#levihan drabbles
this-is-krikkit · 2 years
For the drabble challenge your grace, I request number 29. I was going to pick something much worse but I thought I'd be nice this time :)
send me a number (and a ship/character) and i'll write a drabble
thank you for: the prompt, calling me your grace (i will be requesting that you do so all the time from now on though, cheh), and for picking something nice (although now i def want you to send me the worse one!!!). know that this almost went somewhere really, really dark, but drunk me decided against it.
The Poll
Prompt 29. How is my wife more badass than me?
Tags: levihan, actor AU, the 104th kids, silliness
now edited and posted on ao3
The SNK panel is going well so far, although it's the last day of the convention and even Hange and Conny's social batteries are running low -Levi's has been empty since the end of the first morning, to no one's surprise- but they're pushing through bravely. Only a few more hours before they can all head back to their homes, and Levi can recharge -and take care of Hange as she goes through her usual post-convention depression.
"Hange," the host calls out, finally leaving a red-faced Armin alone after a round of merciless questions about his character's newly revealed romantic arc, "you were elected most badass character from the latest special episode in a fans poll, outvoting even Levi and Mikasa's characters. We've talked about that amazing last fighting scene of course, but I don't think I've heard you describe that emotional goodbye with Levi before. How was it filming that goodbye scene?"
Hange doesn't immediately reply, and Levi can tell they're uncomfortable although they've all been briefed and Hange okayed this topic. He understands their unease as he absolutely hates having to rethink about their last moments on set -well, last until their fleeting appearance in the last part of the season, but the fans don't know that yet- and so for once, he's the one who speaks up and switches the topic.
"Oi, what did they say you beat me at?" he asks, turning to Hange but speaking in his microphone so everyone hears him.
"Most badass character, babe," Hange replies with a thankful grin, flicking her short hair back.
People, both fans and castmates, laugh at the exaggerated gesture.
"Are you guys kidding? How the f- hell is my wife more badass than me here?" he asks, glaring at the crowd and host in the typical way his character is famous for. "She threw herself to her death and left me half to go on and fight my ape arch nemesis and that giant bony monstrosity when I was still half dead and missing parts of my dominant hand-
"Well, as your character said, Levi, two fingers is all you need," she interrupts.
She winks at him -well, blinks, but he's learned to read through her attempts by now- and he prays he's not blushing as hard as he does every time Hange unexpectedly flirts with him in public, even years after they've made their relationship public. Someone -Eren, that's gotta be this shithead Eren- whistles suggestively, and Levi takes a deep breath in before clearing his throat.
"Anyway, my character is the most badass, period. Yours isn't even on the show anymore."
Hange laughs as a few shocked gasps escape the audience.
"Don't hold it against him, folks, Levi's still a little shaken up by that scene," she explains.
"Was it a difficult moment for you to film as well, Levi?" the panelist attacks again.
Levi looks down, then sideways at Hange, and the smile on her face falters as she hears his silent plea to get him out of there.
"Well, it was interesting as actors to portray feelings those characters don't usually display," she starts, "and it was a challenge to do justice to this particular scene. One I hope we lived up to, although from what i've seen in some tweets-
"To be fair, you guys were exhausted by the time they finally called that scene a wrap," Jean interrupts on Levi's other side.
"Why? Did it take long to shoot?" the host asks now, clearly desperate to finally get a reply to at least one of their questions.
Eren laughs, and the rest of the cast has a smile on their face they all try to hide when Levi loudly clicks his tongue at him.
"Oh, come on. I can say it, Hange, right?" he asks, although he sounds a bit less sure than his usual self.
And to Levi's horror, Hange simply chuckles and nods.
"Yeah, go ahead. It's probably going in the bloopers anyway."
Eren sighs in relief, and Levi hides his face into his arms as he awaits his fate.
"I was behind the camera watching them acting this scene out since it was one of my favorite moment from the script," Eren picks up in his most dramatic tone, "and it took them hours to get it right. But not just because one of them cried or messed up their lines, no... the real recurring problem was, those two kept ending it with a goodbye kiss! And since Hange was supposed to fly away right after her last line and that kiss wasn't scripted at all, they had to redo it over and over again, while our director was pulling at his own hair and yelling at them to stop making out!'
The crowd erupts into a chorus of laughter and exicted squeals, and the other cast members join in as they remember that day on set.
"I'm going to kill you, Jaeger," Levi says as he sits back up.
"Hey! No spoilers, old man," the young star retorts.
Hange snorts out a laugh, and Levi stares daggers at her instead. All she does is put her hand on his knee under the table, squeezing gently, and he doesn't pay attention to whoever is getting tortured now.
He only looks into Hange's eyes, glad to finally be rid of that damned eye patch prop she's had to keep on for the last season and loved a little too much -and is most definitely planning to steal from the set, he bets- and can only thank the universe that this is all fiction and his Hange's alive and well by his side.
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dont-f-with-moogles · 7 months
Valentine’s Day prompt 💝
For Dazai x Reader 🔞: it’s Valentine’s Day & Dazai tells Reader how romantic it would be to die together today & Reader replies “how about we fuck instead?”
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A Little Death (Dark Era; aged up/18+; NSFW) Mafia!Dazai x Reader  1706 words Tw: sui ideation, choking
It was a secluded scene, shrouded in silence. No one dared to cross the boundary of the hotel’s grounds; to do so was a privilege only afforded to a select few. Its air of secrecy was such that it rendered the half a dozen armed guards who brooded over the tower like ravens, quite superfluous. Port Mafia territory. For a scarce number, its walls knew their secrets but whispered none. For the rest, it was simply impenetrable. 
The hotel room was neither luxurious nor homely. Thin gauze blinds let in little moonlight. Outside, the starless sky was streaked with storm clouds. Even the fluorescence which defined Yokohama’s horizon and kept the city in artificial daylight did not reach this dark corner of the prefecture. Rain pattered relentlessly, the deluge so intense that entire waves were dashed at the rattling windows. Thin branches scraped against glass. You glanced above your head, half-expecting the flaked plaster to cave in at any moment. 
Quieter than the storm came the clicking of the heating unit. A stale smell lingered about the plain, whitewashed walls. A black suit jacket thrown over a chair. Unfinished business. Sake bottles cluttered the side table. A low electric light. Crumpled bed sheets and the scent of sex. 
You felt too cold to remain in the doorway. Shrugging your coat off, you hung it on a wall-mounted hook beside his. Its belt dripped rainwater onto the matting beside your discarded Louboutins. As you crossed into the room his silhouette came into view. Dazai sat cross legged on the floor, arms in his lap, his back against the end of a double, Western-style bed. He made no sign at your approach. His gestures, or lack of, were as inscrutable as ever. No one had ever sifted the murky depths which submerged his heart. You only knew that he played games. And, if his intention was to set you on edge, then you would just have to make yourself comfortable.
“I know I kept you waiting…”
The bed gave a small creak as you knelt upon it. Removing the tie from your hair, you allowed it to tumble down, sodden and tangled, past your waist. Then, with a sound of relative contentment, you flung yourself on your back and stretched out your legs luxuriously upon the pillows. Dazai was motionless; the back of his head remained against the foot of the bed. Dark, brown tufts stood up, unruly. You let your head hang down beside his so that your rain-flecked skin brushed against his face. His cotton bandage wrapping grazed your cheek. You felt his jaw tighten. Upside down, the cracks in the floor appeared more fragile than the ceiling. Either one could give way at any moment.
A hand reached into your hair. 
“If you remember, you did promise me romance…” Dazai’s tone was as soft as silk. With a turn of his head, the tip of his nose brushed your own. His breath, sweet with sake, clouded you. Threatened to pull you under. Only the initiating thread of conversation and he was already reeling you in.
Slowly his fingers stroked loose strands from your face, until he was cradling the back of your head. There was something so gentle, so loving in the subtle press of his fingertips that you closed your eyes. 
“I know…” Your words bore the weight of remorse, even if you didn’t feel it.
Rain lashed violently at the window. Dazai gathered your damp hair around his fingers, weaving a braid like a coil of rope. Playful. If his patience was worn then the lithe movements of his hands did not suggest it. 
“How beautiful…” he mused to himself, wrapping the twisted knots like a noose around his knuckles. Watchful, you lay still. In the gloom the pale skin of your neck shone silver.
“What is?”
Wet hair tickled your throat.
“...why, the thought of dying with you tonight. What else?”
Dazai’s voice was thick with desire, quite at odds with such a fatalistic notion. The weight of your corded braid was draped across your neck. With a rustling movement, he had risen to his knees.
“...that’s why you came here, after all.” Dazai poured his whisper into your ear. Liquid black. 
Unkempt hair brushed your skin. A pale face; his scars half-hidden beneath wrappings. Dazai’s exposed eye gazed down at you with lust. Its colour was as dark as earth whilst the iris gleamed like molten gold at its centre. His words, his gestures, his games; who could look beyond the endless depths into Dazai’s heart? No; to meet his eye was to stare down into the core of the world itself.
A pull upon the end of your hair; the vine wound itself tighter. You smiled up at him, despite the pink blotches forming on your skin. 
“Actually -” you managed, your breath stuttering, “- what I proposed - was a little death.” 
Your scalp burned where strands were almost yanked from the roots. Ignoring your hold upon his sleeve, Dazai twisted your hair around his fingers. As ever, he wove his little designs only for you to fall, ensnared in his trap. Not that you minded. If you had any intention of survival, then you would never have accepted his invitation here tonight. Easy prey. What was the point in the struggle when Dazai could so easily devour you whole?
Then the twisted cord collapsed. Your chest heaved in the quiet room. The long ribbon of your hair was still gathered in Dazai’s grip. Fiercely, he jerked your head backwards. 
“Is that all you can manage?” Warm breath curled over the shell of your ear. His teeth grazed the sensitive skin of your lobe. Bloodlust rose to the surface.
You let out a shiver of breath, rolling your head back against the covers. Dazai’s shadow fell; rippled down your chest as he leaned over the edge of the bed. His black tie swung loose; draped over your ribcage. With a brush of cool air he drew your collar away. Languorous in his movements, he enjoyed the sight of you like this. His nose grazed your bare shoulder, breath ghosting over your skin. Then - a gentle drop of his lips.
“Find out for yourself, Osamu…” 
Dazai pressed his kiss to the base of your throat like a knife. 
Hands gathered in his hair, you sighed as Dazai trailed slow, hot, open-mouthed kisses down to your jawline. Your legs writhed against the pillows. Purple wounds nicked into your skin; each mark counted and tossed on the mound of his sins. They said that only darkness flowed through his veins. Mafia black. Doomed to love as dangerously as he lived.
Dazai tasted your jaw; lingered over your cheek, his breath coming quicker. Threading his fingers through your own, he drew your arms beneath him. A feather-light touch to the pale skin of your wrists, his fingertips wandered your limbs. A tuft of dark fringe swept your chin as Dazai kissed your lower lip. Thighs clenched together, you gave another airless sigh. Your mouth chased his, body arching beneath his caress. Head turning against his own, you felt his tongue glide over the back of your teeth. 
With a creak of mattress springs, the weight upon the bed shifted. Dazai’s knee sank into the covers beside your head. Bandaged hands smoothed the hem of your dress as his mouth nipped languidly at your bottom lip.  The material was bunched together in his fist, and then he slowly drew it up over your hips. 
You gasped as Dazai broke away from your mouth. Fingertips stroked your upper leg. A thumb dipped into the waistline of your underwear. 
“La petite mort… the brief state of unconsciousness.” Dazai’s breath warmed the inside of your leg. “Only those consumed by death or desire know it…”
With one hook of his finger he had drawn the lace down around your ankles. Teeth grazed your thigh. Your chest rose and fell as he pressed a kiss to your soft, warm skin. Inching closer, closer… until he was right above where you wanted him. Your hands slipped down Dazai’s lower back. Then, the first brush of his tongue. A low moan bled from your throat. His crumpled shirt almost tore under your nails.
Dazai teased, tasted your clit; his subtle toying sent heat flaring. But one taste had provoked a deeper craving within him. Tongue flattened against you, Dazai indulged himself. His grasp upon your legs tightened until his knuckles blanched. The swill of his tongue set your tender flesh aflame. Your mouth dropped open, back curved away from the bed. Beads of sweat broke out over your forehead as you gripped the bedsheets in your fists. All you wanted was to feel his movements inside you.
As Dazai leaned over you, the fabric of his suit brushed your ear. Self-serving, of course he never gave without taking. All that mattered was the price you paid. In this position, he had you exactly where he wanted you. Reaching out, your hand brushed the rigid pleat in his trousers. Hastily, you unclasped his belt; slung down the material; drew him out. With a firm grasp you guided his rock hard cock down to your open mouth. 
Lips closed around him. Tight. With a shudder, his hips thrust forward. Dazai’s bandaged hands lifted your legs, splayed you open to swallow you whole. Fingertips buried themselves in your skin. Oh how he longed to grip them in your hair whilst he rubbed himself against your lips. Your nerves were humming; shivers shot through your limbs like electricity. The first syllable of his name collapsed into a moan which sent vibrations down his cock. He scraped the roof of your mouth over and over, until his rhythm began to stutter.
“Fuck…” you heard him choke. “...fuck… no one else can take me like you do.”
He gripped your legs higher, pulled you to him, drank you down. Insatiable. You were burning alive. Helpless, your body melted on his tongue. With a choked gasp, you clenched your thighs around his neck. 
“...wanna die happy…” Dazai’s voice was weak as he wiped his mouth on the inside of your thigh. “...so let me die between these legs, Beautiful...”
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youre-ackermine · 11 months
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Characters: Levi Ackerman / Hange Zoe
Wordcount: 1025 approx.
Canon Universe / slightly suggestive / non-binary Hange / swearwords
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It seemed like hours had passed since he had knocked on the carriage roof for the coachman to drive them back to HQ. The rain, no more than a drizzle when they had left, was now pouring heavily, adding its monotonous noise to the clatter of the wheels and of the horses' hooves on the paved road.
The meeting with the brass in the Stohess District had worn them both out but they still had so much to think, so much to work out. Well, Hange did at least. As a matter of fact, sitting on the bench opposite his, they were already writing down the final changes to the project suggested by the higher-ups.
The Squad Leader barely had had time to mourn Sawney and Bean. As soon as the Military Police investigation was completed, they had been discussing new action plans to flush out the culprits in Erwin's office until the dead of night. Every fucking night. For two fucking weeks.
The rest of their day was even more busy, Hange rummaging the library shelves or leaning over their desk engrossed in a big-ass book, locked in their lab drawing sketches for a new technical device. Every fucking day. For two fucking weeks.
The development of their research as well as the strategic aspects of Erwin's long-distance scouting formation plan for the expedition to come were frequently talked through in private meetings only a few Squad Leaders and the Captain himself attended. The scheme required secrecy for not only Eren's but also Humanity's fate were at stake.
Both the jolting of the coach moving on the cobblestones and the relentless beating of the rain against the vehicle had failed to bore him to sleep and he had a hard time trying to distract himself. No matter how much effort he put into concentrating on the scenery outside, his thoughts still pulled him back to that night he had tried to soothe their grief the only way he knew, bringing them a cup of tea and, later on, showing them how much he cared.
Too damn long! It had been too damn long since the last time he had touched Hange. Those past few days, they had just been able to steal a couple of hasty kisses, hiding in the shadows like some shameful teenagers. These brief encounters had left him in the grip of a burning frustration that his yearning heart could barely endure and that no stroke of his own hand could fully sweep out.
Levi startled as Hange let out a weary sigh and turned to look at them with a worried frown. The design they were correcting earlier lay abandoned on the bench beside them. They rubbed their eyes and pinched the bridge of their nose.
"Shit!" they muttered, "it has to work or else we're screwed!"
They adjusted their glasses and, trying to shake off their exhaustion, stretched their arms above their head as much as the cramped space allowed them to, their knee slightly brushing against his in the process.
Levi gulped as he took their slender shape in, eyes lingering on their arched figure then up on their small breasts. His cheeks flushed as he noticed their nipples showing through the fabric of their shirt, his thoughts instantly dragged back to that night again.
All of a sudden a bump in the road shook the carriage. The papers slipped off the bench and Levi promptly bent down to pick them up on the floor, a hand on Hange's leg to keep his balance as the coach still bounced. 
His palm was already burning when he lifted his gaze towards Hange. Eyes locked with theirs, he put the sheets back on the seat absentmindedly and let himself dive in the amber shades of their irises.
He tried to ignore the irresistible urge drawing him to them every time they were together. He tried to ignore the unsteady rhythm of his heart pounding in his ears. He tried to ignore the butterflies fluttering in his chest when he looked at Hange.
But he failed. Terribly. Totally.
Giving in to the longing that had become almost unbearable, he slid his hand along their thigh up to their waist and got closer, his face now mere inches from theirs, his warm breath a feather-like caress over their lips.
In one effortless motion, he cut the distance to kiss Hange, enfolding his arms around their slender waist and, sitting back on his bench, drew them into his lap. 
Nothing was more important to him now than their chest pressed against his, their body wrapping him in a tight embrace. He let himself sink into the slow, tender kiss, relishing the taste of their lips, humming in the warmth of their mouth.
Hange let out a delighted sigh at the feel of Levi's hands sliding up under their shirt and caressing their back. His lips had drifted from their mouth to trail kisses along their jawline and reached that sensitive spot under their ear, leaving goosebumps in their wake.
His hands kept wandering, drawing the scars on their skin, tracing the curves of their spine, slithering to their chest. His deft fingers gently grazed one of their nipples, his lips now moving down their neck. 
Hange's skin shivered under Levi's soft touch and they moaned his name. They ran their fingers through his silky hair, pulling him close for a long, heated, desperate kiss.
When they finally pulled away, both light-headed and panting, they looked at each other in wonder.
The feeling was overwhelming, breathtaking. 
Levi's chest tightened with emotion and he buried his head in Hange's neck, softly whispering their name again and again.
"You got into my head, Four-Eyes!" he blurted out. He kissed the crook of their neck.
"You got under my skin," and he pressed a few feather-light kisses up their neck.
"You got into my heart, Hange," only a faint whisper this time. And he kissed their earlobe.
Hange's eyes widened, then softened and fluttered shut in bliss as he held them impossibly closer against him and whispered something in their ear. 
His words a murmured echo of their own breathless words.
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This is for @dont-f-with-moogles 💕
This takes place two weeks after Bad Habit. I'm not as talented as you are but I hope you'll like it!
Happy Birthday Terra Darling 🎂
Header: @youre-ackermine
A/N: not beta/proof read - English is not my usual language
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storiesofaot · 2 months
This little drabble was inspired by this promt: "They had very different ideas about what a fun time entails."
Hange: Let's do something fun together this afternoon, Levi! l'll surprise you.
*takes him to the amusement park*
Levi: This is definitely not fun.
Hange: Don't worry, it will be. *drags him to the rollercoaster, but even though they ride it several times, with her laughing out loud all the time, he neither laughs nor smiles; he doesn't even scream or flinch and wears a bored expression all the time*
Levi: Next time I'lI decide what we do. That was awful.
--several days later--
*they sit at a table in a tea shop, several little cups in front of them*
Hange: How many types of tea have we tried now? Ten? Fifteen?
Levi: Twelve.
Hange: And this is fun to you? *takes another sip but grimaces*
Levi: I'm having a good time.
Hange: You're not even smiling!
Levi: Well, if you prefer going back to the barracks and start tidying up our rooms-
Hange: *interrupts him frantically and lifts her cup* Oh no, I'm having a blast! More tea, please!
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quillsandblades · 4 months
Hange’s fury is a raging river, deafening and feral.
It tears and snatches away everything in its path, leaving only jagged remains behind. She shouts, loud, dripping with emotion. Her eyes stir with restless waves.
People say her anger is fire, it burns.
But she disagrees. She’s been burnt before, she knows. That’s not how she names her rage. To her, it’s akin to the river. The kind that roars and drowns out every other thought, every other noise. The kind that she used to visit when just a child and stand too near its crumbling edge, never heeding her mother’s warnings, until one day she slipped. The river carried her away, and she found herself horribly helpless against the lapping currents, useless limbs, throat scorching with drenched screams.
That’s what her anger is. It tears at her, renders her helpless while it brews destruction around her. And just like that river, it smashes down everything — everyone in its way. Sometimes she’s afraid of how she can get. Afraid of what it may do to people close to her.
But Levi’s different.
The splashing waves don't pull him under, they don’t knock him off his feet. He stands against her storm, unscathed. He holds the river in his hands — not gently, it’s much too wild for that — and silences the howls. He’s the only one who can do that.
And it feels like her river rolls into the ocean when he does so. It settles down with the salty currents and moves lazily once more.
So if Hange’s fury is the raging river.
Then Levi’s calm is the undisturbed ocean which catches her.
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ecyr · 10 months
That Hange and Levi's fleeting moment, there's more. Probably like this 🥹
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rivangel · 1 year
hear me out
back in the underground, whenever levi and co were doing a heist (or you know the day to day activity of running from military police), and levi was on ODM, tasked with finding isabel, her only signal was to shout with her arms raised and bent above her head in a heart shape. doesn’t matter the context. she’s in some trouble? levi or farlan gets the heart signal. it’s morning and isabel is wandering out to greet them? she stretches and gives them both a heart, and yells “MORNIN!” much to levi’s continued annoyance.
so unnecessary, so cheesy, levi is allergic to affection, etc.
but after they died, he still remembered a lot of those moments a lot, but for no reason he can really name. he gets viscerally embarrassed at the idea of doing something so dumb.
hange though never failed to remind levi of isabel in a lot of ways, especially in how silly and upbeat they were, and isabel before she died.
to some degree, hange did die after retaking shiganshina - their spontaneous and carefree spirit mostly extinguished by the trauma, crippling responsibility, and the morbid reality ahead of them.
levi notices, because he notices everything. but levi? - not that great at the whole “cheering up” skill.
but one night, they’re together, and hange is slumped on the couch in their quarters with him. exhausted, but not in the way that can be helped by sleep. it takes, like, a whole fifteen minutes of sitting in relative silence for levi to psych himself up enough to finally, maybe, put what isabel unintentionally taught him to use for the first time ever.
he never imagined he would. but it’s hange.
so he sits up on the couch, back against the side cushion and grumbles their name real shyly. he’s actually nervous. but he’s in too deep to turn back now that hange is giving him an inquisitive look.
so he raises his arms and does the stupid mushy painfully cute heart thing.
their eyes widen, and in a split-second levi decides it’s worth it. because he hadn’t heard them giggle so brightly, or throw their head back laughing like they used to in years.
it looks like this btw:
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elmundodeflor · 18 days
Acuarelas - PARTE 1
Nunca había soñado con Hanji. Onyankopon solía decir que, las personas que se hacen bruma, en el inconsciente se vuelven carne. Y que allí, rebrotando de entre las grietas como margaritas, nos reencontramos. Que vienen a dejarnos un mensaje.
Le parecía injusto, entonces, que Hanji aún no se le hubiera aparecido, ni siquiera para saludarlo de lejos. Que sólo hubiese podido recordarla en pesadillas.
A veces la veía, cubierta en llamaradas rojas, cayendo y cayendo en un infinito del que no podía salvarla. El cielo azul se teñía de gris, empapado por el rastro de humo que dejaba su cuerpo, y él estiraba la mano, inútilmente, por las ventanillas del avión, como si eso sólo hubiera alcanzado.
Había otras noches, las más terribles, en las que las muertes se suscitaban: una tras otra, otra tras una. Las escenas se repetían, — como si de un ciclo eterno se tratase. Como si cada átomo de imagen hubiese quedado grabado tras las retinas, y al caer dormido alguien palpara esos rincones del alma que todavía ardían. Podía escuchar los desgarros de dolor en los tímpanos, los pedidos de auxilio estrujándole el corazón. Él también gritaba, lloraba, hacía fuerzas para respirar, pero los sonidos se le atascaban en las cuerdas vocales. Sólo salían en sollozos recortados cuando despertaba en su habitación.
–Ey. – Onyankopon lo sacude ahora, cuidadoso de no sobresaltarlo. Solía dormir en el cuarto de al lado, por si los alaridos y el sufrimiento se volvían demasiado, y hacía falta atenderlos o calmarlos.
Levi se restriega los ojos, y reconoce la humedad en sus mejillas de inmediato. Las lágrimas se desdibujan hasta las comisuras de sus labios, allí donde se pierden, como el cauce del río que desemboca en el mar.
–Mierda. – escupe entre dientes, y se estira para tomar del vaso de agua en su mesa de luz. – Es ese sueño de nuevo.
Onyankopon asiente. Ya lo sabe. En los tres años que lleva viviendo con Levi, ha llegado a conocerlo como quien conoce a su hermano. Está seguro de que el té le gusta a secas; sin azúcar, sin miel, a lo sumo con limón. Está al tanto, también, de cómo limpiar para no llevarse un coscorrón.
–Es Hanji, ¿no? – pregunta, aunque ya se ve venir la respuesta, y Levi no se lo dice. Esta vez, la tomaba de las mangas para tratar de detenerla. Y entonces, justo cuando creía que iba a hacerlo, que por fin iba a cambiar ese desenlace fatídico, atravesaba la tela de su camisa como si fuera aire.
–Llegué muy tarde. – susurra, casi inaudible. Tiene los músculos tiesos, entumecidos de la angustia. La mirada inconexa, perdida en algún punto del empapelado en la pared. Afuera, cerca de la playa, una tormenta repiquetea en las ventanas, salpica los vidrios con motas gordas.
–Tranquilo. – le asegura Onyankopon, sonriéndole desde la silla de junto al colchón. Registra, porque siempre ha sido un hombre de percepción, que las pesadillas florecen más en los días de lluvia; casi con la misma fuerza con la que suelen alzarse los tallos de entre la tierra. Se convence, porque otra opción no le queda, que los truenos deben de recordarle a Levi, tanto como le recuerdan a él, a los estruendos horrorosos de ese día. Tiene sentido, al fin y al cabo, se explica. Cada estallido es la pisada de otro titán que se acerca. Cada crujir, es el último suspiro de un alma nueva. – Vayamos a la cocina.
Levi lo contempla un segundo, sin ánimos de hablar o moverse. Todavía puede sentir a Hanji; diluyéndose a cuentagotas de entre sus dedos. Piensa que, si estuviera aquí, ella sabría qué hacer para apaciguar sus miedos. Adormecería los gritos con caricias suaves; le besaría el pelo, la frente, el espacio entre las cejas, y lo arrullaría con dulzura. Lo arroparía, firme entre sus brazos, y recitaría palabras de cuna para hacerlo soñar bonito.
–Está bien. – suspira, entonces, y, como puede, se incorpora sobre la cama. Lo cierto es que le duelen los huesos, aún lastimados por los años. Que le duele el pecho. Que le duelen ausencias. Que le duele todo. – Ya sabes dónde está el té.
Los viernes, Jean viene a casa a visitarlo. A veces, Armin es quien lo acompaña; otras son Connie, o Pieck, o Reiner.
Onyankopon prepara una merienda abundante para dos; bizcochos de avena y limón con un té apenas dulce. También se ocupa de dejar bien cortado el césped del patio; justo allí donde ambos se sientan a pintar por un rato.
Hace ya dos años que Jean enseña a Levi lo que sea que sabe de arte. Al principio, había sido Moblit, hacía ya mucho tiempo atrás. Luego él, después de la guerra y por pedido suyo, había decidido seguir y tomar el mando.
Era naturalmente bueno para pintar, Levi, decía Jean. Había comenzado con bosquejos desprolijos en un cuaderno, cuando las reuniones de Erwin lo aburrían más de la cuenta. En cambio, ahora, las líneas finas y garabatos acababan por transformarse en retratos reconocibles y concretos que decoraban la casa. Mike, Isabel, Farlan, Kuchel, Petra; todos tenían algún lugar. Todos sonreían detrás de los marcos.
–Algún día tengo que enseñarle a pintar con acuarelas. – insiste Jean, mordiendo el dorso del pincel, casi pensativo, antes de volver a remojarlo.
Levi chasquea la lengua, y lo mira durante una fracción de segundo. Lleva meses insistiendo con que no lo traten con honoríficos, o de “usted”, por lo menos, pero, realmente, no va a ensañárselas con eso ahora. En su lienzo, la figura de Hanji vuelve a aparecerse de entre las sombras, y, cree, entonces, que eso requiere de toda su atención. Incluso más que como puedan llamarlo o no los niños.
–De acuerdo. – acepta, al fin y al cabo, como quien no quiere la cosa, y su pincel se detiene un momento. Lo cierto es que la ha pintado ya demasiadas veces— más de las que uno es capaz de contar. Y es que tal vez Hanji no se le presente en sueños, pero puede verla en cada parpadeo, grabarla en cada exhalación y latido. Está igual de bella que cuando la perdió; allí, enmascarada en témperas. Tiene el cabello desprolijo, arremolinado en el viento. Su boca está torcida en una sonrisa a medias que apenas le achina los ojos.
Si quisiera, piensa, podría pintarla, también, incluso hasta con la vista ciega. Siendo sincero, la ha inmortalizado ya en su memoria demasiadas noches, cuando aún podía dormir a su lado. Sus manos, las yemas de sus dedos, han recorrido cada uno de sus recovecos; suave, cuidadosamente. Han atrapado bajo sus palmas el lunar junto a sus labios, — la expresión en sus pupilas—, cada minucioso retazo de ella.
–Dicen que pintar con acuarelas, es aprender el arte de dejar ir. – cuenta Jean, después de un rato en silencio. Afuera, en el claro en el jardín, la brisa cálida remueve las hojas de los árboles en un arrullo suave. Permite que el sol atraviese las copas verdes y frondosas, y los envuelva en un manto de ocres y dorados. – Creo que podría hacerle mucho bien, ¿sabe, Capitán?
Levi inspira hondo un segundo. No está muy seguro de quién pudo haber dicho eso, o con qué motivo habría sido, pero no va a ponerse a discutirlo ahora. Cuando comenzó a pintar, acababa de subir a la superficie, luego de años de ser preso de los subsuelos. Flores, las tazas bellas que veía en el mercado, había descubierto que, dibujando, comprendía mucho mejor el mundo que lo rodeaba. Que podía volver inmortal todo aquello que hiciera que su corazón saltara de alegría.
Los retratos llegaron después, con el correr de los meses, o de los años. Por alguna razón, Hanji era quien más se le desparramaba de entre las manos y volcaba en el papel. Había algo espontáneo en ella, — algo fugaz y efímero— que lo hacía querer pintarla, casi de manera inevitable. Tal vez, piensa ahora, era su risa. Alocada, terca, suelta y rebelde. Tal vez, también, era su esencia, — algo salvaje y arrollador, imposible de capturar por mucho tiempo.
Se echa hacia atrás, y, con nostalgia, contempla su trabajo casi terminado en el lienzo. Ahora que la ve, un sentimiento parecido a la angustia le hace agujeros en el pecho, — se le instala en el medio del corazón. Quisiera, por un momento nada más, que pintarla no le trajera este sufrimiento agigantado. Que tenerla de vuelta, aunque sólo fuera en recuerdos, lo hiciera sonreír, y no lo llenara de culpas pesadas, o de miedos infundados.
–Está bien. – contesta, entonces, y Jean lo mira esperanzado. Tiene que admitir que siente a Hanji en la frescura de las olas; entusiastas, e indomables. Que la ve en los cielos morados, o que puede acariciarla en el vaivén de los vientos. Lo que no puede, porque el alma aún le arde, es mencionarla delante de Gabi o de Falco. Soñarla sin despertar empapado de sudor.
“Pintar con acuarelas, es aprender el arte de dejar ir.”, las palabras de Jean resuenan en su cabeza, y se vuelve a verlo, alejándose del cuadro. Quiere que pensar en Hanji no lo ahogue en un dolor venenoso, que lo corroa por dentro. Que las pesadillas punzantes sean fantasías de algodón, livianas, en las que se reencuentran y pueden abrazarse de nuevo.
–Está bien. – repite, con la voz algo ronca, y Jean le sonríe. – Enséñame a pintar con acuarelas.
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silvermarig0lds · 1 year
LEVIHAN NATION it’s been a long time coming but I have something for yall… (no new art sorry) this is a headcanon that has made itself comfortable in my mind for quite some time now. WARNING VERY CHEESY AND MUSHY
Imagine, post-rumbling, Hange survives and fulfills her cottagecore dreams with Levi, but she frequently gets called to go on business trips to Marley and Azumabito and even other parts of the world to facilitate peace talks. Despite Hange’s incessant requests and their mutual separation anxiety, which developed as a consequence of what happened the last time they stayed apart from each other for a prolonged period of time (cough zeke cough wine cough forest), Levi chooses to remain at home instead of tagging along due to his mobility issues.
Nonetheless, Levi secretly wishes that he can see the world with Hange, and in spite of his attempt to keep up a facade of nonchalance Hange sees RIGHT THROUGH IT. As such, Hange always makes sure to collect souvenirs, snacks, interesting gadgets, tea packets with flavors that Levi has never seen before. and many different kinds of memorabilia for Levi on her trips, in an effort to let him glimpse into what she has been seeing.
On one particular night after an exhausting trip, Hange surprises Levi with a promise ring. She doesn’t know if Levi ever wants to get married, and she doesn’t wish to pressure him, she says. But this is her way of telling him that she is here to stay. Forever.
Levi tears up, and Hange notices that his hands are shaking. She tenses up, unsure if Levi likes the gift or not. But her worry swiftly vanishes when Levi kisses her, all the while smiling against her lips. Her heart soars in delight as she kisses back.
“You idiot,” Levi mumbles lovingly when they break apart.
“I love you.” She giggles as she replies.
“If you wanted to ask if we can get married, you could have just asked.” Levi teases her, to which she replies in surprise. “You want to…?”
“If it’s with you, yes.” He says, in a matter-of-fact tone. The answer is so simple, and yet. “Because I’m in love with you, Four-Eyes.”
OKAY THIS IS VERY CHEESY IM SORRY ANYWAYS I WOULD KILL FOR A FIC LIKE THIS…I JUST LOVE the idea of Levi getting choked up with emotion as Hange presents him with a ring
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giuliadrawsstuff · 11 months
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Before he can protest further, Levi finds himself drenched in fucking salty water. Hange is splashing merrily around him after dragging him knee deep into the blue plane they had just discovered.
The kids are luckily distracted somewhere further down the beach so they don't hear his obscene swearing when salty, sticky liquid soaks his Survey Corps white pants. The roaring waves and Hange's laughter help to drown his grumbling. Still, he doesn't know why, but he has let Hange pull him into the water and get even wetter.
Waves crash into the shore, they seem higher every minute, or maybe it's just his mind playing tricks. He has never seen such blue wonder before, water to infinity and beyond, no land in sight other than the one behind him.
Hange is still holding his hand tight and when they let go to play with water he feels like something is missing, he's not safe anymore. He looks around, eyes darting towards the distracted kids, then to the shore, then to the open sea and back to Hange.
Their smile, their laughter, their sparkling eyes, everything makes him feel at home, something he never has had after Isabel and Furlan died, maybe ever since his mother died. He grabs their hand back in his, making them jump in surprise, and pulls them towards him in the tightest hug he can manage, head buried in their wet chest, arms locked around their binded torso. After a moment of utter disbelief, Hange melts into his arms, hugging him back, gently stroking his humid hair.
They're tempted to ask the reason behind this sudden show of affection, but then think better of it and decide to just go with the moment. They gently pull him back from the hug, hands cupping his wet face. They comb the raven bangs away from his pale blue eyes and look at him intently. He forgets his anxiety, his worries, the ocean and the sand, the mission, the world. Only Hange remains. Their hands on his cheeks, their eyes in his, bangs flapping around in the salty breeze, goggles pulled back over their head.
Water is splashing all over his uniform, his grey shirt sticks to his chest in the most annoying way and yet he doesn't care. All he sees is Hange and their warm smile, the feel of their skin touching his, the depth of their gaze.
He stands on tiptoes to reach better and kisses them. One, two, three times, just lips on lips. Their smile broadens. Their hands caress his cheeks and jaw, face mere inches from his.
A whisper hushed in the roaring waves.
He thinks he heard it wrong but they say it again multiple times:
"Pretty. PrettyPrettyPretty."
He blushes deeply at the compliment and tches it away.
They completely ignore him, dismissing him with a chuckle, then press their lips on his.
He melts again.
His arms swing around Hange's neck pulling them closer. He tugs at their ponytail and tastes their salty lips, slightly nibbling the lower one. Their moan drowns in the crashing waves.
As their wet chests rub together, Hange suddenly loses their balance, toppling over Levi and into the salty water.
They emerge seconds later, spluttering and coughing: Levi's curses fly once more into the clear air, Hange is laughing incontrollably. They reach for the thing that made them trip and fall and get out a huge purplish shell from the swirling mix of sand and water.
"Look Levi! Another one!!"
Groaning, Levi repeats the same apprehensive line "Careful Four Eyes, it might be poisonous."
They smile brightly, all teeth:
"Good, I'll keep it!"
They place a quick wet kiss on his cheek and press the shell to their chest hugging it happily, like a child with a new precious toy.
He can't help but chuckle lightly at the sight, warmth spreading once more in his chest, soaking clothes and sand forgotten.
He rises to his feet and holds out a hand for them to take:
"Come on, weirdo, let's get out of here."
reference here
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DRAW (AND DRABBLE) THIS IN YOUR STYLE!!! Original post here.
I hope I’m not too late for the party!
Congratulations @giuliadrawsstuff ​ on reaching those milestones, and thank you for gifting our fandom with your presence and your beautiful works  💜 _________________________________________
SFW/Teen And Up Audiences
Wordcount: 1k
The setting autumn sun cast its light over the heavy clouds, tinting the twisted branches and leafy ground in different shades of pink and orange. Robins and sparrows sang lazily into the day-end, as an early owl started its hooting, creating a transitional orchestra that tingled their ears as the cold breeze kissed their bare arms, carrying the earthy omen of rain. Levi stopped in his tracks, head up and eyes closed, and drew in a deep breath.
“We’re lost, aren’t we?” he exhaled, defeated.
“Uh? Of course not! I know exactly where we’re going.” Hange replied, still moving forward.
“You don’t” he defied, feet planted on the same spot. “We’re walking in circles.”
Hange stopped this time, looking back, one eyebrow shooting up in challenge.
“It’s the third time we’ve walked past that rock that looks like Mr. Shadis’ goatee.” He pointed at the mineral cone that reminded him of their college professor. When Levi signed up for the Introduction to Philosophy class, he had no expectations other than getting some much-needed elective credit. It wasn’t in his plans to make new acquaintances, let alone any friends, yet, here he was, hiking with the cuckoo geology major he had gotten to know over several Thursday nights at the university.
“Shit!” Hange cursed, eyebrows frowning as they examined the rock, the serious expression suddenly giving way to a wonderful titter “It does look like his goatee!”
Levi sighed, though, in all honesty, the thing he liked most about Hange was their easy laugh. Paired with their insatiable curiosity and kind heart. Their gorgeous brown eyes, which made any of those precious gems of theirs fade in comparison, weren’t bad either…
Levi cleared his throat. “We should just go back, It’ll be dark soon. You can get your soil samples or whatever another day.”
“Yeah, cool.” Hange replied, absent-mindedly, eyes gazing at a small clearing a few meters away from the goatee rock “But can we eat first?”
“I wouldn’t do that. Looks like it’s gonna rain”, he explained, pointing at the sky, but Hange was already moving to the chosen spot, setting the backpack they usually took to classes on the ground. He followed them, without energy or interest in arguing, after all, it was an opportunity to spend more time with his alluring colleague.
He started working the zipper to get his water bottle and the two granola bars he’d prepared for the short exploration, but stopped as he watched his companion setting their meal. First, Hange stretched a large, flowery tablecloth over the dry grass. Weird. Ok. Then, they started to take an endless parade of tupperwares from inside the bag.
“How the hell did you fit it all in this thing??” Levi asked, flabbergasted after the ninth container emerged from beneath the fabric.
Hange winked “It’s bigger on the inside.
”He couldn’t contain the amused puff that followed their reply. Levi had started watching Doctor Who after he learned the geologist was a fan of the show. It was a good move, as it allowed them to talk about something other than their college disciplines, which kicked off their friendship. Still, almost three months later and Hange had yet to make their move. Maybe the interest was one-sided, after all.
They sat side by side, so close that Levi could pick up on a citric aroma emanating from their shiny, yet messy hair. He was used to the oily smell of their brown locks, but the sudden change was pleasant. It was weird though, for Hange to wash their hair right before a hike.
Their purple sleeveless sweatshirt rubbed against his arms as Hange opened the containers, arranging the food over the ornated fabric in an aesthetically pleasing pattern. Generous bunches of purple and green seedless grapes. Tiny triangular sandwiches, filled with white cheese and leafy vegetables. Chocolate-covered cream cookies. Cakes. Toasts. Pastries Levi whose names didn’t even know. Steam emerged from the Thermos the second Hange removed the lid, the smell of orange and mint slowly being transported to his nostrils. Levi had been meaning to try that blend. He even mentioned it-
Suddenly, it dawned on him.
“Is this-” he started slow, hesitating as the terrifying thought he might be jumping to conclusions set off loud warning sirens in his head.
“What?” Hange asked casually, still focused on organizing their very romantic-looking meal.
They looked up slowly when Levi didn’t respond. The gorgeous brown gems scanned Levi so intently that it made a shiver run down his spine. He gulped.
Hange sat on their knees, shifting their body to face Levi. He’d never seen them so serious before.
“What?” they repeated.
“Is this a date?” Levi blurted out, inhaling sharply right after.
Calloused hands slid up his cheeks, as Hange brought their faces closer. Levi could feel his skin growing warmer under their fingers, and it wasn’t because of the shared body heat. “If I told you it wasn’t, would you be relieved?” they asked, eyes gazing sweetly into his, a semblance of vulnerability in them.
Levi let his palms fall to Hange’s forearms, caressing the soft skin and making the hairs in there shoot up “I would be disappointed.”
The radiant smile that they offered in response made Levi’s stomach flutter and his heart pound fast against his ribcage. He was hooked, and he didn’t mind it at all.
Levi’s hands moved from Hange’s arms to their waist, pulling them in for the kiss he’d been yearning for so long. He reveled in the feeling of their soft lips against his own, the wet warmness of their tongue asking for access, and the muffled moan they let out once it was granted. Hange’s hand moved to the back of his neck, seeking leverage to deepen the kiss, the other holding Levi in a tight embrace. He could stay in their arms forever.
Soon he felt a cold spot on his arm. Then on his face. On his neck.
“It’s raining!” Hange pointed out, moving to disentangle from Levi.
He held them closer, whispering against their lips “It’s alright. We’re not made of sugar.”
Special thanks to the lovely Val (@youre-ackermine ) for helping me come up with the idea for this drabble, and to the amazing Terra (@dont-f-with-moogles ​) who sent me an ask for the drunk drabbles challenge with the prompt “Is this a date” which was perfect for this story! 
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this-is-krikkit · 1 year
hi!! read you're doing prompts, can you do the 9th? i feel like it's a perfect one for levihan 😂
send me a number and a ship and i'll write a drabble!
thank you for sending this prompt ! it does have undeniable levihan vibes to it 😏
Prompt 9. “You can’t banish me! This is my bed too!”
Zeke (★now edited and posted on ao3 ★)
Characters: Levi, Hange, Zeke
Tags: modern au, levihan, no zekehan or zevi i promise, i just think i'm hilarious sometimes and you guys have to deal with it hehehe, erumike mentioned, tw alcohol mention ig
Hange gets out of the shower, puts on the clean shirt Levi had left for them in the bathroom and sneaks into the bedroom quietly. They successfully stop a yelp from escaping and only wince as they bump their toe into their bedside table, and put the miraculously unspilled glass of water they'd brought in with them on it.
They crawl under the duvet quickly, delighted to have made it here just as the hangover headache was starting to make their head throb, and frown as they realize something heavy has taken over most of their side of the bed. They reach back and click their light on, and feel their eyes widening as they take in the sight.
"What the- Levi, what's Zeke doing here?" they ask, way too loud even by their own standards.
"Fuck's sake, four-eyes," Levi moans, voice groggy and dry, "what's it look like? He's sleeping. And so am I, so shut the fuck up and turn the damn light off."
Hange bites their lip to stop themself from commenting on his bed hair or the adorably cranky look on his half asleep face, and obey his order.
Before they swiftly climb over both him and the dog, and stretch their arm far enough to turn on the light on his own bedside instead. They fully laugh when Levi whines again, swearing some more, and the Husky joins his protest with a loud howl.
"And where do I sleep, grumpy-grumps?" Hange asks, fluffing the dog's fur, who quickly calms down at the attention.
"I don't care, just get out of my bed," Levi replies, his voice all muffled from speaking into his pillow as he protects his eyes from the sting of the light.
Hange gasps in faked horror, Zeke looking up at them in concern at the sound.
"You can't banish me! This is my bed too!"
Levi groans again, and blindly feels behind him with his hand.
"Not anymore," he sighs in reflief when he finds his mark and darkness replaces the cruel artificial light. "Now it's mine and Zeke's."
"Right... and since when do you allow this- how'd you put it again- 'overactive drama queen of a hairball', to get on the sheets you love so much and shed all over them?" Hange pushes, genuinely curious.
"Since you leave me for two nights in a row to go on a weekend-long party with your brother and his brainless jock friends. And I was planning on changing the sheets later today anyway," he adds as an afterthought.
"Mike's bachelor party was fun, honey, thank you for asking," Hange replies playfully. "But I still don't understand how that has anything to do with your rules regarding the dog's sleeping-
"For your information, your four legged soulmate here wouldn't stop whining and howling at the front door until I let him come in here," he interrupts in a huff. "I don't know what he was so anxious about, but he had a really hard time sleeping without you around."
Hange's eyes have grown accustomed to the shadows by now, and they don't miss the way Levi stares at Zeke, actively avoiding to look at their own face. They should have known from the minute they came home and Levi was still in bed in the middle of the day that his insomnia had been acting up again, and it twists something in their gut to hear him confess so in his own twisted way, especially when they know he'd been working long hours the week before.
They hum and perch themself back on what little space they've got left on their side of the bed, letting one of their hands land on Levi's pillow to ruffle his hair and massage his scalp as they pet the dog's fur with the other.
"I'm sorry you didn't get to rest properly," they say softly.
Levi sighs, and his fingers link with theirs over the dog's belly.
"From the looks of you right now, I'd say you didn't either," he jokes. "Did you really have fun?"
"So much. I don't see how Erwin's going to beat that next weekend, honestly."
"Well, don't tell him that. He's so competitive he'd do the craziest shit just to try and prove you wrong."
They feel their own grin widening, and Levi chuckles when he spots it.
"Tch, four-eyes..." he warns, shaking his head in faked disapproval.
"Come on, what's the point of being one groom's sibling and the other's best friend if I don't get to mess with them a little?"
They yawn around the end of the sentence, which makes it sound way less villainous than they'd meant.
"Better get some rest while you can, then, evil mastermind," Levi scoffs, failing to hide his own reflex yawn.
Hange vaguely remembers letting out a weak laugh and pinching his nose in retaliation for his mocking tone, before falling into deep slumber.
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Bad Habit
Bad Habit (NSFW) Characters: Levi x Hange Word Count: 1147 words Canon Universe So, this links a couple of things together… 
Fiercely, Levi yanked Hange’s leg to his heaving chest, lifting her hips up so that he could sink his weight into her. Beneath him, Hange’s head was thrown back against the pillows, his name escaping her in strangled gasp. Insatiable, Levi pushed deeper, more insistently into her. Strangely, he found he was no longer concerned about the noise they were both making.
This felt different to the last time they had been together… That had been a quick, messy, sweaty affair; half-dressed and leaning against a block of straw. Hange remembered the clumsy, desperate kisses; her hair still wet from the rain; her cold lips against Levi’s neck. There had been no time for self-consciousness, for they had only stolen a few precious moments together. Afterwards they had found it hard to look at one another; clawing pieces of hay from tangled hair, hastily buttoning shirts and fastening belts. There had been no time to think about their next meeting, or to question the events which had passed inside the stable… Before she had even acknowledged the line she and Levi had just crossed, Hange had found herself rushing back to the castle with her jacket held up over her head.
But this time, things were different. Hange hadn’t been expecting company that night. It seemed as though hours had passed as she had sat upon the lounge chair in her room, eyes glazed. She had been too exhausted to cry any more bitter tears. Hange stared at nothing; her body bowed forward so that one elbow rested upon her knee. Fretfully, she gnawed upon a bitten-down nail. One ugly thought surfaced, then another rose to take its place. Increasingly wild theories were emerging, leaping over one another; giving persistent chase around her mind. 
A sharp knock had brought her back to her surroundings. Hastily rubbing her face, Hange approached the door. There was Levi, bearing a china cup and saucer. Of course he’d brought tea. Was it a pretence? She had hardly entertained the thought before glancing over his shoulder first one way, then the other up the darkened corridor.
“Did anyone see you?” 
“No…” Levi raised his eyebrows. He held out the cup to her, but did not cross the threshold. Hange turned her back to the doorway. There came the sound of a click.
“You never make two. You didn’t think I’d ask you in, huh?”
Hange coughed out a tearless sigh as Levi set the tea down upon a small, round table. He offered a half-shrug. Hange returned to her chair. Hesitantly, Levi made a brief motion as though he was about to leave again. Instead, with a gentle thud, he kicked off his boots by the door and took a seat beside her.
Seemingly, Hange felt like talking after all. The conversation wound itself in convoluted loops, beginning with the deaths of Sawney and Bean, before meandering through possible theories. First, Erwin’s, which had been the outcome of the little information they had managed to gather. Soon their talk wandered through the labyrinth of Hange’s thoughts; twisting into complications which neither could explain. What would the attacker’s next move be? The expedition teams were leaving tomorrow; it could not be delayed. There were those who knew. There were those who could never know. Hange’s tea had grown cold in its cup, the colour fading from golden brown to milky grey. 
“It’s not just about the titans…” Hange’s voice was hoarse. “It’s…”
She gestured uselessly, buckled under the weight of such weariness. No. It wasn’t grief for Sawney and Bean but the wasted effort. Her heart ached with it; the risk to those lives who had helped to capture the titans. And what was there to show for their preparation and sacrifice? It was all for nothing. Worse, the Scouts were bound to face the same danger all over again if they were to learn anything new.
“I know,” came Levi’s reply, filled with doubtless reassurance.
Exhausted, Hange sank against him. Her cheek rested on the collar of his jacket.
“I know it's more than that. And we’re all just as sorry for it.”
Beside her, he was real and solid and warm. For a moment, the horror of the situation wasn’t entirely insurmountable. They would find the perpetrator, one way or another. Even if it wouldn’t bring the test subjects back. Even if it meant putting even more lives at risk… alas, that was the Scouts’ burden to bear. Hange shifted slightly against him. Her forehead rested against Levi’s chin. She could feel the rise and fall of his chest. As his fingers stroked her hair back from her face, Hange released her breath slowly. Levi had remained still then. Hange turned her head towards him. He did not move away. Then she gently brushed her lips against his.
Everything had happened quickly after that, like a series of choreographed movements. They were learning each other’s patterns, rhythms, inclinations, as though by instinct. Their bodies were no longer strangers to one another. It was suddenly easy to undress each other; safe to lose themselves completely. It was becoming a habit.
Now Hange’s head was pressed into the pillows scattered upon her bed. Her legs were draped over Levi’s shoulders, so slick with sweat that they were slipping out of place. Levi’s hand clutched her ankle firmly. Hange was lost to an all-engrossing heat; one that was building so sharply, so agonisingly close. She hardly noticed when Levi’s fingers threaded through her own, gripping her hands as his thrusts became more desperate. 
Her whole body rocked on a wave of ecstasy. As the sensation crested to its peak, Hange choked out a few incoherent words between her sobs. Heat flared within her. Every muscle in her body clenched. And then, the sting of pleasure was ebbing away. 
Levi’s movements were slowing. His eyes were closed; brow slightly furrowed in concentration; his cheeks flushed. Dark hair stood up, uncharacteristically unruly. Hange’s chest pulled tight. Her hands slid up Levi’s back and into his dishevelled hair. Breathless words left her in a sigh. Levi’s body tensed. He drew back enough to look down at where she lay beneath him. Her eyes were half-closed; face aglow.
She knew he would not answer. Not until he was sure of what he had heard. Both shared the same secret but were too afraid to reveal it.
Hange took Levi’s warm face in her hands. Their lips met silently, softly. She held him there and Levi showed no inclination to draw himself away, or to continue moving against her.  He was still inside her; stomachs pressed together; skin warming one another, as he kissed her again. Their bodies moulded naturally, as though they were made for only this. As though they could remain this way for the rest of their days.   ... Levi x Reader version is here.
I’m taking NSFW prompts 👉 Smut Scribbles
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youre-ackermine · 9 months
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Belated birthday
Characters: Levi Ackerman / Hange Zoe
Wordcount: 1160 approx.
Modern AU / SFW / established relationship / non-binary Hange / swearwords
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Walking back home through the park was not so bad after all, Levi thought to himself. He had been reluctant to Hange's suggestion at first, arguing that the pie would never be baked by tea time. 
They had already wasted enough time wandering among the stalls at the farmers' market to purchase some veggies after lunch, he had argued. But of course they could never take 'no' for an answer, could they?
So they had insisted, all puppy eyes and irritating whines, tugging his coat sleeve, begging him between kisses on his cheeks or neck, squeezing his arm between theirs.
And obviously they had pestered the shit out of him until he gave in, frowning in annoyance and rubbing his temples as he felt the headache coming.
When he thought about it, Hange’s beaming smile had been worth the relinquishment, lighting up their face and making his heart melt in the process. And strolling through the park together arm in arm only added to the warmth that started to spread in his chest, reviving the memory of their first date one fall years ago.
Rays of pale sunlight played through the russet foliage, piercing the light mist. A swift gust raised a whirlwind of fallen leaves every once in a while, scattering them across the path. Levi took a deep breath, taking in the relaxing quietness of early Saturday afternoon, relishing in the sweet undergrowth smell of the earth.
The crisp autumn air stung his ears and the tip of his nose but Levi couldn't care less, not when he felt the gentle touch of Hange's warm body pressed against his side as they walked. Not when their eyes sparkled with sheer joy as they babbled about how beautiful the elms and maples were this time of the year. Not when they squeezed his arm as they pointed out a squirrel hopping from branch to branch.
“...and the way their eyes are positioned allows them to see behind them, can you believe it, Shorty?” Hange exclaimed, snapping him off his reverie. “Nature is so fascinating, I’ll never get tired of learning more about it every day of my life!” they enthused.
Every day of my life. The words echoed in Levi’s head and swirled around for a while, leaving a sweet sensation in their wake. He turned to Hange, smiling softly as his gaze wandered over their handsome face. He slowed his steps, gently holding them back and pulled them into him.
They giggled and slid an arm around his neck when he leaned in to kiss them on the lips, a brief and chaste kiss, something featherlight and heartfelt, his eyes fluttering shut for a few seconds. He was caught in the moment, oblivious to the affection he displayed in public, but it felt so right his heart swelled with fondness in his chest.
Snapping out of his trance, he slipped his hand in Hange's, intertwining their fingers, and resumed walking.
“Come on, Four-Eyes, let’s get home before we freeze our asses off!” He blurted out.
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Levi was glad they could finally mark Hange’s birthday. Nothing too fancy though, just their friends coming over for tea and apple pie, an opportunity to catch up on each other’s lives, a chance to share a good moment of friendship and show how much they all loved Hange.
Their last project at work had kept them busier than usual, delaying the celebration for weeks. This week-end was the first one in months for them to enjoy free time so, before getting to cook, Levi had insisted Hange settled comfortably on the couch with a soft blanket and the book they bought before coming back home.
Lulled by Hange’s blabbering, Levi had prepared and baked the pie in no time, letting his mind wander to his bedside table. Levi smiled. There, in the drawer, Hange’s birthday gift was nestled between neatly ironed handkerchiefs and a box of mints.
He had bought it on an impulse months ago, his gaze drawn to it as he walked past the store window. It reminded him of the golden amber hue of their eyes, those eyes which held the most beautiful shades of fall, those eyes so entrancing and expressive he could never get tired drowning into.
A slight blush of anticipation crept up his face as he thought about how surprised Hange and their closest friends would be. He imagined their fingers feverishly tearing the pumpkin patterned paper. He imagined them gasping as they opened the small box. He imagined them beaming as they lifted their head to look at him. And the butterflies fluttered in his chest.
“Oh my, it smells so good, Levi!” Hange exclaimed in a cheerful tone as he took the pastry out of the oven, a sweet aroma wafting from the kitchen. “Can I have a teeny-tiny slice, please?” they begged.
“Hell no, Four-Eyes!” he replied without turning back, sliding the cake onto a plate. “It’ll ruin the whole damn pie before anyone can see it!”
“But it’s for my birthday!” they whined.
“I-said-no!” His tone cut short any retort. “Besides, it’s still too hot, tis gonna burn your tongue and shit!”
“You’re not funny, Shorty,” they pouted.
He rolled his eyes. “Sure, Four-Eyes. If you say so.”
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Shining spoons and a china sugar bowl elegantly set out on the tray next to the floral patterned tea set, the birthday candles placed on the apple-pie, autumn flowers nicely arranged in a vase… Levi let out a sigh of satisfaction. Everything was ready.
He headed to the bedroom for a quick check in the mirror and opened his drawer to take the wrapped box with a trembling hand. He felt weird. Shy and nervous, giddy and thrilled, wobbly and excited, all of these at the same time.
In a few steps, Levi reached the window, opened it to let the bracing autumn air in. He let his eyes wander over the golden foliage of the trees along the street below and took a deep, invigorating breath.
He had been waiting for this moment for months and now was not the time to flinch. Slipping the gift into his pocket, he pulled himself together and walked back to the kitchen to brew a cup of espresso for Hange.
Levi stopped in his tracks as soon as he glanced into the sitting-room. The autumn sun bathed the room in golden light, softly warming its atmosphere and highlighting Hange's handsome features.
They looked comfortable and relaxed, cozily huddled on the couch, their book now neglected in favor of Sawney. The couple’s ginger cat purred and squirmed shamelessly under Hange’s petting. Their voice was gentle and loving as they cooed to the fur ball, a soft smile spreading over their pretty face.
He took in the endearing sight for a while, relishing in this sweet, heartwarming sensation. In this very moment, looking at his beloved Hange, he finally felt like home.
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This is my entry for Eliza's Under the Harvest Moon AOT collab @postwarlevi
Sorry to post it so late!! Technically, it's still fall, right?
Header: @youre-ackermine
Dividers: @saradika-graphics & @firefly-graphics
A/N: not beta/proof read - English is not my usual language
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free-pancakes · 2 years
His Achilles Heel
- a levihan drabble
“We’re in.”
Warm light greeted them at the entrance, twinkling calmly off the crystal chandeliers. As the tall, wooden doors closed softly behind them, Levi clutched his elbow tighter over Nanaba’s arm. Together, they stepped forward carefully into the gigantic anteroom, the dazzling lights nearly blinding them. As their eyes adjusted, they saw a double winding staircase meeting together at the top, creating an arch—a gateway into the giant ballroom filled with people, all wearing glittering masks, making the room even brighter.
Laughter and smiles surrounded them, and Nanaba’s eyes sparkled at the sight—the sheer beauty of the room could make anyone’s jaw drop.
But not for Levi—it was eyes and mind on the mission, as always.
Nanaba had crushed the heel of her silver stiletto into Levi’s foot.
“Ow, what the hell?!”
“Lighten up, will ya?” she muttered under her breath, Levi answering her with a scowl.
As they turned the corner, they put on their masks for the masquerade ball, blending into the crowd before splitting ways. Intel Miche had gathered for them over the past week indicated which security guards to tail, which ones had keys to the library upstairs and to the wine cellar underneath them all. Levi and Nanaba nodded before disappearing into the crowd.
Levi weaves his way through, his jaw clenching as he pushes by dozens of people, smell of strong perfume and cologne overwhelming his senses. He knew his target guard would be by in just a few minutes so he took the time to gather in his surroundings. He observed a few guards to his right, and had no sign of the dreaded enemy yet, the host and owner of this very mansion, Zeke Yeager. All appeared well and according to plan so far, yet he felt the hairs behind his neck stand right up—the sensation he was being watched.
Levi knew better than to ignore his intuition, and decided to make his way out of the crowd into a quieter hallway, and into the shadows he went. He felt his heart beat faster and took a deep breath. As he crept quietly, the sounds of whispers took him by surprise. Inching forward, Levi peered around the corner, squinting to see the reflection of the next hallway over on the decorative vase nearby.
His heart stopped as he saw the flash of blonde hair—Zeke. Levi ducked back around the corner and suddenly the whispers stopped. Sweat beaded on his brow as steps echoed down the hall toward him, and he kept his nerves at bay as he reached his hand into his pocket, fingers quietly gripping the rough handle of his knife.
All of a sudden, a flash of gold swept past him, a subtle glint of light before him reflecting off lenses of wire rimmed glasses. Levi was so caught aback by her swiftness that he did not even react—how did a human being even get all the way back hear without him hearing it, let alone here right in front of him. As she paused to listen to Zeke’s footsteps, she turned to Levi, her bright but sure gaze staring intently into his, a look that for whatever reason made his heart thump harder in his chest, nerves no longer at bay. She clearly wasn’t on Zeke’s side, thankfully, but Levi definitely didn’t recognize her. With caution, Levi kept his guard but did not fight her.
With a bright and cheery voice that did not match the seriousness in her eyes, this person loudly spoke for Zeke and whoever his fellow henchman was to hear—“Wow, fancy seeing you here again!”
Her ruse didn’t seem to make the footsteps stop. Actually, it sounded as though they started to hurry faster towards the two of them.
The music in the ballroom grew in volume, drowning out the sound in the entire building, making it impossible to know how close Zeke would be. Gritting his teeth, Levi prepared for the worst. With hearing gone, the rest of his senses heightened. First he relied on his eyes, waiting to see movement on the rug below to know how close Zeke could be. He slipped the knife out from his pocket—he couldn’t kill him but something had to happen before his cover would be blown.
Before he could pounce forward a hand grabbed him by the waist. He completely forgot he wasn’t alone. Knife still in hand, Levi spun around by the force and suddenly he felt warmth reach his lips. Glasses pushed up against him, their noses squished clumsily as he was held in a kiss, his hands losing strength—music too loud to hear his knife clatter to the floor, he closed his eyes and the two of them seemed to melt into the party, nothing else on Levi’s mind but the sense of weird safety in that moment.
It felt as though time stopped—but within 2 seconds Levi came back to his senses.
A kiss, something so absurd as a hail mary attempt at distraction, the oldest one in the book. Cracking open his eyes just enough to see, he watched Zeke’s face go red, turning sideways, the looks of the words “sorry, excuse me” on his lips, as he whipped around to walk away hurriedly, shaking his head.
For good measure he held on for another few seconds, before finally breaking away, shoving himself free. All he could do but scream at her, his face hot in anger and her idea of staying under cover, keeping their identities safe from the enemy.
He watched her figure, unable to hear her laughter, but watched her shaking as she giggled, her tall figure clothed in a gold, shimmering gown, her slender arms hugging herself before she could fall over in laughter. Wiping the tears away she smiled at him, Levi only able to give her a confused look, trying hard to make the blush on his face look like it was a result of anger rather than embarrassment.
With that she laughed again, but then rushed away up the stairs. Levi chased after her—she must have been going where he needed to go, and he couldn’t let her.
He ran, almost loosing his way through the maze of corridors, until he found the room, already cracked open. He barged in, closing the door behind him, his back leaning against it. His ears rang, adjusting to the sudden quietness of the room, the music and partying now drowned out behind the closed door.
“What the HELL was that? And who are you??”
She stopped rummaging through boxes for a second and looked up.
“Oh good to see you finally caught up!” she said with a smile and quickly turned back to work.
“Hey, I’m talking to you!” Levi lunged forward, grabbing her by the inside of her elbow and pulling her away from the exact boxes he was supposed to be finding top secret documents from.
She quickly fixed her glasses and frowned at him.
“Relax, Shorty!”
“What the hell did you just call me—“
“Shorty! Yaknow, cuz you’re pretty short!” She laughed at the upset look on his face. “The name’s Hange! So you can let go of me now!”
He reached to his pocket only to find it empty.
“Calm down, Shorty! Erwin sent me.”
“W-what??” Levi exclaimed.
“He sent me in, supposed to come assist the famous Levi, who knew! He rambled about how our fighting styles might be compatible, and wanted to test it out, blah blah blah—you know much the guy could ramble.”
She went back to sifting through boxes.
“Figured I’d come up with another way out of that situation so you wouldn’t have to stab our target with that knife and blow our cover!”
She chuckled at the memory—���You’re knife’s over there in the corner, by the way! Seems like you forgot all about it once you got the chance to kiss someone. What a cute Achilles heel, huh!”
Levi grimaced at the statement, and went to grab his knife neatly placed on the corner table. He swept his thumb gently across the engraved “K. A.” on the handle.
“Who knew a kiss by humble ol’ Hange Zoe could completely shut down the formidable Levi Ackerman!”
Levi sighed. He could not imagine working on another case with her, but knowing Erwin, he was probably already assigned to missions in the near future. He shook his head and joined next to her to help dig for the papers they came to retrieve.
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bluesylveon2 · 1 year
Omg!! Thank you so much for sharing your art with us <3 I would like to request Levihan, prompt 05 <3 thank you beautiful human
Hi anon! Sorry for the wait but it is here! First, let me apologize that it has been a year since I wrote Levihan, so the characters may be oc. I tried to capture how they were when I was into Levihan tho. I hope you like it!
Prompt 05.  I’m a pro-athlete at a press conference and I make a comment to my buddy about you because I forgot my mic was on
Note: Modern au (Winter Olympics), fluff, potential for something more, fem Hange
Word count: 1k
Warning: not beta read, possible OC characters, and idk much about the Olympics besides what is on TV/TikTok
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The infamous Ackerman siblings. Levi and Mikasa Ackerman, also known as the Monster Siblings, due to their "awakened" abilities the moment their blades touch the ice. 
Two of the greatest Olympic skaters in this generation with a gold medal in ice dancing during their debut year. They even had more medals under their belt from other events.  
Levi Ackerman was used to the attention. The lights and cameras took some getting used to at first. Now, seven years later, Levi could care less about them before their third Winter Olympics. 
The same applied to his little sister, Mikasa, who typically kept a stoic face on camera except when she won. Of course, this meant the world had nothing better to do than get into the sibling's business. Especially now, after their recent win and the gold medals to prove it is shining around their necks. 
"Question for Levi, when are you thinking about retiring?"
Levi's face remained stoic, but he wanted to groan in annoyance. Luckily, for Mikasa's sake, he refrained from it. "Not thinking about it. Next question."
The reporter looked away and turned to Mikasa to address it. Mikasa smiled before rambling on about whatever her answer was. Levi leaned back and internally thanked his sister before letting his eyes wander through the crowd.
There was a tall guy with a horse-like face, another guy with the ugliest bowl cut Levi had ever seen, and a woman eating a plain potato.
Seriously, who let her in her? Levi grimaced as the crumbs fell on the floor. He mentally made a note to increase security for the next press conference and clean that up later. Levi's eyes wandered some more as Mikasa continued about today's performance.
There was a very tall guy with blond hair covering his eyes, a woman with short banana-blonde hair, and another woman. who had-
"The most shittiest glasses I have ever seen."
Many eyes turned to face Levi, including the woman who had the supposed "shitty glasses." His eyes widened slightly as the woman's eyes met his. The woman was not the only person wearing glasses, but her oval-shaped glasses stood out to him for some reason. They were due for a cleaning, too, and Levi had to stop himself from wiping it with his handkerchief. Instead, Levi mentally prepared herself to face the stranger's wrath but was met by the woman grinning wildly. Meanwhile, Mikasa turned to see who her brother was looking at and the woman, connecting two and two together. She cleared her throat and spoke into the mic.
"What my brother means is that everyone here has nice glasses. He has a shitty way of expressing it." She said with a closed-eyed smile. Despite his sister not looking angry, Levi could sense it from where he sat. 
Levi sighed and took a sip of his earl grey tea nearby. 
This was going to be a long day.
Hange scribbled down her notes gleefully as she reflected on her day. First, her puppies, Sawney and Bean, were the most absolute angels she had ever met. Then she met up with her co-workers to head to the Olympics. Finally, she was noticed by Levi Ackerman. The most famous ice skater of the century! Sure, she was noticed in an abnormal way, but Hange did not mind. Her favorite celebrity acknowledged her, and it could not get any better than that.
"We are going to head out, Hange," Erwin said, and Hange smiled.
"I'm just finishing up, so you can go ahead. See you tomorrow!"
"See you tomorrow!" Nanaba replied, and Mike nodded before leaving. 
The center hall was silent, minus a few voices around here and there. Hange was on her last note when she heard footsteps heading closer in her direction.
"Oi, Shitty Glasses."
Hange could not hide her smile, practically ignoring his insult. "Levi! Nice to meet you! My name is Hange. Do you need something?" 
Levi shuffled around awkwardly like he was contemplating what to say. "I just wanted to apologize for earlier. I should not have said that for the cameras to hear."
Hange laughed loudly. "It's alright. I was not offended. I was happy that you acknowledged me, though. You are one of my favorite athletes in the Games."
Levi's mouth curled up slightly. "Thanks. I appreciate that. Just don't let my sister know, or else she might do something about it."
Hange moved her fingers along her mouth and threw the imaginary zipper to the ground. "Don't worry, that will be safe with me."
"Thanks. There is something I want to do before I head back to the Village."
"What's that?"
Levi held his hand out. "Hand me your glasses."
"Okay…" Hange replied in confusion as she fulfilled Levi's request. She watched Levi pull a handkerchief from his pocket and gently wipe it along her lenses. Hange heard rumors of Levi being a clean freak, but seeing it in person amazed her. Levi meticulously cleaned and often held it to the light to ensure no dust remained. He returned the glasses back to her once he was satisfied. 
"Here. Make sure you maintain it, or else you won't be able to see."
"Thanks, Levi." Hange placed the glasses back on her, and her eyes widened in amazement. "Woah! Everything looks so much clearer now! It's like those commercials!"
Levi's smile grew a millimeter bigger. "Don't sing the song. But I have a question to ask before I go."
"I have a free skate coming up. You can watch it if you want as an apology for earlier. I can even set you up with seats that are close by. You will just be sitting with my sister."
Hange grinned from ear to ear. "YES, YES, I WILL DO THAT!"
"Good." Levi dug inside his pocket again and handed Hange a slip of paper. "Here is my number. Just text me later, and I can send you the details."
Hange grabbed the paper and stuffed it in her purse. "Thanks, Levi." She glanced at her watch and shot Levi an apologetic look. "I need to get home to check on my pups. See you later, Levi!" Hange yelled as she ran off and waved goodbye.
Levi only waved back as he watched her move farther away, his heart beating a mile a minute for some reason. "See you later, Hange."
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Disclaimer:Attack on Titan is a manga/anime series written by Hajime Isayama and published by Kondasha.
©: These stories belongs to bluesylveon2 2020-23. DO NOT modify, republish, or plagiarize my work.
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