctors and detectives
The Acronym by DancingGrimm (T, 15,057 w., 12 Ch. || Humour) – "'Bee Ay Em Eff'. Hm, that's a new one on me. Do you know what it means, Sherlock?" John might not know what it means, but there are many little ways in which he proves the acronym suits him.
The Midas Touch by flawedamythyst (E, 32,231 w., 1 Ch. || Magical Realism, John has a Magical Cock, Dub Con, Healer John) – John Watson has a medical condition that means everyone he sleeps with is instantly healed of all illness and injury. This causes complications when Sherlock breaks his arm, and even more complications when Sherlock falls in love with him. Yes, this is a story where John has a literal magic healing cock. It's a lot less cracky than you're probably imagining. Warning: Contains complex issues of sexual consent, although not between Sherlock and John.
A Week is Just Seven Days Isn't It? by scifigrl47 (T, 39,906 w., 4 Ch. || Humour, Friendship/Bromance, Stroppy/Bored Sherlock, Undercover/Army John, Texting, Pining-ish Sherlock, John Whump) – When John heads overseas for a week, Sherlock's forced to fend for himself. It goes about as well as anyone could have anticipated. Which is to say, very, very poorly. Don't worry, things'll be fine in just seven days.
The Hollow Woman by ScopesMonkey (M, 51,335 w., 22 Ch. || Post-TRF, Major Character Death, Mystery, Romance, Friendship, Family, Angst, Crime, Reunion, First Kiss / Time, Nightmares, Doctor John, Jealous Sherlock, Jealous John, BAMF John, Angry John, Dub-Con, Rough Sex, Bottomlock, Possessive John, Villain Mary, Open Ending) – Forced to return to London sooner than expected, Sherlock falls into a case too close to home. Part 1 of the Hollowverse series
Gold Rush by ShirleyCarlton (E, 71,783 w., 17 Ch. || Post S3 / No Mary, Friends to Lovers, Mentions of Past Sexual Abuse, First Kiss, Case Fic, Slow Burn, Alternating POV, Switchlock, Angst with Happy Ending, Marriage Proposal, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Abduction, Anxious/Insecure Sherlock, Miscommunication, Emotional Lovemaking) – John has divorced Mary and pops round to 221B one evening to find Sherlock in the middle of a case. As Sherlock tries to find the identity of a young woman’s stalker, John realises he can no longer deny his feelings for Sherlock – which then, to their befuddlement, turn out to be mutual. Shy kisses and tentative embraces ensue. But will Sherlock be able to cast off a shadow from his past that he thinks might prevent John from wanting to stay?
Kintsukuroi by sussexbound (E, 91,823 w., 20 Ch. || S4 Compliant / Post-TLD, Grief / Mourning, PTSD, Internalized Homophobia, Therapy, Past Abuse, Alcohol Abuse, Nightmares, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Depression, Anxiety, Bed Sharing, Love Confessions, Cuddling, Suicidal Ideation, Masturbation, Minor Character Death, Sexting, Frottage, Inexperienced Sherlock, Rimming / Anal / BJ’s, Emotional Turmoil, Finding Each Other) – “I love you.” Sherlock sees the words hit John with almost physical force. He reels back a little, jaw twitching and eyes filling. “I love you,” he repeats, a little softer, a little more gentle, as earnest as he possibly can. Because they’ve been teetering on the brink of this thing for years, and it had become painfully obvious over the last few months that they were at a tipping point. This had to happen. Now it has. Now they can see where they end up. The tears in John’s eyes spill over, and he wipes at them angrily. “Do you even know what that means?”  
Against the Rest of the World by SilentAuror (E, 151,714 w., 20 Ch. || PODFIC AVAILABLE || Post-TRF, Hiatus Fic, POV First Person Sherlock, Present Tense, First Kiss/Time, Big Brother Mycroft, Escaping from Capture, Soft Sherlock, Toplock, Insecurity, Infidelity, Travelling, Introspection, Pining Sherlock, Depression, Fantasies, Yearning for the Past, PTSD Sherlock, Suicidal Ideation) – Sherlock has been away from London for nine hundred and twelve days and counting, and has no idea what sort of reception to expect when he finally returns.
The Quiet Man by ivyblossom (E, 157,369 w., 58 Ch. || Post-TRF, John First POV, Grief/Mourning, Angst, Present Tense, Imaginary Sherlock) – "Do you just carry on talking when I'm away?"
MARKED FOR LATER (tagged with “Surgery”)
Milk, the Flu, and Harry by Inactive Account (sassybleu) (M, 1,609 w., 1 Ch. || Insecure Sherlock, Understanding John, Angst with Happy Ending, Sherlock’s Called ‘Freak’) – John leaves Sherlock for a few days (angsty) John says things he doesn’t mean (“you’re a freak”) Sherlock thinks he deserves it (he’s insecure) and packs John’s bags for him while he’s gone. John is to blame (bad day at surgery-Sherlock being Sherlock; he’s frustrated and snaps)
Inhale With Ease by Vulpesmellifera (E, 25,989 w., 8 Ch. || S4 Divergence, Covid-19/Quarantine, Jealous John, Love Letters, Victor Trevor, Divorce, Angst with Happy Ending) – In the years after Vivian Norbury's capture, life seems to work out just as John planned. He's got that respectable job at the surgery and goes home to his wife and child. He joins Sherlock on cases a couple times per week. It's a rhythm he can live with - just enough adrenaline highs to balance out the drudgery of a normal bloke's life. Until a pandemic, and Victor Trevor, arrive in London.
Turned - Part I : Queen and Country by saintscully (E, 76,008 w., 20 Ch. || HLV Divergence / No TAB, Graphic Sherlock/OC, Spy Sherlock, PTSD, Internalized Homophobia, Army Homophobia, Emotional Infidelity, Physical Infidelity, Slow Burn, Emotional Manipulation, Eventual Johnlock) – Moriarty’s message never gets broadcasted. The airplane taking Sherlock away never returns.As rumours begin to swirl about a British POW found alive in Gaza ten months later, Mycroft shows up at John’s surgery with some good news: Sherlock is alive, and he’s coming back. In this story, inspired by ‘Homeland’ and ‘Prisoners of War’, John and Sherlock are left with no choice but to re-examine everything about their relationship since Sherlock’s fall. Part 1 of the Turned series
You Go To My Head Series by 7PercentSolution and J_Baillier (E, 937,347+ w. across 22 Stories || Series WiP || Surgeon AU || Medical Realism, Autism Spectrum, Anaesthetist John / Neurosurgeon Sherlock, Friends to Lovers, Pining, Addiction, Angst, Slow Burn, PTSD, Pining, Insecurity, Additional Tags Under Link) – This series is an alternate universe one, featuring the exciting medical and romantic adventures of doctors Watson and Holmes. (I haven’t read this one, but JUDGING by the topic of these stories, I imagine there’s a lot of surgery scenes lol)
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keilemlucent · 4 years
lavender latte: iv
(T (for now!))
hawks | takami keigo x reader
chapter 1   ||   chapter 2  ||  chapter 3  ||  chapter 5  ||
word count: 7.7k
sucks when things go south, huh. 
warnings: description of bodily injury, blood, mild? gore (it’s just describing injury), description of overstimulation, capital h and c hurt/comfort
chapter 4 :’^) thank u for all of the love so far. i appreciate. every. single. one of. u. bottom of my lil rat heart.
this chapter was nearly split, but giving y’all a cliffhanger seemed mean  
this the turning point and set up for the rest of the story so buckle up and enjoy ;^)
Things between you and Hawks didn’t change too much, not externally anyways. Both of you still continued to indulge your feelings, even if you desperately tried to ignore them. 
You continued to honestly spoil Hawks in lavish drinks of many sensations. Truthfully, you loved nothing more than seeing his face as he sipped at your new creations, watching the curiosity and pleasure spread over his features made your heart soar in your chest.
And Keigo continued to bask in your company. The drinks were always amazing, but the chatter and discourse between the two of you was what he loved most. Or, maybe it was his learning of you through watching your small gestures and cues. His analytical, interpersonal skills were, for once, being put to a use that didn’t involve espionage or deception.
It felt cleansing.
Despite these quietly greedy interactions, there was a great deal of repression between the two of you. Aimless flirting aside, squishing any growing feelings caused you both a great deal of strain. It worked, avoidance, for a while anyway. It wasn’t without consequences, but they wouldn’t get nasty until later.
 One of the most apparent tolls was Keigo’s physical state. Having to actively ignore and quash his feelings for you caused such a deep amount of emotional turmoil. It made him ache all over. This was in addition to an asinine amount of extra hours he was spending staking out the villain syndicate that was indeed in the neighborhood of the tea shop. 
(He wouldn’t admit it, but he was being overly diligent in scouting out the organization's doings. They were very close to you and your home, and the thought of you getting caught up in anything to do with his profession fucked him up on-premise alone.) 
The combination of both physical and mental exertion made him messier than ever. It physically clouded him a lot of the time. Exhaustion had well and truly seized nipping at his ankles and proceeded to fully rip a chunk from his skull.
Keigo had yet another long day, dawn until at least midnight, no matter his aching body.
He’d be listening in on out some sort of meeting between the villain syndicate and one of its allies, some more reclusive group of villains from the far-off mountains. Neither organization was particularly noteworthy, but they did have some nasty criminal connection that needed to be monitored. That meant a late night for Keigo and an even greater need for caffeine. 
He paid you a visit in the early morning. 
 The moment Hawks came through the door, you lit up, beaming from behind the counter.  
The shop was empty, just having opened a few minutes before he appeared. The only sounds were the hum coffee machines, quiet music, and the tapping of your own tinkerings. Normally, there’d be more bustle, but you were alone in the din of the shop. 
“Hey, angel,” He flashed you a winning smile, sliding down into his usual stool and propping his elbows on the counter. “Where’s the calvary?”
“Oh, the other openers?” You jerked your thumb to the door. “Running late. They all stayed up late working on a project for school, so I took one for the team and am manning the ship alone for this first bit.”
You sighed, looking quite tired yourself.
There was mutual recognition of your twin state, though it wasn’t verbally regarded in any way. 
Hawks was far better at hiding his poor health from you, but that didn’t stop you from seeing the pinholes in his facade. You’d gotten better at it with time. 
“What can I get you today, Hawks? Inspire me.” You set the glass on the counter between the two of you, gesturing to the expanse of the coffeeshop. “It’s just you and me today, so I can go all out.”
“You don’t already?” Hawks chuckled, running a hand through his hair with a sigh.
“I try,” You shrugged. “I really do my best work for you, whether you’re a glorified guinea pig or not. Gotta serve up the best for my best customer.”
On any normal, Hawks would’ve bantered right back at you, keeping you on your toes with quick words and wit.
That day?
He just laughed, something weirdly neutral, almost off-putting because you knew it was manufactured. 
You opened your mouth, brows furrowing. You wanted nothing more than to ask ‘hey, are you alright?’. 
But, that would’ve broken some of your own, mentally-imposed boundaries. It hurt, to just laugh with him, but it was all you would let yourself do. 
“So,” You broke the air with words as opposed to giggles. “What would you like?”
Hawks hummed, “Surprise me.”
“... Like, fully?”
Hawks nodded, slowly. 
 Keigo, in a movement of full vulnerability, (he told himself it would just be for a few minutes), laid his head on his folded arms, “Go wild, angel. I trust you. Make me anything you’re feeling. Wing it, no pun intended.”
 You blinked at him, nodding. His sudden, almost submissive action surprised you. Something in you ached, seeing him so worn down.
You channeled this feeling into a desire to make him top-tier drink. 
Reaching into your apron, you fished out your idea notebook. Many had been crossed off over the many weeks (months now?) that Hawks had been visiting the tea shop. You fairly consistently wrote down new ones, so there were always options, but on that day, none appealed to you.
Your gaze flickered back to Hawks, watching the soft movements of his breath through the tight fabric of the back of his shirt. 
You needed to make it extra good, help shake Hawks from his stupor. 
 You’re gonna wing it.
You’ll make a feel-good drink.
 It was your only self-imposed criteria. 
 You hadn’t ever made Hawks a drink without a concept and feeling beforehand, so the concept of not having one seemed novel.
You activated your quirk and began.
“How’s your day been?” Hawks called from behind you, words muffled.
 Keigo still didn’t look at you; resting on his arms allowed him a little bit of a reprieve before his grueling day. He’d take it. Hearing your voice would make it that much better.
 You described your day with a decent amount of detail for how much it hadn’t gotten started yet. Hamming up the detail meant more time for you to craft the drink. Your mind spun, grasping onto pre-existing, mental abstracts in your oddly calm headspace to create something tangible. 
Though your quirk was activated, you weren’t really identifying a feeling specifically, rather just letting your quirk draw from whatever material you had laying around in your brainscape at 6 AM on a weekday morning.
You pulled as many espresso shots as Hawks usually liked (maximum, five, you refused to give him more than that in a single drink), pouring them into some steamed oatmilk and several other ingredients you had mixed into a cup. You tapped some cinnamon on top of the foam, polishing everything off with a dash of sweet cream.
Carefully, you set it between the two of you. Hawks hadn’t spoken since you had begun to make the drink, so oddly silent. 
It almost made your skin itch, his lack of response. You reminded yourself with quick glances that Hawks was very obviously out of it and exhausted. You were sure that without the concealer he wore under his eyes (a secret he revealed to only you), he’d have purple circles punched from how overworked he was.
You hoped your drink would be enough to brighten up his day. 
You bit your lip as Hawks raised his head, blonde waves more unruly than normal. A small, lopsided smile stretched across his face as he sat up, grabbing the drink and bringing it closer. He had learned long ago to allow them to cool. 
 “Sorry for not being as peppy as I normally am!” It was almost imperceptible, the off-kilter tone in his voice. 
You caught it but said nothing. 
He sheepishly rubbed at the back of his head. “Been running on empty it seems, angel.”
“Then take some fuel, bird boy.” You nodded to the foamy drink. “When are you supposed to be done today?”
“Late, like late. Early morning, probably.” Hawks sighed, taking a sip.
As the liquid coated his mouth, Keigo’s mind seized.
What the fuck.
 Any and all thoughts he had disappeared. They were incinerated from his mind by the drink’s heat. 
A sun-scorching sensation like he’d never even known tore through his body. 
It was so different from the other ‘warm’-toned drinks you’d made him in the past. The flavor and feeling filling him up was nothing like the hearth-like drinks you had made prior. You had treated him to plenty of beverages that felt akin to open flame, warm blankets, a cat purring over your chest, a candle on a cold night—
But, nothing even close to this.
This was such a strong feeling that if he was a less trained man, his eyes would’ve rolled back in his head. If he’d been standing, he was sure his legs would’ve been visibly shaking, probably given out.
Sure, the feeling was abstract, not as concrete as your other drinks but it was ineffably strong. 
 It felt like the flutter you caused in his stomach, but somehow all over and inside of him.
It was the heat in his cheeks when he saw you, but reaching from his toes to the skin of his scalp. 
It was the shock in his throat when you smiled so honestly at him, now forcing his hands to twitch around the cup. 
The consuming sensation was all of that goodness and more, magnified and exponentially deeper and marvelously burning.
It was hot, fiery as it ripped through him, completely unignorable. But, it was also soft, colored with the earnestness that he admired about you so much—
 It clicked as the sensation stirred in his stomach, fluttering to a point of near nausea. 
It was you. 
 The moment he realized it, that all of that sensation was you feeling, as you had made the drink, something began to broil in the apex of his chest, rolling and all-consuming.
His mind stalled as he took it all in, taking another sip. 
The feeling washed over him again, equally as wonderfully crushing.
“Soooo,” You drawled, setting a jar next to you on the counter, beaming him a smile. “What do you think? Gimme your judgment, bird boy.”
Keigo struggled to keep his face neutral as he quickly searched yours. 
Even in his state, it was clear that there was no deception or riddle laced into the creaminess of the drink. The expectancy in your face was derived from admiration, not waiting for the punchline of an unfinished joke.
 “It’s warm! Like, in your stomach.” Hawks looked down before taking another sip, the even smile on his face not wavering for even a moment. “What is it?”
“It’s a miel,” You tapped the jar next to you, pointing at the amber goo inside. “This is some wildflower honey from the owner’s sister’s farm, right outside the city. We have a bunch of extra stuff, so there’s no better time to make a honey-based drink.” 
Hawks eyed the steam, “What goes into a ‘miel’?”
Watching Hawks’ shoulder go slack with the next chug he took, you hummed, “It’s a latte, so espresso and milk, then it has the honey in it which is what makes it a ‘miel’. Topped it with some special sweet cream, a bit of cinnamon. My extra touches in it as well, just based on my quirk.”
Hawks met your gaze, his eyes softening with what you could’ve sworn was desperation, but was quickly swallowed up but stoicism, “And what was this drink’s inspiration?” 
You laughed, shoving your hands in your apron from the typical anxiety, though the feeling itself was somewhat normal and thereby dulled, “It didn’t have one! I just winged it, like you said. My quirk was activated though, so it was just sort of the concept of what I was perceiving and feeling, I suppose.” 
There was a pause as you waited for Hawks to speak. 
He didn’t.
 Keigo stared down at the drink, then you. 
Holy fuck.
This was ambient? 
The sensation that made his toes curl and every part of him yearn to reach out to touch you and give all of himself to you—
It was unintentional?
The feeling was familiar, one that he had organically all the time when thinking of you, being with you at the teashop. It was the one that he shoved down over and over again around you, yet craved more than anything.
And here you were, unknowingly returning it to him.
You hadn’t intended it to be shared and you had no idea you even did.
Keigo was one of the most perceptive people on the planet— he knew that many of the feelings between the two of you were mutual. As much flirting as there was, a lot of it was real from both of you. 
He just didn't think it ran this far deep.
 “What... What do you think it tastes like?” You asked, that nasty rot in your gut rearing itself as Hawk’s lack of response ate at you. You turned fully to him, actually taking him in.
 Keigo did what he was so skilled at doing—
 Hawks waved his hands in front of him like he was trying to put out small flames, “Nothing bad! Promise, it’s really good! It tastes like how the coffee shop feels. Warm, comfortable. It makes sense that your quirk would reflect that.”
You breathed a sigh of relief, “Oh, good. I’m glad it's good.”
“Very good. I might have to put miels on my list of favorite drinks you’ve made me,” Hawks gave you a relaxed grin, standing and passing a wad of cash to you.
You didn’t expect him to be leaving so quickly, but he did say he was busy.
“Oh, hey, Hawks?” He perked up when you said his name, blinking at you. “I’ve got a project I’m working that I’m doing for the owner, so I’ll be here late. If you’re around, you’re welcome to come by after close if you want another drink? For your long night.”
Hawks softened for you like he so often had come to do. He fluffed up the collar of his jacket, wings ruffling up behind him, “I think I’ll take you up on that. I’ll have some ideas for you then too, how about that?”
 “Sounds lovely,” Your voice was like the honey of the drink, warm, sweet, and vibrant. “I’ll see you then, Hawks.”
“See you then, angel,” Hawks practically glowed as he walked from the door, the chime of the bell sounding with his exit. “I’ll text you when I’m close!”
 Over the course of the day, an odd feeling grew in the pitch of your stomach. You did your best to ignore it. 
You alternated between serving customers and working on the ‘project’ the owner had saddled you with. Making centerpieces for his sister’s bridal shower was not something you should’ve been doing on company time, but they were giving you a handsome sum of cash under the table for it. 
You couldn’t complain too much, other than that it was laborious. Masons jars stuffed with wired lights and frosted glasses, tied with twine and ribbons were all to be prettily arranged by your hand. 
 During the middle of the day, you went back home, spending your time between shifts catching up on sleep and making some decent food.
The odd gnawing only grew in your stomach. 
 Keigo’s long day was wearing on, though somewhat uneventfully. Most of his patrolling time was the effortless thwarting of petty crime and easy rescuing. 
He even had the time to go back to his agency and snoop.
Because, for how lame his day was, the drink you made him (which he had greedily chugged all of shortly upon leaving the tea shop) caused him to think particularly hard about your quirk.
(As opposed to the asphyxiating awareness of your shared feelings.)
 He didn’t get it.
You’d managed to perfectly create a drink that communicated complex feelings. You’d told him in the past that it could be used for any sort of feeling as well, but you were so vague beyond that. You were abstract in the same way you quirk was.
So, he decided to abuse his power a little.
He decided to actually take a lunch at the agency, munching on takeout while clicking through the HPSC’s databases.
Civilian quirks, especially those that had never attempted to pursue any sort of career with them, weren’t documented incredibly well. Maybe a few details that were used in public research projects, but not much beyond that. He had hoped he could dig and find something that would assuage his curiosity and confusion.
He tapped your name into the HPSC’s hero-accessible database, scrolling and pulling up your file.
There was a picture of you, one from an ID that must’ve been a few years old. There were personal details Keigo wasn’t all that interested in, though it was neat to finally know your birthday. 
He clicked on the tab for your quirk.
  Quirk: Synesthetic Manifestation 
Description: Allows the user to materially manifest abstract, synesthetically-created feelings into reality. 
This quirk does not allow the user to alter reality, only tangibly create abstracts through the means at their disposal.  
Drawback: This quirk causes severe synesthetic overstimulation and appears to be activated unintentionally in instances that expose them to high amounts of stimuli. 
Quirk potential: 
 Keigo knew the concept of ‘quirk potential’ well. Most of the time, this portion on files was only filled out if the individual had ever trained to use their quirk in a profession.
Oddly, your’s contained a few details.
 The user showed high potential in initial assessments, but due to the nature of the quirk, its drawbacks, and its recorded usage, this user’s quirk is now classified as lowest potential.
 Keigo frowned.
All this just made him more confused. 
The file didn’t get into much more detail than you did. The only thing that was new information to him was that at some point you had tried to use your quirk in a training setting and that somehow got you demoted from high potential to lowest potential.
Keigo’s own quirk in the database was regarded as highest potential; you, at some point, were only a step down from him. Something knocked you down from pursuing quirk-based work, and based on your current employment at the tea shop, you never got up. Keigo figured it was the intricacies of your quirk that he didn’t fully understand.
He’d have to be a bit more careful getting any more information out of you, considering how much you disliked talking about it. 
Keigo continued to stew, finishing off his lunch while thoughts of you and your feelings danced across his mind. 
Though it was clear his adoration was obviously returned, it was much easier for him to muse over the nature of your quirk than the way he wanted to pull you over the teashop’s counter and kiss you breathless.
 You went back to work, a few chalky tablets of stomachache medicine in your tummy. They were all you could do to try and quell the twisting in your gut. 
 By the time you arrived back to start your ‘night shift’, it was late evening, the sun already having fallen into the horizon. 
Most of your time prior to closing was spent in the front, helping make drinks and clean up as you could. Part of you was actually excited to throw on some good music and grind after the tea shop was shut down for the night.
Also, seeing Hawks twice in the same day? Absolutely fantastic.
You wanted to try and make him a knockout drink, to make up for the lackluster one you’d prepared him earlier. Seeing his eyes get all gooey with happiness would more than push you through your night of work.
Your phone chimed a bit before close.
 [birdboy]: hey ;^) mind if I come by in like a half an hour?
[you]: yeah!! just call me and i’ll unlock the door for you
 Your closing coworkers giggled at you. They all knew that that big smile stretched across your face meant you were texting Hawks. You used to get a bit shy about it, but now you just gave them shit. He was your friend, right?
 [birdboy]: what if i like, hit the glass, like fly into it like birds do into windows
[you]: okay one- no, that would definitely shatter the windows and idk if i wanna deal with that AND you tonight ;^)
[you]: and TWO- are you speaking. from experience. about hitting windows.
[birdboy]: please dont @ me like this 
 You snorted. 
 [birdboy]: i had to pay off a tabloid who got it on camera bc it would ruin my brand
[you]: do u still have those photos
[birdboy]: ... maybe
[you]: hawks
[you]: gimme
[birdboy]: idk if i can my publicist will kill me
[you]: u hear what i hear?? a coward
[you]: how does ‘your brand’ feel about that
[birdboy]: ...
[birdboy]: gimme one of those honey sticks u have at the register and the pics are yours once i get there ;^)))
[you]: DEAL!!!
 You pocketed your phone in your apron, unable to stop the almost ridiculous smile that you wore.
Hawks made you uncomfortably happy. You knew that he didn’t feel the same, but he was still there. Even if you were just entertainment to him, you were happy to perform on any stage he was watching. 
As closing crept up, you shooed your other coworkers off. Most of the closing tasks were done, they could leave a few minutes early. 
As they began to pack up, chatting about some party that night, your insides twisted.
You squeezed the counter, rubbing your forehead while wishing your coworkers a good evening.
 It was about then that things went to shit for both you and Hawks. 
 Keigo’s was supposed to be in for a hellishly long shift of surveillance based on the intel he’d received about the syndicate and its impending meeting. 
Apparently, that meeting was happening earlier, rather than later. 
The chaos started quickly, the meetup going from a strategic talk to an all-out fight between two groups. 
It spilled into the nearby streets, both sides unabashed in their destruction. 
 Perhaps, if Keigo had been faster (what a tall order, for the fastest man in all of Japan), things wouldn't have gotten so out of hand. 
But quickly, things erupted and the streets dissolved in mayhem as he dove and sent feathers flying.
 You stood by the front entrance, waiting for Hawks, idly sweeping. The cleaning tasks were almost done, the world outside was dark with the late evening.
You froze when the ground beneath your feet rumbled with revving engines, the air splitting with the sound of car horns and alarms. 
Everything that happened next moved so quickly, it was difficult to follow.
Windows began to shatter all across the street, near and far.
They cracked, spraying glass as a figure cloaked in black flew down the asphalt outside. A red barrage followed after it, nearly subduing it as it raced past the tea shop.
The massive glass panels at the front of the tea shop filled with frosty lines, just feet in front of you. 
It clicked for you a few moments too late.
Adrenaline shot through you, but it wasn’t enough. 
You weren’t Hawks, you weren’t fast enough to outrun much of anything, let alone quirk-shattered glass. 
You were just barely able to turn around before the spray of shards reached you. 
You would later be incredibly thankful that you wore denim jeans and a wool sweater that day. Without the thick fabrics, you were sure that you would’ve been shredded. The problem was your low-top shoes and thin socks.
Just as you turned, searing pain shot from the back of your left ankle. You urged yourself to forget the specifics, flesh-tearing, mind beginning to buzz. 
You just had to keep moving. 
Except, you couldn’t. Your left leg gave out with your next step.
You shrieked as you fell to the floor, barely catching yourself. Your palms smacked against the ground, pieces of sharpened glass driving into the flesh. 
You couldn’t help screaming, your voice mingling with the sound of alarms, cries for help, and the war cries of a nearby fight.
You were in the middle of a fairly nasty villain attack.
So much for giving Hawks a better drink.
The mental joke seemed macabre, especially in your state.
 You willed with all of your might, for your quirk to not activate. Overstimulation was just inches away from your current state, the sounds outside the teashop boring through your skull like diamond drill bits. 
The pain that was radiating from your left leg was nearly unbearable, but you knew that getting out of the front room was imperative. 
How you managed to keep your injured leg straight, you’ll never know. 
You locked your jaw and pulled yourself along the floor, hoping that Hawks had this all under control. More people were bound to be hurt by the same sort of attack you got caught in, right? How many more folks had been sliced up like you? Worse than you?
 Keigo wasn’t having much trouble subduing the villains. They, of course, had no idea that he had been watching the syndicate for three-odd months. He knew their quirks, their tactics, their escape routes, everything. What he didn’t know as well was the other group’s specifics. 
From what he had understood before the fight, the two had somewhat friendly relations. Still, Keigo mentally kicked himself for not being more diligent in his gathering of intel. 
His mistakes aside, the much more pressing issue was the two-kilometer stretch of shops that were now collateral damage in what was essentially a mobile mob war. 
This damage included the tea shop.
When he’d flown past the shop, he’d only caught a glimpse of your face through the glass before it shattered.
You’d looked terrified.
Every part of him wanted to stop, dead in the air, rush in, and make sure you were okay, but he had to at least get things under control until more heroes showed up. Then, he’d be able to get to you. 
By the time Keigo subdued several villains of either group, more Pros had arrived on the scene. He sped off to the teashop far too quickly when he saw others gathering. It was an ill-advised move, but he was clouded by a different set of instincts than those cultivated in his hero training. 
The flight did allow him to fully take in the damage of the district, though.  
It was about as bad as it could be.
Whatever the villain’s quirk was must’ve shattered glass within a certain radius from his body, Keigo observed.
Thankfully, the villain’s quirk didn’t appear to affect anything past two stories of height, sparing all above it. Those panes and pieces that did shatter had sprayed businesses, restaurants, shops, and the street with shards of glass. Not to mention that they flew at the speed of projectiles.
(At the full-minded revelation that there was no way you weren’t hurt, Keigo felt his stomach flip and eyes burn.)
Keigo shuddered to think how bad the damage would’ve been if the encounter happened during broad daylight. 
 Keigo curled in his wings, dropping onto the floor at the front of the teashop through the broken window. 
He kept his expression somewhat neutral, though the scene before him tore at his heart in a way he wasn’t expecting.
The tea shop was destroyed.
The pretty, warm lighting fixtures had shattered, fine filaments exposed, and a few sparking. The glass jars on your wall of tea blends were broken, spilling leaves and dried herbs across the back counter. That wasn’t even to mention the layer of shards from all of the glassware stored around the coffee machines.
Seeing the destruction of one of the only places he had ever found real comfort in was awful, and it tore something hidden and vulnerable in his heart.
But far, far worse was the absolute horror that bloomed in his chest when he saw the sizeable spot of blood in the middle of the floor, smearing to the back doorway. 
“(Y/N)!” Keigo shouted, ignoring any stealthy elements and hurriedly following the trail.
“B-back here,” Oh, your voice was so weak. 
Keigo couldn’t make himself move fast enough.
 You’d managed to get yourself to the back, biting your lip so hard you were scared you’d break the skin. Part of you was lucid enough to know that making too much noise could be bad. Then again, the shop was supposed to be closed. Did anyone even know that you were there?
Hawks did.
You gripped at one of the edges of the stainless steel countertops, using all the strength you could muster to pull yourself upright. As careful as you were not to jostle your injured leg (that you still hadn’t looked at properly because you were terrified), the moment you bent it, you had to suppress a scream, turning it into a slow, nasty exhale. You let yourself sink to the floor again. 
Something was seriously fucked up.
 Then Hawks called your name. 
You were sprawled out on the floor, injured leg awkwardly turned and extended to prevent the pain from being made worse. 
The moment he saw you from the doorway, the remnants of his wings flapped, practically throwing him to the ground next to you.
The moment you saw him enter the back room, any and all fronts you had put on for yourself fell apart.
“H-Hawks,” You hated how small your voice sounded as you pushed yourself closer to him.
The details of him, how ruffled his remaining feathers were, how wide and scared his eyes were, how different he looked from the times you’d seen him on the news confidently saving the day, were lost on you. 
 Though, Keigo noticed your poor state easily. It was more obvious. 
He scanned your form with the trained precision he was known for. He took in the shattered piece of glass sticking from your leg, bleeding lightly. Your palms weren’t bloody, but they were dotted with shards of glass. 
He also noticed your panicked shaking and your unnaturally dilated pupils, beyond anything he’d seen while you’d made drinks for him. 
“Is your quirk active?” Keigo asked, pulling off his gloves and grabbing one of your wrists. He turned your palm, using two of his smallest feathers like tweezers to pick at the shards pieces of glass. 
“Y-yeah,” You replied, using the back of your other hand to wipe at your eyes. “It does this when I’m under extreme stress. I can’t turn it off.”
Keigo managed to laugh, relieved that the cuts in your hands weren’t that severe, “You just focus on me, okay, angel? That’s all you gotta do.”
 You nod, trying to hold your overstimulated mind back. It’s fruitless, truly, because the moment Hawks reminds you that he is, in fact, there, and that you are safe, you quirk-addled mind spasms. 
The awful mix of sensations whirled in your skull as you leaned forward, pressing your forehead into Hawks’ shoulder. In other circumstances, it would be a romantic gesture. But, the only purpose you had in the contact was hoping, praying, that the heat of his body would distract you from the swirling of sensations you couldn’t stop. 
In that mental soup, within the fear, intense pain, and loss, oddly enough, was the unignorable, pleasant feeling of being so close to him. It made your heart squeeze. But, it was a single spice of sensation in a foul-tasting stew though, and it was hard to isolate the good in the muck of your mind. 
You shook against him as sounds and pain blended inside your skull, thoughts becoming murkier and harder to understand.
 Keigo finished tweezing your other hand, that one worse off, and wrapping it in some gauze he had stuffed in his jacket.
His mind screamed for him to wrap you in his arms, to pull you close and keep you safe. It was all he could fathom doing, just nearly moving to do so—
That was until the popping rumble of a nearby explosion interrupted his thoughts.
You jumped against him, muffling a scream in his shoulder.
His heart ached.
 “(Y/N), I know this is all scary,” Hawks’s voice came through your sensational slurry. “But, I need to be back out there right now.”
“No.” Your mouth spewed with no discernable thoughts behind it. “Don’t leave. Please, don’t. Please.”
You caught Hawks’ wince, but barely. 
He was already repositioning you, scooting you under one of the countertops, “Angel, I’m sorry. I need to go, but I’ll be back. I promise.”
Your eyes screwed shut, vibrating in your skull as pulling your uninjured leg to your chest. 
Hawks looked equally as torn up about having to leave, brows creased with his lip worried between his teeth.  
Despite how messy your brain felt, you knew that you were beyond defenseless. Even if your mind could easily conjure up an infinite number of ways to bring a person non-lethal (and lethal) pain, you were turning to mush mentally and you had glass sticking out of your leg. You had no fucking way to create it with your body. 
Your back hit the wall under the counter and you managed to wrench your eyes open, taking in Hawks and his visage while you spun.
He looked so sad.
The feeling of mourning and fear spat so hotly in your mind, it was like you’d been intangibly burned by his expression. 
You choked on your own stored tears, reaching out for him.
He caught one of your hands, the wrapped one, and squeezed it lightly. 
Even with so few feathers left, Hawks plucked one, about the size of your forearm. He replaced his hand with the plumage. 
“(Y/N), I will be back. I promise,” Hawks (so weakly) smiled, trying to reassure you. “You snap that feather if anything changes, okay? If anyone comes into the shop who isn’t another pro, or if you start to feel faint. Do you understand?”
“Yeah.” You gritted out, somehow laughing. Your vocal cords rubbing together sends a wave of agony up the back of your neck, burying behind your eyes. You press your forehead in your bent knee. 
 With one last, fleeting look, eyeing your wound and remembering slate-colored eyes, Keigo took flight into the fray once more. 
Keigo hated leaving you. He hated it so fucking much. It burned him, felt wrong in every way. You were so vulnerable in your state. Both of you knew that without him there, you were entirely exposed and fairly defenseless.  
It perked up that protective instinct he’d repeatedly had towards you for months. It was probably something related to his avian mutation, but it was just blood-boiling need to keep you safe.
Yet, he just left you, wounded and mentally spiraling, in the middle of a destroyed building.
If he wasn’t trained so well, he would have acted differently. But, it had been burned into him time and time again what his needs were in disaster situations.
Neutralize, stabilize, clear out. 
Through his exhaustion, he fought and soared with all he had, fatigue forgotten and replaced by hot cortisol. He forced himself faster, zipping down alleyways and across rooftops at some of his top speeds. 
While Keigo tracked down all of the villains (he managed to miss the first time), he trusted that the other Pros could deal with the heavy collateral damage. He was number two, he could catch some organized criminals. 
Beyond his training, Keigo had an even bigger motivation. 
He could feel you.
The feather he left with you must’ve been pressed right up to your chest, maybe under your neck with the way Keigo could so intensely feel your breath and heartbeat. He could sense it gradually speeding up to the point of what had to be panic. If Keigo focused, he could make out your terror-stricken babbling.
“It’s okay.”
“I’ll be fine.”
“This is fine.”
“I’ll be okay.”
“Hawks is okay.”
“He’ll come back.”
“He won’t leave.”
“Everything's gonna be okay.”
With that last one, your words gave out and it turned in gasping breaths. 
Keigo worked himself harder, striking down the last of villains with absolute precision, all distractions forgotten in the most pivotal moments of combat. 
The instant the villains were in custody, restrained, he was flying back towards the tea shop.
 You don’t remember any of this well. Your mind was liquified, your body throbbing in pain. 
It had been an incredibly long time, years since you’d been in any situation resembling a villain attack. There was no way to stop the synesthetic storm that was choking your mind. Every sensation was magnified, mixed with another, and shoved down your throat without any ability to change it.
A few minutes after Hawks left, giving you time to stew and roll, you spiraled more harshly.
When you realized how pitifully helpless you were, you fell away, pressing your wet face into the Hawks’s feather. Your vision muddled between black and red. 
You felt the cold of the blood wetting your pant leg.
Your wound is bad.
You hadn’t fully looked at it in awhile. 
Opening your eyes, you suppressed a wave of nausea at the small puddle of blood growing under the bottom half of your useless leg. 
The way the denim of your jeans stuck to your skin mixed with the smell heady smell of blood made you gag. 
You couldn’t keep it up anymore.
Letting your eyes shut, you sank down to the floor, cheek pressed into the dirty cement. 
You don’t know how long you idled, drowning in your mind’s colors and vibrantly violent sensations. 
You were only half-conscious when the feather pressed to your neck twitches.
 “(Y/N)!” Keigo shouted as he landed in the teashop, flying straight to the backroom, bypassing the mess of broken glass. 
His breath caught, seeing you slumped over.
“Fuck,” Keigo couldn’t stop the tremble in his voice as he noticed how much blood had pooled beneath your injured ankle. “Hey, hey, (Y/N)—”
He sure fucking sucked at admitting his faults, and recognizing the severity of wounds was indeed one of them. He didn’t usually stick around long enough to deal with casualties so closely. 
Keigo threw off his gloves, tossing them behind him without looking. 
“‘M fine,” You started to push yourself up, hissing at the pain that surged from cuts in your hands. “Brain’s mushy.”
“That all?” Thank god Hawks still managed to joke. The humor dashed across your vision like little sparks. You stifle a weak snort. 
 “There’s my angel.” Keigo was so relieved to see you conscious that he didn’t notice his own possessive slipup. “Are you lightheaded?”
Gingerly, he helped stabilize your body upright as you wrenched your eyes open.
“A little, it’s okay, this is what happens,” Your voice was so loud in your own skull, it hurt. Though, the pain of your words was only a prick in the wet dough of your overworked mind. Sensation was pain, rolling over you and making it harder and harder to stay lucid. 
 Keigo swallowed thickly at the sight of your fully-blackened irises. 
He needed to get you out as fast as possible, but that required assessing the gash in your leg. 
His gaze flickered to your ankle, “Can you move your toes?”
“I don’t want to.”
Keigo frowned, weakly, pushing you as upright as possible as you began to slip to the side. 
“Please, you have to try, okay?” Keigo begged, not noticing his own voice wobble. 
You shook your head, grabbing it in within its own motion. The dizziness made your insides knot and stick together. 
“(Y/N), please.”
You shifted your gaze to him, vision tilting as you did. 
The frown on your face split as you just barely moved your toes within your blood-soaked shoe.
The fresh pain, vibrant and boiling, cut through the fog like a heat-blackened knife. 
Your own fist flew into your mouth to mouth to suppress the cry that bubbled from your throat. You half-recognized it was the one holding Hawks’s feather. 
You couldn’t see the way Keigo flinched at the sound, immediatly trying to soothe the two of you. 
 “Alright, good, okay, you can still feel them,” Hawks managed to laugh, cutting into the miasma of your psyche. It was something light and airy, tasting like packet sugar on the sides of your tongue. 
Chasing the goodness of Hawks’s voice, you mustered up as much clarity as you could grasp, willing yourself into full sentences, “Hawks. I swear to fucking God, if you do not get me out of here right now, I will never make you a drink ever again.”
 Keigo blinked at you, nodding, watching your attempt to focus on him, though the fully inked irises seemed to refuse to stay put.
 So, this is what the file meant about the cost of your quirk. 
 “Don’t have to tell me twice, dove.” Hawks scooped you up before you could manage to put more thoughts together. A few of his feathers flew to stabilize your injured leg. 
His touch felt good, like incredibly good. Even as the crunch of his boots on the broken glass of the tea shop scratched at your inner ears and burned your sinuses, the heat and texture of his jacket caressed over your cheeks. His warmth tasted like honey and cream. 
Your head lolled onto his chest, idly playing with the filaments of his feathers that you refused to let go of. 
 (Keigo didn’t want you to, anyway.)
He couldn’t fly well, not in his mostly-featherless state, so he took to walking instead. He sidestepped as much glass he could, mostly watching your half-lidded eyes fixate on the feather you had pressed up to your face.
It was a weird circle, Keigo feeling your heat and breath so close, both on his body and on the sensitive plumage. Technically, he was doing his job, so he let himself indulge just the smallest bit in being so close to you. When Keigo squeezed you, nearly at the medic’s area, you tucked your face into his collarbones, breaths slowing from panic. You were even slack in his grip.
A paramedic rushed up to the two of you, guiding you to a setup stretcher and a waiting line of ambulances.
 “We can take it from here, Hawks, no need to stick around,” The paramedic’s voice cut through the air, dripping bitterness on your tonsils and iron nails in your lungs. 
Hawks set you half-down onto the lip of the vehicle, “Nah, it’s okay, I’ll hang out with them for a sec. They’re a friend of mine.”
He’d never said it before. That you were friends. 
Heat rushed up to your fingertips, sweetness washing over your wounded leg, topped off silken air settling around your ears. 
You’d drown in the sensation, a million times over.
 The paramedic ran off quickly, a man with a nasty head wound taking precedence over your leg (which seemed to have clotted somewhat with your somewhat more relaxed state). 
Hawks still didn’t leave.
Rather, he moved closer.
So did you.
 From your spot sitting on the edge of the ambulance, your injured leg was twisted and propped up while the other dangled off the edge of the vehicle.
Keigo was right up against the metal, allowing you to lean on his side.
“You good?” You asked him, bumping your leg into his lower back.
Keigo couldn’t help jumping. You’d never casually touched him. 
(He really liked it.)
Though the setting and circumstances were fucked, he figured it was okay. 
You were friends, right?
 Hawks wrapped an arm around your shoulders, pressing you into his side.
You took it a step further, wanting to simply soak in the amber, milky feeling of his touch. 
You squish your cheek low against his collarbone, drinking in the smell of his sweat, stale, spiced cologne, and rich, expensive smelling hair oil. 
The scents washed over your skin, rolling over your burning wounds like aloe and clean water.  
“Thank you.” Your voice is small and soft, kept gentle by your last sparks of lucidity. 
You heard Hawks chuckle, your vision swimming in honey and yellow with the sound, “Just doing my job, you know.”
“I mean, yeah,” You laughed too, pressing your nose harder into him. “But, it’s you, and I’m just glad you’re here.”
“You better stop being so sweet,” The hand around your shoulder rubbed slowly, up and down your spine, sweet spices and sugars dancing on the roof of your mouth. “Gonna give me ideas.”
The touch, something you craved and denied yourself, pushed you over the edge as his touch dissolved across your overstimulated mind in cresting waves of rushing, blessed heat. 
Finally succumbing to the flood of your quirk, drowning your mind in both agony and absolute calm, you muttered out the last clear thing you said that evening, “We always give each other ideas, silly.”
God, the many meanings behind your words spun and stuck in Keigo’s mind like the taste of the miel he drank that morning. They relentlessly clung to his psyche, wanting to know more. 
He stayed close while you were assessed and strapped into the ambulance. He sent a few of his last feathers to retrieve your jacket and purse from the wrecked shop.
All the while you clutched his bare hand, irises black while the whites turned bloodshot. 
As the ambulance drove off towards that public hospital, he could feel the steady beat of your heart through the crimson feather he made sure was tucked in your hand the moment he had to let it go.
He felt you squeeze it, and he wanted nothing more than to return the gesture a thousand times over.  
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nightbts · 4 years
through the night | jjk | 06
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pairing: jeon jungkook + stylist! reader
word count: 6.2k
genre: fluff, angst + idol! au, friends to lovers! au
parts: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7
listen to this playlist while reading!
best of friends. that’s what you and jungkook were. as their stylist for several years now, you and jungkook got along like no other and over time developed a friendship that was special to the two of you. but what happens when an IU collaboration deal, a jealous childhood-best friend and secret feelings get intertwined with the simple life you thought you were living?
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“Y/N? Y/N!” a voice called out as you looked up, startled to see a hand waving about in your face. 
“I said your name a million times sweetie, come on we gotta go!” Stylist Yoon tsked as she ushered you towards the luggage filled with members’ clothes, accessories, and makeup before walking away and muttering something about kids these days. 
“R-right!” you squeaked as you quickly scrambled from the chair you were sitting in. Grabbing all your things and cursing at yourself under your breath,  you ran out the door as you tried to catch up to the other stylists. 
You honestly couldn’t help it. Your mind was consumed by one and one thing only: Jeon Jungkook. Even though it had been weeks since the night at the dance studio, the memory had been permanently imprinted on the forefront of your thoughts, refusing to leave. And anytime you even looked at Jungkook, you were reminded of them instantly: the way he held you gently in his arms, how his nose brushed against yours, and his lips that were just millimeters away—
“Get yourself together Y/N!” you groaned to yourself as you shook your head. 
“What happened now?”
Looking behind you, Jiho stood there with a raised brow as you instantly flushed knowing he had heard you.
“N-nothing!” you squeaked in response before hurriedly moving past him, as Jiho simply stared at you suspiciously. 
Neither you or Jungkook had brought up that night, to each other or anyone else. But as the days went by, you couldn’t help but feel something had changed. Whether it was in the way you looked at each other, or didn’t more specifically, or how the both of you watched your words and your actions more carefully, things weren’t the same anymore. 
“Anyone would be able to tell that nothing was something.” he chuckled softly to himself, as he watched you stumble over your things before flashing him a sheepish grin. 
“Come on ya clutz,” he laughed as he approached you, helping you carry some of your belongings as the two of you rushed out the door, trailing behind the other stylists as you waited to get into the bus. 
Today was the last day of the boys’ international tour, and the final destination was in Seoul. While they were all relieved to finally be back home, there was still a sense of anxiousness to put on a final great performance, an amazing finish to their amazing tour. 
Once you had put away all your things, you followed Jiho all the way to the back of the bus. Moving out of the way, he motioned for you to take the window seat, giving you a knowing smile. 
Smiling widely at him for remembering, you sang a small thank you as you settled into the seat, while Jiho plopped himself down beside you. Letting out a soft yawn, you stretched in your seat before falling back with a sigh, “This is it, isn’t it?” 
“What do you mean?” 
Turning to look at him, you said with a small shrug, “Last concert.” 
Rolling his eyes, Jiho replied, “You’re making it sound like it's their last concert forever. It’s just the end of their tour Y/N.” 
Waving your hand dismissively in the air, you said, “Yea, yea I know. I’m just saying, our lives were super hectic the last couple months and now it's going to be the complete opposite for a while. Just when I got used to the chaos...” 
Humming in agreement, Jiho rested his back against the seat before saying, “I suppose you’re right about that. It’s okay though, we all need a bit of downtime before things start picking up again.” 
A couple seconds of silence passed over the two of you when you felt Jiho’s gaze lingering on you, causing you to turn back to look at him, “What are you looking at—?” 
“You’re wearing my jacket.” 
Blinking in complete surprise, you stared at him before looking down at the jacket you had been wearing. This morning you had been getting ready in such a rush you had barely noticed the jacket you had grabbed wasn’t yours, but the one Jiho had leant you a couple days back. 
“Oh! Huh, you’re right...” you trailed off with an awkward chuckle, your face flushing with embarrassment. Pulling at the sleeves of the jacket, you started, “Here, I forgot to give it back—” 
“No,” you heard him say softly, his hands pressing down on your own. Eyes slowly meeting yours, Jiho gave you a gentle smile before adding, “It looks good on you. Keep it.” 
“I mean it. It’s yours now,” he said firmly, his grip on your hands tightening. 
Nodding slowly, your gaze lingered on him as he turned back to face the front.
Odd, you thought to yourself before shaking your head of the thoughts that attempted to enter your consciousness, silly thoughts that you knew where impossible—
“You never told me how you got home that day.” Jiho said, interrupting your thoughts. 
“Huh?” you blinked dumbfoundedly, before his question registered in his head. Recalling how the moment you stepped foot into your apartment and how your exhausted body fell into bed, you remembered that you sent a quick text to Jiho before letting sleep consume you, your dreams that night filled with the heart-racing moments you had spent with Jungkook just hours earlier. 
The corner of your mouth twitched as a shy smile erupted on your face. Averting your gaze, your fingers began playing with the sleeves of Jiho’s jacket before you started to ramble, the pitch of your voice heightening with every word, “Well um, when I went back, thing was, Jungkook was still there so we both left together after a while. He got a taxi for us and he dropped me off at my place.”
"Oh, I see,” Jiho said tightly, lips pressing together. Even though you were looking away from him, he could see the way your cheeks flushed under the soft light that streamed through the window beside you. Jiho had a feeling something had happened, but his heart told him he was better off not asking.
After all, knowing would only hurt more. 
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“No, I’m sorry!”
Speaking at the same time, you and Jungkook looked at each other with wide eyes.
Gripping the folders tightly in your hands, you quickly bent down to pick up the papers that had fallen out when you had abruptly crashed into Jungkook. Following suit, Jungkook bent down to help you when suddenly you felt a brush of his fingers against your own, the both of you reaching for the last sheet that lay between the two of you.
What kind of cliche-ass shit it this?! your brain screamed as you quickly grabbed the sheet towards you, and got back on your feet. Giving Jungkook a quick goodbye, you quickly walked into the stylists’ room that was only a couple feet away.
Closing the door, you pressed your hands to your warm cheeks as you felt your heart race in your chest. 
On the other side of the door, Jungkook stood there staring at his fingers, a slight tingling sensation filling his stomach as he turned and looked towards the room you had escaped to. 
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“Is Jimin alright?” 
“He just needs a couple minutes, everyone else get ready!” 
“Yoongi, over here please!” 
Commands were thrown left and right as voices overlapped with each other. As the members came backstage after performing a couple songs, they were preparing for a costume change and getting ready for their next set. 
As you ran around, various costumes and accessories in your hand, you stopped by each group of stylists and handed them their needed items. Finally, you made your way to Jimin who you had been mostly helping that day. 
Resting a soft hand on his shoulder, you watched as he took in another deep breath before rolling his shoulders and stretching his neck side to side. 
“You gonna be alright Jimin?” you asked gently. 
Giving you a quick nod, he motioned for you to hand him his new outfit but not before giving you a reassuring smile, “Don’t worry about me. I’ll be okay.” 
Watching as he disappeared behind the changing curtains, you looked around to see if anyone needed any additional help when your eyes fell on Jungkook. Stifling a laugh, you watched as he struggled with his earpiece that found a way to get tangled with his earrings. 
Walking over to him without a second thought, your hands reached out towards his as Jungkook paused, his eyes widening at your sudden appearance. 
“I told you a million times if you're going to change your accessories to take out your earpiece you dumbass,” you mused with a shake of your head. Inching forward, you grabbed the wire of his earpiece with one hand, and his earring with the other, quickly untangling them. 
“There.” you murmured before turning your head to look at him, a wide grin on your face. However, the moment you did, you felt your nose softly brush his cheek, the smile on your face instantly dropping. 
Blinking in surprise, you nearly launched yourself off of him as he gave you a wide-eyed look in response. Pointing towards his ears, you stammered, “T-There, that should be good now.” 
“Y-yea, thanks.” Jungkook stuttered, rubbing the back of his neck. 
Hearing someone call his name, Jungkook gave you a quick smile before running in the direction of the sound. Watching as he disappeared through the crowd of people who were rushing about backstage, you let out a breath you didn’t even know you were holding. 
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As a couple of weeks passed, each day slowly became better as both you and Jungkook started going back to normal. While the awkward moments appeared now and then, neither you and Jungkook talked about them and just went on with your lives as if they never happened. 
Work today for most of you finished early, including the boys’ practice sessions.  As you were packing up for the day, you heard Jungkook call your name as he popped his head into the doorway, his eyes twinkling with excitement.  
“The variety show episode I filmed is airing in a couple minutes, do you wanna come watch with the rest of us?” he asked, his voice laced with excitement. 
Glancing at the time on your phone, you looked back up at Jungkook who was gazing at you with expectant eyes. 
Smiling, you said, “Yea, I’ll be there.” before adding with a smirk, “After all, I don’t wanna miss you seeing your ass get whooped anyway.” 
Rolling his eyes in amusement, he simply stuck his tongue out at you before flashing you a wide grin, “See you in the lounge room then!”
As he disappeared from the doorway, you turned back around to quickly finish cleaning up your station, a certain feeling of giddy excitement rising within you.
Walking in alongside Jiho, who you had grabbed as he was planning to leave, the both of you entered the lounge room to already see all the members there along with some of the producers and other stylists. 
“I see there’s a whole watch party here.” Jiho chuckled lightly as he stood next to you, the both of you scanning the room for a spot to sit. 
Just then, you saw Jungkook waving his hand at you, motioning for you to come sit by him. As you made your way towards him, Jungkook’s gaze fell behind you and his hand faltered mid-air, his eyes widening in slight surprise. 
Giving Jiho a small nod, Jungkook forced a smile as he greeted him. Feeling the sofa dip beside him, he turned to see you giving him a soft smile, one that made the corners of your eyes crinkle into the shape of half-crescent moons.
“I didn’t realize all these people would be here,” you said in a hushed whisper as you looked around the room, giving small waves to your fellow stylists. 
Sitting beneath you on the floor, Jiho replied nonchalantly, “Yea, I’m only here cause Y/N dragged me.” to which earned him a smack on the head from you. Rubbing his head sheepishly, he grinned at Jungkook, “No offense bud, I was just ready to go home today.”
“None taken.” 
Just as you were about to say something, you heard Hoseok start shushing everyone, as he raised the volume, “It’s starting!” 
Grinning in excitement, you turned to look at Jungkook who was staring at the TV screen nervously. Placing your hand on his arm, Jungkook turned to look at you as you gave him a reassuring pat. Almost instantly, Jungkook felt himself relax as he gave you a grateful smile in return. 
Biting down on his lip, he sighed nervously. He hoped everything would go well.
You wish you hadn’t come. 
Your gaze remained glued to the TV screen in front of you, not because you couldn’t stop watching but because you were afraid to look anywhere else. 
As time passed, the voices surrounding you began to suffocate you; the voices that all teased Jungkook, that all gushed in excitement at every opportunity possible, the voices that kept uttering the same two words over and over again within the same sentence -- Jungkook & IU. Jungkook & IU. Jungkook & IU.
If you had known, you wouldn’t have been here. 
It had been only 30 minutes since the show had begun, and the number of times you had seen or heard a comment regarding the two would be more than both your fingers and toes combined. 
And once again came that feeling. The gut-wrenching, sinking feeling that erupted within the pit of your stomach. 
“Alright, Jungkook-ssi! Why don’t you go stand by IU?” 
“Wow, look at how good-looking they are together!!” gushed the female TV host, as she clutched her chest and sighed, “So beautiful!”
“IU-ssi, now do you prefer dating older or younger men? Cause if younger, you have an amazing one sitting right beside you!” The male TV host grinned cheekily, wiggling his eyebrows at Jungkook. 
“Jungkook-ssi? We all know what an amazing singer you are. Why don’t you serenade your ideal type, IU with a song?” 
You sat there, fists clenched in your lap as you watched Jungkook on the TV flush, a soft red dusting his cheeks as he smiled shyly towards IU who equally looked flustered, a nervous chuckle spilling past her lips. 
The other guests on the show all began cheering Jungkook on, pushing him towards IU while one of the hosts shoved a rose in his hand. Giving IU an embarrassed smile, you saw him lift his microphone and begin singing one of her songs, Through The Night.
“Jungkookie! Did you prepare this huh?!” you heard Taehyung tease as he playfully nudged the boy next to him who simply returned a shy smile. 
But all you could hear was his voice; his soft, gentle voice that would usually make your heart flutter, but today, made it ache. Your eyes remained glued to Jungkook’s face on the screen. The way his eyes softened. The way his lips formed a nervous smile. The way his body naturally moved towards her. No hesitation in his movements whatsoever as he grabbed IU’s hands in his. 
The room erupted in exclamation as they watched Jungkook make his bold moves towards IU. As the rest of the members began to pile on more teasing words, many of them tackling Jungkook, ruffling his hair playfully you started to hear him nervously laugh in response as he shook his head, “Guys, calm down. It’s just a shooting. It’s not a big deal—”
“When was the shooting?” 
The question spilled past your lips before you could stop yourself, but even then, the curiosity burned within you. You had to know. 
Turning to look at you in surprise, Jungkook cocked his head to the side, thinking, before finally responding, “It was about two weeks ago.” 
“Ah.” you nodded casually, turning back to look at the TV. But on the inside, you felt everything slowly fall apart. Your hands began trembling in your lap as you clenched them tightly, hoping nobody would notice around you. Biting down on your lip harshly, a metallic taste flooded your mouth as the pain caused tears well up in the corners of your eyes. 
Two weeks ago. 
Just three weeks ago, you were in Jungkook’s arms, your forehead against his as you could still remember the way his warm breath fanned your flushed face. The way his eyes softened as they looked down at you, his nose that brushed yours as his grip tightened on your waist, time slowing down. Just the two of you. Alone. 
A moment. 
A moment where you felt like you had the entire world in your hands. Where you felt like you could spill all your inner thoughts and feelings. Where you felt like you could tell Jungkook you loved hi—
Scoffing aloud, you softly shook your head when you felt a certain wetness wash over your cheeks. Eyes darting to make sure nobody saw you, you quickly swiped the back of your hand against your cheeks, sniffling softly. 
Could you get any more pathetic, really?
After years of falling for the boy who now sat obliviously next to you, whose eyes were filled with adoration as he smiled softly at the TV that graced IU’s face, you felt like the world’s biggest joke. You had held that night so close to your heart, every second, every motion, every breath as something to hope for. But now you knew. 
You were the only one. 
As the show came to an end, you saw everyone talking to one another, about the show, about ordering food and other things. Slipping your purse around your body, you slowly got up from the couch and made your way towards the door, hoping to get away before anyone noticed. 
A foolish hope that was. 
Feeling a hand grab your wrist, you turned around in surprise. Looking up, you saw Jungkook grinning down at you when you suddenly jerked your hand from his hold. The smile on his lips instantly died, his brows furrowing together as his once-bright eyes were now clouded with confusion. 
“I-I have to go—!” you spluttered out, averting your gaze. Feeling a hand rest on your shoulder, you turned to look at your side where Jiho stood. 
Lips forming a tight line, he looked at Jungkook before saying, “We’ll be going now. You should be getting back to your members, Jungkook.” he added pointedly, motioning towards the rest of the boys who were all now calling Jungkook’s name. 
Looking back at you, Jungkook’s lips parted to say something else but Jiho bid farewell at the younger man before softly pushing your back towards the door. 
The walk to the bus station was relatively silent. Neither you nor Jiho talked about what had happened just mere minutes ago. As you got settled into your seat on the bus, with Jiho sitting beside you, you felt your phone buzz in your pocket. 
Taking it out, your eyes fell on the home screen, messages lighting up the screen. 
[9:26] jungkookie: hey.... are you okay?
You had tried so hard. 
The entire night, you had tried so hard. 
But as you stared at his name on your screen, your iPhone suddenly lighting up to show the picture you and Jungkook took years ago filling your screen, you couldn’t try anymore. 
As your head fell to your hands, your shoulders began to shake, silent sobs racking through your small stature; floods of tears gushed down your cheeks as you felt your chest tighten, every second getting harder for you breathe. 
Feeling an arm pull you into their chest, you only cried harder as Jiho wrapped you closer to him, his head resting atop yours. 
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It was like a flip switched within you. 
While you continued to remain as normal as possible, it would take a fool to not notice how much you had changed. 
While you always worked hard, you worked harder now. You ran around the building, taking on assignment after assignment, meeting with different stylists, and calling different brand companies with your proposals that you had worked on endless nights in a row. 
You had always been known as one of the “quiet and shy” one, but now you were anything but that. You made sure to eat with others, happily engaging in their conversations. You often went to drink after work was over, tagging along with fellow colleagues. 
But on top of everything else, while you were always found somewhere around Jungkook, now the two of you were rarely seen together. 
All your life, you had let in people. One after the other. People who had said they were your friends. People who had said they cared for you. People who had said they loved you. 
But in the end, they all left. They simply stopped talking to you. They ended up avoiding you. Some ended up cheating on you. And as every single one of those people you let in left you, it furthered the crack in your heart, each and every single time. 
And you didn’t know if your heart was well enough to handle it once again. 
As you’d hurriedly brush past the members, head ducking down to avoid Jungkook’s worried gaze. As you’d walk the longer way to certain places in hopes of avoiding Jungkook. As you’d stutter out incoherent, meaningless words to him when he would ask if you were okay, you would think to yourself, again and again.  
You’re acting ridiculous, Y/N...
But you couldn’t help it. You knew Jungkook wasn’t going to leave you, no, he’d never do that. He would be your friend, always. 
And that is the very reason why you were acting the way you were now. 
Knowing how it feels to be near him, to hold him, to touch him. Knowing the happiness that bursts like a thousand fireworks within your heart when he gives you his soft smiles, cheers you on, pats your head, pokes your cheek, hugs you, and tells you that you’re amazing, you just knew; your heart couldn’t handle just being friends anymore. 
It was selfish of you, incredibly selfish. You could see the way he was hurting, and it pained you more than anyone knew. However, after being selfless all your life with every single person in your life, you realized that in the end, nobody cared about the sacrifices you had to make, the emotional turmoil you had endured, the mental pressures, none of it. And for the first time, you decided to be selfish, you took a decision that was for you and not someone else. 
But as you took off your makeup at the end of the every day, washed your face, brushed your teeth and got into bed, and as the tears streamed down your face once again, you couldn’t help but think, why did being selfish hurt even more? 
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Head hung between his legs, he lifted it up and ran his hands through his hair as he let out a cry of frustration, the sound echoing in the empty dance room. He grabbed his phone that laid next to him, the time reading 5:45 PM. Unlocking his phone, he opened iMessages to see the several unread messages, some from the members’ group chat and others from his friends and family. 
Scrolling down, his fingers hovered over your name as his eyes fell upon the date he had last texted you. 
It was over a week ago when Jungkook had texted you asking if you had been alright; remembering the way you rushed out of the room after watching the show, Jungkook felt confused at the way you had looked at him. 
A flash of pain and sadness had washed over your face, your cheeks stained with tears that Jungkook had noticed almost instantly. Yet before he could make sure you were okay, Jiho had whisked you away. 
His jaw clenched slightly at the thought of the older man; at that moment, he wanted to grab your hand, pull you to a quiet corner and hold you in his arms as he’d ask you what was wrong. But the chance never came, and now it had all seemed too late. 
On top of you avoiding him like the plague, it seemed like things had suddenly gotten a million times busier in every single aspect of his life. Album planning, new choreographies, photoshoots, brand deals, and more swarmed his daily schedule and whenever he had a break, you were nowhere to be seen. 
And just like that, an entire week passed by with Jungkook not able to see you properly or talk to you, and he absolutely hated it. Yet what he hated more was not knowing whether you were okay or not. 
As he got up from where he was sitting, he let out a small yawn before stretching out his limbs when he heard the familiar sound of faint laughter coming from outside the room. 
Eyes lighting up, Jungkook grabbed his things in a flash before sprinting out the door; eyes darting side to side, he looked down the hallway for your figure. 
“Y/N?” he called out earnestly, the hope in his heart slowly starting to deflate when suddenly he saw your head poke out of the nearby office room. 
“Yes—?!” you started, as you looked outside the room in curiosity at who called your name. Turning around, your gaze fell upon Jungkook who stood outside the dance studio, beads of sweat dripping from the tips of his hair as he stared at you. 
“Hey.” he breathed. 
“Hi.” you smiled tightly, as your heart started to race in your chest, yet this time not for the same reasons. 
“I thought I heard you—” Jungkook started with a soft chuckle when you quickly interrupted, “Did you need something? I-Uh, there’s somewhere I need to urgently be.”
Slightly taken aback, Jungkook slowly shook his head, “No, but I—” 
“Y/N, let’s go,” a voice called. Coming up from behind you, Jiho grabbed the folders you were holding in your hand before walking through the door and into the hallway. Not even sparing Jungkook a glance, Jiho only looked at you before motioning for you to follow him. 
Jungkook’s expression immediately hardened, jaw clenching as his fists tightened at his sides. He didn’t know what came over him in that instant, but within seconds he was standing by your side, his hands grabbing yours within his. 
“I need to talk to Y/N.” he stated with firm persistence. You looked up at Jungkook in surprise, his grip on your hand only tightening as his gaze remained on Jiho’s back. Turning around, Jiho’s eyes fell on both of your hands before trailing up to Jungkook’s face. 
"Sorry Jungkook, but we’re busy. Y/N doesn’t have time.” Jiho stated, forcing a smile. 
“Listen, it’ll only take five minutes—!” 
Letting out an exasperated sigh, Jiho’s entire demeanor changed instantly before he said lowly, “No, you listen Jungkook—”
Removing your hands from his grasp, Jungkook looked down at you as you moved away from him and towards Jiho. Resting a hand on his arm, stopping him from saying anything you knew he’d regret, you quietly said, “Jungkook, Jiho is right. I’m busy right now.” 
Scoffing, Jungkook looked to the side as his eyes blazed with irritation, “Whatever Y/N. Avoid me like you have been doing all week. Just don’t think you’re fooling me, I’m not that stupid.” 
With that, Jungkook turned around and made his way back into the dance room, the door slamming behind him as the sounds of loud music followed just seconds later. 
Gripping Jiho’s arm tightly, you felt a lump form in your throat as you let out a heavy sigh, “Jiho, what am I going to do?” 
Turning around to face you, he bent down so that his face was level with your own. Brushing away the stray tear that slipped out of your eyes, he whispered sadly, “I’m sorry Y/N...”
Shaking your head, you cried softly, “What for? You didn’t do anything...this is all my fault.” 
No, he thought to himself, I’m sorry that I couldn’t be the one for you. 
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You thought things would only get easier as the days went by; slowly but surely, ignoring Jungkook would become normal and you’d be fine.
At least that’s what you had painfully hoped for. 
But now things were worse in ways you hadn’t even imagined. After the day Jungkook confronted you, he had made it a point to ignore you even more so than the ways you had avoided him. He refused to talk to you at all. Whether it was when you were helping style him for an event or if you saw him in the hallway, before there used to be at least small talk or some acknowledgement but now, there was nothing. 
You thought you were doing this for yourself, but your selfish wishes started to bite you back. You felt absolutely helpless, no matter what you did, nothing  seemed to work. 
Standing there in the staff break room, you yawned as you made yourself another cup of coffee. It was late at night, yet you stayed behind since you were working on a project proposal you knew you couldn’t do at home. 
Hearing the door open behind you, you turned around and greeted Jiho with a tired smile, “Hey, you’re still here?” 
“I should be asking you that.” 
“We seem to be doing a lot of that recently,” you chuckled softly, turning back towards the coffee machine, watching as the dark liquid poured into your mug, the mechanical whirring the only sound filling the small room. 
Walking over to stand next to you, he replied, “It’s only cause you’re always working yourself to the bone, even more so lately than ever.” 
Giving him a half shrug, you poured in your creamer and sugar, and stirred your coffee, “Work is just getting busier, that’s all.” 
Laughing slightly, Jiho gave you a pointed look, “Or you’re just giving yourself more work to do.” 
Humming softly, you didn’t respond since the both of you knew Jiho was exactly right. Work hadn’t gotten busier, you were just really good at making yourself busy.
“Y/N...” Jiho trailed off. Noticing the hesitation in his voice, you stopped stirring and looked up at him. 
“When are we going to talk about it?” 
Stiffening, you looked at Jiho in surprise. Blinking at him, you slowly chuckled as you started to wave your hands in denial, your typical first step of action when anything uncomfortable was presented to you. 
“And don’t tell me nothing is wrong.” 
He got you. 
You tended to forget how long Jiho knew you for at times, failing to realize he knew your characteristics and mannerisms like the back of his hand. 
Picking up your coffee mug, you took a sip as the hot liquid ran down your throat. Pressing your lips together into a thin line, you simply sighed, “Jiho, I think I’m going to quit. Working here, that is.”  
Taken aback, a look of surprise flashed across Jiho’s face, his eyes wide. If anyone knew what you were going through right now, it was him yet he didn’t think you would ever come to a decision like this. A decision where you decided to run away. 
Fists automatically clenching at his sides, Jiho felt a deep sense of anger begin to boil within him. 
“Y/N, don’t joke around,” Jiho replied lowly, as he stared at you, trying to study the expression you wore on your face. 
Shaking your head, you said softly, “I’m not. Honestly, I’ve been thinking about this for a while.” Turning around, you rested your back against the countertop, “All my life I’ve adjusted, no matter what the circumstances were. I’ve always been selfless, but this time I decided to be selfish for once.” Looking down at your shoes, you let out a bitter laugh, “Look where that got me.”
“Jiho,” you interrupted. Looking back at him, your soft eyes met his rigid ones, “No matter what solution I can think of that requires me staying here, doesn’t seem to work for me. I never thought it would have to come to this, you know I love working here. But...with how things are recently, I don’t know if I can continue to work here and be happy.” 
“That’s ridiculous.” 
Taken aback at the coldness in his voice, you watched as Jiho ran his hands through his hair, before letting out a sigh of frustration, “You’re telling me you’re running away? You’re going to run away because of your silly crush on him?! Y/N do you hear yourself?!” 
“Silly?!” you breathed in sharply. Your soft eyes turned cold instantly as you shot him a glare, “How could you say that Jiho?!!” 
Throwing his hands in the air, he bit back, a scowl forming on his face, “What do you want me to say Y/N? Listen, I have been there by your side since we were kids and I’ve always supported you no matter what, but this?! Quitting your job because of the guy you like?” 
“Jiho, I don’t care whether you support me or not. I’m telling you what I’m going to do and that’s it. I’m done trying to live my life because of other people, alright? I’m done!” you yelled, your chest rising with every breath as tears pricked the corners of your eyes. 
“How could you tell me my feelings were silly?!” you cried, your voice shaking with every word, “You have no right Jiho, not when you don’t know how I feel.” 
Jiho stared at you for what seemed like too long, when he finally let out a harsh breath. Rubbing his temples, he spoke softly, “What makes you think I don’t know how you feel Y/N?” 
Your brows knitted together in confusion as you stared at Jiho. His face contorted into an expression you had never seen on him before, a look mixed with years worth of hurt, despair and sadness all in one. 
“Jiho, what—?” 
“I know exactly how you feel Y/N, and I’ve been feeling it for years now—” suddenly faltering at the end, his face flushing, “I—Just, don’t tell me I don’t understand.” 
You stood there silently as the tension grew between the two of you. Even without Jiho telling you word-for-word, the thoughts that you had subconsciously ignored all this time finally crept up from the depths of mind, the thoughts that you wished weren’t true, seemed to be otherwise. Glancing back at him, your gaze softened when you saw his head hanging low, his hands clasped together tightly in front of him, a habit you knew all too well. 
“Jiho,” you started softly as you grabbed his hands within your own; however, Jiho didn’t miss the apologetic tone in your voice, as he quickly jerked his hands away. 
“I don’t wanna hear an apology, Y/N. Anything but that.” 
Sighing in exasperation, you pleaded, “Jiho, I-What do you want me to say? I-I don’t know what to tell you—” 
“Why can’t it be me?” 
Lips parted, the words faltered on your tongue as you watched Jiho finally looked up at you, his gaze suddenly different. You found him moving closer to you, causing you to inch further back, the countertop digging against your back. 
“Tell me Y/N, why can’t it be me? When I have been here for you, all along.” he croaked as he rested his hands on either side of you, caging you between his arms as his forehead laid against yours, his face dangerously close. 
You had been this close to Jiho a number of times, but never in this way, this time, things were completely different. Before you could say anything, Jiho dipped his head down and soon after you felt his lips hesitatingly brush yours before pressing harder, pushing you gently against the countertop and kissing you with more force than before. 
As your mind fumbled around you, you stood there frozen when suddenly a voice in your head whispered a name so softly, a name that was enough for your hand to fly out and press down on Jiho’s shoulder, pushing him off of you in an instant. 
Jiho gave you a dazed look, until he took in your face.
Surprised. Shocked. Startled.
Face contorting into pure horror, all the color drained out of his face as he spluttered, “Y/N, I—” when you shook your head softly, unable to even look him in the eye.
“I-I need to go, I—” you stammered. Squeezing out from between Jiho and the countertop, you rushed towards the door. However the second you opened it, you felt your heart go still, the world and everything in it coming to a full stop. 
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dun dun dunnnnnn
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ivarthebadbitch · 4 years
Strange things can happen
Chapter 8 summary: Ivar fucks around and finds out.
Canon divergent, everybody lives, arranged marriage AU after 4x14. Read this chapter on Ao3.
Previous chapters: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]
On Ao3: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]
Pairings: Ivar x OC, Ivar vs. basically everyone
Warnings: None
Word count: 3468 (big chapter this time!)
Tagged: @youbloodymadgenius @heavenly1927 @nukyster-blog @bae-roman @adhdnightmare (let me know if you would like to be tagged)
CHAPTER 8: And lead us not into temptation
“Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.”
“Have your debts been forgiven, Father Wilfred?” the boy asked.
The priest looked up warily from his prayer book. He had been reluctant to teach Ivar again after their first lesson, but under pressure from Prince Aethelwulf and his daughter Aldreda, he had little choice but agree—on the condition that Ivar was not to touch any of his books ever again, let alone eat the pages. Everyone had felt that this was a reasonable request, and so lessons had resumed.
Father Wilfred cleared his throat and continued the prayer. “And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever and ever. Amen.” He crossed himself and frowned at Ivar. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
The boy raised his eyebrows. He reached out, grabbed at the priest’s sleeve, and poked his finger through a hole in the fabric just below his wrist. “I think you do,” he said slyly. “I heard you had a problem with your debts, Father Wilfred. As a matter of fact, I heard you stole from the church.” He clicked his tongue. “I can help you.”
Father Wilfred scoffed and pulled away. How in God’s name had the boy heard about that? “I doubt that very much. I sinned, but the king has been gracious.”
“Of course,” Ivar nodded. “And I am sure you have done nothing since then that would cause him to regret his decision to show you mercy.”
He dabbed at the small beads of sweat forming on his forehead. It was a bluff, surely. There was absolutely no way that this boy could know that, in a moment of weakness about a month ago, he had taken a small silver bowl that had been carelessly left out on the altar after mass. Although Ecbert had pardoned him before, he wasn’t the only individual to whom he still owed money, and those others were not so forgiving. But Ivar didn’t know about that. Or did he? 
He swallowed hard. “What do you want?”
Ivar leaned in close and lowered his voice. “I want you to help me escape this place and return home to Kattegat. I promise you that the reward will make it worthwhile.”
Father Wilfred stared at him. To meddle with the family of the king bordered on treason, and was a far worse crime than stealing or gambling. As the son of Ragnar Lothbrok, Ivar would no doubt be fine if they were caught conspiring, but Father Wilfred certainly could not plead for leniency on the basis of maintaining important diplomatic ties. His head would be on a stake in the courtyard in hours. 
His jaw twitched. “How much can you give me in return?” 
Ivar told him, and his eyes widened. With that amount, he could pay off his most demanding creditors and still have enough left over to leave Wessex and begin a new life somewhere else, far from Ecbert’s reach—assuming, of course, that Ivar could actually deliver what he was promising, which was no certain thing. It was reckless and risky. But it was a way out. Perhaps God had provided for him after all.
“Is it enough?” Ivar asked nervously. For a brief moment, Father Wilfred could see the desperation in his eyes. If he didn’t agree, then the boy had told him his conspiracy for nothing. And given their first encounter, it gave him some small amount of satisfaction to watch him sweat.
“It is,” he said at last, and watched Ivar breathe a small sigh of relief.
The boy stuck out his hand and after a moment and against his better judgment, Father Wilfred reached out and shook it. “So it’s agreed, then?”
God, he was absolutely going to regret this. “Agreed.”
Ivar dedicated the next two weeks to reconnaissance while Father Wilfred arranged his transportation to the nearest port and secured his spot on a boat home. He worked out the schedule of the guards that were assigned to patrol the hallway during the night. He found a suitable location to meet the priest for when he made his escape. He discovered that the gates to the villa were usually closed at sunset, except for the nights before and after a feast for one of the many Christian saints. On those nights, it was normal for carts full of food and drink to arrive and depart at all hours, and the guards tended to be more lax in their inspections. Lucky for him, one such feast was fast approaching.
The Feasts of Saint Peter and Saint Paul, as Aldreda explained to him with probably more patience than he deserved, commemorated the martyrdom of the two apostles. The main thing he took away from the whole story was that Christians had some sort of unhealthy fixation on crucifixion. Aldreda gave him a little smack on the shoulder when he told her this, but she didn’t exactly deny it. 
Since their trip to Mercia, she had been more relaxed around him and wasn’t going out of her way to avoid him any longer. By the gods, she had even kissed him. To his profound relief, nothing had happened after that and she hadn’t pressed him on it. Not that he wasn’t interested—even though she didn’t look much like the usual type of woman he liked, he found her attractive enough in her own way—but the prospect of trying and failing with a woman once again terrified him. It wasn’t even important if nobody else ever found out. He would know and she would know for certain that he wasn’t really a man, not in the way that mattered.
At any rate, he would be gone soon and then it really wouldn’t matter. He just had to sit through an exceptionally long and boring mass first. He was too on edge to nod off to sleep as he usually did during these things, so he ended up fidgeting and shuffling around in his seat until Aldreda inevitably jabbed an elbow into his ribs. 
“Ow,” he whispered, pretending she had hurt him more than she actually had. She rolled her eyes and he grinned back.
Finally, after an eternity of listening to the archbishop blather on in Latin and watching everyone else in the room but him go up to the altar to eat the bread god, it was time for the actual feast. The guards carried him to the main hall, which had been fully transformed for the banquet. The first dishes had been brought out by the servants and the wine was already flowing by the time he settled into his usual place at Aldreda’s side at the highest table, which was reserved for Ecbert’s family. Ecbert stood up and clapped his hands, gave a mercifully short blessing, and the feast began in earnest.
Ivar cast his gaze around the hall in what he hoped was a casual manner, until he finally spotted Father Wilfred on the far side of the room. When he caught the priest’s eye, he gave him a cheerful little wave. Father Wilfred immediately looked away. As long as the miserable little priest wasn’t planning to betray him, that was fine. Now it was time to set the next part of his plan in motion.
A servant came by with a wine jug, and he held out his cup. After the girl had filled his cup, he gestured for her to fill Aldreda’s next. “To my wife,” he said, and clinked his cup against hers. Aldreda blushed and took a long sip.
He made sure to keep her cup full throughout the feast. Though she was not a particularly small woman, she was no match for him when it came to holding her liquor. She soon grew tipsy and then somewhat more than tipsy. By the point she nearly fell backwards out of her chair, he decided he had gone far enough. The banquet was winding down anyway; the hall was already half empty and the servants were busy carting empty platters back to the kitchen and mopping up spilled food and drink.
With a word to the ever-present guards, one man draped Ivar’s arm across his shoulder and levered him up while the other offered Aldreda a hand and steadied her when she stumbled. Ivar felt a sudden surge of frustration as he watched. He was her husband and that was supposed to be his job, if only...
“Ivar?” Aldreda asked him woozily. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing,” he lied. “Let’s go to bed.”
They finally made their way back to their room, albeit more slowly than usual. Aldreda stumbled to the bed and sat down heavily beside him, hiccuping and then giggling at her own hiccups. She fumbled a little while undoing the buttons on the front of her dress, and Ivar waved away the servant who stepped forward to help her. “You can leave us,” he said. “I’ll take care of her.”
Once the servant was gone, he took over the task of helping her out of her dress, letting down her hair, and unclasping her necklace. “I don’t know why, but I think you wanted to get me drunk tonight,” she accused him, words slurring together. She giggled again and bunched the fabric of her shift between her fingers. “Are you trying to seduce me? Do you think that if you give a lady enough wine, you can get her to do whatever you want?”
“Don’t be ridiculous,” he said, unable to stop himself from blushing. He hoped he could hide her necklace before she noticed, but she stood up, crossed the room on unsteady feet, and dropped it on top of the dressing table where she usually kept it. Then she plopped back down on the bed and watched as he undressed. For the first time in weeks, he suddenly felt shy around her. 
“You could try, if you want,” she said. “To seduce me, I mean. I wouldn’t mind. We’re married, after all.”
“You’re drunk,” he told her bluntly as he set aside his shirt. He didn’t think she was mocking him, but he couldn’t quite believe she actually meant it either. At any rate, her timing couldn’t have been worse. “And you know I can’t do that.” 
His words came out more harshly than he had intended, and she winced. “I meant no offense,” she said.
He sighed. “I know you didn’t.”
They didn’t talk after that. Aldreda turned on her side, facing away from him. Before long, he heard her breathing grow slow and steady. He lay on his back, wide awake, and watched the shadows move across the ceiling. There was nothing he could do now except wait until Father Wilfred was ready for him, but his mind was already racing ahead to the next thing. By evening the next day, he would be on a boat headed home. He could already picture the approach to Kattegat and the curious crowd gathered on the dock, with his parents and brothers at the front waiting for him...
The bells rang. It was exactly one hour after midnight. With his heart thumping in his chest, Ivar slid out of bed as quietly as he could and started to get dressed. Usually, he would just scatter his clothes on the ground and let a servant pick them up for him later, but tonight, he had been careful to keep everything he needed in a neat pile so he wouldn’t waste time fumbling around. As he pulled on his boots and laced up the leather braces he wore around his legs, he listened to Aldreda snoring faintly on the bed. She was normally a heavy sleeper anyway, but with all the wine he had plied her with, he felt certain she would not wake.
Once he was fully dressed, he crawled over to the dressing table she had left her necklace on top of. Ivar suddenly realized that it was just out of his reach while he was on his hands and knees. He let out a quiet curse as he gripped the edges of the table and painstakingly pulled himself to his feet. 
Aldreda shifted in bed and he froze, his legs trembling underneath him as he tried to keep his balance. “Ivar?” she asked sleepily. 
“Go back to sleep,” he told her. He could feel the table starting to tip and he threw all his weight forward to prevent it—and himself—from crashing to the floor. He had prepared an excuse in case Aldreda woke while he was getting dressed or leaving, but it would be a little more difficult to explain to her that he had inadvertently knocked over her dressing table while trying to steal her mother’s necklace as a bribe for his escape attempt.
“Mm,” she answered. She rolled over and her breathing slowed once again, and Ivar let out a silent sigh of relief. He quickly snatched the necklace, lowered himself back down to the floor, and shoved it into his pocket before he could change his mind. It’s just a necklace, he lied to himself. Her father can get her another one.
He knew he couldn’t linger any longer. The guard that patrolled the hall outside their room would be changing soon, and he had to time it so that he left while the hallway was clear and before the next set of guards arrived. He crawled to the door and strained his ears, listening to the faint murmur of voices on the other side. An eternity passed before he finally heard them walking away.
Ivar exhaled slowly and waited another moment. He cast one final look back at Aldreda before reaching up to grab the handle and tentatively pushing the door open.
The hallway was empty. The next set of guards was late, no doubt caught up in the aftermath of the feast. He silently thanked the gods, dragged himself into the hall, and carefully shut the door behind him, checking again to make sure he hadn’t been seen. Then he made his way as quietly and as quickly as he could to the meeting place he had chosen with Father Wilfred. 
The priest was already waiting for him inside the rarely-used storage room down the hall, tapping his foot impatiently as Ivar crawled inside. “You’re late,” Father Wilfred snapped. The man looked like he hadn’t slept in days, and he kept anxiously glancing over his shoulder even though it was just the two of them in the room. He held out his hand. “I want what you promised me.”
“Fine.” Ivar took the necklace out of his pocket and reluctantly handed it over. The priest held it in his hands for a moment as though weighing it, and then he stuffed it down his shirt. They both knew there would be no going back for either of them after this. 
“Cover yourself,” the priest ordered, tossing Ivar a large, dirty blanket in return. After Ivar wrapped himself in the blanket and covered his head, Father Wilfred picked him up with a grunt and slung him over his shoulder, staggering under his weight.
“Really?” Ivar groaned as Father Wilfred started walking. It would be extremely obvious to anybody they passed that the priest was carrying a body, blanket or no blanket. “This is the best disguise you could come up with? We’re going to get caught.”
“We will definitely get caught if you keep talking,” Father Wilfred whispered back. “And if you had a better idea for a disguise, you should’ve told me. You’re the most recognizable person in this entire palace!”
“That’s not my fault,” Ivar said, but he shut up after that. From inside the blanket, he had no clue which direction Father Wilfred was taking him, and for a moment, he wondered if he had horribly misjudged the man. The priest could be taking him straight to Aethelwulf to tell him everything. Then they’d toss him in the dungeon and leave him there for the rest of his life. He could call the man a liar, but it would be no use—after all, it was hard to come up with an innocent explanation for why he had just stolen Aldreda’s mother’s necklace and had himself wrapped in a blanket to get smuggled out of the palace.  
Fortunately for him, Father Wilfred did not take him to Aethelwulf. After a considerable amount of huffing and puffing and Ivar repeatedly banging his chin into the priest’s back as he went down some stairs, Father Wilfred finally paused, dumped Ivar on the ground, and pulled the blanket off his head. 
Ivar blinked as his eyes adjusted to the dim light. They had ended up on the grounds just outside the kitchen, behind a cart full of wine barrels. Father Wilfred was saying a few words to a burly man that Ivar assumed was the owner of the cart. Then he turned back to Ivar and gestured to an empty barrel that was lying on its side. “In you go,” he said. “Everything has been arranged. My friend here will take you directly to the closest port and the boat to Kattegat.”
Ivar looked dubiously at the inside of the empty barrel. It seemed far too small. “You can’t be serious,” he complained, but after a moment he scooted inside and discovered that it was indeed a very tight fit. His joints protested as he tried to fold his legs in closer to his body in a hopeless attempt to get comfortable. The wood reeked of wine and it made him slightly nauseous. 
Once he was in, Father Wilfred and the other man turned the barrel upright and lifted it onto the cart. Ivar looked up to see the priest staring down at him with a thoroughly annoyed expression on his face. It occurred to him that he was unlikely to see Father Wilfred after this. He opened his mouth to speak.
“I hope I never see you again in my life,” Father Wilfred said before he could say anything. Then he jammed down the lid and left Ivar in almost complete darkness.
He waited there for what felt like years. Finally, the cart began to move. He gritted his teeth as they hit seemingly every pothole in the road and he attempted without success to find a better position for his cramped legs. With the lid on the barrel, the smell of stale alcohol was nearly overwhelming and he could hardly keep himself from retching. 
His adrenaline had kept him going all night, but as the cart rattled on through the darkness he finally felt himself growing sleepy. Despite the discomfort of being squeezed into a barrel, he ended up dozing intermittently and then jolting awake whenever the cart hit a rough patch. After the first few times this happened, he found himself longing for the soft sheets and down-filled pillows on Aldreda’s bed, and the gentle warmth of the sunlight hitting his face in the morning, and lying there half-awake until finally Aldreda yawned and nudged him to get up…
Gods, what was wrong with him? He had left all of that behind. He tried instead to think about home, and everything he was going to do when he made it back to Kattegat—assuming his mother ever let him out of her sight again. But he would wear her down eventually. He always did.
After a long while, he could hear the birds starting to chirp, and around the edges of the lid, there was the faintest hint of light. He inhaled deeply, trying in vain to pick up the smell of salty air over the stench of old wine. Father Wilfred had told him it would be a day’s journey to reach the port by cart, but perhaps he had overestimated it. They might be there sooner. 
The cart came to an abrupt halt. Ivar heard men talking and then the sound of somebody climbing onto the back of the cart. His heart beat faster. Perhaps the cart driver had decided they were far enough away from the royal villa and it was safe to let him out. Or maybe they had already arrived. Once he was on the boat, nothing—barring another storm or some other intervention of the gods—would keep him from making it home to Kattegat.
The top of the barrel was suddenly wrenched open. Ivar blinked as his eyes adjusted to the light only to find Aethelwulf glaring down at him. His father-in-law’s face was red with fury.
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jedimasterkelly · 3 years
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Shit happens when you're a woman. A lot of shit. Bad shit. And a lot of the time, you will run into doctors who do not listen to you. Will not care about you, and will not take you seriously.
This story is about the Great Cancer Scare of 2020.
I was 49, and 3 yrs post menopause. I was pleased about that, as it means no more period ever. I could deal with the occasional hot flashes, and the snapping of necks of anyone who dared bother me. Then in May of 2020, after the pandemic fully hit and the University I work at closed and sent all of us to work from home, I got very sick. Not from Covid, thankfully, but something else. I had started bleeding, and it wasn't menstrual blood. It was bright red and HEAVY. I was filling post-natal pads within 2 hours. I called the Women's Clinic where my OB-GYN lived. They couldn't see me until July. WTF! I called my GP, who got me in on an emergency basis, I mean, 3 yrs post-menopausal women don't just spring a leak, you know? My ovarian function had been almost nil for 3 years. He called my OB-GYN and demanded I get seen right away. They made an appointment for 2 weeks later. Keep reading, because it's quite a ride!
Seriously! 2 weeks later!
In the meantime, my GP discovered my thyroid was tanked out, so I was put on Levothyroxine 25mcg. It helped a lot. I started to feel a little bit more human, at least in the brain area. I finally got in to the OB-GYN, and he did a biopsy and trans-vaginal ultrasound. We got the results 2 weeks later and he called me in to go over them. He said I had hyperplasia with atypia. Cells were dividing rapidly, and he was very concerned. He recommended an endometrial ablation, or a full hysterectomy. At 49 he wasn't concerned with me having a sudden maternal urge (I have no kids), so he was fine with either choice. I decided on the hysterectomy, because why not? Endometrium grows back after an ablation, and why bother at my age? Just yank it all and let me get back to my life.
He said he didn't feel safe doing the procedure, since the cells were most likely cancerous and rapidly dividing, so he sent a referral to one of the cancer centers in OKC. I expected a call within a couple of weeks. I mean, really, if I have the early stages of endometrial cancer, they'd call me in immediately, right? Right?
Crickets. Literal crickets for 4 months! I was very concerned, hell, worried I was going to get full blown cancer and these jackasses weren't going to try and help me at all. I called OB-GYN several times during that 4 month period, and was told the cancer center in OKC wasn't returning their calls. I called them numerous times, and could never get a person on the phone.
I was told it was the pandemic. The pandemic was shutting everything down and causing huge backlogs for non-Covid issues to be seen. I told OB-GYN to refer me to the oncologist from Tulsa, who also worked once a month in Stillwater at the SMC Cancer Center. He didn't want to, he wanted me to see the doctor in OKC (who wasn't returning anyone's calls!) I called SMC Cancer Center and asked how soon I could get in with Dr. Thomas. His office called back within 2 hours asking for my chart and biopsy results. I had the Womens Clinic send my information to Dr. Thomas in Tulsa. Within a week, they called and had me on the schedule to see him in Stillwater on his next visit.
This is where the story gets good. And by good, I mean, WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK. Thanks for sticking with me this far.
Got in to see Dr. Thomas. I researched him and learned we have the same Alma Mater. That day, we were both wearing t-shirts from said same Alma Mater. Instant bonding! I also work in Administration at said same Alma Mater, so we spent some time discussing (gossiping) about my department since he had taken classes with a lot of my faculty during his undergrad. Then he got serious and handed me my biopsy report. He told me he was going to assume I wasn't shown this, since I am:
1. A Master's of Science graduate student in Education Leadership - this making me a researcher who knows how to do research, do research, and understand research.
2. Work full time in a Physical Sciences department at a Big 12 University.
3. Edit manuscripts for my Dept. Chair, thus proving I am scientifically literate. You can't edit scientific manuscripts without having a good, solid knowledge of said science. If he's alternating between "adsorb" and "absorb", I have to understand his research in order to correct his manuscript. This is important because his manuscripts have to be peer reviewed before they can be published in a reputable journal.
"Read it to me, out loud," he said.
I started reading from the paper in my professional scientist voice. It didn't take long before I began to falter as I came to the realization I had been lied to.
"Read it again," he said.
This time, I read it with a lot more heat in my voice.
Diagnosis: no hyperplasia with atypia, no abnormal cells detected
Dr. Thomas waited for me to explode. I didn't. I just stared at him in anger and horror. He offered to do another biopsy to make sure, but he suggested I fire my OB-GYN immediately and find someone who actually gives a shit about me.
I was still randomly bleeding, 6-9 weeks at a time, so we agreed on another trans-vaginal ultrasound and biopsy. The attached photo shows he took 3 samples from my uterus. He wanted to be sure.
A little ditty about endometrial biopsies:
They hurt like a motherfucker.
Take 2-3 ibuprofen before you leave the house to go to your procedure.
Relax. It usually only lasts a couple of minutes. The doctor normally takes 1 or 2 samples. Pinch, snip, clip, done.
Not this guy. He wanted to be surely sure.
He went for a 3rd pinch snip clip. My uterus seized up in the most painful spasm I ever had in my life. I almost came off the table. He was seated on a little rolly stool so he shot back away from me before I could connect his head to my foot. He triumphantly held up his little weapon of Uterine Destruction and declared, "Got it!"
"Yeah, you almost got your ass kicked mister," I growled at him.
"It was worth it to get this beauty of a sample."
So, after a biopsy of your uterus, expect some bleeding and cramping. I had severe cramps for 2 days. I was not amused. We're talking laying in bed with a heating pad and ibuprofen every 4 hours kind of cramping.
Got the results back in a couple of weeks. No cancer. No hyperplasia. No abnormal cell growth. He recommended I find a new OB-GYN fast. I decided fuck it, I'm done. I'm never seeing another OB-GYN ever again.
Dr. Thomas said several times he's convinced my issues are endocrinal. I filed that away in the back of my mind.
(if you ever do test positive for cancer and you are in the Tulsa area, I highly recommend Dr. Eric Thomas! Make sure you have a sense of humor with him.)
My GP started pressuring me back in March of 2021 to find a new OB-GYN. The Women's Clinic has several, but they have a fucked up rule you can't switch doctors there. So if you go there, you are stuck with the same doctor and can't move over to his colleague on another floor. I saw my GP again, and asked if he was still best buds with a gynecologist who had his own clinic. He was always full, and not taking new patients, so GP would have to call his buddy to get me in.
Which he did. Buddy-GYN's office called the very next day to schedule me in. He had been sent my chart and was concerned about the long bleeds (6-9 weeks in duration) and why the fuck were they happening after being 3 yrs post-menopause.
I went in for a consult in April of 2021. First thing out of his mouth, "Has anyone ever talked to you before about PCOS?"
I laughed.
I laughed because every GYN I saw over the last 20 years told me I didn't have PCOS, endometriosis, or any sort of hormonal issues. I was just fat, lazy, and a piggy pig pig. I actually had one OB-GYN tell me to go on The Biggest Loser. Fat shamed while sitting there naked on his table after an invasive exam of my female bits. Thanks a lot, asshole.
I told him about that. He informed me he could tell by LOOKING at me I have the classics signs of PCOS. I use an epilator on my crazy man-hairs, so he asked if I was tweezing or waxing. I about fell out of my chair. Nobody ever believed me that I was having to remove crazy thick hairs off my chin and neck all the time. He asked if I ever had ovarian cysts. Affirmative, I was diagnosed with ovarian cysts the first time one exploded back in 1994. He stood there, holding the bridge of his nose and shook his head.
"Well, going by your chief complaints, your abdominal circumference, history of bursting cysts, and no period for 3 years, I am saying you have PCOS."
He went on to discuss my need for an appointment with an endocrine specialist, he was convinced my thyroid tanking out sent my ovaries back into production, and now my hormones are all over the place, most likely, and I needed specialized care.
He must have talked to GP, because I soon got a call from the endo clinic to come in.
This post is already long and tedious, but I am happy to say I finally have 3 doctors who listen to me. My new Endo doc tripled my levothyroxine and scheduled a follow up blood test for next month. Buddy-GYN talked me into a pap smear and cervical exam in July as well. He also wants a mammogram, which I begrudgingly need to schedule so he doesn't chew my ass in July when I walk in with no results. GP is working on my other issues (weight, bad fluid retention, etc...). We discovered from a blood test last Friday my iron levels are dangerously low. I am now on a Rx iron supplement. I've always struggled with anemia, but it never occurred to me or GP to check my iron levels. If you're a woman, and you feel like absolute dog shit and your doctor can't figure out why, have your iron and electrolytes tested. It'll probably take about 3-4 weeks for me to see any results from the iron supplement, but I can already see a reduction in fluid retention.
In September, I have an appointment with Dr. Le at Integris in OKC. He's a bariatric surgeon. I have gained so much weight from having PCOS and Hypothyroidism that I need to drop a lot of fat fast. I'm pretty healthy - I don't have the normal problems obese people tend to have. I'm not diabetic, don't have sleep apnea, my cholesterol levels are good. I am what they call "healthy fat" which seems like an oxymoron. However, it will improve my chances of getting approved for a sleeve gastrectomy.
I turned 50 last week, and had to endure 3 decades of no one listening to me. I feel I lost so many years of my life and I can never get them back. I hope this post reaches a lot of younger women having issues. Keep looking for a doctor who will listen to you. It sucks we have to hunt for these unicorns, but they do exist. I finally have a good team who actually cares about me.
You have a right to be listened to! You have a right to be heard!
I was asked: Who are my doctors?
Dr. Daniel Brown D.O. Stillwater Physicians Clinic
Dr. Yasuto Taguchi M.D. Taguchi Women's Clinic
Dr. Wynter Kipgen M.D. Stillwater Diabetes & Endocrinology
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Princess of the order; Chapter 2
Previously On the Princess Of the Order
Damian asks me a question. However, I don't hear it. All I hear is my head yelling " YOU LIED!! YOU ARE JUST LIKE SOPHIE!". I wring my hands. My head is right I am a liar just like Lady Sophie. I couldn't take this anymore. I look up to Damian (who is an inch taller than her) and say " I need to tell you something. I-I can't do this". He looks at me concerned. I drag him to the edge of the order. I spill all my secrets. Every. Single. One. I had to!! Those beautiful green eyes of his melted my heart and my life was too much for a 5-year-old!!! After I finish my rant he looks at me. I then realize what I have done. My eyes widen. What if Damian snitches?!?!?! Oh no, you messed up Marinette. " Hey, Hey! Don't worry!! Your secrets safe with me." I look up to Damian. " really?" He nods. I quickly hug him and tell I'm to meet here again same time tomorrow and just as I was about to head back to my palace Damian had grabbed my hand and gave it a chaste kiss. " Have a Good night Sahib Alsumui "
From that day on they had met up at the same spot. Sometimes Marinette had to go in her royal wear, but it was a small price to pay. This went on for years until one fateful day...
Damian and I had just finished exchanging gifts. Both of our 10th birthdays had just passed. I had received a necklace with angel wing charms and devil horns saying "Sahib Alsumui". That had become a nickname only Damian had used. Marinette had made a special announcement about how no one was allowed to call her that claiming she wanted to have a less formal relationship with her subjects. Damian had received a similar gift, a gold ring with dove wings, and inside the ring, a secret message was engraved. Marinette put the ring on him not letting him see the message and made him swear not to look at the message unless she said. Why? Cause the message was short and simple, yet meant a lot. It had said I love you, Dove. The two children had just released each other from their hug when Marinette had to go to Castle of Creation to meet the past ladybug. Just as she was about to go the League of Assassins drops in. Some Monks nearby grab Marinette.
" DAMIAN!!!" Marinette yells as she sees an assassin behind Damian. " NOO" she screams right before her eyesight blurs and she slumps.
I jolt up, breathing heavily.  It's okay Marinette that was 6 years ago. Breathe.
   Tikki flies up to my face and squeaks " Are you okay Marinette?" her voice laced heavily with concern. I had been waking up very often in the middle of the night for the past month always waking up with labored breathing. Tikki had kept me notified of all my strange behaviors in the night. " Yeah, I'm okay Tikki." "Well, there is no use in sleeping now bug, there only 2 minutes till your alarm goes off so I suggest getting ready early." I give a small smile to Tikki and joke " At least my nightmares are helping me with my school schedule now". Tikki just looks at me with a lost look in her eyes before flying back into my purse. I shrug it off and get ready for school. The rest of the horrible day plays inevitably in my mind.
I wake up in a quaint room. My memories were quite fuzzy but I had a feeling that I could trust the place. I head downstairs to only find my Auntie Sabine and Uncle Tom. They rush over to me mouths moving only I wasn't listening. My memories were coming back. I.....I was to head over to my Aunt's place only in an emergency. My eyes widen. In a quavery voice, I ask
" Where is Damian?" not wanting my conclusion to be true, praying to the gods that he's alright. I look over to my Aunt and judging by the look on her face.......Damian didn't survive. I fall to my knees crying body shaking sobs as my Auntie and Uncle hug me.
My Aunt's yelling snaps me out of my trance. I finish doing my pigtails, straighten my purse and head downstairs. Wanting to be early and speak with Adrien before everyone else arrives I grab a croissant and I quickly head over to the school.
I wave over to Adrien who is sitting on the stairs smiling goofily at his phone. He's probably texting his boyfriend. "ooooh Adrien's got a crush!!" I tease while looking down at the boy lounging in the steps. He sticks out his tongue back before saying " Hah hah ha".  I squish myself between him and the railing, Adrien quickly moving over for more space. Adrien quickly turns off his phone and rests his head on my shoulder.
" So, how's the Night Terrors?"
" *snort* Horrible as always"
" Look Adrien, I'm fine okay!! They're just old memories replaying in my mind, and the night before the last, I dreamt the first time I met him so that's a point!!!"
Adrien lifts his head off my shoulder and gives me a skeptical look. I shove him gently and say " okay okay enough about me, how's your mom?". Today marks the 2nd week of Hawkmoths defeat. I recall how I made up a whole team, calling upon almost all of the miraculous for the fight, but as always it ended with me and my kitty against the world...as always. I had healed Mrs. Agreste since Adrien needed a guardian. He wanted to bury his mother in peace but the law required for him to have at least one of his parents unless he wants his father's company ripped from him until he is adopted or is old enough to take charge of it. " She's okay, but still catching up on what happened during the last 5 years" Adrien stated resting his head back on my shoulder. I hum in response happy she's catching on. We sit there gazing at the beautiful city in front of us. It had been a rough 5 years for all of the Parisians but all that was in the past.
" Ya know... I'm still pissed at the JL for ignoring us, but I'm kinda grateful too??" I state. Adrien glares at me from my shoulder and says in a cold voice " Why? ".  I wasn't taken back by his voice as it was understandable. If they had helped earlier then no Parisian would have to see their loved ones get murdered and resurrected in front of them. I sigh and jokingly say " well I don't think that I would be able to fight off an akumatized Batman, how bout you?". We burst out laughing.
Our laughing dies down 2 minutes before Alya, Nino, and Chloe arrive.  Despite all the things that happened these past 5 years Marinette and Chloe becoming friends were the craziest. Not finding out the identity of ladybug and hawkmoth but their ever-evolving friendship. Like always they ask about Marinette's night terrors and she shrugs them off saying that they were getting better. Yeah, no these were lies. Tikki had often reported to me about the terrors and I became increasingly worried. We all know about Marinette's past but I'm pretty sure what we knew was just a fraction of a bigger and more horrifying story. This Damien character was very important to her and he was her bestie in the Order. Very intriguing.....
More students enter the schoolyard and we started walking toward homeroom. We enter the room. Alya and Chloe pull me aside, with matching looks on their face. " Ninos distracting M, now spill, we know the night terrors aren't getting better." Sweat rolls down the back of my neck as they give me the look. I swallow and stammer out " I-I can't my lady trusts me so uh I like can't really t-tell you guys". Just as they are about to retaliate Mme. Bustier walks in with the biggest smile adorning her face. I signed in relief and made my way towards my seat along with the others.
" Good Morning Students!!!!  Today we have a video call with Lila and then I will be handing out the summer job packages for Gotham and New york!"
Shit, I forgot today's the last Wednesday of highschool. Damn, we came far. Mme. sets up the projector with help from Markov and suddenly Lila's face pops into view. Yaaay. I cant practically feel the hate coming from the 3 girls behind me. I shiver. These girls behind me are the most terrifying in the world when they need to or want to be. I discreetly pull out my phone, zone out Lila, and text away to Jon.
~~ a Lil time skip if that's okay~~
Lila had finally ended the call claiming that she had to go the sleep bright and early to help Prince Ali. I was very excited. Jon said he is living in Gotham for the summer so  I decided to surprise him. The minute I had gotten the forms for the summer jobs I had filled in the Gotham form and placed it in my knapsack. I turned around and asked the girls where they're going. Nino is honestly fine with anything so he's going with Alya.
" hmm I might go to Gotham but New York does have..." Alya mumbled to herself
" Ugh, I can't decide!! I might decide over a drink later though" Chloe had said picking her nails.
I faced my lady and she just sighed and said: " I might join ya".  Alya and Nin agreed with them so I knew I was going to end up coming with them to drive their drunk asses home or at least to my place. The bell ringed for lunch since our school days had shortened ever since Hawkmoths defeat. We went to lunch chatting.
-Another time and POV skip cause this chappie has been a bit bland no?-
I ran out of school, before stopping at the edge of the sidewalk. I sat down at the ledge, my breathing more labored than it was when I snapped out of my trance. My hands meet my hair as I run my hand halfway through. I had another night terror although I wasn't asleep this time. I was fully awake and I saw a bloody Damian pop in front of me and stabbed me in the lung. Normally I wouldn't have flinched but.....this...this was different.
I hear the doors slamming open and running. Alya and Chloe drop down beside me. " M are you okay? Nino and Adrien are grabbing our stuff." Alya says concern dripping in her tone. I sigh shakily and say " I--Im good I just really needed a breath of air". Chloe and Alya share a look.
" *sigh* okay no I'm not. I have been having night terrors of my best and only friend in the league and it breaks my heart every damn time guys. I..." my voice cracks " I can't handle this" tears stream down my face and I bury my head in my hands. My friends hung me and rub circles on my back while I sob. I can barely hear the sound of Adrien and nino dropping down next to me. they hug my back.
After a good solid 2 minutes of crying which is the most, I have done in 5 years. I get out of their grasp and wipe my eyes. I get up grab my bag and look down at them. " Wanna have a drink?"
They grin at me and I grin back. We quickly make our way towards the mayor's hotel.
~After they have 5 shots of tequila and Adrien has one shot of vodka ;) kudos if ya get it~
I take a lazy glance at the room. Adrien is on the floor balancing bottles on his stomach, Alya and Nino are making out and Chloe is well, Chloe. I blink at Chloe and point a finger at her she looks at me. " hEY wHY arEnt yOu dRunK?" she looks at me with a bored expression and says " Darling I only survive life in general because I take shots every morning. Try Me. "
I gasp. Nino and Alya stop eating each other's faces and surround me and Chloe. I glare at her as hard as I could while being wasted that is. Adrien gets up and pours each of us 5 shots of the strongest we have.
" Aight start on 3, 1...2...3!"
We start. before I can even get into the 4th shot I look over to see Chloe already done and taking selfies. Being the drunkard I am I fall out of my chair and start to chant Chloe's name while bowing down at her. I don't notice Adrien recording it though. Since we just consumed the strongest alcohol ever we decided to fill out the job forms, while we were drunk. 
After a while, we all fall asleep on the floor the bottles on our stomachs shaking the slightest.
I wake up in a room full of darkness and 2 people in white jackets. I look around confused and spot a little boy who I notice is ...Damien! The last thing I remember is taking shots in front of Chloe, where......where exactly am I? Damian yells and struggles in his binds I yell out a "NO!" as he screams in pain -
I jolt up screaming. All the bottles on my stomach rolling back onto the ground. " Wass wrong? Akuma?" I hear adrien slur out of habit. I look over to him unable to stop the tears flowing from my eyes. His body structure relaxes as he realizes it wasn't an Akuma. He scooches over to me. Without saying a word he hugs me and I cry softly into his shirt as he kisses my forehead and whispers soothing words.
It's bland I know, has a bit of comedy tho. And a bit of what I guess would call angst? Meh, the next one is Damien's POV so it will be better. The reason it's so long is that I wanted to make it less bland but I Obviously failed. oh well
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liya4kar · 3 years
Liyada’s Fics Masterpost
It was time I wrote a Fic Masterpost.
So for everyone who is interested by my fics, firstly I invit you on my AO3 where you can litteraly find everythng, especially since I don’t post the fics directly on Tumblr. 
And if you want the details, here we go!
Also here the plan, because the post is really long lmao-
I/ Pokespe
1. Multi-chap fics
a) Three Years
b) The Magical Dexholders
2. AUs
a) Yorozuya no Lack-chan
b) Legendary Dexholders
c) Blonde Family
d) Yokai AU
3. Stand-alone OS and Drabbles
a) OS
b) Drabbles
II/ Other fandoms
a) Champion (Marvel)
I/ Pokespe
1. Multi-Chap Fics
a) Three Years
This one is my baby, the one I had been working on for 2 years and a half, the one I progressed the more in, and also the one I haven’t updated in a year even if I have 6 chapters ready to post, cause I’m lazy af. Also the ones where you can very easily see how much my writing progressed since I started writing for Pokéspe.
Warning: Graphic Description of Violence, Major Character Death (though this one is complicate and don’t fully apply)
Genre: Angst, Adventure.
Words Count: 69,567
Statut: In Progress
Characters: The whole Spe cast up to SM.
Relationship: Background Frantic, Entourage, Agency and Laverree, a lot of other friendships.
Summary: Some secrets should never be revealed. Or should they?
After a strange explosion, X and Y fear the apparition if a new threat for Kalos, and decide to get themselves implicate. But things are not as simple as they look, and nothing will go the way they want. And as those attacks take bigger scales and start to involve a large number of people, they would have no choice but to find the motive behind them to stop them; even if it means getting back on some bitter memories from three years ago they all would have preferred to forget...
List of chapters: Part I: Kalos
Tumblr media
1. The Explosion
2. The Lumiose Badlands
3. Shalour City
4. The Attack
5. Next Action
6. Lumiose City
7. Blackout
8. Chase in Lumiose City
9. The Next Day
10. Couriway Town
11. Sunrise
12. Tic Tac
13. Terminus
Part II: Unova
Tumblr media
14. A Day in Driftveil City I
14.5. A Day in Driftveil City II
15. Welcome to Unova I
15.5. Welcome to Unova II
16. The Twist Mountain I
16.5. The Twist Mountain II
b) The Magical Dexholders
This one is purely self-indulgent fic, where I basically write the dumbest thing that get in my mind. Aka some Dexholders become Magical Girls or Boys, but they’re dumb, but it’s okay because the bad guys, their friends and their world in general is dumb.
Warning: No Warning applies
Genre: Parody, Humor, Friendship
Words Count; 27,944
Statut: In progress
Characters: The whole Spe cast up to SM, and some OCs
Relationship: Diamond & Silver, Blue & Yellow & Gold & Platinum, Green & Crystal & Pearl
It’s an emergency! The Darkness Power Of The Terrible Evil has invading the Pokespe world and take over the region of Kanto! Some magical fluffy creatures needs help in order to stop the Darkness Power Of The Terrible Evil!
The day Dia met a strange professor fan of Magical Boy and a strange pink creature, he knew his life would never be the same...
In the meantime, Blue and Yellow have to face a terrible threat to get back their home, but get new abilities in exchange.
List of chapters:
1.  A story is not interesting if nothing go wrong in it
2.  If you are a Magical Boy, don't forget to take an insurance for building destruction!
3.  If the authorities say that a radioactive cloud did magically stop at the border, you can totally trust them!
4.  You can’t be a protagonist if you don’t have an ultimate move, a dark past or a secret identity!
5.  No matter how good it looks on TV, sh*t stay sh*t!
6.  An homage to a work becomes a fanfiction when it becomes an important part of the plot, you moron!
7. If you update on the 1st April everyone's gonna believe it's a joke, even if it isn't, so update on the 31st March!
2. AUs
Those fics are not multi-chap fics, but more like OS and drabbles that are related between each others.
a) Yorozuya no Lack-chan
Heavily inspired by Gintama, AU where Lack did not get back in Interpol and started doing odd jobs instead. Serie of Drabbles.
Warning: No Warning applies
Genre: Parody, Humor, Friendship
Characters: Lack-Two, Whi-Two, X, Sun
Relationship: Lack-Two & Whi-Two, Lack-Two & X, Lack-Two & Sun
When Whi-Two bumped into Lack-Two after months, she was not expecting him to went from Interpol officer to dog walker. And neither that he’d get her, and this guy from Kalos, to join he’s odd jobs agency.
List of chapters:
Dogwalker Lack-Two in action!
The Blazing Begining of Odd Jobs Yorozuya no Lack-Chan! 
b) Legendary Dexholders
In a world where being a legendary Pokémons can be boring, the legendary Pokémons decides to have a little bit of funs. Shenanigans ensue.
Aka the legendary Pokémons decides to become humans, and of course they happen to be our favorite DHs.
Warning: No Warning applies
Genre: Friendship, Family, Supposed to be comic at first but also goes on the character study sometimes
Characters: Silver, Giratina, others for next OS.
Relationship: Implied Preciousmetal, Blue & Silver
When Whi-Two bumped into Lack-Two after months, she was not expecting him to went from Interpol officer to dog walker. And neither that he’d get her, and this guy from Kalos, to join he’s odd jobs agency.
List of chapters: Giratina
c) Blonde Family
In which Yellow, Pearl, Bianca and Y are all cousins. Shenanigans enssue.
Warning: No Warning applies
Genre: Family, Comedy, Crime
Characters: Yellow, Pearl, Bianca, Y
Relationship: Yellow & Pearl & Bianca & Y
Family reunions are rarely all peace and calm. But when, out of four cousins, you have three Dexholders and a clumsy professor assistant, things are bond to be messy.
List of chapters: To be a cousin, Don't listen others confessions or you'll end as responsible as them
d) Yokai AU
What if yokai existed in the Spe universe? 
Warning: No Warning applies
Genre: Supernatural, Friendship, Adventures
Characters: Pearl, Schilly
Relationship: Pearl & Schilly
Pearl had first seen them when he was four years old. And he had learned to live with this world only he could see, to maintain his balance of a normal life.
He had just not expected one of his junior to also see them.
List of chapters: Chilling Party
3. Stand alone OS and drabbles
a) OS
Here you can find the 1K+ words stand-alone OS. Links are in the tittles!
A Good Christmas Movie is Made of Hot Chocolate and a Fire-Breathing Cat
Warning: No Warning applies
Genre: Horror, Parody, Christmas, Hallmark Movie, Specord Winter Writing Event 2020
Words count: 4093
Statut: OS, Complete
Characters: Y, Sun
Relationship: Implied Laverree and Delivery shipping, Y & Sun
Everything is perfect in Y's life. Too perfect, like in a Christmas Hallmark movie. Now, with a fire-breathing cat name Sun, it's up to her to find a way out of this Christmas hell.
One-shot wrote for the Winter Writing Event on the Specord, with the prompt X & Sun, Horror and Parody, My Life is a Hallmark Movie and PMD, and Chuck E Cheese's Ball Pit.
Celebi-rities in Distress
Warning: No Warning applies
Genre: Parody, Friendship, TV Show
Words Count: 5017
Statut: OS, Complete
Characters: Sapphire, Lisia, Ruby, Emerald.
Relation Ship: Background Franticshipping, Sapphire & Lisia, Ruby & Emerald
Sometimes, it only takes a silly TV show, weird games and arrogant prissy boys to make a new friends.
Or how Sapphire became friend with Lisia to teach Ruby and Emerald a good lesson.
Bonding on the Grand Line
Warning: No Warning applies
Genre: One Piece AU, Pirate
Words Count: 2948
Statut: OS, Complete
Characters: Pearl, Cheren, Sinnoh and Unova Gym Leaders
Relation Ship: Pearl & Cheren, Mentionned Commoner Shipping, Past Pearl & Diamond & Platinum, Mentionned Cheren & Black
In a world where Gold Roger is still an unknow name, Pearl and his crew left North Blue for the Grand Line. But are they ready for everything waiting them?
Of Swords & Of a Gun
Warning: No Warning applies
Genre: AU, Angst, 
Words count: 4209
Statut: Two-Shot, in progress
Characters: Pearl, Cheren, Sinnoh and Unova Gym Leaders
Relation Ship: Soudo & Bede, Bede & Rose, Soudo & Schilly, Schilly/Hop, Bede & Schilly & Hop
In a world where everyone has a Sword, Bede is an abnormality who has a Gun.
In a world where the Tsurugi family is the best blacksmith clan of Galar, Soudo fails to meet people's expectations.
In a world where they have to fight and find their places, will the two of them discover why they exist? Maybe the answer had been in front of their eyes since the beginning.
Pallet Association
Warning: Graphic Description of Violence, Major Character Death <3
Genre: Cyberpunk AU, Pokespe Amino Festival 2020: Kanto Week, Angst, Dystopia, May be a bit OOC for certain characters
Words count: 3637
Statut: OS, Complete
Characters: Green, Blue, Red, Yellow, Prof. Chen
Relation Ship: Green & Blue, Green & Blue & Red & Yellow, Green & Prof. Chen
In Pallet City, one of the biggest megalopolis in the world, the Pallet Association controls everything. Blue, Red, Yellow, and Green decide that it needs to change.
But Green may have forgotten to mention a few details to them.
(This OS have two alternative endings because I couldn’t picke one)
Warning: No Warning Applies 
Genre: Fluff, Domestic, Comedy,  Pokespe Amino Festival 2020: Johto Week
Words count: 2843
Statut: OS, Complete
Characters: Silver, Gold, Crystal
Relation Ship: Silver & Crstal & Gold
Silver has apparently never heard a fairytale of his whole life, so Gold and Crystal decide to give him an express fairytale class. Turned out that it was a really bad idea.
Festival War
Warning: No Warning Applies
Genre: Comedy, Pokespe Amino Festival 2020: Hoenn Week
Words count: 2843
Statut: OS, Complete
Characters: Emerald, Latias, Ruby, Sapphire
Relation Ship: Franticshipping, Emerald & Latias, Emerald & Ruby & Sapphire
It's the summer, it's time for festivals, but with the Hoenntrio and their love for bets and contests, it could only go wrong.
Family Business
Warning: Craphic Description of Violence, Minor Character Deaths <3
Genre: Angst, Villain AU, tw: Drugs, Weapons, Pokespe Amino Festival 2020: Sinnoh Week
Words count: 3596
Statut: OS, Complete
Characters: Platinum, Diamond, Pearl
Relation Ship: Implied Entourage
Because she was the heir of the Berlitz family, she will continue to develop their wealth and their power, no matter what it takes. No matter if the path she’ll take was full of blood and corpses and crimes.
Parent-Teacher Reunion
Warning: No Warning Applies
Genre: Comedy, School life (but it’s still in the canon universe), Pokespe Amino Festival 2020: Unova Week 1
Words count: 2638
Statut: OS, Complete
Characters: Cheren, Black, White, Bianca, Iris
Relation Ship: Agency Shipping, Cheren & Black & White & Bianca & Iris
Did you ever wonder how was Black's school life? Well, welcome in this parent-teacher reunion where Cheren have some things to say about his childhood friend... 
Crimes Movies are Sad Except When Everyone is Dumb
Warning: No Warning Applies
Genre: Crime, Comedy, Pokespe Amino Festival 2020: Unova Week 2
Words count: 5565
Statut: OS, Complete
Characters: Whi-Two, Lack-Two, Hugh
Relation Ship: Whi-Two & Lack-Two & Whi-Two
It was a normal day for Whi-Two. A casting, a murder, two former classmates coming from nowhere... ... Wait, what?
Warning: No Warning Applies
Genre: Character Study, Pokespe Amino Festival 2020: Kalos Week
Words count: 2198
Statut: OS, Complete
Characters: (Malva’s) Delphox, Trevor, Furfrou, Floette
Relation Ship: Delphox & Trevor, Delphox & Furfrou & Floette
Delphox was strong. Malva was strong, too, but Malva's had lost, so Malva was weak.
Delphox had lost too, but she could not admit she was weak too.
No, she was strong.
It was the boy who was weak.
Warning: No Warning Applies
Genre: Negative Spe AU, Adventure, Friendship, Pokespe Amino Festival 2020: Alola Week
Words count: 1649
Statut: OS, Complete
Characters: Sun, Moon
Relation Ship: Sun & Moon
Sun always liked helping at the soup kitchen, seeing the smile and laughs of everybody around him, but the lunch breaks were always the best moment.
Too bad that this girl decided to ruin this one.
The Child of the Outdoor
Warning: No Warning Applies
Genre: Character study, pre-canon, Pokespe Amino Festival 2020: Galar Week
Words count: 1317
Statut: OS, Complete
Characters: Schilly, her Pokémons
Relation Ship: Schilly & her Pokémons
Schilly always loved outdoors. It was joy, fun and great memories. It was her Pokémons, too.
Professor Santa
Collab with @coppertrapinch for the Specord Secret Santa Event! (Check her work she’s amazing!)
Warning: No Warning Applies
Genre: Comedy, Christmas, Specord Secret Santa Event 2021
Words count: 3623
Statut: OS, Complete
Characters: Prof. Oak, Prof. Birch, Prof. Samson Oak, Prof. Rowan, Prof. Juniper, Crystal, Gold, Sapphire, Trevor, Soudo, Schilly, Prof. Magnolia
Relation Ship: Prof. Oak & his need for a break
Something was bound to go wrong with Gold organizing a party... but a Secret Santa on top of that? Poor Crystal was just too stressed at work... it was time for Professor Oak to step up to the plate. Can the renowned Professor save Christmas in time without gaining another wrinkle?
...No. No he cannot.
The Christmasly Idiotic Adventures of Pearl and Lack-Two, or the time when two idiots stopped an evil organization while being on a gift hunt
Warning: No Warning Applies
Genre: Comedy, Christmas, Specord Secret Santa Event 2021, Crime (??), Adventure
Words count: 5326
Statut: OS, Complete
Characters: Pearl, Lack-Two
Relation Ship: Pearl & Lack-Two
Pearl liked Christmas. Really. Well, except when some (false) "Gift Fashion Specialist Journalist" disturbs all his plans and ruins his gift hunt. Why do he has to get a present for such a brat anyway? 
Screw up Secret Santa! This year, we're gonna kick some ass for Christmas!
b) Drabbles
Ok no big presentation here cause it’s only very short drabbles (>1K words)
Valentine Day 2020: Laveree Shipping
Valentine Day 2020: Entourage Shipping
X teachs incorrect French words to Gold
Crystal is scary and very powerful
Soudo and Chilly don’t like they English localized name, and Marvin is too young for this
II/ Other fandoms
a) Champions (comics)
Heat-Haze Days
Warning: Graphic Description of Violence, Major Character Death <3
Genre: Angst, inspired by the Kagepro song “Kagerou Days”, Time loop
Words count: 4213
Statut: OS, Complete
Characters: Miles Morales/Spiderman, Kamala Khan/Miss Marvel, Sam Alexander/Nova
It was a normal summer day, everything was fine... But the heat of haze had decided otherwise, and it was up to Miles to try to find a way out. 
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beth-bethar00 · 4 years
Love Blooms Like a Rose
This is my entry for @takuyakistall​​’s Valentine’s prompts. Sorry it’s so long, my brain went brrrrrrr while writing
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Valentine prompt 1: Confession. 
Pairing: Beth Brella x Octatrio 
Tw: Hanahaki au
It’s been a few months since Beth’s life at Night Raven College began and her meeting the octatrio. At first she was content with the 3 of them being her friends, but lately, she’s noticed that her feelings seemed to have changed towards them. At first she had no idea what these feelings were, but after awhile she understood. What she was feeling, was love. She had fallen in love with all 3 of them at the same time, but instead of happiness, she felt a sense of dread and anxiety. “Do they actually like me that way… W-Would they all be ok with sharing me between the 3 of them…” She’d ask herself while tending to her flowers. After a few minutes she started coughing and after the fit ended, she noticed some petals on the floor. At first she thought nothing of it, that she might’ve just blown some off her flowers from coughing, but then she felt something wet run down the side of her face and grew pale when she wiped it. There on her handkerchief, was a mixture of white and teal flower petals and blood. “O-Oh no… H-Hanahaki… Me of all people to get it… Fate really is cruel…” To which she choked out more petals into her hands and started shaking slightly from the pain that’s starting to form in her chest. She then walked over to her desk to look into her flower journal to find out what flower these petals are from. “L-Lets see…” She flips through the pages, seemingly not having any luck until, “A-Ah…” She at last finds the flower she’s looking for. “C-Christmas rose… Their flower language meaning is… Ah… The irony…” Sensing another painful coughing fit approaching, she quickly moves away from her desk to head to her trash can and hacks up a bunch of petals and an actual whole flower this time. She left the book open on the page, with the meaning of the flower now underlined, ‘anxiety’
It’s now been a few weeks since this all started, and the effects of it are starting to become apparent. Beth’s gotten significantly paler and weaker, she barely seems to be eating, and has been excusing herself more often. And most of all, she has been avoiding Azul, Jade, and Floyd. During times where it’s impossible to avoid the 3 of them she acts really tense and nervous, and right now just happens to be one of those times, as they have her currently cornered in the courtyard. “So, is there a reason why you appear to be avoiding us, Beth-san?” Azul asked, sounding rather concerned given how she currently looks like she’ll keel over at any second. “A-A-Ah… I-I haven’t really been f-feeling that good, a-and I didn’t w-want to get you guys s-sick…” She was hoping this would be convincing enough to get them off her tail, and for the most part it was, until Jade spoke up. “Oya? If you aren’t feeling well, then let us take care of you, the lounge is closed tonight, but we still have some things we need to take care of there. You may stay with us during this time” “I-I don’t w-want to impose-” Beth attempted to stutter out before getting cut off by Azul, “Please, we insist you do” Azul was giving her that smile. That dang smile that causes her heart to race a mile a minute and turn her brain temporarily to mush, That smile that caused her to stutter out, “W-Well… A-Alright…” “Wonderful! We’ll see you there after school.” And with that, the 3 of them headed off to their next class. Once they were out of earshot, Beth doubled over in pain over a bush and painfully choked out a bunch of christmas roses, their white and teal hues hidden by both the bushes and her own blood. Once she had recovered enough, she headed off to her next class as well.
Classes had finally ended, and Beth was heading back to change into her dorm uniform, only to be dragged off to mostro lounge by Floyd the second she steps through the mirror. “W-Wha?! A-At least let m-me change into my dorm clothes f-first..!” She stuttered out, surprised by Floyd dragging her off. “Nope~ Azul’s orders. He wanted you to come straight over, men-dako-chan, and told me to get you.” He happily says before he notices something about her. “Eh..? You usually feel way stronger than this usually, normally you’d have some resistance to my pulling you like this, but right now you feel like a wet noodle! Aha~! You must be really sick…” Floyd’s face quickly changes between amusement and concern as he talks on the way over there, as he notices that Beth’s starting to shake and appears to be in a lot of pain. “M-Men-dako-chan..? You aren’t looking too hot, hang on…” To which he immediately picked her up in a bridal carry and practically ran the rest of the way there, he yelled for Azul and Jade as he burst through the door. She could clearly sense the amount of distress he seemed to be in as he ran over and set her down on one of the lounge couches. She could feel another coughing fit coming and tries to head to the bathroom, only to be pushed back onto the couch by Floyd as Azul and Jade run out from the vip room. By the time the 2 reach her she’s unable to hold the coughing back anymore and choked out a whole bunch of flowers in front of the 3 of them, stunning the 3 males for a while as she rode out the incredibly painful coughing fit. 
The room was silent for a bit before Jade finally managed to speak up. “Hanahaki… How long have you…?” “A-A few weeks now… I.. I didn’t want to worry any of you.. I-I’m sorry..” She was shaking and refused to make eye contact with any of them, instead she was staring down at the pile of bloody flowers underneath her. Jade seemed to be staring at the flowers, as if he was analyzing them, before finally saying. “Christmas roses… Are you perhaps anxious about love or who you love not returning your affections? There are other cures for this, you know…” Beth remained silent for a bit before finally saying, “... I’d rather die than lose my memories of you three…” Which once again shocked the 3 of them before they happened to notice the colors of the flowers, which looked exactly like their hair colors and that’s when it clicked. She was anxious about whether they’d accept her love. 
Azul was the first to act. He walked over to the couch and sat next to her, put his hand under her chin and gently tilted her face towards his own, and leaned in to kiss her. She went wide eyed for a moment before melting into the kiss. It didn’t last long, however, before Floyd pulled her away and mashed his lips onto hers, almost hungrily. She was still reeling from Azul’s kiss and immediately melted into Floyd’s kiss as well. It took Azul to pry him off of her. “Aha~ You have no idea how long I’ve been wanting to do that, Beth~” For once he didn’t use the nickname her gave her, and that could only mean one thing, He was being serious. 
But it wasn’t until that moment that the 3 of them noticed something. Jade was nowhere to be seen. He must’ve slipped away while Azul and Floyd were busy kissing Beth. “D-Did he really just up and leave like that..? That’s low, even for him…” Azul said, with a tint of anger and concern in his voice. He was deep in thought, only coming out of it when he heard the sound of Beth being pulled over the back of the couch, earning a surprised look from him and Floyd. ‘E-Eep..! Mmph!” This caused the both of them to look over the couch and now they look even more surprised now. There, sitting against the back of the couch, was Jade. He had both his arm and legs wrapped around Beth and was kissing her rather passionately. 
This went on for a minute before Azul decided to break it up by saying, “Oya, get a room you lovebirds.~ Fufu~” Which seemed to make him promptly stop the kiss and look away, and for once, all 3 of them could see Jade blushing, bright red as a matter of fact. Thankfully for him, Floyd decide to speak up and it caused the attention to be shifted away from his embarrassed blushing. “Nee nee, you don’t need to be afraid anymore, right Beth? All 3 of us love you a lot!” “It’s true. You mean the world to us Beth-san. We couldn’t think of anyone else we’d rather spend the rest of our lives with. So please… Be our angelfish.” Azul said, and from his tone of voice, it sounded sincere and it caused her to smile softly. “I’d like nothing more..~ The 3 of you mean so much to me.. A-Ah.. T-The pain in my chest, i-it’s fading..? A-Am I cured..?” Hearing this caused the 3 of them to smile. Azul and Floyd then got off the couch to cuddle with Beth and Jade, and the 4 of them stayed like this for the rest of the night. And for the next few days worked tirelessly to nurse Beth back to full health.
                                                  The End
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crispyliza · 4 years
Spamano multi-chapter fanfiction recommendation masterlist!
For all you home-quarantined people that have nothing to do and also because I’ve been meaning on making one of these since 2015 (took a global pandemic to get me started lol) 
These fanfics are all with multiple chapters and listed in no particular order. Of course some are better than others, but every single one has its charms! I added only a few with 3 or 4 chapters because i liked them too much not to whereas the rest of the fanfics have at least 5+ chapters. So without further ado, here they are:
Una Notte A Napoli “One night in Naples, by the moon and sea, my heart was stolen by an angel who had forgotten how to fly.” (completed)
Per Sempre Tuo “Lovino Vargas, better known as Romano, is a famous TV actor. He has everything anyone could ever want. The only problem is that the thing he wants, over-night singing sensation Antonio Fernandez, is married.” (completed)
HOVA “The Nova Sagittarius was a ship that would take myself and countless other passengers on a one month trip around our solar system. But things went wrong; the ship changed and just like that, we were stranded. We got to know each other but more than that, we got to know ourselves.” (completed)
What We’d Do Without Gravity  “While lost in a hospital Antonio comes across young terminally ill patient, Lovino Vargas. With Lovino left only six months to live it’s an awful time a romance to blossom between the ill fated pair, but with a bucket list to race through as the clock ticks down, the two find that love is very hard to avoid.” (completed)
Numbered Lithograph “When Lovino starts attending art school with his brother he finds his most important lesson doesn’t come from his professors, but from a culinary student at a sister school: sometimes the flaws hold the beauty.” (completed)
Tienimi Streto “Lovino Vargas is a detective with a poor attitude and a dark past, driven to the side of law by pain and revenge. After his partner quits, he is paired with specially recruited Antonio Carriedo, who becomes something more than just a co-worker. When deaths linked to the Italian start popping up over the city, Lovino begins to question everything he thought he knew.” (on-going)
More than attraction “Antonio says he met his love’s eyes over the bin of tomatoes. Lovino says he was stalked relentlessly until he was forced to give in.” (completed)
Credo “AU, 1502. Fueled by revenge, Lovino Vargas hasn’t failed an assassination job yet - but when a new Spanish captain comes to Rome, killing the unorthodox Antonio Carriedo might just be the death of him.” (completed)
Secret Tunnels from Madrid to Sicily “When Antonio Fernández Carriedo begins work as a professor at a prestigious university in Britain, one of his students, a Sicilian boy who goes by the name Romano, immediately catches his eye. He is a clearly gifted writer, who closes himself off in the wake of a dark and painful history. Even wrapped in his darkness, pushing everyone away, Toni finds himself determined to bring out the potential within Romano…They drag each other into a passionate, inevitable affair–doomed, they know, to end in flames.” (completed)
Why Did it Have to be You? “Lovino’s parents are tired of his horrible behavior, and hire Antonio to babysit him. But time is a cruel mistress, and in absence the heart grows fonder. These are just some of the things Antonio and Lovino will learn.” (completed)
And the Birds Sing No More “Don’t ever leave me.” Lovino said nothing. He allowed the tense heaviness to settle among his shoulders, tighten his lungs, and spread between the space from where he stood to where Antonio was seated lethargically. Antonio’s gaze sharpened. Lovino, inclining his head slightly, whispered, “I won’t.” (completed)
A Dancing Star “Antonio is the easy-going, life-loving art professor and Lovino is the Italian exchange student who walks into his art studio. When Antonio falls in love he thought he only had his job to worry about, but maybe it’s Lovino’s dark secret that’ll push him away. Trigger warning for self-harm and dark themes.” (completed)
Kismet “Lovino learns the hard way that things change and that they can change quickly. The necklace fell and now he’s in a strange land far from home. Will he ever see his brother again? Will he find his way home? Or will he discover home is where the heart is? Fate is a strange woman and can work in mysterious ways.” (completed)
Let that be enough “Lovino had given up hoping for someone who’d care about him. Antonio never expected to fall for the most tormented guy in town. But dark secrets and hidden dangers threatens their blooming relationship. Is it over before it even begun..?” (completed)
Child services “Romano and Feliciano Vargas have just lost their parents. Romano, who is 22, must care for his 6 year old little brother. Enter Antonio Carreido, the agent from Child Services who must record his progress, however, it’s hard for the cheerful Spaniard to keep from falling in love with this little broken down family and with Romano.” (on-going)
Loving a Stranger “You don’t remember, but I know you. We were- I don’t even know how to describe our relationship. That sounds bad, I know. I think you might have been in love with me, although I cannot see why. That’s just what I’ve been told. I acted as though I hated you, but I never did. I was afraid, because you were kind to me. I didn’t know I loved you until you forgot me…“ (completed)
The Many Personalities of Spain “England casts a spell to rid himself of Spain. As expected it goes wrong; leaving Romano to deal with the many personalities of Spain. That sounds like a normal day for Romano, right? It would be if the personalities not had their own personifications.” (on-going)
Daisy Genocide “My name is Lovino Vargas but that’s not who I actually am. I’m my brother. They put his DNA into a little ball of jello and grew me like a house plant. To say it blatantly, I’m a clone and I’m in a disturbing amount of trouble. I’m about to tell the story of my fight to preserve my humanity followed by a vicious history of crime but it’s a secret. Nobody has to know.” (completed)
More Than Meets The Eye “Striving to find approval and meaning, Antonio throws himself into the world of art determined to come out on top. Yet, in all of his searching, burning, and pain, he never thought that a single culinary student could ever manage to tear down his walls and make him face his biggest fear; himself.” (on-going)  
Cryonic “After suffering a fatal attack from an unknown illness, Lovino Vargas underwent cryopreservation, leaving behind his only family, his boyfriend, and a blooming company. Years later the effects are only just coming into play causing more problems than his preservation was supposed to solve. Human AU; T for language; pre-established Spamano.” (on-going)
All of Our Flaws “Antonio is a man whose world revolves around anyone but himself. Lovino is a man with dreams bigger than a job behind a drugstore counter. Antonio is broken; Lovino is incomplete. Will a chance meeting lead them to mending their cracks and finding their missing pieces? Human AU, trigger warning for self-harm.” (on-going)
Truly an artist “Having already completed college, Lovino Vargas lives in Madrid as an artist suffering from severe artist’s block. In one of his visits to his old school he runs into a new teacher, Antonio Fernández Carriedo, who decides he’ll be the one to help Lovino in his endeavor to find himself. However cheerful and optimistic, Lovino still feels there’s more to Antonio than he’s letting on.” (completed)
The Heartbreaker “Sometimes the best things happen unexpectedly. Certainly this is Antonio’s opinion at the moment. The handsome stranger he met upon moving to a new town in Italy seems to be able to do almost no wrong. Until he digs a little deeper below the surface and begins to discover an unsettling reputation. And if the rumours are true, is it wise to trust a man known as ‘The Heartbreaker?” (completed)
We sing, We dance, We eat tomatoes “When Lovino Vargas takes in a starving guitar player called the Curbside Prophet from the streets of Philadelphia, he isn’t expecting the man to tolerate him for more than a couple weeks, much less fall in love with him. Based on the the music by Jason Mraz.” (on-going)
Underwater Land “Antonio was a merman. Lovino hated water. It was truly a match made in heaven.” (completed)
Flashlight “If I throw a tomato at you, vampire bastard, will you still sparkle under the sauce?” Twilight parody. (completed)
Catch you, Catch me “Clumsy, clueless detective Romano is on the trail of the infamous handsome and charming thief El Apasionado Caballero. But there’s more to this, what seems like a simple game of cat and mouse, than meets the eye.” (completed)
Blackbird “Antonio walks into a small coffee joint, hoping for just some caffeine to take the edge off of late-night studying for midterms, and gets a whole lot more than he bargained for in the form of a snarky, foulmouthed, Italian barista.” (on-going)
Counting Stars “Antonio, failed writer and journalist, thinks things are finally going his way when he lands an interview with actor Lovino Vargas. But it’s only the start of a long line of problems… the biggest of which may be Vargas himself.” (on-going)
Cosa Nostra “Based on the historical background of the Sicilian Mafia during the First Mafia War starring Mafia!Romano.” (completed)
Tight Rope “Rich, spoiled kid Lovino Vargas hates pirates. Pirate captain Antonio Carriedo hates rich, spoiled kids. None of them ever thought they could feel something different from hatred towards one another. However, Fate seems to have different plans for them, and twists their lives in unexpected ways.” (on-going)
When You Recover “Nurse Lovino Vargas has to take care of brain damaged patient Antonio Carriedo, who seems to have a strange affection towards him. N-not that Lovino likes it! The Italian is determined to make the man recover, no matter what it takes. What will little Lovino get himself into with this patient?” (on-going)
Like All Things, It Ends “Lovino doesn’t want his family to know how much his childhood trauma still affects him and he does a good job at hiding it. That is, until he moves to a new town and meets Antonio, someone he is unable to hide anything from. (Warnings for PTSD, Depression, harmful thinking of oneself, and violent death of a loved one)” (completed)
Wish upon a star “A drunken wish on a star lands Lovino back in the time of pirates, and when he runs into a familiar face with an unfamiliar personality, he’ll start to question his own heart. Pirate!SpainxRomano. Rated for language, violence, and maybe mature situation” (completed)
Crooked Timber “As an artist, Lovino understands that perfection doesn’t exist. If only Antonio agreed with him, and stopped trying to hurt himself. -Human (College) AU. Spamano multi-chapter with other minor pairings. Depressed!Antonio, Writer!Antonio, Artist!Lovino- TW for self-harm.” (completed)
Just Pretend! “Romano liked Emma- a lot. Except her stupid big brother was too overprotective (and, okay, a little scary)! He wouldn’t allow any guy near her- unless they weren’t romantically interested in Emma. So, Romano decided to pretend to be gay, with the help of Antonio, in hopes of getting Emma to fall in love with him. Perfect plan, right?” (completed)
The Duty of an Elder Son “Lovino Vargas knew a lot about duty.” His Grandfather’s swollen empire puts all of his family in danger, the other gangs are massing, the police are on their tails and Lovino is given a bodyguard in one Antonio Carriedo. 1920s Mafia AU fic. (completed)
Flatmates “They were flatmates, they were best friends and they were really frustrated about relationships. So what would two young men do about this?” (completed)
Zero Tolerance “Lovino lives a perfect life. Or atleast thats how he is suppose to appear. Antonio lives a life as a dangerous gangbanger. North Side meets South Side as these two are partnered in their Chemistry class. But there is one chemical reaction these 2 arent prepared for- Love. AU, human names used. Based on the book “Perfect Chemistry” by Simone Elkeles.” (completed)
Your Love Can Be My SIght “Seventeen year old Lovino Vargas lost his sight in a terrible car accident. Antonio, a teacher at Lovino’s school was born without it. Can Antonio teach Lovino that even without sight, life can be beautiful?” (completed)
The Greatest Treasure, You Idiot! “Spinoff of the “Sea Foam” chapter in Hetalia Fairy Tales. Captain Carriedo of the pirate ship, Buscador Dorado, seeks a legendary treasure “that is worth gaining” with the help of the infamous wish-giver, Lovino. But what is the true treasure?” (completed)
Crowns of Triple Gold “Things are rarely simple for Romano in the Eternal City, especially when he falls for one of his clients, a Hispanian senator up for consul against his father.” (completed)
Prisoners on the Slave Ship of Love “Lovino Vargas has been captured and taken hostage in a pirate raid led by Captain Antonio Fernandez Carriedo and his band of Spanish buccaneers. Tensions grow high and hearts are tested when Lovino becomes Captain Carriedo’s personal prisoner…” (on-going)
The Lemon Tree “Lovino didn’t want to be a slave in that scary mansion. He needed to break free. The fight for independence, however, is a difficult path, and falling in love with the man that destroyed his life doesn’t make things any easier.” (completed)
Sun Kissed “A powerful man once created gods to rule the sky as the creatures of the land lives. The Sun and the Moon. Brothers since birth, and all powerful, they rule side by side. As time passes, the Sun realizes how unhappy he is watching people hide from him. What happens when he discovers a man who isn’t afraid to live under the harsh sun?” (completed)
Tesoro Mio “Antonio’s the charming, handsome farmer with an infuriating Spanish accent, and Lovino is the mysterious wine entrepreneur who comes and goes. When Antonio falls in love, he throws society, expectations, and religion to the wayside, but can a strict Catholic like Lovino do the same?” (completed)
Because of the war “A first person POV for Romano during and after WW2. His thoughts as he fights and survives. Beware of angst.” (completed)
Just Add one Mermaid’s Tear “To gain something of ultimate value; the unthinkable must be preformed. The line is etched upon the brow of every nation, the taste of the water still on their lips. What happens though when one nation desires the fountain of youth once more?” (completed)
Until the Moss Had Reached Our Lips, and Covered Up Our Names “In a city filled to the brim with gangs, all the territory split between them, peace has lasted for the past sixteen years. It’s a tentative peace, won after the last massive gang war reshaped the entire city. Except all it takes is one domino to fall, and the Vargas patriarch is dead, leaving behind Antonio to lead his house, who isn’t even his blood relative. With an untried Head, the balance of power has started to shift again, and it seems as good a time as any to start calling in old debts and revenges.” (on-going)
The Bet “When someone kisses you, and then moves away you’d think that would be it. But when Antonio comes back from Spain he wants Lovino to be his again. Except Lovino now hates Antonio…which sucks for Lovino because Antonio isn’t going to let go that easily.” (completed)
Wings “People ask me a lot why I love him. Why I spend so much time chasing him when he never returns my feelings. It’s because I see something they don’t.” (on-going)
My Heart is Drenched in Wine “Wine and romance. More importantly, when you cut through my wine!fangirling, this is a story about Lovino and Antonio and how they find their way back together (in spite of the past and occasionally the present) as they attempt to make wine and sometimes love.” (completed)
Of Two Minds “Feliciano and Lovino are living on the streets, with a secret that keeps them from getting close to anyone. Will their lives get better or worse after being forced to join a pirate crew, and what will happen when their secret finally comes out? Rated T for some (minor) violence, Romano’s mouth, and some angsty feelings. Pirate AU.” (completed)
Beats of Fever “Antonio Fernández Carriedo is a doctor working in Madrid dealing with a crush on an Italian tourist when the tensions in Spain reach a head and Civil War breaks out.” (on-going)
All of Our Sins “Lovino is Catholic, but he’s not entirely sure what he believes. Nevertheless, he and his brother Feliciano are forced to attend confirmation classes. When Lovino meets their group leader- bizarre, cheerful Antonio; one of the first people to treat Lovino like he matters- things get complicated. When they find this church is much darker than it appears, things get terrifying. Fast.” (completed)
Es Sólo Tu Corazón “Lovino has been in love with Spain for as long as he can remember. All he wants is to be with his former caretaker, but he soon finds out that the Spain he knew as a child is no longer there…and the real one is far more dangerous.” (on-going)
There Goes My Life “Antonio, 26, a old gourmet chef, a bachelor who’s all party. Lovino a 20 y/o premed student who only has one goal, to be become a doctor. He is determined to let his feelings for the Spaniard fade away, but after receiving devastating news, a drunken one night stand leads to the end of life as Lovino knows it.” (on-going)
As We Were “Rich, bored and unhappy, Lovino Vargas is the heir to his grandfather’s wine brand. Antonio is the restless young traveller prone to attacks of claustrophobia. For them, falling in love is a journey. Literally. Spamano, Human AU, multi-chapter. Warnings for language and sexual themes.” (completed)
NekoRoma “Antonio has been feeling lonely with his recent break up with his on/off boyfriend. The solution: a new kitten that his boss doesn’t want. Just as he gets used to this cat, a new challenge is thrown at him. How do you teach a cat to be human?” (completed)
Summer Sensations “The hot summer nights of Madrid bring many things, but one very special night changes two lives forever. Lovino learns that love is not such a frivolous thing after all.” (completed)
Fools Like Us  “What starts out as a normal Friday night for the “Bad Touch Trio” soon becomes an opportunity for Francis to use his favorite word in reference to his best friends. Unfortunately, Gilbert and Antonio couldn’t possibly have fallen for people who would return their feelings easily, but Francis is determined to help them out despite his own relationship-or lack thereof.” (completed)
Hear Me “Antonio and Lovino are trying their best to get by in high school, but between the stresses of grades, family, friends, and heartache, it’s a lot harder than it looks.” (completed)
Fame and Fortune “Lovino Vargas is a barkeeper and reluctant Stasi informant. As much as he despises what he does, he obeys the terrifying Red Army colonel, Ivan Braginsky. That is, until the secretive and frustratingly attractive Antonio Fernandez Carriedo arrives in his life and breaks all the rules. Inspired by the Elvis Presley song of the same name.” (on-going)
It’s all Antonio’s Fault “Condoms, footballs to the stomach, fake nurses, confusing hallways, and flying backpacks. Lovino Vargas’s first day at World Academy was already one of his worst, and he could only imagine that it would spiral downwards as he got to know the tomato bastard, otherwise known as Antonio Fernandez Carriedo.” (on-going)
My Antonio “Going against everything in his strict, Catholic upbringing, Lovino has fallen desperately into love and lust for his family’s Spanish stable boy, Antonio.” (completed)
Sound Life “Spain is dead, leaving Romano distraught and wishing for there to be a way for him to see his beloved Spaniard alive and healthy…Only to wake up in a strange alternate world… with another Spain seeking his affection.” (completed)
Possessively Scary “Romano begins college late with his brother after their nonno passes away. When entering, he meets a very strange Spaniard. The man is odd but still attractive at the same time. As they get closer, Romano learns more about Antonio and doesn’t know if he should be scared of the man or not. Can he get out of something he got himself into?” (on-going)
This Dance “Antonio wants Lovino to be his dancepartner at Austria’s ball. Lovino, struggling with his growing feelings of love and affection for everyone’s favorite tomato-bastard as always, agrees. Now, there could be worse things, right?” (completed)
Powdered Sugar “Truth, like powdered sugar, tastes sweet but goes down cold. If a spoonful of sugar makes the medicine go down, we might need a bit more.” (completed)
Singles “Antonio, Francis, and Gilbert are three friends who suffered their first heartbreaks at the age of fifteen, and made a pact to never fall in love again. That will change for Antonio when he first lays eyes on a brown-haired young man in a club…” (completed)
A Heated Story “Sky High / superpower hs au. wip. Lovino Vargas is a new kid at Sky High with his brother. He has the power to control fire. Only one problem, he hates the heat. Spamano, and other ships. Doesn’t actually have anything to do with the movie, just used the school.” (on-going)
I Don’t Hate You “Lovino and his brothers face the unknown while on a mission to Earth. The Italian angel comes up against more than he bargained for when a dark angel takes a liking to him and now he and Feliciano might be cast out.” (completed)
Like all things, it ends “Lovino doesn’t want his family to know how much his childhood trauma still affects him and he does a good job at hiding it. That is, until he moves to a new town and meets Antonio, someone he is unable to hide anything from.” (completed)
Disegno e Colore “A young, apprenticing artist, Lovino craves rationality, perfection, and self-possession, and has curated his life to one day attain that. He never expected a chaotic and brash painter to barrel into his life and test everything Lovino thought he wanted and knew of himself, his art, and his heart.” (on going)
Land Beyond Dreams “Antonio is saved from death by someone he’d spoken to only a few times, but who lost his life in the process. Grief-stricken, he only wishes he could have gotten to know his savior, when his dreams suddenly become reality…or are they still only dreams?” (completed)
It’s All Antonio’s Fault “Condoms, footballs to the stomach, fake nurses, confusing hallways, and flying backpacks. Lovino Vargas’s first day at World Academy was already one of his worst, and he could only imagine that it would spiral downwards as he got to know the tomato bastard, otherwise known as Antonio Fernandez Carriedo.” (on-going)
A tale of endurance “Lovino had no idea what to do. Knowing that your life will be over in half a year tends to do that to you. Well, one thing he knew for sure. No one would ever discover this until the day he was pushing daisies. And that was a fact.” (completed)
The Risk of Love “Romano is dead and Spain is broken, spiralling into the deep, blackness of depression. And as he locks himself from the outside world, isolating himself from his friends, from everyone, in his oblivion of pain, Romano find’s he’s the only one who can help. Only, how can useless ghost like him even dream to help the slowly dying love of his life?” (completed)
Dance with me “Lovino Vargas started taking tango lessons completely by accident. Who would have thought that one day he wouldn’t mind those hands roaming over his body? That he would be dancing with his teacher as if there was no one in the room but the two of them?” (on-going)
Fireflies “Lovino was abandoned in Italy with his grandfather at age seven because his parents liked his little brother better than they liked him. On his way back from America, he sits next to a far too happy Spaniard. But, when this childish Spaniard turns out to be his new teacher, what will happen? And with a field trip to Venice on the way, what antics will they get up to?” (on-going)
El Corazón del Pirata “Fate is once kind, twice cruel. And Captain Antonio Fernandez Carriedo does not have a heart, nor does he fall in love with his prisoners. But Lovino Vargas might just be the fuel to his flame - certainly there’s more to him than meets the eye.” (completed)
More Than Lust “Why did the Spaniard always hope for the impossible? That Romano would come to him one day, confessing his feelings, and they would make LOVE? That they would cry out each others names, he could hold the Italian, wake up the next morning, and he would still be there?” (completed)
The Prince and the Pauper “When Prince Feliciano goes missing, it is up to a poor servant boy Romano to step in to take his place and thwart an evil plan to take over the kingdom. However, falling in love was something neither one anticipated. Based off of the Princess and the Pauper.” (completed)
Talking to My Shadow “Lovino spends his life telling doctors about his brother, Feliciano. They hear about his look-alike brother everyday but never see him. Lovino is finally taken to a new physiologist and he meets the doctor’s son, a springy little Spaniard who’s excited to help his new friend, no matter the difficulty. Will this illness mean a life time of seclusion for Lovino or can he win?” (completed)
Spend my time dancing “As much as Lovino loved seeing the upperclassman in his soccer jersey, he’d much rather help him take it off. It’s about time they started playing on the same field. AU. SpaMano. Various others. All’s fair in love and soccer.” (completed)
Maybe, Just Maybe “Romano couldn’t help but be instantly attracted to the stranger on the train, the one with bright green eyes and an unforgettable smile. How could something so simple end up changing his life so much?” (completed)
Dead Alone “Lovino drains the life from anything he touches, seriously. It seems that he’s the embodiment of death while his lively twin brother is his counterpart life. He has isolated himself from everyone, for their own protection. So what happens when a new transfer student decides to take an interest in him his freshman year of high school?” (on-going)
Lovino and the Conquistador “Lovino lived a life of simple pleasures; a good book, his own little world and an odd, but loving, family. However, in order to save his family, he must take their place as prisoner of a hideous beast within a gloomy castle. Based on “Beauty and the Beast” (completed)
Truth Be Told “The Well of Uncomfortable Truths is discovered & deals Spain a hard fact- "Whenever you said you loved him, you didn’t really mean it. You were thinking of his brother. They were empty words.” Can Romano be convinced about whom the Well was talking about?” (completed)
Scaliest “When his entire life is taken from him, Antonio vowed to slay the beast that ruined his life no matter the cost. But on his travels he meets a secretive, sassy bard who might be more helpful than either of them realize. Is vengeance the answer or is there more at stake?” (on-going)
All I’ve lost “Lovino Vargas has slowly fallen into the trap that is Anorexia. He meets Antonio who is a strangely kind kid. Lovino thinks maybe, just maybe…there is hope. Warnings: Depression, anorexia, bulimia, mental illness and bullying.” (completed)
Infection “Antonio didn’t know what to think of the man who randomly showed up in his home… completely naked. Yet, he still found himself drawn to this “Lovino”, only to be thrown into his worst nightmare.” (on-going)
Tomato Angel “What happens when Antonio get’s jealous? (Aftermath of ‘Awesome Being Evil’)” (completed)
Step-Lovers “King Romulus is getting married to Queen Isabel. While the wedding goes smoothly, things don’t go all that smooth for Antonio and Lovino. The heat is especially turned up when it’s decided that there will be a competition for who gets to be heir to the throne.” (completed)
There goes my life “Antonio, 26, a old gourmet chef, a bachelor who’s all party. Lovino a 20 y/o premed student who only has one goal, to be become a doctor. He is determined to let his feelings for the Spaniard fade away, but after receiving devastating news, a drunken one night stand leads to the end of life as Lovino knows it.” (on-going)
Broken Wings, Healed Hearts “Junior Lovino Vargas, a broken angel, has a dark secret he’s determined to keep to himself, now matter how much of an outcast it makes him. But will his new neighbor, Antonio, change that?” (completed)
The Reunion “Light or Dark?” Lovino asked. Feliciano studied him before answering. “Light. Light always wins” When Feliciano Vargas catches the eye of a mysterious man only by the name of “The Lord,” he finds himself and his brother on an adventure ending in Germany’s infamous Black Forest. However, the Lord’s affections are not what they appear to be and Lovino finds himself worried there is a worse threat other than some creep trying to get into his brother’s pants. (on-going)
Slowly But Surely In Love “Lovino Vargas turns fifteen, the age at which the words of peoples’ soul-mates say to them when they first meet is branded onto their wrists. Feliciano has a brand as soon as the hand strikes midnight, but why doesn’t Lovino?” (completed)
Life with Lyrics Lovino Style “Lovino struggles with what he believes is a one-sided crush and his completely oblivious, also entirely too cheerful, brother. Mentions of suicide, but not a death fic!” (completed)
Walking the Line “Maybe stumbling into Walmart in search of supplies during the end of the world wasn’t as good of an idea as Lovino initially thought. Nothing screamed desperate like raiding the aisles of a fucking Walmart for food while a hoard of the undead snarled at him from outside, but that didn’t seem to matter to the armed trio he stumbled into, or more specifically, the odd Spaniard munching on Skittles. His ideas were getting to be pretty lackluster these days.” (ongoing)
Hymn to the Sea “Please, call me Antonio,” he says. “Oh, and Lovino?” “What?” Lovino snaps, a little sharper than he wants when his brain has finally caught up to his embarrassment and he realizes he’s acting like a love-sick child. He finds he still can’t keep up when Antonio’s smile changes into something different: not the friendliness it was earlier nor the comforting warmth it was moments ago. No, this one is affectionate. “I prefer your smile over Feliciano’s any day,” he says, quiet and honest. (completed)
I Can’t Help Falling in Love With You “Throughout the 500 years they spent together, Antonio never stopped reminding Lovino of how special he was, and Lovino never stopped making Antonio the happiest man on earth.” (completed)
Lentamente “Antonio and Lovino are struggling with catastrophic life changes. A traumatic event leaves Antonio scared of his own shadow; a romantic betrayal destroys Lovino’s ability to trust people. And when coping seems impossible, can dance save them?” (completed)
We’d Be Together “Something felt off about Antonio’s new home. The stairs creaked, the windows groaned, and in the mirror he saw a face he didn’t know. The face was young but the gestures old; Toni began a romance untold. He felt an issue new to most… if only he could touch Lovino the ghost.” (completed)
Blessed WIth A Curse “Monsters are real… and they didn’t just hide in your closet or under your bed. Too bad they came in the form of Antonio Fernandez Carriedo- a Spaniard too sexy for his own good. / AU Vampire!AntonioxLovino” (on-going)
Speak  “Lovino is shy. So is Antonio. Oh dear…” (completed)
You Belong With Me “Lovino wished for a lot of things. He wished he had a family or food or fitting clothes or friends but mainly just wished to belong. He doesn’t quite get what he wished for when he meets filthy rich Antonio, who just came from Spain and has settled in the same town as the little thief. Still…it’s a start.” (completed)
The Witch of Sicily “There were still whispers, rumors that the witch of Sicily remained in that forest, cursing all who would come near. It was a place many feared to tread, treated almost as sacred ground. Only fools would dare incite the wrath of the witch by entering that place. Only fools…and pirates.” (on-going)
We the Dreamers “New York City, 1940: Antonio is a recently arrived refugee from Spain, a scarred soldier with firm political convictions. For Lovino, everything is pointless and nothing ever lasts. The two of them live, love and dream desperately, as World War Two threatens to take it all away.” (completed)
Guide Me “After witnessing a startling event, Lovino Vargas finds himself stricken with blindness from a psychological misfortune called ‘conversion disorder’. Without anyone to guide him, he is placed with Antonio Fernandez Carriedo, a novice seeing-eye counselor, who will try to help him regain his sight and if not, teach him how to live in the new dark, lonely world ahead of him.” (completed)
Pirate’s Lullaby “It was the last thing in the world that Lovino Vargas wanted. To fall in love with Antonio Fernandez Carriedo. But when the pirate takes him aboard his ship, Lovino learns that maybe it’s not so bad to be a pirate.” (on-going)
Infamous “Lovino was a childhood actor, but once the show he was a part of got canceled he thought he was free and could leave all the acting and fame up to his brother Feliciano. However, when a 'follow up’ episode is decided upon ten years later, he ends up going back. There he sees a familiar, face; Antonio Carriedo, a singer with his eye on Lovi making normal impossible” (completed)
Guilty Bliss “Lovino has had a drug problem for years that he’s never been able to stop. With his debts getting out of hand, Lovino finds himself in situations that made him wish he had quit.” (completed)
Bottoms Up! “Follow Lovino on his weird and, well, at least quite interesting trip around Europe in order to find out some of the greatest secrets ever about himself, Europe, tomato-shaped alarm clocks and the past of his lovely, but complicated Spanish partner.” (completed)
A Trip To Spain Could Only End In “Lovino is a foreign exchange student in Spain. Things were going just brilliantly before he happened upon a Spanish restaurant in the heart of Madrid where he laid eyes on a certain Spanish Sex God…” (completed)
The Pirates Treasure “Pirate Captain Antonio wants one thing, and one thing only; a mermaid. Boy or girl doesn’t matter, as long as they are royalty and can make him jewels.He’s got his wish, but dealing with this prince is going to be much harder than he thought.” (completed)
Strike a Pose, Fake a Smile “Antonio loves the stage; Romano hates it. So when he’s “convinced” into coming to drama club, he’s not gonna like it. In fact, he’s going to say things that he’ll regret. And because he’s such a good actor, this time Antonio believes him. Uh-oh.” (completed)
A Helping Hand “Antonio owns a cafe low on business. One day a strange boy comes in, running from a group of men and covered in wounds. Antonio offers for him to stay and repay him with work. As payment, the boy Lovino begins to make new dishes to bring more people into the cafe. Who is this boy and why won’t he tell Antonio anything but his name and age?” (completed)
A Beautiful Story “Lovino Romano Vargas is a suicidal designer who is unhappy with his fate. One day, he chances to meet Antonio Fernandez Carriedo, who turns his life upside down.” (completed)
Careless “This year, Antonio had priorities: grades, girlfriend and the Football competition, securing college with his two best friends! But that was before the Vargas moved in with all their drama including kidnapping, threats, and football talents. If anyone asks Lovino, not getting killed would be a clear ecstatic success. He is just what Antonio needed, or not.” (on-going)
This is it for now but I might update this if I get any suggestions, if I remember any fanfic that I missed or if I find any new good ones. If you’re an author and want me to add your fanfic or if you just want to suggest me one don’t be afraid to PM me! (because this is a masterlist after all)
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rhubarbbaby · 4 years
Strawberries and Art 1
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Jihoon x Y/N
Genre: College AU, Fluff Word Count: 2k Summary: Like every passionate art student, you spend most of your time immersed in your drawings and paintings. The day you meet Jihoon, your everyday life suddenly gets a lot more exciting…
All chapters: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
Chapter 1
Changing the song that was currently playing on your phone, while at the same time trying very hard not to reduce your walking speed was definitely (much) harder than you thought. Twenty minutes ago you had still been asleep in your comfy bed while dreaming about... dreaming about what?
The memories of your dream had slipped away the second your alarm went off. The excessively shrill, piercing tone you had set for your alarm used to get you into a lot of fights with your brother when you were still living at home, because “What the fuck is that sound? Can´t you just use that weird guitar riff like any other fucking normal person?” Although you did always feel a tiny bit of pity for your brother and knew that he had a point (you would of course never admit that), you never changed the sound. You surely were not fond of it yourself but you needed something to pull you out of your sleep.
Even before you started attending university you were used to staying up late. Undeniably, staying up late was and will never be a healthy way to treat your body, you are very much aware of that. Your body wanting to sleep for seven maybe even eight hours was something you have always considered the cruelest inconvenience, the most ridiculous joke, the crudest rule the universe has set for you. Late at night was the time it was the easiest for you to pour all your thoughts, all the inspirations you had collected during the day into your drawings. How were you supposed to bend all your whirls of ideas into drawings if your body was basically screaming at you to finally go to bed? How presumptuous of your body to expect you to fulfill his basic needs.
But no matter how tired you were you nearly never managed to fall asleep before one in the morning which made you resort to the drastic measure of changing your alarm sound to said very shrill tone. After sometimes only four hours of sleep, your body was not willing to let you jump out of bed as simple as that.  One could say the fatigue almost holds you captive every morning until around nine am when you normally start to free yourself from the clutches of your own tired body.
Yesterday you unintentionally set the aforementioned alarm an hour too late which had led to you now having to rush to the lecture hall. Your art history class would be starting in three minutes and you needed at least another five to even get to the entrance door. Despite having had to open the music app on your phone just to select a completely different album until you could finally pick your desired song, you were sure you didn´t lose more than a few seconds. Now accompanied by an uplifting song (not too uplifting though because it was still only eight in the morning which was definitively too early for upbeat music) and the tapping of your shoes on the asphalt you were practically running to your destination.
The moment you finally reached the entrance door a wave of relieve swept over you. Your lecture had only started two minutes ago, which wasn´t too bad. You hurried down the hallway and slipped quickly through the door. Your eyes darted to the front to see if the professor had already started the class. Luckily for you she was still setting up the projector for her visual presentation.  While you tried to breathe calmly, which turned out to be quite a challenge after you had just crossed the entire campus in record time; you were looking for a free seat in the back. But this was an art history class. At eight in the morning. Nothing like an art history class before ten guarantees such an absurdly small amount of participating students. It was not difficult for you to find a free seat. (To be precise: you caught sight of more than twenty free seats.)
Seeing how many of your fellow students had deemed this class as “not worthy waking up for” you suddenly felt a bit insecure and ridiculous. You hated to miss class, even if it was art history. You knew that by simply listening to the professor you would already internalize some of the information. That meant you wouldn´t have to study as much at home anymore which meant you had more time for your drawings. Simple equation. Nevertheless you were feeling like the biggest nerd sitting in a half empty lecture hall with five other students.
Shaking your head slightly as if to get those unnecessary thoughts out of your brain you decided that it wouldn´t do you any good to continue thinking about your situation, so you simply took out your notebook and a pen to prepare yourself for the lecture. Four minutes after the professor had started speaking, your thoughts were already drifting off and your notebook got slowly filled with small doodles instead of the notes you were supposed to be taking.
Putting your things back into your bag you looked at your phone to check the time. It was 10 am. The professor´s voice long condemned to a pleasant background noise, you had spent the last two hours dozing and scribbling in your notebook. You hadn´t had breakfast and you were not hungry but you knew that giving your body some fuel in form of food would be the right thing to do right now. It was Friday and you knew your friend Jo did have morning classes just like you, so you decided to shoot her a message.
You: Hey wanna get breakfast?
You already felt your phone buzz after you left the lecture hall.
Jo: Sure! I´ll wait at the cafeteria.
Happy that you wouldn´t have to eat alone you grinned at your phone and started walking towards your friend. Entering the cafeteria you saw Jo waving while sitting at one of those big tables on the side. You shot her a smile and made your way over. With an overdramatic sigh you slumped down in the chair opposite of her.
“Was art history that bad?” she chuckled. “Honestly? I was just too tired to pay attention. I will never understand why classes that early even exist... It´s inhuman.” you retorted while shaking your head to emphasize your point. “Pretty sure some really sick sadistic psychopath invented morning classes.” She laughed but you knew she hated to get up early just as much as you. “Does Hansol not have class this morning?”
Hansol had been Jo´s boyfriend for a few months now. It´s definitely not that you are one of those girls who are obsessed with finding a boyfriend, haunted by the mission to find a pretty boy to post pretty Instagram pictures with, but Jo and Hansol´s relationship was kind of perfect, or so it seemed to the public eye and even though you (most certainly) were not one those girls, you couldn´t help but feel a bit jealous. Jo was one of your best friends and you were aware that their relationship wasn´t always ideal. They had smaller and sometimes bigger fights, like any other couple but they both were as happy as you had ever seen them and they supported each other unconditionally. When they got together you were scared you´d feel excluded when the three of you would hang out but Hansol turned out to be a total sweetheart (there really was no other way to describe him) who made sure you never felt left out.
“He does. He just was too lazy to get up today.” She shrugged. “You want pancakes? I´ll go get the food.” “Sure!” Fifteen minutes later both of you were not hungry anymore. “I didn´t even realize how hungry I was.” “I only ever realize how hungry I am when I start eating.” you agreed. “I totally forgot to ask you but did you already start drawing that portrait assignment?” “Don´t even remind me. I still have no idea who I´m going to draw. I don´t just want to draw some random celebrity. Everyone is going to do that and I really want it to be good.” “Yeah…but not everyone will be doing it as good as you. But like, have you thought about asking someone to model for you?” “Jo, are you indicating you want to be my muse?” you laughed with her tuning in right away. The mental image of her posing for you was more than just ridiculous. Just as she was about to answer, a boy interrupted the two of you. “You´re Hansol´s girlfriend right?” he asked her.
You had seen him passing you on the hallway before but until now he had never caught your eye. One look was enough for you to realize how pretty he actually was. Just like a mathematician who recognizes numbers everywhere with which they can explain mundane processes, just like a linguist who notices every subtlety of every single word and could distinguish the hidden delicate messages between each syllable, just like that you saw lines, strokes, patterns in the most varied and vivid colors that joined together in your imagination to form drawings and paintings in every place. You could be looking at any flower and the way the petals bent, the way the leaves curled around the stem would just make sense to you. That´s how you were looking at that boy´s face right now. His face seemed to consist out of tender drawn lines that intervened at the perfect spots. His eyes, his nose, his mouth that was slightly twisted upwards into a smile, everything just fit so wonderfully together you inevitably had to think about how amazing it would be to draw him.
“Yup, that´s me.” Jo´s voice had yanked you back out of your thoughts. “Me and Hansol have a class together. I forgot I still had one of his books and I think he needs it to study for that exam next week. Can I just leave it with you?”   He was holding out a book to her. “Sure! That´s really sweet of you, looking out for him like that.” With a comically exaggerated gesture he bowed before us. “The pleasure was all mine,” He grinned. “I´m Jihoon by the way.” “I´m Jo and this is Y/N.” Only now he turned his upper body and finally looked at you. You felt like a deer caught in the headlights. Maybe it was just your imagination, caused by the desire to be noticed by this undoubtedly (really fucking) attractive boy, but his gaze seemed to have remained on you for a tiny second too long for it to be considered normal.
“Delighted to meet you guys.” he stated with a childlike smile on his face which made his eyes disappear. “There´s this party tomorrow. Hansol said he´s coming. You two should come as well.” “We´ll think about it! Sounds like fun though.” Jo answered for the both of you. “Perfect! I should get going. I have class in a bit.” His gaze was turned back onto you. “You´re still going to eat that?” “Wha…What?” “That strawberry. You´re not going to eat that?” Only then you realized you had left a single strawberry on your plate. “No..you can have it.” You stuttered your reply, your eyes wide from embarrassment because you hadn´t immediately figured what he had meant. He picked up the strawberry and took a bite. “Thanks!” he grinned. And then he winked at you. Just like that. Without warning. Promptly you could feel your cheeks turn slightly red and you wanted nothing more than to hide your face in your hands but at the same time you could still not stop staring at his face. In that moment you would´ve sworn that wink was the cutest (but somehow also hottest) thing you had ever seen in your life. “See you at the party!” with that he turned away from you and made his way over to the exit.
Only now your cheeks slowly lost color and your breath seemed to slow down again. You looked at Jo. She looked at you. You didn´t have to say anything , she had already deciphered you. “So you think he´s hot?” she beamed. “So fucking hot.”
What you couldn´t have seen, of course, was the smile with which Jihoon had left the room. What else was he supposed to do when you were that damn cute?
Hi! It´s me, Jo. I´d like to thank you for reading my stuff! I really hope you enjoyed it. If you have any feedback, comments, requests, questions please let me know!
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for-ests · 4 years
Lost In Your Light: Peter Parker x Reader (Part 7)
( 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 )
[ my masterlist ] word count: 3, 963
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Potholes littered the road that stretched out in front of them.
The scene was just like every other night, except Y/N had a companion. She felt safer with Peter by her side.
"Does your suit know their location?" She asked as they turned down another nameless street. Words between the heroes had been scarce, but Y/N did not mind. She knew hunting down criminals wasn't the best way to get to know one another.
"Yeah." He affirmed quietly, making sure Y/N was lingering a safe distance behind him. "Just up ahead. I can hear them."
"You can?" She gasped. "What are they saying?"
Peter didn't answer. His side of the conversation had gone quiet. Y/N knew it was because he didn't want her to tag along. The girl took his silence to heart, and decided to stop asking questions. She needed to remain neutral while she walked alongside him. Even if she was thrilled, practically overjoyed to be with him, he was serious and she needed to be as well.  
Peter was hearing things he would rather not relay. He needed to focus on whatever was about to happen, not the beauty that Y/N radiated under the moonlight. He didn’t want to think about her skin against his, how pink and glossy her lips were, or even the innocent look in her eyes when he agreed to have her come with him. 
So, Y/N followed him silently through the darkness. There hadn’t been a visible light for miles, but suddenly, she recognized a warm glow reflecting against the pavement ahead. 
Growing uneasy, the pair rounded the exact house where Peter's lead claimed the Thorns were camping out.
There was only one lamp on, emitting from the front bedroom. The tranquility of their situation did not sit right with Y/N. The skeptical girl absorbed her surroundings noting that it was nothing new. An average run down, ghetto hideout on the outskirts of a metropolis. The front porch was missing, replaced with poorly built wooden steps. The chain link fence had holes and trash littered the yard.
"I don't like this." She whispered, predicting that omething was off. The girl wanted to say more, but it was not her place.
Peter felt it too. His senses were tingling, almost out of control, but he couldn't pinpoint the reason why. It was something in the air. The minute they crossed the street, he felt uneasy. 
But there was no reason to worry. Peter had never lost a scuffle with a Thorn member. Perhaps he was feeling too secure in the thought that he had put most of them in prison himself.
That confidence clouded his judgement. Because in reality, the most dangerous member had escaped. And he was leaning against the front door, watching them.
Y/N knew none of this, of course. She was following him blindly into a dangerous altercation. But she was young and ambitious. What girl wouldn't want to watch Spider-Man in action? Especially since she could give him something in return. 
That's what Y/N tried to tell herself. But that was before she took one look at the house. All she could hear was the sound of her own breathing. Sharp and shallow. Maybe she was not cut out for combat, already worn out from tip-toeing in the shadows. 
So many thoughts were racing through Y/N’s mind, that she failed to notice the sounds of rummaging that secreted from the home. It was quiet and suppressed, but it was noticeable.
Peter and Y/N scrambled to the front of the house. The hair on the back of Peter's neck shot up. Someone was watching him, possibly more. He lingered behind the chain link fence.
"So Peter..." Y/N whispered just loud enough for him to hear. "What's your plan?"
Admittedly, there was not one. All Peter had been doing the last couple of weeks was rounding up gang members. He had done it so many times now, that he felt like he perfected it.
That was why he ran into this mission head-first without a game plan.
But he wasn't going to tell her that. Until he heard the front door unlock.
Peter's foot crunched against the pavement as he took a step in front of Y/N. His gut sank, twisting with dread. He instantly regretted taking the girl with him.
"You need to get back—" He started, but was cut short by a whirling sound that chilled them both to the core.
Suddenly, the front window erupted into a piercing blue light, one that was alien and unnatural, one that caused Y/N’s mouth to drop open in shock. 
A vibration zipped past them, the movement audible and touchable. Y/N stumbled back farther behind Peter, fear immediately sinking within her gut. This was far from normal, and judging by Peter’s reaction, he was also unprepared for the immense amount of foreign weaponry. 
"W-what was that..." She whispered, afraid the perpetrators inside might hear her.
Y/N glanced to the front door. She felt their essence before she saw them.
"Y/N, go." Peter demanded through gritted teeth. He knew he shouldn't have let her come, he was far too concerned for her well-being. Why did he ever think it was a good idea to bring his crush to a fight?
Peter usually crept upon the scum that littered his hometown, he was usually quick and efficient. He made little mistakes these days. But as soon as Y/N walked by his side, most of his attention was tuned to her.  And now, his slight miscalculation could result in both their deaths. 
Because these lowlife criminals had something he failed to anticipate cautiously. They had alien technology that could slice him in half, knowledge he acquired from listening to their conversation for a single minute. The Thorns could tell Peter was outside before he even realized.
They were also thirsting for revenge.
"I'm not leaving you." Y/N insisted, steadying her feet and taking a step forward so she was standing at equal distance.
“Please-” He urged through gritted teeth. 
“No.” She hissed. 
Peter cursed himself as the leader of the gang stepped onto the porch before he could convince Y/N to leave.  His name was Daquan Monty, a man Peter helped put in prison months ago.
His skin was dark, but not dark enough to hide the colorful tattoos that were visible on every inch of his exposed skin. That was the only distinguishable feature that Peter remembered. It was an intimidating feature, one that made the boy second guess himself.
It was also cautionary and helped remind Peter of the past. Monty may be blinded with rage, but he was also intelligent. Monty had connections. He had ways to get out, he had multiple ways to achieve revenge.
"It's the spider boy." He chuckled, seeming less intimidated by Peter than the last time, which was definitely not a good sign. Monty had stepped up his game. Instead of just a t-shirt, he was decked out in an expensive leather jacket.
"I was hoping I'd see you again." His heavy combat boots clunked against the wooden porch.
Even Y/N recognized him and she didn't know what to do. She glanced over to Peter for reassurance but he was just standing there, gawking.
Monty cranked his head to look at the fear-stricken girl just as his greeting faded into silence. Peter knew he was pleased to see them both afraid, but now he had gained a glimpse of Y/N. Shit. He internally cursed. There was no maybe, there was no probably. Monty immediately perceived Y/N as Peter’s weakness, and he was one hundred percent correct. 
"Who's this?" He spat on the ground below him.
Peter shrugged to release the tension building up in his shoulders. His spider senses were telling him that there were at least 5 men hiding behind the door, waiting for a signal.
Peter had to buy time, yet he didn't know how that would help the dire situation.
"A spectator, who will watch me put your ass back in prison. Again. Where it belongs." The boy tried to feign confidence, for his sake and for Y/N’s. 
She was thinking the same thing. How stupid could she be? To think she could fight along Spider-Man. Maybe in any other situation, but not this one.
"Wrong!" Monty yelled. "She's going to give me a good time when I finish cutting your limbs off one by one."
The words chilled Y/N to the bone. She had gotten into trouble with the Thorns before, but they were wannabes, they were the errand boys. The members she had outsmarted weren't confident like Monty was. They did not have weapons like the one holstered on his shoulder, one that had familiar glowing purple buttons.
Y/N’s gaze snapped back to Monty’s infuriated expression. Whatever experience he had with Peter was not a good one. He wanted blood.
Those were the thoughts racing through her mind as she watched Monty point his weapon at her.
"On second thought, I'm tired of you." Monty snapped, firing the gun without a moment's hesitation. Peter barely had time to comprehend what had happened until he saw the bullet fly past.
"Y/N!" Peter shouted, springing across the pavement and shoving her to the side. Y/N stumbled to the ground, almost hitting her head, but he broke her fall. For a moment, they gazed into each other’s eyes. There was an unspoken determination. Both of them needed to escape no matter what. 
Peter quickly scrambled up and stood in front of Y/N as the remaining men burst through the front door, cocking their guns and pointing them all directly at him. Shouting suddenly filled the night, the howls and barking of dogs echoing around them from each direction except behind.
"Y/N, Y/N, are you okay?" Peter glanced over his shoulder and saw her climbing back to her feet. He was going to face Monty head on.
"I-I'm fine..." She insisted, looking at him with tear filled eyes. She tried to keep her legs from shaking, still recovering from the fact that someone had fired alien technology at her with the intent to kill. 
"You need to go!" Peter begged, turning back to the house as the shouting ceased. The rest of Monty's men had filed out into the yard. Each of them holding their own weapon, artillery that was unclassifiable. There were more men than he thought. There were ten.
"Run!" Peter hissed, angry that she hadn't bothered to even move an inch. 
"Perhaps bringing Y/N wasn't the best idea." Karen's voice rang in both his ears. "She doesn't know how to fight."
"No shit, Karen!" He grumbled.
"Do you want me to call for backup?" Karen asked as Peter watched Y/N finally take a few steps back. Why wasn't she running? What the hell was wrong with her?
"Not yet." He told Karen.
"Run, Y/N." He pleaded with the girl one last time. And this time, she turned on her heels and sprinted in the opposite direction, against every emotion that swirled through her mind. She felt dirty for doing so, she felt despicable and unforgivable. 
How could she abandon him?
"She can run!" Monty yelled. "We'll find her. Any friend of Spider-Man is our enemy."
"Nah, I won't let that happen." Peter said, quickly raising his hand and shooting out his chemically engineered webs. It locked around the machine gun and he pulled it towards him. It worked, for a brief second, but as Peter tugged, the weapon shuddered. 
Then, Peter noticed Monty's devilish smirk. One that told him he fell right into his trap.
The weapon exploded again, and it sent shock waves down Peter's web. The blast sent his arm flying back and he slammed against the concrete, the friction tearing through his suit.
Y/N heard his grunt and stopped in her tracks. She looked behind her and saw Peter scrambling to his feet. The vibration was so powerful that it had moved through the air. 
The blast threw Peter off balance just long enough for a few of the men to surround him. The weapons were too powerful. He had fought against men with alien-like machines before, but nothing like this, nothing to this extent of abnormality. 
How did Monty manage to possess these items? 
Despite the situation weighing heavily against him, Peter refused to give up just yet. He was faster, he was smarter, and he was able to regain his stamina in the blink of an eye. Almost as fast as the projectiles from the alien weapons, Peter jumped forward and punched one of the men, instantly knocking him out. Next, he swiped another man out from under his feet. Their guns skidded across the pavement and out of reach.
"Oh no..." Y/N gasped. Peter had told her to run, but her legs wouldn't move. She had to help him. Somehow.
He was drastically outnumbered. They walked right into Monty's trap. Every man that Peter tossed aside, another filled his place.
The tips of Y/N's fingers glowed, beckoning her back to Peter. If she could not fight then she would heal.
Peter was ahead of the battle, just for a second, a second of hope… hope that was vanquished at the sound of Monty’s colossal weapon firing.
"Die!" The leader of the Thorns roared, he had limited patience, he had limited time. 
He closed in on Peter as he tried to fight off the stranglers, firing again and again until one bullet hit its target. The intended bullet ripped across the flesh on Peter's torso, too fast for his spider senses to register.
Whatever the bullet was laced with, was so painful that Peter stumbled to his knees.
"No!" Y/N screamed as she watched Monty raise his gun in slow motion, finger on the trigger, barrall aimed for execution. She was too far away, she couldn’t do anything -- but she was getting closer.
Peter had to bite down on his lip from screaming out. He could feel the bullet lodged between his muscles, scraping away at every strand and inching to his bone with each strained movement. 
The rest of the remaining men stormed down the stairs, their guns seconds away from unleashing Monty’s death wish. For the first time in his life, Peter was afraid of dying.
"I'm finally going to kill you, little bastard." Monty growled, over confident with the position he found himself in. At least ten of his men lay unconscious around Peter. "After all the shit you put me through, I'm finally going to get my revenge. Nice and slow. Just how I like it."
"—But first. I want to see your pathetic little face." Monty curled his fist around the material of Peter's mask, and ripped it off his head.
Peter spat at his feet, blood dripping down his chin. He had no idea that Lelia was racing towards him in desperation, just as afraid and just as unsure. 
The boy knew he was going to die, yet all he could think about was how terribly he failed. As the barrel of the gun neared, he wanted to cry out and ask for forgiveness. Once a hero was unmasked, they could never go back. 
Yet, Peter’s face was blank, cleared from all emotion. If he could do anything in his last moments, he would not give Monty that satisfaction.
"Just what I thought." Monty finally said after he had inspected Peter's face and stature. "A little kid. A retarded little kid."
And then he cocked his gun. Peter winced as he heard it whirl, the blue light growing brighter.
If this was the end. At least Y/N was safe. 
"To hell with you, Spider-Man."
The blast rang out. But it never came into contact with Peter’s skin. The vibration buzzed past him, but nothing else.
And when he opened his eyes, he found Y/N standing in front of him, panting, her chest rising and falling as a form of intimidation.
Monty's eyes widened in shock. Y/N was gripping the barrel of his gun, forcing it towards her with all of her strength. Her hands were glowing, pulsing with heat, a fire that began to shriek against the metal. 
The bullet hovered inches from her forehead. It vibrated back and forth, stuck in the forcefield that surrounded her. A force field that was visible in the form of golden dust particles. Intimidating, yet indescribable. 
Y/N’s hands seared. The intent of her power was different than before. She was pushing forward with all of her might, every piece of what she had was rushed forward at once, defying the laws of physics to save Peter's life.
The girl could sense everything around her, she heard every sound, felt every movement. She could taste the fear of all the men around her.
"Y/N—" Peter gasped, still on his knees. There was no way this was happening… there was no way.
With his next inhale, he groaned, the pain from his wound intensifying, so agonizing that it caused Y/N to flinch in response. She needed to reach him, she had to. The girl didn’t even know how she had created the ring surrounded her, but she felt the force tied to the growing pain knotting through her intestines. 
How was this happening?
Y/N released the tip of the barrel, but managed to hold the golden ring of dust that floated around them, the width of it shrinking. 
The bullet stayed still.
In a daze, and starting to feel weak, Y/N mistakenly glanced at the injured Peter.
The golden light reflected in his eyes, while a stream of blood threatened to drip over them.
I need to help him.
But the girl was drained, she felt herself struggling to keep control of whatever force was bound to the blood in her veins, naeasua coursing through her. 
"Y/N?" Peter gasped weakly, trying to move, but unable.
A cry escaped her lips in reply, losing focus at the sound of his voice, the surprise, the anguish.
And that was when Y/N’s wrath unleashed against the surroundings. The girl lurched forward in the sudden surge of energy, breath leaving her lungs in a gasp, then a scream.
The familiar golden light exploded in a thick ring, traveling at such a speed that it severed everyone in its radius. Everyone except Peter.
Y/N screamed again in agony, her voice traveling miles through the vacant fields and overgrown lawns. 
She fell to the ground, scraping her knees and hands against the concrete. Her skin was tingling, fingers curling abnormally. Y/N could still feel a slight flicker of power. For a moment, she had felt the most alive in her entire life. 
Then, she twitched, and then, she felt nothing.
Peter's eyes widened as he watched Monty and all his men severe in half. The top portion of their bodies toppling over before he could make sense of it. The blood didn’t have a reaction time, the mouths of the victims hanging open until they smacked against the dirt. 
Y/N had killed them all. With one scream, with one motion, with one movement. It was over.
Peter shifted his weight, dumbfounded. All alien technology that had come in contact with the golden ring, had disintegrated. It happened so fast that Peter didn't even feel that it was real. How was he still alive? Was he dreaming? 
After gathering his senses, Peter immediately turned to the girl. She was still on her hands and knees, panting heavily.
"Y/N?" He called, afraid to touch her. Had she controlled the light? Or was it all coincidence? 
Y/N felt an excruciating pain deep within her gut. Something wasn't right. Death lingered around her, and she knew it before she lifted her head.
The smell of rust filled her nose.
She opened her eyes.
The grass had been painted red, pools of blood collecting around the severed limbs. Eyes of the dead rolled back in their heads. Expressions still visible. Hearts possibly still beating.
"P-peter..." She managed to choke out, still too afraid and shocked to move another muscle.
He just stared at her.
Y/N staggered to her feet, legs shaking from fatigue. She stumbled forward to Monty, almost tripping over him as her eyes grazed the destruction.
"Oh god... What have I done?" A sob left her lips, echoing down the lifeless and vacant street.
Y/N fell back to the earth, knees buckling underneath her in a form of punishment, almost threatening that she couldn’t get away with her crimes. 
She did this. She was a monster.
Her eyes remained wide open, what happened? Why couldn't she feel anything? The only thing that could make sense was the urge to heal Peter's wound. That was all the girl could think about, a switch in her brain telling her that it was the only way to feel something again.
The power that had manifested inside of her had released. And now it needed to be fed again,  craving replenishment almost immediately. 
Peter stared at Y/N from a distance, unaware of the revelation. All he could see was the massacre.
One that she had not intended, pure accident driven by an outside force. Judging by the panic setting in, Y/N had no control over her powers, she seemed to know that much. Yet somehow the girl had spared his life.
"Y/N... I-I thought you healed." Peter whispered, finally shifting far enough to feel the bullet still lodged against his collar bone. He trembled with discomfort, sweat intensifying along his forehead.
But no matter his pain, Peter needed to be assured that she was okay.
"I thought I did too." She swallowed hard, guilt thick within her throat. Each breath caused her to wince. She felt like her lungs had collapsed.
"Peter..." She tilted her head to the side, tears falling freely from her eyes. "I need to go..."
She could barely finish her sentence before she passed out. "I need help—"
And then she toppled over. Unconscious.
"Karen!" Peter yelled, frantic. He couldn't move to her side. "Call Mr. Stark!"
"And an ambulance?" She questioned.
"No, Stark will get here faster."
The sound of his phone ringing was all he could hear. His heart was beating so hard it was all he could feel. Peter waited, glancing to Y/N's slumped over frame.
Her chest rose slowly, yet fast enough so that Peter could relax.
Mystifying and fascinating yet destructive. All the power she had been hiding was finally boiling over and Peter was afraid for her well being. He may not have known Y/N for long, but anyone could see that she couldn't handle death. It was the exact opposite of everything she had ever known.
"Helloo? Parker?" Tony's voice blared through the speaker, irritated. Apparently Peter had not heard him the first time he picked up. He was stuck in a trance, wondering how they were going to clean up the dozens of bodies littering the street.
"Parker!" He scolded. "Why are you calling me at 2am?"
"Mr. Stark..." Peter spoke slowly, trying to mask the agitation in his voice. "I need you to come get me right now."
"Did something happen?" Tony asked, instantly worried. He could already hear the man scrambling out of bed.
Peter only called when it was a life or death emergency.
"Something bad." He paused. "Karen sent my location. But I think I have someone you need to meet."
Tag list! 
@spn-assemble-seven​ ​ @eridanuswave​ ​ @fallisflame​ @used-avocado​ ​ @pluckypete​ ​ @vanillanestor​​ @averyfosterthoughts​ ​ @rudysrings​​ @magicalturmoil​  @lust-for-pan​ ​ @keep-bears-wild​ ​ @selintugmen​​ @undiadeestos​ ​ @eridanuswave​ ​ @unknownsolarsystems​​ @ineedabifriend​ ​ @silver-winter-wolf​ ​ @alioop3818​ ​
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mae-gi-writes · 4 years
Deobi Playlist (EP 3) | The Boyz Imagine
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Ep 3: In which Juyeon has a complicated relationship with food. 
The Boyz x Hospital Playlist inspired drabble series.
Main Characters: Hyunjae, Juyeon, Kevin and OC (Mae)
Sides: the rest of The Boyz.
Genre: fluff, slice of life, comedy, BROMANCE BRUH
EP 1 | EP 2 | EP 3 | EP 4 | EP 5 | EP 6 | EP 7 | EP 8 | EP 9 | EP 10 | EP 11
“Did you eat?” 
Juyeon looks up from his monitor with bleary eyes, rubbing the sleep away when he spots Kevin leaning against the white office door with two bowls of instant noodles. 
He shakes his head, “not yet. Wanted to finish this report first.” 
Tutting like a mother hen, Kevin closes the door behind him and turns on the electric kettle set atop the fridge separating Juyeon and Hyunjae’s desks. The office is cramped and filled with so many documents that one can barely see past the messy pile of papers surrounding the pair, but while Kevin continuously nags the two to get it together and that organization is a charm in itself, Hyunjae is by no means, someone who takes orders the right way. He has the tendency to do the polar opposite. 
Pushing some papers to the side to crack open the bowl’s lids, he asks, “you’re not dieting again, are you?” 
“What?” Juyeon frowns, glancing back at the older man, “no, I don’t even have time to think about that.” 
“That’s exactly what you said back then too,” Kevin replies with a pointed look. He grabs the kettle from the stand to pour the hot water over the dried noodles, swirling it around so that an equal layer of steam rises from the bowl and causes Juyeon’s nostrils to twitch with temptation. He sighs in resignation, before pushing himself up from his office chair to join the raven-haired doctor on the tiny couch cramped in the middle of their space. It had once been Hyunjae’s brilliant idea, suggesting that it could be a way for them to have a quick snooze in-between shifts. 
It is sad to say that Juyeon has never slept on this couch, not because he never had the chance, but he finds it harder to ignore work if he’s just sitting in the same room, breathing in the same air as his responsibilities. 
When Kevin pushes one of the bowls towards Juyeon, he breathes in the scent of fake chicken flavour, memories hitting him like a ton of bricks whenever he eats those kinds of junk food. It reminds him of his past, of how he’d gorge himself with sweet treats in order to fill that growing emptiness inside his stomach, the sickening guilt that curled up inside him like an unwanted creature as an unsteady ache would settle over his stomach. He remembers how he’d force himself to throw up, shoving two fingers down his throat as a way to alleviate his efforts. Again and again, that cycle had continued for more than six months, and no one had ever bothered noticing. 
The thing with Juyeon is that, underneath that shy and quirky exterior, is a man filled with self-doubt. Having been raised to always do better than his older siblings, Juyeon always felt inferior in comparison to the academic achievements of his sister, or the social prowess and the easy-goingly fluid charisma that oozed off his older brother. But Juyeon wasn’t skilled at academics, he hated learning and studying in general, and since he had the confidence of a goldfish out of water the moment he felt people’s eyes on him, it had been safe to claim that he had not inherited any of his brother’s charisma either. 
“I wouldn’t go there, Kevin,” Juyeon murmurs when he notices the worry in his friend’s almond eyes, creases appearing like permanent lines scrunching up in the middle of his brows, “not after…” 
He allows the words to hang in the air, not really sure whether voicing them out loud will make things better or worse. 
“I know,” Kevin says after a moment, but Juyeon notices the tension in his shoulders, the way his knuckles seem to protrude as he holds on to his spoon in a death grip, “I just--I don’t want to see you like that again. It--It almost killed me.” 
“Oh don’t be ridiculous.” 
“I’m not,” Kevin’s eyes settle over his, hard and fiery with a determined light, “I’m not being ridiculous. You would-ve--You would’ve--” stumbling over his words, he swallows thickly and continues, “you would’ve died. If...If I hadn’t found out.” 
“And you did, and now this is all in the past,” Juyeon nudges his knee as a sign of affection, “I’m alright, okay? I promise.” 
“You better damn well keep that promise.” 
Juyeon knows without a doubt, that Kevin’s concern stems from that very first moment they started talking; when Kevin found him half-passed out from another vomiting spell, chest heaving and gasping like he’d just run a marathon, and blood dribbling down his mouth because he’d hurt himself trying to stuff his fist down his throat. 
Being only sixteen at the time had caused Kevin to burst into an outright bout of panic. He had dropped to Juyeon’s side without any second thought before shaking the half-dazed boy out of his spell. 
“Hey, hey are you okay? Can you hear me?” he spotted the blood coating the side of Juyeon’s mouth, “oh my god.” 
He quickly ripped some tissue paper, and dabbed at his face while his other hand checked for a pulse, relieved to notice that it was there, albeit its weakness. 
Juyeon had tried shrugging him off, “I’m alright,” his murmur barely made it out of his lips, “just--leave me alone.” 
“And what? See you die?” Kevin was already pulling him up by the arm, “no. We’re going to the nurses’ office. Now.” 
Which was how the two found themselves in the nurse’s office where Juyeon was diagnosed as anorexic. Not that it was surprising, for the latter had known that his symptoms weren’t normal, had looked up his tendencies to realize that they were definitely not normal human behaviour. Not only was it embarrassing for a full-grown man to have issues concerning food, but the fact that Kevin had found him -- and mind, Kevin at that time had been what all the boys had wished to be; the smart, foreign student who aced all his classes and who was charmingly attractive without even the slightest smidge of effort -- made Juyeon’s issues even more embarrassing. 
He’d swivelled around to face the said man the moment they had stumbled out into the hallway. 
“Please,” Juyeon’s voice had broken with emotion,his stomach tight and coiled with apprehension, “please don’t tell anyone about this, they’ll all make fun of it, they will think I’m crazy and--” 
“I won’t tell them.” 
Juyeon’s eyes shot up to meet Kevin’s. His face was soft and open, understanding glimmering through those almond orbs that usually seem so reserved, and Juyeon’s mouth ran dry as the meaningless excuses slowly died at the back of his throat. The only thing he managed to muster out was a soft, “t-thank you,” when really, there had been so many more things he’d wished to say. But Kevin, bless his soul, had merely smiled back. 
From that moment onwards, they had come to a silent agreement of acknowledging each other. It started off with small nods and quick smiles in-between classes, progressing slowly into verbal greeting and casual ‘how are you’s’ whenever they bumped into each other outside their circle of friends. Every time that happened, Kevin ensured that he was doing fine, that he was making time to see a Nutritionist and a Psychiatrist at least once a week, and though it shouldn’t have mattered what Kevin thought when it came to Juyeon’s personal life, his chest had glowed with happiness when catching sight of the pride radiating off Kevin’s face. It was then that Juyeon realized that Kevin, despite not even being his close friend, knew so much more about him that he could imagine.
Kevin, the foreigner, the one who’d suffered through countless judgements and mindless criticism because he came from the other end of the world and wasn’t initially fluent in their language, Kevin who had never even spoken a word to him...Kevin had saved him. 
And Juyeon would forever be grateful. 
“Hey Kevin,” Juyeon glances over at the said man as they slurp their noodles, “thanks, by the way.”
He notices Kevin’s confusion, but adamantly keeps his focus on the now soggy noodles floating in his container, “for what?” 
“For saving me.” 
“Oh come on,” Kevin groans and Juyeon can’t help the smile crawling up his face, “if you’re so thankful, how about shadowing me next time?” 
“I told you I’m not good with kids.” 
“That’s what shadowing is all about.” 
“Uhm, no I’ll pass thanks.” 
Kevin pouts, “I saved your life.” 
“You can’t use that against me. Besides, me being there will only traumatise the children in the ward.” 
Kevin lets out a loud sigh, muttering something along the lines that it is so hard to get young doctor interns to get interested in jobs like pediatricians when there are so many other possibilities like neurosurgery. No wonder Hyunjae has no issues and is practically veneered by all. 
“Fine. You win,” Kevin mutters while throwing him the scariest glare he can muster up. Unfortunately for him, he looks more like a kitten than a tiger, and Juyeon snorts with laughter at his friend’s attempt to look threatening. 
“I love you man,” Juyeon grins. 
“I love you too. But please clean your office more often.”
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