#champagne problems is amazing but it has been hyped too much
sparklestheunicorn · 2 years
Ivy and coney island? Champagne problems and clean? Lavendar haze and the man? Getaway car and lover?
Coney Island, clean, lavender haze, getaway car
Make me choose between two taylor swift songs (or be like em and send me multiple if you want)
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youareinlove · 11 months
eras movie thoughts from someone who saw it on oct 13
ok as soon as the midnights clock went to 00:00 (started at 00:13 🥹) the entire theater cheered quick notes: - people were very much singing, although most of the time you could barely hear it because the speakers were SO LOUD - plenty of people were standing up and dancing. i was in the front row/box so it wasn't a problem for me, and also most of the people doing this were kids under 5 ft. but situations may vary depending on where you live - i did get the eras popcorn bucket and drink thing, and i washed both for keeping - people were trading friendship bracelets too
lover set: miss americana was so surreal. like as soon as she appeared i just felt some type of way. a lot of this probably comes from never having seen her live, but i felt so emotional because this person who shaped a lot of my life and childhood was right there in front of me (i was also first row which probably helped) and she just seemed so larger-than-life in a way. like i could barely sing until lover (the song) because i was just in such shock. i don't think i'll ever forget the moment the sunset fan things parted to reveal her standing there to sing "it's been a long time coming" 🩷 the archer was missing, but you honestly didn't notice because it was edited so well. it didn't feel like there was something missing like i thought it would (this is true for all of the cut songs except for one)
fearless set: this one was very helpful to me personally because it calmed me down from the "mega-super-popstar Taylor Swift" hype. seeing her perform songs that i'd loved for years and played in my childhood bedroom was VERY good for getting rid of any nerves i may have had. like oh there's bestie, you know? my brother wanted me to mention the stage becoming a guitar because that was pretty cool. also i did not personally witness any proposals during love story, but two little girls acted one out and it was really cute. ybwm was not as popular (singing-wise) among the little kids, but every teenage girl in there was having a spiritual experience with me. oh and ofc we did the heart hands thing for fearless 🫶🏼 and the claps for ybwm
evermore set: once again, ttds/nbnc (opening song) was cut, but you really couldn't feel the hole in the setlist. the willow opening was SO well-shot. also idk if it was the camera angle or she just has really long arms but when she spun the cloak around i swear it was making waves. my theater did not do the phone flashlight thing for marjorie but it was very visible in the movie. her champagne problems speech had me like 🥹 and tolerate it was as emotionally powerful as you'd expect. i did get a good chuckle out of her just throwing all the dishes everywhere, and also the lighting crew really came through with that one reputation set: ready for it did have some pretty intense flashing (there was a warning at the beginning). i personally don't have issues with these sorts of things but it's important to note for anyone who does. i thought it was really fun and loved the rep set. personally, i think this is the set she looked the hottest in. i kinda get why she isn't changing the outfit because it really does suit her so much. of course, the entire theater shouted 1 2 3 LET'S GO BITCH for delicate. look what you made me do is an amazing song that was done justice in this movie, probably one of the best moments choreography-wise in the whole show speak now set: enchanted was also so well-shot and probably one of my favorite performances in the entire show. the one cut song that i did feel was missing was long live. i missed it a lot, but they went so hard with enchanted that it almost made up for it imo.
red set: 22 was my dad's favorite in the movie, and when she gave the hat to bianka bryant, you could hear all the whispers of people explaining to their parents/partners/kids the significance of that moment. the transitions were SO good for the entire movie, but especially this set. the red jumpsuit has always been one of my favorite outfits but i'm glad it's finally getting its time to shine now that you all appreciate her ❤️ the "LIKE EVER" was also something that had the theater cheering, and ofc all too well tmv was the emotional crux of the night. everyone singing that song in the theater was singing about a personal experience and it was one of those moments that had me understanding what taylor meant with the lover speech where she said that she wanted tonight to be about new memories. i'm never going to forget seeing all these little girls singing ikywt and then all their moms singing atw right after. i could honestly write an entire essay on how the movie was such a celebration of girlhood and probably will at some point
folklore set: this entire movie had already had me so emotional, but the folklore set was the tipping point for this film rewriting my swiftie brain forever. beginning with the 1 was very personally significant to me because for me, atw and the 1 are about the same person. it was very healing to get to sing those things back to back, and i know it was for a lot of the people in that theater as well. her betty speech got a lot of laughs out of people, and the song itself had the starlights (backup vocalists) at the foot of the cabin, which was so 🥹 do not underestimate how important the starlights were to this movie and the performance. my favorite moments had them in it. tlgad is my #2 song EVER and it comes so close to being #1 so the performance did not disappoint. both the note change in the 1 and "loudest woman this town has ever SEEN!" got huge cheers from both the people in the movie and the theater. the august/illicit affairs performance was beautiful, but i think this set really came to life with my tears ricochet. her in white against all the dancers in black for the funeral metaphor said a lot. although all too well is the ballad of her discography, my tears ricochet is also extremely emotionally resonant and important for the show. it's one of those songs that has me so excited for this movie to get on streaming so i can watch all the time. and like the archer and nbnc/ttds, cardigan's removal was not that defining.
1989 set: the little kids were going FERAL and i don't blame them. style was beautiful ofc, but blank space, shake it off, and bad blood were the loudest songs of the night because the kids were just SCREAMING. although not a lot of people shouted "sydney!" they did shout "you forgive you forget but you never let it go" for bad blood. and the choreo was choreo-ing for this set. once again, wildest dreams was missed but not that missed.
surprise songs: ok yeah i did get emotional over "this is for the people who liked me when i was writing songs for my 9th grade talent show," what about it? our song got its moment and i am happy. and ohmygod can i ever say enough about the importance of you're on your own kid being in this movie. the way that it's just such a culmination of her entire life and career and "take the moment and taste it" is just exactly what this movie is celebrating 😭 make the friendship bracelets had people going 🥹🩷🥰 because you can just tell that she loves us so much. and of course the stage dive was a moment
midnights: this was the one set that i hadn't watched 23048930284 times over livestream so it was a special treat. lavender haze & anti-hero slayed, and midnight rain was ridiculously well-shot. i was admittedly worried about the vigilante shit dance because my parents were there, but it wasn't shot in a ultra-sexy way and also. the dance is pretty tame all things considered. when you've been dancing and singing for almost 3 hours, no one really cares. the bejeweled dance was very 🥹 and i thought a lot about how important fans were to this entire show. there were a lot of moments when she was pointing to the audience and re-assigning a song to us in real time, and mastermind was one of them for sure. if i didn't already think that karma was the perfect song to end with, this solidified it for me. it made me so very happy and i got some amazing pictures of it.
all in all, this movie restructured just about everything for me, including my album rankings, top 10 song list, and how i view her career and music in general. i'd watched this exact show over and over again on livestream but this was the first time i'd really realized how much she meant to me and how important she is culturally atm. she's everything 💚💛💜❤️🩵🖤🩷🩶🤎💙
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itsallyscorner · 4 years
okay so I love littlemix!reader x Tom holland??? the best pairing ever??? Anyways could you do something based of Holiday, like it’s obviously based off their lovers and maybe his reaction to the song & mv? Pls I’m in love with Baby Mix btw 😌❤️
Glad you’re enjoying the Little Mix member!reader x Tom Holland fics, I’m enjoying them too🥰 Thank you for the support on Baby Mix, btw, I appreciate it! Sorry for taking so long! Much love and happy reading💖
I completely forgot when the girls dropped the video so I’m making up a time. Enjoy:)
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Counting down the minutes to midnight, Tom continuously refreshed the YouTube app on your smart tv. The two of your were in his shared home with Harry, Harrison, and Tuwaine. You’ve been staying with the lot since the beginning of quarantine; London’s travel ban prevented you from catching a flight back home to your family, resulting in your boyfriend, Tom, begging you to stay with him and his mates. You didn’t have a problem with it in all honesty, the boys were great and respectful roommates. Though you were the only woman in the house, they provided you with entertainment and respected your alone time. They were a nice group of lads, letting you in on inside jokes and making you feel like you were part of the gang. By now, you probably were part of the gang. Harrison even considered on replacing Tom with you.
“Bubs, the video’s not gonna be up yet.” You glance at the screen that showed the previous videos the band’s channel posted. Tom huffed, nudging your arms apart so he can squeeze through them to lay on your chest. The two of you were currently in his room waiting for the release of Holiday’s music video. Tom had been anticipating the video all day, asking for hints about the music video’s concept and wondering how it looked.
With his body snuggled up against yours, he rested his head on your chest and wrapped his arm around your torso. His other hand reached towards the tv with the remote as he clicked the video for Break Up Song.
“I know it’s not gonna be up yet, but what if they accidentally uploaded it early? I wanna see the video already.” He whined. His fingers began to drum to the beat of Break Up Song on your stomach.
You laughed, fingers carding through his brown curls that have grown for the past months. He hums along to the song while you text the girls. He lets out a chuckle once he sees you on the screen doing the dance that he’s been helping you learn for the video. You had been struggling to get the choreography down and doing the moves on time. Noticing your desperate attempts at the moves, Tom offered to help you. Obviously in the end you perfected the choreography, seeing as it made the video, thanks to Tom.
“You are so cute.” He mused watching you dance around in the video. “Look at you dance, I don’t know what you were so worried about. You look so adorable when you dance and look at your face! Just wanna squish those cheeks together.” He began to tease you. You whine his name out as he reached up to squish your cheeks together with his hand. Your phone began to rang causing him to stop. He glances at the sceeen, “It’s my best friend, lemme answer it.”
“Go ahead.” You giggled handing him your phone. His head remains on your chest as he answers the FaceTime call. Jesy pops up on the screen with a giant smile but it drops once she sees Tom, changing into a playful scowl.
“Hi best friend!” Tom greets her loudly, a playful grin on his face. Jesy rolls her eyes at the boy.
“Hi Tom.” She greeted him sarcastically. “Give the phone to (y/n).”
“She’s right here, see,” Tom moved the phone further away so you were both in the frame. You waved at her, “Jess I miss you!” You cried.
“I miss you too darling—Tom give her the bloody phone!” Jesy scolded him through the phone. He let out a dramatic sigh before handing you your phone and snuggling into your stomach, mumbling something about “not being able to catch a break from the constant bullying of Jesy Nelson.”
“Right just a few minutes left, I’m trying to get the other girls on here.” Jesy explained as she tapped around her phone. Sooner or later. The two of you were joined by Perrie, Jade, and Leigh-Anne.
Perrie let out a squeal as she saw everyone on the screen, “You guys I miss you so much!”
“Didn’t we all see each other just a few weeks ago?” Jade asked sipping on a glass of wine as per usual.
“Yeah, on the set, but it’s a few weeks too long.” You pouted. You noticed that everyone was drinking except for you, “Wait, has everyone got a drink except for me?”
Leigh-Anne’s eyes scanned everyone on the screen, “You are, are you in bed already? It’s so early babe.”
“Leigh-Anne’s it’s literally about to be midnight, it’s late.” Jesy chimes. Jade makes a sound of disagreement, “I mean does time even matter anymore?”
“What day is it anyway? I’ve lost track.” Perrie thought out loud. You moved to get up from the bed but Tom stopped you. “Where are you going?” He whispered.
“I’m getting a drink, I’ll be back.” You patted his cheek before sitting up. He stops you once again and stands from the bed, “I’ll get you one.” He kisses your temple and leaves the room.
“Aww, was that Tom?” Jade asked leaning closer to her camera. You hummed, “Yup, being the amazing boyfriend he is and getting me a drink.”
Perrie smirked at you, “Gosh, there’s that smile again. She’s whipped for ‘im ladies!” The girls began “ooo-ing” like a bunch of elementary school girls. “Guys, stop.” You whine.
“Have you told him the part you wrote was inspired by him?” Leigh-Anne asked, chin in her palm.
“No, I’ll tell him while he’s watching. He’s been so excited the whole day, probably more than me.” You chuckle. As if on cue, Tom comes back in with a bottle of champagne and two glasses.
“Tom’s going to be so nerdy about it, like a cute nerdy, you know what I mean? All mushy gushy. Like how he gets whenever (y/n) kisses his cheeks.” Jesy said as the girls cooed. Tom peeks from beside you.
“Did I hear that correctly? Did Jesy just compliment me?” He asked everyone, looking back at you for confirmation. You shrugged as you looked at Jesy. Jade stifled a laugh at Jesy’s annoyed expression.
“Oh fuck off you div. It’s an observation. You could barely compose yourself whenever you’re around (y/n).” Jesy playfully jabs at him. You adored their friendship, it was like a brother/sister bond. Jesy being the older sibling and Tom being the annoying little brother.
“Jes, leave the poor boy alone, he makes our baby happy.” Perrie defended Tom. Tom smiles thankfully at her, “Thank you Perrie, at least I know some of you like me.”
Tom pops open the champagne and takes one of the glasses to pour the beverage in, “But I’ll take it as a compliment Jes. Cheers to that.” He raises his glass and clinks it with your phone screen. You and the girls continue to talk until midnight. When the video was finally released you all celebrated and took some screenshots of each other to post later.
When your FaceTime call with the girls ended, you turned to Tom, who already had the video up on the screen. He made grabby hands at you and pulled you to sit in between his legs. With his back against the headboard he made sure the two of you were comfy before asking you, “Can I click play now?”
You chuckled at him as his leg bounced, “Yup.” He pressed play, placing the remote down and wrapping his arm around your front to pull you closer to him. The intro to the video starts, the title of the song appearing on the screen in a water type font. Jesy pops up on the screen singing her part, Tom cheers yelling “It’s my best friend!”
Tom hypes each of the girls up while they appear on the screen, cheering their names. When the chorus comes, his brows furrow as he looks down at you. “Wait where are you? Why—why didn’t they show you yet?” He questioned you, visibly upset. You were about to answer but instead pointed to the screen when you realized your part was coming up.
Boy, have I told ya?
You give it to me like no other guy
We got that heat, yeah, like the summer (summer)
And that's why I'm so glad I made you mine
You appeared on the screen, body cladded in a white bikini that had gold straps for both the bra and thong. You bursted out laughing when you saw Tom’s reaction. His eyes look like they were about to bulge out his head while his jaw was slacked.
“Holy...shit.” He mumbled eyes glued to the screen as you sang. The scene was you in that blue hallway type set. You looked at the camera, bedroom eyes fully activated as your back slid down the wall. You felt his grip around you tighten, his breathing getting deeper.
The scene changed to the one with the planets, sculptures, and lounging chairs. You were seen walking towards a Chaise lounge, giving the camera a perfect view of your bum. While you sat sideways on the couch in the video, Tom couldn’t help but think about how gorgeous you looked in the video. You looked like a goddess, confident as you strutted around in that little number of yours in the video.
You turned to look at him once your part was done and pressed a kiss to his jaw. “You know my whole part was about you right?” His head snaps to look at you, “You wrote something about me in a song?”
“Tommy, I always do. Who else would I be singing about?” You asked him amused. He took a second to think before shaking his head, “I thought it was in general, like it was based on how you would feel if you were with someone that made you feel that way.”
You nod at his explanation, “Well yeah, the fans could see it that way. But when I sing it, it’s about you.”
A goofy grin made its way to his face before he giggled, “It’s about me.” He pulled you into a hug from behind and rested his chin on your shoulder. He turned back to the tv to see you all dressed as mermaids while you sang your part in the chorus.
“Wait what—you’re mermaids?” The look of confusion appeared on his face again as he tried to figure out the video. He looked at you then back to the screen, repeating the action a few times.
“I never thought I’d say this, but if you were a mermaid, I’d still fuck you.” He confessed with a shrug. You bursted out laughing at his confession, “How do you even fuck a mermaid, Tom?”
His hands gripped your sides, voice going down an octave, “You tell me, (y/n). Get the mermaid tail back and we’ll find out.” You looked at him shocked, “Thomas!”
He laughed dropping the act and went back to watching the music video. “Wait, I’m still cofused. I thought you guys were in space cause of the planets and stuff. Why are you guys also underwater? And mermaids?” You tilted your head trying to come up with an answer for him.
“Um—it’s a spa, on a another planet, which also has an ocean I’m guessing, and that’s why we’re also mermaids?” You explained, also questioning yourself.
“I like the concept, probably the most random video you guys have had, but it’s sick.” He approved of the video with an impressed look on his face. When the video ended, he immediately pressed replay. Though when your part came up this time he let out a “GOD DAMN” before his eyes scanned you up and down. When he finally felt like he’s processed the music video, he let it play in the background and paid attention to you.
He leaned down to kiss your lips sweetly, “Love, that was amazing. I’m proud of you.” He was quick to add on, “And thank you for writing a part of the song about me, I never thought someone would write a song about me, not even a part. But thank you, I love you so much.”
You giggled shoving your face into his neck as you both moved to cuddling. Suddenly you remembered something you and the boys promised to do.
“Tom! We were supposed to watch the video with the other boys! Remember we promised to not watch it without them?” You leaned back to look at Tom who was already shaking his head.
“Oh they’re not allowed to watch the video.” He muttered. Your brows furrow at him. Tom motions to the tv, the part where your bum was facing the camera on the screen.
“Because of that, I don’t need them seeing that, that’s mine.” One of his hands trail down the length of your back to grip your ass. He rolled over so he was on top of you, dipping his head into your neck, his lips ghosted fluttery kisses along your skin. You let out a content sigh, running your hands through his soft hair. When his lips reached your ear, he whispered, “But seriously though, you should think about investing in a mermaid tail.”
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gordvendomewhore · 3 years
I’m not sure if the preps drink alcohol but if they do, what kind do they like?
tw for alcohol and drinking!!!
thank you for the ask! the rest of the preps will be under the cut <3
wine, brandy, scotch
he’s classy with an edge to him and has more of a refined, adult taste
has been drinking ever since he was in middle school (his father gave him unlimited access to their bar...like a dumbass)
so derby has a good amount of experience alcohol wise and 1000% uses that experience to be extra snobby
the preps despise drinking with him. derby is never invited to parties.
probably knows how to make a few basic cocktails and looks down on anyone who drinks straight alcohol lmao
he's a killjoy BOO
brandy, whiskey
bif doesn’t drink often, but his taste in alcohol is largely influenced by derby...so bif is into more expensive alcohols like a prissy little bitch
he likes drinks with a burn he can feel in his chest and a taste that will soak into his tongue; drinks that can get him tipsy with a generous glass or two, but nothing that’ll make him lose control
bif doesn’t drink to get drunk lmao he’s too busy making sure no one gets drunk enough to yack on the rug
wine. rum or tequila if he’s feeling wild
gord is SLOPPY. he’s your classy wine aunt when sober and drinks wine when he’s in front of derby or his family, but at a genuine party he is going to get INTO IT
a big fan of fruity, tropical alcoholic drinks but if he genuinely wants to get drunk he’s going for something hard hitting
gin and wine
bruh tad’s mental health is literally scraping the bottom of the bucket like if he’s gonna drink, he’s drinking to be one of those soap opera middle aged white moms going through a divorce
he is drinking to have a MELTDOWN, not to party. you will catch him nursing a bottle of gin in a bathtub filled to the brim with his own tears
he probably prefers champagne lmaooo something with some fun little bubbles that will get him a bit tipsy, but nothing that will have a genuine kick
parker just wants to feel a little light and easy
buuuut he prefers rum if he’s drinking to get drunk lmao
a fellow fan of fruity drinks
whiskey, specifically scotch
chad is mature and he’s classy as all hell. he knows what he likes and he likes something that’ll show off his wealth and make him seem even more adult than he already is.
he never drinks to get drunk lmao, he drinks to show off his status and flash a pretty dollar or two
him and derby most definitely bond over their pricy tastes in alcohol
and like derby, he's a huge fucking asshole when it comes to drinking, but he's not as much of a killjoy and can still enjoy himself
anything that’ll get him drunk enough to black out after a few hours of partying
so tequila.
anything that will get him drunk enough to forget all his problems
so. vodka. or absinthe
he only drinks when he wants to forget something so he is gonna go for something HARD
probably keeps a bottle in his nightstand and drinks himself to sleep
please get this boy a doctor…his liver will need it
wine and rum
pinky grew up around alcohol and is used to the classy nature of it all
parties centered around wine tastings, visits to breweries as old as her bloodline, a bar in her home and the home of every person she visited
so pinky has naturally bred taste for pricey wine
but she also likes having fun and living life up and rum is AMAZING for that
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zayn imagine (part one)
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“You look gorgeous,” Niall says as I step out of my room in the skin-tight sequin dress I bought earlier in the week. I sigh as I run my hands over my hips.
“You think so?” I ask him nervously. I absentmindedly bite at my bottom lip. Tonight is the night Harry is holding his party celebrating the release of his new album since the band split up. He invited all the old members: Niall, Louis, Liam, and Zayn, AKA my ex-boyfriend. 
Zayn broke up with me a year after he left the band. He said that he just needed his space to truly find himself so that he could focus on where he wanted to go with his career, and leading me on for the ride would have just hurt me. Him focusing on his career would leave no time for me, and I understood where he was coming from, but that didn’t stop it from hurting like hell. Zayn was my first real boyfriend, my first true love, and without him, I feel lost.
Niall has been truly one of my biggest supporters when it came to the breakup between Zayn and I. He personally feels like Zayn and I were meant to be, and that he made a mistake when it came to leaving me. Since then, he’s been my best friend. And he out of all people knows how big this night is going to be not only for Harry but for me as well. It will be the first time I see Zayn ever since he broke up with me, and that is huge for me. I might have accepted the fact that Zayn was no longer in my life, but I never got over him.
“Trust me, (Y/N), you are absolutely stunning. When Zayn sees you tonight, he’ll realize what he’s been missing this past year,” Niall assures me as he stands up. I smile, as I’m a little relieved. 
“You look good, too, Niall,” I say back. He’s wearing a nicely fitted suit with a solid blue tie. I think about how there’s probably going to be people dressed in their best, but I know for a fact that Harry will probably just be in some nice pants and a half buttoned-up blouse. I can only imagine what Zayn will be wearing. But with this dress and these heels, I expect him to do nothing less than drop dead at my splendor.
“Thanks, love,” he says while smiling. “So, are you ready to go?” 
I grab my clutch and phone from off of the couch. “Yeah, let’s go.”
We ride in separate cars. Niall wanted me to ride with him. ‘The only way you’re getting home tonight is if it’s with me or Zayn,’ he said earlier in the night, but I just wanted to be cautious just in case things didn’t go my way. I follow Niall’s car, thinking about how things might turn out tonight. My goal is to try to convince Zayn he made a mistake leaving me, that I was the best thing to happen to him. But if that doesn’t happen, then I at least I want to finally receive closure. I feel like when he left me, it left a void in my heart that I wasn’t able to mend, so maybe tonight I’ll finally be able to fill it one way or the other. 
When we get to the party, it is everything I’d imagine it would be coming from Harry. The venue is elegant, the people are pleasant, and everything else mixes in perfectly. Niall and I stroll through the crowd together side by side until Harry spots us. He stops his conversation with his friends to speak with us. 
“Niall, (Y/N), I’m so glad you two could make it. You both look great,” Harry says, He slaps hands with Niall and then pulls me in for a tight hug. “I feel like it’s been ages since I’ve seen you last, (Y/N). I’ve missed you,” he tells me.
“Yeah, it’s been a while. I’ve missed you, too, Harry. Congratulations on your new album. I know you’ve worked hard on it.”
“Thank you so much, love. I hope you like it. The music playing throughout the night is actually the music from the album.”
I nod my head as I smile. I’m very proud and happy for Harry, but the only thing I can seem to think about is Zayn. I have the greatest urge to ask him if he’s here, but I don’t out of respect for Harry and his work. But it seems like he’s able to notice, anyway.
“Zayn’s here, you know. I hope that’s okay with you,” Harry says to me. I laugh from anxiousness.
“Nah, that’s cool. Besides, I wouldn’t have missed this for the world,” I say back.
“Plus, maybe when he sees her in this ensemble, he’ll fall head over heels for her again,” Niall chimes in. 
“I don’t see why he wouldn’t! That dress is amazing on you,” Harry says. The hype makes me feel better.
“Thank you both,” I say, my cheeks probably visibly crimson. 
Niall and Harry are spotted by some of their other old friends who pull them in for conversation, leaving me to myself. I walk around the party, saying hello to people from the former One Direction circle I got the chance to meet in the past. I engage in one conversation to the next, awkwardness in each one. I keep being met with the pitiful ‘Hi, (Y/N).’ You know, the one where they drag your name out, and they say it like that out of sympathy for whatever situation you’re going through. The people here who I know are also people Zayn know, people who rooted for our relationship, and people who feel weird about our breakup. Some of them are sure to stay clear of the mention of Zayn’s name, asking how I’ve been and what I’ve been up to since we’ve last met. Others seem to try to get their fill with questions like, ‘Don’t you feel weird with Zayn being here, too?’ or, ‘Have you found anyone else?’ It’s all utterly exhausting.
I eventually ditch the friendly chit chat and find the bar. I seat myself on one of the stools. I order myself a glass of champagne. I sip on it idly. I sit there for minutes on end, looking around until I stop and just stare. It’s him. It’s Zayn. But the feeling I get from seeing him for the first time in a year isn’t what I expected it to be, because he’s with another woman.
He doesn’t see me. Him and her are leaned against a wall together talking, She’s rubbing her hands over his chest, her breasts pressed against him. He looks down at her with his lips tucked into his mouth. Seeing him with her hurt more than I ever imagined seeing him in person with another woman would. I turn away and look down at the bar. 
Of course, he would have brought a date to something like this. Of course, he would have moved on from me by now. I haven’t spoken to him since our split, but Niall would tell me when he got with another girl. There had only been two since me, but neither one lasted long. I thought that maybe since the relationships were so short, he never moved on from me and still had feelings. But seeing him like this...I feel so stupid. This attempt to get him back that I let Niall talk me into is futile. Zayn and I are done. I just have to accept it. And it only makes it worse that I am alone. Albeit his ability to even date again, I haven’t been able to do the same.
I sip on my champagne a little more, not sure what to do. For Harry’s sake, I might stay for another half an hour. But I can’t stay the entire night. 
All of a sudden, I feel the presence of another person close behind me. I turned around to see a man dressed in a suit. I don’t recognize him. “Hello,” he says to me. 
“Hi,” I say back. 
“I don’t mean to bother you, but I saw you from across the room, and I just had to tell you that you look stunning,” he says. By the way he’s blatantly hitting on me, I can tell he either doesn’t know me or just doesn’t care. I grin.
“Thank you very much,” I tell him, not really up for much conversation, especially with a stranger. 
“What’s someone like you doing at a party like this all by yourself?” he asks me.
“I’m not alone. I’m with my boyfriend,” I lie to him. 
“Who is he? Maybe I know him.”
I stare at him, at a loss for words. He looks back, waiting for an answer that I’m not sure I’m able to give him. “Hey, babe, I didn’t mean to be so long,” someone says from to the left of me. I turn to see that it was Zayn.
I look at him in surprise, but I’m sure to smile to not throw off the other guy. Zayn stands beside me and places his hand on the crook of my back. My breath hitches as I feel the hairs on my neck stand. The guy knows exactly who Zayn is, and he takes a few steps back knowing that he can’t compete with him. Zayn looks the guy square in the eyes, their gaze set with each other. 
“I was just telling your girlfriend how nice she looks tonight,” the guy says to him.
“Yeah, she does, but I’m sure she knows that just as well as you do,” he says back. The guy purses his lips together and nods. He bids us both a good night before he leaves. 
Zayn steps in front of me, and it’s the first time in such a long time I’m seeing him up close and personal. He’s changed; I didn’t expect anything less of that. He’s wearing a loose, black v-neck with matching black jeans. Though his attire is casual, he dressed it up with an equally black blazer. His hair is longer, mixed with a few blonde highlights. He looks tougher, more ragged. That doesn’t negate the fact that he looks just as handsome as the day I met him. 
I try not to let him see that I’m so pleased to see him. “Thank you for that, Zayn, but you didn’t have to do it.”
“No problem, (Y/N). And I wanted to. You looked uncomfortable.” The way he says my name almost makes me shiver. “It’s been a long time.”
“Yeah, it has. You needed your space. You made sure I wasn’t able to invade it any longer.” I cross my legs and clear my throat, unable to look away from his eyes. I missed them for so long. And even though I miss him, I’m still bitter about him pushing me away. After he left, he made it a point for me not to be in his life anymore.
He looks down at the floor and rubs his neck like he always does when he’s put in an uncomfortable place. “How have you been?” he asks me, ignoring the last few sentences I said to him.
“I’ve been making it. Been doing good. You?”
“Same. Just working on---”
“Zayn!” The same woman he was with earlier comes towards us and wraps her arms around him. “What’s taking you so long? I was starting to miss you over there,” she says in his ear. He’s visibly embarrassed. 
“I just came over to talk to one of my old friends (Y/N),” he says as he gestures at me.
The way he calls me just an “old friend” makes my heart sink, but judging by the way the woman is looking at me, she must know that I’m anything but. My relationship with Zayn was never one that was secret. The media knew, and pictures of him and I would be everywhere.
“Oh, hello. It’s so nice to meet you. Zayn’s never mentioned you,” she says. A thorny silence filled the air between the three of us. I purse my lips and nod, Zayn looking more sheepish than ever. 
“That’s fine. I’m sure you have better things to talk about than old friends of Zayn’s,” I say back, trying to smile. He looks at me and rubs his neck. 
“Well, my boyfriend here has lots of stories.”  
I tuck my lips inside my mouth and nod once again. Zayn silently sighs to himself as I finish the rest of my champagne and stand to my feet.
“I’m glad to hear that,” I say. Another silence falls among us.
“So are you enjoying the night so far?” Zayn asks me, finally breaking the tension.
“Uh, yeah, everything is so nice. It’s really good to see everyone again. And Harry’s music? I love the vibe,” I answer him, trying to lighten to mood by smiling.
The girl presses her lips together into a smirk as she looks at me. “You’re so right, (Y/N). And you must have come with a fine date looking that.” She leans in towards me and says, “I think to come to these kinds of things alone are so pathetic.”
I laugh out of embarrassment. “I actually am here without a date.” She bites her bottom lip and furrows her eyebrows together, Zayn goes back to rubbing his neck, and I couldn’t feel more uncomfortable if I tried. “I mean, I came with Niall, but I wouldn’t exactly call him a date.”
“Well, why not? He’s a cutie. You two would complement each other well,” she says, her smile widening with each word. Zayn’s jaw tenses up. The discomfort between the three of us was beginning to be too much to bear. I needed to get out of this trainwreck of a conversation.
“Oh, no,” I laugh as I shake my head, my embarrassment growing by the second. “I could never. Niall is like a brother to me.”
“Hm, if you say,” she utters. Every moment of this chat, every word to leave her mouth was just an attack on me. It was so evident. 
 “Yeah. Well, it was nice seeing you both. I have to go. I’ll leave you two to yourselves,” I say as I get up to leave. 
“(Y/N), wait,” Zayn says, but I pay him no mind as I walk as fast as I can to the exit. The people around me all look like a blur. Tears swell up in my eyes, but I force myself to suppress them. The valet brings my car around to the front, and I drive myself back to my apartment. Once there, I undress, put on sleeping clothes, and take off my makeup. I call Niall and tell him that I was no longer there and that we would talk tomorrow about everything that happened. Right now I just want to be alone and forget about what happened for the time being.
I lay back in my bed and stare at the ceiling. The moment I saw Zayn tonight keeps flashing in my mind. The thought of it all makes me want to cry until I can’t produce tears anymore. Niall never mentioned Zayn had a new girlfriend, so I don’t know if he knew, or if they haven’t been together long, but I suppose it doesn’t matter. He’s moved on more than once. I just hate myself for not being able to give myself the same luxury. 
I take my pillow and bury my face in it. Why can’t I let him go? It’s been a year. Why is it that I’d rather be alone if I’m not with him? I miss him so much. I truly thought that tonight might be a new beginning for him and I. I have to accept that the void in my heart will never be filled. 
I hear knocks at my apartment door. It’s late at night, and the only person I can think of to come unannounced like this is Niall. I trod to my living room and opened my door.
“Niall, I thought I said---”
I come face to face with Zayn.
(this is part one of a two-part story. i apologize for the long hiatus. what better way to say sorry, though, than to come through with a story :D i hope you all enjoy!)
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idolish7rabbitchats · 6 years
Nanase Riku: Holiday Collection 2018 Rabbit TV Part 3
Tsumugi: Everyone! Good work on the Christmas coffret job!
T: Because everyone did a good job, it seems like the Christmas coffret has good reviews!
5: That's good. I'm glad if we could helped because it was a beautiful product.
1: We did our best. Seems like we could spend a relaxing Christmas.
T: Yes! The large-scale advertisements in town became popular, it’s hyped up in SNS too!
7: I saw a lot of posters! Mitsuki and I competed over who could get more pictures of them!
4: You did that kind of thing? I wanted to compete too!
3: Look, this. It’s us right? Then Re:vale-san. I couldn’t take Kujou and Tsunashi-san.
5: I could take it.
4: Seriously, when did you participate in this competition.
5: No, I took it personally... I took Tamaki-kun’s picture too.
2: As expected of Sou huh. Speaking of, I saw fans taking pictures of the posters too.
T: Yes! The fans uploaded lots of pictures on SNS!
T: Really good job on the CM filming, the poster, and the theme song!
Everyone: Ya~y!
6: Then, let's toast to our job success!
3: It’s too early! We have the Christmas party Momo-san planned after this!
T: Right! Let’s save the cheers until then!
6: If Tsumugi says that, there’s nothing we can do. Then, let's start to prepare.
3: Right! Sougo and I will be in charge of cooking, so we'll go to the kitchen and finish preparing the food!
2: I happened to have free time, so I cleaned up the office's practice room with Musashi. [T/N: Musashi is the name of Yamato's Roomba]
2: Tama and Riku are in charge of decorating right. I’ll help too so let’s go ahead.
7: Okay!
4: K. Hey hey Riku, what did you choose for a present?
7: It’s a secret until the party!
1: Nanase-san, you look lightly equipped but the packages in the corner of the office, isn’t it Nanase-san’s present?
7: Crap! I forgot it! I’m gonna go get it!
1: Geez...
T: I’m really looking forward to the Christmas party!
100: Maneko-chan! Thank you for renting us the office's practice room today! Wasn't it hard to adjust the schedule too!?
T: Not at all! To Momo-san too, thank you for hosting the party even though you were busy!
1000: I was looking forward to being able to see everyone’s faces.
7: We worked hard on the decorations! The tree is also amazing!
3: I put my soul into today's food! Please eat a lot!
5: I helped too. Let’s put the parts that Tsunashi-san and Yuki-san made over here.
4: So-chan… Somehow the inside of the pot is red...
6: OH! Iori, please look. There’s an illustration of Kinako drawn on that cake. It’s like a character cake!
1: Cu- Cough. This quality. As expected of Nii-san.
9: The cake looks delicious. It looks beautiful; it's too good to eat.
2: Cleaning the practice room was harder than I expected... I wanna drink already...
10: Thanks to Yamato-kun too! Good work. Everyone should relax and drink today!
2: Yeh! Oh, is this the champagne Yaotome chose? Then let's pass this around for cheers.
8: For minors, have this non-alcohol one.  Here, this is for Tenn.
100: Does everyone have a drink? Then, let’s do a Christmas-like cheers!
100: The one to take the lead is... Representing the Takanashi agency, I'll ask for IDOLiSH7's center, Nanase Riku-kun!
7: Me?! Um… Then, everyone, good work on the preparations for the Christmas party!
7: As a reward for working hard all year, let's enjoy as much as we like tonight!
7: Cheers! Merry Christmas!
Everyone: Merry Christmas!
100: Waah! This tree, did Riku decorate it?!
7: Yes! I got advice from Yamato-san and Sougo-san.
100: It’s really good! That turns the Christmas mood up!
7: Thank you, Momo-san!
9: Can I take a picture?
7: Of course, Tenn-nii!
9: Then, stand next to it.
7: Tenn-nii should join too!
9: But you decorated it right.
5: Shall I take it? It's an opportunity, so let's take it with the two of you.
9: But I...
7: Yay! Thank you, Sougo-san!
5: No problem. Please, stand next to it Kujou-san.
9: Got it.
7: Merry Christmas!
100: Ahahah! Riku, you’re cute. What pose is that?
7: It's reindeer! Tenn-nii, be Santa!
9: Santa… Like this?
2: Like carry presents huh. How about putting on a hat too?
9: It’s fine if you don’t go that far.
7: Then I'll put on a red nose! Tenn-nii will put on this hat!
9: Got it. Fine.
5: It really suits you. Then, I’ll take it.
7: Kaaaay!
5: Aaaand...
[Camera Shutter Sound]
7: Thank you! Let’s take one with everyone this time!
9: How to take it with everyone?
100: I have a selfie stick!
2: As expected of Momo-san.
100: So maybe between here to here? Everyone, gather tightly!
5: It's quite close.
2: Sou, you can scooch here.
5: Wah...
7: Ahahah! So stuffed!
100: Let’s go! Aaaand...
[Camera Shutter Sound]
7: Thank you! Momo-san, please send me the photo later!
100: Okay! I’ll send it to the group Rabbit Chat!
7: I'll send it toTenn-nii too!
9: Okay.
9: Right. Thanks for the Christmas present.
7: Ah, you saw it?!
9: I saw it. The Christmas pop-out book.
5: I saw it too. It seemed really interesting. Riku-kun has a good sense for picking books.
7: Thank you!
2: I haven't had a picture book in so long. So something pops out huh?
7: Yes! Pictures will...
2: Like women in swimsuits?
100: Women in swimsuits won't pop out on Christmas right! Even though if Yuki popped out that would be the best!
9: Momo-san, you are steady as usual.
5: Would Yamato-san be happy if girls in swimsuits pops out? Would you be happy because you would get closer to them?
2: When you ask me that seriously... It's not necessary for girls in swimsuits to pop out...
7: I’ve never seen girls in swimsuits pop out, but when a Christmas picture popped out, I got excited and enjoyed it!
7: It was a really good story so everyone please try reading it.
100: Of course! I’m looking forward to Riku’s present!!
9: I'll enjoy it.
7: Eheheh.
7: I get excited for Christmas no matter how many times it’s been!
9: That’s true.
7: I’m glad I could spend a wonderful Christmas this year too!
7: Our fans, the staff members who worked together, families, and everyone, I wish they have a wonderful Christmas.
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muthaz-rapapa · 8 years
The difference that is Yukari.
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This week’s ep was so good that I had to go into discussion about it.
But I will try to keep this post short cuz I’m feeling under the weather.
*sigh* Now would be a great time to get a nice pat on the head from Yukarin. I bet my sinuses would clear right up like that. *snaps fingers*
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In all my experience dealing with purple magical girls, they seldom deviate from being the cool, mysterious and/or extremely competent bishoujo. Even if they don’t possess those traits, you can expect them to take things so seriously that you’ll often have to revert to the use of the old trope, “Defrosting the Ice Queen”, before they mellow out and open themselves up to you.
Going as far back as Milky Rose (whom I do consider a legitimate Cure), the Precure line seems to have covered most, if not all, of those bases.
They’re strong, talented, incredibly book smart and some of them even come with an angsty backstory to highlight how much more interesting they are from the rest of the cast.
They’re pretty much one of the major things that keeps people hyped for this genre because that is the archetype we just love to see, y’know?
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But unlike the purple Cures before her, unlike Milky Rose who was difficult to deal with at times, unlike Moonlight who deliberately kept her distance for a while, unlike Sword or Fortune who were so focused on their respective missions that they lashed out at those who interfered, and unlike Magical who tried to hide her insecurities behind a mask, Macaron/Yukari…is not trying to be unapproachable?
She’s fairly aloof, alright, and can be intimidating with that celebrity status of hers. But it’s not in a way where Yukari actually has any ill intention to drive you off for good because she doesn’t want to deal with you (at least that’s the way I see it).
Sure, she declined her classmates’ offer to go to the new macaron shop but if you watch that part again, she visibly sighs a bit at how they just gave up so easily after getting rejected.
To me, it looked like she was putting them through a test to see if they can convince her to join them and obviously, they failed. They got frightened and backed out immediately, stuttering words about “next time” and all that.
It’s definitely a very awkward scenario and most people would sympathize with the rejected and think of Yukari as haughty.
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But when you realize that the problem lies more in people’s fervent admiration of Yukari and less in Yukari’s standoffish attitude, you start to understand her a little better.
People are always telling Yukari “You’re so amazing! You’re so great! You can do everything, there’s nothing you can’t do!” that it just gets old very fast.
Yukari knows all these things already and yet people keep raining down praises on her. Putting her on a pedestal over and over again. It’s just plain boring.
So if that was what those girls were planning to do during the entire time they were there at the macaron shop, then it’s better for Yukari to spare herself the annoyance of having everyone worshiping her feet the moment she walks in and being bored again.
Yukari is in search for something she hasn’t come across before. She’s looking for something to actually spark her interest for once. Something new, something that can possibly excite her. And she won’t invest in those whose efforts she can already tell are half-assed. That’s just a waste of time.
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And her second (er, third actually) encounter with Ichika more or less supports that argument.
Ichika isn’t deterred when Yukari says she doesn’t remember her from the other day. She doesn’t scare off so quickly in Yukari’s presence and when Yukari asks her why she’s so persistent on petting the lucky neko, Ichika responds with “because it’s a challenge!” and that word alone resonates within Yukari.
Yep, Yukari wants a challenge. But since she’s so good at so many things, she really doesn’t know where to look for one she hasn't done yet. She doesn’t know what it is that she’s looking for.
However, maybe this genki bunny girl does…
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I mean, Ichika succeeded in getting Yukari’s attention so it’s worth a shot, right? Maybe hanging out with her will let Yukari have some much needed fun.
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And so Ms. Kotozume ‘Kidnapping-you-as-my-imouto-for-the-day’ Yukari proceeds to drag Ichika all over town.
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But even Ichika reacts like everyone else does. She says the words Yukari was hoping not to hear. Those same old words that have been repeated to Yukari countless times.
However, unlike everyone else, Ichika does notice how Yukari isn’t happy with the compliments she gives. She doesn’t put a name to it but simply remarks “You don’t seem to be enjoying yourself at all, Yukari-san”.
And I love that because too often do people just accept the “perfect” characters as they are without question. Which is weird because no one can be that perfect or that close to immaculate perfection without knowing that some form of negativity or hardship comes with that impossible level of skill. Yet Yukari’s situation is presented to us as an issue. For her.
It’s because she’s so capable and talented that it creates a wall between her and others. Nobody’s willing to take the chance to jump over it in order to get to know Yukari cuz they’re so preoccupied with the thought that “she’s way too out of our league!”. And Yukari has been pushed so far up from the ground by her fans that it’s a hassle just to look for a conversation that doesn’t go in circles about her.
Yukari doesn’t need to hear about Yukari.
What she needs to know is if you are worth her goddamn friggin’ time.
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Luckily, Ichika really is that persistent and really does want, for Yukari’s sake, to do something interesting. So she proposes they make macarons together at the cafe and since macarons are really tricky to make no kidding! I have trouble just holding onto one without it crumbling Yukari all but latches onto the idea like a cat cuz she’s so tired of being bored.
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Of course, the initial results aren’t as kanpeki as they hoped it would be (even Yukari is in mild shock cuz she’s never come short before, I suspect) but that’s wonderful (and hilarious, lol) because…
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The girls get to see this side of Yukari that nobody else has seen.
Perfectionist Yukari.
Yukari who is already perfect but wants to challenge herself. Yukari who won’t take anything less than an A+. Yukari who is determined not to settle for “just good” but to go beyond that.
No wonder why she sticks to Ichika longer than she has with anyone else. Like her, Ichika is not the type to give up and will keep trying and trying until she reaches her goal. Their personalities are different but they are on the same wavelength on their approach to challenges.
In other words, Yukari is drawn to that type of person and has been, unknowingly, looking for them all along.
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Then there’s this moment which is pretty awesome in and of itself (and yes, funny too xD). 
Yukari is so obsessed with making her macarons perfect that she doesn’t realize she’s no longer bored! She’s enjoying herself, albeit in a very focused way.
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And if I may, I’m pretty sure Ichika didn’t say she likes the macarons more but that she likes Yukari more (go listen to it again).
Because seeing Yukari doing her best is quite a sight and Ichika can’t help but be so thrilled to witness this side of Yukari that no one else has seen till now. To Yukari’s ears, this is certainly a different kind of compliment than the ones she usually gets. This one is not concerned about her results or how she’s generally so competent in whatever. This one is actually about her hard work at something she is notably not perfect at (yet) and that must be very refreshing to hear.
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Y’know, I gotta to hand it to Ichika. She’s happy-go-lucky and hyperactive alright but her natural ability to win people over with that… quality of hers is pretty amazing, too.
It’s not the case where she knows exactly what to say or what to do in these situations but more like she has a knack for the simple, but right, words and gestures (sometimes anyway).
How she’s been going around technically recruiting the other Cures that way, it reminded me of how Nozomi earned the respect and love from her friends when they were starting out as Precure. Not because she is particularly smart or clever or the strongest of them all but that she is utterly sincere and earnest about wanting to spend time with them.
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And to no one’s surprise, it’s clear that they all reciprocate Ichika’s feelings and would gladly follow her as their leader. Ichika practically cured Himari’s anxiety, she inspired Aoi to keep going with her song and here she let Yukari have the most fun she’s had in a while.
Not everyone can do that.
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And not everyone can actually get Yukari to say she likes them back either. But when you’re as resilient as Ichika in defending people’s happiness and such, you can’t help but grow to like them. Hee~ :3
(On another note, I think we should bring out the champagne cuz OMGAWD, Yukari, fickle gorgeous cat lady, actually said “suki”! 8DDD)
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So yea, I realize I went off a little bit from my original point but it’s really not hard to see what separates Yukari/Macaron from the other purple Cures. And that's what I really like about her.
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its-from-my-lens · 8 years
Where to go in Accra
Will I go back ? 🤒 Where will I be trying in 2017? Stay tuned So in 2016, I covered a lot of places I think. lol I’m not gonna lie but some of the most popular places, I haven’t even tried. Mostly because I haven’t thought about trying them Here goes my list:
Cafe Kwae: I tried it with two friends . At about 11am, so I didn’t like that they weren’t serving cocktails atleast but the guy was kind enough to make an exception. The ambiance at cafe kwae is dope. I love the look . Very cafe like lol. Had chickpea sauce and rice. It was very nice and one of my friends had their burgers. The disadvantage is the portions especially for the little burgers. You notice how tiny they are because of how divine they are. I’ll be going to cafe kwae again regardless since I saw their healthy eating menu . ❤️
Zenos Yogurt: It’s a little stand at AnC, as someone who doesn’t eat ice cream. Haven’t that yogurt for my taste buds is much appreciated. Thanks to my ex for putting me on. You got something right lmao
Bourbon cafe: As a tea person. I love to have it on the go. Bourbon was kind enough to serve me some delicious tea with their cheesecake. It’s not as sweet as the ones in the western world which is one reason I love it but it also has the right amount of cheese. A disadvantage is the price for a slice. It’s about 18.00 Ghana cedis per slice but I’ll still buy it 😩. Another dislike is the fact that I tried their fresh orange juice cause I can’t drink those boxed juices and it was more ice than juice. 😕. In all that I love their cafe, very cute with a painting that just catches your eye and it’s always buzzing with people. Also a place to catch up on some work or just chill.
Tea Baa: I think my love for tea baa is evident. I may or may not be a little bias🙃. I love tea baa for their art and how rustic it looks. If I can add pictures to this post stay tuned. It’s beautiful and it’s such a cool place to hang out, play some games and chill with your squaaaaa lol. The big disadvantage to me is how small it is. It’s just a chill spot that everyone goes there and then it gets too crowded and people have to leave. Another one is I wish they had a menu. I legit feel like we always have to stretch our necks to see the board that is always blocked by something in the way. Nevertheless, give me a bunch of vanilla tea and they’re forgiven. It’s a fave. My new friend put me on it. I had mine without alcohol but he had his with alcohol. Their food isn’t bad either. I tried their couscous and lamb at one point and tried the couscous and pork at another. I’ll say lamb won this round. My boyfriend had fried rice and lamb and I tried it. It was good too. Tea Baa is the spot for catching up with old friends. I met way too many lmao. Not to talk about the prices so reasonable . I have gone back so many times because our waitress left an impression. What a beautiful soul.
Sandbox: I was hyped to try sandbox but lately sandbox is the last place I’ll visit. First off I still don’t understand why they have no menu as they are a full blown space to hang out. Don’t get me wrong I love the vibe of sitting there and hanging out looking out at the waves and Making plans with bae lol but they need a menu. Trying to remember what they have by their waiters and waitresses is always funny like they can barely remember. I love their Long Island which I tried. My boyfriends sex on the beach wasn’t anything special though lol. He hated it. The yam fries is definitely their thing . They better not change anything for my sake . I also love the look. They have you feeling like you’re in knock off Miami. I kid. Another hide out especially on weekdays during the day time..it’s quiet .
Le Must restaurant : Can I say whoever did the interior for Le Must is definitely killing it. First off I love the look clearly lmao. It’s a vibe. Lol. Now the food I find the portions could have been better. I tried this place with my friend (Manda Panda) lol . We order a family meal cause we wanted the variety. This was a family for three meal but we were starving so we were all for more food. The food got, we had to call our waiter to ask if this was for three cause three people will not be full. We had to advice him to tell them to increase the portions cause chale Money isn’t easy to come by but change has come. We also tried these blue drinks, they were so good. 😋😋. All in all I’ll be going to Le Must again. It’s at Accra mall if you’re asking.
Papa’s Pizza: Best Pizza made in Ghana to me. I tried this at 11pm randomly . I don’t have much to say but it’s amazing to me. Good job guys
AM&PM: I was lured there by that bicycle art lol but I tried their brunch. It wasn’t bad but there’s no hype . I won’t particularly want to go back. I will try PM though maybe it’s better. I had some egg stuff and my boyfriend had the English breakfast. Honestly, pricey and okay. I’ve had better. Plus rude waiter who didn’t appreciate our tip 🙄.
Burger and Relish: My sister and I tried it. We still think it’s okay. I love the artsy vibe at the location in osu. Aside from that, they alright.
Honeysuckle: I ate here twice and they still tasted so good. Went with my boyfriend and I had yam fries and tilapia whiles he had yam fries and chicken . I loved my food but his chicken was the talk of our table. It was AH MAZ ING! Oh so good ! The second time , I tried it with my sibs, and the taste was still so good. I tried my yam fries with wings this time and It was great. Loved it. The only thing I hated was their waiting time. Almost an hour fam. A whole hour. I suggest calling before you get there. Ohhh tried their drinks too a whole bunch of sugar in mine but my boyfriend has this lemonade cause he wanted the sourness and it was amazing. They really gave him sour. Lol
Vida e Caffe: My to go go to place. I usually get salads and a tea from them whenever I’m passing by. My brother put me on. Let’s just say I’ll be going back everyday lol.
Sai: It’s a wine and champagne place and they have the vibe going for them. I want to post the pictures of how cute their place is. Aside from that, I’ve tried it twice. I went with my Manda Panda and it was okay. She tried the salad but I wasn’t really hungry so I had wine and some calamari. The prices are amazing. However we we were stalked by ants 😭..our table was breeding ants. I was slightly worried but the owner is so friendly it makes you forget about the bad. She was engaging . I went again for brunch with my boyfriend, stalked again by mosquitoes and a fly. I feel like it’s cause of the location but my boyfriend wasn’t bothered lol..he loved it. There was also the problem of we don’t have it at the moment . Please if it’s on the menu can it be available or let us know before we choose it that it’s not available? My boyfriend changed his order twice cause it wasn’t available. I will be going back though, good food and vibes. Super friendly workers who were in all of our photos. They were the muses.
Koffee Lounge: I hadn’t tried Koffee Lounge but I had been in there 50000 and ten times. I was like I have to eat there. I’ve been in there too many times , it was starting to bother me. Lol. My boyfriend is always eating there and his order is assorted jollof. So when I tried it , I went for that to see why the attachment to it. Koffee Lounge is not pricey and a lot more food than I expected. So much food I tell you. I was so full. The food wasn’t exactly what I thought it’ll be because it’s always so packed but will I be going back? Hell yeah. I see the addiction.
Wafflemania : Went to wafflemania very early one morning. It was barely open but they cleared it up quickly to make sure my boyfriend and I were fine. Another plus, their wifi actually worked lol. I take that very seriously . I had their pancakes which was so yum and my boyfriend had their waffles with pork . It was even better . Such a small place producing great things . Lol , see you again.
Venus: Venus has been opened for years. As someone who is always last to go anywhere, I just tried them. Great drinking spot and chilling spot for pre drinking. Unfortunately tried their wings and it tasted like it came out a pot of stew. I will be going back there for the drinks but no more wings. Lol , it’s in Osu btw.
Jamrock: It’s this little Jamaican place. The vibe is cool and it’s never crazy packed. I love it. The food is also great. I tell you it’s almost like they hired a bunch of Jamaicans to cook. I had oxtail with the rice and beans. I also had some sweet potatoes as it was a craving. I will go back there. I keep saying it but I haven’t done it yet.
Yah: I think that’s what it’s called. I wanted to try something different when zenos was around the corner. It was so bad. My sisters review : it tastes like nido. Doesn’t seem like we will be returning.
Labadi beach: I’ve been to the hotel but I haven’t gone to the other side. My boyfriend wanted to go to the beach so I was like why not. It’s actually a cooler place if you ask me. There’s more to do in my opinion. Then I tried their food. It was yam with grilled chicken. The food was alright , too much of the salad cream and mayo stuff but that chicken was A1. The other disadvantage was the obsession over what colour chair you’re sitting on and what restaurant it is for . My boyfriend had a fit lol. Some chairs are cuter though. The flies too are a thing I’m not interested in. May or may not go back 🙃..I kid. I will
Kona: Such a chilled vibe for the weekend if you’re not trying to do too much. It’s super cool. I went with a bunch of friends. Let’s just say eventful 😆 Royal Senchi: Went for their lunch buffet with my family. Honestly it was okay. Nice views though. I'll go again when I can.
PS: I didn’t have time to read over 😕
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rachelvalente · 5 years
Recent Amazon Finds
I’m constantly asking my friends about what they’re buying & loving from Amazon because there’s so many product offerings that it can feel overwhelming – and I’m always afraid that I’m missing out on something good!  Plus, there are so many third party sellers now, that it’s hard to sort out the good from the bad.  So I thought I’d share some of my own recent purchases with you today – with the exception of some dog toys & treats, this is everything I’ve bought over the last month that I’ve been impressed with.
Cropped Workout Top I was needing some more long-sleeved tops for the gym so I ordered this one and loved it so much that I went back & immediately bought more colors.  I went up a size and the fit is perfect – it’s just the right length for wearing with my high-waisted leggings & I like that it doesn’t shift around when I’m running.
Blue Light Blocking Glasses My beloved blue light glasses that I’ve had for years met an untimely death thanks to my rambunctious puppy.  So I ordered these as a replacement & was amazed by the quality for the price – they come in a hard case with a microfiber cleaning cloth + I think this tortoise wayfarer style is universally flattering.
Sleek 7 Day Pillbox With all the travel I’ve been doing over the last few months, I was getting pretty tired of putting all my supplements into baggies every time I packed.  This is the prettiest pillbox I’ve ever seen – it takes up minimal room in my luggage, there are dividers for each day and it’s just the right size for all my vitamins.  I bought the rose gold color, but it also comes in champagne or black.
Silicone Dish Washing Gloves In my last Amazon post, I mentioned how we switched the whole family over from traditional loofahs to this silicone style – these gloves are like the kitchen version of that!  Not only do they protect my nails while I’m washing dishes, but they make it so much easier to get plates & pans clean (compared to my old scrub brush).  I ordered a second pair to use for giving the dog a bath – total game changer!
Beach Waver Tool My daughter was begging me to order this for her after using it at a friends’ house – so, of course, I had to try it out for myself!  I probably wouldn’t do it every day, but it’s a fun way to create waves that are different than what I normally make.  I would say these are a little bit tighter (think mermaid/island hair) and I was impressed with how long the waves held up.  The other bonus: it’s much easier to use than a curling wand for those who feel intimidated by them.
Stainless Steel Odor Remover Bar I honestly don’t understand how this works, but it is like magic for getting rid of smells from fish, onion, garlic, you name it.  Simply rub your hands over the bar under running water for 30 seconds and all those scents will vanish.  Some of the reviews mentioned that they use it in their underarm area after working out, which has me intrigued!
Vitamin C Serum The vitamin C serum I was previously using got discontinued (hate it when that happens!), so after doing research and reading hundreds of reviews, I finally settled on this one to replace it with.  I’ve only been using for a couple weeks, but I feel like my dark spots are getting lighter & less noticeable.  This serum is 20% vitamin C and 5% hyaluronic acid, which really packs a punch.  I apply this in the morning & only need 3 drops to cover my entire face.
Stainless Steel Squeegee I didn’t think there was such a thing as a pretty squeegee, but this stainless steel style is so modern & sleek.  This works great in the shower and for cleaning windows or mirrors.  It comes in 4 different lengths and is also available in silver.
Stackable Acrylic Storage Container My collection of hair accessories has definitely grown over the last couple of years so I needed a way to keep them all corralled neatly.  This stackable storage tower is the perfect solution – you could actually use this for lots of different things (kids craft supplies, snacks, beauty products, etc.), but it’s just the right size for holding hair scarves, slips, scrunchies & headbands.
Apple Cider Vinegar Gummies I’ve been taking ACV gummies for a while but these are much better tasting than what I was using before.  They’re not the cheapest supplement in my arsenal, but it’s worth it to me to buy the best quality I can get.  For those who aren’t familiar with the benefits of ACV, it improves digestion, boosts your energy & can even help clear up your skin.
Croc Toiletry Bag Set When I travel, I use (and swear by) this makeup bag for all my cosmetics, but I was needing more bags to store my hair products & other toiletries in.  This chic croc set of pouches gives you so many size options – I’ve been keeping the smallest one in my purse and the other three go into my suitcase.  These also come in black, cognac, navy or red.
Scalloped Bikini I’m pretty excited about the fact that we will have an in-ground pool in our backyard starting in June, so we can go swimming anytime we want!  So I decided I needed to order a couple new suits for the summer and I found some great affordable options on Amazon.  This scalloped bikini has great coverage & is so flattering – I ordered based on the size chart & the fit is perfect (comes in 6 different colors).  I also ordered this colorblocked 2-piece in pink, which hasn’t arrived yet…but the reviews look promising!
Peanut Butter Protein Bars I’m always on the hunt for portable snack options that have clean ingredients and this one is a new favorite of mine.  The texture is a little crumbly at first bite, but it gets creamy as you eat it (these come in other flavors if you can’t do peanuts).  I like that it’s a smaller size than other protein bars + there’s only 2 grams of sugar.
Pearl Drop Earrings My love for pearls knows no bounds so when I came across these pretty earrings, I couldn’t help myself!  The size & weight of these makes them look so much more expensive than they are and they literally go with everything.
Adjustable Drawer Dividers I mentioned these last month, but I can’t say enough good things about how they have transformed my dresser and actually given me more space than I had before.  They’re ideal for long drawers where you want to fit a bunch of different things in an organized way.  And, because they’re adjustable, you can move them around as much as you need to.
Dainty Huggie Hoops Lately I’ve been wearing these 18k gold plated hoops in my second hole and I just love the look of them.  They don’t irritate my sensitive skin and they add just enough interest while still being subtle enough for everyday wear.
Glycolic Acid Exfoliating Cleanser I’ve been experimenting with lots of new skincare products lately and, while not all of them are worthy of sharing here, this one is definitely something I’ll be buying again.  It’s a really gentle exfoliant that produces a nice lather (a little goes a long way).  I was a little worried that the glycolic acid would irritate my skin, but I’ve been using it every other day with no issues.
Checkered Sunglass Travel Case This was definitely an impulse purchase, but I love it so much!  If you’re going on a warm weather vacation, this would be perfect for bringing along different pairs of sunglasses with you.  At Christmas when we flew back to Oregon, I packed a pair of mine and my husband’s in two of the slots and put some bracelets & rings in the other slots.  You could also stash this in your car so all your glasses are protected & in one spot.
Brown Sugar Container There’s nothing worse than going to bake and finding your brown sugar as hard as a rock.  This storage container has solved the problem – just soak the terra cotta disk in water, snap it into the airtight lid and it will keep your brown sugar soft!
Microfiber Bed Sheet Set After hearing so many people rave about these sheets, I finally caved & ordered some for our master bed.  Let’s just say, they definitely live up to the hype.  These are so much softer than the cotton sheets we’d been using previously + they’ve held up great after multiple washes – and you just can’t beat the price!
Paleo Pancake Mix I’ve been using this pancake mix for a while and just discovered that it’s actually cheaper on Amazon than at Target, where I usually buy it.  Even though the rest of my family isn’t paleo, they all prefer this grain-free mix over traditional pancakes (you can make waffles with it too).  I’ve tinkered around with the recipe and have found the best results when I add 1 egg, use half water & half almond milk, plus a dash of vanilla extract.  They come out fluffy & delicious every time!
Portable Phone Tripod I’ve been going through lots of family photos recently and found that we have so many of just the kids or of one of us with the kids…but so few of the 4 of us together.  When we’re on road trips or camping, it’s hard to get pictures of our whole family, so I decided it was time to invest in a tripod that we can take with us when we’re traveling.  This one is a great portable size, the legs are bendable (you can even wrap them around a pole or tree!) and it comes with a bluetooth remote.
Lifting Chin Mask I blame this purchase on Kathleen Jennings (who is great to follow for skincare tips & product reviews).  She shared an Instagram story showing before & after of her results using this mask and I immediately added it to my cart.  I’ve left it on for an hour and noticed a visible difference in the definition around & underneath my chin.  This isn’t something I would use every day, so I plan on saving for special occasions, date nights/girls nights or when I’m really needing a little extra lift.
The post Recent Amazon Finds appeared first on Penny Pincher Fashion.
Recent Amazon Finds published first on https://skinalleyupdates.tumblr.com/
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sierradorotheia · 6 years
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Hey! So following up on some current favourites from the last one, almost five months later ♥
Kate Sommerville ExfoliKate Intense Exfoliator ~ this is in my FabFitFun Fall 2017 box that I was a bit hesitant to try on at first just because of my new found love in my Sephora charcoal exfoliator. ExfoliKate works better and not just because it’s on the pricier side- but because it really does work for my new acne’s. I use this every three days as a part of my night-time routine and I find that my skin soaks up my skincare products better right after.
Korean Face Masks ~ my brother’s girlfriend picked up some Korean face masks for me when she was in South Korea and we all know that the Koreans have a A+ rep with skincare products. I’ve retired peel-off masks just because it just never worked for me and I didn’t find it was worth the time. These face masks are so soothing and relaxing!
SK II Essence ~ my current skincare regimen breaks the bank but it’s the only one that works! I have finally taken the plunge and splurged on SK II essence and it’s the best decision I’ve had in a while. I know this essence is very pricey but because I only require four drops, twice a day, I know that the 160 ml bottle will tide over until the next Sephora VIB sale in November.
Essie Cuticle Oil ~ leaves my cuticles soft and easier to push back, and makes my manicure look better and healthier.
Dermelect Ridge Filler ~ another FabFitFun score. I love wearing this as is for about a couple days, and on the third day, I’ll usually apply my nail polish. It makes my nails look stronger. And did I say it looked just as pretty as is !
Verb Sea Shampoo and Conditioner ~ I recently decided to move on from drugstore hair products (i.e., whatever’s marked down at the grocery store) and use a higher-end line. Verb was actually not my first choice to try out, but my #1 is a bit on the pricier side so I decided to try something reasonable for now. The Verb Sea shampoo and conditioner together cost $32, which I can live with. The reviews were promising, so I decided to just buy it without sampling. I love the subtle smell, and the way it feels after blow-drying in the morning. I wash my hair at night and my scalp used to get extremely oily the next day with drugstore hair cares, and I never have that problem with these products. I also noticed the fallouts to be lesser and lesser. Loving my bouncy hair especially this summer season.
Fresh Sugar Lip Polish ~ I’ve had this product for God-knows-how-long, and for all I know, this stuff’s already expired... but it still works! I wish I can use this everyday, but I know I shan’t so I won’t. lol I use it during my makeup days and it improves my matte lipstick application.
Sephora Face Wipes ~ this is one of the items that I picked up on a whim while at a Sephora ~travel items~ counter, and I’m glad I did. I swear by my Garnier makeup remover but those don’t have that closure thingamajig so my last one just dried up when I forgot to close it properly. I tried the Sephora Coconut makeup remover wipes first, and I already ordered another one online of a different type.
Sephora Face Mists ~ do you ever just pick up something from Sephora when ordering online just so you qualify for a free deluxe sample? Just me? Anyway, this face mist was only bought for the deluxe sample reason and I was going through a phase of face-mist-craze so I figured why not? I got the coconut one first, and I fell in love with it- I liked the atomizer a lot, I liked the price point, and I like the soothing effects so I decided to purchase the other type. This is my go-to during no-makeup days (which is, every day) plus a spot-concealer. Can’t go wrong! I wish they make other kind in the future.
Boscia Makeup Remover Cleanser ~ I remember the days when I attempted to use a makeup cleansing oil and it did not quite workout well for me, but I realised it’s because I wasn’t using a makeup wipe BEFORE using the cleansing oil. I also noticed that using a makeup removing wipe didn’t cut it at times, so I decided to use a cleanser once again. I love the cooling effect right after removing a full day’s worth of makeup, and I can  tell it’s really unclogging them pores. I still use my regular face cleanser afterwards, and I’m ready to zZz.
Jo Malone Mimosa and Cardamom Perfume ~ price-wise, this is luxury. I was looking for a new perfume for the winter and took the Sephora Fragrance IQ and this is one of the results. I’ve been relying a lot on the Fragrance IQ to decide my next scent, and so far, it hasn’t steered me wrong. I am obsessed with the subtlety of this scent- so feminine, so floral. I want to add “it’s so me...” but it’s really not. Haha...
Soap and Glory Body Scrub ~ I’ve been obsessed with body scrubs and I like to treat myself with a polish/scrub especially after a greasy workout. I wish I can use these scrubs everyday- but that’s detrimental to the skin of course! This is my current scrub, and I’ve used a few from Soap and Glory before. This has a nicer scent that lingers on my body throughout the night and I can still smell it the next day after tossing and turning and literally rubbing my body in my sheets. Again, I’ll use this everyday if I could!
Too Faced Peach Perfect Foundation ~ I saw this as one of the top-rated foundations in Sephora so when I went in for my complimentary makeover, I requested to have this  used on me. I like the consistency and how it has that blurring effect on my face, but at the same time, not being too cakey.
Giorgio Armani Luminous Silk Foundation ~ I’ve always wanted to try this foundation but because I need to be color-matched before buying, I’ve put off for a couple of years. I also requested for this foundation to be used on me during a Sephora makeover and at the time, I didn’t like how it felt on my face. I used the sample I requested after the makeover and I liked it the second time around, and the coverage is surely buildable. I like how it looks on my face after a long day of makeup- and definitely long lasting.
Tarte Amazonian Clay Mascara ~ I stopped buying full-size mascaras and just heavily relied on the deluxe samples I get from shopping online at Sephora since there is ALWAYS a sample available for the taking. I’m buying a full-size of this one, though, because of the clump-free application and its amazing wand. You can literally apply multiple coats without that spider-webb-y look.
False Lashes ~ I know I’ve been too late in on the false lashes wagon, but I just recently started obsessing over them . I know I still need PLENTY of practice but when makeup gurus say that falsies put the whole makeup look together, they are not lying! I have short, pathetic Asian lashes and adding falsies make a ton of difference. I mostly apply lashes on bare eyes (i.e, no shadows) and I love the natural look it gives. For now I’m just practicing on cheap, Walmart lashes such as Ardell, Kiss, and a few things from nailpolishcanada, and I’m hoping to master the ~art~ of applying with a full-on eye makeup look.
Huda Beauty Matte Lipstick in Venus ~ I purchased this as a Lip Contour set and it came with a lip pencil and another liquid lipstick, but I enjoy this lipstick on its own as I’d say this is the closest shade of my lips. It’s long-lasting and doesn’t feel tacky- almost as if you don’t have any lipstick on. And I also like that it’s good even without a lip liner.
Becca Luminous Liquid Highlighter in Opal ~ my new holy grail! Crazy to think that this was purchased as a deluxe sample and I ended up LOVING the heck out this. The first time I used it, I was amazed by the glow it created even underneath a setting powder. I can almost use it on its own, but it just makes topping it with a powder highlight more longer-lasting and popping.
Becca Luminous Highlighter in Opal ~ I tried the cult favourite Champagne Pop before as my first Becca highlighter and for me, it didn’t live up to the hype that much. I wish I tried the Opal highlighter first; this, paired with its liquid constituent- girl your highlight can and WILL be seen from space.
Becca Sunlit Bronzer ~ I feel like I’m always on a hunt for a good bronzer, especially it’s almost summer time and sometimes I just go for the bronzy, warm look. I like how this fits the bill- not too light compared to the Too Faced Chocolate bronzer- and not to dark like the Nars Casino bronzer.
** MISC **
Muscle Roller ~ this was in my FabFitFun Winter 2018 box and boy oh boy, this is my new bestie. It does work wonders especially on intense leg days (it can be leg WEEKS at my gym sometimes) and works best especially for those who are so bad at skipping foam rolling at the gym (you know who you are!)
Analogue album by Odie ~ it was an album J shared to me- he wasn’t even all hyped up, just pointing out how this kid sounds like Kid Cudi- but one day I just let the whole album play and I was blown away. Perfect chill tunes. And it helped that Odie’s reppin Toronto!
CupShe Bikini ~ I’ve been seeing CupShe on my Facebook feed but I never actually bought anything from them until I saw this cute bikini set that made me say “I oughtta have those!”. I figured it would be my first ever CupShe purchase, and with the $2 shipping to Canada, it sure won’t be the last. Another plus? There weren’t any duties/taxes fee when they arrived. How awesome!
Yoga Jeans ~ I can’t buy jeans online just because it’s never true to size for me. We have a local boutique in town and I’ve had my eyes on this brand for the longest time and one day I was just walking past the store and saw that they have a 25% off store-wide event and I thought it was a perfect time to get my hands on these. They fit like a dream, they have the length that looks good on my 5′4 figure, and the material is stretchable. I would definitely buy these even in full price! So worth it.
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idolish7rabbitchats · 6 years
Ousaka Sougo: Holiday Collection 2018 Rabbit TV Part 3
Tsumugi: Everyone! Good work on the Christmas coffret job!
T: Because everyone did a good job, it seems like the Christmas coffret has good reviews!
5: That's good. I'm glad if we could helped because it was a beautiful product.
1: We did our best. Seems like we could spend a relaxing Christmas.
T: Yes! The large-scale advertisements in town became popular, it’s hyped up in SNS too!
7: I saw a lot of posters! Mitsuki and I competed over who could get more pictures of them!
4: You did that kind of thing? I wanted to compete too!
3: Look, this. It’s us right? Then Re:vale-san. I couldn’t take Kujou and Tsunashi-san.
5: I could take it.
4: Seriously, when did you participate in this competition.
5: No, I took it personally... I took Tamaki-kun’s picture too.
2: As expected of Sou huh. Speaking of, I saw fans taking pictures of the posters too.
T: Yes! The fans uploaded lots of pictures on SNS!
T: Really good job on the CM filming, the poster, and the theme song!
Everyone: Ya~y!
6: Then, let's toast to our job success!
3: It’s too early! We have the Christmas party Momo-san planned after this!
T: Right! Let’s save the cheers until then!
6: If Tsumugi says that, there’s nothing we can do. Then, let's start to prepare.
3: Right! Sougo and I will be in charge of cooking, so we'll go to the kitchen and finish preparing the food!
2: I happened to have free time, so I cleaned up the office's practice room with Musashi. [T/N: Musashi is the name of Yamato's Roomba]
2: Tama and Riku are in charge of decorating right. I’ll help too so let’s go ahead.
7: Okay!
4: K. Hey hey Riku, what did you choose for a present?
7: It’s a secret until the party!
1: Nanase-san, you look lightly equipped but the packages in the corner of the office, isn’t it Nanase-san’s present?
7: Crap! I forgot it! I’m gonna go get it!
1: Geez...
T: I’m really looking forward to the Christmas party!
100: Maneko-chan! Thank you for renting us the office's practice room today! Wasn't it hard to adjust the schedule too!?
T: Not at all! To Momo-san too, thank you for hosting the party even though you were busy!
1000: I was looking forward to being able to see everyone’s faces.
7: We worked hard on the decorations! The tree is also amazing!
3: I put my soul into today's food! Please eat a lot!
5: I helped too. Let’s put the parts that Tsunashi-san and Yuki-san made over here.
4: So-chan… Somehow the inside of the pot is red...
6: OH! Iori, please look. There’s an illustration of Kinako drawn on that cake. It’s like a character cake!
1: Cu- Cough. This quality. As expected of Nii-san.
9: The cake looks delicious. It looks beautiful; it's too good to eat.
2: Cleaning the practice room was harder than I expected... I wanna drink already...
10: Thanks to Yamato-kun too! Good work. Everyone should relax and drink today!
2: Yeh! Oh, is this the champagne Yaotome chose? Then let's pass this around for cheers.
8: For minors, have this non-alcohol one.  Here, this is for Tenn.
100: Does everyone have a drink? Then, let’s do a Christmas-like cheers!
100: The one to take the lead is... Representing the Takanashi agency, I'll ask for IDOLiSH7's center, Nanase Riku-kun!
7: Me?! Um… Then, everyone, good work on the preparations for the Christmas party!
7: As a reward for working hard all year, let's enjoy as much as we like tonight!
7: Cheers! Merry Christmas!
Everyone: Merry Christmas!
100: Isn’t there a spicy smell?!
10: Sougo-kun, you said you’d made the soup?
5: Momo-san, Tsunashi-san. Good work.
5: Since it’s a special party, I used rare and tasty spices to make it spicier.
5: I hope they like it...
100: It's spicier than usual!?
10: It will be spicy night!
1: …..!
5: Huh? Iori-kun...?
1: …. spicy...
2: See, I told you not to force yourself.
1: S-Something like this isn’t a problem for me.
5: Iori-kun, what’s wrong?
2: Sou’s soup seems a little too spicy for Ichi.
5: Ah, I see...
5: Sorry, Iori-kun. You’re not good with spicy food huh.
1: I-I’m fine so don’t mind it!
100: But, even knowing it’s spicy I still eat it. Like, this spiciness is addictive!
10: Yeah! Eating spicy food makes me want to drink some alcohol!
5: But, it might have been better to use something a little more mild...
10: Sounds good, I definitely wanna eat that too!
10: Speaking of, thanks for the present! It was unexpected for you to choose an herbal bath!
5: When I was talking with Riku-kun, we talked about everyone being busy.
5: So I thought it's better to choose something that could cure the tiredness.
100: I’m happy! I'll take a bath with Sogo's herbal bath! Like a hot spring!
2: And drinking a beer after the bath is the best.
100: Yeah! Let's go to IDOLiSH7's dorm from now on, take a bath and come back to here!
1: F-From now on?!
100: Kidding, kidding! That's how happy I was!
5: I’m glad it could make you happy.
5: I wonder if the people who bought the coffrets and our fans are enjoying Christmas now.
2: That would be nice.
10: Like this party, I hope everyone spends Christmas with their close friends.
5: Yes.
5: It would be nice to spend it this way next year too. Merry Christmas.
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