#cleaned at all after i got home and i had to be like no robyn i did three loads of dishes and filled an entire trash bag its just SO gross
gabessquishytum · 3 months
There was an ask some time ago where Dream got revenge on Robyn cheating on him by fucking his total dilf of a dad Hob. But what if Dream started dating Robyn after they met in their university freshman inquiry class, and when Robyn took Dream home to meet his father, Dream realized that he already slept with Hob before meeting Robyn after meeting at his pub.
Ohh SPICY, I like it!!
You see, Dream has a type. Brunettes with soft brown eyes always make his heart melt - is was like that with his childhood sweetheart Calliope, and now his university boyfriend Robyn. But Dream has a secret..... that hes also very much into older men. And Hob was just perfect. Dream had literally just turned 18, and Hob was the pub landlord who teased him about looking so young, making a show of inspecting his ID. Dream knew that Hob was flirting, and it was so easy to flirt back and then end up in the pub's barrel store letting Hob fuck him doggy style with a hand over his mouth to keep him quiet.
It was amazing, but Dream never intended to go back to that pub or see Hob ever again. Dream wanted to have a nice clean image for his new relationship - he even told Robyn that he was a virgin, hoping that he would never need to know the truth. Apparently fate had other plans however, because now he's sitting across the dinner table while Hob chats away to his son and rubs his foot against Dream’s ankle. Dream is sure that he should be angry at Hob, but he's just too fucking gorgeous, and now Dream can't stop thinking about how hard he came that night in the pub, and how he hasn't felt anything like it since.
Worst of all, his boyfriend's dad knows what a total slut he is. What if Hob threatens to tell Robyn?! Dream couldn't bear the humiliation - he'll have to find some way to keep Hob quiet... well. He's sure that he'll think of something...
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kitkatopinions · 1 year
Thinking about Yang being like "She could've talked to us" after Yang was the one who told Ruby not to think like Ironwood when Ruby expressed doubt and frustration. Like no I'm not saying Yang's intentions were bad, I think Yang was trying to comfort Ruby, but that coupled with how little effort Yang has put into Ruby and how distracted she's been with Blake and how Yang hasn't been taking the situation they're in seriously...
It's like, yeah Ruby probably really didn't feel like she could talk about regrets, doubts, or struggles when Yang's good vibes only mentality resulted in her basically saying only a bad guy who wants to bomb people would actually feel bad about losing two world-ending relics to Salem instead of convincing themselves they did something they didn't do (save everyone, keep everyone safe.) And Yang really wasn't acting like she cared about what happened, or even really cared about getting back home, or any of that. Yang has spent this whole time treating everything like a fun romp.
So what could Ruby - or us as an audience - think that Yang would say if Ruby had opened up? Would Yang give some generic cheap speech about how Ruby shouldn't doubt herself because she's a good person? Would Yang scold her that they'd done good actually and act like she was unjustified the way she did when Ren talked about his concerns? And remember, this is after Yang kinda blamed Ruby for stuff going wrong with Ironwood too (like Yang and Blake going behind his back to Robyn and seemingly not telling anyone didn't contribute to that falling out more than the lie Ruby had already come clean about did,) and that wasn't really addressed iirc because Yang randomly decided she was in a fight with Blake instead. So how is Ruby supposed to accept an 'we're all fine, turn that frown upside down, you're a good person and that's what matters' mentality after Yang already kinda blamed her for things going wrong like three or four days ago?
It's not Ruby's fault that she couldn't talk to the rest of her team about what happened, not just because they expect her to be perfect but because their toxic positivity outlook is shallow and unhelpful, and Ruby doubting herself got her compared to a villain that nobody gave a damn about. I was a little maddening to see Yang blame Ruby for not talking about her problems when the second Ruby started expressing doubt and frustration, Yang shot her down and essentially said 'don't feel like that, that's for villains.'
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A/N: Sorry for getting this chapter out late! I've been busy but I hope you all had a great Christmas!
Tw: Bully!AU (kinda not rlly), bullying/cyberbullying, assault in one part (not s*xual assault just getting beaten up is all)
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You stared at the man before you, you felt a heat rise to your cheeks but quickly shook off the feeling, remembering your soon to be ended relationship with Trey. You spoke up before he said anything, "It's a pleasure to meet you too. My name is Y/N." You spoke with a calm tone. "I know it's none of my business but I can't help but be concerned, why were you crying all alone in this forest?" He asked with a concerned tone and expression. You let out a sigh and started to tell him everything. From start to finish. He stared at you before speaking up, "Wow I can't believe that something like that would happen to you. But what a coincidence, me and my little group of friends are new students to NRC starting tomorrow. I can take you to them if you'd like?"
You nodded and started to walk with him. While you were both walking, admiring the scenery all around you, he broke the silence. "I'm currently looking for a job to help me out while I stay at NRC. I wanna be a butler, I've been training and working non-stop for it to happen. It's just hard to look for someone who would want to employ me.." he said shrugging. You thought about it for a moment before breaking the silence. "If you want, you can be my butler. I get lonely from time to time and I want to have a friend by my side at all times." You said, smiling. He smiled at you. "Then I look forward to it, master." He said with a wink, making you blush. It wasn't long before you arrived in a dark looking area, and a mansion looking home. Your jaw dropped at the sight of it. He took some keys out of his pocket and opened the gate. "After you, my lord." You walked in before him, "Why thank you."
He closed the gates behind you both and walked to the doors with you. “Oh yeah and just a heads up, my friends don’t exactly like new people. But I’m sure they will like you.” He unlocked the doors and opened it for you. You walked in, “Thank you.” he smiled and nodded at you. The house on the outside looked scary, like an abandoned house no one stupid enough would dare approach, a house that would make you avoid it at all times. But you had to admit, it looked very nice on the inside. Everything was clean, no dust on anything. He led you to the main area. You sat down on the couch. “Let me go call them.” he walked off, leaving you all alone by yourself. “Well well well.. What do we have here?” you heard a female voice behind you and you turned around. It was a woman, she had pointy ears like Malleus, long beautiful black hair and a witch hat. “What’s a human like yourself doing here?” She questioned with a serious tone. You gulped but replied, “Oh.. Clover brought me here. He said that he was looking for you and a few other people.” She hummed before replying. “If he truly wanted to see me all he had to do was simply call for me.” She looked down at you, before turning around and surely three more people entered the room.
“Oh what do we have here?” She teased. “Alright now that you’re all here, I would like to introduce you to Y/N. Y/N these are my friends.” Clover gestured to them. “I would like for you all to introduce yourselves to Y/N and try to get along.” Clover stood off at the side. They all looked at you, with a sharp yet intense gaze. You got a bit uncomfortable under their gaze until an excited voice broke out. “Hi there! My name’s Willow. Nice to meet you!” Someone reached their hand out towards you, and you shook it. “I think we're gonna get along just fine!” a few moments later after you went through the introductions with everyone. Willow and Robyn are non-binary, Malachite the grumpy looking male, leaning on the doorframe currently. And Vix, the woman who flirted with you is an elf and then there was Clover, he was genderfluid. Malachite and Willow are demons, Robyn is a full blooded vampire, Vix is an elf, and Clover is a demon/vampire. You talked with them a lot more and got to know them, hell even they got to know you. And within seconds you all became the bestest of friends.
It was soon morning, Clover was nice enough and gave you a spare guest room. And they gave you some clothes too. You woke up and started to get ready. You took a shower, got your school uniform on and headed downstairs. You were hit with an amazing aroma of food. Your mouth watered and you quickened your pace. There was food set on the table in the dining area. You took a seat and grabbed some food. “Morning, my lord.” Clover’s voice interrupted. It startled you and made you jump. “Clover! You scared me.” You shouted. He gave you a chuckle, “Sorry my lord.” You finished eating and everyone was at the door. “Ready to go everyone?” Clover asked. Everyone agreed and you all left. Your heartbeat was picking up and Clover noticed. “Something the matter, my lord?” Clover's voice interrupted. Everyone looked at you and you just sighed. “It’s nothing.. It’s just.. Ever since those rumors happened I’m just scared to face anyone right now that I know.” You sighed. Clover looked at you and then smiled “It’s okay. If anyone tries to hurt you, we will protect you.”
It washed away some of your worries and anxiety but it was still there. You soon arrived at the entrance of NRC. You gulped and got nervous again. “It’s okay dear, take deep breaths.” Vix said trying to calm you down, you took a few deep breaths and suddenly you felt better. You all walked in and you took the chance to show them around. As soon as you did, the bell rang signifying the start of the day. They had the same class as you, Crewel’s potionolgy class. You walked there and gulped knowing Ace, Grim, and Deuce were there, along with a few others. “I’m skipping. I can’t go in there.” You said. “My lord, you cannot skip your class. You must go.” He urged you to go and you sighed and agreed. You walked in along with them and all eyes were on you. “Y/N?” Mr. Crewel’s voice called. “Yes?” you looked like a deer in headlights. “You're late.”
“I know Mr. Crewel, but let me explain! Please? I was showing these new students around campus.” You explained, and he sighed. “I’ll let it slide, just this once. Since that is true. Y/N please go to your seat, and let these new students introduce themselves.” You nodded and started walking to your seat and sat down. You sat next to Clover, and surprisingly enough he was smart and got every question right. It wasn't until you felt a paper ball thrown at the back of your head. You turned around and saw Ace, smirking like a madman. You rolled your eyes and focused back on what Mr. Crewel said. You heard him grunt and let out a few mumbled words. You didn't bother with paying attention to him anymore.
Moments passed and it was time to leave. You got up and walked into the hallway with your new friends by your side. "Ah, we gotta go. We all got different classes and wanna make it on time. See you later Y/N!" They all waved you bye, and you started walking to your next class. You felt someone rudely shove you into the locker. You let out a pained grunt. Then you felt a punch to your stomach. It hurt horribly. You fell to the ground clenching your stomach. You proceeded to get beat up and left in the hallway. Most likely by Ace. You felt arms wrap around you and lift you up.
"Child of man.." You heard a familiar voice say. You were brought to the infirmary and stayed there. Thankfully Malleus had the same class as you, but whoever did this to you.. was gonna face his wrath.
And it wasn't gonna be pretty.
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Tags: @a-small-tyrant @valeriele3
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anastasiachq · 2 years
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[ anastasia clarington, cis female, she/her, kat mcnamara ] hey, is that [ anastasia clarington ]? i thought i heard [ she/her ] were [ returning to ] bridgeport academy. i’m sure the [ 25, pansexual, submissive ] will find plenty to keep them busy this year. let’s just hope they keep focused on their studies with everything this year may bring.
Anastasia is the cousin of Hunter, Alfie, and Lucas. Her father, Joshua, is their father’s brother. Like his brother, and virtually all the men before him, Joshua was heavily involved in and high ranking in the military- United States Army. After his retirement, Joshua took a high-ranking position in the Department of Defense, where he has remained. Due to his position and the family’s legacy, Joshua, his wife Robyn, and their two children Anastasia and her brother are very well known and often in the public eye. 
During her childhood Anastasia was always a little different than the other Claringtons, never really bowing to the authority her family thrived on. Despite being raised under the same authority, traditions, and values as her cousins, Stasi couldn’t help but to wonder what else there was out in the world, and what other ways of life looked like. In a home already lacking in love, such as the Clarington homes, she never felt wanted nor understood either, which lead to a lot of acting out.
Anastasia is wicked smart and always breezed through school academically, and socially she was a force to be reckoned with. Gorgeous, popular, and full of charm, it seemed she could make friends and earn dates no matter where she went. Any little trouble she managed to land in, she got herself out of quickly with her wiles and charm, and in the rare situation in which that didn’t work, Anastasia had no trouble name-dropping or throwing around the weight of her family name, much to her relatives chagrin.
The older Anastasia got the more “out of control” she got, rebelling harder than she ever had. This prompted Robyn and Joshua to enroll her in boarding school, which she promptly got kicked out of. By the time she entered Junior College, she had been expelled from four different private academies. She was nearly rejected from college based on her track record, but due to her academics and several large donations carrying the Clarington name, she was accepted. 
Anastasia’s antics continued through her first semester of Junior College, but towards the end of her time in high school and well into the first eight months of her freshman college year, she went down a deeper hole than she ever had. Partying, drinking, promiscuity, and drugs all began to take over her world, and it showed. By the time she reached the halfway point of her freshman year, Anastasia was in shambles, strung out, sick, and terrified of a world she felt she had no real idea of how to survive in. Always having felt trapped by her family, her name, and the requirements that came with that, she finally began to crack further under the weight of the newfound freedom she realized she hadn’t ever truly had. But, college was much different than the smooth sailing her high school and earlier years had provided, so with the parties and antics also came the first failing grades Anastasia had ever received, along with another new threat of being kicked out of school. 
One night over spring break, Anastasia found herself taking and drinking more than she ever should have at a club she really had no business being in, and she ended up passing out just off the main dance floor. She might not have made it if a Dominant, a man she recognized from a few of her classes on campus, hadn’t found her, carrying her to safety. From there the two started spending time together, and no matter how far Stasi pushed him away, he continued coming back. Eventually they built a relationship. He brought out the best in Anastasia, and helped her clean herself up and begin to find the track she truly belonged on. She brought her grades up, got herself back into straight A territory, joined several clubs, began doing charity and volunteer work, and cleaning up her image tenfold. She stopped the partying, drinking, and drugs, and by the time the two entered Bridgeport the first time, talks of a claim were already swirling. 
Anastasia’s Dominant Thomas Claimed her at the end of their second year at Bridgeport, and the two could not have been happier. Things finally seemed to be falling into place. Thomas and Anastasia graduated early and made their way into the world as a success story. Only four months after graduation, Thomas was involved in a car accident which claimed his life. The loss of her Dominant threw Anastasia right back into the loop she had once been in, sending her back into her spiral. 
After grieving for six months Anastasia’s family sent her to rehab, and upon leaving the program she was sent back to Bridgeport. Anastasia has just arrived back, and she is angry, she is bitter, and she is out of control.
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riverstardis · 2 years
born lucky:
we’re finally here!!! and let me just say my train home was cancelled and then the next one only had half the number of carriages as usual. so twice as many people but half as much space… at rush hour. yeah so i’ve just spent about an hour and a half stood up crammed on a train breathing too much of other people’s air so i am so ready for this
actually before i start i wanted to say the description of the episode makes it sound like the crash was ethan’s fault because it says that it happens after he takes his eye off the road but in the episode they definitely don’t show him taking his eye off the road and they make it quite clear that it was caused by the other driver so idk where they got that from?????
anyway here we go!
jeff and tamzin snogging in the ambulance station “steady on, we’re on duty, what if dixie comes out?” “yeah could be a bit awkward couldn’t it? being caught by your wife?” LMAO
jeff telling tamzin he loves her and then dixie comes out sjskdkdk
ethan trying to tell connie about his satnav on his phone when she hands him a map and she just ignores him and walks away sjskdkd
connie sent charlie retirement plan info
a pre ffion stirling gallacher!
cal: “they’re letting you drive? obviously in no rush” ethan: “oh yes i forgot the ability to push an accelerator to the floor is one of the key signs of manliness” cal: “remember, our funding depends on this so let’s make sure your little stutter doesn’t make a guest appearance, alright?” ethan looks so hurt when he says that💔 most of cal’s jibes are just brotherly banter but i think he crossed a line there
cal watching a patient in reception from afar and max and noel are like “you know as a doctor who can go right over and talk to a patient” “some say it even helps” and cal’s like “haven’t you guys got any phone to answer? floors to clean? other people to annoy?” and they’re like “no no i’m on a break actually” SJDKFK
“flexible retirements becoming increasingly popular” “yeah with people who want to retire!”
rita getting a “consolation cupcake” for whoever has the worst shift and lofty thinks it’s gonna be him because he’ll fall over or drop something
ash sitting in the passenger seat and ethan’s like i assumed mrs beauchamp was going to sit there and ash’s like “because she has longer legs?” and lily goes “because she’s the boss” ash: “i understand the hierarchy but surely this is a question of leg room and leg room alone” ethan: “well it’s a brave man that puts her in the backseat” and then when ash sees connie coming he immediately goes “anything for an easy life” and gets out and goes to the back SJDKFKD
ethan trying to show connie his satnav on his phone again and she’s just like “does it have a mute button?”
and then he tries to set off and it’s all jerky and he’s like “sorry, trying to find the biting point” sjskdkfk he can’t drive manual
cal watching the woman from earlier and her son again and max asks him about her and he says he thinks he slept with her in the past and then lofty comes over “what am i missing?” max: “cal slept with a patient” lofty: “surely one would remember if you slept with a patient. he’s a 9 year old child i’m not entirely comfortable with this conversation?” cal: “his mother, lofty. i think i slept with his mother” and robyn overhears and goes “she’s only been here an hour!” LMAOOO
and cal says it was about 10 years ago and then he goes to treat the kid
tamzin’s hinting VERY strongly that jeff should ask her to marry him… tamzin mate you were engaged to someone else just a few weeks ago???
the team in the minibus are lost, lily and tess are trying to read the map and ash unbuckles his seatbelt so he can lead forward to see. well as soon as anyone unbuckles a seatbelt in casualty you know a crash is about to happen
aaand CRASH
see it doesn’t even show ethan at all in the moments before the crash let alone him supposedly taking his eyes off the road???
cal and robyn going back to the patient and cal see’s the mother’s mother there and is like “yep definitely slept with her” robyn asks how he knows and he goes “because i slept with her mother too”😬 and robyn laughs at him
lily screaming saying she can’t feel her arm and ethan’s unconscious and has a weak pulse
jeff asks dixie for a divorce
the mother complaining about how long they’re having to wait and cal’s like believe me i’m trying to get you out a quickly as possible and she goes off on one like “i’m sorry, is this a bit difficult for you? is this embarrassing? like, say, the moment i walked in on my mother and my boyfriend!”
and the son’s sat right there😬
cal and the mother’s mother talking and she’s like “she struggles. he’s a handful” “aren’t all kids?” “well, actually, we’re in the process of having him assessed. he’s borderline adhd.” “must be hard” here we go🙄
she say’s the kid’s got his father’s eyes and cal’s like wait huh?
dixie and jeff attending the crash “it’s our lot. it’s our lot, dix” 🥺
connie climbs out of the passenger side window which is now on top
tess saying ethan’s resp rate’s dropping and lily going “get him out! please get him out!” 🥺🥺
the mother confirming cal’s suspicions that he’s her son’s father
charlie has connie as ‘wicked witch’ in his phone SJSKDKKF and he looks annoyed as he answers until she tells him what’s happened
cal trying to talk to the kid asking him he does for fun other than falling off climbing frames and he talks about video games and cal finds out that the kid plays games that are too old for him and that he’s staying up 2 or 3 in the morning to play them
charlie telling them all “i’m afraid there’s been a car accident involving our doctors and tess. paramedics are on sight treating casualties, two of which appear to be serious” and cal immediately looks SO scared🥺🥺
“the driver of the other vehicle is on his way in now” “and how about the driver of our vehicle?”
“how did it happen?” “the way it sounds is the other vehicle just swiped then straight off the road” SEE???
connie, tess, and lily arriving and cal asks connie how ethan is and she says he’s stable but trapped but then after cal’s gone charlie asks how he really is and she’s like “not good”
lily going “morphine! morphine!” sjskfkfk
ethan only just waking up
when tamzin and big mac arrive tamzin’s like “woah! how fast was the other car going?”
tamzin: “is that ethan?” jeff: “yeah. worst case scenario is the vehicle fully ignites.” NOO
ethan going “it’s really cold” weakly🥺🥺🥺
tamzin mouthing i love you to jeff while he’s talking to ethan
lmao lofty having one lucky day because of the consolation cupcake and he doesn’t know about the crash and goes up to louise, noel, and robyn like “today couldn’t get any better”💀
“the next casualty’s coming in from the crash site, it’s ethan. he’s not in a good way.” :(
they need another doctor because connie’s wrist is injured and cal’s family but “they’re all tied up right now” apparently so of course cal ends up having to treat him
cal nervously waiting for ethan to arrive and going to talk to the kid’s mum and offer some financial help but when her mum turns up and they start laughing at him and come clean that the kid isn’t actually cal’s they were just trying to give him some payback
“you know you can laugh all the want, i mean i probably deserve it, but can you just do me one favour? before you go down the route of diagnosing your son with adhd and shoving him full of medication, take a long hard look at how you’re bringing him up.” “what do you know?” “that he’s playing his computer until the early hours! yeah, i see it in kids his age all the time. they get labelled as problematic when actually all they are is sleep deprived”
i really don’t get why they couldn’t just have had them think the kid was a troublemaker or something until cal realises it was actually a parenting problem like why did they even have to bring adhd into it?!?!?!
anyway let’s just put that down to cal being upset and worried about ethan and lashing out to try and get them back because they embarrassed him rather than that being what he actually thinks of adhd shall we?
cal’s face as ethan is brought in😭😭 he has head and chest injury
“so all this to get out of some public speaking, eh? there are easier ways, mate.” typical cal to cope by joking about it
connie having a go at the driver of the other vehicle and then going to her office and breaking down crying🥺
cal doing an almost constant stream of jokes while treating ethan :((((
dixie voicing her concerns to jeff over tamzin having only just been engaged to someone else and trying to convince him not to go back in the bus to treat ash until the fire crew have made it safer but he goes “you know me, what’s life without a bit of risk, eh?”🙃
charlie suspects the driver of the other vehicle has dementia
the mother’s mother thanking cal and saying he’s right about the kid’s behaviour and she thinks her daughter knows it and cal’s like “i just don’t like it when kid’s get labelled, that’s all” 🤔🤔
ethan going off while he’s at ct.
he has a cardiac tamponade and he needs a pericardiocentesis but connie can’t do it with her wrist so cal has to do it
ash isn’t looking good
cal’s struggling and ethan goes into vt😬 he manages it in the end
the other staff all watching cal come out of resus and charlie gives him the consolation cupcake “as tough shifts go, i think yours is pretty hard to beat”
jeff saying he’s going to propose to tamzin🥲🥲
dixie saying she’s happy for him because tamzin makes him happy but tells him to get a good solicitor because she’s taking him for everything he’s got including the dog sjdkfkfk
there’s people standing outside the incident tape or whatever it’s called filming the crash scene
jeff rushing to get ash out “see, easy!” “what’re you like, collier?” “born lucky, eh, nine lives” NOOO JEFF GET OUT OF THERE
welp there he goes…
dixie’s reaction😭😭😭😭
cal going and sitting by ethan’s bedside and talking to him while he thinks he’s still unconscious🥹🥹🥹🥹
“my safety net”🤲🏼🤲🏼🤲🏼🤲🏼
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ethan opening his eyes as cal leaves <333
charlie ripping up the retirement plan and having a go at connie about how he’s not gonna give up while she’s just trying to tell him there’s been an explosion at the crash site
also i was just thinking i’ve heard “there’s been an explosion at the crash site” somewhere else too and yeah it’s what ruby says to iain in the market attack ep (and yet we don’t see anyone being worried about ethan???? anyway)
tamzin and dixie💔💔💔💔💔
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itsroxie · 2 years
So your parents suck?
Okay, so you’re starting from scratch, you can’t cook, you don’t know what career you’re interested in, you lack skills that your parents should have taught you, and your finances aren’t in order. Worst of all, you don’t know where to begin 👀. Well, I got a list of books for you.
( most of the books listed have visuals)
These are 10 must-have books that’ll help you maneuver through life!
1. “The Self Care prescription” by Robyn L. Gobin, Ph.D ⭐️ MUST HAVE ⭐️  (Amazon)
Self-care is important. If you don’t know where to start this book was made for you. It will clear up any confusion you may have about self-care, and how it looks. It also addresses mental health and teaches you skills on how to deal with real-life issues. The author also has a journal you can purchase alongside this book. (Amazon link)
2. “Infographic guide to Personal Finance” by Elisabeth Lariviere and Michele Cavan, CPA (Amazon)
All the financial advice you need in one book. It has a range of topics from debt to investing, buying property, and budgeting. This book is easy to understand and has lovely graphics.
3. “How to be a person” by Catherine Newman (Amazon)
All the skills you need to be a functioning human being are in this book. I recommend this book for people who didn’t have a lot of guidance growing up. “How to be a person” will fill you in on the basics. It tells you how to tip people, do laundry, send mail, and make your bed. It also has some easy recipes and a lot more. It’s a great starter book for those who genuinely don’t know where to begin!
4. “Atomic Habits” by James Clear (Amazon)
If you are looking to break a habit or start a new one this book is a bestseller and highly recommended. It can also be helpful for those who struggle with motivation, making changes, etc. Before reading this book, I had difficulty getting back on track after a break. Since reading Atomic Habits, I've been able to stay consistent with my goals and overcome moments of doubt. Once you’ve read Atomic Habits I would suggest purchasing @2pretty 12-month dream girl guide. It can help you keep track of the habits you want to master and the steps you plan on taking to accomplish your goal. It’s also a cute journal 🥰.
5. “Budgeting 101” by Michele Cavan, CPA  (Amazon)
A very detailed book explaining everything you need to know about budgeting, saving, and investing. It also has a couple of tips.
6. “Home EC for everyone” by Sharon & David Bowers (Amazon)
All the life skills you need are in this book. It covers cooking, laundry, sewing, and other domestic skills. Home EC has recipes, a list of supplies, and how-to’s on cleaning, setting tables &, etc. This book is amazing. It’s been my favorite purchase this year. It starts with the easy stuff like boiling water 😭 and cracking an egg, but it gets into other info like getting gum out of carpet, how to hem a skirt, reading laundry symbols, making beef stew, and brining meat, just to mention a few.
7. “Getting from college to career” by Lindsey Pollak (Amazon)
If you need advice on preparing for interviews, working on your resume, getting real-world experiences, and finding job opportunities. I couldn’t suggest a better book. It has other topics and is great for anyone who needs advice while they're looking for a job, but it is catered to college graduates.
8. “Adulting made easy” by Amanda Morin  (Amazon)
Budgeting, insurance, getting a job, KEEPING a job, safe social media usage, living situations, and a few other life skills are all mentioned in “adulting made easy”. I love this book and started including it in my gift package for friends and family members going to college or moving out, it’s such a great resource.
9. “The driving book” by Karen Gravelle (Amazon)
This book is geared towards new drivers, but I believe it has some great information for everyone. It tells you what to keep in your car, how to take care of it, and how to drive in different areas. Such as the freeway, the countryside, etc. 
10. “Careers the ultimate guide to planning your future” (Amazon)
This book has a range of careers, some requiring just trade school or associates, others needing a doctorate. With such a range, you’ll be sure to get an idea of what career you might be interested in. It also has a rank on the salary you’ll be making from each opportunity listed.
Now I am all for reading and gathering information but please be sure to put the tips you learn to use. 
I’ll try to make a version of this that has online readings or links. I know some people don’t like books or don’t have space for books so if I find any articles I’ll make a post 🤍
♡ xoxo Mrs.Degree ❣️
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p.s just cuz you didn’t learn these skills as a kid doesn’t mean your parents suck I just picked that as a header.
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pluckyredhead · 2 years
For the ship meme, GuyKyle!
who hogs the duvet
Kyle, he is a shivery California blossom and he needs warmth.
who texts/rings to check how their day is going
They are both literally constantly chattering via ring when they're not together. It's annoying.
who’s the most creative when it comes to gifts
Kyle. He is an artiste, after all.
who gets up first in the morning
Neither of them are super early risers, but Guy. Kyle would happily sleep until 2 pm every day if he could.
who suggests new things in bed
Kyle, who has a much more colorful sexual history and also a much more colorful browser history. And again, creativity is literally canonically his greatest strength.
who cries at movies
I want to be unexpected here and say it's Guy but it's definitely Kyle.
who gives unprompted massages
Kyle, and every time Guy is absolutely undone, totally flustered and turned on. You know that dude at a party who keeps trying to give every girl there a back rub because he has somehow convinced himself that it's not creepy, it's a surefire move and somewhere there is a girl it will work on? Guy is that girl. (As long as Kyle is that creepy back rub dude.)
who fusses over the other when they’re sick
They're both pretty bad, but Kyle is bad and useless. Bless his heart.
who gets jealous easiest
Guy. He has been pretty much defined as a character by his insecurity, and though he's a lot better than he used to be, it'll never go away completely and can manifest in some extremely unproductive ways.
who has the most embarrassing taste in music
KYLE AND I LOVE HIM FOR IT. It's all dance pop and techno and good for him. I know he wears Nirvana shirts in canon but even in the 90s that boy was listening to Robyn and the Vengaboys.
Guy's is entirely that Songs That Will Never Fail to Make White People Beyond Turnt list, so he's no better, actually. Play "Sweet Caroline" and Guy will come soaring in FROM SPACE for the "bum bum bum" part.
who collects something unusual
I don't think either of them collect anything, honestly? They don't really have permanent enough living situations.
who takes the longest to get ready
who is the most tidy and organised
They are both slobs at home, but Warrior's is spotless (because of Guy).
who gets most excited about the holidays
Kyle, Guy has some baggage around certain holidays and, you know. His incredibly traumatic childhood.
who is the big spoon/little spoon
Kyle is the little spoon and proud. Of. It.
who gets most competitive when playing games and/or sports
Guy, which is a shame because Kyle suggested they play touch football mainly for the innuendo and Guy got too into the actual game to realize he was being seduced.
who starts the most arguments
who suggests that they buy a pet
They don't need a pet, they have G'nort. (They don't want G'nort.)
what couple traditions they have
Nothing formal, but there are a few planets that they have very fond memories of and return to when they can. (Also, Mogo will let you fuck like bunnies on him if you ask nicely and clean up after yourselves.)
what tv shows they watch together
Guy watches a lot of football while Kyle paints and makes distracted noises.
what other couple they hang out with
I would say Arisia and Sodam or Jess and Simon if either of those couples had ever actually managed to get their shit together. My crops are dying. :(
how they spend time together as a couple
Running Warriors, protecting the galaxy, being fairly indiscreet about PDAs.
who made the first move
Kyle, and Guy was gobsmacked.
who brings flowers home
Guy. Aw. 🥰
who is the best cook
Oa has an excellent cafeteria. Thank god.
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calypsoff3 · 2 years
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Being on the road was hard for me because I was away from my family for a long time I would say, this was the longest I have ever been away from Robyn myself; I know she did it but me I haven’t done it at all. I really got to feel how Robyn would feel being away and I kind of get it now, it isn’t how I thought it would be, including the fact I had after parties, it looked on photo that I am having a good time, but I really was tired and missing home, so I actually did understand and feel what Robyn felt, and it wasn’t good. I am happy to be home, I made my money now, I just want to reap the benefits and spend time with my kids. I still have people wanting to do events, I am over it. I need a few months with my family, I need to prepare myself for this nigga wedding, I can’t even get out of it. At one point I tried to get the tour to overrun, it didn’t happen. I just think it’s whatever, I am not happy still. Things have been awkward ever since and I know Robyn tries, she does these little things and it’s not working, it’s because of them two that we don’t have family at the house because I don’t want him under my roof, he can go. I just can’t let go, he will always see Curtis his favourite son, and I am just Joyce’ son, I haven’t really ever told my mom what he is doing but with him actually getting married but I will be now “I didn’t know you was awake” Robyn said as she walked out of the bathroom “yeah, I just woke up now. I was thinking, did you tell your mom to do a prenup?” Robyn side eyed me “Chris” she said “I am being dead serious too” I said “I know you are, but I am not getting involved, I did say it. Well kind of mentioned it and she said Robbie we are just living the end of our lives, I was like ok that is so dramatic, you didn’t need to say that. I am just going to the wedding Chris, just like you, and you need to speak to your dad” I laughed “not exactly, I don’t need too either. He has Curtis there, why does he need me there” Robyn huffed out as she walked into the walk in closet, I am stubborn still.
Resting my head in Raihan’ lap “daddy is going back to sleep” I smiled, he giggled “not sleep, you wake up dad” he placed his hand on my head “I wake up huh, but I am tired son. I will wake up soon, not yet though” closing my eyes “hey Chris, I still haven’t spoken to Rylee. She did try and speak to me, and I shrugged it off, so she knows and now isn’t making the effort to speak to me. Tianna then asked, have you fallen out with Rylee, I said she knows what she has done. She clearly doesn’t respect me and yeah” opening my eyes “she is you, but erm. When she comes back from school I will catch up with her, I will take them out for some food, just the eldest two. I will leave Imani out of it because she is innocent in it. She spoke to me Rylee, but I think she is testing the waters, she has been hiding, I have noticed it. But then just yesterday she came up to me and asked how was the tour, I felt like saying I came back a week ago, the fuck you asking now but I just kept it normal. I will catch up with her though. You know what it is, if you just forget it, and then act like it was ok she will do it again, but she is very wary of me. When I say I am taking her out she will be even more wary. I think it’s more because we haven’t spoke on anything, I am going to be real. I don’t know how to deal with teenagers, it’s like trying to deal with myself at that age and look how that went” I laughed “it’s like we don’t want them to make the mistakes, but they are going to make them, protecting them doesn’t work” nodding my head agreeing, it’s so hard.
Watching the guy cleaning my cars, I am only outside because the kids are coming back from school. I would have picked them up but I needed my cars cleaning so they can be picked up “hey, go inside. Don’t play with his stuff” Raihan is being stupid “Raihan!” Junior shouted, looking behind me seeing the kids are back from school “welcome home” Rylee is dragging her feet as she does “I like that you are home dad” hugging Imani “I am happy to be back, I missed your little face” Rylee is actually walking over to me “why is mom not speaking to me?” she asked, “how would I know?” I said to her, she laughed “because you know everything, and you both talk” resting my arm on Imani looking at Rylee “did you do something?” Rylee shrugged “I don’t know, she hasn’t looked my way since, I have cleaned my room so if it’s that, I did it” clenching my jaw “tell Tianna, we will go out for some food” Rylee cringed “me too!?” Imani said “no, just these two. I will take you out next time promise” Rylee really cringed “ok, just you and mom then?” shaking my head “just me, seeing as you and mom don’t speak, why would she need to come?” she shrugged “I didn’t do anything, it was just harmless” I shrugged “seems like a Rylee problem, your mouth has consequences and I am not going to help you with making mom speak to you, I wouldn’t either” Rylee pouted her lips “so you know then” I shrugged “be ready for six” leaning down and picking Imani up “you’re still baby” she laughed “dad I am grown now! Stop it” pressing a kiss to her cheek “you’re not grown, Junior! Why did you push Raihan into the water, what is wrong with you?” Junior laughed and threw his backpack onto the floor “he smells” he ran off “why is he so naughty” Raihan picked his backpack up “hey” he ran after him ”boys are bad” nodding my head “you have a point” they are a pain.
Putting my Rolex on, I am ready to go out now with my daughters, but it depends if they are ready. Women, they are never ready on time “what is funny?” I asked Robyn “they are waiting for you; I think you made more effort than them” I pulled a face “really?” I said confused “honestly, but you know why? They didn’t wear any make up, I walked by, and Tianna said to me, not Rylee. She said dad is taking forever” I snorted laughing “I took time because they take time” she shrugged “oh they wasn’t about to annoy you Chris, they have been playing in makeup when you wasn’t here but now look but have fun and don’t let them play at your heartstrings” I blew out air “I won’t” Robyn knows my heart falls for my kids “have fun though, it will be nice for you. It’s nice that they get to spend time with you also because they feel you don’t want to be near them, but I think it’s not true” nodded my head “well I better go then, love you” pecking her lip “I wish it was me actually, you look so handsome” looking behind me smirking “you fancy me don’t you” she side eyed me, she loves me so much and I love that for me. Jogging down the steps “girls!” I shouted them, smiling at Amerie “do I look good?” I asked her “my nose hurts from the aftershave yes” I laughed at her “sorry, I need to look good you know” seeing the girls walking over to me “the twins that came from my twin” Rylee pulled a face “funny dad” they are so boring at times “let’s go then” I am excited to go on a date with my daughters, I do love them both.
Waving at some girls that got their phone out “love you Breezy! Love you” I grinned “I love you too thank you” walking into Craig’s, Rylee and Tianna walked ahead of me inside “thank you” I said to D, my new bodyguard, he is much better and younger than Pat too “please follow me to the corner table” the car ride here was quiet, so I just put music on and drove here, the girls know I am not happy with them, it isn’t a meal to praise them anyways. Sitting down across from the girls, shuffling my seat in “I will be back to ask what drinks” the waiter walked off “y’all paying for this?” I asked “me?” Tianna asked “who else? How about you girls treat dad huh? What about it?” Rylee hasn’t flinched, she hasn’t laughed at all “we aren’t rich, also you made money on tour” I laughed, how cheeky of her “whatever, so how is school? Y’all doing good?” they are both quiet “Tianna” I said “yeah good, just hard work” chewing on my bottom lip “right, so if I ask them will they say the same? Or will they say that my daughters are just playing around?” Tianna shrugged “private school, mhmmm. You think it’s just something to throw off, so you haven’t missed class or anything?” Tianna shook her head “you know the thing is, these private schools tell you a lot, so you just not telling me is pissing me off, you did miss school. Where did you go?” Tianna looked at Rylee “I am speaking to you” Tianna face has turned red “sorry” she mumbled “answer me then, so if I ask Rylee will she know?” I pointed “dad, it’s not like that at all, ok I missed school with friends” nodding my head “this one doesn’t miss school, she just runs the school, mhmm miss popular” Rylee put her head down “girls, I know everything. Your mom and I get informed. We pay so much money for you kids and we expect results so when I see your grades and I don’t see what I want, there is going to be hell. Don’t come to me and ask for a big sixteen party” I like they do respect me, but I hate I have to be like this with them.
Wiping my hands on the napkin “why isn’t mom speaking to you?” I asked Rylee “I don’t know” she was quick to say, “so mom just stopped speaking to you for the fun of it, do you help mom around the house, with your siblings?” they both love looking at each other “we have a cleaner so there isn’t much to do, and we pick Junior up from school, so yeah. Mom is always doing work and yeah” Rylee explained “so you both do nothing? So when I left the house you didn’t change shit? So I ask again why is mom not speaking to you Rylee? Because being real, I know why” I admitted, I feel like Sade right now. But I have learnt a lot from her “I didn’t like to be mean to her, I didn’t dad” oh Rylee is getting emotional “why are you getting upset? You did it, you hold that, and you take it. This is on you” I said “Rylee is having hard time dad” Tianna is taking up for her “hard time? I have a hard time accepting a rich kid has issues, it’s been years and you still don’t respect your mom like that and me, that hurts me. To see my wife struggle with you two, crying to me because you both want to bring up what she did, then how you speak to her. If you both so much look into your mom then you should know by now you ain’t met badgalriri. She loves you kids, and she has a soft spot, so she doesn’t be that way, I just don’t understand” shaking my head “my best friend, wow. You two don’t know what you both have, and I am really not going to even tell Robyn to speak to you Rylee, you can figure that up on your own” I laughed “this is on you, how dare you even say the word slut. Is that what you think of my wife? Huh? You think that of her” Tianna’ mouth hung open; I don’t think she knew “who said slut?” Tianna said “how dare you, and you think you can roam around my house and disrespect my wife, she asks you to clean you do it next time. You go to school and back, and you give me your phone” Rylee’ face softened “I ain’t forget what you posted, seeing as you both don’t know how to learn in school either, I will have yours Tianna so pass me the phone” sitting back in the chair, the girls aren’t loud now.
The fact these girls are so quiet “I want to know why you made your mom upset? Both of you not listen to her, like seeing you both now all quiet. You think mom is a push over” I laughed “not, she is just annoying at times” shaking my head “dad is not home so play up, that’s what it seems like to me, I am so disappointed in you both and Rylee, you just really fuck me over with how you are. How you speak to my wife? Who are you to speak to her like that, I will be picking you up from school and taking you, I am home now. Things are going to get boring now until my wife is happy, until you both know how to act because it’s fucked up, and don’t ever say that to my youngest daughter again. You know why I don’t want you on stage, because niggas are dumb. Some situations ain’t for my grown daughters. You know what, if I hear you both ever speak on my wife’ past again there is going to be trouble. And also your MacBooks or whatever you got, school work only. Used downstairs, you can give them up too, I think you both need to start reading books. I would ban you from Barbados but you got to be there I guess” Rylee and Tianna looks so upset, I feel like the person that ruined their whole fun but it needed to happen “y’all are so spoilt and it was really out of love, and I know that Rylee has so much to do to piss us off” moody ass teenagers “I didn’t mean to upset mom” rubbing my chin “but you did, why is it I am seeing this quiet and respectful side to you both?” Tianna shrugged “because you ain’t fun anymore, you suck now” I laughed “that cost you your after school activities now” I smiled at Rylee, she huffed out. We can keep doing this, I got time.
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faunusrights · 3 years
yeah, all i got is this belly button lint: a happy huntresses short fic
wrote this real quick because i love thinking about the random crap fiona has in her Inventory(tm). also i just like thinking about these clowns in general, so,
"Okay, so, what's actually in your Semblance right now?" Joanna asks one day in third year, when Fiona and May have sneaked away to Robyn's dorm to lose at cards and help edit her new batch of flyers promoting union creation in the workplace. Fiona had given a couple a look and accepted them as good enough, but May is weirdly exacting about her standards and is currently trying to convince Robyn to nudge the text headers over by ten pixels to the right. That's why, as she's sat on the floor and wrapped up in the drama of watching Robyn try and slowly fail to ignore May's insistent pleas for her to boot up her editor, Fiona's caught just a little bit off-guard by the question.
"My Semblance?" she asks, and Joanna nods all serious-like from her place on the bunk above Robyn. Joanna often looks very serious, because she suffers from what Robyn calls resting thoughtful bitch face, so sometimes it's hard to gauge how actually serious about something she really is. "I mean, it's probably a mess in there right now."
"I keep forgetting you actually use it like storage space," Robyn adds cheerfully, having now progressed onto shoving May away from her laptop computer every time she tries to creep closer. "Since most Semblances are, y'know, combat-only things or like... special occasions, I guess. And yet here you are, telling people you really don't need a bag for all your groceries!"
It is fun to flex on all the people struggling to carry like six bags to their car or their home, and Fiona preens. "Yeah, it's nice. I mostly keep things in it that I'd wanna have in an emergency, but it's been a while since I last sorted through it, so, who knows what garbage I've put in there."
"Tell me Robyn's braincell is in there too," May says imploringly, still trying to slide an arm around Robyn to get at the keyboard, but Fiona just shakes her head. She can't and won't be blamed for that particular disappearance any time soon. Instead, she rubs her hands together, scrunching up her face as she tests the edges of the Semblance. It's a funny thing, a Semblance like this--she never really has to think about it, but it's always just in reach, like this extra weight in her chest that she can totally forget about. It's strange to think about, so she often just doesn't.
"Okay," she starts, and she goes for the biggest item she can sense, which is an easy one to explain. In her hands materialises an acoustic guitar, worn and scuffed with age, and this attracts to attention of every girl in the room. "Well, this one's easy. This is my guitar, and honestly? If I ever leave it behind in the meatspace and don't pick it up on my way out the door, know that you've just seen my evil clone and you have to kill her."
Joanna blinks, and Robyn seems caught between asking about the guitar, the evil clone, and also the fact that Fiona insists on referring to the physical world as the meatspace. So, she does as Robyn does best, and settles on an expletive. "Shit! You play?"
"Been playing since I was... like seven? Something like that." Fiona shrugs, because she really can't be sure; her first vague memory of even seeing this guitar was a long time ago, her uncle telling her it used to belong to her grandmother who'd never managed to learn a damn thing on it. So, Fiona had taken up practice, if only because it was something for a little lowlands Mantellian Faunus to do during the long, cold polar nights and the endless sunshine of the midnight sun. "But, yeah, this is always on me in some form or another."
"You should've played it whilst we were on watch our last mission," May says, with a certain scowl that Fiona knows is 100% directed at their team leader, who is currently off doing... some sort of bullshit with their partner, no doubt. Gods, this team is a nightmare. "All those hours trying to stay awake so we could stare into nothing..."
"Sorry," Fiona says, and she means it. She'd intended to, but, well, she'd sort of chickened out. The echo in the mountains is kind of insane. "Next time?"
May nods, but Joanna cuts off whatever she's about to say next by waving her hands through the air like she can physically dissipate the conversation. "Okay, okay, cool, but now I gotta else you got hiding in there."
Re-compressing her guitar--and oh, is Fiona thankful that dematerialising and rematerialising it doesn't leave it out of tune--Fiona has a mental root around. "Uh, okay, so, we've got--"
In no particular order, she starts pulling things out: a pair of thick gloves for the brutal Solitas chill, an extra pair of socks (hugely understated by most, but never by Fiona), a ushanka that Robyn instantly cheers for, and a couple of jackets ranging from light windbreakers to thick furred jackets that feel like she's wearing a mattress around her ribs. Her Scroll and wallet are in there too, naturally, as are her keys and some extra ammunition, and she pulls out a load of old train tickets with a grimace. "Hm. I was meant to throw these away years ago."
"You're basically carrying around a wardrobe in there, then?" May asks in a way that'd maybe be a little teasing if she didn't look about as jealous as she sounds, but it becomes a thoughtful expression when Fiona shakes her head again.
"Bold of you to think I haven't got a whole pantry in here too," she says, and now Joanna looks very interested. "Check this out."
The first thing she pulls out is a gallon jug of clean water--endlessly fucking useful, she's found, especially when you're in some situation where you can't sit on your ass for an hour waiting for the water purification tablets to do their job--before pulling out a whole host of Atlesian MREs that she keeps around just in case shit really does hit the fan. Atlas rations are... not good, in a phrase, but she's owed them her life more than once, so, whatever.
"What dates are on those?" May quickly interrupts with a critical eye, trying to make out the printed numbers on the snow-patterned packets, and Fiona tosses her one if only to distract May's hands from trying to puzzle out Robyn's password when Robyn isn't directly paying attention.
"Things don't really degrade in my Semblance," Fiona admits. "I've tested it before on stuff with a short shelf-life, like cheese and milk, and honestly I can leave it in there for months and have it come out just as fresh as when it went in. Something to do with a sort of... internal stasis, I guess." Then, she adds, "One thing in my Semblance is a goldfish in a bowl, but he's part of a practical theory I'm running, so I can't materialise him for another fifteen years or so."
"That sounds very normal," Joanna says, and Fiona is glad she agrees as she barrels right over the inherent sarcasm.
As May agonises over finding the date, though, Fiona continues to unveil her pantry--there's plenty of snacks, like dried fruit and nuts and energy bars and chocolate, and when she reveals she carries extra for every member of her team and then some (then some in this instance being Robyn and Joanna, not that she'll admit it), Robyn looks delighted. "That's so sweet! Look at you, making sure nobody goes hungry. You're one in a million."
That's cute and very gay, but Fiona has a lot of stuff to be working through and so she keeps on going--there's a flask of coffee that, thanks to the maybe-stasis, is eternally hot, a bottle of dark Mantellian ale she keeps as, uh, moral support, and she blushes when she pulls out half an uneaten tuna sandwich. "I wondered where that went. Whoops."
May looks up from the MRE for a second, and then does a double-take as she takes in the sight of the very limp and sad-looking sandwich, made courtesy of the Atlas Academy cafeteria. "Wait! Isn't that the sandwich you accused me of stealing last month?!"
"Anyway!" Fiona says with a forced grin, quickly making it disappear back into the void where it can safely continue not existing. "I think the final thing in here is... wait."
She blinks, and suddenly in her hands are at least a hundred little booklets entitled The Pocket Guide to Communist Outreach, scattering right over the floor. Robyn yelps, and then reaches down the side of her bunk to pick them up. "Oh shit! I forgot I asked you to hold onto these! I thought we ran out, nice."
Joanna's face is in her hands, and May sighs long and hard before tossing the MRE back to Fiona with a distinctly pained expression.
"It goes out of date in a month," she notes with distaste, and Fiona just sucks it up without a word. She'll be thankful for it when they end up down a dark cave with no backup, but Fiona figures she'll sit on that one for a bit before being able to make the greatest told you so call in history. She can wait.
"So," she says, watching as May takes advantage of Robyn's momentary distraction to try and access her computer again. "I guess... do you wanna hear me play a song?"
Joanna watches as her partner leans too far over the side of the bunk, yelping as she nearly slams her head directly into the hard vinyl of the floor, and she grimaces. "Please do."
Grinning, Fiona finds her guitar again--somewhere buried, she mentally notes, beside the gallon of water but under the coats--and she slings the broad strap about her shoulders before settling it on her lap, crossing her legs tightly beneath herself before finding her place on the fretboard. After having not played since being back home, it relaxes her more than she'd ever realised it did. It helps to be surrounded by friends, though. Helps to be with family.
"I don't take requests," she adds, flatly, and Robyn laughs from her place on the floor before music fills the dorm, soft and deep and achingly familiar of a place far, far below.
But she's okay with calling this place home, too.
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katnissmellarkkk · 3 years
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Chapter Two
Hiiii! Okay, soooo I wanted to get the new chapter out ASAP! I really, really love any of you guys who read/kudoed/commented or anything on AO3 🥰🥰🥰🥰. Means the world to me.
As I mentioned on here yesterday, my one eye is basically sore and I went to the eye doctor and basically can’t wear my contacts for a few days. So because of my how nearsighted I am and the fact that I haven’t updated my glasses prescription in over a decade .... I edited this chapter on my phone? So yeah. I think it turned out just as well as any of my other writing but ya know. For verification, if there’s some mistakes here or there. Ya girl was tryin, ok. 😂😂😂😂😅😅😅😅😬😬😬😬😬😬.
Okay anyways I’ll stop talking, here’s the next chapter :
“You just have to get to know her,” Peeta claimed. “Bailey’s a good person. Don’t let her outer shell fool you.”
What I really wanted to ask him was how he ever got beyond her—as he so delicately phrased it—outer shell.
Never big on social interactions, on top of being generally awful at making friends, I did my best to get all the information Peeta would willingly offer about his new, mysterious girlfriend, before having to deal with her directly.
Which wasn’t much. Peeta, the boy who gossiped about his father wanting to marry my mother while we were in a televised death match, who seemed to always have some insight on other people, who never hesitated to share his gossip with me before now, suddenly had tight lips when it came to Bailey Robyn.
The biggest emission I got from him was, “she had a childhood a lot like mine.”
I don’t know what that means? Bailey was the child of District Nine’s baker? District Nine had a class divide as well and she was of a merchant equivalent? She was a popular wrestler?
And then it hit me all at once. Like a train storming for the Capitol, it hit me with crushing force. Peeta never confirmed the fact, but the look in his eyes when I made the guess was enough to suggest I was right.
Bailey also grew up with an abusive mother. Just like Peeta.
The idea was a lot for me to process suddenly. I knew people who looked perfect could hide dark secrets. Peeta and Finnick Odair were both evidence of this. But for some reason I was taken aback by the notion that Bailey, who seemed so lively and pristine and collected, could have come from a violent and vicious household like the Mellark’s.
I mentally berated myself for the shock. How many times had strangers misjudged me in the last couple of years? How much had that infuriated me to find out?
When I go over to Haymitch’s house the following week for dinner, I make considerable effort in preparing myself to see Bailey sitting at the table.
And I’m not disappointed.
Bailey Robyn is sitting in the dining room when I walk in, half her hair gracefully combed into a cascading updo, looking as porcelain and perfect as ever. In her hand is a cookie covered in pink frosting, her mouth pulled up in a sparkling white smile as she laughs at something Haymitch has said.
Evidently Bailey puts my old mentor in a good enough mood, because he gives her a real genuine grin in reply.
Before turning to me with a scowl, of course. “Well, sweetheart, look who decided to join us?”
“I’m on time, Haymitch,” I immediately grumble, eyeing him with aggravation.
“If we give or take twenty minutes.”
But Bailey apparently wants to be my buffer. “Like you’ve ever been on time for anything, Haymitch Abernathy,” she retorts, looking at me knowingly. Like she’s trying to let me in on her joke. Like we’re old friends, who gang up on Haymitch together all the time.
A part of me feels displaced, as this interaction, if I didn’t know better, gives me the idea that I’m the odd one out and Bailey is the aquatinted one in this dynamic. But still, I take a deep breath and smile back in her direction.
I promised Peeta I would try. I promised to give Bailey a chance. And I’m not going to break another promise to him.
Not after everything that’s happened to him because of me.
Before I can find a semi-conversational thing to say back though, more voices join us.
“Katniss!” Delly chirps, rounding the corner from Haymitch’s pigsty living room with Peeta by her side.
“Oh, look who finally showed up,” Peeta says, teasing me.
I have an entirely different reaction to him nudging me versus Haymitch. Instead of getting defensive, I feel myself immediately blush, suddenly a little embarrassed. “I’m sorry. I got held up in the woods.” My words somehow get choked in with a giggle and Peeta smirks in response.
Luckily for me, Bailey seems to not mind our interaction. Instead she laughs once again. “Held up in the woods by what?” She murmurs curiously.
“Knowing her?” Haymitch mutters, eyeing at me wryly. “Squirrels.”
I give the night my best effort. I talk to Bailey, ask her questions—pretend not to notice how elusive her answers are—and plaster a completely fake smile across my face, trying my best to appear as sweet and as pleasant as I am capable of.
However, by the end, I’m so glad Delly is there by my side that, without hesitating to think about it, I invite her to be a permanent member of our weekly dinners. If Peeta can bring Bailey every time—as I suspect he will—I can surely have someone here too. Someone else who is a bit apprehensive about the new addition, someone who doesn’t think I’m just blatantly rude for remaining on my guard.
I expected Haymitch, at least, would be a little unsure about Bailey. I expected he’d be at least slightly cautious of her presence. But instead the opposite seems to be true.
Instead Haymitch almost seems more apprehensive about me being at dinner.
Every time I glance at Peeta too long, every time I cringe—in my mind, internally, but evidently the old, paunchy man notices—when Bailey plants her lips all over Peeta, I feel him kick me in the leg, step on my foot, nudge me roughly as he passes by.
Delly finds the whole thing really funny. She finds Haymitch and my subsequent glares and glances more entertaining than any of the stories Bailey shares about District Nine.
And Delly Cartwright has never been one for subtly. She’s never been one for holding back her emotion either.
What should be her quiet chuckles are loud, snorting giggles and her standard laughs are practically hysterics.
And I find unexpectedly, when mixed with such a tense air, the sound of her boisterous laughter cracks even me up. Even Haymitch smiles a little.
Of course, the fact that this conjures up an image of me and Delly sharing some kind of inside joke is sort of an unexpected gift. I only realize it after the fact, but the idea that it looks like me and Delly are laughing together makes me feel suddenly less alone. Makes me feel suddenly like I belong here again.
Bailey is pleasant enough, I note to myself. She smiles in all the right places when someone else speaks, she manages to softly laugh in all the appropriate spots, she tell us vague details about her home in Nine easily enough.
Apparently she was born and raised on a farm, learned to produce grain from a young age and left her parents’ home at fourteen.
She makes no mention of the abuse Peeta implied but I never expected she would. It takes practically a microscope to uncover it in Peeta’s own tales. And even that’s from my point of view. An outsider who didn’t survive two games and a war with him would be hard-pressed to decipher it at all out of the stories he tells. I anticipated Bailey would be just as allusive.
I did not anticipate however, that Bailey would grow so uncomfortable when asked where she lived after she left her parents’ home. I didn’t expect her to look around the room in an abrupt, stiff silence, that she would stare past the walls of Haymitch’s home with a glassy look in her stone blue eyes, or that she would stand from the table without warning and flee down the hall.
And I’m thankful now that it was Delly who asked the question and not me, as surely my old mentor, who’s nearly smashed by this point, would find a way to cast the blame onto me.
“Did I say something wrong?” Delly asks, genuinely disturbed that she apparently must have hurt Bailey. She may not be her biggest fan, but Delly Cartwright isn’t one to intentionally upset people.
Peeta hesitates for a moment before shaking his head. “No, she’s just... it’s nothing you did, Delly,” he promises but his voice is far away now too, and his gaze flickers towards the hall the blonde disappeared down.
Still, Delly bites her lip in fear she caused an issue and excuses herself from the table in a haste, offering to clean everyone’s dishes.
Neither me nor Peeta—or even Haymitch himself—say not to bother. The house itself is in atrocious condition after the decades of neglect and washing the dishes will only cover the plates in grim and mold instead of food. But it’s not about the actual cleansing of the dishes and we all know it. It’s about avoidance.
Something the three of us know more about than anyone ever should.
I use the given opportunity to catch Peeta’s eye. “What’s going on?” I murmur under my breath, hoping Haymitch wouldn’t insert himself into the conversation for once, that he won’t shut my question down and bark at me for being nosy.
“Bailey just needs a minute,” Peeta states, and I can tell from his tone it’s better not to ask again. Whatever’s going on with his girlfriend has him on edge as well. It seems to me, at least.
The next thirty minutes feel like hours as they pass. No one speaks. Haymitch is almost out cold from his liquor. Peeta refuses to meet my eyes or even so much as tear his gaze from the direction Bailey walked off in. I’m about to tell him to just go after her, when she decides to reappear.
Like magic, she reappears, her face seemingly flawless, her smile as bright and as stunning as before, her poise back again like it never slipped.
“Are you okay?” I ask anyway though, because there’s no use in pretending she didn’t just run off after a harmless comment. Delly obviously wants the answer to the same inquiry or she wouldn’t be currently lingering in the doorframe, afraid to even enter the room.
Still, I receive a pointed glance from Peeta and an outright disgusted look from a barely coherent Haymitch.
I fight my natural instincts that says to justify myself. My natural instincts that tell me they’re being far too defensive over a simple question.
And for what reason? Peeta just met her a few months ago and Haymitch probably wouldn’t be able to tell her apart from half the merchant girls in the district. What is it about Bailey that makes both of them take up their metal armor to protect?
“I’m fine,” she says lightly, and offers a tight, closed-mouth smile that doesn’t come across as real for a second. “Delly, do you need any help in the kitchen?”
“No,” the typically bubbly blonde says almost instantly. There’s a waiver in her voice and I feel a pang of sadness spread across my chest, because Delly is obviously afraid of even being in the same room as Bailey now.
“Okay well, we should be going anyways, Peeta,” she says definitively and tugs on his hand with a bit too much force. If you ask me.
“Me too,” I murmur before mentally kicking myself, realizing that I just boxed myself into a corner, looking like I was playing a game and trying to tag along with them for the walk home.
Well, the entire two minutes it takes to get to each of our respective homes, that is.
Even without the added awkwardness of tagging alongside Peeta and his girlfriend, a part of me—a naive, juvenile part—doesn’t want to watch Bailey enter through Peeta’s front door, doesn’t want to accept the fact that she isn’t just spending the night, that his home is now hers too, as a definitive fact.
Within a matter of days, his home is officially her’s. I already know it must be true. But that doesn’t mean I’m anxious by any stretch of the imagination to have the suspicion confirmed.
Haymitch chuckles darkly though, seemingly at my expense, as he lifts his head from the grimy table. “I see someone’s trying to escape before we can light the candles and start singing.”
I blanch the same moment I feel Peeta’s eyes turn and land on me in shock.
I was hoping everyone had forgotten my birthday somehow.
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calypsoff2 · 3 years
One. Part 4
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I get Chris being upset with me but he could have waited to be like this, he didn’t need to tell me I am being a bad parent at my own event “you’re upset and I get it but I just needed you to know how you making Tianna feel, I get that we agreed on what we did but how is it you didn’t send her anything? She was that upset she didn’t want anything, like I am speaking nothing. I had to make the effort and go to her school and do a little thing, this is all because her mother isn’t there for her. Like it’s not good, I hope you can put it straight. A whole month” he shook his head “I get what you’re saying Chris; I do, I agree and honestly you’re making me feel even worse right now, I know what I have done. I will fix it but just let me have some happiness” downing my wine contents “and you have been for a whole month, I have been cleaning, supporting and helping those girls and they still ask about you, if I was them I wouldn’t. You don’t deserve it” he said, pointing at him “stop, right there” I said to him, before it becomes a bigger issue “I am just saying, ok?” He defended himself “so am I, now be quiet” Chris moved away a little “I know you must be so happy for the girls to be here” looking at my mother “over the moon mom, I just want things to get back to how they are. You know” I am just needing to get back to regular schedule with everything, crossing my arms across my chest. My mother knows this is awkward “you need to rest now, Rajad has been speaking on how hard you have been working. Tell her Chris, she needs to rest now” if Chris opens his mouth and speaks on this sideways I will go crazy but he just nodded his head “of course momma, I’m sure she will rest up now” My mother smiled at him, she knows something is off but she came up to us at the wrong time, we was in the middle of that “dad, Imani is taking her shoes off” Tianna grabbed Chris’ hand “oh god, she is a terror” Chris walked off to her “I hope you have been there for the girls too, and you have flew back and forth” looking at my mother and smiled at her, I haven’t done that at all but I can’t say.
Chris and the kids went back to the house, the house I left a mess. I know it’s a mess because I left it like that rushing here, I am so happy by how everything went. Things were declining from the start of the week, I have never so stressed “Tina, be truthful with me. Did I ever mention to you to send Tianna a gift?” I am sure I did, I don’t know anymore “you did but then when I asked for what you want me to send the next day but you said you will get back to me, but things got so busy, why?” Shaking my head my head “are we going now?” Mel asked, I guess I can go home now. I have stayed long enough, my feet hurt too “Dennis, you done with the pictures” he ran over to me, he has been blinding me all day with that flash “so Chris and the girls walked the carpet, I got some images” he turned the camera “he just stood to the side as the girls stood there and the paparazzi took pictures of them, I just think this is the cutest. He looks so proud of them and then” he started skipping through the images “Imani got all scared and ran at him” I am missing from this; I don’t know why but now I am emotional. Just I am not there, I am missing from their lives “I am sorry, I didn’t mean to upset you” waving him off and walked around him, now I am crying. I have suffered too; this is something I’ve always wanted too, and I did it and I wanted my daughters with me. I wanted to take them, but I just missed them so much, I just feel I missed out and now I’m not there. Am I a bad mother, I can’t even take this. Mel placed her arm around me “it’s going to be ok” she said, she says that, but I am heartbroken by this.
In the car going back to the house, I’m sad. I am sad by how everything has happened, I didn’t intentionally go out of my way to upset my own daughter, I wouldn’t do that to any of my kids. Just everything got to me, and it all went to shit for me “you sly bitch, how did you know he was coming?” I never got to ask that to her “oh when they was trying to contact you, he mentioned it and I said to him to keep in contact with me so I can meet him but like I said to him he shouldn’t have come like that on his own, also no security and on top of that they flew on the plane, like there isn’t a jet but I think he was being stubborn with everything I guess but you both need to plan around the kids you know, maybe it’s time for a nanny because Jen did complain” nodding my head “yep” I agreed “really?” Jah said shocked “saying that Chris doesn’t pull his weight and then I said no it’s not his fault, it’s on me. He has to stay at home, but we may need to look to that, but for now we move forward wiFenty will be released, the catwalk went great. I now need to take care of mines now, a little break from business” I need to step back, I will be at home and Chris can handle the rest. He has to go New York and do his thing; I will stay at home and spend time with my princesses. Catch up with home life, I need it “Rylee is such a diva, she said to me I don’t like your shoes. I goes these are more expensive than your outfit, she said “and they are still ugly” Jah gasped “I was like girl, try me. She is you” I chuckled “she is a handful, I know” shaking my head “you know what, Rylee is you. Like the confident you when you’re in your zone, Tianna is Robyn. Rylee is Rihanna and Tianna is Robyn but Imani, she is in her league of her own, Chris is constantly staring at her like Imani, no? What are you doing, chasing her too” I laughed shaking my head “that is my pumpkin, she is just a chubby faced Chris and I adore her so much” I cooed out, I love her.
I huffed out “home sweet home” I said out loud, the home is quiet but a damn mess “y’all cleaning this shit” turning to the stairs “bitch no, you are. Go on, go upstairs” I pouted my lips, I can’t even climb up these steps, I am so fucking tired right now “carry me” turning to Jah “girl, I can barely hold my own weight. You got the after baby weight, I can’t” hitting his arm, dragging my legs up the steps. I am going to sleep like a baby, I mean it I am going too. I have had sleepless nights for this, I am just glad it’s over with because I want to get back to normal. Reaching the top of the steps “I will see you tomorrow, good night” turning to Jah, hugging him “thank you for everything, you have been my rock” he has been the best “likewise, got to sleep” turning away from Jah and making my way to the bedroom, I just want to crawl into bed but then I know Chris will be in the bed so he will take space from me as he would. Trying to open the door but it’s locked “huh” I said confused, jiggling the door “oh, I told Chris to lock the door because he was concerned that Imani will run out” turning to Mel “my stuff is in there!?” I said all wide eyed “well I am fucking sleeping with you then” storming towards her, Mel cackled like a dumb bitch. Only she would get me locked out of my own room, now she can deal with me tonight.
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Stifling out a yawn watching my daughters eat, Imani wants to be grown like her sisters, but she is making the most mess “I don’t understand why he can’t make us pancakes, he is being very lazy” Rylee said to Tianna “I think so too, he keeps yawning and ignoring us” I am just watching these two talk about me, are they being real right now “what we said about being judgemental?” they are really judging me because I gave them cereal, what the hell else do they want “nothing dad, I was just pointing out” shaking my head “Imani, why is your spoon like that?” she looked up at me and the next the bowl is on her “uh oh” I sighed out “uh oh she says, uh oh!” I repeated walking into the kitchen to get paper towels “dad, Imani made a mess” rolling my eyes “I can see she has” where the hell are the paper towels “she is eating the cereal still though” of course she is “oh wow, you’re a mess girl” Jah is awake “Imani!” Monica is awake, this means she can take care of them. Grabbing the paper towels “who made the mess baby?” Monica asked “daddy” now she is just lying “daddy, my god. Chris let me clean it, milk needs to be done properly. You go” Monica grabbed the paper towels “oh ok, I will see to Robyn. You know where she is?” I asked Jah “erm, Mel’ room” nodding my head, let me see if they are awake.
Knocking on the bedroom door lightly, I have knocked on every other bedroom door besides this one, this has to be the bedroom. Rubbing the top of my head as I stepped back from the door, they are probably not awake or something. The door opened finally “is she awake?” I asked Mel, she is half asleep with her robe wrapped around her “yeah, I think” she looked back in the room “you awake?” she asked “kind of, go in. I will be back later” Mel walked out of the bedroom so I could go inside “cool” slowly walking into the bedroom, I have really missed Robyn a lot. I miss having Robyn in bed with me, licking my lips staring at Robyn. She is staring at me still half asleep “can I come in?” I asked, she looks rough “you’re already in” her rough ass just being all grumpy with me because she has just woke up “so is that a yes or what?” closing the bedroom door “why are you being annoying, I have a headache” now she said that I banged the door shut “see, this is why I can’t stand you” she laid onto her back “you say that but you good anyways?” watching her rub her eyes “I suppose, besides the fact I was locked of out of my bedroom” sitting on the edge of the bed and then laid back, resting my head atop of Robyn’ legs under the covers “well I didn’t trust Imani, she could have ran out and then there is no baby gates so that is why. Sorry if you felt I was being harsh with you, but when I was seeing Rylee so hurt and upset by it and her saying she doesn’t want to do anything because you weren’t there, it upset me. As a father I couldn’t make her happy so yeah, I was just annoyed” I thought I would apologise, I don’t want to fall out with my wife now “just felt you could have waited to say it, right in the middle of the event was a little harsh and it did upset me, but it happened. I wish that you could have waited to say it, that is all. I don’t blame you for being upset because I would do the same with you, I would be angry with you about it so it’s only right you made your feelings known” I am glad Robyn understands why I felt that way “I am sorry I came at you too, I just want to clear the air because I missed you so much. I really did, I just want you home. As much as the kids missed you, I did too. It’s lonely and also it’s hard work too” Robyn cooed out “you’re a good man Chris, but we move forward, I am glad you came to me” looking to the side to see Robyn’ face “you sound like the therapist” we both laughed “well the worst thing we can do is not speak on it, I want that. We have been better then ever” she is right we have.
I am so happy to be back with Robyn, to be by her side again. Like we are just in silence, and it’s comfortable for us both. I am tired to say the least, I think taking care of the kids can take it out of you and with them waking up early just sucks “I love you so much Chris” Robyn said out of nowhere, breaking the silence between us “I love you more, I am tired sorry” stifling out a yawn “I can tell, I just want to go back to sleep but I am awake, how is it been then since I left with the kids” she asked, rubbing my chest as I opened my eyes “ok, the kids were trying to play a game on me and like not do their homework, for a full week this went on and then Rylee’ teacher goes to me that Rylee hasn’t been paying attention in class and homework has been missing for two weeks, I said how? Robyn just left? So he said she needed to have done this homework a while ago, then I realised it was those times where we were really busy, so she got told off, then I realised I had to make time for homework so when they came home we did homework, then they chilled while I made food, then Tianna had a party, a kid’s party so I sat there like a dumbass getting harassed with kids. Imani, she played hell. Robyn that is not my child. Ever since we got her ears pierced she has been hell, she bit me too and laughed. She has been sleeping in our bed, she won’t sleep in her own either, which when you’re here she does. She has been getting naked too, she has been beating Tianna, she climbed over the baby gate and fell and didn’t cry either, I don’t know what crack she is on, but she is. She keeps taking her pulls ups off, I am sick of her peeing on the floor” Robyn laughed out “oh my god, Chris she is your child. When I see her I am like Chris? I swear I thought she was going to be a boy, I really did. But she is my favourite Chris, I can’t help it but I will be back don’t worry, I will be setting rules again” I chuckled “she is a terror, but yeah I adore her. Man, she be jumping from the couch constantly, oh yeah god. She was unoccupied and was going to jump in the pool, so with Imani I had to always watch her, constantly. Rylee has been playing mother to Tianna. That is me” sounds eventful that “you know what, I wish I was home. I had a feeling the girls would have played up somehow, you have done so well Chris. You’re a good dad to them girls, they will appreciate what they got with you” I smiled lightly.
Sitting up on the edge of the bed, turning to Robyn in bed “you still look so tired, oh yeah Imani dropped milk on herself and then your mother walked in, and she was not best pleased but then told me she would take over” Robyn rolled her eyes “that girl, why did she do that though? You should feed her Chris, don’t trust her to be grown, especially when we are not home” licking my lips laughing “you spoil her but anyways I think we should do something with Tianna” tilting my head to the side “we!?” I spat “you’re the one in the doghouse now” she is cheeky “but we are both her parents” she ain’t shit “and!? This is on you” Robyn poked her lips out “Chris” she dragged out “Robyn” I retorted “what are you wearing under this bed?” she dragged the covers up “clothes, you not seeing shit, you are being unhelpful” I chuckled “show me” she is just playing now “nope!” she spat, I groaned out and getting up from the bed and crawling over her “show me?” I said, she smirked shaking her head “no” she said again, leaning my head down “you showing me love now?” nuzzling the side of her face “I love you and your morning breath, stank” Robyn wrapped her arms around me and dragged me down to her “I missed you so so so so much” she attacked me so many kisses and made me laugh as she did, moving my head back with her hands still clinging to my face “what are you wearing though?” I want to know “bras and panties, what else. I had nothing else” I missed her so much, letting my weight go from my hands as I wrapped my arms around her “Mel will kill us! Don’t bother” I don’t care what Mel says.
I obeyed Robyn, I am going to have to wait it out for sex clearly, but I have patience, since having three daughters I have that now “I hope no nasty deeds were done on that bed” Mel asked, I sniggered letting Mel go ahead of me to the living room. As soon as I did the first thing I see is Imani slapping Jah’ bald head, I busted out laughing “eh, excuse me. That is mean” Jah moved her away “Imani, even though that is funny you be nice now. Say sorry to Jah” I said, I have too “mommy! Mommy, mommy, mommy, mommy” Imani shouted jumping up and down on the couch, I didn’t even know Robyn was behind me. Moving out of the way, Imani is so excited and overly emotional to see Robyn “awww she missed you” Monica said, “I am here pumpkin, it’s ok” Rylee came rushing in from outside “mom, you’re awake!” I smiled seeing my daughters happy to see their mother “Rylee, why you go?” Tianna walked in but then saw Robyn “dad! Come” Tianna waved me over “but baby I want to sit down” she came in “please” I groaned out “fine” I guess I can’t say no to that now, I hope we are sitting down.
My daughter deadass just made me come outside to watch her do cartwheels, is she on crack “ma’am, you made me come outside for this? Don’t annoy me” Tianna laughed out “but dad, I couldn’t do it, I can now” I will give her praise “ok, good girl. I am proud of you, why ain’t you all over mom? I mean you haven’t seen her in so long” she shrugged “mom doesn’t care for me, I don’t want to be there” my eyes widened “woah” that is some harsh words now, I didn’t think she would be saying that “Tianna baby, come here” crouching down “I just want to spend time with you dad, just me and you” Tianna made her way over to me, she stood in front of me “Tianna, your mother loves you so so much! Don’t ever think that we both love you” she shook her head “mom doesn’t talk to me, it’s Rylee or Imani. Nobody say I look like mom, it’s Rylee oh you look just like your mom and then I am nothing, Imani gets oh you look just like your daddy and then I get ignored. I be with my sister, and they all say oh you look like your mom, oh your mom twin and then she gets these things and is the person that had pictures with mom, but I get nothing so that is why I got nothing for my birthday, I don’t want to speak to mom. I am not Rylee, and I don’t want to stay in the bedroom with Rylee anymore either, I don’t like it. It’s never Rylee and Tianna. I am not wanted daddy” I am literally so teary eyed, she sobbed out “I don’t like it” wiping the tear that fell “oh my god Tianna, you are my most loved daughter” hugging her close “you’re the most caring and loving girl” I really can’t believe I am hearing this.
Tianna got me crying “why didn’t you speak to me before? I am always here for you Tianna; you are so loved. You keep saying you’re not, but you are. Rylee adores you; you know she hates it when you’re sad. I have seen her console you and mom, she knows she has done wrong. Don’t ever think you’re not wanted by us, you are. You complete us Tianna” she wiped her eyes as she hiccupped, my poor daughter “the kids at school all want to be friends with Rylee, they all call her Rihanna. I see it dad, I see pictures on the phone” knitting my eyebrows together “this is why I don’t like you having a phone, you need to ignore social media. You look like the Barbadian family, trust me. I am sorry baby, you have got my nose” I laughed “you ended up look like my side of the family but trust me Tianna we all adore you, you really breaking my heart” I hate this for her “I don’t want to speak to mom, please don’t tell her. Can I stay with you?” licking my top lip “you got to speak to her” she shook her head “she doesn’t want me” she really got this in her head right now, she needs to stop “ok, that is fine. Just please stop crying” I am at a loss, like she has made me speechless about all of this and I just want to hold her until she feels love because she is loved.
Tianna’ arms wrapped around my neck and her head on my shoulder as I made my way back inside, Rylee and Imani are both climbing over Robyn, I am just thinking how to shake Tianna off to speak to Robyn “my niece giving you hugs! Where my hugs” this is hard to eyeball Rorrey to take Tianna, he is so confused “oh uncle Rorrey wants to take you to McDonalds?” Rorrey’ face dropped “what, really” Tianna said, I knew that would get her “yeah, Rorrey. Tianna” putting her down on the floor “go upstairs and get your shoes on” Rorrey is so confused, and he didn’t sign up for this, Tianna ran off “what you doing nigga?” I knew Rylee was going to also go and I caught her “I said Tianna only Rylee, Rorrey bro. I need you do this favour for me, please. I will explain just make sure she is smiling for me” Rylee is not amused “mom! Dad is being mean, why can’t I go?” shaking my head “no, just Tianna. You can cry all you want; you are staying here” I know Rylee is offended but I can’t, I want this to be just her “you owe me big, now I got to leave the home” dapping him as he got up from the couch, least this gives me the chance.
Tianna is gone with Rorrey “Robyn, I need to speak to you now” I know the whole living room is thinking what the fuck is going on “uh yeah sure” Robyn placed Imani down as she got up “can you just watch the kids, I need to speak to Robyn please” Robyn is confused, I mean the whole room is but I need to speak to my wife. Walking off and making my way to the second living room “Jah, I know you are doing some design thing, but can I use this room” Jah groaned out “sure, ten minutes because I need this room” nodding my head as I turned around, Jah made his way out and Robyn came in “what is happening?” Robyn asked all shook “close the door” placing my hands on my hips “I am actually feeling very nervous” Robyn said as she closed the door, she turned to me “we have a problem, a major one. Like Tianna got me crying” my lower lip going but I composed myself “so Tianna and I went outside, you saw that. She was being odd, like showing me shit for nothing. So I said why ain’t you inside all over mom, she goes mom doesn’t love me” Robyn’ face softened “what!?” She spat “oh there is more, so she started crying and said that Rylee gets called Rihanna and that she is her twin and I get nothing, I look like nobody. Nobody cares for me; mom doesn’t love me. Rylee gets stuff with her, and I think she saw things on social media. I said about them having a phone, she is hurting so much. She doesn’t want to speak to you or for you to know” Robyn is in shock, teary eyed like me “we need to fix this quick. I get Rylee gets that, but she is growing up and she is seeing it and understanding it. She doesn’t want to speak to you for some reason, I had to get her out of here so I could tell you this, I am just so shocked” Robyn started to cry, I knew she would because she adores her kids.
Rubbing Robyn’ back as I moved back from her “I am hurting, how can my daughter feel like that. I am just a shit person, I didn’t mean to forget her day” she said through her sobs “I think it’s a bigger issue then that Robyn, like that just added to it. We need to majorly just spend time with her, Rylee adores Tianna, I know she does but she takes over. She is the leader and I see it; I see people saying that’s your mini you but Tianna also wants to hear that, she cried so much but we need to act on this” Robyn moved back from me “my own daughter, what do I do Chris?” she is asking me “she wants to go shopping with me, maybe you come with me. We have to act on this together” I feel even more stressed then I usually do, that is my daughter feeling like this “she wants to be also called a mini you and I don’t blame her for that, you’re beautiful and talented. It’s sad she is feeling this” I am hurting for my daughter.
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calypsoff · 3 years
Ninety. Part 3
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Everyone pretty much left the hospital besides Mel, stroking my chin hair looking over at Robyn and Mel just whispering together, they look so deep in conversation, and I wonder what they speaking on, I am nosey so I would like to know. Mel looked over at me and looked away quickly, so it makes me think are they speaking on me and then Robyn looked so now it’s official that they are. Looking back at my daughter, I hate this so much, I’ve not even really cared about anything. Besides chasing after Robyn like a dog but I generally not cared about shit else, I just want my daughter to be better and to be just staring into my eyes, probably judging me thinking why did I fuck up because we had to stay with Mel, I am an idiot. Rubbing the top of my head “I shall leave you both to it, don’t murder each other now” Mel said laughing “he’s sleeping on the chair anyways, we good” Robyn slowly made her way to us with her arms crossed, she thinks that “sure Robyn, but thanks. For coming also and caring so much” Mel smiled at me “that is fine, y’all my family anyways. Bye, I hope to see my niece awake and lively” we can all hope that, my whole heart just on that bed “bye” sitting back on the chair “thank you for coming” Mel and Robyn hugged “lesbians are at it again” I mumbled “jealousy is ugly Chris” Mel spat “he is ugly” Robyn added, them two are terrible together “two ugly sisters” they both laughed as they finished off just hugging and whatever, now watch Robyn she’s going to be all over me like a bad smell but if I touch her it’s a no. Not complaining actually because she’s a feign, I can sense it. Looking over at Robyn “I don’t see what you are smirking at” Robyn sat next to me “here we are, alone in this room” watching Robyn sit down “and I’m hungry” she turned to me “that’s life?” Man Robyn is so damn beautiful, I am too damn lucky in life to have her “get me some food, if you get it right you can” she dragged out, oh she got my attention. Robyn is actually very close to me “touch any part of my body, using your lips. Just a kiss but you need to get food I want, it’s easy really” she shrugged, I am not even waiting I am gone. I got up from the chair, Robyn snorted laughing, I am whipped.
I don’t know what game Robyn is playing but it’s got me by the neck like a dog anyways, Robyn is not dumb because she knows I will be here at Giorgio Baldi “thank you brother” the waiter came over to the car with the food “no payment, it’s on us. We are so sorry about your daughter, we hope she gets better” they are really refusing to take payments from me but it’s nice of them “thank you” I smiled, placing the bag on the front seat “oh my god, Chris. Can we take a picture with you?” Some females came over to the car “really?” I laughed “yeah, if you want” I never understand why these people want pictures with me, leaning my head out of the car “you are so sexy” she turned the camera to us “that’s a recording” I pointed licking my lips “oh yeah sorry” she said, then stopped recording to change it to picture. Putting two fingers up as she took the picture of us “thank and me next” this is painful “there is no Rihanna here” they are looking into the car searching for her of course, smiling as the next girl took the picture “you are actually so fine, thank you” saluting her as she walked off, this puts my confidence so high. Like I am just that nigga, nobody can really tell me anything because I am just that nigga. Putting the car window up as I got ready to drive off and give this food to Robyn, she’s going to let me do anything so I can’t wait for this, talking about kiss her anywhere, nasty ass knows I am going to be nasty on her, I can’t help it.
Walking into the room, Robyn is still sat next to the bed with Rylee “daddy’s home” closing the door behind me, Robyn got up from the chair “so” turning to me “oh wow, Giorgio Baldi? But I really wanted chicken?” She cringed, mean mugging her “deadass, don’t play in my face like that” Robyn pulled a face “nah, don’t want it” she waved me off, I am about to blow because this is ridiculous. She loves this shit “don’t play in my face Robyn!” I spat, she shushed me “I want chicken, I don’t want it. Stop being abrupt” I am going to have a tantrum right this second, I can’t even. This is so unfair “I am joking with you, looking like you’re going to blow” she giggled “thank you boo” she took the bag from me “but was I right?” I questioned “of course you were right Chris, come on now” watching her walk off, oh I can’t wait to play this little game she started “was she good?” I pointed at Rylee “yeah, just watching her little flinches she does when she is asleep, changed her diaper. I just miss her interacting with me so badly, pains me. But come, let’s eat” making my way over to Robyn, as long as Robyn is happy so am I “win win situation here, you got my favourite food and you’re able to touch me, just for a moment” I sat down laughing “how long for?” Robyn sat across from me, her eyes her so flirty, I don’t know “how long is a kiss for?” I shrugged “can be a long time?” She shook her head “a kiss! That is a whole passionate kiss, we ain’t on that level, right?” She is sneaky “I should have heard the terms and conditions before anything, man. I’ve been played!” I am so dumb; I just ran off.
I actually enjoyed that wack ass pasta food she likes “oh yeah, they gave it for free. They said they are upset to hear about Rylee, they hope she gets better” Robyn cooed out “they are so sweet, I’ve closed my doors right now. On the outside, it’s about me and my family. I need that to be better before I proceed with that, you know” she shrugged as she ate, it’s like she is eating for two, I mean she’s eating my leftovers too “what was you and Mel speaking about? I know it’s not my place but you both looked at me and I felt a type of way” Robyn chuckled “erm, she was really telling me that to be strong, Rylee will get better. She is a fighter and Dolly is looking over her. That she hopes this is what makes you both see what is the main focus, and then she asked if you were ok and how we both getting on. Just that and I said that we need to look forward for Rylee and then we can work on us while that is happening, she just wants me to be ok. She knows I can get depressed so that is why she asked” licking my bottom lip nodding my head, I believe Robyn and what she said. I did think that they were being sly, but Robyn was straight up about it “cool, I was just thinking that you was both being sly, that is all” Robyn smirked “and if we was, what you going to do nigga?” rolling my eyes at her “don’t play in my face so you happy yeah? Content” staring at her lips “I am thank you” I want her so bad, it’s so bad “sleeping naked tonight?” Robyn crossed her leg over “I am sleeping how I want in the bed; I don’t know about you. As a man you should say you have the bed alone, I will sleep elsewhere” waving her hand about “sat there like you holding wine, if you don’t quit playing. I will be in the bed ma, you can’t stop me” Robyn giggled “shut up, I am missing wine with my food” I can tell she is.
I gave Robyn time and space to just get ready for bed, I think she has had enough time now. I just sat with Rylee “I love you so much pookie, you get your rest” leaning over, pressing kisses to her forehead “love you” pressing another kiss before moving back, I wish the bed was closer but of course it can’t be. Making my way to the room, the door is open of course “we leaving this open” I said, Robyn is already in bed with her hair wrapped “that is my tee for tomorrow!? I bought one tee, are you serious” Robyn biting on her nail smiling, she shrugged “I think you need to leave me alone; I sleep inside the covers you sleep out. Divorced parents don’t sleep together” she is terrible “I swear” I dragged out “swear what” annoying ass “so can I kiss whatever? I was right” she crazy if she thinks I ain’t going to do it “fine” she sighed out, licking my lips walking around the bed “this bed is small by the way” I just realised “Chris, please don’t” she pleaded knowing damn well I am “Chris!” she screamed out, I yanked her leg to me and bringing her foot to me “please” she pleaded “I haven’t had a shower” tilting my head to see her panties, Robyn yanked the tee down “hurry up” pressing a kiss to her big toe “you are something else” she shook her head, placing my mouth over her big toe “Chris!” she yelped yanking her foot back, I laughed walking off.
Stretching my body out, my arm under the pillow as I laid onto my side. Robyn is awake, as I knew “glad you put sweatpants on, nobody needs to see your ass in boxes now” Robyn is a hater “you know I was joking about you sleeping outside of the covers” look at her, now she is joking “oh now it’s a joke?” I questioned “well I didn’t mean it, you can sleep in the covers. I am actually so happy to be in a bed, those chairs were breaking my back” my smile grew “you know what I mean, shut up” I didn’t even need to say anything, she is the one laughing “you’re laughing too, the hell” she lightly hit my shoulder “aight, I mean you should be used to that” I said it, she was waiting for that “see, I knew you going to say that” resting my head back on the pillow “show the six pack then?” Robyn asked, moving back a little. Touching my stomach “what you think?” she is staring at me mad hard “how, what do you do that you end up like this?” moving back into my position “using all my upper body strength to move around, it’s hard you know. Like you think the bathroom was a mess on purpose, like ok I could have done better but I struggled. So yeah, that is why really” I shrugged “true, but you still need to clean that. On a real what did you do? Like let’s be real, I know what a tour bus is like, I have spent a lot of time in those. Where did you sleep, spending hours on there” she is really stuck on that “yeah I know, its very intimate. I noticed that, but truthfully there was two buses, I was on the one with the Jewish man. I get annoyed after a while, because there was no privacy, so I was not liking it” I admitted “you mean to tell me you didn’t like it? But you lasted” nodding my head “I was determined but it was like boring, go to the city, sat around, watch his show, sat around, leave. I was like this is wack, then you were here and there having so much fun, I was jealous of you. So I had to look like I was having fun” Robyn and I pointed at each other and then laughed “you are stubborn” she can talk “be quiet, you’re the same but yeah it was wack” shaking my head “but there were girls there, big tits and ass?” I chuckled “you right, there was. And yes they came up to me, but I wasn’t interested, actually one of them did say you’re married to Rihanna, you’re so lucky and stuff but I really wasn’t interested, you’re my type” I grinned “me?” Robyn pointed to herself “yeah, you’re my type. It’s crazy how you have been beautiful your whole life” Robyn snorted “nigga” she shuffled up on the bed.
“Actually, erm. It’s funny because I had well have so many men in my inbox thinking I was getting a divorce, even when I was working and I met people on the god, I was getting offers” pulling a face “but do they know your sleep with your mouth open? That you take in all the air” Robyn back handed my arm “shut up” she is always abusing me “let’s be nice, let’s talk about nice things. I have a question; do you regret getting married to me or is there something you would change?” Robyn paused, she did mention it, so this is interesting to know or hear on what she thinks because she mentioned it “regret is a big word, I think I would like to explore the Chris that came out of jail. I based my feelings and likes and what I know on what I knew of you, and I blindsided myself so I didn’t have that clear vision so I feel I should have waited it out, so I figured out what makes you tick and makes you be the way you are. I should have waited but I don’t regret marrying you, there is nothing we can never not overcome unless you cheated” nodding my head “how does that make you feel?” she questioned back “it’s not good, it’s not good to hear anyways because to me I would marry you in a heartbeat you know?” Robyn nodded her head “but that’s because I am still Robyn, I treat you as I did back then, I mean yeah I have Rihanna, the other side but I don’t bring that to you” she has a point “you’re still my poppa, just a pain in the ass” I laughed a little, I just hate that she feels that way with me.
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Functional Dysfunction - Chapter 2 - Rheese
written by @anotheronechicagobog
Warnings: talk about abortion, unplanned pregnancy, forceful admittance to hospital, swearing
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Sarah was so thankful that she had a day off. She didn’t think that she could handle an interrogation. Not from Maggie or Natalie individually, much less so together. Her abortion was scheduled to take place in three days, she’d arranged to have that day off too, but for now, all Sarah wanted was to keep her mind off of everything, so she tied her curly hair into a bun, started blasting ABBA and cleaning her apartment. She’d gotten into the zone and hadn’t comprehended the time until she’d hit her shin on her coffee table for the umpteenth time while dancing around using her duster both as a cleaning tool and a mic. She plopped down onto her couch and looked at her work. She wasn’t a neat freak, but her place was usually pretty clean. Yes she’ll leave far too many books out on the coffee table, she doesn’t vacuum every week, and she refuses to buy dishes that can’t go in the dishwasher, but there’s no mold or layers of dust or strange smells, and she can always find what she needs when she needs it. But now, everything was put away, there wasn’t a stray coffee mug or spoon out on the counter, her apartment smelled like lemon Mr. Clean, and she was starving. 
She untied her hair as she made her way down the street, letting the wind blow through it, cooling her from head to toe. She cut through the park, just enjoying the fall colours and not being drowned in stress for once. She let her mind wander, from a new Harry Potter fan theory she’d read on Tumblr to what she was going to get when she got to the Mills family diner. Her musing was cut short when she smacked right into someone. Her flustered apology was halted in her throat when the person gently held her arms to stabilize her. They were familiar, she’d felt them yesterday when she stood up too fast. She looked up as he released her. “Dr. Rhodes, sorry about that. I was a little lost in my head.”
“No worries, truthfully, I was spaced out too. And seriously, you can call me Connor, at least outside of work.” And for the first time, ever probably, Sarah took a good look at him. 
Though he smiled, it didn’t reach his eyes. They were a piercing blue, but they looked so... Tired. There was a discernible aching sorrow vividly holding his soul hostage. His hair was mussed and it looked like he’d been trying to yank parts of it from his scalp. His shoulders, while strong and broad, were incredibly tense. Sarah actually started to feel pain in hers just looking at him. His skin clung closer to his body than it probably should have, and his pallor making her uneasy. He moved his hands back to his sides, and in all honesty that was probably the most concerning part of him. People often made the mistake of thinking surgeons had soft hands, but that wasn’t true. They didn’t get callouses from their jobs, but their hands were by no means soft. They had to thoroughly wash their hands, forearms, and elbows, before and after every surgery or medical procedure they performed. Plus they had to use hand sanitizer before and after they worked on or even met with a patient. It took a toll on their skin, and you could often tell how much a surgeon had been working based on the condition of their skin. And Rh-Connor’s... It was dark pink, going into his sleeves so she couldn’t see how far up the problem extended to, the skin was cracking, and it felt like scales as opposed to skin.
“Alright, Connor, what are you up to?”
“I’m just walking, I guess.”
“It’s a nice day for it. How’s Robin doing? I haven’t seen her in a while.” A dark look crossed his face and Sarah immediately kicked herself, this was obviously a very stressful, very private, matter that she had just callously asked about. Yes, she had a lot going on, but she should have realized that there was a reason. A secret. “I’m so sorry I didn’t-”
“Robin’s been admitted to psych.” Connor hadn’t told anyone, and had gone to great lengths to keep it as much of a secret as possible. She worked there, her father worked there, he worked there, none of them needed Robin’s situation to be broadcast all over the hospital. But honestly, it felt great to tell someone, to tell Sarah, someone who wasn’t directly involved. Dealing with Dr. Charles throughout, the man who’d forcibly admitted his daughter to psych in the first place, and Ms. Goodwin who supported Dr. Charles, as well as all the staff treating Robin, was exhausting. 
“Robin was admitted to psych... By Dr. Charles.”
“Oh my god, are you serious? Is that even legal?!”
“It’s... Yeah, it’s a whole thing... Situation. Wow, uh, TMI, I guess. Sorry to spring all of that on you. What are you up to?”
“Uh, well, still pregnant, still getting an abortion. I was just going to get lunch. At the Mills family diner? Uh, I’ve spent the whole day cleaning and avoiding Maggie, and Dr. Manning, and J- the father. You could come, if you want, to the diner I mean, not avoiding the father of- okay this has gotten...” Connor just chuckled, his eyes starting to look slightly less miserable. “I probably won’t be good company, but if you don’t mind...?”
“Not at all, come on, and I’m sure that you’ll be great company.”
Lunch was surprisingly pleasant. It was awkward at first, but they found a rhythm. Honestly, they just ended up spending the entire time talking about Parks and Rec and Supernatural. It was so nice to talk about anything other than work and the plights in their lives. Connor looked slightly less strung out than when Sarah had first run into him. He seemed a little lighter and his smile really seemed more like a relief to himself. When he first gave Sarah that face-splitting, teeth=showing, jubilant smile he seemed to have shocked himself, confusion plastered all over his face, before a gentle smile flittered in and his body visibly released tension. Since then, he hadn’t stopped smiling, beaming brightly at her. Sarah briefly wondered if he’d smiled at all recently, with how turbulent his life has been. The silence between them was soft and warm. Comforting. They took the time to regard each other without any pressure or professional constraints, and it was nice. Connor sat across from her munching away on his corned beef sandwich, occasionally slurping away at his chocolate milkshake. The vigour with which he’d been eating made her wonder if he was actually taking care of himself. She took another bite of her Gabby’s mac ‘n cheese and savoured... Everything. The taste, her company, the atmosphere, this moment in time was the least hectic or nerve-wracking she’d had since she noticed her cycle was off. So she was just enjoying it while it lasted.
“You okay, Sarah?”
“Yeah, I’m fine. Why?”
“You just seem sluggish. And we’ve been here for a while and you’ve barely made a dent in your food, plus you’re drinking peppermint tea.”
“My morning sickness hasn’t been great, if I’m honest. This is normally my favourite thing on the menu, and I don’t normally like pancakes because they’re so starchy but lately they’re all I’ve been wanting to eat! It’s so annoying. This at least has chicken and loads of vegetables. And hey, pregnancy is tiring! I’m always so sore and achy. Plus caffeine withdrawal is ripping me a new one.”
“You know, if you’re having an abortion, you don’t necessarily have to abide by all the pregnancy can’ts. They won’t really matter, anyway. So, why are you following all the guidelines?”
“I don’t know. It just feels like... They’re still here. They still matter. I’m still their mom, I still have to take care of them.” She shrugged a little and stared at the rim of her white mug, fiddling with the handle. Unable to handle the weight of Connor’s gaze and her own words.
“Maybe you should have ordered the chicken noodle soup. Their recipe is really good, plus it’ll be light on your stomach.” Her eyes snapped to his. There was nothing but sincerity looking back at her. There was a little concern, and the question she’d been avoiding suddenly became tangible and took a seat beside her, whispering ‘are you sure you want an abortion?’ delicately in her ear. But he didn’t ask her. He didn’t make any comments or judgments. He was just there, across from her, offering her kindness and food. She moved the plate away from in front of her and smiled sheepishly at him as he flagged down Peter. “Hey guys, is everything alright? Reese, you’ve hardly touched your food.”
“She’s not feeling super great, do you think we could get a bowl of chicken noodle and a container for the pasta?”
“Yeah, no problem Rhodes, everything will be right out.”
“Connor, you don’t have to do this, but I do really appreciate it.”
“Good, because I appreciate you too and everything that you’re doing for me. Don’t look so confused, you’ve been a great sounding board and distraction. And I honestly really needed that. Plus, I figured that since I’ve got dirt on you so you can’t tell anyone about the Robyn thing.” There was absolutely no malice in his words and Sarah couldn’t help but laugh. It really was a relief to have someone to talk to about her baby, and he was right, if he did suddenly just spill the beans she could do the same in retaliation. She doubted he ever would though, he was an incredibly private person and valued privacy more than Ron Swanson. “Doris would have a field day with us, wouldn’t she?”
“Oh hell, Sarah, don’t even joke about that. If she knew...” She laughed again at his overdramatic shudder. But she knew he was right. No one could know. Especially not Doris.
It was late in the day when they finally left the diner, the air cooling down from crisp to chilly, the winds much harsher and stronger than usual. Sarah’s apartment was only a ten-minute walk away but Connor insisted on taking her home. She’d managed to talk him out of walking her to her door, but not of driving her there. “What kind of guy would I be if I let a pregnant woman walk home alone when the weather just got worse?” Something in his tone, and the way he spoke so freely about her pregnancy, made her think that he knew something she wasn’t willing to consider just yet, but she was trying not to think about it. Instead, she focused on the interior of Connor’s luxury car. “Is this silver? On the door handles?”
“No... It’s platinum.”
“Yes. What, do you want to hear about all the extravagant features in this car?”
“Oh absolutely.”
“Mostly cause I know it annoys you, but yeah.”
“Well, another time then, because we are here.”
“After a two-minute car ride. I could have walked myself.”
“I grew up here, you didn’t, when the wind gets that bad it’s best to avoid the outdoors.”
“Alright, well thanks for the ride and for looking out for my safety.”
“No problem, I’ll see you at work tomorrow, right?”
“Depends. I’ll spend most of the day avoiding Maggie and Manning which will involve lots of hiding.”
“Well, maybe we could hide together? I doubt that Robyn’s admittance to the hospital will stay secret for long. Plus, today was nice. We should hang out again.”
“We should, it really was refreshing. And, uh, if you do need a place to hide tomorrow, my spot is on the second floor of the atrium in the small hallway behind the janitor’s closet on the right side. There’s a couch there and because nothing else is down there no one really uses it, and it can be pretty quiet. As long as you don’t tell anyone else, you’re free to use it.”
“Thanks, Sarah. Something tells me I’ll be needing that information.” The weight that had evaporated over the course of the afternoon seemed to return, his movements slowed, his limbs appeared heavier, his smile dropped, and his eyes went dark, reflecting pain and exhaustion. Sarah honestly just wanted to give him a hug. But she couldn’t. They didn’t know each other that well, and spending the afternoon with him was already a little strange, despite how nice it was. “I’ll see you tomorrow, Connor. You should go home, get some sleep. You seem... Tired.”
“I am. And, I think I’ll do just that. Thank you, Sarah, really. This afternoon was really what I needed. And I do want to do it again sometime.”
“Then we will. Bye Connor.”
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desiraypark · 4 years
Fried Turkey: A Dramatic Saga (Final)
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Clyde and Terry have a chat. Clyde x Sherri series Clyde x Sherri Xmas 2020 (Tag) Content: Fluff; family stuff; reminiscing; mentions of separation/ended relationships; question about disability. Featured Characters: Clyde Terry Simmons, Sr. Terry Simmons, Jr. (TJ) - late 20s Princess Miller (Sherri’s niece/Robyn’s daughter) - 20 months old Devon Miller, Jr. (DJ - Sherri’s nephew/Robyn’s son) - 4 years old Reminder of what the exterior of Clyde and Sherri’s house looks like:
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CHRISTMAS EVE Sherri’s family had arrived around one o’clock in the morning but most of them were up and full of energy when Clyde left for work. He arrived home at about 6:30--later than usual because of the holiday traffic--and he didn’t have to unlock the door as he usually did. The front door was left opened and unlocked, and the first floor was busy, busy, busy. Terry was on the floor, playing with Princess and DJ was on the sofa, occupied with an electronic toy. TJ was in the dining room, pushing a broom around, and Clyde could hear his wife’s familiar laughter echoing from the kitchen.
“Good evenin’, everybody,” Clyde said, taking off his shoes.
“Hi Uncle Clyde!/Evenin’ Clyde!/gahbgb,” DJ, Terry, and Princess responded. 
Usually, Clyde would go straight for the kitchen to give Sherri a kiss (and a little swat on the butt if he was feeling frisky), but he thought it’d best to make his way upstairs and get cleaned up. He hung up his coat--the scent of the restaurant, coated in his uniform now wafting in his nostrils--and walked up the wooden steps. He’d just taken off his shirt when someone knocked on the bedroom door. That sure wasn’t Sherri coming to greet him.
“May I come in?” Terry asked. 
“Yes, sir.”
Terry took one step into the bedroom, Princess on his hip. 
“How’s about a tour of that shed of yours?” Terry asked. 
As opposed to taking off his pants like he really wanted to, Clyde took off his socks. “You don’t wanna wait until it’s light out?”
Terry smiled. A look of secrecy flashed in his eyes and he squinted them and nodded. “Let’s take a look at it this evening. If you don’t mind.”
Clyde took the hint--whatever was being hinted at--and nodded. “Alright.”
____________________ “This is a matter of great importance,” Terry said, throwing back a bottle of beer. 
Clyde did the same. They stood in the center of the old, unused, and unfinished shed. No chairs. Just standing under a single light bulb. 
“What y’all plan to do with it?” Terry asked. 
“Well, if we start havin’ kids, we figured on bringin’ everything in that third room upstairs in here. Might expand the wall if needed. Put a lil’ bar in.”
“Sounds like a plan.”
A near silence filled the air. There was a slight winter breeze in the air, and you could hear the faint sound of chatter from the kitchen. Princess was now under TJ’s watchful eye. The family, bustling with the festive spirit, probably hadn’t even noticed that Clyde and Terry were missing. 
“Would you think I’m an asshole if I asked to help with the turkey?” Terry finally asked. Clyde took another sip of his beer.
“Naw,” he responded. “I kept tellin’ Sherri to tell you to do it.”
Terry chuckled. “Well, you and I both know that nobody “tells” Sherri to do anything.”
Clyde’s eyebrows lifted and he chuckled, too. 
“Sherri was about...13, 14 when I started fryin’ the turkey. I can’t remember if it was for Thanksgiving or Christmas. It was just an experimental thing, at first. Just to see if I could do it...”
Becoming uncomfortable without chairs, Clyde and Terry shifted on their feet. Eventually, Terry turned to face Clyde, and in turn, Clyde reflected the action. Terry cleared his throat and continued. 
“Everybody liked it, but I think Sherri loved it the most. She would watch me unwrap it and prepare it and do all of the stuff you’re supposed to do to it. Then, she’d stand on the back porch with a fire extinguisher, watchin’ me cook it and everything. Even after she’d gone to college, she’d do that..”
A smile formed on Clyde’s face. Picturing Sherri with a fire extinguisher in her hand was the cutest mental image. 
“...I would make potato salad, greens, macaroni--you know, whatever me and Ramona felt like makin’ on any given year. But Sherri never stuck around to watch any of that. I don’t know what it was about that turkey, but she was my little cheerleader every year. I think she just wanted to make sure I didn’t get hurt, I suppose.”
“That sounds about right,” Clyde said.
Terry drifted into his memories, then snatched himself back. “I’m not one of those fathers that’s scared to watch their kids grow up. Or their daughters, rather. But between the separation and my kids becomin’ adults, I lost so much with them. Ramona didn’t lose much. Sherri watched me fry the turkey. She still went to the grocery store with me, even when she was a teenager. Most kids like to stay up under their mama. But Sherri was my shadow.”
Terry took a swig of his beer. 
“When the kids started movin’ on from the separation, me and Sherri got back on friendlier terms again. Only about a year had passed where I didn’t fry a turkey. Then, the next year--after everything had gone down--Sherri called me and asked me if I could fry the turkey,” Terry said with a smiled. He continued on. 
“She came right on over to my house--see, this was before I was allowed back at Ramona’s house. Our house. Sherri came right on over to my house and watched me fry that turkey. But after that, she didn’t really come over much. She’d started workin’ and everything. So I’d just fry it by myself or at my mama’s house or somethin’.”
Silence befell them again. Terry completed his story, his explanation. And Clyde nodded, acknowledging its finish. 
“Me and my brother had started frying our turkey after I lost my arm. We ain’t do it every year. It started as a challenge for me, too. But I ain’t got no attachment to it. I think you should just do the honors, alone,” Clyde said.
“No...” Terry said. He shook his head. “I shouldn’t have even asked to help you with it. Sherri wants you to do it. You’re her husband. This is y’all’s house. I’m just an old man that’s whinin’ about his kids gettin’ older.”
Clyde chuckled. “I’ve got somethin’ corny to say.”
“Can’t be cornier than all the shit I just spilled a few seconds ago.”
“I think the best Christmas present we can give Sherri, is to let her watch her dad and her husband prepare a turkey together, under her roof.”
Terry nodded and smiled. “I think you might be right, Clyde.
“We’ll figure it out. And she’ll probably get a kick out of watchin’ us figure it out.”
Terry laughed. “She sure would.”
Terry looked around the shed. “Let me know when y’all plan to get started on this shed, son. I would love to help you out.”
“Yes, sir.”
The men made their way out of the shed--Clyde flicking off the light switch before stepping out and closing the door.
“May I ask a personal question?” Terry asked as they walked back to the house.
“Don’t take offense--I’m just curious. But how do...how do you fry a turkey? I can’t imagine that cookin’ anything is easy for you.”
“It has its hard moments. But I take my time and I stay kind to myself. And as you know, whenever I need help, before I can say the word, Sherri is already right there.”
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wu-sisyphus-gang · 3 years
Motion Sickness Chapter 81
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"Where were you?" Ruby asked me.
"In town. Down in Mantle. There's this bar I went to a lot when I was a criminal. It's run by this union group," I answered. I shifted slightly in the corner of Team RWBY's room. I leaned against the wall and crossed my arms.
"We don't like it when you just disappear. Anything could have happened," Ruby went on.
"And I heard you were involved with some plot in tandem with the strikes. That was where our people picked you up. In the middle of a crime scene. You're not giving us the full story," Weiss followed her up.
"I worked with the leader of this terrorist group, Dyne, while I was a criminal. His wife died and he went mad from grief. He had this little girl, Marigold. He was talking about killing her. So I showed up and did my job as a huntsman."
"You were working with those terrorists though. Weren't you. When you were a criminal," Yang perceived.
"I was working with a different group of terrorists. But effectively yes. It was my responsibility to clean things up. And they had information I needed. Or could have had information I needed. About my sisters or Cinder. I had to follow up."
"Why didn't you tell us? We would have gone with you!" Ruby exclaimed.
"I know you would've. This wasn't about that. It was about cleaning up my own mess. Ironwood's orders to take the day off be damned."
"He is technically your superior officer," Blake said.
"Maybe. But he needed this kind of thing cleaned up, too."
"But people died," Ruby mumbled.
"People always die," I shot back. "What matters now is that it's over and done with."
"This kind of terrorism is never over and done with," Blake fired at me.
I had to concede the point to her. She would know better than me.
"What should I do next time? Get you four involved in something I can take care of?"
"We're not little girls," Weiss said with some venom. "We deserve to be in the loop."
"I never said you were. I handled it. And when I find my sisters or Cinder I'll let you know just like I let you know back at the hotel that I found out she was in town. But you don't need to be involved in every little errand I run."
"People died and that's an errand to you?" Blake asked.
"Yeah. That's about right. I didn't kill them. I even went out of my way to try and spare them, too. People are just fragile."
"I don't like this. No more secret errands," Weiss told me.
"Fine," I agreed. "I promise to let you know first next time."
"I want you to not do it," Weiss returned. Some heat in her voice. If I wasn't careful this would turn into our first lover's spat. It might be already too late for that.
"I needed to do it. It had to be done. I needed some information that the guy I was with had."
"And what information was that?" Weiss demanded.
"When I sunk your father's ship one of my charges went off prematurely. I needed to know why and who my saboteur was."
"You sunk that ship?" Weiss asked. "Any other terrorist acts you're not telling us?"
"I also caused that mine collapse."
"You're responsible for all the strikes down in Mantle!" Weiss exclaimed. "I can't believe this. And let me guess, you forgot to tell us."
"It hasn't come up! And yeah. I probably am responsible. I was buying future information from Avalanche and Aurum. My criminal contacts in this city. I was building my network. I did far worse than sink a ship and cause a dust mine collapse. I killed people and burned down a building, too. But you already knew that."
"Why'd you burn down that building, Cloud?" Ruby asked.
"It was full of drugs. Aurum's competitors. It was a favor."
"Cloud!" Weiss shouted.
"I'm not a perfect person! I'm not even a good one! You already knew that!"
"What else have you been up to in this city?!" Weiss demanded.
"I think that's about it."
"You think so?"
"Damn, Weiss, I can't remember everything at once and my mind plays tricks on me. I don't remember. Some prisoner break out, too, for that guy, Aurum. But you knew about that too. I didn't even kill anyone with that."
"And you think that makes it better?!" Weiss asked.
"It doesn't make it any worse!"
Her nostrils flared up at me. "I'm tired of you not telling me things. Of you trying to hide things. Like when you wanted to not tell Ruby about your seizures. You don't get to decide what's best for us."
"I didn't even know today would be a problem. They just said they had something they couldn't discuss over the phone. I'm literally telling you all everything. As it comes up. You want my life story? Well, me too."
She glared at me for a moment more. "Fine. But no more tip toeing around the line. You come clean with us. Before. Not after." The 'or else' was implied. I got the memo.
"Did you find out who sabotaged you?" Blake asked.
"The Happy Huntresses. You heard of them? Robyn Hill wanted to shut me down. Adam Taurus was there. When my bomb went off early he thought I was cutting the mission off at the knees and he attacked me. That was when he nearly killed me. Any more questions?"
"What information were you looking for?" Weiss asked.
"Just more dirt on Cinder, Merlot, and my sisters. I've been trying to learn all I can but so far 'nothing much' has pretty much been the word."
"But you know that Cinder is in town. From who?" Weiss questioned me further.
"Aurum. He's a drug lord. He runs The Den where you ambushed me that night. Anybody else?"
They were silent.
"What are we going to do for the rest of the night?" Ruby asked.
"Grill me," I deadpanned.
"You brought this on yourself," Weiss shot back. "If you would have at least told us where you were going that would have been something."
"You would have wanted to come."
"Which ought to tell you something."
"Guys…" Ruby bemoaned. We both shut up.
I sighed after a moment of silence. "Look Weiss. I'm sorry I didn't tell you about it. I'll do more next time."
She rubbed her thighs where she sat with her palms and wouldn't meet my eye. "You had better." I figured that was as close to an 'it's okay' as I was going to get. I took it as such. We weren't ruined over this. It was just a fight. We'd be back to where we were later.
"So seriously what are we going to do for the rest of the night?" Ruby asked again.
"I was going to go get my bike out of impound."
"You bought a bike?" Yang asked.
"Just some wheels to get Neo and I around. Any of you are welcome to come with. It'll probably be boring as hell."
"I'll go with. Can I drive it?" Ruby wondered.
"I don't see why not. I also don't see why." I gave her a teasing grin. She 'pffted' her hair out of her face up at me but she gave me a small smile.
Weiss sighed. "Does it have room for three?"
"Probably if we don't mind getting touchy-feely with one another," I answered.
"We're going dancing again. You mentioned The Den. Is it any good?"
"I never clubbed there. Well not really. About the only thing special about it is all the hard drugs."
"You didn't…" Weiss trailed, slightly threateningly.
"I tried some. I figured it couldn't make things worse." Open honesty being the policy…
"So that's how you know what hyper is like," Weiss sighed. She leaned a hand on her forehead like she had a headache.  
"Is it any good? I always wondered, too. Ow. Don't hit, Blake," Yang muttered.
"I could honestly take it or leave it."
"Leave it," Weiss growled like she was talking to a dog. Which, I mean, fair enough.
"You could give it a try. Tell them Cloud sent you. Get you a bit of a discount," I went on like I hadn't heard her. "It's a bit intense. Bit of a rush. But you can get the same thing with, like, good sex."
"Interesting…" Yang said. "Blake. I said no hitting. You're abusive."
"You'll find out just how abusive I can be," Blake shot back. "No drug use."
"Cloud is there any good weed in this town?" Yang wondered. "I tried some back home. I could use it to open this girl up. Loosen up, Blake."
"Some. Same place. Same people. Got your hook up. I could really use a hit right now, too."
"Tough shit for you, Jau-Cloud. Learn to live without," Weiss grumbled, slipping up on my new name.
"I'm trying but it's not easy."
"Did it really help that much?" Ruby asked.
"Ruby!" Weiss hissed.
"What? If it helped him then… then I want it for him."
"It's a hard maybe, Rubes. Let's keep trying what the doctors have me on for now. But I'm not sure I can take a few more months of this."
"Is it that bad?" Ruby wondered.
"It's not great," I returned with a sigh.
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I got my bike out of impound and was riding it down an empty highway. Our seating order went me, Weiss, then Ruby in the back. They clung to each other then to me super close. It was actually kinda nice. Especially Weiss clinging to my torso after our fight.
It let me at least pretend I was in part forgiven. Even more so when I'd take a turn and feel her arms tighten around my chest. Her fingers trailing across my abdomen and her palms drifting across me.
I checked my rear view mirror. Two other bikes were coming up on me. I slowed down to let them pass, I wasn't in any rush. Then they caught up to me and started to match my speed.
I truly wasn't that suspicious until one of them pulled a sword with two blades. The other whipped out a gauntlet with sharp points on the end. One of the riders, a girl, hovered close to me on her bike. A helmet obscuring her features. Blonde hair breezing through the air behind her.
"Cloud!" Ruby called, her voice barely making it above the wind. "It's them! From Argus!"
I flinched. I drew my sword around Weiss's body and drove with one hand.
I turned my bike sideways and abruptly slowed down in an attempt to lose them. Another girl on a bike rode up on me right then from behind, boxing me in. She yanked up on her bike and front-flipped right over us, bike and all. She pulled her pistol from her waist and pointed it right at my head as she did. Then she fired and the punch from her gun rocked my head back.
I'd gotten a good look at her through her helmet as she did her trick though.
"Saphron?!" I asked. I shouted over the breeze. "You're real?" The one with the gauntlet pulled up on me. I recognized her immediately. "Lavender? You too?"
"Poor big brother. Can't tell reality from fiction." Lavender let out a laugh. Her narrower jaw made her stand out from my memory of my sisters. My head suddenly pounded and I touched it with my sword hand. My sisters…
"Come with us, big brother," another voice said. I recognized it right away. Violet pulled up on my other side with her double blade. Her darker eyes and shapely nose pointed her out. Our swords clashed for a moment. I could feel Ruby and Weiss readying their weapons on the bike behind me as I drove.
Violet tried to catch my weapon with a twist of hers and disarm me. I held fast to my enormous weapon regardless. I slashed at her and she blocked while I drove.
"Come see Mother with us. She'd be happy to see you," Violet giggled. Like it was some private joke. I didn't laugh. I didn't get it.
Lavender punched at me with her gauntlet and I drove the bike to the side on the empty highway and I sliced at her too.
Saphron was pulling up in front of me. She turned around in the seat on her bike and shot me with her pistol again. It was a decent calibre round because it stung.
My head pounded. It hurt like it had when I'd last talked to, "...Mother?" I wondered aloud.
"Come with us, Jaune," Lavender beckoned. "We'll take you to see her." Her voice pierced over the wind as we drove down the empty highway.
"Cloud!" Ruby called. "Stay focused!"
"Cloud?!" Violet laughed. My sword met hers again. The long blade served to keep her double one away. "Is that what they think your name is?"
"I'm…" I flinched like I'd touched a hot stove but with my brain. "I'm Cloud now."
Saphron shot at me twice again. One hit me in the chest, the other pinged off of my bike.  
"Is that what you're calling yourself?" Saphron asked. A note of laughter on her voice. "You'll always be our Jaune."
Ruby stood up on the back of my bike and took a shot at Saphron. It struck asphalt and tore it up. I drove over where she had just shot and the bike went badump .
She fired another shot and hit Saphron in the back. Saphron twisted on her bike so she was driving backwards and took three more shots at us. I heard Ruby cry out in pain. She'd just made herself a bigger target when she stood up.
Lavender came up on me again. She seemed to hesitate. I knew that stance. It was like she was charging something. She was storing a little time away. She punched down at my bike and I swerved to avoid her gauntlet. She swerved down and struck the asphalt and tore a huge chunk of it out in a flash of purple light. Then she threw it at us.
Weiss caught it with her pseudo-telekinesis. A dull black glyph came to life. Then she tossed it over us and at Violet who had to swerve to avoid it.
"Big brother!" Saphron sung out. "Don't you want a family reunion? Everyone can be there. Especially if it's for you."
"Come be with us! Ditch these girls. You don't need them." Lavender called. I clashed with her gauntlet again. Myrtenaster poked out from beside me and met the double blade of Violet.
Saphron shot back at me twice again. She hit me both times with preternatural accuracy.
"Come be with us," Violet purred. Ruby opened fire from her stance on the back of the bike and hit Saphron again. Saphron spun back around to drive straight once more.
My head hurt so bad. It was like talking to Mother again. It pounded with memories. With memory .
"Cloud? Are you alright?" Weiss asked.
"I'm fine," I bit out.
My head whipped back again as Saphron shot me in the skull one more time. Then my blade met Violet's beside me. I shoved her back.
Lavender was driving focused and unmoving. Like she was storing more time away for another devastating attack. Ruby took three shots at her to disrupt her concentration. The first hit her. And the next two hit her bike and caused her to swerve slightly.
Ruby shifted her weapon into its full mode out of just the gun state and took a swipe at Violet while I had her blade engaged.
Saphron shot me three more times. They came at me high impact and hit like .50 caliber bullets. I was pretty sure they were. She tossed an empty clip behind her and reloaded. She then whipped around and threw a knife at me. It buried in my aura up to the hilt and the tip nicked my face, leaving a cut behind before it bounced down into the street.
I flinched to the side. I swerved slightly to the right but that just led me closer to Lavender. I tried to block her purple flaring punch with the wide side of Crocea Mors but the force of it was enough to lift up my whole bike, three passengers and all. It nearly slammed us into Violet. Who in turn took a long slash at the bike that would have crippled us if Weiss hadn't caught us with a glyph and blocked her cut with Myrtenaster.
Saphron shot me in the head again and there was a whoosh of air as I got Limit.
I had had enough. I stabbed Crocea Mors into the asphalt and picked us up off the ground. I swung the bike around without losing momentum and reversed us completely so that we were driving the wrong way. Then I crossed over to the other side of the interstate over one of those entry ways for police. I left my sisters behind, they were driving straight where I'd completely turned around.
"Cloud?" I put my sword away and raised a hand to my head.
"...Mother?" I murmured.
"Cloud, snap out of it!" Weiss ordered.
I shook my head. I was trying but my head hurt. And not just from being shot there a couple times.
Behind my eyes pulsed and I shuddered. Weiss wrapped her arms around me tightly.
"It's okay, Cloud. We're here."
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I stumbled off my bike at the garage in Atlas Academy. I fell to my knees. The grimy pavement in the garage mattered little. I felt grimy in my head and in my very soul.
“Come to me…my son… my precious son…”
"Cloud, you recognized them, didn't you." It was Ruby's voice.
"Saphron, Violet, and Lavender," I muttered. "They're real. My sisters are real." I sort of knew that they had been, I could feel it. Like I could feel Mother. But seeing it was a whole next level.
"Cloud? Are you alright?"
"My head hurts. And I hear Mother's voice," I bemoaned. I rubbed my face with the whole of a hand. I got a phantom pain across my entire tongue from when I'd bitten through it.
“Reunion… a family reunion… Just for you.”
"Mother?" I called out.
"He's delirious," it was Weiss's voice. I felt her arms wrap under mine. "Gods he's heavy. Help me, Ruby."
“Everyone will be there…”
"Everyone will be there. At the reunion," I murmured. "All my sisters. And Mother."
"What are your other sisters' names?" Ruby asked.
“Iris, Kolumbine, Juniper, Lily…”
"Iris, Kolumbine, Juniper, and Lily," I repeated Mother's voice outloud for Ruby.
"Someone has a flower fetish," Weiss grumbled.
"Step-father must have thought he was being funny. They're… they're all like different models. Different makes. Like cars."
"What's his name?" Ruby wondered. Trying to keep me focused.
"I don't… I don't know." I picked myself up and out of their arms. I took two steps and almost fell again. I pitched and swayed on my feet. I rubbed my face. My head ached.
"How many times were you shot?" Weiss asked. "You've got a nasty cut."
"A couple. She really kept bouncing them off my skull." She had rung my bell with those bullets. Then with that knife.
"Are you going to be alright?" Ruby asked.
"If I…"
“Go to the reunion…”  
"...no…" I murmured. I cut that thought off.
"No?" Ruby asked, concerned.
"Yes?" I realized I was having a conversation with myself. "As alright as I ever am."
"That doesn't sound promising," Weiss murmured.
"They knew your old name," Ruby followed her up, speaking softly.
"Mother must have told them."
"Salem," Weiss softly corrected.
"No… yes…" I breathed. "Salem. My sisters are real. I… I don't know if I can face them. I don't think I'm strong enough. There's seven of them. And I'm just the bad batch."
"Don't think like that," Ruby whispered. "You're not alone, either."
"Let's get him inside. Put him to bed."
"No. Please. Anything but that. She gets me when I sleep," I pleaded. "I'm not strong enough. Not for this. I don't know if I can resist the urge to go to the reunion."
"What's the reunion, Cloud?" Ruby asked.
"My summoning. She calls out to me from so far away." I realized I made no sense to anyone but myself. "Don't you see? She calls to me." Distantly I realized I sounded a lot like Dyne.
"He's going mad." Weiss murmured.
"What do we do?" Ruby whispered back sounding desperate.
"What can we do?" Weiss wondered back.
"How can I save my sisters when I can't even save myself?" I laughed. "Salem has them. She has them. She'll get me too."
"Cloud, listen to us. Can you hear us?" It was Ruby's voice. I heard it so I nodded. "That is not going to happen to you," she went on. "We'll keep you from losing yourself."
"Cloud if you ever feel like you're going to lose yourself we'll be there for you. And we'll help you save your sisters, too. You need to sleep though. We'll be right there for you when you wake up," Weiss reassured.
"How can you know that?"
"Which part?" Weiss asked.
"Any of it," I shot back.
Ruby came up to me and took both my hands in hers. "Because I believe it. We're going to save you."
I choked back a sob. But I nodded. "Don't let me go to the reunion," I begged.
"We won't," Weiss promised.
"Whatever I say and do… And don't let me kill myself."
"Well we especially won't do that," Weiss went on, she smiled slightly. She reached up and touched my face. I almost couldn't look down into her ice blue eyes.
"My head just hurts," I complained as they started to walk me to my room. "It hurts like I'd talked to her again."
"Does it always cause you pain?"
"It did last time. And she made me bite my tongue off. Almost completely."
"You didn't tell us that," Ruby murmured.
"I thought I was going to die from the pain," I confessed. "My head is full of these… these memories. I don't know if they're real. What does it mean for a memory to be real anyways? How can you tell? I have so many memories of living and playing with my sisters. They can't be real though."
I remembered when my sisters braided my hair in Shion. I remembered walking in the rain alone with Kolumbine when we were both just little kids. Just flashes of spending time with the short haired Iris before school one morning. I even knew that I'd fought this boy who pulled on Lily's pigtails. It came to fists over it. Little Lily… my little Lily. I could recall Saphron and I eating my Mother's cookies in the kitchen once. My little sister, a little shortstack. Absolutely adorable with big blue eyes and shoulder length golden hair.
I was going to be sick to my stomach.
And my Mother, she'd been a beautiful blonde woman in a flowing white dress with pale wispy blue eyes like crystal.
But I couldn't recall my father's face or anything about him. That's how I knew it was fake. It was glaring and obvious but only once I knew where to look.
And my Mother… she was always wearing that same dress. White and drifting in every little breeze with golden trimmings to match her pale straw colored locks. That same dress… Burned into my mind. Roaring across my skull. It had been planted there by her. By my Mother. It was all fake. It had to be. I didn't have a childhood.
She was always wearing that same white and golden dress. Always.
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Love Is Blind: Chapter Twenty-Two
“Oooh, where you going?”
Robyn turned around and smiled at Chris, “what are you doing here? I thought you had an early class.”
“The teacher I was going to sub for decided to move the class online for the day but apparently I came home just in time. It’s been a while since I’ve seen you get dressed up for work.”
“It’s just a skirt suit.”
“But you’re wearing it so it's more than that. What color is that?”
“Melon? That’s a fruit.”
Robyn laughed, “it is also a color. So are you not teaching at all today?”
“No, this is usually my free day anyway. How long you gonna be in the office?”
“I got a fundraising meeting at 10 then a couple of appointments. I should be off by 6:30 at the latest.”
“6:30? That’s pretty late. You sure you’re gonna be ok?”
“Yea, I set it up to have like a 2 hour break around lunchtime so I should be ok.”
“Well I’m here so if something comes up.”
“Thank you Sweetie. Actually, you wanna drive me to work since you’re home?”
“You wanna be out in public with me in the daytime?”
Robyn rolled her eyes, “You get on my nerves. But seriously, do you want to?”
“I would love to. I don’t think we’ll get this chance too often. Did you eat yet?”
“No, I normally eat when I get to the office. Beverly normally orders coffee, muffins, and donuts for the office so I just eat that.”
“Think we got time to stop to eat instead?”
“Yea. My first meeting isn’t until 10.”
“Cool. Are you ready to go or do you need something else?”
“Can you grab my work bag and garment bag from the closet? I had to dry clean my white coats.”
“Of course.”
Chris went to the closet and grabbed the two items from a wall hook then sat down on the lounge chair situated near the mirror, “how often do you have to dry clean your coats?”
“At least once every two weeks. I usually can get away with wearing one for a week at the longest before I have to switch out.”
“How many do you have?”
“I have two with my name embroidered on the lapel then two back up ones with a name badge attached to the lapel. I prefer the stitched ones because I tend to forget my badges at home.”
“That’s understandable. Are you taking a coat?”
“Nope, my cardigan is good enough. You ready?”
“Whenever you are.”
“Let’s go then.”
Chris stood up and followed Robyn out of their bedroom to the front door. Locking the door behind them, they walked to the elevator and walked on. Robyn pushed the button for the lobby then leaned against Chris’s shoulder, “you got any plans for your free day?”
“For the first time, no. I did my lesson plan this weekend since I knew I was subbing today so I don’t really have much to do today. I’ll probably straighten up the house.”
“You know it’s ok for you to relax and do nothing. Everyone needs a break.”
“I don’t even know if I know how to relax.”
“Aww...Babe. You really should just take a nap or something. You’ve been ripping and running behind us for the last six months.”
“And that’s fine with me. I can admit I really liked being needed, that doesn’t happen with you very often.”
“Is that a good or bad thing?”
“It’s definitely a good thing. I’m not insulting you or anything, just an observation.”
The elevator dinged as the doors opened to the front lobby of their building. Chris moved her garment bag and work bag to one hand while he guided her out with his other hand on the small of her back. 
Chris carefully pulled into an open parking spot in front of the clinic/shelter. Robyn turned to him and smiled, “I guess this is me.”
“You don’t sound excited.”
Robyn shrugged her shoulders, “I was kind of enjoying this time with you.”
“I got free days, three days out of the week. We can definitely do this more often.”
“I would like that.”
“What time you planning on lunch?”
“Around 1, if nothing urgent comes up. Why?”
“Just wondering. Do you want me to get the kids since I’m home?”
“No. You need to relax for once. You’ve been Superman for almost the last year. Take a break. Sleep. Watch TV. Do something fun for yourself. You need it, Babe.”
“I’ll see what I can do.”
“That’s all I’m asking.”
“So I’ll see you at 6:30 if not earlier.”
“Yup. I’m glad we got to do this, we had a good talk.”
“I liked it too. Need help with your bags?”
“Nah, I can manage.”
“You sure?”
“Positive. Every time you come here, the women in here act like they forget how to work.”
Chris laughed, “Sorry.”
“You’re a cutie. It’s to be expected.”
“I am way more than cute.”
Robyn winked at him before she leaned over to kiss his lips, “love you.”
“I love you too, Baby. Have a good day.”
Robyn opened the passenger door and climbed out the car. She grabbed her bags then carefully closed the door. She waved with her free hand and Chris watched as she walked into her clinic before he pulled away from the curb.
Robyn had just washed up after her third patient for the afternoon when she got a knock on her office door.
“Come in,” she exclaimed as she dried her hands and made her way back over to her desk. The door opened and Beverly, identified by her shoes, came into the office. Her face was obscured by the large box she was carrying in her arms.
“Bev, what is that?”
“You, Ms. Fenty, have a package.”
“From where?”
“I do not know. It doesn’t look like supplies for the office.”
“Hmm...you can set it on my desk. Thanks for bringing it in.”
“No problem.”
Beverly sat the box down on Robyn’s desk then brushed off her clothing, “are you going to be available for my conference call with Hilton at 4? They are being super difficult about this booking.”
“Yea, I’ll be there. I heard they got a new event coordinator and she’s been trying to renegotiate our contract with them but I’m not having it. I can definitely find another hotel to accommodate if they wanna keep playing hardball.”
“You know what, I will start looking at some hotels that we may be able to book as a back up.”
“That’ll be great. Put the Four Seasons at the top, I have some connects with Lynette over there and might be able to swing a deal.”
“I will do that. This ball might have the potential to become an annual thing if we pull it off.”
“Let’s not get too far ahead of ourselves. I might not like doing this after this first time.”
Beverly laughed, “you always say that and the event becomes a habit.”
“Whatever Bev. Did you got to lunch yet?”
“No, I was gonna go at 2 since you had a two hour block starting at 12.”
“You can go earlier. I think I’m just gonna close the clinic from 12-2, I’m tired and need a nap.”
“I’m sure the girls can handle up front. We don’t have to close down.”
“You sure?”
“Yea. Dr. Snet will be back in 30 minutes so she can take any walk-ins so you’re not disturbed.”
“Well if it’s not gonna be any trouble, that works for me.”
“You do know you can work from home some days, we all know you’re still working yourself back up to normal.”
“Working from home does not work for me, I don’t have enough paperwork to process to justify it.”
“You own this entire practice, you don’t have to justify it.”
Robyn laughed, “I left y’all hanging for months, I gotta catch up.”
“Don’t hurt yourself trying to, ok?”
“Yes Mom.”
“Girl, we the same age.”
Robyn laughed, “Thanks Bev but I’m good. Enjoy your lunch.”
“Thanks Boss.”
Beverly left and closed the door behind her. Robyn leaned back into her office chair and placed her feet up on her desk.
“Hey Christopher,” Beverly said as he walked in the front door, “here to convince your girl to go home?”
“No but should I? Is she ok?”
“She’s in there taking a nap. I was trying to get her to take the rest of the day off but she brushed me off.”
“I’ll see what I can do.”
Chris went to the back and Beverly buzzed the employee door to let him in before he made his way to her office. He gingerly knocked on the door but Robyn didn’t answer. He shifted the bag he was carrying to his left hand so he could grab his spare key out of his right pocket. He unlocked the door and saw Robyn asleep on her couch with a blanket covering her up to her neck. He closed the door behind him then set the bag he was carrying on her desk before quietly moving over to the couch. He gently shook her thigh, “Robs, wake up.”
Robyn groaned and pulled the blanket over her face. Chris chuckled then carefully nudged her over to sit down on the couch beside her, “Robyn. Wake up.”
“Beverly, get out.”
“I am not Beverly.”
Robyn opened one eye and Chris laughed, “I don’t know whether to be offended that you think I sound like Beverly.”
“My brain isn’t working,” Robyn murmured as she sat up, “what are you doing here?”
“I came to bring you something to eat. I didn’t expect you to be knocked out.”
“I just felt really tired. What time is it?”
“A little after 1. How long you been asleep?”
“Since about 11: 45.”
“You sure you ok?”
“Yea, I guess I’m still not quite ready for my usual long hours.”
“Babe, I told you that we could ease you back into it.”
“I am easing back into it but it’s harder than I thought. I haven’t been here full time in almost a year. I thought I’d be adjusted since it’s been a few weeks.”
“It’s gonna take some time for your body to be able to handle working full time then coming home to deal with our children full time. You have a more demanding schedule than you’re used to, that’s all.”
“I guess. What did you bring me?”
Chris got up and grabbed the bag then set on Robyn’s lap. She peered inside and did a happy dance in her seat, “My favorite. Thank you, Baby.”
Chris smiled as she took a bottle of peach tea and set on the nearby table then unwrapped the still warm fried pork chop sandwich and took a bite. Chris wiped her face with a napkin, “good?”
“Very good. You always come through for my soul food cravings.”
“Gotta keep my girl fed. Since I’m here, I wanted to ask you something.”
“Ask away, Babe. What’s going on?”
“You know we never made it to our little vacation to Pennsylvania I proposed last year.”
“That is very true. Did you still want to go?”
“I’d like to take you and the kids up to a cabin, if you think you’re up for it.”
“As long as we aren’t mountain climbing or hiking, I think I can handle it.”
Chris chuckled, “I can agree to that. I wanna go this weekend before it gets too hot.”
“That works for me.”
Chris patted her leg before standing up, “I’ma let you get back to your nap because I’m sure you got some things scheduled for this afternoon.”
“A few conference calls but you don’t have to leave yet.”
“It’s ok, Sweetheart. I just came to make sure you ate and everything.”
“Can you stay with me? I’d enjoy my nap much better with you.”
“Are you trying to get me in trouble?”
Robyn laughed, “No but I’d really like you to hang out with me unless you had something to do.”
“I wasn’t doing anything. I was just watching TV all day. Not fun.”
“So then you can stay with me.”
“You sure? I don’t want to crowd your space.”
“I want you to crowd my space so it is fine.”
Chris smiled then sat back down. Robyn turned her body to lay her head in his lap, “we should do this more often.”
“What? Eat lunch together?”
“Nope. Cuddle.”
“You are really stroking my ego right now. Where’s my girlfriend and what have you done with her?”
Robyn laughed, “stop it. I’m trying to connect with you.”
“I understand. I am definitely not complaining, I’m just adjusting to this new mood of yours.”
“Is that a good or bad thing?”
“Good. I’m liking it.”
Chris brushed her hair away from her face and pecked her lips, “ok, go to sleep so you can finish working for the day.”
“Yes Sir.”
Robyn grabbed his hand and placed it on her belly as she went back to sleep.
“Robyn, did you finish packing?” Chris asked as he placed his suitcase by the front door of the house. Robyn waved her hand dismissively as she walked past him into the laundry room. He heard a door open  and hit the wall. He groaned as he walked into the laundry room, Robyn was piling clothes into a clothes hamper from the dryer, “please don’t tell me you just now washing your clothes.”
“No, our daughter threw up last night and unbeknownst to me she had her suitcase next to her bed and guess where the throw up went.”
Chris grimaced as the visual popped into his head, “That’s disgusting.”
“Imagine having to be the one to clean it up. Yea.”
“Why didn’t you wake me up?”
“You have to drive today, I can sleep on the drive up. It’s not a big deal.”
“Is she gonna be ok to ride up? I don’t wanna aggravate her sickness.”
“Yea, I think it was just a 24 hour bug. She’s doing better.”
“I’ll put a bucket lined with a garbage bag in the backseat, just in case.”
Robyn chuckled as she shook her head, “Always the planner.”
“You know me. You feeling ok?”
“Yea, my back hurts a little but I’m good.”
“Go lay down, I can fold the clothes.”
“We’re delayed as it is, I don’t wanna make it take longer.”
“Robyn, there’s no set time that we have to be there.”
“I know but I don’t want you driving at night.”
Chris leaned against the washing machine and smiled. Robyn glanced up at him, “why are you smiling at me like that?”
“Just admiring my wife.”
“Uh uh,” Chris tapped her nose with his index finger, “we’re not discussing it. Just let it be.”
“I don’t want you getting-”
“No discussion, remember.”
Chris picked up the laundry basket and pecked her lips, “you go take a nap and I will fold up the kids clothes.”
“Not discussing it. Go lay down.”
Chris left out of the laundry room and Robyn leaned back against the dryer in disbelief.
Robyn stared out the passenger window as the road they were riding on before more winding than straight. She glanced over her shoulder and saw Anesa and Christian were fast asleep. They left later than they planned but they were still on the road before it got dark. She back around and settled into the chair.
“You ok over there?” Chris asked.
“Yea, just a bit restless.”
“We should be there in another 30 minutes.”
“I’m in no rush, especially not on all these twists and turns.”
Chris chuckled, “I have a feeling that you want to talk to me about something.”
“I’d rather do it once we get settled at the cabin.”
“Am I in trouble?”
“Do you think you should be?”
“No but that doesn’t mean you don’t think I should be.”
Robyn sighed, “I’m just thinking.”
“Did I upset you calling you my wife earlier?”
“I wouldn’t say upset.”
“So what would you say?”
She shrugged, “I guess caught off guard.”
“Yea. It’s not like we’ve really brought that up recently.”
“I know but it’s not something that we have to constantly talk about either. You’ve always been my wife to me. I’ve never wanted anyone to be in that position.”
“I understand that.”
“I’m not trying to push you into anything but I do want to be honest to my feelings. I love you and you know that.”
“I do.”
“And it’s important for me for you to be clear about my intentions. I mean you do still carry my name.”
“I do.”
“So when I say that it’s not to make you uncomfortable but just calling you how I see you. Is that ok?”
“I can accept that.”
“You can call me your husband if it makes you feel any better.”
Robyn glanced over at him and Chris laughed, “if I didn’t know how much you loved me, I’d be offended.”
Robyn grabbed his free hand and kissed the back of it, “I am not trying to offend you.”
“I know, I get why you made that face. I don’t like it but I get it.”
Robyn squeezed his hand in reassurance, “don’t be like that.”
Chris glanced over at her then lifted their entwined hands to kiss the back of hers, “I’m fine, Baby. You know me better than that.”
“You sure?”
They rode in silence for the rest of the way. Once they settled the babies into their respective bedrooms, Robyn and Chris went and sat down on the enclosed back porch. 
“So what exactly are we doing up here?” Robyn asked.
“Honestly, just relaxing. I wanted to get us away from people and just enjoy each other. At home, there’s so much work and distractions always around. I wanted us to truly relax together.”
“That’s sweet. It wouldn’t hurt the kids to experience some fresh air.”
“So what are we doing up here?”
“Me and you?”
“Me and you.”
“Well, I was hoping to seduce you with food then let you decide the rest.”
“What you cooking?”
“That’s a surprise but it’ll bring back pleasant memories.”
“Now I’m intrigued.”
“Good. Honestly, I really think you’ll like it up here.”
“Do you come this way often?”
“When I was single and childless, I did.”
“Any particular reason why?”
“Mainly to clear my mind so I could make better decisions. After the divorce and the hospital stay, I just didn’t know what exactly to do with myself. So much of my life involved you that I wasn’t clear on how to move forward without you.”
“Really? I mean our last year of marriage wasn’t exactly close knit.”
“No but not being close to someone and not having their presence are two totally different things. I slept on one side of the bed for years because it gave me anxiety not to.”
“You too? I swear I thought I was losing my mind for doing that.”
“Same. I almost sent myself back to the hospital because I thought I was going crazy when I was packing up the old house.”
“Really? Why?”
“I found one of your sweaters in the back of the closet.”
“Like it was just a sweater but so much emotion came up, you know.”
“I know. I took one of your hoodies when I left.”
“Which one?”
“Your custom college hoodie with your name inked across the back.”
“You took it? I thought I lost it.”
“No, I have it. I just wanted something tangible of yours, I guess. I slept with it at first then I just hung it up in my closet. It was comforting for me. Reminded me of when I felt safe with you.”
“Did I ever make you feel unsafe?”
“No. Scared for you? Yes but never unsafe.”
“Oh ok. I never meant to scare you.”
“When people change so abruptly, being scared is a natural reaction unfortunately. I wanted to fix you. I wanted you to be the person I first met and I was so frustrated that I couldn’t do that. I know it wasn’t my place but I really loved you and I wanted you to be ok.”
“I can understand that. You couldn’t fix me anymore than I could fix myself at the time. I never wanted to burden you with that.”
“You didn’t want to burden me with your happiness yet you made a life-changing decision about mine.”
“My job was to protect you. To provide for you. That’s all I was trying to do. That’s all I had been doing up to that point. It was really all I knew how to do.”
“Chris, you really sell yourself short, you know. I think you wrapped your identity around me as much as I wrapped mine around you and I don’t think either of us realized it. You were a brilliant architect and musician, your claim to greatness shouldn’t have been our relationship.”
“Being your husband and being a father were the two things I always wanted, ever since we had that sleepover in 10th grade and sat up writing our “when I grow up” plans all night. Material things never mattered to me. You were always my motivation. I did better because you wanted me to be better. Part of my breakdown was because I felt like I had failed you.”
“Chris, I knew your parental situation wasn’t ideal. I didn’t know all the specifics but I figured you’d tell me when you were ready to. You never failed me, Baby.”
“It wasn’t just my parents. Their presence just brought up so much stuff about myself that I thought I had gotten over.”
“I guess you never quite get over being abandoned as a child.”
“You don’t. It still creeps up every now and then but I’ve learned how to deal with it. I guess since I’ve learned to accept it and be honest about it.”
Robyn clicked her teeth against her teeth as she fell silent for a moment. Chris glanced over at her then squeezed her hand, “what’s going through your mind?”
“I love who you’ve become, I just wish I could’ve been there to see the transformation.”
“You were. There wasn’t a moment of any day that you weren’t there. Being present isn’t always about the physical. Every day that I wanted to quit, I saw your face and sometimes I felt your hands pushing me to keep going, just like you used to nudge me during my work presentations.”
Robyn chuckled, “I never knew you could be so shy until I saw you presenting your work and answering questions about it.”
“Confidence can be a shield.”
“I see that.”
“Robyn, you were as much a part of my transformation as you were a reason for it. I owed it to myself to be better but I owed it to you to make the most of my decision to let you go. Hurting you even in the moment had to mean something or else there was no reason for me doing it.”
“Did you ever consider what else was out there?”
“That was quick.”
“There was nothing to think about.”
“Did you stay single because I was it or because you felt guilty?”
“Both. In the same token, I didn’t want you to be single. I wanted you to be loved and happy. I wanted you to have someone there to take care of you.”
“I did take care of myself.”
“You know what I mean.”
“Chris, I was never unhappy. Being alone didn’t bother me. It didn’t feel like a punishment or something I couldn’t handle. I grew up. I learned. It was harder having to do it without my partner in crime but it didn’t kill me. Baby, I know we had a vision of what our happily ever after would look like, that doesn’t mean what our lives actually turned out to be was all that bad. I promise I was ok.”
Chris sighed and Robyn rubbed his shoulder, “I feel like you’ve been holding that breath in a while.”
“I guess I was.”
“There was no need for you to beat yourself up about our past. We’re here in spite of it, maybe it was what we needed. Maybe we could’ve overcome it together but we can’t keep focusing on the what ifs and the maybes. Regardless, we’re here and we’re together. I wanna enjoy that.” 
Chris gently cupped her face and brushed his thumb along the side of her jaw, “God, I love you.”
Robyn smiled then leaned forward to kiss him, “I love you too. How about I cook us something to eat and you get to seduce me tomorrow night?”
“Whatever you want to do, I’m down for it.”
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