#chaser aemond targaryen
wh0lemilk0vich · 1 year
Fat boy Aeg, Aemond and his nephews egging him to eat more during feasts, watching him groan and grow full and binge some more in his room only to bully him and edge him on. Maybe even some aftercare ?
I got really into this, I hope you like!
CW: Targaryen typical relationships, wg, incest, bullying, force feeding
Ok but what if Alicent specifically keeps an eye on him during the day and at feasts. He gets drunk, but he doesn't really overeat or anything, but he's not losing any weight, and might just be getting fatter. She just doesn't know how it's happening, so she enlists Aemond to figure it out.
If the cousin-nephews are included, then maybe the family has a tenuous peace going and there's an attempt on all their parts to get back to how they were as kids growing up (hard for Aemond one eye, but he's ready to turn on them at the drop of a hat)
Aemond stakes out the kitchens expecting to find his pig of an older brother there, ready to reveal his secret, only to find Jace there gathering up an absurd amount of food on a massive pewter platter.
So he follows, keeping a distance and staying in the shadows only to find his suspicions confirmed, Jace is making a beeline for the crown prince's chambers, checking over his shoulder before going in. Aemond is grinning like a mad man, just thinking, "oh. This is going to be fun 😈."
So Aemond bursts into the room after a bit to find Jace feeding and simping for Aegon who's being an absolute fat little brat. They freeze when they see Aemond who's like "Oh no, please, don't stop on my account. You must be hungry, bother. Come now, Lord Strong we can't let our liege lord starve. Feed him." Jace looks to Aegon for like an ok to continue, and slowly holds a honey cake up to his mouth. "No, no, no, that won't do. I said to fucking feed him."
Aemond tears the platter of food from Jace and pins aegon who's drunk on food and wine before he can try to get away, and pushing the food into into his mouth, relishing the feeling of Aegon giving in, getting to penetrate his hot wet mouth with his fingers. He feeds him the whole personal feast, until he's dazed, overfed, whimpering and hard as nails.
He catches Jace trying to sneak away out of the corner of his good eye, "And where the fuck do you think you're going?" Able to quickly run him down and drag him back the scruff of his collar to the bed with his brother.
"So you're the one who's been fattening up this greedy little piglet, eh? What's in it for you, then?" Sees how hard Jace is in his breeches. "Oh I think I know what you've been getting out of this." He pushes Jace to the bed, then man-handles his brother into a nelson hold, heavy and barely fighting back, just struggling weakly. He gropes Aegon's tit with his free hand, shakes his belly, causing his whole body to wobble.
"Still titillated by a fat pair of tits, are you? Doesn't matter who they're on. I mean I don't blame you, my brother has breasts ample enough to make the Maiden blush. Has a belly practically begging to be filled with pups, has the hips for it..." Lifts his belly slightly, "and with the way his fat little prick is getting swallowed up by this softness, I mean he's close enough to a girl anyway, isn't he, dear nephew?"
He shoves Aegon on top of Jace, the former trying to get onto his hands and knees, but Aemond just shoves him back down to sandwich him on top of their nephew-cousin, tits smothering his face.
"You must have your reward, Lord Strong, for taking such good care of my brother. Go ahead, his udders are begging for it, besides I'm curious to see whether he's producing milk at this point. Though I wouldn't be surprised if he only produced cream, given the size of him."
Then Aemond undoes the front of his breeches and fucks Aegon on top of Jace, luxuriating in the clap of his brother's fat ass cheeks against his trim waist, marveling at how he's nearly twice his width. And Jace, unable to control himself and with nowhere else to put his face, motorboats Aegon's tits and sucks them, while latching around him and humping feverishly against his gut.
Aemond gives Aegon's plush flank a pat when he's finally finished and rolls him off of the panting gasping Jace. "I expect we shall see much more of each other, Nephew, and especially you, brother. I don't typically like to share, but I suppose I'll make an exception this time...I'll have one of the more discreet servants run us a bath. You might join me when you've caught your breath."
(I know it's not exactly aftercare, but it's recognizing that the "scene" is done. In my mind the subs are embarrassed but they still really like it, so they're not super prone to sub drop because like the attraction and affection is there even if it's buried in teasing)
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superprincesspea · 5 months
Courted By the Dragon - Masterlist
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Aemond Targaryen is both the cause and witness to the greatest humiliation of your life. You would rather die than see him again. Yet summer at court and the precipice of civil war have other ideas.
Chapter 1 - Spring
Chapter 2 - A Court of Sharks and Dances
Chapter 3 - Secret Admirer
Chapter 4 - Solitude
Chapter 5 - Cyvasse
Chapter 6 - Total Annihilation
Chapter 7 - Crumbs
Chapter 8 - Dance of the Dragon
Chapter 9 - Favour
Chapter 10- Gallantry and Bravery
Chapter 11 - Remedy
Chapter 12 - Storm Chaser
Chapter 13 - Issa Jorrāelagon
Chapter 14 - Secrets and Sapphires
Chapter 15 - Forfeit
Chapter 16 - Uncle
Chapter 17 - Coming Soon
Aesthetic 1
Also available on AO3
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multific · 1 year
A Little Life
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Aemond Targaryen x Fem!Reader
Words: 2.1K
Warnings: mentions of giving birth in impossible conditions, blood and violance
Summary: It was only meant to be a small visit. Your husband separated from you for his important meeting while you headed to meet the other ladies, however what you found is bloodshed and you needed to act fast.
The birth of your baby is something you wanted to be as good as it possibly can even with all the pain.
You wanted to have your husband there, and many midwives to make sure your baby is safe coming into this world.
And yet, there you were.
Running in the woods like a rabbit running from wolves.
And your wolves were worse.
People who hated your husband and his family, swore to hurt your husband in a way they thought would be the worse, to take away the two things he loved the most.
His wife and his child.
Their plan was well thought out, but they never expected you to be able to run so well while in labour.
You heard them follow you, you could hear them stepping on branches, their swords clanking against surfaces. You had to run, at least until Aemond would realize something was off and would go find you.
You never stopped not even when the pain started to become unbearable. You knew you couldn't if they find you while you are giving birth, they would slay you and if they find you after, the cries of your little one will alarm them.
"Just a little more please, My Little Dragon." you said as you placed your hand on top of your belly, but of course, the little one living inside had other ideas, stubborn as their Father.
You had to stop, just for a moment, to take a breath and think.
Leaning against a tree, you stayed still and quiet, you didn't hear anyone. You saw in front of you that the woods nearly ended and now open land, which would allow your chasers to see you, so you really needed now Aemond to come and find you.
You were sure you lost the men behind you when the rain began. No noise came, hopefully, they left and thought the wolves would take care of you.
The rain was unforgiving, the thunder was loud, it hid your groans of pain.
"I need-" you needed a place, a house, a cave, something to prepare yourself. You ignored now for hours that your baby so desperately wanted to get out, you couldn't any longer.
You needed to take a deep breath and hoped your body would know what it needed to do.
You hoped your instincts would be able to take over and guide you through it all.
But of course, it wasn't that easy. And the rain only made things worse.
Then you spotted a small cave entrance. Just what you needed. A tiny little shelter. Just what you needed as the thunder kept rolling.
You let out many many long breaths and took deep ones in.
How were you going to do this was beyond you, but you knew you had to.
Somehow, because you really needed to push now.
"I'll be there holding your hand when you give birth. There is no need to worry Sweetheart."
"I'm terrified Aemond. I told you fear I'm not going to be a good mother." he leaned closer to you, pulling you into his arms.
"You will be the best. I know it from the way you take care of my sister's children. I promise, I will be there for you through it all." he placed a kiss to your shoulder.
You groaned out in pain, the rain never stopping as your struggles continued.
Why did you start to remember all his promises now? Promises he couldn't keep.
You took another breath and pushed.
"They are kicking." you announced as he entered your chambers.
He rushed over to you, placing his hand on your belly, waiting but nothing.
"You could try and talk to them. Maybe that will encourage the Little One." you said when you saw the sad expression on your husband's face.
Memories from your marriage filled your mind as it coped with the pain you were going through.
You never failed to push or to make sure you were going along nicely.
"You shouldn't go alone. You are ready to give birth at any moment now, My Love, you should stay home at all times."
"It is only a meeting with your sister, I will be fine."
"I shall go after you once my Uncle's meeting is over." the way he kissed you before you left, how breathless it left you could still feel on your lips.
After his important meeting, he went and found you with his sister, softly talking about children, he could hear you asked for advice from her about the babies.
"I don't want any of that. I wish to do as much as I can, no need for a maid to be there and care for my child. I am their mother, I want to care for them."
"If you want to do it all, there will be moments when it will be extremely difficult."
"I am aware. I wouldn't have want a child if I wasn't already aware of that. Aemond will be by my side to help."
"My brother will be a good father, without a doubt but men... after the third night of my twins crying without end... men can get impatient."
"Then he shouldn't have found himself between my legs if he doesn't want to deal with the consequences. Babies have two parents."
"I envy your determination and fire, Y/N." Aemond smirked, just how much did he love you, it was beyond words.
And this all leads to your final push.
Suddenly you were grateful you had so many questions towards the midwife when you and Aemond met her a couple of months ago.
You briefly knew what you needed to do. You needed to make sure the baby was breathing, and they wouldn't get cold.
So, you sacrificed some of your layers of dress to put around the little one.
As the baby cried, you were happy that they were breathing, wrapped safely in your arms in your clothes. As the rain stopped.
"Little Dragon, no need to yell. You are here, safe." you pulled them to your chest and finally let out a sigh. You were beyond exhausted, you were sure you'd faint if it wasn't for the fact that you knew you needed to protect your child.
You even forgot to check if you had a son or a daughter you were so occupied with your safety.
And as the sun began to set, you were ready for the night.
"I really wish your father could finally find us." you said as you looked down at your child, their big round blue eyes staring at you. "Hi. I'm your mother." as they put their hand out you let them grab your finger. You slightly covered their left eye, nodding. "Yup, you definitely look like Aemond." They yawned and you moved them a little closer to your chest. "We will be fine." you told more to yourself. As you moved the baby, you finally checked them over. They looked healthy.
A healthy little boy.
You knew you couldn't afford to dose off. You debated what you should do. Wait for someone to find you or slowly head back.
You really didn't feel like walking, your legs were a mess and if something or someone was to come after you, you were sure you couldn't run again.
"SWEETHEART." a yell came over the woods, you barely heard it, then the undeniable sound of a dragon.
A dragon you knew well.
"MY LOVE." the voice was now a lot clearer. And louder.
"Aemond? HERE." of course, you yelling woke up your boy as you slowly stood up. Very slowly on extremely wobbly legs, you walked were the noise from a dragon could be heard. You saw Vhagar before you saw your husband.
"Aemond." you said as you fell to your knees. You heard people moving over to you.
"Y/N." you saw your husband walk to you as he too fell to his knees and took the bundle from you. You softly smiled.
"Congratulations. It's a boy." you said before fainting from exhaustion.
The next time you woke up you were in your own bed. You could see your son was placed right next to you, sleeping soundly on his belly as the candlelight illuminated him, you had a look.
He was beautiful, his silver hair already showing and you were jealous. You were jealous that this was your child you had to give birth to in the woods while also running from a group of very angry men. And he dared to look more like his father.
"My Love." you looked at the door and placed a finger on your lips, letting Aemond know to stay quiet.
"He's asleep."
"I see. I found who dared to do this... I found them all and I can confirm they have been dealt with. But you did such an amazing job. You ran, you hid and you even gave birth... My Love, you are amazing, and I'm truly thankful." he moved to sit next to your legs.
"I'm still very tired." you said as he lifted your hand and placed a kiss on your palm.
"Of course, I'll hand him to the maids and you can-"
"No!" you said so suddenly and a little too loudly, it stirred him up a little but he did settle when you placed a hand on his back. "You can't take him from me."
"Okay, he will stay." the instincts of a protective mother were like a dragon and Aemond wished not to fight with an angry dragon.
"You stay too." you grabbed his hand and he didn't move.
"I shall stay." he watched as you slowly lifted the baby and placed him on your chest, you moved to the other side of the bed slightly and waited for Aemond to join you.
When he removed his jacket you motioned for his undershirt.
"Take that off too." he gave you a look but did as he was told.
When he moved to lay on the bed you slowly moved your son to his chest. Aemond went stiff.
"You held him before right?"
"Yes, but..."
"Babes like skin to skin contact. To hear your heartbeat. He will sleep better if you hold him there." you said as you moved to the other side of his chest. Placing your head on his chest as you watched your son sleep soundly on the other side. "He's special. I can tell."
"Of course he is. He is our son after all. But you are much more special My Love, giving birth in those conditions to such a healthy and strong boy... on your own. You are much stronger than I thought you were." he said, his voice laced with just how proud he was. He had one arm around you while in the other he held his son.
“I did what every mother would, protected what’s precious. He looks like you, I went through all that and he looks like you.”
“Then he will behave like you.”
“So help the kingdoms.” this made Aemond chuckle but he placed a kiss on your forehead.
"Have you thought of a name yet?" you asked as you slowly were falling asleep.
"We will think of one when you wake. Sleep for now, My Love."
You didn't need to be told twice, knowing your baby was in secure hands, you quickly and comfortably fell asleep.
Aemond took a moment to fully look at his family.
When he arrived back only to find people dead and you gone, he was ready to burn the entire place down not only the castle. Every woman had been killed, and you were nowhere to be found, he thought of the worse. Then someone mentioned they saw you run into the woods with a group of very angry men following you. He jumped on Vhagar and headed after you, but it was hard to see due to the dense woods and the rain also didn't help. Aemond swore if anything happened to you or your child he would surely burn this place to the ground.
But then he found you, only in your underlayer while something was wrapped in your clothes, and he realized, you not only ran but you also gave birth.
As soon as you handed him the bundle, you fainted and he had to bring you back.
But now, everything had been dealt with, you were home, you were safe.
Aemond knew if anything happened to any of you, he would have gone mad.
Thankfully that never came to be.
He had you safely in his arms and his son in the other. He could finally breathe, although he knew his job as a father only began, he knew he would be able to do everything and more with you by his side.
Taglist: imreadinggoaway @fleursirvart​​ @v-2bucky ehsebastiancrunch-time-sports  @pxstelrainbow ablogbypeteparker liamssmilersmexylemony @greenarrowhead feelingsareharddd @thisismysecrethappyplace @sincerelyfan @theoneanna @aestheticsandmarvel @rororo06 @castellandiangelo @avengers-r-us @destynelseclipsa   @spilledinkindumpster celebsimagine @capsiclesdoll snoopy3000 @firstangeldragonranch @puknow @crazzyter  @alwayshave-faith @soleil-dor @alex12948 scream-kiwi79  @lxdyred  @imagines-by-a-typical-fangirl​ @liveforkarljacobs @anonymoussherlockandmarvelgeek​​ @paola-carter​​ @stunkbiggu
A/N: I am yet to watch the Series so this is not accurate to the plot, but Aemond inspired me to write, so here it is. Hope you all liked it!
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flowerandblood · 11 months
Green Snake, Red Lion (7)
[Slytherin • Aemond x Gryffindor • female]
[warnings: sex content, smut, angst, fluff]
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[description: Aemond is a Chaser and captain of the Slytherin team. His biggest rival on the pitch from the Gryffindor team, turned to be his biggest fan, and he hates her with all of his heart. His hatred towards her slowly turns into something else, when she one day stands up for his sister, Helaena. This is slow burn love story.]
* English is not my first language. Please, do not repost. Enjoy! *
Previous and next chapters: Masterlist
The news that Targaryen and Solren are together spread around the school like a storm. Not only were they rivals on the pitch, but their homes also fought against each other, so their relationship seemed spicy, incorrigible, and romantic all at once. His teammates did not let him live.
"Have you fucked her already?" Darec asked, but Aemond gave him a warning look.
"It's none of your fucking business." He hissed as he changed into his Quidditch outfit with the other teammates. They were going to fight Gryffindor and Aemond was wondering what tactics to take.
He had a soft spot for her, but he didn't want to let her win. He was going to win the cup for the second year in a row.
“Are you going to give her a head start now just because you two are together?” One of the Chasers asked, looking at him with a raised eyebrow. Aemond sighed heavily, impatiently.
"No. I'm in a relationship with her not under the Imperius spell, for fuck sake!" He growled, enraged, grabbing his broom and heading onto the pitch first.
Both teams lined up in front of each other, all around them was the uproar and screams of fans from both houses. Mrs. Hooch looked at them, taking the whistle in her hand.
"I want it to be a nice and clean game. Do you hear me, Aegon?" She asked, but he only yawned, nodding his head.
Mrs Hooch whistled as she unleashed the Golden Snitch, and the players took off, plunging into the air.
Aemond grabbed the Quaffle first, but Solren was immediately behind him, trying to knock it out of his hand. He pushed her away with his elbow and heard her soft hiss. He swung and tossed the Quaffle through the hoop, scoring a point for his team.
Solren did not give up. In the next action, she and Jess were tossing the quaffle between themselves. Aemond tried to catch up with her, but she was too fast, spun 360 degrees on her broom and threw the Quaffle through the hoop, the Gryffindor fans roared with delight.
Aemond thought with satisfaction that the fight between their teams was finally even again, full of emotion, his heart racing with adrenaline. Watching her fly through the air, chasing her, he felt great.
He thought how amazing it would be if they were on the same team, together. He thought that with her agility and his strength combined with his accuracy, they would be invincible.
It seemed like both of them wanted to prove to everyone that their relationship had no effect on their game and they were even more ruthless towards each other than before.
Aemond knew that he must have bruised her at least a few times already, but he thought with delight that he would kiss them all one by one after match once they were alone.
Aemond grinned with savage satisfaction as their Seeker caught the Snitch. The number of points was enough for them to win and the match ended.
Everyone landed back on the pitch, the Slytherins screaming and clapping in delight. Aemond jumped off his broom, panting heavily, looking over at Sorlen to see if he had mauled her badly.
She was clutching a rib, speaking quickly to Cregan, laughing, apparently underestimating her injuries as usual. He pursed his lips into a thin line as Cregan placed his hand on the back of her head and kissed her forehead.
He didn't like it. He didn't like it at all.
Solren walked away talking to Jess, and Aemond approached Cregan who gave him a surprised look. He saw Solren look at them, waving at him, smiling, undaunted by defeat, obviously happy to be able to play again.
Aemond extended his hand to Cregan.
"It was a good match." He spoke low, soft, indifferent.
Cregan nodded and shook his hand, though they had never done it before. Aemond suddenly pulled him against him in one, sure motion, so that the man crashed into him, Aemond's mouth against his ear.
"Touch her again and I swear that next time I'll accidentally hit you with a Quaffle right in your fucking, dumb face." He hissed, letting go of him, Stark just gave him a horrified and shocked look.
Aemond didn't let him answer, heading towards the Solren who was smiling at him, not hearing the second sentence that he had spoken to her team captain.
He exhaled softly, cupping her cheeks in his hands, her face soft and radiant, strands of her hair partly sticking to her sweaty skin, glistening in the sun. He pressed his forehead against hers, hot himself, wanting only to step into the cold shower. He pursed his lips at the thought.
“Everything okay? How are your ribs?” He asked gently, stroking her skin with his thumb. She smiled tenderly at his words, warmth and feeling in her eyes that made him even hotter.
“I'll probably be sore tomorrow, but I'll survive. I'm glad I could play with you again, you're amazing." She said lightly and cheerfully.
He was surprised to feel a tightness in his pants at her words. He ran the tip of his nose over hers, ignoring the fact that their teammates glanced at them once in a while.
"Me too. You fought bravely, little lioness." He hummed, barely stopping himself from leaning in and kissing her.
For a week they had practically no opportunity for any privacy. They stayed in separate rooms on either side of the castle, neither Solren nor he were allowed to visit each other in their common rooms.
They met sometimes in the library or the Great Hall, but they were always in plain sight and among people, so Aemond allowed himself nothing more than to touch her cheek or hand when he spoke to her.
Several times he managed to drag her into an unfrequented area of the corridor and before she could say anything, he was pressing into her soft lips, thirsty, kissing her hungrily, his hands clasping her body, allowing his hand to slip under her skirt and squeeze her soft buttock. She mewled then into his mouth, driving him crazy, tangling her fingers in his hair.
He kissed her neck, leaving marks on her skin, listening to her soft, delicious sighs, his hard manhood pressing against her belly, letting her feel how much he wanted her.
After such moments he felt wonderful, full of energy and warmth that spread over his heart, but he felt also tension that was unbearable. He often whispered in her ear that he was touching himself every night as they stood together waiting for Potions class. She then turned all red, looking at him with her big eyes, filled with hot feeling.
Solren never begged him for his attention. She didn't ask him to take her on a date, to buy her anything, to hold her hand as they sometimes walked side by side down the hall. He knew that his presence was enough for her, and it made him want to talk to her as often as possible. Often in the afternoons, after classes, they would lie on the common under a tree, studying.
He would then lay his head on her soft thighs, pressing his cheek against her warm skin, and she would patiently and gently stroke his long, white hair.
He loved it when she did that.
It relaxed him completely and sent pleasant shivers down his neck and back. Most of the time, to her amusement, he would just fall asleep and she wouldn't wake him up until her legs started to ache and she had to change position.
Looking at her, though, he couldn't stop thinking about what they'd done while she'd been with him over the Christmas break. That he had taken her for the first time, felt the warmth of her insides and had experienced great pleasure with her. When he remembered that, looking at her face as she spoke to him, he had to turn away feeling his cock harden instantly.
He wanted to do it with her again. To feel her, to hear her moans, to kiss her soft skin, to watch her overwhelmed with pleasure, just for him. He had for long planned to drag her to the Slytherin tent after their match together, and he was going to put that plan into action. He had been hard at the thought all day and felt himself on the brink of despair.
“I need to get some things from the tent after my teammates leave. Will you take a shower and come to help me?" He asked softly, pretending to be talking about something perfectly normal. Solren, apparently not expecting anything, nodded eagerly. Aemond moved away from her and allowed her to join the retreating team, throwing one more warning glance over his shoulder at Stark.
His team joyfully celebrated the victory. Darec slapped him on the back as he pulled off his pads, wrapping his arm around his neck.
"You beat your girlfriend pretty bad to win today, Captain." He said loudly, his buddies whistled and clapped, apparently pleased that their team leader hadn't completely softened for the woman, still remaining as brutal on the pitch. Aemond just grunted at his words and went to the shower.
When he left only a few of his friends were still inside. They told him they were waiting for him, but he only replied that he still wanted to do a few more things and collect their gym clothes for the laundry.
He sighed heavily, as he saw out of the corner of his eye that they had finally left, their voices fading farther and farther away. He felt his heart pounding. He thought that he had never been so desperate in his life as he was now, when he wanted to touch her so much.
After a while, he heard the rustle of fabric and Solren came inside. He saw that her hair was still slightly wet. She changed into her pencil skirt, long socks and a nice, white long-sleeved shirt with buttons. She smiled widely at him, approaching him with energy. Only now did he see how big the limo was on the part of her skin not covered by her socks. She asked him how to help him.
Aemond walked over to her, staring at her with a stony face, and picked her up suddenly, setting her down on a large, wooden table. She squealed softly, pressing her lips together, blushing all over as he took her hand in his and pressed it against his manhood, throbbing beneath his tracksuits.
"I'd like you to help me with this. I can't take it any longer." He whispered, looking down at her, watching with satisfaction as her face turned crimson, her gaze darting to the sides. He cupped her cheeks with his free hand and lifted her face gently, forcing her to look at him.
"So how will it be? Hmm? Will you help me?" He asked, and she nodded, unable to utter a word.
He smiled at the sight, sighing softly. He placed his other hand on her thigh, sliding the fabric of her socks down a bit, revealing a large, increasingly purple bruise that he knew was the result of one of their collisions.
He leaned over her and began to place soft, subtle, wet kisses on her red, swollen skin that sent shivers down her spine. He heard her take a deep breath, her hand automatically running through his hair. He thought with delight that it was already a natural gesture for her, and she performed it unconsciously every time he was close to her body.
"Do you have more of these memorabilia from our battle in the heavens?" He hummed, lifting his head, his hands going to the buttons of his shirt which he began to slowly undo.
He heard her swallow deeply. She wasn't wearing a bra underneath, but she didn't stop him as he parted her shirt sideways, revealing her firm, soft breasts.
"− Aemond −" She sputtered, her hands tightening on his shoulders, his gaze fixed on her chest, her lovely breasts and the large bruise under her ribs.
He leaned in again, kissing her there, then began to float higher and higher. A sweet, helpless moan escaped her lips as his mouth gripped her breasts, the tip of his tongue teasing her nipple, licking it.
He grunted in satisfaction as her hands tightened in his hair, pressing him closer, wanting to feel him more. His free hand gripped her other breast, kneading it lightly, his thumb playing and pressing against her nipple, making her spread her hips in front of him, starting to rub against him. He released her breasts from his lips with a loud, wet click.
"Feels good? I can take care of you like this after each of my matches. Would you like that?” He purred, his thumb still squeezing and teasing her nipple, her mouth parted in pleasure, her eyes clouded, staring hotly at him. She pursed her lips and swallowed hard, unable to get anything out.
"− yes − ah − please, take care of me −" She mumbled.
He groaned in satisfaction at her words, seeing how she reacted to him. He leaned over her, sliding his tongue between her swollen lips, his hand starting to move down to the fabric of her panties. She moaned loudly as he simply ripped them off her, dropping the tattered fabric to the grass beneath them.
"− oh no! − Aemond, what are you −" She didn't finish, his mouth muffled by the loud sounds coming from her throat as his fingers began to trace her wet, hot womanhood. His middle finger teased her clit once in a while, her body shaking hard every time he did it. They both gasped and moaned alternately, writhing under each other.
"You won't need them anymore. You have a skirt, right? No one will look under it but me, am I wrong?” He hummed between sticky, dirty kisses, breaking away from her with each word with a wet click of their shared saliva. She just mewled at his words, her hips moving rhythmically towards his hand, her fingers tightening in his hair and neck.
"Not even fucking Cregan Stark." He hissed, infuriated by his gesture, that he allowed himself to touch her in such an intimate and private way, reserved only for him. Solren inhaled sharply, breaking away from him for a moment, looking at him imploringly.
"− I-I have no idea, what got into him today −" She stammered, but he closed her mouth with his again, not wanting to hear about him, not now, not with him, touching her like this, when he knew that he was about to fuck her.
"I warned him what would happen to him if he did it again." He murmured between their kisses, licking the tip of her tongue with his. She moaned softly, pressing his face tighter to hers, her bare breasts pressed against his shirt.
He felt that he couldn't take it any longer, so he reached into the fabric of his pants and pulled them down enough to release his swollen, throbbing manhood, sticky with his pre-cum. He took her cheek in his hand, her face and lips red with desire and embarrassment.
"− what if − if someone comes in here? −" She whispered, breathing heavily, scared and excited at the same time, her exposed breasts rising and falling restlessly.
"Then we tell him to leave." He grunted, his eye dark with lust. His large hands gripped her hips and pulled her to him, his cock sliding over her sticky juices, getting wet all over.
He pressed his forehead against hers, her hands clasped around his neck for support, both of them panting, staring at each other with eyes clouded with desire. He grabbed his cock in his hand and guided it to her entrance, starting to push against her.
"− Aemond − oh, God −" She mumbled and threw her head back as he slid a little inside her, pushing her insides to the limit, throbbing all over. She already knew what to expect, so she wasn't so scared. They both moaned loudly as he pushed deeper into her, panting heavily.
"Does it hurt?" He asked helplessly, low, his chest heaving uneasily, his gaze an unspoken plea for fulfillment. Solren swallowed loudly, mesmerized by the sight, trembling all over.
"− n-no, don't stop −" She whispered and moaned loudly as she felt him enter her fully. He couldn't help himself and began to move slowly inside her, her fleshy, wet, hot walls pressing against him from all sides, enhancing his sensation.
"− Oh, God − yes − baby, I need this so fucking much −" He panted, moving lazily inside her with deep, intense movements, filling her to the full each time. He saw with satisfaction that her nipples became all hard with desire.
She moaned softly each time his cock brushed against her lovely spot. She leaned back, placing her hands behind her, changing the angle slightly so that her sensations were more intense. She closed her eyes, surprised at the amount of pleasure she felt every time he slipped inside her her again.
"− Aemond − it feels so good −" She mewled, moaning sweetly.
Her voice, her insides, her breasts, her blissful face made him suppress a low groan that wanted to escape from his throat and set a faster pace, his thrusts quicker and surer, making her walls tighten on him steadily. They both gasped and moaned, surrounded by the loud, wet slaps of their bodies as he fucked her harder and harder, unable to hold back any longer.
"− I've been thinking about − fuck − about this for weeks −" He panted heavily, barely able to get the words out his throat because of how quickly and aggressively he fucked her. He was watching spellbound as his cock flashed in and out again inside her, stretching her entrance to the limit. "− about your tight, hot pussy − so fucking perfect for me −"
She moaned helplessly at his words, her hips responding greedily to his every thrust. She felt their bodies all sticky with her juices, felt his thighs hitting her buttocks with all his might, with a wet, dirty slap, making them go through her thrills of pleasure. Her lips parted sweetly, looking at him dreamily.
"− me too − I've been thinking about it too − about you, so deep inside of me −" She mumbled, panting heavily with him, closer and closer to her fulfillment. She heard his low moan of delight at her words, his fingers tightening on the skin of her buttocks, thrusting his cock so deep inside her that she sobbed every time his tip hit the top of her core.
"Color?" He hissed, feeling that just a moment, another second, and he would come. He could feel the sweat running down his back as he slid inside her again and again, so loudly, quickly and brutally, her legs spread before him so shamelessly that he himself was ashamed of the lewdness of the act.
"− green − ah − Aemond, please −" She sobbed in agony of pleasure, leaning back more. He stared in disbelief at how wonderful she looked, her hair plastered to her face, her eyes pressed shut, her mouth parted in ecstasy and desire, all swollen. He clenched his teeth feeling, that he was about to experience the much-needed relief.
"− I − oh, fuck, baby − I'm gonna cum −" He stammered heavily, barely getting the words out, feeling the tension building up in his belly, his thrusts sloppy and uncontrollable. She moaned loudly at his words, swallowing, placing one of her hands on the material of his shirt, her fingers tightening on it.
"− I − please, Aemond, cum inside me −" She sobbed pleadingly, and he looked at her, shocked, panting heavily.
He gripped her waist with one hand, lifting her higher, so that their foreheads touched, his tongue forcing its way into her mouth, muffling their shared moans, fucking her fast and aggressively. He felt her body suddenly tense, a loud, muffled moan escaped her throat, as she fell a few more times on his cock, her walls pressing against him in a strong, long orgasm.
He pulled away from her, pressing his nose against her cheek, panting helplessly.
"− I-I can't, baby − fuck, I can't − I, oh God −" He spluttered and slid out of her quickly, clutching his cock in his hand for a moment longer and he came, his cum squirting onto the grass below them.
He moaned heavily with pleasure, wonderful heat and relief spilling over his body in waves. He sighed loudly, resting his forehead against her shoulder, breathing uneasily. They were both trembling, her hand timidly stroking his hair.
"I… I'm sorry" She whispered, embarrassed. Aemond lifted his head, looking at her incomprehension, not knowing what she was apologizing for, still completely stunned by his glorious orgasm. "For what I said at the end. It was unwise.”
Aemond pursed his lips at her words and swallowed hard. He stroked her hip with his hand, massaging it soothingly.
"I want that too. But I want to be responsible." He said in a slightly trembling voice, and she nodded, lowering her gaze. He lifted her chin gently, forcing her to look at him.
"If … if you want it … there is a way." He said softly. Solren blinked, listening to him silently.
"At Hogsmeade's Herbs you can buy a potion that, when drunk by a woman before, will make you… you know." He whispered, pressing his lips together in embarrassment. His throat tightened as she blinked at him questioningly.
"How… how do you know such things?" She asked quietly.
He looked down, not knowing what to say. He didn't want to tell her the truth. The fact that some of his Slytherin female friends used it, including those with whom he had one-off adventures.
She saw the answer in his expression and looked down, sad. He stroked her cheek with his thumb, feeling his heart clench at the sight.
"Hey… hey, look at me, little one." He whispered softly, as he saw tears welling up in her eyes. She did as he asked, her lips quivering slightly. He took a few stray strands of her hair and tucked them behind her ear, running his fingers along the back of her neck. He felt a shiver run through her. He pursed his lips.
“I have my past and I'm not entirely proud of it. But what's between us is different… − I − fuck − I only want you. I am yours."
Aemond Taglist:
(bold means I couldn't tag you)
@its-actually-minicika @notnormalthings-blog @nikstrange @zenka69 @bellaisasleep @k-y-r-a-1 @g-cf2020 @melsunshine @opheliaas-stuff @chainsawsangel @iiamthehybrid @tinykryptonitewerewolf @namoreno @malfoytargaryen @qyburnsghost @aemondsdelight @persephonerinyes @fan-goddess @sweethoneyblossom1 @watercolorskyy @astral-blossoms @randomdragonfires @amirawritespoorly @apollonshootafar @padfooteyes @darylandbethfanforever9 @fudge13 @snh96 @diosademuerte @rwdkarla @echos-muses @slainey @letmeloveyouuuu
Others: @fangirlninja67 @helaenaluvr @queenofshinigamis @scmdsblog @talesofoldandnew @godrakin @nina2697 @saminalloxo
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crownedtargaryen · 1 year
RIBS : Aemond x Reader x Lucerys Ch. 1 - Newcomer
A/N: This story is in the same universe as ABOUT YOU! Jacerys X Reader written by @tmbm123 PLEASE read their story, it's magnificent and I'm obsessed. Thank you for granting me the opportunity to write this story in the same timeline as your story.
I haven't read all the books in forever, so please keep in mind it will not stick to the books. I do not feel like re-reading the entire series. Also, considering Lucerys dies I will have to improv the plot. Thank you!
Word Count: 1857
Type: Semi-Slowburn (romantics will start early but things will happen to tear them apart)
Pronouns: she/her
Age: 18, Lucerys is aged up to around 18-19 as are the other boys.
MASTERLIST ( < this has more parts that can be found here!)
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Chapter One
It wasn't uncommon to have political inquiries here in Storm's End, though due to the lack of anchoring ground on our farthest walls, no one showed up. Usually it was by letter, a messenger, so it was a shock to see a visitor in person. A shorter man, fluffy black hair that curved around his rounded face, doe-like eyes with a sincerity in his soul. Though, another had come before him for alliance. 
Aemond Targaryen, the younger brother of Lord Aegon, a tall man with a stern and face colder than Winterfell itself. His one-eyed gaze gives him a mysterious aura, making you almost recoil at the mere thought of contact. 
My father was Lord Borros Baratheon, his tongue as sharp as his sword. He made a good ruler, not as much a well-rounded father. My stomach churned as I peered around the corner, pressing my figure against the cold stone of the kingdom's walls. Biting my tongue and shooting my three sisters a glare as they shuffle anxiously. The idea of any offerings unsettled us; these men may bring our father land, and we were knowing of the fact we would be the trading prize.
The echo of the dim haired man's shoes filled the room, immediate tension growing in the air as the more unapproachable dragon rider gazed at his dear nephew. I felt sick, something wasn't right. Slowly, I leaned in, and peered into the throne room, growing curiosity tingling in my chest. 
"Lucerys Velaryon," Borros said in a dissatisfied tongue, his fake smile only adding to the crushing tension in the room. "To what do I owe this visit. I was just discussing you with Prince Aemond."
I watched the boy shrink slightly, clumsily, taking out a scrolled piece of paper. He went to open it, but father stopped him with a clear of his throat. Lucerys' eyes widened, swallowing hard and speaking up.
"My mother has sent me in regards to Storm's End's loyalty towards the Iron Throne, your pledged allegiance to her," He said, eyes trailing to Aemond. Lucerys puffed his chest slightly, trying to seem bigger than his fellow blood, who merely glared daggers at the smaller. He was here to pledge alligence to Aegon; now someone else was here to pledge my home to their side of this war.
Father sent a nearby messenger to retrieve the letter. I watched as they grabbed it, making their way back and whispering the contents of the page. Borros laughed softly, raising a brow at Lucerys.
"Aemond has blessed his hand for alliance with my kingdom. What do you bring, Lucerys Velaryon?" He growled, Borros' tongue like poison as he spoke the boy's name. I quickly looked to the man in question, who shuffled and glanced around. He swallowed hard, biting his lip and inhaling shakily. I felt bad for him; father was quite the pressuring soul.
"I too offer my hand. As the second rightful heir to the Iron Throne, after my brother Jacerys Velaryon, I will ensure your daughter is kept in good hands and bears strong children whomst will inherit the throne as dragon riders and storm chasers," he says with faltering confidence. My eyes widen, a panicked chattering from my sisters behind me. Swiftly, I shush them. When I thought he was done, he continued. "My father in marriage, Daemon Targaryen, is one of the best dragon riders to walk these grounds. I will make it be fully ensured your army will learn to become dragon riders in the moons to come, and we will secure our victory before the war had begun." 
I watched my father's face grow from amusement to consideration. A loud thundering boom echoed through the castle from the outside, informing us that the gods had sent more negative weather upon us. Aemond seemed to grow anxious, gripping at his tunic with a heavy huff of breath.
"I will consider both offers," he spoke carefully, making sure to articulate every word. "We will host a feast for the arrival of the princes as the storm clears. Your dragon's needs will be tended to for the times being. Any protests, speak now. You are free to flee Storm's End at any moment, but you cannot come back with your tail between your legs." He spits out the last sentence with disgust, signaling for the two to be taken from his sight.
My sisters scramble as the women lead the related to their appointed rooms; Aemond growing angrier with the woman by the second, his angered yells echoing through the corridors. 
I catch the gaze of the anxious boy, a small twinkle growing in his gaze when he spots me. I smile gingerly at him, to which he returns gratefully. That must be the kindest action he'd been gifted since he arrived. I wanted to guarantee he was comfortable.
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After hours of not hearing a word from any side of the kingdom, I decided to take it upon myself to check on our visitors. I was surprised to see my dear sister Ellyn slipping from her chambers as well, blinking in surprise at the sight of me.
"(Y/N)! Dear sweet child, what are you up to?" Ellyn blurts out hastily. I rose a brow, frowning slightly.
"I'm off to check on our guests, make sure their quarters are full of nothing but comfort. What of you?" I question, crossing my arms. She sighs heavily, moving a strand of her black hair from her face.
"I'm set to wed Prince Aemond," she spoke weakly, making my heart ache for her. "I craved to know more of him if the marriage was to be set in stone. I hope you may not think less of me, dear sister." She smiles, I give her a smile in return, moving in to hug her. We embraced, the warmth contrasting the coldness inside the castle from the heavy rainfall outside. "Prince Lucerys' chambers are this way. Please, follow." She holds my hand, leading me to an elegantly carved door; the story of Storm's End rested on the wood. I smiled weakly, the engravings reminding me of my morals and purpose.
I knocked gently onto the wood, careful not to chip. Behind the door is scrambling, dropping of items and ruffling of cloth. The door swings open faster than I can react, hitting me in the face and making me stumble back. My vision blurred and I looked at the man who hit me, focusing slowly on him as he grew frantic. 
"Princess (Y/N)!" He spoke frantically, looking around to see if anyone saw our mishap. "I apologize sincerely your grace, I wasn't aware how fast the door would open." He rushes to me, my face sore but no chronic damage. He looked like a scared puppy, cowering slightly. "What can I do to make this up to you?"
I think for a moment, unable to think of anything clever. Slowly, I begin to laugh. Lucerys grows tense, looking at me with confusion, but then softening up when he realizes I'm not as angry as he thought. 
"Its quite alright, Prince Lucerys," I chuckle out, making him sigh in relief. "Just be more careful next time, alright?" I step into his chambers, his eyes following me as he nods slowly. "You may close the door, Prince." 
He steps into his room as well, closing the door behind him and standing a good distance from me. 
"I don't bite, no need to seem so petrified," I tease, Lucerys' muscles slowly losing the tenseness inside them. I look around the room, spotting a book that is in a tongue I don't understand. He must've brought it with him; it couldn't have been from our collection; we don't own anything of the sorts. My fingertips trace the cover and yellowed pages; it must be old. "How are you settling here in Storm's End?" He seemed to be trying to think of the most proper thing to say without offending me. I smiled, turning to him and patting the comforter beneath me. "My father can be quite the hard ass, I saw how tense you were." I try to ease him into being himself, watching him sit next to me and scanning my features to check if this was some sort of trap. When realizing it isn't, he leans back and groans quietly. 
"Is he always that scary?" He whimpers, making me laugh softly. I notice when my laugh hits his ears, he perks up with pride. It's quite adorable. I nod and watch him grumble and fall back into the sheets. I followed, laying next to him and flipping to my side, eyeing him sincerely. He would make a good friend. His presence was intoxicating. "I thought you were him, I was in such a rush to please I hadn't even thought for a second that it could be someone else."
My eyes grow wide, a giggle coming from me. "Prince Lucerys, you do realize this means you'd have hit my father rather than me?" I acknowledge, making his breath hitch as he realizes what could've happened. He laughs, a sweet and intoxicating laugh. I can't help but smile.
"Could you imagine? He'd have my head!" Lucerys says in a semi-panicked tone, making the realization settle in for me as well. I sigh in relief; it was only me. I could only imagine my father being the one struck by his inconsideration. "Well, I'm settling in quite nicely now. I thought you came to tell me he was sending me home. Hitting you with a door would've ensured my leave if that was the case." He drags his hands down his face, making me sit up and eye him curiously.
"You really need this, do you?" I ask, watching him search for the answer.
"I feel it's not my place to speak of this," he says, a sadness filling me. I understood he didn't trust me, since we had just met, but I was a curious person. I wanted an answer that was better than that. Slowly, I rose from the bed. 
"Well, I hope you can grow to tell me eventually," I smooth my dress as I speak, smiling a fake smile I've learned to perfect over the years. "My father is holding a feast for you and your blood when morrow arrives, I hope to see you there. As much as I hate to say, I must be taking my leave before father thinks I've been abducted." 
I watch as he sits up, nodding, and getting up to open the door for me. "It was nice meeting you, Princess," he speaks, watching as I step into the doorway before turning to him. 
"It was nice meeting you as well, Prince Lucerys," I say softly, giving my best curtsy. He thinks for a moment before grabbing my wrist as I begin to step out.
"Lucerys. I don't crave such titles with you," he swiftly said, my gaze softening.
"Lucerys," I repeat to correct myself, his gaze softening.
"See you when morrow comes, Princess (Y/N). I'll be looking forward to it." 
And with that, I left.
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missglaskin · 2 years
Here’s some more memes
Also side note them Targaryen men really do love their Nieces and aunts.
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Speaking of Aegon do you also think he would have turned out be a different person if Alicent didn’t smack him around and Viserys was more involved in his life. Because (and this might make me sound like a shitty person) but I kinda blame Alicent and Viserys for how Aegon turned out also while acknowledging outside forces where into play. Like I’m conflicted on how to feel towards his character because we saw the aftermath of what he did to that poor servant girl but also he’s traumatized, depressed, being put into a role he doesn’t want and only accepts it because he’s finally getting that validation and praise he never got as a kid. (I hope we do get so more of the readers and Aegon’s “relationship” tho)
I genuinely do feel bad for the reader because now in the eyes of Rhaenrya and Daemon she’ll be seen as a traitor and the only person who knows what she’s going through rn is Rhaeyns. I hope she’s able to convince them that the reader doesn’t want to her family torn apart all over some metal and power. Like the reader begging Aegon to pledge allegiance to her sister and begging Aemond not to hurt their family like this poor girl is gonna go through it especially with what’s gonna happening next episode 😭.
Also side note them Targaryen men really do love their Nieces and aunts. Also Aegon and Aemond canon milf hunters (even tho the readers not a milf but she is spiritually one)
If Viserys had played a bigger role in Aegon's life, I think his outcome might have been a little different. Like everyone could see that Rhaenyra was the favorite child.
We also saw how young Aegon got along with his nephews and was quite okay with Rhaenyra being the queen, but Alicent and Otto's ambitions changed all of that. And perhaps things could have gone differently if Alicent had been gentler with Aegon instead of slapping him around. Though the incident with the servant was well deserved.
But no matter how terrible Aegon's circumstances are, it doesn't justify his actions.
Regarding Daemon and Rhaenyra, they won't consider the reader, a traitor. It's likely that Rhaenys informed them of Alicent's claim that Viserys' final wish was for Aegon to rule. Which may lead them to believe that perhaps you believed Alicent. Also they don't know of your arrangement with Aemond at the time.
With the next episode, a lot of relationships will get damaged knowing what's going to happen.
Sorry for the long rant, I love the memes. It's something I always look for, so thxs 😂
I also just love how everyone made it canon that Aemond and Aegon are milf chasers. But with Aegon and his mommy issues, can you blame him?
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asongofsilks · 2 years
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Elinor Tyrell (b. approx. 286 AC): Daughter of Theodore Tyrell and his wife Lia Serry. She is the great-grandniece of Lord Luthor Tyrell of Highgarden, and the cousin twice removed of Mace Tyrell, Luthor's son and the current Lord of Highgarden. She is a lady-in-waiting to Queen Margaery and is betrothed to Alyn Ambrose, son of Lord Arthur Ambrose. Fancast: Lily Sullivan.
Elissa Farman (b. 29 AC): Daughter of Lord Marq Farman of Fair Isle and a favourite of Rhaena Targaryen, the eldest child of King Aenys I. She was a adept sailor. Rhaena wed her younger brother, Androw, after the accession of Jaehaerys I and left for Dragonstone with him and Elissa, displeasing her elder brother, Lord Franklyn, for he wanted Elissa to wed. Rhaena and Elissa's relationship turned sour when Elissa left Dragonstone and stole three dragons' eggs in order to finance her dream, a ship that would circumnavigate the globe. She built the Sun Chaser with the gold she received from the Sealord of Braavos for the eggs, and made for Oldtown, where she recruited three other ships and a crew for her journey across the Sunset Sea. Three years later, Eustace Hightower, a grandson of Lord Donnel Hightower, returned from the voyage, telling of three exotic islands they had discovered in the far west. However, when he turned around, Elissa and her crew went on and were never seen again. The Sun Chaser may have been seen many years later in Asshai by Lord Corlys Velaryon. Fancast: Hannah New.
Ella Broome (b. approx. 30 AC): Younger sister of Lucinda Broome, who became Lady Tully of Riverrun through her marriage to Prentys Tully. She was briefly suggested as a marriage candidate for King Jaehaerys I, but Jaehaerys defied the wishes of his Hand and regent and married his sister Alysanne instead. Fancast: Felicia Day.
Ella Lannister (b. approx. 250 AC): A Lannister of Lannisport, wife of Damon Lannister, oldest child of Ser Jason Lannister, and mother of his only child, Damion. Damon was the older half-brother of Joanna Lannister, who married Lord Tywin of Casterly Rock. Fancast: Jessy Schram.
Ellaria Sand (b. approx. 260 AC): Bastard daughter of Lord Harmen Uller of Hellholt, and paramour of Prince Oberyn Martell, younger brother of ruling Prince Doran, with whom she has four daughters. She accompanies Oberyn to King's Landing and there witnesses his death during a trial by combat against Gregor Clegane. She opposes the idea of continuing violence to Doran, but is dismissed and returns to Hellholt with her youngest daughter. Fancast: Indira Varma.
Ellyn Baratheon (b. approx. 118 AC): Third daughter of Lord Borros Baratheon of Storm's End and his wife, Elenda Caron. At the start of the Dance of the Dragons, Ellyn or one of her sisters was betrothed to Aemond Targaryen as her father swore allegiance to King Aegon II. After the death of Aemond and the crowning of Aegon III at the end of the Dance, Ellyn was one of the girls suggested as a bride for Aegon after his first wife, Jaehaera, fell to her death. She attended the Maiden's Day Ball at which Aegon was expected to pick his future bride, and asked the king if he liked her gown. Fancast: Anna Kendrick.
Ellyn Caron (b. approx. Aegon's Conquest): Lady of the Marches, Lady of Nightsong, and Head of House Caron, she sent a force to fight against the Vulture King when he was raiding the Marches during the Second Dornish War. Ellyn and her fellow Marcher lords destroyed the Vulture King's host and were richly rewarded by King Aenys I. Fancast: MyAnna Buring.
Ellyn Ever Sweet (Age of Heroes): Legendary daughter of Garth Greenhand, founder-king of the Reach. She became the first beekeeper after making an eternal pact with the King of the Bees. She is said to be the ancestress of House Beesbury. Fancast: Frida Gustavsson.
Ellyn Reyne (c. 215-261 AC): Daughter of Lord Robert Reyne of Castamere, she was betrothed to Tywald Lannister, Lord Gerold's oldest son with his wife Rohanne Webber, and his heir. However, Tywald died in the Peake Uprising in 233, and so did Lord Robert. Ellyn then seduced Tywald's younger brother, Gerold's new heir Tion, and he broke his betrothal to a lady of House Rowan in order to marry Ellyn. Since Gerold had no wife, Ellyn became the ruling Lady of Casterly Rock in all but name and began a rivalry with her sister-in-law, the wife of Tion's younger brother Tytos, Jeyne Marbrand. Tion was slain in the Fourth Blackfyre Rebellion but his widow remained at the Rock. She may have attempted to seduce Tytos despite the fact that he was married, and so Lord Gerold married her to Lord Walderan Tarbeck, with whom she had three children. Tytos Lannister succeeded his father as Lord of Casterly Rock, and proved to be easily manipulated. Ellyn took heavy advantage of this and borrowed large sums of gold to rebuild Tarbeck Hall. However, when Tytos's eldest son, Tywin, came of age, he overruled his father and called in the debts owed by his bannermen. Some houses co-operated, seeing Tywin as the new era for House Lannister, but House Reyne and Tarbeck resisted him. This led to an escalation of the situation which eventually resulted in a full-scale rebellion against House Lannister. However, Tywin reacted quickly and ferociously, not waiting for his father's permission. After winning a short battle against the Tarbecks, Tywin executed Lord Walderan and his sons instead of ransoming them. He then besieged Tarbeck Hall, where Ellyn and her son Tion died after a bombardment with siege engines. Ellyn's three-year-old grandson disappeared during the fighting, probably killed at Tywin's command, and her daughters were sent to the silent sisters. Ellyn's brothers, Reynard and Lord Roger, holed up inside the mines of Castamere with their men and families, but Tywin flooded the mines and drowned every soul who had sought refuge there. This act established Tywin's fearsome reputation across Westeros, and the burnt-out ruins of Tarbeck Hall and Castamere were left standing as ruins. Fancast: Suki Waterhouse.
Elyana Vypren (b. approx. 270 AC): Daughter of Lord Lucias Vypren and his wife Lythene Frey, the second daughter of Lord Walder Frey. She is married to Jon Wylde and has a son, Rickard Wylde. Fancast: Urdur Bergsdottir.
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sweeterthanthis · 2 years
lau... I know we've never talked before but I have a confession to make...
my obsession with aemond targaryen is getting out of control and I fear no one compares to him except bucky
Hi lovely! Nice to meet you 🥰
This is a whole ass mood. Aemond Targaryen has plagued my thoughts for weeks now. The lips. The HANDS. THE HAIR. THE SAPPHIRE EYE. THE WAY HE SPEAKS HIGH VALYRIAN. THE TENSION BETWEEN HIM AND HELAENA. And the fact that he's a milf chaser genuinely makes me feel like I'd have a serious shot 😂
He is a menace and I cannot WAIT for season two 💗
Do you think we have a type? 😂
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wh0lemilk0vich · 1 year
alright it's been like 5 minutes but GUESS WHO'S BACK FOR MORE cuz chubby king egg has not left my brain for some godforsaken reason
But let us come together as a community and consider a three-way sitch - hard dom feeder Aemond, soft dom Jace, and chubby sub Aegon. Like I don't know why this trio hits my brain in just the right place but it d o e s and I don't know what to do about it
Like Aemond and Jace don't get along at all, so they're constantly bickering and fighting over Aegon who is just subbed the fuck out at all times. Aemond is rough and mean and likes force feeding, whereas Jace is a lot more coaxing and prefers being condescending rather than cruel when it comes to humiliation, and when he feeds Aegon it's a lot slower and more about getting him into subspace.
Also, this just recently materialized in my prefrontal cortex but for some reason it hits my mind in just the right place that Aegon is a crybaby. He gets easily overstimulated when overfed and will just kind of break down crying at different points, which I imagine Aemond fucking loves. More reason to tease his brother for being a softling with little control of himself.
These three in a bedroom setting would be as comedic as it is kinky - Aemond and Jace basically territory battling over Aegon, who's literally lying there like "boys, boys, no need to fight over lil ol' me" while ABSOLUTELY wanting them to fight over him. Jace delicately unclasping Aegon's doublet until Aemond gets fed up and just rips that shit off with the grace of a neanderthal and the desperation of a starving man.
Aegon would be a hell of a bratty bottom too, but like not even in the traditional way. It wouldn't be like "no, I don't wanna do that" - rather, he just says completely out of pocket shit that confuses the hell out of both Jace and Aemond.
Like they'd be stuffing him with some kind of fancy lemon cake and he'll just start spouting off about how some whore on the street of silk told him that eating lemons makes your cum taste better, and how one of them should taste his cum and let him know if there's a difference. And Jace and Aemond are just standing there, wondering how the hell Aegon came to the conclusion that this was good dirty talk
So they just stuff him enough that he can only whine instead of talking
SHROOMIE this means everything to me. I want ever-so-much more of this community of fat sub bratty bitch Aegon truthers.
1. I am so into Jaegond it's not even funny. Like it's the exploring each other's bodies and naturally falling into these roles that just gets me. They could be anyone and anything to the outside world, but in their chambers it's egg is a fat submissive brat to tease and play with, and Aemond and Jace fight over who gets the toy. And you're right Jace is much more manipulative and condescending during his turns with Aegon preferring to tease and play around with him. Ties him up and edges him or plays with him until he's in tears and cums without being touched, twitching and squirming through it. But Aemond is 100% rough and forceful and loves to force feed his brother and humiliate him, grab him, make it clear how fat he's getting, how massive and soft and bitchly he is. Loves playing with/sucking his tits. Tells him if his ass gets any fatter he won't be able to reach his greedy hole anymore.
2. Crybaby Aeg is so fucking wonderful 🥵🥵🥵 he grew up a crybaby and stayed a crybaby and it's just a reflex now. Its not like he doesn't love everything that's happening, still completely hard, but like you said the overstimulation, being over full, and toyed with the entire time, he doesn't have anything else he can do and it makes him look even more cute and pitiful. But what about Aemond licking up Aegon's tears while fucking him and Jace is sucking his tits and edging him like, I'm weaaaaak 🥵
3. Absolutely love the idea of them fighting over Aegon. I bet Jace likes to keep Aegon mostly dressed, because he likes making him a mess in them, feeding him until they're too tight and straining and making him burst some of their fastenings before he finally relents and undoes more. But yeah Aemond is more bestial and feral and he lets his cock do all the thinking so he likes to gracelessly strip Aegon naked and just have his way with him.
4. Aegon's always an absolute dissolute mess which leads to him being a thoughtless little brat saying all of that out of pocket shit. Omg imagine him threatening "just wait until Mother hears about this, you won't be laughing then." Sad little mommy's boy
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wh0lemilk0vich · 1 year
Chubby Aegon getting tied up then? Turned on (aphrodisiacs maybe?) but he can’t do anything to get off because he’s tied to the bed (maybe on hands and knees?) and the bondage is just a little too tight, cuts into his thighs just a little too much, and he’s so desperate to cum that he’s crying, humping the air, begging for his dom (Aemond? A pushed-too-far Criston? A pissed at his existence Daemon?) to let him cum?
You said you wanted prompts and I’ve ideas
Ughhhhh holy shit yesssss 🌻
These are so good, i can picture it like a cross between shibari and a trussed up roast. It's like he almost looks fatter, the way the restraints cut into his pliant, soft, creamy flesh.
His arms are restrained under the small of his back. The cool night breeze comes in through the window making his puffy pink nipples harden at the peaks of his newly sprouted perky tits. His belly mounds up, quivers, shakes like custard as he squirms and whimpers in bed. No sounds but guttural whines and sobs coming past the piece of fabric roughly and tightly tied across his mouth, like a horse with a bridle bit. His ankles are bound against the backs of his thick marshmallowy thighs, knees spread and pulled back so he looked like a force fed goose for roasting. And yessss like spiked whine with whatever magical herb is used for fantasy Viagra, so that his pathetic, fat little cock is hard and pressing against that low, soft, dimpled swell of his underbelly, leaking, twitching. And his wide, fat, planetary ass is spread and presenting for whoever put him in that position.
All of your suggestions are so good 🥵🥵🥵
I hadn't even considered an absolutely put out Ser Criston or even Daemon. Those are both soooo good. God or even Aemond doing all of this and setting it up and Criston finding the two of them and siding with Aemond
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wh0lemilk0vich · 1 year
Gonna answer some asks tonight/tomorrow! Gimme some stuff to work with cause I've been feeling hella lonely lately
Check out my pinned post for what I particularly like to be prompted with, but all size/body contrast, transfem/nb head canons, praise and/or degradation kink, prompts involving a chubby boy character and crossovers are welcome
I'm also into the Grishaverse and the raven cycle/dreamer trilogy
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wh0lemilk0vich · 1 year
Chapters: 1/? Fandom: House of the Dragon (TV) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Aegon II Targaryen/Aemond "One-Eye" Targaryen Additional Tags: Chubby Aegon II Targaryen, Chubby Chaser Aemond "One-Eye" Targaryen, Weight Gain, Chubby Kink, Belly Kink, degradation kink, Feminization, Bullying Kink, Teasing Summary:
My answers to inbox asks I got on Tumblr. Drabbly Fatboy love ficlets. Other fandoms to come (gallavich/steddilly)
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