#clean up on aisle 12
redrocketpanda · 1 year
This is just a random little thought that's currently unraveling in my brain that may be of interest to no one but me (which is fine, whatever, it's my blog and I'll leave my dirty laundry on the floor if I want to), but I am currently having some Thoughts about my fears around writing dialogue + characterization and wondering if this stems from being autistic...? I am also now genuinely curious whether those of you who are autistic who write fiction that involves people/characters (in all its many forms, including comics) may share similar fears/issues/generally relate to this
I find that I'm constantly tripping up whilst writing the fics I'm writing at the moment and started reflecting on what the issue(s) might be. In all of them, I know what's happening and what I want to happen, and yet when I come to write I feel like I start to choke. For the most part, I would say my previous fics have been quite Dialogue Lite. They tend to focus a lot on description and emotions. I know what the rooms look like, what the character's are doing, how they feel about each other... I know what it feels like to touch, to inhale someone's comforting scent, to be scared, to love... and I know that my writing is very emotive because of this
But when it comes to writing dialogue? Jfc kill me now. Every piece of dialogue I write feels like getting blood from a stone. It feels absurd. It sounds (to me) so unnatural. The KazuRei fic is supposed to be humorous and heart-warming; the Kunichi one teasing and hot. But my mind just draws a blank over and over again.
I don't experience this IRL - I always have something to say. People tend to find me to be charismatic and funny. But I have no idea how to translate this into writing, because I don't know how I'm doing it or sometimes even what I'm doing. It just comes out like that. I do also know that I constantly misunderstand people, often think about thing's very literally, find turn-taking difficult, and find things like RP stressful bc there's no dialogue options for me to choose.
And when I was sitting here reflecting on why dialogue scares me so much, I had this thought hit me; I don't really understand how people (who aren't me) talk to each other, I don't always really understand how verbal communication works, I don't really understand other people. And I'm scared of that being printed in black and white text for everyone else to see. I'm scared of people reading my work and realizing that I'm like... some kind of "broken" human.
If you ask me to pick a favourite character (let's take an easy one and go for Bakugou), I could tell you in intimate fucking detail about who he is, what his emotional landscape is, all of his fears and desires and dreams. Ask me to write something that he might say... and I can't. And the further we get away from characters that are like me, the harder it continues to get. I am finding it hard to even think about how my friends who I speak to every fucking day might respond to something.
Anyway, this was a really long ramble as my thoughts literally processed in my brain. And it's makes me super sad bc I would love to write something that people think is funny and has characters that people fall in love with, but I'm starting to worry that I don't have that capability
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msfantasy-anime · 2 months
The Very Real Wedding
Monkey D. Luffy x Reader
Summary: a short story prequel to my wife. This is the story of when Sabo and Ace arranged a wedding ceremony for their younger brother.
Part I • Part II
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The sky is dark, and the straw hats ships is lively and rambunctious as ever. You sit amongst the crew on deck as you enjoy each others company, and singing songs like the drunkards you were. The mood begins to settle down, as your full bellies urge you all into a food coma, prompting the crew to request you for a story.
“Common Y/n, dont give us the cliff notes of your ‘wedding’ we want to hear the whole story!” Usopp begs making Chopper nod in agreement.
Looking over at your beloved best friend, he just chuckles and waits for you to speak further.
“Okay, if you insist…”
12 years ago in the East Blue
“You’re not seriously going to Dadan’s place again, are you?” Ace taunts the small Luffy, who remains crouched in the bushes, pulling any plant that looks like a flower.
“Of course I am, I promised Y/n I’d bring her flowers everyday.” Young Luffy exclaims, as he ties the specially curated bouquet with a broken vine he found laying on the floor.
“Don’t give Y/n that!” Sabo exclaims, wacking the bouquet from Luffy’s hands. “That vine is poisonous!”
“Ouch, ouch, ouch! It hurts!” Luffy begins to sob, waving his stinging hands around, a reddish rash colouring across his palms.
“You idiot!” Ace scolds. “Let us do it.” Ace grumbles as the two brothers begin to pick out plants for a new bouquet of flowers. “What will it take for you to stop picking these stupid flowers everyday and focus on your pirate training?”
“For her to marry me.” Luffy answers, as he continues to blow air on his itchy hands.
“Fine then, Sabo and I will arrange for your wedding ceremony and then you can finally stop doing this stupid crap everyday.”
“Are you guys serious?!” Luffy exclaims excitedly, his giggles making Ace shudder with creeping awkwardness at his love sick brother.
“Uh huh, sure.” Sabo sighs dismissively, tying off the new bow.
Climbing up the final step, you land on the treehouse entry in your cleanest formal dress as requested by the three boys.
There you saw Ace waiting at the front, his foot tapping impatiently along the wooden plank.
“Hurry up already, we’ve been waiting ages.” Ace hurries you along. Looping his arm through your own and pulling you through the entry.
“This is stupid-Luffy isn’t going to stop visiting me daily just because of a fake wedding ceremony.” You scold the older boy.
“The idiot doesn’t know the difference, just do it would ya?” Of course the question is redundant as Ace shoves you through the entry door and straight into the hideout.
“Dun-dun-dunddun-dun-dun-da-da.” Sabo hums to ‘Here Comes the Bride’ flicking his fingers in the air as if conducting an invisible, silent, orchestra. You could just about laugh at the scene before you.
The boys clearly took the silly celebration seriously.
There’s random bunches of flowers, a make shift wedding arch with a clean dressed Luffy.
You figured, you might as well take the ceremony as seriously as the boys took it.
“Wait, what about the flower girl?” You ask teasingly, to which Ace stomped to the nearest rose. Ripping off the head and throwing the petals to the floor.
“There.” He says bluntly, looping his arm back around yours and tugging you along the ‘aisle’, as you take dramatic steps for your performance.
Arriving at the alter, you’re met with an excited Luffy, who is so filled with energy, he’s practically bouncing in place, which you couldn’t help but giggle at. “Lady and Gentlemen, we are gathered here today to join Y/n and Luffy as husband and wife. If anyone objects, speak now, or forever hold your peas.”
“It’s peace.” You object.
“Why would it be peace? You can’t hold peace, but you can hold peas, so it must be peas.” Sabo justifies as Luffy hums in agreement.
“Oh, that makes sense.” Luffy says as you roll your eyes.
“Luffy do you take Y/n as your-“
“Yep!” Luffy yelps excitedly, his eagerness makes him jitter faster in his place.
“Y/n do you take Luffy as your lawfully wedded husband, to love in sickness and in health until death do you part?”
“I vow to love Luffy even after death.” You say this to tease Luffy, but any of your cold taunting flies right over his head.
“… then I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss the bride.”
As you turn to peak Luffy on his cheek, he smacks a big ole’smooch to your lips. His cheeky smile flashing towards your shocked face.
Without a second to spare, Ace begins to pellet you both with dried rice, with as much force as he could muster.
To which you break out into a squeal running for cover in a fit of laughter.
“Ace you jerk!” Luffy yells in anger. Running towards his brother and tackling him to the ground.
The two roll on the floor, tussling and grabbing at each-other.
Sabo jumps on top of Luffy and Aces trying to break the two up.
Present Day
“Stop it! I can’t handle the crippling loneliness anymore!” Frankly cries again, Robin turns to comfort Franky again as he continues to blow his nose into the hanky.
“What an exquisite story teller you are! I felt like I was there. We need a story teller in the crew don’t we Luffy. Y/n can keep a record of our adventures.” Brook lays his compliments on thick, egging Luffy on as he begins to belly laugh.
You smiled awkwardly at the over the top praise.
“Whattya say Y/n? Wanna join my crew?” Luffy asks, his huge infectious smile crossing his face.
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If you have the means to, tips are always appreciated.
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satoruhour · 1 year
hello :) may i ask a husband nanami headcanons? your so talented!
a/n: ty anon !!! i hope u like this :3
warnings: (in second half of post) pregnancy kink? breeding / creampie kink ofc, consensual somnophilia, praise, pet names
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i. sfw headcanons
nanami is so sweet when he first proposes to you! ofc you have sex on the daily or weekly but when he’s reading his speech to you when he’s kneeling down it’s so sweet that you cry
and this dude wonders why you’re tearing up when his words literally mirror a poet’s LMFAO
nanami proposes at a quiet place only the two of you frequent, to avoid unwanted attention like crowds (he’s just thinking about gojo and how annoying he would be)
but also because he just wants it to be as special as he can make it out to be
honestly, if the whole kuantan thing works out he would love to propose there while the waves and horizon set the scene naturally. like he already knew he wanted to retire from being a jujutsu sorcerer here but he just melts when you’re here too. everything wrapped up in one, and the tear-filled “yes!!!” makes him jump and warms his heart
has a dinner laid out for you and everything and if the beach is deserted he wouldn’t mind having u right there LOL hes quiet but freaky just sayin’ !!!
when you walk down the aisle he cries. really
and is now obsessed with how he can call you ”his wife” as opposed to “his girl” 
okay but now on to the domesticity. the dynamics are almost the same: he isn’t against you heading out to earn your own money, and he’s more than happy to be a stay-at-home husband if you want him to, but seeing you in your cute apron has him already thinking of family and how you would bounce the baby on your arm as you prepare dinner
nanami is more doting when he’s your husband, not that he wasn’t before, but he thinks it’s the old age when he sees your leg cramp and he massages it or when you squint at your book so he turns up your lamp to a higher setting
also likes to flaunt off his wedding ring, albeit with flushed cheeks. he does it when he drinks tea, sliding gojo his paper work, polishing his weapon and it’s silent, laidback bragging and only gets annoyed when gojo asks about it
if anyone else does it he’s happy to talk about you lol
is a lot more slack when it comes to his salary and treating you to things, saying things like “oh, it’s okay, my pretty wife deserves this”
nanami does his part of the housework now that you’re permanently living together and pulls his weight — buying cleaning supplies, folding the laundry, buying food for the dog
he doesn’t care much about gender roles and is willing to show you that a good husband shouldn’t just be a milestone to complete and then immediately refuses to participate in household work
deadbeat husbands = boooooo
for now you’re still busy as jujutsu sorcerers, but after a year or two of being married he’s trying to convince you to take less missions, partially because he’s afraid of curses taking advantage of your relationship (not that they didnt before, but now they have a leverage against you) and marriage to hold either of you hostage
but the main reason for the persuasion is because he wanted a kid. and you step back in shock because nanami kento? wanting a kid? it seemed so out of character for him but considering how much he liked to come in you… was already pretty telling
like he loved the dog but also wanted like. biological kids. it was wild, he knows, even when you tell gojo (he’s still a little mad that you did, but it was an accident), even the six-eyes user was pretty surprised.
when the kid comes he’s just. crying again. he really loves you so much, and the fact that you carried a baby for nine months and was in pain for 12 hours and then pushed a whole ass baby out ur vagina? goddamn
you two name her nanami kumiko and he holds her like she’s the only one in the world (besides you), cooing gently as how the baby seem to snuggle into his warmth
he gives her a danish name too: ida, but he’s not sure if he should include it in the birth certificate, so he didn’t
he is very protective of his girl, especially how you techniques seemed to be passed down and how the jujutsu society might be seeking out your offspring in kuantan, but he makes sure no one comes close to the two of you, even asking gojo reluctantly to monitor any news of the higher-ups looking to ruin her childhood
nanami really thinks it’s age now, because he find it so hard to say no to your baby girl whenever she asks for something — whether non-verbal or verbal
is a calm dad, usually burping the baby after you feed her, changing her diapers, etc., even suggesting bonding by holding her close with skin-to-skin contact and you're surprised he even knows about that
you give in when you see that he does it anyway, rocking the baby softly on the balcony with his top off, already knowing she’s going to be a daddy’s girl when she grows up
spoils his daughter but still disciplines her when it’s necessary, but he reverts to gentle parenting when he needs to. learns how to tie hair because of her, teaches her about manners and consent and tells her he has no problem if she decides to punch a guy one day. she’s just confused lol, why would i need to do that, dad?
bless him, she got your kind disposition, but yeah he emphasises that she should stand up for herself if needed
during pregnancy, he’s also making sure you never lift a finger, running across the house to complete errands, going out to buy your cravings and regulating your diet. it’s pretty cute but nanami is sometimes really strict about what you eat because he doesn’t want your health to decline lol
“just one cup of coffee… please?”
nanami only grunts in disapproval, hoping a peck to your forehead can wake you up, ”no.”
okay but that’s a lot, i have a lot of Thoughts
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ii. nsfw headcanons
building on that hc earlier abt going from calling you ”his girl” to ”his wife”, he uses it so much in the bedroom you’d think it was a fetish
and you kinda understand it, there’s the jump of your heart when he introduces you as “his wife” compared to a mere girlfriend
honest to god, coming home that day and seeing you cook wasn’t the first time he’s thought of having a kid. it’s happened many times before, seeing you interact with the first-years, guiding a first-grader home after a mission
and sure he’s done it before, but you’re always on the pill and he has really really thought of getting a vasectomy, but then he thinks of how cute you’d look with a round belly, carrying his baby and that glow that he knows he’s the reason for
so the day he proposes to you, he fucks you like an animal, cumming deep in you with choked groans and fills you up.
wedding night? same thing
but what really got him going was after he told you about wanting a kid, and you begging with those eyes of yours is what drove that string to snap. “i w-want you— shit— to fuck a baby into me, kento!” 
wheew and he goes insane. nanami loves it when you beg for his cum, legs locked around his body to get him to do it. you’re relentless too, spreading your folds for him as his cum seeps out slowly and soon he’s fucking his cum deep into you again, filling you up two, three, four times
and he doesn’t exactly care if that time doesn’t work because now he knows you aren’t taking contraception so he just does it regularly for good measure.
you aren’t complaining because you’ve never seen nanami so feral when he’s pushing his cum deep into you, whether it’s with his cock or with his fingers. that period before your pregnancy was so fulfilling that you wouldn’t mind pushing out another baby for your husband, if it meant getting railed by a man on a mission to make you a mommy
by god he fucks you on every surface of the house
when you’re pregnant too, you can’t help but get wet bc of your hormones and sometimes comes home from work, tired and needing some relief
he finds relief between your legs when you’re sleeping, talking about how nice it was to get used while sleeping, but you didn’t expect nanami to utilise it while you’re pregnant. you wince and groan as you sit up, but you need to see your husband lapping at your cunt immediately, moaning into your core like a starved man
but ofc nanami is a lot gentler when you’re pregnant. he offers to do the work, thrusts gentler and less impactful, but he still feels so good
a few years after marriage, sex is still an ongoing thing, but it’s converted more into love-making and lazy intercourse because you weren’t exactly young. sure you both would go crazy a few times a week but it was difficult with a maturing kid in the room next to yours.
you both would also take the time to discover other kinks!!! always busy, it was a difficult thing to do, but in between taking care of kumiko and handling lighter missions, you’d find new ways to continue keeping your love and sex life exciting
nanami liked going slow with you too though whispering into your ears endless praises of how you were doing do well, settling into missionary so he could see how his thrusts still had the same effect it did on you years ago
“doing so well, sweetheart. that’s it… my pretty wife’s such a good girl f’r me.” 
nanami wasn’t against a second child, but sometimes he sees how much you go through in labour and in pregnancy that he becomes lightheaded with what could happen to you, especially with the unexpected illnesses that come with pregnancies. he told himself he would only grant you another if you ask for it
but then one day when kumiko prances up to you in the midst of her math homework, asking when she would get a little sibling and youre taken aback while nanami just chokes on his tea
yeah, sure, you taught her sex education way before her peers and how babies are made but you didn’t expect to actually ask the two of you straight up about having a sister or brother
that night, you mulled over the decision, and nanami mumbles into your neck from the back, ”don’t worry about kumiko, baby. she’ll probably forget it sooner or later.”
“but what if i want to give her one though?” you mumble, your smaller hand guiding his lower and lower…
“do you want to?” nanami only can suck in a breath when he feels your throbbing cunt, your nimble fingers showing his how you liked your clit to be rubbed. even if he knows you inside out he still lets you do it, “i do… do you, kento?”
his first name is whispered, breaking the tension and nanami has to hold himself back from handling you too roughly, loving the way you grin languidly.
oh, here comes round 2!
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omg headcanons are so fun lol i never wrote 1k words so fast since they’re informal and chill
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breelandwalker · 1 year
Simple Moon Spell - One Dozen Wishes
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Intent: To create a jar of potential wishes, to be used as needed.
Small Jar
Whole Bay Leaves (12)
In addition to their usefulness in spells for protection, wisdom, and healing, bay leaves are a potent ingredient for wishmaking. This spell does not specifically create a wishing spell, but it prepares a small supply of leaves for future spellwork, using the fulfilling energy of the full moon to pre-charge the component.
Obtain a bag of whole bay leaves. These can usually be found in the spices and seasonings aisle at the grocery store, or you can order them from a botanical supplier if you wish. Prepare a clean, dry jar with a lid as you see fit. Select twelve leaves, as whole and unbroken as possible, and place them into the jar. Cap the jar and leave it to soak up the moonlight on the next full moon evening.
When you have need of some wishmaking magic, take a single leaf from the jar, write your wish upon it, and use it in your spell. The use of the leaf depends on your casting method - you can include it in a jar or sachet charm, cast it into fire or water, or bury it to help your desired results grow, to name just a few.
Use the leaves as needed and when the supply is exhausted, you can pick twelve new leaves and refill the jar.
Happy Witching! 🔮🍃
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ilydeku · 3 months
‎ ‎‎ ‎ ‎ ‎‎ ‎ ‎‎ ‎ ‎ ‎How to Love a Hero
‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ ‎ ‎ ‎‎ ‎ ‎ ‎‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎‎ ‎ ‎ ‎← menu →
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‎ ‎‎ ‎ ‎ ‎‎ ‎ ‎‎ ‎ ‎ ‎‎ ‎ ‎ ‎‎ ‎9:13pm | Fri, April 28
Pen Square, a not-to-shabby small bookshop conveniently located just remote to your apartment. It's name was well unknown and there weren't many avid customers to preserve it, but you didn't mind at all—you pretty much kept its existence intact. It was like the bookshop practically belonged to you. The oakwood bookshelves that gave off a sort of earthy scent, the beanbag chairs that lie at every corner, the novels old and new practically whispering your name everytime you strolled down an aisle. Not to mention that the shop owner was quite gracious of you being a regular, and quickly caught on to your favorite genres and plots. There was just no bookstore like ol' Pen Square.
"Looking for something sweet, hm?" The owner grins, propping up their arm on the register table. They've noticed your fixation, a slow circling pace around the romance shelving.
"Eh. Just looking for now." You answer with a shrug. "Trying to see if I can find something new besides my series. Oh, isn't the new one out yet?" You inquire and they answer by a show of the newly released novel of the series in hand.
With great excitement, you beelined toward the register, but that joy was quickly plucked from your chest and replaced with fear as one of the bookshelves suddenly came towering over you.
Fortunately, the bookshelf caught onto the next like a failed domino attempt, caging you from harm, except for the tumbling rain of volumes.
"Ah! I'm so sorry—are you alright?" An anxious voice exclaimed from behind the inclined bookshelf. Chips of oakwood were scattered around you on the old floor, along with books opened and flipped over. The owner quickly came running to the scene, first to squawk at the one responsible, then to assist you out of the situation.
"—now clean up this mess or so help me—you okay dearie? You're not hurt are you?"
You shake your head as you're pulled out from under the unfolded ruckus, taking a quick glance at the person gathering the stray novels. But as he looked up, you couldn't help the slightest bit of entrance. He was a burly young man, verdant disheveled curls that framed his plain, but pleasant face adoringly. Curious round eyes and emerald irises, virtually glowing at the sight. The light blue sweater cascaded over his black tee and shorts loosely, red shoes creasing as he sat up to mind you more clearly. He spoke gently, his voice placate and collected.
"Hey, I'm really sorry about that. I was just looking for a couple comics," elaborated he, his eyes darting to the mess before him. "But then I saw these books under the bookshelf and well...I guess I didn't realize they were supporting it." A guilty, lopsided grin played across his lips. No surprise to you that that bookshop couldn't even stand on its own. The owner escorted you back to the register and handed you the new edition, sealed and bagged with care, along with a few other nick nacks.
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‎ ‎‎ ‎ ‎ ‎‎ ‎ ‎‎ ‎ ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎!! Accolade Aquired:
‎ ‎‎ ‎ ‎ ‎‎ ‎ ‎‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎"Sour Dreams" Soft Candy !!
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You were quick to take out your wallet and the money, but the owner stopped you, sliding it back and simply noted: "It's on the house...for the troubles." A dirty look casted in the direction of the guy on all fours.
The muffled chittering of crickets began to arouse as the great dark descended over the skies. It was getting late, and you knew better than to stay up the day before work. The 12 hour shifts at the hospital will absolutely bite you in the back in return.
Thanking the owner, you turn to step out into the night, but you find yourself momentarily glancing back toward the guy with verdant hair and the illuminated streets just outside the entrance.
‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ ‎ ‎ ‎‎ ‎ ‎ ‎‎ ‎ ‎ ‎‎ ‎What will you do?
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ghostcathedrals · 11 months
daddy issues by the nbhd toji where every time you're on your way home from university, you see that scumbug of a guy walking across the street with either a bag of grocery, box of takeout food, or a toolbox. he looks at you sometimes, stops walking, with his free hand insert in the pocket of his loose pants. ofc with that intimidating gaze from the other side of the street sends shivers down your spine, but when buses pass by, he disappears.
then one day you finally interact, it's the time when your father abandoned you and you don't know how to earn enough cash to sustain your education while also studying. your mother is quite distraught by your father's actions, but she's too selfish to focus on providing enough for you. you're going through too much and you can already see your grades being affected
so you ended up at the nearest 7/11 store. it's late, really late, and you just got home from school + looking for jobs. you sit down and bury your face in your palms. later on, you're crying. the person behind the cashier counter felt bad for you and gave you a free cup noodles. so now you're eating while crying.
the guy you're looking at all the time ends up going to the convenience store because he ran out of food. ran out of food at 12 am, yes. he's wearing house clothes. even if the aisles attempt to cover him as he walks around to pick up his grocery list, he's tall enough that his head still peeks out atop the shelves.
you're finished with eating, and you realized it's too late and you still have to walk home, clean the apartment, and do some reading. swiftly, you pack up and grab your bag. you end up crying again, going down to crouch on the pavement. just in time, the guy comes out of the store and notices your crumpled figure sobbing and sniffling.
you look up and see him sitting down on the pavement, legs stretched out dangerously till it his ankles touch the road surface.
"well this time we're on the same street." he said. "except you're crying. blow your snot, geez." then he takes out the sealed roll of tissue from his grocery bag and pinches your nose. "blow."
just from the simple the gesture, you broke down into loud cries. "what the fuck," he says, as if taken aback by your reaction.
"sorry, i'm just so tired already," you say between sobs and sniffles. "dad left me, mom doesn't care, and now i have to... take care of myself. independent all of a sudden without any preparation."
he cheers you up by acquainting himself with you. he doesn't know how to comfort you so he's just there, sharing random stories, occasionally raising his eyebrows when he looks at his receipt. he also tells you about his struggles, well not in detail of course. he's a college dropout, banished from his family, and doesn't have much prospect with jobs either, especially since he dropped out in sophomore year years ago. his only work is being an on-call mechanic. has some side jobs sometimes, but it obviously means he's also not earning enough to be comfortably living.
"but i don't really care anymore." he shrugs. "i mean, having weird ass jobs can be entertaining, too." you both chuckle.
it's already thirty minutes past one in the morning.
he's the one who tells you it's time for you both to go. "i'm not gonna intrude your privacy, but just let me look at you from afar to ensure you get home safely, got it?" you nod.
"thanks, toji."
"nothing to thank for, kid."
but you're not walking yet. both of you are just staring at each other, and the length of this silent conversation is starting to burn your cheeks. there's something about his stare or his person for that matter that makes him dark. dark with a flickering light in him.
you feel like you're levitating when he walks up closer, head tilting to face you. "aren't you gonna go home?" oh my god, it tickles your gut when he says your name.
you snap out of your senses. it feels gloomy to go back to your sad life after meeting toji officially, the guy who always walks across you when you go home. you know it will be different after this night. but the thing is, even as you snap out of your senses, you're still staring at him. he looks away, and then walks away eventually.
"yeah yeah. and thanks for not burning a hole in my head with that staring contest."
"can i hug you?"
"only if you want to," you reply. "just to help me feel better tomorrow⎯"
you need to finish. he walks up to you and with his larger figure, he wraps his arm around you in an embrace, then brings his hand to your head, softly ruffling your hair. "better treat me food next time. i don't do this shit all the time."
as you walk away on the way to your apartment building, you turn to see his shrinking figure looking at your direction, then eventually starts walking to the other direction
hell yeah
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alwaysurvalentine · 1 month
he's gone - st drabble
Written for Day 12 of @steddieangstyaugust - prompt: Terrible Things by Mayday Parade - wc: 848 (kept this one shorter) - cw: major character death
enjoy! 💛
“I wish I hadn’t fallen in love with you.” Eddie knows the words are a lie as soon as he says them, but it doesn’t stop him from continuing. “Things would’ve been so much easier if I hadn’t. Then I wouldn’t have to remember that yellow sweater you loved so much. That silly apron you wore just because the kids decorated it.”
He can see it in his mind, a plain white apron the kid’s got from some craft store, paint markers used to decorate the front. It wasn’t written in a straight line but El had put Hawkins Best Babysitter smack in the center; all the kids had written their names beside it – even Mike, which had surprised Steve when he noticed the tiny lettering near the bottom. 
“You and your stupid -” Eddie hiccups, a sob trying to escape him as he talks. “Stevie...how am I supposed to do this without you?”
Silence is his only answer, the picture in his hands offering a frozen frame of Steve grinning with his arms around Eddie and Robin’s shoulders. Jonathan took it when they all came to see Eddie’s first performance after the Upside Down. The Eddie in the picture is sweaty but smiling, eyes focused on the man next to him. Robin’s grinning in the photo, eyes almost closed from how big. He and Steve finally put an end to their dancing around each other that night. 
“I should have walked away when I had the chance.” Tears are rolling down Eddie’s cheeks now but there’s no point in wiping his face when he knows they’re not going to stop any time soon. Steve’s gone now – Eddie can’t imagine not crying every time he has remember that. 
“But you were so different from how I imagined. I thought you only cared about yourself, jut went along with whatever your friends said...Seeing and getting to know you up close? It’s like finding the perfect patch of sunlight to lay in – being under the shade of a tree is nice, but nothing compares to soaking up the sun with your friends. You were the sun.” 
A few months after the Upside Down, Steve had suggested a pool party at his house. Something to celebrate Max and Eddie finally out of the hospital and working through their recoveries. All the kids had jumped at the chance and Steve spent the next week planning the day out in detail. Eddie got to see Steve’s nervousness up close: a chicken scratch grocery list added to every time he thought of another snack, his pacing of the aisles at Family Video to rent movies they’d all enjoy, him cleaning the pool early that morning, and even his busy-ness as a host – running this way and that so no one had to want for something. At one point, the kids had started a chicken tournament with Nancy playing referee. Steve had laid back on one of the pool chairs with dark sunglasses hiding his eyes, and Eddie had been pulled like a magnet to sit next to the other boy. He hopes he never forgets the smile Steve gifted him with when he sat down. 
“Eddie? You in here?” Wayne’s voice traveled through the apartment, boots stomping until he found Eddie in the living room. 
“Wayne..” His voice cracked and a new flood of tears escaped. This time he did try to brush them away, palms swiping angrily at his cheeks. Eddie knew he looked a mess, could imagine the red puffiness around his eyes and his hair wild from where he’d tugged at it earlier. Wayne closed the distance between them, sitting on the couch next to Eddie only for a moment before tugging his boy to lean on his shoulder. Eddie wasn’t a little kid anymore but he took the comfort and curled as small as he could.
“He’s gone, Wayne.” He’s sobbing so hard he chokes, coughing before continuing. “He’s gone.” That’s all he can get out, mind a mess as he cries into Wayne’s shirt. He can feel his Uncle shaking with his own silent tears, Steve was like a son to him. 
His uncle sounds choked when he speaks again. “C’mon, breathe for me, boy.” Eddie doesn’t want to and briefly wonders if he can hold his breath long enough to pass out. He won’t do it, chest already heaving with the effort it takes to inhale. 
He just wants Steve to be here with them. Not gone where he can’t follow, not stuck in the hospital with different machines keeping him alive, not anywhere but here. 
Here in the trailer he called home the past year. 
Here with Wayne on the couch watching some sports game Eddie can’t follow. 
Here sipping on a mug of hot chocolate when it’s cold outside. 
Here talking on the phone with Robin with the cord curled around his hand.
But Steve will never be here again. Not physically anyway – no, Steve will only exist in Eddie’s memory and Eddie will have to exist with a Steve Harrington shaped hole in his heart.
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rottingbricks · 9 months
3000+ Word Rant On Why Boris and Theo Are Endgame and Had a Romantic Connection ✯
Forever and always will believe Theo and Boris are soulmates and they got married and lived their life together. (Maybe that's too much. Let me just explain why they have a very deep relationship)
Where do I start? So for one Boris was Theo's first kiss and sexual partner. They had a deep connection, felt safe with one another, and were practically inseparable. It's explained that Boris basically lived with Theo and was hardly ever at his own house. They also looked out for each other, Theo cleaned Boris' wounds after being beaten by his father and Boris comforted Theo on the loss of his mother —Here's a quote from the book; "And I suppose if either of us had lived in an even halfway normal household, with curfews and chores and adult supervision, we wouldn't have become quite so inseparable, so fast, but almost from that day we were together all the time.” (Tartt, chapter 5, section 12)
WHY THEO LIKES BORIS (YOUNGER) Everything is great between Theo and Boris but when Boris meets a girl: Kotku, it all goes to shit. But the way Theo responds to it is very telling. First off, Theo reflects on good moments with Boris after Boris got so wrapped up with Kotku; “I told myself I didn't miss him, but I did. I got stoned alone, watched Adult Access and the Playboy channel, read Grapes of Wrath and The House of the Seven Gables which seemed as if they had to be tied for the most boring book ever written, and what felt like thousands of hours—time enough to learn Danish or play the guitar if I've been trying—fooled around in the street with a fucked-up skateboard Boris and I had found in one of the foreclosed houses down the block. I went to swim-team parties with Hadley—no drinking parties with parents present—and on the weekends, attended parents-away parties of kids I barely knew, Xanax bars and Jagermeister shots, riding home on the hissing CAT bus at two a.m. so fucked up I had to hold the seat in the front of me to keep from falling out in the aisle. After school, if I was bored, it was easy enough to go hang out with one of the big lackadaisical stoner crowds who floated around between Del Taco and the kiddie arcades on the Strip. But I was still lonely. It was Boris I missed, the whole impulsive mess of him: gloomy, reckless, hot-tempered, appallingly thoughtless. Boris pale and pasty, with his shoplifted apples and his Russian language novels, gnawed-down fingernails and shoelaces dragging in the dust. Boris—budding alcoholic, fluent cursor in four languages—who snatched food from my plate when he felt like it and nodded off drunk on the floor, face red like he'd been slapped. Even when he took things without asking, as he all too frequently did—little things are always disappearing, DVDs and school supplies for my locker, more than once I'd caught him going through my pockets for money—his own possessions meant so little to him that somehow it wasn't stealing; whenever he came into cash himself, he split it with me down the middle and anything that belonged to him, he gave me gladly if I asked for it. (and sometimes when I didn't, as when Mr. Pavlovsky’s gold lighter, which I admired in passing, turned up in the outside pocket of my backpack)” (Tartt, chapter 6, section 4)
Theo took note that Boris was very physically touchy and that it made him a little bit nervous; “The funny thing: I’d worried if anything, that Boris was the one who was a little too affectionate, if affectionate is the right word. The first time he’d turned in bed and draped an arm over my waist, I lay there half-asleep for a moment, not knowing what to do: staring at my old socks on the floor, empty beer bottles, my paper-backed copy of The Red Badge of Courage. At last—embarrassed—I faked a yawn and tried to roll away, but instead, he sighed and pulled me closer, with a sleepy, snuggling motion. Ssh, Potter, he whispered, into the back of my neck. Is only me.” (Tartt, chapter 6, section 4) Then, Theo has a little gay panic — because of Boris being so affectionate; “It was weird. Was it weird? It was; and it wasnt. I’d fallen back to sleep shortly after, lulled by his bitter, beery unwashed smell and his breath easy in my ear. I was aware I couldn't explain it without making it sound like more than it was.” (Tartt) Near the end, Theo tries to play it off that what was happening between the two wasnt romantic, If Theo wasnt thinking of Boris in a romantic way why would he even be written to question or worry that they could come off in such a way? The fact Theo is worrying about it so much can only lead me to believe that Theo does think of Boris in a romantic light and is trying to deny it. Theo continues to explain ways Boris was affectionate towards him, further deepening the connection between the two of them; “On nights I woke strangled with fear there he was, catching me when I startled up terrified from the bed, pulling me back down in the covers beside him, muttering in nonsense Polish, his voice throaty and strange with sleep. We’d drowse off in each other's arms, listening to music from my Ipod.”
Then, the final nail in the coffin, Theo recalls the nights when he and Boris would partake in closer intimacy; “And yet (this was the murky part, this was what bothered me) there had also been other, way more confusing and fucked-up nights, grappling around half-dressed, weak light sliding in from the bathroom and everything haloed and unstable without my glasses: hands on each other, rough and fast, kicked-over beers foaming on the carpet—fun and not that big of a deal when it was actually happening, more than worth it for the sharp gasp when my eyes rolled back and I forgot about everything;” (Tartt) Afterwards, Theo mentions Boris and him never spoke of those nights, and that if people found out they were having sex they would; “think the wrong thing if they knew,”. However, Theo thought about those strange nights a lot and they clouded his mind at times, but, for Boris, it didn't seem like that. Theo notes Boris seemed unbothered by those nights; “But all the same he [Boris] seemed so completely untroubled by it that I was fairly sure it was just a laugh, nothing to take too seriously or get worked up about,” (Tartt) Since Theo uses multiple ways to get the ‘it's not a big deal’ point across. Saying it was a laugh, not serious, nothing to get worked up over, and uses all that when he's just going off of how Boris thinks and reacts to those nights. It can make the reader think that Theo, in contrast, does think of those nights in a serious, worked-up way. To further prove my point Theo was urged to discuss those nights with Boris, so he didn't ‘have the wrong idea’; “More than once, I had wondered if I should step up my nerve and say something: draw some sort of line, make things clear, just to make absolutely sure he didn't have the wrong idea.” (Tartt) Theo gets defensive over the thought of those nights, more importantly, the thought that Boris viewed those nights as something more, something romantic. This is even further pushing my earlier statement that a person who sees these moments as not romantic wouldn't be written to be worrying that it is romantic or that the other person sees it as romantic. So the fact Theo is worrying so greatly that these nights could even possibly be interpreted as romantic (especially when Boris isn't doing the same) can only have me further believing that it's because Theos is trying to deny or block out the actual romantic feelings he is having. Theo is so obsessive on this romantic or not topic that it comes off like Theo has a fear of becoming an orientation that he believes he isn't and that bleeds into internalized homophobia. Theo ends off this recall moment by stating; “I hated how much I missed him.” (Tartt)
There's another moment when Theo is thinking about how Boris is constantly around Kotku and hardly ever with Theo anymore. Theo tries to reassure himself; “But who cared what crappy girl Boris liked? Weren’t we still friends? Brothers practically?” (Tartt) Theo says he and Boris have a brother-like companionship, this, out of context is weird to use to prove my point that they are romantic. But considering all the context provided above this can once again be Theo trying to find an excuse to prove to himself that he and Boris aren't romantic. It's also obvious they aren't brotherly because the two are litterally having sex. In addition to this, right after that quote Theo admits; “Then again: there was not exactly a word for Boris and me.” (Tartt)
Finally, when Theo leaves Vegas he is rambling, trying to convince Boris to come with him, when; “I was still babbling when Boris said: “Potter.” Before I could answer him he put both hands on my face and kissed me on the mouth.” Shortly after. Once Theo is in the taxi he thinks to himself and admits to himself; “I'd stop myself from blurting the thing on the edge of my tongue, the thing I’d never said, even though it was something we both knew well enough without me saying it out loud to him in the street—which was, of course, I love you.” (Tartt, chapter 6, section 19)
WHY BORIS LIKES THEO (YOUNGER) All the content that is romantic between Theo and Boris is most of the time, if not always, initiated by Boris. Boris was the one who draped his arm around Theo, Boris was the one who pulled Theo closer when he rolled away, Boris was the one who cuddled Theo, Boris was the one who calmed Theo down from nightmares, Boris is the one who kissed Theo on the mouth while he had a girlfriend. Undoubtedly, all these things are romantic. Especially since these moments are told through Theo's perspective, who is interpreting these things as romantic, which rubs off on the reader.
When Theo is leaving Vegas and getting in the taxi, Boris hums the song "After Hours" by The Velvet Underground which is a band Theo and Boris listened to together. He hums a specific part of the song where the lyrics sing; "But if you close the door, I'd never have to see the day again" My interpretation of those lyrics in the scene’s context is: “But if you close the door” = If Theo doesnt leave Vegas. Correspondingly, those lyrics about closing a door means closing the door is giving privacy and leaving the character alone with someone they love. Another thing to mention, before those lyrics take place these lyrics are in the song; "Oh, someday, I know someone will look into my eyes and say, 'Hello, you're my very special one'" All of this feels very intentional. When songs and SPECIFIC lyrics are mentioned in novels it's always to convey something and those lyrics are just very romantic and are also about whether the character is going to choose to be alone or be with someone. Considering the lyrics are hummed by Boris right when Theo is leaving him is very telling. It's also to convey that Boris is debating whether to leave with Theo or not.
Everything I just mentioned was the Vegas era when they were teenagers, I will now discuss when they are adults.
WHY THEO AND BORIS JUST MAKE SENSE (OLDER) Now that Theo has lived and been with more people than Boris I will break down Theo's love interests and explain why they aren't good for Theo and why Boris ends up being the best outcome.
KITSEY: Kitsey is Theo's fiance whom Theo cheating on while Kitsey is also cheating on him. Theo is having affairs and hookups with pretty much random women. Kitsey is having an affair with Tom Cable, an old fake friend of Theo's who was the reason why Theo and his mother were leaving the house the day of the bombing. Once Theo witnesses the two kissing in secret he confronts Kitsey, this ends with Kitsey gaslighting Theo to stay in the relationship for the happiness of Mrs. Barbour rather than themselves. Kitsey also admits their ‘love’ has always been head not heart, that they get along well but neither is in love with the other.
PIPPA: Pippa was another victim in the bombing in lost her uncle, this led to her and Theo crossing paths as young teenagers. Finding comfort within shared traumatic experiences. As they grow older Theo begins to romanticize her. Although it's not love, it's more of an obsession if anything. Theo obsesses and overly plans their meetups making sure they are perfect, Theo shows mild jealousy and irritation to Evveret: Pippa's boyfriend, Theo keeps a shirt of Pippa’s without her knowledge, and as creepily as it is..Theo has a lock of Pippa's hair that he took from a trashcan after Pippa cut her bangs in the bathroom. Theo eventually confesses his love for Pippa in a downtown restaurant after seeing a film. He tries to reason that Welty, Pippa's uncle who she lost in the bombing—put Theo exactly where he needed to be at the right time with WHO he needed to be with (aka Pippa and Hobie). Pippa eases Theo into rejection, however, she admits she has a thing for him as well. She begins to explain reasons why the two of them cannot be together: With their shared trauma..if one of them ‘fell’ the other would go right with them as there is no emotional stability between the two, one cannot be there for the other if they can't even support themselves. They are close enough to star-crossed lovers: lovers who are destined to not be together being pulled from one another by outside forces.
If Theo can't have Pippa and doesnt want Kitsey it's reasonable to conclude that Boris is a valid romantic option for Theo. When the two reunite Theo feels alive again after living a boring tucked-away life. He's laughing and enjoying every second with Boris.
BORIS: After years of separation and keeping a secret from Theo news reports come out about how The Goldfinch painting was not ruined in the bombing and is being used as collateral. Boris is under the impression Theo has already unwrapped The Goldfinch years ago and found out what Boris did. With the rise of these news reports guilt rises in Boris that he took the painting from Theo and ended up losing the painting. Boris has a hint that Theo would not want to see Boris ever again and even wants to act violently against Boris for taking the painting from Theo, however, Boris is aware that he must try to fix what he’s done. So, he goes to New York and goes to Hobie's old shop, seeking Theo. When Theo isn't there to be found Boris is sure he’ll never see Theo again, but they happen to run into each other later in the night outside a bar. They then spend the night till 4am talking and catching up. Theo admits in college he took a conversational Russian class because it made him think of Boris. Boris admits Theo was the only boy he's ever been in bed with—but brushes it off as they were desperate teenagers in need of girls..but that doesnt make sense as Boris has a girlfriend, Kyoto- and he was talking to girls before her too. He wasnt partaking in sex with Theo out of desperation for pleasure by any means. -- Boris then says he thinks that Theo thought their relationship back then was ‘something else’, after saying this Theo gets upset and begins to leave the table. Within this mix, Boris apologizes for what he did to Theo all those years ago and he deeply regrets it, Theo is confused about what he is speaking about and Boris is shocked that after all these years he’s never unwrapped the painting. Leaving Boris to admit what he did with the painting with picture proof. Boris wants to apologize to Theo and attempt to find the painting— for Theo.
In the hunt to regain the painting, Boris interrupts Theo and Kitsey's engagement party to take Theo onto a flight to Amsterdam. After some bickering..Theo agrees and says goodbye to Kisey and packs his bags with a nice suit and lots of money. — Boris arranges a meetup with the holders of the painting, but the sellers seem suspicious as they are missing one of their men and one of the men gets away after Boris and his crew pull guns on the men. — Boris and Theo successfully retrieve the painting, Boris taking note of how Theo has his bird once again — But when returning to the parking garage to leave the two men who were absent earlier and one new man arrive with guns pointed, two of these men are killed by Theo and Boris but one man gets away with the painting — The next few days Theo is sent into a deep depression in his hotel room….however this ends differently varying from book to movie. In the book, Theo is urged to turn himself in to the police for murder … In the movie, Theo goes through with a suicide attempt by overdose but is forced to throw up the drugs later by Boris. Both versions end with Boris interrupting, calming Theo down, and telling the good news that he tracked the painting down in a house holding many more missing paintings and he sent in an anonymous tip to the police on these paintings and their location. Boris splits the reward money between his crew, Theo, and himself.
Boris makes a good partner to Theo as they get along, have a close history, make each other feel alive, know the do's and dont's / in's and out's of each other, show each other unconditional care, left a big positive impact on each others lives, and both share a deep love for art and beauty.
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themultifandomgal · 1 year
Hey, can you do a peaky blinder headcannon where the reader is the second youngest shelby but is really close with John shelby so she is basically John and esmes daughter. She's always around them and won't leave their side. They are both so protective of her as she's always happy and kind. She's really close with esme and she looks up to her like a mother figure and esme looks at her like a daughter.
Sister Shelby- John And Esme Pt1
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Here you go. Hope you like it. Also might do a part 2 to this!
YN Shelby, the second youngest Shelby child. Only being a year older than her younger brother.  When John and Esme married YN seemed to be over at their house more so than her own, so much that YN would often stay over at her brother and sister in laws house. As YN had no mother Esme soon became a mother figure. Teaching YN about her first period, going through her first relationship and breakup, giving her the 'talk' and most importantly loving her. John also became like a father to her eventually vetting the guy YN would in the end fall in love with and marry. He would even walk her down the aisle.
12 Years Old
"John I'm here!" you runs through the door of her brothers house "John?" You stop when you realises the house is quiet, to quiet. Where could everyone be? "John? Esme?"
"Upstairs love" Esme shouts from upstairs. You run up the stairs, bumping into John the way up
"We have a surprise for you" your eyes widen as does the smile gracing your face "come with me" you follow John to the spare room, the door closed "ok close your eyes" you do as he says. After hearing the door open and John telling you to open them you see a newly decorated room
"Oh my god"
"This is your bedroom"
"Mine?" You ask confused
"Yes yours. You spend half your life here so we thought we'd make a space for you. What do you think?"
"I love it thank you" you give both John and Esme a hug
"Aunt Polly said that you can live here with us, that's if you want?" John nervously asks
"Yes!" You yell "I love you both so much"
"We love you too YN"
13 Years Old
At 13 years old you woke up to blood on your bedsheets. White bedsheets. Quickly gathering the bloody sheets you quietly take the sheets and place them in the sink hoping to wash out the stain. But when you realise that the stain isn't coming out you start to panic. Esme just put these sheets on fresh, then the panic to why you bled sets in. What's going on. That's when Esme catches you
"What are you doing?"
"Esme. I'm so sorry. I don't know what happened and I don't know why. I didn't know what to do" Esme walks over to you and looks in the sink
"Oh honey. You've started your monthly"
"You know. Your bleed"
"My bleed?"
"Bloody hell hasn't anyone told you?" You give her a shrug.
"I have brothers not sisters and aunt Polly hasn't said anything" you reply feeling embarrassed
"Ok don't worry. I'll clean this up and put some fresh sheets on"
"I'm sorry"
"It's ok. Don't apologies" Esme takes over from me and starts to clean the bedsheets "do you have any pains?"
"No" you shake your head
"Ok well if you do, let me know and I'll get a hot bottle for you"
"Thank you Esme"
"It's ok"
15 Years Old
Your first boyfriend was hidden from your brothers, but Esme knew. She knew everything and kept it from her husband knowing he will kick off. But when your boyfriend broke up with you, the first people you went to were Esme and John. You walk through the door wiping the tears and snot on your sleeve
"YN? What happened?"
"He broke up with me"
"What?" Esme is up in no time and wraps her arms around you
"You had a boyfriend?" John asks confused and angry "why didn't you tell me? Who the fuck was he? Did he fucking hurt you? I'm gonna fucking kill him"
"John, not the time" Esme scolds John as she strokes your hair
"Im sorry. Come here" you pull away from Esme and run to John who holds you close. He places a kiss on your head "whoever this guy is, he doesn't know what's he's missing. One day you'll fall in love and marry a decent man. You'll have a nice house a good job and kids"
"Johns right. You have to kiss a few frogs before you find your Prince" Esme giggles referring to one of my favourite books that we used to read together
"It sucks"
"I know, but soon you won't feel so sad. Promise" John and Esme once again hug you making you feel slightly better.
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violetsaffron5 · 2 years
12 Days of Christmas (2022)
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| Masterlist | Ao3 | Social Media | Discord 18+ | Chapter 3 |
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2 | Two Turtle Doves
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Pairing: Geto Suguru x f!Reader
Prompt: Your friend is having a Christmas wedding and you are the maid of honor. At the rehearsal, you hit it off with the best man and find your own holiday romance.
Words: 1.1k
CW: rough sex, vaginal sex, face-fucking, semi-public sex, deepthroating
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“Wanna fuck in the bathroom later?” You look at the best man, dressed in a black tux with a soft blue vest and tie. His long raven hair is pulled back, half into a bun that sits at the back of his head with a few tendrils left out to frame his face.
He raises his eyebrows at your bold, seemingly random question, golden eyes glimmered with amusement, he grins, wide as he answers, “absolutely.”
You grin back before taking a deep breath, hooking your arm through his and walk down the aisle, parting ways at the end to stand in your positions.
You’ve met Suguru Geto several times over the years, when Satoru and Utahime’s friends would get together for one reason or another. He’s always been kind, making conversation whenever everyone was awkwardly assembled. And attractive.
You silently watch, itching to get out of the heels you’ve been in all day as Utahime and Satoru recite their vows to one another. They chose a beautiful venue - unfortunately it’s on Christmas, leaving everyone who attends no time to spend with their family.
You watch through the window of the chapel as soft snow flutters down from the sky, coating everything it touches as you think about what an odd couple they are. So different from one another, you can’t recall how they ended up together in the first place.
But when he proposed, to your surprise, she was over the moon excited, ready to start planning the wedding immediately.
For a year and half, you dealt with Utahime’s nonsense as she worked on putting this wedding together. And you stayed diligently by her side during every breakdown when the venue she chose was booked for the date she wanted, how Satoru wanted to choose the cake because he has better tastes in sweets than she does. How she wanted to force Suguru to cut his hair because she didn’t think it would look good in photos. And how last month she decided to completely change the colors of her wedding, and worked tirelessly to help her order new vests, dresses and decorations.
All you want to do now is relieve some stress.
That time is coming close, and you can only hope Suguru is as serious about hooking up later as you are. As soon as dinner has finished, you excuse yourself to find the bar - though Satoru doesn’t drink, he still paid for an open bar, and you plan to take full advantage of it now that your maid of honor duties are officially over.
Most people are out on the balcony, watching the snow fall, taking photos of the happy couple, so it’s no surprise to find the bar empty at the moment.
Well, empty with the exception of one jet-black haired man leaned against the bar swirling whiskey around in his glass before drinking the final bits in one gulp.
“Fancy meeting you here,” you say, playfully elbowing him in the side as you walk up to the counter and order your drink.
“Mm. Glad this is finally over,” he sighs, leaning his back against the counter, watching as you pick up your glass from the corner of your eye, “so, still wanna fuck in the bathroom?”
You choke on your drink as he asks this, not having anticipated being asked the moment you walk up to him. He hands you a napkin to clean yourself off before you look up to him, “absolutely,” you grin, just as wide as he did this morning.
He motions for you to hook your arm through his, nodding his head to the side towards one of the bathrooms. Once inside, you don’t even have time to look around the space before his lips are on yours in a series of searing kisses pushing you back to the sinks and flipping you around.
He tangles his hand in your hair tilting your head to a better angle to kiss and nip down your neck - he doesn’t care if you spent hours on your hair and make up today, he’ll ruin them both.
You watch in the mirror, biting your lip as he flips up the back of your dress over your hips, kneading the plush skin of your ass with his large hands before grabbing your thong, moving it to the side.
He groans when he runs his fingers through your already soaking folds, avoiding your clit, he doesn’t press in, he just teases until you’re whimpering, rutting your ass back into him further, begging for more.
“Suguru, please,” you whine, “if you don’t hurry up I’m going to die.”
He chuckles, undoing his belt quickly, letting his cock spring free before running the blunt tip through your folds, “guess you’ll just have to die, baby.”
You glare at him through the mirror, hands on the sink with your ass pressed out towards him, he gives a salacious smile and wink before pushing in all the way, to the hilt.
Your knuckles are white, face pressed against the mirror as he thrusts into you hard a few times, allowing you to adjust to him.
“Look at me,” he commands, so you do, looking back at him through the mirror, his nails digging into the skin of your hip as he tangles his hand in your hair again, holding your head back, forcing you to watch as he relentlessly snaps his hips into you.
“You’re making such a mess, baby,” he purrs watching his slick coated cock disappear into you with each thrust, watching as your arousal drips down your thigh. Leaning forward, he licks and bites down your neck, eyes locked on one another, feeling your walls clenching around his length.
You’re chanting his name, all Suguru and yes as the heat in your core erupts and you’re convulsing and spasming around his cock, squeezing him like you want to keep him there forever.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” he hisses, pulling out and dragging you down to your knees, and you open your mouth so wide, so pretty without having to be told. You do your best, hollowing your cheeks, licking his tip as he erratically thrusts to the back of your throat before holding your face to his groin, letting out the most sinful moan you’ve ever heard.
He’s panting, whispering sweet nothings about how good you were for him, how you’re his good girl. He helps you off your knees, pulling you into his chest as he pets your hair, kisses the top of your head.
“Merry Christmas,” you murmur against his chest, letting your arms wrap around him in a loose hug, unsure of where this leaves you two moving forward, if anywhere.
“Mm. Best one yet.” And he really means it.
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Taglist: @thisbicc @septembersums @septembersummer @nothisispatrick300 @km7474 @missyasma @arisucat @watyousayin @khadeejarh
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sunlightandsuffering · 5 months
Whenever Feminist Mikasa pictured herself falling in love, she always imagined she would fall for a nice, respectful guy who's a feminist just like herself. Instead, here she is, on a Wednesday night, anxiously looking at her phone waiting for a 'u up?' text from this asshole she can't get out of her mind💀💀
She hates it, she can't stand it at all, actually just contemplates throwing her phone against the wall.
Because why the fuck is she still awake, it's 1 am, she has class tomorrow at noon, with the very object of her ire actually. And because as of right now he hasn't texted her, she should really be going to sleep, because the very fact that he hasn't texted her means that tomorrow she'll be taking the bus to class, which means she'll have to leave at 9 am, at the earliest, instead of rolling out of Eren's bed at 11:30 and rushing to wake him up in time for class.
She should be happy, she'll go to class refreshed, if not a little windblown from the air outside and switching buses twice, but she'll be wearing clean clothes, freshly showered, and smell like lavender and not Eren's body wash.
It'll be nice. So why the fuck can't she fall asleep, pacing around her room irritably, glancing at her phone every few seconds, her watch to see if a delayed notification has come in. This has been their routine for weeks now, text her at an unseasonably late hour of night, order her an uber to his place, they fuck, too loudly and for far too long, but god is it ever good, and then the next morning, she wakes up at 11:00 on the dot, freaks out, tries to get herself ready and when she inevitably realizes it's 11:45 and Eren is her ride, she wakes him up too. And they both arrive to their gender women's studies class in a haphazard heap of unwashed clothes, smelling vaguely of sex and body wash, and they both go their seperate ways down the aisle of the lecture hall, Mikasa to Sasha and Eren to Jean.
Where the awkward conversations will progress, and Mikasa will lie through her teeth and say she just had a 'rough morning', that her alarm clock didn't go off, and she'll vaguely overhear Eren touting some similar bullshit, but with a lot more chuckles, and suggestive remarks about 'the babe' he'd had over last night. It's an exhausting practice, so why does she want it to continue ?
And yet, even as she falls into bed, teeth brushed, hair combed, skin care complete she can't sleep. It's like she's had an energy drink, a shot of caffeine, 150 mg at 1 am, and she's revving to go with energy.
At 2 am, just as she's about to slip up and take a melatonin she is rewarded for her hard work. It's embarassing how fast she snatches her phone.
Eren Yeager, 2:05 am
u up?
She has never been more relieved in her life. She resists the urge to text back right away, she can't let him know she was waiting, physically aches, pouring over with affection for those two little words. It's a game, how long can she wait before she replies, and how long until he falls asleep, too tired to stay up for her response. Mikasa makes it a whopping five minutes.
Mikasa, 2:10 am
Eren Yeager, 2:11 am
i'm sending ur uber, be ready, i'm fucking tired.
Mikasa, 2:12 am
I hate you.
Eren Yeager, 2:13
God why does even his pathetic string of emojis give her the shivers, she's so fucking frat-boy coded now it's ridiculous.
Nonetheless, she gets in the uber anyway.
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j1998v · 6 months
calling all the sniper simps to this God gifted video ohmygod
there's so many (good) sniper sfms and did i mention they MADE. HIM. WEAR. SHORTS. OHMYGOD IM STILL SO CRAZY ABOUT THAT HE LOOKS SO GOOODD
couldnt even edge to this! i came immediately!! clean up on aisle my pants!!
timestamps for my favourite sniper sfms if u dont wanna watch the whole thing
0:30 - THE BEST ONE, 7:27, 7:53, 9:36, 12:28, 14:40 - !!
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ravennaortiz · 8 months
I feel like I'm always in your inbox for requests. But we can't have the inbox get empty again right? This time I'm thinking we do Opie. The first time I watched the series my boyfriend said not to get attached and I got attached. I cried like a baby when he was killed. Okay so I'm thinking we go with the prompts 3, 12, 17, 20, and 30. They can go in whichever order makes the best storyline. This gives me an after Donna vibe.
You are welcome to pop in to the inbox with as many request as you wish!!!!!! Also, no we cannot let the inbox get empty again. I agree his death was devastating in the show.
I love the idea of Opie post Donna for these prompts. Lets se what magic we can cook up!
3. Why did you save me?
12. Do you wanna come in?
17. I love you
20. Why?
30. I need you
Hold Space
Opie stood in the feminine product aisle rubbing his face roughly. He found himself thinking once again today he should have asked Donna how this shit worked. It never occurred to him that one day he would be standing here on his own trying to figure out what his daughter needed. That he would be handing the birds and bees talk with both kids. He wasn't built to be a single parent to a teenage daughter he thought to himself. This so far had been one of the worst days of his adult life.
Opie was almost in tears from stress as he pulled his phone out hoping you would answer. Hearing your voice as you said hello on the other end had him sighing in relieve. "I'm sorry. I know its late but I need you" stated Opie as he scanned the shelves. "Why? Are the kids okay?" you replied. Opie smiled at your concern. "There fine. Well Ellie not as much. She umm has become a lady and made it very clear how inadequate I am as not only a mother but a father" replied Opie as he recalled the venom with which Ellie had yelled at him that she wished it had been him that died and not Donna. "You at the little corner store down the street?" you asked as you slipped your shoes and jacket on. "Yeah" replied Opie. "I'm on my way, hang tight" you stated before ending the call.
Opie watched as you talked and walked Ellie through all the items that the two of you had picked up. Your compassion and empathy for everyone never ceased to amaze him. He found himself wishing a lot lately that he had met you before Donna. That you had moved to town sooner then two months after she had died. He loved her of course but the way you had showed up not just for him and the kids but also the club when you didn't need to spoke volumes.
After tucking the kids in for the night Opie found you in the hall dusting off the photos of Donna he had hung. "She always was the better one about cleaning" joked Opie as he rubbed the back of his neck. You laughed quietly. "You know your a good father right? Teen girls are ruthless. We say shit we don't mean to.... Well at least not aloud" you offered as you turned to him. Opie nodded as he looked down at the floor.
You had just finished making coffee when you heard a knock at the door. Looking through the peep hole you saw Opie. "Hey Opie" you greeted as he stared down at the floor. "Do you wanna come in? I just made coffee." you asked as you opened your door for him to pass through. "Coffee would be great." replied Opie with a smile as he walked in.
The two of you sat on your couch in silence for a moment before Opie set his cup down and turned to you. "Why did you save me? Not just at the store but in general." he inquired. "You deserved to be" you replied after a moment of thought as you sipped your coffee. "I love you. That scares me to say. Like its erasing her ya know?" confessed Opie as he looked down at the couch. Setting your coffee down you moved over and took his hands in yours making him look up at you. "I will always hold space for Donna. I never want to erase her from your life or the kids. She earned that space and I will always fight for her to have it because I love you too Opie." you replied.
Want more Opie? Click here
Want to see how to make your own request? Click here
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scribefindegil · 2 years
Low-Spoons Bread Recipe
Hallo friends! Yesterday I was singing the praises of bread-baking, which I know is something a lot of people find scary and intimidating. But fear not! I promise it’s easier than you think, and with this Bread Lore you too can bake delicious loaves whenever you want! If you are confused or have questions, please let me know and I will try to help!
I love this recipe/method, which comes from the book “Artisan Bread In Five Minutes A Day” by Jeff Hertzberg and Zoe Francois. Does it sound kind of gimmicky? Yes! Does it work? Friend, this recipe is a solid 30% of how I fed myself during grad school. It’s also one of the few things I can consistently make since I got cursed with ME/CFS in February. If I can stagger into the kitchen and use a measuring cup, I can make bread.
This is a no-knead dough that keeps in the fridge for up to a week. Over the course of the week, whenever you want bread you can tear off a hunk of dough and bake it! I find this recipe makes approximately two big loaves, a cookie sheet’s worth of focaccia, four personal pizzas, or eight dinner rolls.
You Will Need:
Flour (all-purpose)
Active Dry Yeast (available in jars and packets in the baking aisle)
Salt (table salt is fine)
Measuring cups & spoons
A big mixing bowl
A lid for the mixing bowl, or some aluminum foil to cover it
To Make The Dough
Get out your big mixing bowl.
Add 3 cups of lukewarm water. It should feel warm, not hot, if you put a drop on the inside of your wrist. If you use very hot water, you could kill the yeast. If you use cold/cool water, the recipe will work but it will take longer to rise.
Stir in 1 tablespoon of table salt OR 1 1/2 tablespoons of sea or kosher salt. Table salt has much finer grains, so you get a lot more salt per spoon than you do with coarse-grained salts.
Stir in 1 1/2 tablespoons (2 packets) of yeast.
Now add 6 1/2 cups of flour. To measure the flour, use a big spoon to scoop in into the cup and then level off the top with the flat side of a bread knife. This keeps the flour from being too tightly packed, which will throw off your measurements.
Mix it all up with a wooden spoon until all the flour is incorporated.
Congrats! You have made dough!
Now cover the bowl with its lid or with a lid of aluminum foil. At this point, you can put it in the fridge until you’re ready to bake! If you want to bake imminently, you can also let it rise at room temperature for two hours (though it is easier to work with if it’s cold).
(Instructions for turning this dough into various Breads under the cut!)
To Bake a Focaccia (easiest & extremely delicious)
Preheat the oven to 450 degrees
Use olive oil to grease a cookie sheet or a large cast-iron skillet
Oil your hands. Tear off a chunk of dough. About 1/3 of the recipe will fill a 12-inch skillet; when making it on a cookie sheet I usually use about half the dough, though you can use the whole thing if you’re baking for a crowd.
(This will make the bread Prettier but tbh it’s fine if you don’t do it) Fold the dough in on itself and stroke the surface like you are petting a small animal until it forms a smooth ball.
Press the dough into a sheet of relatively even thickness in your pan.
Let the dough rise for about 20 minutes while you wait for the oven to finish preheating.
When the oven is hot, poke the dough all over with clean fingers to make little dimpled hollows. Drizzle it with olive oil and sprinkle on some coarse salt, black pepper, and any herbs you want (I love rosemary and oregano!)
Bake for 20-30 minutes until golden brown
To Bake A Pizza
Preheat the oven to 450 degrees
Oil your hands. Tear off a chunk of dough (about 1/4 of the dough is a good size for a personal pizza).
Put the dough on an oiled countertop and use a rolling pin or empty bottle to roll it out as thinly as you can. If you feel like the dough is fighting you, let it relax for five minutes and then try again.
Transfer the round of dough to an oiled cookie sheet (you can use your hands to help stretch it out more thinly when you pick it up if you want)
Add your toppings of choice
Once the oven is hot, bake for 15-25 minutes until the crust is golden brown and cooked through and the toppings are bubbly
To Bake A Big Beautiful Boule (with steam!)
Note: For various Science Reasons, bread cooks much better when there is steam in the oven. A lot of recipes encourage you to bake inside a closed Dutch oven, but I find it difficult & scary to get the dough in there since you have to preheat the Dutch Oven as well. Another method (described here) is to have a roasting pan or skillet in the bottom of the oven and throw ice cubes (probably safest) or water (what I do) in there right as you put the bread in the oven. If you don’t do this your bread will still be fine! But you won’t get as nice a crust and your loaf may not expand as well. It’s up to you. Follow your heart.
Place a roasting pan, cookie sheet, or cast-iron skillet on the bottom rack of the oven. Preheat the oven to 450 degrees.
Dust your hands with flour. Tear off a chunk of dough (whatever size you want; I usually go with about half the recipe)
(This will make the bread Prettier but don’t stress about it) Continuing to dust with flour if things get sticky, fold the dough in on itself and stroke the surface like you are petting a small animal until it forms a smooth ball.
Place your Dough Orb onto a cookie sheet dusted with flour or cornmeal. Let it rise for 45 minutes.
When the oven is hot, dust your orb with more flour. Then use a bread knife to cut several deep slashes through the loaf. This will help it expand as it cooks! Plus it looks beautiful.
To use steam: Get about half a dozen ice cubes and put them in a measuring cup. Put your bread in the oven, then immediately pour the ice cubes onto the roasting pan you put on the lowest rack and shut the door. Don’t peek at the bread until at least 15 minutes have passed to keep the steam inside the oven.
Bake for about 30-40 minutes, until the crust is nice and dark and the loaf sounds hollow if you rap on the bottom
To Bake Dinner Rolls
Place a roasting pan, cookie sheet, or cast-iron skillet on the bottom rack of the oven. Preheat the oven to 450 degrees.
Dust your hands with flour. Divide the dough into eight equal portions.
For each portion of dough: Continuing to dust with flour if things get sticky, fold the dough in on itself and stroke the surface like you are petting a small animal until if forms a smooth ball. Place the roll onto a cookie sheet dusted with flour or cornmeal.
Let them rise for about 30 minutes.
When the oven is hot, dust your rolls with more flour. Then use a bread knife to make a deep slash through each roll.
To use steam: Get about half a dozen ice cubes and put them in a measuring cup. Put your bread in the oven, then immediately pour the ice cubes onto the roasting pan you put on the lowest rack and shut the door. Don’t peek at the bread until at least 15 minutes have passed to keep the steam inside the oven.
Bake for about 20 minutes, until the crust is nice and dark and a roll sounds hollow if you rap on the bottom
For extra deliciousness, brush the rolls with melted butter as soon as you take them out of the oven.
More Ideas
Try adding a handful of fresh or dried herbs when making the dough
Roll out small amounts of dough very thin and cook them in a hot skillet on the stovetop to make pitas
Make a filled bread by rolling dough out into a sheet and adding cheese, pesto, or another filling of your choice, then rolling the dough up in a spiral
Knead cheese, olives, or diced ham into the dough before shaping
Once you have a recipe that you’re comfortable with, bread is infinitely adaptable!
Happy baking!
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valssecretshit · 5 months
how SCP 096 snz headcanon?
never thought i'd receive an ask for this guy, but i am NOT complaining he is my favorite <3 ~ gonna be pretty honest, they're very messy. whether its snot or saliva dominant mess, this isn't a creature who knows much about manners lol ~ hitches are these sharp inhales, combined probably with profuse snorting/sniffling, the feeling kinda would stun the guy for a second before the sneeze then SCARES him, prompting him sometimes to scream and hold his head for a minute ~ he's always crying, and sneezing while crying would definitely be a "cleanup on aisle 12" moment. snot EVERYWHERE. i can imagine it exhausts him a bit too, considering crying that much wears the hell out of one body ~ spelling would be like "hhuh- hhiIIEHSHHSHIIehh!" ~ the times he doesn't scream after a sneeze, he just does this low miserable groan like "nngguhh..." ~ clean himself up ? you're kidding me right? nah, most of the time an employee may find him covered in snot and saliva from his face to his hands, probably dragging a bit on the floor (definitely leaving a trail after quite a few sneezes) can they clean him? it's up to you, if they'd make that sacrifice. i sure would <3 ~ in a more domestic case, an employee did figure out big guy had dust allergies after out of curiosity, he sniffed a pile of old books. his face cringed a bit, nose started twitching, and he let out a soft "iieESSHHHuhh!" didn't freak out, just bapped at his nose with his bony wrist ~ nobody can really do anything about if he's somehow contracted some kind of cold or illness, due to the danger. however on the cameras, they'll (rarely) hear him sniffle, and sniffle, and sniffle, and sniffle, and they're quite thick too. a proctor will casually remark, "big guy's got the sniffles today, sounds like."
~ he's quite drained probably during the last few days of a cold (they can stretch for weeks, considering not much can be done for him besides turning up the temp in his enclosure), so he may not move or make much noise, he may just lay in a corner curled up, maybe rock himself, choking and coughing while crying maybe.
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amandawritesxo · 4 months
WIP Intro: The Spymaster
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Genre: paranormal horror, possession, Kafka-esque dread
Status: In the Discovery drafting stage
Synopsis:  Sucked into the routine of a dead-end night-manager shift, Jonas yearns for the Good Ole Days, back when he and his two best friends used to break into abandoned buildings and do seances and EVP sessions. When he meets a beautiful young woman, she encourages him to get back into the Ghost Hunting gig to win her heart. Only his first date results in a two week time lapse of which he has no memories. Jonas, alongside his best friends, fight to uncover exactly what transpired during that fortnight. Can they find the mystery girl and seek justice for the horrors wrought on Jonas, or will the horrors he enacted outside of his conscious catch up to him first?
Setting: haunted houses, convenient stores at night, the glow under street lamps, dirty train stations, the comfort of a best friend having your back
Vibe: elder millennials, emo music, the waft of cigarette smoke, clean up on aisle 12, the pain of adult friendships, the stolen potential of lost dreams, curvy goth girls that appear and disappear in clouds of smoke, night-vision cameras
Touchstones & Inspiration: Project Fear, My Best Friend's Exorcism, Metamorphosis, Carmilla,
Jonas - the grocery night manager who dreams of something more profound
Wayne - a sound engineer who is just worried about his best bud
Sammy - an exchange student turned physical therapist that would rather be anywhere but the seedier sides of town, but steps up for the emotional support
Unnamed Babe - the beautiful woman that lured a scrawny boy under her streetlamp and offered him a drag
Jonas sighed, toes of his sneakered teetering over the precipice of the bread. Deep red liquid spilled between the cracks in scuffed linoleum. Shattered glass clinked beneath stiff broom bristles. More red splattered the cuffs of his khakis.
He dropped the CAUTION: WET FLOOR sign, and it wobbled on busted legs. 
“Think I found the culprit, boss,” Brenda chirped, bubbled snapping between lipstick-stained teeth. She pointed one long, pink fingernail toward a kid’s soccer ball wedged between 24-packs of soda.
Jonas rubbed at tired eyes and nodded. Summer inventory was often the culprit of store-wide disasters. Last summer, a woman “tried out” a kayak in the middle of aisle 12, resulting in a domino of technicolor cereal boxes that nearly “crushed her to death”.
“Thanks, Brenda. Mind putting that ball back in seasonal while Aidan and I get this mess cleaned up?” He gestured back to the puddle of Pinot Noir.
Aidan swept in vain, corralling broken bottles and labels while the red continued to spread and splatter. From the adjacent aisle, one could probably guess someone had been stabbed her and was slowly bleeding out.
Jonas wished it was him.
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