#claude x f!byleth
fe-fictions · 6 months
Happy new year!!! 🥳 could I request a prompt with Dimitri / Claude where they surprise Byleth for the new year? I imagine their post game where Byleth is separated from them for a while bc of their respective duties so a surprise reunion would be super cute 🥹
(This was so much fun to write ;; A ;; )
Claude: Running a country as a new king was no joke, though becoming the religious head of an entire continent (with no experience) wasn’t any easier. It was only natural that when you first started talking about what to do, and what the expectations would be in your new roles, it would mean some distance was required.
What you didn’t realize was that “little distance” thing turned into a long-term absence. Of course, letters were exchanged every day; and the timing of the responses varied depending on the carrier and the weather.
But you were in constant contact, calways wishing to see one another and longing for the separation to reach its end.
It felt more like you were widowed for six months, conversing with a  very charming ghost.
“Seteth…what are the possibilities for taking a sabbatical this year?”
You could feel the prime minister’s hackles raise at the very thought.
“It is the same as I told you last autumn, Archbishop; it’s simply not possible with your current position.”
‘But we’ve been working non-stop since the ceremony- surely we can spare a few days' rest.”
“Not with the relations between kingdoms still in such a dire state. If we were to step away now, and they were to find out, the people would become even more upset. They would feel as though we are trivializing their very lives.”
“I don't want that.” You admitted, looking down at the towering mess of papers on your desk. “But...people are allowed to have days of rest.”
“They are, indeed.” Seteth agreed, “However, we must bear in mind that we are not just any ‘people’. Our obligations transcend those whom we serve.”
It did very little to invigorate you or ease your stress. If anything, Seteth was simply piling them on higher and at a much faster pace. He was not the best at rousing speeches.
“Still…we’ve been working non-stop like this for months…surely we’ll have to slow down and rest so as not to falter later?”
“I do see your point, but I believe we are far from in need of such relief. After all, we bear the expectations of all Fodlan on our shoulders; you moreso, as both a queen and the Archbishop. I would argue that it is more necessary that we continue to push without wasting a single moment.”
“I would argue the opposite…” You mumbled, and the dragon-eared man was polite enough not to acknowledge it. After all, there was a particular reason why he was laying on the pressure so thick.
He wouldn’t have agreed to do so without there being a much desired reward waiting for you. You’d been working harder than most to pull Fodlan back from the struggles of war, and the rebuilding was being overseen in as many areas with the greatest detail you could bring to the table.
You hadn’t heard it yet; it would be a few minutes more.
“Milady, I empathize with your argument, but we must make sure not to allow such temptations that follow a ‘slowdown’, so to speak. It may be difficult for you to ever regain your vigor and our work will suffer for it!”
“Seteth, please…” You groaned, your head hitting the stack of paper before you. There was a good chance the ink hadn’t dried yet, but that was the least of your worries.
The minister worked hard to suppress his smile. Instead he continued to prattle on and on about the importance of diligence, duty, discipline, and several other responsible “d” words, until you heard a shift, outside.
As a matter of fact, you heard the sound of people gathering just below your office, towards the front gates.
And following that rabble was…a wyvern’s wingbeat.
You sat up from the papers, eyes narrowed. There weren’t any wyvern riders that were scheduled to be patrolling this time of day. 
And the only person who could possibly be riding in and exciting everyone would be-
Seteth grinned, watching the hope spark in your eyes. You hurried from your desk, pulling the balcony doors back.
The shimmering white scales of his beloved wyvern reflected the sunlight right into your eyes. But you knew that roar, and you could recognize that gorgeous, golden cape from a mile away.
With a sharp gasp you turned on your heel and burst from the room. The stairs were too far-- no, the front gate was-! You had to move as quickly as possible.
That man had been gone for so long. You hadn’t seen each other in ages, but now he was flying right up to the monastery out of the blue!
You wracked your brain, trying to think if he’d referenced coming to visit you in any of his letters. Though perhaps it was easier said than done, as the closer you got to the front doors, the harder it was to think of anything other than him.
Mercifully, you did not have to wait until you were outside. The king of Almyra had already made his way inside the building. He was halfway across the great hall, speaking with Hilda about something completely inconsequential.
Well, inconsequential to you. Because all that mattered was the instant your eyes locked, and you could feel the joy build in your chest.
The Archbishop’s voice raising was already surprising, but to see her running towards her husband, decorum be damned, was a stunning sight for any bystander.
Claude’s face lit up at the sight of you, his arms spread wide to accept you.
“Byleth!!” Your name was a laugh on his lips; the very sound of his voice made your heart soar. You closed the distance and all but leapt into his arms.
His mere touch was enough to bring tears to your eyes. His scent, his laughter, his…his everything…it overwhelmed your senses in the best of ways.
“I’m home, By.” 
“Welcome back,” Your voice was muffled against his neck, his embrace tight and wanting,  with zero intention of letting you go. “I missed you so much…!”
“I  missed you too. You have no idea how bad I wanted to see you.” He murmured, peppering kisses into your hair between his breaths of laughter.
“I didn’t have a clue- but when did you say you were coming?? I can’t remember reading a single word about you visiting.” You gathered yourself enough to ask, pulling back to look up at your husband.
He grinned at you,  squeezing your waist. “That’s because it was a surprise. I cleared it with Seteth about a month ago; you and I are going to take a nice, long break from all this intercontinental repair.”
It was hard to balance your desire to take in every detail of his face and simply kissing him senseless.
“Of course; I’ve been waiting for ages because I know how badly you’ve wanted to get away. You’ve been talking about it in your letters for the last…three months, I think.” 
“I suppose I’m not as subtle when I’m writing to you.” You smiled sheepishly, “I would love to take a vacation with you, my love.”
“Gods, I’ve been waiting to hear that for so long.” He sighed, capturing your lips in a much needed kiss. You held his face in your hands, relishing the scruff along his jaw and the warmth of his skin.
“Hear what?” You whispered against his lips, your hands shifting from his cheeks to the collar of his tunic, tugging him closer. Your bodies were practically pressed against each other; you couldn’t have gotten closer if you wanted to.
“To hear you call me ‘my love’. I haven’t heard it in so long…I’m afraid your written word doesn’t hold a candle to the sweetness of your voice.”
“You flatter me.” You blushed, kissing the beaming smile he wore with warm reverence. “Shall we  have a proper reunion upstairs? I’d love to hear all about these plans you have for our vacation, but I think we both have some more pressing matters to attend to.”
“Couldn’t have said it better myself, darling.” Claude chuckled, and swept you up into his arms, carrying you down the corridor that had mercifully been emptied at some point during your touching reunion.
You were sure the rumors were swirling around the monastery from the bystanders who hadn’t escaped quickly enough, but it was the last thing on your mind.
After all, your sweet husband was back home in your arms…and there was nowhere else you’d rather be. Especially after such a punishing several months’ work without him.
You peeked around the corner, making sure no one was nearby while he strode towards the stairs with a particular skip in his step.
“I’ve been waiting to say this for a while, but…”
“Say whatever’s on  your mind; I’ve been dying to hear it for ages.”
You leaned up to his ear, whispering those longing words.
“Welcome home, Khalid.” 
He nearly tripped up the stairs and took you tumbling with him. When he steadied himself, he pressed his forehead to yours, his whole face flushed.
“If you’re not gonna fight fair, you’re gonna have to deal with the consequences, Teach.” He grumbled, making you laugh. You kissed his nose, squeezing your arms around his shoulders.
“I haven’t been able to say your name in so long either, you know…I wanted to give you a proper welcome.”
His grin turned mischievous, hoisting you back up and starting up the steps with renewed vigor.
“Don’t you worry about that- we’re about to have the greatest reunion of all time! And an even better vacation after that, might I add.”
You didn’t get a chance to ask him what the plans were until several hours later. But you weren't particularly bothered by it. 
Having your Khalid beside you again was everything you could have asked for, and more.
Dimitri: He’d gotten the worried letter from Prime Minister Seteth about three days ago. He was already deeply depressed because he hadn’t seen you in such a long time.
It was incredibly difficult, how you were trying so hard and working to get everything in order for the greater continent of Fodlan. 
You were working from the monastery, and had remained there long after the two of you were crowned as the king and queen of Faerghus.
It was deeply upsetting to have spent the first several months of your marriage apart. But it was nothing that heartfelt letters that were practically 300-page journals between each of you.
So when he received a much more brief letter with Seteth’s seal on it instead of the expected loving message from his wife, Dimitri was concerned.
When he read its contents, he was consumed with worry. 
“King Dimitri, it is with deep concern that I write to you regarding your wife, the Archbishop of Fodlan. I am afraid she has become obsessed with work to the point that she cannot seem to remove herself from it. 
The few times I was able to ascertain the reason behind this change in behavior is due to her separation from her spouse. I believe it would be prudent to schedule a visit to the monastery immediately. I fear she has stopped taking care of herself; her eating and sleeping habits have become practically non-existent. 
Please write with ideal dates and times that you would be able to join us. We anticipate a swift response, milord.”
Dimitri had the troops rallied and the Blue Lions en route to the monastery without a second more hesitation. He sent a pegasus knight ahead to relay the information as quickly as possible.
But there was a little more time to waste! His wife was neglecting her well-being, and even though he had no idea how he was supposed to fix it, he knew that he missed her just as terribly and wanted to do anything in his power to make everything better.
He galloped through the forests of Fodlan, not slowing down even in the face of bandits or dangerous weather. 
With the help of the Lions and their unwavering support for the royal couple, the valiant group turned what was typically a weeks’ sojourn to the central mountain range into a four day journey, instead.
And as soon as they were there, Dimitri all but ripped the front gates from their ancient, unmoving hinges.
There was no time to waste. His Beloved needed him!
“King Dimitri has arrived!” The gatekeeper managed to squawk out, sending the passersby into a confused frenzy of excitement and panic. What in the world was the Archbishop’s husband doing here, now??
Dimitri did not bother to socialize or engage with anyone outside of the green-haired man hurrying to meet him, opening the massive old doors that led into the main hall.
“Thank Sothis you arrived so quickly. I just received word from the envoy you sent hardly a day ago; it is a miracle you were able to travel with such swiftness!”
“And not a moment too late, I hope. Where is my wife?” Dimitri asked, breathless from his endless onslaught to visit his dearest.
Seteth motioned towards the stairwell. “She is locked in her office, as always. I fear it has been difficult to access her, even as her right hand. She is deeply troubled by your absence, milord. More So than even she realizes.”
“It saddens me to learn this…but I will do everything in my power to help Byleth in any way I can.” He spoke a solemn promise, striding to the steps and making his way to your office.
A swirl of memories, sweet and bitter, filled his mind. It had been so long since he’d seen the monastery, let alone restored to most of its former glory. 
It was not his favorite place to be, and in spite of all the good things that happened there, he would not lose any sleep over the thought of leaving it behind permanently.
Especially if his having to rule the kingdom while you languished in the ancient halls could cause such a panic.
He hesitated at the door of your office, finding it was indeed locked when he tried to turn the knob. He knocked on the old oak once, twice, three times…but you did not answer.
So he opted to pound on the door, instead.
“Byleth!! Byleth, my love…are you in there? Can you hear me??” His fist hit the door again, with more urgency. There was an indent starting to form where he struck the wood.
There was no answer. He grit his teeth, hitting the door harder.
“It’s me, Dimitri! Open the door- everyone is worried about you! You must-” His hand went straight through the wood, and not a moment too soon.
The punctured hole, while embarrassing, did provide immediate access to the door knob on the other side.
Dimitri dismissed the damage done and opened the door, swinging it into the wall with another crack that likely destroyed the structural integrity of the poor thing.
The sound of wood splintering was enough to get your attention, however. You had been slumped over your arm at your desk, a quill halfway falling out of your hand when the sudden eruption of noise startled you awake.
Your eyes were wild with exhaustion and confusion, only to find a large, black and blonde blob storming towards you.
You gasped at the sound of Dimitri’s voice. That  couldn’t be right, he was far away, back home in Faerghus…his last correspondence with you had been only a week ago.
This was surely a figment of your over exhausted imagination, right?
“Thank goodness, you’re at least conscious.” He exhaled heavily, rushing around the side of the desk so that he might place his hands on your shoulders. “I was knocking at your door and calling for you- did you truly not hear me?”
“Dima…w-what are you doing here?”
“Dammit, your skin is so pale. The shadows under your eyes- and you’re clearly underfed! Byleth, what has happened to you? How could this have happened?”
“I…” You trailed off, looking down at your hands which trembled in your lap. Dimitri followed your gaze, feeling his heart twist in his chest.
“Nevermind. You're in dire need of rest, Beloved. I will take you to our quarters immediately. When you wake up, I will have some food ready and waiting.”
“But…but Dima, how did you-?” 
“I received an urgent message from Prime Minister Seteth.” He explained simply, taking you up from your seat and carrying you from the office. “He said that you were neglecting your health, and it is quite clear to me that is the case.”
“W-wait, you don’t have to carry me, Dimitri, I-”
“I will not risk injury because you have not been taking care of yourself. I will see to it that you are well rested and well fed before you’re ready to have a conversation about your health. Am I clear?”
You fell silent, realizing that the firm yet gentle touch was indeed quite real. That your husband had arrived from across the land to come to your aid.
Perhaps you were in worse shape than you first thought.
Dimitri took your silence as a sign that you either conceded defeat, were falling asleep, or both. Regardless, you weren’t far from your bedroom.
The attendants and knights who were anywhere nearby as the king crossed the long corridors were quick to scatter, or politely avert their eyes as he tended to you.
With far greater care than when he’d “opened” your office door, he let himself into the Archbishop’s quarters and made sure to fasten the lock as well.
The world shifted around you, and you were suddenly in the soft embrace of your bed. Gods, how long has it been since you were lying there, of all places? 
Dimitri sat on the edge of the bed, taking your ankles up and resting your feet in his lap. He began to undo the laces on your shoes, handling you as though you were glass (a technique ingrained in him since he was little).
“Dima, you don’t have to do all this…”
“You need to rest, Beloved, and I have many, many months of tending to you that I must make up for. Please, allow me to do this much.”
You hummed softly, letting him finish his work on your shoes. Then he prompted you to sit up, slipping the coat from your shoulders and shifting the pillows so that you could recline far more comfortably.
His hand cradled your head, guiding you back down so that you laid fully across the bed. 
The covers weren’t drawn over you, though. Instead, Dimitri unclasped his heavy, fur-laden cloak, and draped it over you.
The overwhelming comfort at being surrounded by his scent nearly brought tears to your eyes. This was indeed your Dimitri. Not a figment of your imagination, this time.
You drew the furry cape closer to your face, nuzzling against the fabric with a soft sniffle.
Dimitri’s smile was sad, but the tension that had wracked his body seemed to have eased at the sight of you.
“Please, rest, my dearest. I will have food prepared and waiting for you by the time you are better.”
“Will you stay with me?” You whispered, as if the pull of sleep wasn’t already  taking hold.
Dimitri laughed softly, carding a hand through his hair. 
“I am still in full regalia, my love. I fear I will be a poor bedfellow.”
“Just until I’m asleep.” You insisted, “I…I missed you so much.”
As if he could say no to that.
Dimitri walked over to his side of the bed,   careful in joining you so that he didn’t dip the mattress and jostle you out of your far too comfortable position.
He propped himself up on one elbow, facing you on his side so that you might have full access to him.
And take advantage, you did. Dimitri flushed when you shifted over, burying your face in his chest and curling your fingers into his tunic. The soft clinking of all the metal bits and pieces didn’t seem to bother you. He wasn’t in his armor, but the formal layers of Faerghus’ royal uniform did not make for excellent nightwear.
The queen did not seem to mind, however.
“I’m so happy you’re here…”” You mumbled into his chest, feeling strong arms wrap wholly around you, drawing you in as close as he could.
“I have longed for you, terribly, in the time we have been apart. I could not bear to be away from you any longer when Seteth sent for me.”
“I must remember to thank him for his wisdom…I may very well have wasted away had he not asked you to come. It…felt so hard, going through all this work without you by my side.”
“It was no more joyful in Faerghus, I’m afraid. Ruling as king feels cold and empty without you there, right alongside me.” 
You nodded into his heartbeat, melting when his fingers worked through your hair.
There was no way you’d stay up a moment longer.
“But all that matters is we’re together now. And once we have you full and smiling again, I believe we ought to make plans to visit the countryside. The snow is glistening this time of year, up in the northern mountains…I can finally introduce you to the rarer parts of our home.”
“I would…love to…” You yawned,    wide and obvious.
Dimitri bit his tongue to keep from fawning. You were too cute when you weren't even trying.
“ Please rest, Beloved. I swear I’ll be right here when you wake. I will not leave your side again.”
“Thank you for this…and…thank you for coming… I'm so happy you love me so much.”
“As am I.” He kissed your forehead, squeezing you gently. “I have been yearning to see you for far too long. To hold you in my arms, even in less ideal circumstances…I could be any happier.”
“I love you, Dima.”
“I love you, too.” He beamed, before gingerly tapping his forehead to yours. “Now rest. Sleep. I beg of you.”
You smiled softly. Perhaps Dimitri was right; you were indeed long overdue for a good nap.
It wouldn’t be until seven hours later, well into the nighttime, that you came back around.
 But Dimitri was ready and waiting, a beautiful meal set aside on the nightstand and waiting to be enjoyed by the royal couple.
And of course it was immediately paid for by a mess of urgent kisses from wife to husband, wrapping your arms around him and rolling to lay atop him, your hands happily pressed to his chest.
How you missed that strong, thundering heartbeat.
The food would have to wait, unfortunately;  you both had much more pressing matters to tend to. 
Especially for the next seven days, as prescribed by the monastery clerics to prevent further burnout.
While you were certain Dimitri had some influence in this decision (ie, nearly all), you couldn’t help but relish every single second you got to spend, alone and warm with your fiercely loyal lion.
53 notes · View notes
byrnethebooks · 2 years
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Fodlan's new dawn
496 notes · View notes
bhryn-art · 4 months
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Have a sketch/doodle from my sketchbook! F!Byleth Mermaid. I will either redraw this in CSP or find my markers and ruin it XD - complete with Claude's earring and her GD Bracelet (because I'm #Claudeleth trash)
14 notes · View notes
linilou-von-hevring · 8 months
Read it here on ao3!
“Whatcha doing there?”
It takes a moment for Byleth to look up from the lake. Ripples break her reflection as she pulls her soaked cloak onto her lap. Red stains the fabric, stains that bleed onto the girl’s hands and knees. And she almost seems frazzled as her eyes find Claude’s; or at least, she seems as frazzled as an emotionless Ashen Demon can be.
“I’m trying to get these stains out before it’s too late.”
“Why not just use another one instead? If you want, we can get you a new one as soon as we’re back in the capital.”
Claude must have been blessed by the goddess, or perhaps it’s just a stroke of luck. Regardless, it’s nice not being chased away as he takes a seat next to Byleth on the grass. The summer air is almost choking, dry heat pounding down onto the heads that have the misfortune of being exposed, but by the water, it’s a little more bearable. It’s a little fresher, the cool breeze brushing Claude’s cheeks. Or maybe it’s the sparkle in those green eyes that makes it worth being outside under the blazing sun.
“Jeralt said the same thing.”
He waits for more to come, but the wait is in vain. Byleth simply goes back to scrubbing her cloak, her green eyes glistening like the still lake under the sun. She seems determined to get her cloak back into its original state, but the blood is stubborn, clinging to the fabric. It clings like the memories of the last battle, one that had been far more brutal than the rest. It clings like the pit that forms at the bottom of Claude’s stomach; he couldn’t ignore the casualties that had come with his lack of preparation. He can’t ignore the wave of nausea that hits him, the smell of bloodshed leaving him sick all over again.
“You were good in the last battle.” Claude’s eyes leave the bloody garment only to fall back onto Byleth. She doesn’t look away from her work, but he knows she’s addressing him. He knows the words are for him, an attempt at comfort; he knows she had seen him detach himself from his celebrating troops to be sick on his own. “You did what you had to do to win, even if it wasn’t the victory you had wanted.” Green eyes find each other; they’re dusted with sunlight, a flicker of warmth he’s never seen in Byleth. “You’re a good leader. You’re a smart one.”
The blush that heats his face catches him by surprise. Claude’s heard it a million times before, heard the whispers and the praises for how smart he is, how cunning he is, how he plans for everything, but none of those compliments had left him swelling with pride. Every pat on the back he had gotten had felt like a stepping stone leading him to his next scheme, approval for him to keep going, but coming from Byleth, it feels different. From Byleth, he believes it; Claude doesn’t feel the need to be humble or deny his intelligence. With Byleth, he doesn’t need to put up this perfect political leader persona he has perfected for everyone else; Claude can just be himself, this kid that’s just trying his best to survive a worthless war.
“You’re pretty smart yourself, you know. And you’re crazy strong, taking those guys out like it was nothing to you.” Maybe the wink and bumping of shoulders was unnecessary, but Byleth doesn’t seem to mind. She doesn’t back away or leave; she simply shakes her head as she continues scrubbing her cloak. “I mean it, though. You’re an incredible mercenary. And I kinda wish we had met sooner, been on the same team from the start. Kinda wish I had gotten to know you sooner.”
Byleth hums, a sound Claude has grown accustomed to hearing. He still hasn’t figured out the meaning of the sound, but he knows it’s better than silence. He knows that if she’s humming, it means she’s not chasing him away. If she’s humming, it means he gets to stay by her side, even if just for a moment longer.
It’s peaceful by the lake. Everything is still besides the weak ripples of water Byleth produces from plunging her cloak into the water. Everything is calm; birds chirp from the treetops and Claude even spots a pair of ducks diving for fish. Everything is so serene; if it weren’t for the camps set up a little further away, if it weren’t for the bloodshed that stains the soles of their shoes, if it weren’t for the dark circles that stain Claude’s face, it would have been impossible to know they were plunged in the midst of a war. If it weren’t for the weight on his heart, everything would have almost felt normal.
“Here.” Byleth furrows her brows as Claude pulls her cloak out of her hands. “Let help.”
“I’ve never seen a king be so adamant about doing laundry before.”
Laughter bubbles out of Claude as he plunges the fabric into the water. He’s never had to wash anything on his own before, he’s always had someone do it for him, but it’s never too late to learn. And maybe he’s not as methodical as Byleth had been, maybe his fingers are not yet familiar with the weight of wet cottons or the proper way of scrubbing stains out, but it’s not so terrible. It’s almost pleasant, the little mundane tasks Claude never got to do, having been raised in silks and perfumes. He almost feels normal, just a little more like everyone else. Maybe once this wretched war settles down, he’ll take up doing more chores instead of delegating them. Or maybe he’ll content himself with this one time, enjoying the freshness of the water against his skin.
“We’re friends, aren’t we?” He doesn’t wait for an answer; Claude knows waiting is useless. “Friends help each other out.”
It’s so easy to smile around Byleth. Around Byleth, there’s an ease to every one of Claude’s grins, an ease he hadn’t known possible for him. Every smile he’s sported before, be it for his friends or for his troops, they’ve always weighed him down. They’ve always been an obligation to Claude, a duty he owes his people, especially during wartimes. Smiling has always been a tool for Claude, a way to instill confidence in the people he faces, but here, with Byleth, it almost feels like none of that matters. He doesn’t need to convince her of his abilities as a leader. He doesn’t need to convince her of anything, really. With Byleth, it almost feels like everything will simply be alright.
“You’re kind.” Byleth purses her lips as she tilts her head at Claude, her eyes running over his body before settling on his face. “You’re a lot kinder than most nobles I’ve come across.”
The statement begs for questions. It’s right there, an invitation for Claude to pry, but he doesn’t dare. Every question that forms at the tip of his tongue is swallowed back; he knows better than to try to break Byleth open. If she wants to tell him about her days before being hired by Leicester, if she wants to tell him about all her wandering, all the people she has met before him, then she will. She will tell him on her own terms. She’ll open up, little by little, whenever she feels like it. And as much as Claude hates waiting, his impatience and curiosity getting the better of him most of the time, he knows when to back down. He knows he has to content himself with the bits of information that are slowly handed to him.
A smile pulls at the corners of his mouth as he pushes himself up from the grass. Byleth’s eyes flicker between the boy standing before her and the cloak he’s left laying at his feet, left to soak in more stains than what Claude had gotten out. Her eyes flicker, but she doesn’t move. She makes no move to take back what is rightfully hers, nor does she follow Claude’s lead. She simply sits there, her expression unreadable as always.
Maybe Claude should have let her be. Maybe he should have sat back down and gone back to the little task he had imposed upon himself. Maybe he should have been thinking more rationally, but whatever brains he’s known for has since been left at the conference table. Here, under the blazing sun, under that green gaze, he’s letting his heart lead. Here, now, he’s following where fate leads him.
“I don’t know if kind is the best way to describe me, but,” he holds his hand out to Byleth, a hand she contemplates for a moment, “I promise you I’ll never be like any of the nobles of this place. Not Lorenz, not Hilda, not any of them. I’m just not one of them, no matter how hard I try. So please,” finally, fingers curl around the hand that touches his, “think of me as your friend instead of your leader, your king. Please?”
Pretty eyes roll back as Claude pulls Byleth to her feet. It’s the first time he’s ever seen her this relaxed; it’s the first time he doesn’t panic at their proximity, afraid she might take his life. It’s the first time he feels they’re equals; it’s the first time they feel like just people rather than soldiers striving to survive a war.
Byleth’s hand quickly falls away from Claude’s, but not as quickly as her eyes. They fall onto the horizon, onto the sun that’s still high, still plummeting down onto their heads. They shimmer like the lake reflecting the leaves in the trees, they’re captivating as always, always filled with a mystery that draws Claude in, but they’re not alone in holding his gaze. He can’t help but trace the lines of reddening skin, skin he knows is normally so pale. He can’t help but want to touch the splotches of burns that have started to sprinkle Byleth’s skin. And maybe that’s why she always has something to cover herself; maybe she, unlike Claude, burns under the scorching summer sun. Maybe Byleth, unlike Claude, didn’t spend her entire childhood playing under blazing rays.
“Not to pry or anything, but,” green finds green once more, “when’s the last time you just had fun?”
Claude almost laughs at the way Byleth tilts her head, her eyebrows furrowed. It’s almost as if she’d never heard the word; it’s almost as if it had no meaning to her.
“Let loose, had fun. Didn’t think about the shitty state of the world. Just thought of yourself for a moment, been a little impulsive maybe. Not been all serious all the time.” Claude shrugs, a smile tugging at the corner of his mouth. “Y’know, just had fun.”
Byleth furrows her brows once more, concentration staining her delicate features. She’s searching for a time she had done something other than work; by the looks of it, maybe the answer to Claude’s question is “never.” Had the Ashen Demon ever had a moment where she just got to have fun? Or had she been born a fighter, born with a sword weighing down her little hands? Did a mercenary, no matter how young, ever have the opportunity to just kick back and have fun in their life?
Claude doesn’t wait for an answer. If Byleth has never had the chance to let loose before, then it’s become Claude’s personal mission to change that here and now. Now matter how dire their circumstances, they’re allowed a moment of indulgence. No matter how deadly the outside world is, they’re entitled to a moment of peace, a moment of their own. No matter what, they’re allowed to take back a moment of their idle childhood and make the world their own. They’re allowed to reclaim the childhood they lost to war.
Green eyes fall back onto Claude, eyes that follow the lines of his body as he spins on his heel, his arms thrown back behind his head. He knows Byleth can’t look away; ever since she’s been hired to be a part of the Leicester army, her eyes have rarely left him. She’s followed his every movement as if it had become her personal mission to ensure his safety. She’s never been far; she’s always known his exact whereabouts. And it makes sense: the death of her employer would mean the end of her income. It makes sense that she has to ensure her own survival; money is just as vital to life as not being cut down by a sword, not that Byleth would ever be careless enough to be ambushed. It makes sense that her eyes are drawn towards Claude, but this time, she’s not looking at him as if he were this fragile little thing that needed protecting. This time, she’s looking at him, all of him, all of Claude. This time, she doesn’t seem as guarded as she watches him. Perfect.
The sound that breaks from Claude’s lips is far pitchier than he had expected from himself. It’s far from that deep battle cry, that powerful voice he uses as he sends his troops forwards. This scream is one far more natural, a yelp one would expect from a child rather than from a man leading an army. This shriek as he trips back towards the water is one that pulls Byleth’s complete attention to him, her eyes suddenly huge as she reaches out to grab him. And she’s right where Claude wants her; his fingers curl around the hand extended towards him and yank the girl forward, both bodies plunging into the lake.
Cool water surrounds them as Claude pulls Byleth into his chest. It’s almost as if time slows as they sink into the lake, glistening freshness enveloping them like a blanket. Down here, the blazing hot sun can’t reach them. Down here, the world seems to disappear. At least, until Byleth is pushing Claude away and rising to the surface. Or maybe the world vanishes even more as he watches her glide against the water. Everything goes away, everything but Byleth’s elegance as she pierces through the surface, her fanned out hair now clinging to her cheeks. Nothing matters when Byleth’s looking that pretty as she catches her breath, coughing out the water she’s accidentally swallowed. Everything is Byleth, Byleth who has never seemed more human than in this moment.
Laughter bubbles out of Claude as he joins her at the surface. It’s uncontrolled, rolling out in snorts and choked breaths, but it’s by far the most genuine laugh he’s let out in a long time. It’s a laugh he’s forgotten himself capable of, but as Byleth glares at him, her soaked hair a mess, how is he supposed to not laugh? How can he help the fits of laughter as he sees her face twist upon realizing she fell for another of his dirty little tricks? How can he not laugh or sport a grin so wide it hurts his cheeks? It’s not every day he gets to trick the Ashen Demon, the girl who’s always so on guard, so ready to read through every one of his schemes. Claude’s not as predictable as she had made it seem; Byleth hadn’t planned for this outcome.
More laughter spills as a wave slaps Claude across the face. He can’t see the face Byleth is pulling, too busy rubbing the water out of his eyes, but he can imagine it. He can perfectly picture her half-hearted frown, that near pout that perfectly encapsulates her disappointment in herself for falling for something so obvious. She should have known better than to be fooled by Claude’s scream. She should have known that he isn’t one to trip over his own two feet. She should have known that he was as steady as any archer needs to be in order to survive. She should have known so much, expected so much, and yet she had been fooled by his cunning. She had expected the best of him, which had been her biggest mistake.
“You tricked me.”
“Told you I wasn’t kind.”
Another grin breaks across Claude’s face as water washes over him, a wave he gladly returns. He won’t be the only one engulfed by the cool water sent his way; Byleth disappears into the lake, though only for a split second. It’s only a second before she’s bobbing back up, having pushed herself back to the surface. It’s only a second before she’s back on the offensive, blinding Claude through the means of splashes and sunlight.
He shouldn’t have expected any less from the Ashen Demon. Why wouldn’t she be just as competitive as she is fearless? It’s anything but a surprise that she wants nothing more than to win the battles she’s engaged in, even if those battles are silly little games played out in the middle of a lake. She’ll force Claude to surrender if she must, just as she had once tried on the battlefield. She’ll do anything to hear his gasping breaths declaring her the victor. She’ll force him into a corner, trap him just as he had once trapped her, but such a feat doesn’t come as easily as she might have hoped. If she’s stubborn enough to fight until the very end, then Claude is three times stubborner than her. He has to lead her to her demise. He has to lead her to surrender rather than to victory.
“Is that really the best you can do?” War-hardened eyes narrow onto him as he grins, trying his best to not sound winded despite the exhaustion starting to weigh him down. “Guess the rumors about how strong the unbeatable, the unshakable Ashen Demon is are all wrong. Because I swear I’ve fought stronger practice dummies.” Claude shakes his head as he let out another laugh. “And here I was expecting a bit of a challenge. Guess you’re just too predictable.”
Something flashes in Byleth’s eyes. It’s a glint Claude’s only seen a handful of times, a twinkle he had once feared when he opposed the Ashen Demon on the battlefield. It’s a shine that had once shaken him to his core, leaving him sleepless from the paralyzing fear of her power. But here, under the blazing summer sun, fear is left to the shadows; now, as heat flushes Byleth’s cheeks, he knows the shimmer can only mean he’s in for a good time. Who would have guessed that all it took was a little taunt for Byleth to take the bait? Who would have thought that a little taunt would be enough for her to rise to the challenge, ready to display her true strength to Claude, though this time without the worry of his life being taken? He’d finally get an up-close glimpse of the tactics of the fabled Ashen Demon but without the anxiety that had accompanied him the last time he had challenged her on a battlefield.
Byleth’s a lot faster now, disappearing underwater before reappearing behind him. She’s a lot more silent, a lot more unpredictable. The splashes she had once directed at Claude, the waves that had washed over him, they’ve become more precise, as if magic is controlling the bursts that catch him off guard. And every ambush has Claude’s mind racing, trying desperately to predict and counter Byleth’s next move. Every attack pushes him further from his goal; maybe this is the time he finally loses to her.
Another yelp breaks from his lips as he’s dragged down into the lake. Arms wrap around his neck as water engulfs him. The sun seems to be growing farther away as Claude reaches out to the surface. The light seems to disappear as he tries his best to wiggle out of his opponent’s iron grip. Everything seems to fade away when he finally breaks free, finally able to push himself to the surface, which seems so far away.
Everything seems to vanish. Maybe the water had gotten to his head, hazing his mind. Maybe he had sunk too deep. Maybe he had been deprived of oxygen for too long, even if he knows he’s stayed underwater far longer in the past. But what other explanation can there be for his gasps as he reaches the surface, gasps that sound like he hasn’t had a chance to breathe for hours? Why else would his eyes feel so wide, the sunlight blinding him completely? Why else would he think he met his siren at the bottom of the lake?
Everything had happened so fast, from the plunge to the resurfacing. Everything had happened in the blink of an eye, fragments Claude is only now starting to put together as he catches his breath. Everything had felt unreal; maybe none of it happened, or maybe everything really did happen.
Byleth’s arms had been iron-tight around Claude’s neck as she pulled him down into the water with her. She had been a lot stronger than he had anticipated, immobilizing him in a way he hadn’t known possible. She had been a lot swifter as well, her arms falling away from him before she circled him. And she had been stunning in that moment, despite the blur of water. Byleth had appeared before him like one of the paintings that had adorned the walls of the Riegan estate, those paintings of worship he had once spent hours observing, those gorgeous painting which depicted beauty incarnate. Right there, she had seemed almost divine under the filtered sunlight.
Byleth had been the only thing Claude could see despite his burning and blurring eyesight. Byleth, she had been so breathtaking with her hair suspended around her as if forming a halo around her face. Byleth, how could something so deadly be so pretty?
Maybe it’s the loss of oxygen playing tricks on Claude’s hazy mind. Maybe the burning lake water had been the reason he had squeezed his eyes shut. Maybe everything that supposedly happened is nothing more than the replay of a fantasy Claude has dreamt up. Maybe he’s making everything up, convincing himself that his desires are reciprocated. Maybe he’s nothing more than a dreamer; but then again, everything had felt too real to be a figment of his imagination.
He couldn’t have conjured up the feeling of hands on his cheeks. He couldn’t have made up the way he had been pulled closer. He couldn’t have imagined the light touch of lips to his. It couldn’t be a fantasy playing over in his mind; he knows the feeling of Byleth haunting his dreams, always three steps too far for him to catch her. Claude knows the difference between dreams and reality; he knows he didn’t imagine grabbing Byleth’s arm as he tried his best to press a kiss back to her lips. He knows he’s not that delusional; he can’t be that delusional. If this had all been delusion, why had Byleth broken away from him, leaving him with nothing but his gasps, air bubbles rushing from his mouth to the surface?
Everything had happened so fast; everything had felt so real, yet so uncertain as Claude raises a finger to his lips. Who would believe him if he told them the story of what had just happened? No one would; no one had witnessed the scene, not even the sun. And as Claude remains alone at the center of the lake, drenched and heaving, he knows he’d have been called a liar. Byleth is nowhere near him; she didn’t resurface alongside him, coughing out water as she had earlier. No, she’s far from him, already sitting on the shore and ringing out water from her hair. If it weren’t for the fact that she, too, was soaked down to her core, Claude might have even believed he had made up the plunge they had taken together.
But he didn’t make anything up. His sleepless nights had not caught up to him, leaving him with fabricated memories. The sun had not been too much for him. He’s not going crazy from some cold that washed over him from the bit of time he spent in the lake. It’s impossible, even if he knows nature is more unpredictable than he’ll ever be. It’s impossible for the sun to have pounded such delusions into his head, even if he’s been warned that it has the power to daze and confuse those who stayed under it for too long. Claude knows he hasn’t gone crazy. Not yet, at least. He hasn’t yet lost all his senses to the one sitting there, all pretty under the harsh sunlight.
Byleth’s eyes rise towards Claude, but they quickly dart away as she kicks the water her feet are soaking in. And something pulls on Claude’s heartstrings as he watches her fidget with her hair. He’s never seen her like this; he’s only known her to be the fearless Ashen Demon, the girl who had glared daggers at him, the girl who had narrowed her twinkling eyes onto him. He’s never seen Byleth look shy, glancing away as he draws closers to her. He’s never seen a blush stain her cheeks. And she looks so beautiful like that, the color creeping into her face, leaving her looking bashful. She looks beautiful and human; maybe she’s not as untouchable and mysterious as Claude had thought.
“I shouldn’t have…”
Byleth purses her lips. Her eyes flicker all around before falling back to her hands now resting against her lap. The thoughts are racing through her mind; Claude can see them bounce all around. He can easily imagine her trying to grab onto a few of them, trying her best to find the right words, but nothing comes of it. She remains silent, biting the insides of her cheeks.
Claude can’t fault her for her silence. He knows what it’s like trying to explain a decision that has no explanation. He knows what it’s like to act impulsively, act rashly. He knows what it’s like to do something only to realize too later there were other ways. He knows the feeling all too well.
“But you did.”
Green eyes flicker towards Claude as he pushes himself out of the water. He’s heavy from the lake-soaked cottons clinging to his skin, and he feels gross, sinking into the now flooded muddy grass, but neither say anything about it. Neither seem ready to acknowledge what has happened. They don’t mention the plunge they took, nor do they mention the moment they shared. At least, they don’t mention it outright; putting it into words, addressing it, that would make it too real. They know it happened, but talking about it, it’s scarier than the battles they lead. The only thing more terrifying that talking is the prospect of losing the moment to foggy memories.
“I don’t know what I was thinking.” A pause. The longest pause Claude has ever had to endure. “I wasn’t thinking. It was impulsive.”
“Do you often go around disarming your opponents with kisses?”
Something swells inside of Claude as Byleth shakes her head. The smallest sliver of a smile tugs at the corners of her mouth as she lets her head hang forward. The tiniest hint of a laugh drips from her lips as she straightens out, leaving Claude to fall for her smile. It’s the first time he’s ever seen one on her, and it lights up her face. It leaves her glowing, leaves her with a radiance he has never witnessed before.
“No. Only you.”
Claude’s heart flips as slender fingers find his against the grass. They curl over each other, locking together as a perfect fit. It’s almost as if they had been fated for this moment, this exchange of shy smiles and glances. It’s as if Claude had been destined to fall for that smile, that smile that is all for him, caused by him. That smile he had only dreamt of witnessing, what ever had he done to be deserving of such beauty?
“I think—” Byleth purses her lips once more before shaking her head and turning to Claude. She sucks in a breath, her exhale a little shakier than usual. “I’d like to do it again. Without catching you off guard. Not impulsively, but on purpose this time.”
It’s so easy to smile around Byleth. Nothing’s ever been easier than the grin that tugs at the corners of Claude’s mouth. Nothing’s ever felt better than the butterflies that erupt in his stomach as he brushes a strand of hair out of Byleth’s eyes before closing the distance between them. Nothing has ever felt as good as the smile pressed to his, a smile he never even dared dream of tasting. Nothing can compare to this. Absolutely nothing.
Claude knows no one will believe him if he spills the secret behind his pounding heart. He knows no one would believe that the Ashen Demon had smiled at him or that Byleth had let him thread his fingers through her damp hair. He knows he’d be called a liar or a dreamer if he dared insinuate that he has gotten a taste of those soft lips. He knows it all sounds too good to be true, but even so, he knows he didn’t make it up.
No one will believe Claude’s tales, no one but the sun that has borne witness to the tender hearts learning to beat for one another. No one would know if this moment, no one but the ducks that cheer as laughter fills the little space separating the two. No one has witnessed Claude’s compliance as he’s pulled closer once more, no one but the birds that sing of love. No one could imagine the beauty that has bloom under the summer sun, no one but the trees that had swayed as another kiss seals the promise of care and devotion.
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kwoojii · 2 years
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squeaky-potat · 2 years
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Byleth’s Visitors
A digital recolor of an older drawing.
Head-cannon for this piece under the cut
Claude and Dimitri, rulers of Almyra and Fódlan respectively, are lovers and need an heir (or 2). Who do they turn to for help? Their trusted old professor and archbishop Byleth, (who’s also essentially God). However Dimitri and Claude cannot stand the thought of their partner being alone with Byleth, so they engage in their activities together.
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lapinbunwrites · 1 year
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Title: The Scene That Hurts
Ratings: Gen
Warnings: None
Category: F/M
Fandom: Fire Emblem AU
Relationship: Claude von Riegan/Byleth Eisner
Characters: Byleth Eisner, Claude von Riegan, Edelgard von Hresvelg
Additional Tags: Modern AU, Actor AU, Fake Blood
Word Count: 1,350
Ao3 Link
Byleth felt her heart beat hard in her chest as the her and the Empire army marched on Derdriu. The air felt heavy as they continued to walk, meeting with Khalid's army. There were only a few more battles that they had left to conquer Fodlan, but this was the battle she was dreading the most. Multiple thoughts went through her head as they stopped walking as the hit the stone ground. She felt her heart drop at the site of seeing Claude. His looks alone weren't going to make fighting him much easier, he had grown very handsome over the past five years.
"Professor," Edelgard said softly.
"Hm?" Byleth asked, turning to face her.
"What is your opinion of Claude?" She asked, her eyes becoming dull. "I can't help but wonder what sort of impression he made on you."
"I think he would have been a great king," Byleth asked, with no hint of a lie.
"Interesting," Edelgard sighed out.
That wasn't the only thing that Byleth got from him when they met when she was still their professor. He was many things, he was a jokester, a schemer, he was chaotic, and he was a man with many thoughts running through his brain that he kept to himself. But underneath it all, he had a heart of gold and cared for the ones around him. That was probably the reason why she fell for him.
"Professor?" Edelgard asked, shaking Byleth.
"Sorry," Byleth apologized. "I was lost in thought."
"That's very unlike you, my friend," Edelgard said, letting go of her. "Please be on your guard, this fight won't be easy."
Byleth nodded as Hubert walked up to them, giving the specifics of their job. It wasn't long after that the fighting began. While Edelgard and Byleth stayed back for the time being, the members of both armies attacked and kill each other. Edelgard left Byleth's side as soon as she found an opening to fight. Byleth took a deep breath in and exhaled, feeling the air become even heavier. She placed her hands on her stomach churn as she watched everyone fight.
"Professor! I need your help!" Edelgard yelled.
Byleth nodded, her hand shaked as she reached for her sword. Ignoring the growing tension her hand, she rushed towards Edelgard when her blood patch broke. Byleth made it a quick and painless 'death' for the extra. The more she fought, the more she killed, the more it felt like the battle would never end. She felt the tension setting into her body, she wanted the battle to end, but she didn't want to face the man that had her heart. Not that her feeling mattered much, Edelgard and Byleth marched over to Khalid once the many people 'died.'
"Teach...You should have chosen me instead of Edelgard," Khalid said, drawing his bow back. "No point in whining about it now, I suppose."
Byleth reached out her hand, hoping it would ease the pain in her heart as she heard the gruffness in his voice and to scowl on his face.
"Sorry, but I'll be taking the win today," Khalid said, releasing the bow string.
Every part of her wanted to take the arrow to the heart to end her fight against him, to feel what she was feeling. It was only by Edelgard's grace that she hit the fake arrow with her fake axe. She watched as Edelgard rush Khalid and began fighting him. As much as she wanted to help her out, Byleth couldn't move. All she could do was watch them fight. It wasn't until Edelgard was being over powered by Khalid and Hilda. Byleth rushed over to her aid, taking on Hilda. Thankfully for Byleth, the sounds of plastic hitting each other undercut how tense she was feeling. It was short lived as soon as she was able to kill Hilda. She looked over to Edelgard and her beloved Khalid, she was shocked that he was still standing. The two rushed him, quickly overpowering him.
"Khalid," she whispered out, feeling the water drip down from above.
"Claude," Edelgard corrected her.
Byleth held out her sword, pointing at Khalid.
"I see," Khalid said, reaching towards the light as fake tears and fake blood ran down his face. "Right until the very end, I've read this whole thing terrible wrong...All my hopes have fallen to ash. I really hope you make the world...better..."
"Haa...." she muttered out. "AAAAAAAAAAH!" She screamed out before Khalid could say another word, startling her cast members.
"CUT!" The director yelled. "You know you're not supposed to cry during this scene Byleth! Take five!"
"I'm sorry!" She apologized, taking the towel and water from a crew member. "It's just  very intense scene!"
"Heh," Khalid laughed as the cameras kept rolling trying to get bloopers. "In her defense I was a pretty good actor! Right...'Teach?'"
"Call me that one more time!" She cried, pinching his cheek.
"So you admit that I was a good actor!" He teased, placing his hand on hers. "Look at you! You are even crying for me!~ What were you imagining? Hm?"
"I imagine you died!!" She replied, pinching harder.
Khalid teased her a bit more before running for his life.
"Edelgard," the camera man asked.
"How is the scene for you?" The asked, pointing the camera in her face.
"This is the tenth take for Claude's death scene," she laughed. "I wish we could get it done."
Byleth took a deep breath in and exhaled; she was always so nervous for interviews. It never how many she has done since becoming an actress, she was always awkward when doing them. She never really knows how to react when people asks her things and she was always so stiff. It didn't help that most of the interviewers were also stiff and just wanted things to be done.
"It's alright babe," Khalid reassured her, pecking her cheek. "I am here with you."
"I hope so, that was the hardest acting job I ever had," Byleth frowned, giving him a tight hug.
"Heh," he chuckled, hugging her back. "I am alright, I am still alive and kicking."
The two of them walked into the room, getting everything put on them. As they waited their standard few minutes, Byleth sat up straight, placing her hands on her knees. Khalid on the other hand slouched on the side of the chair closest to her. She leaned down, gave him multiple kisses on his cheek. It did help calm her down, but only a little.
"We are rolling," the director said.
"I've gotten word about your guy's fight scene," interviewer said, looking over their paper. "What was so hard about it?"
"It wasn't hard for me at all," Khalid laughed. "I've been in situations where I could have died and say the most emotional things."
"And that helped you with the scene," they asked.
"Yes, when you have a brother like mine, you kind of hold it in," he laughed.
"Is that true," the interviewer asked, looking over to Byleth.
"Yes, that is true," Byleth nodded, holding Khalid's arm tightly. "I've met his brother and he is quite the character."
"Hehe," the interviewer laughed. "Anyway, how was the scene for you?"
"It was nerve wracking!" She answered, hugging her boyfriend from the side. "I honestly thought he was going to die!"
"You're so cute," he teased. "She chased me around the set for teasing her after one of the takes."
"This is what you get when that happens," she pouted.
"Well I am alive, my love," Khalid said, leaning in close to her.
"I know and I am happy about it," she replied, giving him a kiss.
He kissed her back before continuing the rest of the interview. There wasn't much too it, but Byleth was just happy to get it over with. She was nervous through the whole of it. She was just glad to be back home with her love being able to cook something to eat with him and spend the rest of the day doing nothing much.
I was looking through my Claudeleth zine earlier today and remembered my friend Kwoojii was in it  and she did an actor au. I had a very might need to try to write a fic for it. Surprisingly, I had enough energy to do so. I hope you enjoy!
You can find her piece here!
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nightshadedawn · 1 year
Relationships: Lysithea von Ordelia/Ignatz Victor, My Unit | Byleth/Claude von Riegan
Characters: Ignatz Victor, Lysithea von Ordelia, My Unit | Byleth, Claude von Riegan
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Ancient Greek Religion & Lore Fusion, Alternate Universe - Trojan War Setting (Ancient Greek Religion & Lore), References to Ancient Greek Religion & Lore, Inspired by Hades and Persephone (Ancient Greek Religion & Lore), Non-Linear Narrative, Sort Of, everyone is in the golden deer is bisexual and i need you to know that, it's not important but they are, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Lysithea von Ordelia-centric, Ignatz Victor-centric, Painter Ignatz Victor, Lysithea von Ordelia Needs a Hug, Female My Unit | Byleth, Minor My Unit | Byleth/Claude von Riegan, God My Unit | Byleth, God Claude von Riegan
Sing oh muse of their love so pure Of painted portraits, and tales of yore A love so deep it moved the gods And set in motion fateful odds   Ignatz never considered himself a collector of stories, myths, and fables until he met Lysithea, and set out to find her a story about the Goddess of Death. Lysithea is a collector of those stories in her own right, unknowing that they're living the same sort of story that will be told for aeons to come.
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dorkycats · 7 months
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Last work day I dropped by National Bookstore at Glorietta to buy a gift for my youngest niece - a drawing book. I've bought another one for myself to draw one of my OTPs - the first page is in progress.
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ddarker-dreams · 1 year
Those Who Live by the Sword.
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Yan Claude von Riegan x F Reader. Commissioned piece.
Warnings: Yandere themes, unhealthy relationships and imbalanced power dynamics. Word count: 3k.
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There comes a time in everyone’s life when they must test the boundaries of what they can and cannot get away with. 
This has been your personal creed as of late. Though you now fight under the Leicester Alliance’s banner, the lack of a shared history with your fellow alma mater is tangible. It isn’t intentional on behalf of your comrades-in-arms, not that you can tell, but an inadvertent consequence of joining the ranks when you did. 
The time in between battles and skirmishes stretches on seemingly forever. You adhere to a mundane routine: training, ensuring the integrity of your equipment, and wandering aimlessly like some specter in the night. No one troubles you and you trouble no one. You may share the same ambition, meager war rations, and thin tents that can barely keep the night’s chill at bay, yet your common ground ends there. 
You thought this would be enough. Perhaps it will be, if you keep trying, so that’s what you’ve resolved yourself to do. 
Sparks fly off the whetstone as you manipulate a chipped blade against it. You repeat the motion without reprieve, your muscles crying out their protests and your body heavier than the rock this stone was chiseled from. Raising the sword by the hilt, you inspect the fruits of your labor, then frown. A weapon incapable of striking down the enemy is as useless as it is potentially deadly for the wielder. And so you carry on your thankless task, seeing to the repair once more.
There’s a change in the breeze. A slight course correction that some may chalk up to nature’s design; inconsequential, unworthy of granting a second thought. 
The hairs stand on the back of your neck. Firmly, you anchor yourself to the foreign soil, finding that it swallows your boot’s heels rather than spitting it back out. This wouldn’t be an ideal landscape to fight on. That’s why Claude chose to establish camp with this mire acting as a perimeter, deterring potential ambushes and conflicts without a drop of blood being spilled. It’s also why you ventured off here beneath the moon’s looming presence, not wanting to wake your fellow soldiers who often must go days without rest. If there’s anyone who deserves uninterrupted sleep, it’s them, and you eventually, when your goal has been achieved. 
Unblinkingly, you study the thickets where you sense a presence to be staring back. 
You hold your breath and consider your options. Vantage points, escape paths, where the terrain may prove a boon or a bane— 
“Nothing dampens your senses, hm?” A feminine voice that rings familiar asks. From the verdure emerges a lone figure, whose once sky-colored hair is now a frosty mint. Your posture relaxes. 
“Not if I want to live, no.” 
She advances forward. Her eyes go from you to the whetstone, indiscernible in their intent. 
“While being proactive is admirable, it isn’t a good idea to go off by yourself in hostile territory.” 
Byleth no longer officially holds the title of professor, though she still acts the part. It’s never felt unwelcome, this inclination of hers to guide those under her command, but you’re no longer a child worrying over her next grade. You’re a cog in the machine of war. Those who steer said machine needn’t worry themselves with the specifics, so long as you can keep playing your part. 
Yet for some reason, Byleth has often sought you out when you’re certain there are other, more pressing matters to attend to. 
She jerks her head in the direction of the camp. “Let’s head back.” 
You wipe the sweat accumulating on your brow. 
“I’ll be right behind you. This shouldn’t take much longer.” 
Unsurprisingly, she doesn’t appear convinced. 
“... You’re upset,” she reasons. The two words come out slow, cautious. Not caring for the pitying gaze that’s being directed toward you, you return to your previous task. “I get why. Still, Claude never issues orders without reason, you know that. He sees what we don’t even know to look for.” 
Byleth has undergone a metamorphosis since she first walked the cobblestone avenues of the monastery, distant from everyone and everything. Her perception extends far past the battlefield. In many ways, Claude served as a sharpening stone for her, allowing qualities that had rusted over to shine through. 
“I know.” 
“Do you?” She challenges. Her voice slices clean through the air, though it’s not without tenderness. “Lately, you’ve been looking to prove yourself, right? It isn’t worth overexerting yourself.” 
You gulp down the rest of what’s in your waterskin. “I’m not ‘overexerting myself’, I’m just trying to do my part.” 
You glance down at the offending sword that dragged you into this conversation. The condition has greatly improved since when you started. It’s your hope that the owner will live longer thanks to your handiwork. The thought makes your mouth go dry, as if you hadn’t just been chugging water. 
“Don’t you think it’s strange?” You murmur. In the distance, an owl warbles its song. “We need every fighting body we can get, we’re even outsourcing to mercenaries. What reason does he have for taking me off the battlefield ‘indefinitely’?” 
Byleth places her hand on your shoulder. It weighs on you heavily. “There’s no one who knows how to use what’s at their disposal better than Claude. You’ve placed your trust in him before, don’t take it back now.”
“I’m not,” you respond, a hint too fast, like you were retracting your hand after almost being burnt. “I trust him, really, I do, but— I don’t know. First, it was removing me from the vanguard, then putting me in the safest part of the formation, and now this? I’ve become just another mouth to feed. A burden.” 
Whether you intended to say this much, you don’t know, but it all comes tumbling out regardless. The fatigue, stress, and confusion have been building and building to a boiling point. It was only a matter of time before you’d get scalded. 
Dead silence occupies the air, thick and potent. Neither wind nor animal stirs. You have company, and still, you’ve never felt more alone.  
Eventually, Byleth gives your shoulders a squeeze. You think she intends to reassure you. “There is a reason. It’s an important one, too.” 
“And what would that be?” 
Momentarily, the composed countenance Byleth usually maintains cracks, showing an emotion you can’t quite identify. 
In the blink of an eye, it’s gone. 
“I think we both know that isn’t a question for me.” 
As per Byleth’s request, you’ve allowed Claude to be the sole holder of your trust. 
She didn’t need to convince you with lofty words and promises. The respect she’s accumulated from you sufficed. You convinced yourself that even if you felt like a deadweight, so long as the golden banner advanced, you’d swallow down your pride and accept Claude’s decision. 
This personal covenant found itself tested within a few weeks. 
The tides of war are a finicky thing. Momentum can be with your cause, almost to the point you’re convinced some divine power is on your side, then it all comes to a screeching halt. One stalemate and one loss — that will be what a historian one day will write in this bloody chapter of Fódlan’s history. 
The groans of the wounded and silence left in the place of those who perished form a haunting symphony.  
You find yourself in the tent Claude occupies. Understandably, he’s been busy as of late, unable to hold an audience with you. Bypassing common courtesy felt like the only way to get through to him, even if this is a breach of privacy. Any other ruler could have you sentenced for life if you tried pulling this stunt, but sticking to strict tradition has never been Claude’s philosophy. You’re confident the scaffold doesn’t await. 
While awaiting his return, your eyes take to wandering. To the left stands a cot, a bow, and various quivers beside it in case of a surprise attack. In the middle is a crudely outfitted table, a map of Fódlan the centerpiece, scribbled with notes that are updated every time a scout comes back. His personal belongings are few and far between. 
There is a single thing that catches your attention. A leaf that doesn’t match the flora of this area — one species found in Garreg Mach Monastery and nowhere else. You know this item well, for you’re the one who gave it to him, five years prior. On the eve of the White Heron Cup, you’d pressed leaves and gave them to your fellow students, regardless of class affiliation. You wanted to ‘preserve your bonds’, or whatever the naive dream was. 
Considering the current state of the country, it’d seem your wishes fell on deaf ears. 
He kept something silly like this for so long…? 
“Are you here to assassinate me, by any chance?” 
You almost jump out of your skin at the abrupt appearance of Claude. The man you’ve been seeking out all this time certainly knows how to make an entrance. The world itself takes a secondary role when he enters, fading away into an unidentifiable blur. His presence commands attention without him doing anything. There’s this magnetic aura surrounding Claude, a quiet brilliance, dazzling as a crystal. 
“Of course not,” you reply. It’s terribly tempting to fall into a trap of lighthearted banter when he’s around, so you must remain vigilant. “I was only hoping to take a few minutes of your time.” 
He frowns and visibly deflates. “There isn’t any requirement saying you have to speak so formally with me. You didn’t used to.” 
“Wouldn’t you say that times have changed?” 
“Times have changed, yes,” Claude relents. The twinkle in his eye tells you he’s far from finished. “That doesn’t mean you have to. I’ve always appreciated your candid nature, it’s refreshing. Even more so when you enter the convoluted world of politics like I have.” 
“I think breaking into your tent is rather candid.” 
“That it is. So,” he pulls out a rickety chair and sits, his posture open. “Let me guess. You’re here to challenge my order for you to remain off the frontlines?” 
It’s always amazed you how he goes from beating around the bush to addressing a point directly. In every discussion, whether it be subtly or overtly, he finds a way to take the reins. His boldness temporarily takes you aback. You prepared an opening statement that’d help ease into your dissent, but that slips your mind like sand through your fingers. 
“I don’t want to question your judgment. It’s just… I think I’d be better utilized out on the field. I came here to help, to fight.” 
“For me, correct?” 
You pause, gauging if he’s joking or not. It’s difficult to tell. 
“I suppose that’s a way of putting it?” 
Claude leans back in his chair and folds his legs. “You did your fair share of snooping around on me back then and even now. That assassin jibe really was a potential theory of mine at one point. I wasn’t sure what to make of you. Coming from me, that’s quite the compliment.” 
He steeples his fingers. 
“The solution was so simple that I hadn’t considered it. Maybe you weren’t aware of it yourself, maybe you were. You found me intriguing, to the point you’d be willing to leave your country of birth behind. This level of dedication, when we’d hardly exchanged words back in our academy days… let’s just say it endeared you to me.” 
Heat rises to your cheeks. 
“You shouldn’t joke around about stuff like that.” 
“I’m not joking,” he flashes a handsome smile. “Knowing how tenacious you are, I thought it’d be best to give proper context to my decision. I don’t want you in harm’s way. This is what I get for trying to delay this conversation until after the war. A tent is the furthest thing from a romantic backdrop, but… beggars can’t be choosers, hm?” 
Endeared you to me. Don’t want you in harm’s way. Romantic backdrop. 
Your legs almost go out beneath you. “W-Wait, this isn’t— it can’t be— a confession?” 
He puts his hands up as if in surrender. “Ah, you caught me. Is it all starting to make sense now?” 
You scrutinize him without trying to hide it in the least. He might be using the casual language that’s typical of him, but his physiognomy is serious. His lips ease into a closed-mouth smile, his eyes contain a certain gentleness, and the tone of his voice is unlike any you’ve heard him use before. A tempest of thoughts and emotions encircles you. It’s stupefying, this situation you’ve stumbled into, almost dreamlike. While you aren’t certain if you reciprocate in full, his charm is undeniable. 
You’re about to explain as much to him when a realization hits. 
So much emphasis has been put on this revelation that the true reason for your meeting here was almost covered, sitting elsewhere and collecting dust. 
The traps he sets are tempting indeed. 
“So that’s the reason,” you say, almost breathless, “I can’t just sit back and watch everyone else put their lives on the line, knowing I’m not doing the same, because of favoritism.” 
Claude sighs. The oil lamp sitting atop the wooden table flickers, casting shadows over his face. Green eyes take in your discontent through thick eyelashes. The undulating shadows become one with the bags forming beneath his eyes, a testimony to the relentless pursuit of his dream. The sheer exhaustion staring back at you pokes and prods at your heart. You don’t want to add to his stress, you want to help, but this isn’t something you can concede on. 
“It’s only going to get more dangerous as we advance on the capital.” 
“Which is why I—” 
“I won’t allow it, simple as that,” Claude cuts you off. There’s a dangerous edge to his voice he rarely ever uses with others. He wants this conversation over with, that much is evident. “Why do you think I kept that gift from you, hm? It always appealed to me, that optimism of yours, so willing to overlook what everyone else in this land and the ones beyond it fixates on. I’d look at it and remember I wasn’t the only one who aimed for something better.” 
You know the expression that etches itself onto his face. That’s the look of a man willing to do anything, give everything, to obtain what he wants.  
“So. You can huff, glare at me, do anything you please really, but I won’t be changing my mind. Not on this. I’d prefer not to gamble more than I care to lose, for once.” 
It’s as if a spirit possesses you. Your legs stride toward him, magma flowing hot through your veins, searing you from the inside out. He remains unwavering upon your approach, silently testing to see what it is you may do next. You grasp at his collar with hands that are calloused from a lifetime of training. Your height overtakes his while he remains sitting, and yet, you feel he’s the one looking down on you from an unreachable podium. 
“And what about what I want?” 
“You should want to live.” 
“I want to fight.” 
“There are more ways to help than shedding blood.” 
“Are we at a point where that’s true?” 
“We will be,” Claude places the palm of his hand over your clenched fist. “Is it so bad that I want to keep you safe?” 
The expression you regard him with speaks louder than words. 
“Alright, alright, I expected as much. You aren’t one to be convinced by words alone, which is truly a shame, because talking is my whole thing… that leaves taking action then. Are you going to let this play out without raising a fuss, or am I going to have to get creative here?” 
This enigmatic phrasing does not sit well with you. He could already foresee that you weren’t planning on hanging back now that you know the true reason for his command, further narrowing your options of retaliation. It isn’t like he’d be in a position to do anything if you were out on the field, his attention would be forced elsewhere. 
Claude’s serious about this. He’d truly have you twiddling your thumbs and wallowing in idleness while you watch faces leave that you might never see again. 
You try retracting your hand. He doesn’t let you. 
“What exactly does ‘get creative’ mean?” 
“Well, since you asked,” he closes his eyes and hums, as if in deep thought, “Posting guards to keep an eye on you, physically restricting your movements, or even sending you back to the monastery with an escort. There are plenty of options, really.” 
Eyes narrowing, you dare to call his bluff. “You can’t spare the manpower it’d take to escort me back.” 
“Ah, I think you’re mixing the phrases ‘can’t’ and ‘would prefer not to’. Trust me — I’d love to keep you close to keep a better eye on you — but we can’t always get what we want. If I think you’re preparing to pull a stunt that’d put your life in danger, I’ll act accordingly. That’s a promise.” 
It isn’t often you’re faced with such an immovable force. His relaxed posture belies his serious intent, the discordance is further unsettling you. 
Then you’re struck with an epiphany. 
“If you won’t listen to me, you’ll listen to the Professor, right?” If there’s a hint of haughtiness to your tone, no one can blame you. “There’s no way she won’t think you’re overstepping your boundaries by acting like this.” 
Your threat doesn’t phase him in the least. If anything, there’s a hint of amusement on his visage, as if you told him a joke in good fun. He has the decency not to laugh, but from the crinkling of the skin beneath his eyes, he might as well be. 
“You’re more than welcome to try. I should warn you, though…” 
Hues of piercing green bore through you. 
“Half of this was her idea.” 
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feshippingpolls · 16 days
Claude/ F!Byleth?
FE: Should they kiss?
Claude x Byleth
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fe-fictions · 1 year
Could we please get some Claude baby train? 🙌🏻
(YES!! Here's Claude meeting his twins for the first time ;;; U ;;; )
The man whose feet were sore from fidgeting and pacing and running around the castle to rid himself of his anxiety-induced adrenaline stopped moving for the first time in hours.
“Er… something… something’s happened.”
Immediately the panic slammed into him like a ton of bricks.
“What do you mean?” He launched forward, grasping Marianne’s shoulders when she opened and shut the door, the delivery room having been sealed off to him for hours on end, already.
He had taken you there nearly a full day ago, let them whisk you inside, lock the doors, and get to work delivering your child.
His child.
A baby you’d made together and you had been suffering hours on end to bring into the world. He couldn’t help the pangs of guilt he felt between rushes of excitement and general worry, and this was one of those moments.
“I-it’s not necessarily bad.” Marianne continued with a nervous glance towards the room, “It’s just… there’s a bit more than we anticipated.”
“Marianne, you’ve gotta tell me what’s going on. Talking to me like this isn’t making the situation any less terrifying.”
“I know, I-I’m sorry, we just… we weren’t expecting to deal with so much! Granted, Byleth and the babies are fine, but it’s still going to be difficult considering-”
Claude’s eyes narrowed, expression darkening. 
“Did you say ‘babies’?”
“I… they’re… twins, Claude. Byleth gave birth to twins.”
His expression morphed into one of shock and disbelief. He released her, hands limp at his sides. “Twins?”
She nodded. “Twins.”
“Twins…” Numbly, he sank onto the nearby bench (if it hadn’t been there he likely would have collapsed), running a hand through his hair “Wha… twins?”
“They’re both healthy, as far as we can tell… they’re just very quiet, and small, and… well, they’re like Byleth. Their hearts don’t exactly beat.”
“…Are they dead?”
“Claude, please- I just told you they’re like Byleth!” Marianne chided him, “Don’t think like that!”
“I-I’m sorry, you just… they’re missing heartbeats, but they’re… they’re okay right?”
“Right… As far as we can tell. Byleth seems to be happy with both of them, and they are breathing normally, so… w-we just need to monitor them for a while. That’s what I meant to tell you.”
“I see.” He exhaled shakily, leaning forward with his elbows digging into his thighs. His hands locked together in front of his face, staring into space. “…Twins…”
“Are you okay?”
“I’m- I think so. Are you fine?”
“I’m not the father of two new heirs to the throne.”
“Oh gods.” He chuckled nervously, leaning back as his hands went through his hair again. “Wow. Two babies. Two- what are they? Boys? Girls?”
“One of each.” She smiled at him, “It’s too early to tell which one looks the most like which parent, but… I think the girl looks more like you.” 
He laughed weakly; it was more out of shock than humor. “Oh my gods. How are we going to handle two kids at once?”
“You’re royalty, Claude- you don’t have to worry about any of that stuff.” Marianne reminded him, “Besides, if anything you’re the only one worried about this in the first place. Byleth’s perfectly calm.”
“She’s always calm.” He said with a shrug and a wobbly smile, “And… I’d like to see her.”
“I hoped so.” She replied as she rose, “Let me see if she’s awake.”
He watched as she quietly returned into the room, mumbling something to the other nursemaids. He tried to peek past her, spotting the top of your head in the bed at the back of the space, though he couldn’t see much more.
What he heard, however, were the squeaks and curious noises of some very small newborns. He nearly burst past Marianne at the sound.
“She’s ready for you.” She told him before he had a chance, “Just remember to be quiet, and gentle. You don’t want to overwhelm them.”
“Wouldn’t dream of it.” He brushed past them, waiting impatiently for all the nursemaids to exit and give the royal family some much-needed alone time.
The second it was shut he turned on his heel, slipped off his boots that clicked a little too loudly on the floor, and slipped the gloves from his hands, wanting to have as few barriers between him and his new family as possible.
“You’re… fidgeting.” 
He perked at your voice, his head snapping up to find you watching him with amusement in your eyes. He just shrugged and slid his cape off, tossing it onto a chair nearby before he made his way to your bed.
“I’m just trying to make this as easy as possible. I just want to really hold you, y’know?” Claude responded, searching the sea of blankets for the bundles he’d been waiting to meet for nine months. “I, uh… I heard a rumor we had a little surprise during the delivery.”
“Two surprises, technically.” You told him with a tired smile, shifting against the pillows and lifting your arms just enough to reveal a pair of swaddled up blankets. “But one that was most unexpected. She’s… full of surprises, just like you.”
“I heard she’s got my hair.” He breathed, trying his hardest to find a joke, or some sort of levity.
But the gravity had never felt stronger. This was real. You, his wonderful, beautiful wife, had just given him two brand new little lives. This was all real and happening, after months and months that made it seem like a dream.
“Would you like to hold one?”
“I want to hold both of them,” He said honestly, “But I guess sharing is caring, huh?”
“You should meet your firstborn. Only by a few minutes, but… he’s a handsome little prince.” You mused, shifting closer as he settled onto the bed beside you, cautiously holding his hands out to receive the precious cargo.
The second that bundle of blue landed in his arms, Claude melted.
He could only stare in awe at the teeny tiny, soft and pink little person that was barely visible in his wrap. He definitely had your nose, and without a doubt the fair color of your hair was sticking out from the fabric. He tucked the little one to his chest, his face splitting into a warm grin.
“Hi there, little man… look at you… you’re definitely gonna be a mama’s boy, aren’t you? I can see it already.” He whispered, “Gods, he’s beautiful, Byleth. He’s so, so beautiful.”
You sank back into your pillows, sneaking a look of your son who was happily snoozing away in his father’s arms.
“He’s quite cute, isn’t he?”
“He’s gorgeous.” Claude exhaled softly, “Wow, he’s… I just… I love him so much I feel like I could burst, y’know? He’s so small… to think he’s gonna grow up to be the Archbishop’s heir. Maybe it’ll be a family thing.”
“I don’t know. It’s an awful lot of responsibility to put on a newborn. Besides, he seems to have more of your curious personality. I think it’ll suit her, better.”
“Her?” He looked over as you gently pulled back the blankets around the baby’s face. His eyes widened as he found himself looking at a tiny little girl with a shock of dark hair and a crinkled nose, annoyed that she was being revealed to the world.
“Ohh, ho ho. Look at that little girl.” He gave a teary laugh, drawing you into his chest and wrapping his free arm around you, peering down at his daughter. “Hi, sweetheart… look at her- she’s not a thing like her brother.”
“Marianne said they were… fraternal.” You explained with a yawn and a smile, shifting your daughter closer so Claude might look at her closer. “They’re still twins, they just won’t look alike as they grow up, and… you’re crying.”
Claude paused at your observation, blinking. “O-oh. Am I? I hadn’t noticed.”
“You silly man.” You beamed at him, reaching up to brush away the tracks down his cheeks, “To think I was worried about you being a father. I think you’ll take the role on, well.”
“You kidding? There’s nothing I want more than to just stay in bed all day and be with you three. Haha, can you believe it? Two babies! I think we killed it on our first try.”
“Are you implying there are going to be more in the future?” You asked him with just a hint of worry that made him chuckle. He kissed your forehead, squeezing your shoulder.
“I’m not in any hurry, sweetheart. We’re gonna have our hands full as is, but… I’m not opposed to more tiny bishops and nobles running around if you’re not.”
“Let’s wait and see how we do with our first pair of gremlins.” You giggled, brushing your finger across your daughter’s nose. She squeaked in surprise to the delight of her parents, snuggling closer. 
Claude settled down beside you, the two of you lying there with newborns settled on your chests, reveling in the beauty that was your precious family. It had been a long, trying delivery, but now… you had never been happier. You had your new family, now, altogether.
And you loved them with all your heart.
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yamujiburo · 1 year
is there any ships either of you are really interested in outside of pokemon?
I was obsessed with tomomaru back in like 2020 and I still love that dynamic in general. Ray of sunshine x broken, closed off person who has a soft spot for said Ray of sunshine
Ooohh plentyyy, but some top faves are Fire Emblem: 3H (Catherine/Shamir, F!Byleth/Claude) and Dragon Age (any F!player with Isabela or Josephine) 🥹
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wolfgabe · 15 days
Astro Bot VIP list Nintendo Edition
Been watching gameplay of Astro Bot on PS5 and now I want to see Nintendo make their own celebration game that is filled with Nintendo character cameos complete with deep cut nods
Super Mario VIPs
Captain Toad
Bowser Jr
Koopa Troopa
Foreman Spike
Eggplant Man
Paper Mario
Legend of Zelda VIPs
Skull Kid
Guardian Stalker
King of Red Lions
Happy Mask Salesman
Fierce Diety
Donkey Kong VIPs
Donkey Kong
Diddy Kong
Cranky Kong
Funky Kong
Dixie Kong
Kiddie Kong
King K Rool
Metroid VIPs
Zero Suit Samus
Dark Samus
Mother Brain
Raven Beak
Adam Malkovich
Xenoblade Series VIPs
Animal Crossing VIPs
Tom Nook
Tommy and Timmy Nook
Mr Resetti
Crazy Redd
Villager (Male)
Villager (Female)
KK Slider
Splatoon VIPs
Inkling Boy
Inkling Girl
Big Man
DJ Octavio
Mr Grizz
Captain Cuttlefish
Lil Judd
Fire Emblem VIPs
Kirby VIPs
King Dedede
Meta Knight
Bandana Waddle Dee
Whispy Woods
Queen Sectonia
President Haltmann
Three Mage Sisters
Pokemon VIPs
Pokemon Trainer
Detective Pikachu
Star Fox VIPs
Peppy Hare
Slippy Toad
General Pepper
Prince Tricky
Earthbound/MOTHER VIPs
Mr Saturn
F-Zero VIPs
Captain Falcon
Samurai Goro
Dr Stewart
Black Shadow
Blood Falcon
Kid Icarus VIPs
Dark Pit
Super Smash Bros series VIPs
Master Hand
Crazy Hand
Fighting Polygon
Fighting Wire Frame
Alloy Fighter
Ancient Minister
Pikmin VIPs
The President
Red Pikmin
Blue Pikmin
Yellow Pikmin
Purple Pikmin
White Pikmin
Winged Pikmin
Rock Pikmin
Ice Pikmin
Glow Pikmin
NES/Famicom era VIPs
Excitebike Racer
Hockey Player
Volleyball Player
Baseball Player
Ice Climbers
Ayumi Tachibana
Duck Hunt Dog
Balloon Fighter
Professor Hector
Urban Champion Fighter
Mach Rider
Famicom Wars Soldier
Punch Out!! VIPs
Little Mac
Doc Louis
Glass Joe
King Hippo
Bald Bull
Don Flamenco
Mr Dream
Spring Man
Ribbon Girl
Min Min
Max Brass
Dr Coyle
Other VIPs
Ashley Robbins
Mr Game and Watch
Tethu from Ever Oasis
Wii Fit Trainer
Dr Wright
X Commander
Sable Prince
F-Type Car
Ray Mk III
Isacc from Golden Sun
Moe the Clam
Karate Joe
Chorus Kids
Cubivore Pig
Chibi Robo
Dr Kawashima
Elite Beat Agents
Captain Rainbow
Jill from Drill Dozer
Arcade Bunny from Nintendo Badge Arcade
Third Party VIPs
Sonic the Hedgehog
Billy Hatcher
Jason from Blaster Master
Simon Belmont
Mega Man
Commander Video
Shovel Knight
Wonder Red
Wonder Blue
Galaga Ship
Mega Man
Banjo and Kazooie
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outerspacebun · 7 months
DSJFLKSDF okay since one person liked my post, which is enough for me, I am going to write a long list of who I ship/who I pair with in Awakening, Fates, and Three Houses/Hopes. It's going to be long, will include rarepairs, and oc x canon because I can't help myself.
For Awakening:
Basilio/Flavia (we were robbed of an A Support from them)
Morgan/Nah (doesn't matter the gender for Morgan)
For Fates:
For Three Houses/Hopes:
Byleth/Dedue (I like either with them. Dedue is so precious)
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nabateaprodigy · 1 year
Finally got around to making this! Here's a collection of my writing.
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Where are you y/n? (Rhea x GN!Reader)
By Your Side (M!Alear x Vander)
Heartache (M!Byleth x Seteth)
Fódlan Sibling Headcannons (Dimitri, Felix, Constance, Linhardt, Caspar, and Yuri)
A King and his Summoner (Dimitri x GN!Reader)
A Picnic and Flowers (Clanne x Citrinne)
Starlight Sky (Rhea x F!Byleth)
Byleth and Shez Comfort Headcannons (M!Shez and M!Byleth x GN!Reader)
Domestic Life Headcanons (M!Shez and Claude x GN!Reader)
Cuddle Time! (Arval, M!Shez, and M!Byleth x Fem!Reader)
The Prince and His Maiden of Death (Dimitri x Fem!Reader)
Alcryst, M!Alear, and Gregory Headcannons. (Alcyst, M!Alear, and Gregory x Fem!Reader)
I'm Not Jealous! (Hortensia x Clanne)
Hey! That Dance Is With Me! (Ferdinand, Caspar, and Dorothea x GN!Reader)
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A Friendship of Fire and Ice (Natsu x Male!Reader)
Papa Where do Babies Come From? (Juvia x Male!Reader)
My Lovely Rain Woman (Juvia x Male!Reader)
Can't Look Back (Juvia x Gray)
Angelic Care (Angel x Male!Reader)
Hidden Power (Mirajane x GN!Reader)
Love At First Drink? (Gray x Male!Reader)
Uninvited Guests (Gray x Fem!Reader)
Rude Awakening (Wendy x Male!Reader)
Musical Mishap (Team Natsu x Fem!Reader)
Talk To Me (Juvia x Male!Reader)
I Can't Lose you to (Gray x Fem!Reader)
Snakes Curse (Wendy x Male!Reader)
First Word (Juvia x Male!Reader)
Rain, Rain Go Away and Come Back Another Day (Gray x Male!Reader)
Overflow (Gray and Lucy x Male!Reader)
Dear Little Brother (Greige x Fem!Reader)
Moving On (Gray and Juvia x Male!Reader)
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Vs Y/N! (Omori, Kel, Hero, and Aubrey x GN!Reader)
Ice Skating Mania (Omori, Hero, Kel, Aubrey, and Basil x Male!Reader)
Goodbye...Omori (Omori x GN!Reader)
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Hopeful Maid (Nagito x Mahiru)
Rantaro and Kokichi Headcannons (Kokichi and Rantaro x GN!Reader)
Lady of Despair (Junko x Fem!Reader)
Music and Stars (Shuichi, Kokichi, K1-B0, and Rantaro x GN!Reader)
Kokichi and Nagito With a Sensitive S/O (Kokichi and Nagito x GN!Reader)
Please Don't Turn Me Into a Marketable Plushy! (Mukuro, Junko, Komaru, and Sonia x GN!Reader)
Pain In His Eyes (Fuyuhiko, Nagito, Kazuichi, and Leon x GN!Reader)
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Attention (Kokichi x GN!Reader)
Playful Tendencies (Kokichi x GN!Reader)
A Mountain of Plushies (Nagito, Fuyuhiko, Kazuichi, and Hajime x Male!Reader)
Hopefully Compassion (Nagito x Fem!Reader)
Cheerleader Star (Leon x Gn!Reader)
Deserved to be Loved (Mahiru x Male!Reader)
DR1 and DR2 Cuddling Headcannons (Makoto, Chihiro, Hajime, and Nagito x AFAB!Reader)
Love of History (Kyoko, Mukuro, Ibuki and Kirumi x GN!Reader)
Life or Death (Kyoko and Mukuro x Male!Reader.)
Fire Emblem games i write for and character x character pairings
If i write for platonic x reader.
If I write for Naruto
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