#cellular immunology
er-cryptid · 3 months
Adaptive Immune Response Phases - Diagram
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heighpubsseo · 2 years
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neuroandhemo · 8 days
this is my other oc, neutro the neutrophil! a neutrophil is s type of white blood cell
ik the names r basic ugghhh
its one of the granulocyte brothers
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a-dance-of-ace-and-gay · 11 months
I think the reason I like video essays on YouTube is because they are similar to scientific talks, except they are often about things less to do with my studies but more to do with my entertainment
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covid-safer-hotties · 28 days
Needle-free COVID-19 intranasal vaccine provides broad immunity, study finds - Published Agu 27, 2024
A next-generation COVID-19 mucosal vaccine is set to be a gamechanger not only when delivering the vaccine itself, but also for people who are needle-phobic.
New Griffith University research, "A single-dose intranasal live-attenuated codon deoptimized vaccine provides broad protection against SARS-CoV-2 and its variants" published in Nature Communications, has been testing the efficacy of delivering a COVID-19 vaccine via the nasal passages.
Professor Suresh Mahalingam from Griffith's Institute for Biomedicine and Glycomics has been working on this research for the past four years.
"This is a live attenuated intranasal vaccine, called CDO-7N-1, designed to be administered intranasally, thereby inducing potential mucosal immunity as well as systemic immunity with just a single dose," Professor Mahalingam said.
"The vaccine induces strong memory responses in the nasal mucosa, offering long-term protection for up to a year or more.
"It's been designed to be administered as a single dose, ideally as a booster vaccine, as a safe alternative to needles with no adverse reactions in the short or long term."
Live-attenuated vaccines offer several significant advantages over other vaccine approaches.
They induce potent and long-lived humoral and cellular immunity, often with just a single dose.
Live-attenuated vaccines comprise the entire virus, thereby providing broad immunity, in contrast to a single antigen which is used in many other vaccine platforms.
Lead author Dr. Xiang Liu said the vaccine provides cross-protection against all variants of concern, and has neutralizing capacity against SARS-CoV-1.
"The vaccine offers potent protection against transmission, prevents reinfection and the spread of the virus, while also reducing the generation of new variants," Dr. Liu said.
"Unlike the mRNA vaccine which targets only the spike protein, CDO-7N-1 induces immunity to all major SARS-CoV-2 proteins and is highly effective against all major variants to date.
"Importantly, the vaccine remains stable at 4°C for seven months, making it ideal for low- and middle-income countries."
The vaccine has been licensed to Indian Immunologicals Ltd, a major vaccine manufacturer.
Dr. K. Anand Kumar, co-author of the publication and Managing Director of Indian Immunologicals Ltd. Said, "We are a leading 'One Health' company that has developed and launched several vaccines for human and animal use in India and are currently exporting to 62 countries."
"We have completed all the necessary studies of this novel COVID-19 vaccine which offers tremendous advantages over other vaccines.
"We now look forward to taking the vaccine candidate to clinical trials."
Professor Lee Smith, Acting Director of the Institute for Biomedicine and Glycomics, said he was delighted with the research findings.
"These results towards developing a next-generation COVID-19 vaccine are truly exciting," Professor Smith said.
"Our researchers are dedicated to providing innovative and, crucially, more accessible solutions to combat this high-impact disease."
More information: Xiang Liu et al, A single-dose intranasal live-attenuated codon deoptimized vaccine provides broad protection against SARS-CoV-2 and its variants, Nature Communications (2024). DOI: 10.1038/s41467-024-51535-y
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keingakobold · 3 months
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of all the subdisciplines in cellular and molecular biology, immunology is definitely Kei's SPECIAL Special Interest
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bpod-bpod · 25 days
Interior Redesigners
Triggered to attack, T cells of the immune system bind their target molecule via a specific receptor on their surface – named? you guessed it, the T-cell receptor. This interaction sparks activity reorganising the T cell's inner protein scaffold (cytoskeleton) enabling optimal contact and function. Here are revealed the roles of cellular enzymes (LMK1 & SSH1) in orchestrating the structural remodelling and T-cell activation
Read the published research article here
Video from work by Álvaro Gómez-Morón and Sergio Alegre-Gómez, and colleagues
Department of Immunology, Ophthalmology and ENT, School of Medicine, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Madrid, Spain
Video originally published with a Creative Commons Attribution – NonCommercial – NoDerivs (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
Published in Communications Biology, July 2024
You can also follow BPoD on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook
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maaarine · 3 months
Eve: How the Female Body Drove 200 Million Years of Human Evolution (Cat Bohannon, 2023)
"If you put a pregnant mouse in an enclosure with a male who isn’t the father, she’ll abort (this is called the Bruce effect). (…)
Apparently, 5 percent of American rapes result in pregnancies. Rates in other human communities are similar.
That might not sound like a lot, but the chance of pregnancy resulting from a single bout of intercourse on your most fertile days is only 9 percent, with that chance dropping to near zero on non-fertile days.
For a little while, it did look as if human women might have a mini version of the Bruce effect, though: a woman who’s having regular sex with a man is more likely to become pregnant and carry that baby to term than a woman who has sex only once or twice around the time of her ovulation.
At first, researchers thought this was maybe a way to ensure the success of a local male’s sperm—after all, he’s more likely to help with his own offspring, right?—and reduce the chances of carrying a wayward male’s baby to term.
But with further research, it doesn’t seem to be a built-in monogamy booster after all—so long as they don’t have a sexually transmitted infection (STI), women who have sex with multiple men frequently are also more likely to carry their babies to term.
So it’s probably immunological: being exposed to sperm regularly, whether it’s with a monogamous partner or many partners, could help a woman’s body “recognize” the intruding sperm and attack them less, a bit like how slightly allergic people can get used to pollen or pet dander.
Why human women have so many miscarriages after the egg implants in the womb may also have little to do with the partner.
Most miscarriages occur in the first thirteen weeks of pregnancy, and even more commonly in the first eight.
And most of them seem to be due to chromosomal abnormalities.
That means one of two things: either the egg or the sperm already had some genetic issues, or at some point in early cellular division something went wrong.
That’s not a Bruce effect. It’s simply a body ending a pregnancy that would not have produced a healthy baby. (…)
Modern human beings don’t have anything like the Bruce effect, which means our ancestors probably didn’t, either.
We do have sort of foldy vaginas, but they’re not “trapdoor” vaginas, so it’s also likely that we didn’t evolve with a lot of gang rape going on.
The human reproductive system doesn’t betray a past in which competitive men regularly committed sexual violence or infanticide.
Ancient hominins just weren’t all that rapey. If they had been, women would probably have fancy vaginas, men would have hi-tech penises, and women would have a more reliable miscarriage response to rape and male threat."
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nichoiscrying · 4 months
Who am i?
Hello! I just wanted to introduce myself.
I'm Apollo, 20 y/o and currently studying biotech in the healthcare area. I'm a research enthusiast and currently working on a historical paper on medical education in my country.
The subjects I am taking this semester are…
Public Health 🏥
Pharmacology 💊
Patophysiology 🫀
Molecular Technologies applied to diagnosis (on lab) 🥼
Besides the paper I'm writing with my professor, I'm visiting a genetic Lab to sweeten my motor skills in PCR and other techniques.
And I have already finished the following subjects
Physiology cellular and neuro
Histology and embryology
Biology cellular and molecular
Applied Biochemistry (lab work)
Physiology of the systems
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willowreader · 9 months
Important new study, published today in journal Nature, shows that in people who suffer persistent symptoms of Covid, it may be driven by immune dysregulation where a large disconnect between B and T cell function results in a persistent inflammatory state. Posted by Dr. Scott Gottlieb on X
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er-cryptid · 1 month
Uses of Orasone
Acute graft rejection
Autoimmune disease
Lymphoid tumors
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nacricissa · 8 months
Explaining why singers conceive faster
I now have the lore (I am reading through the illustrated guide) and would like to do more Vampire Biology.
It is noted in the Guide that Joham "had noticed that the more appealing an individual woman smelled to him, the more likely she was to conceive quickly." pg294
I can explain this.
Some people think it strange that such a thing would occur. Surely, it would be evolutionarily favoured to promote reproduction by enabling sex with potentially fertile partners, if such a thing were in fact detectible to vampires. However, sex is not the primary method of vampire reproduction. In fact, the continued existence of vampires is disfavored by sex, because it requires such careful control of bloodlust. This control makes it significantly less likely that the vampire would accidentally turn a human, in the way Carlisle was turned, and thus any mutations that favored such control would be less likely to propagate.
Anyhow, this explains why it would not be evolutionarily favoured to make sexually compatible partners less appealing than others, but not why the opposite might be true. The answer, I believe, is immunological.
Vampirism is a retrovirus. It is a condition, spread through fluid, which cannot reproduce without a living host and which inserts DNA into that living host. It is not specified if it's actually a virus, in the sense that it is unclear if venom contains actual virus particles, however, this would explain how vampire bodies have "venom-like" fluid throughout them; they have venom with the virions removed, thus those substances are not infectious.
Now, since we know that vampire sperm contains some, but not all, of the viral DNA (since hybrids exhibit vampire traits but clearly the egg is not infected in the same way vampires are or it would never be able to develop), it is reasonable to assume that the single copy of the extra vampiric chromosomes is having some effect on the presentation of the sperm cell. This could mean that some viral proteins are expressed by the sperm.
If this is the case, the female's immune system would pick them up, triggering chain reactions that notice pathogens. However, if the cells were more similar to the female's, fewer of those defenses would be triggered, as your body trains it's immune system not to recognize itself.
This is not normally as relevant when fertilization is possible, because the more discriminating parts of the immune system are suppressed when the body expects foreign material (sperm, then maybe a baby) to be present. However, this window is based around the life expectancy of human sperm, which is not very long. If we are assuming the sperm cells are presenting enough vampiric traits to be recognized as a pathogen, it is quite likely that they would be more able to survive the harsh environment of the vagina for longer than human sperm, leaving a larger window where fertilization is possible. This would mean that for two partners having regular sex, more of the vampire's sperm would be in the fallopian tubes when the egg passes, increasing the likelihood of fertilization, if the vampire's sperm was presenting more cellular structures that closely resembled those of the female.
This still doesn't explain the smelling good thing. That one is pretty simple though. Things tend to smell good if they are good for you. This has been somewhat broken as a heuristic by humans' ability to manufacture taste as a separate thing from nutrition, through cooking and chemical synthesis, but in general, the reason a corpse stinks is because it's really hazardous for you to eat it, and so on. This would indicate that singers, which we established above are people more biologically similar to the vampire, are more nutritionally advantageous. This makes sense. Vampires have no digestive tract, no way of processing and extracting nutrients from varied food sources. This is why they cannot eat food, they must consume blood. This would indicate that biologically similar structures are more accessible to the vampire, in terms of nutrition, that the more similar parts can better be incorporated into their bodies. They don't have a method of disposing of waste, so particles unfamiliar to the vampire would simply be used, but less efficiently.
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neuroandhemo · 6 days
one of my ideas for its design
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thelasttime · 1 year
What education did you do in order to work in cancer research and being able to apply to med school? Biology, something else? Just curious
yup, i got a bachelor’s degree in molecular & cellular biology but the main thing about working in research post-grad is that they really just want to see that you have research experience
so, besides getting my degree, i did two summer internships in cancer research and i also worked for two years in immunology research in college
the degree is important but actually getting your hands on experiments and leading your own projects is what they really want to see
as for applying to med school, they want to see an array of stuff but research does help with the application process and helps you stand out as an applicant because of the skills you learn as a researcher!
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unveilandresist · 8 months
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the casual violence of covid is such that this is supposed to be reasonable to me, someone with severe me/cfs trapped in my house with my dad who doesn't wear a fucking mask and my mom and partner and I all taking precautions and always masking when we go out.
my blood boils constantly. the vast majority of what makes up my life has already been taken from me. this is so violent and I'm just supposed to take it. and of course I don't want my mom or partner to get this either, it's so bad! (my dad can go fuck himself at this point)
this is the kind of shit covid can do to you:
covid damages your body with each infection. it wears down your immune system and damages t cells in a way similar to HIV. I am this sick because of postviral illness after a mono infection I got about 10 years ago. I am lucky if I get a few hours a day I can do anything at all. I am scared if I get long covid that I may die or have such poor quality of life that I won't want to live.
if you are masking and being cautious about covid while being put into fucked up situations you're not alone and it's not okay that this is happening to us. the grief and rage is real. we are not disposable. we are people. we matter.
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vikiblog77 · 8 months
Unveiling the Microscopic World: Exploring B.Sc Medical Microbiology in Dehradun
Microbiology, the study of microscopic organisms, is a field that holds the key to solving mysteries at the cellular level. The pursuit of knowledge in this domain becomes all the more captivating in the picturesque city of Dehradun, which is well-known for its educational institutions. This article explores the field of B.Sc. Medical Microbiology, highlighting the offerings of the top colleges in Dehradun and providing information on the course details, eligibility requirements, and the invaluable contributions of the college forum.
B.Sc Medical Microbiology: A Glimpse into the Microbial World:
Understanding Microorganisms: The B.Sc Medical Microbiology program is designed to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of bacteria, viruses, fungi, and other microorganisms. It forms the foundation for exploring their roles in health, disease, and the environment.
Clinical Applications: Medical Microbiology goes beyond laboratory studies; it extends into clinical applications, involving the identification, prevention, and control of infectious diseases. Students delve into the practical aspects of diagnostic procedures and microbiological techniques.
Immunology and Public Health: The curriculum often includes in-depth modules on immunology, emphasizing the body's defense mechanisms against pathogens. Additionally, students gain insights into public health aspects, learning how microbiology plays a pivotal role in disease prevention and control.
Eligibility Criteria for B.Sc Medical Microbiology:
To embark on the journey of unraveling the microbial world through B.Sc Medical Microbiology in Dehradun, prospective students must fulfill the following eligibility criteria:
Educational Qualifications: Typically, candidates should have completed their 10+2 education in the science stream with a focus on biology. Meeting specific percentage requirements in relevant subjects is often a prerequisite.
Entrance Examinations: Some colleges in Dehradun may require students to appear for entrance examinations to assess their aptitude for the program. These tests aim to ensure that candidates possess the foundational knowledge needed for successful engagement with the curriculum.
Course Description and Specializations: The three-year, six-semester B.Sc. Medical Microbiology program covers a wide range of topics, such as Microbial Physiology, Virology, Mycology, Immunology, and Medical Parasitology. Internships, fieldwork, and practical sessions are essential components that give students practical experience in laboratory techniques and diagnostic procedures.
The Best B.Sc Medical Microbiology Colleges in Dehradun:
Dehradun stands proud as a hub for quality education, and the best B.Sc Medical Microbiology colleges in the city contribute significantly to this reputation. The college forum serves as a valuable resource for aspiring students, offering insights into the top institutions, their faculty, infrastructure, and placement opportunities. Through the forum, students can make informed decisions about their educational journey, ensuring they enroll in institutions that align with their academic and career goals.
Starting a B.Sc. Medical Microbiology Course in Dehradun is not only a quest for knowledge but also an investigation of the invisible world that has a significant impact on human health. The requirements for eligibility, the specifics of the courses, and the abundance of information offered by the college forum are important factors that direct prospective students to the top B.Sc. Medical Microbiology programs in Dehradun. As the microscopic world reveals itself, students are furnished with the abilities and information necessary to make a significant contribution to the field of medical microbiology.
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