#caving in to bigots
Would anyone take the time to sign this petition? Make sure to share it, too.
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stonegoldsxcrxt · 1 month
well my official statement is this... the problem isn’t diversity in Star Wars, (and fuck you if you think that, I'm so over it), the problem is giving women and people of color roles in Star Wars that end up either 1. killed off quickly 2. shoved aside or 3. shoehorned into harmful narratives just for the creatives in charge to pretend like it's somehow ground-breaking and progressive. And then the cast aren’t protected from the hate they’re getting from fans as a result of the creatives poor judgement and inability to deliver a structurally sound story. This happened with the sequels and it's literally happening again now and until Lucasfilm execs grow a pair and stand up for their cast it's going to continue to happen.
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polarfarina · 10 months
Internet historian stealing his scripts directly from articles is hardly surprising... god damn though
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stormofneurosis · 1 year
Fun/stupid thought time
I don't like all of this random-ass pansy-parker transphobia going on right now, and I keep having this stupid ass thought about combating it
basically my thought is renting out a public venue, like a library or town hall. Call it something like "Educating yourself about gender and peoples' place in society" or something equally likely to make TERFs think it's going to buoy up their egos and fuel their hatred. Don't do anything to dissaude this notion.
if you can, let a local protest movement know what's going on - if TERFs see a pride protest this will help their belief.
Oh! Make sure that the venue understands your aim, no need for them to be caught in the crossfire. Make sure they're on board.
Ok, so "discussion" night comes, you have all these terfs in the room. First few slides talk about physical sex
then have a little quiz, a whole bunch of different animals, let them confirm they can tell a boy from a girl
Bring XY XX into it
bring a chicken into it, ask them if it's XX or XY
hit them with the ZW
but still "male and female" chickens right?
time for more birds.
Sparrows, male and female? ducks, male and female. Now for... Ruffs
Who here knows what a faeder male is?
Angler fish :]
how about what bees do?
introduce the Universal Public Friend
The doors are locked. There's no escape now
Just wait until you get to the section on mushroom genders
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nando161mando · 6 months
“idaho joe” is cave junction’s newest neo-nazi handyman
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apollosimps · 7 months
so sick of “feminine products” and “feminine napkins” and that stupid shit.
SAY PERIOD, say menstruation/menstrual cycle if it’s more formal. fuck you
Me bleeding out of my pussy once a month is the most manly thing i could’ve done for the past 8 years of this hell on earth. Periods are fucking metal. show them some goddamn respect
Edit (14 March 2024): the terfs and transphobes found this post. Please block them and don’t interact. thanks k love you transmascs <2
Edit 2: (15 March 2024): this post was intended to be a personal thing that didn’t get past 20 notes or so, so maybe my wording wasn’t all that great.
Let me clarify: I use ‘manly’ to describe my personal experience as a trans dude who’s had his period and ‘metal’ to describe periods in a general sense.
Terfs please fuck off. Go back to your little bigot cave and vague post about me instead. Off with you.
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nerdylilpeebee · 2 months
It's ASTONISHING to me how many Pro-Pals are literally upset that you won't believe their claims that are backed up literally with "trust me, bro."
Even more mind-boggling is they think you're a bigot if you don't immediately cave when their friend comes alone and says "I can vouch for them, they're honest."
Like, huns, I have zero reason to trust either of you. If I claimed something with zero proof, especially something serious, you would be well within your rights to press x to doubt. XD
Like, my gods, it is so fucking obvious why these people fell for propaganda so readily.
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another reason that I can’t stop shaking Amy Dallon in a mason jar to turn her into butter. Is that. Her arc makes such a compelling critique of the nuclear family. Consider:
Carol not wanting to have a child, but “caving” to it because Mark promised he’d help. This isn’t stated in the text, but i think it can be reasonably absurd that they were trying to create the image of a family.
Carol’s obsession with feeling safe with a child because it came from her body. It reminded me strongly of Purity’s obsession with her own baby being free from the contamination of the world, and her ex specifically. That parallel immediately makes the ugly subtext clear: obsession with children being pure, and belonging to you, is Nazi shit.
the New Wave is built upon the image of the perfect nuclear family to the point of absurdity. It’s literally composed of two nuclear families, and they perform virtue while hiding dirty secrets. Additionally “the new wave” has always sounded reminiscent of “the third wave” to me. I’m not sure if that was on purpose, but the resonance gives the name an extra sprinkling of fascism.
So into this set of conditions enters Amy. She is mistrusted by her new mother and neglected by her new father and she doesn’t fit into the image of the perfect family. She resents her own power because it exhausts her, but I think that if she could be masked and maintain a civilian identity, she might be able to relax and recharge. This is not allowed by New Wave.
The nuclear family is thus the source of all her problems. Subsequently, Amy is positioned as the nuclear family destroying itself.
Amy’s incestuous feelings are a perversion of the love that the nuclear family is supposed to embody. They arise because the family has failed to embrace her, and shut her out of it. The family causes its own destruction.
Amy’s lesbianism is a perversion of the nuclear family’s ideal of heterosexuality. Changing Victoria’s mind so that she reciprocates is a replay of the homophobic tropes of fifties and sixties lesbian pulp novels, and it literalizes the straight fear that gay people will “corrupt” their children. By playing out a story from conservatives’ worst nightmares, we can see how the fear causes the problem to occur. Carol feared Amy because she reminded her of her father and because she was an intrusion on Carol’s designed family. This fear caused Amy to be shut out, which means she didn’t instinctively view Victoria as a sister, which left the door open for romantic feelings. In the real world, parents’ fear that their children will be corrupted and taken away from them causes them to be controlling and bigoted. This is what drives children away.
Amy’s destruction of Victoria’s body happens as a result of her loss of control, and it happens while the two of them are isolated from the rest of the world. Amy introduces stray cats and dogs and rats—vermin—to Victoria’s body. This literalizes Carol’s fear of contamination, and remakes Victoria so that she no longer came solely from Carol’s body. Amy’s loss of control here frames her more as a carrier of disease than an active agent, in contrast to the last bullet point. The fear of genetic contamination from diseased people plays on very old antisemitic tropes, and again, is Nazi shit.
It’s compelling on the same level that Greek tragedy is! It’s wildly homophobic, but it’s so deliciously ironic.
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avocadotoast0 · 1 month
What hurts the most about The Acolyte’s cancellation is learning that just a month ago, they had a writers' room set up and were actively looking for directors.
Between the announcement of tie-in books, Manny being announced for D23 and Celebration, Qimir and Osha avatars being included in the old republic game yesterday, it really seemed like a renewal was on the horizon. But it feels like someone important was against this show continuing, and that’s why it got canceled.
And then there’s the harassment the cast members, especially Amandla, have faced over the past year. It feels like they’re being punished for the racist and bigoted backlash the show received. Instead of standing their ground, Lucasfilm seems to have caved to the bigots who hate everything they do.
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Here's the problem with saying it's okay Target is removing Pride merchandise because of threats fron bigots: Would you say that if it involved any other marginalized group?
If Target received threats from antisemites about selling Passover- or Hanukkah-related merchandise, would you be okay if they stopped selling that merchandise?
If Proud Boys threatened Target about selling merchandise about Black History month or for having a section with merchandise made from buisnesses owned by Black people, would you be okay with Target caving to their demands?
If conservatives start saying female models are showing too much skin or that t-shirts with quotes about feminism are proabortion, and if Target gets threats, are you fine with Target caving to their demands?
And most importantly, if your answer to the bulleted questions is "No, I wouldn't be fine with that," but you think Target is justified in pulling Pride merchandise, what does that say about how you view LGBTQIA+ people?
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hauntedwitch04 · 11 months
Lucifer I
Nyx Acheron x reader
Words: about 5.0k words
Warnings: blood, death, murder, sad things in general, shitty biological family
Author's note: This is a request by a follower on Wattpad, that I personally loved and I wrote this during the night. It's not complited, the second part will be out soon, but it was getting to long. Hope you like it loves, your witch Becky
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"Say one more word and I swear I'll cut out your tongue." You say looking at the young prince of the night, who reciprocates by looking at you amused.
"Uncle Az, tell your hound dog to stay put." Nyx replies, as he rises from the chair in the meeting room we are in. For a moment you forget about him and end up looking around, and you wonder if little te knew this would happen to her in the future, if she would believe it. When Azriel found you, hiding in a cave not far from the Illyrian camp from which you had escaped, he was shocked at how long you had lasted alone in the woods. It had been weeks now since you had managed to escape what was left of my family, yet you still had not managed to wash away completely the blood of your sisters that had remained under your nails.
After your parents had died, my father in battle and my mother in childbirth, the chief of our tribe had decided to assign you to the only relatives left for you and your sisters namely your uncles, evil and mean people who had only money in mind and how to accumulate more and more of it, and because of this however small you were, you had to start working right away. Also living with you was our mother's mother, a bigoted and unintelligent woman bound by the stupid traditions of the barbaric people of which I am a part, who from early on you knew would present a threat to your wings. Not a day went by when she did not complain that you had not yet bled or find ways to make it happen, but you in response had studied every book and document you could about it and made sure to find every remedy you could to delay the arrival of what would spell the end of your last freedom. And the same you did with your sisters when they began to grow up, honoring the memory of your parents by asking them for help every night.
After spending years and years being a slave, on your twentieth birthday you woke up with red-stained blankets and immediately a new fear took its place in your body. You could already hear voices coming toward the room you shared with your sisters, and without a second thought you had jumped up waking the other two girls and telling them to take what you had prepared to run away. Within minutes you were already running through the woods, looking for a safe place to live for a while until you figured out how to do it. Over time you had also learned to hunt, and so you were not afraid to live in the woods; what you were afraid of was your family.
A little over an hour had passed when you heard voices coming from behind.
"Baby, I don't want to hurt you. You know we have to, it's time for you to become a real woman." Yelled your uncle in an obnoxious, sarcastic voice, and you only increased your pace, which soon turned again into a hopeless race dragging your sisters toward what you hoped would be salvation.
"Do you really think those wings make you somebody! You are nothing if a little slut trying to escape from a future that is already written! Hurry up and I promise I won't rip your wings off, just keep playing hide-and-seek and I'll take all the time I can to do what I want with you!" Yells your uncle again, before laughing out loud. "Do you think we haven't found your stupid plant books, to delay your bleeding, do you think we're that stupid? That alone could be enough of a death sentence for you, do you really want to make your situation worse!?" He continued, and you felt a cold chill run down your spine. For a moment you thought about turning yourself in, then the image of all those girls you had seen suffer or even die for what they had done to their wings came into your mind, and so you began to run even harder, until you found yourself in front of a cave. You had found it a while ago, trying to catch something in the woods, and it had seemed like a good hiding place. You told your sisters to go inside, while you went for a second to retrieve some weapons you had hidden in a hollow log two minutes away from there, intimating to them to keep quiet if they did not want to be discovered. Yet all was in vain.
One minute. Sixty seconds. Twenty blinks. One moment.
It only took a moment to kill your sisters. Your uncle found them, and because they tried to escape he killed them on the spot, stabbing them in the stomach.
You arrived at the moment when you saw the youngest among the three of you fall, the one who being the eldest daughter you had the pleasure of holding first, while the middle one was already on the ground lifeless. You saw in her eyes the life slip away, like sand running through your fingers.
"So you won't run away like your useless sister." Said your uncle, looking at her handiwork before turning away. "Where is he right now, anyway? He abandoned you, he doesn't even have the courage to face me, yet he has the courage to leave you here to die." He continued.
"Turn around asshole, and face your fate." Whispers your sister, dying, amid blood spit on the ground and moans of pain. "I hope his blade is as sharp as your tongue." She continues, before telling you with her lips that she loved you, and then letting the life that animated her flow out of her.
Your uncle turned and for a moment his face was crossed with pure and simple fear, coming the anger that animated your face. A few simple sword movements, and in a few seconds he was in front of you on his knees, praying to your goodness, which in his regard had left you years ago. Blood gushed from his lips like lava from a volcano as you watched life fade away behind his tar-black pupils.
"I hope you will suffer as much as you made us suffer, and that Mother will have a special punishment for you. You killed the only family I had left, and for that I will take from you what you took from me: life." You said, looking down into his eyes. He spat in your face in response.
"Do you think you are so much better than me? You too will take the life of another human being, even your hands will be stained with blood, you and I are not much different." He said, before spitting more blood at my feet. "Besides, do you really think they will not notice that I am not going back to the village? Do you really think they won't come looking for me and find you here with all these dead people? Do you think you'll get away with it? O deluded little bitch, they will kill you, and then there we will be in the same cage before Lucifer."
"See you in hell then." You whispered before finally cutting his neck and letting his blood create a pool at your feet.
For hours you felt like an automaton as you carried your uncle's body out of the cave and buried it not far from there. Once you had stowed away all the earth, you turned to where your sisters still lay and for the first time truly felt their death strike you with an axe blow to the chest, whereas before you were too busy still brooding over anger and revenge. In a few steps you found yourself on the ground, your hands grasping their bloody clothes as you clutched them to your chest, crying hot and bitter tears. You screamed in every language you knew against every deity you remembered, as you begged anyone to take you in their place and let them live their lives. You spent the whole night crying and screaming, so much so that by morning you had no voice left. Once the sun came up you realized what you looked like. Your arms were completely bloody, especially your hands, where blood had even gone under your fingernails. Long minutes passed before you conceived the fact that you had to bury your sisters as well. This time, however, was different. You found a beautiful clearing full of lavender flowers and laughed at the irony. You had always loved lavender very much, and your sisters always teased you about it, and now the place where they would find peace would be just that. You slowly dug two pits next to each other in the shade of a willow tree, and gently placed their bodies, wrapped in blankets, as tears continued to stream down your face. You looked one last time at their bodies, so small and helpless at that moment, before covering them with the earth. Once finished you lay there on top of them, waiting for the dead to come for you too, feeling guilty for their death and for killing a man, seeing the blood still staining your hands. You screamed, cried again as you had done the night before, then you heard a rustling in the plants, and like a vision your sisters appeared to you holding hands with your mother, surrounded by shadows. By now it had become night, but you did not even realize it too engrossed in crying.
Immediately you were frightened by the scene and jumped to your feet, then you calmed down and realized that you had not gone crazy, but there were really them in front of you. You ran toward them, and tried to hug each of them three times, failing, and falling all three times into the void. Immediately the tears came back to you.
"I thought I was dead. I thought I had atoned for my sins, and instead I'm still here. I don't deserve to live, please do something help me." You asked, kneeling in front of them, looking down, and at that moment you felt like a gust of wind settling on your shoulder, so you looked up and saw that your mother had placed her hand on his shoulder and was looking at you fondly.
"My child, do not think that our death is your fault. You, on the contrary, did everything you could do. You must keep fighting, you cannot let yourself go like this. You must live for us, too." She said, but you shook your head, not believing you could.
"I am not so strong mom, I allowed them to hurt them. I-I don't think I can go on alone anymore. I am not strong enough." You whisper, as you go back to slump on the ground.
"Don't even think that. You have come this far, you must live for us too. We will never abandon you, we will become your janitors." She said making a gesture to indicate the shadows that surrounded her and your sisters. As if they understood the topic of conversation they moved toward you, twisting like a snake along your arms, until they reached your ear and whispered something to you. You were not even surprised to understand them, no matter how surreal this situation was. You watched intently as those night-colored pythons came to life around you, until you looked up again and saw that your mother was now retreating with your sisters, back to where they had come from.
"Where are you going!? Don't leave me!" You screamed, getting up and running toward them, but the shadows held you, like worried hands holding someone dear.
"You can't follow us where we go love, now we have to go back where we came from, we have already been away too much according to the rules. Take care dear and remember we love you. Enjoy every second of your life, don't remember the past, create a new future." Those were your mother's last words to you as your sisters waved goodbye, also with tears in their eyes.
At that moment I became a shadowsinger.
And so you returned to being alone, in the middle of the night, surrounded by shreds of darkness that moved with a life of their own.
"My lady must go and wash the blood off her clothes, and she will attract wild animals." The shadows say in your ear, as they urge you to get up. You resist a little at first, to be guided by them, who like an invisible wet nurse took care of you, for the first few days where you still had to get used to the situation. A week later you were fully back to yourself, and nothing could stop you. You kept moving from one place to another so they would not find you until one morning you heard a rustling among the plants, but your shadows that time told you something different that struck you.
"Honey, this time the one chasing us is someone like you." They said, as you were setting a new trap to catch some small game.
"Like us, you mean another shadowsinger?" You asked confused, torn between wanting to escape and wanting to know.
"That's right honey." They replied, before going forward.
A few minutes passed before a man, an Illyrian, emerged from behind the plants, but you soon realized that you did not know him.
"Hello." He said first, smiling slightly as he put his hands forward to show you that he had no hidden weapons to hurt you. "I would just like to talk to you."
You looked at him wary, then you saw a shadow emerge from his back, exactly like those adorning your shoulders, and immediately you felt understood. You saw his shadows go to his ears, as if to report something to him, and immediately his eyes widened as his face changed, looking at you with sorry eyes and a sorrowful smile on his lips.
"You are also like me. "You affirmed as you approached, he without warning embraced you, holding your slender, exhausted body in his mighty arms.
"I'm sorry." He said in a choked voice as he gently stroked your back. "Who has passed away?" He asked, trying to understand how you had managed to get what for him was a curse.
"My mother and sisters. They failed to protect them. My mother I failed to save all those years ago, while the others I left alone, and my uncle killed them." You whispered, as you let go in his arms in a desperate cry.
"Then you really are the girl from the village they are looking for." He said as he looked into your eyes, and you saw tears forming in his, as if he also remembered at this moment a past and distant pain, still alive in him though. "They sent me to find you, saying that a crazy dangerous murderer, but I think they actually are." He continues laughing, before asking another question. "Where is your uncle?"
"I killed him." You said in a hard, impassive voice and then looked at him coldly, or at least tried to, but the fear you were feeling clearly shone through your eyes. "I will accept whatever punishment you want to give me, but please don't take me back there. I ran away because they wanted to clip my wings, and now I'm afraid of what they would have in store for me, and I suspect it's worse than death." You asked, as more tears ran down your face.
He shook his head, before taking off his jacket and laying it on your shoulders.
"My dear, you will come with me, I will never take you back to that shitty place." He said softly as he stroked your face, and for the first time you felt the scars adorning his palms, and you were shocked by the contrast between his soft voice and his rough skin.
"I am Azriel, the High Lord's chief spy, and you will come with me to Velaris, where I will teach you everything I know about the shadows we share. After all, I've always wanted a little sister, and I'm sure Cassian will be impressed with your skills as well." He said, as he pointed you to a place in the forest devoid of trees. "I have to warn you though, we're a little crazy as a family." He continued, but you froze.
"Wait, I have to do something first." You said before running one last time to that lavender field, to which you had gone every day to see your sisters.
"It's not goodbye, it's goodbye. I will be back soon, as soon as I can. I love you all. I will live for you." You confessed at their graves, amid sobs before returning to Azriel.
He looked at you with compassion and together you took off into the air, and only when you arrived in Velaris did you realize that your life had really changed, and that a new adventure was beginning.
"Hey baby all right?" You eventually hear Azriel's voice, concerned, as he leans over the table to take your hands. You are the only one with whom he shows physical affection, trusting only you, and of course Gwyn, whom you regard as a mother.
Over time your relationship has proven to be more like that between a father and a daughter than between a brother and a sister. He has from the very beginning taken care of you, and you of him at times when he needed it, you have always supported each other, and a bond flows between you that is stronger than just a blood bond. You look into his eyes and see his doubt gripping him, but it still does not invade your mind, leaving you space. Nyx also seems to have quieted down. You and he have never gotten along too well, ever since you first met. You have been part of the Inner circle for ten years now, but the two of you only met five years ago, since he was studying on the mainland before that.
He, from the beginning saw you as a rival, and even being a couple of years younger, felt that his place as a protected and beloved prince of the court was being undermined by you.
He never understood the real reason why his uncle took you with them, and that was also because you had never shared your story with anyone outside of Az and his mate, not wanting others to see you as weak.
"Yeah all right, I was thinking about how not to kill that asshole during the mission." You say, trying to sound convincing, and apparently succeeding because everyone is giggling, outside of Az and Nyx who don't look very convinced.
"Oh come on Lucifer, we both know that the better of the two is me." He tries to comment, but you can still read the uncertainty in his eyes not believing your words.
"In your dreams Acheron." You answer, trying to let the nickname pass.
The next day, at dawn you find yourself on a mission in the woods near where you had grown up. A feeling of fear covers your heart and mind ever since you set foot here. Like a flooding river, memories of your childhood wash over you. Rhysand didn't know this place was steeped in trauma for you, or he wouldn't have assigned it to you, but if you had told him, you would have proven yourself unequal to your role as his court's deputy spy chief, unable to separate work and private life.
"We need to go to an Illyrian camp nearby, apparently there has been some insubordination." Nyx tells you, not remembering that you were also at the meeting her father had to describe the mission. "Hey, you look pale, are you okay?" He asks worriedly, turning to look at you.
"Since when do you worry about me Acheron? Aren't you getting soft?" You say, stepping past him as with confident steps of someone who has been down that road a billion times before, you move like a snake, with elegance and fluidity, through the trees of the forest. Out of the corner of your eye you see the boy step into a trap, which has been there since you were a child, which an old hunter always puts in that hole.
"Be careful putting your foot there, there is a trap." You say atonically as you continue walking. He stops and looks carefully at where he was about to walk to see that indeed you were right.
"Well I'd say you're mellowing, too, honey. Is the cold-hearted witch thawing out?" He asks with amusement as you without stopping or turning around give him the middle finger.
"I love you too baby." He continues, in response to your gesture, and you shake your head in response as you can't suppress a silly little smile appearing on your face.
"How did you know there was a trap anyway, it was really very well hidden." Comments the prince of the night, as he takes great strides to catch up with you.
You pause for a second, thinking whether to tell him the truth or tell him to go to hell again. You don't know what is getting into you but this place makes your head spin, and you feel like a poor, lonely, helpless girl again. The shadows surround you like a shield since you arrived, as if they, too, sense the familiarity of that place. You look into his violet eyes, which in the little sunshine coming in through the tree foliage, take on a lavender-like hue, and again it feels as if a prick comes sharply into your stomach and knocks you to the ground.
You see in his expression concern and sincerity, and this sends your system into a tailspin, which, as if it were nothing, opens up a deep, private part of you to him.
"I grew up here, I know these woods well." You say not looking into his eyes, too caught up in your emotions that are running through you right now. The shadows close even tighter between you, almost creating a cocoon.
"I didn't know that." He replies.
"Nobody knows, nobody but Az and Gwyn." You counter.
"He found you here then." The boy affirms, while in the shadows he tries to look around.
"Yes, not far from here." And you almost can't hold between your lips <<and near here I buried my sisters, a little farther away instead is the cave where they died at the hands of my uncle, whom I killed and buried near there>>, but fortunately you manage to hold back.
A few seconds pass in which neither of you really knows what to say, until you decide to confess other things.
"Nyx, the village we are going to is the one I ran away from when I was 20 years old with my sisters. Everyone there hates me, but I don't even think they would recognize me, however, I wanted to tell you before you see doing something stupid and reckless for no reason. At least you know some context, it seemed right to tell you." You say as you resume walking, but he grabs one of your two wrists with his hand and stops you.
"How come you ran away?" He asks with a seriousness you think you've never seen in him before.
"They wanted to take away the only thing that made me free: my wings." You answer with equal seriousness as I see his jaw twitch in anger.
"Who wanted to do this to you? Your parents?" He asks as disgust is evident from his tone.
"No, it's a long story." You try to answer without giving too much information, but immediately you feel something, guilt, making its way inside you. "Maybe someday I will tell you, but this is neither the place nor the time to do so." You continue, before starting to move along the forest. Nyx does not counter and follows your steps silently, always, however, staying close to you and in silence, as if she has that at this moment, the slightest thing could destabilize you and that you need someone right now, who without your asking, should help you survive from drowning in your memories.
You arrive at the village shortly after, and for a moment you feel like you have traveled through time. Nothing has changed since you left, and that gives you the chills. Immediately people begin to look at you askance, and within seconds you find the village chief standing in front of you. He is still the same as when you were there, an elderly gentleman with poor eyesight and a big heart. He was the only one who supported your choice to keep your wings, but the council had overtaken him and there was nothing he could do about it, he had confessed to you once while your family was still waiting for you to bleed, but he was already deciding your future. He looks at you with squinted eyes, trying to focus on your figure.
"Hello, we are here about the small riot that happened here a few days ago. The High Lord sent us." Says Nyx casually, with a smile on his face. You had decided before you left not to say your identities right away, so as not to arouse hatred as soon as you arrived, but you obviously hadn't told Nyx about why, though now he knows.
"Oh certainly, this way guys." Says the elderly gentleman, smiling at us. "But you didn't have to go to all that trouble, it was just a bunch of stupid kids who decided to make some trouble. There was no need for the High Lord to send any of his people, but we really appreciate you coming." He continues, as we cross the main street of the village.
"High Lord Rhysand is keen to let it be known that he is always available to his subjects when needed." Nyx replies very diplomatically, as he has been taught. You stop and stare at him, as you walk along, and think that deep down all those girls falling at his feet are not wrong. He is one of the most handsome boys you have ever seen, if not the most handsome of them all, with those violet eyes and perpetually disheveled night-colored hair. He is smart, but at the same time reckless, funny and kind, in short the perfect boy everyone dreams of. Immediately you freeze, and blush when you realize what you're thinking. You hear the shadows laughing in your ear, hearing your thoughts, and you under your breath curse them. You look around and realize you've stopped in front of what used to be your little piece of heaven: the bookstore. It was a tiny, musty place, and full of dusty old shelves, and run by a sweet and loving little lady, whom you treated like children.
When you were little, you spent hours in there, so much so that eventually the lady hired you as an assistant, making sure that your aunt and uncle didn't force you to stop going to that place to go to work.
It was never very busy, but it had a small circle of trusted customers.
Now, however, it is a ruined place. The window glass is broken, and the now-worn sign has fallen down. The shelves have all fallen, one on top of the other like bodies of soldiers wounded in battle, piled on top of each other. A dusty mist fills the store, while on the ground one can still see marks left by flames, while nothing but ashes remain of the books.
Nyx seeing that you stopped, stops in turn, apologizing to the village chief, and coming to see if you were okay.
"Hey, are you okay Lucifer? If you want, you can wait in one spot, and I'd be back to you in five minutes, I swear I'd be quick and then we'd run right out of here and not look back. You don't have to do all this if you can't." The boy says sympathetically as he takes your hand in his. That gesture makes you turn toward him, and then look at the older gentleman who has also turned back, and he looks at you smiling.
"I felt like I knew that smile." He says, looking at you as he strokes your face with one hand. "It seems like a lifetime since you and your sisters left. I see that life has treated you well." He continues happily, and you feel a pang in your heart.
"Life apparently has only treated me well." You say while remaining vague, and immediately he seems to understand, and with a sweet gesture, typical of a grandfather toward his granddaughter, he kisses your forehead lovingly.
"I'm sorry little witch." He whispers, and you smile at the nickname, which he had given you when you were still playing at making potions out of mud in the camp.
Nyx meanwhile was looking at you more and more confused, but he does not ask you anything, realizing that this is not the time for his questions. The shadows move agitated, too caught up in all those emotions.
"What happened to the bookstore?" You ask worriedly. "Is the lady okay?"
"She passed away shortly after you left. Her family did not take care of the store and let vandals destroy it." Confessed the elderly gentleman, sorry.
You are about to respond, angry at the people who allowed part of your childhood to be set on fire, when you hear a voice from down the street that chills the blood in your veins, that of your aunt.
...to be continued...
• @nothingimportentreally
• @duda
• @itsmeseph
• @lys-neyr8
• @nyotamalfoy
• @anonimusy
• @marigold-morelli
• @luna-1-3-5
• @esposadomd
• @thotd-f1
• @humanpersonlasttimeichecked
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queen-mihai · 10 months
I want flight attendants to be overpaid and relaxed. I want the job to be so efficient and well managed that it seems like they barely have to lift a finger.
Now before I continue, I'm gonna address the first argument that bigots are gonna claim I'm "not thinking about"
"Well if two flight attendants can take care of a flight while barely lifting a finger, surely the airline will just fire one of them. Don't you think one of them would just get fired?"
No. And imma tell you why.
Two attendants might be able to barely lift a finger on a normal day. But those same two are gonna have a HARD frickin time trying to keep up with 30 or more unruly passengers who are all panicking at the same time. You don't fire somebody who could help on a bad day based on how easy their job is on a good day. People who disagree with that statement have NO business holding a leadership position.
Back to people.
I want teachers overpaid and underworked. Teachers are some of the most creative people you'll ever meet. Now imagine all that brainpower and they're in a school that's actually well funded and they don't need to worry how to pay their MORTGAGE. Now you're talking a generation of people who are taught by teachers who can actually show how much passion they have for what they do.
I want people flipping burgers to be able to afford luxury living. A house, a car, a cottage with a little boat where they take vacations 5 weeks out of every year. That's a hard fucking job. Pay them.
I want the people who pave the roads to fly around the world, meeting people they may never have otherwise met. No matter what country from which they have origins.
I want people who clean toilets to dance with royalty and for that to be so common as to be boring.
I want race car drivers and race team owners to be members of the same clubs and relax at each other's houses during the off seasons.
I want every seat on every transport to feel like first class.
Exclusivity is bullshit. Nobody is gonna be a part of everything. I am excited to learn how to fly but less excited to dive in a cave. No individual person is going to be interested in everything and if you don't want to wait in a line, then maybe you should learn patience. And if your job is so demanding that waiting in line for an hour would RUIN YOUR LIFE, then maybe YOU NEED HELP TOO.
I want design engineers not to be overworked even if they're well paid.
I want managers to have good communication with their teams and easy work managing their part of the business.
I want executives to have access to the REAL numbers and for them to be able to make decisions that make sense for everybody instead of just shareholders.
I want more businesses to be employee owned, and for every decision maker to make decisions for the good of the people impacted by those decisions.
And I want anyone not willing to do so removed from power.
Each and every person alive can do *something* to help make all this a reality
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gwydionmisha · 1 year
"As governor, he signed laws restricting abortions and allowing guns in parking lots of schools, dragged his feet during an HIV outbreak in the rural part of the state, deleted comments from his official Facebook page disagreeing with his views on gay marriage (and then apologized for it) and put together plans for a state-run news service he was going to call “Just IN” (which he scrapped due to criticism, including the Atlantic dubbing the idea “Pravda on the Plains”). But more than anything else, his tenure was marked by the furor surrounding the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, a bill that made it essentially legal for businesses in the state to discriminate against gay people. Battered by backlash from corporations, the NCAA and even the GOP establishment, then mocked for a disastrous appearance on TV, he backed off and signed into law a watered-down version of the bill. Liberals saw him as a bigot. Conservatives thought he had caved. His polling plunged. People thought he was done. “I bet he’d never get elected again in Indiana,” the owner of the Indianapolis Business Journal said in 2017. “But he went from being a likely loser as an incumbent governor to vice president of the United States.”"
An entire life spent failing upward.
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klarolinexluv · 2 months
you have no reading comprehension whatsoever lmao. fascist regulus canonically never changed his bigoted beliefs. he didn't give a shit about voldemort's genocide against muggleborns he SUPPORTED IT (made a little fanpage for him on his bedroom wall! painted the black family crest on his ceiling.....) and the only reason he got cold feet was because he didn't want voldemort to be immortal. james potter would've celebrated regulus black's deserved death. regulus was a bigot through and through and so are you and everyone else who glorifies him. xx
james loved lily and that's it. anyone who thinks otherwise is a bumbling idiot.
Pointed and laugh guys. Istfg.
Should I just delete them or should I keep shaming these people.
I am all for James loving Lily. Just as I am all for James loving Regulus. In all honesty, it doesn’t matter to me who James loves because to me, James has so much love to give, he would give it to anyone. James sees the good in people, to me he thinks everyone is innocent until proven otherwise. (This is my thoughts on him after 7th year or getting to this point after or while dating Regulus).
To me, I don’t need James to have dated Regulus at Hogwarts, after Hogwarts, whatever. James as a character goes through so much development after the Prank in 5th year and to think that he WOULDNT date Regulus whilst at school simply because of his family makes me question some people’s thoughts of James (everyone is entitled to their own opinions of course, I’m not shaming anyone. These are just my thoughts and characterisations of James).
James is best friends with Sirius Black. Sirius Black who has a really shit family, a dark family. If you think James would condemn Regulus for his family (in case you forget, THE SAME FAMILY THAT BELONGS TO SIRIUS, JAMES’ BEST FRIEND) whilst he is best friends with his older brother than I just… I don’t know what to say to you because that’s not how I view James at all.
About Regulus. The canon information we have about Regulus is very little as I have said many times before. It’s unknown whether he fully changed his beliefs, it’s unknown whether he believed them at all. All we know about him is second hand information. From Kreacher and from Sirius. Just because he had a few news articles on his walls doesn’t mean anything solid. From it one can infer that he had strong beliefs in Voldemort but we can’t actually KNOW that unless Regulus had a POV himself and said so.
Painting the black crest in his room could mean ANYTHING! He was a Black, his mother was terrible. He probably did it to win some brownie points but THEN AGAIN WE DO NOT KNOW WHY HE DID IT! we don’t know his reasons for anything!!! We know hardly anything about him! You can infer meaning all you want but the fact is that we know nothing about him. EVERYTHING WE KNOW IS SECOND HAND!
You say James would have celebrated Regulus’ death but his character says otherwise. I don’t think James would have celebrated his death whether they dated or not. I’m certain James would have mourned Regulus BECAUSE of Sirius if nothing else.
As much as Sirius probably hated his brother, at the end of the day, they were still brothers. Sirius would have mourned his brother and James being the empathetic person he is would have mourned Regulus with Sirius.
You’re right. Regulus was probably a bigot. From the canonical facts we know, that can be inferred. I’m aware of that. Regulus being a bigot however does not make me one. I love Regulus as a character simply because there is so much unexplored territory for him. We know so little about him and the things we do know are so interesting to me.
I want to know everything about him, why he did the things he did. What led him to the point of sacrificing his life, betraying Voldemort. I want to know everything, why he chose to stay in the cave, why he sent Kreacher away without him, I want to know what led him to that point.
Again, there is so much we don’t know about Regulus and to claim all these sort of things without any primary evidence is just talking headcanons at this point.
You’re entitled to love Jily. I love them too. This doesn’t mean that James can’t have loved anyone else. The same goes with Lily. Lily can love other people, I’ve never seen any hate towards that. It’s only when James happens to be paired with someone else.
I love Pandalily and Marylily, I love Jegulus. Some other ships I love are Prongsfoot, Jegulily, Regulily, Jarty, Jartylus, Marypandalily, etc etc. I am a big multi shipper, my primary love is for Jegulus but that doesn’t stop me from loving other ships. James can love whoever the fuck he wants. Lily can love whoever the fuck she wants.
Limiting them to only eachother is very closed minded and I’m sorry you can’t see that. Call me an idiot all you want, I’m happy with my ships and if you aren’t okay with that then that is a big you problem.
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corporationsarepeople · 7 months
This fucking guy.
Because they ARE, you bought & paid for talking chunk of wood. If we allow intolerance to be tolerated, then intolerance will come to dominate. And I think Alito knows this.
(Tolerance, btw, is the absolute minimum. It is grudging acceptance. If you can’t even do that, then go back to your cave. This asshole’s religion tells him to love, not just tolerate. It’s not hard to do.)
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"Regulus was a fascist/racist/bloodsupremacist."
I'm not going to say that he wasn't, because I don't know. He's a fictional dead character so we will never truly know. However, I have to point out that Regulus offered himself up to drink the poison and die in that cave rather than letting Kreacher do it. Blood supremacists believe themselves to be more valuable than any living thing, but Regulus preserved Kreachers life and not his own. People like Lucius Malfoy, a confirmed blood supremacist would have left the houseful to die, but Regulus didn't. Furthermore, Regulus was 18 and all he had ever known was his family's ideology. He was raised by his parents in this ideology and then spent his time in Slytherin which at the time was filled with blood supremacists and future death eaters. If we say for a moment that he was racist, as bad as it is, its not really his fault because he was a child and didn't know any better. Does that make any racist actions okay? of course not. But some of you are forgetting that he was a child. In real life, most people dont break away from bigoted beliefs taught by their parents until they are taught better, and Regulus probably never was. Stop holding child characters to the same standard as adult characters If you can do it for Peter and Snape and even James then you can do it for Regulus.
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