#clean sheets and knowing i am going to crawl into a bed i made for myself i love making my bed the way i like it made i love having my
meetmyothersouls · 1 year
Write a Timmy smut to celebrate 2K!!
Been thinking this up throughout today :)
Five in Five
Warnings: friends to lovers, smut, dirty talk
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It's around 2:45 am when the heat from Timothee's body wakes you. You untangle your legs from his and slide your arm from underneath his neck wondering how a man so lean can produce that much body heat. He groans softly in his sleep, and you wait until he's turned over to get up and go to the bathroom. You're sure that if he sees you creeping out of his bedroom, your only chance to go to pee will be blown.
You tip toe out of his room, leaving the door open for easy access when you return and as you cross the hall for the bathroom, your eyes wander downstairs to his front doors. They're massive double doors made of dark oak standing at least fifteen feet high. For a second, you think of leaving, like you always do. You never stay the night with Timothee...well not a full night. Having sex with him and leaving once he falls asleep was just a thing you guys did. You've always left, ever since he took your virginity in a vacant Marriot hotel room during the 11th grade La Guardia field trip to Los Angeles. It wasn't until years later, you realized Timothee wanted more than that. And it's not that you don't want to be his girlfriend...it's just that being his girlfriend could mean losing him completely if things turned shitty. Losing him as a boyfriend would suck. Losing him as a friend...you weren't sure you could handle. So, you always stuck to this. Sex. Great sex. Sex that you'd only be able to get with someone that loves you just as much as you love them. You sleep with him; you tell him how much you love him-because you do-and you leave when he falls asleep. He's never mad, he's never upset (that you can see and the thought of that gnaws at you constantly) and he never brings it up when you see him again.
Until a few hours ago.
You think about it as you remove your gaze from his front door and tip toe into the bathroom. You never thought he'd convince you to stay the night, but here you are peeing in his overly expensive, self-cleaning toilet and washing your hands with $60 hand soap that smells like vanilla and lavender. You drag a hand over your face as you make your way back out, avoiding the temptation of the front door this time on your way back to his room.
The door is open the way you left it, and you walk softly into his room, jolting a little when you see Timothee sitting up in the bed. He's got his thin, white sheet draped over his naked bottom half and even though he looks half asleep, he also looks sad. Your heart breaks a little as you realize this is what he looks like when he wakes up and you aren't there.
"Relax," you whisper "I'm still here." You crawl back into Timothee's bed, climbing over his body to get back to your favorite spot on his mattress. "I told you I'd stay," you tease him in a whisper and kiss his shoulder.
Timothee relaxes a little, laying back down, holding his arm out for you to cuddle into him.
"Would it be so bad?" he asks after a few moments of silence. You thought he'd fallen back asleep, but he must have been thinking.
"What?" you answer.
"Being my girlfriend."
"No seriously, what would be so bad about it? You're used to fame, so that wouldn't be an adjustment for you. We both have crazy schedules, so you wouldn't have to worry about one of us being busier than the other. And I know everything about you, y/n. Everything."
You laugh at his confidence. He definitely knows everything about you. You'd been sleeping with him for twelve years and been friends for longer. But you weren't going to let him think he knows everything. "You don't know shit, Chalamet."
"Oh yeah?"
"Mhmm, though it's cute that you think you do."
Timothee turns over on his side, facing you. He gives you a quick kiss that instantly turns into a deeper one. You whine when he pulls away, wanting his tongue in your mouth. He's close still, his lips grazing yours occasionally when he talks. "I know everything about you, y/n. Platonically, sexually, mentally. I know everything."
You study his face for a moment. He looks quite sure of himself. "Okay then," you say "five facts about me that no one else knows in five minutes."
"Go on then."
"Number one, I know that if I drag my fingertips across your back" Timothee slides his hands under the back of your shirt, demonstrating his words. "I can have you asleep in less than ten minutes."
You roll your eyes, knowing it's true. He's gotten you to sleep that way many times before.
"Four more, tick tock," you tease him.
"Number two, I know how much anxiety ordering food gives you, so I know your order at every restaurant we've ever been to, so you don't even have to say anything."
His fingers are still tracing lines up and down your back and it takes everything in you not to close your eyes against him.
"Number three, I know that if I kiss your neck right here" Timothee demonstrates his words again, placing the softest kiss to the side of your neck. "I can have you ready for sex almost instantly."
"Ugh, fuck off, Timothee."
He's right again.
You're pretty sure he takes two extra minutes just kissing your neck, the fucker, and you let him because it feels so good.
"Number four, I know that" he pulls you on top of him so that you're straddling his waist "when you're riding my dick, I have to hold your right here because it feels so good, they shake." Timothee's hands grip your thighs, his long fingers indenting the skin on your legs.
"Number five, I know that if I suck one of your nipples into my mouth" He removes a hand from your thigh and removes your shirt. Immediately, he uses his index finger to circle one of your nipples. It hardens instantly at his teasing and peppers your skin in chills "I can get you to do whatever the fuck I want."
You're silent for a minute, feeling his hard dick under you. You contemplate holding it and sliding down onto it but decide to show him he's not the only one who knows everything about the other.
"How'd I do?" Timothee asks.
"Not bad," you admit. You tease his cock with your pussy, sliding him through your wet folds. "But now it's my turn."
"Can I fuck you first?"
"No, Timmy, you can't."
Timothee groans, pressing his erection against your heat.
"You know, you can't call me 'Timmy' and not let me fuck you."
You smile knowingly, satisfied in the use of a secret weapon you learned about not too long ago while having dinner in a very public setting.
"Patience is a virtue, Timothee. Anywho, Number one, I know that when I whisper in your ear, it gives you these cute little chills all over your skin." You lean forward letting your folds slide across his hard dick again. Timothee groans softly through gritted teeth, shaking his head slowly at you. "Like this," you whisper once you're inches from his ear and like you said, you feel his skin prickle with chills. You run your hands over his arms, still gripping your thighs just the way you like, attempting to erase some of the chills you created with your warmth.
"Skip the rest and let me fuck you, y/n," Timothee begs.
"But I've got four more," you pout.
Timothee groans again, pushing his dick against you.
"Number two, I know tha-"
Your words catch in your throat as Timothee shifts on his bed, flipping you onto your back. His knees nudge your legs open, and he runs his nose along your neck until he finds the spot that makes you weak. He kisses it lightly before sucking the skin into his mouth.
"Give it up, y/n. You know it's me you think about when someone else is trying...and failing...to make you come. You know it's me you've been talking yourself out of for years. Over a decade worth of depriving yourself of the one thing you know you need the most. Why? I'm right here and I'm entirely yours. Take me."
Your eyes bounce back and forth between his, until your lips crash into each other's. Tongues winding and twisting fighting for dominance. You love him. You always have and there is no escaping him. There never will be. Timothee breaks your heated kiss and begins lining his way down to your breasts in kisses. He licks around your nipple once he's reached his destination, then suck it into his mouth. And just like he said, in that moment, you're willing to do whatever he wants.
"Be mine and no others," he says to you in between kisses to your soft skin.
"Whatever you want," you say breathlessly.
"No. Say it. Say you'll be mine and mine alone."
Timothee slides a finger along your folds of your pussy, gently pressing a finger inside to you see if you're ready for him. When he decides your wet enough, he lines himself up with you entrance. You're bracing for him; your legs are wide open and waiting but so is he.
"You can't leave me when things get hard. You can't give up on us, because I can't lose you, Timothee. If I tell you yes, then this is it."
"That's all I've ever wanted."
"I mean it; you can't leave me."
"Y/n," Timothee said, as he pushed all the way inside of you, "I'd never dream of leaving you."
Tags: @imnotoverlyobsessive @dayafied @soulofendlessbook @fashphotolife @scentedkittenperfection @weasleytwinscumslut @timotheel0ver @mxciscastleintheair @marvelmaniac2000 @lovelyrocker @divine-1 @louievr @love-poems-only @starberry-cake @inlovewithphantasy @alexagirlie @misswestfall @softhecreator @livresjaunes @timmymyluv @inannamoon @harrys-thick-thighs @s-we-e-t-t-ea @timolaurence @its-schmackin-dude @justagirlwhoneedshelp @kteezy997 @sufferingstarlight @xoxoloverb @tropicalrozmajzl @iloveneilperry @syirnge
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l0serloki · 5 months
omg i just got to know u write for jjk too!! I originaly was following you because of your valorant stuff and i love your writing style and those cute gifs you add at the start of every post <3
If its not alot can you please make some short drabbles/headcannons for the jjk men (gojo, geto, nanami, toji, sukuna, choso, megumi) where its late at night you are all cuddled up and you hear something from downstairs, the man get all protective thinking its an intruder and go check it out. ( you can make it an actual intruder and add a lil fight scene or make it a racoon or a stray cat and make it cute its upto u)
Im sorry if i sound wierd english is not my first language 😅
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Intruder Alert
(Gojo, Geto, Nanami, Todo, Sukuna, Choso, Megumi)
A/N : UMMM first off I read Toji as Todo soo.. sorry about that one. Second off thank you so much for the request!! I kinda made these more cracked out than I expected them to be.. I hope you still enjoy and I can always do more if you want.
CW : intruders (duh), casual murder (geto), gojo being an ominous being, Sukuna being on top of you as you wake up
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Gojo : 
    Your body was cuddled against your boyfriend as you tried to sleep. As quickly as sleep came, it left. There was a sudden noise downstairs that made you jump.
“What was that?!” Gojo turned to you, scratching at his face. 
“I don’t know. It sounded like something downstairs.” You whisper out and the blue eyed freak groaned.
“Don’t worry babe. I’ll go check it out. There’s no need to be scared.” Gojo grabbed at your hand pulling you out of the warm sheets.
“If you’re going to check it out, why are you taking me along with you?” You deadpanned as he corralled you down the stairs. 
“Because babe if I die then you need to avenge me.” Gojo whispered out as he peeked around the corner. His eyes surveyed the kitchen as he crept in.
“Coast is clear- HOLY SHIT!” Gojo fell back, crawling to your feet. You watched as a raccoon jumped down from the counter, scurrying back outside from the open porch door. 
“Satoru, why did you leave the backdoor open..?” You rolled your eyes as you helped the ‘strongest’ man to his feet.
“I thought you did.” He grinned as he got up and wrapped his arm around your shoulder. 
“Why am I with you?” You chided and he just pouted.
“So mean..”
Geto : 
   “There’s a noise Sugu..” You whisper out as you adjust in his arms. Your eyes stare up at him as he scrolls through the TV.
“It’s probably nothing Y/N. Don’t worry.” He rubbed at your head as he continued to mindlessly stare. You heard steps creeping as you continued to lay there. You couldn’t help but feel anxious and definitely with the warrant out for your boyfriends head.
“Suguru, someone is in the house.” You plead. He only rolls his eyes as he shuffles around in bed. 
“You’re fine-” His eyes widen as the door slams open, a tall man standing in the wake.
“Geto Suguru, it’s nice to finally meet you.” His grin is wicked and you crawl closer to Suguru out of fear.
“It’s not smart breaking into my house, you know.” He grabs at your form and pulls you up. Curses forming behind the estranged man as Geto frowns. 
“Personal preference really. I don’t get why people consider you that strong.” The man shrugs as he gets closer and you flinch as a punch flies past your face. One of his many curses attach to the mans fist. 
“Pathetic. At least I know I need to replace the lock.” Geto rolls his eyes as the man screams in agony, his head exploding from the pressure of the curse.
“Are you okay darling?” Geto bends down to run his hand across your cheek, placing a soft kiss on your forehead. “I’m sorry I didn’t listen to your warnings before. I’ll be more observant for you.” He leaves another peck as he sets you down against the plush pillows of the bed. 
“Give me a moment to clean up and we can cuddle, okay?” 
You only nod as you shake from the violent attack. You knew you were always safe with him but that didn’t make you worry any less. But at the end of the day, you still had him.
“Okay.” You lean in to give him one more kiss as he goes to clean up the ‘leftovers’.
Nanami : 
  You were cradled in Nanami’s arms as you heard rustling around. Nanami gripped tighter at you as the noises became louder. 
“Kento..” You mumbled out. His soft snores filled the room as you tried to wake him up. You squirmed around in his arms trying to get his attention. A scream left your lips as a harsh knock on the bedroom door filled the silence.
Nanami whipped straight up, gripping at his cleaver that sat on the bedside table. 
“Y/N what’s wrong?” He placed a quick kiss against your forehead as another knock sounded at the door. You gave him a scared look and he squeezed your hand.
“Nanami, are you there? I just got done giving Megumi his gift so if you could open up..!” Gojo’s voice filled the silence and you let out a giant sigh. Of course it was Gojo.
“Gojo, what are you thinking sneaking into peoples houses at 3 am. Regardless of time there is a thing called privacy.” Nanami swung the door open, berating the special grade as he started to push him out. Gojo gave you a thumbs up as he sat the gift bag on the chair and continued to struggle against the blondes hold.
“Try the lemon flavor Y/N! I think you will like it!” Gojo calls out as Nanami shuts the door on his face and sighs. He comes back over to the bed, his face worn down as he falls into his pillow. You couldn’t help but laugh at the buffoonery that unfolded.
“Ken are you okay?” You rubbed at his back. He only groaned as he peeked up from the comfort of the bed.
“Can we pretend that never happened?” 
Todo : 
Todo’s face was buried against your chest as he snored. You ran your fingers through his hair as you continued to mindlessly scroll through your phone. You heard noises creaking against the floorboards which attracted your attention.
“What the hell?” You pushed the large man off your chest and stood up to go check out the noise. 
“Huh..? Y/N..” Todo’s hand yanked you back towards the bed, his eyes pleading for you to continue cradling him. 
“There’s someone there Aoi. You have to let me check.” You push his hands away much to his dismay and move to leave the bedroom. His body moves quicker than yours, ripping away at the door.
“Is someone there!?” 
There was a scuttle from a thief grabbing at some of your belongings, his hands flying up as Todo stomped through the hall.
“How dare you ruin my time with Y/N?! I am disgusted!” Todo grabs the thief by his shirt and tears open the window. 
“Todo, the vase!” You screech as your vase teeters and he throws the man out the window, grabbing the nice china in time.
“Stupid. Now let’s go back to the bedroom.” He dusts himself off as he grabs you with one arm and makes his way back into the room.
“Maybe we should check the door..” You gasp against his tight hold as you try to process what just happened.
“The door should try and check me!” He gloats as he places you gently on the bed, still worked up from having his precious time taken from him.
Sukuna : 
    Your body slid in the sheets as you felt hands gripping at your face. Your eyes slowly opened and adjusted to see the beast on top of you. 
“What-” You struggled to speak as his hand pushed your cheeks together.
“Such pretty lips. All for me?” He grinned as you smacked his chest. Sadly this was a recurring theme with the two of you. Whenever Yuji lost control you always somehow had Sukuna trailing close behind you. And although you weren’t particularly happy waking up to such intrusions, you didn’t mind it either.
“Cmon.” Your voice is garbled as he pets your skin and grins.
“No scream for the intruder? I’m disappointed.” He slaps your cheek lightly, not enough to harm you but just enough to wake you up.
“You’re a piece of shit.” You roll your eyes as he chuckles and pulls you flush against him.
“You like it.”
Choso : 
“Baby.. there’s something outside.” Your eyes barely peek above his arm as you hear the scratching at the window. Choso just groaned and pulled you tighter into his embrace.
“It’s okay. Just sleep..” His voice was hoarse as he patted your head. You couldn’t help but still feel anxious, tugging at him to wake up.
“Please..” You jolted as another harsh slap hit the window. Choso sat up and made an annoyed face.
“Who would be stupid enough to come here?” He stomped out of the bed and over to the window. He ripped at the curtains and opened the window. 
“You think it’s funny-” Choso starts only to get backhanded by the tree arm that had apparently been smacking the window. Your eyes widened as he wiped at his face, turning to see you laughing hysterically. He let out a small laugh as he rolled his eyes.
“Glad to see you’re not worried anymore.” He slides back into bed, pulling you flush against him. 
“Baby you didn’t close the window.”
Megumi : 
  Your body rested against Megumi’s as you both cuddled against the sheets. It was a cold night and the heater was all but broken. One of your hands rubbed at the fur of the black dog coating you like a blanket while the other rubbed through your boyfriend's hair.
There was a ruckus from downstairs, your body jolting at the sudden noise. The dog seemed to notice as well, sitting up and growling, ready to protect you and Megumi.
“There’s something..” You pushed against your boyfriend and he slowly wiped the sleep out of his eyes. You arms circled around him as his shinigami jumped down from the floor and went to go sniff out said intruder.
“If someones there we will know. Don’t worry.” Megumi stretched as he tried to get into action. He jostled himself out of the comfy position and opened the door. 
“Really.” His voice was deadpan as the dog came back into the room and jumped on you, unfazed. You were confused - there had to be someone if Megumi was talking.
“Hello dearest son! I brought sweets! Oh and hello Y/N!” Gojo gives a wave as he holds a giant bag out.
“Get out.” Megumi rolls his eyes as he pushes the bag away and shuffles the sorcerer back through the house. You could only chuckle at the interaction and hope that Megumi would tell him to knock next time.
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malgomy · 4 months
new wave dreams
Malleus smiles. You know this smile. In all your time with him, you’ve become intimately familiar with his different smiles. This smile, you fear, spells your doom.
This smile is smug.
“I recall Grim whining about spilled milk on his fur,” he hums, expression deceivingly serene. “Just before he went to sleep, he was telling me about how you have to clean up yet another mess and how dreadfully clumsy his henchhuman is.”
Oh that snitch.
You're clumsy, Ramshackle has outdated appliances, and Grim is incapable of keeping house secrets.
tags: 2.7k words, cross-posted on ao3 under the same name and the same alias. this is my first work on here cries have mercy on me when it comes to formatting, ok. title is from P.U.N.K. Girl by Heavenly
You have a problem.
An issue, a predicament, a conundrum, even.
See, you’ve developed a bit of a … bad habit. Grim is a very deep sleeper and ever since you’ve been thrown into Twisted Wonderland, you are decidedly not. Whether it be unnerving dreams that wake you up or just plain insomnia, you’ve spent many a night kept awake with only Grim’s incessant snoring to keep you company.
And well… it’s not like your stomach stops working either. So maybe it’s not uncommon for you to sneak down into the kitchen and make yourself something to eat, and maybe it’s not uncommon for you to sneak back into your comfortable bed and eat while under the covers. Maybe. 
You’re so used to the sound of boisterous laughter coming from the kitchen in Ramshackle that the dead of night just makes it… eery. Not to mention, the ghosts who live in the dorm have no sense of when is a good or bad time to play a silly little prank on you. Is it really so bad to want the comfort of a wall against your back and blankets trapping your warmth while you enjoy a home cooked meal? 
It’s just that… your hand might have slipped while crawling into bed and you might have spilled your cereal all over your bed while Grim was still sleeping in it. Oops. 
This is where your predicament lies. Grim is now partially awake, bleary eyed and upset at having been woken up at 2 am. Your sheets, comforter, and pajamas reek of milk. Class is at 9 am sharp, and if you leave things the way they are, you have no doubt that your room will reek of spoiled milk.
Which would be fixable, except for the fact that your biggest issue is that Ramshackle doesn’t have a laundry room.
Or… well… it does. Technically. Except you may have smacked the washing machine a little bit too hard to get it started once, and it hasn’t turned on ever since. You’ve been doing your laundry in Heartslaybul with either Ace or Deuce accompanying you ever since.
But that is definitely not an option right now! Let alone the fact that Riddle would undoubtedly take your head if you snuck around and did laundry in his dorm at 2 am, you know for a fact that Ace would have a field day if he found out why your sheets were soaked with milk at this time of night. No, Heartslaybul is certainly not an option.
Which leaves… no options at all. You suppose you could just use the kitchen sink… or maybe the bathtub? 
“I’m not cleaning this,” Grim grumbles. He’s rubbing his eyes and lets out a big yawn. Despite his insistence, he really is more catlike than anything else you’ve ever seen. When he looks up at you with his big blue eyes, you can’t help but forget how annoying he can be. Aw, now you feel bad. 
“I wasn’t gonna make you, d’worry,” you mumble back. There’s no other option, you suppose. You begin peeling the sheets off the bed. It’s heavy, and it doesn’t help that your movements have a certain grogginess to them. Just your luck, you’re starting to get tired after you already made a mess. “I’m gonna head downstairs to clean this, you go back to sleep.”
Grim doesn’t respond to you, so you assume that he nodded off even without your prompting. When you make it downstairs though, you almost trip over him running right past you.
“We’ve got a visitor!” 
You almost drop your clothes to rush over to the window. From your spot in the lounge, you can’t make out what Grim is seeing. “Huh? Who?” 
“Who else visits ‘n the middle of the night?” 
The clothes are unceremoniously dumped in the sink and you rush to the window. Sure enough, green sparks fly around a familiar silhouette underneath your porch.
Talk about bad timing. “I can’t just leave him out there, can I?” 
Grim just shrugs up at you. Ugh, your bleeding heart. How could you leave a friend out in the cold when he came all the way just to see you? The ghosts would scold you for even entertaining the thought. 
With strengthened resolve, you glance out the window one more time. Sure enough, Malleus is still standing on your porch. He’s staring intently at the doorknob, but as soon as you move the blinds, his eyes meet yours. 
You don’t even give him the opportunity to knock.
“And what are you doing out here, unsupervised in the dead of night?” You say in lieu of a greeting. You grin up at him and open the door wide as an invitation to come in. Malleus slips into the foyer, but not without dramatics of his own.
“Might it be that I’m unwelcome into your humble abode?” He sighs, forlorn and melancholic. You’d almost believe that he was hurt, if not for the fond smile he gives to you and Grim and the airiness of his voice. “I suppose I ought to make myself scarce, and hope the loneliness of my dearest friend’s rejection doesn’t take my weary heart.”
“We can’t have you dying yet, now can we? Your retainers would have my head, I fear.” You flick the lights on, and lead the way further in. “Not to mention your family — I can’t have an army sent after me at my delicate age.”
“Oho! So all you care about is your own life? Careful, should you offend me too much, I may very well send the armed guards after you regardless.”
You can’t help but roll your eyes at the dramatics. He’s too attached to you to do anything of the sort. “You’re welcome anytime, just make sure you leave your retainers a note or something.”
“That one guy’s too noisy when he doesn’t know where you are,” Grim grumbles. 
“They should know very well by now to check for me here before breaking out into a frenzy,” Malleus breaks out into a grin, self-satisfied. “I am no babe; they haven’t a reason to fret over me so often.”
Grim lets out a little hmph! at that. “Betcha they're more worried ‘bout what you’re getting up to, going out at night all sneaky-like.”
You all pause for a moment at Grim’s statement. “Y’know Grim, it’s very rare that you say something smart.”
It takes a moment for what you say to process. Grim goes from smiling to attacking your leg in the blink of an eye. 
“Hm, that very well may be it then,” When you glance up at Malleus, all you can describe his expression as is preening. “I trust that your word will be a suitable alibi then, should they assume that I’m up to mischief?”
“Oh I doubt it, with what we’re always up to? They’ll probably assume the worst as soon as you say my name.” A light hum is all that you get in response. Typical, Malleus tends to zone in and out of conversation. You lead him to the lounge with Grim still hanging off your leg, flicking lights on and fixing things up as you go. Everyone’s awake now, so there's no need to go traipsing through the dark. Besides, Malleus’ eyes seem to glow like a cats in the dark, and you don’t feel like going through that heart attack right now.
Malleus sits by the unlit fireplace, picking up a random book from the coffee table. Grim stays behind with him while you take a moment to head into the kitchen, ignoring the pile of sheets you dumped in there in order to grab some fruits. The living arrangements may be poor and decrepit, but never let it be said that you weren’t a good host. When you make it back, the fireplace is lit, and Grim is curled up in front of it. “He asleep?”
Malleus nods. His gaze washes over the fruits before settling on your face. “For me?”
“They’re chilled, but I think I remember you saying you liked ‘em better that way.”
He reaches out for a grape, plucking it from the vine with a delicate hand. He’s just about to pop it into his mouth when he pauses for a moment. “Ah.”
“I’m not supposed to eat anything my retainers haven’t cleared first,” he sighs. “Poisoning and the like, you understand.”
You nod in understanding. You’ve never had Malleus decline anything you offered him before, but…
Wait a minute. He’s laughing. 
“That is not true!” You dump the fruits on his lap, leaving him to place them delicately on the table. Malleus hums in amusement as you settle into place by his side. “I can’t tell when you’re joking, it’s not fair.”
“No poison you could get your hands on could harm me,” he says. “Let alone anything you could disguise with the taste of fruit.”
You think he’s joking. Malleus doesn’t force you to respond, content to nurse through the fruit in front of him. He alternates between giving you a handful of berries and popping them into his own mouth.
“Why was Grim awake at this hour? I seem to recall him to be a heavy sleeper, if nothing else,” Malleus murmurs out the question, like it’s not important enough to be articulated properly.
But it is. Because this is embarrassing. There is no way that you are going to reveal to the crown prince of any nation that you spilled cereal all over your bed while Grim was sleeping in it! Not even if you were tortured. 
“Oh! I think he ate the leftover tart from Riddle’s unbirthday party,” you laugh, like a liar. “You know how it is, sugar highs and all that.”
“Mhm,”  you nod. “Must’ve worn off by the time you got here.”
Malleus smiles. You know this smile. In all your time with him, you’ve become intimately familiar with his different smiles. This smile, you fear, spells your doom.
This smile is smug.
“I recall Grim whining about spilled milk on his fur,” he hums, expression deceivingly serene. “Just before he went to sleep, he was telling me about how you have to clean up yet another mess and how dreadfully clumsy his henchhuman is.”
Oh that snitch. 
“It’s not important,” you rush to reassure Malleus. You wave a hand dismissively, hopefully putting an end to the subject matter. “Grim must’ve just been yapping, you know how he is.”
Before you can even process it, Malleus grabs your hand with both of his. Shocked but not uncomfortable, you don’t deign to snatch your hand back. If you didn’t know him any better, you’d say he even looks earnest. “I would be willing to lend you my aid no matter the situation, whether the problem be big or small.”
You can’t stand to look him in the eye like this. “It’s really not that serious.”
“Tell me what is troubling you, I will have it dealt with.”
… ominous. His grip on your hands is loose, his palms warm and dry. If you don’t catch yourself, you might start to lean into him. 
Also… isn’t Malleus… a dorm leader? With access to his dorm’s laundry room? Really, maybe his late night arrival was just the solution to your self inflicted problems. Is it even taking advantage of the situation if he asked you?
With strengthened resolve, you lean in conspiratorially. “Nothing I tell you can leave this room.”
As it turns out, Malleus does technically have access to his dorm’s laundry room. Technically.
He just doesn’t know where it is.
“Hornton, aren’t you in your third year?” 
“I’m well aware,” he shoots you a look. Man alive, is he pouting? “I just rarely have a reason to come do laundry myself.”
“It’s ok,” you tell him. Roaming Diasomnia’s halls in the wee hours of the morning with a trash bag over your shoulder filled with milk soaked sheets was never on your bucket list, but at least you have company! Even if the walls are tall and cold, Malleus is like a heater by your side. “We’ll find it together.”
The two of you, notably, do not find it together. 
In your defense, Diasomnia is big. Malleus might know his way around these halls, but you are notorious for your horrible sense of direction. Seriously, you might as well be in a corn maze. 
By the time you’ve scoured what you think is the entirety of the upper levels of Diasomnia, you’re about ready to throw in the towel. Far be it from you to ignore the sweet call of sleep. 
“Malleus, I think we should just leave it,” you murmur. “With the way things are, I’ll be ok sleeping on the ground.”
You would not be fine on the ground, actually. But you are nothing if not a liar and exhausted.
“I suppose we should check the basement before we give up,” he hums.
You do not want to check the basement. The apprehension must show on your face, because all Malleus does is laugh. This man laughs at you. 
“Worry not,” he breathes out between chuckles, “I won’t let any harm befall you.”
How comforting.
The door to Diasomnia’s basement is just like the rest of the dorm: cold and tall and imposing. When Malleus reaches out to open it, the door creaks open itself. Creepy.
“Can I let you go down by yourself and I stay up here with the living?” 
Malleus casts you a sidelong glance. “The safest place is by my side.”
You can’t even respond, snarky or otherwise, because he’s not wrong. 
“You go first,” you pat his arm. That way, if anything jumps out at you, he’ll get the brunt of the attack. “I’ll be right behind you.”
When Malleus takes the first step, you think you can hear an ominous thudding. But that’s probably just the paranoia speaking. 
Your descent down the stairs is marked by you cowering behind Malleus and jumping every time you think you feel something ghosting over your shoulders. On the bright side, the basement seems to be well lit with torches. 
When you make it to the bottom, you take a moment to examine your surroundings. It’s an open room, marked with chairs and a stack of baskets lined up against one wall. Along the opposite wall, however, stands the prize that you’ve been searching for all this time. Your long lost lover… 
A row of washing machines.
“Oh finally!” 
You don’t hesitate to run over to the first washing machine you see, tossing the trash bag you’ve been carrying over your shoulder onto the ground as you shed tears of relief. Not literally though, because you can only stand to embarrass yourself so many times in one night. 
Malleus hovers behind you while you punch in the code for the rinse cycle and load the machine. He offers to help, but drops it when you almost bite his hand. No way are you letting him in close proximity to your dirty laundry. Once you’ve finished loading everything up and have slammed the lid to the machine shut, you get up to face him again.
“Well Malleus, I think we did good here today,” you nod, satisfied with the outcome of your journey. “I’m glad we could discover the location of Diasomnia’s laundry room together.”
“Dismissing me already? Humans can be so cruel,” he offers his hand to you, leading you to the seats on the other side of the room. “I believe you still have quite some time left before this load is finished.”
“Don’t remind me,” you whisper. As soon as your back hits the chair, you’re slumped over. It doesn’t help that Malleus is so warm next to you. “I’m exhausted.”
Malleus hums. “Then rest. I’ll wake you when the time comes.”
You wake up to your alarm sprawled over Ramshackle’s couch, a gray quilt tucking you so tightly you almost fall off the couch trying to get out of it. 
On the table next to you are your clean folded sheets and a note. 
Thank you for the company last night… I enjoy our time together greatly. I suppose the time to wake you never came. Apologies. 
You don’t think he’s very sorry at all.
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sexydoffyman · 11 months
Sub!needy!Sanji with dom!Male!reader in bed?
You can ignore this if you aren’t comfortable with it<33
Have a wonderful day:D
genre: smut
word count: 714
A/N: Our wifi isn't working what a pain. Also, what is with the new Tumblr look my eyes hurt and I am so pissed of. 🦐 this is tiring.
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You were sweeping the deck of the Sunny at night since it was less likely that Luffy would slip on the water when he's sleeping. You also didn't want to keep moving Zoro out of the way. You had to wake him up and tell him to go to a specific part of the ship where you already swept the floor. But you know Zoro, he got lost. You also didn't want to listen to Sanji being a perv. And Franky would criticize how well you cleaned your precious ship. And Usopp would get it dirty again. By either making a new weapon and getting gunpowder all over the place or by making a green star accidentally explode.
It was more peaceful on your ship at night. You expected to be all alone, so you played around the ship. Crawling over the rigging, climbing on the main mast, or sitting in the crow's nest. You were enjoying yourself while you could fuck around. You looked back over your shoulder when you felt a presence behind you. By squirming your eyes, you recognized the cook of the ship watching you.
You jumped down from the crow's nest right next to the small-waisted man. "What brings you here shouldn't you be asleep?" You questioned him. "How can I sleep when I see you showing your muscles off like that." You chuckled "Don't try to flirt with me like that you love cook." He smiled back at you. "Mind if I give you a drink?" "I think that the chores can wait for another day." You thought about his proposition for a while and decided that it might not be such a bad idea.
You followed him to the crew's quarters, right into the kitchen. He went behind the bar and poured two drinks for you. He sat down next to you, and you started talking about god knows what and sipping more and more alcohol. You talk for hours. Yes, it was a winter night, so the night was long, but you were traveling through a swarm of summer islands, so the weather was fine. The night was still young, but you realized that the dark was darker than whenever else you saw it. You were looking out the window. Looking into the dark and you felt so... at peace. "Common look at me like that."
He was drunk, and you could tell. So you expected him to be trying to flirt with you again. He caught you by surprise when he put his hand on your thigh and whispered in your ear. "I need to feel you."
Too drunk to think your dick started thinking for you. You got hard and led the cook to one of the empty bedrooms. You pushed him to the mattress. It sunk with both of your body weights. The sheets made wrinkles when you swirled your tongue in his mouth. Your bodies already covered in sweat drenching your clothes. You noticed this, and without breaking eye contact you pulled his shirt off, followed by his pants and everything else.
He tried to help you undress, but you grabbed his hands and pushed them into the pillow while you started kissing his body, leaving purple love kisses. You turned him around, letting go of his hands. Spread his legs and looked at him. You loved how he looked so vulnerable. He ground his dick on the sheets and looked at you with the expression you fell in love with. "Impatient, huh?"
"Please." He shyly whimpered. You took your final look at him and decided that you want to be nice and that you won't tease him for his neediness. He was adorably looking your way. You put your index and middle finger to his mouth and commanded "Get 'em all wet for me k?" He licked your fingers like a good boy, and when he was done, you put them to his entrance.
You pushed them in, and his breaths started getting louder. When you thought he had enough, you laid on his body, towering over him, grabbed his pictorials, and pushed him to the mattress again. He squealed a little when he felt your dick thrusting in and out of him.
Yeah, you were gonna lay off those chores.
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ramblingoak · 5 months
Naps With Copia Mary
Napping With An Outlaw
For @da-rulah 💙 who requested a special nap with cowboy!Mary Goore
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Mary Goore x GN Reader
While obviously not Copia this is similar to the Naps With Copia series. Just a nice soft nap with the cowboy!Mary Goore from my fic The Cardinal's Bride. You do not need to read that at all to enjoy this!
Warnings: Brief descriptions of blood and stitches, Mary is a terrible patient (and a tease), sfw, 1,400 words (thank you to @gothdaddyissues for the dividers!)
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“What the hell, Goore?!”
You had finally finished with your shift in the saloon.  A long day of filling drinks and slapping hands away when they got too close.  All you wanted was to wash off and crawl into bed.  A bed that you had been daydreaming about for most of the day.  Except right now your bed was occupied with the last person you wanted to see.
Especially since they were bleeding everywhere.
“Hey there, sweetheart.”
“Don’t ‘sweetheart’ me, Goore.  Why are you here?”  You took a few steps closer, your eyes widening a bit when you saw the gash on their head.  “And what the fuck happened?”
“Ran into an old friend.”  When you crossed your arms and raised an eyebrow at him Mary sighed,  “We had a little disagreement.”
“I can tell.  So, why are you here ruining my sheets?”  Mary looked a little sheepish then, picking at a tear on their pants before looking back up at you.  “The pout isn’t gonna work on me, Goore.”
“What will?”
“Nothing.  I am tired.  Too tired to deal with you bleeding all over my things.  Get out.”
“Oh come on!  You owe me!”
“Like hell I do, remember a few months ago when you came crawling back here after running into that Cardinal guy again?”  Mary winced and became very interested in the hole in his pants again.  “You’re kidding me.”
“This time wasn’t my fault.”
“Uh huh.”  You sighed and took a few steps closer, reaching out to prod at the wound on Mary’s head.  They hissed and tried to jerk away but you grabbed their chin to keep them still.  “Stop being a baby.”
“Stop poking me!”
“Do you want my help or not?”  Mary finally relented, staying still and leaning into you a little bit.  “Thank you.  Geez Mary, did you get hit by a rock or something?”
“A frying pan.”
“A fry–you know what, I don’t wanna know.  Alright, lean back ok?  I’m going to go get some clean water and the sewing kit from the Doc.”  
You ignored Mary’s groan, quickly leaving your room and heading down the hall.  The Doc would be down at the tables this time of the night so it was easy to slip into his room and grab his kit.  After getting a job here it wasn’t long before you were helping out all over the place.  While the town was relatively quiet there still was the odd bar fight or even a random shoot out from time to time.  Enough action to warrant hiring someone just in case.
When you made it back to your room Mary was still on your bed.  For a moment you were frozen, worried that they had been hurt a lot worse than you had thought.  You dropped the kit and rushed over to your bed, your hands landing on Mary’s chest and shaking him.  Mary wasn’t yours by any means, you had no doubt Mary never had trouble finding a warm bed no matter where they were.  But that didn’t stop your heart from plummeting when you thought they might be gone.
It didn’t stop you from wishing things were different.
“Ow, ow, ow!  What the shit?!”  Mary shook themselves awake, immediately swatting at your hands to get you to stop shaking him.  “I am injured here!  You’re supposed to be fixing me, not making things worse!”
Pinching their nipple wasn’t something the Doc would recommend but hearing Mary’s indignant squawk was worth it.
“Just making sure you’re alive.”  
You smiled when Mary groaned and dropped back against the bed.  They had definitely been through the ringer, whatever had happened.  You couldn’t imagine an outlaw such as The Cardinal using a frying pan of all things, but you supposed anything could be a weapon in the right hands.  Mary was thankfully still when you began cleaning the wound on their forehead.  The blood was caked in their hair so you did your best to clean it without having a tub to dunk them in.
Maybe you could talk them into a bath tomorrow.
“That feels nice.”  They were practically purring as you let your fingers rub against their scalp, trying to avoid the gash.  It would definitely need at least a few stitches.  “I knew I came to the right place.”
“I’m glad you came here too.”  That got you a lazy smile, the one that had lured you into Mary’s orbit to begin with.  “Time for the stitches.”
Mary whimpered, clenching their eyes shut as you got to work.  The gash wasn’t that bad but you knew how vain Mary could be.  It would look a lot better after this and they’d certainly whine about it a lot less.  The whole thing was over in a few minutes and after tugging Mary into a sitting position you helped them out of their shirt to clean up the rest of them as best you could.
“Mmm, I knew you’d try to get me out of my clothes.”
“You caught me, Goore.  That’s what I wanted to do the minute I saw you in my bed.”
“Anything else?”  Mary grunted when you tugged on their boots, chucking them across the room so you wouldn’t trip on them in the morning.  Their pants were next and you groaned with the effort it took to tug the stupidly tight things off their legs.  “Well, sweetheart?”
Mary was grinning at you, the only thing covering them the sheet they had pulled over their lap.  It was an attempt at modesty you weren’t used to, typically Mary spent most of their time in your room naked.  Not that you minded but it was pretty obvious by the way Mary was squinting and the yawn they just let out that Mary was in no condition for anything but a thorough cuddle.
“Actually yeah, there’s one other thing I’d like to do with you.”  Mary kept the grin as you moved closer, their hands going to your waist when you got onto the bed next to them.  You leaned forward and pressed a kiss over the stitches before dropping a few more across their face.  The strength seemed to leave Mary’s body then and you wrapped your arms around their shoulders and tugged them back down onto the bed.  “Let’s take a nap.”
“That’s not very sexy.”
“Neither is having you bleed everywhere.”
“Not bleeding any more.”
“Yeah but it’s hard to kiss you when you’re yawning constantly.”
“Other things besides my mouth you cou–ow!  Fine!  Ok, ok I’m sorry.”  Mary let out a pained groan when you pulled your fingers away.  “Pinching an injured man, does Doc do that?”
“No, but he also doesn’t kiss his patients either.”  You reached down and pulled the blanket up over you both, your eyes trailing over Mary’s body as it disappeared underneath the fabric.  They had some new scars since you saw them last and you made a note to ask about them whenever Mary was feeling better.  For right now rest was the most important thing.  “Go to sleep Mary.”
“Hmm, I guess.”  They wiggled around in your bed, wrapping their arms around you and tugging you so your back was against their chest.  Mary’s breath ruffled the hair next to your ear making you shiver.  Their arms tightened around you in response and you couldn’t help but smile, letting yourself relax and enjoy the feeling.  “Will you be here when I wake up?”
Mary’s voice was muffled against so you turned your head to try and catch their eyes.  
Those gorgeous green eyes of his sluggishly opened and they gave you a lazy smile before repeating themselves.
“When I wake up?  You still gonna be here?”
“Of course, Mary.”  They let out a soft hum, tugging you back against their chest.  You felt their breath evening out as they began to fall asleep and while you were tired yourself you couldn’t help but tease them one last time.  “It’s my bed anyway.”
It was Mary’s turn to pinch you, quickly followed by his fingers digging into your sides and tickling you.  After you screeched trying to get away an unfortunately aimed elbow had him groaning and demanding mercy.  You turned in Mary’s arms, humming as you brushed their hair out of their face.  
“Terrible bedside manner.”
“My sincerest apologies, Mr. Goore.”  You kissed their pouting lips, their cheeks and their forehead until Mary settled down again, their breath evening out once more.  Right when you were on the edge of sleep yourself you smiled against Mary’s chest, murmuring a promise into their skin before sleep took you,  “I’ll make it up to you tomorrow.”
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@pinklunarprincess your nap is next 😉
Naps With Copia: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9
If you'd like to be added/removed from the tag list (or if I accidentally left your name off) of this fic or any of my others please leave a comment or send me a dm! Thank you 💙
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lalachat · 4 months
"And there you were..."
Author's note: Hi loves! I am going to apologize for this one because it is basically just filler because the next chapter is going to be a good one(in my personal opinion). I have been in a chaotic-evil kind of mood recently and I got something good cooked up! However, I am sad to announce that I will probably end this story soon, maybe 2-3 more chapters. Do not fret though! I fully plan on writing some one shots, maybe another series 👀 That meaning, I got some good ideas for my future projects ehehehe! ANYWHO, I hid a harry potter reference in here. I wonder if y'all can find it! Tbh I hide a lot of my favorite movie quotes in my chapters. So far no one has picked up on any😭 anywho, enjoy this one before shit literally hits the ceiling.
Summary: You and Lucien wake up after your eventful night to have an early morning snack before your breakfast with the rest of the night court. However, can you and Lucien hide your growing feelings for one another? And most importantly, does anyone know what you two did last night?
This is for all my Lucien girlies❤️
Warnings: profanity, potential grammatical errors, and LOTS of filler/banter
Word Count: ≈ 4,053
Chapter 9: Pretty Pink Bows
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After a much-needed bath, you and Lucien decided that it would be best to get some rest. You both changed into your pajamas and crawled into your bed. Lucien was too tired to go back to his apartment, and with Elain’s uproar, he felt it was best to stay. You did not complain. Sleeping next to Lucien was always peaceful, like your soul knows his entirely. These were always your best nights of sleep with him next to you.
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You awoke to the first appearance of light on the horizon shimmering through your window. Lucien was sprawled out next to you comfortably, hair slightly tangled. His chest falling rhythmically with every breath. Poor guy was probably spent from the energy he was channeling into you last night. You smile at the sight of him.
Without waking up the slumbering male, you slipped out of your bed and out your room. You walked on the balls of your feet through the noiseless halls, trying not to wake anyone else who is still asleep. You were headed to the kitchen to grab y'all some tea and snacks. After last night, your body was craving for something to fill your aching stomach. You're sure Lucien felt the same.
You finally reached the kitchen, the beautiful colors of dawn now starting to come to light. You grabbed a pot and filled it with water, knowing a teapot would be too loud. You placed it on the stove to heat up as you set aside two teacups. While you were waiting for the water to boil, you mindlessly went to the pantry to search for your favorite tea. You grabbed two teabags and put them into the cups. The water started to bubble; you decided you still had some time to scrounge for snacks. You cut up some fruit, cheese, and meat and placed them onto a plate. You smiled as you made a little smiley face out of the arranged foods. You walked back over to the water to see that it was boiling. You carefully poured it into each cup and set it aside to cool as you cleaned. Shortly after, you grabbed everything you prepared and headed back to your room.
“Good morning sleepy head,” you sang to the sleeping figure wrapped up in your sheets. Lucien mumbled something you couldn’t comprehend as he still lay there asleep. You rolled your eyes, “Jackass.”
A smile crept up onto your face as you sat your breakfast aside, “This is your last warning, Lu.” A moment of silence passes, and you shook your head, “So be it!”
You jump onto your bed like a child on solstice, the sudden motion startling Lucien. He jolted awake as you kept jumping up and down in a fit of giggles at his reaction, “Wakey wakey Lucy!”
“You are a jackass,” he mumbled as he shook his head and threw himself back onto his pillow. You laughed at his choice of vocabulary because you threw that same word at him earlier.
“Am I still a jackass if I said that I got up early to get us some tea with a complimentary charcuterie plate?”
“What a big word for how early it is,” he smiled at you as he ran his hand through his hair, fingers getting stuck in some tangles. He groans in frustration, you laughed.
“Your hair looks like a bush on fire,” you chuckle as you grabbed your hairbrush and gestured to his hair, “May I?” All Lucien could do was nod, still not completely awake yet. He leaned up allowing you to slot yourself behind him, his muscled back pressed against your chest.
“You’re not tender headed, are you?” You slowly started to brush the ends of his hair first, Lucien hummed at the feeling.
“Obviously not when you were the one tugging at it last night.” You could feel the smirk on his face without even having to look, you pulled the brush a little harder through a knot at the comment.
“Ouch!” He turned around to look at you over his shoulder. You gave him an innocent smile.
“Oops- sorry, the brush slipped,” you halfheartedly apologized as you continued brushing his hair. “You should let me braid it!”
Lucien laughed, “And what’s next? A huge pink bow?”
“Obviously-” you said as you brushed out the last section you were working on and moved on to start braiding his hair.
“Good gods you're going to get me made fun of,” he sighed as his body relaxed at the feeling of your fingers in his hair.
“Anyone who makes fun of you is just jealous of how good you’ll look,” your voice vibrating through Lucien’s back. You worked quietly as you braided his hair into Dutch braids and pinned the ends in a low bun, Lucien just sat there marveling your presence and how close you two were now. Your breath hitting his neck sent goosebumps across his entire body. His body was betraying him from the feeling of you pressed against him.
“Turn around please,” you asked him. He happily obliged as you both shuffled around to a comfortable spot facing one another. You scooted closer to him to pull out some hairs to frame his gorgeous face. Your brows furrowed in concentration as you bit your lip, scared if you pulled too much it will mess the braid up.
Lucien just watched you. His eyes roamed your face while you were distracted with his hair. Having you this close he was able to study every detail. You were astonishingly beautiful. Your captivating eyes that sparked whenever you smiled, your nose that was sprinkled in tiny sunspots, your beautiful rosy cheeks, and gods, your kissable lips that he could never get enough of. He couldn’t look away, not with the way you bit your bottom lip. All he could think about was what it would be like to kiss you again…
“All done,” you smiled as you looked at your work.
Lucien’s eyes glanced up to meet yours, “Thank you.”
You looked back at him, just now noticing how close your faces were. Your cheeks flushed as you let out a small breath, “you’re welcome.”
You did not dare move, not with the way Lucien eyes kept dipping down to your lips. There is something so intimate about the way he was looking at you, and you thought to yourself every kiss you two shared was heated and an act of lust. You and Lucien had never shared a legitimate kiss before. That thought alone sent nerves through your body. Could he actually have feelings for you? Because the way he is looking at you right now makes you feel like you're not just a hookup anymore, that you're something much more.
“Lucien-” you glanced at his lips as you sucked in a breath. Your nose was now brushing against his. One of you had leaned in. You didn’t know if it was you, him, or both but at this moment neither of you cared. You didn't care as his breath kissed your cheeks with warmth causing more of a blush. You two should not be doing this! Friends don’t kiss. This is so wrong, but gods did nothing ever feel so right. Just as your lips brushed against his, it was like Lucien snapped out of a trance at the touch. WHAT IN THE HELL JUST HAPPENED?!
He nervously coughed, “I’m hungry, what about you?” He got off the bed and grabbed the tray you prepared; the tea was now room temperature.
“Oh yeah! I'm starving,” you shook your head trying to clear your mind of the moment he abruptly put an end to. Shit- are you disappointed? This cannot be happening, he’s just a friend! You’re mated to Azriel for gods sake!
“Tea got cold, but everything looks lovely y/n,” he politely thanked you as he grabbed each teacup to rewarm them. “The smiley face is a nice touch.”
“You’re welcome, I thought it was cute! Now, bon appétit,” you smiled. You both were hungrier than you thought. You both devoured the platter you had prepared in minutes as you sipped on tea. The once cute smiley face now nothing but crumbs.
“Such a shame we destroyed the smile though,” he laughed as he downed the rest of his tea.
“At least we made a happy plate right?” you said as you finished your own cup.
“Always the cleaver one in the mornings,” he smiled at you as he gathered his clothes off the floor to get dressed. You figured you would do the same as you pulled out a long skirt and a plain shirt from your dresser. You took a quick look in the mirror and ran your brush through your hair a couple of times before putting it up in a messy bun.
“Ready?” You glanced at him as he was looking at himself in the mirror.
“Hell yeah I am, I’m ready to show off this new dew! This looks really good y/n” he exclaimed as he kissed you atop the head.
“Can I please, please, please add a bow?” you stuck out your lip.
“Absolutely not,” he said as he opened the door for you.
“Are you sure? It would make it look even better,” you wiggled your brow at him as you walked past him through the door.
“Yes, I am sure. If Feyre caught me with that, she would never let me live it down.”
“That’s actually a fair statement,” you laughed as he shut your door.
Just as he turned around Lucien’s gaze went to your wrists, his mouth turning upwards into a wicked smile, “y/n?”
“What?” You looked at him confused as he tilted his head in emphasis to look where he was. You followed his gaze, and your eyes were met with faint red rings around both of your wrists. Tendrils of flame still remnant. “Oh. My. Mother. Above-” was all you could say as you traced your wrists gently. They were beautiful in a way you could not describe...
“Is it obvious?” You looked at him worriedly as you stuck them out for him to see. Pain struck his features like you were ashamed of what you two had done. However, you were only scared of Elain and Azriel noticing them.
“When you do that, yes,” he chuckled. “Here, I can glamour it for you,’ he grabbed your wrists, ‘Such a shame to get rid of my beautiful work.” His grip on your wrists made you blush as you slowly watched the marking go away.
“Thank you,” you breathed closely analyzing your wrists to make sure all proof of last night was officially gone. Lucien still had a pained look on his face but hiding it with wit.
“You should really get those tattooed, they look too good on you to hide it,” he mused as he started to walk to the lingering voices echoing through the halls.
“Maybe you should do that to me more often then,” you clapped back with a wink as you followed.
He shot you a playful smile as he grabbed your wrist gently, “You want more my little fireling?”
That’s a new nickname, you thought. The possessiveness of it shook your core. You tried to hide your liking for it, as you shot him a cheeky smile and walked into the room that your friends were gathered in. Everyone gathered around the room waiting for breakfast. The table set with plates, silverware, and glasses of water.
“Morningggggg,” Mor smirked, leaning against the wall with a cup of tea in her hands. Her eyes gleaming with a knowing look as she dramatically sipped her tea with a wink sent your way.
You look at her confused, “Good morning to you too Mor.”
“Ah good, y/n! We are about to eat breakfast, still waiting for a couple others to join us.” Feyre smiled at you. Her gaze met Lucien’s as he walked into the room shortly after. “Oh, good to see you’re up Lucien, come sit!”
Everyone soon began to make their way to their seats. Mor nudged her elbow in your hip as she whispered, “You are going to tell me everything!”
You hissed, “Yes, but can’t a girl eat first!”
You looked around the room to find Rhysand and Feyre seating themselves at the head of the table. Cassian pulling out the chair next to Rhysand as Nesta chose the one beside her mate. Mor sat beside Feyre, shooting a look to sit next to her so you two could gossip. You rolled your eyes as you sat down with her. Lucien felt awkward being the last one standing, not really having a specific spot at the table. It was either sit next to Nesta, his body trembled at that thought, or sit next to you. He shot you a smile as he gracefully pulled out the chair next to you.
“Where’s Amren?” you asked.
“Went home already, last night was more than enough socializing for her,” Rhysand said with an understanding.
“Gotcha,” you nodded as you sipped some water.
“So, how did everyone sleep?” Mor asked with a smile, obviously up to something, as everyone murmured “good.”
With you occupied with your water and not answering previously, Mor directly asked you this time.
“You sleep okay y/n?” She wiggled her brow slightly as you choked on your water from remembering what kept you up in the early morning hours. Everyone’s eyes looked at you with worry from your choking, but you gave them a thumbs up and a scratchy, “I'm okay!”
“Sorry, the water went down wrong. I slept okay,” you said through small coughs, your face flushed from your thoughts and from coughing. Lucien pats your back reassuringly.
“And what about you Lucien?” Mor asked. You glared at her as he kept patting your back.
“Just fine Mor,” he deadpanned. Not revealing a single thing about either of your nights. Mor hummed, unsatisfied with your answers.
“Where the hell is Az?! I am fucking hungry,” Cassian muttered in frustration. Lucien’s hand stilled at the name. You looked around and noticed the shadowsinger was not here.
“Would you just be patient for once in your life,” Nesta quipped.
“I am sure he will be here soon Cass, along with Elain.” Rhysand said, amused at that neither of them are here yet. You and Lucien shared a mutual glance of, “Oh fuck.”
You mouthed to him, “Do you think they are together?” He gave you a curt nod. His breathing becoming long inhales and exhales as he tried to calm the storm raging within him at the thought of them together again. You could sense his battle and grabbed his hand reassuringly.
“It will be okay,” you mouthed to him once again as the others were engrosed in a conversation about gods knows what. He pursed his lips into a thin line as he rubbed his temples.
“You okay Lucien?” Feyre asked. He looked up at her, and he could tell she knew what was wrong. She was the only other person besides you that knew him, truly knew him.
“Yes, sorry! My head just hurts from this new hairstyle. I'm not entirely used to it yet.” He smiled at her. She knew he lied to cover up what he was truly feeling from the others, so she went with it.
“I understand. I am sure all of us long haired people have experienced the feeling,” she grinned, “It looks good though!”
“Thank you,” you and Lucien said at the same time. You both glared at each other.
“What do you mean by ‘Thank you,’ I am the one who she complimented,” Lucien said.
“Yes, but I am the one who did it! You would not have gotten complimented if it weren’t for me,” you stuck your tongue out.
“You braided his hair?” Mor looked at you. Only then did you realize what you had just exposed. You had to divert! Lucien only looking at you playfully with what you were going to say about the situation now.
“Yes, I ran into Lucien earlier this morning when I snuck to the kitchen to make myself some tea. Neither of us could sleep with what’s going on, so we just stayed up together in the library until you all woke up,” you shrugged. Was that a good enough cover up? You prayed it was, as Lucien just nodded his head as he drank from his cup.
“Can you do that to my hair?” Cassian asked.
“Why?” You asked.
“Because I like it, and it will keep it out my face while I eat,” he said.
“Why not ask me?” Nesta said.
“Because I know you will say no,” Cassian shrugged his shoulders.
“Fair,” Nesta replied as you got out your chair and rounded the table to the other side.
“I wish I had long hair,” Rhys pouted.
“No, you don't,” Feyre said as she patted his shoulder as you stood behind Cassian's chair and started braiding. Everyone began talking about their mornings, chattering back and forth. Every now and then Cassian would move too much, and you would have to push him back in the chair.
“Sit still Cass or you’ll mess it up!” You rolled your eyes at the restless male.
“Sorry,” he mumbled as you continued with his hair.
Mor began talking about having the group do something together to bond after all that’s happened. Everyone at the table agreed except for Rhysand. You looked at him as you finished braiding one side of Cassian's head. It looked like he was deep in thought. He wasn’t talking to Feyre because her and Mor were bouncing group ideas off each other. Cassian, Nesta, and Lucien listened to their conversation, so he wasn’t relaying anything to them either. What could he be thinking about, you wondered.
Suddenly, his gaze snapped to you. Those piercing violet eyes assessing you. You were just now braiding the other side of Cassian’s head.
“What? Does it look bad or something?” you asked.
Rhys shook his head, “No it looks fine, but I cannot help but sense something off about you y/n.” His eyes twinkled as they took a quick glance at your hands. You followed his gaze. He was looking at your hands! Did the glamour wear off?! You panicked, you looked at your wrists while braiding Cassian's hair and saw no swirls of flame. What the fuck is he on about then?
“I don’t know what you're talking about,” you finished the braid you were working on and began to put them together into a high bun. Those always looked best on Cassian.
“Oh really? Y/n, you must forget I am a high lord. I can sense ALL magic,” he put major emphasizes on the word all. Just then it hit you. Rhysand is a high lord. Your high lord, and the most powerful one at that. He can sense all magic… even glamours.
You shot him a look as you tried to keep your hands focused on Cassian’s bun. All Rhysand did was smile at you as you felt the familiar caress of claws on your mental shield. “You have a glamour on, don’t you?” he spoke to you in your head.
“Get out my head you prying prick,” you thought outside your walls.
“What are you hiding y/n?” he purred. His claws once again cascading down your shields.
“Cassian do you have a hair tie?” you asked as he mindlessly handed you one, you were now securing his hair.
“I am serious Rhys, get out of my head,” you thought back, but he kept his presence in your head as he crossed his arms at the table. If you kept yourself occupied with Cassian’s hair and maybe he will go away.
“I am not going until you tell me why you are glamoured. What are you hiding y/n?” His voice felt foreign in your mind, but he was still respectful. The power and information he has on you right now was overwhelming. You could feel your shields slipping at it. You tried to re-ground yourself with the feeling of Cassian’s hair, but you ended up giving into Rhysand. He already knows everything. You could trust him. The people you were hiding from aren’t even here. You let your shield down to show him the image of your wrists. You could see his eyes lighten in surprise as his cheeks grew a shade darker.
“I told you not to pry,” you thought inside your mind.
“He can do that?” he thought back to you in shock.
“Yes,” you thought back.
You bit your lip slightly as you started to reminisce about it, completely forgetting your shields were still down. Rhysand seeing everything before you could stop it. You quickly finished securing Cassian’s hair before you clapped him on the shoulder with an “All done!”
“WOAH!” Rhysand shouted out loud at the images of you and Lucien flashing through your mind, drawing the attention of everyone in the room. You slammed your shields backup in an instant. Rhysand’s face now completely pink.
“What?” Cassin asked confused as Rhysand coughed.
Please come up with something good Rhys... you thought.
“Nothing! Your hair just looks really good like that brother,” Rhysand mused.
“Awe Rhysie Poo- am I so handsome with this hair that it made you blush?” Cassian got up to smother Rhys in a hug.
“Yes, it’d be even better with a bow!” Rhys laughed as he bopped Cassian’s newly braided bun.
“That’s what I think too, but Lucien said no!” You tried to remain calm and continue as normally as possible as you made your way back to your seat. Thank fuck for Rhysand coming up with a cleaver cover up story.
Lucien shrugged, “It would not go well with my outfit.” Everyone at the table laughed.
Rhysand couldn’t look at you or the male without blushing. He has seen too much, but gods it was true everyone undermined the autumn court male’s power in the bedroom.
“What’s got everyone in such a good mood?” Elain asked sweetly as she entered the room with Azriel at her side. Lucien imediently tensed at the sight of them together. You on the other hand were ready to strike at any given moment, scared she might attack you for sitting next to Lucien.
“Rhysand got all hot and bothered over my new hairstyle Y/n did for me,” Cassian boomed as Elain blushed uncomfortably at his words. Azriel laughed at his brothers, your heart skipping a beat at the sound. Damn thing always betraying you when he's around.
“Well I'll be dammed Rhys, you’re picking favorites now?” Azriel smirked as he pulled Elain’s chair out for her beside Nesta.
“Absolutely not! This-” his hands wave around Cassian’s hair, “just threw me off guard! I’m so used to his hair being all up in his face,” Rhysand said as he watched Azriel sit next to Elain.
“It is rather nice to see your face again Cass,” Feyre teased and he glared at her, “Now that everyone is here, let’s eat!”
At the snap of her fingers the entire table was filled with all sorts of breakfast foods. From fresh fruits to eggs and bacon, the table had it all.
“Thank fuck-” Cassian said as he started to pile food onto his plate, everyone following suit. Filling their plates with whatever they pleased.
“Good morning, Elain, how did you sleep?” Lucien asked her as he buttered a bagel, not really hungry after your snack earlier. Azriel smiled at the question, and your blood boiled. You knew that smirk all too well. Lucien had that same smirk when Mor asked about why you braided his hair. Something happened between them and you were dead set on finding out about it.
Elain’s sweet stature faltered for a moment before she recomposed herself and answered, “I slept good.”
“That’s good to hear,” Lucien said awkwardly not expecting the conversation to be that short.
“Good going dude,” you whispered to him.
“I’d like to see you try-” you kicked him under the table. “Ouch-”
“Shut your mouth before I do it for y-” he kicked you back, you glared at him as you rubbed your shin. “Ass-” before you could finish your name calling Mor interrupted you, Lucien only laughed.
“So, Feyre and I were discussing about having a group bonding day today. Everyone else agreed to it, what do you think Azriel?” Mor asked.
“Sounds fine,” he said blandly as he took a bite of eggs as Elain spoke beside him.
“I think that’s a great idea Mor!”
“Okay so it is settled! We will have a group bonding session today!” Mor said as she raised her glass of water and drank it.
"This outta be interesting," Rhysand said with a smile.
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ashwhowrites · 2 years
Hey!! I’ve been binging on your oneshots and I am OBSESSED!!! They hurt SO GOOD!!! Can I please get more angsty oneshots?? I saw this one that I really loved where Eddie comes back from the upside down and everyone knows but nobody told his girlfriend who was depressed since he died and when she finds out she’s pissed and refuses to speak to Eddie or any one of her friends. Can you write something like that? If you can’t I understand <3 ilyyy
Hey! I know we talked about this but I want to put a disclaimer for anyone else reading:
I am aware this type of plot has been written so I am going to try to twist it in my own way to make sure the original writer's work has not been copied :)
I love you too babes ❤️ thanks for the support
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Y/N and Eddie fell in love back in freshman year. Best friends all throughout middle school. Connected at the hip. He lived for her and she lived for him.
What was she supposed to do now when he wasn't breathing anymore?
She doesn't think she could ever forget it. The feeling of her heart physically stops, and hasn't been beating since Dustin told her Eddie was dead. She didn't believe him at first, refusing to accept her fiance was dead in the upside down. They were planning a wedding, they were going to be a family, and they were planning their future together.
She screamed at Dustin, pleading for him to tell her it was all a joke. A horrible sick joke. Steve caught her when she collapsed to the floor. She felt like she was losing grip on her life.
He was gone. She was alone.
She doesn't know how long he's been gone, still slowly accepting it.
She's learning how to sleep alone.
She's learning to only make dinner for one.
She's learning to stop buying his favorite brownies.
Some things she refused to unlearn.
She still keeps his rings by the sink.
She still keeps his shampoo, and admits she uses it time to time.
She refuses to make their bed. His body imprint is still dented in the sheets. Before she sleeps she traces the outline.
Steve offered to clean her sheets and the room and she practically screamed her head off.
The group quickly understood she needed the reminder of Eddie in every room. It was the only way the house felt like her home.
And she refused to take off the ring.
Eddie has been locked up in a cabin for around two months.
When he woke up in the upside down, gasping for air. He didn't understand what was going on. He fucking died and now he's breathing?
It felt like it took him hours to get up, slowly crawling to his old trailer. The rope hung down from where the group must have left through.
He had no strength but seeing the frames of Y/N and him on Wayne's walls gave him strength. He needed to make it back to her, and for her.
He landed in what was left of the trailer. Everything was shattered and broken. His heart broke for Wayne, his home was destroyed.
He prayed with everything in him Wayne and Y/N were safe.
Which led him to this cabin. Steve found Eddie wandering around the streets. He practically slammed on his breaks and ran to him. He was frantically shoving him in his car.
Steve explained everyone thought he was dead and to keep him safe until the group found a way to clear his name and for him to somehow be alive, he had to stay hidden.
Eddie begged to let him go home with Y/N. He promised he wouldn't leave the house. But Steve said it was too dangerous for her to know.
She needed to believe he was dead.
Everyday he missed her. He made it out alive because of her and he couldn't even be with her.
The second Nancy announced he could return home, he packed within seconds. He was going home to his girl, and he couldn't wait.
Y/N wasn't surprised by the knock on her door. The group stopped by daily to make sure she was still moving around inside.
She opened the door with a sigh, " yes I'm alive. Goodbye " before she closed the door she heard it.
She heard the voice. Eddie's voice. Her dead fiance's voice.
She felt like her feet were glued to the floor. Her eyes bulging out as he stepped from the back to the front. Standing in front of Steve and Nancy, who were crying since they pulled up.
She didn't believe it. He was somehow here?
He reached out to her. His touch felt the same, it felt alive. She had to be dreaming or something.
She quickly stepped back, hurt flashed across his face.
"no you're dead. What is this? What is going on? " She was freaking out. Tears escaping her eyes at a rapid pace.
Eddie's heart was tugged as each tear fell. He was choked up he couldn't speak.
"He made it out alive somehow, Steve found him and it was too dangerous for him to come back into town. People thought he was a murder and dead. We needed to clear his name first." Nancy tried to explain.
All Y/N felt was anger and betrayal.
" you all knew he was alive and never thought to tell me? How long has he been alive?"
The group flinched at her tone.
Robin muttered, "two months."
A choked sob released from Y/N throat. For two months she has been in her own hell, learning to accept the love of her life is dead. And now they are telling her she was suffering for nothing?
Her anger was getting the best of her. She was blowing up
"that's why you didn't let me go see his body. Or plan his funeral. Because there was no body to see! No body to be buried. I was mourning over a body that was still god damn breathing. And you all watched me."
Eddie didn't think he could have his heart broken more. He could just imagine her begging to have a peace of mind. She wanted to give him a proper burial. She wanted to give him a funeral, while the town thought he was a murder. He hated thinking about her crying every night, wishing for him to be alive. All of that not knowing he was breathing just miles away.
"Baby. I totally understand why you are upset but they were trying to do the best thing for everyone."
Her eyes snapped to him.
"best thing for everyone? What about me huh? I never got to say goodbye Eddie! Do you know how bad that fucking hurt? How that kept me awake for the past two months? That I didn't get to tell you I loved you for the last time? That shit fucks with your head Eddie. I thought the man I was planning a wedding with fucking died! And no one would give me answers. No one would let me say goodbye to his goddamn body. No one allowed me to do anything. I was just supposed to move on? I don't even want to speak or look at any of you. Get the fuck out of my house."
She blew up and she didn't regret it. She has been holding that for months. She didn't even allow herself to feel relief that the fact Eddie was alive. She slammed her bedroom door and jumped on her bed. Hugging Eddie's pillow, the same one she's been sleeping with for two months.
Eddie apologized and shut the door behind the group. With a deep breath he headed up the stairs. He noticed nothing in the house changed. The clothes he left in the corner of the hallway, still laid untouched. The dishes he made the morning of sat in the sink. Every thing he touched or left that day was in the same exact spot. He felt tears in his eyes. Thinking of her hurting too much to even move anything. She needed some reassurance his presence was around and that killed him.
He turned the knob softly to see her crying into a pillow. He took sight of the room. Their bed was a mess, which was odd she always made the bed.
"Decided to change up the decoration?" He tried to joke as he gestured to the bed.
She rolled her eyes at his attempt. Her voice was dry and cracked, "no. Your body left a dent in the mattress and I couldn't get rid of it. It somehow felt like you were here."
He hung his head, sobs were slowly making their way out. Once the first sob made it out he ran to her. He didn't care that she was mad at him. He needed to feel her. He sat and yanked her in his lap. Cradling her as they cried.
And they cried for hours. Holding each other in silence once everything was out.
"I'm so sorry. I'm so fucking sorry. I can't imagine how horrible that was." He spoke softly into her ear. Her body was finally calming down. Their tears were dried on their face.
"let's not talk about it. Just kiss me and hold me."
So he did. He kissed her with every ounce of love he had for her. Every night he had to sleep without her. Every night she had to sleep with his pillow.
They'd pull apart to breath just to kiss again. It was salty because of their tears but they didn't care. Being in each other's arms was all they needed.
She could feel his heartbeat and that was all she needed to sleep that night.
@bmunson86 @mxcheese @ladymunson @michaelfuckinglangdon @z0mbie-blah @biittersweet
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my-soupy-brain · 9 months
I just wanna get into bed with ted after a long day, wrapped in wonderfully clean scented warm sheets :)
I need this so bad I could cry. I am such a lousy sleeper but I always relax so quickly with a cuddle. Let's gooo!
Relationship: Ted Lasso x reader
Warnings: All comfort
You made it home hours after Ted.
You worked late in the office, your eyes going dry in front of the blue glow of your computer screen before you noticed it was actually dark outside and you hadn't even packed up your things yet.
A message from Ted an hour ago on your phone chimed to remind you: Don't work too hard, darlin'. xoxo
You wearily rubbed your temples as you shut down your laptop and made your way out of the office.
And like those little moments of time travel, before you knew it, you were at your front door.
Once you were inside, a sweet smell of fresh cookies wafted into your nose. Ted was baking his Biscuits for the Boss.
The apartment was tidy. Blankets folded on the sofa. A candle or two lit. It had been vacuumed, the kitchen was clean as Ted finished up his biscuits.
"Hi, baby," you murmur, putting your things down. Ted sees your tired eyes and rushes to scoop you into his arms.
'Hey there, sugar," he says softly, rubbing his hands down your back and settling on your hips.
"You OK?"
You nod. "Just tired. Long day, so long."
Ted smiles and kisses your lips gently. "I'm just finishin' this up real quick. Why don't you change into somethin' cozy and we'll catch up on our shows?"
Your heart swells so large it could burst.
In the bedroom, Ted's tidied in here, too. The bed is neatly made, clothes and laundry put away, a candle giving a soft glow on the wall.
You stand for a minute, taking in the peaceful scene.
Ted worked a full day himself. Practicing with the team, which was struggling a bit and he was under a great deal of pressure to improve.
And yet he made time to do all this.
Once you're changed into one of his Kansas City t-shirts and a pair of sweatpants, he's waiting in the living room and pats the sofa next to him.
Like it's second nature, you leaned into his chest and his arm caged around you protectively.
"What 'cha wanna watch first?" Ted asked bright, flipping on the TV.
You settled on one of your comedy shows, laughing with him and snuggling a little together. But as he felt your chuckles getting smaller and quieter, he knew it was time for bed.
"C'mon, sugar," he whispered, helping you stand up and leading you into the bedroom. You discard your pants and crawl under the covers, and he crawls in after you.
You inhale as your head hits your pillow.
"Did you...launder the sheets, too?" you ask brightly and Ted smiles.
"Yeah, thought I'd take care of our little nest since you've been workin' so hard..."
Your lip quivers in joy. "Oh, sweetie, I could've helped you with the chores!"
Ted smirks and pulls your body closer to his. "Now hush that butt, honeybunch. You're bringin' home the bacon with all that hard work so I'm pullin' my weight here. We're a team."
With that, you curl into his chest and let his big, warm hands run up and down your body as you drift into a quiet slumber together.
This was such a comfort to write. I know Ted would be such a good house partner when you’re tired and stressed. Thanks for the prompt, friend!
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nyxotiine · 3 months
Time ~ VV
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A/N: 18+ fanfic!!! MDNI!!! First smut fic so I'm sorry for the horrible plot and positioning lol
Warnings: degradation, slight choking, biting
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You sat in bed, waiting for Ville to come like he was supposed to hours ago. He told you he’d be home at midnight after going out with friends, celebrating the end of their tour. You looked at the ticking black clock that hung in your bedroom, the clock read 4:00 am. You grumbled on your side of the bed as you continued to read under candle lights.
After a while, you kept reading the same line in the Edgar Allen Poe book that Ville bought you ages ago. You blow out all the candles and crawled into the velvet sheets of the bed, tossing and turning at the thought of Ville. You decided to go to bed, angry that Ville hasn’t called or messaged you to say he’d stay out later. Just one text to let you know he’s okay and that he’s thinking of you.
You heard the door unlock and you heard a loud groan from a familiar sounding man. You heard the man stumble in the kitchen, shoes being tripped over, and then you heard the laugh of the person you know and love. Ville was finally home and he sounded tipsy. His clumsiness in the kitchen and living room made you more awake than before.
He finally climbed into bed with you after a minute of getting comfortable at home. You could smell the cigarettes and beer on his lips and skin, pissing you off even more. Your left eye twitched with annoyance. You wanted to give him a piece of your mind at the moment.
He slithered a hand on your hip and whispered in your ear, “Sweetheart, did you miss me?” A kiss then being planted on your neck.
You swatted his hand off of you and scooted closer to the edge of your side of the bed. He looked at you for a good minute with confusion. He sighed and laid on his back, looking at the ceiling.
“Did I do something wrong?”, he whispered again, this time with worry in his voice.
“I don’t know, Ville. It would’ve been nice for a text or call. It would’ve been nice to have you home. Your friends missed you but I missed you too.”, you spat. You rolled your eyes despite him not being able to see you in the dark.
He turned on the lamp on his nightstand and looked at you, his elbow propping himself up. “Darling, it was just a party. I’m back home, I’m here with you now.”, he attempted to soothe you.
“Ville, you do this more times than you think. I’m patient but not this patient. I feel like I’m second compared to your friends and parties. I can wait until you come home from tours because that’s work but I swear you and your friends have a much better relationship than we do.”, you turned to him to argue.
“Hun, I always come back to you. You’re not second, you’re always first. I’m just trying to balance personal life and work. What else do you want me to do?”, his voice sounding stressed and annoyed as he asked the question.
“I want you to actually spend time with me when you come home. Let’s go out for once in a while, watch a movie inside or something. All you do is party nowadays!”, you toss your hands in the air as you get up.
“Oh my fucking gods, sorry that I’m constantly busy for months on end and get no sleep on tour. Gods forbid I try to have any fucking fun.”, he yells at he gets up.
“Oh, you’re busy? You play for a hour or two and then get shit-faced until the next show! I take care of this fucking apartment while you’re gone! I’m the only one cleaning this place thanks to you. I still work while taking care of it, I take care of everything. And I’m doing this alone! You couldn’t handle what I do!”, your voice raises as you get up as well.
You both continue to argue and fight about the situation. A few low blows are made and grunts and sighs are exchanged. The both of your faces are close and angry. You can feel his heavy breathing on your nose as he tries not to lash out. You’re trying not to say something you’ll regret but want to get your point across. His eyes are cold and stern as yours are more upset and frustrated.
“You’re being such a bitch right now. I get to come home to your little temper tantrum, I love it here.”, his voice becoming sarcastic and degrading. His mind is sober and clear, the anger diminishing the liquor in his body.
“Then fucking leave, asshole. Pack up your shit and go find a skank to shack up with.”, you yell at him.
“Oh, you think I’m easy? That’s too fucking funny. Try paying for the apartment with your lousy piece of shit job.”, his voice deep and husky as he tilts his head close to your face.
“Fuck you, Ville.”, you say through gritted teeth.
You felt like exploding with adrenaline and anger. Your heart raced as you stood your ground against him, his tall figure looming over you. The blood in your veins boil at his stupid remarks and sarcastic comments. Why did you ever date someone so stubborn and immature like him?
“You already have and apparently any other girl can too according to you.”, he squint his eyes as he looks you up and down for a quick moment. He looks at you for the faintest reaction.
Your adrenaline gets higher. Yet you didn’t want him to win this argument and fight. You truly were annoyed with his recent actions and decisions. You wanted him to grow up and take this relationship more serious but you couldn’t think of anything to say back. You leave the bedroom to go into the living room, trying to calm down. He follows you to proceed the fighting.
“Oh, now, you don’t have anything else to complain about? You just want to pick a fight with me for no reason? Speak. The. Fuck. Up. You’re being a pyscho bitch.”, his voice getting more aggressive with every word that leaves his lips.
He's trying he hardest not to punch a wall or break anything in the house. He knows how he gets when he’s angry like this and can’t express himself in words.
“I’m the pyscho bitch? I just want to spend time with you. Is that so hard to ask for? You clearly can’t get that through your thick fucking skull! I don’t care what we do. Just be with me. You don’t even make love to me anymore. You don’t fucking want me!”, you lash out with tears in your eyes. The anger getting to you and overwhelming your emotions.
Before you can even close your mouth, Ville kisses you. His big hands grabbing your hips and caressing them with his thumbs. The kiss is aggressive and hungry. His touch is rough and irrational. You kiss him back and wrap your arms around him, running a hand through his wavy hair rapidly. He pats your butt for you to jump and wrap your legs around his waist. You caught the hint and did it, he carried you to the bedroom, still kissing you with full intensity.
You both make it to the bedroom and he pushed you down to the bed, grabbing your wrists as he kissed you harshly. His lips travel to your cheek, jawline and neck in hunger. A string of whimpers and sighs spill from your lips as the sensation of his lips on your body get you hot and bothered.
“Is that all you wanted? You just wanted me to fuck you? You’re such a slut.”, he degrades you before he bites at your soft skin.
You let out sighs of pleasure, becoming a little louder with his words. He had you pinned and you craved to touch him, anything would suffice.
His tongue slides across the crevice of your neck to then leave hickeys littering all over your neck. He gets close to your cleavage before rushing to get your shirt off. Your bra was in the way of getting to see his favorite thing about you, he unclasped it with one hand. His other hand now holding both of your wrists.
“Such a pathetic pretty whore.”, he whispers before he kisses your breasts, leaving bites along the way.
He bites, licks and kissed all of your sensitive spots, leaving you a mess. You could only think of your anger towards him and the overwhelming feeling of lust. He lets go of your wrists to touch your body in any way he pleased. You watched and bit your bottom lip before you place your hands on your pajama pants, attempting to pull them down and off.
He smacks your hand away and grabs your face with his hand, making eye contact with your eager face. “I’ll get to it when I get to it. You don’t get to throw a fit and then lead me.”, his voice is husky and demanding.
You nod and let him touch you even more. He grinded his evident erection against your clothed pussy. You laid there, letting him control you and your every action. You were desperate to touch him but knew he wouldn’t let you. You felt like you were begging him through your gasps.
A few more moments passed of him attacking your skin, marking what was his. His hand that held your wrists now on the other side of your speckled neck. He pulled down your pants and panties, exposing your whole body to him. He wasn’t on top of you anymore but leaning towards the side.
He slides his rough and big hands across your body, finally reaching your folds where he plays with you gently. His touch is different to his hunger driven kisses and it causes some mixed signals. Was he still mad or did this calm him down?
To test the question, you put your hands on the back of his head, your fingers running through his hair. He lets you and continues to rub your clit, teasing one of his fingers at your entrance. The slightest touch giving you some mental praise.
Testing the waters even more, you run your fingers down his body, stopping at the low waistband of his pants. He bucks his hips towards your hands, gesturing for you to touch him.
You put your hand into his pants and brush your fingertips along the length of his cock. You keep touching him but only gently, scared he might shrug you off or swat your hand away again.
This time he grabbed your hand and led it to touch him more. You wrapped your hand around his cock and stroked him until he was moaning with every kiss, bite and hickey.
He stopped touching you for a moment to pull down his pants and boxers, freeing his constricted cock. His cock pressed against your folds and clit, grinding against you as he continues to kiss and mark you as his. With every roll of his hips, a jolt of pleasure gets sent through your body, filling the room with whines.
“I fucking need you right now.”, he groaned as grinds against you for one last time.
Your breath and voice hitched before you nodded rapidly. You wanted every part of him to touch and love you. You were begging at this point with your lust-craved eyes and parted lips. He chuckles before kissing your lips gently.
He leaned closer before grabbing his cock in his hands, stroking himself in the process. His deep groans filling your ears, you wished you could have a recording of his pleasurable voice to remember how he sounds. His voice was vulnerable in these private times.
You feel like you were daydreaming with each noise from his thin lips. Your empty weeps and gasps echoed in his ears.
He angled himself to slowly slide himself in you. You were losing focus of him as he eased himself to a steady pace. Your eyes couldn’t lock with his as you turned to moan in the grasped sheets. His hand was placed on your throat, holding you head in place to look at him.
“You were so desperate to get fucked and now you don’t even have the decency to look at me”, he degraded you through his teeth.
Your eyes locked with him and he began smirking before speeding up. Chuckles slipped from his lips as he saw your pathetic expressions.
His thumb slid across your neck as he slowly eased off the pressure. Your hands landed on his lower back, feeling his hips buck to his quickened movements.
The room was full of moans and the sound of his hips impacting yours. The slight creaks of the bed rustled against the wall. He tried to conceal his moans and groans as best as he could. Every noise made him smile and smirk more before getting lost in lip biting.
His hands landed on your hips to stabilize himself and you. His fingernails digging cresent shapes into your delicate skin. His wavy hair draping over his face as beads of sweat form on his forehead.
His movements slow down as his grasp loosens on your hips. He leans down for a kiss, your lips automatically locking with his. His elbows fell right above your shoulders, propping himself better.
His rough and aggressive kissing mixed with your longing and desperate manners created frantic touching. His hands roamed all over you, your hips, tits, stomach, and ass.
Every time his fingertips glided around your skin, he wanted nothing more to continue to ruin you. To ruin the soft skin he loved so much and to leave you remembering who you belong to.
His hips moved again but at a slow pace. His body positioned right over you as your stomachs pressed together.
His head is in between your neck and shoulder as he keeps plowing into you. He starts to bite on your shoulder to hold in his own grunts and moans but to also mark you even more.
You scratch at his back as he becomes more rough and aggressive. He’s taking out all his anger, frustration and stress out on you. You won in this scenario, having him listen to your frustrations and him fucking you into oblivion.
You already felt your body heating up as he fucked you, almost unraveling underneath him. You moan louder from the sensation and dig your nails in his inked back.
“Baby… please, I’m close. Don’t stop, please.”, you whine out in a begging manner.
He lifts his head to look at you and smirks. He completely stops, a small chuckle leaving his lips before he starts to pant. You look at him and whimper, losing the feeling of your orgasm.
“I think I will stop. You don’t deserve to cum after your little outburst.”, he snickers as he starts to move again.
He give you painfully slow and long strokes before he puts one of your legs on his shoulder. He was hitting everything the right way but it wasn’t enough to cum. He kept everything paced out to keep denying you of climaxing. Whines and whimpers keep leaving your lips, your breath keeps hitching as you hear him groan in a almost silent volume.
“Look at you. Whining like a little bitch. You need more?”, his voice was mocking as he cooed in your ear.
You could only nod repeatedly, giving the gesture of wanting more. You would do anything for him just to let you cum this one time. He gave a shit eating grin when he saw you nod and give a begging expression. He would give up the world for your messy and pleading self.
His slow strokes started to become a tad bit faster as he was losing himself inside you. He couldn’t help it, you just felt too good. He was trying to chase his own high but he wanted you to feel good too. He was going to give up. He shook his head and sighed.
“Tell me what you want. Say please and I’ll let you cum.”, he breathed out through his strokes.
“Ville, you fucking tease. Let me cum, please, Ville…”, your voice was shaking and started to mumble.
He let out a small chuckles before leaning down to kiss your neck. “Good girl. Stay just like that.”, he moaned as he picked up the pace.
He lifted your other leg on his shoulder as he began to hit those deep spots. He wanted you to feel all of him and all that he can give you. His body was still close to yours, leaving hickeys on your soft skin as he spread your legs.
Your denied orgasm came back and you unfolded beneath Ville. Your muscles tensing up as a series of moans and whines leave your puffy lips. Ville gave you a few more thrusts before finding his own climax.
His shoulders dropped as he rode out your high. His lips parted as sweat trailed down his face. Your legs slid off his shoulders but your bodies were still intertwined. You couldn’t look at him for a solid minutes, attempting to compose yourself. He smiled at you and leaned down to kiss your cheek.
Ville looked at your sweating and glistening body once more before he went into the master bedroom’s bathroom and grabbed something to clean you up with. He was careful and gentle, massaging your thighs as he cleaned you.
You giggled and panted as he provided you care. He was soft and loving now, despite his previous hatred filled actions.
“You sure you’re okay? That was a lot even for me. You did so good though.”, he praised you before he went into the bathroom to run a bath for the both of you. The water ran as he came back.
“I’m sorry for what I said.”, you looked at him with worry, worried you offended him earlier.
He chuckles before he pressed his fingertips firmly on all of your hickeys and bite marks. You winced in slight pain and soreness. “That’s for you to remember who you’re talking to.”, he looked at you with a smile before dragging you into the bathroom with him to bathe.
“You know I love you and hate you right.”, he whispered as he helped you into the bathtub and joined you. You smiled at him as you began to hold his hand.
“Maybe you’d hate me less and love me more if you came home on time.”, you smirked at him, repeating the same argument from earlier that started this all. You just wanted to get a rise out of him.
“Sweetheart, I’m not doing this again.”, he rolled his eyes at you.
“I love and hate you too.”, you leaned towards him and gave him a soft kiss on his small lips.
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faghubby · 1 year
Good little bitch
"On the bed" Angela said kissing my cheek. I knew what she intended her strapon jutting out from beneath her robe. I hesitated my best friend Allen was staying with us, and was sleeping on the otherside of the wall. I looked at my wife I could tell her request was not open for debate. I dropped my shorts and assumed the position on the bed.
"You don't have to be quiet on my account" Angela giggled. As she took position behind me appling lube to my hole. This was nothing new Angela had first introduced me to pegging the night I had proposed to her 8 years ago. Since then we had explored many kinks together. She liked me to wear her lingerie sometimes. Or tied me to the bed, even giving me spankings when i frustrated her. one thing was sure Angela was in control of our sex life. Angela pushed "her cock" into my eager well trained hole. She slid in without much resistance and soon was fucking me with vigor. I didn't realize how much noise I made when Angela fucked me. But with Allen nearby I tried to be quiet. But that just made Angela more forceful.
"It's OK baby I know you can't resist my cock" she said loudly. My penis was dripping already.
"Such a horny slut" Angela said as I pushed back to meet her thrust. I became lost in pleasure and forgot about Allen.
"Allen is quite handsome dont you think?" Angela asked. driving deep into me. "I bet he has nice big cock" she continued.
"Yes, he does" I moaned.
"You been checking out your friends cock?" She teased she often teased me about gay tendencies as she pegged me. She stopped and pulled her cock free. I immediately moved to lick up the puddle of cum off the sheet. That had formed under me. Like she had trained me to.
"OH Mike your such a faggot" she teased pushing my face down into the mess.
"I want you to wear your pretty clothes" she giggled. Angela went to my special drawer and pulled out a pink thong and a nightie.
"I am sure Allen now knows what a sissy his friend is" she told me. She let her cock fall to the floor and wrapped her robe around herself and left me to get dressed. She had left the door open I heard her open the guest room door and speak to Allen.
"It seems I am in need of a real man" I heard her say. If Allen said anything I did not hear. But soon heard the sound of love making coming from the guest room. Angela had always teased me about cuckolding me. But I never knew if she ever had. I slipped on my thong and nightie and changed the sheets. As I heard my wife moan with pleasure. I had never made feel such pleasure. I laid in bed and listened as to them for almost an hour before Angela returned to me.
Angela kissed me I could taste my friends cock on her lips. Without missing a beat she showed me her swollen cum dripping pussy then climbed on top of me and lowered herself to my lips. Allen's cum dripped into my open mouth. Although I always ate mine I had never tasted another mans cum. She lowered herself and I sucked and licked Both hers and Allen's love juices out of her.
"I am going to find you lots of cum to suck out of me. Or maybe you would like to get it straight from your friend." Angela teased rubbing my hard penis through my tiny thong. She spooned me as we slept. In the morning I tossed on some sweets and went to make coffee. Allen was already up. He walked up behind me and pulled my pants down.
"You don't have to hide from me" he to me as he lightly smacked my ass. He then walked straight into my bedroom. I heard Angela wake up and then heard sex noises coming from the bedroom. About 15 minutes later Angela appeared naked cum running down her leg. She didn't say a word just took my hand and led me to the bedroom. Allen laid on the bed naked.
"Clean his cock for me" Angela said pulling my sweats off. I stood before him in my pink thong. I didn't want to but again unable to stop I crawled in between my friends legs and licked his soft cock.
"Can you make him hard for me?" Angela asked from behind me. As I tried I heard Angela moving around then her hand on my ass as she pushed something big into my hole. Allen was now fully hard his cock about 7 inches long I didn't stop just started to suck his cock.
"It's okay, go ahead suck him off" Angela said laying beside me on the bed. She scooped up the cum off her thigh and started to jerk me off but not letting me cum. Meanwhile Allen grabbed my head and came all over my face. I licked my lips.
"Good little bitch" Angela said feeding me Allen's cum she could scoop up. Allen went to shower and Angela pulled me to her crotch so I could lick her clean as well.
"This stays in all day" she tapped the plug. Then she went to shower. When she got out she had me shower even though the hot water was gone. She watched as I took an ice cold shower. As I stepped out she handed me the small chastity cage she had bought me last Christmas. We played with it a few times before. I fumbled alittle sliding on the pink tube. I was glad I kept my public hair trimmed short because I had learned the cage pulls at the hairs.
Angela then picked out a tiny green g string for me to wear. Then handed me a pair of her jeans. Beyond lingerie I had never worn woman's clothes. Angela and I where similar in size I was two inches taller and a little heavier. But the jeans fit just tight. They where low rise and Angela made sure my panties showed from under them. Next she gave me a pink tee shirt. It seemed normal other then pink and said love on it.
"You look so hot" she teased. Smacking my ass. She tried to squeeze my feet into her shoes but to no avail. So she settled for lace trimed socks and my sneakers. She still only wore her robe. Her hand pushed the plug in my ass making me jump.
"I want to take you out dressed like this" she whispered in my ear.
"I cant" I told her. Her hand pressed my plug again her other hand teased my nipple.
"You will stay locked until you go shopping with me." She told me. "I don't need " her hand cupped my balls that where squeezed into the tight jeans. There was no need for her to explain. I knew she didn't need my cock, she would just fuck whoever she wanted. This turned me on even more.
'Well I guess we could set you up on Grinder then, find a big man to come fuck that ass then" Angela informed me. A total stranger that freaked me out even more as she knew it would. So I agreed if we went to the small shop in the strip mall. Allen drove.
Angela took me by the hand and led me inside. I thought we could wonder around and stay under the radar. But Angela walked right up to the saleswoman who was about 50.
"My husband needs some sexy panties and I guess some everyday ones as well" the woman didn't even flinch instead asked
"Does he need brasserie to as well." This caught Angela a bit,
"Yes I suppose he should wear one as well" the woman pulled a tape measure from her pocket
"Go with her" Angela told me. She led me to a private room. Had me remove my shirt and took several measurements. I never said a word I was not even able to look at her.
"My name is Monica. Mrs Monica." She told me. Then focused back on Angela. Asking about colors and styles. Allen found a seat and played on his phone. I was handed several styles panties and bras to try on. Angela spoke freely to Monica about Allen and our relationship. Angela made me come out of the dressing room with every outfit to show the three of them. I realized Angela was also trying on outfits for Allen. It seemed he had last word in both hers and mine. He picked alot of thongs but a few cheeky as well. By the time we where done we had spent $500. I went ro grab my wallet and realized I had not bought it.
"Don't worry sissy" Angela said pulling out her card. She then grabbed a purse off a hook and handed it to me.
"This will go nice with your outfit" she laughed. Adding it to the pile. On the ride home Angela gave Allen a blowjob as he drove home. Being in the car but unable to see made it all the more exciting. By the time we made it home I had a wet spit soaked thru my jeans.
"Pantyliners" will stop that from happening. Angela told me. For the next week I wore panties all the time even to work with pantieliners as not to make embarrassing wet spits. Angela slept every night in the guest room with Allen. Coming in to see me only to have me clean her used swollen pussy. The day Allen left she had me wear the plug again and suck his cock this time he filled my mouth and I swallowed his sperm.
"I am going to keep you locked" Angela told me. As she removed it only so I could shave off all my pubic hair. I watched as she set up a dating app.
"Going to find a lot of big cocks to fuck me" she told me. As I helped her strapon her cock.
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sevikasangel · 1 year
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๑❥๑𝒔𝒐𝒇𝒕𝒄𝒐𝒓𝒆 — after you take care of a very wounded vayne, some feelings come to the surface and you confess to each other.
ᴘᴀɪʀɪɴɢ: shauna vayne x f!reader
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— contains: f!reader, angst turning to fluff, injured vayne, love confession, kissing, light sfw teasing, anger issues, vayne being a tsundere.
— a/n: i want to smooch her. she's so cute. like...we need more vayne content pls, i am begging on my knees! also this was heavily inspired by the song "softcore" by the neighbourhood.
— word count: 1.6K
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shauna was not an easy person to read, however, you could easily see through the surface veil with easy. reading your roommate, or even friend, was a skill you mastered ever since your first month together at the sentinel's base. you were quite fond of her, even though she pushed you away in every opportunity and made snarky comebacks over whatever you said. she acted like she despised you and was burdened by the fact that she had to share a room with you.
you've tried to connect with her before, but she was reluctant, aggressive even. whenever you skipped behind her while looking for supplies and commented on every single beautiful flower and animal you saw made, attempting to strike little conversations about the weather, she'd eventually have enough and turn to look at you with a frown.
"(y/n), can't you shut up? we don't have time for this crap. are you just going to babble like some little kid, or will you help me find the fucking food we came here to get?" she'd bark.
now you stared at her storm into your shared room, the door loudly banging against the wall as she nearly dragged herself to the bed. you didn't have to look at her to know something was wrong. her ragged breath and panting spoke volumes to you that her words never would.
"vayne...are you okay?" you asked in a sheepish voice since you were so concerned about her.
"yeah." she breathed out and practically threw herself on the mattress, causing it to dip under her weight. you froze for a second and furrowed your eyebrows when you took a closer look at her.
there was blood everywhere on the sheets.
vayne had her pale hand pressed against her stomach and you could see the dark red slipping through her fingertips and crawling all the way down. of course she got hurt during a monster chase, she had to do it alone, had to put herself out there in risk instead of just asking for some help.
"what the hell, vayne!? what happened to you!?" you cried out and pushed up your seat, taking quick steps towards the night stalker, who just huffed and glared at you with green eyes that could eat you alive. they intimidated you so many times, they made your skin catch on fire...but this time you weren't letting her gawk-like stare to stop you. "you need help."
"stay the fuck away from me, (y/n). i don't need nobody!" shauna barked back, even though her stomach and chest were rising erratically, her voice hoarse from the pain and rush of adrenaline.
she was, in fact, scared. shauna vayne felt...fear.
dragging the back of your hand against your cheek in a way of self-comforting, you ignored what the grumpy hunter said and rushed to get the first aid kit kept beneath the bed. vayne glared at you just like you murdered her entire family and pets as you began spilling the smelly medication against a clean rag.
"i said...i don't need help!" vayne aggressively retorted and you glared back at her with squinted eyes.
"shauna!" she sneered when you used her first name. "shut up! please, shut the fuck up!" you nearly yelled at her. it was so sudden and unexpected from you that vayne's eyes became more docile and her shoulders lessened in tension just a tiny bit.
after a few seconds of awkward silence, you sighed. the tension was so thick that one could slice it with a knife. you could inhale it through the air and suffocate with it when it arrived to the lungs.
"what are you thinking!? you go chase some dangerous monsters all by yourself because of course vayne is the best hunter there is, huh!? little miss doesn't need anybody. you could've gotten yourself killed!"
vayne scoffed, pissed.
"and so what!? it's not like anybody would care if i just dropped dead on that forest! i have no such thing as friends who will mourn over my death!"
"i would! i would be devastated if you died!"
and then the silence surrounded the room once again, deafening your ears, if that was even possible. the only dull noise on the room was your mingled breaths and you sniffling, your glossy eyes trying their best to imprison the upcoming tears that insisted on crawling their way down your face.
"i know you fucking hate me and you always treat me like shit!" you vented, surprising vayne with your rushed words. you were never a talker and you usually just accepted whatever behaviour people had with you. "but damn it, shauna, i...love you. you can scream at me, you can tell me i am stupid and useless, because okay, that's true, i will give you that! i am not as good as you and many times i am just an inconvenience, like many times you had to back me up and save me. go on...treat me like the pathetic stone on your shoe i am. my heart is yours for do whatever you please with it...even break it." you whimpered, the tears coming out of your eyes like an open faucet now. "you can go back to normal and treat me like the stupid girl i am when you're good...but please, let me help you now."
vayne's eyelids twitched as she stared at you just crumbling in front of her. it stung her to see you in so much pain...and it was caused by her. she felt remorseful because she was only trying to protect you from herself. pushing you away so you wouldn't risk yourself with someone so broken like her. sometimes she feared there was no humanity left in her, though you made her feel strange. you were her soft spot. and she couldn't have that, could she?
"never call yourself stupid again." vayne broke the silence with a quiet, surprisingly calm tone. one you never heard from her. the huntress looked away in shame and passed her tongue through her bottom lip, gulping. "I am sorry. god...i am sorry, (y/n)."
"you are?"
"because i don't hate you. i was just...trying to protect you. i wanted you to hate me, so i pushed you away." vayne's words caused you to stop breathing for a couple seconds. you never expected to hear an apology from her, let alone this.
"but...protect me from what, vay? i...i don't understa-"
"because you've been my muse for a long time, (y/n), and you get me through every dark night." vayne confessed and finally turned her face to look you into your glossy eyes again. hers were docile and filled with serenity, honesty. "and i am far too broken. i don't want you to be consumed by the darkness on my soul...i don't know if there's any humanity left in me. i...i don't think you are stupid, you are special to me, and if you call yourself stupid once again i will slap you."
the huntress reached over for your hand and held it in her cold one. you could feel the sweat from the adrenaline tickle your skin. you squeezed her knuckles just a little bit with your fingertips. her skin was a soft, just like you imagined it so many times.
"can't you just...confess without threatening me somehow?" you giggled through your tears and she rolled her eyes, but you could catch on her little side smile.
"i...love you, shauna. do you love me too?"
she blinked a few times and clenched her jaw, heart pumping fast into her ribcage. it could crawl out of her throat at any second, at least that's how she felt.
"yeah. i do. more than i should."
you stared into those green eyes for a while the silence being comfortable now. it felt like a weight was lifted from your heart, setting it peacefully into its normality once again. the butterflies on your stomach fluttered their wings like maniacs and everything suddenly became overwhelming, the world turned into slow motion around you.
and so you both couldn't hold it in anymore.
with the hand that wasn't holding the medicine bottle, you dropped the rag on the bed and put your finger gently beneath vayne's chin, tilting it up to stare at you. closing your eyes, you leaned in and crushed your lips against hers.
vayne was frozen for a few seconds as her skin seemed to catch on fire. she hadn't kissed anyone in years, she didn't have time for that. she fucked, yes. but mouth kissing was way too intimate for herself. but with you...oh, you felt like home to her. she just wanted to hold you flush to her chest and never let you. eventually, she closed her eyes and kissed you back, her hand coming to the back of your neck to tug gently at your hair, deepening the kiss like she owned you.
in fact, she did. you were hers. from the roots of your hair to the very tip of your toes.
when you pulled back to breath, you pressed your forehead against hers, both panting as your breath mingled together. so close. so intimate. you could've never imagine how sweet and soft her lips were just from your daydreams.
"shauna...let me take care of you. you are still hurt. please...let me...may i?"
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tagging: @enforcermoss 💓
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this-is-krikkit · 1 year
hi!! read you're doing prompts, can you do the 9th? i feel like it's a perfect one for levihan 😂
send me a number and a ship and i'll write a drabble!
thank you for sending this prompt ! it does have undeniable levihan vibes to it 😏
Prompt 9. “You can’t banish me! This is my bed too!”
Zeke (★now edited and posted on ao3 ★)
Characters: Levi, Hange, Zeke
Tags: modern au, levihan, no zekehan or zevi i promise, i just think i'm hilarious sometimes and you guys have to deal with it hehehe, erumike mentioned, tw alcohol mention ig
Hange gets out of the shower, puts on the clean shirt Levi had left for them in the bathroom and sneaks into the bedroom quietly. They successfully stop a yelp from escaping and only wince as they bump their toe into their bedside table, and put the miraculously unspilled glass of water they'd brought in with them on it.
They crawl under the duvet quickly, delighted to have made it here just as the hangover headache was starting to make their head throb, and frown as they realize something heavy has taken over most of their side of the bed. They reach back and click their light on, and feel their eyes widening as they take in the sight.
"What the- Levi, what's Zeke doing here?" they ask, way too loud even by their own standards.
"Fuck's sake, four-eyes," Levi moans, voice groggy and dry, "what's it look like? He's sleeping. And so am I, so shut the fuck up and turn the damn light off."
Hange bites their lip to stop themself from commenting on his bed hair or the adorably cranky look on his half asleep face, and obey his order.
Before they swiftly climb over both him and the dog, and stretch their arm far enough to turn on the light on his own bedside instead. They fully laugh when Levi whines again, swearing some more, and the Husky joins his protest with a loud howl.
"And where do I sleep, grumpy-grumps?" Hange asks, fluffing the dog's fur, who quickly calms down at the attention.
"I don't care, just get out of my bed," Levi replies, his voice all muffled from speaking into his pillow as he protects his eyes from the sting of the light.
Hange gasps in faked horror, Zeke looking up at them in concern at the sound.
"You can't banish me! This is my bed too!"
Levi groans again, and blindly feels behind him with his hand.
"Not anymore," he sighs in reflief when he finds his mark and darkness replaces the cruel artificial light. "Now it's mine and Zeke's."
"Right... and since when do you allow this- how'd you put it again- 'overactive drama queen of a hairball', to get on the sheets you love so much and shed all over them?" Hange pushes, genuinely curious.
"Since you leave me for two nights in a row to go on a weekend-long party with your brother and his brainless jock friends. And I was planning on changing the sheets later today anyway," he adds as an afterthought.
"Mike's bachelor party was fun, honey, thank you for asking," Hange replies playfully. "But I still don't understand how that has anything to do with your rules regarding the dog's sleeping-
"For your information, your four legged soulmate here wouldn't stop whining and howling at the front door until I let him come in here," he interrupts in a huff. "I don't know what he was so anxious about, but he had a really hard time sleeping without you around."
Hange's eyes have grown accustomed to the shadows by now, and they don't miss the way Levi stares at Zeke, actively avoiding to look at their own face. They should have known from the minute they came home and Levi was still in bed in the middle of the day that his insomnia had been acting up again, and it twists something in their gut to hear him confess so in his own twisted way, especially when they know he'd been working long hours the week before.
They hum and perch themself back on what little space they've got left on their side of the bed, letting one of their hands land on Levi's pillow to ruffle his hair and massage his scalp as they pet the dog's fur with the other.
"I'm sorry you didn't get to rest properly," they say softly.
Levi sighs, and his fingers link with theirs over the dog's belly.
"From the looks of you right now, I'd say you didn't either," he jokes. "Did you really have fun?"
"So much. I don't see how Erwin's going to beat that next weekend, honestly."
"Well, don't tell him that. He's so competitive he'd do the craziest shit just to try and prove you wrong."
They feel their own grin widening, and Levi chuckles when he spots it.
"Tch, four-eyes..." he warns, shaking his head in faked disapproval.
"Come on, what's the point of being one groom's sibling and the other's best friend if I don't get to mess with them a little?"
They yawn around the end of the sentence, which makes it sound way less villainous than they'd meant.
"Better get some rest while you can, then, evil mastermind," Levi scoffs, failing to hide his own reflex yawn.
Hange vaguely remembers letting out a weak laugh and pinching his nose in retaliation for his mocking tone, before falling into deep slumber.
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smolwritingchick · 6 months
The Bangtan Gal Chapter 11- We're Proud Of You
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Chapter Summary: Jin helps Jennie when she has an unexpected period. Jennie has another annual event that she created and decides to just go alone without letting BTS know. Little does she know, she can't hide things from her boys and they'll always be there for her.
Words:  3,000+
Hissing in pain as a sharp cramp wakes her up, Jennie groans and slowly sits her, clenching her stomach.
"What the heck...?" She grumbled. Grabbing her phone, she read that it was Saturday, a little after 9:00 am. Throwing the covers off of her, she gasps in shock.
"Oh no..." She said in a tight voice, getting butterflies in her stomach.
Blood was stained on her bed sheets and so were her pajama pants. Quickly getting out of bed, she paced around, taking the scarf off her head that she slept with.
"What am I gonna do-what am I gonna do-what am I gonna do!?" She cried out in a hushed tone. 
She could not let the guys see her, like this. What would they think? Would they be weirded out? She had to clean this up fast. Hopefully, none of them were awake, yet.
Taking the bed sheets off her bed, she quietly walks out of her room, looking around for any of the members. When the coast was clear, she made her way to the laundry room. 
"Clean the sheets, then take a shower. Simple. They'll never notice." She sighed, opening up the washer.
"Is everything okay, sweetheart?"
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A deep voice asked behind her. The voice made her flinch, dropping her bloody bed sheets. Slowly turning around, nervously, she looks at the person anxiously.
Of all people...it was Jin. Her whole body was starting to heat up. She really wanted to crawl into a hole, now. Was he going to scold her?
"J-Jin! What are you doing up so early?" She stammered.
"I was going to cook breakfast but heard something in the laundry room." He responded, looking down at the bed sheets curiously. He walked up to the sheets and picked them up. "Unexpected period?"
"Oh my God, this is so embarrassing...I'm sorry." She facepalmed but got a laugh from him.
"Don't be. Let me help you. Take a shower and get dressed. We'll go to the store so we can buy you the things you need."
"Wait, Seriously?" She looked at him, astonished. "You aren't weirded out?"
Smiling warmly, he shook his head. "Not at all! Now go shower! We gotta buy you things to help you with your period."
Sighing out of relief, she obeys, grateful to him. "Thank you so much, Jin."
Jin was so kind to her and so understanding.
After showering and getting dressed, placing some tissue paper to aid the bleeding temporarily, and eating breakfast, the two of them head to the supermarket. With Jennie pushing the cart, following a happy Jin around the store, and getting ingredients, they finally come across the pads.
"You don't feel embarrassed to be buying me pads?" She asked, placing two packs in the cart.
"Not in the slightest. I've dealt with this, before. Do you want any chocolate? Other snacks? To help?"
"Yes, please!"
After putting all the snacks she thought would help her with her period, Jin continues going through the aisles until the stack of magazines catches his eye. Smiling, he grabbed one magazine in particular and turned to Jen. 
"Did you see this, yet? You look great."
"Holy crap, I didn't think it would be out, so soon!" She grabbed the magazine to the page where she had a small interview for High Cut Magazine.
'Meet Miss Bangtan! The Bulletproof Girl Scout, Jennie!'
The picture had her jumping in midair with her trademark grin and arms up in the air, looking cute.
'Who Is Miss Bangtan?' Was another caption on the page.
The article talked about her being an African American female in a male K-Pop group in America and how she has been talked about even before BTS' debut. There were even sections of her interview with High Cut magazine.
They asked her 'What do you hope to accomplish here as a foreigner in South Korea?' and she responded with, 'To break all the boundaries while having a successful career, here. Break records with BTS and make new friends. I'm super excited with what's to come in my journey with BigHit Entertainment.'
She had been getting talked about more. Good and bad. Some thought it was a bad idea to put a girl from America in BTS, but once she proved her Korean skills, and how serious she was, her critics have been having a hard time. She hopes to continue to grow with BTS and prove the doubters wrong.
On October 13th, in the practice room, with the lights off and candles lit on the cake that Jennie held, BTS surprised Jimin on his 19th birthday, singing Happy Birthday to him. He was overwhelmed with joy as he laughed. Once he blew out the candles, he was met with loud cheers and claps.
"Hahah, jeesh, don't hurt him!" Jennie laughed when the guys started smacking him on the back, along with Suga yelling for Jimin to cry.
"Faster cry! You have to cry!" J-Hope yelled while V grabbed Jimin from behind, yelling at him to get down on the floor.
"Wait! The chicken!" Jennie warned with a giggle. "The food!"
"Hey, the chicken! Chicken, chicken!" J-Hope grabbed the bag of chicken that was held by Jimin. "I'll return you, your chicken later."
"Don't forget about your cake!" Jennie presented it to him with both of her hands. It brought joy to her heart seeing the guys so happy, like this.
"Ah, it's pretty! Thank you." He happily said, holding the cake in one hand and covering his mouth with his other. "Ah, it's my bare face."
Glancing at him like he was insane, she playfully snapped at him. "Boy! If you don't hush! Your bare face is fine! Embrace that naturalness." She gave him a birthday smack on the back while he responded with giggles.
After taking out the candles on the cake, Jennie and the rest of the guys smear icing on Jimin's face before taking a group birthday photo with him.
On October 15th, Jennie told Bang PD about the traditional Singing Exhibit she had back in America and wanted to continue the tradition here in South Korea. Liking the idea, he allowed her to work on the project and planned to have 'Avid Vocals' in a small venue in Seoul. Once the information was out about it, ARMYs quickly planned on going, shocking her the most. She still wasn't used to the overwhelming support from the fans.
But having bad memories of her old group not going, she had asked Bang PD to keep 'Avid Vocals' from the rest of the BTS members since she didn't want to bother them. They would probably want to work on their dancing anyway. 
When it was October 18th, it was time for the free event. She stood up on the stage, looking around at how many people had come. Even nonfans of BTS came along just for the simple fact of singing. It filled her heart with joy.
"Wow! So many people! Hello!" She greeted. "Thank you so much for coming! This is the second annual Avid Vocals. I had the first one back in America, and it's an event where we come together to happily sing and have a great time. Whenever you can sing good or bad, just being here because you like to sing, is more than enough as we all support each other."
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She was met with a big applause as she smiled, feeling her cheeks heat up. She didn't think over 170 people would show up. "I shall keep this short and simple. If you want to sing, there's a signup sheet, right here at the front. Pick any song, we'll get the instrumental, and that's that! Let's get this show on the road! Please enjoy the event!" She announced with even louder cheers. 
Once she got off the stage, performances started in 30 minutes. She took the time to meet and greet with some fans. Security guards had to make them form a line and give her some breathing space. She could hear fans cheering her name, and yelling that they loved her. It was touching. While taking autographs and pictures, she also had deep conversations with people about singing. Asking questions like, 'Why do you like to sing?' and 'Why do you like to listen to others sing?'
Hopefully, Bang PD will let her do this every year because this event seems to be going successfully.
There were a lot of Korean songs that Jennie was not so aware of when she heard people perform. She made mental notes to research and listen more to Korean music for future reference. An hour into the event, it was finally her turn. She grabs the guitar that she borrowed from Big Hit and sits on a stool, on the stage.
"I'm going to sing one of my favorite songs from America. I hope you all enjoy." She began strumming, playing the first few notes of She Will Be Loved by Maroon 5.
In addition to the first notes that she played, the crowd immediately knew what the song was and started cheering. Covering the song in a soft, gentle but strong voice, she happily sang her heart out. After she was done, the audience cheered loudly, but familiar voices caught her attention.
The sudden obnoxious whoops and cheers of BTS made her widen her eyes. Looking ahead, she could see them at the back, goofing all.
"No way..." She murmured to herself, in disbelief.
Jungkook's bunny smile...
Yoongi's gummy smile...
Hobi's goofy dancing...
Jimin's eye smile...
Tae's boxy grin...
Namjoon and Jin's weird yet unique dance moves...
Were they here, right now?
"G...guys?" She suddenly said on the mic, standing up. 
Some people started to turn around to see the members of BTS at the back. ARMYs quickly make their way to them while security guards manage to keep things safe and simple.
How the heck did they know she would be here?
Getting off stage and heading to the back, she waits for them backstage. Before she knew it, they finally found her.
"Ahhh how come you didn't tell us about this?" Namjoon playfully scolded.
"You did great!" Tae smiled, patting her head.
"Yeah. Nicely done. I liked your singing." Yoongi mentioned.
"Me too! Love the guitar playing!" Jungkook beamed.
"Jennie, you're really good at the guitar. We should play sometime!" Jin offered
J-Hope screamed, jumping up and down. "JENNIE~ How dare you not tell us! That was amazing!"
"YEAH! Why didn't you tell us!?" Jimin added.
Looking down with guilt, she sighed. "I...I thought you guys wouldn't be interested." She admitted
"Hey." Namjoon placed a hand on her shoulder as she raised her head, to look at him in the eyes. He smiled. "That's not true. It won't be true and it never will be true. We're a group, we stick together. We always support each other. You are the Bangtan Girl. You are a part of BTS, just like the rest of us. You know that. We're proud of you, Jennie."
Hot tears of joy formed in her eyes. Before she knew it, they were streaming down her face as she sniffed and turned away.
Jimin started laughing. "Ahhh she's crying!"
"YAH! Namjoon what was that!?" Tae playfully scolded.
"You made her cry! How dare you!?" Jin hit him.
"I-I didn't mean to! Oh my god, Jennie, I'm sorry!" Namjoon started stumbling over his words, trying to make her stop crying. "I'm sorry!"
But before he knew it, she wrapped her arms around his waist, giving him a big hug. "Thank you. Thank you, guys."
"Awwwweeeee." Jimin and Tae cooed, enjoying the cute scene in front of them.
Chuckling, Namjoon hugged her back. "Don't mention it,"
"AHHHH! GROUP HUG~" J-Hope yelled, happily wrapping his arms around the both of them.
"I wanna hug too!" Tae joined in, as the others followed suit.
"G-guys you're squishing me." Jennie groaned out.
"Embrace the love!" Tae giggled before they all let go while laughing.
Jin wiped the tears from her eyes and handed her a tissue. "Make sure to tell us when the next one is so we can come and support you. We may even sing ourselves."
"How'd you know I'd be here, anyway?" She looked on curiously.
"Bang PD told us!" Jungkook answered.
"I also saw fans tweeting, about it." J-Hope added. "And then I asked him, so then he told us."
"I'm glad he did. You guys are the best."
It was a special day for BTS as they were seated on stage for the ARMYs in a fan meeting. They were celebrating their 100 days and it was time to read their personal letters to the ARMYs. After some funny banter and sad music in the background to set the mood, as well as the dimmed lights, Rap Monster goes first to read his letter. Jennie, seated in between Suga and Jin, eagerly listens to his heartfelt letter.
"I am Rap Monster. When I look at ARMYs, these thoughts come up. I wonder if I've ever supported and cheered on someone so passionately. Looking back, I realized I used to live only caring for myself and I find that really embarrassing. Back then, expressing my feelings for another person was doing something I wouldn't even think about doing. I knew one way or another we would get hate, but meeting our ARMYs truly changed and is still changing my outlook on the world and my life. I learn so many things from you all every day. The thing that I'm most scared of is disappointing you all. It's because like I always say, without you all, I don't exist."
His words made everyone 'aw' as he let out a short chuckle. "ARMYs, there's a saying that if someone fulfills their dream, it becomes the dream of another. I want to be that kind of person. I want to be your dream. I think that's my role. Tomorrow will be better than today, and the day after that will be better than tomorrow. I, Rap Monster, will work towards being an artist and leader like that. I love you, all."
After everyone's applause, it was Suga's turn. "Hello, ARMYs. It's Suga. Thanks to our busy schedules, my body is always tired but meeting the ARMYs who cheer for us always gives me energy. ARMYs are the reason Bangtan exists. I'm not good at saying embarrassing things and I can't express my feelings easily but I trust that you all know how I feel. I love you, and thank you. ARMYs, I love you!"
When it was Jin's turn the ARMYs 'aw' when he started to tear up. 
"Truthfully, in the past, I never had much thought that this was enjoyable. When I think about it now, even while I was preparing to debut, I remember always wondering if this was really the right path for me and this prevented me from trying a lot of things. After meeting our ARMYs, I'm thankful because I'm smiling a lot more and have become a more positive person. I'll work hard from now on to make you all smile and show a better side of myself. Thank you."
Once Jin finished, it was J-Hope's turn to read his letter. "As a trainee, I always wondered when I'd be able to stand on stage and how it'd feel to hear the loud cheers from the people who genuinely like and support me. My fantasy became a reality and now I'm here, making music, receiving love from fans and working hard on promotions." He read.
"Truthfully, I can't believe it. I loved dancing so much, I didn't study and often left the house early in the morning to practice. After suffering for a long time, I finally got the chance to go to Seoul. The people who were the happiest for me were my parents. At that moment, my dad's smile..." He trailed off, tearing up while he was hit with a chorus of aws. Before everyone knew it, everyone started tearing up.
Jennie managed to fight back the tears, blinking quickly. "Ah, J-Hope, lower the intensity a bit and try reading it, again!" Suga spoke up on the mic, earning a few laughs to lighten up the mood.
After J-Hope pulled himself together, he continued reading. "More than anything, our ARMYs who love us, thanks to you all, I'm really, really thankful. To be honest, each day is tiring and difficult but I believe that the sole reason I can make it through is because of our ARMYs. I want to say thank you for always coming to cheer for us. Just like our lyrics, I want Bangtan to leave an imprint on the world. Our ARMYs, I love you." He smiled and wiped his tears with a tissue.
Before Jennie knew it, it was her turn as she looked down at her paper, taking a deep breath. "Ah...actually, I'm going to read from the heart." She set the paper down and looked up at the ARMYs as they whoa and cheered.
"Okay, Smartie. Trying to show off, I see." Suga said on his mic, as everyone laughed.
She let out a short, low chuckle before getting serious, and looking back at the crowd. "It's...hard for me to express my emotions. I try to keep them to myself and not really get too emotional, but when it comes to you all, I can't help but express my love and appreciation for how much support you've given me. My family..." She breathed out shakily and closed her eyes.
ARMYs aw and some yell, "We love you, Jennie~" and "Don't cry~ It's okay!"
"I'm so thankful for them for allowing me to do this..." She exhaled again and paused, looking down. "Sorry. This was much better in my head."
"You all right, smartie? Do you need some smarties?" Suga asked while everyone started to giggle.
"Ah, that would be great, actually." She turned to him.
"I brought them, just in case. Free of charge." He took one out of his pocket and handed it to her.
"Wow! This is the nicest he's been to me all day." She joked and popped one in her mouth. "Getting back on track, I just want to say that...my family has made a lot of sacrifices for me and I'm happy that they allowed me to be here today. Although I was only a trainee for a very short amount of time, I hope to inspire people with my singing and dancing."
"To be honest, not a lot of Americans can say that they were able to be a part of a K-Pop group, and I'm grateful that you all have given me the chance to prove how passionate I am about this opportunity." she continued. 
She'll never take this for granted. This has been such an amazing experience so far.
"Thank you for welcoming me with open arms, and allowing me to show you my strengths and weaknesses while in this awesome group. I will continue to stay positive and I hope you look forward to watching me grow. I will continue to work hard with BTS and get better every time I perform. Although I still have a lot to learn here in South Korea, I hope that you continue to support me through my accomplishments and struggles. I love you, all." The corners of her lips curled up into a bright smile as she bowed while everyone happily applauded and cheered for her.
"Hello, ARMYs. I'm the member in charge of attractiveness in the team, Jimin." He joked. "Maybe it's because we're still rookies but the promotions for our second album seem to be flying by so quickly. You all probably don't know this but as a trainee, I really didn't know if I'd ever get to debut. My training period was only a year and was one of the shortest out of all the members but..." He trailed off and covered his face with his letter.
"Jimin-ssi...yes. I...I don't know what to say to comfort you..." Suga spoke up to him while everyone laughed once again.
Pulling himself together, Jimin continued. "Really, I cried a lot, was exhausted and thought about giving up frequently. But after having debuted like this-ah, I'm sorry." His voice got shaky as he teared up.
"Please wait." Suga asked the ARMYs.
"Don't cry!" Jin added.
"Aw, Jimin..." Jennie looked on with a sad expression.
Pulling himself together again, Jimin spoke up, again. "It's so fun, amazing and dream-like that I can sing, dance, pose and act silly in front of you all. As the days pass by, I want to develop and show you all a better side of me. ARMYs, I hope for you to always be by our sides and watch us grow. To the ARMYs who love Bangtan and I, I love you all! Thank you!"
After the cheers, V was next. "Hello, how are you, all? I'm V from Bangtan, the group that has already reached their 100th day since debut. The fact that I'm a singer now, I still can't believe it. Everything is still fascinating and the fact that I can speak like this in front of our fans is exciting, difficult and makes me feel so many different emotions. There are still things that I don't know and are new to me but I'll work hard to improve and hope to become a Bangtan that ARMYs can be proud of. Our ARMYs, I love you." He smiled
"Jungkook, are you crying? Okay, the last member is Jungkook!" J-Hope announced
"Hello, I'm Jungkook. I try hard to tweet, post on the fan cafe, and write letters, but it's harder than I thought. To bare someone your honest self and true emotions, that's something I find really difficult to do. Having promoted up till now, I developed a small but big goal. I want to become a singer that can touch people with his voice and also to become such a singer that people can, without hesitating, proudly and being not embarrassed at all to say "I'm a fan of BTS!". You are all such an important existence to us, so I feel really upset when you say that you are sorry. I hope that we can be thankful for each other. I believe that as time goes on, we will continue to make memories together and will even be able to talk to each other simply by making eye contact. ARMYs, I really love you, all. Thank you."
After Jungkook's letter, J-Hope began to speak. "And like this, we will be wrapping up Bangtan Diary Ch. 1, Autumn. It was really...really...really touching. How was it? How about we get everyone to talk about how they felt?"
Jin went first. "First of all, I want to say that I'm sorry because I think that I'm the one who made the mood like this." He laughed. "I also want to say that every single thing our ARMYs say to us poses as a great strength. We'll be a Bangtan that will never disappoint you so please continue watching over us! Thank you!" He bowed.
"I love you and thank you." Jungkook said before he covered his face with his letter and ended up crying. Everyone aw'ed while Jennie started feeling her eyes sting as she fought back the tears.
"Ya'll really gon' make me ruin my makeup, today, huh?" She fanned herself as she tried to get rid of the developing tears in her eyes. Everyone ends up laughing at her comment while she cracks a smile herself. Her comment lightened up the mood as Jungkook pulled himself together.
"I always try to show that I love you all and am thankful but it's still extremely difficult," Jungkook mentioned. "But now I've managed to show a little bit of how I feel here, so...I love you." He wiped his tears with a tissue.
"Really while getting to be here like this, I think I've realized what kind of person I am and have to become." Rap Monster said. "ARMYs, we're really thankful that you exist. We'll work really, really hard. Thank you! Up till now, this was Bangtan." He stood up with the rest of the members.
"Thank you!" The members of BTS bow.
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salmonbagel54 · 26 days
𝑺𝒕𝒊𝒄𝒌𝒔 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑺𝒕𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔
Ch. 1
Glam x fem!OC
Y'all already know what it is, I'm back on my bullshit. Fair warning This is like soooooooo boring, but I like the 'runaway start a new life' trope ♡.
Two houses
Both alike in dignity- nah just kidding
Two people
Two instruments
Six strings and two sticks
Anastasia comes from a prestigious house, one of harsh discipline. Her cello is her only saving grace.
Sebastian lives a double life, violin student by day, rock star by night.
Will they be able to help each other before it's too late?
Tw: basically the same stuff we see happen to glam, abuse, parental indifference, bad writing, blood
Music flows through the room as her nimble fingers dance across the neck of the large instrument. The bow gracefully caresses the strings, producing a graceful sound. She closes her eyes, attempting to transport herself from the room, away from the wretched man watching her with a scornful eye. All too soon, her movements cease. 
“Anastasia. Are you trying to embarrass this family?”
“No father,” she refuses to meet his eye.
“You play as if you are a nobody!”.
Anastasia stays silent as her father raises his voice. She knows what will come. 
“Hand! Now,” he reaches for the ruler, made of thin, slightly pliable metal. The previous wood ones had all broken, leaving nasty splinters that were a mess to clean.
“Yes father,” she keeps her voice steady, lifting the sleeve on her left hand. 
The hits come fast and hard, he stops after three. Nine total for the lesson. The crimson liquid beads quickly before sliding down her arm. A sanguine trail in its wake, she refuses to look at the wound inflicted onto her. 
“Go. prepare for bed,” she does not argue.
Anastasia sits on her perfectly made bed, corners tucked, pillow straight. A thin cover of pale pink separates her freshly showered body from the forgiving softness of the mattress underneath. 
Everything in Anastasia's life was like her bed. Perfect, presentable, straight laced and tidy; Yet, hiding something just beneath the surface.
She glances at her injured wrist for the first time that evening.
"Well, I assume it could be worse,” 
She slowly begins to do a shabby job at patching herself up, attempting to minimize the possibility of scarring. She pauses to put on a Schumann record, one of the 5 pieces of folk music begin with a slide crackle. A sign of her disregard for the fragility of the vinyl.
As the eloquent cello music trickles in one ear and out the other, she tucks the last bit of bandages away. Returning to her forgiving bed once more, she all but collapses into it. Completely exhausted from the day of rigorous training she endured.
“All I have to do is pass the entrance exam. Maybe father will be easier on me,” attempting to reason with herself, even if she does not truly believe it. 
Unable to tuck herself beneath the thin sheets, sleep overtakes her quickly.
The small silver alarm clock marks 7 am with its song, full of dissonance and no resolution. A manicured hand slaps down in a rough ungraceful manner, silencing the item until the next morning. Crawling off the bed reluctantly, Anastasia readies herself for the day. 
A graceful ankle length, long sleeve, off the shoulder dress. Forest green to compliment her auburn hair, to hopefully make her dull sage eyes brighter. Hair pulled into a perfect bun at the base of her neck. Delicate pearls adorn her collar and ears, a gift from her late grandmother.
She makes her way to the dining table, egg whites and asparagus on her plate, waiting for her.
“Are you ready for your exam, dear?” Ardelia Hearst doesn't even spare a glance at her daughter, continuing to gracefully sip white grape juice.
“Yes mother, I expect to be top 3 if not first,” Anastasia doesn't even attempt to garner her mothers full attention.
Richard snaps his eyes onto her.
“Why would you settle for anything less than first,” he states, his stare hardening into a glare.
She immediately pales, her mistake dawning on her.
He stands, making his way towards her when he is stopped by his wife.
“Now dear, you don't want her shaking during her performance. Punish her when she returns if you must,”
He considers her words for a moment, before returning to his seat.
“Eat. or you’ll be late,” 
Her mothers kindness doesn't go unnoticed as she finishes quickly, thanking the butler and her parents before heaving her cello onto her back. With one last glance she proceeds out the door.
So yeah there's that, and just throwing it out there I know this is super stereotypical fan fiction girlie stuff, but don't bully Stasia, please 😭 she can't take it (I also refuse to accept criticism obvi).
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callsign-magnolia · 2 years
I Hope You Dance // Ch. 25
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A/N: This is cross posted to my Wattpad, so if this seems familiar that is why!
TW: Mental abuse, emotional abuse, slight physical abuse, death and loss.
Description: When Caila meets Rooster, sparks fly. But, she's already married, to a man who she thought loved her, and won't let her go. Rooster will fight for her, he just has to convince Caila to fight for herself.
Word Count: 7.9k
Chapter 24 | Masterlist
I spent that night awake, and when four a.m. came around again I realized I had officially been awake for days without any sleep at all. I decided to go on an early morning run on the beach, hoping I would finally wear myself out. Halfway through my run the right side of my head started hurting and I knew I had to get back to the house. The pain eased slightly when I got back, so I just took some over the counter meds instead of my prescription before getting in the shower. I took a long hot shower, trying to soothe my aching muscles and scrubbing myself clean. I still felt incredibly irritated, almost pissed at Rooster and I hated it. It made me want to smash my head into the wall. 
As I got out I looked at myself in the mirror for the first time in days. I was paler and the dark circles under my bloodshot eyes were prominent. I had to get some sleep, I was bordering on dangerous if I didn't. I decided to crawl back in bed with Dahlia and hope for sleep, so as I curled against her warm body I tossed my arm over my eyes and laid still. I know I hurt Bradley last night, I hated that I did it but I was so angry in the moment. I feel like I'm going crazy and I just feel like everyone was calling me crazy last night. I've been through hell, but surely that didn't push me over the edge, right? 
I don't know how long I laid there but I finally moved when my phone rang. As I moved my arm, I saw the sun peeking through the curtains and I groaned as it made my head pound more. I leaned over, grabbing my phone and seeing a local number pop up. I immediately sat up, groaning in pain as I did and answered the call. "Hello?" I croaked. I probably sounded sick or something. "Lieutenant Motley. It's Admiral Simpson, how are you? You don't sound so good." I cleared my throat before answering, not wanting to sound worse than I am. "I just have a migraine. How can I help you Admiral?" I bit my lip, anticipating the news. "As of Monday your paperwork to be reinstated will be completed. I was just wondering if you were ready to come back?" I nodded to myself, excitement growing. "Absolutely. I am more than ready." 
"Good, we'll see you at 0600 on Monday morning." I kicked my legs in excitement. "Thank you, Admiral." We exchanged our goodbyes before I threw myself back on the bed, squealing in excitement. Suddenly I felt something wet, sitting up I looked down seeing mother nature made her appearance, a whole week late. "SON OF A BITCH!" I yelled out in anger, my excitement dying as I realized I now had to clean. I got up, ripping the sheets off the bed forcing Dahlia to get up before I dragged them downstairs and tossed them in the washer. The phone call was a distraction and as that faded I felt the pounding in my head again so I took another dose of meds, not caring how long it had been since my last dose. I went back upstairs getting back in the shower and scrubbing my body clean once again before putting on fresh clothes, basically one of Rooster's UVA shirts and underwear, pants or shorts are just too tight right now. 
I went back downstairs with my dirty clothes, putting the sheets in the dryer and the clothes in the washer before grabbing a water and tossing myself down onto the couch. I once again just laid there, sleep never coming like I hoped. Tear spilled down my cheeks in frustration. All I wanted was to sleep for days and I couldn't even sleep for five minutes and with a migraine coming on it just made me feel worse. I cried, hard. Hoping that would tire me out but it didn't, it only made me sick. I rushed into the downstairs bathroom, throwing up what little I had in my system. I cried as I leaned against the wall, just wanting things to go back to normal. When I was sure I wouldn't puke again I managed to crawl back into the living room, grabbing my phone and making my way upstairs. I went back into the bathroom, opening the drawer that I keep my feminine products and only finding one tampon left. "Fuck." 
Once I was finished in the bathroom and washed my hands I went and laid on the bed dialing Phoenix's number. "Hey, Magnolia. You okay?" I shook my head. "I'm out of tampons. Would you be the love of my life and grab me a box when you leave base?" She hummed. "Absolutely. Anything else?" I thought for a minute, a sharp pain passing through my lower abdomen. "A heating pad. I haven't been able to find mine since the move." I said rolling onto my stomach to ease the ache. "I can do that. Can you wait till we finish at four?" I nodded. "Yeah, I can. Door's unlocked. Thank you, Phoenix." I could practically hear her smile on the other side of the line. "You're welcome, Magnolia." With that I hung up, hoping that if anything the pain from my oncoming migraine would knock me unconscious. 
"Bradshaw!" Phoenix yelled at him, catching his attention as he climbed out of the cockpit of his jet. "I'm not up for a lecture, Phoenix." He said meeting her halfway across the hangar. "I just want to know why my best friend is ignoring me? You never gave Hangman and I an explanation last night when you said she was gone." He huffed, pushing past her but she stopped him by grabbing the helmet he had in his hand. "You don't get this back until I get an explanation." He glared at her, not up for her antics today. "I fucked up." Phoenix raised a brow at the vagueness he offered her. "Explain." She said and he sighed, moving his sunglasses from the bridge of his nose, up to his hair. 
"You know I asked her to move in, right?" She nodded, spinning the helmet in her hands. "I had been planning to renovate and we agreed to do it together before she officially moved in. I told her to wait for me to get home before she started, I told her it was because I didn't want her to hurt herself but really I wanted to be there when we started. We were tearing out all the things my parents did to that house, it was harder than I thought to start this process but when I got home..." He paused, catching his breath as sadness swelled in his chest. "Dammit, Phoenix. She had already taken the bedframe apart and ripped up over half of the carpet upstairs. Hell, she had even sanded the entire bedframe and stained it black." Phoenix raised a brow. "I'm confused. Did you not want those things done?"
Of course she was confused. Rooster meant everything to Magnolia, she wouldn't just go making changes unless she was sure he was on board. But from what Rooster had told her, she had been acting weird the last few days. "I did, I did. I just, it was overwhelming to walk in and see the house upside down. My parents boombox and a box of cassette tapes had been set on the mantle because she was listening to them. She found them in the closet along with some home videos my parents made." He had tears in his eyes as he spoke. "So what's the problem?" Phoenix asked trying to understand what drove them apart so suddenly. 
"I yelled at her. I told her she didn't get to come in and make changes, I told her it was my house and she could've caused some real damage and fuck up something." Phoenix's face fell, realizing Rooster did more than just hurt her feelings. He basically told her she was a fuck up, and that she couldn't do things right. Just like Aaron basically had for their entire relationship. "I also told her the house meant more to me than anything else." He said, running his hands over his face. There it was. He categorized her second, which probably hurt more than anything else he said. "I tried apologizing to her that night, I stood in front of her door for a whole hour just knocking and talking. I think she was there but I couldn't be sure, so I just left the food I brought home in front of her door. She opened the door and took it pretty quick and she sent me a thank you text but she wouldn't actually talk to me."
Phoenix just crossed her arms over her chest, looking at him as he beat himself up mentally and emotionally. "I can't function Phoenix. She became part of my every day life so fast, I woke up this morning still expecting her and Dahlia to be in the bed and neither of them were. Then her mom called me in a panic saying Mags yelled and cussed at her." Phoenix furrowed her brows. That was very strange behavior for Magnolia. She's always so kind with her mother, they may yell but she always makes it a point to never cuss at her mom and vice versa. "She was rambling on about how she thought she was having a manic episode." Phoenix felt like she stepped into another dimension. This wasn't the Magnolia she knew.
"Manic? Magnolia suffered from depression in her marriage but I've never heard of her having any form of mania. I think that usually comes with bipolar one." Rooster's eyebrows shot up. "That's why she was going on about not being crazy last night." He said, realizing why she was going on about it. "What?" "Last night, when I got to the hard deck. She was talking to Penny and she thought Mags should talk to someone. Then Mags said she hadn't been speaking to her therapist since before the uranium mission." Phoenix's eyebrows shot up. "No, she was supposed to be in therapy for a whole three years." Rooster looked to her confused. "It was something the doctor suggested after the accident. Her marriage is a lot of baggage to unpack so when she started seeing her therapist she recommended three years as a baseline to unpack everything." 
Rooster groaned, falling into a chair that sat next to him. "She thought we were calling her crazy and she kept going on about how she wasn't. We just wanted her to get help but she was flying off the handle." Phoenix was growing worried for her best friend, her unusual behavior setting off all the alarm bells in her head. "Did she say anything about hurting herself?" Rooster shook his head and glared at Phoenix. "I wouldn't have given her the option of being alone if she did. She just said she wanted to be alone and that I 'Shouldn't come knocking on her door.' as she put it." Phoenix nodded, sitting in the chair next to him. "I need to talk to her, apologize and help her but I have to have a reason to see her first. She won't answer the door otherwise." Phoenix hummed when suddenly her phone rang, and the name on the screen made her gasp. "It's her." She said standing and answering, Rooster basically pressed against her to listen to the conversation. 
The entire time, she was shoving Rooster off trying to get him to give her space. Until finally she hung up, Rooster looking at her with raised brows. "You have your in." She said as she put her phone in one of her pockets. "Her period hit. She needs tampons and a new heating pad." Rooster nodded enthusiastically, willing to do anything for her. "I told her I would get it after work. Do not screw this up because if you do then she'll hate us both." He nodded, pulling Phoenix into a hug. "Oh my god, thank you Phoenix." She smiled and hugged her back. "Go the extra mile and get her favorite dish from that Italian place she loves, she loves carbs on her period." Rooster nodded and turned away before she stopped him again. "I don't think her behavior is being caused by mother nature dropping in. I still think there's something else there." He nodded, his grim features matching her. "Me too."
With that he went about his day, ready to just be done with the day. He just wanted to go home and take care of his girl, after days apart he just wanted to be in her presence. He got what she needed from the drugstore, along with a KitKat bar before heading off to the Italian restaurant and getting the food before going and getting her a simple bouquet of roses from the florist. He sped home, hoping to see her as soon as possible. His smile made his face ache as he grabbed everything making his way to her door. He debated on knocking but if she felt bad then maybe she left it unlocked, she told him she tends to do that so people can come in if they need, not that he agrees that it's safe. 
He slowly opened the door to the spotless house, looking around for her hoping he would see her before she had the chance to run him out. "Mags." He called out gently, trying not to be too loud in case she was asleep. He set the food and flowers on the coffee table, taking the bag with the tampons and heating pad upstairs with him. He peeked into her room, expecting to see her in bed but nothing, he even looked in her bathroom. His concern started growing when he didn't see her anywhere upstairs. As he came back down stairs he noticed Dahlia jumping up and down. "Hey, big girl." He said attempting to pet her but all she did was throw her head around and make her way towards the kitchen. 
He followed her, confused as to why she wouldn't let him pet her. He followed her into the kitchen, his heart stopping at the sight before him. It was only Magnolia's bare legs from her mid-thighs down but from what he could see it seemed she was face down on the floor. His body immediately reacted, sliding on his knees till he was next to her body. "Magnolia!" He called frantically, checking for a pulse and finding one but it was faint. He looked around finding a bunch of pills in the floor and a spot that looked like she vomited up stomach acid. "No. No. No. Magnolia! Please! You gotta wake up for me!" He panicked, pulling her into his arms as he leaned against her cabinets. 
He pulled out his phone, fumbling it into the floor multiple times before he finally picked it up and dialed 911. "911, what's your emergency?" He cleared his throat trying to make sure the operator could hear him clearly. "I'm at 423 Oceanside Lane in Miramar, I found my girlfriend unconscious and I think she took a bunch of her migraine pills." Saying the words out loud made him feel sick and partly responsible. "Okay sir, what's your girlfriends name?" He choked on a sob as her head rolled back in his arms, her face showing nothing but peace. "Caila Motley. Lieutenant Caila Motley." The operator hummed in acknowledgement. "Okay and do you know the exact name of the pills she took and how high the dosage was?" 
"It's Sum-something. Suma-" "Sumatriptan?" He nodded. "That's it and it's fifty milligrams a pill." He jostled Magnolia slightly, hoping she would wake up. "Okay and does she have a heart beat?" He set the phone down, finding the faint heartbeat in her neck before grabbing the phone again. "Yeah, it's faint but it's there." "Good, I have an ambulance en route. Do you want me to stay on the line?" He shook his head. If these were his last moments with her then he wanted it to just be him and her, he had things to say, things he needed her to hear. "No, thank you." They hung up and he tossed his phone to the floor immediately making sure Magnolia was wrapped up in both of his arms. 
"I'm sorry, Mags. I never should've said those things to you. It's just a house but you, you mean everything to me pretty girl. I never thought of living in a world without you, but I now realize I can't do it." This tears were a constant stream on his cheeks, his own words making him realize how dire this situation truly is. "I was considering proposing you know? My mom's sister still has a house in Virginia that has some of my stuff still in it. When she came home from Paris I wanted to go and get my mom's wedding ring. You'd love it. It's gold with a beautiful pear shaped diamond in it. Nothing could match your beauty though." He grabbed her left hand, bring her fingers up for a kiss. "It'd look perfect on your hand, where it belongs." He looked back at her blank face as more tears slipped out, a few falling onto her face which he wiped away. "I should've been here, I should've tried harder. I love you, pretty girl. Even if you hate me, I will always love you." He whispered as he shifted her body, checking her pulse again, a sigh of relief escaping as he felt the faint beating. 
He buried his face in her hair, placing a kiss to it as he heard the sirens making Dahlia rise from her guarding position next to Rooster. "Down, Dahls." The black Great Dane listened, taking her place next to Rooster her ears still up and pointed at the front door. "They're here to help you, honey. We're gonna get you help and everything is gonna be okay." He heard the door open and a voice call out. "Miramar EMS!" He leaned over to be visible from the front door. "We're in here." 
Medics and an officer rushed in, back to the kitchen where Rooster still held her limp body. "She still has a heart beat." He said and they nodded, rolling her out of his arms and onto her back on the floor. "What's her name?" One medic asked as the officer pulled Bradley to the side. "Caila Motley." Rooster watched them work, taking her vitals and such when suddenly one pulled out smelling salts. "Hey, that's not protocol." His partner called out as he opened the smelling salts, waving them under Magnolia's nose. "I don't think she OD'd." The other said when suddenly she started coughing.
Rooster's hands fell to his knees, holding himself up as he sobbed. "You woke me up." She cried out, tears streaming down her face. "Miss Motley, can you tell us where you are?" She continued to cry as Rooster pushed away from the officer, going to her. Falling on his knees next to her, taking her face in his hand. "Bradley?" He nodded, brushing some loose hairs back into her short ponytail. "It's me, pretty girl. Can you tell the medics where you are?" Her eyes flitted around before she looked to the medics. "My kitchen." She said as she started crying again. "Why are you so upset, ma'am?" One asked as she continued to cry. "You woke me up!" She sounded so pitiful, the sound almost making Rooster's heart break in two. "Why is that such a bad thing?" The other asked and she shot up into a sitting position. "I haven't slept in over sixty fucking hours! That's why!" Rooster grabbed her, holding her to his chest as he tried to calm her. 
"Were you purposefully sleeping on the floor, miss Motley?" The officer asked confused and she scoffed. "Of course not." The medics motioned for her to stand, Bradley helping her into a chair. "Then why were you in the floor?" Rooster asked and she looked down at her hands that were resting on top of the island. "I passed out." Rooster's face paled at her words. "Do you know how that happened?" She nodded, her eyes welling with tears. "I have a migraine. I went to take one of my pills for it when I thought I saw someone walking by the doorway there." She said pointing to the kitchen doorway. Rooster's blood ran cold, the door had been unlocked and anyone could've walked in off the street. His hands gripped the back of the chair, his knuckles turning white at the thought of someone else being in here with her while she was alone. 
"It startled me and I dropped the bottle and the pills went everywhere. I bent down too fast and got sick, the room was spinning and I still felt sick so I decided to lay on the ground to calm myself and wound up falling asleep, finally." The medics nodded. "Do you mind if I take a look around? Just to be safe." Magnolia sighed, rubbing her forehead but nodded anyway. "Be my guest. I'm sure it was a hallucination though." The officer nodded, walking away as the medics decided to check her for a concussion. Once they were done they packed up. "Everything seems fine. But I would recommend going to the doctor about the not sleeping and your moods." She rolled her eyes but nodded anyway. 
"I'll walk you guys out." Rooster said before following the medics to the front door. "Thank you guys, seriously." They nodded, shaking his hand as the officer joined them. "Looks all clear to me." He thanked him as one of the medics spoke up. "It really seems like she may be having a manic episode. I would take her to the doctor first thing tomorrow morning." He sighed but nodded. They left and he shut the door. How was he supposed to get her to the doctor? She'll surely refuse to go and he can't trick her, she'd never trust him again. He turned and grabbed the food before he walked back into the kitchen, seeing her with her head on the counter. "Huh, you're still here." She quipped and he couldn't help the small smile that grew on his face. "I'm not going anywhere." 
He looked down at the floor, seeing the pills were still there. "I'll clean this up and then we'll get you a shower and you can eat the food I brought." He said reaching to brush some hair from her face when she leaned away, making his heart crack slightly. "It's my house, I'll clean it up." She muttered but as she went to stand from the chair he blocked her, causing her to fall back into the seat. "Okay, stop. What I said was harsh and I'm sorry. I never should've said any of those things to you." She hung her head, fiddling with her fingers. "I was wrong. It's not my house, it's ours now. It was the second we discussed you moving in. But you can't keep shutting me out, Mags. I'm not going to let you." She picked her head up, avoiding his gaze as ore tears streamed down her face. 
"I'm so sorry for hurting you. I should've told you from the beginning but I wasn't worried about you hurting yourself." Her head snapped to him, her brows furrowed in anger or confusion. "It was hard to think about the house changing and I wanted to be there when we started. I still hadn't come to terms with the renovation, so when I walked in it was just all so overwhelming but it's no excuse for what I said." She stared into his eyes as he spoke, looking for any possible lies. "Why didn't you tell me the truth?" He shrugged. "I was worried you'd think I was weak for wanting to hold onto something like that." Her eyes immediately softened, one of her hands coming up to rest on his cheek. "Oh, Roo, no. They were your parents, there's nothing wrong with wanting to hold onto those memories." 
Tears flowed down his cheeks once again at the feeling of her soft hands on his face. They were much smaller than his but cradled his face well. He leaned into her touch as she placed a soft kiss to his chin. "I'm sorry, Roo. I've been such a bitch these past two days and-" "No you haven't." She scoffed, rolling her eyes. "Yes I have. I just feel like I'm losing my mind here. I have all this energy, my moods are all over the place and I literally haven't slept in almost sixty-two hours. Something's wrong with me Rooster and I feel like I'm slipping." He pursed his lips, nodding as his forehead rested on hers. "We're going to get you some help, Mags. I promise." She took a shaky breath, scared at the simple thought of walking into a doctor's office. 
"Bradley, what if they diagnose me with something that pulls me from flying? I don't know how to do anything else. I would lose everything." A sob racked her body as he pulled her into his chest, placing a soft kiss to her forehead as she cried. "Hey, hey. No you won't, the team will always be here. I will always be here. We will figure something out, you won't be alone in this." She sobbed some more as he rocked her body back and forth until she finally calmed down. "Now, I'm going to clean this up. You're going to shower and then I'm going to feed you." She hiccupped, sitting up so she wasn't leaning against him anymore. "I need a few things that Phoenix was bringing." He scratched the back of his neck, scrunching his face at her. "That's why I'm here."
She stared at him in confusion for a minute. "I knew you wouldn't talk to me without a reason so she told me to get the stuff you needed and bring it here." His hands came up to cradle her face when he thought about her lying on the floor, his heart breaking all over again. "So many things ran through my mind when I saw you on the floor. But when I saw all those pills, I really thought I had lost you." She shook her head. "I'd never do that. I'm sorry that I scared you." He shook his head. "Don't apologize, honey." They held each other for a few more minutes before they pulled away. "Alright, go get your shower. I'll clean up and reheat the food I brought." She nodded, standing and slowly making her way upstairs. Rooster quickly picked up the pills, tossing them in the trash before cleaning the floor. 
The shower felt nice, more relaxing than anything else the last few days. I ran my hands through my hair, rinsing the shampoo out as the bathroom door opened. "Mags?" I hummed in response, his voice bringing me comfort. "Mind if I join? I'm still sweaty from training." I smiled at his question. "Yeah." I said almost too quietly. I heard him strip and I faced the shower head as he got in. I felt him carefully place a kiss on my shoulder as I washed my face, his hands gently landing on my waist. "This okay?" I nodded before turning to face him. "Why did you come back?" I asked, sliding my hands up his chest until they rested on his shoulders. 
He pulled me closer till our bodies were touching, his lips landing on my forehead. "Why wouldn't I?" He asked before grabbing my conditioner. "I was awful to you. That first night I just needed to be alone but the next day I was so angry with you and this morning too. I wouldn't blame you if you never wanted to see me again." He chuckled, his hands cradling my face. "Honey, I'm here for the long haul. I'm not going anywhere." I leaned my head on his chest as I cried. "I'm sorry, Bradley." He kissed my head, rocking me back and forth. "I'll always forgive you, pretty girl. Now come on, let's finish in here. I think I just came up with another surprise for you." I wiped the tears from my face as he started running the conditioner through my short hair. 
"You don't have to do anything for me Bradley, you've done so much today." He shook his head. "No, you're gonna love it." He said pecking my cheek. We finished our shower and I put on another one of his shirts before going downstairs. I walked in to see him put the pasta in a skillet to reheat it. "Uh uh, go sit." I furrowed my brows. "I'm not doing anything." He shook his head. "But I know you will. Now, that's heating up but you are going to park your pretty self on the couch." He said wrapping his arms around my waist, picking me up and carrying me to the couch. "Dahlia!" He called, patting the couch, encouraging her to jump onto the couch and lay her head in my lap. 
"Stay here, pretty girl." He took off our my front door, leaving it open and I looked to Dahlia with furrowed brows. "What just happened, Dahlia?" I asked her confused, she just groaned and laid across my lap. After a minute he came back in with the box of home movies and the VCR. "What are you doing?" I asked, giggling as he juggled the box. "My parents aren't here, so I'm going to do the next best thing to introduce you to my parents." He said tossing me a wink before he sat on the floor in front of the tv. "Need some help?" He shook his head. "Nope." I watched as he hooked everything up, and pulled out a tape. 
"Let me get dinner and we'll play this." I nodded as he disappeared into the kitchen, leaving me to my thoughts. I still felt awful but to have a man like Bradley who decided to stick around through my craziness? If that's not god's work I don't know what is. After a few minutes he came back in, two plates in hand as well as a migraine pill and some water. "Dahlia, off." She slinked off the couch, meandering over to her bed, basically throwing herself into it. "I have never met a dog with more personality." Rooster said as he handed me my plate and meds. "She gets it from her mama." I said grinning at him. I took my meds as he sat down, pulling my feet over, tucking my toes under his thighs. He knows how cold I get and my toes always stay cold, so I'm always tucked into him in some way. 
"Now, let me show you this." He said turning on the VCR and starting the tape. "Oh, finally!" A blonde woman yelled into the camera. She had light blue eyes and short blonde hair, her voice was loud which made me smile. "NICK!" She yelled, turning the camera around. "Honey. You'll wake him up." I immediately choked on my food as I heard his voice. Rooster paused the tv and patted my back. "Honey, hey. You okay?" I took a deep breath as I cleared my throat. "We have to get there before they do. Increase speed." "We got you, Mav. Don't wait for me." "Sir, Daggers, two and four are behind schedule." I don't think I have felt religious or prayed in years, but in that moment I didn't know what else to do, so I simply bowed my head. I listened and said a silent prayer in my head, but four little words made me perk up. "Talk to me, dad." 'It'll be okay, Caila.' I shook my head. I didn't recognize the voice, it wasn't booming and thunderous as most people claim God to be. It sounded caring, strong, comforting. "Come on, kid. Don't think, just do."
"Mags." He called and I looked to him. "You'll think I'm genuinely crazy if I tell you." He shook his head, pulling me closer to kiss my forehead. "I'll never think you're crazy, just tell me." He said as he took my hand in his. "On the mission when you got behind schedule, I didn't know what else to do so I started praying." He nodded as he listened intently. "When I did, you said, 'Talk to me, dad.' and I heard this... voice. It said 'It'll be okay, Caila.' and I thought it was maybe a voice I created in my head, or god but that's highly doubtful." He nodded, squeezing my hand. I stared at the tv, a tall man with blonde a hair and brown eyes stood with the tiniest baby in his arms. "I think it was your dad." I said falling back into the couch. "You think my dad told you it would all be okay?" I nodded. "It sounds ridiculous. You know, just pretend I didn't say that." 
I felt ridiculous telling my boyfriend his dad that's been dead since 1986, spoke to me through some supernatural form of communication. "Mags, my dad is dead, he has been for a long time." I nodded. "I know and now I feel like shit for bringing it up." He set his plate down on the coffee table, pulling me into him. "No, don't feel bad. It doesn't seem so ridiculous." I furrowed my brows at him. "Once in a while when I'm struggling I think I hear my mom. But she hasn't been gone as long as dad." I stared down at my plate. "I don't think your crazy." I shrugged. "I do. This is the first time I've ever seen a video of your dad or heard his voice. How do you explain it?" He shrugged, pursing his lips. 
"Maybe he was just telling you it was going to be okay. It did turn out okay, didn't it?" I stared at him, surprised he wasn't upset with me. "After I felt like I was dying, I guess it did." He chuckled and played the video. "He spent almost ten months with me, if he's not used to my loud voice now then he never will be." We laughed at his mother's words. She moved closer, zooming in on the babies face. "Hi Bradley." My bottom lip jutted out as I looked at baby Bradley. "Oh my god you were adorable." He chuckled as we continued to watch his parents dote on him. We watched a few more videos, his first steps, his first words, his first birthday. Then he took our dishes to the kitchen while I picked out another tape. I grabbed an unmarked one and put it in and pressed play. 
It was a video of Nick and Carol, smiling into the camera. "Hi baby! So, it's your wedding day. We wanted to make this video for you now, to remind you how much we love you and we have a few words for you and whatever woman decided to marry our amazing boy!" I immediately turned it off and pulled it out, not wanting to spoil it. If we ever got married, I wanted this video to be a surprise for both of us. I grabbed a random one and popped it in as he came back, a pint of mint chocolate chip ice cream in hand and two spoons. I smiled at him, rushing over and sitting next to him. "What'd you put in?" I shrugged, realizing I really didn't pay attention. "I really don't know, I just grabbed one." I said as I grabbed the pint from him. He hit play, before pulling my legs over his, gently rubbing my calves. 
Cheering started on the tv, a video showing Bradley standing on home plate at a high school baseball field. "Oh shit, this is my senior year, we made it all the way to the championships." I watched, Carol's cheering drowning out every other voice around her making me giggle. "I can see why our parent's got along, our mom's voice sat on the same decibel." He laughed loudly at my words. I watched as the Bradley on the tv swung the bat, connecting with the ball and the cheers turned to screaming. "GO BABY! GO! GO! GO!" Carol's voice screamed out as Bradley took off in a sprint. He cleared every base, diving chest first onto home plate. More cheers erupted and the camera shook as everyone around Carol jostled around. The team lifted Bradley up, carrying him across the field, making us laugh. 
The video shut off and cut back on as Carol walked towards Bradley in the dugout. "You're daddy would be so proud." She said as she pulled him into a hug. "I know, mom." I got a good look at his face, smiling  at the sight. He was adorable with his flushed cheeks, and baby face. I looked to him, admiring the difference. "What?" I smiled at him. "You looked so cute, all baby faced!" I said pinching his cheek. He pushed my hand away, smiling at me. "Imagine if we met in high school." I laughed loudly as he stared at me. "What?" I looked to him, his confused face making him look adorable. "Did you forget we have a nine year age gap?" HIs eyebrows shot up as if he remembered. "Oh shit, so you were in like the third grade when I was a high school senior." 
"This just took a weird turn." He said, looking to me. "We're both adults now and I'll be thirty next year... I'll be thirty next year!" I yelled out, realizing I was almost thirty. He laughed at me eating more ice cream. "You're getting old." I glared at him. "Sir, that means you will be one year shy of forty next year." His face fell and he capped the ice cream, launching himself across the couch and tackling me, tickling my sides. "Tired yet?" He asked when he stopped, still laying on me. I shook my head, my mood souring. "No." He sat up, pulling me with him so he was laying on his back and I was on his chest. "What if I don't sleep tonight?" I asked as he ran his fingers through my still damp hair. "Then I guess I'll tire you out." I raised a brow at him. "You realize I-" "We'll lay down a towel, it'll be okay." 
We spent the next few hours cuddling on the couch, his hands running up and down my back, trying to soothe me to sleep but it didn't work. I didn't feel like I was bursting at the seams with energy but I still wasn't sleepy. "Come on, let's get you in the bed." He said standing and pulling me with him. He held my hand all the way upstairs, where I brushed my teeth before laying in the bed. He was sitting up in the bed, not under the covers and just watching me. "Are you not laying down?" I asked and he raised a brow at me. "Do you want me to stay?" I nodded. "I think you not being here is part of the reason I haven't been sleeping. So yes, I want you to stay." He smiled at me before getting up and going to brush his teeth. 
The room was dark, usually that wouldn't bother me, as I prefer to sleep in the pitch black but tonight it did bother me. I heard something move over towards my closet, my eyes darting over to that corner. It was noise traveling from the bathroom it had to be, there was no other explanation for it. I kept my eyes on the corner, not able to look away. I continued to stare when I thought I saw a hand come out from under the closet door. I jumped over, turning on the lamp just as Bradley came out of the bathroom. "You okay?" He asked. I stared at the closet, waiting for something else to happen. 
He turned to where I was staring, before going over and throwing the door open. He flipped on the light finding nothing. "Did you see something?" He asked coming out, turning off the light and closing the door. I took a deep breath, fiddling with my fingers as I stared at the quilt on my bed. "Hey." I felt him crawl on the bed, taking a seat next to me as he turned my face to look at him. "You're not crazy. You said earlier you haven't slept in over sixty hours, that messes with your mind. If we can get you some sleep, you'll get better." I shook my head. "I'm not tired. How am I not tired? I shouldn't even be able to stand on my own." He shook his head as I started getting stressed. "Mags. Do you want me to take you to a hospital or something?" I shook my head as he brushed some hair from my face. "No, I really won't sleep there." 
"What do you want me to do?" He asked as his hand rested on my thigh. "Hold me?" He nodded, turning off the lamp and climbing in bed behind me. "You'll be okay, Mags. I've got you." He whispered as his arms wrapped around me, pulling me back into his chest. "I love you, pretty girl." He said before placing a soft kiss to the back of my neck. "I love you too, Roo." I replied as more tears streamed down my face. I laid there with my eyes closed, listening to his breathing, trying to focus on it and match it. I tried that for a while and it didn't work. I finally opened my eyes and wished I hadn't, I saw a shadow in the corner. I watched as it grew taller and taller, I knew I was hallucinating and decided to roll over and bury my face in Rooster's chest. Thankful he was there with me tonight, to help keep me sane. 
His hands shifted, one on my back the other running through my hair. I laid there breathing in his scent, it calming me down. My foot itched and I used my other foot to scratch it, not wanting to shift away from Rooster for fear I'd see something. It itched again and I was getting frustrated, scratching it. I laid there a while longer until something that felt like a hand touched my calf, making me jolt. "Hey. Shh, I got you." Rooster's sleepy voice spoke out, his arms pulling me closer. I curled my legs up, sticking my feet between his legs to keep them warm. I laid there and suddenly my body felt heavier and I was slipping in and out of consciousness. I tried to keep my breathing steady, not wanting to get excited about the oncoming drowsiness. 
"Magnolia." I buried my face in Rooster's chest, hoping he would stop saying my name. "Magnolia." It was a little louder now, so I hummed in response hoping he would stop and let me slip back into a peaceful state. "Magnolia." My head snapped up, ready to rip him a new one for keeping me awake when I heard soft snores escaping his lips. Please be sleep talking, please be sleep talking. I silently prayed, hoping he was just calling out for me in his sleep. I stared at his lips carefully, watching for any movement. "Magnolia." It was the same volume as the last one and I clenched my eyes shut, Rooster's lips never moved, in fact a louder snore escaped him as my name was called. "Nope. uh-uh." I muttered as I ever so carefully got out of bed, quietly going downstairs and into the kitchen. I pulled out the jar of Russian tea I kept, and putting some water on to boil. 
Dahlia wandered in, looking up at me in confusion. "What is wrong with me?" I asked her, she simply groaned and wandered back into the living room. I listened as her nails clicked on the hardwood until finally she groaned, telling me she laid down in her bed. I made my tea when the water was hot, sipping on it as I stood there under the light from the stove. I looked around, on high alert for anything that moved and finally something did, a shadow in the kitchen doorway. Just like the one that scared me shitless earlier. I stared in fear, as it slowly walked across the doorway, disappearing on the other side. "Mags." I heard a whisper and a sob racked my body. "Leave me alone." I muttered, setting my mug down on the counter as I covered my eyes with my free hand. I heard footsteps coming closer and I shoved myself back into the counter. "Mags." It was more clear this time and I cried, pleading with my mind to stop. It was all hallucinations, visual and auditory. 
"Mags." A had landed on my arm and I let out a scream as I jumped. "Mags, it's me." Rooster said as he grabbed my arms, keeping me from hitting him. "Mags, we have to get you some help." I nodded as he pulled me into him. "I thought you were a hallucination." He sighed and rubbed my back, rocking our bodies. "No, I'm really here, honey. What made you get up?" I sighed. "I thought I saw something in the corner. I told myself it was a hallucination and rolled over so I was facing you, then it felt like someone laid their hand on my leg which made me jump, and then something that sounded like you said my name when I was almost asleep. I thought you were sleep talking but you weren't, so I got up and came down here." He sighed, pulling me closer to him, tucking my head under his chin. "I didn't wake you, did I?" He quickly shook his head. "No, not at all. I guess I could just tell you weren't in the bed and your spot was cold. I got worried so I came looking for you. I thought you might've left or something." I shook my head. 
"No, I'm here." He sighed, pressing his lips to my forehead. "I'm taking the day off tomorrow, and I'm taking you to the doctor." I shook my head. "You don't have to, Bradley. I can take myself."  He shook his head. "Mm, no you can't. You shouldn't be driving so I will take you first thing in the morning." I sighed, knowing I wouldn't win and not having the energy to argue. "Thank you, Roo. I appreciate it." He nodded, kissing my head. "I'll always be here, Mags." Suddenly he picked me up bridal style. "Now, come on. Let's see if we can't get you to sleep." He took me back upstairs, laying me in the bed before crawling in and pulling my head into his chest. While I still didn't sleep, I kept my ear to his chest, his heartbeat drowning out all other noises and allowing me to at least lie next to him in peace.
@mak-32 @rosiahills22 @dhwanishah09
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sleekervae · 1 year
The Neighbour [4.0]
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A/N: Okay everybody, just as I promised here's the next instalment! How 2023 been treating you so far??
Warnings: light fluff, some angst, familial drama ahead.
Getting out of bed that morning was one of the hardest things Eva had to do. Harder than the morning after prom when her body ached from all-night-partying and super sweet wine coolers. The soft, warm sheets paired with naked skin was too inviting to simply blow off, but of course this wasn't exactly a lazy Sunday for Eva.
Despite her selfish internal protests, she and Remington crawled out of bed, cleaned up her apartment and packed up her suitcase in his car. Emerson and Shy were already up -- much to Remington's surprise -- and brewing coffee for them before they took off for the airport. Pluto sniffed around the kitchen as soon as he was set down, meandering around until his eyes fell on Pepper. The teacup pom watched curiously from the couch as the tabby leapt up, stretched out across the soft leather, and cuddled up next to her. Pepper didn't make much of a peep of protest, instead settling back into sleep.
She sipped her coffee and made good conversation with her friends, her stomach flipped when she saw it was finally time to head off to the airport. Emerson and Shy hugged her tight, wishing her luck and assuring her to ease up on her worries. Easier said than done, as always. She kissed Pluto goodbye and followed closely behind Remington his car.
She stayed silent throughout the ride, staring out the window at the gorgeous LA morning haze while Remington played Genesis on the stereo.
The airport was busy; how could they be surprised though? LAX was one of the biggest airports in the country, taking thousands upon thousands of travelers a day -- pandemic be damned. The airport was also crawling with security guards, masked and monitoring for anyone who might want to start up a stir about the airport's pandemic-prevention measures. One of them being Remington couldn't go inside the airport as he wasn't a traveler.
Eva's mask sat under her chin as she watched him pull out her suitcase, despite her assurances that she could grab it. She always liked how chivalrous he could be, though. Her arms were crossed across her chest, rocking back and forth on her heels and feeling like she may puke up at any moment.
She had been dreading the day she had to return to Seattle -- circumstances varying.
With a loud slam, Remington shut the trunk of his car, wandering over to his timid girl. He smiled, trying his best to reassure her and calm her trembling nerves.
"Should I ask the question?" he grinned with cheek.
Eva's brow furrowed, "What? Am I ready? Because you know the answer, Rem," she huffed.
"I know," he brought his hand up under her chin, tilting up her jaw to meet her gaze, "But this week is going to fly by, and if all goes well you will be back to putting up with our shenanigans in no time!"
Eva simpered meekly, her cold fingers brushing across his cheek, "... And if it doesn't go well?"
His smile broadened, "Than I will hop on the first flight out there to take care of you,"
"Remi --"
"Your crazy family be damned; I will take care of you, Eva," he assured.
Her smile finally became genuine and she blinked back the tears, throwing her arms around him in a tight hug. She basked in the freshness of his body wash from his morning shower and the comforting musk of his hoodie. In the back of her mind she wondered how he wasn't boiling over right now...
"I'm gonna' miss you so much," she whimpered.
"I'm gonna' miss you, too," he pulled back briefly, brushing his lips across hers in a soft kiss. He was being brave for her, the rational part of his brain knowing that she would be back so soon, and the selfish part of him either wanting to hop on that plane with her or toss her back in his car and drive home right now, "You call me as soon as you land, okay?"
"I will," she promised, pressing up on her toes to kiss him again; he tasted of bitter coffee and safe spaces. His hands kept her closely pressed to him, gripping the soft fabric of her cotton sweater. His mind chanted like a mantra to ease his worry; it's only one week, it's only one week, it's only one week...
Eva's fingers lingered across his cheek, her other hand grasping for the strap of her suitcase. She inhaled sharply, "Try to stay out of trouble while I'm gone?" she asked.
His grin turned coy then, "I'll save the trouble for when you get back," he promised, "Have a safe flight, Eva,"
With a small nod she took her bag and walked over to the large departure sliding doors. Remington stayed by the car, watching her stride up, then she stopped momentarily. The security guard at the door watched her curiously as Eva suddenly dropped her bag and purse, turning back on her heel and ripping her mask off to run back, crashing into Remington for one more kiss. The wind was knocked out of him for a split second though his hands wound around her tightly, kissing her back with just as much fervor and desperation. Her arms locked tightly around his neck and he pulled her up, she stood on her toes to match his height.
She'll be back before you know it...
When they finally parted and he set her down, Eva smiled bashfully as she tried to collect herself. Remington brushed her hair from her face, his fingers tracing down the line of her jaw and stopping under her chin.
"I love you so much," she simpered shyly.
He pressed a lingering kiss to her forehead, shuddering as though his chest would burst at the seams at any moment, "I love you, too,"
Eva had never been a nervous flyer. She had taken ten hour trips to Europe to visit the cities in Amsterdam where her relatives grew up, quick cross-country rides to and from college and spring break get-aways. Of course, when she hopped on a plane in February, the most stressful thing was trying to calm Pluto down while he tried to scratch his way out of his crate.
Of course, this trip looked a little different. Security was tighter, almost scrutinizing as they asked her different questions about where she was going, why she was going, wanting to take her temperature and show off her negative covid test. And the lines were almost as long as those for Disney Land, as though restricted travel mandates had inspired more and more to take the risk and travel.
Perhaps because she was with Remington she didn't really take the time to notice the various families on their Thanksgiving travels, and the hoards of people, young and old, who were chin-masking here and there. Maybe because she was with her friends she didn't feel as vulnerable as she did now?
When she finally boarded the plane and sat in her seat, the ominous smell of cleaning fluid and ammonia filtered through her mask. Funny, she didn't pick up on the disinfectant last time. Everything appeared so clinical and sterile, and yet Eva was skeptical to sit down in the soft plush seat. She had the aisle this time, seated next to an older gentleman who was reading a GQ through his thick-rimmed glasses. He gave her a skeptical glare but didn't utter a word, shifting in his seat as far as he could to get away from her.
It was fair to say her anxiety wouldn't be spiking if Remington was with her, finding different ways to entertain and make her laugh despite the callous and cold atmosphere within the flight...
“You do realize you said the word ‘bed’ twice in that last sentence, right?” 
“What’re you talking about?” he asked.
“You said ‘Airbnb bed’. But the BNB stands for ‘bed and breakfast’,” she said, “It’s a double implicate statement,”
“In English please?” he said, trying not to let his smirk spread.
“It’s unnecessary repetition to make your point just because you’re horny,” she stated, bemusement twinkling in her eyes nonetheless.
A delighted giggle escaped his throat as he quickly pulled down his mask to kiss her forehead before coyly shushing her in her ear, “You’re on vacation, fuck the grammar lesson,” 
The flight was eerily quiet, just like last time, and even though the flight was just a little bit longer than that to Mexico, Eva felt it just dragged on and on. She couldn't help but feel a ripple of uneasiness shudder within, knowing that every minute that passed was just another minute closer to being in the same room with her trauma. She tried not to think about it, how her sister would find excuses to berate and belittle her, how her brother would be indifferent and more broody than a scene kid at a Slipknot show. Her father would probably insist on going out "as a family", as if she could even call them such. She wondered if that family dinner would include her mom's other family as well?
Just the thought alone made Eva's stomach turn. She got up from her seat when she couldn't take the twisting pain in her gut, slipping into the tiny little bathroom and hurling her breakfast out into the toilet. She washed her face right after, splashing some water into her mouth and spitting out again into the toilet. She placed her mask back on her face and slipped out, nearly coming nose-to-nose with a flight attendant. She batted her long lashes at her.
"Are you alright, Miss?" she asked. Her demeanor showed concern for both Eva's safety, but also her own and for the rest of the passengers.
Eva inhaled sharply, nodding, "Yeah, little air sick," and she slipped past the attendant and plopped back into her seat.
There was a screen mounted on the wall of the cabin, showing a map with blaring numbers telling all passengers how much time was left before they landed. Eva had just under an hour before she was back in Seattle, and as far as she was concerned the time couldn't drag on long enough.
Back in LA, Remington was sprawled out across his couch, glasses perched on his nose as he head his papers word for word, almost scrutinizing his own work. The chaos of Chris and Sebastian in their makeshift sound board went above his head, while Emerson was... well, Remington couldn't really say where Emerson was right now. He announced he was going for a smoke break about twenty minutes ago and he had yet to return. Not that it mattered much to Remington, he had an earphone in one ear and a pen gripped in his hand, none the wiser to Pluto sleeping blissfully at his feet.
It was as though Pluto could sense his owner had taken off and he'd been clinging to Remington since he'd returned from the airport. He followed him around all morning, sitting beside him or hopping on the top of the couch to sit on his shoulder. He'd never been so affectionate before, and Remington welcomed the pale tabby with kind regard.
Sebastian noticed his brother's quiet demeanor, his fixed focus on his song book and various notes scribbled across the withered page. It struck him funny how he could draw comparisons between him and Eva, sucked into a vortex of their own whimsy. Speaking of, Sebastian picked up his phone to check the time. Eva would probably be landing anytime, now.
"Did Eva land yet?" he asked. Remington however was too engrossed in the guitar loop he had loaded onto his phone, trying to sync each beat with his scribbling. Sebastian, in true big brother affection, chucked an eraser at him. It bounced off his shoulder, and Chris began to laugh.
"Hey!" Remington pulled out his earphone, "What do you want?"
"Did Eva's flight land yet?" he asked, this time enunciating every syllable.
"No, not yet," Remington mocked back, "She's gonna call me, anyway,"
"Aw," Chris crooned, "Reminds me of you," he said to Sebastian.
Sebastian glowered at him, "What?"
"You were all doe-eyed and aggressive when you and Larissa started dating," he grinned back.
"I'm not doe-eyed!" Remington pointed out.
"Okay, Bambi," Chris nodded, wheeling his chair over to the couch, "Is that Eva's song?"
Remington shrugged with nonchalance, "I want it to be," he huffed.
Sebastian cocked an eyebrow, "But..."
"I think it's probably too loud," he replied, "You know, for what I want to put across,"
Chris snatched the book, much to Remington chagrin, "I'll be the judge of that. Give me your phone,"
Remington pulled out his wires and handed Chris the phone, starting the track at the time stamp Remington had marked on the verse:
Your name won’t be forgotten ‘Cause I’ll scream it in the air We’ll burn down old traditions We don’t wanna live in fear You been hidin’ in the alleys I been beaten to a pulp But you wiped the blood from off my face And we're still standing tall
Chris smiled, Remington couldn't tell if it was from hilarity, judgement, or sheer amusement. However, his older mate was vehemently impressed as he tossed the book to Sebastian.
"What do you think, Seb?" and he played the guitar loop for him. Sebastian read the verse a few times, then listened to the loop. With that, he picked up his electric fender and began to play along to Remington's acoustics. The guitar wasn't plugged in, but in conjunction with the baseline melody Sebastian caught on to Remington's idea spot on.
"I dig it," he decided then, "It's a love song for your girlfriend, it doesn't have to be a softer ballad,"
"It's like a power couple song!" Chris suggested, "You're climbing to the top of a mountain and proclaiming to the whole world that it's you and Eva against everything. Tell me something more romantic, bet you can't,"
It was then Emerson finally blessed the boys with the return of his presence, "What's romantic?" he asked.
"I wrote a power couple song," Remington replied.
Emerson blinked momentarily, trying to compute in his brain just what the hell his brother had said.
"Is that good or bad?" he drawled on.
Remington shrugged again, "I don't know," he then turned to the cat, "What do you think, Pluto? Will Eva like it?"
Pluto neglected to make any movements, the only sign that his soul was still amongst him were the rises and dips in his back as he slept soundly.
"I think she'll hate the phrase 'power couple song'," Emerson muttered as he went to sit at his drums, "I do,"
"The cat has no taste, and neither do you," Chris said, "I think she'll be into the song, Rem. But let's try this hook for the pre-chorus, instead..."
Eva was definitely home. The window during the plane's descent was white and grey, and rain began to splatter against the windows. Yep, she was back to the dreary old Seattle weather.
She didn't have much time between scuffling off the plane and hurrying to the belt to grab her luggage, and she tried to phone Remington just as she promised. However, her call went unanswered. She was none the wiser to the fact that the boys were testing out the chorus for Remington's song and the phone call was drowned out. She paid it little mind, firing off a quick "I've landed" text while she dragged her suitcase behind her.
Seattle-Tacoma was a bit smaller than LAX, but still just as packed with people in the arrival bay. Her eyes scanned the sea of mask-covered faces, making it just that much harder for her to spot her dad waiting at the end of the cue. His salt and pepper hair and tightly buttoned up shirt was a dead give away, and Eva made her way over to greet him.
"Babycakes!" he announced when he finally laid eyes on his daughter. Eva grimaced at the old nickname, but she smiled nonetheless as she gave him a hug.
"Hi Dad," her father wasted no time, taking his suitcase and leading her outside the airport. Just as Eva had predicted, it was raining. What else would mid-November Seattle be doing weather wise?
Just as she climbed into her dad's car, Remington phoned her back. She dismissed the call as he dad climbed in and started the engine. She'd call him back in a bit, anyhow.
In the middle console was a bag of Brookside chocolates, acai and blueberry flavor, just like always. She popped a few in her mouth for good measure. He asked her all the basic dad questions: how was the flight, did you have something to eat, etc etc. Then he blurted out,
"Everyone's real excited to see you,"
Eva glanced at him suspiciously; his shoulders were back and his jaw was locked tight. Nevertheless he wore an easy façade that to anyone else would justify to them at her father wasn't just as nervous as Eva was.
"You don't have to lie, Dad," she said.
"I'm not lying," he huffed, "Greg has been cleaning out the house all week, and Magda's --"
"Been playing house with Troy and pretending I don't exist," she finished bitterly.
Her dad refrained from rolling his eyes, "She doesn't pretend you don't exist, Eva," he assured.
Eva cocked an eyebrow, "Oh? So Arleth knows who I am, now?" referring to her young niece.
"Arleth just turned three. She doesn't even know Magda's name isn't actually 'Mommy'," he replied, "Though it probably would've helped if you didn't tell your sister to 'go to hell' the last time you spoke,"
"Right after she told me jump off a bridge," Eva grumbled, her now burning question rising to her throat, " -- What about Lydia?"
"Your mother is home --"
"Not our home,"
"She's renting a BnB a couple miles from the hospital,"
"With her hubby and crotch goblin?"
"Am I wrong?"
Her father gripped the steering tighter, "Eva, despite everything that's happened, she's still your mother. And she still loves you,"
"If she loved me then she at least would've called and ask if she could bring her secondary family to my grad, not just show up like the fucking Babadook,"
"Theo who?"
"The name of the crotch goblin; Theo. And his father is Julian," her dad informed her.
"You talked to them?" she quiered.
"To Julian, we had to talk about your mother's care," he turned the corner into the familiar neighborhood, "I'm grateful you came out to help, Eva,"
Eva took a couple more pieces of chocolate, chewing thoughtfully as she stared out the window, "Not sure how much help I'm really gonna' be,"
Soon enough they pulled up to the old family house. It was 90s colonial, withered from years of abuse from rowdy kids, the paint peeling from sun damage and the roof tiles mossed over from the constant rain. Her father jumped out to grab her suitcase and Eva stood in the mouth of the walk way. Twenty years of memories flooded over her with just as much violence as a tsunami, it all blended into a cloud of white noise that was loud enough to break out a headache from behind her eyes.
Her attention switched to the loud barking, and a large, shaggy German Shepard leapt out from the porch and was bounding her way. Her face lit up.
"Rosie!" she fell to her knees, scratching and cuddling the scruffy animal. She was so focused on the dog, she hadn't noticed her older brother, Greg, waiting on the porch. He watched amused as Bruno took to sniffing out Eva's clothes.
"I think she's upset," he called out, "She smells the cat on you,"
Eva looked up, the smirk on Greg still as youthful and irritating as always. They hadn't seen each other in over a year, he was studying in Boston when the pandemic hit. With Rosie trotting along behind her, Eva sauntered up to the second step of their porch. The wood creaked under her sneakers, her arms were folded over her chest as she stared at her brother -- no, she stared at that bush on his face.
"Why'd you glue a squirrel pelt to your chin?" she asked.
Greg simpered, "I don't know. Why are you still Caspar pale after California?"
Eva punched his arm, and Greg retaliated by pulling her up into a hug, "I missed you, Eves,"
Despite how her brother annoyed her, she couldn't deny it felt good to see him again, "Missed you too, Greg,"
The inside of the house was the same, but still there were changes within it she didn't recognize. The old pale taupe walls had been painted a sage green, some photos had been moved around and there was a distinctive smell of old wood mixed with lemon pine sol. Not to mention the house was impeccably clean, impossibly clean, even. Eva swore she saw the stairs glisten for a moment.
"Nice paint job," she noted.
Greg nodded as their dad followed them in, "Your brother's been busy this summer. Taking a sabbatical from school had lead to him becoming the unsung Property Brother," he said.
"I think I'm more like Hilary Farr," Greg smirked, "Left the mess to the contractors, I just told them what to do,"
"Remember when I told you to put 'bossy' on your resume?" Eva joked.
Despite her assurances that she could take her own luggage, her dad still insisted on taking it upstairs for her. Eva came to what she had always known was her bedroom door, however her father stopped her.
"Ugh, sorry Babycakes, I hope you don't mind but we put you in the guest room," he said.
Eva paused at that, surprised and ultimately curious as to why her room wasn't her room anymore, "Why?"
"Because," her father shrugged sheepishly, "We're remodelling your room. Just for some extra curricular use,"
And you had plenty of rooms to choose that we're mine, Eva thought to herself. The rational part of her brain knew it was silly to be upset over something so trivial, after all, she herself had doubts she would ever come back to Bitter Lake. Still, the nostalgic part of her was hurt beyond words.
"Right," she followed her dad to the guest room nonetheless. The walls were sage green, just like downstairs, the sheets were crisp white with black throw pillows perched perfectly against the headboard. It was a comfy room, but it was a guest room with no personality or sign of basic life.
After she settled in she joined her dad and brother for a late lunch. He'd made chicken and potato latkes, and because Greg was feeling generous he decided to pop open a bottle of red wine. The meal was pleasant, as both of them kept asking her questions about LA and how her job was going. And then her father stumbled onto the topic of her boyfriend, and Greg was suddenly all over that like bees on a honeycomb.
"You're dating?" he popped an eyebrow.
"You look surprised," Eva chuckled.
"Just making sure you're the same sister who stood up during the Valentine's Day pageant and read out a poem about how love is a clinical disease in the ninth grade," he said.
"Yeah, and ten years ago I also wanted crackle nail polish and was obsessed with Percy Jackson. Opinions change," she shrugged, popping some chicken into her mouth.
Greg scoffed, "Well, c'mon! What's he like? What does he do? And is he college educated pencil pusher?" he shot his dad a teasing glare.
Eva refrained from rolling her eyes, "He's a musician... in a rock band," she watched her brother's eyes nearly pop out of his head, "A singer,"
Greg looked to their dad, who nodded slowly as he chewed his food, "And you didn't have a coronary when she told you?" he gawked in disbelief.
Their dad sighed, "You guys are adults, I should trust your judgement," he replied.
"Thanks, Dad," Eva simpered.
Greg pressed on, "So, this singer... what's his name?"
"And he's in a band?"
"With his brothers. Palaye Royale," she grinned bashfully.
"Sounds like some uppity fragrance label you pay through the nose for," Greg chuckled, "Has he written you a sappy love song?"
"Not yet," she replied, "They're working on new music right now. You wouldn't believe, when I met him he had this tiny little living room with a coffee table and a couple leather couches and maybe some books. It was all they could fit in there. Then they went and refurbished it into a recording studio all within a week!"
"Who's they, again?"
"Remington and his brothers,"
"They all live together?"
"Just him and his younger brother. The older one lives with his fiancé,"
Her father cocked a brow, "And what're the odds you'd move in right across the street from them?"
Greg choked out, "Hold up -- you live across the damn street?!"
"Ironic, isn't it?" she grinned back.
"Jesus," Greg sipped his wine thoughtfully, "The universe has it out for you, I guess,"
Before Eva could answer, there was a click and a thud coming from the hall, followed by the pattering and squelching of boots on hardwood. Eva's anxiety suddenly spiked, knowing fully well who else would have a house key besides her dad and brother...
The oldest sister, Magda, stopped dead in her tracks when she saw the small lunch party. Her dark brown hair was damp and clung to her face and rain coat, her hazel eyes dark and slanted when they landed on Eva. Eva and Magda hadn't spoken in ten months, and given the unimpressed glare on her sister's face, Magda wasn't ready to bury the hatchet just yet.
"Oh, sorry Dad, I didn't know you were having a guest," she huffed, "But then I guess we've been having unexpected guests coming and going all month, haven't we?"
Their dad dropped his utensils, getting ready to scold his daughter, "Magda --"
"Didn't even think to invite me, eh?" she scoffed.
Greg glowered at her, "Well, aren't we all supposed to have Thanksgiving together?"
"Begrudgingly so," Magda replied, "I just wanted to drop off Arleth's bassinet,"
"She's three years old," Eva suddenly spoke out, "She still needs a bassinet?"
Magda shifted her glare to Eva, staying stone still on her spot in the hall, "Well, believe it or not, I don't just have money to blow up in Hollywood. Even if I did, I wouldn't be inconsiderate and stupid in letting you all know only three weeks in advance,"
"Magda!" her father scolded again. Eva dropped her own utensils with a loud clanging.
"It wasn't three weeks, it was two months. And don't be mad at me because I remember to take my birth control --"
"Eva!" her father then turned to her. Greg stood up, not eager to watch a fight break out, and joined his sister in the hall.
"Where's the bed? I'll take it up for you,"
"I got it in the car," and she lead him outside.
Eva sat back in her chair, her arms crossed over her chest and she stared down at her food. She'd suddenly lost her appetite.
Her father sighed, almost with an air of defeat. Who could blame him, these past few years he'd done everything he could to keep his daughters from almost killing each other. Not even one of them moving across the country could quell their disdain for one another.
"Eva, that was uncalled for," her father huffed.
She rolled her eyes that time, "She just called me 'stupid' right in front of you," she replied.
He shook his head solemnly, "I know, brings me right back to when you were kids all over again,"
Eva didn't say a word as she listened to Greg and Magda putter back in, with hushed whispered echoing in-between. She listened to Greg's heavy stomping up the stairs and around the catwalk, stopping just where she suspected her would.
"So, you turned my room into a nursery?" she queried.
Her dad stared at her sheepishly again, picking plainly at his chicken, "To be fair, we didn't anticipate you coming home anytime soon, originally"
"... But I would've," she assured, "Even if Lydia wasn't in the hospital, I still would've visited,"
"And you of course would've wanted to stay here with us, right?" he huffed.
"Of course!" she nodded, "Magda's moved out so it's safe,"
Her father just shook his head, "You wouldn't have stayed with us, Eva, let's be real. You'd find an Air BnB to stay at in the city,"
She shrugged back, "And even if I did? What's it to you?"
"Because you moved across the damned country to get away from your problems here. Hell, even now you look uncomfortable sitting at your own dinner table,"
"I wasn't uncomfortable five minutes ago," she argued back.
"Of course you were. I raised you, Eva, I know you better than you think," he replied, "I'm happy that you've found a life in California, but I beg of you, please, don't forget about the life you left here because it was hard. Even when it was, we still had each other to love, didn't we?"
The pattering of feet trotting down the stairs hit sharply at Eva's ears. Greg would be coming back any second and Magda would be well on her way to her boyfriend and kid. And they would try to resume conversation despite the heavy elephant that just plopped into the room. Eva knew this visit wouldn't be a walk in the park, and she knew her dad was right because at least if she'd rented a BnB she would've had some space to cleanse herself from the onslaught of things she was forced to feel in this house.
God, how she missed her apartment, and her cat. And Remington, most of all...
"Yeah," she muttered quietly, "We still have each other, Dad,"
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