#classmate was talking about it in class and I half shouted SHE DID?????
emohell · 1 year
just discovered the writer of gideon the ninth worked on homestuck and now ever confusing secondhand piece of info i’ve acquired of that series makes complete and total sense
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Hi, there! :D 🌼
First of all I must say that your blog was one of the first blogs that I discovered and read when I just entered the TWST fandom and I must say that I thought your fics and drawings were great. So seeing that this blog was taking requests again made me excited as you have no ideas. So I won't waste my shot, I'll try to make a request here (I hope I do it right)
Reader: Female. Type: Headcanon or Fic (Romantic). Scenary: Inspired by the fic of the first year boys simping the reader. In this scenario, a boy from another class slowly becomes so close to the reader that he decides to ask her out. She innocently accepted without knowing that the boy wanted to steal a kiss from her on that date. But the first-year boys won't stand by, they'll spy on her date.
I think it would be good angst and comedy material. xD But well that would be my request, if my request does not convince you you can discard it without problems but if not take your time and without pressure. Thank you so much💐💕
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╭───────────────── ╰──➤(っ◔◡◔)っ ♥ FLUFF ♥
┊❥ First things first, they, the five of them, are a literal mess. The first person to spread the news to the other four was Ace. The redhead caught a glimpse of you talking to another student who seemed way too giddy for his own. Of course, he had to stay and listen in to the conversation; who knows what trouble you've dug yourself into
┊❥ Ace's jaws turned slack right at the moment you happily accept the date, the other student gleefully thanking you before walking off. Did he heard that right? You're going on a date? With some rando that he or the others didn't even know about? 'This won't do, this can't happen!' is what runs in Ace's head as he scampers back to tell the others
┊❥ The redhead is out of breath the moment he arrives at the designated spot after having call the others on his phone while running. The moment they picked up the phone, he just shouts 'NO TIME TO EXPLAIN! JUST COME OVER! IT'S AN EMERGENCY!!' and hangs up. The desperation and urgency present in his voice is what convinced the others to get moving to the regular hangout
┊❥ Once the five of them had gathered, Jack and Epel had to repeatedly ask Ace to slow down because of how fast he was trying to explain the situation of you going on a date with some guy; the redhead choking on his own spit and breath from watching the incident unfold an hour ago
┊❥ It was only after that Ace (finally taking the time to explain word by word) explained, the other four faces' were drained of colour. Deuce is panicking, Epel is furious, Jack is in denial and Sebek has half the mind to scare off the other guy (or more like, lecture the guy's ears off until he decides to leave you hanging on the said date)
┊❥ They settled on the idea of spying on your date is much more preferable than having to maul the guy alive (there's a chance that you might be upset at them for interfering with your romantic life) so with courage and jealousy in hand, the five of them sought out to set the plan in motion
┊❥ Your date with the close classmate of yours was in the greenhouse, right after the bell for lunch had rung too. The bastard really had to pick such a time because he knew that there weren't that much students hanging around outside of campus in fear of food running out. Luckily, the gang waited and hid among the plants, their eyes following your every move as the both you chat up a storm
┊❥ Sure, they agreed on not interfering with your date but they didn't say anything about one of them sabotaging just a little bit (newsflash, they all lent a hand in sabotaging the date without realizing. Dumbasses.) When the guy wasn't looking, Ace would purposely stick out his feet so the guy would fall head first on to the soil-oh wait, he didn't fell into soil, he fell face first into chicken fertilizer!
┊❥ The male student wretched in disgust when bits of it accumulated in his mouth, feeling embarrassed under your apologetic gaze as you offered up your hand for him. If you listened closely enough, you can hear Epel snickering in one of the bushes nearby. Hoo boy, it gets even worse from there. Jack would make you split up with guy just so Sebek could turn on a dirty water tank on the student, the brown stained water coating him from head to toe
┊❥ The final nail on the coffin was when Deuce made one of the pots break directly on the guy's head (No life threatening injuries, don't worry!), leaving a painful bruise appearing on the centre of his hair. After having to fall flat and even tasting chicken fertilizer, his pristine uniform stained with smelly water and a lump forming on his skull, the male student just had enough; abruptly telling you that he's had enough of the date and storming off without even batting an eye to your confused state
┊❥ Looks like they scored this one, fellas! Don't worry, they'll slip away from the greenhouse and act too smug for their own good while simultaneously trying to play off that they're oblivious to what transpired during the date ! The five of them are likely to do jabs at the poor sod aloud from time to time in the next classes they're in
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russett-pots · 1 year
how about teaching sex with minju as your caring and nurturing senior, where you are shy and awkward but minju sweetly encourages you. minju guides you to cum all over her tummy and abs, and then she teaches you to pleasure her and make her cum, and then she gives you the ultimate lesson: for you to cum inside her. then minju teaches you to admire all the cum you released on her body, and your juices leaking out of her
Careful Noona
Kim Minju
Tags: Raw, breeding. caring Minju Sunbae
Words: 2.9k+ (2,992 so close to being 3k)
Sorry for the long wait. I have some existential crisis going when it comes to this blog)
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You look down at your test paper and sigh.
Another low one
You studied hard for the test, trying to memorize every equation on the board. Been practicing all the problem sets. Yet on test day, you forgot everything. Everything the anger boils in you. Why can’t you get a higher grade? During the pandemic when everything is online, things are easier. Well since you can look at your notes during the test. Things were much simpler back then but now you have face-to-face class and you failed the test, failed it hard.
You shuffle your feet out the door. Your other classmates are busy talking inside about their passing scores. You are very jealous of them. But you put up your chin and say to yourself.
You’re going to do better…
Or at least that’s what you hope.
“How did you do?” Someone appears in front of you.
“Fine.. well actually I don’t want to talk about it?” You mumble.
It is your friend Minju. Well, kind of…You really met her since she was delayed. It isn’t because she failed a class. It is because she went on a leave of absence. From what she told you she did, she was very productive. She was in an internship for a sought-after company and maybe they are looking to hire her after when she graduates. But then you are just out there trying to survive college, hoping you’ll graduate one day.
“Jaesung-ah. Put that smile upside down. You can do better next time.”
“Well…” You show your score to Minju. Your heart is beating as you show her your test results.
“Oh…you really need to study. Wanna do some study sesh?”
“Well at this point. I’m willing to do anything.” You stand up and head out of the room. You turn back at Minju. “Noona, want some lunch?”
“Sure!” Minju replies excitedly.
You walk out of the college building. “What do you want?” Minju curiously asks.
“You thinking of what I’m thinking?”
“Well, you know where my favorite place is.”
“Come here. Let me buy you lunch.” Minju clings onto your arm and drags you with her.
She brings you to your favorite chicken place to cheer you up. Your favorite is spicy bbq and hers is snowy chicken.
“Which one are you going to get?” You ask Minju.
“Let me treat you. Let’s get the half-pack and share. You want kimchi rice or regular rice.”
“Regular is fine.” You mumble.
“Well suits you. I’m going to have the kimchi rice.” Minju almost shouts and turns around to the counter.
“Fine. If it’s okay with you. I’ll get the kimchi rice.”
“Anything to drink?”
“I’ll just stick with my water.” You pull out your jug.
“Okay. Just reserve a seat for us.”
You go up the stairs to the dining area. There are a lot of people. It is already rush hour what do you expect? You start to think you are going to get taken out. But then in the corner, there is a group of people about to leave. You quickly swoop over and steal the table before anyone else can.
You sit down and wait patiently for Minju and the food. Then you take out your phone to scroll thru Instagram. The first thing you notice is Minju’s photos. She is the first one on your feed. One thing you have noticed is that she is in her bikini. She may have been a bit conservative when it comes to what she wears to school but when she gets out and about she is wild. Her swimsuit leaves little to the imagination. She is such a cute and jolly girl when you meet her but when she is out parting she is a totally different person.
Down there agrees with what you see. The very skimpy clothes already make your cock harden. Even for a bit. It already makes you a bit horny. But that thought is interrupted as she is your friend even if you had a small crush on her. It isn’t much but you wouldn’t mind dating such a beauty like Minju.
Your mind gets interrupted.
“Food’s here,” Minju announces to you. “I got our favorites half and half. Half spicy bbq and half snow chicken.”
“Thanks, Minju.”
“No problem. Just relax a bit. Forget about things. Okay?”
“Okay…it’s just my score—“
“Shush!”Minju places her finger on your lips. She grabs her chopsticks, pick-up one of the pieces of chicken, and stuffs it in your face.
“Food? Is good?”
You nod your head as you cannot say anything. Minju smiles as you affirm her. You make a thumbs up and smile as you can taste the deliciousness of the food.
Minju chuckles with your cheeks stuffed with food. She takes a bite of a piece with a scoop of rice.
You enjoy the food. It helps you forget about what happened a while ago. Finally what you like is blocking what was your old score.
You eat a bite of chicken with some rice. A perfect combination of simple food.
“Feeling better?” Minju asks.
“Yeah, I guess.” Then you blush.
“Wanna talk about it? Wait are you blushing?” She notices you.
“No. No. No! It’s just hot in here.”
Minju smirks. “Well if you want some help with studying then you can just hit me up.”
Your cheeks blush again, even harder this time. You put your hand on your hot cheek and smile. “Sure. Sure.”
Weeks later.
“Jaesung-ah. The test is next week. Wanna study together?” Minju taps your shoulder after class.
“Sure. I’m kind of more confident now. But anything would help.”
“Later at my place?”
“Oh? Are you sure? I don’t want to intrude.”
“Nah— my roommate isn’t going to be at home tonight. So it will just be the two of us.”
“No problems then.”
“Yippie. Anyway got to go. See ya tonight?” Minju starts to run away.
“Okay.” You wave at her.
Uhhhh dammit. She is so hot.
This is so wrong. I shouldn’t do this.
Is this my chance?
You quickly head home to change, wearing something nice, and put on some cologne. This is your chance to impress her. Well time to impress her with more than a friend.
But you are conflicted. All of a sudden you got this urge. You had a crush for a while but now you have this chance out of the blue. You never thought to yourself that you were going to Minju’s dorm alone.
You try to go up to her dorm with your school material, some books and your notes, and a couple of energy drinks to keep you awake. There is a keypad at the entrance. You press the button on Minju’s apartment.
“Who is it?” Minju’s voice comes out of the speaker.
“It’s me.”
As soon as you say that, the door opens. You step into the building and then ride the elevator to the tenth floor. Down the hall to the twenty-ninth room, you see Minju’s door. You knock on it. Outcomes Minju, she is wearing an oversized shirt all the way down to her upper thighs and you assume she is wearing very short shorts underneath.
“Jaesung-ah. Come in.” She leads you inside her one-bedroom apartment. “Leave your stuff on the table. We can get back to that later. Want something to eat first? I have some ramyeon.”
“Sure that sounds good.”
She quickly goes to her small kitchen and prepares the pots and water and boils the water first.
“How’s the trip was it tricky to find my place?”
“No. Not really.”
“Good.” She dunks the noodles in the water and is shortly followed by the seasoning packet. “Please feel free to sit wherever you want.”
You walk first around her apartment, checking it out then the view. Being up in a big building comes with a nice view then you go back to the dining room and sit at the table. Minju comes over with the pot and a couple of pieces of silverware. She sets it down and sits with you.
“So…” She looks at you for a second then prepares a bowl for you.
“Thanks.” You smile as you take your bowl from her.
She prepares a bowl for herself.
“Argh!” The ramyeon is hot. You burnt your tongue while at it. It is even spicier than what you are normally accustomed to.
Minju just sits there and laughs. After seeing you struggle for a bit, she gets up and prepares a glass of water. She hands it over to you.
You take a sip of the water to extinguish the heat that is in your mouth. It is both because it is hot in terms of temperature and taste. You haven’t gotten the heat tolerance that others have, But you still try to eat spicy food with others some have been more successful than others like Minju’s favorite fried chicken place. She always gets the spiciest flavor. She would always try to feed you some but you have to refuse since you do not want to burn your tongue for the millionth time when she asks you to eat some.
“You done with the noodles?” You ask Minju. “Don’t we have to you know?”
“Oh yeah. What subject do you want to study first?”
“Okay, then where’s your book?” Minju asks you.
You take out the book and lay it next to the table.
“What topic are you struggling with right now?”
“Trusses really, both with method of joints and sections.”
Minju then dives into how to solve using both methods of joints and sections. She was able to give you the desperate help that you need. You may have been busy looking at Minju’s luscious thighs but when you do pay attention you still can get the topic, surprisingly.
You get dazing off by how Minju is your crush and you wisht that she is your girlfriend.
“Jaesung. Jaesung-ah.” Minju tries to snap you out of your trance.
You can get back to reality and look at Minju.
But she stands up and goes to the kitchen.
“Jaesung-ah, do you like me?”
“Noona, what do you mean?”
“I could tell you have a crush on me.”
“Me? Have a crush on you?!” You deny things.
She looks at you in doubt. The face that says she knows even that you are lying.
“Noona….I just….I—”
“Jaesung-ah.” Minju steps closer. One foot goes after the other. Her long legs touch yours. You stay still as Minju sits on your lap and wraps her arms around your neck. “Just tell me you like me.”
“Noona…I…I li—li—like yo…you.”
“Oh, my Jaesung. I like you too.” Minju leans in for a kiss. It touches your lips. The sweet taste of her plump and soft lips is exciting. Minju pulls back.
“Is this your first kiss?”
“Then I’m happy I’m your first.”
You lean foreheads. “It would have been you.”
“So I’m assuming you haven’t done…it?”
“It? Oh, sex? Ummmm.”
Minju chuckles. “It isn’t something to be ashamed of. We all had our first time.” She touches your cheek with her hand. “You have a condom?”
“Condom? I don’t have a condom. Why would I have a condom?” You question her and yourself.
“Raw?” Minju thinks to herself then shrugs her shoulders. “Sure.” She goes back returning and kisses you. Her hand gets all over you. Your eyes roll back and your mind wanders off.
Minju’s touch is already getting you aroused. Her hand gets up your shirt. It also goes inside your pants. You are already half hard, now with her hand in your pants, pumping your length. You can feel some pre-cum already leaking.
“Come on Jaesung-ah. Let me make you feel good.” Minju whispers into your ear. The sound tickles your ear canals. She licks your ear lobes and gives a quick nibble. She then undresses you, freeing your cock from its cage.
Minju looks down and chuckles for a bit.
“Don’t laugh! Is it small?”
“No. No. It isn’t.” Minju observes it. She inspects it by stroking it gently, then gives a quick lick. Her hand fondles your balls. Her tongue swirls around your tip. Her eyes are fixated on it. She is memorized at your length.
Minju stands up from squatting on the floor near your crotch.
“Are we done?”
Minju nods a no and removes her oversized shirt. Out comes the perkiest pair of tits you have ever seen. They seem to be perfect. Each one is a handful and one that is suckable.
She gets back down on your crotch and starts sucking on your cock. Slowly and gently at first. Her tongue plays around, going around your shaft. Each taste bud is dragging around your cock. While this, her left hand is playing with your balls. A breath of air can be felt as she is down there at your nether regions.
Your eyes roll back as you can feel your cock being pleasured. You let out moans as you could feel your cock being played with. Your hand strokes her head as she strokes your cock with her right hand.
Then things intensify. Minju goes faster. Things went from slow to fast gently. Things become more and more pleasurable. You can hear the sound of gwak gwak on your cock. Minju takes as much cock as she wants. Your length is getting swallowed whole as she plays with you.
You look down at her. Her eyes look up to check if you are enjoying this and you are. When she sees you looking down she gets up again and grabs the hem of her short shorts.
She starts to remove them as she says. “You know as much as I like you I didn’t expect us to have sex on the first date.” Once her shorts and panties are gone, there you can see a bush on her crotch. “I didn’t shave as you can see.” She tosses her shorts aside and grabs your hand. “I hope that doesn’t change anything.
You nod no as she brings you to her bed. She jumps on the bed and reveals her pussy. “You know what to do?”
“I haven’t done this but I’ll try.”
You align your tip to her entrance. Your cock plays a bit by rubbing its bottom part with the lips. Then you go in. Minju shouts as you enter while you moan as you penetrate her. You have always masturbated on her picture but never have you expected you’ll actually be fucking her. You thrust in and out like a monster. You never experience such pleasure if your life.
You get in and out faster and faster. While this Minju pulls you closer to her and initials a kiss between the both of you. You thrust while her tongue enters your mouth.
You go back thrusting in and out. Thins go intense. The bed starts to shake. You can see that Minju’s breasts are jiggling.
Then suddenly, Minju turns you around. She is on top of you while you are at the bottom. She gives you a deep kiss before sitting up. She is on top of your cock. Then she goes forward, backward, and side to side. A gentle rolling motion. Her hands rest on your chest then her fingers start playing with your nipples.
This switch of pace catches you off guard. But at this rate, she is going to make you cum faster than you would think.
“Come on, Jaesong-ah. You wanna cum for me?”
“Yes, noona.”
“Then cum for me. Cum for me hard.” She goes down and whispers in your ear. “Where do you wanna cum?”
You ponder for a moment. “Where can I?”
“Anywhere you want.”
Your heartbeat rises. Your mind races around, pondering where is an acceptable place to cum. You would expect Minju to make you cum anywhere you want.
“I don’t know where.” You reply.
“You want me to choose.” Minju looks at you while she continues to ride you.
“Yes…” You worry.
She leans forward on your face. “Cum in my, Jaesung-ah. Okay? I’ll ride you until your cum, okay?”
You nod your head. Minju is now in control of the situation. She takes over. All of the motion is set by Minju.
She starts to move faster. Her body jumps up and down. She runs her pussy all over your length. Your cock starts to get lubricated by Minju’s juices. This allows her to move faster and faster. MInju starts to orgasm louder after each minute.
Her bedroom is starting to get filled with her loud moans. You start to groan as well. You breathe faster and faster as your wanted orgasm is getting closer.
Minju is pushing you closer and closer to the edge. Then you can feel it. Your stomach starts to tighten, your leg starts to feel weak.
“Noona! I’m going to cum.”
Minju’s eyes brighten. She runs faster and faster.
Then you shoot your cum. Ropes and ropes of cum run out of your cock. A surge of sticky white liquid exits your body. Minju slows down as you finish. But once she stops she gets off.
There you can see your semen leak out of her pussy.
“Don’t worry. I’m on the pill.”
“You sure?”
“Yeah. I won’t get pregnant.” Minju lays beside you.
“So you have been planning this?”
“Sure. Well if I would do anything like this it would be you.”
“What do you mean?”
“I like you Jaesung-ah. I told you that and it’s obvious that you like me. So, it’s perfect. Ain’t it?”
“I guess it is…”
Minju lays beside you and cuddles up against you. “But did you get my lesson with Statics?”
“Aigoo, We’ll have to go thru that lesson again? I want you to pass.”
“Okay, I will. I will.”
“Nice. Goodnight Jaesung-ah.”
“Goodnight noona.”
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anzulvr · 3 months
୨୧ On Purpose Karma x (fem) Reader || Chapter: 03 ୨୧
Prev || 03 Café Talks || next
— "Hi, How can we help you today?"
As [Name] and Karma enter the Café, they're greeted by Isogai.  Karma winces as the realization of Isogai working there hits him like a ton of bricks. He can't believe he forgot such an important detail.
It's not Isogai he's worried about, if Karma asked him to, he'd keep things a secret. The problem arises if another one of his classmates are here and it somehow spreads to the main campus or even worse- Korosensei, who is known for getting overly involved in other peoples relationships.
A few tables away Nagisa is attempting to back track, "Are you sure we should be here? Don't you think this is too intrusive even for us..?"
"Nagisa, do you realize how much dirt the sadist has on everyone? This is our chance to get back at him so don't wimp out now."
"I am not wimping out! I think If we asked he'd-"
Rio whisper-shouts "Wait look! They're here!"
Karma scans the area, just in case. He chose the café since it's usually quiet, much like today. The only people here were the usual older ladies doting on Isogai trying to set him up with their grandchildren, and an unusual group of people decked in all black and sunglasses. He thought maybe they were coming back from a funeral.
"[Name], you go get us a table I'll order everything."
Name nods, grateful she doesn't have to carry the pressure of that.
Isogai leads Karma over to the register, thinking now is probably the best shot he has to ask any questions.
"Didn't realize you and [Name] are friends."
"She's the only person I talked to when I was in A class, aside from Nagisa."
"Ah makes sense, should I go ask her what she want's?"
"It's okay, [Name] orders the same thing every time, [favorite food + drink]."
"What about you?"
"Surprise me."
Isogai sweat drops "Are you sure? What if you don't like what I pick?"
"I'm sure, thanks Isogai."
"Anytime, have fun with your date..?"
"You won't tell Korosensei about this right? You know how he gets."
"I won't tell him." Isogai feels guilty, Korosensei would find out about this whether he kept his mouth shut or not.
He was in a tough position, he didn't want to lie to Karma but he didn't want to out four of his classmates and his teacher that would hear anything he whispered.
"The pudding is so good!" Kayano exclaimed cheerily.
"We know Kayano, keep it down!" Rio hushed her as she took her sunglasses off.
"I think we should get out of here." Nagisa piped up
Rio laughs "Go ahead, Karma's going to see you walk right out."
After shutting him up she then addresses Korosensei's uninvited presence, "If you're going to be here make yourself useful, put the pen down."
"But this is where my inspiration is most flowing..."
"I can’t see anything from here! We should move closer." suggests Hinano,
"No need for that, our job here is done."
"But we haven't heard anything." Rio questioned
"Did you forget I have an advanced sense of hearing?" Korosensei proudly announces before he continues
"Karma confirmed to Isogai it's a date and asked him not to let me find out moments ago! I don't understand why he wouldn't want me to know but that's not the focus..."
Hinano replies "Makes sense, I wouldn't want you knowing if I were him either."
Karma grabbed [Names] phone out of her hand, she gave him a half hearted smile. "Who's more important? Me or your phone."
She laughed as she snatched it back
"Sorry, it's Asano. He's been texting me about an event the student council is working on."
"I didn't hear anything about an event."
"I didn't mention it? I've been so stressed out about it I haven't even had time to complain. It's a tutoring group like we usually have but this time we're planning out the lessons beforehand with actual lecture presentations."
"If it's stressful just let them do everything."
She smiled "No way- Asano is such a control freak I think he'd show up at my door if I ignored the messages!"
[Name] pressed her lips together, she'd been wanting to ask Karma something for while but hadn't found a good moment, she figured now was as good as it could get,
"Are you still planning to stay in End Class? I miss having classes with you."
"I miss that too but I like End class, it's not as bad as everyone makes it sound."
"You have to hike up a hill every morning and get judged every time you walk near the main campus. What makes you want to stay?"
"For one, there's no Asano"
She cracked a smile "Hey! There's also no me."
If he wanted to stay, that was his decision. No matter how many times she told herself this she continued to spiral thinking about how everyone in her life was seemingly growing distant.
The explosion of the moon was a nasty reminder that nothing was here to stay. Everything she had today could be gone by tomorrow.
She didn't have any friends other than Kaho, who's been too busy for her. They haven't hung out alone in weeks because of how caught up Kaho has been in her relationships. If Kaho can grow distant in such a short amount of time whats to say Karma won't.
The more name thinks about it the more her voice grows anxiously.
"You won't consider it? Your grades are perfect, as long as you stop fighting they'll want you back."
"And if I don't feel like going back?"
"This isn't just what you feel, You're one of the smartest students- I don't want to watch your work go down the drain over some stupid fights."
"Stupid? if everyone in the main campus wasn't so stuck up, and the teachers weren't so conniving then there wouldn't be problems."
"Don't be like that, I know you're helping people but what's stopping you from coming back? You don't miss me? Why am I the only one who cares about that?"
Her eyes water, but she keeps  the tears from falling.
"I do care about that, what reason have I given you to believe I don't?”
"You aren't thinking of me. I'm starting to doubt you ever do!"
[Name] doesn't know what she's talking about. Everything he's doing for her. She doesn't know her life is on the line and if he left E-class he'd have no control on the outcome. The words fall out before he can backtrack,
"I'm thinking about your future! I'm trying to make things better for everyone!"
"Staying there has everything to do with everyone but me!"
He bites his tongue. He's going to say too much if he continues.
He cares alot more than she realizes. He feels so desperate to assassinate Koro sensei because if they don't it won't just be him dying, it'll be [Name]- and the rest of the world too.
She scoffed, "You're pushing me away, the same way you did Nagisa."
He opened his mouth to respond, but before he could utter a word, they realized someone was coming towards them.
"Karma, [Name]? Are you guys alright?" It was a familiar voice, concerned and hesitant.
"...sorry were we loud?" [Name's] anger fading into resignation.
Isogai sets their order down on the table,
"No, don't worry!" He smiles reassuringly, [Name] couldn't be sure if he was telling the truth or simply trying to not embarrass her.
"We're fine. [Names] just tired."
Karma takes a sip of the drink isogai picked "Matcha?"
Isogai nods with an awkward smile, he's not sure whether he should ignore the fact they were fighting a second ago or try helping, he decides they can fix it themselves.
"I'll leave you alone then, If you need anything else call me over!"
"Thank you Isogai."
Karma mimics her voice in the most exaggerated way "Thank you Isogaiii, don't leave yet Isogai!"
"I don't sound like that."
"You're right, you were smiling way more."
She scoffs in an attempt to hide her laugh, "You're so petty."
He shrugs, not able to deny it "Wanna try my drink?"
[Name] pulls his cup towards herself "I didn't know you liked Matcha."
"Me neither."
He noticed the confusion in her face as she furrowed her eyebrows but he ignored it wanting to get to the root of her problems before they re-escalated.
"[Name], I'm not replacing you or whatever else you've been telling yourself, but I'm set on staying in E-class."
"I know, but we haven't been seeing each other and you got new friends and it's getting to my head."
"If you want to be in the same class so badly just start failing until they throw you down with me."
[Name] deadpanned, her phone rang for the 5th time since they got there.
"Asano would probably stop annoying you too."
She knew he was kidding, but part of her was considering it.
"He wants me to meet with the rest of the council at the library in half an hour."
"Let's eat quickly then, we'll walk there together."
Twenty minutes later they picked up all their belongings getting ready to leave, when [Name] noticed a green haired girl nearly drooling at the sight of pudding options Isogai brought out from the back, she was hovered over the glass display- Nagisa was pulling her hand trying to get her back to their table.
Name pointed at the interaction "Karma, isn't that Nagisa with a girl over there?"
"Huh? Yeah- that's Kayano..." He trails off when he notices their strange outfit choices and it dawns on him. He looks over at the strange group from earlier and makes eye contact with Korosensei. He decides to hurry her out the door before she can catch wind of anything.
"[Name] let's go, you're going to be late."
"I want to say hi to Nagisa, and since when do you care about being on time?"
Dragging her out the door he says "Since today- let's hurry before Asano calls you again."
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♡ Yandere! V x Reader hcs and drabble ♡
My sixth request! Hope you like!
Okay- Let's look at this lol-
V has always been a psycho and we all know it but now that she likes someone- oh god-
V is going to be very clingy with you, wanting your attention 24/7, you should be proud I guess? You decide-
V will be very jealous of N and Uzi around you, knowing that she can't kill them, as in your own words they were your ''best friends''… ugh..ok.. she would give a pass free just for them..just them..just because she was pious..yeah.. (actually she just didn't want you to be mad at her)
V loves to sleep clinging to you, tucking her tail carefully around one of your legs and protecting you with her metal wings. She likes having you next to her as much as possible.
Whenever you go out somewhere V will always want to tag along, but if you say you just want to spend some time alone, V will follow you around like a stalker (she just does it for your safety! :> )
Constantly wanting to bite you somewhere, like your neck or arms- (Territory marking?)
V basically is very sweet but also very psycho and psychotic :)
You've been noticing lately that something strange has been going on, noticing how the billboard are having more and more ''disappeared'' papers, but they weren't just any missing drones..they were your classmates. What exactly was going on here? Did you have some kind of goddamn curse? Who were you kidding… you didn't care much about what happened to them. You were just curious weren't you?
You followed the days looking for clues of what could have happened to them, or who could be behind it, talking to Uzi and N about it, but neither of them seemed to know anything about it.
As time went on you were starting to run out of patience, what the hell was going on?! At the moment more than half of your class "mysteriously disappeared" and the other half seemed too scared to talk to you, which was a good thing on their part, but not on yours.
Until one day… where you were going to visit your girlfriend on the ship, bringing a small container of oil that you had collected with N just for her. Until… you hear a female scream? You ran towards the scream but quickly ducked behind a car taking in the scene before you.
V was with a female worker drone…but not just any drone! If you remember…her name was Toppy? Toppy was never the talkative type, but one day misfortune broke her pencil lead, then tapping you on the shoulder to ask to borrow a pencil, which for V was unacceptable! That thing had touched you!
'' That's what you get when you mess with what's mine! '' V growled cutting one of the drone's arms that was now crying.
'' I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Please let me go! '' Topy begged, which just seemed pointless in this situation. V threw the drone to the ground stomping on their head, making the drone cry out in pain.
'' Apologizing is useless now.. you've already touched (Y/n)! And you know what happens now don't you? Haha~ '' V spoke in a mischievous tone, letting out a dark chuckle looking at the drone who looked to be utterly horrified.
'' Please- '' Topy was interrupted by a gunshot to the head, soon stopping herself from moving. V watched the drone's lifeless body now feeling bored.
You watched the scene with a shocked expression, not imagining that V could come to this point. I mean… she actually could… You mulled it over for a moment, watching the disassembly drone take the oil from the rotten worker drone, deciding it didn't matter to you after all. You decided to just pretend not to know anything, just for V's amusement. You stepped out from behind the car, putting on your normal expression and starting to walk towards the drone.
'' Hey V honey! I brought you some oil! '' You shouted in a happy tone, drawing the drone's attention which quickly turned towards you forming a smile.
'' (Y/n)! You're finally back! '' V exclaimed in a happy tone, running towards you and giving you a tight hug. Ye could you keep it a secret a little longer, you didn't want to take the ''fun'' out of your girlfriend after all! Don't you?
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melshome · 2 years
paint splattered teardrops - chapter 1
cw negative thoughts about body, angst, fluff, body shaming, bullying, slowburn?, harassment, abuse characters scaramouche, other genshin chars mentioned a/n i hope you all enjoy this chpt 1!!! :,) enjoy your week!! chapter 2 will be out, when i have motivation to work on it (┬┬﹏┬┬)
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The painting everyone was crowding around, caught his attention. It rarely happens, but it happened just now. He stops walking, and stares at the painting. A shadow, curled into a ball was painted on the corner of the room. There was a shadow looming over the shadow. The curled up shadow, seems to be a bit larger than the other shadow. Kunikuzushi keeps on glaring at the painting.
"Yo, Scara, what's up?" Childe walks up to Kunikuzushi, and slaps his back. Kunikuzushi turns to Childe, and gives him a disgusted look.
"Were you looking at that painting?" Childe gives a glance at the painting before, turning back to face Kunikuzushi. He says nothing.
"The girl who painted it, is in the class across from ours. Apparently, she's a really good painting, but her paintings are kind of.. focused on one thing. Overweight people, and stuff," Childe scratches his head, pushing his hair back.
"But I can see why she focuses on that. She's kind of.. well.. I don't want to be rude.. but she's kind of.. well.. a bit overweight," he whispers the last part. Kunikuzushi gives one last look at the painting, and walks off, leaving Childe to follow him. "Y/N.. Why are you always painting overweight people?" She sits in the chair in front of you, and gives you a look. It clearly says, "why am I even asking?'
"I don't know," you mumble, trying to focus on your work.
"Is it because you're also kind of overweight?"
You freeze. A lot of people have been asking you this question since your painting have been hung up around the school. But your classmate doesn't hesitate to say it, which.. frightens you. What else will she do to you?
"Like I said before, I'm not sure."
"Well, I'm just saying. Everyone thinks it's because you're also overweight, just letting ya know," she stands up and goes back to her desk, tittering with her friends. Your face is burning, but you continue with your work. Oh god.. Why did she decide to even display them? Your art teacher is a kind soul, but she some times gets carried away. She decided to hang your paintings around the school. Soon, a lot of people knew about you, and your paintings. Even some people out side of school.
Why does it make you sad? He looks around the cafeteria, as he's in the line. Kunikuzushi doesn't seem to be able to see her anywhere. It pisses him off.
"Where the hell is she.." He doesn't realize he said it out loud.
"Where is who?~" Childe asks, popping out from behind Kunikuzushi.
"Why don't you shut up, Childe?" Kunikuzushi steps out of the line, and walks quickly out of the cafeteria. The first place he goes to, is the art room on the top floor.
He's never had this feeling before. He just wants to find this girl, and talk to her. About anything really. He'll listen to whatever she says.
There are not many people on the top floor. Most of them are outside, or at the cafeteria. He opens the sliding door of the art room.
It's quiet, too quiet. Kunikuzushi sees a canvas on the easel. It's half finished. It shows a person, who's painted black, standing in front of a mirror. There is a person behind her, also painted in black, shouting at her. The room hasn't been completed yet.
Kunikuzushi looks around the room, and notices the store room door, opened a bit. He walks up to the door, and pushes it open. There in the corner, is a girl curled into a ball, her head buried in her knees. Kunikuzushi stands there, frozen. She reminds him.. of him.
He just stares at her crying, before she looks up. She quickly stands up, apologising. She walks up to him, waiting for him to move out of the way. He looks at her for a few seconds, the two only making eye contact for a few seconds, before she looks away. Kunikuzushi gets out of the way, and lets her go back to painting. She carries on, like nothing just happened.
"What the hell?" He says. She continues painting, her eyes puffy from the crying.
"You were just crying, and now you're painting?" He slams the store room door shut. She continues painting, a bit faster than before.
Kunikuzushi storms up to her. He takes her wrist, making her drop her paintbrush on to his show. The blue paint stains his newly polished shoes. He tilts his head a bit down, staring right into her eyes.
"S-sorry.." She keeps on avoiding eye contact, looking around the room, at the ceiling.
"Why are you apologising?" He asks, holding her wrist tighter. She winces, mumbling something.
"What was that?"
"I don't know.. I'm sorry.. Bu..but.. could you please... let go of my wrist.."
Kunikuzushi lets go so suddenly. She stands up, looking down at his shoes. Kunikuzushi follows her stare, and groans. He didn't seem to mind however you cleaned his shoes, as long as they were clean. You wipes them with some baby wipes you found in the store room. He just stared out the window while you cleaned his shoes. Once you were done, he looked down at you. He stared at you, his violet eyes seemed to bring you in closer to him. His hair matched with his eyes, but his red eyeliner suited him.
"Are you done?" He asks. His voice seems to be more gentler than earlier, when he grabbed your wrist. You nodded your head, and stands up, letting him to stand up as well. He walks to the door, but right when he's about to walk out, he says,
"Your painting is good so far. Good luck finishing it."
You pack up the room, in silence. No headphones with music playing. Nothing, just the silence. Why did he say good luck..? He doesn't seem like the kind of person to say that..
Does he like me..? wait.. no no no.. just because he talked to you, something other than the painting, doesn't mean he likes you.
You have a habit of thinking that if a boy makes eye contact, or talks with you, who usually doesn't, likes you. It started in high school. It's quite annoying, but you soon got the thoughts out of your head, after all the talk about you being overweight started. Why would anyone like a fat pig, like me anyways? You always thought to yourself.
"Y/N~" The door opens. You continue cleaning, pretending you didn't hear that voice. You despise it. The voice, always haunts your nightmares. Her platinum hair was in her usual half up, half down pony tail. She closes the art room door behind her.
"You dare ignore me.. again?"
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sprnklersplashes · 8 months
time won't fly (6/?)
I reached for you but all I felt was shame (ao3)
God. The senior class has never felt so huge before.
Heads turn to her as soon as the doors open, a silence rushes in that’s unlike anything Veronica’s felt before. 150 pairs of eyes watch her as she steps across the threshold. Dimly, she is aware of Duke straightening herself beside her, her mask sliding into place. As Veronica stumbles in and shakes her head when she’s offered help, Duke simply glides across the wood, her cool expression almost bored as she twirls the end of her ponytail. On her high, high cloud, none of them can touch her. 
For once, Veronica wishes she had asked her how she did it. Crossed that unspoken line and asked how she carried herself with such grace and power and damn intimidation knowing that everyone knew about her infamous urge to purge. Because these people don’t know half the shit that’s happened to her, but the weight of their gaze makes her feel completely exposed, a girl made of glass with all her secrets on show. 
Eventually, she spies a pink bow and a pair of crutches in the maze, and her tiptoeing at least has direction. She lets it carry her in and around groups of students, all of whom nod as she passes and whisper as she leaves, until she finds herself at Martha’s side. Her bag strap is sliding down her arm and she’s still so alone despite there being someone there everywhere she turns. 
“Hi,” she whispers. Martha smiles. The movement is tiny and more of a quirk of muscles. Veronica pulls the strap up onto her shoulder.
“Hey,” she replies. Her voice is low, and even lower when she leans in and whispers “You okay?” She doesn’t look convinced when Veronica nods, her hazel eyes moving anxiously towards the stage. Principal Gowan is onstage, muttering some morning announcements, but all Veronica can see the banner from last week, still standing arrogantly against the wall.
Veronica curls her nails into her palm. Her heart thumps sharply against her ribs.
A cold hand grabs her shoulder.
“Veronica, there you are!” Fleming shouts in her ear, her voice louder than the Bohemian skirt she’s wearing. Veronica all but wrenches her shoulder out of her grip as she turns to face her. Her words are barely audible over the blood rushing in her ears, but she makes out the words ‘little eulogy’ and ‘he was very special to you wasn’t he?’. It takes a few seconds for her to work out that the ‘he’ in question is JD, Jason Dean, Westerberg’s latest tragic suicide, her ex-boyfriend, and the ridiculousness of this entire thing swells up inside her like a fucking balloon and she just bursts out laughing. Right there. In the middle of Principal Gowan’s announcement about new vegetarian options in the cafeteria.
Whatever Fleming was expecting, it sure as shit wasn’t this and holy crap, the look on her face is priceless.
Her classmates freeze, whatever this is with a morbid interest. And then Martha is stepping in front of her, and the tightness in her jaw snaps Veronica back to herself. 
Martha shifts, then winces when it inevitably hurts her leg. Then, she speaks.
“I don’t think Veronica wants to talk in this assembly,” she says quietly. Over Martha’s shoulder, Veronica watches Fleming’s expression, the wide, baffled eyes narrowing, her open mouth starting to clench. Her movements are slow and jerky, like a toy that’s been played with to death.
“I think Veronica can speak for herself, Martha,” she says, as if the mention of her dead ex-boyfriend didn’t send her into a hysterical laughing fit. “And in any case, this is a very important assembly, and I’m sure Veronica wouldn’t want to pass up the chance to-”
“She doesn’t want to.” It’s the same message, the same voice, but the way it's said sounds new. Even Veronica does a double take. There’s a sureness and a strength in there that Veronica, with all the love she has in her heart, didn’t think Martha was capable of. She’s just watched her best friend stand in front of the runaway love train that is Miss Fleming and demand she stop. 
Is she more proud or shocked? 
“Martha Dunnstock, you are distrupting-”
“It’s fine.” Veronica steps out from around Martha, her hand resting on her shoulder. She deliberately avoids Fleming’s eyes and instead directs everything just to Martha. If she looks at her long enough, perhaps that newfound boldness will rub off on her. “It’s fine. I can do this.”
“You don’t have to,” Martha tells her, and it hits Veronica right in the stomach. It’s the words of someone who hasn’t seen all that Veronica’s done, or the size of the debt she has to pay. But more importantly, it’s the words of someone who’s just being kind. Who wants her to be okay because she wants people to be okay. 
Ironically, it’s Martha’s grip on her hand and the pleading, kind-just-because look on her face that pushes her forward. That freaking expression is why she swallows the lump in her throat and whispers “Yeah. I do.”
With a face that can only be described as stone, she turns to Fleming and lets her lead her up to the stage. If her expression throws a wrench in Felming’s plans, she doesn’t show it. Instead, she fluffs Veronica’s hair and fixes her jacket as they wait on the side as Principal Gowan brings his own announcements to a close. The poor guy stammers his way through his last two sentences and in all honesty, Veronica cannot blame him. She swears the grey in his hair has spread. 
“And well, yes that’s all very good. Now-um-in the light of some of the difficult weeks Westerberg has had… I now hand you over to our… to Miss Fleming. For guidance and support during these times.” He pauses and nods stiffly before walking off, allowing Miss Fleming to glide surely into his place. His discomfort is freaking palpable as he moves to the other side of the stage. The liquor he hides in his office will be put to good use soon.
“Senior class of Westerberg,” Fleming begins. “It often seems like these sad times will never end. This group has endured so much these past months. And now, when another one of our own is gone too soon-” She presses her hand to her heart, her breath coming in a high, pleading gasp. “So often it can feel like too much to bear. The loss of Jason Dean has shaken our community once again, and will doubtless leave an unfixable hole in our school.”
Well that was the goal wasn’t it? 
She jerks. Everyone else is oblivious, moving on as if nothing happened. They didn’t hear a thing, of course, they didn’t. It exists only in her head because that’s where he freaking lives now. He can’t be anywhere else.
But… something, just behind her back, brushed her shoulder. There’s nothing behind her but a cheap curtain and dust, but she’s so sure that if she just reached behind her-
She blinks, and suddenly she’s looking out at her classmates’ expectant faces, each one blurring into the next. Fleming is standing beside the podium, beaming so unnaturally at her until she shuffles forward, heeled shoes catching on the uneven wood. She feels Fleming’s hand on her back then, slotting her into place, and then she’s there, in front of a microphone. In front of the kids she’s known for her entire life. To give a eulogy about her dead boyfriend who tried to kill all of them. 
Slowly, her hands curl around the podium. 
“So…” The microphone whines with feedback. “I guess I’m meant to give some sort of eulogy right now?” She breathes in. Her tongue is clumsy in her mouth. The banner is still hanging behind her, and in her mind, she tears it off the wall and makes a noose with it. She exhales sharply. “Holy shit.”
Fleming bristles behind her. In front of her, her audience shifts, some with hands-on chests, some holding back giggles. A lot do both. And that’s fine really. It’s funny.
“Okay. Okay, okay. I’ll give a eulogy. Jason Dean,” she begins. “God, how does one even begin to describe Jason Dean?” Truly, how does one describe him? She can spend the rest of her life wondering and never work it out. She clears her throat.
“Well, I guess I’m the right person to do it. Because none of you could. So I can stand up here and say whatever about JD and you would all just believe it without thinking twice. I could… I could make him anything up here.” Just like she did with Heather Chandler. She shakes her head. “Because that’s the fucking thing. None of you knew him. None of you cared about him until he was dead and can’t actually argue with you. And if he saw some of the things people were calling him now, he’d puke. Onto you.” Behind her, Fleming startles. So much for the misty-eyed Juliet she was hoping for. “And even now you don’t care about him because half of you aren’t even paying attention to this and that’s fine. I don’t care if you don’t want to listen while I stand here and wax poetic about my dead boyfriend.” The wood breaks beneath her nail. “Hell, I can actually respect that. But here’s what I do fucking care about; that at least half of you are going to go home tonight and pat yourselves on the fucking back because you stood here and listened to me. Meanwhile, at least half of you have made people’s lives hell, and the other half have stood by to watch. But hey, you wore a Don’t Kill Yourself pin, so you fixed everything right?”
“Miss Sawyer-”
“Here’s my advice. You want to fix things? Concern yourself with the people who are still alive first. Lord knows they need it.,” she says. She wrenches herself from the podium. Her ears are ringing. “So yeah. Rest in peace Jason Dean. You would’ve hated this.”
When she finishes, the hall is silent. And not the kind of silence that she felt when she walked in. No, this kind of silence is deep, echoing, impatient, like it’s waiting for someone to break it. What she said is falling over the room like dust particles as they try to separate their expectations from everything that just happened. Maybe some of them will take it on board. Maybe no-one will. Or maybe, all she did was knock Pauline Fleming down a peg and they’ll think twice before listening to her.
That counts for something, right?
Veronica doesn’t move from where she stands, not even when Principal Gowan appears beside her and Fleming tries to regain some dignity. Her hair falls in front of her eyes as she looks out, standing high above her classmates. Gowan whispers her name, flustered and furious, but it doesn’t sway her. Her heart pounds and pounds and pounds, and so does her head, but she won’t move yet. 
It takes her a minute to realise what she’s doing. Standing here looking out over the hall, eyes scanning for something. But then it dawns on her, obvious and terrible all at once, the reason she can’t move from this spot. She’s looking for him. 
According to the watch on her wrist, ten minutes had passed since arriving at the assembly hall and walking out of it. According to Martha’s nerves, about ten years have passed since then. 
No-one technically dismissed them, but the bell rang while Principal Gowan was still trying to get Veronica off the stage and Fleming was babbling some nonsensical and vaguely inspiring speech into the microphone. So they had started filing out, starting with those at the back, then groups of two and three, and then the whole class was gone, Fleming waving goodbye to the back of their heads.
Stepping into the hallway seems to break some sort of spell. No one had dared speak when they were in the hall. Now, free from any teacher’s gaze, talking is all they can do. They talk about Veronica, of course, and the conversation ranges from sweet and sympathetic to flat-out enthralled as if Veronica wasn’t a real person but a character in the latest detective series. 
“I can’t believe she even went up there!”
“Do you think she’ll stay in school today?”
“She’s clearly had some type of psychotic break.”
“I mean, her boyfriend wasn’t exactly stable himself was he?”
“Do you think she’ll be back tomorrow?”
“This girl at my cousin’s school had a breakdown and she didn’t show up for the rest of the year.”
Martha grinds her teeth. Resentment bubbles in her chest, unfamiliar in the way it burns. When she tries to breathe, it’s a shuddering, loud, heavy thing that turns all of their heads in almost perfect unison. Her cheeks burn too, but she’s used to that at least. 
They fall silent as Martha passes them. Unspoken words, the kind Martha has never been able to decipher, pass between them. They can’t be good, judging by the looks on their faces. She holds their gaze for a few seconds, watching as they struggle between giving her sympathy or mockery. 
She can’t help wondering; if Veronica is the main character in the story they’re writing, what is she?  The best friend? The old best friend? Does she even matter at all? She doesn’t want to think about it, but as they disappear up the stairs, thinking about it is all she can do.
Martha looks up. She has French now, and she’s on the verge of being late. A week ago, she would’ve lost it if she was running late. She’d have ran, sprinted down these halls to make it there. Now though, she can’t find the will to do so, and it’s not just because of the ache in her legs.
Instead, Martha wanders over to the window. Arms resting on the ledge, she lowers her chin as much as her back brace will allow. On this side of the building, she has an almost perfect view of the back of the school. On a good day, she’d stand here and look past the school at the town beyond, mapping it out in her head. Today though, her gaze stops at the football field and at the black crater left on the grass. They said it was a gas explosion and cordoned it off. Martha doesn’t know who believed it and who didn’t, but no one questioned it at the time. Perhaps they don’t question it now. But she’s standing here, looking at the black marks seared onto the ground, the faint specs foofred barely visible from this high up. And she isn’t so sure.
“Martha Dunnstock.” The voice grabs her and forces her to turn around. Sharp pains race up and down her ribs at the sudden movement, but the gasp it elicits from her doesn’t grant her much sympathy. The teacher just looks at her coldly, her brows furrowed and lips pinched. 
Miss Hart. Taught her geography last year.
“Do you have a pass to be out of class?” Martha just stands as Hart waits for an answer, fumbling around for her words as if her tongue was cut out of her head. 
“I-um, I-”
“She does.” And now it’s Miss Hart’s turn to be surprised. Looking past her, Martha finds Veronica standing in the open doorway, her jaw set and her dark gaze trained on Miss Hart. 
To be honest, Martha isn’t sure what’s causing more relief; her getting out of trouble, or the fact that Veronica, in fact, did not have a breakdown somewhere and start lighting fires in the school. From where she’s standing, she looks perfectly sane. Given the circumstances. 
Veronica takes a stiff step forward and hands Miss Hart a folded piece of paper. Martha doesn’t even have to look. Forging hall passes for Veroncia is like asking a an AP math geek to solve for x. Some things are just second nature.
Plus, some part of her thinks. Veronica is rolling in sympathy points. There’s probably an email somewhere telling teachers that she’s precious cargo. There’s a bitter edge to it that Martha shoves down.
“Well,” Miss Hart sighs.  “I see you’re both listed for… Yearbook committee.” Her glasses-framed eyes turn to Martha. She just about manages not to curl her lip. “I didn’t know you were on the committee, Martha.”
She should reply. Something convincing, or maybe something witty that makes Hart laugh. Instead, she only shrugs, and gives a nonsensical murmur that sounds like “yeah, well”. Veronica remains still, but as Hart hands her back the note, it feels almost deliberate. Like she’s practiced not reacting. 
“Go and get where you’re going,” she sighs and then she flounces down the stairs, the clip-clap of her heels growing steadily fainter.
As Veronica approaches, footsteps silent, Martha tries to smile at her.
“Hey,” she says softly. She tugs on the sleeves of her blazer, a nice little navy number that Martha doesn’t recognise. 
It’s a little jarring; she’s wearing clothes from the New Veronica, looking at her like she’s the Old Veronica and the whole thing leaves Martha feeling a little off-balance.
“You’re okay?” Veronica asks.
“I feel like I should be asking you that,” Martha replies. “I mean… that assembly… it must have been a lot.” She exhales, breath hissing against her teeth. There’s more she needs to ask about it, but she’s not sure what she’d be asking. “I-I want to say I can’t believe Fleming made you do it, but-”
“Well. I agreed to it,” she says with a grimace. She shuffles forward then, her grimace melting as she bumps her arm against Martha’s. “You were pretty amazing against her.” Martha stiffens. It was her; she felt the words come out of her mouth, felt Veronica behind her. But when she tries to look back, it feels like a scene from a movie, one with actresses Martha could only dream of being like. 
“Yeah, well…” She waves her hand dismissively, only to wince when her arm twinges. Pain crackles up and down her arm. 
Veronica’s eyes widen, something close to terror falling over her face even after it fades and Martha can shrug and stretch her arm to show that she’s okay. The look on Veronica’s face doesn’t let up for a second. Her brown eyes practically bulge out of her head.
“Is it… is it bad?” she finally asks. A shaking hand reaches out and then she pulls it back, like a single press might break her bones even further.
“It’s fine,” she says. “I mean... I’m off the scooter, right?” It’s half-true. According to the doctor, the crutches work fine in place of the scooter, but that’s not why she stopped it. The scooter drew so much attention. Someone even asked to ride on it. Someone else said stuff that wasn’t so… good-natured.
So. She ditched the scooter for the crutches and it’s fine.
“It’s okay,” she says again. “It doesn’t even hurt that much.”
Even as she says it, she knows it’s not true, and more to the point, so does Veronica. And that, right there, is the entire freaking problem. This was the girl that Martha had thought she could tell anything, that she had poured out every painful thought her brain could conjure up. The one person Martha didn’t feel she had to put on a mask in front of and not only is the mask on, this one came with a gag to stop her from screaming. 
She wonders if Veronica feels the same. The petty, vindictive part of her wonders if Veronica feels bad. She doesn’t want to have low expectations in that regard. She’s here now.
The two of them drift to the window and lean heavily against the wall. 
“We should probably go to class or something,” Martha mumbles. A ghost of a smile crosses Veronica’s face and she shrugs.
“We have hall passes, remember,? she says. Martha waits for the urge to protest and insist that they go to class, because what about her perfect attendance record, but it never comes. She thinks about the girls she interrupted, the contempt in their gaze. How might they react when Veronica arrives in, fresh from her ‘psychotic break’?
Perfect attendance has never felt so unimportant. 
Hall passes in Veronica’s pocket, they drift over to the window again. Martha’s eye is again drawn to the dark stain on the football field, because where else would it go? Ash and dust still mar the grass despite the weekend’s rain, the same black dust that rubbed off on her sweater when Veronica hugged her-
Silently, slowly, Martha turns to look at her. Veronica leans against the window ledge, looking as if she’d collapse if someone took it away. Her face is gaunt, almost grey in the weak November light, her jaw so tight it might snap. But it’s her eyes that scare her the most. Haunted doesn’t even begin to cover it. Veronica’s gaze is trained on the football field like her life depends on it, her mouth moving soundlessly. Like she’s talking to a ghost. Martha doesn’t say anything, but as Veronica watches the scorched field, breath fogging up the window, Martha swears she sees her flinch. 
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{ @the-coincidence-child } { LONG BUT I LOVE THEM SM SORRY }
The clock ticked, and ticked, and ticked. The minutes going by slow as Aslan waiting in the office with the principal waiting for Reiji to show up, per usual Reiji was on time coming in the room Aslan didn't even need to turn around to know it was him. Aslan was like that, he memorized foot steps-breathing-smells-tone and so on. Because his vampirac powers weren't exactly fully there/controlled he struggled a lot unlike the other kids who seemed to be better at it.
Of course, Aslan being a half breed made him a easy target for bullying. At the start of school Aslan has always faced hate. People either, hurt him-babied him and again SO ON. The whole so on thing pissed him off. He had to learn to how to defend himself and prove he was way stronger, this meant he ended up fighting a lot in school. Beating Subaru and even LAITO in getting the most suspensions and near expulsions. Once again Aslan is sitting in the office for the third time this week for fighting with another student, however injuring this kid more ways then one.
'Mr. Sakamaki how grateful we are to see you. It seems little Aslan got into another fight again..' Said Aslan's counselor. Yes his quietness and other issues made the school give him a counselor to stay in the classroom at all times watching him and to eat lunch with. He's such a loner that the school gave him someone to eat lunch with. Sad isn't it. 'His behaviour is getting worse, he broke both of the child's arms including his ribs. if he gets into another fight at all this year he's going to need to have to expelled from school, he's already at 39 suspensions—'
'And if it wasn't for you or your father we would unenroll him immediately..! 40 suspensions is almost near this is the last straw I am done with this child. Honestly where did he come from..' The principal shouted, putting her hands pinching her nasal. 'His high scores in class and you begging are the only thing keeping him at ryutei high. He's once again suspended for the remaining week, if he fights-talks back-breaks any other rule in this school he's out. Now get out of my sight.' She said sternly.
"Bitch..." He murmured. 'Don't make it two weeks Aslan.!.' His counselor loudly whispered. Aslan looks to Reiji for a minute, his eyes filled with much feeling. It was easy to tell that yes lately he's been more out of it, more snappy to. He lets himself be dragged away rolling his eyes as he sticks his tongue out to the principal. Every slam of each door Reiji and him walked through was loud, he as well blocked out every word Reiji said to him. However every step the two took with hand in hand was quiet so quiet in fact he didn't realize the two where in the house together. What room he was dragged to, not making eye contact with Reiji his expression completely blank seeming unfazed, rolling his eyes.. This kid was such a struggle wasn't he?. He didn't snap out of it until——
Reiji simply couldn't believe this was happening, he could have sworn that he had already had a very frank conversation with Aslan about his behavior at school, but apparently it wasn't enough.
Hearing from the principal and the counselor about the child's attitudes made him totally uncomfortable, but there was also something that intrigued him, did the school administration do nothing about the intimidation that Aslan suffered from classmates?
— I apologize for the foolish behavior and my nephew, I will talk to him at home. However, I wonder what actions were taken regarding the bullying that my nephew has been receiving for a while, maybe the situation had not reached such a deplorable point.
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— Again I apologize for his behavior, and I will be much stricter with that child, however I ask that you do not speak in that tone, after all, you are talking to me, not to him.
He squints a little irritated at that director, but soon leaves the room pulling Aslan with him, he was holding back from slapping that child right there. As soon as they finally arrived home, Reiji grabbed the child's ear and pulled him up, lifting him off the ground a little.
— Frankly, what do I do with you? I will send all support to that boy you hurt. I'll also keep an eye out for any bullying you're getting, but for now, don't get into any trouble, you hear me?
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An Extremely Unfriendly Wager
 eddie munson/fem!reader (3rd person)
Summary: Eddie's classmate hates him because of how loud he's been, when she finds out that Eddie is going to be held back and she won't get a quiet senior year without him, she snaps and demands that he let her tutor him. Eddie agrees, but not without some more fun stakes.
Content: No warnings! Just a...meet weird and me pairing eddie with any kind of deranged woman I can think of to see how he reacts. enemies to lovers but like...no lovers they just talk but u get it.
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   Her name was Y/N, and all she had ever wanted for her entire life was to have a moment of peace and quiet. 
From the moment she awoke alongside her hoards of siblings to the moment she fell asleep in the room she shared with 2 of her sisters, somebody was talking too loud.
    The only time that she ever remembered having a chance at some genuine peace and quiet was nap time in the second grade when they’d bring hers and another few classes into a big empty room full of mats, everybody would lie down, and it would be blissfully, beautifully quiet for thirty unforgettable minutes. She always stayed awake for as long as she could because she knew that it was the only time that she truly got silence.
    Until Eddie Munson switched to her naptime room, and that one moment of peace she had treasured more than anything else in her short life was stolen.
    Little Eddie hated nap time. 
    And Y/N hated Eddie for the next nine years because of it. 
    Y/N had seven younger siblings, two dogs, a parrot, and her parents were local radio DJs, and somehow Eddie Munson was still the single loudest human being she had ever met in her life- and by sheer bad luck or a curse passed down from her ancestors he was everywhere she went. 
 At first they had no classes together, then he’d fail one and have to retake it the next year with her class, and the ones he hadn’t failed seemed to be the ones that she excelled at and was allowed to take with the upperclassmen. Every year it seemed like he was in more of them until their schedules were nearly identical. Even after she got home he drove past her house on the way home from school blasting terrible music and driving like a maniac. Once she had straight up ditched class for the first time in her life just so she could go stand in the woods for a half an hour and not be bothered by anybody she found him at a secluded picnic table smoking. He was inescapable. The noise was inescapable.
He argued with teachers, tried to get them on off topic tangents, talked to other students constantly, made bad jokes, drew idiotic comparisons, drummed on his desk, clicked his pen, hummed, stood on tables and shouted during lunch- as far as she could tell he was also cursed by his ancestors and he knew that if he stopped making noise for even a second he would instantly be killed. 
    The only thing that kept her hanging on was knowing that he was a senior and that next year, he would be gone. Graduated. Not her problem. She’d never have to hear him bouncing his leg while wearing a fucking wallet chain again as long as she lived. Graduation was in two months and then she’d be free.
Or at least that’s what she thought.
She was in the lunchroom, sequestered into a corner. Eddie was standing on the table ranting and raving or just philosophizing to the student body about whatever garbage he had read in a zine that weekend, as he did about twice a week, when she heard words that made her blood run cold. 
"They give us numbers for our value and when we're not cookie cutter enough for all these stupid pieces of paper then they make you stay for another year so they can have just a liiiitle more time to iron out anything that makes you different."  He shouted, wildly gesticulating. 
Y/N's eyes went wide in horror at what that seemed to mean 
"Dude-did you get held back?" One of his little leather clad buddies asked, and Eddie made a face. 
"Not yet because they're gonna give me 'one more chance to apply myself" but I'll tell you something right now- I still don't give a shit, and they can't make me!"
"So drop out!" Somebody from a party table shouted, to a few scattered cheers and laughs, and Eddie turned dramatically on his heel.
"Yeah, yeah, you'd like that wouldn't you. They would really like it if I just left with nothing to show for all the bullshit they put me through. No way, man. I'm walking across that stage next year and flipping the principal off so he knows that he can't break me!" His friends cheered and Y/N felt a piece of her brain sort of…break. 
“Shut Up!” Y/N heard shrieked across the cafeteria loud enough for everybody to turn and look at the source. When all heads turned her way she realized that she was the one that yelled. She didn’t know when she’d stood up either.
“Well, well, well- do I have a challenger?” He asked, obviously not about to let her stop his roll.
    “Just shut up. I just want you to shut the fuck up. Once. Just once. For like a second just shut up! Just shut your mouth, Eddie!” She said with more anger and conviction than she knew she had in her. Everybody stared at her and it was probably the most words that any of them had ever heard her say.
    “Do what you want to silence me-It's never going to work!” He dragged out, walking towards her with a cocky gait.
    “I know that. I know it’s never going to work, Eddie. You know how I know that? Because I’ve sat in front of you in class a fucking hundred thousand times and you never stop talking. I don’t even want to stop talking right now because that means that you’re going to respond! And now you’re telling me that they told you that you might get held back and you’re not even going to try to pass and I have to deal with you for another year? Do you ever think about how your actions affect others? That we have to just sit there and listen to you all day and-”
    “I didn’t realize you were so obsessed with me that you were hanging on my every word.”
    “How can I not hear them all when you seem to be everywhere that I fucking am? Why do you make so many speeches? What is it about you that makes you so sure that everybody wants to hear what you have to say.”
    “They don’t want to hear it- but they need to. I’m only speaking the truth, even if you’re all in denial about it. And you can do what you want to try and put me in a box and shut me up so that nobody has to hear anything that challenges their worldview or-” he kept going on and on and all of a sudden Y/N just couldn’t take it.
    Eddie turned around to keep ranting to the cafeteria with arms raised like a damn ringmaster, utterly delighted that somebody was reacting to his antics again, and when he turned back to face her she wasted absolutely no time reaching over and grabbing a handful of spaghetti from the nearest student and throwing it at him, hitting him right in the face.
    To her credit, that did shut him up.
Detention. Y/N had never gotten detention before, and when it was only her and Eddie in the room she regretted everything that had happened in her life that led her to this point. If this was a test by the school or maybe God or some other power of ironic fate to make her change her ways they were succeeding. 
    Y/N felt awkward and sufficiently embarrassed but also it was just…quiet. She closed her eyes in peace and just tried to enjoy it for as long as she could. She didn’t even care that she was in trouble anymore, or she didn’t until she heard a pop sound, and opened one eye to see Eddie leaning back in his chair, pressing his lips together and releasing them to make a little noise and then repeating the action.
    “You have to stop.” She said in annoyance, and he sighed.
"We're gonna be here for like 3 hours, Y/N. You can't actually expect me to be completely silent for that long."
"I would never be stupid enough to expect that from you, Eddie. I can hope for it but I definitely don't expect it."
    “Do I really annoy you that much?” He asked incredulously, and she hated how funny he seemed to think it was. 
    “Yes.” She said succinctly.
"Just because I'm noisy?"
"You're not just noisy, Eddie. You're the loudest person I've ever met. You take up so much space for somebody so skinny. I sat next to you in bio last year and your stuff was always on my desk and you'd get crumbs everywhere and you say stupid things sometimes and you hiss at people and I mean jesus at least your better than you used to be but you've also definitely stopped getting better. Like, yeah, you don't full on pretend to be a zombie pterodactyl for days at a time anymore and I guess you don't sometimes show up in full wizard gear and put curses on everybody anymore but like-"
"Christ, I feel like I'm in court."  He complained. 
"If I could arrest you, Eddie, believe me when I say that I would without hesitation. I would have done it years ago in like second grade when you started pretending to have fucking exorcist style night terrors during nap time and claim to never remember. Or when you put a ton of paint into a balloon in art class and got on the table and yelled scatter and threw it and it exploded and everything was black and it never came off my favorite shirt.” She was really going now, and Eddie was pretty sure that this was the most effective detention he had ever been subjected to. He tried to cut in, but her gesticulating and increasing volume left no room for interruption. 
“And I haven't haven't mentioned when you saw Alien and went full xenomorph when people tried to talk to you I mean what the fuck, Eddie? How many times can you haul yourself on a table pretending to die before pulling your arm in your sleeve and shoving out through your collar like a chest burster so you can pull the hair of whoever was actually still concerned when they see you die again."
"Okay, kids do weird shit all the time, what about when you- uh" He faltered when he realized he started talking without an example. 
"It's not just about when we were kids it's that you still do that shit. Still you randomly start howling like a werewolf when things get too quiet or boring and get up onto tables making speeches and send your wizard buddies into the cafeteria while fighting with fake swords!"  She said, exasperated
    “Alright. Asked and answered. Why did you never say anything?” He asked, kind of horrified and she glared at him.
    “When would I have done that?” She asked bitterly, and he gave her a conceding nod of his head.
    “I dunno. Standing up and yelling at me seemed pretty effective." He said with a grin. 
"Is this funny to you?" She asked angrily, knowing by the glee on his face that she wasn't going to like the answer 
"Kinda, yeah. I'm not sure how else to take finding out that somebody I've literally never had a conversation with hates me this much and has apparently been prepping her case since third grade. Objectively, that's pretty funny."
"Do you have a lot of conversations where other people have a chance to get a word in?"
He laughed incredulously.
 "I'm not one of those screaming guys pointing from the Invasion of the Body Snatchers. I am in fact capable of listening to another person."
"You literally used to do that in Ms. Jenkins' class. You literally did that."
"Yes….I did, didn't I?" He said quietly, at least having the decency to look a little embarrassed. His instincts told him to keep teasing her but honestly he was a little worried that this girl might not be crazy in a fun way. 
A moment of quiet fell when he waited for her to say something, and she closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She tried so hard to appreciate the silence but something was still tormenting her 
"Are you really getting held back?"
"Looks like it." He shrugged.
She turned around to look at him "What would it take to get you to graduate?"
"I dunno, like a Bible level miracle?" He said in a joking way, hoping to break through her weird seething fury.
She thought for a moment. "Let me tutor you." She said firmly.
"Excuse me?"
"Let me tutor you."
"I heard you the first time, but I think we just established that you hate my guts and that it would take a huge amount of effort to pass this year so why would you want to do that?"
"Because I really really want a quiet senior year. More than anything I've ever wanted in my life." She asked with the kind of desperation Eddie imagined was normally only used by people that just walked through the desert for two  days asking for some water. 
"....no, I don't think I'm gonna do that." He said. She was weird and that was certainly intriguing but he was also getting weirded out in a bad way which didn't happen to him often. 
"I'll give you a hundred dollars if you graduate." She said, and he laughed aloud. 
"You will give me a hundred dollars so you can tutor me. That's insane. You're insane."
She nodded emphatically. "Yes. That might be true. I think that my brain may be permanently damaged from never getting to calibrate to the sound of silence. I have seven siblings, a parrot and two dogs. It's never going to be quiet at home but it could be quiet at school. I just want you gone, Eddie. It would fix so much." She said, so genuinely and  and he was shaken to his core knowing that the girl he had sat behind for a solid decade was even more unhinged than he was. 
"You don't want to be around me so you're going to spend the next 2 months working your ass off, with me for a lot of time to help me graduate? You see where this is getting confusing, yes?"
"It's It's investment that will eventually lead to greater returns. Honestly, what do you have to lose?" She asked, her voice still so weirdly begging that he was having a hard time saying no. Whether that was because he was getting more weird into her weirdness as the conversation progressed or he was worried that she would steal his eyelashes he wasn't sure.
"I guess? This is insane and I'm pretty sure that in like a day you're gonna change your mind when you see my report card but sure. I'll call that bluff." He said, leaning back and laughing, 
"You think I'm bluffing?" 
He leans in with a grin. 
"How about we do it this way- if I graduate, I give you a hundred bucks, if you can't take it anymore and give up, then you give me a hundred bucks." 
"No way. You'll just be extra annoying and not try so I'll give you money." She said with a frown. "Why can't we just do the first thing?"
"Because I don't think you're going to be able to take it and I want to add some real stakes." He said with a grin, and she looked at him with a determined face. "Let's just take money out of it altogether- in fact, I'll pay you to tutor me. Every day until finals." He said with a mischievous look.  "And if you stick it out every day and I still don't graduate, I promise not to talk in the same room as you for the next year, so either way you get your quiet." He said.
"What if I give up?" She asked, and he thought. 
"Hmmm….I think you should decide. What can you do for me that would equal a year of silence?"
"I….have no idea. You sure you don't want the hundred dollars?" 
"Uh uh- ooh! What about if you can't take it then you have to make a lunch room speech with me. On the tables. Can be about whatever you want." He grinned, and she looked at him confused.
"Why would you want that?" She asked with a nervous laugh.
"Because I've seen you every school day for a decade and I had no idea that you were this weird until today. I think the people deserve to know." 
"Seriously? That doesn't seem…equivalent."
"I can think of something worse- you also wanna be my lab partner next year. Hey, that's not a bad idea."
"I should've just left it at that."
"Yup, you should've."
"What's to stop you from just being as obnoxious as possible so you can win?"
"Hm….is my word not enough in this situation?" She shook her head. 
"Okay if I bail or stop trying….man this is getting complicated-"
"If you bail or genuinely don't try….you have to let me eat lunch in your van next year."
"My van is really gross."
"Yes, but it's silent, and I don't have a car." She explained, and he nodded.
"Do we have a deal? If you can tutor me every day until finals I don't say anything in the same room as you next year, if you can't handle it then you have to make a lunch room speech with me and be my lab partner next year, and if i can't handle the tutoring then I have to let you eat lunch in my van next year." He said, sticking out a hand.
"What if you graduate?" She asked
"Well….that's what you wanted to begin with. Then it's a win-win." He said, and she raised an eyebrow. He grinned. "IIIIII get it, you want to sweeten the pot, huh?"
"I mean, if I'm getting no Eddie as a reward both times then what's to stop me from just showing up every day and not trying- and what's to stop you from just being as annoying as possible to win?" 
"You have a point, there should be a best case scenario reward for us in the very unlikely instance that this actually pays off." 
"Right. Something good for both of us that's worth all the work." She said thoughtfully. 
"I can't really think of anything." He said honestly, and she shook her head. 
"Me neither. Maybe….TBD? Decide after we know if there's….anything that both of us actually enjoy." 
"I'm sure there's something." He said with a glimmer in his eye and she smiled a little.
For a moment she forgot she was talking to her one sided arch nemesis and she was about to laugh, but then she heard the sound of his wallet chain bouncing with his leg and she remembered. 
"Alright, we'll decide on our grand prize later. Do we have a deal?" He asked, and stuck out his hand. She nodded resolutely and shook it. 
He grinned, this was fun, but he was sure it would be over by the weekend, and Y/N closed her eyes, leaning back to enjoy the moment of silence that detention offered, and realize that maybe she was biting off more than she could chew. 
@sweet--em @annikin-im-panicin @seafoamgreenpng
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pics-and-fanfics · 1 year
A Line Was Crossed
Pairing: not really one, it just focuses on Y/n. Yes, Draco and the golden trio are friends in this one!
Warnings: mentions of dead mom, verbal abuse, screaming, use of emotions and past mistakes as leverage/ammo, angst, reader blaming herself, lil bit of fluff, explanation of how mom died
Summary: Dolores Umbridge crosses a line that should never be crossed. And yes Ik this is different from my normal stuff, but this has been spinning in my head for half an hour before I decided to write this!
If your interested, you can find my other works here!
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You unpack your bag, huffing. You did not want to have to deal with another day of Umbridge and her shit.
“And don’t forget to stay tuned in to see what kind of shit Dolores Umbridge pulls in today’s class!” Draco says as he walks in, sitting down next to you. You laugh, feeling a soft hit to the back of your head, seeing Hermione sit in her seat behind you.
“Well good morning to you too, ‘Mione!” you say, and she rolls her eyes. “You woke up everyone in the dorm last night with your snoring. Honestly, I think it’s gotten worse.”
“Sorry ‘Mione, but I dunno what you want me to do. It’s not like I can just not sleep.” you say, your hand playing with your choker. It was a nervous habit, one you’d do when you needed a bit of extra comfort.
“Good morning class, I expect you finished all your homework and are ready to turn it in.” Umbridge says, and you groan, turning back around in your seat. You were going to hate today.
Somehow the topic had drifted to the Unforgivable Curses again, just like almost every class. You were just glad Neville wasn’t here so he wouldn’t have people throwing it at him almost every day.
“Y/n? Are you even listening?” “Hmm? Sorry.” you say, refocusing on the talks.
It’d only been two minutes. 2. Minutes.
“Tell me, do you enjoy hurting people?” Umbridge asked you, and you seethed. “I don’t believe-“
“Do you enjoy killing?” “I’ll kill you.” you say, looking her in the eye.
“What, like you did your mother?”
Your heart dropped as you processed what Umbridge just said. “Y/n-“ Draco says, but you ignore him.
The sound of your chair scraping loudly on the floor echoes throughout the room as you get up, shoving your things in your bag.
“Where do you think you’re going?” Umbridge asked as you grabbed the door handle. “I didn’t say you could leave.”
“You- crossed- a fucking line- that should not- have been crossed.” Your voice was shaky, there were tears in your eyes.
“What? Are you upset? Because I’m trying to reveal the truth?” You spin around, feeling the tears roll down your face as your classmates watch.
“YOU CROSSED A FUCKING LINE DOLORES! YOU DO NOT TALK ABOUT MY MOTHER! YOU KNOW NOTHING ABOUT WHAT HAPPENED! YOU CROSSED A LINE! A LINE, THAT MIGHT I ADD, SHOULD NOT HAVE BEEN CROSSED?!” You were practically screaming, and you swung the door open before slamming it shut behind you, a resounding boom coming from behind you as you run down the stairs.
You didn’t know where you were going, but you were getting away from her, so it had to be better, right?
You sit under one of the tables in the Great Hall, head on your arms, arms on your knees. You tried to muffle your sobs. You didn’t need the whole school knowing you were crying.
“Y/n! Y/n!” you heard Harry shout, and you cover your mouth, begging yourself to shut up.
“Where did she go?” Ron asks, and you see his shoes walk past the table. You pull your knees closer to your chest, making sure your shoes weren’t visible. “I’m not sure. Draco, did you already check the Slytherin common room?”
“Yes, Potter. Did you check Gryffindor’s?” “She’s not there!” Hermione’s voice yelled, her footsteps running in. “She’s got to be around here somewhere, we’ve checked basically everywhere.”
You wince hearing a hiccup slip out of your throat, and four pairs of feet turn to where you were hiding.
“Y/n?” Ron’s voice was soft as you saw him squat down, looking under the table. You cover your face, trying to dry your tears. God, this was embarrassing. “Hey, it’s okay, we’re not mad.”
You look over when you feel Hermione scoot in next to you, sitting on her ankles as she bent forwards. Harry followed, and so did Draco. You felt another sob rise in your throat as Hermione rubbed your back, Draco’s head on your shoulder.
You sat there like that, in silence, for a while. When you were finally able to see straight, you rubbed your nose.
“I’m sorry.” you mutter, burying your face into your jeans. “Hey, none of that. It’s not your fault, stop blaming yourself. She-“
“But it is my fault, Harry! She died trying to stop me from getting hurt because I didn’t listen to her. It’s my fault!” you say, your hands fisting the ends of your pant legs. You explain what had happened.
You’d been playing in the road, and a truck was barreling down the road, way too fast for how dark it was. You’d followed a kitten, trying to befriend it so it would come with you. You’d always loved animals.
Your mother had seen, and rushed outside, shoving you out of the way just before you got hit. But, because of that, she’d been run over, dying almost immediately. The car had screeched to a stop, and the rest you’d forgotten, which was a small mercy.
“Y/n, it’s not your fault. She crossed a line, she’s the one in the wrong here. Not you. You were just a kid.” Draco says, and you sniff, snot running out of your nose.
“It was-“ “Not your fault. Now stop blaming yourself, or I’m going to like you.” Ron says, and you laugh. “There, that’s better. Now, who’s going to tell Dumbledore?”
You crawl out from under the table, helping Hermione up, then Ron. “I call dibs, my eyes are still red and I want to be the one to get that hag kicked out.”
“That’s the girl I know and am slightly terrified of!” Draco jokes, and you shove him lightly.
Anyways, thank you for reading, and lmk what you thought of this Hogwarts fic! Have a wonderful day, lovelies! Don’t forget to ask me if you want to be tagged later!
@vbecker10 @silverfire475 @huntress-artemiss @vickie5446 @sheris532 @lokixryss @lokidokieokie @stupidthoughtsinwriting @crimson25 @peaches1958 @iamlokisgloriouspurpose
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collapsedteam · 2 years
Gadgets for Skipping Class (Ch.2)
Title: Gadgets for Skipping Class
Author: Collapsed LIL @collapsedteam
Characters/Pairing: Eustass Kid, Trafalgar Law, Monkey D. Luffy, Trafalgar Lami, Eustass Kid/Trafalgar Law
Tags: One Piece, AU - High School
Rating: PG-13
Chapter/Status: 2/2 (read Chapter 1 here)
Word Count: 6,477
Summary: Kid’s only occupation is inventing gadgets that will help him skip class.
Notes: The prompt was to write a YA story with Eustass Kid. Rating is mainly for coarse language.
AO3 / FF (You can also read the story under Read More)
Chapter 2
The corridors were teeming with students waiting outside their classrooms for their next class to start. Kid and Luffy were reviewing Law’s notes before the exam to make sure they had not forgotten to study anything.
“What does it say here?” Luffy asked pointing at a word.
Kid squinted to try to make out what his friend had written there. “Fuck, Trafalgar,” he said. “There’s no way our teachers understand your handwriting.”
There was no answer. Both boys looked around them in search of their friend. Law was standing a few meters away from them talking on his phone. Kid and Luffy exchanged glances. They knew exactly what the other was thinking—they had only seen their friend using his phone at school once, and it had been one year ago, when Kid’s ultimate belt had been overshadowed by his appendix.
Law approached them after hanging up the phone. “Guys, I’ll go to the nurse’s office and be back in a second.”
“It’s closed,” Luffy said, grinding Law to a halt.
“What?” the blue-haired boy asked in disbelief.
“Yeah, my big bro has told me something about the nurse not being able to make it to school today.”
Law hesitated for a moment, he reached the back pocket in his trousers, where he kept his keys, and started moving his feet slowly towards the stairs. “Ok, I’ll go run an errand and I’ll be back in a minute.” He turned around and speeded up.
“Trafalgar!” Kid shouted. “The teacher’s about to come! You won’t be allowed in class once the exam starts!”
Law gave his friend a thumbs-up sign without looking back and disappeared down the stairs.
Kid and Luffy gaped at each other. Their friend was acting really strange—at least stranger than usual. The corridors emptied gradually as the teachers arrived. There was not much time left.
“Straw Hat,” Kid said, “I think it’s time for a revival of Kid’s gadgets for skipping class.”
Luffy’s face lit up at his friend’s words. “Do you mean it?”
Kid looked at him with an ear-to-ear grin. “We won’t have Trafalgar getting a fail grade, will we?”
Law looked up and down the corridor to make sure no one was there and poked his head round the girls’ bathroom’s door.
“Lami,” he whispered, “are you here?”
A waving hand appeared from behind one of the doors in the bathroom. Law sidled up to the door and handed a sanitary pad and clean underwear to the girl.
“How did you get the panties?” she asked astounded, unwrapping the pad.
“The nurse’s office was closed, so I had to go home,” the boy answered.
“What?” The girl’s shriek made Law flinch. “Why didn’t you ask the girls in your class?”
“My little sister couldn’t ask her classmates, but she expects me to do it?” Law joked.
“I already told you,” Lami grumbled, “I don’t know if any of them is on their period yet.” She paused. “I don’t wanna be the first to get it.”
The silence suddenly flooded the bathroom. It was Lami’s first year attending that school and, although she had already made some good friends, she was still not ready to confide everything to them.
Law was leaning on a wall waiting for his sister to finish. The class was probably halfway through, and he had absolutely no chance of taking the exam, so he decided to stay there until Lami was ready to go back to class.
“Law,” Lami whispered, “I’m scared.”
“Don’t be,” her brother answered. “It’s something natural—there is nothing to worry about.” Law moved his face closer to the bathroom door. “And I’ll be here for everything you need, ok?”
Almost half a minute went by until a soft, trembling voice came from the other side.
“Thank you,” Lami sniffled.
Law sat on a bench in the corridor waiting for Lami to come out of the bathroom. There was not a single soul to be seen or any sound to be heard anywhere. He had never seen the school so empty. It was his first time skipping class and wandering through the corridors when the other students were in class. He was actually surprised he felt no remorse or guilt at all. He was not even worried about getting a fail, he could only think about his little sister and the best way to fade her fears away.
The bathroom door finally opened, and Lami came out. The moment Law stood up, she hugged him.
“Do you want to go for a walk around the playground while we wait for the class to end?” Lami asked, her arms still holding her brother.
“What if somebody sees us?” Law inquired.
“Don’t worry. There’s no one there at this time.” Lami headed towards the stairs while her brother insisted on wanting to know how she knew such a thing.
Law had to go back to class to pick up his things. He had dropped Lami in the dining hall with her group of friends and had elegantly dodged their personal questions. When he arrived at the door, it was opened, and he could hear some scrubbing noises. He peeked inside and saw Kid wearing a pair of plastic gloves and boots, sweeping a wet floor covered with patches of white clouds.
“What the heck happened here?” asked the blue-haired boy.
Kid raised his head and beamed. “Hey, Trafalgar! Did you solve that issue?”
“Eh? Oh, yeah…” Law walked preoccupiedly, looking around the classroom, trying to figure out what had happened. “But what is all this white powder?”
“I may—or may not—have discharged a fire extinguisher in class…” Kid explained with his head down.
“What?” Law’s voice sounded unexpectedly high-pitched as he quickly moved his hand away from the powder he was about to touch with his fingers.
“I needed an emergency gadget to prevent the exam from taking place.”
Law cast his friend a look full of reproach and rolled his eyes. “I thought you had left all that behind,” he said.
“Look, I’m not planning to go back to all of that, okay?” Kid complained. “But it’s not fair that you’re always helping us, and we can never do a single thing to help you out.”
Law looked confused. Helping him? What was he talking about?
“Look…” Kid paused, realizing it was the second time he began a sentence like that and that asking Law to ‘look’ when he had not raised his head once since he had begun his confession was maybe a bit unfair. Kid gave Law a sidelong glance and saw that his friend was staring back at him. He took a deep breath and went on, “You’re always lending us your notes, you explain to us everything we don’t get… you even called an ambulance for me last year! We just wanted to put the exam off because you wouldn’t make it in time.”
Law’s eyes were still fixed on his friend’s. He opened his mouth to say something, but Kid interrupted him.
“I know you’ll say we didn’t have to, so you’ll be glad to know we have just managed to start the exam half an hour late, we had only thirty minutes to answer all the questions and the whole class probably hates us by now. So please don’t tell me again about how useless my gadgets are.”
Law’s mouth was closed again. Kid was getting increasingly nervous.
“Where’s Straw Hat?” Law finally asked.
“Oh, he should be asking the cleaning service for alcohol and several other things to clean this mess.”
Law simply nodded and looked around the room. Kid went back to sweeping, still worried about his friend not saying anything. Law was not mad at his friends. He was maybe slightly glad that they had risked their comfort to help him. Maybe even a bit disappointed that he had missed the show. But he was never going to confess it and make them think it could be a good idea to attempt to do it again if he ever needed it. Law was an excellent student, but he also had his share of disciplinary actions, mainly because of his rudeness and bad manners. He could stand a bad grade in his transcript, and he could endure facing his parents. Just like that time he had gotten a tattoo on his upper arm without telling anyone but Kid and Luffy. He remembered how Kid had held his hand from his first groan until the very end and how he, despite his grumpy nature, had not complaint even once about his grip, although Law had been madly digging his nails in his skin. And he said they never helped him out?
“Can I help in any way?” Law asked at last.
A great weight lifted from Kid as he heard his friend speak―Kid knew him well enough to see that he was not mad at him. He shrugged his shoulders. “Don’t think so. Not until Straw Hat comes back, at least.”
Law began to take short, slow steps around the classroom as Kid went back to sweeping the floor. Law was not sure if his head was too full or too empty of thoughts. There was something he had been wanting to tell Kid for some time now, and he thought that could be the perfect time. But, although he tried to arrange his ideas and words in the right order, his brain did not seem to feel up to it. The only useful words he could make out among a heap of disjointed thoughts were: Tell him, tell him, tell him.
“Eustass.” Law was now standing just a couple of steps from the red-haired boy.
His friend mumbled something Law did not need to understand.
“I like you,” Law blurted.
Kid looked at his friend with a frown and asked him to repeat what he had said. He was not visibly nervous or uncomfortable, so he had probably not heard Law’s words.
“I like you,” Law repeated, looking Kid in the eye.
The red-haired boy stood still for some seconds, his eyes fixed on his friend’s. His cheeks slowly began to take on a glowing red color until his ears and his hair could no longer be told apart. He parted his trembling lips, hoping that Law would interrupt him somehow before he had made a fool of himself, but his friend was merely staring at him like he had just explained how to fix a car engine. Not that Kid thought Law could give such an explanation, but who would have thought he could make such a confession, right? Kid started mumbling some unintelligible syllables when Law finally interrupted.
“Do you like me?”
Good. That would make things easier for Kid. Hopefully.
“W-well, yeah,” Kid finally managed to say. He swallowed and tried to focus on making his blush disappear. “Yeah, I do like you.”
“Can we kiss?” Law’s expression had not changed a bit since the first question.
“Fuck, Trafalgar.” For some reason, his friend’s seriousness was making it easier for Kid to loosen up. “Don’t make such a straight face.”
Law raised an eyebrow. “That doesn’t really m—”
“Yeah, I heard what I said,” Kid interrupted, suddenly recovering the reddish glow he had managed to suppress.
In Law’s lips appeared a slight smile that made Kid forget about everything else. He took a deep breath while Law walked the two steps between them and placed his hands on the outer edge of Kid’s shoulders. Kid wrapped his arms around Law’s waist and waited for his friend to do something. Law had his eyes on Kid’s lips, too nervous to go on now that he had made it that far. His lips felt dry.
Kid made a sudden move with his head slightly tilted until he had his lips pressed against Law’s. He felt the blue-haired boy’s body relax in his arms as Law slid his hands to wrap them around Kid’s neck, holding him closer and making them both shudder. Law could feel Kid’s breathing escape through his nostrils and softly tickling his cheek. He could also hear his own respiration. Was it always so nosy when everything else was silent? Law hoped it would at least smother the throbbing of his heart. His thoughts were interrupted when Kid parted his lips lightly, brushing Law’s, and began to stroke Law’s bottom lip gently, repeatedly capturing it between his lips, as if he were insistently sipping his favorite drink. Law felt his lips wet again with Kid’s saliva when a slightly waxy taste seeped into his mouth. Was that how Kid’s lipstick tasted? It was a bit weird, but he liked it.
Law had not expected so many things to go through his head during his first kiss and still enjoy it as much as he had. They stood close to each other after their lips parted, their arms in the very same position they were since merely a minute before.
“That…” Kid paused to lick his lips. “That was good.”
“Yeah…” Law could feel his breath deepening now that the kiss was over.
“If you’ve finished with that, what about helping me a bit over here?”
Both boys jumped at the sound of Luffy’s voice. They pushed each other away―Kid quickly resumed his sweeping and Law hurried towards the cleaning supplies his friend had just brought. He put on a pair of plastic gloves and took a sponge to clean the desks.
Kid glanced furtively at Law, and Law looked back at him. Both boys chuckled and went back to cleaning the mess caused by Kid’s gadget.
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symphonic-scream · 7 months
You get the notes for the "Shiho scene" in the Chaos swap au
(featuring Fool Yusuke, Chariot Makoto, Lovers Haru, Magician Goro, and Moon Shiho, with a cameo from Empress Ann)
Yusuke in class and hearing a scream from the hall
And he looks up and. He has no clue who that is up there
He hears frantic shouting from the first floor, the third years are down there.
Those voices, he recognizes
His classmate, Shiho, stops and stares. She mumbles a name. Eiko maybe? He can't tell. But the girl falls. Shiho looks like she's going to be sick, Yusuke can hear Makoto shouting from the floor below, begging them to let her through
He rushes down and spots Haru on one side of the victim, supporting her head as she sobs, Makoto flittinf and checking her over as she screams for someone, *anyone*, to call a fucking ambulance
Makoto meets Yusuke's eyes, and hers are filled with terror and rage. Equal parts. Her leather jacket is thrown over Eiko's lower half, hiding the gruesome sight of her legs
Haru's nice cardigan is balled up beneath her head, and the three begin to talk in low voices. Yusuke, stands at the edge. He catches one word.
When the ambulance and paramedics finally arrive, Makoto relays everything to them, passing over control of the scene and hesitantly taking her jacket back as they work. Haru is still crying, a step away, and. Makoto clearly wants to comfort her. Haru volunteers to go with Eiko, but a teacher pushes through.
Haru shakes and disappears among the crowd, and Yusuke tries to put a comforting hand on Makoto's shoulder, her jacket in her shaking hands
"...hey, is the one throwing up in your class?"
He turns and- yup, that's Shiho vomiting into a bush, some blonde girl rubbing her back. Shiho stands unsteadily and runs inside, guilt on her face. But, why guilt?
Makoto drags him along behind her. They question her about what she knows, why Eiko, who was always so cheerful, so full of life, why would she...
"Kamoshida got through to her yesterday. He's, starting to go after the third years who've managed to get by for now. Niijima, you're lucky like that. He won't go after you. But, the rest of us- fuck, he tried to get me, before he went for Eiko. If- if I had said yes, she-"
"No, no. You're not at fault." Yusuke pats her head awkwardly. He notices a Robin on top of the lockers, staring at him
That's when they hear a timid voice calling out from the PE faculty office
Yusuke can see the second Makoto recognizes the voice. The next, she's running like her life is on the line
When he makes it to the office, Kamoshida is on the ground. Makoto is physically between him and Haru, who looks even worse for ware than before.
He steps in beside his only friend, helping block Haru from the teacher's sights
Makoto: how fucking dare you! How dare you, you- it's been happening all along, you dirty bastard, i- you'll pay for this, for what you've done to everyone, to Eiko!
Kamoshida: oh? I did something to her? Ha. You have no proof
They're threatened with expulsion. But. That doesn't matter for the moment. They take Haru up to the roof to calm down. Makoto is clear that neither she nor Yusuke will touch her, not if she doesn't want them to.
Yusuke offers her his blazer. She's still missing her cardigan, which is with Eiko. Makoto's jacket is, in her balled up fist. It might still be a little bloody.
A certain robin hops up to Haru, chirps
Haru stares with blank eyes
"thank you, but I'm fine."
"Haru, excuse my language, but like hell you are."
"No. No, you're not okay and you don't have to be! What he's done is Vile. What he did to Eiko, what he was going to do to you-"
"...what he tried to do to you during our first year,"
"You, knew?"
"I, suspected. I would've tried, talking to you but. He was already in my head."
Makoto looks. More vulnerable without her jacket. Open.
Haru is dwarfed in Yusuke's blazer
"you two... you're planning to stop him. How?"
"We, I'm sorry, we can't tell you."
"But- how am I supposed to help if you won't tell me?"
"You're not helping."
"Eiko wasn't just your friend, Makoto. She was *our* friend. And we let her down, so you're going to let me help-"
"We can't. I'm sorry Okumura, but. Niijima and I have to do this alone."
She follows them. The little Robin seems to know. But. He doesn't caw
Haru slips into the palace with them. Sees the her that's. Barely dressed. That's how he saw her. Like, a little sexy treat just for him, huh? Well. Not any longer
Makoto: HARU-
She pauses. Cause. Wow she looks, pretty good done up like an angel. Eros is, very attractive
Her dress- oh wow. Knight is blushing and looking away, this- she's too gay for this!
Jester: Knight, we need to support Haru!
Crow: you stupid lesbian get yourself together
Makoto supports Haru all the way home. She still remembers the way. Memorized from years of going to her house to hang out in middle school
Haru is silent, but stays close to her. Rests her head on her shoulder on the train
"I've missed you... Eiko too, but-"
"Yeah. I'm glad, to have you back."
Makoto: I'll, see you tomorrow?
Haru: yes. Oh, I gave my info to the paramedics, they promised i'd get to find out how Eiko's doing when she's stable. Would you want me to text you?
Makoto: you, kept my number?
Haru: of course
Anyways yeah
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hanako-san · 1 year
Hey it’s the same anon who came up with the surviving sister oc idea I just had an add on thought to that of the surviving sister having a son that goes to school with Nene
I have an idea for your fanfic, a bit.. my idea.. I have no idea if you'll like it, but I hope so.
I got the idea of their interaction and how it started. I wanted to start with the rescue of Hanako by his nephew. So little thought I hope you like it. As for the names of the characters - these are the names given to them by lovely anon-san, whom I met and greet😊
The Yugi twins had a younger sister Ichigo who survived what happened. Her life was full of sadness and trauma she went through, but she found happiness. She told her husband and son about everything, who was very similar to Amane - the older twin. Akane - that was the name of the son, he went to Kamome's school and his classmate was Nene. Every day in Akane's class he saw his own uncle and pretended not to see him and covered his face with a book and glanced at his uncle always and felt embarrassed when he teased Yashiro or hugged her. Akane watched Amane successfully avoiding meeting his uncle. Hanako knew that someone was watching him - he felt it, but he's been trying to push these thoughts aside for some time now and he started to think he was going crazy and it all seems to him, until one event…
Amane fulfilled his duties as Hanako. The Mokkes have been stealing things again even though their rumor has been changed. When he looked in the bag, he was left with something that made him pale - the bracelet that belonged to Teru, he swallowed in fear. Hanako decided to give it to Kou in his head, while he wondered how Mokke managed to steal the entire bracelet, lost in thought, he did not notice Teru pointing his sword at him. "Be careful!!!!" Someone shouted Akane grabbed Amane's hand and ran with him straight and as far as possible, Teru's bracelet fell out of Amane's hand. Amane and Akane stopped at the school playground. Akane had his back to his uncle. "Who are you…" Amane broke the awkward silence "Hi…" he turned to him "uncle" he added looking at him with an angry look When Amane looked at the boy's face, he didn't know what to do, he stood still, his conjunctiva stopped working. He saw 3 clones in front of him, this 3 clone had some differences but a striking similarity" After a long time, some information reached him. "Did you call me uncle?" He said questioningly in surprise "Yes.. I'm the son of Ichigo, your younger sister and Uncle Tsukasa" He said looking him straight in the eyes Then Amane understood everything. He suspected that she was the only survivor of what had happened. "I'm so glad," he said with relief in his voice and a smile "You're glad. You killed Tsukasa…you know what she's going through? She still suffers. She loves you, you and Uncle Tsukasa. She forgave you but I'm not going to" He said angrily in anger "Ah.. I understand.." He said covering half of his face, his sad mouth showing. It hurt him to be despised by his nephew, but he knew he had a right to hate him for his mother's pain and hurt. He understood it, but he felt his dead heart tearing apart. "You have the right to hate me," he added, grabbing his mudnruek on his chest and kneading hard. "That's what I would have told you months ago. Now… I don't hate you, but I'm angry with you. Tell me why?" He added more calmly "Even Mom doesn't know why…" He added "I promised someone that someday I'd tell you everything, so I promise you too, and by the way, how do you see me. Our family doesn't have that ability." "I almost died once and since then I can see ghosts and other supernatural things" He replied "I promise you will tell me everything" He asked just to be sure "Sure… I won't break my promise," he said They both shook hands as a sign of agreement. Since then, Amane and Akane have gotten to know each other better and better. Akane talked a lot about his mother, it made Amane feel happiness fill him.
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anzulvr · 5 months
ʚɞ On Purpose Karma x (fem) Reader || Chapter: 2 ୨୧
Prev || 02 Butterfly Effect|| next
Karma hadn't made it to class yet, he wasn't know for being punctual much less early. Rio, Fuwa and Hinano were hovered around Ritsu's main screen with anticipation.
"Ritsu what did you find out? The suspense is killing us!" Hinano asked.
Ritsu nodded, she'd even programmed a detective outfit for herself, taking her job as the investigator very seriously, "Rio was right, He lied about getting a call and met up with someone."
With a dramatic gasp, Fuwa exclaimed, "Sounds like a shady deal scenario? That reminds me of a manga I read where—"
"Not at all! I couldn't see her face or anything but he called her [Name]! They sounded friendly with each other... it's a relief that nothing dangerous happened." Before Fuwa went off on another one of her Shonen rants, Ritsu interrupted her.
"I told you guys! He totally has a secret girlfriend!" Hinano cheered.
Maehara rushed over as if the words '[Name]' and "girlfriend" in the same conversation had summoned him. "No way! Karma's going out with [Name]?!"
"You know her?" Rio questioned.
"Do I know her?! She's rejected me a bunch of times- I was worried I was the problem but if she's dating Karma it all makes sense!"
"You are the problem! She rejected you 'cause you're a womanizer." Isogai shouted from across the room.
"Maehara you're so loud- now everyone knows Karma has a secret girlfriend!" Fuwa chastised, Ironically everyone who was too preoccupied with their own talks to hear the conversation up till this point heard it from Fuwa.
"KARMA HAS A SECRET GIRLFRIEND?!" Fuwa winced at the overwhelming reaction from everyone.
Ritsu elaborated, "I don't want to give misleading information, I'm making assumptions based on one interaction, I was going to go through their chat logs but that felt invasive... I did calculate their compatibility and it's very likely."
"Well what did you hear?" Kayano asked
"Not much, they're going out to eat at the cafè Isogai works at after school."
"We should go then! To see what they're up to and what not." Kayano's eyes light up, like a child whose tasted ice-cream for the first time.
"You just want to go 'cause they sell pudding." Sugaya sweat drops.
"That's only half the reason!"
Isogai suggests, "You all don't need to worry about it, I have a shift today anyways, so I can keep an eye on them."
"No way! I wanna see it first hand!" Hinano counters insistently.
Everyone is startled when Korosensei appears in the middle of the group, thanks to his heightened sense of hearing he is always there when gossip is involved.
"Young love is such a beautiful thing... I could die of happiness right now." He dabs his tears of joy with a handkerchief.
Nagisa, clearly taken aback by his sudden appearance, asks, "How long have you been here?!"
"for one, I think we should help him on his date. We should get her flowers on his behalf and attach a letter with his forged signature. We can send it to her doorstep and—" Korosensei rambles on and on with his own pushy ideas.
Rio stresses, "We are not doing anything, you can't get involved. We don't need her fainting at the sight of you." 
"Yeah that would be hard to explain..." Isogai thought out loud, their dismissal makes Korosensei turn blue with shock, there's no way they're going to meddle without the wingman himself.
"I'm great at disguises! No one will suspect a thing! I promise I won't interfere! I'll listen!" In a moment of desperateness, He leeches on to any excuse that comes to mind.
"Stop getting your tears everywhere! We should plan this later, if Karma catches wind of it, we're so dead." Hinano couldn't help but shudder at the thought.
"Why would you be dead?" Karma walked through the door, timing couldn't have been better.
"NOTHING!" Hinano's shoulders tensed up as she instinctively answered
Karma paid little to no mind to her reaction, he sat down in his seat. His classmates on the other hand were exchanging weird looks. Hinano seemed especially apologetic. Everyone's strange reactions sparked some interest in him but he didn't care enough to delve deeper into the matter. 
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Quite Fond
AN: This is probably sucky because I started writing this a while ago and my writing style has changed a bit but I hope you guys enjoyed it. Requests are open so feel free to ask for someone!
Warnings: none? Bad writing?
Word Count: 1199
You sighed as you stared up the flight of stairs you would have to climb to get to Recovery Girl’s office. You took a deep breath and started your journey. Stairs are annoying regularly but doing them with a sprained ankle is something you wouldn’t wish upon anyone. You had to take a break when you were half way up. Just standing in a calm silence seemed to distract you from the pain in your ankle. It also distracted you from keeping your balance. You found that out when you heard Iida shout out for you. Your response was the sound of tumbling down the stairs.
You groaned and held your forehead. “y/n, why are you at the school? Everyone is having dinner in the dorms right now.” Iida questioned as he knelt beside your form.
“Well I was trying to get to Recovery Girl’s office but gravity had other plans.”
You met Iida’s gaze as he smirked. ��That’s a good one. Why are you going to Recovery Girl?” You told him about how you were working on your mobility outside of class and sprained your ankle pretty badly. “Why didn’t you ask for assistance? Any one of our classmates would have been happy to help you here.”
You smiled. “Iida, will you help me up to Recovery Girl?” Within seconds you were lifted off of the ground. You had meant for him to wrap your arm around his neck and help you hop up the stairs, not bridal carry you to the office. But you had to admit you didn’t hate being held by the strong, kind boy. You had acquired a slight blush during the short walk to your destination. Recovery Girl fixed you up in a few minutes and sent you both off to the dorms.
You hopped up from the chair you were seated in with the intent to walk but Iida picked you up again. “Uh… Iida, you know I can walk now right?”
“Well yes, but Recovery Girl said that you would start feeling tired soon and I don’t want you falling again.”
Once you were out of the school, the sky was a brilliant shade of purple and the paths around the campus were lit with street lamps. It was only about a five minute walk from the school to the 1-A Alliance building but that was enough time for you to feel the tiredness set in. You felt your eyelids droop and found yourself curling into Iidas warm embrace. You felt more than heard Iida chuckle. “y/n, don’t fall asleep yet, you still need to eat.”
He sat you down at a table and left you alone for a little so he could grab you some dinner. “Hey, y/n! We were wondering where you were.” You turned and saw the Deku squad minus Iida. You yawned and waved to your friends.
Uraraka looked at you confused. “Did something happen? The last time I saw you this tired you had seen Recovery Girl.” You didn’t get a chance to respond as a bowl was set in front of you.
Iida sat next to you. “Well you’d be correct. Y/n was being stubborn like usual and got themselves injured but didn’t ask for help to get to Recovery Girl’s office.” Uraraka shook her head in response.
“Jeez y/n, you’re just about as bad as Deku!” She laughed out. You felt your face heat up as a blush found its way to your cheeks. You and your friends continued to joke and eat your dinner like normal. After you finished your food, you joined a few other students out in the common room to hang out.
You found it harder to keep your eyes open as you tried to pay attention to Ashido’s gossip filled story, almost falling asleep right then and there. A heavy hand on your shoulder jolted you awake. Following the hand up to who it belonged to, you found Iida’s annoyed face staring down at you. “y/n, you’re falling asleep. You should go to your dorm.” He quietly suggested, quiet enough that you could have missed it if you didn’t know he was talking to you.
You gave him a shrug as you turned your exhausted attention back to the conversation that had moved onto a different topic. It seemed Iida didn’t like that answer however as you were soon being picked up and carried towards the elevators. “Hey, what the- What the heck Iida? I can take care of myself.” You yawned out in protest. As the elevator doors closed you heard him sigh. His jaw and mouth made a tight line, his eyebrows furrowed. If it hadn’t been for the obvious concern in his stern eyes, you would’ve thought he was mad.
You weren’t put down by the tall raven-haired man until you were both inside of your dorm. Even then, he had immediately set you onto your bed.
“Iida, you don’t have to baby me. I’m fine! I don’t need you to take care of me.”
“Yes you do! I don’t understand how you can say that when you’ve proven time and time again that you won’t take care of yourself. I’m not just talking about today either! You do this every time you get hurt but every time that someone needs help you are the first person to offer. Why won’t you let us help you? Why won’t you let me help you?”
Iida’s voice broke as he finished speaking. You couldn’t bear to look at him, knowing that he was right. You never accepted help from anyone. The slight sting behind your eyes made you scrunch your face. You wished that Iida would go. That he would get fed up with your actions and leave you alone. Feeling your bed dip, you knew that wasn’t happening.
“Because I don’t want to be seen as weak. I am nowhere near the smartest or strongest person in class. I can’t help but feel like an annoyance when I ask for help. That’s why I offer to help people but won’t accept it. I want to be helpful. I want to prove my worth.”
Wiping your eyes, you kept your gaze trained on the floor. There was a long silence between the two of you, not knowing where to go from here.
“Do you know why I went looking for you earlier?” You shook your head.
“I went to find you because our classmates, your friends were wanting to see you. To be around you. They don’t see you as an annoyance, nor do I. Truthfully, I’m quite fond of you and your company.”
Large hands encased your own as you looked to the boy next to you. The slightest smile present on his face as loving eyes met yours. “Thank you, Iida. I’m quite fond of your company too.” He huffed out a laugh and pulled you into a hug. Your tiredness had finally decided to make its reappearance. Iida noticed as well and attempted to leave you to rest.
“Wait Iida…uh, would you stay? Actually no, nevermind, you probably have other things to do and-”
“I’d love to, y/n.”
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raybyanothername · 8 days
Only counts! pretty please 🙏🥺
I swear this chapter gets longer while I'm sleeping. Every time I look at it, I'vd added another scene. ^^" All of which I love! So picking a snippet to share was *difficult.*
But not impossible...
Behold! A tiny snippet of the 8k behemoth lurking in my documents. Featuring the only person who is as obsessed with dragons as the Targaryens...
Arms wrapped around Jace's waist. Aegon inhaled, nose pressed to his hair again as he held Jace tightly. Listening to the steady rhythm of Aegon's heart beating beneath his ear, Jace almost fell back asleep. His alarm cut through their peaceful quiet instead. Jace groaned and Aegon dragged a pillow over his face. It took longer than it normally did, but Jace managed to drag himself up and leave for campus. Aegon still wrapped up in his sheets as he walked out the door. The image of his uncle rolling over to burrow his face in to Jace's pillow buoyed his mood. A lightness settling in his chest. Warm and bubbly. "Velaryon!" The shout had his head rising from his coffee. He blinked as the familiar blond approached him, excitedly bouncing on the balls of his feet as he ran through the halls. Lannister grinned widely, "Have you seen the news?!" "Uh... no?" Jace arched a brow, gaze flicking over the man as he continued to bounce beside him. "I woke up like half an hour ago," Jace explained, head tilting, "What happened?" This earned an emphatic hand gesture, and a literal spin, before Lannister shoved his phone at Jace's face, "Sunfyre is in the Crownlands for the first time in 20 years!" Eyes fluttering, Jace looked from the blurry picture on the man's phone to his face. The wide and nearly manic expression. Jace arched a brow, "Yay?" "Why is no one else excited about this?!" Lannister huffed, deflating, though only slightly. He held his phone to his chest, whining dramatically, "Dragons are the coolest thing ever!"
"I mean, I don't disagree..." Jace shrugged, gaze flicking from the blond to the woman approaching them. Tyrell was pinching the bridge of her nose. She exhaled, head shaking, "You're not talking about the dragon again, are you Addie?" Lannister stomped his foot, chin rising, "That's a yes..." Her eyes rolled. "Sunfyre is the only one of the Targtower dragons I haven't seen in person, Vaera!" Lannister exclaimed, arms flailing as he gestured widely. "Aegon Targaryen is like, never home when I go to Oldtown."
Jace squinted at his classmate as they started walking, "Targtowers?" Lannister narrowed his eyes right back. "I don't really follow the news about the Targaryens..." Tyrell groaned, hands rising to scrub at her face as Lannister screeched, "How is that possible?! We're studying Valyrian history and they're the last dragonlords!" "Addison..." Tyrell warned. She set her bag on her desk with signifcantly more force than necessary. Jace pursed his lip to hide a smile as Lannister twitched. "It's shorthand, for Targaryen Hightowers," Lannister explained, hands rising to the strap of his bag. "Since they're full siblings, it's an easy way to differentiate between Lady Rhaenyra and her younger half siblings." Jace nodded. He'd figured that. The name was rather self-explanatory. Lannister rambled on about Helaena and his uncles having more ties to the Hightowers than their paternal family. "The two older boys even work for the Hightower," Lannister took a breath, settling into his seat beside Vaera. Her eyes had long since glazed over. "And you're obsessed with their dragons in particular?" Jace asked. He sipped at his coffee, already second guessing whether he should ask Lannister to let Daeron shadow his classes. The man snorted. He tossed his head back, pushing a hand through his blond hair, "No, but seeing Sunfyre in person would give me a full set. I'll just need the Velaryon brother dragons after that." Jace gaped at him. His brows furrowed. "Yeah, you thought he made the trip to Oldtown so often for the Citadel's archives? Nope!" Vaera popped the last syllable, shoving at Lannister's arms, "Sunfyre is his Brightroar."
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