#choa scenarios
crypt-keepers-den · 1 month
I need more of Astarion and his little spawns- You don't understand how much I fucking loved that fic, PLEASE WE NEED MORE DADDY STARION 😭😭😭
𝐋𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐅𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐬 (𝐃𝐚𝐝𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐨𝐧)
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Astarion never claimed he'd be a good father, but as soon as your little ones arrived into the world he sure was the proudest. When Lyra, your oldest had been born he fainted (can vampires faint idk), and when you announced your pregnancy with your youngest, Caspian, he was elated and told anyone who'd listen that his darling was blessing him with a second child.
when your oldest was born he was too frightened to hold her, in fear that he'd hurt her, but after a long talk from you (and a stern talking from halsin who'd offered to help you deliver naturally) he did hold her, frozen in place however as he did so. "she's perfect my darling" soft silvery tears cascading down his pale cheeks as the new-born yawns, when your youngest was born, he was prepared this time, holding your hand with confidence as you brought a new life into the world, bringing your 1yr old daughter into the bedroom to meet her baby brother, the elf had a grin etched on his face.
becoming a parent is one thing, but a parent to a dhampir baby is another, when lyra started teething you found out the harsh way. One evening you had lifted the infant to breastfeed her, settling back down on the couch with the infant nestled to your chest as she contently latched, your adoring husband sitting next to you a book in hand, his free hand stroking the top of his daughter's head. "star, read that page again i was too focused on lyra" he nods starting again until he heard a sudden yelp from you, "my love whatever's wrong?" he watches you exam the giggling baby's mouth "holy Avernus, star she's got fangs!" his eyes widened at your discovering as he leans over to see what your talking about, your holding the drooling baby's mouth open to allow him to see the two little white points that had pierced through lyra's gum. His eyes widen now understanding what had happened causing him to laugh, earning him a rough slap to the shoulder and a stern glare. safe to say you switched from breastfeeding to bottle and continued to do so with your second born (not that it helped but it saved your poor breasts from being gummed on by your children atleast).
Astarion prided himself in his inability to say 'no' to his children, "papa can i has?" caspian stares up at his father with the same puppy dog eyes you use on him, "caspian no treats before dinner!" you'd call out, the little boy would then pout before looking back up at his daddy, "papa a'peas", oh dear your son has him in the palm of his chubby little hands, astarion cant remember his childhood anymore, nothing but faint smells of what he assumes is his mother's perfume, but he does remember having nothing when he was under cazadors control. And he had made a promise at each child's birth, they'd never suffer like he had and they'd want for nothing. in this scenario its astarion sneaking your son a cookie before dinner, the pair hiding under the kitchen table laughing "our little secret little starling" , "you two know i can see you right?" "quick run!". with choas ensueing as you chastise the pair for ruining their appetite for dinner.
"lyra please stopping scaring your brother with your bat form!", the first time your daughter had found out she could shift scared you shitless, toddler lyra suddenly poofing into a bat mid hiccup causing you and astarion to jump out of your skin, not knowing how to get lyra to turn back until she hiccups again poofing back and landing in a panicked astarion's arms while giggling at her parents panicked faces. Since then astarion had taught her how to use it properly, however she had a terrible habit of scaring her little brother with it, startling the tot causing him to wail and run to the nearest parent crying "a bwat!, a mama! a papa! noo!" earning lyra a scolding, you and astarion made her promise to not use her abilities in the cottage and not infront of her brother, not until he was a little older anyway.
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(hey! im back with some dadstarion stuff! how are we all liking this? i could go on forever about dadstarion scenarios, what would you like to see?)
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michelletsw · 1 year
Dedicated to this post about the yuu multivers
I'm a merge it + y/n (gn)
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+ y/n (perfect)
In this universe everyone lives in ramshackle all having there own story of how they got there (only one grim thank the 7) you got selected as the perfect for the ramshackle dorm because you where the first to show up but very soon after the other 3 came along everyday you all work to make ramshackle habital but you grew close together becoming close friends in the process. Meaning choas and other fun or dumb things happen around the dorm or in classes.
Now then welcome to ramshackle chaos!
In animal linguistics classroom after the bell rings you all start joking around a bit.
Yuuta: Which country has the most birds?
Yuuta: Portu-geese!
Yuuka: That's a language.
Yuuken: Portu-gull?
Yuuka: nice recovery.
Yuuken: I think you mean nice re-dovery.
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You (perfect) where talking scolding to the idiot duo when the 3 walked in on your conversation on there way to classes.
Perfect: Could you guys at least try to see this from my perspective?
Taking the opportunity to tease yuuka stops walking and stands infront of you with yuuken following in suit.
Yuuka: *kneels down*
Yuuken: *sits on the floor*
Yuuta, ace, deuce: loosing the shit laughing.
Perfect: I hate all of you.
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Yuuken got dragged down with ace and deuces shenanigans for the first time. Grims being... supportive.
Grim: Yuuken's first detention, I'm so proud.
Perfect: Whoa, back up. Why did they get detention?
Yuuka: Because they're an idiot.
Yuuta, terrified: They can do that??
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Thats it for now just thought I'd be a funny idea let me know if I should do more quotes or if I should make scenarios or what not.
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rocksibblingsau · 2 months
ok so funk branch messed up and now the only way continue is to do a battle of the bands.
three teams kismet- tickee,hype,boom,ablaze, cannon branch
brozone(before the break up) - john dory, spruce,clay floyd, bitty b
branch and the branches-funk branch,rock branch,classical branch, techno branch,country branch.
they all have to sing a pop boy band song and no violence against anyone [looking at you techno branch]
this scenario is for the pure silly choas
The sheer power of five Branches wins absolutely
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kronoose · 4 months
Day 5 of a queer OC a day
Sir Dexter Fitzgerald the second(there wasn't a first their human just thought it was funnier)
dex is a Kobold draconic sorcerer former bearded dragon
he is just my want to commit arson in a trawmatized package
their arc has changed the most besides Luka
bro was meant to go on an independence journey
they joined bbeg to save a kid they give 0 fucks about
and to find their human
dex was used as both Dragon mini and dm PC stand-in and misses being able to cause that level of unintentional choas with minimal problems after
like worse case scenario he was banished to his tank best case he was just taken off the table and left to roam the apartment which most often ends with them accidentally getting stuck in a room or perched on their humans shoulders
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alvinstrat · 4 months
Exploring The Write Connection, A Popular Writing Enrichment Chain in Singapore
The Write Connection (TWC) is a popular English and writing enrichment chain in Singapore. I have always imagined them as a Singaporean company, however, I realised they actually have a paid up capital of $500k and is wholly owned by the Hailiang Education Group, which was recently delisted from Nasdaq and now privately owned.
TWC is definitely an enrichment centre with strong Singaporean flavour, in fact, I was quite surprised to learn it is owned by a foreign entity.
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Just for fun, I decided to take a closer look at the business of this popular enrichment centre via publicly available information.
Revenue in 2023 was $8.4m. If I assume a child spends $300 per month and hence $3.6k annually, which may be inaccurate, then enrolment in this fictitious scenario would be about 2300 kids.
The business seemed to have taken a hit during the covid years.
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The major costs of running an enrichment chain come from employees salaries and rental expenses. In TWC's case, salaries came up to $4.8m and other operating expenses, which I assume is mostly mortgages of their outlets, was $3.2m.
They seem to have an unusually high number of outlets for an enrichment centre chain, comprising 13 islandwide. Maybe this is part of their commercial real estate investing strategy. Or perhaps, they wish to be available at many locations for convenience.
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They have $7m of assets. It seems like this is mostly equity with respect to the mortgages linked to the outlets. They have about $3.1m cash in the bank but given their parent's backing, I doubt they will have any liquidity issues.
In terms of liabilities, $4.1m is related to their leases of which $1.7m is current and due next year. Across their 13 outlets, this works out to roughly $130k per centre annually or roughly $10k per centre monthly, which seems just about right for an enrichment centre outlet in a suburban mall.
Not sure if I got this entirely right as I am merely cursorily reading their figures but overall, in my opinion, it seems like it is still a decent business.
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dzthenerd490 · 6 months
File: Attack of the Killer Tomatoes!
Code Name: Why Everyone at the Foundation Hates Tomatoes
Object Class: Joke/ Neutralized
Special Containment Procedures: It was only thanks to the Department of the Impossible that SCP-AER was quelled form existence. Showing that it was the right choice to allow the DI to exist in the first place.
Description: SCP-AER is an event class anomaly that caused tomatoes within the United States that gain sentience and start killing everyone they came across. The tomatoes were also abnormally strong as they could make helicopters and cars crash with ease. The tomatoes were even able to devour the life force of anyone they touched and grew in size as time went on. This was not all that happened, as the tomatoes killed, the US government became incompetent making bad and often unrealistic decisions. Other weird things happened such as people randomly singing, wearing ridiculous costumes and refusing to take them off, and just generally making bad decisions.
It's suspected that SCP-AER was the causes of a Choas God though which one we have no idea. The only thing that can be confirmed is the fact that it ended up never happening to begin with. SCP-AER supposedly happened in 1978 but despite a few reports found around the Foundation files and databanks there's nothing else to confirm this. However, in the year [data expunged] Dr. [data expunged] confirmed it was the Department of the Impossible that ended the chaotic scenario which according to their report lasted [data expunged] years.
Not much else can be said about SCP-AER other than the fact that it was probably the most dangerous and powerful anomaly that's been categorized as an Object Class Joke. According to reports form Dr. [data expunged] the entire Foundation couldn't contain it and not even the ACPA's united resources could stop it. In the end, they end up being just as worthless and prone to making extremely hilarious and stupid decisions. There have been rumors that Foundation staff within the Department of the Impossible have recorded the events of SCP-AER and regularly watch it as if they are comedy movies. There's nothing to confirm this rumor and even if there was, you'd be pressed to find anyone who cares anymore. Nobody within the Foundation remembers what happened regarding SCP-AER and frankly it's probably for the best.
SCP: Horror Movie Files Hub
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girls-scenarios · 6 years
Now You Don’t
Idol: Choa (AOA)
Prompt: I'M GOING TO MAKE THIS A QUICK ONE MAGICIAN AU x AOA. kind of like Now You See Me. AOA is a gang that use their magic skills to their advantage, like bank robberies. You are the head female detective on the case and in attempts of trying to catch AOA, you fall in love with ChoA, the best of the best and ringleader.
Writer: Admin Kiwi
A/N: Okay so this isn’t EXACTLY like Now You See Me, but I did watch the movies before writing this. Overall, I had a lot of fun writing this, but I wanted it to be perfect. I’ve been wanting to write something for Choa since the news broke, because I love Choa more than pretty much anything else in this world so I wish her nothing but the best. I hope everyone enjoys this LONG story.
Warnings: Mentions of drinking and sex but nothing explicit.
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“They’re at it again.” You looked up as the local chief investigator stepped into your office, a folder in his hands. He tossed it onto your desk and huffed out a long breath as he sank into one of the chairs opposite you. “Sixth place they’ve managed to rob just this year. This time it was a jeweler instead of a bank.” You picked up the file and opened it, thumbing through the papers of information inside.
“I’d guess that was probably to throw us for a loop. They’re getting cocky. I think they like playing with us.” Inside there was a normal report. At least, a report that had recently become normal.
The gang of magicians calling themselves AOA had recently taken to the stage, robbing every bank they could get their hands on and somehow leaving to trace of themselves other than cards with their symbol, as if showing of their abilities. You’d truly never seen anything like it. Very few people these days could get away with robbing banks, and yet they’d robbed 5 so far, that you knew of.
“Have you made any advancements in the case?” You looked up from the file as the chief spoke, shaking your head slowly.
“Not much. There was some suspicious activity by some magicians in Vegas but it’s not confirmed that it’s AOA. None of the money they’ve stolen has turned up either.” He rubbed his chin and leaned back in the plush chair, eyes moving to look at some of the plaques behind you.
“Detective, have you thought that maybe it’s time to stop researching from our offices and go out into the streets?” Again, you looked down at the folder in front of you. You’d hoped this case might be one you could solve without getting too involved. Young as you were, being a detective meant you knew what kind of things could happen when simple office tactics wouldn’t work.
AOA was dangerous. You’d never in your career had to go up against a gang of people so successful in what they did. There were never any valuable witnesses. Sometimes this was because they struck at odd and almost impossible hours of the day. Other times it was because the employees they left behind were dazed and remembered nothing that happened, obviously having been put through some type of hypnosis during the crime. One employee hadn’t been found at all.
“I guess it’s time. I was hoping it wouldn’t come to this.” He nodded in understanding as he stood from his seat with a quiet grunt.
“I was too, detective. But sometimes we must do what we have to do.” You stood and reached out to shake his hand. “You know where to find me and my men if you need us.”
“Yes, sir. Stay safe.” He gave you a small smile as he turned towards the door to leave.
“I was about to say the same to you.” As the door closed behind him, you slumped into your chair and yanked open one of the drawers on your desk. After pulling out all the files relating to AOA, you closed it again. There wasn’t much information, but you had enough to get a lead. They were magicians, and the thefts all matched up with the times of shows by certain magicians around the United States. There was also a report from the Vegas Police about a group of magicians that had been suspicious in the past month and matched the few descriptions of AOA you had. So it was official; You were going to Vegas. 
A little over a week later, you stood outside the Vegas airport, sweating in the blistering heat, and began to rethink all of your life decisions for a moment. Why had you decided to be a detective? Why had your brain thought this was a good idea?
A taxi honked from in front of you, shaking you out of your thoughts, and quickly, you stepped forward, nodding an apology to the driver and putting your luggage into the trunk before getting in.
“Where to, miss?” The driver asked, and you leaned forward, giving him the address of the hotel you’d be staying in. Quickly, he keyed it into his GPS, and then he was off, racing through the airport and making you cringe at his driving. There were people everywhere, and cars clogged the highway, taxis darting in and out of traffic. You clutched at your seat and tried not to think of the possibility of a wreck, cringing until you arrived at the hotel.
Shaky, you thanked the taxi driver with a weak smile and grabbed your things before walking into the hotel.
The woman at the front desk smiled at you widely and had you hand over you ID and sign a few papers. Something about her seemed vaguely familiar, but you didn’t think much of it as you picked up your room card and ID and headed up to your room.
It was small, but you hadn’t expected much. Dumping your luggage by the bed, you you hoisted your briefcase higher and put it on the desk before pulling out your papers and sitting down. Going over the files again told you nothing, and you looked at the only two photos you had: one of the missing clerk, a girl named Hyejeong, and the other of a car that could have been used as a get away vehicle. You studied the two for a moment before sliding them back into the file and hiding the briefcase under the bed, then putting the “do not disturb” sign on your door. Pulling out your ticket to the magic show you’d attend that night, you studied it.
Nothing seemed off about the ticket. It seemed just like all of the other shows in Vegas, but you had a feeling that it wasn’t. Apparently, according to police, this show had a stunt not too long ago that involved stealing money from a bank. Real money came down onto the audience, and the bank in New York they’d said they were robbing had actually turned up empty. But the local police had no way of actually tying them to the crime, so they’d had to let them go. It sounded eerily similar to the group you were chasing, and what were the chances of there being two groups of thieving magicians? Probably slim.
Sighing, you ran your fingers through your hair and walked over to the bathroom to get ready. If you were going to look like a normal citizen out on the town in Vegas, you were going to have to dress the part.
The venue was huge and gaudy, located inside one of Vegas’ biggest hotel and casinos. You adjusted your uncomfortable clothes and once again wondered why you couldn’t have just gotten an office job. Your seat was near enough to the front, though, so you sat down and looked at he pamphlet they’d given you before the show started. It gave you the names of the magicians that would be on stage that night-Mina, Chanmi, Jimin, and Seolhyun-and it struck you as odd. Why wouldn’t they have all of their magicians performing? But none of the people filing in around you seemed to find it odd, so you wondered if this was just something they did to keep the audience on their toes.
The lights dimmed and music began playing, so you sat back in your seat, crossed your arms, and got ready to study the show.
Nothing especially excited happened throughout the course of the show, and you walked out feeling a bit disappointed. Sure, they’d performed some tricks that you couldn’t exactly explain, and the girls had fit the few descriptions you’d been given, but there hadn’t been any clues as to what was going on.
Glancing around, you decided to go to the crowded noodle bar near the venue, squeezing yourself into the corner and ordering a drink and something to eat. You felt jetlagged and annoyed with the lack of progress you’d made, and being hungry didn’t do you any favors.
As you took a sip of your drink, someone sat down in the seat next to you and your senses were overwhelmed with the smell of their perfume. When you glanced over, you saw a small woman with blonde hair and a cute face who smiled when her eyes met yours.
“Hello. Are you dining alone?” The question stung a bit, but she was pretty and didn’t look like she meant any harm, so you smiled back.
“I am. Tonight, at least.” The bartender handed her a drink, and she held it up in your direction.
“Same here. I’m Choa. What’s your name?” For some reason, you felt like you knew her somehow. But you pushed the idea to the back of your head because it was so silly. You’d made no progress in the case, and you’d do nothing else tonight, so there was no problem with enjoying yourself a bit.
“I’m (Y/N). It’s nice to meet you. How did you end up here?” She shrugged her shoulders, taking a sip of her drink.
“I live around, but I wanted to do something this weekend. I was bored.” She looked up at you, and her eyes sparkled. “What about you? What are you doing in a place like this, beautiful?” You took a sip of your own drink and wondered how long it had been since you flirted with someone. You really had to get out more.
“I’m just vacationing,” you answered. “But I got lucky running into someone like you.” She laughed, and you realized that everything about her was perfect. The bartender put your food and another drink in front of you, and you decided to pursue this, because when else would a woman as beautiful as this lean in close with her captivating smile all for you? You downed the rest of your drink and threw all caution to the wind.
The next morning, you woke up with a headache and someone in the hotel bed next to you. As the memory of last night came back to you, you turned over and looked at the girl. Choa, if you remembered right. Her short blonde hair was splayed out on the pillow, and she looked peaceful, so you slipped out of bed and went to the bathroom to look at your appearance.
You looked hungover, and you wrinkled your nose at your reflection before washing up. When you walked back out of the bathroom with the most comfortable clothes you’d brought on, she was sitting up in the bed, sheets held up over her skin.
“Is this your hotel room?” She asked, yawning, and you nodded slowly, wondering if she remembered last night or if she’d gotten too drunk. “It’s got a cool view.” You laughed and sat down on the end of the bed.
“It’s nothing big, you don’t have to pretend it is.” She smiled, and you heard her shifting around on the bed.
“Do you have any clothes I can borrow? At least so I can go back to my place. I don’t really want to wear my outfit from last night.”
“No walk of shame today?” You asked, mostly joking as you got up to rummage through your luggage. Luckily, she got your joking tone and laughed.
“Not feeling it today. By the way, is this your first time in Vegas?” You nodded as you straightened up and tossed some clothes that you felt might fit her onto the bed. Quickly, she grabbed them and picked up her underwear from the floor to begin getting dressed. Even though you’d definitely seen her the night before, you quickly looked away, feeling awkward.
“Yeah, it is. It’s just as hot as I expected, though.” You heard her laugh, that same tinkling laugh that had drawn you in the night before.
“If it’s anything, it’s hot. But we’ve got some cool things to do here. Do you want me to show you around?” Technically, you were supposed to be working on a case. But you had gotten nothing the night before, and the magicians you were following didn’t have a show tonight, so you found nothing wrong with going out on the town.
“I’d like that, yeah.” You turned back around, and liked the way she looked in your clothes, running her fingers through her hair.
“Awesome! Then let’s go back to my place so I can get my own clothes on, and then we’ll go have some fun.”
You ended up spending the whole day with her by your side and her number in your phone. Being with her was so much fun that you almost forgot about all the stuff that had been weighing you down for months. She held your arm and tugged you all around the Strip, and you couldn’t even complain about the weather, not when she was looking ethereal. That night, while standing in the giant Ferris Wheel with her beside you, you decided that you wouldn’t mind spending the rest of your time here with her.
“Have you made any dents in the case? You’ve been in Vegas for days now.” The police captain was on the other end of the phone, and you sighed, rolling your eyes. You were sitting in your hotel room, alone for the first time since you’d met Choa, looking down at the notes you had in your files.
“Not really. The girls seem promising, but they haven’t done anything in their show and there’s no way I can get backstage right now. The police here gave me their files on them but there’s not much more to go on.” As you looked down at the photos of the girls, one caught your attention. Immediately, you pulled it up to get a closer look, ignoring whatever he was saying on the other end.
The photo was of the girls backstage, but what had been off about it? There was another girl, standing further back, who was looking down. But you knew her face. Quickly, you grabbed the photo of the missing girl and put it beside the other photo. It was a match. There was your missing girl, dressed like the magicians and sitting backstage.
“Officer,” you said, interrupting him, “I have something. The missing girl, Hyejeong. She’s here. She’s with them.”
“Do you think it was an inside job, then?”
“I don’t know. Maybe. I’m going to go to the local police and see if there’s any way to get backstage.” As the words left your mouth, you remembered that you’d promised to go with Choa to dinner. Well, it would have to wait, just this once. This was the first breakthrough you’d had in the case and you had to follow up with it.
“Good luck,” he said, before hanging up the phone, and you made a face. You really hated that guy. Actually, the more you’d spent time here, the more you’d started to despise your job. But you had to do it, so you stood up and shoved all your papers into your briefcase and locked it. To the police station it was.
It took showing them the photos, but eventually, an officer walked in, stating that he could get you backstage. Now, with different tickets in hand, you sent Choa a text telling her that something had come up, but that you’d see her soon. Silently, you slipped into the theater. The tickets in your hand were for early backstage access, and it seemed like you were the only person there. The security guard who had guided you to the backstage area stood at the door, but you didn’t think too much of him.
Your eyes scanned the area, looking for anything that you could use. Their outfits were hanging on the far wall, and you walked over, counting them. Seven. So there was one more than you’d originally thought, even counting Hyejeong. Who was she, and why hadn’t you seen her? Did they know that you were here? Is that why they were doing this?
There was a noise somewhere further backstage and the lights dimmed, and when you turned around, you noticed that the security guard was gone. The hair on the back of your neck stood up as something told you that you were in danger. They were here, and they knew exactly who you were. And you knew that they weren’t going to let you go. Slowly, you backed against a wall, scanning the area again. It was dark, and you couldn’t see very well. But when you squinted, you could just make out the silhouette of a woman in the darkness, standing further away.
“You found us,” the voice said, and it sounded familiar. It had to be Jimin. “We were hoping that you’d just give up.”
“No luck,” you replied, eyes searching for an exit. Anywhere would be good, you just needed out.
“You’re the one who ran out of luck,” she said. As she spoke, there was a clicking sound. And then the floor gave out from underneath your feet and you were falling. Falling into darkness.
When you came to again, you were tied to a chair and your head hurt. The room was dark, only lit by a far off light bulb by a door. You could feel yourself sweating, and you looked down at the ropes. They were too thick for your to saw through with anything on your person, and the knots looked like they were done by a professional. There was no way you were going to get out of this.
The door opened, and you heard high heels clicking against the floor. The silhouette of a woman, familiar this time, stepped into your view, and then she snapped her fingers. Suddenly, the room was bright with light, and you squinted your eyes against it. When your eyes had adjusted, you recognized the woman walking towards you and your stomach dropped.
“Choa?” She was wearing the uniform, and you suddenly remembered why she’d looked so familiar. You’d seen her in photos people had taken of the show. And yet you’d been so stupid.
“(Y/N). I was really hoping that it would never come to this.” Your head pounded, and your heart hurt.
“Were you just playing with me? How did you know it was me?” She sighed and crossed her arms, standing in front of you. She still looked so beautiful, and you hated yourself for thinking it.
“One of our girls, Chanmi, checked you into your hotel. We had all your information from that point on. At first, I was just going to watch you, but there was something about you that made me want to approach you. I was never supposed to get involved with you.... But I did.”
“You played me.”
“I didn’t mean to.” There was something in her voice that told you that whatever she was saying was true. “I really like being with you, (Y/N). But you just had to come in here looking for us.” She shook her head, and she actually looked upset. There was hope in your chest that swelled up, and your head battled with your thoughts. You liked Choa. Really liked her. She’d shown you a new side of life that you wanted to experience, and yet. Your job was to hunt her down.
“It’s my job,” you said, voice soft, and she looked down at you.
“Do you really like your job, though? You seemed so down the first day I saw you, and over the days I was with you, I saw you blossom.” What she was saying was true. You’d been miserable.
“That’s all I have,” you protested, trying to make sense of everything. “I really like you, Choa, but. I don’t have anything without that job.”
“You have me.” She reached out and gently touched your face. “I can do anything you’d want me to do, if you just come with me. You’d see so many new things. You’d never have to sit at a desk and do work for people who don’t appreciate you.”
“Aren’t you afraid I’d tell someone?” She shook her head, and her eyes dug into your soul. You were in love with her, and it struck you like a ton of bricks. You loved her. 
“I trust you,” she said, voice soft. “And I really don’t want to have to live without you.”
“What will the girls say?” She smiled.
“They won’t say anything. I’m the boss. They listen to what I say. Plus, Hyejeong came along and she’s been a great help. They could be convinced.” The boss. You’d fallen in love with the boss of AOA. And you didn’t regret it at all.
“You’ve convinced me,” you said, and she smiled.
“You promise?” When you nodded, she snapped her fingers and the ropes came undone. And then you were in her arms, kissing her more passionately than you’d ever kissed anyone before. And it felt more right than anything you’d ever done in your career.
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aegyotrashcan · 7 years
Girlfriend Choa
Anon: what would dating choa be like?
a/n: so I’ve had this in my drafts for a while because I’m not happy with it :/ I don’t think I can ever do Queen Choa justice but I’ve updated it and here’s my best attempt haha ;;
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where do I even begin with this goddess?? ;;u;;
she’s honestly so caring and loving that she worries sometimes that she’ll suffocate you.
she’s not clingy or possessive but she does look out for you a lot,, she’ll text you often to remind you to eat or take your medication and she’s totally comfortable around you. she has no issue with wiping crust off your eyes or your morning breathe. and this makes her worry than she’s being too full on in the relationship
which she isn’t
you’re grateful to be loved so much by her
and she’s comfortable to be 100% herself and shameless around you
she’s not embarrassed to be barefaced or conscious of acting a certain way. being with you isn’t like being in front of cameras. she’s free to be herself and burp and sneeze and it’s such a freeing feeling
she enjoys those kind of gross, lazy days with you
where you two lounge around in baggy clothes and binge watch kdramas or movies and variety shows.
as she’s got health problems, it’s nice to be out of her sexy outfits & heels, to lay in the arms of her s/o and laugh freely. she feels so refreshed after those times.
and it makes her feel human too.
sometimes, her life feels surreal. apart from fame, she has an image to uphold and that’s hard, okay. she feels tired sometimes and feels pained and fed up so being able to feel “normal,” like an average person instead of an idol, is so therapeutic
also,, she really likes matching items
whether it’s clothes or jewelry or phone cases, she doesn’t care.
it’s a simple way of claiming your love but also a subtle way of doing so, since she can’t be as open about your relationship as she would like to be.
there’s fan theories online that she’s dating and those make her happy to know that there’s at least some people who are aware she’s in love
skinship is a must
she loves to rest her head on your shoulder, or hold your hand, or lay on your lap.
the way choa looks at you is so warm and soft
although she’s left aoa, she still has a bond with her members that cannot be broken. and they love to tease her for that soft way she looks at you
“get someone who looks at you the way choa looks at y/n,” hyejeong teases, not that choa minds. 
she smiles warmly instead, glad to know that they support the relationship and that her love for you is obvious. because she’s not ashamed, not one bit, about it.
if her management would let her, she would reveal the relationship without hesitation.
she’s very loyal and will go above and beyond to prove that
she’s afraid you’ll ever doubt that, that you’ll misunderstand her being away for promotions or practice as her not caring. so she tries so hard to show her love
she cooks for you when she can. even if she’s sore and tired, you’ll need to fight her before she’ll sit down
“I don’t need pancakes right now, let’s just go to bed”
“no,” she says, pointing the spatula like a weapon at you, “I want to make you pancakes”
“choa, you’re in pain and it’s 3am, stop being so extra!”
she hums and sings under her breath as she cleans or potters about the house, so you often joke she’s like a Disney princess
“any moment now, a bird will fly in and land on your arm!”
seeing as she’s a mature person, the relationship doesn’t have many petty fights or arguments. whenever you disagree on something, you both talk it out before it ever turns into something explosive. but although she’s mature, she can be childish and girly sometimes too. so there’s still a feeling of youth and puppy love that makes your relationship unique. it’s a love that never fades and receives so much support for how pure and wonderful it is.
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oneirosent · 3 years
tag dump ・ pt. 4
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wandaslullaby · 2 years
Can you do a one shot or drabble of like dark!prof!wanda/nat (or both😏) and reader? Maybe some teasing in class and you have to stay after.
Herbology Choas | Wandnat
summary: Wandnat takes quite a liking to one particular student.
warnings: 18+, prof!wandnat, degradation, humiliation, wandanat have a strap on. exhibitionation, teasing, wanda uses her powers, r getting fucked,
a/n: I hope this lives up to your standards, idk if this is really dark but i had fun writing it.
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Today wasn't exactly going to plan, and the thought of you being late to chemistry was inevitable. You were the student that was first to enter the room, and last to leave making sure that you were top in your class.
As you tiptoed into the room, signing in relief that your two teachers, were busy writing on the board to see you walk in. You raced to your seat, which was directly at the back away from their view so you were pretty lucky that you weren't caught.
However, as you fiddled inside your bag, you noticed that you dropped your textbook.
"Fuck sake." You muttered.
Once the swear words spilled out of your mouth, the two teachers spun around. "Y/N? You are already late, and you just swore in my class? Are you disrespecting me, and Mrs Maximoff?"
You shook your head, "I wasn't. I just had a bad morning."
"And what gives you the right to come in here and disrupt the class?" Mrs Maximoff butted in, her arms crosses just below her breast area. You felt a small lump at the back of your throat, when you saw Mrs Maximoff breasts.
"It doesn't." You muttered. "I'm sorry."
"Stay after class. I'm not done with you yet." Natasha snapped, turning to face the board. "Class. I want you to revise section 4b."
You watched as all your peers got to work, you couldn't exactly do the task as your textbook wasn't present. You immediately regretted this but you had no other choice.
"Mrs Maximoff, and Mrs Romanoff. I don't have my textbook..."
"Come to my desk and sit down, so the class can see what happens when you don't follow simple school rules," Natasha said.
You grabbed your belongings, walking straight down the aisle as a couple of girls were laughing at the pure embarrassment. You spotted Wanda whispering something in Natasha's ear, before tumbling down to their feet.
The whole class erupted into laughter, and you felt a tint of pink cover your cheeks. You looked up to see both teachers smirking down at you.
"How about you stay down there, sitting on your knees. Can you do that for us or are you going to disobey again?"
You shook your head, "I won't."
"Good," Wanda smirked. "Maybe you could be handy on your knees..."
You let that comment sink into your soul, thinking of the different scenarios of what that could mean. You decided to rest your hands on your thighs, trying to hide the tingly sensation of your rosebud.
"Class, you have 10 minutes left," Natasha called out, before nodding to Wanda.
As Wanda walked to the back of the classroom, your eyes followed her. You were curious to see what she was up to. Before you could rest your eyes on Wanda, a sudden gasp left your tongue. The sensation of your rosebud, increased causing you to fidget in your position.
The wetness around your pussy was getting wetter as you slowly began to rock your waist forward, praying that no one would see your antics. You were currently so desperate you grabbed a hold of the table, closing your eyes as you rocked yourself faster. You were trying to stay calm but the feeling inside you was getting worse than before, it was like someone was fucking you.
You looked up to see Wanda in the background, toying with her hands. You made eye contact with her, and she circled her hands around the air grinning as you began to fully erupt in your pants.
You were so thankful that the school bell was loud, as you perfectly timed your loud moan with the sound of the school bell. Each student dashed out of the room, but you were still centred in the class.
You were afraid that if you were to move, you wouldn't know what kind of state you would be in. You jumped at the door slamming shut and saw Wanda walk towards you, whilst Natasha began to run her finger down your cheek.
You winced as Natasha's hands slowly made down to your breast area, giving your nipple a tight squeeze. "You've been a bad girl, dekta."
You didn't respond.
"You were disruptive," Wanda spoke out.
"Disrespectful." Natasha joined in, giving your other nipple a pinch.
"Clumsy." They both said as Natasha pushed you to the floor.
You tried to get up but Natasha was too quick to let you. "Stay on all fours for me."
You turned your head around, "Why?"
"Because I said so." Natasha snapped and Wanda crouched down, grabbing your chin and making you look up at her.
"We are going to show you want we do to girls that disobey us."
Natasha began to pull down her skirt, and take out her fully erected strap. You weren't sure why the room went silent but the sound of your tights ripping open got your panties coated again.
Natasha grinned, as she saw the evidence of your outburst in your panties. "You made quite the mess, you naughty girl."
"Who were you thinking about, dekta?" Wanda whispered as she ripped opened your top.
You closed your eyes, "No one."
Natasha set her hand down onto your bum, making you scream. "Don't lie."
Before you were about to defend yourself, another slap met your bum. "Don't even think about lying to me."
"H-How did you know?" You stammered out, feeling humiliated as Wanda twitched your nipples. "S-Stop. I can't."
"You can't what?" Wanda laughed. "Can't take the pain? Well, you should of thought of that before coming to class late, doll."
"I didn't mean to," you said, before another slap to your ass.
"You going to make up excuses?" Natasha hummed, as she slowly began to move your panties. You hissed as Natasha lightly smacked your folds, grinning as her hand was smeared with your cum.
"Filthy girl." Natasha said, as she placed her hand back over your clit, and began to rub your bud.
You let out a moan, as Natasha began to pick up the paste. You were particularly tuning a song of moans before Wanda surprised you with her strap on.
"Open your mouth, baby. We are going to put this mouth of yours to good use."
You nodded slowly, as you knew there was no chance that you were going to leave anytime soon. You opened your mouth, and saw Wanda move her cock inside your mouth and your lips were already in motion, sucking slowly.
"She's already sucking, Nat." Wanda praised, as she slowly began to thrust into you. You were trying to match her paste but the time you were at her level, you felt another long thing enter your clit. You let out a mournful cry, as they both started to fuck you. They were tearing your both holes apart, at the same time.
You were trying your hardest to focus on sucking Wanda's cock and you were oblivious to Natasha pounding inside you. You felt both cocks latch onto your sensitive areas, letting you muffle a loud moan followed by a cry.
"You are taking us so well, baby." Wanda cooed as she began to shove more of the cock inside you, reaching your throat. "She looks so gorgeous, Nat."
"You should see her from this angle, she is completely beautiful on her fours."
"Can we keep her?" Wanda asked.
"Of course. Who else is going to fuck her well like this?"
Your eyes slowly began to roll to the back of your head as Natasha pounded into you, reaching your g-spot. You started to feel an orgasm come through and muffled a moan to alret them both.
"I think she is trying to tell us that she wants to cum."
Natasha grinned, "Let's all cum at the same time."
You nodded at the request and before you let yourself come undone, Wanda and Nat gave each other a sinister look and pounded straight into you again, releasing their cum inside you. Shortly after you came undone, and Natasha rode your high.
"Swallow for me, baby." Wanda said and you tried to swallow as much as you could but you couldn't handle it. Wanda soon noticed at slapped your face, "Swallow it all you slut."
You started to let the tears fall, as your cheek began to flare. You felt a sense of relief when Natasha pulled out and collapsed onto Wanda, still having her cock in your mouth.
"Look at her, Nat. She is fucking pathetic."
Natasha laughed, "I know. Poor thing hasn't been fucked properly."
Wanda shook her head, as she saw you still swallowing her cum, "Good girl. That wasn't so hard."
You nodded, watching the cock slip out of your tongue. You were been toggled by Natasha's hands, making you stand up. Unfortunately, As Natasha let you go, you stumbled straight into Wanda again.
"Pathetic little whore."
"Our pathetic little whore." Wanda sang, and just laughed at your state. "We are going to love torturing you, baby girl."
"Good job hiding her textbook Wands."
Wanda looked at you with a huge smirk, "I know. Lucky that I was watching you this morning. Otherwise, you wouldn't be here, using me as support."
You did say much but let out a sniffle, "H-Hurts..."
"Get used to it. We haven't even begun." Natasha whispered, before leaning down to give Wanda a kiss.
"Happy Early Birthday, Natty."
Natasha grinned, "Best birthday present ever."
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kyoyaphilia · 2 years
- I don't fight girls
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Characters : Mikey, afab!reader, Izana, Kisaki, Draken. Toman, Tenjiku.
Scenario - Toman Vs Tenjiku fight. Reader is the top member of Tenjiku.
Alt. Universe where Pah-chin isn't in jail and Kazutora and Baji are still in Toman. Hanma is a part of Tenjiku.
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A simple word to summarize the scene in front of you.
This chaos was the long awaited battle between Tenjiku and the Tokyo Manji Gang. You, Izana, and Kisaki sat atop a flimsy metal container, observing the fight from a safe distance with the perfect view of the abandoned parking lot- enjoying the fight like it was a five star movie.
So far, it seemed Toman took the upper hand with their captains taking down numbers of Tenjiku members.
"There's a few key men in Toman, if we can defeat them then victory is good as ours." Kisaki began. "Draken, Mitsuya, Baji, Chifuyu, Smiley, Pah-chin, and Hakkai are the people we should be most worried about."
"And Mikey." Izana added, his eyes fixed on a particular blond male in the battlefield.
"And Mikey." Kisaki reaffirmed. "But we need him unharmed, or our plan goes to waste."
"He is wiping out most of our members though- maybe we should just knock him out." Izana suggested, the worry in his tone hidden by his confident front.
Amidst their brainstorming, you eyed the battlefield in confusion as to whom these people were, since many of them proved to be a threat with the piles of defeated Tenjiku members they gathered around them.
"Mind using simple words to tell me who you're talking about? Maybe a main feature or something- I don't know any of these people." You bluntly said, legs swinging on the edge of the container as you turned to glare jokingly at Kisaki.
He returned the expression with more seriousness, clearly vexed by your clueless behaviour. "It doesn't matter anyway, you're not fighting." He sighed, doing his best to avoid explaining it to you.
You pouted- features creased to resemble that of a baby angry bird. "Meanie."
"Why aren't we fighting, anyway?" Your gaze turned to Izana, who stood tall watching the quarrel with interest.
"Well, I didn't stop you. I just plan on taking down the last men standing- if there are any." Izana claimed.
"In that case-" You began, swinging your legs up to stand on the container with the two men. "- I'm gonna fight. Watchijf this is getting boring. Who should I get rid of?"
Izana smirked at your careless posture that clearly showed how you underestimated the great warriors of Toman.
"Mikey, if you can." A smug, challenging look etched on his face.
You raised your eyebrows at the white haired male's words. "Do you doubt me? Of course I can." Your tone filled with an almost narcissistic confidence.
"But- which one is Mikey?" You asked, eyes searching the parking lot for someone who looked like a Mikey.
"The short one with the long blond hair." Kisaki informed, lazily pointing his finger at said man in the mass of fighters.
Your eyes finally located your target, who looked undoubtedly strong- evident from the piles of unconscious and bloodied figures of Tenjiku members scattered around him.
Yet, you weren't the least bit intimidated, you had that much trust in your own capability.
"Aren't you guys siblings, Izana?" You asked the boy beside you, who's gaze rested at the same place as yours.
"Not really, but something of the sort." He explained, not bothered to look at you.
"Ah- I figured, since genes don't divide that unfairly." You joked, scanning Izana's appearance with a judgemental- almost disgusted expression.
Izana failed to immediately understand the underlying insult in your comment. When the pieces finally clicked in his head, he widened his eyes, scoffing at you with his features clearly displaying how offended he was.
"Excuse me? Y/N- I'm not ugly!" He defended, his posture faltering the tiniest bit.
"I didn't say you were ugly." You shrugged, sticking your tounge out at the boy. "Your words, not mine."
Before he could say anything further you bid a quick "bye, bye" to the pair before hopping off the container and landing swiftly on your feet.
Slowly, you made your way through the crowd of bustling men, eyes locked on your target as you approached him.
As you passed through, the Tenjiku members acknowledged your status, either bowing or saluting to you, which you balatantly ignored- mind occupied with one goal; defeat Sano Manjiro.
You pulled the hems of your shorts snugly around your waist, tightening the belt of your Tenjiku uniform, and finally after a short walk, you reached the blond male, establishing your presence once he was a mere stride away from your fist.
"You're Mikey, right?"
The president of Toman turned to acknowledge your presence, tossing away the body of a man to whom he'd given a good beating and a concerningly high hospital bill.
"Who are you?" He asked, his voice deep and staggering with his heavy breaths, yet softer than his merciless actions towards his opponents.
It was now that you got a clear look at the man, and you were right about how great his genetics were- his features as refined as that of a Greek statue. Despite the beads of sweat forming on his forehead, he looked insanely attractive with his blond locks messy from his nonstop movement in the battlefield, his uniform jacket lost somewhere in the action leaving his toned arms exposed and abs peeking out from under the badges wrapped around his waist.
You almost found yourself swooning before you reminded yourself of your goal and regained your composure.
"Y/N L/N, top member of Tenjiku- here to beat your ass." You introduced your arrival, a smug grin tugging at your lips.
Mikey eyed your form carefully, almost as if he was looking at a small child.
"I don't fight girls."
Your eyebrow quirked at his claim, almost disappointed by his unwillingness to fight you.
"I may be a girl but I'm not that weak-" You defended.
"Weak or not, I still have morals." He cut you off.
You pouted lightly at his unbending attitude, finally deciding to make your move anyway.
"Well that's too bad, because- I have no problem fighting boys."
Mikey almost stumbled, startled by your quick movements as you raised your leg to kick his head- which he dodged immediately.
Unfortunately for him- you were well aware that he would dodge that, but it was a mere distraction so you could simultaneously punch his stomach, which landed perfectly, making the astounded male wince before he stepped back to gather his composure.
"You're really gonna fight me?" He asked you, his pleading eyes and warm tone almost begging you not to.
You hummed in response. "You're still an enemy to me. If you won't fight back it'll just make my job easier."
With that, you launched forward again, throwing swift kicks and punches at the blond who kept dodging your attacks, not bothered to return them.
You rolled your eyes at his persistence before throwing a punch at him that unexpectedly landed right in his face, leaving him clutching his now bloodied nose. You took the opportunity to trip him, making him land on his back with a harsh thump.
He stared at you wide eyed before you climbed onto his torso and began mercilessly bruising his face with the repetitive swing of your fists.
After a short while, you grew discouraged at his lack of will to fight back, simply taking the hits despite the easy weak points you left for him to attack you- so you halted your movement and gazed down at the man's wounded features in disappointment.
"You're seriously still not going to fight me?"
He returned your gaze with gentle eyes, showing his refusal to hurt you.
"Nope-" He popped weakly. "Nice thighs, by the way." A sly smirk pulled at his bruised lips.
Every hue of red on the colour wheel flashed on your cheeks at once- flustered by the flirtatious comment you failed to defend yourself from his swift response to your lowered guard- grabbing your shoulders with firm hands and flipping you over so he was now hovering over you.
"As I said, I don't fight girls." He repeated, His warm breath fanned your blushing face.
Cursing the butterflies swarming your stomach- that felt a little more like bees that stung you with a sharp, embarrassing pain- you gathered your sanity and pulled your knee up to hit Mikey right where it hurts- making him immediately groan at the impact, dread painting his expression as he rolled off you to lay on the concrete beside you.
"You're really killing my will to fight." You complained, slowly sitting up. Turning to look at Mikey, you noticed his gorgeous face was tainted with bruises and blood due to your violent attacks.
"Wow, You look terrible." You stifled a laugh.
"You think?" He sarcastically added.
Then realisation hit you like a truck speeding on the highway-
"Oh shit- I was only supposed to knock you out, not harm you. Kisaki's gonna kill me-" You rambled, head turning quickly to your previous spot on the container, the speed of your heartbeat slowing down at the relief that the two men were distracted in conversation with each other.
"Come on, before they see this." You rushed, bolting up to your feet and grabbing the injured president whom you now pulled along through the parking lot to the spot behind the containers where all the bikes were parked- the boy limping behind you due to the ache between his legs.
As you reached the spot, you leaned him against your maroon bike while rummaging through Hanma's stuff for the first aid kit.
Mikey squinted at you in confusion- only a moment ago you were beating him blue and purple and now you were treating his wounds?
He opened his mouth to speak but you immediately shushed him, dabbing the alcohol wipes to clean the scarlet off his skin- earning a pained hiss from the boy.
The two of you were silent while you patched up his wounds and he sat patiently like an obedient puppy, listening to every time you commanded him turn his head or be quiet.
"All done." You sighed, tucking the first aid kit back into the compartment of the bike.
"Sorry for beating you up so bad." You apologized, your cheeks tinted pink in embarrassment as you glanced at Mikey's now bandaged face.
Mikey chuckled at your sudden change in demeanor- from bold and confident, to shy and calm, in a matter of minutes.
"It's okay." He reassured.
"Though I'm disappointed that you wouldn't fight me, it's nice to see guys who still give woman basic respect." You leaned against Hanma's black bike, turning to the direction of the parking lot beyond the containers that shielded your gang's belongings. "I wonder if the fight ended yet."
Mikey's gaze followed yours. "Should we check?" He suggested. You hummed in agreement before standing up and walking to the parking lot, with the president following close behind you.
As you turned the corner of a container, you were met with the worried faces of Izana, Kisaki, and a tall man sporting the Toman uniform with blond hair pulled into a ponytail, revealing a black dragon tattooed on his skull.
"Mikey!" The man gasped at the sight of his president, immediately rushing to Mikey's side.
"Draken." Mikey smiled warmly at his companion.
Izana and Kisaki snapped their heads in your direction after processing the miserable appearance of your target, glaring daggers into you.
"You were just supposed knock him out- what the heck Y/N?" Kisaki grumbled at your sheepish grin.
"Well, I forgot. But he's okay now- see?" You assured the pair, gesturing to the bandages wrapped around the male's head and face.
Izana sighed at your foolishness, placing a hand to his forehead in exhaustion.
"Remind me why I made you the top member, Y/N." He sarcastically asked.
"Because clearly-" Your stuck your hands our further emphasizing Mikey's injuries. "- I'm good at fighting." You cheekily grinned.
"Though he wouldn't even fight me- why didn't you tell me he doesn't fight girls?" It was your turn to glare at Kisaki, who was undoubtedly aware of these details before.
"I thought you'd be an exception, since you're from Tenjiku." He claimed.
You scoffed at the man, grumbling curses and complains about a 'boring opponent'.
"Anyway-" Mikey cut you off. "Is the fight over?" He asked his fellow Toman member.
"Well, not really. Everyone got confused about where you went so the fight stopped for a while but I think they're back at it." Draken informed, earning a nod from Mikey.
"Let's continue the battle, shall we?" Izana smirked, turning his gaze to the President of Toman- and his supposed brother. "This time, Mikey, you're against me."
Mikey quirked his brow at the challenge, but nonetheless cracked his knuckles as a show of acceptance.
"It's on." He glared, his attitude now completely different from when you faced him.
The two men went off to duel, and you returned to your spot at the top of the container with Kisaki beside you, watching their battle with interest.
And so the fight went on.
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ballorawan740 · 3 years
SCP Scenarios: Yandere!SCP x Evil!Reader
Requested by: @Charlie_Sharlotte
Main Masterlist | SCP Scenarios Masterlist | My Works Masterlist | Rules | Request | Socials | My Original Post
So a little bit of context here:
Yes, I've done a Yandere!SCP x Reader before, but this one has a slight twist to it as requested by the user
The reader is just an ordinary human, just like my other post (you can get quick access HERE)
The only difference being how the Yandere!SCPs would react and the reader is evil
I'll be basing this off my other post, if you see something that's rather similar, that's why
SCP 073 (Cain)
When you first met Cain, neither of you had thought of much at first and just greeted each other as usual
Then, of course, you both became really good friends
Some would even say you both were inseparable as wherever they see with of you, the other would be close by
Not long after, you both just started dating which just happened
His yandere traits would gradually come through, but since it wasn't much different to his usual self, none of you would've noticed the change
Apart from you, of course, cus this man wouldn't let you be in harm's way and if you were, he would have to be with you the whole entire time
When Cain discovers that you work for another GOI, he was shocked and tried to -forcefully- make you stay loyal to the foundation which didn't work well
You stayed loyal to the Serpent's Hand and Cain warned the other members of the foundation
Not only did you find out about the news, but you were also very much aware of Cain's yandere tendencies in which you warned your team about this
The news that you were working with the Serpent's Hand got to the O5 council to which they kept a close eye on you
However, some would even call them bluff as you had made your way through the rankings in less than a year, displaying your intelligence and 'loyalty towards the foundation
As well as this, you were able to deceive most of the staff at the foundation, so you would be the last person anyone would suspect if there were an issue between the Foundation and the Serpent's Hand
Due to the love-hate relationship between both parties, the O5 Council had announced you as the 'bridge' between both the Foundation and the Serpent's Hand if either party were in need of help, within the reason of course
As for you and Cain, you tried to distance yourself but Cain's yandere tendencies forbid from that happening
And so you stayed, thinking that you could use him as a scapegoat
SCP 076 (Abel)
Abel gets slightly physical when he's a yandere
Like hella physical to the point he'd tie you up in his box and go on full rage mode if anyone tries to help save you or even question about your whereabouts
However, since you were one of the hostile type SCPs used by the Serpent's Hand, you knew that you could use Abel's yandere traits to your advantage
Since you weren't a yandere yourself, you would more often than not, find yourself trapped in his box
But since you had the ability to summon just about anything out of thin air, just like Abel, you were able to record and complete your tasks without being disturbed
Even though Abel knew that you were a hostile SCP, he was somehow oblivious to your abilities and your secret mission in the Foundation
The O5 council were concerned and intrigued that you were willing to be trapped inside his box and when asked, you kept silent
Abel would do anything to keep you by his side which was annoying if you had something to do, but you were a master manipulator so you were able to bribe him
As for the foundation staff, you could play off as not so hostile for now type SCP unless you were provoked, so most of the time, they'd just leave you in your containment room
During one of the containment breaches, Abel discovered that you were working for another GOI and attempted to question you about this but to no avail
As for the O5 council, they were able to get some information bout you from Abel, but it didn't help very much other than the fact you worked for a GOI
Neither the O5 council nor Abel knew which group you worked for and the council debated on whether to terminate you or not
They have come up with a conclusion to not terminate you for now as you were able to stop Abel from breaching the foundation
However, they had to keep a close eye on you both due to your activities with another GOI and may manipulate Abel into assisting you
SCP 999 (Tickle Monster)
This adorable little yandere orange blob here is the reason why most people in the foundation would suspect you as an enemy to the foundation
As in, either trying to destroy the world, working for another GOI or both, type of way
When 999's yandere traits kick in, he'd definitely be slightly possessive when he'd jealous but no more than that
999 would most definitely be oblivious to your evil traits until he sees it for himself, just like Abel
I feel that the foundation staff also wouldn't suspect a thing since you have that pure, innocent vibe
Since you give off those vibes, you tend to get away with thingy hella easily, sometimes it would go right under the noses of the O5 council, even though you're doing it right in front of them
I have high doubts that anyone would've caught you in the act of betraying the foundation or kidnapping the SCPs
And even if they did and was absolutely certain it was you, most of the others would call them delusional
There was that one time where 999 caught you with another SCP and got hella jealous but you were able to persuade him to stop ignoring you
The second time he caught you was when you were in the middle of releasing some Keter and Euclid class SCPs but wasn't able to stop you or warn the others in time
When the doctors found out, it was too late and you were with the Choas Insurgency
SCP 682 (Hard to Destroy Reptile)
This little sh- right here would literally threaten to kill everyone you've ever cared about right in front of you and he would do it again and again
Luckily, you were cunning and deceitful, some would even say that you come across as suave in what you're doing
And in this case, you would play along with 682 like a game and this giant MF wouldn't even know (cuz he do be thicc)
The foundation is well aware of 682 being such a yandere and it's not like they could do anything other than observe
However, what's even scarier is you being able to multitask in various fields, making you a perfect doctor/agent they have
You were also planning on releasing the SCPs just for your own gain and would even go as far as deceiving the other GOIs just for some helping hand and gathering some intel
Not only that, you have used 682 as your scapegoat many times since he was known for causing various breaches
During that time, you were able to free most SCPs with a little help and those agents would soon be declared missing or dead under mysterious circumstances
Nobody would ever suspect you since you put on such an innocent facade and portrayed yourself as just someone who did as they're told
SCP 049 (Plague Doctor)
As a yandere, 049 would most definitely be similar to 035 and tie you up as a punishment
Sometimes, he would even go as far as using his 'subordinates' to monitor you while you were being left alone in a room while he's doing something
Normally, 049 would avoid punishing you and would explain to you what you did wrong with a harsher tone as if to intimidate you
However, as time went by, you've learnt a lot from the doctor and was able to adapt to various situations just like him
Being an ordinary human being, you'd constantly have to avoid touching his hands with yours or if you ever remembered, you'd wear gloves in case 049 would hold yours out of nowhere
If there were any breaches, the first thing he'd do is to look for you and make sure that you're by his side constantly
Little did he know, you were the corporate behind the breach as you wanted to seek revenge on the foundation for taking your family away and killing them all
And of course, you've learnt from the best from those around you, especially 049
In your head, you planned to use 049 to your advantage like always, but instead of using him as a scapegoat, you were planning on getting him to go against the foundation's will and join you
However, a part of you also wanted to use him as a scapegoat since all he does is dote around you and be possessive af
SCP 035 (Possessive Mask)
This yandere right here is not only possessive but manipulative af  and if you didn't know any better, you would've been wrapped around his fingers
But you did know better, so like many other 'evil people, you used this at your advantage since you know that 035 is all over you
You were amazing at seducing both men and women, but mainly guys, hand to hand combat, hacking, weapon knowledge and even cross-dressing, but you'd much rather not do that and hide in the dark (you introverted shy mf)
From time to time, you were able to make 035 leave you as you had "behaved well and should be rewarded" as 035 puts it
During that time, you'd hack into the Foundation's most secretive files and grab all the information you needed in order to achieve whatever goals you intended to finish
Not even 035 or the Foundation knows about this and if they ever catch on about the hacking incident, they wouldn't even take a second thought that it was you (since you have such a pretty face and nobody would suspect a thing, you're welcome for the compliment)
Since you were reliable, independent and trustworthy in the Foundation's eyes and you were able to adapt to 035's persona and adopt it into your work, you'd occasionally be sent to the other GOIs as an undercover spy
Little did everyone know, you used every bit of tool and would even use your position as an undercover to blackmail and even spill out the secrets of your mission just to get to where you want anyone to be
The Foundation would never have guessed your goals and would consider this incident as a slip-up and allow you to continue if you were able to keep everything under control
Not only that but they were soon informed that wherever you go, an individual or a whole team of people from the GOIs, including the Foundation's, would go missing or dead
Nobody knows why and they wouldn't even dare to question your authority since you were so high up
SCP 096 (Shy Guy)
You were just one of the cleaners at the Foundation which so happened to bond well with 096 despite him being a yandere
096 as a yandere wasn't as bad as the others as he'll only go into depression or possessive mode, but even then, he was still handleable (IT'S CUZ HE HAS THAT MFING FACE THAT NO MOTHER COULD LOVE)
Anyways, I doubt that 096 would have enough intelligence to gather that you're evil for quite some time, but that doesn't mean that he's completely stupid
Moreso oblivious since he wouldn't believe anyone who says that you're working for another organisation and that you're just using him
When he went back to his cell, you came to check up on him and heard him crying, so you asked what happened
He told you all the 'lies' about you working for Chaos Insurgency and you quickly dismissed that with ease, knowing that 096 will only listen to you
You had informed your captain/team leader about the Foundation catching on and they made sure that you're still 'clean' and sent a couple of others to aid you
Once everyone got a hold of your plan, 096 quickly came out and snatched you, but not before killing all the agents
Basically, he's your personal bodyguard and servant who just happens to be depressed and slightly possessive
SCP 105 (Iris)
Oh dear oh dear oh dear
Iris is beyond possessive
She'll basically tie you up for days if she wanted to and you would have to try and outwit her since she has military training
Outwitting her would be hard since she's rather intelligent too
So what you did was to listen to her for quite some time in order to buy some time for your crew to sneak in and grab whatever they need before they flee
You made sure to be extra kind and sweet to our Iris here since she somehow managed to regain access to her camera
Your team was quickly notified so they proceeded with caution
Just because you managed to fool Iris doesn't mean you could fool the Foundation
As the Foundation proceed to warn Iris, you attempted to reassure her that it's not what it looks like, but she's not stupid at all
Depending on the situation, she might tie you up for days if not weeks and let you consume the tiniest amount of food and water
However, if you somehow managed to free yourself, defend yourself if she fighting you or outwit her, you would run back to your base to never be seen again
SCP 106 (Old Man)
An old yandere like 106 would make ordinary people think he's just old, crippled and possessive as well as perhaps a sugar daddy (Sorry, not)
Anyhow, aside from him being such a yandere, he wouldn't exactly notice you being evil and all unless it's explicitly shown in front of him and even then, he wouldn't believe it
The researchers, however, did manage to catch onto your evil side as you were midway through releasing various SCPs, including 682, 939 (FREE MY PET PLS), 049 and a couple of other well known Keter and Euclid class SCPs
They tried to arrest you and take you into full custody and interrogate you with the help of 105 and you found out soon that they both had a deal
The deal was that the researchers would get as much information out of you before disposing you to 106
You took advantage of this deal and managed to send a message to your team about it just to make sure that you're protected and someone would be sent to help you
Once you've done your mission in freeing certain SCPs, you were tasked to shut down or destroy the Foundation but failed
And not only that but your team were also caught in assisting you and breaking free the SCPs and were then killed on site
Since you were caught, your team leader sent down another dispatch to kill you and retrieve all the necessary information they needed
But since you didn't tell the Foundation everything you knew, they made an agreement with you by telling them everything you knew in exchange for your safety and you obliged
You also went to 106 and made him have a deal with both you and the researchers, but knowing the old man, you're more likely going to be killed by that SCP than by your team
Dr Simon Glass
This mf softie of a yandere right here would definitely know you're up to something
I mean, he's a psychologist, so of course, he'll get inside of your head before you would even blink twice
He wouldn't call you out just yet since he doesn't know the full extent of you working under someone or if you're working for yourself and using others to your own advantage
As for you, you knew that Simon wouldn't just let you go if he ever found out on what you're plotting and nor would he help bail you out just because you asked so nicely
So to avoid this problem, you asked your fellow subordinates from Dr Wondertainment to help cover for you
The MTFs caught on that there was newly discovered SCPs on their site and were quickly ordered to exterminated, neutralise or capture them for the safety of them and the others and to conduct further research
Little did they know, it was your little stunt to just get closer to Dr Glass and to use him in your plans
After many months of studying each and every SCPs and conducting a plan for your team, the researchers finally discovered that it was you behind all the mess with the help of Simon Glass
Realising that it is too dangerous for you to be working along in the Foundation, you fled,, leaving Simon Glass all alone and wanting to keep you in his room forever
Simon demanded a search party to find you but was denied
Since you've been caught already, you sent somebody else to do the work for you
And that assistant just so happens to look just like you (totally not your evil twin or anything)
Dr Jack Bright
Jack Bright had you locked up in a chamber below the Foundation when he had discovered you being the culprit behind the recent breaches and other related incidents
You were just as vicious and deadly as most of the best agents the Foundation ever has and staying in the Foundation had just turned you insane and just as sadistic
You enjoyed causing so much chaos, leaving all the innocent, cheery memories behind and new friends and family you've made along the way was long gone
Bright wasn't stupid, he may be goofy and somewhat chaotic at times, he'd been in the Foundation for longer than anyone (he'd also be earning more than the amount of money in your bank account)
He's definitely one of the most intelligent doctors and most definitely has access to most files and holds more secrets than any seniors in the Foundation
There's no doubt that he would find out about you and lock you up in no time
Knowing you, he's very much certain that you'll wreak havoc on the Foundation within a matter of hours for no apparent reason
The other staff would deem you as an SCP but Bright dismisses that and nobody has ever heard of you since
He tortured you for hours and its no wonder why you'd become so visibly and mentally insane
Dr Alto Clef
Clef was able to somehow find a way to unlock your secrets about you working with another GOI named Church of the Broken God
And despite having to work together with a handful of times, both GOIs remain enemies, so Alto would have to keep a close eye on you
On occasions, he would blackmail you, chain you up and inflict pain on you just to get some intel off from you
However, little did he know, you've learnt from the best liars and was able to conceal the truth from him
Clef may be good at finding information on a person and threaten others, but you were able to adapt as quick as the speed of light and was manipulative just like him
Unlike the others, Clef would most definitely snitch on you, but that's no surprise since you've done just that to him with the Church of the Broken God
Moreover, Clef didn't know that you were married to someone working for the very same GOI and was shocked once he found out
The Foundation found it difficult to track you and your spouse since you're both highly trained along with the data you've gathered on the foundation staff and SCPs
Dr Benjamin Kondraki
Benjamin Kodraki, another softer yandere, would have never known that you worked with the Deer College if it wasn't for his butterflies
He would give you the benefit of the doubt at first, but when you kept doing his questions and threats, he would give in and tell the O5 council
They would dismiss Kondraki at first, but once they've discovered a chain of unusual events happening at the Foundation, they knew it was much more than just a coincidence and took action
Kondraki aided them in finding you, but to no avail, except for one of your long term friends (you have friends?! what a shocker)
He had chained up your friend and they exposed your hideout spot which just so happened to be right underneath the Foundation
When he had found you, he forcefully dragged you up to his room and tied you up as you saw your friend's lifeless body beside you
You hated him because of his yandere tendencies and tried to break free
Luckily for you, the professors at the College managed to set you free, fleeing with you before Kondraki and the other members of the Foundation could do anything
Later on, Kondraki soon realised that you were in the Deer College just to gain additional knowledge and to retrieve some samples of the SCPs in the Foundation to conduct your own research and art collection
Not only that, you were exceptionally good at history and social science and Invocations and Summoning which was why you picked both subjects to study further with your creativity in the art department as your hobby
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b-yg0ld · 3 years
okok i have hcs (are they inspired from @teachiisan ? MAYBE SHH)
steve tripets
-older version steve is the innocent slightly dumb older brother of the three
-herobrine is the chaotic middle child
-the newer versions steve is the youngest and the most absolutely tired and done with the world and his brothers bullshit
youngest steve absolutely loves his two brothers but will not admit it as if it'd kill him
youngest constantly dragging older from trying to poke a goat and die
middle casually drinking stuff HE REALLY SHOULDN'T BE
oldest is absolutely terrified of the new mobs (aka the agro ones)
BUT absolutely LOVES the glow squid
oldest steve is dating alex
youngest constantly rolling eyes at the two
middle is just constantly teasin and poking at them till oldest is cherry red and alex is vvv pink
(Alex is definitely harder to embaress than older steve is)
also Herobrine is aroace and you cannot tell me otherwise
it took a bit longer for youngest to understand and oldest was like "huh, ok!" and kinda just forgot
youngest is bi but doesn't understand that not everyone is bi its choas
oldest steve is definitely straight as a rod for alex
alex is kinda just "eh *shrug*" thats all you'll get outta her
alex has pulled all three out of many near death scenarios while playing hardcore
also alex and middle have an ongoing prank war and neither youngest or oldest know when it started
basically the chaotic steve siblings trio and alex
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greyskyflowers · 3 years
One Piece: Modern AU with BDSM - Marco/Ace
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A modern AU where Ace is new to the big city and gets sucked into going to a munch with Luffy, who apparently has been spreading his wings while Ace was away and damn way to go Luffy.
Ace immediately gets absorbed into the Whitebeard crew who are all veteran kinksters and have a big hand in helping with events, munches, and educational sessions. Let's add Smoker in there too because you cannot look me in the eyes and tell me this man would not rock the kink scene. Plus Smoker and Ace? C'mon, that's always a good pairing/friendship.
They end up loving this guy, he's so eager to learn and they happily take him under their wing.
And Ace gets all kinds of experience and attends all kinds of events. He's got some of the best people available for play sessions and trying things and answering questions
So he figures out the things he likes and the things he doesn't.
Finds some steady play partners and places to scene.
And just flourishes. Turns out he does really well when he has an outlet like this.
Luffy is thrilled that Ace is so happy here and making so many new friends. He knows his brother is in good hands and doesn't feel bad when he goes off on his own to find his own group. And what an odd group they are but Ace has only heard good things and they all love Luffy so he's content.
And I just want Ace sitting with Marco and bombarding him with questions and scenarios, eyes bright and hands waving. Talking about the experience he has had in the past, Marco telling him gently that maybe his last partner wasn't a good guy and didn't treat Ace right after hearing about it.
Which Ace knows. He does.
Maybe he was actually the problem and not the other guy?
The choas of Marco immediately disagreeing and promising to teach Ace all the proper etiquette, safety, negotiations, and how to tell good partners from bad.
And somewhere between the coffee dates and late night munches
between hestitant fingers picking at rope and fire play
between trying things and liking things...
They fall in love.
Kinky love.
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*Also I just love the idea of Marco being like I'm too old for this shit when his family ask him to meet this new guy but like.. look at this fucking kid. How the hell is Marco suppose to turn him down when he's this fucking cute? Not to mention way too trusting. He's seen Teach eyeing him and absolutely fucking not.
Because the age gap and experience gap between these two should be explored more and in great detail. Please.
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leakylungs · 7 years
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vivalabelle · 3 years
I feel like causing mayhem today @nxxstybrat @mareethequeen @my-rosegold-soul (for when she comes back) may I put this in your head too cause it's ya'll fault. Ladies and Brats imagine this man 👇🏿
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Now imagine he's down stairs with his boys at the house and you want attention so you come down the stairs in this👇🏿
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He gives you this look
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And well I think ya'll can finish the scenario but I imagine you're very bratty maybe you tell the guys to deal you in their card game
Okay byeeeeeeee
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Oh gifs by @thedevilsmoonshine I believe 😊 choas by me for sure
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