#childe does the same!!!! and he looks up at you and chirps so cutely
non-stop-imagines · 7 months
Can we please have a blurb for my biggest fan where the baby has her first Karting lesson or event and she's scared so she goes crying to charles for comfort.
I love hearing from you and I love this idea. And I love Dad!Charles. 😚💕
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Karting Woes
Pairing: Charles Leclerc x Black Mom!Reader
Word Count: maybe 400 words (I didn't check) and an insta smau
Warning: Fluff, truly just fluff, Dad!Charles that we all deserve, Gia crying and being worried, a cute little ending 😘
A/N 3: man petite souris = my little mouse;
"Okay, okay. Let's go find Charles." You and Gia weaved your way through the crowd of children of various ages and their parents, knowing you would find Charles with Gia's kart, looking it over one last time. Gia was holding your hand tightly as you guided her through the crowd, but she immediately lets go and scurries over to Charles once she sees him, tears streaming down her face.
"Petite souris, why the tears?" He picked her up and lets her arms wrap tightly around his neck as he gave you a wide eyed look, briefly glancing at the crying child in his arms.
"She just came to me and said she needed to talk to you." You take a step closer to run your hand down the two braids that you had put in your daughter's hair.
"I can't remember *hic* where to break *hic* and the racing line *hic* for turn 3. And-and I don't know if I-I'm gonna do good and that if I-I d-don't do good you and m-mama will be mad..." Charles is quick to hush the spiralling child in his arms.
"Woah, woah. Okay. First, breathe. Here put your hand on my chest." He took her tiny hand and placed it on this chest, then began to take a long breath in, allowing his chest to lift exaggeratedly so the child knew to follow suit. Gia tried, but continued to suck in small gasps of air, a bit further from the verge of crying, but still in the verge. So Charles placed her back on the ground, kneeling so he could be eye level with her, and engulfed both of her hands in his to bring them to his chest. "Ah, try again, mon petit souris. In..." This time she does as told, taking a deep, long, exaggerated breath in, puffing out her cheeks and raising her shoulders in the process which made you look over and see that Charles had done the same. Charles then counted to 5 with his fingers before letting out his breath, the small child mimicing the action. "Better?" Gia nods while Charles brings his hand down one of her braids, guiding the end in front of her shoulder. "Okay. Now, what is this about me and your mom being mad at you?"
"That if I don't good you and Mama will be mad at me..." Gia played with her fingers as she quietly spoke, looking up at Charles after receiving a light kiss on the top of her head.
"Gianna...are you having fun?" You daughter nods and Charles continues. "You want to go out there and try your very best, oui?" Another nod. "Well, then there is nothing your mom could be mad about. This is your first race, mon petit souris. All we want is for you to go out there, learn, and have a good time. Bon?" His hands had traveled back down to your daughter's, grasping them and gently wiggling her arms.
"Bon. But, but what what about my nerves?" You're daughter's little voice chirped, making you want to cry more than you already wanted to.
"You being nervous means you care, and it is the greatest doing something you care so much about, I promise." He brings Gia into him for a hug and rapid fire light kisses on the top of her head. "And the, uh, second thing?" Charles knew exactly what the second concern was for your daughter but he liked allowing Gia to voice her own concerns. It has saved the both of you many whiney tantrums.
"Turn 3. I can't remember the racing line or where to brake." Gia takes a flat hand and rubs some pieces of hair back that were tickling her forehead as she turned toward the track, pointing at the curve in question.
"Okay, let's go take a look." Charles stands straight up and hold out his hand that Gia quickly accepts. What you don't expect was for Gia's other hand to blindly reach out for yours, which you take, following them to the track so he could go over the information again. Gia held on to your hand with an unwavering grip as she watched Charles' hand move fluidly to give visual to his instruction, her full attention on him, nodding intermittently as he spoke. And you watched to, but your mind blocked out the words and only observed how your boyfriend's hands mimiced the curve and the motion of driving, seeing how his bracelets and rings made the image that much sweeter for you. The sight was what dreams were made of, as a mother and a girlfriend.
"You feel a little better about that corner?" Charles turns back to Gianna who was nodding up at him.
"Yeah, I feel better." Gia turns briefly to look at you and then turns back to Charles quickly as if she forgot something. "Oh! Merci, Charles." You let go of Gia's hand so Charles could pick her up again.
"De rien, ma petite souris." He looked at her as she continued to analyze the tricky curve. Proud to be here in this moment with her and for her to trust him so much, and wondering what he did in his life to deserve this. "Do you still need to finish your warm up? Have you done the bands yet?" Gia shakes her head, her small braids whipping around. "Alright, let's go."
"I'm gonna head back to the chairs." You decide to give them their bonding time, stopping to give Charles the kiss he leaned in for after setting Gia back on the ground.
"Okay, I'll be over there in a minute." One more kiss and then he was off with your daughter back to the white tents being used as garages, your daughter now skipping along having forgotten all of her woes from minutes before.
You watched as all the kids began to line up on the grid, with Gia lining up P11, her vibrant pink helmet and red race suit combination not making it difficult to point her out. Charles' arms snaked around your waist, making you flinch but settle into his body once you saw it was him. "How was she?"
"She was fine. I don't even think she remembers what she was nervous about." You let out a singular breathy chuckle as he gave you small pecks behind the ear, everyone now waiting for the race to begin. "I think she'll do fine."
"You're a good dad, you know?" You meant your words, but you knew that they would have Charles floating on Cloud 9, probably for the rest of the week. You knew how much he liked being a dad and how much he cared about being a good father figure to Gianna, so sometimes you would just remind him that he was doing a good job. You also liked to see how flustered he got.
He brought his fingers to your chin to guide your face to look at him, a cheeky grin on your face that he couldn't help but kiss. "Merci, ma cherie." You both turn back to the track as the your daughter's first race begins.
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Liked by susie_wolff and 98,389 others
yourusername I'd say going from 11th to 6th in your first race is pretty good. Mama is so proud of you Gia. 😚♥️
tagged charles_leclerc
View all 173 comments
charles_leclerc Super proud ♥️♥️
>yourusername Super proud of you for not crying for too long after she crossed the finish line 😘
>charles_leclerc She did so good 😭😭
user1 So proud of our baby!🥳
>yourusername Gia says thank you to all of her internet aunties and uncles 😁
susie_wolff You have to bring Gia out to practice with Jack sometime!
>yourusername Booking the flight right now! I would take any chance I can get to spend some time with the Wolff's ♥️
>susie_wolff Text me so we can set it up!! ♥️♥️
>user2 I don't think the world would survive the power surge that would be produced from these two linking up
scuderiaferrari We love a good Lewink 😉
>yourusername Any day you get a Lewink is a good day 😘
402 notes · View notes
afternoonsociety · 1 year
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*ೃ༄ The Sound of Two Different Hearts - Part Two - Neteyam x Human!Fem!Reader
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warnings: fluff, neteyam denying his feelings, so does Y/N, mentions the word blood, neytiri being a bit mean, Tuk being a „cockblock“, but not really because she is cute
please excuse any errors, English is not my first language. I hope you like part two
word count: 5k
synopsis: Y/N and Neteyam become closer during a feast for the Iknimaya of the other clan members, but both are oblivious to their hints and feelings.
— Part One — Part Two — Part Three — Part Four
Other websites: ao3 // wattpad
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The group arrives with the injured Y/N at the Omatikaya clan. Neteyam helped her down and escorted her in the direction of the Tsahík's tent, but the two were stopped by his father Jake. He stood directly in front of them, put his hand on his son's chest to signal him to stop, and called to his other son who was still standing with Miles by his ikran. "What do you think you're doing? Disobeying my orders and just going to this place?" "Dad," Lo'ak tried to interrupt, but this one was of no use. "Don't even get me started Lo'ak. I expected better from my children and even more so from my eldest son" At the same time he looked at Nete with a deadly gaze. "Tuk told me where you were going and that it was your idea, Lo'ak!" turning to his youngest son. "I'm really disappointed in both of you and then for you to drag two others into this is even worse. What's actually going through your little brains?"
This time Nete tried to interrupt his father and save his little brother from his anger. "Dad, it's my fault" he hung his head low. "I should have been more persistent. I should have made them understand better that it was too dangerous and I should have taken more care of Y/N. Then she wouldn't be hurt now either."
Jake's eyes suddenly got big and his ears started to twitch. In his fury, he hadn't noticed the girl in his son's arms. He gently grabbed her shoulder and examined her. When he saw the claw wounds on her back, he immediately called Kiri over to help her to Mo'at. But before she arrived, Y/N grabbed Jake's arm. "Jake, it was my fault. Everything was going fine. Neteyam had been checking to see if there was any danger, but there was nothing. If I hadn't just run away, none of this would have happened. Please, it was my fault" He just gave her a dismissive nod before a loud shout of her name rang out. "Y/N! Are you alright?" Kiri came running up and looked at her with concern. "Just a little scratch," the young human woman tried to play it down. Kiri turned her around and looked at her back. "That's not just a little scratch, Y/N. That looks like you were attacked by a thanator!" Y/N pressed her lips together and gave her an affirmative nod. "Say, are you three nuts! How can you just stand there like that when she's hurt. You're all so stupid!" "Kiri, it's fine. Can we patch me up now, please?" Y/N reassured her and they both walked to the entrance of the hut. `Teyam wanted to follow her but his father wasn't finished with him yet.
In Mo'at's tent, Kiri set Y/N down on a wooden stool, which was placed in the center. The Tsahík, came out of the shadows and asked, "What happened to the human child?" It was not meant derogatory towards Y/N, that's just what Mo'at had always called her. She liked the human because she didn't see any bad intentions in her either. Tuk, who had followed the two chirped in, "She was attacked, by a palulukan, grandmother" Mo'at then continued to walk towards the seated Y/N and grabbed the t-shirt rags. "I see, you know child not everyone survives an attack like that. Even our warriors succumb to the injuries of such an animal. You must have been very lucky" "No luck. I had Neteyam" she replied. Neteyam the mighty warrior. Her mighty warrior. The Tsahík then gave a `hmm` and gestured Kiri over to her. "Kiri, I want you to take care of her. I'm sure you're prepared already" Kiri nodded briefly and began to gather her things. She looked for several herbs and ointments which were distributed in differently woven baskets. Suddenly the curtain, which served as a door, moved and the head of Nete came to light. "Is she well?" asked the young warrior.
Mo'at replied, "She's fine, it's just surface scratches, not too deep. Kiri will take good care of her, but you have to wait outside. She needs concentration" Kiri had tried to pull the blood soaked shirt over her head in that time and a painful moan from Y/N followed. Neteyam's head snapped in the direction of the sound.
"B-But I want to be there. She's in pain."
"I said Kiri needs concentration and the human child needs rest. You wait outside"
With that the might word was spoken and `Teyam left the tent with a sigh.
While the Na'vi girl took care of Y/N, a conversation occurred outside between Neytiri and her husband.
"Don't you see, Jake? She could have put our children in danger"
"It was an accident, Neytiri"
"Yes, an accident Eywa caused as another sign that humans don't belong here. She just wanted to keep the balance and saw her as a threat"
Jake was getting tired of listening to all of this. Of course he knew of his wife's opinion and that she was unhappy that he still kept this "monkey", as Neytiri referred to her, with him. But it was just an accident that could have happened to anyone.
"Neytiri, please. It was an accident. You saved me quite a few times too, when I was new to it all. Don't forget that I was once human too"
"That's different" Jake just shook his head. "It's nothing different. I was like a baby to you that had to be taught everything. Y/N grew up with Spider here and they've been through a lot. Just look at them then like toddlers who didn't know any better yet" `Tiri was stunned by her mate's statement, how could he yell at his own children, like that and then come to the defense of the two monkey kids. She was fed up with the conversation, but it wasn't over yet. With a slight hiss, she retreated. Jake grimaced, in reaction to her behavior. Sometimes he was really afraid of his wife.
Tuk continued to worry about Y/N and took her hand to show her that she was there for her. She was sorry to see her human sister - that's how she liked to look at her - in such a state. Of course, she had witnessed this before when her brothers were once again injured, but with Y/N it was different. Tuktirey had grown up with her. Ever since she could remember back, Y/N had always been there. And Y/N was always the only one who wanted to play with her when her brothers were annoyed with Tuk again.
The care of the wound hurt a lot and Y/N pressed Tuk Tuk's hand again and again if the burning became too strong. When Kiri finally finished applying the ointments, she made something like a bandage out of certain leaves and wrapped her upper body with it. After a short time, the herbs began to work and Y/N was able to put on her ragged t-shirt again on her own.
Nete racked his brains about how she was doing in the meantime. He was glad to have been there. He would never have been able to cope with it if something worse had happened to Y/N. His Y/N. His head rose when he noticed that Y/N came out of the tent of the Tsahík and immediately ran towards her. Kiri tried to brush him off. "She needs rest Neteyam. Let her."
"It's all good Kiri, if it wasn't for him I wouldn't be standing next to you right now. My strong warrior saved me" she said with a smirk in her tone. `Teyam's ears perked up and he felt that warmth in his body again. She had called him, her strong warrior. He wanted to grab his cheeks, as he could have sworn they were now purple from her statement.
"If you need anything, you know where to find me, Y/N" Kiri replied to her and made her way to the other Na'vi women in the clan.
But before any of them could say anything, Jake intervened again with Miles and Lo'ak in tow. "I think it's better if you go home for the day. A lot has happened and you need to rest, Y/N" Miles and Y/N nodded and went on their way. "And you two will be grounded for a week for your actions today, just so we're clear about that." he added again, pointing his finger at his two sons.
For Y/N and Miles, the day was as good as over. Y/N just wanted to go to bed and sleep and Miles just wanted to go home, that was enough action for him today too. When they entered the lab, the scientists were already waiting for them. Norm immediately ran towards the door when he saw Y/N. "What kind of stuff are you doing, Y/N?" he asked. "Do you actually know how worried I was when Jake let us know you were hurt?", Mary came to her side and took her in her arms. "I can imagine, but I'm better Kiri took good care of me. I guess the shock was worse than the actual injury" Y/N said "Let me look at it again please though. Come" She led Y/N to a doctor's room and began to examine her. There was no doubt that the Omatikaya medication would not work, but Mary's maternal instinct would not let her go and wanted to examine the her herself.
In the aftermath, there was no punishment for the two young adults, but it was stated with an cautioning tone that they shouldn't pull another stunt like that in the near future and that their adventures can wait.
It took a few days for Y/N to recover and stand on both legs again. The herbal paste had helped her very well. Nevertheless, she preferred to stay at home for a few more days to be really sure that she had recovered. Miles, on the other hand, had already decided to return to the forest after two days. He was also the messenger between the two sides, telling the Sully family every day that she was already feeling better. During the time Y/N spent at home, she was allowed to help out in the labs and she was finally able to digitize her new notes from her little book. Furthermore, there was another new achievement of the researchers. They had done several tests and invented a new type of respirator. Instead of a mask like the conventional exopack, they had now invented an oxygen nasal cannula that would deliver enough oxygen to the body without the need to place a mask on the face, tightly enclosing the nose and mouth. It was only a prototype but the researchers were sure if they worked more on it, it would come to a new breakthrough and provide more freedom of movement. This type of device consists of a lightweight tube which on one end splits into two prongs which are placed in the nostrils and from which a mixture of air and oxygen flows. The other end of the tube is connected to an oxygen supply as a portable oxygen generator, that could be placed on the hip just like the exopack.
Y/N was the first to find out about it, as Miles once again strayed somewhere. Norm came to her room one afternoon to show her the new device. She was very excited for him and his research colleagues that they had discovered a new way to provide oxygen to the body. Norm also asked her in the same moment that she be allowed to test it first, but they were not sure yet that it would work consistently, so she would have to keep her actual exopack with her at all times. She felt honored and accepted the opportunity directly. She would have loved to show it to her friends right away. The thought immediately brought Neteyam to her mind. She had missed him very much and couldn't wait to show him. It would be the first time he could see her face properly.
"Norm, can I go out today?" she asked while playing with her hands in her lap.
„Are you feeling any better?"
"Yes much better, it doesn't hurt anymore."
"Well then, nothing can stop you now. Go on, but this time come back without any injuries," he encouraged her and Y/N quickly got up to gather her things.
In the meantime, the Omatikaya clan also experienced a sense of achievement. This year, especially many young people had reached the age for the rite of passage to begin. It's a ritual phase that every young Na'vi must go through, wether it be to be an aspiring warrior to a practitioner of amor making. Once the Na'vi enter into the intermediate phase of adulthood, they will undergo training in their desired skill they wish to focus on. They are taught by a senior member of the clan. Once they completed their first kill, like Neteyam did when he killed the sturmbeest, their rite of passage begins. They must tame a banshee, the Iknimaya rite, by roping an Ikran and preforming the bond to tame it before having them fly. After this they must seek their spirit animal in the dream hunt. Once the young Na'vi has completed all of their tasks and training, they are then honored with a ceremony in which they will be inducted and considered as an adult among the Omatikaya.
For the clan members, the large number of adolescents was a sign from Eywa that the losses of the last decade were being recovered. Which is why they decided to hold an especially large feast today. After the now adult Na'vi were allowed to make their bows from the Hometree, the preparations began. At first, Neytiri was against Miles and Y/N being allowed to participate in the festivities. But after a long struggle and persuasion of her youngest daughter she had given in.
The arrangements were already in full swing and Kiri's plan to finally get Neteyam to confess his feelings to Y/N was getting closer and closer. While she had already gone through the rite and kept out of everything, she got the idea to dress Y/N like a real Na'vi at the festivities. Already a few days ago she searched together with Tuktirey for materials to make clothes for her. They came to the decision, since Y/N did not feel comfortable to show herself so freely in front of the Omatikaya - which they somehow did not understand, but Kiri then remembered that humans felt the sensation of shame - to make a top that would cover her chest best. It consisted of small green hollow rods arranged horizontally, from a shrub that was used to make most of the garments. In the middle, they decorated it with colorful beads that Tuk still had with her, from her last trip to explore with Y/N.
For the clothing for her lower area, they decided on a normal loincloth, just like they would wear. If Y/N felt too uncomfortable in it as well, she would still have the option to leave her underwear on.
They also prepared a blue color paste that resembled the blue of the Na'vi to give her the distinctive stripes as well, as Spider always wore them. For the hair, Tuk had come up with something. Since she wasn't very good at braiding yet, she wanted to only braid a few small braids in her hair, which she would then decorate with feathers.
Y/N barged right in the middle of the preparations. All the members quickly scurried from one place to another so they would be ready in time. Y/N admired the graceful movements, they almost looked like rehearsed choreography. Kiri noticed the unfamiliar contrast between all the tall blue people and quickly pulled Y/N out of the crowd to join her. "There you are, we missed you so much", she replied and pressed her human friend very tightly against her, so much that Y/N had to tap her several times on the arm, so that Kiri did not crush her. Kiri could only laugh, sometimes she forgot that she is not like her. "Come along. Tuk and I have a surprise for you".
Thus she pulled Y/N with her up a root to drag her along into a hut.
"Y/N!" exclaimed Tuktirey with excitement. "Tuk Tuk and I have thought of an idea. Since today is the feast and you're back here for the first time after your accident, we decided to dress you up like us. Look" said Kiri with full anticipation and Tuk pulled a cloth away from a stool to reveal the beautiful handmade clothes. For Y/N, it was an honor to be given this opportunity and she was thrilled. "Oh no, how great. Thank you!" and without hesitation Y/N began to undress and the two girls helped her put on the Na'vi clothes. After Y/N looked herself over she almost got tears in her eyes. It was unusual for her, but she never felt so beautiful as she did now. Next came the hair and Tuk put extra effort into it. Now it was Kiri's turn again and she started to paint the stripes on her body with the color paste. The paste was cold and Y/N started to shiver when Kiris fingers touched her body. "Now you have to hold your breath for a moment. I still have to paint your face"
"I don't have to do that now" the human said. Kiri was confused. Humans could not breathe the air on Pandora. So why shouldn't she have to hold her breath now? "What do you mean?"
"Wait I'll show you" thereupon Y/N took out of her pocket a device that reminded Kiri of the exopack Y/N had hanging on her hip, but it looked different. "This is a new device to breathe. With this the annoying mask is finally gone. Norm gave it to me to try out."
Y/N took in one last deep breath of air in the mask before taking it off her head and setting it aside. She then took the nasal cannula and placed it in her nostrils, placed the two tubes over her ears and then turned on the device. The first breath was unusual but hadn't felt any different. "Wow, how cool is that?" exclaimed Tuk, sitting down right next to Y/N. "And you can breathe normally through that? There's really nothing happening?" asked Kiri. "The way I understood Norm, yes. I'm supposed to try it out and I thought I'd show you guys first" The girls were happy to finally see their human friend's face without a mask. Tuk couldn't stop herself from touching her face and started to giggle while doing so.
Kiri continued with the painting and when she was finally finished, she let out a little comment. "Neteyam will like the outfit for sure and even more when he will see you without the mask for the first time. His eyes will probably fall out, as beautiful as you look" The girls laughed and Y/N's cheeks turned all red. Would he really like her like that? If that was true, then she would definitely wear this more often. But then the doubts came again. "Oh Kiri, Nete does only like me as a friend and no more. Please don't picture more there. Some day he will be the Olo'eyktan of you and for this he needs a strong Na'vi woman at his side and not me" Kiri was sure, however, that the two had more than just friendly feelings for each other. Even if they thought that they would be secretive about it, it was not so. It felt like everyone who was even near the two of them saw it. "Sure, haven't you seen the way he looks at you? The way he talks to you? Or the way he touches you like you're about to break?" Kiri made the signs clear to her, but deep inside she still didn't want to believe it. Kiri noticed Y/N looking down at the floor with a sad expression. "Just get out there and you'll see I'm right. He will only have eyes for you"
It was slowly becoming evening, the pandora sun was beginning to set and the festivities were starting to begin. Several fires were lit over which the food from the hunt was grilled. There was singing, there was dancing. But most of all, there was simply celebration that more than a dozen of the Omatikaya teenagers were now finally adults. Neteyam celebrated his friends, but when he saw Y/N in Na'vi clothing leaving a tent by the tree, he only had eyes for her. He could hardly have imagined that she could be more beautiful than usual. Yet it was possible. She was breathtaking. Seeing her simply embrace and respect the ways and culture of his clan only made her more beautiful. He was sure she must be a gift from Eywa herself. As if hypnotized, he walked up to her and when he suddenly stood in front of her, he suddenly became quite shy.
"Hey," he greeted her. At first he didn't even notice that she wasn't wearing a mask, but when she started to speak, he noticed that her voice was clear and understandable and wasn't muffled as usual.
„Hey, `Teyam"
"Y-you're not wearing your mask. Can you breathe normally with that thing in your nose?" She laughed. Her beautiful smile reappeared and that just for him. "Yes, it's a new invention. It's supposed to become an alternative. But that's not so important now, what do you think of my outfit?"
"You look beautiful. Let me see you" Then he took her hand and turned her once so he could see her beauty completely. At his compliment, her face became all rosy again and she felt a tingling feeling in her stomach. "Would you like to dance? Or eat something?" he asked her, still enclosing her hand with his big one.
"I'd love to celebrate, but I haven't seen you in so long and I'd rather spend some time with you. Let's go to our place, shall we?" she suggested. In this sight he couldn't deny her any wish and pulled her directly with him. They had to walk a while but soon they arrived at the meadow, which they named as their place.
At night, the meadow looked even more beautiful than during the day, even if you could see the sunrise from there, the luminous plants, which sparkled in several colors were much more dazzling. The two found a secluded corner behind a tree trunk and sat down. Y/N was magically drawn to the glimmering plants and couldn't resist tapping a leaf. Her finger twitched back for a moment, but as soon as the neon pink color spread across the leaf she couldn't help herself and had to touch it one more time. For Neteyam, each time was like watching a child discover for the first time that the plants here respond to touch. He considered for a brief moment before reaching out and touching her cheek with his finger. Like the plant, Y/N's cheek turned red and filled with warmth. She flinched from her friend's unfamiliar touch. "Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you. But it looked too inviting" he quipped. "That's all right"
"This thing looks much better than the mask. I can touch your face with this for the first time" he gushed to himself. She could only smile sheepishly. "And does it feel like you imagined?"
"Much softer" He continued touching her. This time her other cheek, then he stroked her forehead, the bridge of her nose and then her lips. He hesitated, but after a long heavy breath, he touched those too. First her upper lip, over her cupid's bow, then to her lower lip. The moment just felt magical. Y/N got goosebumps all over her body and Neteyam pulled his hand back to touch her arm. He had never seen anything like this before. He stroked her arm and the little hairs stood up. "What's that?" he asked. "That's goose bumps. People get that when they're cold or when they're excited. Then these little bumps appear."
"Are you cold?" he continued to ask. She laughed and he was confused. "No, `Teyam. The touch of you had caused that" He made an ‚Ahh‘ sound, he understood. "Can I touch you too?" now she asked. He nodded his head slowly and she moved closer so that her knee touched his leg. If he had been a human, he would have gotten goosebumps now, too.
She was doing the same movements as he was. She stroked his marks on his forehead, on his cheek and stroked his nose. He closed his eyes and enjoyed her touch. She noticed for the first time how beautiful he looked in the light of the glowing plants. His little freckles, how they sparkled in a light white-blue. He was a beautiful. She had nothing more to add. If only there wasn't her cowardice that prevented her from kissing him now. She would do anything for a kiss, but the fear that he would not feel the same was just too great. As a result, she asked him something else. "May I touch your fangs?" He opened his eyes and hesitated for a moment, but allowed her to continue touching him. She changed her position and sat in his lap. To him, it felt strange to have someone else so close and touching his teeth, but at the same time, her warm hands felt so welcoming. Her face came closer to his and and he would have loved to kiss her as well as she looked. How she examined him with curiosity and large pupils. But the thought that they were from two different worlds became prominent again and the same depressing thought flashed through his mind again, that the two of them didn't belong together.
He rather tried to focus on something else, like the tree in the background with long vines hanging from it.
But his body betrayed him as his tail began to twitch and lightly tapped the grass beneath them. Y/N eyes averted at his movement and her gaze fell on his tail swaying from side to side. He tried to control his body, but it was just too hard when one of the most beautiful creatures was sitting on his lap.
Her hand moved in the direction of his tail and when she touched it, he only started twitching more. She let her hand slide over it until she got to the soft end. Neteyam's stomach felt strange at that moment, like there were lots of little crawlers moving around in his stomach. She lifted the tail slowly and stroked the black hair. "It feels all fluffy," she remarked. His whole body began to stiffen when she started to play with the fine hairs. He never felt this way, when he was with other girls from his clan. This was different. Not that he was often with other girls, but every now and then they came to admire him. Only for one reason, though. Because he was a great warrior. Now he only wanted to be her warrior. He would love to save her again, just to get that one sentence from her again. "My strong warrior"
He whispered her name very softly, barely audible. She let go of him and looked Nete in his eyes. His pupils were quite large, from the darkness and from the excitement of her touch. Without another word, the two took each other in their arms. They lingered for a moment, but to them it felt like an eternity. His big arms encircled her body and she snuggled against him. They both felt each other's heartbeat. At first they were fast, but over time the heartbeats became calmer and beat almost in unison with each other.
Unexpectedly, Y/N's shoulder began to tickle. She first tried to get rid of it with a movement, but then it also tickled her other shoulder, then her head. And only shortly after that, Neteyam started to squirm as well. The two interrupted their embrace and looked around.
Around them, in the time of their closeness, have gathered many small woodsprites, atokirina. Who decided to rest on the two of them. "Wow, look Neteyam," Y/N exclaimed as she raised her hand and played with the little flying seeds. Her eyes reflected the white little lights. That was the last sign Neteyam needed, if even Eywa gave them a sign and blessed them, then it must be true. Then Y/N must feel the same as he did. Now he would just have to take the last step.
He took her chin between his fingers and turned her head in his direction. He would have to do it now. He wouldn't get this chance again anytime soon. He brought her face closer to his. His lips ghosted over hers. But before he could really kiss her, a voice rang out from the bushes behind them. "Y/N, Neteyam, food is ready!" And Y/Ns eyes shifted away from him as she looked into the distance. She smiled as Tuktirey came running to get them to eat.
`Teyam winced when he heard his little sister's voice. She really knew how to destroy special moments. Y/N then jumped of his lap and came towards Tuk. "Come on, Neteyam. Otherwise Lo'ak will eat everything!"
Thus, his chance was probably gone. Still, he now had certainty that Eywa would also approve if he liked her as more than a friend.
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taglist: @sssspencerrr @mashiromochi @welcomebackfelicia @byunpum @cedeni-beanie
(let me know if you want to be tagged too)
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I always envisioned Childe & Foul Legacy as more of a Jekyll-Hyde trope-y thing— Foul Legacy embodying baser things while Childe is the tattered remains of Ajax.
Foul Legacy purring sweetly when you snuggle with him, Childe humming a soft, satisfied note when he wraps his arms around you. The same nature and person, but executed and presented differently— As Foul Legacy, he brings you (only the BEST 😡) seashells, the flowers with the softest petals, embraces in the biggest arms to ever hug you and the cooing song of the Abyss made content. Chittering playfully, showing you the warmest sunning spots, huffing out a sleepy, content sigh while he curls up 'round you in a nest built largely of the blankets and pillows specifically purchased for this purpose.
Childe is a cheesy, syrupy-sweet romantic type, peppering you with kisses and hugs, bringing home gifts like bouquets of flowers with all your favorites and then some (and an extremely condensed rendition of Zhongli's 3 hour long ramble on Liyue's flower language after Childe had asked about it, featuring notes and several recommendations). Pressing the heart hidden on the palm of his glove into your own hand 'til it's imprinted on your skin for a few minutes (and smiling like a dork over it), fingers lacing together, staying still so you can "count his freckles" (give him smooches) and then reciprocating with a jokingly competitive ferocity.
No matter his shape, though, the big scary Eleventh Harbinger will look a little like a sad wet cat when your date is interrupted by spring rains, and then basically shrug and splash in puddles and pluck dripping leaves off of trees since you're outside and getting soaked anyways. You set an orange leaf atop his head, and he huffs this cute little you-adorable-motherfucker sigh at you and does his level best to find something that matches the color of at least one of your features to proudly display for your approval.
this is the most beautiful thing i've read all week
Childe prefers to hold you from behind while sleeping, his arms loosely holding your waist and his chin resting on the top of your head; Legacy curls around you, snuggling his face into the crook of your neck, scrunching up his body so he can fit on the bed and be near you, even though he has a room entirely for himself. but on the occasion either one of them wakes up before you do, they both greet you with soft, sleepy kisses, Childe gently pecking your skin and Legacy nuzzling against you as he gives your cheek a little lick. they revel in the joy of seeing you wake up, yawning and stretching your arms only to fall back onto the mattress as Childe or Foul Legacy tugs you back down again. winter days are the best, when everything's cold and icy but your bed is toasty and warm, made even better by the arms of your beloved
before he introduced you to Foul Legacy, Childe's greatest fear was his Abyssal side accidentally hurting you. he knows the violence and thirst for battle that he feels- he knows how easily Foul Legacy can tear anyone apart with his claws, how quickly you could fall against him. but his worries were for naught, as his monstrous counterpart fell in love with you almost instantly, his hunger for blood and death falling away in favor of snuggling up to you and purring like a motor. Childe silently thanks Legacy for not hurting you the first time he wakes up again as a human, a goofy grin spreading across his face when Legacy simply chitters and chirps in response; soft, gentle noises that he had never made before, and Childe knows it's because of your presence
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quitealotofsodapop · 8 months
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Double anon answer cus similar ideas.
I can imagine that the immediate reaction from the Red Sons, is to cast fireball at the "imposter" DBK just in case its SWK playing a really complicated prank (he did turn himself into DBK in Jttw).
After a lightning round Q&A - including the infamous "When was the exact hour Red Son was born?", both families determine that they are in fact alternate versions of one another.
Princess Iron Fan is the first to notice something very off about her Au self.
Canon!PIF: "You look... exhausted." Au!PIF, smiling excitedly: "I am!" Canon! Ironbull, like a psychic lightbulb moment: *simultaneous gasp!!!* Canon!DBK, uber hyped-up: "LET US SEE THE CHILD!" *cue both pairs of the Ironbull parents charging off towards the Demon Bull palace's nursery*
The Second Son/"Black Boy"/Huoshan is about to have a bunch of confusing wake-up kisses.
The spicynoodles reaction to one another depends on whether or not spicynoodles has already occurred in the canon verse. Otherwise, if we're strictly canon; then this the first time Canon Red and MK have considered eachother anything but shaky powerful allies.
Canon!Red, at seeing their parents run off: "What was that about?" Au!Red: "Probably about my little brother Huoshan. He was a long time coming." Canon!Red, trying to hide his own excitement: "A baby brother!? How dare you not be overjoyed on our parents behalf!" Au!Red: "Normally I'd be running off with them too, but I too am exhausted. The twins have been running me ragged." Canon!Red, blue-screen-error: "wut?" (°∀°) Au!Red, too tired to wonder what the issue is: "Yeah the girls have been keeping Me and MK up at all hours. Monkey plus bull genes equals loud chirping calves." Canon!Red, blush covering face: "..." Au!Red: "Of course there was the whole debacle with Uncle True Compliant sabotaging mother and father's plans for more children, and trying to kill MK. That really stressed the situation." Canon!Red, hair starts steaming: "....!?!" Au!Red: "And thank buddha that jiā gōng [father-in-law] gave mother that vase from Guanyin. Would have never gotten rid of that curse from grandmother otherwise." Canon!Red, mouth agape: "!!!!!!" *making sound of a boiling kettle* Au!Red: "Thankfully me and my sunflower get a lot of help from-" *notices the look on Canon!Red's face* "Are you ok? You look like you've seen a ghost." Canon!Red: *hair flooms up like a pink wildfire* Au!Red, realizing: "AH. You uh... haven't gotten to those parts yet I bet?" Canon!Red: *nods head slowly* *the two MKs walk into the room* Canon!MK: "Hey Red Sons! Other me was just showing me the baby bull photos! The twin girls are super cute! Are they this Red's sisters or-" Canon!Red, flames growing higher: "AAAAaaaaaa...!" Au!MK, looking disappointed at his Red: "You told him the twins were ours, didn't you?" Canon!MK, interrupting before Au!Red can reply: "THEY ARE!?! OH MY BUDDHA! No wonder they have little monkey face patterns!" *starts squeeing loudly* *Canon spicynoodles are both screaming, and theres now a large fire in the Demon Bull palace entrance hall* Au! Spicynoodles: "Could have gone worse, right?" "I mean, the Nezhas had a little more flames."
The Canon MK & Red are in near shock for the rest of the visit, and refusing to meet eachothers gaze. Mostly cus they keep getting reminded by the Au!DBK about his "PERFECT GRANDDAUGHTERS!" (currently being babysat by their other grandparents), and by the baby photos plastered almost everywhere. A small fight does break out between the Bull Families at supertime though.
Canon!DBK: "So did your son release you from under the mountain as well?" Au!DBK, spoon-feeding little Huoshan: "Yes, in a sense. My body was trapped under the mountain for sometime until my Red and the little thief lifted the staff. Canon!DBK: "Ah. Much the same." Au!DBK: "Ingenious how he was able to contact me in the astral plane in the meantime though. Brother Pigsy and Sandy really helped Red bring out the best in himself." Canon!DBK: "...excuse me? The swine and the boatman!?" Au!PIF: "You seem shocked. We've known Chef Zhu and Sandy almost ever since I brought Red home from the Southern Ocean. Save for the whole, underworld and the staff fiasco, we've been nothing but amicable." Canon!PIF: "The Southern Ocean? But I brought Red Son home with me over... how long has your Bull been out of the mountain?" Au!PIF: "Physically? Only a few years. It's a bit of a long story. His physical body couldn't be released with the staff still in the mountain, but my genius little boy honed his mediatation skill enough so we could at least have some family time in the astral plane." Canon Ironbull: "...what." "WHY DIDN'T YOU DO THAT!?" Canon!Red: "Hey! I don't know if I can do that! This is an entirely different universe father!" Canon!MK: "Yeah! And at least thank him for making the gauntlet in the first place. If he never made that, you would probably still be a bull skull underground." Canon!DBK: "Not another word little thief. I am still wondering why you and your simian counterpart are even here." Au!MK, already peeved at Canon!Ironbull: "Cus me and my Red are married!" *Table is quiet, esp on the Canon end* Canon!Ironbull: "What." Au!MK, realises that he shouldn't have said that: "Hehehe, yeah... married. Where do you think the twins came from? Hehe" *nervous laughter* Canon!Ironbull: "..." Canon!DBK, turns seriously to his Red: "Son... WHY HAVEN'T YOU MARRIED THE LITTLE THIEF AND GIVEN US PERFECT GRANDCALVES?!" Canon!Red, hair flooming up blush-pink: "Father! You just don't say that!!!"
So yeah, most of the Canon and Au crossover is Canon Ironbull getting dunked on + Canon Red Son dying of embarassment at learning that the Noodle Boy becomes his Noddle Boy in marriage in the alternate timeline. Canon PIF & DBK might have reservations on Red being with MK, but the thought of beautiful grandkids (and Red's confirmations that there's hope for more Ironbull children) really makes a compelling argument.
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faust-the-enjoyer · 9 months
A Moment of Joy.
Warnings: gn!reader, reader and Keegan have a kid, kid's nickname is "Charlie", the kid is 7, sfw but minors dni, domestic bliss, fluff.
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You're crouched next to your child, looking at her in awe as she looks at the birdfeeder you just filled, and at the same time, Keegan's got a camera recording the both of you, talking in the background. "Charlie, what do you see?", he asks his kid, "Birds!", Charlie points at the birdfeeder, a big smile on her face, the same reflected on you and Keegan's face. The birds gather around the posted birdfeeder, their chirps filling up the ears of all three of you as Keegan turns the camera towards them, sunlight beams coming through some clouds in the sky in the background, then after, turns towards you and Charlie. "Are they happy? They sound happy.", she asks you, hearing the birds singing, and seeing them eat away on the house-shaped birdfeeder, "Yes! They're getting food, so they're no longer hungry.", you reassure her, "Are they gonna travel with their friends?", she asks you innocently, "No actually, these types of birds don't usually travel far away with their friends!", you tell her, "Do you know what type of bird they are, pumpkin?", Keegan chimes in, curious, as you and Charlie spent so much time in the backyard, so maybe the kid knows some bird names now?
"Uhm, they're red? I don't know daddy.", she laughs, you read so many animal books to her, it would be surprising if she didn't know some bird species, "No baby,", he laughs, "bird colours are different than their types, see this one is red, it's called a Cardinal.", "Oh.", Charlie says, "Yeah, these little birdies usually come to people's backyards.", you tell her, you three watched the birds come and go in your backyard through your windows, but never up this close, that's why you and Keegan installed the birdfeeder, so you can all take a better look at the birds, you were sure Charlie would love it, as she loves animals.
"I wanna draw them!", she says excitedly, "Alright, want me to get you your painting stuff?", you ask her, you two have taught her to have good manners, so what she's supposed to say is- "Yes please!", you stand up, Keegan pointing the camera at you then back at his daughter once you disappear inside the house, "Will they be cold in the winter?", she asks, pouting, she's always had a big heart for animals, asking you to help her put water for some stray cats outside during the summer heat, or having Keegan help her clean up her windows so that the birds can lay their nest on it, "Well sweetheart, as long as we keep feeding them, they'll stay warm in the winter, that's how we can help 'em.", he tells her, and you emerge from the door again, walking towards the two, a pencil case and a small sketchbook in your hands. Keegan turns the camera off, having decided he recorded enough memories for the weekend.
You handed her the book and pencil case, pointing to a wooden table with four seats for her to sit on, it's close to the birdfeeder so she can see the birds quite well from there. You all sit down, seeing her open the pencil case fast, the zipper getting stuck for a minute, making both you and Keegan laugh sweetly. She takes her pencils out and opens the sketchbook, flipping through her older animal drawings, and one cute and simple sketch of you and Keegan as stick figures, until she finds a new, clean page on her sketchbook.
You look over at Keegan as she starts drawing, smiling with content at him as he looks back at you, his hand reaching yours on the table, holding it, gently squeezing it, "What should we make for dinner tonight, Sweetie?", you ask him, "How 'bout some beef stew? Does that sound good?", you nod yes, and after a few minutes of discussing dinner, your daughter calls out to the both of you, "Done!", she shows you the picture she painted; cute, fat, round little red birds with hints of black on them, "Good job Charlie! I like the details you put.", he points at the black parts of the bird, although the shapes are quite messy, it's expected from a child. "They're so cute, Sweetheart!", you chime in, and she smiles, smiles widely, and jumps up from her chair while giggling, coming to hug the both of you.
-(divider by vase-of-lilies)!
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poisonouswritings · 2 years
M4 with child!MC (another result of Felix's faulty potions) who's affectionate, playful, and is very honest. How would they be as caretakers? How would they react when MC gets attached to them with their grubby little hands >:) ? What would their day-to-day be like?
Sage would probably be like "oh shit😳 oh fuck what the hell". Felix would be frantically🏃 flapping through all parenting books in his possession. Anisa would be all heart-eyed like "oh MC you're so smol and adorable!!!😍🥺". Rime would lift you up by the armpits, stare at you like 🤨 tryna figure out what to do with you.
Man the gang is not well-equipped for taking care of a child
GN!Reader, they might have to put you on a leash depending on how energetic you are, Colored Bullet Rule (Felix, Anisa, Sage, Rime)
Anisa is out training with the Sunstone Knights. Sage is handling a tricky bounty. And Rime is off doing,, whatever he does in his free time. Frankly you aren't sure. He says he's doing Evil Necromancer Things but you're pretty sure he's just taking a nap.
Anyways that leaves you and Felix alone.
If you're dating then that's definitely a blessing. You guys mess with some spells and flip through a few books and probably take a nap on the couch.
Felix asked you to try out a new potion that's meant to increase mana. Well sure! You down it like a shot and wait for the effects to hit. Felix mentions it'll take an hour or so, so you might as well relax until then.
Alright. You have some studying to do any-
,,, :)
Toddler!MC had appeared! And as Felix tries to wrap his brain around what just happened, you give a little giggle, tap his waist, chirp out a little 'tag!' and race off
,,,,,, fuck
Felix darts off after you but it's not like he's great at running y'know? So you're easily able to shoot off down the hall and out of sight
And if Sage is your partner and he's taught you about the secret passages? While your memory of your big (normal) self is certainly foggy, you still seem to have your muscle memories of where the hidden paths are and how to access them.
And since you're currently under the effects of his potion, the only magical signature he can track is his own, so that's out too.
I wouldn't say he's necessarily worried for your safety because Fathom is a safe place. He is worried about Anisa kicking his ass tho.
Speaking of, Anisa and Sage come back together, snacking on some pastries. Apparently they'd been tracking the same criminal and had been having a friendly competition to see who could catch him first. Which,, was,,, not the most successful thing because they got so caught up in their rivalry that the criminal nearly escaped and one of the other knights had to tackle them.
Anyways why does Felix look so disheveled?
Sage grins and says that oh, he and Anisa can leave if they're interrupting-
And then his ear flicks. A look of confusion passes over his face as he glances around. Anisa asks him what's wrong while Felix is slooooowly backing away.
Sage raises an eye at Felix and asks why the hell there's a kid here. Felix is further slinking away out of the room-
And then Rime walks in, carrying little-you from under the armpits, sweetly asking Felix what the fu- a glare from Anisa makes him pause - heck he managed to do
If you're normally dating Felix then he scoops you up with a relieved sigh, asking you where in the world you even managed to run off to! And then you boop his nose and say "You're it!" and run away again and now he has to try and find you while Rime and Anisa are lecturing him for improper magic use.
If you're normally dating Anisa then she's immediately scooping you up and spinning you around because Oh! Smol! Cute! And while normally she would be chewing Fe out she's a little too preoccupied with cuddling you. She leaves Rime to do the lecturing and goes to make you a snack, because you were running around for ages and you need some food. Will make you a sandwich and cut it into a cute shape.
If you're normally dating Sage then he's pulling you out of Rime's arms and giving the deer a quick snap of his fangs before asking if you're okay. And you, smol child that you are, immediately wanna start poking at his armor, ears, and tail. He lets you do it and he makes sure to keep his voice light and playful with you, but he's also glaring at Felix because What The Fuck Did He Do To You
If you're normally dating Rime then he's holding you against his hip properly. He thinks this is hilarious. Doesn't appreciate the fact that you're grabbing at his horns and pulling on his hair a lil bit but he thinks you're adorable so he'll let it slide. Could he fix this? Probably. Is going to? Not right away. Felix needs to learn a lesson.
Either way you're now a child and everyone is gonna have to work together to take care of you.
It makes sense that your partner becomes your primary caretaker, especially with how quickly and fiercely you bond to them.
You become Felix's little assistant! He gives you papers and crayons and a little lap desk and encourages you to doodle. Whatever you draw (yourself with magic, stick figure Rime and Sage fighting, a very crude attempt at Anisa in her armor, and Felix reading his books) gets pinned on the ice chest in the kitchen. Felix will go on grand sweeping rants and lectures to teach you about magic, and he constantly uses way-too-heavy language. He's patient with all your questions and does his best to answer them, but kids can throw some real curve balls.
Anisa is great at playing pretend! Obviously you guys play a lot of knight games. The little royal (you) is being guarded by your loyal knight (Anisa) when you guys get attacked by the fearsome dragon (usually Sage) that the knight has to slay. Anisa and Sage both really ham it up. Sometimes the Fearsome Darkness Wizards (Felix and Rime) will make an appearance as well, but they aren't great at playing pretend. Anisa always wins the battle and swoops you off to safety.
In as much as I joke that none of the gang are prepared to look after a small child, Sage actually is. He raised Tulsi after all, and she turned out pretty good! He's got enough energy to keep up with you, can use his hearing and smell to track you, knows how to make some tasty af snacks, and makes sure to put you down for naps on a decent schedule. He lets you play with his ears as much as you want but does remind you to be careful/gentle with them.
Since Rime still has his LoS-granted 'extra' magic and some access to forbidden times, it doesn't take him much time at all to find a reversal potion. But like I said, he wants to let Felix sweat a bit. And it's not like another two or three days will matter. So he spends most of the time walking around with you (or letting you ride on his shoulders) and showing you things.
You draw on the walls and Anisa tries to lecture you but you give her Big Eyes™ and she completely crumbles. Makes you help clean it up tho
Stella puts up with so much,, you are constantly pulling on her fur and chasing her and whatever,, Felix reminds you to be gentle but you're just really excited
Sage can swing you around,, you climb him like a jungle gym,,,, he grumbles a bit but he lets you do it
Rime makes snowballs for you to throw at Sage but you just eat them
You wake up in the middle of the night and wander around sometimes and fall asleep in weird places,,, scares the shit out of everyone
You are! Constantly! Complimenting everyone. You tell Felix his magic is cool! You tell Rime his hair is pretty! You tell Anisa she's really funny! You tell Sage he's really nice! Everyone is embarrassed because you're so open and honest about it.
Rime is reading and you crawl in his lap and ask him to read to you,, he puts on voices and stuff and it makes you giggle,,, and when he's done you say thank you :)
Everyone is so protective of you,, an older kid knocks you over and Sage and Anisa are going feral
Meanwhile Rime and Felix are spoiling you with toys and little outfits.
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Okay, so in order to accurately read my review: first imagine a good 15 minutes of incoherent screaming/babbling/gesticulating while I tried to calm my brain down enough to explain why it was reacting like that.
Then imagine me carefully selecting "the best lines" only to realize I'd "selected" a good 90% of the fic.
"He was quiet and still for a moment, and Matthew thought that particular enough to frown.
"'What's the matter?'
"'I forgot my question.' Jack gave a sheepish grin. 'Sorry.'"
I love them, your honor. Poor Matt's just trying to sleep off a migraine, but Jack Has A Question and will be satisfied... oh, nope, he forgot. And "Jack sitting still is weird enough that something's wrong" is just... it's this little touch of knowing his brother, and also the lead in to "he forgot his very important question," and I love it.
"'Where's Father?'
"'Drunk,' Zee chirped, and Matthew startled. She had appeared in the doorway without him even hearing when the swish of her skirts should have been as loud enough to alert him, but he really was out of it. Oh God, were both of them on the same mission? He sat up. Jack could be distracted but Zee? She was a bloodhound. And she never forgot anything."
Again, I love them. Zee's matter of fact statement (Arthur, quit getting drunk in front of your weans), and "oh shit, I can't get out of this if she's on the case." The little juxtaposition between his reaction to both of their appearances and how he thinks of them... I love it, I love it so much.
"'Oh, right! That's what I wanted to ask. Olly's head.' said Jack. 'The one that Father says he keeps up on the mantle in that fancy box,' He pointed at the carved mahogany box on the mantel, etched with what he'd bet was Uncle Rhys spell work, but they didn't talk about that."
Okay, so to insert my own question, because Jack and I are kindred spirits in that regard: if the skull was in a glass case before the house was Jack-proofed, does that mean the box was made recently? Did the previous display include any spell work, or was there a reason to add it for the box specifically? Either "it's been warded since the day it came off" or "it was added well over a century later" would be fascinating looks into Arthur's mindset around the thing. Also, the image of Arthur asking his big brother to help him with magic... I'm so obsessed with the moments when, even at the height of the Empire, Arthur leans on his brothers.
"She lifted her chin and stared right back. 'You've seen it. So if it isn't in the box, show us the box.'"
This is such a small thing - I loved Matt trying to lie to get out of it and immediately getting outsmarted by Zee. Do not lie to the small child, Matt, she can best you.
"Arthur had made him look at it. Back then, before the house had been Jack-proofed, it had been displayed behind glass. The horrible shrunken skull with tight, parchment-mummified skin and a grinning jaw that wiggled when the display cloche over its base moved at all. It was a French flag over his land back then. Arthur had only closed one hand over his neck and made him look. The implication had been clear. That's where you'll end up, too, my boy, if you're not careful."
Aaaaaaand I am immediately snapped out of the cute sibling interaction and into the fucked-up-ness of their "family" and its existence. I just... fuck. Arthur deciding to threaten the small child under his care, and Matt understanding the threat... And the way you worded it absolutely drives the terror and the... power? Control? home. I can see it happening and feel the emotional tension between Matt and Arthur in that moment. And you did it in three sentences.
"At home… the head is powerful." She said carefully, as if translating a concept she'd never spoken about into English was difficult. Perhaps it was. Matthew didn't know what to say to that.
Once again crying over Zee. She's part English, sure, and in many ways the most like Arthur - but there's this whole other side to her that she can't talk about or represent the way she wants. Something about this bit is really driving home what she, Jack, and Matt are and the inherent fucked-up-ness of their existence.
"'Then why's Father got it?', Zee asked. They drew nearer, and Matthew stood, pulling them with him, needing out of that room, away from that box and its half-forgotten contents. He walked them to the door, remembering a day when he had been the problem, the opponent, the obstacle in father's way.
"'Because he made father his enemy.'"
[Cue my brain bursting into flames trying to process the emotions]
It's a lot. Like, Zee and Jack are just after "ooh, the creepy skull!" (with some cultural hesitation on Zee's part), but Matt's thinking about "the skull the man who calls himself our father used to communicate that I need to watch my step or I WILL be removed from the equation." But at the same time - sure it hasn't been said to the other two because they've been under the English flag since birth (well... legally), but they live under that same threat. The dichotomy of them being kids after something creepy their dad has, but also colonial holdings asking about the proof that the empire is vindictive and will end an enemy no matter where he finds it... it's doing things to my brain.
This fic was both extremely entertaining and gave me a LOT to think about, thank you so much for sharing it!
My brain just screams joy at me for like two days straight every time you comment I can't even express how happy it makes me. Everything I'm trying to do comes through to someone and it... it works???? A miracle. And god, yeah, Arthur in all likelihood wouldn't have hurt Matt because generally children are the one thing that can stay his hand in most contexts but if he'd been an obstacle threatening Alfred in a way that Arthur could tangibly see, it would have been done. He's generally more interested in protecting his children even before he properly claims them but they are possessions before they're people in so, so very many ways. Collected like the stuffed birds and the contents of the green house. Zee is trying so hard to articulate these concepts that have no English translation, unite these aspects of her that are utterly at odds and Jack's still young enough his questions don't have bitter unsatisfying answers yet and Matt already knows what they'll grow up to understand someday. There's just so much bullshit that lives in my brain and I'm so happy it got out on paper!
Okay, so to insert my own question, because Jack and I are kindred spirits in that regard: if the skull was in a glass case before the house was Jack-proofed, does that mean the box was made recently? Did the previous display include any spell work, or was there a reason to add it for the box specifically?
So this is something I'm kind of adding into established works because I audited a course on the history of magic and folklore to make a reference collection for those students to use and I got drop kicked back into my teenage pagan phase so now the hard core realism I've always liked sticking too is more and more turning into a very annoying attempt at magical realism I am so sorry lmao.
So I actually had 3 versions of the Cromwell head. One where it was as somewhat recorded in history. Just dried out, spooky, and sitting on the mantel. The second was that Arthur actually fused Cromwell's soul in there and actually talked to the thing sometimes. But that felt weird so I went with the third. That the skull, as was often thought of skulls through early European history acts as a kind of conduit. Arthur needs it because of all his siblings I think might actually be the weakest in whatever kind of magical ability there may be, I haven't decided how far I want to go in that direction. But being the youngest, he learned the least from their mother and didn't much care to learn much later. So the spell-work he did on the glass and cloche started wearing off about a century or so after Cromwell lost his head. It was keeping in the bad vibes from Cromwell's skull and keeping out the curious (like Jack) so Alasdair made a box and Rhys enchanted the thing to contain Cromwell and keep the curious (Jack) out. When the weans got older and Arthur no longer has servants and what not it just sits on the mantel. Zee puts an elf hat and fairy lights on it at Christmas and bunny eared headband at Easter just for maximum disrespect.
Rhys really just put so much overtime in when the kids are young, carving and enchanting various hex traps and witch boxes to keep shit contained. Wales and Scotland were among the first victims of English imperialism but also certainly participated it in it. So while Arthur quite literally probably has skeletons in the closet, they all are a part of this fucked up imperial mess.
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austronauts · 2 years
Hi bestie I'm making a presentation on Mitch to my friends (please don't ask I have immeasurable brainrot and need to get it out somehow) but I don't really know what to include to really encapsulate all of his... everything so what are your personal favourite moments/ important Mitch lore. Also if you could drop some pics of him sitting on men's laps and engaging in otherwise questionable activity that would also be appreciated lol
oh my GOD. that is SO CUTE and i am so so honored to be called upon to help you with this incredible project.
i feel like (although its in need of an update. not me doing quarterly updates of this mitch marner primer like it's my actual job) my mitch marner primer will have a lot of the content you're looking for (if you haven't already seen it flkjdlsss. apologies in advance for the insanity of this even existing) *also my matt martin tag, justin holl tag, and patrick marleau tag has a lot of adorable gifs and photos!)
random things that immediately come to mind are what justin holl and alex kerfoot and Zach hyman said about mitch that just STAY WITH ME because i feel like they convey what mitch means and is for the people around him: justin holl: “you can’t really put into words how much Mitchy means to this team” alex kerfoot [when asked about where the leafs miss mitch the most - when mitch was out with injury i think]: "we miss him everywhere" zach hyman listing the things he'd want on a desert island: mitch
Other lore stuff (this is going to be very stream of consciousness and messy...apologies in advance)
The way Mitch draws SMILEY FACES and stuff on his gloves to remind him that hockey is supposed to be fun (and sometimes he writes Z on it - presumably for Zeus. Other times he's written H on it for Hayden, a child cancer patient/friend that Mitch befriended during his London Knights Days, which you can read more about here)
THE ENTIRE ATHLETIC ARTICLE about what mitch was like during his London Knights days https://theathletic.com/2469915/2021/03/25/mitch-marner-ohl-season/. THIS IS SUCH A GOOD ARTICLE but does have a paywall…if you don’t have a subscription, copy+pasting the athletic link into here should allow you to bypass
This video of Zach asking reporters if they caught Mitch singing loudly in the lockerroom lmao. I just LOVE how every single Leaf immediately points out Mitch as the one who's most likely to always be busting out into song and dance. I just know he was a Gleek when he was younger i just KNOW IT
What Jon Cooper says about Mitch. i just know jon cooper is smackin his lips somewhere out there wanting to sign mitch to play for him. Coops i know what you are
The way it's literally IMPOSSIBLE for mitch to go ANYWHERE or do anything without acquiring at least 3-5 doting father figures who want to kidnap him and squeeze him like a stress ball (same)
EVERY. SINGLE. THING about the 2015 NHL draft class and the friendship between connor dylan and mitch. every single thing
The way Mitch takes ANY and EVERY opportunity he can to gas auston and his teammates up! and his general inability to chirp anyone without immediately backtracking (most noticeable in the leaf to leaf with matt martin) and being a big loser about it. I know he always says he LOVES getting under his friends' skin and being annoying but i feel like this is like the time he asserted "he was thick for his size"? aka patently false but we love the DELUSION for you, babygirl! no but fr - it is generally impossible for mitch to get through any media appearance without complimenting or referring to auston at LEAST once. that boy is a simp to the core for auston matthews. this i think is even sweeter because - idk about now - but it's pretty clear that mitch's dad saw auston as a massive rival to mitch and a threat to mitch's potential success with the leafs? so mitch's friendship with auston and general "HEART EYES HUMINA HUMINA AWOOOGA HES SO GOOD HES MY BIG BOY HES MY MASSIVE MAN" demeanor about auston is all...in spite of his dad
The way he's never met a goalie he hasn't fallen in love with
The way he loves all dogs and kids (and the way kids seem to gravitate toward him). he's a CARICATURE of a man.
The way he complains and whines SO much whenever his teammate posts a photo without tagging him, even if he's not even in the photo. the constant need for attention. the babygirl behavior!
The way he sTILL HATES VEGETABLES and distrusts soup because of the texture and YET will make "ice cream soup" by mixing it with a spoon until it's all melted before he eats it. like what the fuck? what the fuck.
his utterly guileless warmth and happiness and enthusiasm for LIFE, hockey, and his PALS. he's a little stupid sometimes but he's so sweet and so CUTE and just a little k-pop group maknae-coded man
The way he melts himself into older players' families so thoroughly their kids believe that mitch is actually one of them
Moments of Mitch sitting on other players' laps or generally needing to be the most tactile physical-affection craving baby:
mitch and matt napping and spooning
this just makes me laugh bc mitch...wat are u doin
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anyway, i will end this with what my friend said about mitch: i think once you're friends with mitch you just accept that he will be cuddling and spooning and draping himself over you. look. all these men clearly have the tired expressions of 'look, mitch just happened to me i didnt have a choice.'
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justoneacatperson · 2 years
Baby Orca [Headcanon}
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Alpha! Kugo Sakamata x Fem! Pregnant! Omega! Reader
warning(s): a/b/o; omegaverse; pregnancy
Note: This is something old that I wrote on my previous blog when I was 16 or 17 and a lot of people liked it, so I'm posting it here.
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You and your partner were over the moon of happiness when you found out you were pregnant. It was planned to have a puppy and that from the first attempt happened.
Kugo was at work so you went to a nearby pharmacy and took two pregnancy tests. Both turned out to be positive.
You were surprised and overjoyed in tha same time. Your omega was chirping with happiness! Your maternal instincts awoke immediately. Your hand crawled to your still flat stomach.You decided to surprise your alpha by giving him a "gift" to let him know you're pregnant.
You bought a plush little orca and tied two ribbons, one pink and one blue. When Kugo finally came home, you immediately "attacked" him in an embrace.He wasn't very surprised, it was your typical affectionate reaction to him when he came home, but he noticed that you were more needy.
Of course, you decided to meet him first with the typical questions: "How are you?"; "How was work?" etc. Your alpha also noticed your ecstatic demeanor, as if you couldn't wait for something, so when you put dinner on the table he decided to ask you. -"Is there anything, omega? You look excited."
You immediately jumped at his question and your face flushed. Without saying anything, you just quickly went to your nest to pick up the plush orca, leaving Kugo completely confused. You returned quickly, holding the stuffed animal. Despite how embarrassed you were, you managed to hand over the animal to him.
Your husband looks at him a little confused before looking at the two strips of different colors. His lamp lit up immediately, followed by a typical orca cry (those sounds they make). He immediately took you in a bear hug, and you with giggled your arms (as much as you could) around his neck and kissed him on the black nose, which was thrill.
First Trimester :
You stop working or work from home if you have the opportunity. Your alpha does not want you to get tired and stressed, but to rest.
Due to omega instincts or some other reason, you nest madly. You like to stay in your nest, which you made in the closet. Of course, the nest is big enough for your alpha to join you. You love to cuddle with him in your nest! There is nothing to lie about! He manages to cover your entire shape with his hands, and you get stuck in his chest.
You rarely have nausea. Rarely, once or twice a week or two.Due to pregnancy, you eat a lot of vegetables and seafood, which pleases Kugo, who loves seafood. We will not sometimes comment on your wishes, which ... Maybe ... Let's call them ... Parties. Meaning, salmon with chocolate is delicious, right? ISN'T IT? But you have problems with fried. You don't like fried, greasy foods.
Your nose has become like a greyhound! Hound Dog pastes to eat! You feel even the faintest smells! That's why you literally became Levi. Constantly clean so that you do not smell smells of cooked food, garbage, unwashed clothes, etc.
Also, as with any omega, your scent has changed. Your (y/s) has become sweeter and more attractive.
When your tummy began to grow and a little "baby fat" appeared on your skin, your alpha could not keep his hands away from you. You were so cute! Especially because of the hormones that make you even more (if possible) needy and want to be with your alpha. You will always be in his arms when you are at home. His hands are constantly on your belly.
What didn't impress you since it was your first pregnancy, but your friends who already have children were surprised by the size of your belly at 12 weeks. It was too big for that time, which means two things. Either you have twins or you have a little Kugo. It didn't matter to you or your alpha, you would love the child no matter what.
Dad gang orca is both a protective alpha and a protective dad. As soon as you found out you were pregnant, you had rules that tightened or new ones appeared with the time and growth of your belly. 1. Never go out alone! With him or your friend when he can't go out with you. I don't need to clarify that when he is with you, everyone stays away from you! I don't think anyone would pick on you when you saw your alpha, hero No. 10, 3rd in the ranking "Hero looking like a villain" next to you, and you cheerfully jump, holding his hand. 2. Do not climb! When you got in relationship and moved in, you realized that the furniture was high enough to be comfortable for him. He wanted to change them, but you refused, saying he was fine. You would just get on a chair to reach something, but there are no such things when you are pregnant! Don't think of climbing so you don't see a very worried and angry alpha. If you want something and it's on a high shelf, just call it, if it's not at home, you just won't climb! 3. Do not lift anything! Something heavy, if you have to shop, your alpha will carry the bags.
In the 13th week of pregnancy, you and Kugo went to the doctor to see your baby. Lying on a bed to do an ultrasound.
- "So, Mrs./ Mr Sakamata, the gel that I will put on you at first will feel cold." you nodded, and the beta woman put gel on your bulge. A body was seen on the screen, but it was different from a human. You and your husband were in awe to see your puppy. - "I see that his strangeness is most likely like your alpha." you chirp with happiness and to attract the attention of Kugo.
-"Did you hear, Alpha, we're going to have another cute orca." you exclaimed excitedly, making your alpha blush.
You have always reacted to him as something wonderful, not scary. Even when you met. You just went to the beach, sitting on some rocks and moving your legs back and forth in water until Kugo pulled his head off the surface to catch his breath, but he saw you. You jumped slightly, not out of fear, but out of surprise. You didn't think a orca would show up in the water. He thought you were going to get scared and run away, but you just giggled, got closer, and pressed his nose like is buttons that made the alpha blush. He was confused by your reaction and didn't know exactly what to do, so he came out of the water to see him in his full height. You blushed with embarrassment, thinking it was an ordinary orca. That's how your life with him began. You attracted his interest, your scent intoxicated him. He then began his career as a hero. You often saw each other on the beach, after a while he gave you a bracelet made of mussels as gift for courtship. You accepted it.
Second Trimester:
As your belly got bigger and you couldn't fit in your clothes, you took your mate's tops. You love to wear t-shirts, blouses, shirts of your alpha, because they have his scent and soothes you.
In the second trimester, you like to stay longer in your nest with your alpha, of course. You will often invite him to join you, and he will not refuse you.
One day as you were standing on Kugo's lap while he was working on documents, you felt movement in your stomach, making you tweet in surprise. The orca looked at you quickly to see if you were okay. Hands went through your belly to see if he would feel the same and it got up!
- "Is everything all right, omega !?" asked the alpha anxiously you nodded with a smile, took his palm and put it where you feels the movements.
-"Yes, I just felt the puppy move." there was another movement. -"Can you feel?"
-"Yes, that's wonderful." he replied, and you smiled gently, turned your head to his, and kissed his nose. He continued to caress your belly, wanting to feel the movements of your puppy again, or rather the little orca.
At your second visit to the doctor, to find out the sex of your child. The doctor praised you for doing well during pregnancy. Eventually you realized you had a boy. You cried with happiness, your alpha worried if you were okay, and the doctor just laughed at you two.You apply creams for cellulite and stretch marks. Kugo loves to smear you with creams. Any opportunity to touch your skin will use it.
Third Trimester:
You were gigantic. Your belly was huge, but you and Kugo loved it. Your alpha took a break from work to look after you. He was worried about you stumbling from the weight of your baby, which made you laugh.
Interestingly, Gang Orca had heard from his colleagues that their mates during pregnancy felt complexed by their size, that they were fat. He was worried about you experiencing these worries, feeling bad and think you not being attracted to him, but he was wrong. Although your belly is bigger than most omegas during pregnancy with a puppy, you felt wonderful and confident.
Your legs began to ache, and your alpha happily massaged them.Your baby has become more active and his blows stronger. That made you very happy. Stay in your nest, leaning on your alpha and both feel your baby's kicks. It happens that he is very active at night, not allowing you to sleep. Only Kugo can calm your little boy.
It took you longer to give birth because your baby is bigger. Your alpha was standing next to you, holding your hand.But these hours of work are worth it.
Your tears came when you heard your baby cry. They gave your puppy in a blue towel. It was like a copy of his father ... Because he's a orca like him. The only thing that was different from him was the color of his eyes, he had your eye color.You named him Daichi Sakamaki.The two of you spent time giving love to your little baby. Just cuddle together and enjoy it.
-"He's so cute and small!" you exclaim with joy as tears streamed down your cheeks.
-"Yep." replied Kugo, kissing your temple.
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silver-weasel · 3 years
Diving (Deku x Reader)
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Pairing : Deku x fem!reader (aged-up characters)
Rating : E, 18+
Tags : smut • fem!reader (she/her) • best friends to lovers / childhood friends to lovers • quirkless AU • p*rn with feelings (like. a lot of them) • public sex (more or less) • switching • hair pulling? • pining • Deku being flustered and an absolute angel what’s new • Reader being a teasing brat • It’s all soft and fluffy, I’m as vanilla as you can get 🤷‍♀️ • Happy birthday to the bestest boyyy I love him so much it hurts
Word count : 10 600 (Holy sh—)
A/N : Thank you @hoe-doroki my beloved and savior for beta-ing <3
Written for @rat-zuki​’s collab in honor of our favorite birthday boy, The Deku Agenda Escapes no One. Thank you so much for letting me join! (go check out the other amazing writers and artists!)
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The ground grinds repeatedly under your hiking shoes, some pebbles being kicked forward on your way. You’re way too deep in the forest to hear any cars passing by and during the two hours you’ve been here you haven’t run into anyone. The place seems empty, the only souls breathing the forest’s thick air being you, Izuku and the birds chirping all around you.
The afternoon is coming to an end, the sun sinking down on its way to hide behind the mountains. The remains of its soft light are filtering through the dense leaves all around and above you. You’re surrounded by green, lush and immeasurable greenery, every plant merging into another.
You’ve left the marked paths, now wandering deep in the richest, boundless part of a forest you both know like the back of your hand after roaming it all over innumerable times. All over, except for this part, in which you’re setting foot for the first time today. Your many previous hiking sessions were shortened by your questionable sense of organization, always arriving too late to explore further into the unknown.
Leaves brush against your knees with every single step you take as you follow Izuku on his heels. He’s moving at a steady pace, his hands holding tight the straps of his yellow backpack that he’s had for as long as you can remember. He’s always so organized, has everything you two could eventually need and generally never do. Two huge flasks of water, an entire meal he calls ‘little snacks’, with sandwiches, fruits, protein bars, even hard-boiled eggs. A first-aid kit with disinfectant, bandages, scissors and painkillers. Hell, you’re even wondering if he has any pads for you in there, in case of an unexpected period. You wouldn’t be surprised if he did.
You giggle lightly when you see him stumble for the sixth time since you got here; he can’t seem to keep his curious eyes from drifting up and around, looking in every direction, probably retaining every detail and logging it in some impressive mental database of his. And he’s commenting on every little thing he sees too; he makes you notice things you never would have if it weren’t for his candid interest in everything.
“Oh! Look at that bird!” he exclaims, pointing at a branch over your heads. “Do you see it, right there, with the red mark!”
You turn your gaze to where he’s pointing and see a little bird, very cute, but so tiny you’re wondering how one could spot it without specifically looking for it. That’s probably what you like most about Izuku: his attention to detail. That’s the thing—nothing is too small for him, everything is worthy of interest. His eyes always light up with such curiosity, this child-like wonder and it was always one of your favorite things to witness growing up.
When he came over to your house at age six, he was always running around with some bug on his forearm, calling your name, yelling, “Look at this!”
Most of the time, it was a snail or a ladybug, and that always managed to catch your interest. Sometimes, it was a spider or a beetle, and he had you screaming in horror more than once, running to your mother’s legs with weeping eyes. Those times, he always watched you go with wide, sad eyes and a wobbly lip, because, “I would never hurt her, Mom! I swear I didn’t want to scare her!”
“Oh, yeah, I see it! It’s so cute!”
And it is cute, the way his huge green eyes go even rounder in amazement. You treasure these hikes for providing occasions to witness this. But as much as you wish this moment could last forever, the sun is beginning to set, you probably shouldn’t go deeper in the forest at sundown.
“We should probably head back to the car, Izuku. It’s gonna be dark soon.”
“Come on, it’s still so light—there’s no rush!” His lips crook a bit into an impish smile. “Scared that a bear is coming to get you?”
“There aren’t any bears here—we’ve been coming for five years.”
“Because if it’s the bears you’re afraid of,” he begins, ignoring you on purpose, “you know I’ll protect you, right?” he says, sticking out his chest like he’s some superhero.
“Against a bear? Right.”
“You’re underestimating me? That’s just mean.”
You chuckle at his antics, shooting him a look of yours that says, ‘Come on, please?’.
His eyes soften a bit, but he’s used to that look; it’s been years since it worked on him as well as you’d like it to.
“We can just keep going this way, then we’ll make a loop and head back to the car directly! It’ll be even shorter this way.”
“Alright, let’s do that,” you agree, and the smile it elicits from him makes something tingle deep in your stomach.
You move forward again, sinking deeper within the forest. It’s becoming harder and harder to walk, brambly branches and huge leaves blocking your way more and more with every step.
You’re a bit ahead of him when you catch sight of a sparkle behind the bushes. Just a glimpse of light, but you’re positive you saw it. Is there water here? You never really looked at a map of the place before—you just always went wherever you felt like and used the same tracks on the way back. You hurry up a bit, curious eyes fixed on that glimmer of light.
Soon enough the dense greenery comes to an end, and you’re finally out of the bushes, finding your way into a little clearing. You’re standing, speechless, in front of a pond: it’s about forty feet wide, catching the last rays of sunshine in a dazzling reflection. The water is surrounded by gigantic trees big enough to be home to an entire niche of biodiversity, and a half-sandy, half-stony shore with reeds rising from the water on both sides.
It’s all calm and quiet and massive trees, branches pouring, cascading above still water. The air feels cool, filled with a pure smell of dew and spring even though it’s the end of a hot day of July.
Izuku is close behind you and lets out a very cute, “Whoa,” ditching his backpack on the ground next to you in the middle of the cove. The both of you just stand there for a moment in complete silence, aside from the birds chirping. Izuku breaks it first:
“How come we’ve never seen this before? This place is amazing.” He sounds distant as he speaks, soaking up his surroundings like he always does.
“I guess you never know everything about anything,” you say mindlessly, without detaching your gaze of the wonderful view ahead.
He’s standing close to you, very close. You’re only noticing now that you’re coming down from the high of your discovery. Your arms are brushing, you can feel his body heat from how close you two are. It wouldn’t be the first time; you’re no stranger to being physically close to Izuku. You’ve been playing together since you were able to put one foot in front of the other. And you wish you could say it feels any different right now, but that would be a lie. Being close to him always felt the same. Always felt like the only easy thing in your life. The only constant.
Yet it’s not enough. No matter how close, it’s never enough, it never was. You hate yourself for feeling that way; you’ve never been the greedy, unsatisfied type. You have everything with Izuku. Well, almost everything.
But right now this place—this very quiet, beautiful place with no one in sight is doing things to your fertile imagination. Despite the sun just beginning to set, the summer air still remains thick with heat. You find yourself staring in the abyss of that water, admiring the masterpiece of a reflection on the surface, a painting of leaves and clouds and blue sky. It calls you, sings an irresistible song of fresh water on sweaty skin and strong, freckled arms wrapped around you.
You don’t know if the slight, insignificant detail that you would have to undress in order to dive into that water—since you didn’t bring a swimsuit—is a better reason to do it or to refrain from doing so.
You’ve lost count of how many moments you’ve shared with him just like this one. So many chances for you to take. You never have.
Back to the original issue: can you see yourself walk out of that clearing the way you always do? Can you see yourself going home, adding this missed chance to your growing collection of lost memories, of hands within your reach that you chose not to take?
The answer pops in your mind, crystal clear for the first time since you met him.
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You drop your bag on the ground, turning to Izuku with a delighted expression stretching your features. The look on your face reminds him of one he’d seen on you as a kid, bouncing on the balls of your feet in front of the ice cream truck. At this moment he just knows you’ve got some stupid shenanigan in mind, like you always do. Once again, he isn’t wrong.
“Wanna take a dip?” You’re squinting at him from his side, a mischievous smile lighting up your face.
“I-I didn’t bring a swimsuit,” he stutters.
It’s been a long time since he last stuttered in front of you. He got rid of it years ago, but it still resurfaces sometimes in front of intimidating strangers or in a socially uncomfortable situation. Never in front of you, though.
“Me neither,” you answer plainly with that same impish smile, and his eyes go round at your implications.
“Wait, you can’t be—Oh my God—”
His heart does a great flip in his chest when he catches you taking the hem of your shirt up over your head. In less than five seconds, you’ve got him scorching hot, feverish and suddenly he can’t tell right from left.
His reflex is to bury his face in his hands. He respects you too much to take a peek, but you’re making things very difficult for him. He can hear you move towards the water, can hear the thump of your forgotten shoes hitting the ground one after the other, can hear the soft pad of your naked feet on the rocks.
“For the love of God, please, put it back on…” 
“What? Look at this view, it would be a shame not to make the most of it!”
He’s not looking at the view right now, he can’t let himself. He knows very well he won’t be able to focus on the trees when you’re standing pretty much naked—although he’s not sure to what extent—in front of him. You could be entirely naked right now and he wouldn’t be able to tell, his burning face still hidden in his shaking hands. His voice comes out muffled when he stammers, “I-It’s starting to get late, we really should get back to the car…”
“What, you’re scared of the bears?”
He can’t see you, but he knows you’re sporting that smug grin of yours, the one he first saw when you showed him your impressive collection of Pokémon cards on your preschool’s playground. You’ll have to take a lingering silence for an answer.
“Izuku, come on. I don’t bite.”
He’s not entirely sure the sight of you won’t gnaw him to the bone, won’t melt his entire body down and leave him a hot mess. He won’t be a man anymore, just a walking flame fueled by the heavenly sight of you. No, he can’t let himself fall into that. Obviously you don’t know what you’re doing to him.
Nevertheless, you’re probably the most stubborn person he knows. And he’s friends with Katsuki Bakugou, for God’s sake. He won’t be able to get out of this as easily as he wants, especially as he hears the delicate noise of water splitting at your feet as you enter the little pond.
He slowly moves his hands off of his face. You must have your back turned to him, so maybe he can drift his eyes off somewhere—
You are in front of him, thigh deep in the water now. In nothing but your panties. Your white, flower-patterned lace panties that are doing a very bad job at covering your backside. He lets out a long, pained whine, standing in the middle of the little shore with his arms dangling down his sides, not sure what to do with them.
“Why didn’t you at least keep your bra on?” His voice comes out way more wobbly than he intended to.
You turn a little so you can look at him, and it takes every little bit of strength he’s got left to look you in the eye. But as you’re turning around, the smooth curve of your breast starts showing, and God, is that your nipple?
He wants a giant hole to swallow him right now. He wants some forest creature to come for him right this instant, anything to keep him away from you, keep him from doing things he might regret. To punish him for having such thoughts about you, because you trust him, you’re so oblivious, so innocent, and he’s so weak against this inner monster that’s eating him away.
With a little frown, you deliver the answer like it’s self-evident as you kneel into the water, the surface just above your chest:
“I didn’t want it to get wet.”
“But you’re okay with your panties getting wet?”
The realization of what he just said is slow but surely comes. And when it does, he wishes even harder to get erased from the surface of this planet he’s already lucky enough to share with you. There is a long silence, and all he can hear for a few seconds are the birds chirping and the violent pounding of his heart against his ribcage, straining to get out.
You turn back around to look at him, dumbstruck. 
“I’m more than okay with that—”
“Please forget I just said that,” he cuts you off. He’s not sure he can bear to hear more of this.
“I’m never forgetting you said that. It’s pure gold,” you scoff.
He can only answer with a drawn-out whine. He doesn’t have any choice in this, does he?
When you dive in the water, he takes both his shaking hands to the hem of his shirt and starts undressing.
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What the fuck am I doing?
The water is so pure you can see underwater as clear as day: the few rocks at the bottom, the little silvery fish all around you, and the last rays of sunlight permeating through the calm surface above your head. The water feels a bit cold on your naked skin since the sunlight and summer heat must only hit the clearing at certain hours of the day. Still, the cold water isn’t enough to clear your foggy mind.
What was I thinking?
You’ve always been a bashful person, why is it changing all of a sudden? Maybe it’s the devastating effect Izuku has on you.
You try to calm down a bit, taking a deep breath. So, you’re pretty much naked in front of him. Well, it definitely wouldn’t be the first time, and it (probably) won’t be the last. Now you just have to go through with your stupid idea. It’s no big deal, it’s only Izuku. Only Izuku.
Only Izuku.
You finally surface, not only because you can’t hide underwater forever, but also because, surprisingly, you’re not a fish, you have to actually breathe.
You push your dripping hair to the back of your head, still careful to keep your breasts under the water. Izuku’s already in to his hips when you turn around to look at him, your vision still blurry from the water trickling all over your face. He’s merciless, standing like that, only the elastic of his boxers peeking out of the water. You’re a bit surprised by the plain, black color. You were expecting something along the lines of blue, yellow and red. Izuku is full of surprises.
But nevermind the color of his underwear—what you find just above is mesmerizing. Your indiscreet, incorrigible gaze can’t help following the thin trail of hair tracing up to his navel, then the stunning lines of his abs, partly hidden behind his freckled forearms shyly crossed over them. The freckles spread up his powerful arms, gently sunkissed, scattering all over his broad shoulders.
Is he actually hiding, though? Doesn’t he know he looks like he was carved by the gods themselves?
“Have you done this before?”
The sound of his voice startles you a bit. Ah, right. You were shamelessly staring. It takes you a couple of seconds to force your distracted mind back into focus. “Done what?”
“Skinny dipping?”
“No, it’s my first time. It looks like it’s yours too.” His big, bright eyes drift around like they don’t know where to look. It’s really cute.
“It is,” he admits, now kneeling into the water as well. “I would’ve thought you were used to this.” You arch a single eyebrow in an amused frown.
“What, do I look like I have a professional degree in skinny dipping?”
“No, it’s just…You look confident, it just seemed like it.”
Confident? You’re nowhere near confident—you’re terrified. You try to keep your cool, but it’s probably the first time you’re putting on an act in front of Izuku.
“Well, you’re not so bad at it yourself.” You don’t miss the little blush coating his cheeks at that. “Also, I’m not exactly naked.”
“You’re not exactly dressed either, that’s a...v-very small piece of clothing.” He’s blushing a bit harder, looking away.
“Oh, seems like you paid some attention to my piece of clothing then, good to know.”
Now he’s quite simply scarlet. A very cute, very hot, freckled tomato. He’s so easily flustered, it only makes you want to tease him some more.
“Were your legendary All Might boxers in the dirty hamper? That’s a shame. I’m a bit disappointed,” you say in a mockingly innocent voice.
He doesn’t retort, simply stands there on his knees, shooting you an unreadable look and a little pout. After a few seconds, you open your mouth to continue, only to be startled by a strong splash hitting you in the face.
When you snap out of your shock, hair and face dripping all over your shoulders, you look up at him with what must be the scariest look of betrayal. Or the most ridiculous, apparently, since he starts laughing, louder and louder, and can’t seem to stop.
“Oh, you’re pretty pleased with yourself right now, aren’t you?” You can’t help but chuckle while talking, his laugh is so contagious.
“I am, yeah!” he manages to articulate, only starting to calm down.
As the calm of the forest returns, you watch his eyes go back to their usual round shape bit by bit, his face relaxing again. His smile causes butterflies to fly up and around in a whirlwind deep into your belly. You chuckle a bit at the feeling, almost embarrassed by how he’s making you feel like you’re in some dumb, cliche rom-com movie. On the outside, you must look a bit like a maniac, but he’s a nice guy, so he simply asks, “What is it?”
And before you can overthink yourself out of it, you’re hurling yourself at him. He barely has the chance to stutter a weak, “Wait!” before you’re putting all your weight on him, sinking his head deep in the water. Izuku may well be a nice guy, but you know he isn’t going to let you get away with this, so you’re not surprised when you’re dragged underwater by your legs. He lets go immediately, a bit abruptly, even, like it burnt his hands to touch you.
You both emerge from the water soon, and it takes you a second to get rid of the water blurring your vision, but then it hits you. How tantalizingly close you are to each other now, your bodies an inch away from touching. You’re both on your knees, enveloped in the coolness of crystal clear water and the reflections of the canopy of leaves above your heads. A spark of electricity makes you freeze on the spot; you’re so close to him your breasts slightly brush against his chest.
After a little eternity, you find the courage to look up at his face. He looks mindblowing, really. Despite the two decades you spent together, you’re not sure you’ve ever seen the pure, astonishing details of his freckles from this close. You would remember it, you definitely would. It’s a spectacular view, one of those visual memories that comes back to hit you in flashes. His nose and cheekbones are covered in them, drawing a mesmerizing pattern, more complex than the Milky Way itself. They’re an uncrackable equation, like a weird quirk of nature that you’ll never understand but don’t question anyway. They spread a little more scattered, but still very present, up to his forehead and down to his delicate jaw.
And his eyes—you could just drown in them. There’s this bright, blinding light there that feels like laying in the grass and looking up at the sunlight coating the leaves of this tree, the one you grew up near and always played under.
You swear you didn’t move, neither did he, and still you manage to get even closer to him. Now it’s you against the inexorable attraction that pulls you towards him like a fierce magnet. And it’s a losing battle, you think, as you’re both entering each other’s personal space like you share just one.
There’s nothing friendly about the way he can’t look you in the eye, seemingly too obsessed with your lips. You drop your gaze to his and find them calling for you. It’s been so long, now the thought of kissing Izuku seems unfamiliar despite being ever-present in your imagination for so many years. Like repeating a word so much it ends up becoming a series of meaningless sounds to your confused mind.
He’s the one who finally closes the distance, his lips landing on yours so softly you can barely feel them. He doesn’t move, simply content with the contact. You’re both eight years old again for a minute. The kiss feels like the little peck a kid would finally give to his crush in the middle of their school’s playground before running away to his friends.
Time seems to stop for God knows how long, and after what feels like no time and forever all at once, his lips move hesitantly against yours, bringing you back to reality. Right then, it all crashes on you like a tremendous wave. The distant echo of your mothers’ voices from the kitchen and the stupid cartoons they made you watch so they could talk for ten more minutes. The games alone together because no one wanted to play with you two weirdos. The piggyback rides, the dumb jokes, the video games (you always won). The neverending texting sessions at night because one of you couldn’t sleep. The fights that never lasted long enough to see the next sunrise because you both are way too weak for each other. All those stupid places that wouldn’t have looked half as breathtaking if it weren’t for him.
His lips are soft but roughly bitten. Hot and wet from the water and maybe from something else. He doesn’t taste like anything other than home, and that’s more than enough for you. His hands went up to cup your face at some point, but you’re too drowned in all the feelings coming up to the surface to pay attention to anything other than his soft mouth pressing on yours, more and more, opening up—
And it’s already over. You only notice that you’ve closed your eyes when you open them again when you don’t feel anything against your mouth other than the summer air. When your mind manages to regain any sense of function, the blurry focus of your gaze settles on his eyes. Wide open. Pupils eating up the dazzling viridian that puts the forest to shame. And a terrified expression in them.
He’s looking at you like he hurt you. His lips should still be on yours, kissing and sucking, not frozen like they are right now, obviously trying to express something painful as a few weak sounds pass their barrier before he finally manages to speak:
“Oh—Oh my God, I-I’m s—”
You don’t let him finish his stupid sentence. You don’t think twice before you take his face in your hands and lean in to kiss him again, with shameless intent this time. No more pretending—you’ve been waiting long enough for this and apparently, so has he.
It’s nothing gentle this time when your mouths crash against each other, teeth clashing and lips bruising under the weight of twenty years. You hold to his face like a lifeline, fingers sinking just a bit into his cheekbones, the tip of your nails getting caught in the knots of his dripping hair just above his ears. It’s messy, your noses rubbing before he angles his face better. One of his hands loops around your waist in a tight grip, forcing your chest to crush against his, the other burying in your hair at the base of your skull.
The feeling is electrifying, indescribable. It’s nothing like the pale, miserable depiction of your imagination. It’s discovering life in color when all you’ve always known was black and white.
The water is cool, but his body scorches against yours, burns your skin in the most exquisite way. The kiss is desperate on both parts, but neither of you is confident. His lips suck on yours with tentative motions, and you respond in kind the best you can. They are hungry, starving for flesh but don’t know how to hunt.
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Your hands are gripping more and more of his hair, pulling harder, sending waves of heat all the way down his groin, and he’s not sure he can hide the bulge growing there for much longer.
He has to be sure, he has to be absolutely certain you want this as much as he does, because once he starts, he may not be able to stop. But you feel so good, all pressed against him. Your skin feels so soft under his hand at the small of your back he has to dig his nails in the skin of your waist so he doesn’t cross a line. But the curve just above your ass is begging for him to grip at the tender flesh and squeeze, fill his hands with it. He’s been dreaming about this for so long.
No, he can’t just hurl himself at you like a hunting wolf the first chance he gets—what kind of friend does that?
It takes him every bit of focus he has left to break the kiss, to part away from you. You have to discuss this, he can’t just throw away twenty years of friendship! Now you’re looking up at him with puppy eyes saying, ‘Why won’t you play with me?’ He breathes out a shaky sigh, and begins:
“Um, look. Believe me when I say I’ve wanted this for a very, very long time, and I love you so, so much. As a friend, I mean.” He sees you frown at this, catches a glint of something he doesn’t like in your eyes, then panics. “No, no, no, I mean, a-as a friend, but also more than that, o-obviously. But I don’t know what you want, you might be...d-disappointed, or...um—” His face starts heating up like it hasn’t in ages. He takes another breath, tries to clear up the muddled mess happening in his head. “Look, I just want the best for you, but you look...good, very good, and you’re making things very difficult for me, doing...this—”
“Izuku.” The deafening hubbub filling his mind falls suddenly silent, your voice a comforting, steady rock for him to cling to when his mind is storming out of control.
You get even closer to him, since he gradually set some distance while mumbling his anxious thoughts out again. You cup his face in your hands, a gentle, featherlight touch, and look up at him with determination in your eyes. You pull his head down a bit to settle on yours, your foreheads and noses connected, never breaking eye contact. Your lips graze over his, both your breaths mixing there, your voice a quiet whisper as you speak again. “Do you want me?”
Out of the jittery mess of his mind, the answer comes out like evidence, plain and simple: “Yes.”
“Then shut up and kiss me.”
You take action immediately, kissing him once again and this time he doesn’t hesitate to put his—still rather shaky—hands on you. The feeling of you is addicting, pushing his insecurities further in the back of his mind. He starts at your waist, running his thumbs there, feeling the goosebumps rising on your skin. They wander up your spine, counting every single bump of your bones, all the way to your nape. Then dragging them back down to settle on your hips, his fingers digging in the soft flesh. The little sigh you breathe on his lips causes an impressive amount of blood to run straight to his dick. 
Your mouth is distracting, dizzying, sucking on his bottom lip, nipping playfully. His tongue slides over your lips, then against your own when you open up immediately for him. You’re pressing against him even more, your breasts rubbing against his naked chest and he swears you’re going to be the death of him. You’re hanging from his shoulders by now, your arms circling his neck, still gripping a handful of green hair, pulling. You have to stop doing this—he might cum right away. He doesn’t say it aloud, only lets a moan escape him into your mouth.
He wanted this, wanted this for so long, and now that it’s real, it’s beyond everything he could have imagined. The heat of your skin, the weight on his shoulders as you cling to him, your breath in his mouth, your little sighs.
He’s only now noticing that his hands have gone to reach their destination with a mind of their own. They’re on your ass underwater, feeling the white, wet lace, the sole cloth on your entire body—that thing is just there to tempt him. He’s unsure if you like what he’s doing until you release a whimper, louder this time, enough to send a vibration against his mouth (and straight to his cock at the same time).
Suddenly, he wants to taste a lot more of you. You’re all open up to him for the first time—he has to. He trails a series of open-mouthed kisses from the corner of your mouth to your jaw, savoring every little sigh escaping your lips, then to your neck, dragging his tongue up the column of your throat.
The water is fresh all over you, and he doesn’t miss the shivers running up and down your skin at the contact of the twilight breeze. He needs to warm you up, needs to make you feel good, needs everything to be perfect for you. With his hands still on your ass, he trails lower down to your collarbone, allowing some occasional nips on the way that have you shaking. He freezes, looking up at you from there.
“Is this okay?”
The answer comes out breathy, a little desperate: “Yes, yes, please!” It sends a wave of heat all over him, the way you like what he’s doing to you, the way he’s making you feel good.
He’s not experienced or anything, only had a few hookups a couple of times, so he’s not very confident in his capacities, aside from running his hands all over you because that’s how his instincts are manifesting. You know him better than anyone—of course you would know how lost he could be in this kind of situation. But he also knows you’re not much more experienced than him, and that thought is comforting.
He’s experienced in one thing, though. He feels like the worst, filthiest person on the planet for this, but it’s astonishing the number of times he jerked off to the thought of what’s happening right now. How many times did he fuck his hand in the shower thinking about the water trickling down your skin, about licking it off your breasts all the way up to your neck.
So he does what he’s been dying to do for years. your breasts are just above the surface, so he sits on his heels and licks down your chest. When his tongue finally reaches your nipple, giving it a tentative lick, you let out a gasp, encouraging him to get bolder. And he does, closing his mouth on it like it’s the sweetest lollipop; it’s all cold and hard and raised from the water, but it warms up really quickly against the furnace of his mouth. His right hand leaves your ass to cup the neglected other, running his thumb against the bud, squeezing the flesh. That’s when you reach out to bury a hand in his hair, and pull again. God, you can pull on his hair all day and night like this; he’ll never get enough.
His left hand, still on your ass, rises up to the small of your back, feeling you arching more and more, pushing against his mouth. A harder nip has you gasping and he lets his hands run all over you, wandering without direction. It’s messy and urgent; he can’t help it—you feel so good, so soft under his hands. He’s like a kid getting to open his Christmas gifts in the morning after an endless, sleepless night waiting for Santa.
You trail your hand down his chest and his abdomen, a gentle reminder that the power he holds right now could slip through his fingers any moment. He’s willing to give it to you, especially since he doesn’t really know what to do next.
Like you just read his mind, you take his hands in yours, stopping their chaotic race. He’s feeling himself flush a bit—was he going too fast for you? Did he scare you? Or did he just let himself become overwhelmed by his feelings and it didn’t feel good for you? His eyes are looking down directly at your naked chest, he realizes he never took a proper look at them, too busy throwing himself to taste them. They look just as good as they taste, as beautiful as the rest of you.
Tentatively, he raises his eyes to find your reassuring gaze and fond smile. You lead his hands down slowly, setting them on your hips, over the criminal lace fabric preserving your modesty. Your foreheads connect again, but you never break eye contact. Lacing your fingers together, you guide his thumbs into the elastic on both sides, and now that he gets what you’re trying to do, his mind just stops.
Your voice is barely a whisper, a mesmerizing caress on his lips when you speak again. “I think I’ve waited long enough, Zuku.”
Your tone is fond, but you sound so desperate, it’s unbearably cute. His mind fogs up, the smoke of your words filling his skull and he wants to drive you as mad as you drive him. Sure, you’ve waited a lot, but so has he. He isn’t going to rush this, not if he has any say in it.
He slides your panties down your thighs underwater inch by inch. It’s even too slow for him; right now he just wants to rip the stupid piece of lace off of you and fuck you and him both stupid in the water, hard and fast. But even more than that, he wants to take his time with you, wants to take you apart piece by piece. And the testy whine it elicits from you makes it all so worth it.
You shift a bit so he can take your underwear completely off and, in a second, it lays abandoned on the sandy ground of the shore. Just knowing you’re now completely naked in front of him, it sends boiling desire flowing through every single vein in his body. He can’t see that part of you yet, the water darkening along with the sky clouding his view beneath the surface, but nightfall can’t do anything about Izuku’s wild imagination. He’s dizzy, feeling himself slowly falling into a half-conscious daze, but you anchor him right where you are, bringing him back to the reality of your arms hooked around his neck.
He rests his hands on your hips, dragging his fingertips down the soft flesh of them. The idea of touching you down there is making his head spin, he can’t wait any longer.
“Can I—”
“Yes, I want your fingers inside me,” you say before driving your lips back against his.
Without further ado, one of them goes straight to your core, making you jump a bit, breaking the kiss just for a second. He runs his index between your folds, feeling hot slick already coming out of you despite the fresh water around. His touch is light, slow, hesitant as it glides up and down, testing the waters. He’s getting a bit further, putting a bit more pressure with every stroke and earning a few pleased sighs from your heavenly mouth.
He expected a sudden reaction as soon as he found your clit, but that doesn’t mean he was prepared for the drawn-out moan coming out of your gorgeous lips, wet from his mouth and from your dip earlier. He wants to hear that again, every day for the rest of his life. He drags his thumb over it, again and again, slow at first, but then quicker and quicker, and your voice grows louder with every speed-up of his finger.
Your hands go frantic over him, running up his chest and down his abs in repeated motions that feel a lot like it’s lust driving your limbs much more than your mind. You stopped kissing him at some point, your mouth too busy expressing every ounce of pleasure you felt to focus on such basic motions. Your face is buried in his neck, your hot breath crushing against his skin.
He presses his index inside, but he’s so focused on what he’s doing, trying not to hurt you, that he doesn’t notice the shift of your own hand leaning down until he feels it cupping the painful bulge in his boxers. His eyes go wide with a gasp, and when he looks at you, you already have a playful, but intense, gaze piercing right through him.
“Did you think I was gonna let you play all on your own, Zuku?” Your fingers graze over the soaked fabric, down his entire length and to his balls, throwing gasoline on the fire that’s been consuming him for ages. “Don’t be selfish,” you whisper directly in his ear as your hands slip his underwear down his thighs.
As soon as the piece of cloth gets to join your forgotten panties on the shore, you wrap your pretty hand around him. And when you start stroking, his eyes roll so hard he swears he can see the inside of his skull. It feels better than he ever could have imagined; it’s blistering, astonishing. The only idea his brain can manage to work out right now is that he wants you to feel just as good.
He only notices now that his fingers stopped moving, and they go right back to a steady pace, but it’s a matter of seconds before he drives another finger into you. Soon, you’re both fucking the life out of each other with your hands. You’re sucking and nipping at his ear, and every single moan he draws out of you ends up turning against him, breaking into the defenses he built year after year by your side. He’s simply fucking into your hand now. He can’t help it, you feel so good. He doesn’t even want to think about what it’s going to feel like to fuck into your tight little cunt, he might cum hard just from the thought of it.
The spongy spot he finds inside you feels like he just struck gold. It’s glorious, the sounds you make right now, higher, louder. You’re tightening around his fingers, but it’s okay—you can crush them for all he cares. He wants you to moan higher for him, wants you to keep riding his fingers like your life depends on it.
“Izuku, ah—I’m close, I’m so close, please…”
“I got you, baby. I got you, shit—”
He quickens the pace again, feels like his fingers are gonna fall off his hand the moment he gets them out of you, but fuck, what his princess wants, his princess is gonna get. Your orgasms shatter the both of you to pieces, and in the bliss of his high, he can hear some birds flying away, scared by the harmonious, but probably very loud, song of your combined moans.
While his cum strikes out by ropes into the water, his clouded mind can only think about one thing.
He needs more of you.
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You can barely stand on your knees, worn out from cumming the hardest you have in your entire life. You actually have to lean on Izuku so you don’t fall into the water head first like some boneless ragdoll. You just let your forehead rest on his shoulder and count the freckles there, splattered in a fascinating work of abstraction.
But apparently, he has other plans. You’re swiftly lifted up and out of the water, huge scarred hands firmly holding the back of your thighs that immediately come to circle his waist.
“Oh, nice. I don’t mind getting carried around like a baby. Where are we going?”
“Not far,” he says with a little grin, walking out of the water. “Do you think you’ll be able to walk?” His voice holds a sarcastic tone, one you’re not used to hearing out of Izuku’s angel mouth.
“I think I can manage, yeah.”
He drops you to stand on your legs, and immediately goes for his backpack. The sun has just set, its last rays of light filling the pink sky over your heads. You can still easily make out everything around you, and Izuku’s body is no exception.
You’re watching him with a raised eyebrow, letting your shameless gaze follow every curve you couldn’t see underwater. The day he started exercising in high school was the day you knew it was over for you. It was the day you couldn’t deny what you felt anymore, you couldn’t deny your best friend was everything you needed, and everything you wished for. The physical factor was only a—very pleasant— addition to the list of things that made you fall hard for Izuku Midoriya.
Your eyes linger over his impressive figure, staring at the dimples at the small of his back. You always knew they were here, but you never allowed yourself to look at them, to imagine how they would grow repeatedly hollow with every thrust of his hips into you.
He finally digs out what he was looking for: a plaid picnic blanket, because of course he would have one in there. He’s wearing a little victorious smile when he stands and turns around to spread it on a grassy spot that looks a lot more comfortable than the hard ground. He turns back to you but averts his gaze to the side, hardly looking directly at you for more than a second at a time. The heat of his gaze tracing your curves through quick glances pools deep in your core. 
“You know you can look, right?” You sure aren’t refraining from doing so after all.
His face reaches its usual redness—hasn’t he learned anything from making you cum like crazy with just his fingers? It’s cute nonetheless; Izuku will never change.
He doesn’t answer your rhetorical question, only gives you a shy command in that tentative, very cute voice of his.
“Could you lay down on this for me?”
You saw this coming, but still, you’re a bit surprised he’s asking you that out loud. You gladly oblige with your legs pressed together, slightly bent. It’s another golden opportunity to tease him a bit:. “This isn’t exactly the right use for this blanket. Aren’t we supposed to eat on this?”
He smiles at the ground while kneeling at your feet.
“Maybe that’s exactly what I’m planning to do.”
Your sly smile fades away. His tone is a contradictory mix of shyness and determination, so it’s a bit confusing but also unbearably hot—you swear an astounding wave of heat is crashing through your deepest parts, untouched, just from some words and a funny tone. You rub your thighs together before he grabs and parts them to slip himself between them.
He crawls over you and leans down to kiss you, a bit more confident than earlier. His hips are pressing between your legs, where you can feel his hardness best.
He’s rutting more and more against you as the kiss intensifies. You could think it’d be a lot less exciting now that you know he’s going to eat you out, there’d be no suspense. Wrong. The little shit apparently likes to tease you to death, because he left your lips to kiss your face, nip at your neck, suck at your ears. Dragging his devilish hands everywhere, pressing harder each time you get louder. An especially heavy whine makes him buck hard, his mouth back against yours.
“The more impatient you get, the slower it’s gonna be,” he murmurs against your lips, and starts to make his way down to where you want him, kissing every inch of you, clouding your mind with desire. It’s way too much and still not enough; it’s maddening. When he finally reaches down, you’re on the verge of a second orgasm like you hadn’t just come down a few minutes ago.
He’s holding your thighs apart in a firm grip. Just the touch of his fingers burns your skin deliciously, and the look he’s giving you from between your legs...his eyes are clouded, half-lidded, looking at the part of you he’s never gotten to see before. It feels like he’s been looking forever and just a second at the same time.
He finally dips into you, leaving butterfly kisses all over your inner thighs, punctuated by little nips, nuzzling the soft skin. He’s not looking you in the eye anymore, his gaze lingering all over your body—all over except for your face. You can make out a slight blush on his cheeks despite the dimness all around. You know him better than anyone, so you immediately recognize what’s going on in his mind just from the slightest hint in his eyes. He looks like he’s fighting a battle against himself, his shyness against his hunger. And you know who you’re both rooting for.
He finally gives in, and it takes your breath away. A single, slight lick on your clit and you’re gone. And the next ones, more and more intense, more and more hungry, push you further to tumble over your edge. He grunts into your heat, multiple times. Moans like he’s the one squirming under your mouth.
His hands hold a firm grip on your hips, squeezing the flesh and keeping you in place—he doesn’t even give you an inch to move. You can only take and take and take. But you still have the luxury of your free hands, and they rush to bury in the knots of his messy wet curls, your nails dragging, scratching his scalp.
His lips close on your clit and suck just a bit, and before you can refrain, you pull on his hair, hard. He gasps, and the moment you think you hurt him, he breathes his loudest moan, right into you. You’re filled with the vibrations—they spread all over your body, have you throwing your head back, trembling from head to toe.
The louder you are, the hungrier he gets, filling you with his insatiable tongue. You have to look at him right now. And you expected quite a show, but you certainly weren't prepared to see this—him rutting against the ground like an animal. You realize he’s getting off just from your taste, just from eating you out. His hips roll repeatedly, making you salivate just to the thought of those same hips bucking into yours, fucking you into oblivion. And the more he ruts, the louder he gets.
Now if he wants to moan, you’re going to give him a good reason to. 
You hint for him to face you with a light tug on his hair. As soon as he’s back up, he dives in to kiss you. You don’t let him. In a second he’s on his back with you seated on his hips.
“What did I say about letting you play on your own, hm?”
The ‘deer caught in headlights’ look is so cute on him. And the rest is a marvel to look at. You’re straddling him and he has no other choice than to let you devour him with your eyes—not that he couldn’t bounce you off of him with just a thrust of his hips, but he already would have if he wanted to. You let your gaze wander mindlessly over him—it’s surreal. There’s no way he’s actually under you, waiting for you to please him back with his mouth and jaw still shining with your juices. It has to be a dream—it’s always been after all.
You shift so you’re straddling his parted thighs. You can finally take a look at him. The whole thing, that is. His cock is resting against his lower stomach, hard and swollen and thick. It’s a pretty, bright pink, shining with pre-cum at the tip. Your mouth waters just at the sight of it.
He’s looking down at you, his face as flushed as his dick, that usual blush still exquisitely coating his freckles. You take him in your hand, dive in to give a lick to the tip and his head falls back down with a whimper. You let your tongue drag over the whole length on the underside, and your lips close around the tip in a wet smooch. His hips jerk up a bit, startling you.
You finally take him whole in your mouth, and you can feel his whole body tensing under you. You start bobbing up and down, going a bit further each time, earning a series of shameless moans because this boy is loud. You expected him to express himself during sex since he’s such a mumbler—and frankly, it was always one of your biggest fantasies, hearing him come undone because of you, lose any sense of shame and self-restriction when he’s such a anxious person otherwise.
But you could’ve thought about it every night and day and still never be ready for this. It’s sinful. His hand goes to grab your hair just like you did to him, and now you get why he liked it so much. The feel of his nails scratching your scalp is electrifying, soothing and destructive at the same time.
Your tongue hits a precise spot just under the tip and he jerks up again, nearly screams, “Fuck—yes, right there, please—d-do that again!”
And you do, you can only oblige—he asked so nicely. Your lips go up and down, over and over, your tongue grazing this spot with a bit more pressure every single time. You squint over him, and what you find there is a mess. Trying so hard not to buck into your mouth but failing miserably. Sounding like he’s at Heaven’s gate.
“Easy, Zuku. You’re gonna scare the birds away,” you chuckle against him, your lips brushing the tip, dripping with your saliva and pre-cum.
“Do I need to remind you…how loud you were for me earlier?” He’s looking back down at you as he speaks, a tremble in his voice telltale of his approaching climax. “You sounded...so good, baby, I swear...wanna hear you again, wanna make you scream, just for me, fuck—”
You can feel yourself soaking the blanket, can feel the slick trickle down your folds and stain the plaid cotton. Is he aware of what he’s doing? Or is he just saying whatever is going through his chaotic mind? In any case it has you starving. So you let go of his cock and, before he can protest, crawl back to his face and kiss him desperately. Tasting both of your fluids in a mindblowing mix.
You pull back just enough to be able to speak, because you need him to understand you loud and clear when you say:  “Please, Izuku, I need you inside me, I’ve waited so long. Please.”
“Okay, okay, fuck—” He cuts himself off, his eyes slightly drooping like a sad puppy. “I-I don’t have any condoms.”
“You mean you probably have pads in there for me but no condoms?” you say with your eyebrows raised, your mocking tone hinting at a teasing remark, far from criticism.
He frowns in confusion. “How do you know I have pads in there?”
“So the legend turns out to be true. After all these years—”
“Shut up, you’re impossible,” he chuckles heatlessly, resting his hands on your back.
“It’s okay. I’m on the pill,” you assure him with a soft tone.
“Are you sure?”
“I’m pretty sure I’m on the pill, yeah.”
He rolls his eyes, then clarifies, a hint of hesitation clear in his voice.
“No I mean...you’re sure you wanna do this?” He marks a brief pause, takes a short breath. “With me?”
You don’t even think before answering, it slips your mouth like it’s not even your own words: “I don’t want it with anyone else.”
There’s a silence.
“Fuck, that sounds cheesy,” you scoff, looking away.
“It does, but we’re both cheesy idiots, apparently.”
You look back at him. His smile is so fond, so loving; it melts your heart in the best way.
“I wanna be your cheesy idiot,” you say against his mouth, looking right into his eyes, willing to fall in them.
“You always have been,” he nearly whispers. It fills your stomach with familiar warmth, intense and overwhelming, comforting.
There’s a bittersweet taste in your mouth, one of regret and lost time and God, we’re idiots.
Now it’s about time you make up for it all.
You look down at him, rolling your hips against him, dripping all over his cock, coating him in your juices.
“I think I asked you something, didn’t I?”
A whimper escapes him at the feeling. His hips buck up slightly, hands gripping at your back. When you do it again, you don’t get the chance to see his reaction; you’re on your back again, him towering over you, his thigh between your legs.
He’s looking at you with something in his eyes you don’t recognize, but the tone he speaks with has your entire body quaking.
“And you’re gonna get it, sweetheart.”
He holds himself over his left forearm, his hand thumbing at your cheek while the other strokes the whole length of your thigh. Your noses are brushing, your breaths crashing together. Your hands hold tight to his nape, playing with the short hair mindlessly as you’re waiting to be filled, finally.
You feel the stretch instantly. You try to focus on those mesmerizing emerald gems he calls eyes. They look right through your soul, eating you up and you barely feel the pain. He’s taking it slow, inch by inch, giving you all the time you need, caressing your cheek with a tender stroke of his thumb.
“Relax for me, baby.”
Izuku’s voice is a soothing sound over the incessant chirping of the grasshoppers. It was always one of your favorite things to hear, its every tone another blessing to your ears. It’s loving when he asks if you’re okay, comforting when he whispers sweet nothings to you as you cry on his shoulder, heartening when he’s going on about anything he’s passionate about.
He’s kissing every part of skin he has access to, over your face, your jaw, your neck. You feel yourself relaxing around him, and roll your hips up to give him the hint.
When he starts moving it’s still slow and careful. He doesn’t break eye contact, so you can see his every reaction, and he can see all yours. His hand is still playing with your hair, even as his pace speeds up with every second. The weight of him over you feels amazing, it holds him close against you, countless parts of you both rubbing together: your chests, your stomachs, your thighs. He doesn’t even have a lot of space to move. But getting to touch and get touched by him like this, it's incredible. You always had him so close to you, always right there and still so out of reach.
You still need more; you’re insatiable. You need to see him come undone under you, because of you. You push him to roll on his back, and you end up straddling him, setting the pace yourself. You start bouncing up and down on his cock, taking balance on the hard planes of his abs. He immediately reaches up to grab your hips, guiding you along.
His face tenses up, frowning, his nose wrinkling, his lips parted just to let out a series of breathy sighs. He looks wrecked and dizzy and stunning. He’s keeping his eyes open, fixed up on you, specifically on your breasts, bouncing with your every motion. And you can feel his gaze on your skin just as much as you feel his hands gripping harder at the flesh below your hips.
“Eyes up here, Zuku,” you coo with two fingers pointed at your eyes.
He doesn’t answer, only sits up easily and wraps his arms around your waist.
“You look so amazing, you have no idea what you do to me,” he says with a trembling voice, filled with bliss.
Your heart misses a beat at his words, they fill you with warmth and comfort because he definitely doesn’t have any idea what he’s doing to you. He delves his face into your neck, kissing and nuzzling, his breath coming shorter and shorter, crashing against your skin and his hands running all over you. The sound of his hoarse voice resonates through the forest and through your soul, echoing an enchanting song.
With little effort, he puts you back under him so he can pound into you with full force, and your legs immediately come up to wrap around his waist, pulling him deeper. Your hands grab his hair, tugging to see if you get the same reaction as earlier, and it doesn’t miss: he lets out a groan right into your ear, speeding up his pace again.
The sky is dark now, and all you can hear are his moans and yours and the slap of your hips coming together repeatedly. Your head is thrown back when he grabs you by the hair, forcing you to turn your head and face him.
“Look at me. I wanna see you.”
“Izuku, I’m gonna—”
“I know, baby. Let go for me, come on.”
Just the feel of his hand trailing down your stomach awakens something in you, this familiar pressure growing tight in your belly. And when his fingers reach your clit, a couple of strokes are enough to have you screaming his name, tightening around him, and pulling him towards his climax with you. His thrusts come franticly as you milk him dry, clawing desperately at his back, panting in his mouth as he leaned down to kiss you through both your climaxes.
As soon as he comes down, he rolls over on his side, still laying close to you, an arm thrown over you. You both take a minute to catch your breaths and, weirdly enough, you don’t hear anything aside from your panting. You really must have scared the birds away. Izuku breaks the silence first.
“Do you wanna...sleep at my place?”
He’s looking over at you and, despite the sky getting dark, you can easily imagine the blush coating his cheeks right now, like he didn’t make you scream his name, drunk on his cock two minutes ago.
You can’t repress your fond smile at his proposition.
“Yeah, let’s do that.”
You take a minute to gather your clothes from all over the place and get dressed, then grab your bag to tug it over your shoulder.
“You got everything?”
Izuku is waiting for you just outside the trees. You take a quick look around, making sure you haven’t forgotten anything, and turn around without a second look at the place.
Because although it was your first time setting foot here, it definitely won’t be the last; you will come back here with Izuku every chance you get, making it your shared secret, your own little wonderland.
You gladly take the hand he’s offering, making him blush a little harder, and you head straight back into the forest together.
You walk side by side as a comfortable silence settles, only disturbed by the grasshoppers’ incessant, boisterous chirping. The sky is utterly dark now, you can make out a few stars shining above the dense trees. You walk at a steady pace, but Izuku is going a bit faster with every step. Soon enough, he’s walking a bit ahead of you, still holding your hand. Another golden occasion to tease his eagerness.
“Are we in a hurry, Zuku?”
In the dark of the night, you struggle to make out the look on his face as he turns around to look at you. A second later, he’s running, and with your hand firmly held in his, you can’t do much but try to follow along. You giggle as you run, and it quickly grows into a belly-deep laughter. He’s fast, doesn’t get tired, but you follow him anyway, probably as eager as he is. You have to zig-zag so you don’t run straight into the massive trees standing in your way.
You get to the car in no time, but you’re both out of breath when you finally get in your respective seats, ready to go home.
Izuku doesn’t even wait to catch his breath before he starts the car, the engine roaring loudly in the silence of the night, probably scaring the birds away for the upteenth time that night. You catch his happy grin in the headlights glow before he heads back into the road.
You have a feeling the night is not over; you’ve only got twenty years to make up for after all.
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shorkbrian · 3 years
Oohh how would shouta and hizashi take their submissive readers virginity?
(What to expect - virginity, NSFW, dubcon, noncon. If you’re wondering the type of piercings Hizashi has, they’re dydoes (or kings head) and a pubic piercing. MxM penetration, anal plugs (Hizashi’s wearing one while he diddles u hehe))
Gently, I imagine.
If their darling is submissive, too afraid to run or fight, then there’s no need for them to be harsh.
They can take their time, be sweet and loving.
"Shhhh, you're getting loud." Hizashi holds a fingers to your lips as you lay there, panicked whimpers, distressed whines tumbling out of you.
Shouta huffs at the irony, his fingers working at the button on your jeans, then the zipper, then hooking into your belt loops, tugging the pants down easily as you begin to hyperventilate.
“Hey, hey, breathe with me, you’re alright.” Hizashi places a a hand against your chest, pressing you back against his warmth as he begin to take deep, steady breaths, encouraging you to do the same.
You can’t calm yourself though, eyes wide and fixed on the man in front of you, drawing your legs up and away from him as he rids you of your jeans, trying to keep your panties from his view.
If your wrists weren’t tied together, lashed to each other with soft, black ribbon, you’d be clutching at Shouta’s fingers as they ghost over your calves, up to your knees.
“P-please-” Is all you can whisper, fear settled so thoroughly in your body that you’re almost frozen.
“Don’t worry, I’m going to be gentle. ‘Zashi’s just holding you so you don’t wiggle too much and hurt yourself.” Shouta’s words are measured, steady even when he slips a hand between your knees and forces them apart.
You want to sob, but you can’t. Shouta breathes out a quiet “fuck” as he looks at your panties, running a finger across the waistband.
“She’s shaking like hell Sho.”
“It’ll be fine. It’s just nerves. Everyone’s nervous their first time.”
It’s nerves, it’s fear, it’s terror and dread. You’re horrified, and scared, and you’re shivering as if the room is freezing, even though it’s warm, cozy.
Hizashi dips down, brushes his lips against your neck, and you flinch, your shoulder rising to push his head away, his mustache tickling your flesh.
“Hah, you ticklish? That’s so cute.” The blonde coos, his arms circling around your stomach as his husband begins to tug down your panties. You’re sitting in Hizashi’s lap as Shouta strips you, the two men working together.
The blonde is already shirtless, pants-less, in nothing but boxers. You can feel his warm flesh through your hoodie, pressed against your back.
“My first time, I came in my pants.” Hizashi chuckled, thumbs rubbing at your sides. “Embarrassed myself to tears. The other dude thought it was hot, dropped right to his knees and pulled out my dick and got to suckin’. It kinda hurt, but he was fingerin’ himself at the same time and well, teenage-me was able to get it up immediately.”
You suppose he’s trying to ease your nerves.
Shouta gets your panties off, tosses them to the side as a hand grips each of your ankles, and then you’re spread wide.
A cry gets caught in your throat at the humiliation, Shouta and Hizashi both pausing to peer at your pussy, Hizashi letting out a low whistle.
“Damn, you’re a fuckin’ snack!”
Shouta lets go of your legs, and you snap them shut, closing your eyes as your cheeks burn.
“When I first had sex, I was a one-pump-chump. The girl I was with at the time said it was fine, but I didn’t know how to get her off. I’ve learned a lot since then.” The dark haired man offered his own story, hand slipping between your legs no matter how you twisted or clenched your thighs.
“Wooo! Imagine that, little ole Sho losin’ it after one stroke!”
“That’s what happens when you lose your virginity when you’re thirteen, ‘Zashi.” But Shouta has a gentle grin on his face, and his words held no malice towards his husband. Just two men in love recounting stories.
The dark-haired man leaned towards you, one of his fingers petting slowly over your folds as he did. Shouta wasn’t shy about kissing you, his lips warm, soft, stubble prickly against your skin.
He pulled back, breathing hotly against your lips. “How do you touch yourself? What feels good? I don’t want to overwhelm you, it’s easy to see that you’re sensitive.”
You trembled even harder, sniffling, closing your eyes as his finger still ran softly over your folds, barely touching.
“Sweetie-pop, can you show us? Show us how you want us to touch you down there.” Hizashi’s hands were playing with the edge of your hoodie, easing it up, his warm digits skimming against your skin.
Both men are waiting on your answer, watching you with lust-filled gazes as they run their hands over your skin. They’re already touching you, burning your skin, and you want to scream. All that comes out is a pathetic whimper.
“How do you masturabate? Do you like touching here-?” Aizawa presses his thumb to your clit, wiggles the digit and you tense, shaking your head. 
“-Here?” His fingers trail down to your entrance, one slowly beginning to push inside. You whimper again desperately, shaking your head side to side while looking at the man in front of you with pleading eyes.
“’K, this is gettin’ old-” Hizashi interjected. “I’ll ask one last time, and then Sho’ and I get to touch you however we want to, got it? How do you want us to touch your cute lil’ pussy?”
“I don’t know!” You wail, tears rolling down your cheeks. You’re so overwhelmed, and scared, and you just want to go home.
Neither man moves for a second, but then Hizashi is letting out a an excited sigh, hunching his back so he can kiss at your shoulder before questioning. “You don’t know?”
“I’ve never-never touched my-myself down there.” You manage to hiccup, and Shouta rubs your knee soothingly, his grey eyes trained on your face. 
“That’s alright, there’s no need to cry.” One of his hands cups your cheek, thumb brushing away salty tears. “We just want to make you feel good.”
You’d feel good if they took their hands off of you.
The hand that’s been rubbing over your folds becomes bolder, parting the lips of your cunt even as you try to squeeze your thighs shut. All that does is trap Shouta’s hand against you, his fingers sending little jolts of unsteady fire burning through your tummy.
“Mm, wait, please-” You whimper, desperate to escape this sensation.
Aizawa doesn’t wait.
Hizashi slips his nimble fingers underneath your hoodie, rucks it up over your chest and you burn with embarrassment at being exposed like this. You want to hide your face, but with your wrists bound, all you can do is cover your eyes with shaky fingers.
“Look at ‘er, god, you’re delicious. Just wanna eat you up! Sho, after you finger her, think I could eat her out? I wanna taste.”
His lewd words make you cringe, and you can’t even think about how it would feel, the blonde pressed between your thighs, tongue laving against you over and over-
“One thing at a time, she’s already a bit dazed. Maybe another time.” Shouta’s gently stimulating your clit, brushing his knuckles over it, watching you twitch with each pass of his fingers against the sensitive little organ.
“Alright, relax now, okay? Breath out for me.” The man instructs, and you could almost laugh; if the man thinks you could relax, he’s an idiot-
A wet finger pushes inside of you slowly, and you gasp brokenly, mouth falling open. There’s so much pressure, you feel stretched and it almost burns, but he’s not stopping.
There’s a squelch, and cool liquid rushes over your hole, slips inside as the finger slightly retracts, and you shudder at the feeling. It’s weird and you feel like you can’t breath.
The finger inside rubs at your walls, and your muscles clench at the foreign sensation, unsure whether it feels good or bad.
“Calm down, you’re okay. I’m just stretching you out. Tell me if something feels really good, alright?” Shouta is acting as if he’s speaking to a child, a spooked rabbit, a baby. His eyes keep flicking between your flushed face and your pussy, enamored by the way you suck his finger inside, at the feel of your velvety walls, the slick feeling that he can’t wait to experience hugging his cock.
“I can’t, I can’t, please-” 
“You can, doin’ so good for us sweetie.” Hizashi chirps, and you realize his hands are resting against your bare chest, idly squeezing at your breasts. You had been so focused on his partner’s actions that you had missed his coy advancement. 
One finger turns to two, and two fingers turns to three, and you’re quickly reduced to a sweaty, blubbering mess, begging the men to wait, to slow down, writhing in Hizashi’s lap while his husband violates you.
The pressure fades away to a comfortable stretch, and by the time Shouta begins to move his fingers with intent, you’re already close to your limit. Your thighs are still clenched together tightly, but the dark-haired man has plenty of room to maneuver his hand, moving his fingers in and out, letting his thumb tickle your clit.
You can’t stop your legs from shaking, abs clenching in pleasure, little noises that fall from your mouth without your permission. It feels good now, and Aizawa and Hizashi seem to know it, speeding up their movements, manipulating your body as a team.
The orgasm that washes over you is gentle, the build up to it steady and measured. The pleasure is expected, and yet it still hits you like a train, hips jerking against Shouta’s hand as he continues to finger you through it, a smile on his face as you drench his hand, pussy drooling.
“I’m sorry, oh no-oh no I made a-a m-mess.” You sob, mortified at your body, at your reaction, feeling gross and disgusting and a sweaty mess while both men watch you fall apart.
But Shouta just slips his hand from between your thighs, holds it out towards you expectantly. You’re confused, still trying to hide your face behind your bound hands, but then the man behind you is leaning forward, sucking Shouta’s fingers into his mouth, right next to your face.
You can hear him sucking your juices off his husband’s fingers, feel the shame coloring your cheeks deepen and spread. He’s so noisy about it, licking the digits, running his fingers between them, and your pussy clenches when you catch sight of a piercing nestled in the middle of his tongue.
You feel dizzy.
“Mmm, just like I though-” Hizashi purrs as he cleans his husband’s hand. He pulls back, growls in your ear “-Delicious.”
Then the two men are switching positions, Hizashi handing you off to Aizawa who settles you easily onto your back, head in his lap. Hizashi pulls at your hips, lifting them up to stuff a folded pillow underneath them, and you begin to realize what’s happening.
“Wait! Please! Hold on, I-I-just wait, oh god, please wait!” The fear is evident as your voice cracks pathetically, but you aren’t above begging.
“’Zashi’s a bit smaller than I am, figured that he’ll be nicer to ease you into it. If-” He shoots his husband a glare “-He keeps his cool.”
Hizashi was grinning as he shucked of his boxers, completely shameless as he revealed himself to you. “Hey, can’t blame a man for bein’ a bit excited. I mean, look at this little sweetie, all laid out like this.”
You felt exposed, afraid. Hizashi’s length bobbed against his stomach as he moved forward, grabbing your legs and settling them on either side of his hips.
There was a piercing in his cock, several piercings.
He was circumcised, with a prominent mushroom tip that held three prominent barbells along the edge. Another barbell glinted ominously behind the curve of his dick, settled right at the base on the top, blonde pubic hair trimmed neatly to showcase the piercing. 
“No, no please don’t. I’ll do anything, please, just not this! Please, please-”
“The piercings feel really good.” Shouta murmured, one hand cradling your head, the other pressed to your chest underneath your hoodie, keeping you anchored to the bed as you squirmed.
“I got this one ‘specially for you sweetie!” Hizashi took hold of his dick, pointed it down to show off the barbell in his pubic area, displaying it to you proudly. “It’s supposed to hit your cute lil’ clit when we’re going at it.”
The words washed over you, and the severity of your situation hit you. The planning required to get a piercing, have it heal-plus the idea that he expected to be actively using it with you again and again....
You started bawling.
“P-please! Don’t do this, please don’t! No no no no, no, no-” Your words were garbled, practically nonsensical, but that’s what you were trying to say. Whether or not they could understand you was out of your control.
“Hey, shh, shh. You’re okay sweetie.” The blonde placed a hand on your thigh, but that only served to make you sob harder.
“Calm down, we aren’t going to hurt you. It’ll feel good (Y/N).”
“No-oo! ‘M scared!!” You cried, and if your vision wasn’t blurry from tears, you’d have seen Hizashi’s green eyes soften, his lips twitch downward into a concerned frown. 
The married couple looked at each other, Hizashi hesitant and moved by your teary display, but Shouta was firm.
“You’ll be okay. It’s normal to be a bit frightened during your first time. But ‘Zashi and I have a lot of experience, we’re going to take good care of you.”
You don’t have time to protest, Hizashi settling between your thighs again, those long hands of his guiding his cock to your drooling entrance.
Shouta’s kissing you then, insist, his tongue pressing against your lips, distracting you.
Hizashi pushes inside, you gasp, and Shouta plunges his tongue into your mouth. There’s too much sensation, between the warm rod settling into you and the slimy tongue slipping around your own, and you can’t do anything but cry.
You cry when Shouta pulls back, when he places a soft, uncharacteristic kiss to your nose, brushes your tears away with his hand.
You cry when Hizashi groans, finally seating himself balls-deep in your cunt.
You cry when he pulls out, thrust back in with a smooth roll of his hips, swearing underneath his breath.
Shouta leans over you, grabs his husband by the back of the head and pulls him in for a passionate kiss. Long blond hair slips over Hizashi’s shoulders, tickles against your skin but it’s just another sensation that you can barely register, overwhelmed and already too fucked-out to focus.
The piercing at the base of Hizashi’s cock does stimulate your clit, especially when the man presses himself flush against you, circling his hips in a quick grinding motion. The metal rubs against your folds and you feel like screaming, it feels good but you don’t want it to.
The metal through the flared mushroom tip keeps brushing against a spot inside you that has you seeing sparks, but you still feel uncomfortable, too full, too stretched.
Hizashi fucks you slow, his husband petting awkwardly at your face.
Minutes pass, you’re not sure how long, but then Hizashi is going a bit faster, then faster again, Shouta’s telling him to slow down, but the blonde pants out “Can’t Sho’, she feels so damn good-”
The metal keeps grinding across your clit, and then you’re shrieking as an orgasm slams into you full-force out of nowhere.
It had been feeling good, but the combination of the tip of Hizashi’s cock hitting your sweet spot, plus the barbell along his pubic bone rubbing your little nub as he humped your cunt had you spasming, mouth dropping open and your eyes rolling back.
The next few moments are hazy, but you know Hizashi pulls out, lets out a low groan and then there's a bit of warmth striping across your stomach. Aizawa is saying something in that low baritone of his, but you don’t know what.
Your limbs feel like jelly, you feel too hot but chilled at the same time, feverish, sweaty. Shouta pats your cheek “Still with us?”
Aizawa laughed then, a full, throaty sound that made his stomach quake, and both you and Hizashi looked at him in surprise.
It was rare for the man to make such a noise.
“You good Sho’?” Hizashi asked, a puzzled smile on his face. Aizawa nodded, calming himself down a bit to respond, a broad grin still plastered across his features.
“I’m more than good, this is.... you were perfect.” The last bit is directed at you, and Aizawa leans down to kiss you, even though it’s clumsy and awkward. Still, he persists.
When he breaks away, he reaches for his husband, and pecks him on the lips, before shuffling backwards on the bed, your head sliding off his lap.
“Do’ya wanna lay down sweetie-pop? Or sit in the chair and watch?”
“Wha-?” You blink at the blonde, a hand rubbing at your puffy eyes. You’re thirsty.
“She’s exhausted, have her lay down. Plus, you can kiss her when you start getting too loud.” Aizawa prompts his husband, and Hizashi swats playfully at the dark-haired man, but heeds his advice.
You’re maneuvered up the bed, until your head rests on the pillows. Your wrists stay tied though, and your brows knit in confusion. Are they leaving?
No, Aizawa’s removing his boxers, Hizashi’s on his knees, his face by yours scrunched up as he reaches back to his rear.
A glimpse of Shouta’s cock, and you’re suddenly extremely grateful that you had been under his husband, and not taking the monster Shouta had been hiding behind his boxers.
But your attention is torn away by Hizashi, who’s holding up.... a plug, shiny with lube.
Shouta shuffles behind him, grabs his husband’s hips, and then Hizashi is kissing you, whimpering into your mouth as Shouta enters him.
You can’t find it in yourself to feel sorry for Hizashi. At least he’s going to enjoy himself, sharing that part of himself with someone he loves.
Bitterness rises within you as you realize; you aren’t able to say the same.
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SEELIE SIZED FOUL LEGACY???? this is so damn cute ;__;
EXCELLENT i have a wonderful idea for this >:DDD
ok SO you being Childe's friend, the both of you having massive crushes on each other but not having the courage to confess it. you know of his Foul Legacy form but he refuses to show you because he fears he might accidentally hurt you, which is okay with you but you're still curious because who wouldn't be!!
he's usually busy with Fatui duties unfortunately, so you pass the time by taking walks all over Liyue when you don't have your own work. one day Childe has to deal with a number of ruin guards in a certain factory, and uses his Foul Legacy in order to get rid of them. he gets out alright, albeit tired and injured, and you unknowingly come across the same factory not long after, believing Childe to be on duty. since most of the ruin guards are disabled, you have a grand time exploring the factory and wondering who made it, and easily reach the center room where several destroyed ruin guards are.
you, the ever-curious soul, start rifling around the ruin guard parts, because they're deactivated and can't hurt you now!! at least, not as much as normal- and you're examining an arm when you hear a faint squeak. you follow the sound to a pile of ruin guard parts and start digging around, pushing and shoving everything aside and plunging your arms into the pile when you feel what feel like small claws latch onto your hands. you pull your arms out and- oh! it's a little creature, with adorable red horns and pretty black-and-violet armor!! he's got ginger hair that feels like a cloud and a glittery cape that looks almost like wings, and he's clinging vehemently to your hands, shivering slightly.
when the little creature sees your face he suddenly perks up, letting out happy little peeps and trills and flying up to nuzzle himself against your neck. you laugh in surprise, patting the sweet little beast's back and asking where he came from, but he simply chirps and sits on your shoulder, so you decide to take him home with you! on your way back you drop by Northland Bank to see Childe, who's nursing his injuries, but to your surprise instead of waving like he always does he takes one look at you and jumps to his feet, eyes wide with shock and horror. you take a step back and ask him what's wrong, cradling your new friend with your hand, who's hissing slightly, and Childe points at said friend, mouth open.
"Foul Legacy?!"
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craptsukii · 3 years
genshin boys and terms of endearment they'd use
a/n: this is my first time writing headcanons and ngl i found them quite difficult to format :( i’m liking this style for now, but things might change later on teehee anyway, lemon cake update next week, i promise!
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let’s get something out of the way first
diluc is not a jerk
sure, he might have tsundere tendencies but he’s definitely not as cold as people make him seem
in my opinion anyway
i like to call him a classy, but also a very private, softie
i can totally see him as someone who’d use terms such as darling, love, doll
a major factor here is the time and place
in public, he tries to seem more indifferent and will most likely refer to you by your name
however, in a more private setting, he has no inhibitions and actually prefers using nicknames!
I feel like diluc would want to really reassure their partner he truly cares about them, but in a direct yet indirect way
and calling you sweet things seems to get the message across.
listen to this while reading!
If only time could pass faster. Who knew waiting could be such an agonising activity? Such a simple but repetitive thing. Waiting for your cake to finish baking, waiting for the morning to arrive and even waiting for your lover to come home turned out to be much more of a challenge. It wasn’t unusual for Diluc to spend hours on end at Angel’s Share, but it was rather odd of him to break his promises.
A sad smile took over your features, remembering last night. Remembering his words, so sweet and benign, promising to dedicate you all of him and his time. His crimson red eyes, full of love and admiration for the person he held so dearly to his heart. His voice, so demure and nothing but a soft whisper, as if raising it would ruin the moment. The moment he shared with you in a little dark corner of Mondstadt, away from curious eyes and sharp ears. The moment he so desperately wanted to hold onto. Yet, the darknight hero was nowhere to be found.
By the time he finally arrived, your eyes were already closing. It was a gloved hand that pulled you out of your somnolent state. Yet again those same red eyes were looking into yours with the same devotion, if not stronger than the night he made his promise.
“Forgive me, love,” he pleaded in a shushed tone, “Kaeya came in and started causing a commotion and I couldn’t just leave.” he continued, his thumb brushing over your cheek delicately.
Too tired to say anything, you placed your hand over his, silently asking him to join you in bed. You had all the time in the world to discuss tomorrow... Hopefully. After discarding his black coat on one of the chairs and taking off his shoes, Diluc plopped in your shared bed, not even bothering to change into something more comfortable. Soon his arms were around your waist, bringing you closer to his chest. His smell reminded you of grapes and it completely enveloped you as you nestled into him.
“If only I could turn back time…” Diluc murmured to himself, kissing the top of your head. “Nothing will come in between us and our time together tomorrow. I promise you, darling.”
Turns out that, in the end, he does keep his promises.
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♡༚࿐ 🇽‌🇮‌🇦‌🇴‌
listen to this while reading!
my very polite baby
like sure, he’s straightforward
but he be treating everyone with respect
you might be wondering why that matters
well that's because i think xiao would see it as a little rude to not refer to someone important to him by their name
names play a major part in xiao’s past
with rex lapis re-naming him after taking him under his wing and such
so, in my opinion, xiao finds calling out your name way more meaningful than nicknames
although if he were to use one it would probably be dear
it’s short and he can still address you as “dear (name)”
it does sound quite formal at times though
Moments like this were rare. Usually, sleep doesn’t concern your lover in the slightest, as it rarely comes to him. Although you couldn’t help but admit how much you loved it when he did come and sleep. Cuddled up next to you was the vigilant yaksha, the well known protector of Liyue. And dare you say, it was truly a divine sight. In the wash of the morning light, his face took the appearance of an old photograph, so nostalgic, so at peace. Slowly, one of your hands brushed past his face, placing the few rebel aquamarine strands that were cascading down his cheek behind his ear. For a moment, you find yourself in perfect silence, Xiao’s soft breaths being the only sounds that could be discerned. Without realising, you started softly rubbing his back, your heart leaping at the content purr that followed shortly after.
It was almost impossible to put into words the joy this brought you. Although it was such a simple, mundane thing, seeing Xiao so at ease was by far your favourite memory with him. The more you studied his features the more your sight fell upon his lips. The sudden urge to kiss him overwhelmed you, wanting nothing more than to cherish and show your lover the affection he deserves.
If only the sudden chirping of birds didn’t scare you, barely a few inches away from his face.
Curse those birds and their awful timing! And so, you backed away, laughing to yourself in self-consciousness, thankful that no one was aware of your little mishap.
Or so you thought.
You felt your face get warmer the moment you saw Xiao looking at you, drowsiness still coating his eyes. Yet again, for another short moment, no sound could be heard.
“____ my dear” he said, his voice deep and hoarse, snaking his arms around you as he brought you closer to him, “if you won’t do it, I will.” it was then the flush across his cheeks became apparent to you. Shame you didn’t have time to savour it, his lips immediately finding yours in a sweet, dream like kiss.
Moments like this were truly worth treasuring.
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♡༚࿐ 🇨‌🇭‌🇮‌🇱‌🇩‌🇪‌
in contrast with xiao, childe loves calling you cute nicknames
in fact, he barely uses your name!
sometimes he likes to tease you and pretend he forgot your actual name
of course that’s not true,he could never do such a thing
I can totally see him use pet names such as comrade, girlie, cutie, shawty, sweetness, princess/prince, baby
ok i know shawty is kind of random, but i think he’d use kind of ironically?
I think he’d also use big sister/brother just to tease you, even if you’re younger than him
he heard teucer refer to you as such one time and it honestly melted his heart a little bit
as a side note, seeing his siblings get along you makes him genuinely happy.
listen to this while reading!
Spring was such a beautiful time. Especially in Liyue. Especially on a date with the one and only Childe, eleventh of the Fatui harbingers. For someone with such a fearsome title and reputation, it wowed you to no end just how charming, just plain adorable, Tartaglia can be. Albeit, it was only your second date, it was expected of him to at least try to be nice.
And on time.
As you waited, under that beautiful sky, a hue so gentle between cloud and baby blue, you watched each bird upon wing. It was one of those spring days with a kiss of coldness that somehow heightened the warm rays of the sun. You paused to admire the flowers, to sense their aromas, to be in the moment with their transient beauty.
“Lovely, aren’t they?” asked Childe from behind you, a shy, perhaps slightly embarrassed, smile painted on his lips. “Sorry I’m late, I really overestimated my juniors’ capabilities and I had to step in.” he continued, gingerly taking hold of your hand, kissing the back of it.
You couldn’t help but roll your eyes at his gentlemanly antics, although you enjoyed them nonetheless. “Don’t worry about it, you’re here now.” you reassured him, as you took a hold of his hand, already leading him towards nowhere in particular.
Another thing you liked about him. Things were so casual, so easy-going. One might call this date nothing but a hangout, but not every date has to be a luxurious five star dinner or a fancy show. Sometimes just a simple walk along the Liyue port was enough. Enough for you to get to know Childe, enough for you to like him even more.
Suddenly, Tartaglia was in front of you, his hands lightly taking hold of your face.
“Hold on cutie, there’s something on your face,” he answered your silent question, seeing as you looked a little confused. The next thing you knew, his lips descended upon yours. It was a sudden but very much welcomed kiss. A kiss that unfortunately ended just as abruptly, “it was me.”
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♡༚࿐ 🇿‌🇭‌🇴‌🇳‌🇬‌🇱‌🇮‌
favourite peepaw
also prefers using your name rather than nicknames
but he’s not completely against them
he finds them quite nice actually
and he actually enjoys being referred by one!
like imagine going for a stroll with him and all of a sudden you go "darling, look!"
he'd look so content oh my lord
in my opinion anyway
he’d usually call you honey, my beloved or even my one and only!
you could be doing the simplest of things like reading with him under a tree
and he'd go "you're my one and only love"
no, he isn’t aware of how cheesy it sounds.
listen to this while reading!
Who knew the God of contracts could be such a romantic? Usually, Zhongli wasn’t a big fan of fancy, elaborate dates. He’d usually say something along the lines that “spending time with you was enough for him to feel like the richest man in the world”, which he technically was even without your presence. But, quite frankly, it was because he lacked the funds to do so that he didn’t pamper you every moment of the day.
So when you found yourself face to face with an array of different foods, meticulously prepared and arranged on a soft picnic blanket, you couldn’t help but wonder —
“Why the sudden change?” you asked, sitting down on the plush cover, to which Zhongli only chuckled.
“Am I not allowed to change my mind?” he replied in a teasing tone, flopping next to you.
“Oh, you are more than welcome to do so,” you winked, pouring some tea for both of you. It smelled like chamomile, “I was just trying to say it’s a nice change.” you continued, taking a few sips of your tea.
Zhongli only hummed, content with your response. Sometimes, sitting in silence, all while eating delicious brunch foods and drinking sweet tea, was much more enjoyable than small talk.
And so, you spend the rest of the day with your lover, basking in the sunshine and each other’s company. In his embrace, there was something so right, something that felt right, smelt right. You let your body sag, your muscle become loose. In that embrace you felt your worries loose their keen sting and your optimism raise its head from the dirt.
“You’re so beautiful, my beloved,” he whispered, cupping your face and kissing you gently.
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♡༚࿐ 🇰‌🇦‌🇪‌🇾‌🇦‌
avid user of nicknames
partially because he finds them cute
and partially because he loves teasing you
he’d use them in public and try to get a reaction out of you
like let’s say all of a sudden kaeya is back hugging you, pampering your neck with kisses
saying something like “what’s wrong, baby?”
he’d also use hot stuff, sweet cheeks, gorgeous, handsome, cutie pie, treasure
sometimes they’re really sweet, other times they’re really silly
side note, i feel like this one got a little out of hand sorry yall i lowkey can’t take kaeya seriously
listen to this while reading!
There was something so heavenly about a kiss in the rain, a tender moment that just wouldn’t wait. It was that burst of love that is expressed, not caring if the water soaked through to chill the skin. You felt yourself gasping for air as Kaeya’s lips left yours, doe like eyes searching for his. Behind that brilliant shade of blue sparkled a glacial attraction. So complex and mysterious, it was magnetic. It made you want him even more.
Upon seeing your dazed state Kaeya smiled, clearly enjoying the effect he had on you. His hands found yours. “Let’s get you of here before you catch a cold.” he said, leading you down the streets of Mondstadt. It was the middle of August, and you got caught in nothing more than a summer rain. You weren’t even cold, but alas you let it slide, enjoying seeing Kaeya worry about you, even if it wasn’t as serious as he made it seem.
There is something about a rain-washed pathway that invites playful feet, that says each new step will be rewarded with a splash. And soon, you found yourself splashing around, making the most out of this accidental rain shower.
The moment you finally reached your home, Kaeya wasted no time, his arms already wrapped around you in a tight embrace. Yet again, a gasp escaped your mouth, Kaeya’s cold lips leaving goosebumps behind each carefully placed kiss on your neck.
“You know what’s the best way to get warmed up, treasure?” he asked, his hands ghosting over your hips.
You shook your head softly, awaiting his answer.
“A good old dance party!” he exclaimed, spinning you around as he started humming a cheerful. “Nothing gets the blood going like a little movement!” it was obvious he found great pleasure in seeing your more than confused, if not disappointed, expression. Still, he paid you no mind and continued dancing with you all while singing a cheery melody.
It was quite save to assume there was never a boring moment with this man.
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♡༚࿐ 🇦‌🇱‌🇧‌🇪‌🇩‌🇴‌
my favourite elevator boy
doesn’t love nicknames but doesn’t hate them either
i see him as an action speak louder than words guy
and although he’s aware that, as his partner, you know that
he still feels sorry for not being as vocal as other people when it comes to talking about his emotions??
so cute terms like these are a simple way he can show his appreciation for you
for some reason, i think he would really like using diminutives??
he’d call you things like little star
or baby or lovebug
i think it really matches his vibe ngl
listen to this while reading!
The breeze blew warm announcing the coming of summer's hottest days. The aroma of the tall grasses were an intoxicating perfume and the starry night above was a painting more sublime than any man could create. The clarity above became reflected in your mind.
Being with Albedo meant putting up with the unholy amount of hours he’d spend on whatever research he’d be conducting at the time. And luckily for you, his next big discovery involved the stars. On the black sky above you, there were a multitude of stars and there were lighter patches, clusters of faint and bold light, the constellations altered according to the time of year. These were the same stars that greeted the ancients, the same ones that would be there in millions of years.
As you enjoyed your little midnight snack, your gaze fell upon the chief alchemist. His eyes were fixated on the landscape above him, utterly fascinated by the world’s mystic beauty. Seeing him so consumed by his studies made your heart feel warm. It was adorable to see him like this.
Your sudden yawn made both you look at each other. Albedo’s gaze was filled with compassion, and perhaps a little remorse for making you come with him so late in the night just to stare blankly at the sky.
But you knew this wasn’t such a trivial thing.
You pet the spot next to you, silently asking him to sit down with you, to which he immediately obliged. As his head found its place on your shoulder a little sad smile made its appearance on his face.
“Sorry for making you come here with me, baby.” he said, his hand drawing patterns along your thigh. “I know this isn’t your idea of quality time.”
“Any time spent with you is quality time, silly.” you giggled, kissing the top of his head. “And besides, who doesn’t enjoy a little bit of stargazing?”
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♡༚࿐ 🇻‌🇪‌🇳‌🇹‌🇮‌
ok now for venti
i feel like with him the tone he uses is very important??
i mean this also applies to the rest of the guys
but for venti even more so
he could simply refer to you by your name and it would still feel all special and bubbly
nonetheless, he loves using pet names!
i mean as a bard, he can come up with poems and such on a whim ( flashback to the signora moment :) )
so his nicknames for you always have a certain meaning or funny story behind them
oh, you love pumpkins or had an unfortunate accident involving one? now he calls you pumpkin all the time
he’d also call you things like sunshine because to him you bring so much joy and you warm his heart just like the sun.
with that being said, good luck to those pulling for him! <3
listen to this while reading!
“There you go! You’re really good at this!” Venti complimented you, observing in great detail the way your fingers touched the strings of his lyre.
Judging by the curious stares and even odd looks you’d get from time to time, that wasn’t really the case. What was supposed to be a simple walk around the city turned out to be a full concert. Although Venti couldn’t find it in his heart to tell you, who asked him so eagerly just a few moments ago if he could teach how to play a song, just how… Poor was your attempt.
A relieved sigh could be heard the moment your fingers left the strings, although Venti’s reassuring smile never left his face. “Don’t let a few strangers discourage you! Even the greatest geniuses had to start somewhere!”
“Are you saying I’m a genius?” you asked teasingly with a raised eyebrow, laughing at his flustered face.
“Let’s not go that far…” he murmured, winking cheekily.
“And here I was, thinking I could wow you with my insane musical skills…” you whined sarcastically, handing him his lyre as you continued your stroll. It was then Venti stopped in his tracks. Upon his face, shock was written all over, his expression soon turning sympathetic. For a moment, he left you alone, diving into the crowd of people, only to return to you with a single cecilia flower. Its fragrance was sweet and fresh and its color a perfect white. Shortly after, he gently placed it behind your ear, smiling to himself while looking at you.
“You don’t need fancy tricks to win over what you already have,” Venti said, kissing your cheek lightly. A cheerful tune could be heard across the street, Venti’s soft melody attracting a lot of attention, “I’m all yours, sunshine.” he said loud enough for more than a few people to hear.
He has such a way with words, doesn’t he?
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counter point, m | jjk
pairing(s): jungkook x reader
summary: You enrage your perfect boyfriend, Jeon Jungkook, by being overtly sexual and inappropriately licking your kitchen counter. Why? Because you can and he's going to get horny regardless. He's going to chase after you with a spoon, so you better run!
warnings: rated M (18+) for language; established relationship; playful banter and shitty jokes; actually low-key crack and fluff; shower smut (fem reader, handjob, thigh riding, nipple play, marking / scratching, fingering, multiple orgasms, one pussy slap); too much wasted water, RIP; non-idol!BTS; the parenthesis are the reader’s inner thoughts; please help Jungkook, he's just trying to eat shaved ice, not pop a boner (he does anyway)
yes, the title is a pun it's the best laid plans couple and they're crackheads no need to read the first one, but it's there if you want more
You grinned at your boyfriend (Cheshire-cat-style, but make it sexy).
“Listen to me, do not do it.”
You extended you tongue (lizard-style, still sexy).
Jeon Jungkook, your boyfriend currently making shaved ice, narrowed his dark brown eyes at you and barked your name sharply (angry-mother-scolding-their-child-style, but make it the hottest man on the fucking planet who you were down to get railed by every second of every day). His ash-blond hair flared out around his strong features, adding to his (horny) fury.
He could pretend to be mad, but you knew better.
You licked the kitchen counter.
“Fucking damnnit!”
You cackled as you licked the fallen syrup and ice combination that was on the kitchen counter, slurping up the fallen solider (a valiant fight, but Jungkook had missed the bowl by accident and he deserved an honorable death).
“I told you I was getting a towel!” Jungkook hissed furiously, shaking the white towel with the cute pink bunny character on it. “Don’t be a nasty heathen!”
“What’s nasty about our kitchen counters?” you countered (ey, yeah, see what happened there). “We clean them all the time.”
You leaned down again and licked the counter, pressing your tongue flat against the granite and making Jungkook growl, to which your responded with wiggling your eyebrows. He shook the towel at you again, but didn’t advance.
“Back, you fiend.”
You straightened and grinned, sauntering over to him and the towel he was using like a rosary and you were the demon he was trying to exorcise (he wasn’t pure enough to be a priest, but then again, that might be your fault).
“But I need the towel to clean up the mess,” you chirped, grinning cheerfully as you closed your hand around the cloth, holding it for a little too long, letting your eyes linger on his tense face, taking in his chiseled jaw, shapely lips, and flashing dark brown eyes.
“Stop looking at me like that.”
You smiled.
Ran your tongue over your upper lip.
“Like what?”
Jungkook looked like he wanted to murder you and fuck you.
(Not at the same time; that would be some serial killer shit.)
“Stop fucking teasing me when you’re not gonna do anything,” he grumbled, pouting slightly as you snatched the towel from him and wiped the counter that you had already licked clean.
“Who, me?” you replied innocently, grabbing the sponge to clean off the granite before wiping the spot once more. “I would never, ever tease you, Jungkook.”
He narrowed his eyes at you until they were lines and jammed his spoon into his shaved ice. “You never wanna fuck right after I work out.”
“Speaking of working out.” You pointed to his large bowl of shaved ice covered in syrup. “Should you have sweets right after working out?”
He clicked his tongue. “I drank my protein shake and I’m hot. Leave me alone.” He shoved a large spoonful into his mouth, still glaring.
(Oh, you’re hot, all right.)
“What a coincidence.”
Jungkook’s eyes shifted in suspicion as you spun around him. “Do I wanna know what’s a coincidence…?”
“I’m also hot.”
And you grabbed the bottom of your oversized sweatshirt (it was his) and pulled it up and over your head, leaving you in your underwear. You threw it at Jungkook’s crotch before prancing out of the kitchen.
“Alright, first of all–”
“Lachimolala,” you sang nonsensically, heading off to the bedroom. “I thought you wanted to be alone?”
Jungkook stomped after you, clutching his bowl and still shoving shaved ice in his mouth as he very loudly put in his two cents and pointedly ignored your comments (a skill he developed while dating you, mysterious why that would be).
“I know you’re hot, you’re insanely hot and that’s not fair, and, second, you can’t just take off your clothes and expect me not to follow you, and, three, let me fuck you, damnnit!”
You stuck your head out of the bedroom door and your tongue out of your mouth. “No. You stinky.”
Jungkook looked livid, still holding his spoon and bowl. “Don’t make me put this spoon down, woman.”
“Oh nooooooo, Jungkookie has a spoon, oh nooo!”
“Gimmie those titties! Get your ass over here right now!”
You ran to the bathroom and turned the water on, throwing off your underwear in record time, only for Jungkook to show up and get smacked in the face with your bra and panties (awesome, your aim was improving, all those hours playing FPS games was a sound investment).
Jungkook snarled and shook his head, blond hair flying everywhere, holding his bowl of shaved ice protectively as your underwear scattered around him. He looked ready to scold you, only to freeze and see you standing at the open glass shower door, fully naked.
(Checkmate, he totally wanted to bone you. His shorts were doing nothing to hide his massive tent.)
“See ya.”
And you slunk into the shower and hot water, snapping the door closed behind you, Jungkook fuming and crossing the space in two steps (damn, can you say legs, holy shit) and yanked open the shower door.
“You fucking brat–”
You smirked, water running down your body, tipping your head back to soak your hair, reaching up to slick it back with your tits up. His dark brown eyes ballooned to the size of Dragon Balls (those are pretty big balls, no cap). His shaved ice was rapidly melting from the steam.
A full ten seconds past.
(Kinda cold, bro, please close the door.)
You maintained your smirk, rolling your shoulders to cascade water down your body, down your breasts, dripping off your nipples, curling around the curve of your waist, streaming in rivets across the expanse of your thighs and ass, doing a little half-spin. Jungkook choked a little, eyes completely fixated to your body. You (completely unnecessarily, of course) placed a hand in between your breasts, splaying out your fingers, gliding it down your stomach, making a detour for your hip, sinking your nails into it (his bowl was tipping very dangerously now and the ice was half-gone), curving back to the inside of your thigh and squeezing your thighs around your hand.
(Okay, for real, you can close the door now, Jungkook.)
“Your shaved ice is melting.”
Jungkook started, picking up his jaw off the floor, and whipped his head to his bowl of now sweet ice water. He closed the shower door (finally!) and you breathed out a sigh of relief, finally wiggling under the showerhead to wash away the goosebumps and your frozen tits (you suffered for a good cause, but still), hearing your boyfriend straight-up slurp the rest of his shaved ice (it was practically a drink by now anyway). You pumped some shampoo in your hand and casually started working it into your hair before half-screaming as the door opened again and a very naked, very horny Jungkook invaded your personal space and pinned you against the shower wall.
(You weren’t expecting his speedrun of stripping, that must have been a fucking record!)
You blinked rapidly, trying to swipe the water out of your eyes.
You didn’t expect to get anything out but you said one syllable before his lips crashed onto yours, spraying water everywhere as he half-entered the raining showerhead (still a bit stinky, tsk tsk), pressing his body against yours, jabbing you with his rock-hard dick (rude). You yelped in his mouth, but he didn’t seem to care (probably thought you deserved it, rude), taking your tongue and sucking on it, making you moan, driving his thigh in between yours and pushing it up, water suddenly gushing onto your heat and then hard muscle, you gasping at the contact, tipping your head back with a soft whimper.
Opening your eyes to a slight sting and Jungkook’s half-wet hair, dark silvery-blond curls around his smirking face, cocking an eyebrow at you.
“Not so high and mighty now, hm?”
(Fuck, he’s so fucking hot.)
Your eye began to sting very badly.
“There’s shampoo in my eye,” you choked out.
“Oh shi–”
There was a brief intermission of water torture as Jungkook shoved your head under the showerhead and you did the awkward dance of one eye half-open, half-closed, rinsing out the soap residue while holding your breath and trying not to drown (beauty, grace, and blindness, the trifecta, right?). You yanked your head out with a gleeful sucking in of air, pushing your hair away from your forehead.
“Are you okay?” Jungkook asked worriedly.
“Why is no-tears shampoo only for babies?” you complained, wiping your eyes. “Don’t they know horny adults get accosted in the middle of showering sometimes and need that shit? They need to put a warning or I’ll sue.”
He laughed, rich, full, and wonderfully sexy. “I don’t think you’d – ah!”
The second Jungkook let his guard down, you grabbed his dick (sucker), and started pumping him with a flick of your wrist, grinning wildly. He gasped and tried to back up, but you pinned his thigh in between yours and rubbed your slick pussy on his muscle, causing him to sway slightly and plant his hands on the wall beside your head, gasping your name.
“O-oh, fuck…”
You used your other hand to grab his chin and pull him closer, kissing him hungrily, a slightly awkward angle but it didn’t matter because you had him in the palm of your hand now (literally), jacking him off with one and the other stroking his jaw, shuddering at his tongue flitting in your mouth, snaking your own out to meet his, fuck, such soft lips, and he still tasted a little sweet from his icy snack lingering on his tongue. Your hand slid back and cupped his head, fingers in his wet ash-blond hair, rolling your hips on his leg and pumping his swelling length in the other, getting him extra hard again, both of you moaning at the lovely pop of the head being squeezed by your thumb and index, before going right back to furiously kissing as you increased the speed and pressure.
Jungkook always complained about how you never worked out with him, but you always rebutted that said workouts never started because you two were too busy eating face.
(Also, why work out when you can fuck? More fun, more pleasure, less hating yourself as you complete the thirtieth sit-up. Clearly, your boyfriend failed to see the logic.)
“Jungkook, ah…”
One of his strong hands around your waist, arching your back, kissing down your neck, matching your pace with his hips, moaning into your skin, raising his leg even higher as he leaned down to wrap his lips around one of your nipples. Now the angle was really awkward, but you refused to give up, readjusting slightly, faster, harder, his mouth all over you, sucking hard, whimpering your name, your arm burning (and he wondered why you had biceps, sheesh), and you clamped his thigh in between yours, the real pleasure being how Jungkook moaned, throwing his head back, your name tumbling from his lips, so sexy with his dripping blond locks stuck to his cheeks, tendons standing out on his neck with the strain, thrusting into your hand to increase the pleasure and your arm was going to give out any second now but you just couldn’t, not yet.
“So fucking sexy,” you panted, your free hand tracing his jaw, shoving your thumb into his open lips, sinking your nails into his cheek because he was yours, all yours, and he didn’t care if you marked him up, his eyes rolling back, loving your roughness, wanting it. “Cum for me, come on, Jungkook,” you growled, even faster, even harder, thumb pressed into his lolling tongue and he whined, deep and feral, a mixed gargle of your name and pure ecstasy, cock jerking in your hand, spilling out over your thigh and the shower wall, hot sticky strings before being washed away, you dragging his face to yours, removing your thumb to kiss him again, sighing in relief now that you could slow, squeezing his twitching cock, feeling it drip down your fingers and smearing it all over his now-sensitive skin.
“So good, fuck, you’re so good…”
His hands all over your back, running his nails up and down, ravenous, messy kisses. Your hand stilled, arm burning, but somehow it didn’t matter, adrenaline and lust too much, and you wanted to hold him too, snaking your arms around his waist and digging your nails into his broad back, both of you moaning in unison as your ran lines of pleasure across each other’s backs, hips to hips, wet bodies rolling into each other, your drenched pussy on his hard thigh and his spent cock against your soft thigh.
“My arm almost died,” you gasped, his nails raking down to your hips, sinking into your ass.
“Heh, sorry,” Jungkook snickered (you suspected he wasn’t very sorry). “That’s what you get for teasing me.” (And you were right, hmph.) “This is why you should work out.” (This guy…)
You raised an eyebrow. “So I can make you cum in literal seconds? Your funeral.”
He paused, shifting his eyes. He seemed to be mentally struggling with the idea. “You look so fucking hot in workout clothes though,” he pouted, leaning down to press his chin against your breasts.
Uh oh, Jungkook was giving you puppy eyes now.
“I can wear workout clothes without actually working out,” you frowned. “And you never let me work out anyway because you’re too busy ogling me, and then you jump me mid-squat.”
He groaned, kneading your ass in his hands. “Your ass just looks so fucking good in leggings though… and the way your tits bounce, fuck…”
(Hello, Jungkook? You could, maybe, just look at the naked wet body in front of you right now instead of fantasizing about working out. What is your malfunction?)
You yelped as he buried his face into your tits, tongue snaking out and drawing thick, saliva-covered stripes over your breasts that were quickly washed away, whimpers in your throat once you saw the hungry look in his eyes, his pink tongue now circling your nipple, lowering his leg from between yours, your hands flying up to hold his head onto your chest.
“Ah, Jungkook, please…”
His lips closed in and his fingers grazed your slick slit, pressing circles of pleasure into you, leaning your head against the shower wall, back arched to give more to that perfect mouth, moaning his name, his fingertips finding your clit and rubbing it slowly, working you up, sucking your nipple and flicking it with his tongue, waves of pleasure and hot water enveloping you, pushing his wet hair back to look into those dark chocolate orbs, clouded by lust and his desire to make you feel good, already knowing that when you rocked your hips you wanted more, already knowing that when your noises became shallower, more needy, that you needed it harder, closing your eyes, faster, hot and warm from Jungkook and water.
“Yes, fuck, yes, so close, so good, Jungkook, ah, Jungkook!”
You felt the flinch of overwhelming ecstasy, immediately trying to close your legs but he blocked you, planting his thigh between yours to prevent them, your moan turning into a feverish whimper, clutching his shoulders.
“J-Jungkook, w-wait, oh, f-fuck…”
He wasn’t waiting, still stimulating your now throbbing clit, lifting his head to press his lips to yours, whispering hotly, you’re so sexy, so beautiful, I love you to so much, fuck, your brain barely computing language, w-what, oh fuck, yes, don’t stop, Jungkook, I love you, fuck, so good, his soft smile on your open lips as your moaned once more, ramming your hips into his hand, eyes rolling back, pleasure shooting up from your core, and Jungkook’s fingers plunged into your wetness, moaning with you, stuffing you with three because you were so, so wet.
“Fuck my hand, come on, wanna feel you…”
You heard hand (seriously? alright, your funeral, Jungkook), and enclosed your fingers around his now hard-again cock.
“Wait, w-what – ah, fuuuuuuuck…”
Your misinterpretation seemed to be a welcome development, your hips moving on their own, pussy clenching around his fingers, your hand a vice around his hard, swollen length, his hips thrusting into your closed fist, and now both of you just chasing pleasure, wet, loud, and hot, the water adding to the noise, skin on skin, your pussy making embarrassing sucking, squishing sounds paired with the rapid slap of your vicious pumping of his cock, feeling so good it was hard to speak, but it didn’t matter because your lips found his lips, and you could tell by his trembling inhale and soft whimpers that he loved you, and he could tell from your breathless gasps and desperate whines that you loved him, and all that made it more intense, better, sexier, perfect.
Your name in that silvery, needy tone, followed by, “Fuck, I’m gonna cum, fuck!”
His name, followed by, “Shit, me too, fuck!”
(Maybe not your best work, oh well.)
You slapped your hips into his hand, burying his fingers all the way to his knuckles, and groaned, scorching ecstasy overtaking your veins, sparking up your spine and into your head, squeezing your thighs together powerfully, clamping his wrist in your softness. His cock jerked, his gasp in your face as he spilled again, all over your hip and thigh, jamming the throbbing head into your skin and moaning as his orgasm continued spurting out, pulsing, his moan turning into helpless cries as you rubbed the tip on your skin, smearing his cum onto you, his scent so strong you could still smell it despite the water washing it away, loving the way his hard, muscular body felt against you, shivering and vibrating with pleasure, unable to help himself, practically humping your leg to prolong the sensitivity.
Heavy, shuddering breaths.
Water tumbling down, somehow far too hot even though it was getting lukewarm.
(Rest in peace the water bill.)
“Uh… my hand…”
You tensed around it. “I like it here.”
Jungkook narrowed his eyes, frowning. “I’m getting a hand cramp.”
You bit your lip and clenched your core muscles, making him gasp.
“Fuck, I love how tight your pussy can get. Feels like you’re going to break my fingers.”
You relaxed, laughing. “That’d be a fun trip to the emergency room.”
He snickered and leaned in, kissing you softly. “I love you.”
You relaxed your thighs and he pulled his fingers out. “I love you too, Jungkook.”
You squeezed the head of his dick mid-kiss and he slapped your pussy in response, making you gasp.
(Hello, you two, you’re wasting water… aw, shit, here we go again.)
2021.09.01 - birthday drabble
in which jjk attempts to direct porn and you proceed to clown him until he shuts you up by fucking your brains out well dressed
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justsomegalwhoshere · 3 years
#1 Hair Stylist
Note: this was supposed to be short but turned out a lot longer than I expected. I blame @hanji-is-life is life for making me wanna write domestic shit, quit it 😤 plz never stop
Warnings: a bit of cursing because Bakugou is bakugou, not prof read, just domestic fluff
Being a pro-hero and being married to Dynamight himself wasn’t easy, but you managed. Having a family with said pro-hero is also tough, but you still manage (somehow). You and bakugou had a small family that consisted of two little girls, a 9 year old and a 6 year old. You loved your little family and always spent as much time as you could with them.
Today was not one of those days where you had time.
You had woken up late after snoozing your alarm 5 times (thank god Katsuki yelled at you to get up after the last time) and you were now running all over the place to get ready before you were late for your shift. As you started making lunch for your daughters before they head to school, you felt some tugging on your pants. You looked down and smiled seeing your 9 year old, Katsumi, looking up at you, holding a hairbrush.
“Morning sweetie. Did you sleep well?” You ask as you quickly stuff two sandwiches into two lunchboxes.
She nods and extends the hair brush as you run out the kitchen to retrieve your bag. “Mhm. Can you make my hair mom?” She asks as you return shoving your stuff in your bag.
You sigh and kneel down to face her. “I’m sorry honey, I’m in a rush so I have to leave soon, otherwise I would.”
Your daughter pouts and extends the hair brush harder. “But I want you to make my hair pretty for me” she whines.
You kiss her forehead and get up while slipping your shoes on. “I’m sorry kiddo, I can’t right now. Try asking your dad. Bye! Have a good day at school!” You shouted as you closed the door behind you.
Katsumi stared at the door as she kept pouting. You always did her hair in the morning. It wasn’t fair that you had to leave without making her hair. This was nonsense.
“You just gonna stand there all day squirt?” That made Katsumi turn around and face her father. Katsuki bakugou, the number 2 hero, 6’1, big and scary. At least, that’s how he looks to the rest of the world. When he’s with his family, he’s extremely soft. Bakugou only wanted the best for his girls, no matter what it was.
Katsumi decided to use that to her advantage.
She held up the hair brush once again. “Can you make my hair dad?”
Bakugou frowned. He saw you do the girls’ hair all the time, but he’s never done it once. He shrugged accepting the brush and following his daughter as she skipped to her room. How hard could it be?
“Ow! That hurts dad!”
“I’m trying ok!?” He yelled a bit harshly. Apparently brushing a 9 year olds hair was A LOT harder than it looks. He didn’t even know it was possible to get it this tangled.
“What did you do this morning that caused it to get this knotted!?”
“Nothing!” Katsumi shouted back. “All I did was sleep and get up!”
Note to self: get something that’ll make Katsumi stop tossing and turning In her sleep.
“Ok it’s all smooth now, I gotta eat” Bakugou said getting up, but was stopped by a small hand grabbing his own.
“You still haven’t styled it!” Katsumi replied with her 100th pout of the day.
Bakugou sighed and sat back down. “Ok, how do I do this?” He asked, grabbing what he assumed was a hair elastic.
“So you grab all the hair and tie it. And then you have a ponytail” she instructed.
...that had to be the worlds shittiest instruction, but Bakugou made do. After some yelling back and forth and some trial and error, Katsumi had a half decent ponytail in her hair.
“Thanks dad!” She chirped, jumping up and kissing his cheek.
“Yeah yeah, go eat breakfast, I gotta drop you and your sister off to school” Bakugou nearly growled.
“Daddy?” Bakugou saw the small head peak from the doorway. It was his 6 year old, Sakura.
“Can you make my hair too please daddy?”
Bakugou sighed. This was gonna be a rough morning.
Later that day, you two were making dinner while Bakugou complained about making your daughters’ hair.
“Who knew a 9 year old was so picky!? I didn’t know there’s were 10 ways to make a ponytail!” He fumed, angrily chopping vegetables. You simply chuckled in response.
“I think it’s cute how the big, strong, scary dynamight softened enough to make two girls’ hair this morning” you replied. “It looked nice by the way. You wouldn’t mind doing it tomorrow would you? I have work early tomorrow”.
Bakugou minded very much, but he didn’t say anything, except with a grunt acknowledging he heard you.
A couple weeks later and bakugou was getting really good with the whole hair style thing. Katsumi and Sakura even started coming to him now asking for him to do their hair.
Today threw him for a loop though.
“Same thing as always, squirt?” He asked Katsumi as she sat down.
“Nope!” She responded, pulling up a picture on her iPad (which was used only for homework, Bakugou was not letting her get addicted to that thing). “Can you do a braid for me?”
“Hah!? The hell is that?”
“I have a picture here-“
Bakugou snatched the iPad out of his daughter’s hands and looked at the photo. Oh, it the weird twisty thing his wife does with her hair for hero galas.
“I guess I can try. Hold still, this’ll probably hurt” Bakugou grimaced as he watched the tutorial on how to properly do a simple braid.
A couple months go by and your girls stop asking you to do their hair in the morning, instead going straight to there dad. Well, Sakura sometimes asked you since she felt bad (? Did she pity you?), but she mainly asked her dad.
At first you felt something was wrong. Maybe their dad bribed them somehow into getting a horrible hair style done? Maybe he was jealous and had something to prove? You didn’t know. You decided to check it out, walking to Katsumi’s room, where all the styling was done.
Said child walked out with a perfect mermaid tail braid.
“Hi mom!” She chirped.
You stood there dumbfounded as she went to go eat breakfast. Even you couldn’t style her hair in a mermaid tail! You calmly opened (practically broke) the door and see Katsuki with Bobby pins between his teeth, sectioning Sakura’s hair with a comb.
“Hey” he grunts out with Bobby pins in his teeth as he twists his daughter’s hair. “Need something?”
“I- no” you responded. “I genuinely thought you bribed the girls into not asking me to do their hair in the morning.”
Bakugou chuckled as he removed a few Bobby pins from between his teeth. “I didn’t do shit. They just like me better” he smirked.
You were about to retort with how much better your styles were when you realized how he styled Sakura’s hair. It was like a rose was settled on top of her hair.
“H-how did you do that?” You breathed out as Sakura walked past you nonchalantly and bakugou bursted out laughing while getting up.
“You should see the look on your face! It’s priceless. I gotta get ready for work now. Can you drop them off? Thanks” he gives you a quick kiss as he walks out of the room.
You sign and shake your head. Even though your husband looked like a big, scary man, you knew better. He really was something else.
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duskamethyst · 3 years
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a/n: just realized that the colors of my banners are different on laptop and phone and that pissed me off.
word count: 3.9k 
genre: smut, nsfw
warnings: noncon/dubcon, exhibitionism, public sex, thigh riding, squirting, sexual assault, stalking, power abuse
pairing: aizawa x f!reader
summary: where aizawa deliberately takes on the roll as your guardian inside the train, but of course he has other plans.
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the worst place to be during the rush hour would be inside a train. 
aizawa never bothered to commute because he often walked to work and back home but for you, he was willing to make an exception. 
you caught his attention during one of his evening patrols, walking alone in the big city with a short skirt that accentuated your curves and long legs. aizawa discovered the fact that you used the train to get to work daily and with the fact that you were always alone, he knew that you were always put in a vulnerable situation. so, he thought; why not keep an eye on you? maybe his job as a hero could give him a little advantage too.
like a child, he finds himself eager to get on the train. of course, he doesn’t really know which coach you would be standing in but his commute turns out to be so much worth it whenever he does end up standing in the same one as you.
in the morning, you would be there before he gets in and he’s the first one to step off the train in the evening. he assumes that you live somewhere closer to the end of the train’s final stop but he doesn’t know exactly where. so far, he has learned which station you use to wait for the train for your ride home from work. 
and today seems to be one of those days where he is lucky enough to see you in the same coach, squeezed between a throng of people. aizawa always noticed the fed up and uncomfortable look on your face as you held on to the bar but it was because of no other than a pervert deliberately rubbing his front on your backside. 
he’s sort of mad that you just let it happen, quietly accepting the assault being thrown at you. he can see how your face is contorted into anger and vexation as you try to nudge the man with your elbow and what he assumes as the man muttering half-assed apologies before he starts to blatantly repeat the same shit again. 
you look around pleadingly for someone to intervene and your hands are balled into tight fists, ready to swing any moment but you hesitate because you’re afraid of being the one who will end up getting into trouble and especially since you don’t have any concrete evidence that you’re being harassed either.
for a moment, his gaze locks briefly with yours before you turn away, probably to seek for someone else to come to your aid. he knows that almost no heroes ride the train, since they either patrol on the streets or keep watch from up above but he is currently the outlier, and what kind of hero would he be if he just continues to turn a blind eye on this? maybe it’s time for him to steal the opportunity to play hero and finally get an excuse to talk to you after a long time of observing you from the sidelines. 
aizawa slowly pushes the people aside to make his way over to your side and takes you by surprise by putting his hand on your shoulder.
“baby, why didn’t you pick up the phone?” he sighs and says a little too loudly so the creep behind you can hear. you look at him perplexingly but he just gives you a silent look that tells you to play along. 
“u-uh.. i’m sorry. my phone is on silent.” you try to reply with the same tone. “but i’m glad you found me! thought i’ve lost you.” 
the way you inch closer to him doesn’t go unnoticed, especially how your boob is literally pressing on his side. aizawa quickly glances to the man who still seems to be unbothered by the fake acting (not that he can tell) so he spins you around to face him instead. 
good lord. maybe he shouldn’t have done that. 
now aizawa can clearly see that your tits are squished against his chest through the unbuttoned top of your little white blouse. your gaze strays somewhere else, probably in embarrassment or maybe you don’t mind at all– he can’t tell nor can he think straight right now but he’s here for one purpose and he’s going to honor it. 
“how’s work today?” he inquires, turning your head to him with his fingers so it would seem like you both are engaging in a natural conversation between lovers. he is able to see your tired eyes up close but they seem to carry the same soft look he’s so smitten with.
“hard.” he tenses up a little at the possibility of you noticing the erection in his pants but thank god they’re baggy or else the tent would be obvious. “i missed you.”
aizawa’s heart is bursting in his chest but he places on his mask of unfazed expression perfectly. he still has a role to play after all.
he leans down to whisper in your ear yet his eyes bore intimidatingly into the man’s, “i’m sorry to hear that, sweetheart. but i promised to take good care of you tonight, remember?”
perhaps that was a bit of an overstate, but hey, it works. now that the man has caught on, he immediately walks off the train as soon as it stops– not even bothering whether it's where he’s supposed to go or not as he tries to run away from the possibility of getting into trouble with another guy.
“you okay?” he steps back and takes a good look at you only to realize how you’re avoiding his gaze to hide your evidently flushed face. how cute. “you don’t look so good.”
“i-i’m fine.” you mutter. “thank you for saving me.”
“no problem. it’s a part of my job. i just happened to be here.” he points out in a blatant lie.
you look at him in surprise as if finally connecting the dots, “wait, are you a hero?”
“uh, i guess– yes, i am.”
it’s the first time you’ve ever seen a hero being vague about his profession– or maybe you just made him feel uncomfortable to admit that he’s one when you, a quirkless citizen should be acknowledging the heroes that are risking their lives to protect the country so they should at least deserve some recognition, him included. 
“i’m sorry. i didn’t recognize you and i don’t really keep up with the heroes.” you laugh nervously, afraid of offending the male. though you can’t really tell what he thinks nor can you tell if he even cares from the look on his face but he only observes you silently before his lips turn to a lopsided smile. 
he doesn’t take it to heart, of course, but he finds it endearing that you’re trying to make him feel better. aizawa is not one that likes to be in the limelight anyway, so he doesn’t blame you. 
the number of people in the train gradually dissipates as the train stops station by station, leaving him and you together with some other few who have taken their seats to doze off. aizawa’s platform has long passed by but he decides to stay with you with intent to know where you actually live.  
aizawa doesn’t speak much the whole ride, only answering your questions and listening to you as you talk about your life. he learns that you’re a fresh graduate who just started working in an office and saving up to buy a car so you don’t have to trouble yourself with train rides anymore. he doesn’t know why you entrust him with the fact that you live alone in your apartment, but he’s relieved that you do. maybe it’s easy to trust a hero. man or not. 
but his filthy gaze lingers around your body once in a while– blood rushes to his cock when he sees the plush thighs that are exposed from your short skirt as you sit, the two buttons on your blouse that looks like they’re about to pop off from your breasts and the way your puffy lips jut out slightly when you stare out the window to watch the sun slowly disappears below the horizon to make way for the dark sky. the ride would’ve been peaceful if not for the uncomfortable throb inside his pants right now.
and soon enough, you stand up from your seat and grab your bag in preparation to step off from the agonizing ride. 
“this is my stop. thank you again, eraser head. it’s nice meeting you!” you beam sweetly before you walk off the train and wave him goodbye as the doors slowly closes between the two of you. 
aizawa can’t wait to see you again tomorrow– but now he needs a change of pace. since he doesn’t want to take risk of you finding out that he intentionally missed his platform, he chooses to only ride the train in the evening now.
with his height, aizawa is able to see you looking around as soon as you step into the train with exhaustion written all over your face. however, it’s instantly washed away with an exuberant look when you notice him staring at you from the other side. his heart swells with joy as he watches you push yourself through the crowd with your bag covering your chest protectively.
“found you, eraser!” you chirp as you stand in front of the male.
“oh? so you were looking for me?” he replies coyly, sinking lower into his scarf to keep his burning cheeks out of sight.
you nod eagerly and sigh, “i looked for you this morning too, but i guess you were on a different coach or something.”
“why? you wanted to use me so i’d protect you from perverts?” 
“oops. busted.” you laugh. 
if that’s the one thing that binds you and him, he doesn’t really mind. aizawa is pleased to know that you’re willing to be around him as much as he does. it then comes to a point where you both promise to be in the same coach in the evening.
it has been over a week since aizawa restrained his lecherous intentions. all of those days he has seen you don that short skirt that seems to hug your ass so well. every weekday evening he gets to glance down over your cleavage when you press yourself closely against him and when you’re not facing him? he can feel that ass just lightly brushing, teasing him when the train shakes and he knows he won’t be able to take it any longer. 
what is he waiting for anyway? when this is all what he coveted in the first place? fuck playing the reliable hero. 
aizawa doesn’t want to regard himself and the creeps inside the train as equals. he’s different. he’s a hero and because of that, he got you always wanting to stay close to him without him compelling. you’re so sweet to him, so trusting and you never give him the dirty look whenever he places his hand too low on your back. 
more people are joining in from different stations so as usual, aizawa quickly pulls you into a corner nearby one of the doors which he knows won’t be opening for people to get in and get out. he only keeps guard by standing behind you as you take in the view of the same buildings and skyline.
“you have no idea how much i’m dying to own a car.” you sigh as you stare outside the glass window unheedingly and completely oblivious to your surroundings. 
“yes. you’ve said that a million times.” he carefully inches closer (as much as he can anyway) and bravely takes a whiff of your shampoo that never fails to fill and rouse his senses.
“i’m sorry,” you titter. “you must’ve gotten bored of hearing it.” 
“no, i like it.” he whispers audibly in your ear, just enough for both of you to hear. 
“i’m gla–” you’re suddenly startled when you feel something hard prodding against your ass. you start to feel uneasy and try to shift away but a pair of hands brazenly grab your breasts, almost making you yelp in surprise. 
“shh,” his hot breath fans over the shell of your ear, sending shivers down your spine. “don’t wanna make a scene.”
your heart instantly drops once you realize the person you trust most, a hero at that, is doing the very same thing he protected you from. you can see the vague reflection ahead– the way his hands are massaging your tits as he litters chaste kisses on the crook of your neck.
you attempt to pry his hands off of you, but he only grabs harder and pushes you closer to the front until your forehead presses against the cold glass.
“aizawa– stop.”
aizawa can hear panic lacing in your voice as you whimper but he simply brushes off your plea, too busy soothing his carnal needs by grinding his hard cock against your ass.
“no. you feel so good.” he nibbles your neck, sucking and biting the supple flesh to leave a bruising mark. 
“p-people are gonna see.” 
“that’d be really hot.” he hoists up your short skirt to prop his knees between your thighs before one of his hands guides your hip and compels you to grind your pussy against his own thigh. 
your eyes lingers around the crowd in the train, in between looking for help and hoping that no one sees what he’s doing to you but everyone’s either immersed in their phones or napping and even when someone does notice you, they just turn away uncomfortably. 
“looks like i’m the only hero in this train, kitten.” he says ironically as the hand from your hips snakes in front to rub circles on your clit. “feels good, does it?” he coos as you try to muffle your whines from escaping. 
you’re clawing on his wrist in an attempt to make him stop, but the harder you try to, the harder he presses your mound and clit.
aizawa slips two fingers inside your panties, barely biting back a groan once he uncovers you wet beneath his fingers. 
“what a surprise.” he chuckles, smearing his fingers with your slick before bringing it up to your mouth. “open up, kitten.” 
you purse your lips in retaliation but he easily rubs his thumb on your hardened nipple, causing you to gasp and he quickly shoves his fingers inside your mouth. your tongue wraps around his fingers, sucking and tasting your own flavor as he observes you through the reflection.
“you like how it tastes?” he pulls out his fingers from your mouth with a lewd pop sound before tugging your panties to the side and sliding a digit swiftly inside your cunt. a surprised yelp manages to roll off your tongue from the intrusion but you quickly look down to hide your humiliation and away from the peculiar gazes of others inside the coach.
aizawa hushes you as he thrusts his fingers slowly, savoring the tightness of your walls while also attempting to keep down the squelching noises from your dripping cunt. 
“it’s okay. most of them are going to step off soon, then you can be as loud as you want.” he murmurs, holding you close to his body while his other hand continuously rubs your nipple with his thumb to stimulate you even further until your world is reduced to his satisfying ministrations. 
as time passes by, more and more people have left the train while a few sleepers still remain. aizawa already has two fingers pumping inside your sopping cunt and your slick is already trickling down your thighs as you try hard to hold in your whines. 
“please– i can’t–” your legs have grown weaker and you can only find support by leaning back against his broad chest. your toes are curling inside your heels and your breath has come out shorter and deeper as he keeps on edging you until he thinks it’s safe to fuck you without the presence of other people seeing his unheroic actions.
“you wanna cum, pretty girl?” he finally picks up the pace, causing your body to squirm as you moan breathlessly. 
“y-yes– please–”
“you’re really sucking me in.” he groans, dragging and curling his fingers against the spongy walls that makes your thighs tremble as you edge closer to an orgasm. “cum for me.”
your hands are clenching hard on his forearm and you feel the muscles in your stomach tightening with so much intensity. with his finger pressing down on your throbbing bud, you eventually come undone and you bite on his arm to stifle your screams. 
“that’s it, princess. just what you need after a long day at work, huh?” he kisses your temple soothingly as you regain composure and struggle to fix your skirt, but he stops you from doing so. 
“i had a hard day at work too, you know.” he tugs your panties down to your ankles and picks it up. “i deserve something from you too, right? and i’m not talking about this.” you see him showing your panties through the glass before he shoves it inside his pocket.
aizawa wraps his scarf around your body and drags you to the middle of the coach. the fabric works as a bind around your wrists and ties onto the bar handle on top of your head to keep you restrained and exposed in front of a man that is sleeping in his seat. 
“let’s hope he doesn’t wake up soon, hm?” he chuckles and takes his place behind you. 
“you’re out of your–!” 
you can barely contain your shriek when aizawa suddenly rips off the middle of your blouse that sends the buttons flying across from you and he quickly slips his hands underneath your bra to fondle your breasts.
“careful not to wake him up, princess.” he tweaks your pebbled nipples between his fingers to provoke the slightest sound from you but you press your lips firmly to conceal your mewls. “or else he’s gonna see me fucking your tight cunt.”
aizawa spits on his hand and smears his saliva with your slick, making you shudder from sensitivity before his fingers prod into your hole to give you a few pumps in preparation for his cock. 
“i’ve been waiting for this for far too long.” he unzips his pants hastily to free his cock from its confinements and you gulp nervously when you see it in the reflection ahead– already throbbing and fully erected. aizawa lifts one of your legs up and rubs his shaft against your wet, puffy folds before lining his cock with your entrance. 
you look down at the man anxiously, praying silently for him to not wake up (or maybe just never at all) to see you with your legs spread in front of his face for god knows how long it’ll be. you bite your lower lip hard when you feel aizawa’s cock sinking inside your cunt, stretching it as he pushes through your walls. 
“shit. so fucking tight.” he growls in your ear as he sheathes his cock into you, pushing through your convulsing walls and until he has filled you to the brim. he starts to pound into you slowly and you bite back a moan when you feel the delicious drags of his veiny cock inside you.
his tongue traces the shell of your ear, licking all around the erogenous zone that has you shuddering and clenching down on him even more. 
“mmph– you’re milking my cock so well, kitten.” he grunts, flicking your nipple with his free hand before toying with your clit. 
“ah– he-he’s gonna wake up.” you pant, tugging your wrists for release as if the way it binds so securely doesn’t tell you enough that it would be impossible.
“then he’s gonna get one hell of a show.” he says nonchalantly before picking up his pace. 
the squelching noises begin to fill the quiet air as aizawa continues to fuck you relentlessly. your slick is dripping down to his balls and your thighs, pooling underneath you and you can feel that you’re close to reaching another orgasm.
as your state has become more delirious, the man in front of you suddenly grunts in his sleep and a cold rush of fear instantly creeps down your spine. yet, aizawa doesn’t seem bothered when he remains to be balls deep inside you.
“i think you’re getting off on this, princess.” he says between breaths, rutting into you harder when he feels how hard you’re clamping around his cock. 
“b-but– i’m gonna cum–” you whine, body squirming as you ground yourself to not cum.
your pussy is spread wide open in front of the man when aizawa easily lifts up your other leg. your heels have fallen under you and now you’re just practically hanging in mid air with his scarf and hands supporting your body. he angles deeper inside your cunny and your head throws back onto his shoulder when you feel the tip brushing against your cervix. 
“then, cum.” it’s baffling how he manages to make it sound simple, not having a care in the world as if his reputation isn’t in the line right now. “look at me.”
you shyly turn your head to meet his heavy lidded eyes before he crashes his lips onto yours. you drown into his fervor kiss while the pressure continues to build in your lower stomach turns more intense and unbearable. at this point, you think it’s best to just swallow your humiliation.
“let it go.” he whispers against your lips and locks his gaze with your wavering eyes. 
“f-fuck– cumming–!” you instantly draw in for a deep kiss to make him swallow your moans as you finally let yourself come undone. it feels oddly relieving in a sense that has your mind turned to mush, together with the feeling of an insurmountable high. the moment your eyes flutter open again, you realize that there are questionable droplets of water staining the glass window in front of you. 
“you’re a little exhibitionist, aren’t you?” he mocks, yet proud and even more aroused that he managed to make you squirt in a public transport. “he might need to clean up.” 
your eyes trail down to the man in front of you to see some amount of your own arousal trickling down on his poor face. you're so dazed with pleasure that you don’t even bother to care anymore and you just let aizawa fucks you through your high before his cock begins to twitch inside your pussy.
“be a good girl and take all my cum.” his pace soon falters and he holds you still before releasing a thick load inside your cunt. after he has emptied out, aizawa leans in the crook of your neck to catch his breath before removing his cock and putting you down gently. 
“that was fucking good.” he sighs gratifyingly as he pulls his pants back up. aizawa unties your restraints and your legs wobble once they touch the ground, but he quickly catches you in his arms to keep you from falling to the floor. as if on cue, the train finally comes to a halt.
“oh, we’re here.” he picks up your shoes and bag before pulling you closer to him to stand in front of the automatic door. “do you need me to carry you or something?”
you look at him confusingly, then to the small map above your head; you’re at least two stops away from your station and three from his. “but this isn’t our stop.”
“well, this one has always been mine.”
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duskamethyst © 2020 • do not modify, translate or repost anywhere.
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