#chapter 10 peek
honeyxmonkey · 1 year
Jim breathed against the stitch in his chest. He was getting tired of this bullshit. Where were they all coming from?
"Ready for the next wave?" Carter asked, breathing significantly less heavily than Jim. Curse his godly blood that denied him exhaustion.
"What, you getting sleepy?" Jim asked, standing straight, twisting Excalibur in his hands.
Carter gave him the stink eye, brandishing his knife. His swords were still stuck in the throat of that beast that had nearly killed them both. "Hate to break it to you, Your Majesty, but I've got more stamina than you."
Jim sighed. "Yeah I know." He looked at the oncoming hoard of monsters, an idea forming. "Maneuver 42?"
Carter glanced at him. "Seriously?"
"Okay," he rolled his shoulder and sheathed his dagger, grasping Jim’s forearm. "If you miss I'm gonna laugh."
Jim rolled his eyes. "Shut up and just throw me."
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britcision · 8 months
Alright, we’ve crossed the line, this is officially also a Lycion stan account his concept is just too fucking ridiculous
Like hey check out this fucking furry, he kinned so hard it was literally illegal and got arrested because he refused to stop committing awoo crimes
I can’t not love him yer honour the bits write themselves
And he’s not even the scary dog of the group
Cithis is the scary dog, you all know it, Lycion’s the only tank in the mage brigade and STILL the soft boy
Show poodle ass werewolf
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"Some of you might remember my lovely assistant."
Alastor 🦌 and Little Bird (oc) 🐦
i wasn't loving the colors and i wanted to try something new, so... greyscale! i have no idea how shadows work :) yes, they're wearing matching outfits
(reposting because somehow i forgot his stupid antlers lmao 😭)
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milaswriting · 1 year
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Golden — The Netflix Series
Season 1, Episode 10: "Zillah Arryn" — [template]
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kodared · 1 year
Sneak Peek!!
☆ I hope everyone's had a amazing weekend ! Made some good progress on the next chapter of WHN, an.. prepare yourselves, for the curtain closes when you least expect it!
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mfw Howdy <3<3
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turtleduckscribbles · 21 days
Close to Home
“No matter where I go to offer aid, Link remains at my side…”
After a hundred year battle waged against the incarnation of evil, Princess Zelda has finally returned from the brink, brought back by her faithful and devoted knight companion, Link. But a lot has changed between now and yesteryear. The kingdom is healing, and with her work cut out for her, it’s all Zelda can do to stay afloat. A lifetime of fighting has sapped her strength, and rest has evaded her for too long.
As princess and knight work together to restore a devastated Hyrule, they must also reacquaint themselves with one another after a century of misplaced memories and time spent apart. What’s more, Zelda struggles to reconcile the grief of her past with the pressing demands of the present. With the castle laid to waste and her former life buried beneath the rubble, she’s never felt more displaced, so far removed from any refuge she might call home.
But with Link at her side, Zelda comes to find that the future may not be as fearsome as she once imagined, and sometimes, home is closer than we think.
~A brief exploration of Zelda’s personal journey toward home, and how she finds it in Link.
Read on AO3 or continue below.
Chapter 1: "The Princess and the Frog"
The late morning sunlight crowning the slick rocks of the Zodobon Highlands cast the lush glen in a brilliant, dreamlike glow. Stripes of dewy green stroked the land like a painter’s brush on a textured canvas. Far below, the Zora River wended its way down the valley, its low murmur barely discernible amidst the rustling of juniper shrubs. Tranquility at its finest.
Princess Zelda shut her eyes and inhaled, drawing it all in, every trace of nightshade and hint of mint amongst the overwhelming stretch of evergreen. The remedy of the wilds. She pictured it filling her, restoring her, allaying the burn in her lungs from the laborious hike up Ruto Mountain. A damp breeze tossed her waist-length hair, the perfect salve for her flushed skin. This was it. This was what they had fought so hard to preserve: a Hyrule at peace.
Her people at peace…
Zelda’s eyes snapped open. As if pulled by an invisible hook, she looked out across the valley from whence she came. The distended eyes of the large stone fish ogled her from its lofty perch, visible even from this vast distance.
Seeing it, fixed unblinkingly on her, doused Zelda in a familiar wave of anguish. She would never, could never, escape that gaze. The gnawing guilt that had spawned within her ever since the Calamity’s defeat threatened to return in full force, just as it had during her visit to the Domain. Standing before the Zora Royal Court again… Mipha’s father, and Sidon—now quite the imposing and mighty prince—all beaming brightly down at her… It had finally proven too much.
They were, of course, nothing but kind. They always had been, Mipha and her relations. They had been astonished, elated even, to see Hyrule’s princess again, to find her alive and well after such an extended absence. But seeing them, witnessing their magnanimity with her own eyes, in spite of all that transpired one hundred years ago, had broken something inside of her.
She had cried without restraint then, losing herself in her sobs. There in the throne room, in full view of the entire nobility, her tears took her by storm, leaving her flayed open in a way that her recent trip to Kakariko had not. A mortifying display of vulnerability. Taken aback, the Zora king and prince had succored her as best they could, quelling her tear-choked apologies, offering the warmest words of solace. Insisting wholeheartedly that they did not blame her for past traumas. They did not blame her for the loss of their kin.
And yet, Zelda couldn’t help but feel that the one who stood before them was the wrong princess.
A light tap on her arm lifted her from her reverie. She turned with a start. Link proffered her water canteen, his bright blue eyes searching her face.
“Oh, yes… Thank you, Link.” With a small, grateful smile, she accepted it and brought it to her lips. The first draft hit her throat like an icy spring plunge. Clearly she hadn’t realized how parched she was. She replaced the cap and returned it to him, her fingers lightly brushing the leather of his glove.
Link stayed put with her half-empty water canteen, his eyes raptly taking in the minutiae of her expression. Warming under his scrutiny, Zelda tucked a loose lock of hair behind her ear, and the wind—impish sprite that it was—untucked it just as quickly.
As if suddenly aware of his effect on her, Link gave a single hard blink, severing his concentration. He turned in the direction of the cooking pot and raised a quizzical brow.
Nodding reassuringly, Zelda followed him away from the cliff’s edge toward the abandoned monster camp ensconced in a rocky alcove. It appeared to have been deserted for some time: moldering fruit rinds and splintered fish bones littered the pebbly ground at her feet. Picking her way over the debris, she chose a seat on a log next to a heap of dulled, rusted weaponry—lizalfos, from the look of it—and placed her hands neatly in her lap. Link crouched at the opposite side of the fire, pulling sundry herbs from his packs.
“Right,” she began. “We’ll need to decide what our next course of action will be. So then, I suppose the question becomes, once again: Where to next?”
From his squatted position, Link tossed a few sprigs of armoranth into the searing pot. A handful of wild greens followed. Zelda watched him work before discreetly clearing her throat, straightening in her seat.
“...I’ve reevaluated our trajectory and believe it’s in everyone’s best interest if we shift our primary focus to rebuilding efforts. Surveying ancient technology will only get us so far at the present. With Divine Beast Vah Ruta inoperative, it would appear that the Champions have… have gone on. But…” She took a shaky breath before continuing. “But that’s not to say the machines are obsolete. There is still much this technology can do for us. It’s just, without aid from fellow researchers, it will be difficult to begin the repurposing process on our own. Disassembling the machinery en masse may prove to be quite the challenge, and with Hyrule so scattered, we don’t want to overwhelm ourselves. So our first order of business should be opening lines of communication between groups. We’ll also need to establish some sort of main innovation center. As the Royal Ancient Laboratory is no longer serviceable, I’m not sure where that should be…” She sucked on her lip. “But for now, let’s direct our efforts on outreach. The Zora have already lent us their support, so that’s an encouraging start. Perhaps we should head to Goron City, or… Tarrey Town, was it called? From here, the northern settlements are most practical since they—”
Zelda’s speech came to a screeching halt. Link used a wooden spoon to stir around the contents of the pot. His voice was fleeting, barely heard above the sizzling ingredients, but all the same, she latched onto it like a castaway to a liferaft.
“...Hateno Village? In Necluda?”
Link nodded, his attention on his task. “Purah’s there. And it’s safe.”
Zelda considered this as Link adjusted seasonings. Safe. There was weight to the word, but to what degree, she couldn’t say…
It struck her as somewhat odd. Was the land not already safe, due to the end of the Calamity? With the blood moon gone, the bulk of the monster population had followed it, allowing for safer territories all around. So what did he mean?
It wasn’t that the remote farming community had slipped her mind; far from it. She knew Hateno was a sizable Hylian settlement—probably the largest standing, come to think of it—and it was true that a research facility now resided there. Genuinely, the thought of a countryside sojourn sounded remarkably appealing. And yes… she was elated at the prospect of seeing Purah again, truly… But, well, after a succession of emotionally taxing reunions back-to-back, Zelda had to admit that the idea gave her pause. Truth be told, she wasn’t sure she was ready for another.
“Well… I suppose. Having an ancient technology center in our vicinity would be useful. And I really would love to reunite with Purah. It’s just… the other races…”
A fragrant bowl of sautéed herbs and mushrooms suddenly filled her vision. Before she knew what was happening, Link had placed it into her open palms and plopped himself on the log at her side, heartily digging into his own dish.
“All in time,” he said between mouthfuls of mushroom.
Zelda looked down at her bowl. She drew in a ravenous breath; the savory, nutty scent went straight to her stomach. After thanking him profusely, the two of them tucked into their meals in silence.
Slyly, she watched him from the corner of her eye. Link sat close to her on the log—not touching, exactly, but close enough that she could think of little else. She wondered what drove him to suggest Hateno as their next destination. Was there a particular need there that had arisen during his ventures across Hyrule? She had witnessed his journey in her mind’s eye over the past year whilst beating back the Calamity; doubtless she would have known if there was business there to attend to. But at the moment, Zelda couldn’t recall anything pressing about the isolated village. She couldn’t see why he’d set his sights there, of all places, when there was work to be done elsewhere.
Although, if Link suggested it… Surely the option had merit… 
From out of nowhere, a hot-footed frog leapt onto her foot. Zelda gasped and instinctively kicked out, nearly upsetting her bowl of sautéed vegetables. The frog clung steadfastly to her boot, undeterred, as if hitching a ride on a flailing Hylian leg was a regular occurrence for it. Mouth open, Zelda froze in place, her fingers gripping her bowl.
Time hung suspended by a thread. Princess, hero, and frog all gawked at each other in a droll imitation of a plot twist. With her leg awkwardly extended before her, Zelda eyed the tiny intruder incredulously, stiff as stone. The frog eyed her back, its bobbing vocal sac the only point of movement among them.
After a rather charged pause, the frog seemed to concede its mistake. With what could only be described as a sheepish croak, the creature turned tail and hopped from her foot, disappearing into the surrounding bushes.
Stunned silence. Zelda sat gaping at her recently vacated boot. She turned toward her knight companion.
Link gazed thoughtfully at the shrub where the frog had vanished, his empty bowl resting in his lap. A few seconds passed before his eyes drifted over to her, straight-faced and collected.
“Sorry. Missed my chance.”
Zelda raised an eyebrow at this. Link shrugged.
“A rare delicacy got away.”
Zelda stared at him. In her haste to comprehend his meaning, her tongue seemed wholly unable to formulate words. A small smile was forming at the corners of his lips. Then, it dawned on her, the realization striking her like a thunderclap.
He remembers! she thought.
Without warning, a torrent of emotion swept through her. Link’s face, so mild and unguarded, plucked a chord hidden within her, catching her entirely off balance. Unable to bear it, she broke contact, swallowing to quell the tide that had risen in her throat.
Sensing her distress, Link too looked away, his expression reverting to default impassivity. He stood quickly and brought his dirtied dish over to the nearby mountain stream. As he rinsed it out in the brisk water, Zelda took a moment to compose herself. Taking in a steadying breath, she rolled back her shoulders and addressed him once more, her unfinished lunch tucked close.
“I appreciate your input about our goals. And I agree; Hateno Village is a fitting next stop on our journey. We’ll speak with Purah and go from there.” Pausing, she nodded to herself. “Yes… That is what we’ll do.”
Finished with his washing, Link packed his bowl and made his way back over to her. He resumed his seat beside her on the log and held out his hand, palm up. Obliging, Zelda handed him her half-eaten meal, and Link wasted no time scarfing down the remainder of her food.
In the midst of his munching, she caught his eye. Even with bulging cheeks, it was easy to spot the care in his expression, the endearing quirk of his mouth that fortified her spirit more than any elixir could. Warmth blossomed unrestrained in her chest.
Despite all the unknowns the future held, the one thing Zelda knew with unequivocal certainty was that she would be okay with Link. Safe, with Link.
Wherever they went, it mattered not, so long as she was with him.
>> Chap 2 >>
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starlightvld · 6 months
Because you all are being so patient as I finish up chapter 10 of Broken Bones and Shattered Hearts, here's a snippet for you!
They end up at a trendy gastropub west of Birmingham's city center. The decor is dark wood mixed with black and white accents, and though it's nice, it's not exactly "dress-up" nice. A thought niggles at the back of John's brain, but he doesn't have time to dig into it as they're led to a secluded wooden booth. Kyle and Belle slide into one side while Simon and John take the other side.
It isn't until they're left to look over the menus that the niggling thought finally resolves into realization. John watches Kyle and Belle snuggle into each other while they pore over a single menu, her arm around his back and chin resting on his shoulder as they softly murmur back and forth about options. 
John slowly lets his gaze travel over the dark wood walls and table to stare at the side of Simon's face.
It's just the four of them: Kyle and Belle and him and Simon. Simon is wearing his equivalent of fancy dress clothes, and they're sitting in next to each other in a cozy booth as if—
"Is this a double date?" he blurts.
Kyle and Belle go quiet, but that only lasts until Kyle slaps a hand over his mouth in a poor attempt at covering an incredulous laugh. John doesn't take his eyes off Simon, though he does direct a particular finger at Kyle — which only makes Kyle laugh harder.
A faint hint of pink dusts the tips of Simon's ears as he sets down the menu he'd been reading...
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tightjeansjavi · 10 months
Snippet Sunday part 2!!!
Thank you for the tag @corazondebeskar-reads 🤍
Here is a snippet from chapter 10 of Slow Hands
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Np tags: anyone who wants to participate, and who hasn’t already <3
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optiwashere · 11 months
lmao fine I'll ask for another: «Please Don't Save Me»?
Perfect. You managed to pick the Modern/Band AU once more lmao.
That's the title for Chapter nospoilers of the AU! I write linearly and like to separate fanfic chapters out to multiple documents for easier posting. I don't do that for original work, it's a fanfic-only habit.
Anywho, here's a sneak peek.
No context given other than this is a modern AU that focuses on Shadowheart and a modern version of my OC (because I am who I am) as Shadowheart's band has to stay in the OC's city for longer than expected.
Hopefully I'll have a big enough lead to start posting this for real next week (???)
Ash didn’t have to ask about Shar. She already knew the answer to that without even bothering.
The cars on the streets outside resumed their bleating honks, the sounds filtering in through the windows. The noise surprised Ash, pulling her from thoughts of a darkened stage and violent, unintelligible metal music. A light rain picked up and pattered the glass reflecting Ash and Shadowheart back whenever Ash glanced over, pale ghosts of themselves in the diner booth seats.
Meager little reflections. Unimportant. Unable to say everything.
Turning back to Shadowheart, Ash waited for her to continue. When she didn’t, Ash spoke up. “So, can you sing?”
“Mind showing me?”
Ash chuckled. “Fair enough.”
Their meal continued in silence, plucking open the sad excuse for distance that they were both cultivating. A greasy burger took Ash’s mind from it all for a little while, and limp, shitty fries with no salt were the perfect follow-up to keep her mind clear of all but the light slap of rain on glass and the buzzing lights overhead.
She told herself that despite catching herself staring at Shadowheart multiple times.
That distance shrunk again.
Ash waited again for Shadowheart to say something. When she didn’t, this time Ash kept her mouth shut. Perhaps this is what she’d prefer after talking so much?
“Tell me something about yourself. Not about music, or mechanic stuff.” Shadowheart chewed on an overcooked bit of fat and gristle before spitting it out onto her plate. “You know about my religion. Sorta. Now you tell me something. Only fair.”
“Only fair? All right. Um.” Ash thought for a moment. “I’m a lapsed Catholic.”
“See, that’s not fair. We can’t do religion-for-religion here,” Shadowheart grumbled. She chugged a mouthful of soda from her glass. “No. None of that. Tell me something else. Go on.”
Sighing, Ash fumbled for anything. “I like dogs.”
“Wow! I feel like I’ve known you for thirty years now,” Shadowheart joked, sarcasm bleeding from her words, “but no. That’s not good enough. Come on, Ash. You gotta have something.”
“I smoke a pack a day. I’m down from two,” Ash admitted. It was the next thing to come to mind.
“See? That’s something.” Then Shadowheart’s eyes lit up. “Do you have smokes on you?”
“Yeah, why?”
“I’ve been dying for one since we got in Rivington.” Shadowheart shuffled out of her seat and gestured for the door. “C’mon. Please. You said smoke and it’s all hitting me at once.”
Following her outside, Ash guided them to a bus stop with an awning to sit under.
“Why not your truck?” asked Shadowheart.
“Eh, if I don’t smoke in there then it’s harder for me to constantly puff up, y’know?”
“Makes sense.”
Pushing a cigarette out of the pack with her thumb, Ash held the crumpled green-and-white plastic package close to Shadowheart’s face. She could’ve just handed it over, but her head was spinning being this close to Shadowheart. Sitting on a shitty little bench under a shitty little awning on a shitty little street outside of a shitty little chain restaurant was getting to her, and with all of that she struggled to do anything coherently.
Shadowheart glanced at her and quirked a brow at her. Leaning forward without breaking eye contact, she grabbed the cigarette with her mouth and pulled it free, flipping it around in her fingers and popping the filtered end between her lips. She waited expectantly, eyes closed, and jutted her face forward.
Ash flicked open the lighter she’d held in her other hand and lit Shadowheart’s cigarette. The first puffs of smoke were heaven in the dark light of the City’s rainy street.
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pauking5 · 5 months
Addicting Taste Chapter 10 ~sneak peek~
A/N: It was hard to pick a part that was spoiler free but this one instantly came to mind. It comes together with the chapter as a whole so well but for now here's a scene. Rest assured, she's coming :)
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Walking around the tables, all eyes moved to you at once. Some stared at your attire, disgustingly winking or sneering your way. Others quickly scanned you in dismissal to see if you're a threat or just a mere mortal walking around gods of the underworld, way more engrossed in the discussions they were having than to regard you. You assumed those were conversations one was better off not knowing about if they truly treasured life and all its beauties.
Suddenly, Enishi stopped in the middle of the room. You halted in your steps too and before you could question it he turned to you, searching around for any potential intruders to your conversation. He leaned closer to you, looking for privacy from even the blonde behind you.
"Let me do the talking," he said, deep dark eyes focusing on you with authority. The kind of authority you didn't like. You opened your mouth to complain until he continued. "If they find out who you are, we might not get out of here alive. So, please, just let me take care of it this time."
This wasn't a warning for you to behave yourself. This was a warning that you were in the middle of a temporary ceasefire and shit could go sideways so fast if you weren't careful. There would be nothing any of you could do to stop it. Not even firing a bullet or breaking a neck. You had to keep a low profile if you wanted both the information and getting out in one piece.
With a scoff that you hoped didn't go unnoticed, you motioned for him to go on. He threw you another look and to your disappointment, he turned back before you could tell him to shove it somewhere the sun doesn't shine.
Frankly, you could defend yourself from anything after all the training he put you through. There was a part of you that just wanted to take matters into your own hands, get the information, put some holes through a few of these murderers that the world would be better without anyways, and be on your merry way. But the other, the one that was uneasy and worked overtime to tell you everything was wrong all day, agreed with him. So you just followed him, keeping your wits to yourself.
Advancing through the field of vipers, you arrived at the far back of the open row of tables, drenching into a darker black, earlier gold at the entrance disappearing into thin lines on the floor, almost invisible in the dim lighting.
A deep velvety curtain separated you and finding out key information about your parents whereabouts. The same curtain kept behind the sea of monsters that could rip all three of you apart without a sweat.
You turned to Cho, catching his Adam's apple bob up and down in a quiet gulp. Even the freak in him that always looked for a fight was scared shitless by what awaited on the other side.
Facing the curtain once more, you took in a shaky breath with eyes shut tight praying things would be better once you got through that curtain. This was it. If it wasn't... it was over. You'd stop searching. You would get on with your life and start anew somewhere else where no one knew you. You would get to finally live. With an empty, withered, always aching heart for the people you grew fond of in such a short time and the ones who have been lost for even longer. Always grieving something that was never found, always mourning what you found, never at peace. But living.
A hand circled around yours, squeezing tight in what could only be reassurance. You knew that squeeze well enough by now. There was no need to second-guess it. Because when you opened your eyes and followed it to the wide, determined shoulder in front of you, you found the man that stood tall beside you all this time. The only person that has been your rock and did everything in his power to help you, even if his first step to you was deceiving. Even if most of what you built together was a lie. The only one who awakened your soul to the brink of both life and death.
The man your heart will always long for.
The curtain was roughly drawn open by a burly guard, rattling to the side of the frame. The hand holding yours fell instantly, the side of his face hardening as he forged ahead into the fire. Smoke hung in the air, the smell of opium pungent and raw in every breath you took in. If you could get a penny for every illegality you've laid eyes on since you entered the place, you would be filthy rich by the time you took three strides in any direction. Because these people made money breathing while others laid their lives on the line to die.
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Thank you for reading :)
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amethystheart2421 · 1 year
Must I break Regulus's heart? 😭
“Sirius, I have to tell him–” Remus started.
Sirius interrupted him, “You absolutely do not have to tell him.”
Remus shook his head. “Look, you don’t have anything to worry about. I’ll tell him it was all me. I’m the one who kissed you. You didn’t do anything wrong, so he won’t have any reason to be mad at you.”
Sirius ran a hand through his hair, “Do you honestly think any of that will matter? He’ll undoubtedly blame me. But that’s not what I’m worried about. Look at him, Remus. Look at how happy he is. Why would you want to ruin that?”
Remus chewed on his lip. “But Amelia says secrets are bad for a relationship. I don’t want to risk waiting and making it worse. Maybe if I tell him now, he’ll understand and we can just put it behind us.”
Sirius gave him his biggest puppydog eyes, pleading with him, “Please, it’s his birthday. Don’t you want him to enjoy his birthday?”
Remus let out a huff of air. He was actually relieved that Sirius didn’t think it was a good idea to tell Regulus. What he didn’t know wasn’t hurting him, afterall. “Yeah, okay. You’re right. Maybe not now. I do want him to be happy.”
Sirius grinned and slapped him on the back. “That’s a good man, Lupin. It’s for the best, trust me.” He let out a relieved breath. “Whoo, alright, let’s get some real music on here, yeah?” He headed to the record player and started thumbing through the albums. Remus watched him and absentmindedly sipped his drink. He should have added another shot of Firewhiskey to it.
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My Heart, My Body, My Soul chapter 10 sneak peek :D
“How are you faring?” Alicent softly asked her.  
Adrian resisted the urge to touch her stomach when a cramp suddenly hit. It hadn't gone unnoticed by her how Alicent sounded earnest as a concerned mother would. “Just feeling the usual pains in my stomach.”
Alicent took a sip of her tea, clearing her throat afterwards. “If the moon blood pains get to be too much, there are other alternative remedies.” Her tone became unsure but she continued speaking. “Several have been suggested to me over the years.”
“What kind of alternative remedies?” Adrian inquired, curious. If only she had done research about periods during medieval times. But no, her knowledge about the menstrual cycle went as far back as the early nineteen twenties.  
Alicent appeared uncomfortable. “There’s several like the burning of a toad and wearing the ashes in a pouch around your waist.”
Adrian gaped at her, in disbelief that had been an actual suggestion. “That won’t be necessary.” She answered after a few seconds of awkward silence.
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ssreeder · 9 months
Hi! Thank you so much for posting the new chapter :) I can’t even put into words how much I love your work. It feels crazy because I have been following liab for over a year now and I think I’ve never been this consistent with anything in my life :D i don’t know if it’s a secret but do you have the next chapters already planned out? And do you know how many chapters this part is going to be? Thank you for you hard work!!
Hiii aww I’m so glad you liked the new chapter! & yeah wow I’ve been writing this fic for like 2 years I think, shiiiit what is time ahhh. Thanks for sticking with me so long <3
I actually have pretty much all the chapter planned out until the battle begins but my problem is I do them by events so it’s like I want this this and this to happen in a chapter but idk how long it’ll take to make that happen but I know what I want to write lol.
(& sometimes the characters don’t LISTEN & I say be nice and make this an easy talk and they’re like no fuck you author I wanna fight right now and the convo takes 1.5k instead of idk 500 words lol. )
I just posted chapter 15 & I’m going to GUESS we are about halfway done. In my mind we are halfway through the last book and that means we have roughly 15 chapter left to go then the epilogue.
I’m pretty good at estimating chapter count but horrible at word count estimation haha.
Thanks for the ask I hope you have an awesome day!!
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drc00l4tt4 · 1 year
Postin this here cause I also asked this on Wattpad (yeah I, have a Wattpad)
If I made a Patron with sneak peeks of stories like Expect the Unexpected n maybe some other stuff with Melvinborg being the main focus (since he's my special interest and has been for a YEAR) but also some other things,
Who would actually pay to see any of that
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kodared · 1 year
Sneak Peek!! I hope to have this chapter done by Wednesday or Thursday!! i hope everyone has had a decent monday :] take some fluff of my favourites<3
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your honor i love them.,,,, also i had to give you guys fluff, ive been nonstop giving u angst oneshots LMFAO
☆ Speaking of Oneshots! I will hopefully begin to chip away at those next week! Please be patient as i do work on WHN and then Oneshots!
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trixibebe · 2 years
Chapters: 1/25 Fandom: 龍が如く | Ryuu ga Gotoku | Yakuza (Video Games) Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Zhao Tianyou/Reader Characters: Zhao Tianyou, Reader, Kasuga Ichiban, Kamataki Eri (Yakuza), Mukouda Saeko, Adachi Koichi, Nanba Yu, Seong-Hui (Yakuza), Han Joon-gi | Kim Yeonsu (Yakuza 7), Majima Goro Additional Tags: Explicit Language, Alcohol, Smut, Reader-Insert, Canon-Typical Violence, Anxiety, some abandonment issues, some trust issues, Fluff, bit of angst, Smoking, foreign reader, not really a slow burn but it takes time to get there, Past Majima Goro/Reader, Romance
You reluctantly moved to Isezaki Ijincho five years ago when you learned that your partner, Goro Majima was murdered. The initial devastation faded over time but you could never quite let go. You were left with unanswered questions but a faithful encounter with Ichiban Kasuga promised the key to some clarification on the circumstances of your past lover’s death. Tagging along with him on his quest you didn’t expect to fall so fast for the leader of the Yokohama Liumang. How will you handle all the feelings that keep on coming crashing down on you?
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