#chief scorched earth
j-eryewrites · 1 year
Rocks and Rinthonians
Request: Hi I’m a huge dr who fan and I love your work it’s possible do you think you could create a piece with the 11th doctor where they are on a planet fighting some Daleks and the reader gets injured but hides it until they are back at the Tardis where the reader collapses, then the doctor sees the blood and realized what’s happened and has to stitch her up. Thanks
Pairings: 11th doctor x reader
Warning: Typical Doctor Who Violence, angst, blood, and injuries
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“Let’s go to a mining planet, he said! There are pretty rocks, he said!” You mocked. 
The Doctor flashed you a glare. “It’s not my fault I didn’t know the planet was enslaved by Daleks!”
An explosion thundered nearby as scorching sparks flew in the air. Each spark reached out hoping to burn your skin. The Doctor quickly yanked you to the ground for cover. 
“EXTERMINATE!” The robotic voice of the nearby Daleks loomed over you and the Doctor. 
It was getting hard to focus on anything else besides that cold metallic voice. A unanimous voice you grew to know too well for your comfort. 
The Doctor’s brown hair flopped around as he peeked over the edge of the container you two were hiding behind. He glanced around the room, listening for any trace of the Daleks amongst the chaos of the planet. You didn’t understand how he could focus on anything and everything else besides the threat of death. 
You, on the other hand, were finding it hard to breathe as you closed your eyes and wished you had just stayed on the TARDIS and slept in just like you had promised yourself. 
“Right,” The Doctor said as he crouched back down next to you. “Not long before we reach the control room…” The Doctor’s voice trailed off as he noticed your panicked state. 
The next thing you knew his gentle hand was cupping your cheeks and his sparkling green eyes were staring right at yours. “We’re going to make it.” He comforted. His thumb trailed along your cheek as he raised his lips to kiss your forehead. “I’m going to grab your hand and then we’re going to run. I’m going to say some fancy words. We’ll stop the Daleks and save the day. How’s that sound?” He whispered against your skin. 
You find the courage to nod your head. 
“Good.” The Doctor smiled. Then he grabbed your hand. “Run!” 
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“Welcome to Rinth-678! One of the Rurn galaxy's greatest mining planets.” The Doctor spread his arms out as if presenting the planet to you. 
Like most planets you visited, the view always left you speechless. Even after all the time you spent travelling with the strange man with an even stranger blue box, you never got used to the sight of a new planet. The Doctor had promised you rocks and rocks you got. Icy blue mountains peaked up far above the clouds. The sight reminded you of the glaciers you and the Doctor had visited back on earth except these ones towered over you. You were sure they were ten times larger than Mount Everest. A belief that was soon confirmed by the Doctor as he spewed facts and information about the planet. From the taste of the soil to the economy of the planet. 
“The Rinthonians rely on their mining. An ounce of the ore could provide an entire ship with a whole year's worth of power!” The Doctor exclaimed as he led you around the planet like your own personal tour guide. 
You spun around trying to take in as much of the landscape as you could before the Doctor practically dragged you to a nearby city. It didn’t take long before the two of you snuck off into the mining facility armed with the trusty psychic paper. 
You always enjoyed seeing what the paper came up with each time its use would come in handy. This time you were Chief Mining Inspectors. Well, you were and the Doctor was your assistant. The Rinth planets believed in the superiority of the female sex. A treatment you were not quite used to back on Earth. Soon after, a guide was presented and then you and the Doctor were led straight to the source…and right into the hands of the Daleks. 
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“Daleks. Daleks, DALEKS. You messed with the wrong Doctor–wait, no that doesn’t work,” The Doctor whipped his head over to where you stood in the control room. 
“I think you’re looking for ‘the wrong man’,” You so graciously suggested. 
The Doctor smiled and returned to glare at the Daleks. “What she said.”
“Enough,” The lead Dalek enunciated. “The Doctor and the companion will be exterminated!” Then a chorus of EXTERMINATE sang throughout the facility. One would think you were in a church with how commanding the phrase was. 
“Ah, let me stop you right there. You see this?” The Doctor pointed to the console beside him. His sonic screwdriver was ready to release the signal. 
The Daleks were silent as they eyed the Doctor carefully. “You cannot stop the Daleks!” The Daleks sang once more. 
“See that’s where you’re wrong.”
“The Daleks can never be wrong!” The Dalek bellowed. 
“Just shut up will you!” You barked at the Dalek who turned to look at you. Its electric blue eye narrowed in on you. 
“You see, long ago when the power of the ore was discovered,” the Doctor explained, “The Rinthonians were smart, they knew that the power of the ore could get into the wrong hands, so what did they do…?” The Doctor turned to look at you as if he was a teacher calling on a student for an answer. 
“...They created a safeguard?” You muttered. 
“Exactly! Ten points to Hufflepuff! The Rinthonians, you know what they did, Daleks? They found a frequency that destroys the ore. It hit it at the core causing the ore to lose all sources of power. Brilliant people, the Rinthonians!”
The Doctor raised his sonic screwdriver and pressed a few buttons before pointing it back at the console. “In a few seconds, I will release the frequency, and with the boost of the sonic screwdriver, all the ore you have collected Daleks, all the ore on the planet will lose all power. The very power that keeps you and the other Daleks here alive. Boo ya!” 
The Dalek began to quiver and shake. “EXTERMINATE!” It shouted just as the Doctor turned on the frequency. 
It was hard to see what happened next. Sparks flew, lights went out, the Daleks screamed, and you fell to the floor. It hurt. You couldn’t tell if it was just going dark or if you were losing sight. You could only hear a loud ringing…Suddenly there was the Doctor. You could practically feel the worry dripping from his fingertips as he held your head in his hands. 
“I’m fine…” You croaked as your senses came back to you. 
Then you were enveloped in a hug. The Doctor was hugging you. Now everything seemed to move so fast. One minute you were in the control room of the facility and the next you and the Doctor were being paraded throughout the city like heroes. You smiled as the Rinthonians thanked you for freeing them from the Dalek’s control. Your smile grew tense as you felt something wet drip down your side. It hurt. Why was it hurting? Next thing you knew, you were back in the TARDIS. 
Home. The TARDIS chirped and whirred to life the moment you and the Doctor stepped back into her safe confines. The Doctor was brushing off the dust and wiping away his sweat before flicking some controls. His mouth was moving, but you couldn’t hear his voice. Why couldn’t– The next thing you noticed were the black spots in your vision. Was the world always this swirly? You took a step forward falling flat into the darkness.
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Then there was light. It was a piercing and painful light, but soon the colours came into view. Colours became shapes. Shapes became figures. You smiled as you saw a mop of floppy brown hair resting near your hands. You felt compelled to run your hands through the hair, so you did. It was softer than you could have ever imagined. 
The Doctor sighed before shooting up in his seat next to your bed. His eyes were wide and alert as he looked over you. His view began to water when he saw your smile. Then he heard your voice. Oh, how he wished to take a picture and capture this moment forever. A moment that is never affected by time or space. A moment that never wilts like a rose or fades from view. This was forever. You were forever. 
“Doctor?” You whispered. Your voice was dry and coarse. 
The Doctor can’t control what happened next. He blamed it on the gleam in your eyes. You were alive. The flush in your cheeks said so. The breath in your lungs. He wished to breathe the same air as you. He wished to run his fingers over your cheeks. He wished to and so he did. 
Your eyes widened as his lips met yours. You smiled against his lips as he kissed you. You couldn’t help but kiss back. Then he pulled back. 
“Doctor?” You said again. 
His forehead came to rest on yours. His nose brushed against your nose. The two of you shared the same breath–The same life. 
“Don’t you ever do that again, my wonder girl.”
“Wasn’t planning on it, Star-boy.”
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er1chartmann · 3 months
Albert Speer
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These are some facts and curiosities about Albert Speer, the Fuhrer's architect:
He was born in  March 19, 1905.
He spent his youth in the Schloss-Wolfsbrunnenweg, the luxurious family home in Heidelberg, and cultivated a wide range of interests, including skiing, mountain excursions, rugby and, above all, mathematics, a discipline towards which he had a fervent passion.
However, due to his father's opposition, Speer ultimately chose to follow in his uncle's footsteps and study to become an architect.
After studying at the University of Karlsruhe, he moved to Munich, where he studied at the Berlin Institute of Technology, under the guidance of the famous architect Heinrich Tessenow.
During his university years Speer never adhered to any specific faith or political opinion.
This substantial "apoliticality" ceased during his discipleship at Tessenow, when Albert was persuaded by some of his students to participate in a Nazi party demonstration
Speer came into contact with Hitler in 1933 through the intercession of Rudolf Hess, by whom the architect was commissioned to design the apparatus for the Nuremberg rally that year.
Despite some initial doubts, the project met with the sympathy of the Führer and, above all, of Joseph Goebbels, who asked him to renew the Ministry of Propaganda.
An immediate understanding was established between Speer and Hitler: the Führer, in fact, was looking for a young architect capable of giving life to his architectural ambitions for a new Germany and therefore immediately included Speer in his closest circles.
Upon Troost's death in 1934, Speer was chosen by Hitler to replace him as chief architect of the Party.
In 1942, after the death of Fritz Todt (which occurred in a mysterious plane crash), Hitler surprisingly appointed Speer, who had no experience in industrial production, "Minister for Armaments and War Production".
In 1945 Speer refused to carry out the "scorched earth" strategy (established by the Nero decree), which aimed to completely destroy everything in German territories that would fall into enemy hands.
He was a great friend of Karl Brandt (one of the major exponents of Aktion T4) and they acted to save each other's lives: in 1944 Brandt used his powers as General Commissioner of Medical Services and his friendships to save Speer , already ill, from the assassination attempt plotted by Himmler. In 1945 Speer saved Brandt from the death sentence for ''treason''.
Speer was arrested by Allied forces in Flensburg immediately after the end of the conflict, and tried in Nuremberg on charges of using slave labor to run the German war industry.
He was sentenced to twenty years' imprisonment, to be served in Spandau prison in West Berlin.
Prison and solitary confinement provided Speer with the opportunity to write his memoirs, which made him an international celebrity and a very wealthy man.
He died on September 1, 1981, in London.
Some documents discovered after Speer's death prove, without a shadow of a doubt, that as early as 1943 Speer was aware of what really happened in Auschwitz.
Wikipedia: Albert Speer
The Nazi Doctors by Robert Jay Lifton ( for the part of Brandt )
Hitler and his loyalists by Paul Roland
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skyloftian-nutcase · 4 months
Febuwhump Day 9 - Alternate Prompt, "I love you"
More emotional pain fun with the predecessors of Hyrule Warriors! This one gets a little steamy and suggestive, but there's nothing explicit, FYI.
The courtyard was more beautiful than he'd ever seen it. Lanterns held the evening shadows at bay, the flowers were in full bloom, the water in the fountains sparkled in the light of fairies that had come with the great fairy's blessing. Magic was sweet in the air, little pops of it sending showering rainbows cascading down on the guests.
Link gazed at it all, entranced, temporarily pulled out of the usual dark exhaustion that numbed him to his core. For just a second, he genuinely felt alive, and for a moment longer, he recognized the gravity of the situation.
A baby. A baby.
The young king consort wandered through the gardens, barely noticing people bowing or nodding in acknowledgement to him. He had lost sight of the queen, and he knew he was supposed to be close to her.
He had walked through these gardens so many times in the past. It had been a while since he'd been outside, apart from going to the training grounds. He couldn't recall them ever looking so enlivened.
He wondered if the rest of the kingdom looked this bright. The last time he'd been outside the castle, Hyrule Field had been scorched earth.
Queen Zelda appeared ahead of him, standing on a slightly elevated part of the courtyard, and Link went to her. She was talking to Impa, who noticed Link's approach first, and the pair watched him as he climbed the stairs. Link looked Zelda over, a little unnerved at the swelling of her belly, at how it was emphasized by the dress she wore.
So many emotions flooded him. Guilt, pain, fear, hope, excitement, dread. He didn't know how to process this, how to look at the physical proof of what he'd been hearing for months. He hadn't seen her in months.
A baby.
The queen extended a hand, the motion holding gentle confidence despite the clear hesitancy in her gaze, and he automatically took it, letting her guide him towards the center of the courtyard. Impa's eyes never left him.
Crowds began to gather, more faces than he could count or focus on, and Link grew dizzy. He remained steadfast by his queen's side as she spoke to the people of Hyrule.
"Thank you for coming to celebrate with us," he heard when he tuned in. "The road has been perilous, but together, we are rebuilding. Hyrule will thrive once more, stronger than ever. May this child be a symbol of the goddess' favor, of the prosperity of Hyrule that is to come."
The crowd cheered, shouts of joy and praise and long live the queen and other phrases that Link could no longer decipher in the noise. His eyes wandered over the people aimlessly, letting himself be simultaneously shown off and ignored, until his gaze settled on a familiar face.
Amber eyes, captivating in their intensity. Dark brown skin, smooth and silky and glowing in the light. Fiery red hair, as bright as the sun, held out of a face with a high ponytail, spilling over bare shoulders in numerous small braids that were decorated with beads. A crimson bodice decorated with jewels and embroidery, with wide brimming baggy, silky pants and a shimmering red train laying overtop it that slid to the floor and pooled around like water.
The chief of the Gerudo.
Link felt the blood drain out of his face. He hadn't seen her since... since... everything.
Although the Gerudo entourage around her applauded with the crowd, Hemisi was still and silent, just watching him, only him. Link wanted nothing more than to melt into the earth.
Something changed in the atmosphere. Queen Zelda released his hand, and the crowds moved. People started to mingle, many vying for the monarchs' attention. Though most flocked to his wife, Link still found himself suddenly surrounded by strangers, congratulating him and trying to make small talk and curry favor. Link did his best to fumble through the conversation, keeping his responses to smiles, nods, or a couple words, before the bombardment was interrupted. The crowd parted as if by force, and Link saw Hemisi approaching him, his party guests watching her uneasily.
Hemisi stopped a mere two paces away from him, but it felt like a canyon was between them.
"Your Highness," she acknowledged with a tip of her head.
Link swallowed, his throat suddenly dry. Her name came out of his lips as a whisper, inaudible above the din, and he nodded his head to cover his slip up.
"I must say," one of the nobles who had surrounded him piped up. "It is quite the surprise to see you here, Gerudo. You were not present for the royal wedding - I assumed you would not wish to set foot in Hyrule once more given what your people have done to this land."
Link felt the bottom drop out of his stomach while his skin crawled. His hands twitched, rage pushing him to throttle the man while anxiety of the repercussions held him in place. He couldn't help the glare that he threw in the noble's direction, though.
Hemisi's seething look far surpassed it. Despite the murderous intent in her gaze, though, and the way the noble cowered, she had an impressive amount of restraint. Her words dripped with venom as she replied, "Ganondorf led the assault and caused the war. I fought against him. I understand these things can get confusing to you, as I know for certain none of you partook in the war, instead hiding away in your riches while your people bled. But I bled with my people, the Gerudo suffered just as Hylians did. And I not only defeated Ganondorf, I helped your princess and hero split his soul into shards to ensure this never happened again."
The noble had no rebuttal, too busy shrinking away, and the others left with him.
They were alone.
Link wanted to scream, to apologize, to hunt the noble down and slit his throat, to slit his own throat.
"You really do suck at this whole political thing, don't you?" Hemisi asked, a lesser bite to her tone.
Link finally felt his chest stop tightening, allowing him to take a breath and let out a small, pathetic laugh. "Yeah. I... well, you know."
"Yeah. I know."
What should he say? What could he say?
"Let's walk," Hemisi suggested, not waiting for his consent before she started to guide him away from the center of the party.
They walked in silence for a while, Link's mind whirling, unable to formulate a sentence, wondering what was happening and what he was about to have to handle. His heart raced at her touch, his mind screamed at her proximity.
Farore above, why did this have to be so complicated?
Link started to grow dizzy, but finally, finally Hemisi found a hidden corner and tucked both of them into it. The music sounded so far away, reality sounded so far away.
Here, in the darkness, away from politics and pressure, Link found his voice. "I'm sorry for that. I--that was completely unacceptable."
"Will you kill him?" Hemisi questioned, crossing her arms.
"What? No, I can't--"
"I'm joking, stupid," Hemisi interrupted with a huff, before cocking her head to the side and asking, "Would you, if you could?"
The heat surged him in once more. "I'd certainly like to beat that entitlement out of him."
Hemisi remained silent, watching him longer until he started to squirm under her scrutiny. He wasn't sure where this conversation was going, or even where it should go - they hadn't spoken since--
"I'm sorry," he said before he realized it.
"You already said that."
"No, I--" he stumbled, caught between wanting to backtrack and wanting to follow through. How could he possibly apologize for everything? "I mean--I--"
"You did your duty," Hemisi replied in a monotone, as if to explain some unimportant detail, as if to hammer a point home, as if it didn't matter or mattered too much.
Link's head dropped, shame blushing his cheeks. But a bit of hope sparked in his heart too - if she could understand and accept it, then maybe he could too. Maybe they could salvage this.
"She looks fatter than I thought she would," Hemisi added dully, making Link's gaze snap back to her. The chief shrugged. "She does. Hope it hurts too."
"H-Hemisi," he chided halfheartedly, heart racing.
"You're going to defend her?" she snapped, ire returning in a heartbeat.
Why did this have to be so complicated? "You shouldn't--you shouldn't wish ill of her--"
"You don't?" Hemisi hissed back.
Link bit his tongue.
"You don't understand, do you?" she continued, taking a menacing step towards him. "How could you not understand--I thought you--after everything we've been through--"
"Hemisi, please--"
"Your people mock me and fear me despite everything, and that bitch is at the root of all these issues!"
"Don't call her that," Link snapped in return, the fire igniting inside him once more.
"I had to not only kill my own father, but tear his soul to pieces - he can't even rest in the afterlife, I helped condemn him to eternal hell, after already losing my mother and brother. And in the end, my reward was to lose the love of my life and let Hyrule punish my people for a war I didn't even start." Hemisi glowered. "I have every right to fight, every right to hate her, every reason to destroy this land, to take what is mine."
The air seemed to have frozen, alongside Link's blood. His ears were ringing, heart racing. This was spiraling out of control quickly, and his mind and heart were at war, sympathizing so much it hurt while also hearing Ganondorf's voice in her words.
Every right to fight, to destroy this land, to take what is mine.
Before he could retaliate, Hemisi backed down, just a hair, just enough to remove the danger from her words. "But I chose to stay my hand. People always say thank the goddesses when good things happen, but I assure you, the goddesses are thanking me."
The air was electric, and then the tension trickled away as Hemisi sighed, looking away. "Damn it. I wasn't--just forget it."
Link leaned against the stone wall, also averting his gaze. He was so tired. This wasn't exactly how he'd wanted a reunion between them to go, but he wasn't surprised that it was going this way.
"I'm sorry," he repeated quietly, sincerely.
A calloused hand touched his cheek, making him flinch. He wasn't used to physical contact anymore, having hid himself away for so long after everything. But the touch was familiar, skin smelling of oils that she used when they'd first met, the caressing akin to how she'd touched him before the war. He melted into it for a moment, looking at her as she watched him. Although Hemisi was an opinionated woman, she didn't seem to have any kind of reply to his apology, and the world grew quiet around them. Link let his hand rest overtop hers, and eventually he noted softly, "Your hand's cold."
The Gerudo chief snorted. "It's cold here in Castle Town."
Link reached and took her other hand, guiding both of them to his chest while his hands rested overtop them to warm them. Hemisi tilted forward, leaning her body weight against his as the wall supported them both, her softness making his entire body tingle. Their faces were inches apart, and Link lost his breath as she leaned in and kissed him.
Goddesses he'd missed this, he'd missed her. His skin felt electric, his blood like fire. Memories of time spent with her flooded his heart and mind, of nights stargazing and pointing out different constellations they'd learned with the stories behind them, of days sparring, of discussions on culture and ideas and duties, of adventures exploring and sneaking around, of comfort as tensions rose, of anguish as war broke out, of despair and relief and hope and--
Link let her pull him to the grass, lost in the moment, wanting this more than anything, when he heard the music off in the distance.
The party. The queen. The baby.
"Stop," he whispered, trying to regain his voice.
Hemisi paused, looking at him from overtop him, her hair spilling over her and creating a veil between them and the rest of the world.
"Why?" she asked just as softly, hands massaging his scalp. "We deserve it. You've done your duty, the queen has her victory kid, the kingdom's in love with it. Come back to the desert with me."
Link was losing himself in the relaxing motion, his body's desires overpowering his senses, and he held his breath, pushing against the earth with one foot to flip them over so he had her pinned gently to the ground, hands holding hers down at the wrists, keeping the temptation at bay.
I'm better than this. I can control myself. "You know it's not that simple, Hemisi."
"But it is that simple," she argued. "You married Zelda because she demanded it, because she needed the kingdom to think the royal family was strong. You did the gig for a year, there's a baby now, the family will live on. She doesn't need you anymore. You did your duty."
"She's still my wife," Link argued, moving away from her to sit by the stone wall.
"Did you mean it when you took the vows?" Hemisi demanded, sitting up. "Did you actually want to marry her?"
"I--I didn't want to marry her, but--"
"Then it doesn't count!"
"It does," Link snapped, rising. "Because I meant those vows, and I take my promises seriously."
"How can you be this--this idiotic?!" Hemisi yelled, also shooting to her feet. "When you first said you had to marry her--we were promised to each other, Link, and--I waited, I waited, I even let her take you because I didn't want the war to continue either, but the war is over and she has her token child, just leave her!"
"I already told you I can't!" Link argued. "Don't you understand what would happen? I meant those vows for a reason, Hemisi! This isn't just about Zelda's demands, it's about the entire kingdom! You're not the only one who had to sacrifice for peace! If Zelda and I hadn't married, it could've destroyed the Sheikah, the stability of the crown, and Hyrule along with it."
Link shook his head, feeling nauseous, and looked away. "If I were to leave her, especially for you, there will never be peace."
"You think Zelda will start a war again," Hemisi growled.
"Not her," Link replied. "But everyone else."
"You're defending her?"
"Hemisi, please," Link begged, getting the courage to look her in the eye again. "Please. I don't want anyone else to die. I especially don't want you to get hurt."
"You think I'd let them kill me?" she asked challengingly, though her tone was quiet and the way her eyebrow rose was as cheeky as it could be.
Link had to smile at it, complications forgotten temporarily, and he hugged her so tightly he could barely breathe. She held him just as fiercely. "I love you so much."
Hemisi's breath tickled his ear, shaky and vulnerable, and she buried her face in his shoulder to hide the tremble in her tone. "I love you too."
The pair stood there for what felt like hours, clinging to each other for comfort, desperate to express their care for each other, terrified to release each other, wanting nothing more than to make the rest of the world melt away.
Voices came ever closer, and eventually they let go. Hemisi dipped down to pick up the crown that had fallen off Link when they'd tumbled to the ground, and she silently placed it back on his head.
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dd122004dd · 1 year
Hi could I request jealous Ardeth Bay x fem reader smut?
Yours. Only Yours.
Author's Note: Hello dear reader! Thank you for the request! Unfortunately, I didn't feel like writing smut for this one, so I gave it a bit of a spicy ending. But I might or might not make anther part, just with smut in it. I hope you enjoy this, though!
P.S. Sorry for the delay, was going through some writer's block but now I'm kinda back.
Warnings: None, I don't think.
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The scorching sun was setting in the west, birthing vermillion tinged skies as it hid among the sandy dunes in the distance. As Nuit laid a dark cloak over the earth and twinkling stars shone through, making the cool night almost tranquil. Within a camp in the distance hidden among the cooling dunes were people bustling about, preparing for a grand feast. The Medjai were celebrating the vanquishment of their ancient enemy, the one from whom they’d protected humanity for millennia. It had been decided by the chiefs that the five tribes would come together to celebrate their victory against the dark one.
A large bonfire was created in the center of the camping grounds with large pots of food bubbling around in anticipation for the hungry soldiers. The women within the camps wore their finest clothes with various colors and jewels adorning their bodies. Among them was her, Amaira, the one who adored the leader of the Medjai, Ardeth Bay. Her attraction to him was not unfounded. Rising through the ranks quickly, Ardeth had become the youngest leader that the Medjai had seen in decades. Not only was he a capable leader and strategist, he was also an excellent swordsman and gunman. Many women in the camp were attracted to him for his strength and military prowess yet he paid them no heed, choosing to ignore their advances and focusing on his duties.
Amaira too was one of his admirers yet she did not trip over her words whenever she saw him, rather she had a tongue that could cut through steel, injuring anyone who dared cross her path. She engaged the young Medjai in a battle of wits every time he came across her.
The two had been at each other’s throats since the fateful day they had met each other ten years ago when he was a young trainee and she was learning the art of crafting armor for the Medjai. Her father came from a long line of armorers and they had been making armor for the Medjai for generations. Their secret practice, however had been passed down through the matriarchal line, with the sons becoming warriors for the Medjai and the daughters crafting armor to defend their beloved family. ‘The swordsman attacks and the women defend,’ was their family’s motto.
Within her tent she dressed herself, lathering the perfumed oils reserved for special occasions. Lips colored with red rouge and a slight blush adorning her cheeks, making her look youthful and flushed. She wore beautiful navy robes, embroidered with tiny beads that caught the light, shimmering like stars among the night’s sky.
Ready for the feast she emerged from her tent, looking for her friend, Maria. As she made her way towards the festivities, she finally spotted her friend amongst the crowd. She quickly made her way towards her, almost barreling into the younger woman. The women greeted each other before deciding to mingle.
As her friend and her went around the campfire, meeting new friends and talking about the guests and some of their atrocious attires she suddenly caught sight of him, Adreth Bay. The object of her desires yet the bane of her existence.  Her friend noticed her halt, turning towards the direction the woman was staring at Maria noticed a young woman talking to Ardeth, well, rather she was flirting with him. With a large smile on her face as the man in front of her let out a joyous laugh at something she said. “That’s Zaina, the daughter of Chief Akhned,” Maria said.
“How disgraceful,” Amaira scoffed, “Flirting with a man four years her senior, and in front of everyone, too.”
“Are you angry because she is flirting with a man in public, or is it because you wish you were in her place?” Her friend knowingly asked.
Scoffing at her insinuation she replied, “Never. I’d rather eat a camel’s foot than flirt with that arrogant son of a donkey.”
“You say that yet your glare speaks otherwise, dear friend,” Maria rebutted.
Amaira glared at the cozy couple, noticing them drawing closer to each other as the young woman placed a fair hand on the Medjai’s arm, giggling at something he’d said.
Having enough, Amaira stalked towards the cozy couple with a saccharine smile on her face, “Asalaim walaikum.” She greeted.
“Walaikum Al Salam.” The Chieftain’s daughter replied before Ardeth cut in, “Zaina, this is Amaira, her family makes the armor that all the Medjai wear.”
“Aah, how wonderful! I’ve heard of your family. The women in your family must be incredibly talented to have made such incredible armor,” Zaina complimented.
Pride filled her chest as she replied, “Yes, they are. I heard your father was looking for you, you might want to hurry along and see what he wants, afterall, no one should keep the chief waiting.”
Zaina looked at Ardeth, reluctant to leave, yet after a few moments she moved away from the man, bidding him farewell she went to look for her father.
Turning towards the Medjai before her Amaira glared.
“What was that for? I was talking to her.”
“Please, a blind goat could see you flirting from on top of the pyramids.”
“My, my. Jealous, are we?”
“Pssh. Jealous? Over you? I’d die before I admit that.”
“It doesn’t make it untrue, Amaira.”
“You have no proof of anything.”
“Really? I don’t have proof?”
“Then I suppose you glaring daggers into my back wasn’t enough proof? Or perhaps you looking at the poor girl like you wanted her head? Or perhaps the sweet smile you plastered on your face as you swayed your way over here? Or maybe, when you told her, her father was looking for her when you know very well that the chief hasn’t arrived to the feast yet. So tell me, little snake, what proof could you possibly desire? Or perhaps it’s not proof you desire, but me.” Ardeth breathed close to her ear, whispering the last words as he stalked forward with each word till, she was cornered against one of the tents.
“You’re delusional. I could never desire you!” Amaira stated determinedly, unable to breathe from the proximity of the warrior.
“You could never desire me? Or you could never allow yourself to desire me?” He questioned, with a grin on his face, finally glad to hold something over the fiery woman’s head, yet his happiness was short lived as he found himself being pushed to the ground. Before he had a moment to react, a weight deposited herself on his thighs, preventing him from getting up.
“Amaira! What are you doing?!” He asked, frantically.
Smirking down at the man, she replied, “You were right, Ardeth. I do desire you. I have from the moment we met. And your little display with Zamiya really pushed me over the line. What did you think would happen, hmm? That I’d cower and bow before admitting my feelings? If you really thought that, you know me far less than I thought.”
“What’re you trying to do?” He asked as she leaned closer to him, caging his body under her own.
“Showing you, how much you belong to me.” Saying this, she captured the Medjai’s lips with her own. He was stunned at first before melting into the fiery woman, surging upward as he claimed her lips. Yet she didn’t allow him to dominate the kiss, pulling him closer as their mouths clashed together. A battle as old as time among the dunes of the desert. A depiction of their relationship with each other soft at certain moments yet harsh at others.
The couple eventually separated, resting their foreheads against each other’s, slowly panting.
“‘Only I am allowed to touch you this way, to claim you for myself. You belong to me.” She stated.
“Yours. Only yours.” He vowed.
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Capture the flag is all fun and games until it’s time to clean up the equipment and Steve is wandering through the woods trying not to infect himself with poison ivy like the better half of his troop did an hour ago. Now being treated by their resident Scoutmaster/Chief of Police–Jim Hopper–with calamine lotion and an eye roll.
He’s out on his own.
Strategically voyaging through the underbrush in search of the blue team’s flag. It’s the last one on his list and he’s dying to get back to basecamp to snag a refreshing post-win lemonade with the rest of the troop. Already salivating from the promise of tangy sweetness.
The sun is about to set. Sky blushing pink while the owls hoot from the branches of pine trees. Calling out to each other in harmonious song as the day comes to a close.
Steve’s back is sticky and warm from directing the game. His cheeks are flushed, exposed thighs bitten up by mosquitoes despite multiple reapplications of Deet, and his glasses keep slipping down the bridge of his nose from the slick sweat coating his brow bone.
To be honest, despite the itchy heat and craving for something ice cold down his throat, Steve looks forward to rare moments like this one.
In which he can breathe easily in the reverie of temporary independence.
No one to perform for.
No one to stop him from humming a tune under his breath and stopping every so often to investigate a patch of blooming elderberries.
No one to chastise him for plopping an unwashed piece of fruit under his tongue and taking his time to savor the sweetness.
No one to point fingers and accuse him of gluttony.
Out here in the quiet, Steve can pretend all that exists are the mourning doves, rabbits running from foxes, and the subtle breeze kissing the lakeshore.
He’s content. He’s at peace.
He’s choking on his spit at the sight of the terrible scene in front of him—two men dancing with Satan beside a picnic table.
Two men entangled in an inconceivable fashion.
Two men running their hands over each other’s skin; half naked.
Two men–
Together in the way that only a man and his wife are supposed to be once they’ve married in the church, sworn vows, and moved into the modest house at the end of the cul-de-sac beneath the weeping willows.
Steve racks his brain. Unfolds the information–the proof from the good book–that every belief he holds relies on.
The verse, he thinks–thoughts spiraling out of control, ingrained savior complex kicking in, What about the verse? Don’t they know it? Didn’t their parents warn them? It’s—Hebrews 13:4; ‘Let marriage be held in honor among all, and let the marriage bed be undefiled for God will judge the sexually immoral and adulterous.’
They’ve yet to notice him. As if he’s camouflaged amongst the pine trees. Khaki blending in seamlessly like he’s just another part of the natural landscape.
In a sense, he is.
The first of the two men sinks to his knees like he’s praying for mercy as Steve has done all his life in the back of the chapel. He gazes up at the other man like he is God. Like he alone holds the divine power to cleanse sin, turn water to wine, and carve Eve from Adam’s rib.
Except, Eve doesn’t exist in this version of the story.
Eve is nowhere to be found and Steve feels like he’s entered a parallel universe where none of the former rules apply. Where this strange subset of humanity has scorched the Earth, burned the devoted ones at the stake, and anarchy now reigns.
The second stands above him in the widened prideful stance of a known pariah who foolishly believes he can outrun impending rapture and escape eternal damnation if he is clever and quick enough on his feet.
Steve can’t see his face, because similarly to the vile act he’s committing, the man is concealed by a vexing darkness. Curly tendrils of wild hair obscure his identity.
It’s odd. Unlike anyone else Steve’s ever known. Overgrown and hanging well past his shoulders. It doesn’t make sense.
Only girls are allowed to wear their hair like that. Boys like this—boys like him get sent away for such infractions. Excommunicated for their betrayal to patriarchal norms.
Men are supposed to look like men.
This man does not.
This man seems to toe and test every line and boundary like nothing can touch him.
Steve tries to get his feet to move so he can turn and run and disappear into the forest like the rest of God’s innocent creatures–the field mice, the deer, the fish in the pond–find somewhere hidden to seek asylum and preserve his fragile righteousness.
But latent curiosity slithers around him like a serpent with a fatal bite.
No cure.
No remedy.
Steve has no choice. All logical thought abandons him and perhaps for the first time in his life, he allows himself to simply watch and feel.
The man who doesn’t look all that much like a man leans a ring-covered hand back onto the rickety table like it's his personal throne and feeds his–his—genitals to the parted lips of the first.
Steve brings a hand to his own gawking mouth, ducks behind a tree to better shield himself, and tries to stall his racing heart.
“Lemme fuck your throat, baby. Open wide—wider. C’mon now play nice for me. If you’re not gagging on my cock then you can take it deeper,” the man rasps out as he thrusts his hips forwards and ensnares his black tipped nails into the hair of the kneeling man like vicious talons, “Good boy–there we go. Someone’s learned their lesson since last time, haven’t they? Stay open for me, sweetheart—keep that tongue nice and relaxed.”
thanks so much for reading !! please let me know what you think, feedback is always motivating and helpful 🥰
taglist (message me to be added or removed at any time <3): @estrellami-1 @disastardly @ilovecupcakesandtea @the-redthread @asbealthgn @bestofbucky @vampireinthesun @carlyv @shrimply-a-menace @lordrrascal @jjoesjonas @malachitedevil @anxiouseds @gay-little-bitch @jhrc666 @pinkdaisies1998 @mcneen @perseus-notjackson @eiddets @corroded-coffin-groupie @three-possums-playing-human @stevesbipanic @plutoshelm @arkenstoned @indiearr @they-reap-what-we-sow @gleek4twd @bunnyweasley23 @livingoutload @a-little-unsteddie @novelnovella @rugbertgoeshome @neverlandwaitingforme @anglhrts @madigoround
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cyberdragoninfinity · 4 months
every day i see people very adamantly like "the dub RUINED [x yugioh element/scene/whatever]" and, well, im going to be completely real with you chief: i do honestly think one of my biggest and boldest ygo 'hot takes' is "dude, what? the dubs dont Ruin anything, at least not to the scale people act like they do; they just take a different approach to the story/characters, and sometimes that doesn't always work the best or a way you personally would like."
There are PLENTY of issues with the dubs to discuss but acting like they came in and purposefully ruined everything and completely eclipse the original version is just. so bizarre to me. idk. i really dont think that's what the yugioh dubs were setting out to do lol. the sub still exists, untouched, you can go watch it at any time. honestly how is it not an amazing world we get to live in, effectively getting TWO yugiohs telling the story in two different ways, and getting to see and compare the two? even when the dub Does in fact take an arguably shittier direction with a character (chumley did get completely hosed by 4kids like. oh my god.) i do think there's still value in critically analyzing those choices and trying to wrap your head around Why they did that (mid 2000s fatphobia in western media, in this case, is definitely at play on this one. 😐😑) rather than immediately throwing down a scorched earth "they ruined it!"... and then dragging that into the living room of whatever person is having a good faith discussion about the yugioh dubs. 🤷‍♀️
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mapsontheweb · 2 years
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In summer 2022, heatwaves around the world felled records and fueled wildfires as temperatures climbed above 40 degrees Celsius (104 degrees Fahrenheit).
In June and July 2022, heatwaves struck Europe, North Africa, the Middle East, and Asia, as temperatures climbed above 40 degrees Celsius (104 degrees Fahrenheit) in places and broke many long-standing records.
The map above shows the surface air temperatures across most of the Eastern Hemisphere on July 13, 2022. It was produced by combining observations with a version of the Goddard Earth Observing System (GEOS) global model, which uses mathematical equations to represent physical processes in the atmosphere.
“While there is a clear pattern of an ‘atmospheric wave’ with alternating warm (redder) and cool (bluer) values in different locations, this large area of extreme (and record breaking) heat is another clear indicator that emissions of greenhouse gases by human activity are causing weather extremes that impact our living conditions,” said Steven Pawson, chief of the Global Modeling and Assimilation Office at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center.
In Western Europe, which was already experiencing severe drought, the heatwave fueled fires that raged across Portugal, Spain, and parts of France. In Portugal, temperatures reached 45 degrees Celsius (113 degrees Fahrenheit) on July 13 in the town of Leiria, where more than 3,000 hectares (7,400 acres) had burned. More than half of the country was on red alert as firefighters battled 14 active fires.
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The above image shows the locations of fire detections in Portugal and Spain as observed by the Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) on the Suomi NPP satellite on July 12, 2022. The prominent fire detections west of Madrid include the town of Las Hurdes where more than 1,500 hectares (3,700 acres) have burned.
In Italy, the record heat contributed to the July 3 collapse of a portion of the Marmolada Glacier in the Dolomites. The avalanche of snow, ice, and rock killed 11 hikers.
In the U.K., the Met Office issued extreme heat or amber warnings as temperatures were expected to continue to climb, possibly breaking all-time highs.
In North Africa, Tunisia has endured a heatwave and fires that have damaged the country's grain crop. On July 13 in the capital city of Tunis, the temperature reached 48 degrees Celsius (118 degrees Fahrenheit), breaking a 40-year record.
In Iran, temperatures remained high in July after reaching a scorching 52 degrees Celsius (126 degrees Fahrenheit) in late June.
In China, the summer has brought three heatwaves that have buckled roads, melted tar, and popped off roof tiles. The Shanghai Xujiahui Observatory, where records have been kept since 1873, recorded its highest temperature ever: 40.9 degrees Celsius (105 degrees Fahrenheit) on July 13, 2022. High humidity and dewpoints, along with warm overnight temperatures, created potentially deadly conditions.
“Such extreme heat has direct impacts on human health, as well as having other consequences, including these fires that are occurring now in Europe and Africa, and which have been rampant over the past few years in North America,” Pawson said.
NASA Earth Observatory images by Joshua Stevens, using GEOS-5 data from the Global Modeling and Assimilation Office at NASA GSFC and VIIRS day-night band data from the Suomi National Polar-orbiting Partnership. Story by Sara E. Pratt.
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peripeteia-guide · 2 months
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"Here we see the most current map of the world, as illuminated by the combined efforts of multiple cartographer's guilds across Peripeteia."
"The regions beyond the frigid south known as the Wild Beyonds, and the scorching seas of Free North have yet to be charted due to the hostility of the land."
"Current geological and cartographic research seems to suggest there is no "end" and that the world may simply stretch on forever til the seas turn to roiling steam and the earth turns to ice."
-François Delemarque, Chief Researcher, Paradisian Mapmaster's Union
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Highlighted Posts - Fandom Topics
For some explanation, see serious topics post.
Avatar the Last Airbender / Legend of Korra:
Aang, forgiveness and violence in The Southern Raiders (meta).
Aang’s (lack of a) character arc (meta) + same response, posted independently from the original chain post with a bit of revisions (meta).
Avatar, violence and last second anti-killing rhetoric (meta).
The actual advice the past Avatars gave Aang (meta).
Aang vs. Ozai final battle and Star Wars influences (meta).
The Great Divide is good actually (meta).
Aang being rewarded by the universe? (meta).
Third season Scorched Earth plan out of left field (meta).
Bloodbending and Energybending (meta).
Katara didn't have a “plot armor” in the final battle with Azula, she's the epitome of a warrior (meta).
Katara and non-lethal battle winning (meta/joke).
Katara didn’t beat Pakku (meta).
Katara didn’t choose Aang “over” Zuko (meta).
Anastasia!Zutara AU (headcanon).
Mai and Zuko, what should have been (meta).
Mai happily joined Azula to hunt Zuko (meta).
Kanna and Pakku... why??? (meta/joke).
Gender equality in the Fire Nation and WW2 equivalents (meta).
Legend of Korra, the status quo and the institution of the Avatar (meta).
Making Korra’s dad chief is just… awful (meta).
Harry Potter:
The Malfoys didn’t have a redemption in canon (meta).
Michael Gambon is great, you guys are just mean (meta).
Snape, Dumbledore and the Defence against the Dark Arts (meta/joke).
No thanks, I don’t need a young Snape movie (joke).
What Harry’s reaction to his name being pulled from the Goblet should have been (joke).
The Tri-Wizard tournament has no rules (meta).
Star Wars:
Star wars and Pirates of the Caribbean are the same story (meta).
Kylo Ren and redemption in the Star Wars universe and Hollywood [tlj post] (meta).
so... does Superman have an appendix? (joke).
Why Selina Kyle never goes to Arkham (joke).
The Scorpion King/Wonder Woman comparison (joke).
Infinity War and the horror of the snap (meta).
Who’s the avengers’ designer? (joke).
Black Panther and The Lion King similarities regarding women (meta).
Shipping in the MCU (joke).
Antman and family (joke).
Pirates of the Caribbeans:
Elizabeth and Will’s relationship is the heart of the movies (meta).
The best things about PotC (meta).
I sort of wrote a one-shot about the bimbettes from Beauty and the Beast (fanfiction).
Belle in the Hunchback of Notre Dame (meta).
Del Toro, monstrosity and Beauty and the Beast (meta).
Inner Workings is amazing (meta).
Frozen’s Anna and Hans (joke).
Quasimodo is awesome (meta).
Around the world with Captain Phoebus (joke).
Pocahontas’ ending is subversive as fuck (joke/meta).
Hercules didn’t know who Hades was (joke).
Bullshit “feminist” retelling and Mad Max Fury Road (joke/meta).
“Feminist” retellings explanation (analysis).
She-Ra and the inherently good protagonist (meta).
I hate the ending of She-Ra (meta).
Once upon a Time, Regina and redemption (two diverging threads of the same post) (meta): First and Second.
Ross Geller isn’t that bad, you guys are just mean. Or: The unbelievable cruelty of what Carol did to Ross (meta).
Bella Swan and Hermione Granger comparisons are bullshit (meta).
Twilight and depression (meta).
New Moon reread comments (meta).
The Good Place is the greatest show in history. But also I have thoughts (meta).
The single most beautiful Geralt and Jeskier art ever made [The Witcher] (fanart).
Dimitri wanted to find the real Anastasia all along in hopes that she survived the revolution [Anastasia 1997] (meta).
Godzilla, Pacific Rim and Hollywood: between grim-dark and camp (meta).
Wednesday Addams and the usurpation of the summer camp for rich white kids (meta).
Debbie Jellinsky is the best [The Addams Family Values] (joke).
Achilles and Patroclus sitting in an urn. K.I.S.S.I.N.G. (joke).
Of course the Jewish women are the witches in Oz the Great and Powerful… (joke/meta).
Bird Box and mental illness (meta).
My problems with Carmen San Diego (meta).
Ice Princess and teenage movie tropes. Or: They're lesbians Harold (meta/joke).
Lord of the Rings life goals (joke).
The School of Good and Evil and that little bit of antisemitism… (joke).
Game of Thrones / House of the Dragon genetics are weird (joke).
Why wouldn’t I keep talking about old fandoms? (joke/analysis).
I hate Barbie. Sorry. (meta).
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masterqwertster · 8 months
🏴‍☠️ because Bells hells looked like they enjoyed their little pirate visit
Prompt I was kind of hoping someone would ask for pirates because I've been having thoughts about a "pirates" AU since I did the hint of one as part of Ashton's alternate dreams in this prompt. So here's the intro to:
🏴‍☠️High Seas Hells AU
Bells Hells has a boat and good luck getting them off of it.
The Ship:
Called The Hellion
Not a particularly outstanding boat at first glance, but quite serviceable
Special features include: the Captain's Cabin being converted into a terrarium (yes that's actual soil and rocks coating the floor that the plants are growing in), cozy macabre decor, far too much carved detailing all over the ship, scorch marks in unusual places, and a suspiciously large amount of knitted blankets for use
Most commonly runs shipments or people travelling in or into the Shattered Teeth. But is easy enough to convince to make port in Tal'Dorei or Marquet. Issylra and Wildemount are much harder sells
The Crew:
Imogen is the captain. Mostly because she's the best at being the group Face. Though knocking down other ships' masts with Lightning Bolt definitely helps too
Orym is the First Mate and Look Out. A calm head to take command when/where Imogen can't and that small god Perception put to work
Ashton is the Navigator. Titan blood is useful for communicating with eidolons and getting them to help out by commanding wave and wind. Being Ka'Mort's heir grants even greater boons in the Shattered Teeth, like being able to sense the islands' locations
Laudna is the Bosun. She loves a project, and keeping the ship in ship shape makes her happy
Chetney is the Carpenter. No brainer there. He does add detailing around the ship when he gets bored
FCG is a Ship Medic and sometimes Chef. They want to be a therapist, but they're still sorting themself out and learning from Jirana whenever The Hellion stops by Slival
Dorian is the back-up Navigator and bard. He's still figuring out how to get the eidolons to listen to him consistently (it works best when he's confident and not an anxious mess) and doesn't have the supernatural edge Ashton possesses, but he can get the job done
FRIDA is the Sharpshooter. As the only one to use a gun (or really any kind of ranged weapon regularly), it had to go to them
Dianna is the Chef and a Ship Medic. She's ship momma. And they make extra money selling her knitting at ports
Prism is the Ship Wizard. They didn't mean to acquire Prism, but she's very happy to stay aboard and actually get to use magic to help out. And steal books and magic scrolls when they get to port
Milo is the Gunnery Chief. Kinda. Mostly they just get to tinker where the cannons go since The Hellion is so full of magic users it basically doesn't need defense cannons. Not that Milo isn't kind of interested in making magic defense cannons
Story Bits:
Ashton never meant to go to sea. Jianna sold his debt/him off pretty quickly to a ship captain out of the Menagerie Coast area who believed that a genasi's connection to the elements would act as a good luck charm for their ship against the wind and seas. Wouldn't you know they got the one genasi where that is actually true, and absolutely false. Eidolons are eager to answer the call of Titan's blood, but considering how distressed Ashton is being earth at sea, they're not being helpful. Not until the captain gets mean about it to Ashton, forcing him to learn to actually command the eidolons or be tossed overboard
FCG is brought aboard Mean Captain's ship as loot. They find the idea of an automaton (sort of) trying to be a person novel and funny. Ashton sees a fellow prisoner trapped aboard and takes him under their wing
Imogen and Laudna still meet in Gelvaan and leave it together. But they head down to the cost this time, and book passage on a ship instead of going over land.
Guess which ship
Imogen and Laudna find out about Ashton and Fresh Cut Grass's horrible situations and end up staging a mutiny.
...Which turns into more of a massacre of most of Mean Captain's crew. Two witches on a mission and one very angry Titan blood unleashed is a lot to contend with. Especially when the little robit is keeping their health up
The ship ends up under new ownership and in need of a new crew because like hell are they trusting the survivors of the old one.
Enter the rest of Bells Hells. And Milo once they sail back/to an Oderean Wilds port and depart for a quick collection trip to Jrusar
Dianna and FRIDA are acquired later when they happen to make port at the same beach town that Chetney had his fling with her at while she's bringing FRIDA there just to see the place
Prism was sent to do a survey for the Cobalt Soul at the Emon docks and ended up accidentally stowed away on The Hellion when they had to make a fast getaway. She thinks it's one of the better decisions she's made in her life
I think the fun/interesting way for the crew of The Hellion to get involved in Moon Shit is that Liliana needs to hire a ship quick for Potion of Possibility smuggling and ends up hiring The Hellion. Where she finds her daughter is the captain.
So ensues a voyage of Liliana trying to convince her daughter to go back home to Gelvaan where she'll be safe, Imogen being pissed that her mom shows up now and isn't listening to her or respecting that she's a grown-ass woman, and everyone else offering to kill Liliana the moment Imogen says 'go'
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sugarquill-slayer · 13 days
Alright I’ve finally figured the chief conflicts for each zone of the Wizardlands
Rain: Weather Wizard is flooding the area with storms and hurricanes, and not only are places blocked off by detritus, nothing can grow and people are going hungry!
Gloom: Moon Wizard, by bringing the moon itself ever closer to the sea, is driving any wizard who is caught under the lunar rays mad, as well as steadily rising the sea level.
Shine: The Solar Wizard, in her effort to keep everyone awake and productive always, is scorching the earth in perpetual daylight, and pitting the wizards against each other for who can earn her favor. Luckily there seems to be an underground force willing to aid you….
Snow: The world here is quiet, and still… Everyone is stuck in place, and those trying to escape the rut only find themselves sliding backwards again.. but who could be responsible?
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er1chartmann · 4 months
Albert Speer's timeline
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This is Albert Speer, Hitler's architect, timeline:
1905: he was born in Mannheim
1924: he moved to Munich
1925: He landed at the Berlin Institute of Technology, where he studied under the guidance of the famous architect Heinrich Tessenow.
1927: He became Tessenow's assistant
1928: He married Margarete Weber
1931: His membership in the Nazi Party was officially sealed when Speer joined it
1931: His collaboration with Tessenow ceased
1932: He went to Berlin, shortly before the Reichstag elections, where he was deeply fascinated by Hitler's oratory.
1933: Adolf Hitler became Chancellor of Germany.
1933: He came into contact with Hitler in 1933 with the intercession of Rudolf Hess, by whom the architect was commissioned to design the apparatus for the Nuremberg rally of that year. Despite some initial doubts, the project met with the sympathy of the Führer,.
1934: Upon Troost's death he was chosen as the party's chief architect.
1934: His first son, Albert Speer jr, was born
1936: His daughter, Hilde Schramm, was born
1937: He was appointed Inspector General for Construction of the Reich capital
1937: He was granted a seat in parliament.
1937: He received a gold medal for the German pavilion at the International Exhibition held in Paris.
1939: He finished the New Reich Chancellery in record time
1939: The Second World War began.
1942: Hitler surprisingly appointed Speer, who had no experience in industrial production, as "Minister for Armaments and War Production."
1943: He authorized the sending of material to expand the Birkenau extermination camp.
1943: He learned about what really happened in Auschwitz
1944: He achieved excellent results, reaching the pinnacle of German production
1945: He refused to carry out the «scorched earth» strategy (provided by the Nero decree),
1945: He was arrested by the Allies
1946: He was sentenced to twenty years' imprisonment, to be served in Spandau prison
1946: He was tried in Nuremberg.
1946: He was sentenced to twenty years' imprisonment, to be served in Spandau prison
1966: He was released from prison
1970: His book was released and became a best seller
1981: He died in London.
Wikipedia: Albert Speer
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Prowl is a modern cold constructed in modern Cybertron and isn't exactly happy. While working traffic duty he gets hit by a dozing Convoy, overworked and underpaid, and dies.
In true isekai fashion he wakes up bright and shiny as a newborn in the fantasy-royal-ancient past when the old religion and beliefs in Cybertron were still practiced and there was a Prime around not a Functionalist Council.
Prowl is born into Royalty and perplexed and annoyed in equal measure by the whole thing. He and his parent do not get on but he finds himself incredibly fond of having siblings. Royal etiquette is not something he cares about at all and he's determined to continue serving and protecting which causes him to stand out in a bad way as far as his royal parent is concerned.
His parent puts him in charge of the waste disposal as a way to punish him and keep him out of the way.
Prowl's pleased as he has been annoyed with it for a while, completely revamps the system and makes pay and safety standards for the Minibots who are involved in it. This does have the benefit of making the city healthier, cleaner, and Prowl popular with some of the lower class especially when he slips the fair treatment and requirements into law and housing rules which start to annoy the nobles who have to now meet safety standards at any of their properties.
He once had to learn in detail about Petrex's waste disposal system when investigating a murder and the information was still there. He just needed to kidnap (hire) a few civil engineers to make it reality.
So Prowl's parent, annoyed moves him again. Knowing he doesn't like to be social he puts him in charge of planning the Great Fete to celebrate some holiday.
Prowl throws himself into research and turns it into a festival allowing and promoting local businesses, organizes it, adds several new competitions that are more safe, opens it to commoners so they are profitting and bringing in business instead of losing money, advertises it far and wide, and eliminates old traditional competitions that people died during. He works closely with businesses bringing in the Lord of Commerce's office and city planners and others to help organize it, drawing from his experience working security and with modern festivals and licenses that pop up during those time.
His biggest issue is working with the City Guard who are corrupt and lazy and who remind him of the worst of modern Cybertron. He actually gets into a very public argument with their leader.
His parent furious at the changes and even more to hear visitors compliment them or Prowl praised at the same time he is, decides to throw him to the wolves.
Prowl has no experience with the military and is considered "soft" by many so he drops the City Guard in his lap to watch him fail.
Prowl descends upon them like a swarm ripping the organization apart and rebuilding it from the ground up. Complete scorched earth with many, retraining with the few who survive his purge, organized departments, strict standards and performance reviews, raised labor standards and pay.
Prowl becomes very popular in a quiet sort of way as he's still not what anyone imagines when they say Prince or very outwardly friendly or social with other nobles, but his brothers arw and they adore him. The City Guard catch everyone's attention because it is a big political move especially when it includes minor nobility, retired soldiers, and younger creations in its ranks who are very loyal to their Chief/Prince.
The succession gets brought up and the King decides the best way to deal with Prowl is to get rid of him.
So he decides to marry Prowl off.
Enter Jazz Stage Left.
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orthodoxydaily · 1 year
Saints&Reading: Tuesday, February 14, 2023
february 14_february 1
Prefeast of the Meeting of the Lord
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The celestial choir of heavenly angels / bends down to the earth / and sees the First-born of all creation / being carried into the Temple as a babe / by a Mother who has not known man, / and in amazement sings with us / a pre-festal hymn.
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The Martyr Tryphon was born in Phrygia, one of the districts of Asia Minor, in the village of Lampsacus. From his early years the Lord granted him the power to cast out demons and to heal various maladies. He once saved the inhabitants of his native city from starvation. Saint Tryphon, by the power of his prayer, turned back a plague of locusts that were devouring the grain and devastating the fields.
Saint Tryphon gained particular fame by casting out an evil spirit from the daughter of the Roman emperor Gordian (238-244). Helping everyone in distress, he asked only one thing from them: faith in Jesus Christ, by Whose grace he healed them.
When the emperor Decius (249-251) assumed the imperial throne, he began a fierce persecution of Christians. Someone reported to the commander Aquilinus that Saint Tryphon was boldly preaching faith in Christ, and that he led many to Baptism. The saint was arrested and subjected to interrogation, during which he fearlessly confessed his faith.
He was subjected to harsh tortures: they beat him with clubs, raked his body with iron hooks, they scorched his flesh with fire, and led him through the city, after iron nails were hammered into his feet. Saint Tryphon bravely endured all the torments without complaint.
Finally, he was condemned to beheading with a sword. The holy martyr prayed before his execution, thanking God for strengthening him in his sufferings. He also asked the Lord to bless those who should call upon his name for help. Just as the soldiers raised the sword over the head of the holy martyr, he surrendered his soul into the hands of God. This event occurred in the city of Nicea in the year 250.
Christians wrapped the holy body of the martyr in a clean shroud and wanted to bury him in the city of Nicea, where he suffered, but Saint Tryphon in a vision commanded them to take his body to his native land to the village of Lampsacus. Later on, the relics of Saint Tryphon were transferred to Constantinople, and then to Rome.
In Russia, Saint Tryphon is regarded as the patron saint of birds. There is a story that when Tsar Ivan the Terrible was out hunting, his falconer carelessly allowed the Tsar’s favorite falcon to fly away. The Tsar ordered the falconer Tryphon Patrikeiev to find the bird within three days, or else he would be put to death. Tryphon searched all through the forest, but without luck.
On the third day, exhausted by long searching, he returned to Moscow to the place called Marinaya Grove. Overcome with weariness, he lay down to rest, fervently praying to his patron saint, the Martyr Tryphon, for help.
In a dream he saw a youth on a white horse, holding the Tsar’s falcon on his hand. The youth said, “Take the lost bird, go to the Tsar and do not grieve.” When he awakened, the falconer actually spotted the falcon on a pine tree. He took it to the Tsar and told him about the miraculous help he received from the holy Martyr Tryphon. Grateful to Saint Tryphon for saving his life, Tryphon Patrikeiev built a chapel on the spot where the saint appeared. Later on, he also built a church dedicated to the holy Martyr Tryphon in Moscow.
The holy martyr is greatly venerated in the Russian Orthodox Church as the heavenly protector of Moscow. Many Russian icons depict the saint holding a falcon on his arm.
Source: Orthodox Church in America_OCA
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MARK 14:10-42
10 Then Judas Iscariot, one of the twelve, went to the chief priests to betray Him to them. 11 And when they heard it, they were glad, and promised to give him money. So he sought how he might conveniently betray Him. 12 Now on the first day of Unleavened Bread, when they killed the Passover lamb, His disciples said to Him, "Where do You want us to go and prepare, that You may eat the Passover?" 13 And He sent out two of His disciples and said to them, "Go into the city, and a man will meet you carrying a pitcher of water; follow him. 14 Wherever he goes in, say to the master of the house, 'The Teacher says, Where is the guest room in which I may eat the Passover with My disciples?" ' 15 Then he will show you a large upper room, furnished and prepared; there make ready for us. 16 So His disciples went out, and came into the city, and found it just as He had said to them; and they prepared the Passover. 17 In the evening He came with the twelve. 18 Now as they sat and ate, Jesus said, "Assuredly, I say to you, one of you who eats with Me will betray Me." 19 And they began to be sorrowful, and to say to Him one by one, "Is it I?" And another said, "Is it I?" 20 He answered and said to them, "It is one of the twelve, who dips with Me in the dish. 21 The Son of Man indeed goes just as it is written of Him, but woe to that man by whom the Son of Man is betrayed! It would have been good for that man if he had never been born. 22 And as they were eating, Jesus took bread, blessed and broke it, and gave it to them and said, "Take, eat; this is My body."  23Then He took the cup, and when He had given thanks He gave it to them, and they all drank from it. 24 And He said to them, "This is My blood of the new covenant, which is shed for many. 25 Assuredly, I say to you, I will no longer drink of the fruit of the vine until that day when I drink it new in the kingdom of God. 26 And when they had sung a hymn, they went out to the Mount of Olives. 27 Then Jesus said to them, "All of you will be made to stumble because of Me this night, for it is written:'I will strike the Shepherd, And the sheep will be scattered.' 28 But after I have been raised, I will go before you to Galilee. 29 Peter said to Him, "Even if all are made to stumble, yet I will not be." 30 Jesus said to him, "Assuredly, I say to you that today, even this night, before the rooster crows twice, you will deny Me three times." 31 But he spoke more vehemently, "If I have to die with You, I will not deny You!" And they all said likewise. 32 Then they came to a place which was named Gethsemane; and He said to His disciples, "Sit here while I pray." 33 And He took Peter, James, and John with Him, and He began to be troubled and deeply distressed. 34 Then He said to them, "My soul is exceedingly sorrowful, even to death. Stay here and watch." 35 He went a little farther, and fell on the ground, and prayed that if it were possible, the hour might pass from Him. 36 And He said, "Abba, Father, all things are possible for You. Take this cup away from Me; nevertheless, not what I will, but what You will." 37 Then He came and found them sleeping, and said to Peter, "Simon, are you sleeping? Could you not watch one hour? 38 Watch and pray, lest you enter into temptation. The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak. 39 Again He went away and prayed, and spoke the same words. 40 And when He returned, He found them asleep again, for their eyes were heavy; and they did not know what to answer Him. 41 Then He came the third time and said to them, "Are you still sleeping and resting? It is enough! The hour has come; behold, the Son of Man is being betrayed into the hands of sinners. 42 Rise, let us be going. See, My betrayer is at hand.
JOHN 3:11-20
11 For this is the message that you heard from the beginning, that we should love one another, 12 not as Cain who was of the wicked one and murdered his brother. And why did he murder him? Because his works were evil and his brother's righteous. 13 Do not marvel, my brethren, if the world hates you. 14 We know that we have passed from death to life, because we love the brethren. He who does not love his brother abides in death. 15 Whoever hates his brother is a murderer, and you know that no murderer has eternal life abiding in him. 16 By this we know love, because He laid down His life for us. And we also ought to lay down our lives for the brethren. 17 But whoever has this world's goods, and sees his brother in need, and shuts up his heart from him, how does the love of God abide in him? 18 My little children, let us not love in word or in tongue, but in deed and in truth. 19 And by this we know that we are of the truth, and shall assure our hearts before Him. 20 For if our heart condemns us, God is greater than our heart, and knows all things.
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Heatwaves and Fires Scorch Europe, Africa, and Asia In June and July 2022, heatwaves struck Europe, North Africa, the Middle East, and Asia, as temperatures climbed above 40 degrees Celsius (104 degrees Fahrenheit) in places and broke many long-standing records. The map above shows the surface air temperatures across most of the Eastern Hemisphere on July 13, 2022. It was produced by combining observations with a version of the Goddard Earth Observing System (GEOS) global model, which uses mathematical equations to represent physical processes in the atmosphere. “While there is a clear pattern of an ‘atmospheric wave’ with alternating warm (redder) and cool (bluer) values in different locations, this large area of extreme (and record breaking) heat is another clear indicator that emissions of greenhouse gases by human activity are causing weather extremes that impact our living conditions,” said Steven Pawson, chief of the Global Modeling and Assimilation Office at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center. In Western Europe, which was already experiencing severe drought, the heatwave fueled fires that raged across Portugal, Spain, and parts of France. In Portugal, temperatures reached 45 degrees Celsius (113 degrees Fahrenheit) on July 13 in the town of Leiria, where more than 3,000 hectares (7,400 acres) had burned. More than half of the country was on red alert as firefighters battled 14 active fires. The above image shows the locations of fire detections in Portugal and Spain as observed by the Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) on the Suomi NPP satellite on July 12, 2022. The prominent fire detections west of Madrid include the town of Las Hurdes where more than 1,500 hectares (3,700 acres) have burned. In Italy, the record heat contributed to the July 3 collapse of a portion of the Marmolada Glacier in the Dolomites. The avalanche of snow, ice, and rock killed 11 hikers. In the U.K., the Met Office issued extreme heat or amber warnings as temperatures were expected to continue to climb, possibly breaking all-time highs. In North Africa, Tunisia has endured a heatwave and fires that have damaged the country's grain crop. On July 13 in the capital city of Tunis, the temperature reached 48 degrees Celsius (118 degrees Fahrenheit), breaking a 40-year record. In Iran, temperatures remained high in July after reaching a scorching 52 degrees Celsius (126 degrees Fahrenheit) in late June. In China, the summer has brought three heatwaves that have buckled roads, melted tar, and popped off roof tiles. The Shanghai Xujiahui Observatory, where records have been kept since 1873, recorded its highest temperature ever: 40.9 degrees Celsius (105 degrees Fahrenheit) on July 13, 2022. High humidity and dewpoints, along with warm overnight temperatures, created potentially deadly conditions. “Such extreme heat has direct impacts on human health, as well as having other consequences, including these fires that are occurring now in Europe and Africa, and which have been rampant over the past few years in North America,” Pawson said. NASA Earth Observatory images by Joshua Stevens, using GEOS-5 data from the Global Modeling and Assimilation Office at NASA GSFC and VIIRS day-night band data from the Suomi National Polar-orbiting Partnership. Story by Sara E. Pratt.
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Findidng The Golden Mean
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My U. S. Senator voted against the Ukrainian-Istreal aid package that Congress passed recently.  He said he opposed it because of  Benjamin Netanyahu’s conduct in the Gaza war.  I like my Senator. Nonetheless, I sent him an email that accused him of being long on principle, but short on common sense.  The bill he rejected included aid for the people of Gaza, victims forced to live in tents under a barrage of bombs.  We live in an imperfect world, so life requires compromises. People with pollen allergies, for example, accept that bees need clover fields to survive.       Sometimes, imperfection can be a positive force. Donald Trump’s flawed presidency has taught us that our 235-year-old Constitution may do more than guarantee equality for all.  If the Supreme Court upholds Trump’s claim of presidential immunity, it will mean our head of state is a monarch able to commit any crime without fear of consequences.  The High Court considered Presidential immunity concerning civil conduct three decards ago. A case in 1982 involving Richard Nixon ended with a decision that gave a sitting President a degree of absolution. The  Constitution makes no mention of that, but the judges based their findings on the Speech or Debate section of the document.  It grants civil immunity to members of Congress.  Trump pushes the envelope when he argues that immunity extends to Presidential crimes.  If the integrity of some jurists deciding Trump’s case weren’t also in disrepute, all might be well. But the High Court has been slow to promulgate rules of conduct for itself and members like  Neil Gorsuch and Clarence Thomas have shown little inclination to police themselves. A citizen may wonder how these appointed jurists came to hold their sweeping authority over the Executive and Legislative branches of government.  Article 111 of the Constitution restricts them to disputes between the states or those arising among ambassadors and other high-ranking ministers. Their expanded authority arose from Maybury v. Madison. In 1801, before leaving office,  President John Adams commissioned William Maybury to be a justice of the peace.  Adams’s successor, James Madison, refused to deliver the appointment, so Marbury sued.  Taking the Federal government to court was novel, so before hearing the argument, the Supreme Court had to determine if it had jurisdiction. Chief Justice John Marshall decided that Maybury’s petition raised a legal question, so the Court could rule. That opinion which was never challenged was far-reaching.  The Constitution, being silent on the matter, Marshall and his cohorts chose to reserve for themselves extraordinary power over the two other branches of government.    Article 111 does offer a defense against an overreaching judiciary.  Court-stripping permits Congress to limit or reduce a state court’s jurisdiction in federal matters except for those originally granted.  The remedy poses complications that I’m not qualified to discuss. What matters is that besides Court-stripping, Congress has only one other way to assert its authority.  It can write new legislation.  If a bill fails, the judicial ruling stands. Because the High Court chooses the cases it hears, its involvement can seem political.  For example, when it overturned Roe v. Wade   with its almost 50-year-old standing, members of the public were outraged and called for a change in that body’s  composition, either by adding to the number of members or imposing term limits Times of social and political upheaval can encourage extremism. Some people become heated enough to demand a scorched earth policy and let democracy be damned.  Those of us standing in the middle watch in awe.  Fortunately, enough of us exist to enforce the Golden Mean. At once a mathematical and philosophical construct, the Golden Mean, which also exists in nature,  calls for a middle way–living without the extremes of excess and deficiency. It teaches that compromise enables inclusion.  In ancient thought, it defined a moral life. When my Senator rejected aid for Gaza because the package was imperfect, he abandoned the middle way.  He also forgot two important truths. First, he forgot that Israel is our ally and the only democracy in the Middle East. Its citizens deserve our support regardless of Netanyahu’s crimes.  He will answer for his conduct in his country’s next election and, eventually, at the International Criminal Court in Haag. Second, my Senator forgot that imperfection attends to every human endeavor.  Purity is the posture of angels and those who imagine they are.
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