#clark just spends the rest of the day wondering where the hell he's going to put this
bbbbbbbbatman · 1 year
Clark takes Bruce to a county fair and when he asks about the games Clark is just like "oh all the games are rigged so they're basically impossible to win" and ofc Bruce immediately takes that as a personal challenge and is determined to win this stupid fucking game and Clark is regretting bringing him as he sits to the side and watches as Bruce spends way too much money on a tacky carnival game. Eventually Bruce does win and gives the massive teddy bear prize to Clark and please just picture Clark walking around with a teddy bear almost as big as he is
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skylarmoon71 · 6 months
Lex Luthor (Smallville) - Short Story : Chapter 7
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Friday afternoons were made for getting all your grading done so you could enjoy a stress free weekend.
You'd planned to go to Central City to visit your uncle, but that idea was sort of in the air because you were still a bit worried about Lex. He told you that he needed a few more days with his project and you were a little worried that he wasn't taking proper breaks or getting rest.
The plan was to stop by his place tomorrow and drag him out of the mansion.
You just needed to get through this.
Also apparently get a lollipop for Clark because he looks like a kid deprived of candy. He's been sulking since he showed up at your place that evening.
"Why are you so mopey?"
"I just feel like you're replacing me. Plus I'll probably end up walking in on you two if I just decided to show up at your place without warning."
Your brows scrunch up as you try to listen, but also concentrate on the answers before you.
"What are you complaining about?"
"Lex's crush on you."
The statement caused you to create a long scratch on the paper.
You cursed when you realized and Clark now looks invested.
"W-What do you mean a crush, are you crazy!! Lex doesn't see me that way!!"
Your denial was a bit suspicious.
Any other person would have brushed it off, but your face was actually getting red.
Clark looked like he was assessing the situation.
"(Y/N) do you..have feelings for Lex?"
You really should have seen it coming.
Clark may be blind, but he's not stupid.
Except when it comes to his own life.
So that was a definite yes.
Clark sighed.
"You should tell Lex."
"Are you mad!"
"Trust me."
"Yeah, cause that has never bitten me in the butt before."
"That was one time and it wasn't my fault!!"
With the current topic, you knew you couldn't even think, much less work on the papers. You dropped the red pen with a frown.
"Because of you I have to give this kid an A+. If I give back this paper they might think I'm out to get them."
You slid it to the bottom of the stack, running a hand through your hair.
"Where the hell did this come from all of a sudden?"
"It's not that sudden. You've been spending all your time with Lex. You were probably planning to hang out with him this weekend."
You bite your lip guilty and Clark sent you an accusatory look.
"I knew it!!"
"Whatever!! When did you become such a clingy puppy?"
His face fell.
'I'm not clingy."
Then he persisted to look like an actual puppy that was just denied a pat on the head.
"He says, looking like a kicked puppy."
There was literally no winning.
You try your best not to think about it. Even when you do stop by Lex's place.
It's hard to pretend that you don't wonder what it would be like. To be with him. To watch him smile, because more often than not he's wearing that blank expression. Almost like he's guarding himself. 
Guarding his feelings.
You don't want to be just another person that he has to wear a mask around.
So you sort of take the coward's way out. In the event that you're wrong and he doesn't see you that way, at least this conversation would be something you can both laugh off.
"Clark thinks you have a thing for me."
Lex's shoulders became tense, and you're sitting there waiting for him to vehemently deny it, but he just looked stunned. Like you'd just found out something you shouldn't have.
He wanted to punch Clark at that moment because he distinctly remembered telling him not to say a word.
Despite yourself, you blushed, clearly caught off guard. This is what you were hoping for, but it's still a shock.
"Listen, this doesn't mean that we..that you have to.."
For the first time Lex was speechless. You were so used to being the one flustered. Yet Lex was the one losing his composure.
He looks away.
"I don't expect anything from you." He finally says.
Although those are his words, you feel the pulse of disappointment that streams from his body. It's become clear that he's been keeping this from you to maintain this newfound friendship.
"I care about you. I didn't want to sacrifice that. I want to have someone that I can trust who knows parts of me that no one else does. I enjoy your company and this friendship. Wanting anymore than that would be selfish. I've ruined too many relationships by being selfish. I wasn't about to lose this one."
Now that seems unavoidable.
"So you..have a crush on me?"
Lex huffs.
"You make it sound like we're high schoolers."
You have to admit that at this moment you feel like one. Your list of suitors is fairly small. You dated one guy back in high school and that was before you discovered your powers. The second you learned what you were capable of you sort of turned yourself off. More as a defense.
Yet...Lex knows everything and he still wants that chance. You know a lot of his indiscretions and you can say for a fact that you do have faith in him as a person. If anything, his past has made you respect what he's trying to become.
Lex's back is still turned, so you know he doesn't truly hear when you approach. You're hesitant. When you reach for him, you do your best to control your powers, because you don't want them to influence anything. You want to see, feel all that Lex is trying to convey naturally. He turns at the touch, clearly a bit startled at the lack of distance. Your eyes search for him, and when you touch his cheek, he's frozen in place. Everything is so easily displayed on his face and you can't help but wonder how you never noticed before. The pulse that releases from his body is so sudden that you gasp. Your hand drops to his shoulder and your knees buckle. Lex is quick to catch you.
"What's wrong!!"
He looks terrified at the prospect of you being hurt, and you can't seem to stop yourself. You lean up and kiss him. Lex is stunned for a moment, but the second your hands wrap around his neck, he pulls you back to your feet and flush to his body. He's holding on so tightly, like he's afraid this will all be a dream. His hand immediately finds purchase in your hair and you grip at his clothing.
This all feels like a fever, and illusion.
When you begin sliding his jacket off his shoulder, Lex pulls back.
"W-Wait we.."
He's breathing heavily.
You're still trying to collect yourself. When you do, he can see the way color rushes to your cheeks. It's frankly the cutest thing he's ever seen.
"L-Lex I'm sorry I don't know what-"
He shakes his head, still holding you close.
"It was my fault. You were reacting to me, weren't you?"
You swallow, licking your lips. Right now you should be focusing on his words, but his lips look so enticing.
He never thought that such a desperate look would have that effect on him.
"Do you really feel the same way or are you just..responding to me?"
Lex looks a bit unsure. Because more than anything he wants these feelings to be real. Looking at him, you understand. So you take a breath to settle your heart rate. To clear your mind. When you feel ready, you smile at him and press your palm over his heart.
"This is how I feel."
There's a distinct pink glow and Lex is the one who gasps, because what he feels in his chest is hard to explain. You've never truly used your abilities on him. Partly because of fear and the other due to uncertainty. He's not the only one who's been hiding his feelings.
It takes a few seconds, and the glow dissipates. You're smiling at him shyly and Lex takes your open palm, still a bit breathless.
There's no words he can use to describe how incredible that just felt. He squeezes your hand just a little, and you bite your lip, right before Lex leans in and claims it. You accept the kiss happily, smiling against his lips.
At this very moment, all you feel is content. 
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storyshark2005 · 10 months
Young Lex!
Thank you for the ask!! 💗I loved the idea of this fic, I wish I was actively working on it. But it's basically a Smallville AU, "Lex dies in 2008. Clark doesn't deal well. Flash forward to 2020 he finds a 15-yr old clone of Lex Luthor". So here's the opening scene!
May 2008 - Luthor Mansion Smallville, Ks
If you stayed on the roads, without cutting across Potter’s field, and then Sutton’s land, it was a two mile walk from the Kent Farm to the Luthor Mansion. Clark could make the run in less than a minute, and it was even faster to fly. But today, it would take him forty minutes. 
He could, and maybe should, have taken the truck. But the sun was high and hot in the bluebird sky, the field grass was tall (green stalks with rusty brown fingers), and the air was filled with the sounds of Petefish’s tractor planting his back field along Elk Creek. It would be soybeans, since last year he’d planted corn. All of this filled the quiet minutes of the walk, and Clark thought of his father, of riding around on the tractor in his lap; he thought of his old favorite calf Cookie, her silky brown nose and the giant fans of her eyelashes.  He thought of Lex. And then tried to push it away because in a few minutes, that would be all he could think about. The rest of the day was dedicated to slogging around the trenches of memory, dim and murky, and corrosively bitter.  The air rumbles and Clark ambles off to the side of the road where the gravel is banked up; the road is narrow so he’s practically standing in the ditch when the silver Jeep Compass slows, crunching to a stop.  “Can I give you a ride?”  Lucas Luthor (or, Clark’s not sure what name he’s going by these days) squints through the lowered window. He hasn’t changed much, but he does look older; hair softer and a bit thinner, no gel. He’s softer in the face, too, less wary around the eyes. Clark kicks gravel over the toe of his boot. “I was gonna walk.”   “I think Tess is already there. She’s probably waiting. She is. Clark can hear her, almost a mile away, speaking on her phone with a paper thin voice. Clark nods and goes around to the passenger door. The lock clicks over and he climbs in. The air conditioning is on low, and the car smells new. Probably a rental. “We just flew in last night. I left Amanda at the hotel, I figured... I dunno. I didn’t want to bring anybody. It didn’t seem right, I guess.” Clark nods, elbow propped in the open window as they crunch slowly along, not kicking up much dust. “Amanda’s my wife,” Lucas clarifies. Band of gold on his left hand, curled up under his temple. His right hand held the bottom of the wheel loosely, keeping the speedometer under forty; Clark wondered when that particular Luthorian impulse had evaporated, why it had stayed with Lex till the end, what it meant that it had. Probably nothing. “I dunno, it’s not like he’d care. It doesn’t...” It doesn’t matter. Clark stares out the window, at the first peek of the elm trees at the end of the drive.  “We talked a lot, the past few years, you know. Not so much this year, actually. But the past few, we’d talk every month. Sometimes every week. He did a lot for me. Helped me get on my feet, kept Dad’s people away. He kept trying to move me around, but then I met Amanda in Knoxville, and I told him, I don’t give a fuck what Dad thinks he can try. I found the girl I’m going to spend the rest of my life with, I’m staying here. He told me she must be a hell of a girl. Asked if she had a sister.” He grins over at Clark, looks away when Clark doesn't summon a smile back.  “Anyway. Thanks for coming today, Clark.” “It’s fine.” Clark has to clear his throat. He hasn’t talked a whole lot the past few days, except to his mother once, and Tess on the phone a couple of times; and then only barely, he’d mostly listened. “Just...want to get it over with.” “Right,” Lucas nods. “Yeah.” They turn into the driveway, and the elms stretch upward with the slow rise of the hill, the stony crown of the highest turret rising into view.  The past becomes present.
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pricetagofficial · 3 years
State Fair -CK
Warnings: Language, fluff, Clark is a dork, Bruce is a good brother
Word Count: 3.2K
Check out my pinned post if you want to be on my taglist!
A/N: Just like Sweet Tarts, whether Reader is adopted or biological is up for interpretation seeing as I never specified. Also, big thanks to Fish and Elle for reading this and helping me out!
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“This has to be your worst idea yet.”
“I agree because you are clearly going to back out.”
“I will not!”
“Sure, Clark.”
With a huff, Clark crossed his arms. “You’re insufferable.”
Bruce chuckled and waved his friend off. “Just go sit down, this will work I swear.”
Clark gave Bruce a look before taking his paddle and sat in his chair. This really was a stupid idea, what would happen when it didn’t work? He hated the idea of paying for a date, letting alone having Bruce pay for it so he could ensure he got one. But all the funds went to various charities, so that was a plus.
You peeked out of the curtain, and saw the crowd gathering in the auction room. Bruce had set up an auction where various socialites would be auctioned off for a single date to the highest bidder. Being a Wayne, let alone Bruce’s sister, you were a shoo-in for some really high bids.
Each person represented various charities, and you were assigned to various orphanages across Gotham. You thought it would be good to support other kids who were victims of losing their parents considering you lost yours along with Bruce that night.
Taking another peek into the crowd, you saw Alfred sitting there with Dick, who looked too excited for a thirteen-year-old kid to be at an auction. Dick caught your eye and waved happily at you, his eyes sparkling with amusement. You waved your fingers at him, earning a smile from Alfred who totally caught you peeking.
Next to Alfred was Clark, Bruce’s best friend, and fellow Justice League member. Feeling the heat rise in your cheeks, you quickly hid behind the curtain and closed your eyes. What the hell was Clark doing here?
“Y/N, you doing alright?”
Turning to look behind you, you saw Bruce standing there with his signature charismatic smile. He was being auctioned off for a date a well tonight,
“Why didn’t you tell me Clark was here?” you hissed.
“I didn’t know he was coming,” he shrugged. “Dick was excited to see him.”
“That’s because the kid looks up to him, figuratively and literally,” you argued.
Bruce watched you with a sly smile. “Besides, why is it such a big deal that Clark is here or not?”
“I-- oooh,” you growled. “You know exactly why, asshole.”
Letting out a chuckle, Bruce patted your shoulder. “Go get ready, we’re about to start.”
Giving him a glare, you went and found your seat and crossed your arms. Stupid Bruce and his stupid plans. You weren’t sure what he was hiding up his sleeve, but when you’re older brother was The Batman you learned to watch out for the tiny giveaways.
Bruce was planning something, and you were going to figure out what it was.
“Ladies and Gentlemen, Welcome to our annual Charity Auction! This year we are auctioning off a single date with some of Gotham’s most notable residents! The funds for this year will go to several charities predetermined by our wonderful participants! Now without further ado, let’s get on with the show!”
The announcer walked to the podium as the curtain rose to reveal a grand stage and all the participants off to the side hidden out of sight. Across the stage sat Bruce, leaning back in his seat as he talked with several friends of his.
“So, what did Bruce do to convince you to join this year?”
Looking to your right, you saw Kate was hovering over your shoulder.
“Last year, Dick was sick and Alfred was called away for a family matter.” You explained, Kate should remember why you weren’t at the auction last year. She helped come up with the cover story.
Batman and Robin had a rough time that night on patrol, thanks in no part to Scarecrow. Dick had gotten a large dose of his fear toxin, and Bruce was too injured to console him. Alfred had to make sure Bruce was alright before the next day, and left you with a hysterical Dick until the antidote kicked in.
You had decided to stay that night because Dick was plastered to your side, and Bruce understood completely. Surprisingly enough, during the auction, Clark had shown up and helped you take care of the little boy wonder, even going as far as falling asleep with Dick curled into his side.
Thinking back on the memory, you couldn’t help but smile. That was one of the first times you and Clark had any time alone together.
“And now for bachelorette number three, Y/N Wayne.”
Jerking your head up, you smiled and rose to your feet, and walked onto the stage. You must have spaced out the first two people during your trip down memory lane. Waving politely, you caught the eye of Clark who only smiled brightly at you.
Seeing his smile made you feel lighter than air.
“Miss Wayne represents the orphanage charities all across Gotham, hoping to restore the buildings and ensure a bright future for the children.”
Looking at the auctioneer, you gave him an impressed look. He was playing it up really well, not like he needed it to. You were a Wayne, and was guaranteed to rake in some serious money. You just hoped it would be enough.
“We’ll start the bidding at $500,000. Do I see $500,000?”
All at once, several paddles went up, including Clark’s. You couldn’t fight the confused look on your face, what the hell was he doing? That had to be almost five times the amount he made in a year working for the Daily Planet! So what the hell was he doing spending it all on a date with you?
You stood on the stage as the prices ranked higher and higher, Clark’s paddle not once lowering. The price was almost $2,000,000 and Clark was fighting off with another guy, all for a date with you. You would be feeling proud if you weren’t so concerned for Clark’s livelihood.
“$2.5 million? Do I see $2.5 million?”
Watching the crowd, you watched as the second guy gleaned at Clark and loosened his tie almost as if he was afraid of what would happen to him if he kept trying to outbid him. He lowered his paddle, and Clark just beamed.
“Sold for $2.5 million!”
Clark let out a sigh of relief, Dick looking at him with astonishment. “How’d you get all that money?”
Shrugging, he sent Dick a smile. “You’ll have to wait and see.”
Maybe, this wasn’t such a bad plan after all.
It took a few hours, but eventually, the auction ended and Clark was escorted out of the room with Alfred and Dick beside him.
“You know, this could be a dream come true for you.” Dick grinned. “How long did you have to bully B into giving you the money?”  
Looking down at the kid, Clark chuckled. Of course Dick figured it out, he was living with Batman after all. “Not long, he wanted to make sure his sister didn’t end up with some creep.”
Dick chuckled, adjusting his jacket. “Yeah, that sounds like him.”
The three of them waited for you and Bruce to show, ready to take you home for a well-deserved rest. The auction went off without a hitch, and it was all thanks to Bruce and the effort he put in.
Turning the corner, you and Bruce smiled seeing them. Nudging his shoulder, you looked up at him. “Are you going to tell me how Clark got $2.5 million?”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
Crossing your arms, you gave Bruce an unimpressed look. “Sure, but why do I feel like it has something to do with you?”
“You think everything has to do with me.”
“Do I need to bring up your nightly activities?”
Bruce didn’t get another word out before Dick came running up to you with his arms wide, diving in for a hug.
“Y/N! You did great up there! Sure beats last year right?” he chuckled.
Smiling at him, you ruffled his hair. “I don’t know kiddo, I actually enjoyed my time with you.”
“I agree, it was nice to relax for a night.”
Looking up, you saw Clark smiling down at you with his signature boy scout smile. You always loved the way his eyes crinkled when he smiled, and the little scrunch of his nose.
“You want to talk about relaxing? Where the hell did you get $2.5 mil?”
“Yeah, you were practically shooting lasers, Clark.” Dick chimed in.
Looking between you and Dick, Clark shrugged with a smile. “You’ll have to wait and see.”
You stood in the Batcave, by the zeta transport waiting quietly for Clark to show and pick you up. Bruce and Dick stood by your side to keep you company while you waited. Bruce was half-dressed in his Batman suit while Dick was nursing a cup of Earl Grey tea.
“What time did he say he would be here?” you asked, checking your watch again.
“Relax, Y/N.” Dick chuckled, “You know, if I didn’t know any better I would think that you have a thing for Superman.”
“Well, you do know better.” you huffed. It wasn’t the standing that bothered you, in all honestly it was the wait. What if Clark decided to cancel on you? Yeah, he already paid over $2 million for it but that didn’t mean he had to show up.
You shook the thoughts out of your head. Clark wasn’t that kind of guy, you knew he wasn’t. Clark Kent was one of the sweetest guys in the universe, there was no one else you would rather spend your night with than him.
Which brought up other thoughts. Bruce was instructed to not let you dress fancy at all, leaning you closer to casual jeans and a shirt as your attire. Whatever Clark was planning, you weren’t going to find out until he told you.
There was a bright flash and Clark stepped out of the zeta tube, wearing his normal apparel with his glasses propped up on his nose.
“Hey, you ready to go?”
You gave him a nod, grabbing your purse. “Born ready.”
Clark smiled and looked at you. He thought you looked perfect tonight and hoped you would enjoy the date he was taking you on.
“Be sure to have her home on time,” Dick scolded, grinning into his cup of tea. “And no funny business.”
Bruce looked down at him and nudged his shoulder ruffling his hair. “Isn’t that my job, chum?”
“Let’s be real here B, no one takes Batman seriously without Robin there to kick their face in.”
You couldn’t fight the giggles, covering your mouth to muffle them. Walking over, you squished Dick’s face and kissed his forehead. “Make sure you listen to Bruce and Alfred okay?”
Dick gave you a nod, hugging you tightly. “Have fun.”
Running your fingers through his hair, you kissed the top of his head before letting him go. Turning to Bruce, he pulled you tightly into a hug and kissed your cheek. “Be careful, we’re just one call away if you need us.”
“Bruce, I’m with Superman. I’ll be okay.”
Looking at Alfred you pointed at the two boys next to you. “Give me a call if none of them are listening, okay?”
Alfred smiled, “Of course Miss Y/N, now go have fun.”
Turning back to Clark, he offered you his arm before leading you back towards the zeta tube. “Don’t worry, she’ll be safe with me, and we’ll be back before midnight.”
Bruce nodded, waving you two goodbye as you disappeared into the blinding light. Coming out on the other side, you were greeted with the fresh air one wouldn’t normally get in Gotham. The scent of fresh crops, dirt, and manure filled the air as you opened your eyes to the setting sun of the Kansas skyline. It was a beautiful shade of orange with pinks and blues dusted across the sky, you never got sunsets like this back home either.
“Clark, it’s beautiful out here.” you smiled.
He watched you fondly, his eyes not leaving you for a second. “It really is.”
Turning to look at him, you felt the heat rise in your cheeks. Keeping a hold of your arm, Clark led you down the streets of Smallville towards a truck that was parked against the curb. Opening the door, Clark reached in and pulled out two plaid shirts, and handed one of them to you.
“Clark, what are we doing?” you laughed, sliding your arms into the flannel sleeves as he pulled on his own.
“You’ll have to wait and see,” he grinned. “Hop in.”
Giving Clark a look, you walked to the passenger seat and climbed into the truck. Starting it up, the air was filled with an old Randy Travis song effectively setting the mood for the drive. Leaning back in the seat, you looked out the window as Clark drove off, heading out of town limits.
With the window open, you felt the wind blow in your face and embraced the fresh air. Cornfields flew by as Clark drove down the highway, towards a large empty field. Off in the distance, you could see tall structures you made out to be a ferris wheel and various tents.
Keeping your concerns to yourself, you watched as he turned into the field and parked the truck. Turning it off, Clark quickly hopped out of it before you could even open the door. Walking around to your side, Clark quickly opened your door and held his hand out to you.
With a smile, you took it as he helped you out of the truck. “Shall we?”
“A state fair?” You laughed, hopping out of the vehicle.
Once on the ground, you noticed you were practically pressed against Clark’s chest and were forced to look up at him. You were so close, you could smell his body wash and felt his breath fan over your face.  
Clark smiled down at you, holding your hand tightly in his. Brushing his thumb over the back of your hand, he pulled it up and pressed a soft kiss to it. “I thought this would be a great place to take a city girl such as yourself.”
Trying to hide your embarrassment, you pushed the bridge of his glasses up too high and huffed. “Stop doing that,” you muttered and walked towards the entrance to the fair. Clark’s laughter could be heard from behind you as he jogged to catch up with your fast pace. Slipping his hand back into yours, he paid for tickets and led you into the fairgrounds.
Walking around, you couldn’t help but admire the things around you. Banners were hung everywhere, with signs pointing to all the attractions. There were rides, games, and food stands all over the place.
Gripping his hand, you pointed at a booth selling cotton candy and grinned excitedly. “Come on Clark!” You laughed and pulled him towards the stand and watched him order a large cotton candy for you to share.
Finding a spot on a nearby bench, you sat and pulled off pieces and stuck them into your mouth humming happily as they dissolved. You couldn’t remember the last time you went to a fair like this, and the feeling excited you.
Clark watched as you ate the sugary snack, his blue eyes shining in adoration. He loved the way your eyes lit up with every bite and the cute little hum you made when you tasted it.
“Now are you going to tell me where you got the money to buy our little date?”
“You’ll just make fun of me,”
“I make fun of you anyway,” you giggled.
Clark gave you a look before taking the piece of cotton candy out of your hand and ate it with a grin. “Now you’re just being mean,”
Nudging his shoulder, you looked up at him. “Did you forget who I have for an older brother?”
Stifling a laugh, Clark nodded and leaned closer smoothly wrapping his arm around your shoulder. “You’re right, being mean is a Wanye trait. I’d hate to see how mean an offspring of Bruce could be.”
Laughing along with him, you couldn’t help but agree. A biological offspring of Bruce would be a nightmare, you only hoped that the kid’s mother would be a calm and relaxed person.
“If you don’t tell me, I’ll just assume you got the money from Lex.”
Clark gave you an unimpressed look, “Now that’s not funny.”
“I find that I am quite funny,” you grinned.
Dropping his head in defeat, Clark huffed. “Bruce gave me the money,” he admitted. “He wanted to make sure his sister didn’t end up on a date with a creep.”
Taking another bite, you looked at him. “I’m going to assume there is more to this, you don’t go on a lot of dates Clark.”
If you had a dime for every time you saw Superman blush, you would only have five cents which isn’t a lot but it was worth it to see the man of steel blush.
Turning away, Clark bit his lip. How was he supposed to tell you he set this up with Bruce, so he could get a date with you? But he didn’t need to say anything, you watched his expression and the sudden uptick in his nervousness. You grew up with the world’s greatest detective, of course, you would notice when he was crushing hard on his best friend’s sister.
“You and Bruce set this up, didn’t you?” you asked.
Clark’s silence only confirmed it.
“Clark, you know all you had to do was ask,” you smiled, putting a hand on his shoulder. Clark turned to look at you. “I would have said yes.”
Adjusting his body, Clark turned to face you fully. Cupping your face in his hands, Clark pressed his lips to yours in a soft kiss.
Letting out a gasp, you wrapped your arms around his shoulders and pulled him closer. After a few moments, Clark pulled away and rubbed his nose against yours with a smile. “Maybe next time, I’ll just start with that.”
“Maybe you should, watch Bruce have an aneurysm.” you giggled.
Pecking your lips once more, Clark looked around and saw it was getting dark. “Come on, I have a special place to watch the fireworks.”
Rising from your bench, Clark threw your empty cotton candy stick in the trash and pulled you down the path towards a secluded area. “Hang on tight,” he grinned.
“Hang on to wha-- ah!”
Before you knew it, Clark had his arms wrapped around you before he flew into the air. Gripping onto him for dear life, you buried your face in his shirt afraid to look at the things around you.
“Y/N, open your eyes.” he chuckled.
Carefully peeking an eye open, you saw that both of you were hovering a good height above the ground and watched as the fireworks exploded in the distance with loud pops. Once you got comfortable, you leaned your head against his chest and held on tightly watching the fireworks timing them to the beat of his heart.
“It’s beautiful up here, Clark.” you smiled.
“Not as beautiful as you,”
Leaning up, you pressed your lips to his with the fireworks going off behind you.
Taglist: @bluejay-the-geek​ @niggxrette​ @subtleappreciation​ @catxsnow​ @river-bottom-nightmare​ @bikoncon​ @screennamealreadyused​ @woahjaybird​ @littleredwing89​ @offendedfishnoises​ @lostoctaviaaugusta​ @batarella​ @battlenix​ @alienstardust​
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joontier · 3 years
Subliminal in Scrubs | V2; report xiii
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pairings: dr. jeon jungkook x female reader
chapter rating: NC-17 | genre: humor, workplace relationships
warnings: swearing 
word count: 1.8k
g/n: decided on a bit of a filler for this one as a sort of prelude to future scenes 👀👀 ((likewise manifesting my plan to post another chapter this week))
[taglist]:  @nottodayjjk @ditttiii @zeharilisharaban @btsbunny07 @turquoiseandplaidinautumn @aamxxrii @codeinebelle @btsmakesmehappy @stargukkie @moonchild1​
Subliminal in Scrubs (the records) |  navi. | m.list
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Jungkook locks his apartment door behind him, jiggling the doorknob afterwards for ‘double security’ as one would usually call it. He grabs his backpack from the floor and places one of the straps on his shoulders and heads on his way. As he passes by two of his neighbors who live in the same floor, he nods at them, adding a brief hum in greeting. 
“Hey man!” One of the men, Jikwang (as what Jungkook believes this man’s name was), calls out just before Jungkook reaches the elevator. “There was this hot girl asking about you last night.” 
Jungkook raises a brow. He hadn’t really met anyone recently, besides that one cute law student who was looking for a new tenant - and eventually turned out to be your neighbor this whole time. She was cute and all, but she didn’t seem like the type that was ‘hot’ to these types of people. 
Jungkook racks his brain for anything, trying to remember the very few number of his one night stands.Surely,none of them would have gotten pregnant with protection on….surely? On top of that, he hadn’t really disclosed his address to a lot of people too, so there was no way someone would be looking for him, all the more a “hot” woman,as these two would claim. 
“Did she say what her name was?” 
The one beside Jikwang shakes his head, adjusting his beanie. He’d seen this dude a couple of times hanging around, but he never actually got his name.  “Nah bro, I don’t think you’re the commitment type of dude…” he comments, dark eyes looking at Jungkook from his head down to his toe. Who was this guy anyways and who was he to judge whether Jungkook was the type to enter a committed relationship or not? 
“She just...looked rich, rich. She had a driver... who helped her come down from a nice Benz.” 
Jungkook feels his heart drop to the ground. No way in hell. 
“I think her name was Hee something...Junghwa? I dunno man, I’m not good with names. But it sounds similar to that…” 
“Was it Junghee?” 
“Yeah I think that’s it…” bonnet-dude replies, tapping a finger against his chin as he approaches Jungkook. “You think maybe you can set me up? With you know…” 
Jikwang knocks the back of bonnet-man’s head. “I got dibs first, shithead. “If she’s not already yours though,” he adds, delivering a wink aimed at Jungkook. “Her friends will do.” 
Jungkook squints his eyes at the duo. “No. She’s my sister. And she doesn’t have any friends.” A chill courses through his spine as he replies, wondering how she managed to find out where he lived, and why would she even reach out? Why now, when she had so many years to do so? 
Beanie guy simply laughs at him - if it was even considered laughing, when he was practically splitting his sides with laughter - like the thought of having a sister was hilarious to him. “You’re real funny, man. There is no...way...in hell… that that lady was your sister.” 
Ah yes, this man is a health vice personified. Jungkook notes the discoloration of his teeth, the god-awful odor coming from his mouth, and they both reek of alcohol and drugs combined. From a safe distance, Jungkook watches their amusement over the subject that is his sister, thinking about why he even indulged these two in the first place. For all he knows, they might have been shitting on him the whole time. 
“Sorry man. I mean...she’s rich and hot… and you?” Jikwang shrugs his shoulders. 
‘And he?’ What about him? 
What the hell was that supposed to mean? 
Jungkook clicks his tongue silently, clearly taking full offense with Jikwang’s statement. Did they just imply he didn’t look rich and hot too? Well, compared to them though, they’ll obviously have way longer to go. 
Jungkook blinks before equally returning their level of disbelief. “For real, bro?” These men diss him, won’t believe he has a sister whose aura dwarfs his by a million percent, and now they want him to set up a date with her? He shakes his head. Only crooks like these would say insane shit like this. 
If only this wasn’t the cheapest and most convenient apartment he could find to accommodate his daily hustle, Jungkook would have moved out of this crap excuse of an apartment building a long time ago. 
“Keep dreaming man.” 
“Hey, this is what I get for selling you my bike for a good price?” Jikwang eyes Jungkook, taunting him. 
“I owe you nothing. I paid for it ages ago.” Jungkook turns on his heel, leaving the two in the crusty ass corridor of their apartment building. He needs to get a new place. Quickly. 
With a sigh, he pulls on his down jacket, keeping himself warm as he walks to the garage. 
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‘King Auto’ 
There’s a certain warmth that envelops Jungkook whenever he sees the garage, a place he’d rather call home than his terrible apartment building. It sits right at the corner of two busy streets, just six blocks away from his apartment. 
Funnily enough, it wasn’t him who first found out about the garage but the other way around. Well, technically, the owner did. Lee Dongmin, owner and manager of ‘King Auto’ repairs and restores almost all types of cars and bikes alike, occasionally servicing high-end cars on lucky days. 
Dongmin would usually see Jungkook pass by the garage in the morning on his way to the university or his part-time job.Well, being located at a busy street in the city of Seoul, there would normally be a lot of passersby but Dongmin knew these people either worked or lived around the area; Jungkook, however, always lingered when he walks past the garage. 
It had come to Dongmin’s knowledge a few months later that Jungkook purposefully used a longer route on his way, walking two extra blocks just so that he could pass by the garage. Dongmin hadn’t initially done anything about it, as he thought Jungkook simply took interest in cars - especially when the shop had its fair share of servicing cars from the western market. 
There was this particular day though one summer, that their paths would finally cross. Jungkook’s bike, the same bike he bought from sketchy Jikwang, broke down. Coincidentally just in front of King Auto too. Funnily enough, no one in the garage was familiar with fixing up bikes, but Jungkook simply asked if he could borrow a few tools and he’d fix his bike himself. 
Ultimately, Jungkook became part of the King Auto family. He’d spend his spare time in the garage when he’s not busy with his part-time jobs and on occasion, Jungkook gets to keep a tiny commission whenever he helps out with the repairs. 
Jungkook goes through the front door greeting the new receptionist, Clark, a good morning before heading straight to the garage. Jungkook spots a familiar shade of blue peeking through the scissor lifts, just by the end row. He practically dashes to the car in excitement, too thrilled to greet his favorite car he had worked on previously. 
“My baby!” The boy exclaims as he rests his chin on the Porsche Panamera’s roof. “Kook! Get your hands off that! I just had it cleaned!” gruffs Mansik from the other side of the car, flinging his towel at Jungkook who mumbles a sorry but continues to cradle the car, a little more gently this time. 
“If you continue doing that, you know a towel isn’t the only thing Mansik is going to throw at you.” Lee Dongmin’s voice is low, careful that the man he’s referring to won’t hear his words. “I’m glad he hasn’t resorted to tools yet...just a couple of smelly socks and a t-shirt that smells like it hasn’t been washed for months... “ 
“Fuckers.” True to Jungkook’s foreboding, Mansik does throw a sock ball from out of nowhere, one which barely misses Jungkook’s face. Dongmin simply shakes his head at his workers, who he has considered family at this point, Jungkook included. “I’m just glad none of that fell into my first coffee of the day.” Dongmin observes, drawing himself father from the Porsche and any flying objects later on. 
“By the way, the owner is actually here to pick up the car. I may or may not have mentioned your infatuation with it.” 
Jungkook almost instantly jumps to his feet, searching for the owner inside the garage, but disappointingly ending up with all the familiar faces at the garage. “Chill, kid. He just grabbed some coffee down the street,” Dongmin mentions as he takes a sip of his own. “Ah, speaking of the devil,” the latter states, nodding his head towards someone behind Jungkook. 
“Oh hey! Wasn’t expecting to see you here...Jungkook, right?” 
“Yes sir!” Jungkook’s pupils shake, animatedly looking back and forth between the garage owner and his upper-level resident. “So...you’re the one who owns this Porsche?” Seokjin raises his cup, adding a small nod in Jungkook’s direction. He internalizes his excitement, before confessing his love for Seokjin’s Panamera. 
“And so, Dongmin here mentioned. Also said you were the one who fixed her up. Thanks man!” 
Dongmin looks at the two of them, eyebrows creased in the middle. “You two know each other?” 
“Seokjin-sunbaenim is a senior of mine at Woocheon.” Seemingly shellshocked at the new piece of information, Dongmin turns to Seokjin, “You’re a doctor?” The owner of the Porsche rolls his eyes fondly, “Yes, Dongmin. We can have lives outside the hospital too, you know.” 
“Anyways, ‘Mera’s ready to go yeah?” 
“Of course. Kook fixed it up just fine.” 
“Alright. Got a shift today man? Need a ride to the hospital?” 
Jungkook is tempted to give in, but merely fixing Seokjin’s car is enough honor for him and he can’t take advantage of his generosity. “No thank you, sunbae. I’ve already got a ride to work today.” Jungkook points to his bike on the other side of the garage. 
Seokjin tuts his disbelief. “You’re kidding me right? In this weather?” The older doctor points outside, then rubs his palm against his down coat. “No way in hell, kid. Get in the car.” 
“Really?” Jungkook mumbles, dimple on display as his lips form a thin line. Seokjin makes a hum of approval as he takes off his jacket while Jungkook dashes back to where he’d left his backpack. “He’s a good kid, Jungkook. Can be a bit of a delinquent sometimes, but he’s good. Take care of him, yeah?” 
“Huh,” Seokjin smirks, “this handsome face got nothing he can’t handle.” Dongmin rolls his eyes this time, “Seriously doubt we’re the same age honestly.” 
Jungkook returns to where the Porsche is parked, and Seokjin gets a spur-of-the-moment idea. The surgical resident throws his keys to Jungkook before settling inside the passenger seat. Jungkook, surprised as ever, simply stands there in surprise. “Well?” Seokjin asks, ducking towards the dashboard so he could take a look at Jungkook, “We’re gonna be late!” 
© joontier 2021
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angelinasway · 3 years
Regaining Hope
Chapter Eight
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Pairing: Clark Kent/Buffy Summers Warnings/Triggers:Torture, Violence, Mention's of Major Character Death, Bad Language, Sexual Tension, Eventual Smut, Mentions of Sexual Assault Summary: Takes place during Man of Steel. When Buffy discovers the U.S Military trying to keep quiet about an object buried in a twenty thousand year old glacier, she immediately thinks the worst. However, when a surprise visit to the Canadian Arctic puts her in the path of a mysterious stranger her whole world is changed forever. Authors Notes: Thank you all so much for being so very supportive. You guys have been absolutely wonderful. Seriously I couldn't ask for a better group of readers. I need to warn you all that this chapter has quite the graphic and gruesome scene in it, so if that's not your thing I highly recommend skipping the part where Clark starts to watch the video. Some major questions answered here. Hope you all enjoy, and keep the reviews coming. Special thanks to my ever amazing beta Hipkarma. She always helps and inspires me. Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.
Previous Chapters: [Chapter One] [Chapter Two] [Chapter Three] [Chapter Four] [Chapter Five] [Chapter Six] [Chapter Seven]
[TTH] [AO3] [FFN]
Chapter Eight
 Dawn smirked as she saw the caller ID flash. So, Buffy had talked to Wes. That was good. She really didn’t want to have to break into the Watchers Council just because she was nosy and worried for her sister. Buffy hadn’t told her much when they talked yesterday, just that there was some sort of prophecy about her and this Clark guy, which just raised all sorts of red flags for her. Dawn had insisted on seeing a copy of the prophecy and her hackles raised even more when she found out how quiet Wes and Willow were trying to keep this. Looks like big sis came through however, and now it was time to give the man on the other line hell for keeping something this important from her.
 “Xand, honey, can you take Abby? Wes is on the phone and it’s time for her nap anyway.” Dawn said, reaching for the phone.
 “No!” Her one and a half your old screeched at the top of her lungs, making Dawn cringe. When they coined the phrase, ‘children are your parents secret revenge,’ they weren’t lying. Abigail was just like her too, even in looks.
 Xander came out of their shared office, a crooked and amused smile on his lips. “You should know by now not to say that word in front of her,” He said, kissing Dawn on the forehead before reaching out and swooping up their toddler. “Come on Abby,” he said as Dawn answered her call. “Daddy will read you your favorite story.”
 “Try to get Joyce down too,” She added, before saying into the phone, “Hello Wes, so good of you to finally call me.”
 She heard the groan on the other end of the line and smiled. “How much do you know?”
 “That there’s a prophecy about my sister and some uber-powerful guy she’s been spending time with, on your instruction I might add.” Dawn said in a mockingly sweet voice.
 She heard him sigh. “Yes, that is all true. Look Dawn, I’m going to send you a copy of the prophecy through your secure fax now. We’ve been able to translate some of it, but there are certain areas where…I don’t think the language is of this world. It’s nothing like we’ve ever seen in any human or demon writings before.”
 Dawn got up and walked into the office, a frown on her face. “You mean like interdimensional, there’s gotta be a reference somewhere Wes.”
 There was silence over the line and for a second and she thought Wes had hung up. She’d just opened her mouth to see if he was still there, when he finally said, “No Dawn, that’s not what I meant at all.”
 Her frown deepened as the first page spat out of the machine. She slid it off the rack and looked at the prophecy. There were several different languages written on the copy, Etruscan, Ancient Sumerian, Ancient Greek, and Latin. At the top were strange symbols unlike anything she’d ever seen before, almost flowing together like cursive. The next page that came out was Wesley and Willow’s translation of that page. She bit her lip, walking over to her desk and went to work making sure what they had translated so far was correct.
 “So,” she began casually, “what I’m getting from the first page is that this guy is much farther from home than just another dimension.” She paused, huffing in annoyance as she snootily added,” It was Sun God by the way, not Star God.” She sighed. “Who are you using anyway, Basile?”
 “Vonten,” He answered and Dawn rolled her eyes. Of course, he was using that moron’s guide.
 “Vonten is an arrogant prick Wes, that book confuses people more than it helps. Burn it, it’s better as kindling. Bachman is the best at Etruscan and Ancient Sumerian, and you already know Ancient Greek and Latin enough not to need a reference.” She said, before frowning as she came to the part about the soulbond. “Wes, what the hell is a soulbond, and why is this referencing my sister and Mr. E.T. having one?”
 As Wesley began to explain what they knew so far, Dawn's face began to pale. Oh, this was not of the good. Buffy was gonna wig to the nth degree when she found out.
 "Does she know any of this?" Dawn asked, turning around and grabbing more of the pages that were still spitting out of her printer.
 "She knows about the bond. I told her this morning." He answered.
 "And what, you’re waiting until she gets pregnant before you tell her the rest?" Dawn asked angrily. "You know this is gonna freak her out..."
 "Which is why I decided not to tell her." Wes interrupted.
 "If you'd let me finish," Dawn snapped, slamming her hand on the desk. "I was going to say this is gonna freak her out, but it would be better if you tell her now." She huffed in frustration. "This just proves how little you guys know my sister. She absolutely will freak and she'll probably fight it at first. Just the idea of her own children having to live the life she has, is not gonna be a happy, joyous moment for her. She's already worried that Joyce or Abby, or maybe even both will be called one day.” Dawn said, before emphasizing her next words, "However, my sister is not stupid, and when push comes to shove, she'll make the right decision like she always does. I get that you’re worried about the Slayer line Wes, we all are, but keeping this from her is not the right way to go about it.”
 She heard Wes’s sigh, “I realize that Dawn, but with the bond itself needing to be fulfilled, I thought that was more than enough for both of them to handle at this time.”
 Dawn looked at the pages covered in the strange flowing script, similar to the symbols on the first page. Wes was right, it was a language. "We need to find a way to translate this. Do you think this is Clark's language from his home world?"
The line was silent for a moment, before he said in annoyance, “Yes, that’s what I meant when I said I don’t think the language is of this world.”
 “Do you think Clark knows how to read it?” Dawn asked.
 A sigh came over the line, “I honestly don’t know. I believe he just discovered where he came from, so I don’t see how he could.” He paused in thought and then murmured to himself, “But even if he can’t, perhaps the ship has a historical archive or maybe there is some form of AI technology that could translate it for us.”
 Dawn frowned, “What ship?”
 As Wesley explained how Buffy and Clark met and the danger Buffy had recklessly put herself in, Dawn found her ire sparking at Buffy’s stupidity. “I’m gonna kill her!” Dawn growled. “She hasn’t done something that reckless since Joyce was born. God fucking dammit, she promised me!”
 Wesley sighed. “In her defense, it could have very well been her fate that made her act so rashly.” He paused before saying, “In any case, Clark was there and according to Buffy, he saved her and watched over her after she went into a healing sleep.”
 Dawn was quiet as she processed that information. So, she didn’t die, which meant Buffy actively tried to stop it from happening. That was good, she was still getting smacked when Dawn saw her, but at least she hadn’t completely broken her promise from three and a half years ago. It was also good to see that this godlike Champion the prophecy spoke of wasn’t just a creature with a penchant for destruction playing at being a white hat because of a curse. That was a nice change.
 “What else do you know about him?” Dawn asked. “I’m assuming you started trying to find him as soon as you started translating this.”
 “Well,” Wesley began, “We first caught wind of a possible candidate about a year ago. We’d been monitoring airwave chatter for possible beings with superhuman strength when we caught a lead. A distress call came in about an oil rig off the coast of Canada in flames and about to explode. In that communication there was talk of a man rescuing the crew members aboard the rig and preventing the tower from collapsing on the rescue helicopter with his bare hands.” He paused for a moment, before saying. “We managed to find a few other incidents of him saving people, one that happened when he was thirteen. According to the incident report, his school bus went off a bridge and into the river. Three witnesses stated that a young Clark Kent managed to push the bus out of the water and rescue his classmate.”
 Dawn whistled, “So this guy really is the real deal white knight, huh?”
 “It would appear so.” He sighed.
 “Wes we’re gonna need to access that ship.” Dawn said, looking over a small section of Sumerian that talked about a trial of choice. The rest of the page was in the alien script however, so any clue as to what that meant was beyond her.
 “I know,” Wesley agreed.
 “Which means, we’re gonna have to tell Buffy and Clark everything.” Dawn reiterated.
 She heard Wesley groan, but he conceded nonetheless. “Alright fine, Willow needs to bring them some pendants to stave off the worst of the compulsion the bond is creating. I’ll have her stop by and get you on her way, unless you want me to tell Buffy myself, that is.”
 Dawn shook her head, “No, no. I think it will be safer for everyone if I’m the one to do it.” Then she bit her lip in thought, “And don’t bother with Willow, just call me when she gets back. I think I need to do this one on my own.”
 “Very well,” Wes agreed. “Willow should be finished within the next few hours. I’ll call you as soon as I know she’s returned.”
 “Alright, in the meantime I’m gonna go over this and make sure all the parts I can read are translated correctly.” Dawn said, adding, "Talk in a few," before hanging up.
 She sighed, rubbing her fingers along her forehead. "Well fuck," she muttered to herself.
 "Everything alright?" Xander asked, coming into the office. 
 "No, not really," she answered handing him the translated first page of the prophecy.
 She watched his eye scan the words before he blew out a breath. "So, this guys an alien?"
 "Looks like." She answered.
 Xander snorted, "Man the Buffster really knows how to pick 'em, doesn't she?"
 Dawn mock glared, before she couldn't contain her amusement at the absurdity of the situation. "Well, you know Buffy. She doesn't do anything by halves."
 As Clark followed Buffy down the hallway, his thoughts were a jumbled mess. He knew she had been trying to reassure him, but her words only had the opposite effect. Were they only feeling any of what they were because of the prophecy and furthermore, given the choice, would she even choose him? She had basically confessed to falling in love with her best friend. The history they had both shared, as disturbing as it was, was an important one to her. She had cared very deeply for this man. How could he ever live up to the memory of a man who had essentially changed a piece of himself for her? Part of him wanted to erase Spike’s memory from her mind, to do whatever he could to drive this man, this demon from her past and another part of him just felt wholly lost. He didn’t want to be anyone’s second best and he certainly didn’t want her to want him only because some guy thousands of years ago decided they were destined. God, he wished his dad was still alive. This would definitely be the type of thing his dad could help him through.
 She stopped at a large set of double doors and turned, catching his expression before he had time to school it into a much more neutral one. She blinked in surprise, "Clark...what’s wrong?"
 He shook his head, “It’s nothing Buffy.”
 Her frown deepened, “Oh no, you definitely have something face. Talk to me. I promise whatever it is, I’ll try to understand.”
 Clark shifted uncomfortably, before finally admitting, “I’m just feeling a little unsure about all this.”
 Her eyes widened slightly, “Because of Spike?”
 Clark sighed, “Well I mean think about it Buffy. You basically told me that you fell in love with your best friend and were willing to marry him for eternity, but the only reason you didn’t is because you were too scared. Would you even look twice at me if he was here now? Are the feelings I’m having for you even real, or is this just destiny trying to force us together?”
 Realization flooded her expression, and she quickly shook her head. “I can’t speak for what-ifs, because I would be lying if I answered that either way…” She swallowed, “As for how you’re feeling, I’ve been under love spells before and granted you usually don’t know you’re under one when you are, but if the feeling’s part was being fabricated, we…we wouldn’t be able to fight this like we are. We would have probably already slept together.” She blushed, looking down. “Fabricated feelings they’re false obviously, but they’re very strong…strong enough to make people dangerous. If what we were feeling was a manifestation, you wouldn’t have these doubts Clark, you wouldn’t even realize there was doubts to be had.” She met his eyes then, her expression serious and stoic. “And as for the fear part, I didn’t want to get into it because…” She sighed again. “You remember how I told you that Angelus showed up right when I was starting to get my life back together?”
 Clark nodded, “I remember.”
 “Well, what I didn’t say is that I was planning on retiring.” She rolled her eyes, “I had this grand plan of going back to school and getting a degree in Art History and moving to Hawaii to open a gallery.” She shook her head, “It was stupid, I know.”
 He immediately shook his head, “That doesn’t sound stupid at all.”  
 Buffy blushed. “I just mean it was stupid that I ever thought it could happen.” She shook her head, “Anyway, I started training a girl named Rayanne when we were first getting the new Watchers Council on its feet. She was bright, witty, resourceful and she already had the makings of someone who could be an excellent leader.” She looked at her feet, her hands clenching. “Me and Giles had agreed, in three-years-time, when Ray was eighteen, she would step in and fill my shoes. Faith didn’t want the position and the only other possible candidate that actually did, I flat out refused due to her inability to get along with just about anyone but Willow. I mentored Ray for over a year and she became…well, like a little sister to me. After the whole General Voll fiasco, I was ready to promote her to Senior Slayer status. She had been on it more than any other girl at the compound, helpful and demanding when need be. She’d fought through a horde of zombies and we came out of it with zero losses. The attack was completely unexpected and if she hadn’t been there, I don’t know what I would have done.” She met his eyes, “I was so proud of her.” Buffy sighed, “A few months later is when the first girl, Alicia went missing, and by the time Ray disappeared, there were already six that seemed to have just dropped off the planet.” She swallowed, “Angelus revealed himself and killed Giles a few weeks later, and almost three weeks after is when we found Alicia. She was the first and youngest to go missing and she was the first he dropped on our doorstep.” Buffy shook her head squeezing her eyes shut, “I knew what he was doing to Rayanne then, and that she would probably get the worst of it because of her association with me. Alicia was just a taste of what Angelus was capable of.” She opened her eyes, meeting his. “I wanted to have Spike claim me so we would be strong enough to save her and the rest of them, and I was scared because I knew I’d be asking for the wrong reasons. I was afraid Spike would know it too and I would only hurt him by asking. Does that make sense?”
 It was Clark’s turn to avert his eyes. “Yes,” he said quietly.
 She pulled out her phone and began to scroll through it, “Well just in case you have any doubts…” She swallowed, “I don’t even know why I kept this. Angelus loved tormenting me and we didn’t know it at the time but there were several Watchers from the old regime who were very unhappy with the way we were running things. Some of them made deals with Angelus, gave out my email and phone number and my location.” She looked at him, her lips pursed in anger. “One of them would even take video or pictures, documenting my pain for him when he couldn’t be there hiding in the shadows to see it.” She handed him her phone, “I’ve never watched this one, it’s the morning I found Rayanne, he saved her for last. I don’t need to see it, I lived it.” She nodded at her phone, “When he sent it, I didn’t even open it. I just dropped it in an archive and it’s been there ever since.” She shook her head, “I highly recommend only opening the third video file, the one that says, ‘Are you broken yet?’ She met his eyes then, “The first two will be what he did to her. So, unless you feel like throwing up, I would skip those.” She gestured with her chin at the double doors. “I’ll be in there beating on a bag, meet me when you’re done.”
 She turned without another word and went through the double doors not looking back. Clark looked down at the phone swallowing heavily, before opening the file. The video began with the image of the front of a house, not unlike the one they were in now, except there was a large tree in front and something very obviously dangling from it. It looked to be sometime in the middle of the night or perhaps early morning, but he couldn't tell either way due to the lights on the house illuminating everything.
 The person carrying the camera ran towards the house and a refined British voice in distress yelled, "Ms. Summers, come quickly. I think it may be Miss Stevenson."
 The front door flew open and there she was, except she looked nothing like she did now, her eyes were wild, feral even, and she was so pale and sucked up. She looked hollow, worn-down, nothing like the girl he’d spent the last couple of days getting to know. The scream that tore from her lips and the look on her face when she saw what was hanging from the tree, tore through him like a tidal wave of emotion. Clark felt himself growing angry at the Watcher, who was obviously playing both sides. Another man with bleached hair and nothing on but a pair of black jeans came flying through the door next, his eyes wild and worried. 
 The camera panned and followed Buffy as she ran out to the tree, falling to her knees and screaming again. Clark saw what was in the tree then and his stomach almost rebelled right then and there. It was a young girl, no older than sixteen and the only skin left on her body was on her beautiful face and near her pelvic region. The girl’s expression was frozen in a horrified scream that no one who cared ever had the chance to hear. A large white sheet wrapped itself tightly around the girl’s wrists and tied over the lowest branch, the excess linen draping behind the dead girl as some sort of sick backdrop silhouette for the body hanging lifelessly from the tree. There was hardly any blood to speak of, just a pinkish residue from where the body had touched the clean white linen, which told Clark she had been dead for more than a few hours. It wouldn’t be visible to a human through the recording, but because of his enhanced vision Clark could even see puncture wounds in places and deep gashes from where the girl had been restrained.
 The blond man came into the picture then and the Watcher came towards them, circling around so he could see Buffy’s expression, or at least that’s what he assumed the person with the camera was doing. Buffy's mouth was open in silent gulping sobs, giant tears dripping down her cheeks.
 “Love,” The blond man whispered in an apparent British accent not nearly as refined as the Watchers Clark had heard so far. The man fell to his knees behind her looking up at the tree. He shuddered as tears sprang to his electric blue eyes. “Don’t look Buffy…please kitten, please go back in the house.”
 The man placed his hand on her shoulder, and Buffy turned at the gesture and Clark could no longer see her face as she flung herself into the man’s arms and began to sob harder. “It’s Ray,” she howled. “Oh god, it’s Ray.”
 “Shh,” The blond man hushed, rubbing hands along her back in a comforting gesture. “I know,” He choked. “I know, love.”
 “We…we can’t leave her like that.” She sobbed. “I-I have to get her down.”
 Clark watched the blond man close his eyes and shake his head, “I’ll do it. Go back in the house, please Slayer.”
 “No,” Buffy shook her head as Clark caught the silhouette of another man flying from the house and over to them. The sound of retching could be heard, and it took Clark a second to realize the sound came from whomever had just come from the house and seen the body. “It has to be me. Don’t you see, don’t you get it? I knew,” she sobbed. “I knew what he was doing to her and I didn’t do anything.”
 “Oh, sweet girl, you’ve been trying to find her. We all have. This isn’t your fault.” The man choked.
 “It’s not good enough,” She screamed, shoving away from him and falling on her rear, “And it is my fault, all of it! They were called because of me, because I was too chicken shit to just except the power that was offered to me!”
 A sob broke from her lips, and she turned looking directly at the cameraman a sudden realization dawning in her hollow eyes. “You!” She snarled, her eyes flashing. “It’s you, isn’t it?” She started marching towards the cameraman.
 “Ms.…Ms. Summers,” Whomever was holding the camera stuttered and then she was there, a well-aimed kick flying towards the camera before Clark saw sky for a few seconds.
 “I’ll kill you, you son of a bitch!” She screamed suddenly hovering over the man, the wild fury in her eyes telling Clark that she had every intention of killing this man, and part of Clark couldn’t agree more. “No one else but an Angelus minion would have called me out here for Rayanne! Everyone else would know better!”
 Clark watched as she threw a punch, the sickening sound of cartilage breaking ringing through the speaker as the guy howled in pain. The way her arms were angled next and the gurgling sound through the phone told him she was choking the man before three sets of arms suddenly grabbed her, pulling her off. Clark could hear the man wheeze as he tried to catch his breath while Buffy screamed and fought the three people who had pulled her away. Faith was one of them, and then the blond man, which Clark was pretty sure by now was Spike, and another man, tall, brunet, with an eyepatch. He saw Willow in the distance coming towards them and when she reached them, she touched Buffy’s shoulder before she could react and muttered a few words that sounded like Latin. Buffy suddenly collapsed and Clark realized Willow had put her to sleep. All eyes then turned towards the cameraman.
 “Get her in the house, Xander.” Spike growled.
 “Uh, Spike–” Xander started to say when Spike turned on him.
 “Get her in the bloody fucking house, now!” He snarled, a sound like grinding bone emanating from the man as his voice altered to something more sinister. “I’m not going to kill him.” He said turning back towards the camera as two glowing amber eyes stared at Clark.
 “Speak for yourself,” Faith said marching towards the man. “I’ve been getting those fucking emails too.”
 “So have I,” Willow said, her eyes black as she stared the camera down.
 “We won’t have to kill him,” Spike clarified as he fell in step with Faith. “Angelus will do that for us.”
 “How you figure?” Faith asked, her eyes just as enraged as Buffy’s had been.
 Spike suddenly sprung forward, his arm reaching out and a ripping sound emanated as the man screamed. His hand came back with what looked like a wad of hair. “This enough Red?”
 “Plenty,” Willow said, sudden realization dawning in her black eyes.
 “Now,” Spike said, a sinister grin stretching his fanged mouth, to the whimpering man. “The way I figure it, you got three options. The first being, you can go back to Angelus and give him this tape, at which point he finds out we now have a way to track you, and oh trust me Marcus, he will most definitely kill you for that.” Clark heard the man begin to sob, and part of him wanted to turn off the video at that point but couldn’t look away at the furious amber eyes that stared back at the camera. “Option number two, you can destroy the tape and run, which if we’re being honest would be the preferable of the three, but I’m sure you are well aware of the kind of wrath he would bring down on you if he didn’t get to see his almost masterpiece complete, so I’m sure you won’t.” Spike’s hand suddenly flew forward and the man screamed in pain, “Or option three,” He growled, “Where you run like a coward and keep the tape for leverage, hoping that your usefulness hasn’t run its course.”
 He suddenly had the camera in his hands, staring directly into the screen his eyes burning into the lens. “Looks like your mole got ousted. This is your last one, Angelus. We’re coming for you and when we’re done there won’t be anything left.” The screen suddenly went black as the video cut off.
 Clark let out a trembling breath looking around him and realizing he had slid to the floor at some point, his heart pounding in his chest. God, he didn’t know, he didn’t understand until that moment. That poor girl, no wonder Buffy was desperate. How many girls did she find like that before this one was left for her? How many videos did she force herself to endure before this one was sent, even Faith and Willow had said this wasn’t the first one? Clark squeezed his eyes shut, she had told him, so had Gunn but to see it. She was driven half-crazy by what that vampire had done and he could not blame her for that. What would he do if it was his mother in that position? God, he could only imagine.
 He shakily got to his feet, listening as he heard the sound of a fist hitting leather, he walked to the doors and threw them open, not stopping when she paused to look at him. He had to reassure himself that she was okay, that she wasn’t that angry creature that he saw in the video. He went straight to her, his arms coming around her in a crushing embrace before his lips met hers. God, she was so strong, he didn’t realize how much until that moment. Buffy immediately melted into him, her lips parting for him as he slid his tongue into her mouth. She was such a small woman, everything about her was deceptively tiny, except her strength and fortitude both physically and emotionally. To go through what she had and still be able to function on a normal level was just short of a miracle.
 He pulled away and looked down into her green eyes, haunted by her past but not dead and hateful like in the video. He bent down and laid his forehead against hers and closed his eyes. “I…” He started, “I didn’t…I’m so sorry Buffy.” He whispered, and he could still feel himself trembling. “I didn’t… You hear words like torture, rape, and murder but–”
 “They’re not real until you see it for yourself.” She finished in understanding.
 Clark sighed, hugging her closely, her head resting against his chest. “I get it now, not…but I understand how desperate you must have been to try and save the girls from that.”
 He heard her sniffle, “I didn’t know what else to do. I watched all the others you know, even…even what he did to them. It was my fault, you see; those girls lost their lives because they had a connection to me.” She shook her head, “If they hadn’t been called, they would still be alive today.”
 Clark pulled away and used his hand to raise her chin so he could see her eyes, “You blame yourself for every one of them that dies no matter how it happens, don’t you?”
 She closed her eyes a shuddering breath hissing through her lips, before she opened them, meeting his gaze head on. “How can I not?”
 He sighed, hugging her close again and shook his head. He had no response to that; he didn’t think she should. He didn’t think it was healthy, but he didn’t want to get in an argument about it with her right now either.
 They stayed like that for a little while before she whispered, “You’re shaking.”
 Clark nodded. “I know, the video…I’m still upset.”
 She pulled away, meeting his eyes again. “Do you want me to show you how to throw a punch properly? The heavy bags have been warded well, we can start there.” She looked down, “It will…it will help relieve some of what you’re feeling at least.”
 “Yeah,” He nodded in agreement. “Yeah, okay.”
 To say Clark was a fast learner when it came to training would have been the understatement of the year. He was an absolute natural. He moved with precision and grace, sometimes striking so fast she almost didn't see him move. 
 As of now she was simply holding the bag for him as he got comfortable with the rhythm of landing punches and even with the wards on the bag, she could feel the impact of his strikes. At this rate she would need her suit within a few days to let him get the feel of fighting a moving target. At some point she might even bring him back to Cleveland to put him up against multiple fighters and see how he did.
 "Remember to move your feet,” She reminded. "A moving target is harder to hit."
 He nodded, bounced on the balls of his feet and struck, the impact of the punch making her bones rattle. "Whoa, nice one Clark." She laughed, "Felt that one in my toes."
 He grinned, striking the bag again harder. "You were right," he said casually in between punches. "This does help."
 She grinned, "Nothing like getting your aggression out with a bit of violence." And then she blushed, smirking, "Well almost nothing." 
 He chuckled as he threw a few more punches in quick succession, his own smirk forming on his lips. He had a mischievous look in his eyes and had just opened his mouth to comment when Buffy’s phone rang.
 Buffy sighed, releasing the bag. "That will either be Wes or Willow."
 It was now around three in the afternoon; Clark had told her he had to pick his mom up at six and it was an hour drive to Smallville from where they were. So, she was grateful that they were going to be able to get this taken care of before meeting his mom.
 Buffy walked over to her phone and answered. "Hey Wes," she said in greeting. "What's the haps?"
 He was silent for a moment and she could almost hear him roll his eyes at her butchering of the English language. "Willow," He began, "should be there shortly. Dawn would also like to see you. I told her I would call her once Willow was done securing the pendants."
 Buffy frowned, “What? Why?”
 “Dawn and I have come to the conclusion that one of the languages in the prophecy that I have been unable to identify, is most likely written in the script of Clark’s home world.” He paused, “We are going to need access to the ship, unless of course Clark can read it.”
 Buffy looked at Clark and raised an eyebrow, but he quickly shook his head. “Only a few words,” He confirmed. “I think the computer on the ship might be able to translate it though.”
 “That’s a negative, Wes,” Buffy answered, beginning to pace. “But he agrees that the computer on the ship should be able to do the job.”
 “Very well, I’ll inform Dawn to dress accordingly. The ship is still in the same location I presume?” He asked.
 “Whoa,” Buffy said halting her steps, realizing what he was suggesting. “You want us to go tonight? Clark has to pick up his mom from work, Wes.”
 “I think it would be for the best. The sooner we get this prophecy translated, the better.” He paused. “Lorne told me I needed to send out more Slayers to India, Kansas, and Metropolis within the next two weeks and I would very much like to know if I should be sending two or a few hundred. If this prophecy gives any indication of what’s to come, I would very much like to know what it is.”
 Buffy and Clark exchanged worried looks. “He only told me something was coming for Clark, and we’re gonna need all hands-on deck when it does.”
 Buffy watched Clark swallow nervously. “He told me my time for hiding was almost up, but he said it was in the coming month.” His eyes widened in realization. “We need to translate that prophecy.”
 Buffy nodded in agreement, “And I need to train you harder than just beating on a bag, which means it’s gonna be eight-hour days from here on out.” Clark opened his mouth to argue and she held up her hand, “We’ll get as much as we need to do in the mornings done, but if for whatever reason we can’t, I would loan you the money before I would let you lose your home.”
 Clark frowned, “Buffy–”
 “Take it from someone who knows what those kinda money troubles feel like,” She interrupted again. “I think in the scheme of things saving the world is a little more important than pride, don’t you?”
 His frown deepened. “You think it’s going to be that big?”
 “Lorne said all hands-on deck and it’s you. Someone coming after you has got to be as powerful, if not more.” She watched his face fall and reached out her hand out running it down his arm, “You’ll be ready, and now that we have a general idea of where this stuff might take place, we’ll all be even more prepared.”
 “Wes,” she said, addressing the Watcher once more. “Were gonna need Willow to keep close, and I would call Illyria back from Cairo.”
 “I agree,” Wesley said, just as a portal opened up and Willow walked through. Her smile melting away at the look on both Buffy and Clark’s faces.
 “Uh-oh,” Willow said nervously. “I know that face.”
 “Is that Willow?” Wesley asked over the line.
 “Yeah,” Buffy said.
 “Let me speak with her, please.”
 Buffy held out the phone to Willow, who frowned but took it anyway. “Hey Wes,” Willow said in greeting as Buffy walked over to where Clark was standing looking more than a little worried.
 “Hey,” she said quietly.
 He attempted to smile but he couldn’t pull it off. “Hey, yourself.”
 She bit her lip watching him, seeing the turmoil play across his face of having an unknown enemy out there that could be responsible for hurting others when they decided to rear their ugly heads. She didn’t blame him, if she needed to pull out her big guns as Lorne hinted then it could definitely get bad. She was optimistic however, because of what she’d had to face in her past. Clark didn’t have that same luxury.
 “I-I know you’re not exactly used to going up against big bads, or having to fight gods,” she started. “But I promise you Clark, no matter what it is we’ll deal with it together. Tonight, I’ll have my sister meet us at your place and we’ll go to the ship and find out what this prophecy says. Whatever’s coming, we’ll deal. I promise you; we won’t lose.”
 “How do you know?” He asked, a bit of hope showing in his eyes.
 She stared at him seriously, “Because I don’t lose when it’s the world.”
 His lips quirked slightly, and he opened his mouth to say something when Willow walked up to them. “Wes wants me to fit you for a suit,” She said to Clark, handing Buffy her phone before saying, “And, he wants to talk to you.”
 As Buffy reached for the phone Clark said, “I already have a suit and it’s Kryptonian.”
 Both Buffy and Willow blinked in surprise at his words, their voices ringing out in unison. “You do?”
 He nodded, “Yeah, it’s on the ship still, but I have one.”
 Willow smiled, “Well then, that’s gonna make this quicker. Can you bring it to me? I can enhance it with magic, add some safety features and protect you against the mystical.”
 “Will that still work, even if the material isn’t of Earth?” He asked.
 “Yeah Wes,” Buffy finally said into her phone, pulling herself away from the conversation. So, Clark already had a suit, she wondered what it looked like.
 “So, for the time being I’m going to send fifty Slayers to each location, but keep the others on standby incase things go pear-shaped.” He said, already planning ahead. “I’ll also be moving quite a few closer to all three locations, that way all the girls have backup nearby. I think Willow should stay there at the safehouse that way she’s not far from either of you.”
 “And Dawn, Xander, and the kids? They live in Metropolis after all.” Buffy asked.
 “Perhaps you should explain the situation to her when she gets there. Staying there at the safe house with Willow might also be a wise move for them.” Wes said, adding, “As well as a few Slayers. I know Faith’s been itching to get out of Cleveland for a mission, maybe she and a few of the other girls should accompany her.”
 “Just as long as it’s not Tanya, that girl’s a liability and she doesn’t listen to anyone.” Buffy said.
 “I concur,” Wesley agreed. “Only the girls who are focused and dedicated will be allowed to participate in this mission. I would like as little casualties as possible.”
 “I agree,” Buffy nodded, “What about the mystics, how many of those can we tap?”
 “I have sixty-eight on file, I’ll start making phone calls now.”  He sighed. “I’m just glad we have this much to go on.”
 “Me too,” Buffy agreed. “I’ll call Dawn when Willow gets done here and tell her where to meet us and to put on her suit and a warm hat.”
 “Very well,” he said. “Call me when you know more and I’ll begin the preparations.”
 Buffy hung up, walking back over to Willow and Clark as they spoke to each other a bit awkwardly. “So, let’s get this over with Wills.”
 Willow quickly nodded opening a small bag she brought with her. “So,” she said quickly. “These were a bit difficult to make since from what we’ve read the compulsion itself seems to be based purely on hormones as well as a need to unite your souls.” She looked at them both, “It took me a little while to find what I needed and even longer to put the spell together.” She sighed, “The pendants themselves will be made out of several crystals used to block compulsion, amethyst, ametrine, chrysocolla, and ruby.”
 Willow pulled out two small corked vials filled with multicolored stones and handed them to both Buffy and Clark. “Now, hold out your hands and link your free ones together.”
 Buffy and Clark did as she asked, holding their hands out palm up. Willow placed a vial in each of their hands and then covered them with her own hands, closing her eyes and beginning to chant. Buffy immediately began to feel her hand heat up and for a second it almost became unbearable and Buffy even watched Clark wince from the heat. It was gone just as quickly however and in its place were two hard looking marble like multicolored stones with a dark metallic chain that would hang from each of their necks. Buffy heard Willow mutter one more spell that she recognized to be a ward against breaking.
 “Well go on.” Willow said smiling happily at her work. “Try them on, see if it worked.”
 Buffy quickly slipped the necklace over her head and a sigh of relief left her lips. The sexual tension that had never fully abated her all day finally easing enough to where she wasn’t thinking about sex every few seconds.
 Clark had a similar reaction, his face seeming to ease slightly, but Buffy was surprised when he turned to Willow and asked, “You said the compulsion is only based on hormones, does that mean any feeling we have that aren’t sexual are real?”
 Willow nodded, “Of course, real love is something that can only be based off of free will. Its why love spells don’t ever work. You can’t force someone to love you.”
 Buffy watched amused as Clark seemed to sigh in relief, and then quickly blushed when he noticed her watching him. “Come on stud,” she said hooking her arm through his and dragging him towards the door of the training room. “Let me go grab my stuff before we go get your mom,” a grin creeping over her face as she turned and wished Willow a good night and a promise to catch up tomorrow. “And for the record”, she added quietly as they walked out of the training room. “I still want to jump you, that hasn’t changed even with the necklace on.”
 He quickly reached out to grab her arm, but she easily dodged him and took off down the hallway, a blush and a giggle leaving her lips.
 Clark was suddenly there in front of her, a crooked and devilish smile on his lips. “Is that so?” And then his lips were on hers, his tongue sliding into her mouth as she squealed in surprise.
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pretend-writer · 3 years
Down Below (Chapter 72)
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Summary: After being sent down on Earth with the other prisoners from the Ark, Y/N Reyes faces series of events and learns about survival. With new things happening around her, she is now starting a new chapter in her life.
Pairing: Bellamy Blake x reader, John Murphy x reader, Raven Reyes x sister!reader
Word Count: 2k words
Warning: swearing, mention of death
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It was hard to grasp why majority of us were in on staying in Sanctum. Call me paranoid but it was hard to trust someone who we barely knew; I mean look what happened with the grounders, Mount Weather, Diyoza and McCreary.
But Clarke always knew what was best for us right? She was the person we had to listen to because she kept us together, kept us sane and had our back throughout everything. Obviously Clarke knew what she was doing.
She knew it was a great idea to leave Raven, Marcus and Octavia outside when the radiation was going to kill us. Clarke knew to shoot me in the head when I tried to save them. She knew to betray her family and side with the enemy that was trying to kill them for the valley.
So it was such a great idea to listen to her to stay here. Not that we had a say in it at all.
Some of us knew that this was a terrible idea. They interviewed Clarke, horrible candidate to represent us, to show us that we were reliable to the community. That we were no harm.
But that was a lie wasn't it? All we've been doing since we landed on Earth was fight war one day after another. We've made enemies, soon joined clans but continued to kill each other. Who were we to tell them that we deserve to live with them.
Somehow, someway Russell and his people accepted us into their community. Don't know what lie Clarke pulled out of her ass but they were more than excited for us to stay with them. Too excited.
So enthused about welcoming us that they've invited us to attend their Opening Ceremony for "Naming Day", whatever that meant.
John and I sat together, watching everyone mingling and introducing themselves to our new "people."
'You know it's bad for your skin to crinkle your brows like that.' John laughed softly, watching me stress over these new people that we had to live with.
Looking over at Murphy, I rubbed my forehead as I tried to hide my facial expression. 'I'm sorry. Force of habit to not trust people, that's all.'
'Enemies wouldn't save lives. Matter of fact, I wouldn't be alive if it weren't for them.'
'Please don't tell me you're defending them.'
'Ah, no. It's just that-' He bit his lip as he gazed at the people. 'I don't know, it doesn't hurt to have a little hope. For us.'
My jaw dropped, 'John Murphy talking about hope? Wow, you must be a different person.'
He nudged me, 'I died, didn't I?'
'Not funny.'
'What? Too soon?' He chuckled a little until he saw that I wasn't joking. 'Aw, baby I'm sorry.'
The flashback of that moment still terrified me, the way he lied silently, not moving a muscle. 'I was scared that I was going to lose you.'
John smiled, kissing me on my temple as he wrapped his arm around me. 'I'm not going anywhere. Your sister calls me cockroach remember?'
'Right, the infamous cockroach.' I kissed his cheek, leaning into his chest.
As I look up I see Raven approaching us with a huge grin on her face. 'It's been a long, long time since I've seen you two cozying up like this. You two lovebirds need a room?'
'I think you should get Jordan a room.' John pointed at him flirting with Delilah, the girl that everyone was celebrating Naming Day for. 'Man, I bet Monty is so proud.'
As I was laughing at the joke, I saw Bellamy and Clarke talking in a serious tone then eventually hugging. I didn't know what they were talking about but my guess was she was apologizing for the billionth time about all the "mistakes" she had made.
Raven stood in front of my view, looking over me with her arms crossed in front of her. She was probably confused, assuming that I was staring at Bellamy for a different reason.
As I looked up and met my eyes with Raven, she shook her head. I continued to stare at her with a straight face, showing her that I didn't care about what he did, more so annoyed about what Clarke was doing. I didn't want to say that aloud, of course.
Besides, I was angry with Bellamy. I didn't give a damn about what he was doing. If he wanted to make amends with Clarke that was going to betray us again, he can knock himself out.
Speaking of the devil, I heard their voice getting closer. Knowing Clarke's voice from miles away, I rolled my eyes as she started to speak to us.
'The ceremony is about to start soon. Don't really know what we're supposed to do but it'll be good for us to attend.'
'Count me out.' I laughed sarcastically, 'You guys can have your fun.'
Clarke rested her hands on her hips, 'We don't want them to think we're being disrespectful right?'
'I don't give a damn about what they think about us. I never agreed to stay here anyways.' I stood up and approached Clarke. 'They were digging into our history, did you ever think to ask them questions as well?'
Bellamy cut in, defending Clarke. 'She's doing the best she can for our people. They've agreed to take us in and because of that, we have a home now.'
'Okay, so where are the rest of our people? Some are still in cryo and stuck in the ship, correct?' I shook my head, 'It's always whatever that's convenient for you. Not us as a whole.'
'Soon enough, we will bring them here. Right now, we just bring whoever can represent us as a whole and look the best we can.'
'Mhm.' I hummed, staring at Clarke as my thoughts went elsewhere. She brought Madi back, having Gaia by her side as she was trained to control the flame in her neck.
She only brought people who were convenient for her, using us as bait to make ourselves look good when in all reality was that we had a ugly history behind us.
Why couldn't she bring Indra? She was smart in these situations, great at communicating and talking with people. Matter of fact, knew how to handle and escape tough situations. Yet she brought Gaia with us; without her mother. Only to use her to benefit her "daughter", Madi.
The fact was that nothing that was coming out of her mouth made sense; if we were safe and welcomed into the family, why couldn't we bring the rest of our people? Why couldn't we start settling into this "wonderful" place if this was our home now?
'Clarke again with the bullshit. How long will it take for you to betray us this time?' A chuckle escaped my mouth. 'I'll be in here, away from these people while I enjoying the booze I haven't had in years.'
'Same here. I'm going to the bar.' Raven didn't bat an eye before she walked away. I followed her to the back, where the bar counter was.
Sitting down as I took a deep breath, I pouring my first shot. 'I probably should just go back to cryo, pretend that none of this is happening.'
'I hear ya. I'll join you if you actually mean it.' John jumped in, sitting next to me as he poured a shot as well.
'Do we really believe this crap? I mean come on, it's so obvious Russell or someone has something on Clarke.' Raven shook her head, taking a sip from her beer that she had before.
'Clearly, he didn't want us near Sanctum and now he's so welcoming. I agree, something is definitely not right.' I knew I sounded paranoid, but given the fact that Russell almost wanted nothing to do with us, it did sound a bit odd.
Raven looked at me with a smirk on her face. 'You want to snoop around? I mean no offense to them but I just don't trust them.'
Murphy raised his brows, 'The perfect Raven Reyes suddenly wants to be bad? Wow.'
'How is this bad? I need to make sure we're not falling into some trap.'
'I'm down for that. Whatever we need to do to keep us safe.' I smiled.
'Do we have to ruin this?' John sighed, 'I mean come on. We're in paradise right now. Let's leave it be for a few days, enjoy ourselves.'
Raven shook her head as she grinned, 'Okay now you're crazy. You want to turn down being bad?'
John nudged Raven, 'Leave me alone. Recently died here.'
I instantly looked over at him, Murphy noticed too because he apologized. 'I-Sorry Y/N. I guess it's just my way of coping. I'm sorry.'
'Yeah, I know.' I sighed, understanding his part but also sensitive to the subject. It hurt to see him like that and the flashbacks just drove me crazy.'
'This is why we need to keep it be, for now. Let's just enjoy this moment. Y/N, when was the last time you were relaxed?' John smiled, 'Let's go on a date, you and me.'
'A date?' I didn't know why but my mind went blank, what is a date exactly?
My whole life I was trapped in a metal box that was floating out of space, the life after that all I knew was fight and survival. I've never in my life never dreamed or even thought of a date. A moment to spend quality time with a significant other.
'What did you sound like that.' John scratched his head. 'I mean if you don-'
'No, no. It's just that, I've never even thought about any of that stuff.' My cheeks got warmer, I could feel myself blushing. 'I'd love to go on a date with you.'
His eyes widened, John's cheeks getting pink as well. Raven giggled, 'You two act like you haven't seen each other naked. Why are you guys shy all of the sudden.'
The joke made everything worse, our cheeks getting redder. I took another shot and then hit my sister, 'Okay stop with that!'
'What? It's true.'
Murphy rolled his eyes as he laughed at Raven, then turned back to me. 'Meet me in front of the staircase tomorrow night. The one that goes up to that palace, okay?'
I nodded, butterflies in my stomach as I was excited. It had been a long time since I've looked forward to something, hell, it had been a long time since I've been genuinely happy.
Bellamy's POV;
She was smiling, so beautifully and so happily. I haven't seen Y/N smile so genuinely since I left her on Earth. Now she was smiling, except I wasn't the reason behind that joy.
Reyes was done with me now, I knew all the reasoning behind it. Everything she had said about me was true; I was a hypocrite, I was a cheater, I was everything she didn't deserve at all.
Of course she left me for Murphy, he was good. He'd done a lot better in the Ring than I ever did. Hell, anyone up there did better.
Now, I deserve what had come to me. The love of my life with another man, me being miserable once again. But I couldn't complain, I deserve this. After hurting Y/N, not pulling her out of the struggle that she had been facing under the bunker.
She had called for help so many times, the silence but loud cries of suffering that I ignored. Not to mention the fact that I've pushed my sister away also; I didn't know why I was behaving the way that I was.
This time, I was alone. Facing these new strangers that we started sharing their spaces with, facing them by myself. No one wanted to be near me but Clarke. I didn't know how I felt about it, considering Y/N had really strong feeling towards her but it was better than nothing.
The fact of the matter was I had to do better, I had to win Reyes back and make her love me again. Go how it used to be, how it was supposed to be when she flew up to the Ring with us.
But I couldn't tell her my secret; Y/N couldn't know about the six years that happened with me while I was up there. She should never know.
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openheartthot · 4 years
Holding On
Part 1: The Inevitable | Part 2: Selfish | Part 3: Letting Go
Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x f!MC (Camille Prescott)
Word Count: 2,551
Warnings: None that I can think of. 
Summary: Ethan can’t live without her. 
Ahh guys it’s been so long omg. I know I’ve missed reading a lot of fics but I swear once finals are over I’m gonna go back and harass everyone with my reblogs lmao. This is sort of all over the place, but I figured I’ve been wallowing in my writer’s block long enough! 
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Ethan watches her all night.
She’s radiant in a wine-colored dress, her perfectly coiffed golden hair a far cry from the messy ponytails and buns that she used to sport around Edenbrook. 
It’s hard to believe that this is the same woman who’d once started every morning tangled in his bedsheets, who’d held his hand across the table in Derry Roasters.
The same woman who once tried to tell him she loved him in an airport, before he stopped her. 
Pain battles with pride in the pit of his stomach as he watches her flit around the hotel ballroom. She’s completely in her element as she rubs elbows with the elite of West Coast medicine. No longer is she the bright-eyed young intern by his side. 
It shouldn’t come as a surprise, Ethan always knew she’d be great.
And yet...he can’t help but worry that he might be too late. 
Her dress is just a bit risqué for a medical conference, but none of the other doctors or representatives seem to mind. They are completely enraptured by her wide smiles and sharp wit. Especially the young, sandy-haired doctor all but glued to her side. Ethan doesn’t miss the way his hand alights on her waist every now and then, nor the wonderstruck way he gazes at her. 
Jealousy roils in Ethan’s stomach, completely unwarranted. He has no claim on her, not anymore.
Ethan turns bitterly back to his scotch, determined to drown his sorrows in the amber liquid before him. One more drink at the bar, and then he’ll leave to continue his pity party upstairs in the privacy of his hotel room. There’s no point in torturing himself with the sight of her with another man. 
He knocks back his drink, and another one appears in front of him almost instantly, though he hasn’t ordered one. 
For a moment, he’s confused. 
But only for a moment. 
He catches a whiff of her perfume before any of his other senses realize she’s behind him. He breathes in deeply, savoring the gentle floral scent that lingered on his pillow long after she left for the last time. 
“Hell of a speech,” Ethan says into the drink she bought him. He can’t look at her-- he’s scared of what he might say if he gets a glimpse of those green eyes.
He’s broken a lot of his own rules when it comes to Camille, but he won’t make a move on a woman in a relationship. No matter how badly he wants to punch her companion in the jaw. 
“I wasn’t expecting you to be here. You hate conventions.” 
Ethan grits his teeth against the onslaught of emotions triggered by that voice. That soft, silvery voice that he used to have the pleasure of hearing every day. 
God, how he took her for granted back then. 
“To your first keynote? I wouldn’t miss it.” Ethan says, fighting to keep his voice even. 
It’s true. Ethan avoids conventions like the plague, but when he heard Camille was to be the keynote speaker of a conference held in her new home city of San Francisco, he’d booked a flight without a second thought. 
He’s been telling himself it is just to celebrate her success as a former mentor, but he can no longer pretend that he doesn’t have ulterior motives. That he didn’t want to know if she’d come alone, or on the arm of some well-built pretty boy--
“The blonde Clark Kent? Who’s he?” Ethan asks, not entirely on purpose. The scotch has loosened his tongue more than he realized. 
“Adam is... just a colleague.” Camille says, and then Ethan catches a glimpse of red silk and blonde hair in his periphery as she sinks onto the barstool beside him.
He can’t ignore the flicker of hope ignited by her words, but then reality comes crashing back in. They live on opposite sides of the country. He told her to leave. 
“I was your colleague too, once.” Ethan says, immediately wishing the words didn’t sound so resentful. 
“Once.” Camille muses in agreement, and Ethan can’t help but wonder if the bittersweet reel of their relationship plays on a perpetual loop in her mind the way it does in his. 
“So, you aren’t seeing anyone?” Ethan can’t help but ask, unable to shake the growing tingle of hope. 
“No.” Camille says softly, “I don’t know if I’m ready for anything serious.” She stares down at the bar, unaware of the physical ache that the words cause in Ethan’s chest. The cautious tone of her voice hurts more than he cares to admit.  
His Camille, the one who boldly strode past all of the boundaries that he had so painstakingly created, would never be so hesitant when it came to love. 
She’s supposed to be foolish, and headstrong, and impulsive...and it’s Ethan’s fault that she isn’t any of those things anymore. 
Ethan takes another swallow of scotch, for courage, before he turns to face her. 
He had watched her during her speech, of course, and from afar as she made her rounds through the room, but seeing her up-close is almost more than he can handle. 
Ethan meets her eyes, and for a minute, he swears he forgets how to breathe. The rest of the room fades away, and it feels like all that exists is him and her. All he can see through his tunneling vision are those green eyes. 
Those eyes bring him back to Miami, to that first passion-fueled kiss on a balcony under the light of a thousand stars, both of their inhibitions clouded with wine. 
Those eyes bring him back to long nights spent in the diagnostics office, toiling over a case; to her fingers laced in his under the table; to a million little moments shared between the two of them over the course of their relationship, both professional and romantic. 
“Dance with me.” Ethan says. He can’t think of a single other thing besides encircling Camille in his arms and holding her close, even if it’s only for the duration of a song. 
“...Okay.” Camille agrees after a moment, although Ethan isn’t sure whether it’s out of pity, or because, like his, her hands are burning with the need to touch him. 
She follows him to the dance floor, and when she steps into his arms, Ethan can’t stop his eyes from watering. He is convinced there is nothing more right than Camille against his chest, the way her arms slide around his neck, the way that his hands know the curve of her waist. 
“I want you.” Ethan murmurs. He can’t help it, with her in his arms, it’s almost like no time has passed at all. 
Camille stiffens, her arms tensing where they rest against his shoulders. Her gaze flicks to the elevators, and she swallows hard before looking away. 
“You know I’m not interested in being a casual hookup anymore.” 
Ethan’s chest tightens, knowing that he was the one that made her feel cheap, disposable. Even so, his own hurt swells. 
“There was nothing casual about the nights we spent together, not for me.” Ethan says curtly, stung by her implication. 
“For me either.” Camille says in exasperation. “But…” 
“I want to be with you.” Ethan says, the words welcome on his tongue after spending so long pretending that he didn’t miss her. Pretending that it didn’t bother him knowing that Camille was building a new life on the other side of the country. A life without him. 
“Stop it.” Camille falters, missing a step and almost losing her balance. Ethan pulls her securely against his chest, but she avoids his gaze. “Missing me isn’t the same thing as wanting to be with me.” 
“I know,” Ethan insists, refusing to back down. 
“Since you left Boston, I’ve been a shell of a man, living only for your visits. And when those stopped…” He takes a deep breath. “I can’t live without you, Camille, I need you.” 
“That’s not healthy.” Camille snaps, her expression knitting into a scowl. “And you were the one who told me to move in the first place!” 
“I was, and I stand by that. It was the right decision for your career.” Ethan counters reflexively before his voice drops, husky with emotion. “Whether it’s healthy or not, I don’t want to be without you. Not for another second.” 
He dips his head, just enough to let his jaw brush against her temple. 
Camille lets out a tiny sniff, and when he pulls back to meet her eyes, he finds them shimmering with tears. 
“Ethan…” Her lips part on his name, her eyes filled with a yearning so deep that Ethan instinctively tightens his hold on her, his fingers tracing the notches of her spine. 
Slowly, tentatively, she relaxes into him, her head resting on his chest just above his beating heart. Ethan freezes, terrified that the slightest movement will scare her away. 
“I want that, too.”
He doesn’t waste another second. He tilts her chin up, and then her hands are in his hair, tugging him roughly down until his mouth meets hers. The kiss is desperate and consuming, her hands roving over his back and chest while Ethan traces patterns on the exposed skin of her back. 
“I’ve missed this.” Ethan manages before crushing his mouth back to hers. “I’ve missed you.” 
Camille sighs in agreement, pulling him close and melding her body against his until it’s hard to tell where his body ends and hers begins. 
Her hips rock boldly against him, and Ethan bites back a groan, all too aware that they’re still in the middle of a very public dance floor. 
As their frantic kiss slows to gentle brushes of his lips against hers, Ethan smooths his hands over her back, holding her as tightly as he dares. He gazes down at her in amazement, and she stares back, her eyes alight with joy and promise. 
“Is that a yes, then? To being with me?” Ethan asks, trying to keep his giddiness at bay. He doesn’t deserve this woman, not even a little, but if she’ll have him... The rising tide of his hope is an almost overwhelming warmth in his chest. 
“I…” Camille’s voice trails off, and the light in her eyes extinguishes. She pulls back, not quite out of his embrace, but enough for the distance between them to feel insurmountable. 
Ethan closes his eyes, feeling a fresh wave of despair wash over him. He’s too late, too much time has passed. Whatever they once had is unsalvageable. He had known that it was a longshot, but he knows he couldn’t live with himself if he hadn’t at least tried. 
“I want to say yes, I really do.” Camille says, shaking her head despondently. “But I can’t move back to Boston. I have a life in San Francisco, now. I have an apartment with a great view of the Bay, and my career is finally taking off… You don’t get to follow me and ask me to give all of that up, it’s not fair.” 
She looks up at him, restrained hope in her eyes, as if she’s waiting for Ethan to make a grand gesture, to convince her that he’s worth another chance. 
“Does your apartment allow dogs?” Ethan asks instead. 
Camille looks away, and he can see the disappointment wash over her face. Disappointment in him, for once again choosing to take the path of least resistance, and once again refusing to fight for her. 
“The song’s over, and I’m not interested in making small-talk about my apartment with you. I should go.” She tries to pull back, but Ethan doesn’t release her, maintaining a firm but gentle grip on her waist. 
“It’s not small-talk. You should know I hate that more than anyone.” Ethan says, his fingers pressing insistently against her waist, the smooth fabric of her dress bunching beneath his fingertips. 
“I need to know if your apartment allows dogs. I need to know if I can have Alan put Jenner on the first flight out to San Francisco tomorrow morning, or if I have to wait until we find a new place.” 
Camille’s eyes search his face with obvious confusion. 
“What? I don’t… Jenner?” Camille stammers for a moment as she collects her thoughts, her hands absentmindedly resting on his chest. Ethan feels his heart skip at the casual intimacy of her fingers toying with his lapels. “You want to move out to San Francisco?” 
“Yes.” Ethan says shortly. “When I said I didn’t want to leave your side, I meant it.”  
“Ethan, we’ve been over this. If one of us gives up our career for the other we’ll just end up resenting each other. You’ve been working at Edenbrook for over a decade, I can’t let you give it up for me.” 
“Edenbrook is…wonderful. I have enjoyed working there, but at the end of the day it’s just a job. When I came home to an empty apartment at the end of the day, it wasn’t Edenbrook I was thinking about, Camille, it was you.” 
“But you love Edenbrook.” Camille says uncertainly, her eyes begging for an explanation. 
“I like Edenbrook, most assuredly.” Ethan cups her face in his hands, running his thumbs over her smooth skin. “But I love you.” 
“You…love me?” Camille asks, her green eyes gazing up at him, starry with hope. Her cheeks are flushed pink, and Ethan is sure he’s never seen her look more beautiful. 
“I do.” he murmurs, unwilling-- unable to look away from her awed expression. 
“You have no idea how long I’ve been waiting to hear you say that.” Camille whispers back, a luminous smile growing on her face. 
“Camille, I’ve been a complete fool, I know that. But I have to know… if you still…” Ethan stumbles over his words, his grip on her tightening in thinly veiled desperation. 
“If I still love you back?” she prompts, her light and teasing tone a far cry from her earlier anguish.
Ethan nods, the agony of not knowing threatening to consume him altogether. 
Camille’s expression softens, and her fingers drift to his face, tenderly tracing the contour of his cheekbone.
“Of course I do. How could I not?” she asks with a soft laugh, lifting one shoulder in a bashful shrug that is entirely too alluring. His eyes trail over her exposed collarbone. 
Ethan can’t wait to take her to his suite upstairs and find out if the skin under that red dress is as sweet as he remembers. But there will be plenty of time for that later, after he hears the three words that have been haunting him ever since she boarded that plane. 
“Say it. Please.” Ethan presses his forehead to hers, unbridled joy threatening to bring him to his knees. There are few scenarios that involve the great Ethan Ramsey being reduced to begging, and every last one centers around the gorgeous, brilliant woman in front of him. 
“I love you, too.” 
This time, she pushes herself onto her tiptoes to close the distance beteen them. And when their lips meet, Ethan knows that he has made the right decision. Edenbrook, Boston, he can take or leave all of it, as long as he has her. 
Tagging separately since I have no idea if tumblr will decide to work or not :)
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talkfastromance4 · 4 years
3.) 11 Minutes--Ashton Irwin ‘Lovers in a Song’ series
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a/n: So while each ‘chapter’ is titled after a song it’s more of the mood and a few choice lyrics that really made the story. This story changed a lot as I wrote it but in the end it all flows really nicely together. I’m so excited to share this with you! Each part is 3,000 with the exception of the last part. Please don’t hesitate to send me messages, I’d love to hear your thoughts!
Word count: 3k
warnings: a sexy phone call, the use of ‘Daddy’ multiple times, sexy play with wine, hints of infidelity but NOT in the way you think I promise, uhh I think that’s it?
LIAS masterlist
3 Years Ago
It’s been a year since Ashton and Cressida have seen each other at The Golden Lion. Ever since they returned from Europe three years ago they agreed to only see each other once a year on the anniversary of their first meeting and spend a long weekend together.
For a little over a year and a half, the forbidden couple have been publicly linked to other people. Ashton has been tied to Lucinda Clarke, her family are well known partners with Irwin Whisky and the partnership between Ashton and Lucinda would be beneficial to both parties. Lucinda is nice enough but she’s more silver than gold.
Cressida has been snapped with Gavin de Poiters, the heir to centuries old winemakers in Europe. They attend many dinners and club scenes together, making sure they’re the center of the paparazzi eye by order of their PR group. Cressida paints on the perfect smile but her mind and heart are always on Ashton.
Part of their deal is to not be in contact with each other until their weekend. Cressida has been going back and forth on cancelling this year because she feels guilty doing this to Gavin. Her mind was practically set on cancelling when a small package was sent to her office on Valentine’s Day.
It was a pretty bracelet with purple and pink jewels and her favorite shade of red lipstick and a note that read:
I hope to only see you in these two things on our weekend. My golden lady. A.I
Cressida hasn’t removed the bracelet since.
Cressida is listening to her schedule for the next coming weeks while doing her morning stretches when one of them makes her pause mid side lunge.
“Can you repeat that one for next weekend?” Cressida asks her assistant, Chloe.
“Yes, um, you and Gavin are scheduled for that three-day conference at The Golden Lion promoting all inclusivity within the workplace. He will only be able to attend the Friday evening session and is on a flight to Japan right after.”
Cressida’s heart pounds in her chest. She’s going to be with Gavin at her and Ashton’s hidden sanctuary, with Ashton present as well. Their time together isn’t for another two months. Will she be able to handle herself in front of Gavin?
For the rest of the week, Cressida has been anxiously anticipating seeing Ashton. She wonders if Lucinda will be there or on one of her many yachts partying. She’s distracted from her day-to-day tasks; her fingers itching to call Ashton and ask him what they should do.
On Friday night, Cressida is putting on the final touch of her outfit which is the red lipstick Ashton gifted her. She bought a gold sequined dress with a plunging neckline and an open back. The only thing holding it up were the thin straps on her shoulders, and due to the minimal material, she was braless as well. She wanted to show off for Ashton.
“You’re wearing that?” Gavin asks once she steps down the stairs. Chloe helps her into her black coat, handing her her gold clutch.
“Yes, what’s wrong with it?”
“It’s a bit revealing, don’t you think?” his eyebrows raise in judgment.
“It’s in style now, Gavin. Let’s go.”
They’re about eleven minutes away from the hotel, Gavin’s tapping away at his phone while Cressida stares out the rain filled window, her mind wandering to a college bar and a handsome man when an unsaved number lights up on Cressida’s phone, it buzzes on her thigh. Thinking it could be someone from the company, she picks up.
“It’s me.”
Cressida holds back her gasp at the sound of Ashton’s voice. The last time she heard it he was telling her goodbye in the doorway of their room before she went to the main desk. Her stomach clenches at the soft timber.
“I know you’re with him but I’m waiting for you. Can you put on a show for me tonight, darling? Say ‘yes Daddy’ if you understand.”
Cressida swallows harshly, her voice cracking when she responds with, “Yes Daddy.”
“Good girl. Are you wearing that lipstick I bought you? Say it again if you are.”
“Yes, Daddy, I am.”
“And the bracelet?”
“Yes, Daddy,” she says a little breathlessly. Gavin gives her an odd look and she smiles lightly waving her hand to dismiss it. He sighs and goes back to his phone.
“That’s a very good girl,” Ashton hums and she relishes the sound. “I made sure the staff know not to address you tonight, but your room is next to mine. Gavin’s leaving tonight, right? Tell me ‘yes, Daddy that’s right’ if it is.”
“Yes, Daddy,” Cressida clears her throat, “that’s right.”
“Mm, good. I can’t wait to see you, and hear you call me Daddy while I have you pinned beneath me.”
Cressida’s stunned for a beat at his words. Part of her worries Gavin can hear it’s not really her father she’s speaking to, but she’s safe with Ashton’s voice in her ear.
“That sounds…wonderful, Daddy.”
“Are you going to put on a show for me, angel?”
“You know I will, Daddy,” she promises, and he groans at her ease of the term. She smiles in victory and sees the large marquee of the hotel sign out her window. “I’ll see you soon, Daddy. Let’s grab lunch with Gavin soon.”
“Oh, you’re naughty—”
Cressida laughs and hangs up before he can finish his sentence. She hopes that sets him off a little.
“Your father wants to grab lunch?” Gavin asks while they wait for the valet attendees to grab their umbrellas and open the doors for them.
“And a show,” Cressida grins.
Gavin gets out first and opens the door for her making sure the umbrella covers her completely. She holds his arm like she’s supposed to and smiles at the few cameramen who are lining the walkway to the main doors. Ashton is almost within her reach, her stomach flips in excitement at being near him soon.
She and Gavin greet the people they’re supposed to but she’s also scanning the hall for signs of Ashton. She hopes Lucinda isn’t here. As they near the bar at the back she hears his voice, and it tickles her ears. Subconsciously, she squeezes Gavin’s arm in response to the raw smoothness of it as he speaks with someone about his business trip in Cabo. It reminds her of his whisky, it goes down smooth but leaves a raw ache in your mouth for more.
Cressida shivers at the thought of what else he does smoothly while going down.
“You should have worn something warmer,” Gavin reprimands but Cressida is the complete opposite.
“I’m fine. I just need a drink to warm me up,” she speaks loud enough so Ashton can hear her.
“My whisky will warm you right up, James,” Ashton calls sardonically.
Cressida looks over at him to see him smirking, his dimple making an appearance and it deepens as he eyes her up in her dress. He’s drinking her in. She’s happy to see Lucinda isn’t in attendance. For a flicker of a moment, she forgets that it’s not just the two of them in the safety of these walls and she quickly resets her face.
“In the pits of hell, maybe.”
He cocks his head in admiration, but he knows how fiery she is. He bets Gavin doesn’t know that about her.
“Your brandy holds that throne.”
“Its rightful place is a throne,” she rolls her neck in attitude, lips pouted to showcase the deep red color. “A throne made of gold.”
Ashton breathes in heavily at her sassiness, but it’s only apparent to him. Their onlookers are shifting eyes between the two nervously. Gavin is tapping his fingers impatiently on the bar top, he doesn’t want to be here. He’s voiced it to Cressida repeatedly but for appearances sake, they need to be seen together.
“There’s a whole room, Irwin, occupy some other space,” Gavin snaps.
“I intend to de Poiters, but that’s not until later in the privacy of my own room.” Ashton winks swiftly at Cressida and she feels her cheeks warm. His promise of pinning her swirls back in her mind. “I’ll be having your finest red, actually. Did you know it stains on skin? Even in the smallest of crevices hidden away.”
Cressida can only imagine what he means. She presses her thighs together.
“You disgust me, much like your whisky. It tastes of horses piss,” Gavin snorts.
“Drink that frequently, do you?”
Cressida bites her lip to keep her giggle at bay. Ashton’s current demeanor (and his phone call) are turning her on in the worst way. All she wants is to be stowed away in their room for the whole weekend instead of attending these sessions. She’s thankful Gavin is leaving right after this one.
“Fuck off,” Gavin shakes his head and grabs their drinks. “Let’s go Cress.”
Cressida makes sure to turn slowly so Ashton gets a good look of her in her dress. She feels his eyes burning into her back the whole way to their seats.
The first session seems to go on for an eternity, but her mind is occupied of fantasies with Ashton. Fantasies she hopes will come true tonight once Gavin leaves. Finally, the session is over and everyone in attendance are excused to their rooms or another hall where there’s coffee being served.
“I’ll see you on Monday,” Gavin gives Cressida a half-assed kiss on her cheek before walking towards the main doors. He doesn’t look back, then a throat clearing behind her catches her attention.
“I believe we’re on the same floor, James,” his voice is flat, but she can see the fire in his eyes. People bustling by are in hearing distance, it’s still time to act.
“Great,” she rolls her eyes and bumps past him towards the elevators.
They wait patiently for the doors to open but she’s about to burst. She’s shaking her foot until the gold doors slide open and they enter it quickly. Cressida eyes up the camera in the corner while Ashton stares straight ahead at the guests until the doors close. Ashton and Cressida’s eyes meet in the reflection.
“You have no idea the restraint I’m using right now because of that camera,” Ashton tells her reflection.
“I’m sure you could pay to have it erased,” she grins then cocks her head up at him, “or to keep for your own.”
“You’re really asking for it, angel,” he shakes his head turning it back to the closed doors.
“I could beg, too you know,” she responds airily. “Would Daddy like that?”
“Fuck, Cressida,” he tuts, and she giggles.
The elevator comes to a stop and the doors open slowly. Cressida is the first to step out but then Ashton has her pinned against the opposite wall, his face invading her space. He hikes her leg high on his waist, his fingers teasing the back of her thigh.
“You in this dress is making me weak,” he mumbles.
“Really?” she hooks her heel around his leg pulling him closer to her where she feels his bulge. “Seems like it’s making you hard, Ash.”
“That’s not my name tonight, angel,” his lips ghost over hers and he lifts her other leg to wrap around his waist. He presses himself against her harshly, her back pushes into the wall with force. “What do you call me?”
“Sorry, Daddy.”
He smiles then pulls off the wall holding her securely until he unlocks their room. Once inside, he sets her on the floor and opens the fridge.
“Strip for me and wait in the room with the tub,” he points.
“Can I have a kiss first?” she pouts, and he laughs.
“You aren’t in control tonight, angel,” he pokes her nose, “no matter how hard you try. Go.”
“I said go. I’ll be there in a minute.”
They have a mini stare off until she finally obeys and moves into the room. The dress is easy to get out of, she just slips it off and lays on the bed watching Ashton whistle while he opens a wine bottle. He’s taking his sweet time and her fingers start to wander and her eyes close imagining it’s Ashton’s fingers.
“Did I say you could touch yourself?”
Cressida’s eyes flash open and he’s holding Gavin’s red wine in his hand, his gaze on her hand between her legs.
“Wanted to be ready for you,” she teases her finger inside and Ashton’s gaze is on every movement. “You said you wanted a show.”
“You’re so naughty,” he shakes his head setting the bottle down. “Good thing I brought this.”
He pulls out two gold restraints, she can tell it’s silked the way it glides over his fingers. She stares at him in awe as he moves on top of her. He snatches her wrist roughly bringing it above her head to the wooden post in the center. She watches him bind her wrist and loop it around the wood. He forces her other hand above her head and does the same, tying it tightly.
“Pull,” he commands staring down at her. She pulls her wrists down and feels the restraint. It excites her. “Good. Now, you’re going to watch me enjoy your boyfriend’s wine.”
He reaches for the bottle and scoots down her body. Ashton pours the deep red wine down her chest. The chill of it trickles over her breasts and down her stomach into her navel. Ashton ducks down and slurps up as much as he can, but she feels it slip onto the bed on either side of her. When his tongue swirls in her bellybutton, she squirms.
“Mm tastes better on you,” he smiles and tips the bottle over her breast. He closes his mouth on her nipple, sucking the red juice off until there’s teeth marks in her skin.
Cressida’s finding it hard to breathe watching Ashton. Feeling his mouth on her. He’s drinking the wine, but she’s drunk on his antics.
“How do you think Gavin would feel knowing I’m enjoying his wine smothered all over you?” he taunts and pours more on her belly.
It gushes off the sides, but Ashton situates himself between her legs and slurps up as much as he can then quickly shifts to her pussy, his mouth opening to her sweetness. Cressida lets out an appreciative moan as Ashton eats her out energetically. She’s desperate to put her hands in his hair but the restraints remind her she can’t. She’s going to have marks, but she doesn’t care. Ashton moans then slips in a finger.
He edges her like this until the bottle is nearly empty. She’s wet and sticky—from the wine and her own body—and Ashton presses the bottle to her mouth.
“Drink the rest, so next time you drink his wine with him, you’ll think of me.”
He tips it back and she drinks the rest of the wine, it dribbles down her chin, staining her already red lips. Ashton tosses the bottle to the carpet and crushes his mouth to hers. Cressida cries out in joy, grinding her hips against his silently begging for release.
“You put on a good show,” he sighs, “ready for the grand finale?”
“Give it to me, Daddy.”
In flashes Ashton’s clothes are removed. He presses into her easily, hips driving into her like a pendulum. Their bodies staining from the wine. Cressida cries out from intense pleasure. The bindings. The wine. Ashton’s cock driving in and out of her. Her denied orgasms roll into one large one that she can’t even cry out his name. Ashton stains her belly again and they try to catch their breath.
“Now that was a show,” she huffs and nudges the top of his head with her nose. He lifts his head, his lips and chin stained red.
“You played well,” he smirks kissing her.
“Can you untie me? I want to touch you,” she whines yanking on the restraints for effect.
Ashton grunts in response connecting his lips to hers once more and lifts his arm up. In one quick movement, the restraints are loose, and her arms fall heavily onto the bed. She moans at the release but can’t lift her arms quite yet.
“It’ll take a few moments for the blood to rush back,” Ashton informs her. He sits up rubbing his thumbs over the red markings on her wrists. “Are you in pain?” he asks, eyes soft and full of concern.
“No,” she smiles. “A little worn out, yeah, but I’m never in pain when I’m with you, Ash.”
When the blood is flowing in her arms again, she’s starting to feel the tightness in them while she lays on top of Ashton in the bath. The water swirls red from the wine. His middle finger runs up and down her spine and her body feels like jelly. It’s a welcomed heaviness of bliss and satisfaction. When her head has come down from the clouds, she wonders something.
“Are we cheating on them, Ash?” she asks quietly. His finger pauses in the middle of her back and he sighs heavily.
“It’s not cheating when it’s not real.”
She lifts her head and gives him a sad look. “We aren’t real?”
Ashton cups her cheeks in his large hands.
“No, you and I are very real, Cressida. I have no feelings for Lucinda, she knows this is all publicity. She’d rather be a bachelorette forever. She’s silver and you’re gold. I love you and only you.”
That’s the first time he’s ever told her that. She assumed love was off the table for them, but she’s loved him since that first night they met in the bar.
“I love you, too,” she smiles, surprised at the tears filling her eyes from the overwhelming emotion.
“You’re the best thing I’ve ever had.”
Taglist: @calpalirwin​ @myloverboyash​ @loveroflrh​ @cxddlyash​ @princesslrh​ @spicylftv​ @notinthesameguey​ @itjustkindahappenedreally​ @calumance​ @thew0rldneedsmcreycghurt​ @sarcastically-defensive17​ @another-lonely-heart​ @devilatmydoor​ @thatscooibaby​ @suchalonelysunflower​ @dead-and-golden​ @mymindwide​ @blackbutterfliescal​ @redrattlers​ @karajaynetoday​ @quasighost​ @i-like-5sos​ @creampiecashton​ @calpops​ @littledrummeraussie​ @sexgodashton​ @f-mu​ @mystic-232
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catxsnow · 4 years
Request: Hi love, I was wondering if you can do a batmom imagine where both her and Bruce have a child together but they have selective mutism where they only talk to Bruce, batmom and Alfred.
Warning: I didn’t really know what I was doing, fluff, LMAO Jason’s death 
A/N: I was really winging it with this one I hope it sufficed for you! 
GIF not mine
Word count: 2.8k
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You and Bruce had been together a long time. Long enough that you had to cry by his side when Jason died. Long enough to help get through the pain of losing him and having Tim fill a void that he couldn't replace. Long enough that you knew the Batman possibly more than he knew himself.
Bruce loved you, he did for a long time. It wasn't until Dick had moved on from Robin did he realize how much he relied on you. Batman without Robin was dangerous, but Bruce Wayne without (Y/N) (L/N)? That would have been even worse.
Life with him was far from perfect but you had found perfection within each day and that was all that matter. No matter how many times you or Alfred had to stitch him up or lecture him for being so reckless, all that mattered was that you got to fall asleep next to him every night. As long as you were safe in his arms, that was all that he cared about.
After years of dating, you had gotten pregnant. It had totally been an accident, but the second that Bruce saw his son's face, he knew that he wouldn't trade it for the world. You had named your son Thomas, after his father. Bruce had nearly cried when you offered the name.
Thomas Wayne had been the exact kind of child that you expected. He loved his father, and he loved his older brothers. Dick was barely out of being Robin when Thomas was born. He was the only reason that Dick willing came back to the manor - and to visit you as well. He was the exact kind of older brother that you wanted for your kid.
Jason on the other hand... you didn't trust Thomas with him without you there as well. He was there for a lot of big moments with Thomas - walking, learning how to talk, potty training. Jason had surprisingly been willing to help - but also was wanting to put your son in less than ideal situations.
The batcave was their favourite place to hide away from you. Jason would show your son all those cool tricks he could do and half the time he would get so distracted he wouldn't notice Thomas walk off and try to grab something sharp and dangerous. It didn't matter, Jason quickly became his favourite and would nearly chat his ear off.
It was when Jason had died did things really change.
Bruce had lost himself. He became violent as Batman, more willing to teeter of his line of morality. He was a changed person, and if it wasn't for you he didn't know how badly he would have ended up. You worried about your lover, a lot. Nothing you did seem to be able to help him over come Jason's death.
It didn't just affect him, it had affect your son as well. Thomas had gone quiet, very quiet for any five year old. It worried you and Bruce. Jason's death had devastated him to a point that you didn't think he would ever be able to go back to his old self. He would talk to you and Bruce just like he always had, Alfred too. But anyone else that came near him? Silence.
You were sure that Thomas had become petrified that if he came close to someone again that he would lose them. Even Dick, the only other person he had known his whole life had been excluded from his life. You felt terrible for your oldest son - you didn't wish it to be this way. No one had.
When Tim came around, you thought things might change. Bruce was slowly becoming his old self again, though he was still haunted by the nightmares of Jason. He was turning back into the man that you fell in love with, the man that would spoil you and call you beautiful, even when you didn't feel like it.
Thomas still remained mute around Tim. He didn't seem to hate the older boy, but he was nervous around him. Tim didn't take this personally, he knew that trauma could look like many forms. He tried his best to make Thomas comfortable around him, while it seemed to make a difference, your son still wasn't the lively child he once was.
You and Bruce truly appreciated Tim for putting in so much effort with him. Sometimes, it felt like neither of you could ever get through to him - Tim was able to do that. You had taken Thomas to therapy, counselling, anything to try and get him to talk about his feelings - everyone you went to he wouldn't say word.
It was when Damian came around did you start to have problems. Damian was the blood son of Bruce, not you. Damian was barely older than Thomas meaning that you and Bruce had still been dating when he was born. You had known about what Talia had done to Bruce, the influence that she had put him under.
The second that it had happened, he had told you. You were mad at first, of course - some other woman had sex with your boyfriend how couldn't you be? It took you a while to understand that he didn't have a choice in the matter. Bruce had been drugged, this wasn't his fault, it was hers.
You detested Damian when he first arrived. He was a reminder of his mother, someone that you despised. Damian felt the same way towards you - just because you were dating his father didn't mean that you needed to pretend that you were his mother as well. He already had one of those, he didn't need another.
Thomas seemed to get angered with Damian quite easily. Damian would tease your son, he didn't understand why he didn't talk. It wasn't something that he had seen before. Not to mention that his people skills were already terrible from being in the League his whole life.
So, when Thomas came running into your room with tears streaming down his face, you had completely lost it with Damian. He was down in the cave with Bruce when you went storming down there. Your face had been tinged red with anger and you couldn't control yourself from losing your shit with the 'blood son'.
Bruce had never seen you this angry. The threats, the pure rage that you had against this little boy that had no right to just show up here and think that he owns the place. You were furious at him for teasing your son for being a mute. Bruce had tried to step in, unsure of what was going on with you but the second that he saw your glare towards him, he knew not to get in your way.
Damian had been through a lot in his short twelve years of life. But seeing you, the girlfriend of Batman, hold him up by the collar of his suit and threaten that if he ever made fun of Thomas ever again it would be the end of him? That made him a little nervous. He had gained a respect for you that day.
He also never bothered Thomas ever again.
"Clark is bringing his son over today" Bruce told you. The two of you were laying in bed. He was laying on his back looking up at the roof while you rested against his chest. You absentmindedly traced the scars engraved on his body. "He's the same age as Thomas and Damian, maybe they can get along."
You scoffed at the idea of Damian getting along with anyone his age. "Okay, maybe Thomas and Jon will get along," Bruce changed his statement. You wanted what was best for your son, maybe a little bit of Kent mentality would help him. He always liked Superman, it had been a while since he was able to visit.
"Dick said he was coming by today, too," you tilted your head up to look at Bruce. "I think he misses me."
"I don't blame him," Bruce pecked your lips. You wished to kiss him for longer, but a loud crash from downstairs pulled you back. Bruce sighed, it was rare that you ever got to spend mornings together like this, something seemed to always ruin it. "I'm going to guess that Dick got here early."
You sighed, but agreed with his assumption. The two of you quickly got out of bed and dressed for the day to see what the hell was going on in your home. The second that you stepped foot down stairs, you couldn't help but let a smile work its way onto your face. Thomas and Dick were both to make breakfast.
"What are my two lovely boys doing this morning?" You asked. Dick nudged Thomas and jutted his head towards the coffee mug on the counter. He grabbed the mug and brought it over to you with a grin on his face. "Morning, baby." You kissed the top of his head and grabbed the hot coffee.
"I wanted to surprise you and dad, and Dick offered to help," Thomas explained to you in a low voice. He was still weary of talking around Dick, but had come a far way from what he used to be like. You looked between the two of them, Dick's cooking skill were less  trusted than your trust in Thomas' - both of which were less than good.
"Thank you, Tommy," You smiled once more at him. "Your father is on his way down, should we get coffee for him too?" Thomas nodded his head and nearly dragged you over to where you kept the mugs. While he poured another coffee, you turned to Dick.
You happily accepted his open arms. "How's my other boy?" you asked him as you pulled away. After being such an important figure in Dick's life for so long, he was always happy to call you his mother.
"Good," Dick responded. Bruce had joined you downstairs and Thomas had much the same reaction with him as he did you. "He's coming along. I remember when he wouldn't even say a word if someone else was in the room other than you and Bruce."
"I'm proud of him," you agreed. "What I'm wondering, is how Alfred let you into the kitchen after last time." Dick laughed at you accusation - but it was true. He had to very persuasively convince Alfred to let the two of them cook you breakfast. "Your bacon's burning," you patted his chest, cutting off his laughing.
You had lots of struggles with Thomas as he grew up. Going through school was difficult. The teachers would get frustrated at him and the kids would bully him. You were sure if he wasn't the son of Bruce Wayne that he would have gotten it a lot worse. As much as you hated the title of being the most famous wife in Gotham, you were glad that some good came out of it.
Thomas had trouble making friends and he rarely brought anyone home to play with. It hurt you and Bruce to see your son so upset sometimes because of how different he was. For a while. Bruce considered training Thomas into being Robin - maybe it would help him gain confidence. However, the second that you brought up the idea to your son, he had shut it down.
You wanted what was best for him, and after all these years neither of you were sure what that was going to be.
If Bruce was any other man, Thomas would have been far to grown for him to be carried around. However, both of your favourite men came towards you with your son latched onto Bruce's hip. "Did you hear who's coming over today?" You asked Thomas, who shook his head. "Clark and his son, Jon."
Thomas looked more excited than you had seen him be in a while. Bruce set him down so that he could go finish helping Dick make you a... delicious breakfast, hopefully. You cuddled into Bruce's side, watching the two boys that you raised work together. The second you looked up at him, he kissed you.
In the corner of your eye, you could see that Dick was blocking Thomas' eyes so he wouldn't have to see you kiss. You giggled at the two of them.
Thomas may have struggled lots in his life, but he had a countless amount of people that were there to support him every step of the way. You and Bruce never once neglected your son because of his condition, it was a learning curve for you both but loving your son would always come first. You were sure Bruce loved him more than he ever loved you - not that you could blame him, Thomas had that affect on people.
Not long after you finished eating breakfast, which wasn't as bad as you or Bruce were expecting it to be, Clark and Jon arrived. Damian had joined you when you were seated in the dining room though didn't say much until you told him that the Kent's were coming over. Much like his father, he was wearing of the Kryptonians.
It had been years since you had seen Jon. He was still just a little toddler who couldn't say much and couldn't control his powers. Now, he was the same age as Damian and well surpassed him in height. Clark was friendly to you, as per usual. When he looked over at Thomas, he was astonished by just how much he had grown since the last time.
"You've gotten so big," Clark exclaimed. He knelt down on one knee to be eye level with Thomas. Although your son liked Clark, he still refused to speak to him. Instead, he let out a beautiful smile and then scurried back over to you to whisper into your ear.
"Tommy says it's nice to see you again. And that he's been drinking lots of milk so that he can get just as big and strong as you," you relayed his words. Thomas tugged your sleeve down again, correcting your statement. "Oh, sorry, hun. He says he going to get bigger and stronger than you."
Clark laughed and ruffled Thomas's hair. Jon, nearly skidded on the floor as he rushed over to Thomas. "Hi! I'm Jon," he stuck his hand out to shake Thomas', to which he did. "Dad says that me and you are going to be great friends."
Thomas nodded at Jon. He held a single finger up to him as if to tell him to just wait a moment. This time, he ran over to Bruce and got him to crouch down to hearing level. He nodded along as words were whispered to him and then straightened back up again when Thomas ran back to Jon.
"Thomas would like to know if you and Damian would like to join him for ice cream this afternoon," Bruce looked over at Jon. Before arriving, Clark had told his son that Thomas was a little different from the rest of the kids as school, but he was still a good heart-ed soul.
"TT, I suppose," Damian answered, crossing his arms. He didn't look to excited to be going but you also knew him well enough that he was quite fond of the frozen treat.
"I'd love to!" Jon grinned. Thomas gestured for him to follow to where you assumed was his room. You looked over at Damian and jutted your head for him to follow as well. Reluctantly, he did. That left you, Bruce, Clark, and Dick together. Clark surely came over for business about the Justice League but you didn't bother to ask.
"You raised him well," Clark complimented you and Bruce. He didn't expect Batman to be such a loving father. Thomas needed that extra bit of love more than the other boys.
"Did we?" You asked. "I just want him to be happy, I feel like most of the time he isn't. We've gotten used to his muteness but a lot of the kids at school make fun of him for it. I worry about him."
"You're doing great, (Y/N)," Dick assured. He brought you into a side hug and kissed the top of your head. Even those you raised him for much of his life, now it seemed that he was the one that would parent you. "Thomas is a great kid, I don't think that anything is going to stop him from being happy when he's got you."
A series of laughs could be heard from upstairs. The harmony of noise brought a smile to your face. Even though you had your ups and downs raising your child in this hectic life, he was still turning out pretty okay.
Maybe you and Bruce didn't do so bad after all.
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The Superfam as Yandere’s Part 1: Clark Kent
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This is a yandere story; it mentions elements of obsession, possessiveness, death, murder, kidnapping, and physical abuse. If any of this is triggering for you, I understand, and you don’t have to read it.
*Suicide Warning*
As Always Feedback is Welcome
Clark always wondered about the hand print on his chest, his parents said it was a birthmark, but Clark always thought that it was more. Growing up, he’d find himself staring at it, wondering what it meant because it just had to mean something, it had to.
Once Clark found out about where he was from, suddenly it made a lot more sense. Jor-El had explained that on Krypton, it would be used to identify one’s life mate or to use earth terminology, a soulmate, the person whom he’d spend the rest of his life with. It’d be the first place that they’d touch him.
Not the first place he’d touch them mind you, Jor-El had made that distinction clear, on Krypton it wouldn’t have mattered much, but on earth, it would make all the difference. Humans didn’t have pre-determined mates; they wouldn’t have the same instant connection. Clark supposed he could live with that, he’d just have to build a relationship with them the human way.
At least until he’d pulled you from a burning building, many people over the years had placed their hands over his mark while flying, but it hadn’t felt like this before, searing pain followed by soothing coolness, and even if Jor-El hadn’t explained it to him, Clark would have known you were his on the spot.
Everything in him vibrated with the need to make you his, to claim you. On Krypton, this wouldn’t have been a problem; his mate would have felt the same, but here on earth, relationships had to be built. Once you were safely back on the ground, it took more strength than Clark thought he possessed to release you, and it took even more strength to keep from frying the EMT, who wrapped a blanket around your shoulders.
As you watched superman fly off, you had no idea how much your life was going to change, and how badly you’d wish it didn’t.
Clark had thought he’d have more control then what he did, as it turns out it was harder to fight his Kryptonian instincts than he’d realized. At first, he’d settled for watching you, his periscopic and x-ray vision making this an easy task. Some days when he was feeling extraordinarily brave, he’d sneak into your apartment and just be surrounded by your life.
While Clark was there, he’d decided to use his time to find out whatever he could about you; that way, when the two of you got married, he could have everything on the farm perfect. His mother would have been so happy to meet you, but she’d passed away last year and would never get the chance to.
Clark shook off the sadness that thought brought; he’d found his soulmate he needed everything to be absolutely perfect for your first meeting, but before that, he’d have to get rid of that waste of space you called a husband.
After the man died in what the police would rule a tragic accident, you’d start going to a grief counseling group, one that Clark would take full advantage in joining, the death of his mother was still a fresh wound, after all, this would be a way to kill two birds with one stone.
Clark had just started talking about how his parents met, his father was getting his degree in agriculture, and his mother had been going to law school because of her parents wishes. Some man in a fancy suit interrupted Clark to say, “You can get a degree in farming.” In the most condescending tone, Clark had ever heard.
Clark was about to say something when you chimed in, “You’re the kind of person who thinks you can plant corn in the same soil every year, and it’ll be perfectly fine, aren’t you? Well, jokes on you, there’s some legitimate science that goes into farming.” The group counselor got everything back on track after that, Clark finished his story about his parents
When the group was over, you’d came up to him and started talking, “I’m sorry about Robert he can be a real jerk sometimes, but he’s lost someone just like the rest of us. I shouldn’t have lost my temper with him honestly,” You said, rubbing the back of your neck nervously.
Clark remembered the man’s story. It had been just over a year ago when his little sister who’d been attending Central City University had called him really freaked out and said she was coming back to Metropolis but on her way she’d died in a tragic car accident. The girl’s body had been so charred that they could only identify her by a necklace her brother had given her.
Clark thought it sounded similar to the story of how Barry brought his wife home, just a much more gruesome version, really all Flash had done was liberate the girl from years of unnecessary struggle. What really was the point in getting her doctorate when the young little thing wasn’t going to be able to use it anyways. Berry had been taking excellent care of her; she was even about to give birth to their first child soon. Clark still thought it was a bit too early for that, Berry’s wife had yet had time to properly adjust to married life, but who was he to judge.
What did it matter anyway when her brother had given Clark the perfect point to insert himself into your life? Over the next year, the two of you got to know each other better, and Clark couldn’t be happier, at least he thought so until one day when you’d kissed him.
The rain had suddenly just started pouring down, and the two of you were hiding under an awning of a local café, giggling like mad, and then you grabbed onto his tie and pulled him down to your level. When you pressed your lips against his, Clarks heart soared. Clark wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you right up against him with strength you didn’t know he possessed. You smiled against his lips, happy for the first time since your husband died. If only you knew where this would end.
Three months later, he pulled you onto a rooftop, removed his glasses, and jumped off the edge. “Clark,” you’d screamed as you started running over to where he ledge, only to have him land in front of you. “You’re,” You gulped.
“Superman,” Clark said finishing your sentence. You ran like hell, you cared for Clark, and you were grateful to superman, who was well apparently also Clark, but you couldn’t lose anyone else like you had your husband. So, you decided to lose Clark now, while he was still alive, and your heart would only ache because of a breakup and not a funeral.
You cried yourself to sleep that night.
You woke up in a strange place to the sound of a rooster crowing, you felt your heart in your throat, and then Clark walked in and started acting like you’d been married for years and refusing to acknowledge when you’d tried talking sense into him.
You’d learned to play along, but he’d never truly broke you, and years later, a few days before Jon was five, you ran as fast and far as you could. Part of you felt guilty for leaving Jon behind, but he was just like his father; you could see it already.
You knew you couldn’t run forever, so somehow, you’d ended up standing in front of the hall of Justice waiting for the league. It was a dumb plan, who would even know if they’d believe you, but they couldn’t approve of Clark kidnaping a woman and forcing her to have a kid.
You’d been relieved when batman brought you back into the members-only part of the hall, they believed you or were at least taking your allegations seriously. You didn’t realize what a mistake it would be to go to Clark’s friends until Bruce stabbed you in the neck with a tranquilizer.
You wanted to cry when you woke up tied to a support beam in the Kent farms storm cellar. You’d been so close to freedom, why did you think that the Justice League didn’t know about you.
Clark came down into the cellar later that night with dinner in tow, and when he asked you why you ran away, you spit in his face, you were done playing the docile little housewife. For years you’d bent to this man’s will even having a child you didn’t want, well no more.
Clark didn’t bring you food for three days after that, and in those days, the only reason Clark came down was to let you use the bucket in the corner he’d been calling your bathroom, still you’d held firm. You’d lost track of time, but after nearly two years had passed in that damn cellar, you spotted it hiding in the corner.
A rusty knife lay buried under buckets of what was probably the lead paint Clark had used to make sure Jon couldn’t see in here. You’d been fraying your ropes against the beam since Clark had brought you breakfast, and once it was a hair away from braking, you waited until you were sure Clark wasn’t coming back for a while.
Once you were sure, Clark wasn’t going to come back; you snapped your rope and ran over to the knife. No matter how heavy the blade felt in your hand, you were under no illusions of being able to take down superman. If you couldn’t have your freedom by running away, you’d take it another way, you thought as you closed your eyes and pressed the blade to your throat.
When Clark came back to the cellar with your dinner, he couldn’t believe what he saw, his soulmate was lifelessly laying on the floor surrounded by her own blood.
@prettyafghan (If You want to be tagged let me know by filling out the form in my bio)
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oh-for-fic-sake · 4 years
You and Bruce get to the bottom of your youngests Anxiety fueled Mutism.
Warnings: Swearing, Angst ,Bullying ,Racial bullying? ,Fluff , Humor
A/N: This is a request from @babydork10​ Tried to make this as accurate as I could did have to do a bit of reading up on the topic and hope I have done it justice and you all enjoy xx
Taglist: @125bluemachine125​ @iloveyouyen​ @thefangirlsblog​
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You and Bruce looked at one another across the kitchen, you where having a disagreement. Not an argument. Bruce thinks that its time to start helping your youngest with his selective mutism by taking him to the funday fundraiser for the brand new Martha Wayne foundation, a new charity for the underprivileged children of Gotham. It was going to try and build a new school with decent education giving these kids equal opportunities to go to college and university,  to make it out of the...Harsher side of Gotham city. Sure the day was going to be fun for the kids, Bruce had pulled in a small fair ground and one of those ridiculous inflatable playgrounds you how ever think its to soon.
"Look the Drs said its caused by a severe anxiety, fear! I just- I want to help him y/n I don't want my boy to grow up..." he cut him self off and you growled hissing at him.
"Mute? Is that it Bruce? You don't want him to be mute? I mean he can't grow up to be the next Robin if he can't talk right?" He growled voice dropping low and dangerous he slammed his hands down on the counter.
"THAT'S FUCKING!-that was unfair..you know I didn't mean that at all!" You held his gaze not the least bit intimidated you know he would never hurt you deep down. You sighed and leaned back against the counter crossing you arms.
"I-I don't want him to grow up scared...Thought that we could-if it was with other kids he might open up a little" you sighed  rolling your eyes
"Its anxiety based Bruce social anxiety fuck-sure sure lets put our boy our socially anxious little boy into a fucking fairground with hundreds of kids he doesn't know! where there will be cameras and reporters and and-fuck Bruce it will be hell for him there!" He growled
"He will know some of them! Some of his class mates are coming...And you know what!? At least its something god damn it! Its fear he is scared don't you get that! He is frightened to interact! To speak to anyone fuck sake he won't even speak to Damien or Tim! Y/n! And they live here...fucking hell, woman..You know? at least I'm trying!" You flew from the counted to the island he was leaning on pointing at him really pissed now.
"OH WHAT AND I’M FUCKING NOT? COME ON TELL ME? HONESTLY BRUCE YOU THINK I’M NOT TRYING? THAT I DON'T SPEND HOURS UPON HOURS UP AT NIGHT TRYING TO FIGURE OUT WHERE I WENT WRONG? THAT-THAT SOMEHOW THIS COULD BE MY FAULT!?" you screamed at him across the kitchen your shout echoing off every surface tears streaming down your face a you shook in anger and despair you were so happy the boys where at school you never ever wanted them to see this back and forth especially Roman.
Bruce shook his head at you and made his way to you he opened his arms holding you softly as you wept into your hands.
"Shh shh I-I'm sorry I didn't mean that its not your fault...its not anyone’s fault...I just I see my boy hurting, he wants to interact to play and make friends and I want to help him but I don’t know how....I was just hoping you know the rides and games would take his mind off of the people around him and he could...I don’t know prove to himself its okay, he can make friends and talk to others...That was all love, I wanted to give him the chance" you whined into his shoulder as he help you cupping the back of your head ruffling your hair you turned placing a kiss on his neck before nodding.
"....Okay, we can-we can give it a shot but don't push him Bruce they said he could grow out of it"
"They also said it can be a confidence thing...Fuck it could be o many things! We-I just want to help him, he is such a sweet funny kid I just want everyone to see what an amazing little boy he is!" You smiled nodding up at him.
"I know you want to show him off, a big proud papa... I do to I- I just worry to much" Bruce wrapped his arms around you holding you tight. He was worried for Romans future you both were, he place a soft kiss on your head rocking you back and forth.
"I know you are worried I am to...But we have to try, the boys will be around watching and Alfred to I just want to give him what he needs but-" you took a deep breath on his cologne then moved to rest your ear over his heart listening to the soothing pulse beneath.
"I-I know its hard not knowing what he needs...As parents its our job but...But with this? Its- your right as uncomfortable as it is for us we need to try for his sake...never know he might make a friend" Bruce took a shaking breath and rubbed your arms encouragingly.
"He might do, we do whats best, we try and that's all we can do...come on lets go let Alfred know we don't need him to babysit"
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You moved across your youngest bed room he was looking at you slowly blinking his hazel eyes followed you as you ran around grabbing his new outfit. A pair of dark wash ripped jeans and a loose fitting button up shirt. Hopefully he would be able to climb and play in it.
"Mummy...What are you doing?" You took a deep breath and looked down you dreaded this. You smiled and twisted round sitting on the bed and patted for Roman to sit beside you. He did still looking at you cutely as you handed him his clothes he instantly began pulling on the shirt waiting for your reply.
"Well.. Your father and I....As you know we are having a fundraiser today...And its for your Nana's charity....And we were going to take you with us...Its going to be some much fun! your father pulled out all the stops! Theres going to be a fairground with rides and popcorn and candyfloss and a big inflatable playground-"
"Why?" What? You faltered
"What do you mean love? Why what?" He looked down fiddling with a thread on his 'trendy' ripped jeans that his father hated but you wanted him to fit in today to have the best chance, you leaned in placing a hand to his back rubbing slowly.
"Why are you taking me? Won't I embarrass you?" You frowned and kneeled down before him
"Embarrass- OH Roman no! No you have never ever embarrassed us never- do you hear me? My sweet sweet child! Don't you ever think that for a second...Roman Thomas Wayne you look at me" At his full name he looked up at you blinking away tears sniffling softly.
"B-But I don't talk mummy?! isn't that bad? don't people laugh at you and daddy when you take me out?" you gasped
"Laugh? who? who laughs at you my love?"
"....everyone! At school they laugh! a-and when we go out to dinner and when i go with you to see daddy at the office! I try mummy I do try I promise! I just don't-Can't the other parents have to laugh to!..I don't want to go!" you shook your head trying to fight tears seeing how worked up he was getting panting and panicking...This was a bad idea!
"Roman-Roro listen to me...You are my son! My little boy and you have nothing-nothing to be embarrassed or ashamed of and don't you worry about what other people think, they are just jealous...You are my special little man! I love you, We love you so very much and we will protect you your brothers included!"
"Damien he and Tim hate me-I cant even talk to them! I love them and Jason and Dick but I can't- they don't know that!-"
"That is one of the silliest things you've ever said and I don't ever want to hear you say that again Roman" you and Roman gasped seeing Bruce slink into the room silently creeping.
"But Daddy-" Bruce waved a hand at him.
"No buts about it Roman...Your brothers love you to death! all four of them and they always will you here me? you might not say it but they know you love them back....There is nothing to be embarrassed about, today is about having some fun you can play with the other kids or stay with your mother and I its your choice...I hope you have a little fun at least go on some rides!" His face lit up
"Re-really daddy? they love me?" You smiled as Roman peeked at Bruce hopefully
"Of course they do! today I want you to enjoy yourself and eat as much cotton candy as you can! Now enough of all this get your- are you really wearing those?" Roman looked down to the jeans on his lap and nodded then quickly slipped them on slowly getting himself all excited he had one hell of a sweet tooth and you can get much sweeter then cotton candy...You'd be lying if you said you wasn't looking forward to it yourself.
"Okay...I will come and...Mummy? Willl-will there be pictures?" You blinked looking to Bruce this was new.
"Pictures? Like the press you mean?" He nodded
"Uh huh Like uncle Clark and aunt Lois" Bruce and you shared a look frowning why was Roman worried about the press?
"Yeah buddy just a few...Your uncle and aunt wont be there though just some people from Gotham....But after we have a picture of the family then will leave us alone...Don't you worry about them you just have fun tonight!" You had a horrid sinking feeling...why the fuck was your seven year old wary of the fucking paps? What has happened for him to be dubious over photos? Roman have an uneasy look but kept quiet prompting you to ask
"Roman love....Is everything alright? You know if anyone has done anything you can tell your father and I? We can fix it..." he smiled a false smile.
"I'm okay mummy....Can we go now?"you looked incredulously as Bruce but nodded."Sure honey go get your shoes on...the black hi-tops your going to need grip on the rides!" He smiled running down the hall
"I know love...I will look into it tonight but I picked upon it to"
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The car ride was fairly quiet the tension was thick, you knew both Tim and Damien were wondering about how roman would take this but they chose to keep their comments to themselves. You and Bruce were up front Damien and Tim in the back with Roman snugly tuck in the middle. Damien and Tim were bickering over there younger brothers head. you rolled your eyes at them.
"I'm gonna kick your ass drake!" Tim grumbled
"Whatever you helps you sleep at night hell spawn! mini games are my thing!"
"Fuck you-"
"Damien language! and that's enough both of you- if you start this competitive bullshit today you'll get Jason involved and I don't want to have to deal with your bitching when he kicks both your asses on the shoot a duck!!" you looked back to the three boys. both teens grumbled you frowned.
"Roman are you alright honey? your pale...Is it your tummy?" he nodded and both brothers shared a look over him. Bruce did a quick check in the mirror and took a breath.
"In your bag I'm sure I put some in there" you nodded pulling your bag to your lap and puled out a small bottle of pills, What people didn't realize about Romans condition is there was a whole host of symptoms. Just like adult anxiety there were tummy aches, migraines, diarrhea, sickness, nausea and the most frightening of all was chest pains. you huffed you didn't have a water bottle. Fuck.
"Damien? Tim? you got any water for your brother to take his medicine?" at your request they both quickly routed around in their man bags for a water bottle Tim was first handing it to Roman who took the medicine quickly as always. you smiled to him reassuringly.
"Trust me love...There is nothing to worry over- just a fun day at the fair! okay? Just stick with one of us" Damien nodded
"Yeah you can come play with us! we can beat drake together on the mini games! he can fall to our superior genes!" Roman smiled to Damien warily making the teen smile and ruffle the boys hair.
"ha! as if Roro wants to help me wipe the floor with you! don't you Ro? after all if your as good as you say then you wont need the help!" you rolled your eyes as the two began their bickering again
"oh for fuck sake-" you were stopped by Bruce placing a hand on your thigh nodding subtly to them and you of what he was hinting to. Roman was happy smiling wide looking between his brothers, seemingly happy to be included. you sat back facing forward .
"He will be fine just give him a little space today see where it leads, I've asked the boys to watch the other parents and paps today...I have an idea about something want to confirm it first"
"About what? Roman? what do you think-" you were cut off with a patt on the leg from Bruce and a raised eyebrow.
"Just leave it with me...I will know by the end of the day but...with what he was saying to you i think...well i think he is stressing over what people think of us because of him..just let me do my thing today okay? I'm not the worlds greatest detective for nothing~" you nodded still not understanding fully but you trusted Bruce and the boys they would sort it you hoped.
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Finally you arrived Jason and Dick came over giving both you and Bruce hugs and picking up roman making him release a soundless squeal at being spun around. Damien was quick to bitch at them about his tummy ache and snatch him away giving the small boy a piggy back waltzing to the fair muttering about the imbeciles.
Hhow the little boy could doubt any of his brothers  could hate him was beyond you, they each doted on him spoilt him rotten! if mum and dad said no you can guarantee Dick, Jason,Damien or Tim would make it happen. Much to the annoyance of you and Bruce. Once the initial speech was over and Bruce had convinced the wealthy to start digging into their pockets a few family photos were taken. you had noticed a few whispers about Romans appearance and quickly shut up the gossipers with a deadly glare as Roman clung to either you or his dad refusing to go with Damien and Tim to the mini shooting games. You sighed when you finally got a moment to breath away from the cameras who seemed to cling to you and Roman.
It was true you didn't normally have your youngest about, it was common knowledge that he was mute and shy so the paps had been adamant that they got as many photos of the boy as they could,much to your annoyance. you swore as he held you tighter as you moved quickly loosing them in the crowds. you turned a corner and rested a hand on Romans head calming him looking around spotting Bruce who was bombarded by his 'friends' a bunch of puffed up ignorant posh clingy twats! wanting to be seen with the infamous Wayne patriarch. you looked down as Roman tugged your sleeve and pointed, you followed hi gaze to the small cup stack mini game where there was a bunch of kids lining up. you smiled down at him and nodded patting his back.
"Go on then baby, go have fun and don't let anyone ask for money! your father has paid for free reign for everyone okay?" he nodded and walked over to the back of the line. you sighed standing stiff watching him closely you noticed that Dick was also near by watching over his baby brother closely making you feel better.
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Roman came to a stop looking up at the nets of huge stuffed animals they had a wide selection he smiled seeing a massive great white shark! it was taller then him! he lined up behind the other kids waiting his turn."Hi!" he turned to around seeing a little girl around his age she was dark skinned with a mass of wild natural hair in two pompoms on her head. Roman gulped looking around seeing if sh could be talking to anyone else and she giggled.
"Yes you! that shark is cool huh?" Roman was unsure what to do he didn't want to be rude but at the same time was out of his comfort zone. he settled for nodding and looked back up at it.
"Oh...your shy huh? that's okay! I'm not...You think that's the size of a real one?" she asked looking to the toy hanging above them as the line moved forward. Roman shook his head at her, he knew they were bigger his uncle Arthur had shown him a real great white shark...His mother had to be dragged off of him by uncle Clark after...even uncle Clark had trouble getting her off him..
Roman shook his head and gulped deciding to try and communicate...this girl looked nice and...he doubted she was going away soon the line was long. he blinked and took a deep breath before releasing trying to calm his heart down and made a move signaling to the toy then made a 'smaller' motion hoping she understood. She looked to him then the toy nodding.
"Yeah! your right its probably to small!! but its cool right? I've been trying to win it all day!...Got the seal though see!!" roman smiled a warm feeling slowly bubbling up she had understood. she held out her seal to him letting him prod it, it was fat and squishy making him smile.
"I'm gonna get that shark!" Roman smirked a little looking back up taking another step to the front as more kids left holding various sized sea life prizes, some looked up longingly to the line of huge sharks on the nets you had to knock all ten cups down five times to get one...
"Oooo look! look a tiger shark!! wow I want that one you think I can?!" Libby go excited bouncing up and down placing her hands on Roman’s shoulders. He turned seeing the one at the back with light blue stripes and nodded then pointed to the octopus on the shelf below
"Wow that's cool to...You gonna go for that one? or jaws~" he tilted his head and pointed to the Great white. Libby smiled standing next to him.
"I'm gonna win the tiger shark today!" Roman's eye widened as he heard a familiar laugh
"Ha like you can get that one! scrawny arms like that! you know I'm gonna get it just so you cant have it move!" Roman frowned as some bullies from his class pushed him and Libby shoving the two of them behind their group cutting the line.
"HEY! YOU CANT DO THAT! I'M TELLING ON YOU!" Roman glared at them standing between the small group and Libby. Micky the leader sneered at him.
"What Wayne got something to say? well come on spit it out! oh wait you can't- Dumbo...Don't even know how to talk~ tell me this your little girlfriend? won't even stand up for her-" Roman growled angrily as two of the boys starting mocking them
"Romans got a little girlfriend! ha! what daddy paying her to be friends with you?!" Libby began whining as they began pulling at her pompoms tugging her curly hair harshly.
"Ew look this is her hair! god its gross and fluffy!" Roman panicked and slapped at the boys hands stopping their attempts but one pushed the smaller girl to the floor out of the line as Libby began crying loudly drawing the attention of the adults around them...More specifically the attention of Romans family.
"FUCK OFF!!!" everyone froze as roman shouted to the boys loud and clear.
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You had been watching as a little girl approached Roman with her toy, she seemed nice and unfazed by Romans...Situation and you felt a rush of relief as she continued making conversation with him...well Roman-esque chatter as he began pointing at the toys. You looked away as dick came over to you.
"So? things are going well...Looks like today is working huh Mum?" you smiled nodding looking to your oldest.
"Yes- I was worried but...you know I underestimate your father sometimes especially with roman.." dick smiled slinging an arm around your shoulder kissing your head.
"Do-do you know whats going on your father said something about Roman’s issue? that he as an idea but wouldn't explain more then that" dick hissed through his teeth.
"Not entirely sure myself-" you were both interrupted as you heard a loud crying form where roman was. some kids- boys from Romans class had come over and pushed the little girl down and were pulling her hair as Roman was trying to slap them away then-
"FUCK OFF!" you froze momentarily as Roman screamed at the boys and pushed with all his might making the boy loose balance and fall before crying himself. Roman stood in front of the now whining little girl shielding her from the other mean boys. You made your way over but it was to late some photographers had gotten there first and was surrounding your boy taking photos shouting out at him asking hims to 'say something else' Jason and Bruce had swooped in shoving the men out of his sons face collecting Roman and the little girl; knowing that she would also find herself questioned by the pushy journalists. you followed as Bruce continued to one of the public toilets with roman Jason followed with the little girl.
"Shit- Ro-roman oh god are you okay?" you entered just as Bruce had set him down he was bawling his eyes out panicking and holding his breath. shit shit shit. you noticed the little girl was upset and confused, she hadn't known who roman was.
you moved to crouch beside her.
"Hey poppet...are you okay?" she blinked back tears and pointed to her cut knee.
"Oh no! did those mean boys do that?" she nodded sniffling
"A-And they pulled my h-hair saying it was funny looking!! I-I like my h-hair!!" you frowned and moved to hug her careful of her cut knee.
"Oh shh shh Its okay...your hair is very pretty!" she cried louder
"I-I w-ant my mummy!"
"Whats you mummy's name- Jason can go find her do you remember what she was wearing?" she nodded choking and coughing on her sobs. you concentrated on her as Bruce and Dick helped calm down Roman.
"Joy...she has a blue dress!" you stood up but Jason was out the door returning a few moments later with the little girls mother. She looked to you and nodded thankfully as the little girl ran to her getting picked up still tearful
"Oh god Libby what happened to you? why the tears?"
"T-they were mean to him to- th-they called him names! and and made fun of him! and he tr-tried to stop them from pu-lling my hair! and-and then they p-pushed me down and I cut my knee!!!" you looked to the little girl Libby. Then Bruce who has roman in his arms now calm.
"Roman ..Those boys? they are from your school aren't they?" he nodded and you shared a look with Bruce who was rocking him back and forth still panicked himself wondering if this really was a good idea or not. But to everyone's surprise Roman spoke up in a tiny timid voice
"T-they are mean-Call me dumb....Laugh when I make sounds and laugh...Try to make me talk..Poke me with pens so I make noises" you gasped...He had never said that before...Was that? could this be it? the issues was when he made sounds they made fun and picked on him? Bruce grunted
"How long Ro? how long have they done this?" Roman shrugged and shook his head not answering for a second and Bruce pulled him back and continued in his stern no room for arguments voice
"Roman? how long have they been making fun?" Roman looked down
"Since...forever" you gasped he was being bullied at school...no wonder nothing had gotten better! normally with selective mutism as they grew up safe spaces like home and school were just that safe spaces and he'd talk confidently interact and make friends if he was being hurt at school then obviously the opposite would happen.
Damien and Tim was quiet, this was the most they'd never heard their little brother say before and it was- they were gobsmacked. Bruce sighed and nodded.
"Thank you son for telling me- you were very brave! and I'm very very proud of you...Even if it was a swear word he lifted his gaze to Damien and Tim who both gulped.
"And you were very brave to protect your friend today from those bully's....now you leave the school with me I will deal with them...Or better yet I will let your mother loose on them" as he said that all your sons shivered not wanting to cross paths with you ever they felt sorry for the teacher already. Roman gasped and looked at Bruce
"Pictures-" Bruce cupped his sons head kissing his temple
"Leave it to me- now do you want to stay and play with-" he looked to the now quiet little girl
"L-Libby sir" Bruce smiled to the polite child
"Do you want to stay and play with Libby?" roman looked to Libby who stared hopeful and nodded Bruce put him down letting him stand next to the girl he spoke in a whisper barely being heard now that he wasn't tucking himself into his fathers neck for comfort.
"I-I-I'M Ro-Roman" she smiled at him
"HI roman!! can we?- do you wanna get the sharks? and then sweets-LET GET SWEETS!!"
"Shark's?...." Roman nodded grinning looking up at Tim and Damien as they both interrupted"we will go win you the sharks...and then sweets" they looked to Libby's mother
"We will watch out for them, come on you two" you looked as the Libby looked to her mum who nodded before running over holding Tims hand Roman joined her holding Damien's.
"We will take care of them today mother meet you at the gates at four this afternoon"
"Yes you go have fun mum- I know you like the waltzers leave these two with us" you watched as they made for the exit with the tow youngsters
"Roman come and point out these kids to me and Dami-" you gasped chasing them out
"Oh no you don't!...Timothy! Damien don't you dare! you leave those boys alone! I will sort this out-" you were stopped by Bruce who was making his way out allowing the girls mother to exit first
"Y/n leave them~"
"Bruce they will beat the shit out of those kids-" he laughed winding an arm around your waist.
"No they wont...Scare them but not beat them to many witnesses~" you looked to the other woman and smiled
"Sorry about all this- would you like to get coffee? I'm sure the boys will look after them now....It seems they are on guard duty now~" she smiled and nodded still a little on edge but you were determined to become friends with this women...her little girl has done more good for your son in the last ten minuets then you and your family have managed in the last seven years!
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At the end of the day you had become closer to Libby's mother Joy and had invited her over the next day for tea it turns out you and the woman had a lot in common which made things easier. you waited at the gates and laughed as not only were Tim and Dami walking out with huge stuffed animals but Dick and Jason were trailing behind each holding a collection of won prizes. Roman and Libby were both ecstatic each holding a huge shark and a few sealed bags of cotton candy.
"Oh my- Jason I never thought pink was your colour~"
"ha ha! mum real funny not these are for the little miss Libby!" the girl was bouncing on the spot
"Mummy-Mummy look Jason got me the unicorn and the minion and the batman!!! see see look mummy he won them for me! he is really good at the shooting games!!" Joy chuckled and moved around her buzzing child
"Thank you boys...she has been looking forward to this for a long time""Jason's my boyfriend to! see he won me a ring! we are getting married!" you and Bruce chuckled as Jason blushed as the Libby showed her mother the small plastic ring excitedly.
"Ah I see well we should be getting home now...Say bye bye and we will see Roman tomorrow"
"Tomorrow? oh are we coming back!!" you chuckled as she got all excited again
"No but you are coming over tomorrow to play with roman how does that sound?" she gasped and looked to you then her mum ,Roman looked hopeful at you to.
"Really?! can I bring my shark?!" you nodded
"Of course you can bring your shark now, we better get home for dinner...we will see you tomorrow Libby, see you Joy..Jason can you take them to Mrs Mouvins car!" Damien snickered
"Yeah go help your girlfriend~" Jason grunted
"Shes not my fucking-" he was interrupted by Libby coming up and grasping his hand dragging him away.
"Come on Jason! don't get lost!" you couldn't help it you laughed loudly with the boys as Jason flushed bright as the child dragged him to there car. you looked to roman
"So you have a good day?" he nodded then paused looking around blinking taking a deep shaky breath then stuttered out quiet words.
"Y-yes ....was f-fun with Dami and Tim" both of which beamed tugging him into hugs.
"Wait a go buddy!" Tim's said giving him a noogy with the flat of his fist making roman wince and chuckle softly Damien spoke up next pulling him into a tight hug.
"We knew you had it in you! first words of fuck you though? your kick ass"
"Yeah who'd of thunk it?" Tim continued Bruce folded his arms eye Damien again
"Yes I wound where he gets it from? huh Damien? I'm sure he must have heard it around the house isn't that right Damien"
"Oh shit" you smirked as you all began your trek to the car
"Oh shit is right my boy! your doing double drills tonight!"
"Huh that's not fucking fair-"
"What the fuck? Why?"
"Quadruple and for being a bad influence on your brother- I don't know what your laughing Timothy your spotting him to make sure he does it"
"What?! why? what about patrol?!"Tim admonished
"Dick and Jason are going with me and if there is so much as one more word about it you'll be doing it tomorrow night as well!" you snickered as both teens held there breath biting back retorts knowing Bruce wasn't fucking around. You turned peeking through the center console to look as Roman.
"AANYway Roman you don't mind having Libby around tomorrow for a play date do you?" Roman blushed as leaned back as Bruce started the car pulling away, smiling he shook his head. No he didn't mind he liked her a lot.
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That was the day that changed everything. Roman had anxiety but it wasn't so much as social it was more over the family image. You learned he had been picked on for not speaking and then picked on to make him talk, then when it did make sounds they bullied him even more for making noise!! the whole vicious cycle had gone unnoticed but after one meeting with you everything was fixed. Roman still didn't speak at school it would take time but he was getting better. All in all he was stressed and anxious little boy terrified of screwing up! he didn't want to say the wrong thing in front of the paparazzi or cameras. He was aware of the family's status and had anxiety over that not necessarily people. All of this fear and stress built up on a seven year olds shoulders resulting in his Mutism. Which was now slowly going away! he spoke freely around the house, some times he stuttered and spoke in whispers but it was much much better.
Damien and Tim both loved hearing there little brother talk after going so long not hearing a peep. Both breaking down in tears when Roman first told them he loved them...Not that either would admit it but you had dealt with the sobbing teens that evening giving both long cuddles in the privacy of their rooms. thing's were looking up and with Libby coming around all the time it could only get better!. it was incredible! when with her it as like roman was free, a normal loud boisterous little boy. You were hopeful for the future especially when Bruce was paying for Libby to start school with Roman next term paying for her full education much to the reluctance of her mother. Joy didn't want to be indebted but you but had when you and Bruce explained what was going on... She couldn't refuse that it was a good idea, Libby would have a much better chance in life, for her daughters sake she agreed. and you hoped it was the next step in prying Roman out of his shell.
341 notes · View notes
dcomicsficrecs · 4 years
Do you have any fics with Jason just being a Bro™️? Or any with him rejoining the family after UTRH?
For the sake of this post not being too long, I am going to rec only one fic or series from an author, but all of these authors are great writers so I recommend checking their other works as well. Hope you will enjoy this fics as much as I do!
1. Jason and Damian being bros
1.1 Bet on it by Lysical  
Even Damian could admit that his older siblings occasionally had their uses. __
"I need your assistance," Damian said, voice low and tense.
"No," Jason replied, and hung up.
Short but adorable story of Jason helping out Damian to hide something from their father, just like big brothers out to do.
1.2 Cracked Foundation by Cdelphiki    
The last thing Damian expected to happen when he ran away from home was to spend a day crammed into a small space with Jason Todd.  His father's second son was a black sheep.  An outcast.  An angry, insanity driven criminal who enjoyed screwing with the batfamily in every way he could. At least, that's what Damian thought.  Maybe he was wrong about Todd.
Perfect hurt/comfort with a lot of family feels and Damian and Jason bodning. Bonus points: Jason actually apologizing for shooting him; exploration of Bruce’s relationships with them both too.
1.3   Good Grief by lysiabeth                
“I know who you are, you know. I got my degree at GCU.” The girl says, eyes boring into Jason’s chest as if the red bat were still plastered on it, and Jason’s back stiffens.
“Right.” Jason’s teeth click together as he closes his mouth. He’s eighteen-hundred miles out from Gotham, and of all the Goddamn vet centres he could have broken into it’s probably the only one around that knows anything about his city.
WIP with 8K words so far but worth early reading and bookmarking/subscribing. Case fic, plus Damian and Jason bonding as siblings through Talia? Leviathan also plays a part in this story? Hell yeah.
1.4 Jason and the Three Terrors by Cdelphiki                
One moment, Jason was peacefully sleeping, perfectly content with his life with the League of Assassins.  Okay, so maybe not content content, but he wasn't unhappy, either.  Then Talia woke him up at 2 am, threw three children at him, and told him to get them to America and far away from Ra's al Ghul.
What the fuck.
The last thing he wanted was to see Bruce. But with three brats relying on him and no Talia, there weren't many options for sanctuary. He just didn't expect the kids to grow on him so much in two short weeks.
A superb AU where Jason helps Damian escape League of the Assassin (against his wishes and with two unwanted additions to boot, which is half the pleausure). They aren’t brothers, stictly speaking, at the start of the fic, but become them as the story progresses.
It’s a WIP but it has 50K already and it will be so much more. I am excited with every update and I’m sure you’re gonna be, too.
2. Jason being a brother to Cassandra
2.1 Nests and Cages series by LanternWisp, Lysical starting with Needles or Pins  
Jason Todd's journey back to the Batfamily. Takes place in the Frankenstein's monster of a canon I've stitched together. Each plot is rather self-contained, but the fics do flow into one another
Jay and Cass are bio siblings, and Jason’s slow return to the fold. I love this series, and I think it’s one of the greatest take on Lady Shiva being Jason’s mother too.
2.2 Didymous  by   Hinn_Raven
Didymous: adjective: growing in pairs or twins.
Cassandra and Jason are born twins, raised by their father to be killers. Two heads are better than one.
It’s a great AU with Jay and Cass being biological siblings.
2.3 the patron saint of the lost causes series by evanescent
Pre-Flashpoint AU based on canon what-if Lady Shiva was not only Cassandra's biological mother, but Jason's, too. Mostly focuses on Cass and Jason's relationship, and how that fact changes the dynamics in Batfamily.
It is also a great series with Cass and Jay being biological siblings and I recommend reading every fic of this series.
2.4 Rebirth by Ionaperidot                
"The boy is clearly ill, and while she’s almost certain that he is, impossibly, Jason Todd, almost is not good enough. She can’t drop heartbreak on her beloved’s doorstep, and she can’t run the necessary tests when Damian is vulnerable to her father’s wrath. There’s no way around it. He’ll have to come home with her."
Unexpectedly in charge of a second son, Talia struggles to raise her children without unwanted attention from the Demon's Head.
An AU where Talia is the one who unites Cass and Jason. It also contains Damian, and he’s a little brother to them both.
3. Jason and Duke being bros
3.1 Bats are Dorks by   Reah22                
Duke hadn’t meant to literally trip and fall on to Jason. He really hadn’t. For the record, he blamed Steph. It was probably one of her old pranks that she forgot to take down. That, or she deliberately left it up for someone to trip over in the dark.
Just Duke and Jason, hanging out. Super nice.
3.2 oh, where do i begin? by LazuliQuetzal
“No, no, nothing’s wrong,” Jason says. “We’re a-okay. Just peachy. Good times.”
“Oh,” Duke says, lamely, working himself out of crisis mode. There’s an awkward silence for a moment before he speaks up again. “Why did you call?”
“Right, right," Jason mumbles, which seemed a little out of character to Duke. His sort-of wayward brother was generally intimidating, even when he wasn't trying to be. "Uh, Dick said that you had a guinea pig when you were younger. How do you take care of a guinea pig?” _____
AKA, not-exactly accidental guinea pig acquisition
Absolutely adorable short story about Jason going to his little brother for advice.
3.3 rockstar au series by addiebey starting with disconnect:
jason and duke bond. dick just doesn't get it, but what's new?
Another great no-capes AU. Only two fics from the series, both under 1k, are focused on Duke and Jason, but they are so great. The whole series is, actually, though it’s not finished. I am just grateful even this much exists, but I am definitely bookmarking and subscribing it in case there will be more. Please give this series the attention and praise it deserves.
There are, alas, not many Duke and Jason-centered fics. Though there is another one I wanted to recommend, about Jason training Duke, but I can’t find it for some reason. It was short and funny, and if anyone recognizes this description, I would be glad if you told me.
4. Jason and Dick being bros
4.1 i was naive and hopeful and lost by heroics (figure8)
Clark and Bruce take in a troubled teen.
The The Fosters AU no one asked for.
It’s a part of the series which is one of the best no-capes AU I’ve read, if not the best, and it’s a great family-focused fic with a good parent Bruce. The road for Jason to become Dick’s and the rest of the kids’ brother is slow but greatly written.
4.2 To Reconcile by CasualDanger      
“Babs slapped me at your funeral.”  Jason goes to laugh, but it’s just a cough and his mouth barely even twitches up.  “She hated me in that moment.  I mean, really, really hated me, like I did Talia after I found out Damian had died.  And I wondered,” his voice cracks, eyes glassy now, “did you hate anyone when I was gone?  Because I was gone?”
Short and emotional fic where Dick and Jason open up to each other during pressing circumstances.
4.3  Five Times Dick Grayson Read about Jason Todd in the Newspaper by Engineerd              
If Dick hadn’t been special ordering the Gotham City Gazette, he wouldn’t have found out for - well. Years, at this rate.
Short and very full of emotion story. I love the exploration of Dick’s almost unchanging attitude toward Jason - well, unchanging right before the last time he would read about him (or almost the last time). They’re not really close here, and won’t grow closer, but sometimes siblinghood is like that.
4.4 The View From Jade by lowflyingfruit                
Being transported to the past is not the sort of thing one normally expects. But this having happened, and with no easy way back, Jason's determined to make the most of it. Though the Bat still stalks Gotham's streets, the city's crime is run by the mobs instead of the rogues. There's no Joker yet.
There's no Robin.
Maybe there shouldn't be.
Time Travel Jason&Dick focused AU! One of the best time travel fics where they actually change stuff even if it doesn’t transit to their universe - for exception of their more strong brotherly relationships.
5. Jason and Stephanie being bros
5.1 this time, the loser wins by parkerstorms
They were two sides of the same coin.  They understood each other.  It was nice.  It was a downright relief.  She’d never had a big brother before.
There’s not a lot of Jason and Steph being bros stories I have not mentioned before, but this one is one of them, and a great one too.
6. Jason and Tim being bros
6.1 Bonding Habits of Robins by  GoAwayOlivia                
Giving each other shit is how the bat brothers show they care. Jason and Tim do it particularly well.
It’s a funny and nice fic with exactly what’s said in the summary.
There’s a lot of fics with Jason and Tim being bros but my memorie went blank when I tried to recall. Which is not a statement about their relationships or quality of fics that depict them, it’s just sometimes my memory doesn’t work properly. This is the case with the Jason and Steph, too. As soon as I remember or discover new fics about their relationships, I am going to update this post or maybe create a new one just for the three of them. We’ll see!
7. Batfam Jason-featured sibling relationships
7.1 If the Sky Comes Falling Down (For You)  by  lurkinglurkerwholurks
or, 5 times Jason Todd saved his siblings... and one time they saved him.
It was only by luck that Jason was still there when the bodies came crashing down the street. Bad luck, he would argue. He could hear them long before he could see them, their bodies preceded by the thunderous pounding of boots of asphalt and shouted curses. Three or four figures flashed by his little alleyway, a tight mob followed by a lone, slender figure in a streaming cape.
Summary speaks for itself. It’s a gradual description of Jason slowly coming back to the family after UtRH and starting feeling like their brother.
7.2  this is a long drive (for three robins who don't agree on much) by   drakefeathers
(Bad Robins road trip AU!) Steph’s trip home to Gotham takes a huge detour thanks to Jason and Damian’s conflicts with airport security. She’s stuck driving the two brothers cross-country to reach Tim’s wedding in time.
Damian, Jason & Steph bonding road trip AU that warms your heart. Seriously, if you like any of these characters, you read this.
7.3 on a thin chain of moments and something like faith series  by irnan
Jason really oughta know better than to talk to Bats.
Jason bonding with both Steph and Cass! Love it. It’s fluff and angst, which is hard to pull off together, but it works here. It also, in places, incredibly funny. I love re-reading it from time to time.
7.4   Tremor by  LueurdeLaube              
Nobody can tell Jason Todd that joking about his own death is not a valid coping mechanism.
Not about Jason being a bro per se but about Batfam and Jason so I hope it counts!
7.5. the lost sidekick society by  redtruthed                
The batkids make a group chat.
Chaos ensues.
One of the best groupchat AU for Batfam.
166 notes · View notes
Virago 09. Bloodshot
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Summary: Y/N was sent to the ground after spending five years in the Skybox for stealing medical supplies and murder. How will she deal with her new environment and learn to survive on earth? Will she crack under the pressure of becoming a leader of the 100 or will she embrace it. 
Post Date: 07.03.20
Word count: 4.2k
Pairing: Bellamy Blake x Reader
Based off: 01x10 “I am Become Death”
You found yourself restless throughout the night and not able to sleep. After beginning to feel impatient you quietly get up.
“Can’t sleep?” You hear Octavia’s voice quietly.
“You too, O?” you ask back quietly stopping at the entrance of the tent. 
“Yeah,” She sighs as you go to slowly sit down in front of her. “How’s your leg?” She asks.
“Could be better. How are you?” You sigh.
“I’m just so pissed at them. If they had waited or better yet not bring guns. We could’ve actually had something with the grounders.” Octavia states.
“I agree. Honestly, if I had handled the entire meeting then maybe we could have had an alliance.” You respond back as Octavia sighs. 
“It would’ve gone so much smoother if you had,”  She states.
“I’m gonna try to get some sleep. I wanna check out the crash. If your brother even lets me.” You scoff as you slowly shift in pain to your side of the tent. 
“Ok. goodnight and be careful with your leg,” Octavia answers laying back down.
“I will. Night,” You chuckle lightly and lay down.
The next morning you get up and find Bellamy, Finn, Raven, Clarke, along with a few others. Getting ready to go to the Exodus Ship Crash site. You walk over to Bellamy and Clarke as they gather a few supplies.
“Anything I can help with?” You ask making your way to the two.
“Stay here and rest. You’ll need your strength.” Bellamy replies sternly.
“I’m fine. I can walk.” You state making your way around the two.
“Bellamy’s right. We need you to rest. And someone to watch over the camp,” Clarke chimes in. 
You look at the two hoping they would let up, “Fine.” You respond annoyed seeing as the two wouldn’t let you come.
You spend your day doing the daily rounds for each station since there isn’t anyone else to do so and you don’t trust anyone to keep watch except Octavia,  but she was on the meat station. Seeming as everyone was on task, you went to go hang with Octavia.
“Taking a break?” Octavia asks as you sit down on a stool next to her.
“Yeh. That and I’m sick of making the rounds. Everything seems fine.” You respond.
“Well. I for one think you should rest that leg anyway.” 
“I’m fine. I’m walking right?” 
“Oh come on. I saw you limping around camp. You need the rest.” She laughs lightly.
“I’m walking right?” I repeat myself laughing slightly.
“You are right but it doesn’t hurt to take care of yourself.” She turns towards me.
“It seems as though the Blake siblings won’t let me. I’m taking care of myself just fine.” You sit up puffing your chest out a bit.
“How so? Did something happen?” She pokes you with a stick being curious.
“Aren’t you pissed at your brother? I know I am.” You respond a bit confused.
“Yes. But you’re like my sister. I need to know these things,” She sits next to you. You sigh and tell her knowing she won’t give up.
“If you really want to know. Nothing happened, I swear by it. But you’re brother wouldn’t let me take care of my leg myself last night. And that is why I say you siblings won’t let me take care of myself,” You explain.
“Mmhmm, I’m sure nothing happened,” She says clearly disbelieving you.
“O! I swear by it!” You widen your eyes at her. “I’m too pissed to talk to him.” You slump your head down.
“But you talked to him last night. Plus that expression you just made, confirms you have some sort of feelings for my brother.” She points out.
“He wouldn’t leave me alone. And no, you accused me of something happening last night. How could I not react like that.” You roll your eyes.
“Well, I choose to believe you do. And I’m not gonna stop until you cough it up.” She getting back to work.
“You’re not gonna get anything out of me. Cuz I don’t have feelings for Bellamy.” You state getting up from the stool.
“Sure if that’s what you say. I’ll just have to head to the second source to find out.” She responds with her head held high. 
“Like that’ll work,” You laugh and head off to make more rounds. 
“He’s my brother! Of course, it will!” Octavia yells back. I look around the camp hoping no one else caught the tail end of our conversation. Luckily no one had.
You spend the rest of the day continuing to make rounds and helping set up traps around the camp. It started to get dark and you were beginning to worry about everyone who had left camp. Even though you knew the crash was quite some distance from the camp. You and Octavia make your way up to look out past the gates. Of course, she was looking for a sign from Lincoln, while you were looking for a sign of the group.
“No sign of your brother or the others yet,” Monty tells us as we make our way to the lookout.
“Hey. I don’t care,” Octavia quickly responds. You notice the flower up in the tree, the signal from Lincoln, Octavia had told you about. You and Octavia notice the conversation the girl, Harper, struck up with Jasper about what went down at the bridge.
“That’s not even his line. Finn said that.” You said annoyed. You, Monty, and Octavia tune to tune into the conversation. We listen to a bit more of what Jasper had to say.
“It was like nothing I ever felt. Pure animal instinct took over. One pull of the trigger, two grounders dead.” You hear Jasper say.
“‘Pure animal instinct’? More like pure pants-wetting panic.” Octavia comments looking over to Monty and me. 
“Ok. This has to stop.” Octavia says getting even more annoyed.
“Come on. Let us have this.” Monty says grabbing Octavia’s sleeve to stop her.
“‘Us’?” She questions.
“Look at him. The boy is a folk hero. They even gave us a bigger tent.” Monty states.
“That’s no reason to flaunt.” You respond before you hear clattering at the edge of the camp.
“Somebody hit the tripwire!” Connor yells. Curiosity ensues throughout the camp as people began to wonder where and who. Multiple kids pull their guns up ready to shoot as you and Octavia look around. Kids start to shoot their guns as we hear rustling in the bushes. The kids stop shooting as soon as the rustling stops and head off to get whoever was out there.
“Lincoln.” You barely hear Octavia say under her breath from beside me. Before following her.
You and Octavia follow the other kids outside of the gates to find out who it is. As you make your way to the body on the ground. You follow close behind Octavia, ready to attack if the person is hostile. Octavia slowly lowers herself to the ground and puts her hand softly on the person. Only for them to jolt and quickly move away. As soon as you get a good look, it’s a bloodied and beat up, John Murphy.
Some kids from the group pull Murphy up and drag him to the Dropship. As soon as you make it back to the Dropship, Murphy does nothing but sit along the wall shuddering. You and a few others, wait in the Dropship watching over him. Of course, the other guys are ready to shoot if necessary.
“Where is he?” You hear Bellamy walk in after a few hours. The others make a pathway for Bellamy and Clarke to make their way through. They both stop and stare at Murphy taking in his bloody body.
“Everyone but Connor and Derek out...now!” Bellamy demands as kids start leaving the Dropship. You stand there not budging wanting to see what goes down, “I said everyone,” Bellamy sternly says turning to you. You do nothing but stand there not moving.
“He claims he was with the grounders,” Derek explains.
“We caught him trying to sneak back into camp,” Connor adds.
“I wasn’t sneaking. I was running from the grounders,” Murphy claims.
“Anyone see grounders?” Bellamy asks as the kids shake their heads no. “Well in that case--” Bellamy pulls up his gun to shoot Murphy.
“What the hell’s wrong with you?” Finn quickly pushes Bellamy’s gun back down.
“We were clear what would happen if he came back,” Bellamy states putting his gun back up.
“No. I’m with Finn on this one. If he was with the grounders, then he could possibly know things that can help us.” You say pushing his gun back down as Finn steps between the two.
“Help us? We hanged him. We banished him, and now we’re gonna kill him. Get the hell out of my way, Finn,” Bellamy states.
“No. Finn and Y/N are right,” Clarke butts in and move towards Murphy.
“Like hell they are. Clarke, Y/N think about Charlotte. ” Bellamy yells.
“I am thinking about her, ” Clarke quickly responds.
“What happened to Charlotte was as much our fault as his,” You add as Clarke starts to look at Murphy’s body.
“He’s not lying. His fingernails were torn off. They tortured him.” Clarke states her findings.
“You and the grounders should compare notes,” Finn taunts.
“The grounders know were at war. What did you tell them about us?” Bellamy asks turning his face to Murphy.
“Everything.” Murphy states.
“Once he’s better we find out what he knows, and then he’s out of here, ok?” Clarke says to Bellamy before moving past him.
“What if he refuses to leave? What do we do with him then?” Bellamy questions.
“Then we kill him,” You say softly as Bellamy turns his face to you.
You head back to your tent for the night in hopes that the Murphy situation is resolved soon. The next morning you find yourself making a few rounds until you hear someone calling for Clarke. You make your way over as quickly as your leg allowed you.
“What’s happening?” You question making your way to Clarke, Connor, and Raven. You notice the blood running from her eyes but before you could ask you hear a kid coughing by the fire pit.
“Raven, Y/N. Get away from us.” Clarke demands.
“What?” You and Raven ask almost simultaneously.
“They’re the ones who brought Murphy in.” Clarke states before running off.
“Didn’t you as well?” Raven asks.
“I mean I was out there but I didn’t touch him. You should probably stay away from me too. Just in case,” You say moving back. You soon follow Clarke into the Dropship.
“I need you to tell me exactly how you escaped the grounders. What happened” You hear Clarke ask as you made your way through the tarps.
“I don’t know. I woke up, and they forgot to lock my cage. There was no one there so I took off.”Murphy explains grasping at his abdomen.
“They let you go,” You say a few feet behind the two.
“Bellamy stay back,” Clarke says as you both notice him walking in.
“Did he do something to you guys?” Bellamy asks clearly concerned. Clarke shakes her head. “What the hell is this?” 
“Biological warfare. You were waiting for the grounders to retaliate for the bridge? This is it. Murphy is the weapon.”  Clarke responds.
“Is this your revenge, helping the grounders kill us?” Bellamy questions.
“I didn’t know about this, ok, I swear,” Murphy responds as Clarke blots the blood off.
“Stop lying!” Bellamy yells quickly back.
“Bellamy, calm down! You think he would be willing to be the carrier for whatever this is?” You question stepping in front of him.
“When are they coming?” He asks clearly ignoring you.
“Murphy, think, all right? What can you tell us that’s useful? Did you hear anything?” Clarke asks turning to Murphy.
“They are vicious, cruel.” Murphy starts out.
“You want to see vicious?” Bellamy starts to make his way closer you the three of you.
“Stop. This thing spreads through contact.” You explain.
“Clarke?” Finn says comes rushing into the Dropship.
“Finn, you shouldn’t be in here. No one should.” Clarke states as her voice becomes shaky.
“I heard you were sick. Clarke, what is this?” Finn disregards her warning.
“I don’t know, some kind of hemorrhagic fever. We just need to contain it before--” Clarke starts to explain before a kid across the ship starts to shake rapidly. 
Clarke starts to make her way over as Finn tries to grab her arm, “Hey, don’t touch me. You could get sick. Wash your hands now,” Clarke tells Finn. The kid starts to cough up blood clutching the ground before dropping to the ground. Clarke quickly looks at the kid who is no longer moving.
“Is he--” Bellamy starts.
“He’s dead,” Clarke looks up at us. We all stand there not knowing how to respond until Clarke gets up. “Here. Alcohol. Hold out your hands.” Clarke pours some alcohol on top of Finn’s hands.
“Did you touch Murphy or any of the kids that brought him in?” Bellamy asks you concerned.
“As far as I know. No. But I think you should stay away from me in case. I was pretty close to all of them.” You respond, but Bellamy just stays put.
“Quarantine. Round up everyone who had contact with Murphy. Bring them here.” You and Bellamy hear Clarke say.
“And everyone they had contact with?” Bellamy asks looking to you.
“Well, we have to start somewhere. Connor, who was with you when you found him? Who carried him in? Think.” Clarke demands.
“The first one out there was Octavia,” Connor responds as you notice Bellamy’s eyes widen.
“You don’t think to tell me?” Bellamy looks over to you.
“I don’t think she touched him.” You responded before he rushed out.
“Jee-jeez, you scared me,” Octavia says laying on the ground.
“How are you feeling?” Bellamy asks.
“Fine. Get out.” Octavia responds
“You touch Murphy yesterday?” Bellamy asks yet another question.
“What?” She responds.
“Did you touch Murphy yesterday?”
“I don’t know. I guess so. Why?” She responds confused.
“The grounders sent him here with a virus to infect us. Derek just died from it, another mark for your boyfriend’s book. Get up. Clarke needs to examine you.” Bellamy explains.
“Speaking od significant others. What happened between you and Y/N the other night, after the bridge?” Octavia asks Bellamy as they make their way to the Dropship.
“Nothing,”  Bellamy responds confused.
“Y/N says otherwise,” She responds as ___ look at her slightly confused. “Kidding, but seriously, do you two have something going on?” She asks.
“There’s nothing going on O. We’re just looking out for each other that’s all,” 
“Sure,” She responds walking a bit further ahead into the Dropship.
Clarke finishes examining you, giving you the all-clear as you notice the Blake siblings making their way in. Octavia steps up to Clarke for her examination. After a few minutes of Clarke poking around at Octavia’s face, she’s given the all-clear too.
“No visible signs of swelling or bleeding.” Clarke determines.
“So you’re saying she doesn’t have it?” Bellamy asks bringing the cloth away from his mouth.
“I’m saying she doesn’t have symptoms, same for you Y/N. But that could change. We need to keep both of you here just in case.” Clarke recommends.
“No way. Look at this place. They’ll get sick just being here.” Bellamy points out with concern for you and his little sister.
“Do you want to stop the spread, or not? Look. I’ll keep them on the third level. With the people who aren’t symptomatic yet. Think of it as a way to stop Octavia from sneaking out again. As for you Y/N, you can help watch over them.” Clarke explains.
“Screw you, Clarke,” Octavia says.
“I’ll stay up there. But I’m not gonna use all my time to keep an eye out.” You say.
“I’ll let you know if her condition changes,” Clarke says before Bellamy walks out. You and Octavia start to head up the ladder.
“Octavia, wait.” Clarke stops the two of you. “I need you to sneak out again,” Clarke requests to your surprise. Clarke shows where Octavia can sneak out and gives her instructions on what to ask for, the cure.
You sit bored on the third level of the Dropship until you hear commotion downstairs. Seeing as you hadn’t shown any symptoms and had no care you make your way down the ladder and outside. You find kids holding guns to others afraid for their lives that they’re gonna get infected.
Hoping to calm the group down, you grab a gun, Clarke nods agreeing with what you have to do. You shoot three bullets straight up in the air, “This is exactly what the grounders want. Don’t you see that? They don’t have to kill us if we kill each other first?” Clarke asks the group.
“They won’t have to kill us if we all catch the virus. Get back in the damn Dropship.” Some kid yells holding his gun up to you and Clarke. Bellamy quickly grabs it and uses the gun to him in the chin.
“Not to state the obvious, but your quarantine isn’t working,” Bellamy says as you feel a whoosh of weakness fall upon you. Before Clarke responds she start to fall to the ground, but before she hit the ground, Finn rushes over to catch her.
“Octavia will come back with a cure,” Clarke states our of breath.
“There is no cure… But the grounders don’t use the sickness to kill.” Octavia states.
“Really? Tell that to them.” Bellamy points at the dead bodies near the Dropship. “I warned you about seeing that grounder again.” Bellamy states.
“Yeah? Well, I have a warning for you, too. The grounders are coming...and they’re attacking as first light. Octavia announces. She begins to walk off before Bellamy tries to stop her but she quickly pulls away.
“Come on. I’ll help you get Clarke into the Dropship.” Octavia says walking with Finn.
“Well--Well I guess you should--prepare. Bellamy,” You say to him slowly.
“Are you ok?” He asks putting his hand on your arm with concern on his face.
“I’m fine. Do--don’t touch me.” You pull away and walk back to the Dropship. As soon as you turn around you start to feel something wet under your eyes. You wipe a finger underneath to find blood. 
“You sure?” Bellamy asks making his way in front of you, again putting his hand this time on your lower back.
“Just pre--prepare for the groun--grounder attack.” You respond moving past him as you feel a cough coming on. You hold it until you make it into the Dropship.
“If he’s not sick by now. He’s probably immune like me,” You hear Octavia state as you walk inside the entrance. Murphy offers the hammock to Clarke and Finn sets her down there.
“What else did Lincoln tell you?” Finn asks Octavia.
“The virus doesn’t last long.” She responds.
“It’s true I feel better,” Murphy says as Octavia makes her way back to you. Before she could make it to you, you collapse on the ground and start to cough up a little blood.
“Finn,” Octavia says crouching next to you. Finn heads over and picks you up, he sets you back down in a makeshift bed next to Clarke. Octavia brings a cup of water to the both of you before handling the others. Finn and Clarke continue to talk but you tune it out, not caring. 
“Look. At this rate, when the grounders get here, there won’t be anyone left to fight back.” Murphy says making his way to you three.
“That’s the point,” Octavia responds handing a cup of water to someone else.
“Then we slow them down.” Finn suggests.
You try to get up to help others but Octavia stops you, “You need to rest,” She pushes you back down.
“I’m fine enough to help. Let me help.” You say trying to sit back up but even Octavia’s slight pressure is enough to keep you down.
“I can take care of them, just rest.” She says before getting up.
“Fine, you Blakes don’t give up,” You laugh before you start to cough again.
You rest your eyes for a while unto you hear Octavia say something, “Bell? No. Clear some space. Lay him down.” You get up and move towards the siblings seeing as you feel well enough to.
“I’m scared.” He whispers as you get to them.
“I won’t let anything happen to you, I promise.” Octavia responds.
“That’s what I said to you the day you were born.” He responds.
“I’ll get him some water,” You say even though they were in the middle of their conversation. You grab a cup and make your way to the bucket to scoop some water out. 
You make your way back to the siblings, “I’ve got him, you can check on the rest.” You say putting your hand under Bellamy’s head to pull it upwards. 
“You need to rest too,” She says clearly not wanting to leave her brother.
“I’ll let you know if anything else happens, I promise. You’re the only one besides Murphy whose well enough to walk around.” You say looking up at her.
“Ok,” Octavia responds after a few moments of thought. “I’ll be back Bell. You’re in good hands,” She says and leaves the rag beside you as you shift over to the other side of the bed.
“I told you, you shouldn’t have touch me,” You laugh slightly as you pour the water into Bellamy’s mouth. He laughs slightly with you before coughing a bit. You set the cup down and pick up the rag to wipe some more blood off his face. 
He then takes the rag from your hand and wipes your face as well, you catch yourself staring at his eyes with worry as he looks at you with the same expression, “Umm...you should rest,” You say resting his head back down.
“You should too,” He struggles to get out. You lay down next to Bellamy and drift off to sleep. The next thing you feel is a hand brush the side of your face, moving some hair out of the way, but you were too tired to open your eyes to see who it was. You hear mumbles of conversation but only make a few parts out.
“You feeling better?” You hear Bellamy say.
“Yeah.” You hear another voice say but it was too soft for you to make out.
“I do believe in second chances, though,” You hear the second voice say, making it out to be Clarke. The two continue to talk as you lay there still.
“How’s Y/N,” You hear Clarke ask.
“She seems better, but i’m letting her rest. She needs it.” Bellamy says.
“Just make sure she stays hydrated. I’ll get everyone inside,” Clarke says before you feel the shift in the bed as she gets up. 
You feel a cloth touch the top of your head and finally open your eyes, “ Talking about me?” You ask.
“Just making sure you’re alright,” He responds.
“I definitely feel better,” You sit up as Bellamy hands you the cup. You take a sip from it and set it on the floor.
“Good, I don’t know what I’d do if you died,” He says making his voice quieter, seeming like he regretted what he just said.
“Survive,” You state. “I can help get people inside.” You shift to the edge of the bed where he’s sitting. 
“You sure you feel well enough?” He asks standing up.
“I’m fine, Bell,” You look up at him.
“Alright,” He holds his hand out to help you up. You take his hand and he pulls you from your sitting position. You two make your way outside and start to gather people. You then hear a loud boom and look up to see a cloud in the sky.
“They did it,” Bellamy says from beside you.
“I am become death, destroyer of worlds. It’s Oppenheimer, the man who built the first--” You start.
“I know who Oppenheimer is. Bellamy interrupts you. Now knowing the grounders weren’t coming you check on everyone around camp. As you head into your tent to grab another rag to clean up with, you hear whoops and cheers, assuming Jasper and Finn had come back. You make your way to the gate of the camp and find Finn carrying Raven, who was infected with the virus. 
You help get Raven into the Dropship and prepare a space for her before heading back out. You spend the night helping bury the kids who had died. Clarke makes her way towards you and stares at them.
“You guys are outside of the way without a gun.” Bellamy states annoyed making his way over.
“14 graves,” Clarke states.
“We need to talk about Murphy,” Bellamy says.
“He was right about the bridge.” You say.
“We’ll see. Octavia says the Mountain men are pissed, whatever that means,” Bellamy tells us.
“I say it means we need as many soldiers as we can get,” Clarke suggests.
“So, what we have pardon power now?” Bellamy asks.
“It’s hard running things,” You say to Bellamy.
“14,” Clarke states again before heading back inside the gates, leaving just you and Bellamy. 
You look up at Bellamy and smile, “Night Bell. Get some rest,” You say putting your hand on his shoulder before walking off to your tent. 
A/N: I really enjoyed writing this chapter, one of the one I was looking forward to writing. Sorry if theres a lot of typos, i finished this at like 1:30 am and I was getting to tired to read. I hope you guys enjoyed! 
Taglist: @im-a-writer-right​ | @marsbar-inspace32​ | @zestylemon99​ | @trashmouth-lizzy​ | @thebeautifulbookworm​​
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dented-nado · 5 years
Well I mean, since you asked for requests - “If you want me, come and get me.” Maybe with the trinity? I can picture Bruce saying it as Diana and Clark try and force him to go to bed like a normal person 😂 or you know, whatever strikes your fancy!
[[HELL YES. Bruce is slightly ooc because he’s incredibly sleep deprived and I saw it as an opportunity for him to act a little loopy lol. That’s how I am at least when I’m very sleep deprived, so pulling from personal experience here. Enjoy!!]]
“It’s only been one night. Give me a break.”
“Bruce, Honey, I know its hard to tell in Gotham, especially in the winter, but it’s been several nights you haven’t been getting any sleep.” Diana pulled the chair Bruce was sitting in away from the bat-computer against Batman’s wishes.
Bruce was sure she and Clark were exaggerating, it couldn’t have been that long. Besides, he wasn’t even tired, not even a little bit.
“I’m fine, you two can stop clucking over me like hens, thanks.”
“I’ll cluck all I want when it comes to your sleeping schedule mister.” Clark declared firmly.
“Especially not after you convinced me that some humans can be ‘totally fine’ not sleeping for several days and making me feel like I wasn’t quite so weird for a split second before that all came crashing down.” Clark crossed his arms, pouting just a little bit. He didn’t seem actually that annoyed but…
Admittedly, he still felt a little bit bad about that.
“I know… I lied when I said some humans. I meant me, specifically, because I’m fine, I’m great, I’m good, I’m bursting with youthful vigor now both of you let me work. There’s crime afoot.” He declared, trying to pull his chair back forward, only to frown as he realized Diana still had an iron grip on it, so instead he stood up and walked back to the computer instead.
“Bruce, your being ridiculous… and you said "There’s crime afoot” out loud. You’re tired.“ Diana said exasperated with a hand on her head.
"Also, no offense sweet bean… but you look like you’ve been through hell, you have probably the most intense looking bags under your eyes I’ve ever seen.” Clark said, trying to be gentle but serious.
“I look fucking awesome.” Bruce protested in annoyance, not even sure what he was really doing on the computer outside of looking busy. “You’ve heard Harv, I’m a fucking pretty boy. And I feel fan-god-damn-tastic.”
Clark and Diana gave each other a look that said “Yep, he’s lost it.” That Bruce didn’t much appreciate.
He forgot what he was even doing, his new ultimate goal was to not go to sleep no matter what because he was f i n e dammit.
“Bruce, please come to bed. Besides, you know, we’ll be right there with you, we miss you.” Clark pleaded, giving Bruce very tempting puppy dog eyes.
“We can spend a little time tiring you out if you want Bat.” Diana said, soothingly rubbing his shoulder.
Tempting. But he was the god damn batman, so… “No, no bribing me doing the horizontal tango, I have a job to do.”
“The horizontal…” Diana began.
“T a n g o. Bruce, pl ea se , you need to sleep.” Clark finished.
“Why can’t I use creative words without you two thinking it means I’m tired, hmm? Clark’s called me a bean before, I am but a bean, let me live my bean life.” He momentarily felt a little dizzy and a little like he was loosing track of time and space, but regardless he made his way to the bat-mobile to go… somewhere…. who knows.
“Oh-ho-ho no, absolutely not, you are not driving like this.” Clark said immediately super-speeding in front of Bruce acting as a big warm teddy bear-like wall between Bruce and his car.
“I can do what I want. I’m rich, I’m bi, I’m batman, and I fight crime. Now ”scoot your boot.“ as they say where you come from.” Bruce said, trying to move around Clark who was so freaking fast for some reason.
“I have never said scoot your boot.” Clark said with raised eyebrows.
“Really?” Bruce asked somewhat deliriously. “Seems like a cowboy thing…” He  mumbled while moving the cowl up slightly so he could rub at his eye.
“…Would you come to bed if I dressed like a cowboy?”
Tempting. But not even saving a horse and riding a cowboy could get him to give up on his current stubborn crusade that he couldn’t even remember why he had to be on so bad… why had he been up in the first place??
“…No, so yeehaw your ass out of my  w a y .”
“No way, and your yee-haw-ing your a… s…… booty up to bed now,  you’re completely delirious.”
“Fine… maybe I don’t know what I’m doing, or where I’m going, or why right now, but I’m the world’s greatest detective, I’ll figure it out.” Bruce grumbled in annoyance.
He started walking back to his computer since he apparently couldn’t go to his car, but when he tried to sit back down he nearly yelped as it seemed Diana had thought ahead, so he had sat down right into her lap and now her very strong muscular arms were now wrapped around his waist.
“Fu c k.” Bruce mumbled.
This was quite the predicament Batman had gotten himself into! Would he be able to figure out how to escape the strong arms of the Wonder Woman? Tune in next time, same bat-time, same bat-channel!
… Bruce squirmed for a moment grumbling before bowing his head.
“Fine… you’ve won, let’s go to bed…” Bruce conceded.
“That’s more like it” Diana said with a sigh as she gingerly let go.
That was when Bruce took his chance to escape with a triumphant and slightly evil laugh as he took off into the depths of the bat-cave.
“BruCE!” Diana chided.
Bruce just continued cackling, dropping a smoke bomb as he completely forgot that would do nothing against Clark’s super vision as he decided to head for the bat-plane. Good thing he had several bat-themed vehicles.
“Bruce get back here!” He heard Clark call sternly.
“You’re going to get yourself hurt!” Diana yelled.
“If you want me, come and get me!” Bruce taunted with an incredibly delirious smile, not realizing he was about to run into a wall.
He would have, if Clark had not been in front of him again in an instant, causing Bruce to collide with Clark’s chest rather than a rock hard wall. Clark scooped Bruce up into his arms despite the Bat’s protesting and flew him back over to where Diana had her arms crossed and was tapping her foot.
She softly flicked the tip of Bruce’s nose to get his attention and to stop flailing. “Now are you going to be a good bat and change out of the suit yourself, or are we going to have to rip you out of it kicking and screaming?”
Bruce frowned, before getting another idea and perking up slightly. “…There are other ways of getting me out of it~” He said putting on his flirtiest Brucie voice.
“Nice try B, but you blew your chance at the 'horizontal tango’ when you decided to bolt like that.” Clark said looking down at Bruce now with his own smirk on his face.
“Aw, nuts…” Bruce grumbled in surrender, going limp as Clark set him down, pulling off the cowl as he knew he was defeated.
“Your not getting any nuts B, keep up.” Clark said absolutely delighted.
Diana rolled her eyes. “You pick now to make a joke like that Kansas?”
Clark grinned. “Judging by how sleepy he is he won’t even remember that I made my first ever joke like that in front of him.”
“How devilish of you.” Diana commented with an amused smile.
Bruce grumbled as he stripped off the rest of the batsuit. “I wanted nuts though.” He mumbled. “nuts sound good. I like nuts… especially cashews.”
“Your right, he’s definitely not going to remember.” Diana commented, taking Bruce’s hand once he was down to the black undershirt and thin pants he wore under the suit.
Clark put his hand on Bruce’s back as the moved out of the cave. “Come on sleepy-head, off to an adventure called 'bed-time’.”
“But I wanted to fightttt…” Bruce slurred slightly.
“You can fight exaustion by sleeping.” Diana suggested.
“I’ll kick exaust-ian’s a s s.”
“That’s the spirit.” Clark laughed as he gingerly lifted the incredibly tired bat onto his bed before going to get ready for bed himself along with Diana.
“What are we going to do with that man?” Diana whispered, unable to help a small smile, after they had changed into their sleep clothes and came back to find Bruce completely zonked out , snoring slightly with his mouth hanging open.
“We’ll force him to have a normal sleep schedule yet.” Clark whispered, getting into bed and pulling Bruce close in order to spoon him.
Diana joined in on the other side, snuggling Bruce’s head against her chest and putting her arm around both him and Clark as she got settled.
“Our new mission?” Diana suggested.
“Our new mission, will kick ’'exaust-ian’s” butt.“ Clark whispered with a grin.
Diana had to bite her lip to keep from laughing.
"You’ll make a joke about Bruce wanting 'nuts’ but you’ll never say the word "ass”, will you?“ She asked with a raised eyebrow.
They shared a quiet chuckle before settling in to fall asleep themselves, their very tired, but at least now very asleep bat cuddled between them.
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mst3kproject · 4 years
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Dracula vs Frankenstein (1971)
 I’ve been meaning to get to this one for a while.  It was directed by Al Adamson and stars Lon Chaney Jr. from Indestructible Man in his last and worst film.  Also featuring appearances by Greydon Clark (director of Angel’s Revenge), Forest J. Ackerman (the comic book guy from Future War), and Jim Davis (the grandpa from The Day Time Ended, not the guy who invented Garfield), and generally being one of the shoddiest and most confusing movies I’ve ever sat through, it is a mystery to me why Joel chose Carnival Magic and just left Dracula vs Frankenstein sitting there.  Maybe it was the widescreen thing.
It’s hard to say what the hell is going on in this movie but I’ll give it a try.  Under the cover of a carnival freak show, mad Dr. D’Ray is decapitating nubile young women and then sewing their heads back on, because… uh… because.  One night, his work is interrupted by none other than Count Dracula!  The Count reveals that he knows D’Ray’s secret – D’Ray is really the last surviving member of the Frankenstein family, and Dracula has recovered the body of the original Frankenstein’s Monster and wants D’Ray to help him bring it to life, because… uh… because.  Meanwhile, a woman named Judith Fontaine is looking for her sister, Joannie, who was last seen on the beach near Dr. D’Ray’s Creature Emporium.  Judith and her boyfriend Mike eventually find their way into D’Ray’s lair, and the doctor and his various deformed assistants (obviously he has deformed assistants) are all killed as the couple attempt to escape again.  What Judith and Mike don’t know is that they’re not safe yet.  They still have Dracula to deal with!
That outline actually only represents a fraction of the madness in Dracula vs Frankenstein.  There’s a rapey biker gang and a bunch of noticeably over-age hippies who seem to think they’re in a very different movie.  There’s D’Ray’s hunchback Groton and his pet puppy, and Grazbo the Angry Midget. There’s the stunningly unhelpful detective who’s supposed to be looking for Joannie.  D’Ray brings the Frankenstein Monster back to life with the help of a magical comet.  The idea that creatures like Dracula and the Frankenstein Monster actually exist is treated as obvious and commonplace, and the climactic fight between the two is over who gets to feel up Judith.  It’s a mess.
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The reason Dracula vs Frankenstein is such a mishmash of incongruous ideas, at least according to El Santo of 1000 Misspent Hours, is that Adamson filmed for a while, then ran out of money and had to set the project aside while he raised more.  During this intermission, he got a bunch of new ideas, and had to shoehorn them in with what he’d already shot to turn his original sex-drugs-and-rock-n-roll film into a monster-versus-monster piece.  It should therefore surprise nobody if the results are about as graceful as a giraffe on roller skates.
The two title monsters are astonishingly shitty. Frankenstein’s Monster looks like the Pillsbury Dough Boy gone horribly wrong.  He looks like his head got stepped on and they couldn’t afford to fix it. The first time you see him, when Dracula digs him out of a cemetery, you can barely tell you’re supposed to be looking at something’s face – it looks like a mass of home-made play-dough that’s been left out in the sun.  He has claws for some reason.  That sequence of similes still doesn’t do justice to just how absolutely terrible he looks, and yet, shockingly, he’s less stupid than Dracula.
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Oh, god, this movie’s Dracula.  His face is slathered in Observer makeup (though his hands aren’t, probably because it would have gotten all over everything) and he wears bright red lipstick and fake fangs that don’t allow him to fully close his mouth.  His vinyl cape almost definitely came from Party City. His voice echoes like he’s talking into an empty garbage can, even when he’s sitting in the back seat of a car. He has an incredibly funky goatee and a ring that shoots fire.  Everything he says and does is deeply, self-consciously dramatic and it all comes to an absurd crescendo in the series of priceless faces he makes as he turns to dust in the sun.
On a scale of absurd theatricality, Dr. D’Ray is only shortly behind him.  The mad doctor dresses like Colonel Sanders, has some classic evil facial hair, and spends much of his screen time monologuing… but nothing he says ever makes a lick of sense. The stuff that comes out of his mouth is literally indescribable so I’m going to have to give you some examples:
Rambling in his lab, D’Ray describes his work as follows: “human blood is the essence from which future illusion may be created, but the secret is not to have the blood at rest.  No, the circulatory system must experience a traumatic shock, one that is inconceivable to the human mind.  The idea of trauma is not a new one, but I am sure I am the first such experimenter to incorporate the horror of an actual decapitation into later rejuvenation of a human body!”  This is evidently supposed to be a justification for the sewing-heads-back-on thing – it ‘activates’ the blood and allows D’Ray to make his ‘serum’.  He then injects that ‘serum’ into Groton, who transforms into an axe-wielding maniac.  Later, Dracula claims that the same ‘serum’ would have made him invincible.  I, uh… what?
Sorry, I was talking about D’Ray’s monologuing.  When describing his Creature Emporium, D’Ray informs some guests, “the greatest mysteries in the world are not mysteries at all, unless we take time to become familiar with them.”  Isn’t that the opposite of how mysteries work?  It’s easy to believe in, say, the Loch Ness Monster, until you familiarize yourself with the history of the ‘evidence’ and realize that it’s almost all complete bullshit.
When Dracula shows up, D’Ray declares, “I am too old and too sick to be interested or surprised by anything, but when a man comes into my house and casts no reflection on my mirror, and on his hand wears the unholy crest of Dracula, there is no scientific answer to anything.  Now, what is on your mind, Count Dracula?” Honestly, this nonsense is spoken with such conviction that you almost don’t notice that the end of the sentence has nothing to do with the beginning.
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The movie has two things that might qualify as a ‘special effect’.  One is Dracula’s zappy fire ring.  It’s crummy, but you can tell what they’re going for.  The other is the ‘comet’ that is instrumental in giving life to the Frankenstein Monster.  This is represented by a slow pan past a flickering light bulb against a black background.  Even having just heard Dracula talking about the importance of the comet, it took me a minute to figure out what I was supposedly seeing – it’s that bad.  This might be halfway forgivable if the comet were somehow important to the plot… if the Monster, for example, had to complete some mission before it sets or something.  But it’s totally gratuitous.  They could have taken that out, avoided a distractingly awful effect, and made the movie a little bit shorter!
As for meaning anything… Dracula vs Frankenstein does not, and indeed seems to go out of its way to avoid it.  The events that unfold are remarkably meaningless.  Judith finds her sister Joannie, who is not dead but neither is she alive, and then the story just forgets about Joannie and gives her no resolution.  Hippie girl Samantha is saved from being raped by her angry ex and his biker gang, but then she, too, is entirely forgotten.  D’Ray and his henchmen die in a series of contrived accidents that serve no purpose but getting them out of the way so that Dracula and the Monster can fight uninterrupted.  This is particularly anticlimactic because so far, D’Ray has been presented as our main baddie.  Dracula disintegrates Mike with his magic ring and then the movie rushes to its climax without giving either Judith or the audience time to deal with it.  Dracula, the movie’s actual main baddie, just turns to dust in the sun.
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There are a couple of moments that are probably supposed to be social commentary, but they have nothing to do with the meandering main plot. One is the scene where a hippie guy says to his girlfriend, “let’s get ready for the big protest tonight.”  She asks, “what are we protesting this time?” and he shrugs and replies, “I dunno, but I bet it’s fun.”  Later we see this protest, which does seem to have a major ‘party’ component and features some very unspecific placards being waved.  In another sequence there’s a druggie bar with the walls covered in graffiti that say things like POT and SOCIETY SUCKS.
Boy, I bet Adamson was really proud of sticking it to those angry young people.
Dracula vs Frankenstein is mesmerizingly bad.  Usually the best bad movies are the kind where you can follow the story a bit, so you aren’t wasting time wondering what the hell is going on instead of appreciating the nonsense dialogue and unconvincing effects.  Dracula vs Frankenstein is a singular exception.  You never have any idea what anybody’s doing and yet somehow it doesn’t matter… the movie gives up on making sense very early, and just forges merrily ahead, dragging you along behind it.  What’s actually happening never matters enough to distract.  I honestly don’t know if this is a point in the movie’s favour or not… but it would have made a hell of an MST3K episode.
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