#cod stone hcs
wispscribbles · 8 months
I love your ghost design. I wanna squeeze him :⁠^⁠)
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If no hug then why hug-shaped???
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bloodyquillink-blog · 8 months
Natural Disasters, CoD Ghosts HC’s
What natural disaster are the Ghosts?
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A/N🪶: Please keep in mind that these are just my opinions! I’d love to hear(or I guess read?) your thoughts. These are for all the Ghosts, former, deceased and current within the Ghosts game. This means I will be including Rorke, Ajax and Elias Walker. Canon character information is taken from the CoD: Ghosts Wiki page. Please correct me if I’ve got anything canon wrong!
Elias T. “Scarecrow” Walker, Earthquake
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Not because he’s a Californian at heart.
I imagine that Elias had a very large impact on many people's lives.
He can’t be solely defined as a “killer”, he still has so much humanity left, shown by the way he comforted his son even when he knew he wasn’t going to survive Rorke’s torturing.
There are some lines from wikipedia used to describe earthquakes that I think are fitting for him.
“Earthquakes can range in intensity, from those that are so weak that they cannot be felt, to those violent enough to propel objects and people into the air…” - Wikipedia, Earthquake, paragraph 1.
“Earthquakes by themselves rarely kill people or wildlife - it is usually the secondary events that they trigger…” - Wikipedia, Natural Disaster, Earthquakes
Elias is definitely a hardened person but not so much so that he’s emotionless or stone cold. However, keep in mind that he and Hesh said that Elias has put his sons through multiple “tests”.
I imagine these tests were done to teach his sons to survive and defend themselves, probably after the death of their mom/his wife.
Elias is strong but still emotional, loves his sons more than anything but also understands that the world needs someone to defend it.
“Listen, you boys… you’re the only thing I’ve got left in this world… But you’re also the only ones I can trust.” - Elias Walker to Hesh and Logan.
David “Hesh” Walker, Wildfire
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I almost wanted to say flood but I think wildfire is fitting for David.
Like with Elias, this is not because he’s a California native(?). Mostly because I don’t see anything that exactly says he was born in California. Just that he was raised there.
I’ve seen multiple definitions of Hesh. Urban Dictionary says it comes from the word “hessian” and means “cool, courageous, reckless”. Wikipedia says that HESH(UK) or HEP(US) is a type of “explosive projectile… that conforms to the surface of a target before detonating”.
David is a very emotional person as we’ve seen. He gets angry and worried easily, as seen in the entire game.
The biggest examples that come to mind are when the brothers are picked up with Merrick and Keegan and David is arguing with them about getting their dad, and when Keegan, David and Logan are trying to get coordinates on Rorke and Rorke appears in the monitor, taunting them. David yelling at Rorke and calling the dude a piece of shit, as he should. Keegan attempting to calm him down.
David can be stealthy when he wants to be but that doesn’t mean he won’t get out of control or reckless. He’s ready to put himself on the line, especially for Logan.
You don’t see his rage at first but you’ll see it when it gets bigger.
I think David uses his emotions to help him get the job done, powered by spite as shown by him telling Merrick to hit the very train him and Logan were on so they could avenge their father.
His emotions aren’t a bad thing, of course. He cares a lot about those around him and wants to protect them. Maybe I just love him too much but I can’t help it!
Logan Walker, Drought
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I had a hard time picking one for him but I settled on drought.
I wanted to pick something that wasn’t an exact opposite to Hesh, but still different.
“A drought is a period of drier-than-normal conditions.”. - Wikipedia, Drought, Paragraph 1.
Logan is described as a “quiet-man, a cold-blooded killer and an excellent soldier…” - CoD Ghosts: Wiki Logan Walker, Personality
According to rescue.org, a drought happen gradually but are still deadly.
You don’t hear it happening but you can see the effects it has on the ecosystem around it.
Logan is described by Elias as being more like his mother, who we know nothing about aside from her status as deceased and Elias saying the tremors used to scare the shit out of her.
Let’s also mention how droughts can increase the likelihood of wildfires. David and Logan are always supporting each other and working together whenever possible. I think Logan(and Elias too) has given David a lot of inspiration to become the man he is and vice versa.
As different as the two are, they go hand in hand, different skill sets that can fit like a puzzle.
Thomas A. Merrick, Avalanche
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Big scary man (he’s labelled as stocky on his wiki page)
But for real, Merrick is a very strong person. I wouldn’t call him emotional like Hesh, but he is loud and a very visible presence.
He’s unique and has a history that I imagine has influenced him a lot.
He’s respectful but I think he reserves his respect for very specific people.
Keep in mind, he went from yelling in David’s face at the beginning to just accepting his order to hit the train at the end of the game. Not to mention the way he was able to emotionally connect with the brothers after Elias’s death.
When Rorke was his Captain, we saw the amount of respect Merrick holds. “Permission to speak freely?.. No, Sir”. But we also see Merrick punching Rorke as soon as he has the opportunity and telling him to shut up.
Also, I feel like he prefers colder climates, which fits because avalanches are basically snow slides.
Please keep in mind that while Hesh being a loud, emotional person could be used to say that his loudness would cause a Merrick avalanche, avalanches actually can’t be caused by sound. The more ya know :)
Keegan P. Russ, Sinkhole
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Sinkholes actually do have warning signs if you look closely.
But they might as well be sudden when you don’t pay attention.
Keegan, while not completely silent like Logan, is still a very quiet, controlled person.
We see him sneak around, leaving bodies in his wake.
He’s described in the wiki as “known to complete combat operations under extreme conditions”.
Sinkholes (or the conditions for them I guess?) can form over the course of hundreds of years. Keegan has a lot of experience and was part of the original 15 Ghosts.
Keegan knows how to hide himself, seen when Rorke is interrogating the Walkers and Merrick trying to get information on him.
He’s there when you least expect it, hiding under the surface.
Alex V. “Ajax” Johnson
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Because we see so little of Ajax, it was difficult to find something fitting.
Ajax was also one of the original fifteen Ghosts.
He’s strong, stubborn and I’d say a powerful force, in his last moments, he was giving direction to Keegan, Logan, David and Merrick. “Rorke. It was Rorke. He’s targeting… look.. the wall…” - Ajax in Struck Down.
Because of this, I think a cyclone was the best fit.
A cyclone is basically like a storm of winds I guess?
“A large air mass that rotates around a strong center of low atmospheric pressure… the largest low-pressure systems are polar vortices and extratropical cyclones of the largest scale (the synoptic scale).” - Wikipedia, Cyclone, Paragraph 1.
He did everything he could in his last moments, staying strong as long as he could to protect the remaining Ghosts, giving them all the information he could as his last words.
Remember, the air itself can be just as dangerous as anything else.
Rest in Peace, Ajax, you deserved better my guy <3
Gabriel T. Rorke, Flood
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Yes, I’m choosing this partially because this was a major part of his character arc within his lore.
But there are more reasons.
“Human changes to the environment often increase the intensity and frequency of flooding… ” - Wikipedia, Flood, Paragraph 1.
^ This can connect to the impact the Federation had on him, before and after Rorke being dropped.
The thing about floods is that they can sweep you off your feet, not in a good way, obviously.
The flood is going one way and it’s not afraid to take you with it.
It hits you where you’re actually the weakest, making you stumble and appearing when you least expect it.
The flood in the game occurred due to the dam breaking.
Rorke seems to be a “go with the flow” type of person. Something goes wrong, all he can do is keep trying to reach his goal (assuming he hasn’t already made a Plan B).
Floods can cause a lot of damage and take more lives than one may expect. He’s made his impact within the game, the way he killed Elias, making the Ghosts(especially David and Logan) want to avenge their former captain which led to even more shit happening.
Kick, Tornado
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This one I can’t explain but it just feels right.
Maybe because he flies a helicopter?
Also when I was looking at wikipedia about cyclones I found something interesting.
“Mesocyclones, tornadoes, and dust devils lie within the smaller mesoscale.” - Wikipedia, Cyclone, Paragraph 1
If you recall from Ajax’s HC above, basically ajax is a big cyclone and Kick can be like a smaller scale cyclone I guess. I just like the idea of that (plus Kick is the shortest of the Ghosts)
Neptune, Storm
I’m just gonna leave this here for inclusion’s sake.
Neptune has next to nothing on his wiki page so I’m just gonna give him something more basic.
I almost gave him volcano but that felt like too much.
We appreciate all the Ghosts here <3
Riley… Riley
He’s a natural disaster of his own, special type.
Have you seen the way he rips peoples throats out?
We stan Riley, the sweet bloody boi <3
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goldenlaquer · 2 years
AHHHHHHH OPEN REQUESTs FOR R6 AND COD ?? BABE U ARE THE HERO WE NEED BUT DON'T DESERVE !! Smooching ur sad face... bratty teasing pining reader with Mute, maybe? I heard his exhale in his trailer and AJWOOWKSJJAK WOOF WOOF i will tug his clothes steal his ammo tie his shoelaces GRRFFFF he gives me grief by existing and i wamt to give him some back. Ummm hcs obvsly those are great. Sfw would be aweeeesome ♡ thank u for your seggsy writimg always
MAH FIRST R6S REQUEST!!!! Thank you so much for coming to the call and fueling this madness!!! I shall make him suffer 🫡
Mark "Mute" Chandar Headcanons:
He fascinates you.
His every measured exhale under that impersonal gas mask. The restrained grace of his gloved hands by his sides. The controlled turn of his head. The absolute stillness of his presence. People say he's too quiet, and you suppose he is, but you think quiet is not quite the right word to describe Mute. No, "quiet" sounds more fitting for a shy, diminutive man. Mute is not shy or diminutive, quite the opposite. He's... imposing. Yes, imposing. He fills the space with his silence, and when he speaks, with his curt words (and you've heard him talk, that commanding drawl that is his Yorkshire tongue), with his austere build, and with the efficient prowl of his body over the playing field. It captures your eyes and ensnares your attention, makes you wonder where he gets that stoic composure from. And makes you wonder then, how you can break it.
He hates you.
Or at the very least, he dislikes you, because hate is a strong word that requires time and energy—you don't think someone like Mute would bother giving time and energy into someone he deems a waste of it. He hasn't expended himself into saying as much, but it doesn’t take even a genius to guess, how he must see you.
That babbling ninny. That scurrying busybody. That gravel in his boot.
All unflattering sobriquets of yourself— but hey, you take full responsibility for it. After all, you've got no one but yourself to blame for wrapping up in a terrible mischief with him, especially with how quick you come to realize that he isn't as stone as he appears.
What is a barrier to others is a mere suggestion to you. His guarded silence is a perfect opportunity you've taken yourself to fill with chatter that you're sure grates his nerves. Cheery greetings that are unreciprocated, questions that are ignored and questions that receive one word answers that you treasure and mull over and over in your head like a smitten idiot.
(Whatcha doin? No. What's your favorite color? No. You like jazz? No. Can I see you without your mask? No.)
You breathe in temerity and breathe out obstinacy. Audacity kindles every fiber of your being, and Mute with his frosty ire is the fuel that keeps it burning. You reach out with fluttery fingers and, like a seeking child, tug at his straps and pockets for attention that he refuses to give. You poke his sides and scritch the underside his mask like you would a cat, and you are reminded of the delicate bones in your finger when he grabs it and gives a warning squeeze.
It doesn't work, but make it worse. Your offenses grow bolder still. You camp out under chairs and tables so you can tie together his shoelaces and yell boo! to his unaffected countenance. And he fishes you out and puts you back on your ass so you can go ahead and lace his boots back properly again. You steal a gun from a holster and empty out its bullets into your shirt, offering a generous exchange: one kiss per bullet.
and you pout as he fists the front of your clothes, and shakes you, metal falling off you like candy from a piñata.
You fill in some of his blanks with what you hear from others, snippets of the snippets. That he's a genius, a child prodigy of some sort. University at 14. Operator at 25. Impressive.
"You a nerd, Mute?" You have to ask, toeing the line between bravery and plain stupidity, wanting to push him into something beyond pale of his stoic irritation. And you think you come so close to that, your breath held as his head slowly turns to you. And you can sense it, the simmering red that lies under his skin— but only after a stretch of strained silence, Mute dismisses your existence all together by turning his head back away.
This is a risky and nonsensical game that you’ve initiated, one that he wants no damn part of, and one that you’re determined to see to an end.
Like a stray, you follow him around so much, one quick step behind his long, impatient strides, that Smoke jokes that Mute has picked himself up a little miss poppet of a shadow.
You enjoy this. You think that you can do this forever. Bug him until he snaps and, and kills you or whatever. Or until, one day, the front of your shirt is grabbed and you're suddenly hauled up to the height of six foot one, until you can see nothing beyond your moon eyes blinking in reflection of his dark lenses.
Piss. Off.
His low, harsh voice forms each growled word with punctured vehemence.
Oh, you've done it now. This is too much. This. The wide expanse of his armored chest flattening against your much smaller and softer form, pushing deeper into you with each heavy, angered breath, filling your ears with no room for quarter. Like this, he is not quiet. Like this, he is not stiff. No, he's alive, full of furnace heat and motion, and very much pissed off.
He means to scare you off like this, to use his height and menacing anonymity to cow you into submission, into leaving him alone.
But this is what you want. All that you have craved for and more. Everything you've worked towards built on the hope of seeing just one sliver of this scene.
So instead of cowering away, you all but arch forward into his grip, into his chest, your excited pants picking up to sync with his. And in the mirror of his mask, you see how your lips slightly part, the roundness of your shiny eyes. In that moment, you see yourself exactly as how he must see you. Just how— adoring, you look.
He stiffens— in rage? in disgust? you don't know, you don't care youdon'tcare– and his grip tightens in your shirt, your collar definitely ruined beyond repair. You hear your quivering breath pick up and feel the pulse in your throat throb as you are dragged further into him until there is only a gap the width of a piece of paper separating your trembling mouth from kissing 'X'.
(and if you let out a whimper here; what would happen?)
Apparently, a fuckin’ hell in the form of a tempestuous snarl ground out through gritted teeth is what you get.
and you are unceremoniously thrust back to Earth, your shirt’s neckline gaping horribly around your throat. Left behind to dazedly watch with a pleased smile at the retreat of his broad back and the string of colorful choice words he leaves in his wake.
You: 1. Mute: 0.
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xenderboyy · 5 months
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*Toby Headcanons*
Personally for YEARSS now I’ve just had the hc that Toby was 5 '6 or 5' 7 because he's a short king and I think its funny so obvi it’s canon in my AU. I think he is actually canonly that height at 19 but i forget XD
Toby is 19 in this AU at the start and 25 by where the story line is atm. Ik shocking he's old af lmfao. Tho in my UA he only gets as tall as 5’7 ½.
Appearance-wise he looks fairly like canon, with curly hair and well a more normal skin colour lmfao(Not grey as originally described). He wears his usual hoodie and whatever pants he finds half the time the other half it's a navy zip-up, white t-shirt, and a Mack Orville Black/Stone Trucker - American Needle.
Toby has manic episodes and depressive episodes and deals with psychosis, this lead to him being diagnosed with Schizoaffective disorder (schizophrenia and bipolar) while also being diagnosed with general anxiety disorder. Though due to his paranoia symptoms, he refused treatment until later years in his life when he was under Slenderman control.
Toby remembers very little from his life before becoming a proxy though he does remember the fire as well as having a mother and sister though he doesn’t remember what they look like. When he tries to remember he becomes distressed and irritable.
Most of the time Toby is a sarcastic laid back guy with a sense of humour, though when manic he is irritable and hyper and when depressive he is quiet and avoids others.
He often tends to avoid being the one to kill if he's in a group, being fast and having a good upper arm he is usually the one to disable the victim's ability to get away and lets Masky finish them off or whoever he's with.
Though when alone He tries to get the job done as quickly as possible. Toby doesn’t feel bad but he doesn’t like doing it yk.
Toby likes to play video games but out of everything he plays COD the most. (call of duty)
He often is outside just walking around and in my AU he wasn’t caught since his house burnt down and they thought he did too so he goes out wearing a mask when he’s bored.
Because of the crash, Toby doesn’t like car drives, meaning he walks everywhere most of the time. The odd time though he will if he’s on his meds.
Toby can go days without sleeping and eating unintentionally because of his disorders so he is often complaining about being starving or exhausted.
Toby is friendly with most of the pastas though doesn’t really trust anyone but EJ, Clockwork, Maksy, Brian, and Jane. later he starts to warm up to BEN and Nina as well.
Like most the pastas, Toby has a phone he’s supposed to use for only communication, Though like most the others his age, he doesn’t. He often will go on pintrest and download memes just to send them to Masky just to annoy him. BEN and Toby will often send each other shit though and take the piss. (messing around for the non brits)
Thats all i can think of for now, any questions will be answered eventually. I might do either Jack or Masky next,
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magicmindless · 1 year
A HC list but it’s just Petrona
Someone please give this woman a break-
- Her name means stone and she kinda lives up to it. She can be a bit cold, reserved and stubborn (something Fitz likes to bring up)
- Fitz is her dad and Iggy is her son
- Radley Madish was her brother and she kinda witness what happened the day of the “incident”
- Petrona keeps all the old drawings Radley made when he and her were kids. They’re stored in a file folder and she sometimes looks through them if she misses him
- She’s really close with Fitz and they both visit each other during work when they can. They like to talk about how their lives are going or projects they’re working on
- She met Louie when he needed help starting up his documentary… and then he left as soon as everything was set up leaving Petrona alone to deal with everything
- Because of this she has sworn off working with Papa Louie doing these sorts of projects again
- She was probably the one poor kid who was always left doing most of the work for group projects back in school. She is traumatized by them
- She may have slight trust issues with people. She’s the type of person who would know more about you than you know about her
- She likes fish, mainly cod and white fish. She was an extremely picky kid and one of the only things she ate were fish sticks. She’s better about eating now but she still likes fish as one of her favorite foods
- Tends to cry if she’s stressed or remembering the sad parts of her past but would never let herself cry in front of people
- Ambidextrous
- When you do manage to have a proper conversation with her, she’s a bit easy to talk to since she can be interested in almost any topic, albeit deadpan (she’s more of a listener than a talker)
- Is totally the type of person to accidentally fall way too far down YouTube rabbit holes at 3am
- Unlike Fitz who hates schedules she always makes quite a few to stay organized
- PDA grosses her out a lot. She doesn’t even like kissing scenes in movies sometimes
- A bit sugar-intolerant. She can eat some but she’ll feel like throwing up afterwards
- Also tends to get migraines sometimes
- Frail child. She got nausea randomly all the time as a kid. She’s a bit better now but just has advil wherever she goes
- Was pretty mysterious to other crew members of Mocharia. She wasn’t very social with anyone, even when she wasn’t working and other people activity tried to get her involved with anything fun the others were doing. So all anyone knows is that Fitz is her dad and that’s it
- Emmlette, Sue, Quinn, and Bertha know slightly more about her since they also worked closely for smaller things but it’s all still limited. They get the privilege of knowing she has child also but that’s as far as anyone has gotten
- She takes therapy now. She never did earlier because of work but she convinced herself she probably needed it when she fainted at work from nausea and everyone freaked out. Pally is her therapist
- According to her in an interview there were a few terrible people working. 5 people were gone, 2 resigned, 2 quit, and 1 was fired. And that one was a real asshole so no one really complained when they were gone
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yunatheintrovert · 2 years
Harry Stone Childhood HCs | BOCW
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In the aftermath of WW2, Stone grew up in a working class household in Yorkshire County. He likely was raised in Sheffield, the largest city in Yorkshire and one heavily affected by the bombings of WW2 due to the presence of steel factories there.
Both of his parents worked jobs. After returning from serving as a British Army soldier in WW2, his father worked at a steel factory in Sheffield while his mother was a worker at a chemical plant.
Because of this, he was often left to his own devices as a child for some time during the day. Sometimes family friends or extended family looked after him while giving him a loose leash.
While Stone grew up as a “city boy”, he enjoyed the occasional visit to a farm belonging to an extended family member in the Yorkshire countryside. He got to run wild there and explore. 
Due to having extended family members from both the city and the countryside, Stone was quite familiar with the Yorkshire dialect. 
Stone grew up eating quick, cheap meals as a child due to his parents both working jobs and not having much money. This led to often repetitive meals.
Specifically, Stone got tired of eating spam after having it so frequently during his childhood for school lunches and meals at home (dishes such as spam fritters, spam salad, spam yorkshire breakfast, etc). 
He definitely preferred fish and chips more. That was something he got to enjoy later in his childhood, likely during his early teens with the more available abundance of commodities and food in Britain and higher standard of living in the late 1950s and early 1960s.
Stone absolutely had beans on toast during his childhood.
Stone never had a dessert until he was 6 years old due to the rationing of food and sweets persisting in Britain until 1954.
Having been raised on food with not very strong or spicy flavors, Stone cannot handle spicy food whatsoever.
Stone was solid-milk lactose intolerant.
His schooldays were somewhat miserable for a good part of his childhood due to the British school program of making children drink milk. 
He had to drink milk (despite being solid milk lactose intolerant) after turning red during the one time he tried Indian food at an Indian restaurant.
Stone and the neighborhood kids played with undetonated bombs and warheads (left behind by the bombings of WW2) found in the area of the city.
Any explosions he heard in the distance sometimes were something he just chalked up to undetonated bombs and warheads going off. 
Stone definitely got into trouble (and also fights) in school during his childhood. It was common for him to be a frequent visitor to the office of the headteacher/headmaster to face corporal punishment like canings. 
Still, that didn’t deter him from getting into trouble. And it’s that same stubbornness and also experience with fighting dirty in brawls that has him pushing through the military and eventually joining the SAS later in life. 
A special thanks and shout-out to @zombie-nymph for working with me to come up with a lot of these headcanons about Stone's background! It's really interesting thinking about what Stone's childhood was like considering how he grew up in Post-WW2 Britain where things were still rough with rationing still being around and bombs still embedded in the ground along with the economy back then being what it was.
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hanahaki-cure · 2 years
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THEON APPRECIATION MONTH 2022; Theon and fashion Notes and sketches on headcanons for Theon “I’m in the middle of commiting war crimes but do I have a wardrobe for my atonement option?” Greyjoy:
Iron Island fashion HCs:
In spite of the Iron Borns grimm reputation, they’re also seafarers depending on sea trade, some having traveled far. On the barely habitable shore striken with unfriendly weather, they enjoy new discoveries, strange tales, even more when named discoveries are proven by physical evidence. 
Mending and sewing isn’t a rare trait to be found on the Islands. Their sailors are very famous to be able to mend textile material with strong, long lasting stitches. Tailors and seamstresses form the Islands are known for their resourcefulness. Since the Islands are poor, they’re able to create clothing, cods, and so on out of patchwork and make it look good.
Even noble folks form the Islands wears patchwork motives stitched on their clothes.
The Iron Born might have some rigorous ideas about social rules but jewelry is not part of it. As long as they paid the Iron Price for it. In fact, jewelry acquired during battles won (not matter from whom they took it) is a sign of prowess by the wearer. Gifted jewelry is accepted as well. The farther the origin of the precious item, the more meaningful the gift.
 The Iron born having traveled to rare ports are the most showy of all of them.
In fact, far traveling Iron Born actually buy they jewelry at ports to then tell grandiose and entirely made up tales how they fought entire armadas at far shores.
The first men wore tattoos, a tradition having survived prominently on the Iron Islands. Even noble folk wears tattoos although they’re less likely to display it as openly as commoners. Women are tattooed as well.
Tattoos are reserved for seafarers (and their families) only. While even the simplest fisherman or sailor is allowed to wear tattoos, those folks working in mines are prohibited from wearing them.
While the rules around tattoos aren’t too strict, certain motives and timings of tattooing them are set. Symbols of noble houses are only allowed for the family members of that  house, exotic animals from Yi Ti, the Summer Isles, or Asshai can only be tattooed if the person can provide evidence that they actually sailed to that place. Some tattoos are only tattooed after the first child is born, the first battle fought, and so on.
Black and blue (woad) are the most common colours although the Iron born like to experiment with colours imported from the mainland, or even further places. Some tattooist are said to be magicians the way they get out an astonishing variety of colours out of woods, stones, and plants.
Etching tattoos is a highly respected craft, demanding a highly disciplinary education.
Personal HCs:
Theon was old enough to have actively perceived the Iron born culture on which he partially clings on during his time in Winterfell - partially out of common culture of Westeros to represent the family name, partially out of interest to stress remaining pride in his heritage.
The cold weather in the North is cold in a different way than the Iron Island, Theon adapted quickly to local cuts and layered clothing. Soft fur to keep warm and symbolizing status grew on him quickly. He prefers wearing fur from animals he took down on hunts. Same goes for decorative feathers by captured poultry.
Wearing long hair is nothing uncommon in the North still the fashion how it’s worn differs (although the Western coast regions share more common styles with the Islands than the Islands, the Riverlads, or the North would like to admit). Theon likes to keep his hair long, braided in Iron Born fashion: In complex but sturdy braids like tight fishtail braids, some adorned with interwoven decorative rings or beads on festive occasions.
One important aspect in representing his family name is wearing their colours. Black suits him as well, so it’s a win-win fashion choice. If Theon is afforded the luxury he likes to have thread close to the colour of gold for embroided motives.
Maritime are commonly seen on his clothing.
Luxury, all his luxury, he needs only that. Theon loves nothing more than wearing fancy material.
Although Northerners like to mock Iron Islanders for being peack’ish for wearing opulent jewelry openly, Theon’s assured enough in his sense of fashion to spike up his looks with mostly golden jewelry, like necklaces, hair accessories, earrings, or bracelets.
Another nod to his seafaring heritage is wearing “sea gems”, precious material out from the sea, like pearls, coral, or amber.
Realistically Theon wouldn’t have had the chance to get tattooed yet. (Maybe on his short stay back on Pyke.) The fartherst small Northers houses, the Skagosi, and the Free Folk still wear tattoos like the first men yet the Sourthern court etiquette swept through the noble houses, mostly putting tattooing out practice for even noble folk in the North. (The Mormont ladies might have some, Barbarey Dustlin definitly has one around her spicy parts.) The lack of tattoo sometimes bothered Theon, especially when returning to Pyke. As a child he tried to comfort himself to not loose his heritage by drawing motives on himself with coal or cold ash. They were always scrubbed off.
Modern!AU tattoos:
Theon definitely has fine line art tattoos, all overly detailed, even having saved up for uber-fancy golden ink. 
Over his right shoulder, back, and arm (where he pulls his bow during archery) a gigantic kraken rakes over the right body part.
Seriously, this my oldest visual hc you need to pry out of cold dead hands since 2016.
Over his left chest, vaguely above the heart area he got a wind rose, purposefully leaving out a compass needle.
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calwasfound · 3 years
Everyone loves reading art explanation so here's a free ticket to talk about the details you drew and no one pointed out!
omg thank you so much anon you're amazing
[rubs hands together] now time to dissect my illumina art, putting it under "keep reading" because i realized i rambled a LOT
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the first closeup is a shoutout to 1.16 biomes - village spawns (more specifically plains village spawns, and cod strats) and nether generation. there's a blacksmith in the very background of the village if you squint VEERY close. plus cod karma my beloved i'm so sad that it's kind of outdated meta now..
for those of you that aren't familiar with the strats: villages are a very quick & easy way to get materials, from stone for tools, iron for the pickaxe and bucket. plus if there's a blacksmith you might get lucky with a pick or extra iron! the iron pickaxe is, like, very much needed for breaking gold blocks found in bastions for pearl trading, so most runners try to get it before they enter the nether
cod strats are a way to get a bucket without the extra blacksmith or using the iron from the golem to make one. basically, using wheat from the village hay bales, one can trade it for emeralds, and use a fisherman villager to get the trade for a bucket of cod! free bucket. though it's a running joke that you have to "save" the cod when you empty the bucket, or the cod karma will come back and kill your run
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next up are the 1.14 strategies -- this was mainly for villager trading, which i don't know much about, tbf, i know that it involves a lot of stick trading for emeralds, but this particular strat i drew was for the final stage, where you trade with a cleric to unlock the pearl trade (usually getting gold and redstone in the process).
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final one was pre 1.9 running, using tower strategies! this one's the one i honestly know the least about, but i think the gist is: player builds a tower and sets a spawnpoint at the top (tower is usually built of leaves, which is what i drew here). thus begins a process of falling off the tower and respawning, but each time the runner dies the mobs around them on the ground re-generate? it's a process to scope out endermen and kill them for pearls in the nighttime!
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and this... yeah. the illumina design i drew can be found here, where i talk about my personal hc for his heterochromia (left eye purple, which is why i drew all the "speedrunning meta" flowing out from it. plus, i liked the design).
anyways, if any of my mcsr followers want to rb with a better explanation of speedrunning strategies feel free, and check out the notes if you want to see more cool stuff if anything gets put there! :D
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guigz1-coldwar · 3 years
Stone for the character HCs
Harry Stone...former SAS soldier turned mercenary working with the Warsaw Pact...a man of mystery, I can say... here are my headcanons on him.
1: sexuality headcanon
I think I would see more Stone as a bisexual with a preference towards men, got myself influenced by @comrade-bell fic with Lukas, Beck & Stone (Go read it for those who didn't, it's awesome!).
2: OTP:
Well, to talk about an OTP with Stone, I would say that Beck is number one to take since that I saw a lot of fics uniting the two and I find the two workings very well together, so Beck is top tier for Stone
3: brOTP:
About a brOTP, I don't have anything with Stone
4: nOTP:
I don't think that Stone could be with anyone on the NATO side, I don't know how it could work well to be honest.
5: first headcanon that pops into my head
Well, about the first headcanon, I would think about that classified operation mentioned in his bio that caused him to be dishonorably discharged, thinking that it was a SAS operation that has gone wrong and got members killed by his fault or got the blame put on him as he was trying his best.
6: one way in which I relate to this character
He has a mustache...no, seriously, I think that hiding his face from the others shows that he's a bit scared about what the others could think about him and that feeling is a bit shared with me.
7: the thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character
I think that he became a simple mercenary working for money made me wonder of his personality and what's the goal of it?
8: cinnamon roll or problematic fave?
Hmmm...I think that Stone would be a problematic fave, what he surely did in his past can't help him to be a cinnamon roll, only a few COD characters are cinnamon rolls
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allofmycrushes · 3 years
blanca was the one who wronged both yut lung and ash though. and what do you think about headcanons like eiji redeeming yue like he did ash and them being best friends?
Blanca didn't fail Yut lung like he did Ash? He did desert Ash but with Yut Lung the situation was different? First time Ash was 13 in the cluches of his abuser and then 19 and hunted down. Yut Lung upon Blanca meeting him was 18, free from his abusers, in a position of power, his freaking employer and unhinged. What do people expect from Blanca to do for Yut Lung here, be his therapist? Stay and keep servicing the toxic person and try to "fix him"? Yut Lung rejects friendships if people aren't acting like he wants them to anyway. And essentialy he looked at Blanca as his devoted underling more than anything. Blanca was honest with him, gave some good advice for once and proceeded to go help Ash finally, can't really blame him there. Blanca wronged him because he ruined Yut Lung's plans by refusing his awful orders which made him feel bad? Yut Lung's the one who keeps making others suffer, yet we're constantly supposed to feel bad for him? Because they stand up for themselves and their friends and leave him? Neither Blanca nor Sing or Eiji owe him anything, he's not a victim in relation to them.
Btw how can anyone throw a tantrum and whitewash Yut Lung partnering up with a pedo, preventing club cod from getting exposed in the media and not caring how thanks to this abuse will be going on, forcing Ash to go back to his rapist because Ash's a beast for him, what he did with Lao, Eiji and Sing, idk was he forced to murder his brothers wives and children who were likely victims, too or it doesn't count because he's an 18 years old? 
HC of Eiji and Yut Lung being besties is OOC for me, usually it entails Yut Lung being being a flamboyant alpha bitch and Eiji being the boring one who takes being deingrated with patient sighs and indulges him or them having girly sleepovers.
I also dislike the HC of Eiji taking responsibility for fixing/healing/saving Yut Lung? This HC stems from this view of Yut Lung as a vulnerable hurting woobie who didn't mean what he did and just needed a hug. And how he's like Ash so Eiji can do what he does for Ash. Yut Lung and Ash aren't the same. It's like saying Arthur and Ash are the same because they both killed people. Yut Lung choose his ridiculous cosplay as Big Baddie and didn’t care that what he did was horrific, he gloated about it. Didn’t have anyone who hunted him, wasn’t in a situation where he had to fight for his freedom after he killed his brothers but still went after people who literally didn’t do anything to him. See the difference?
First off Ash cared for Eiji, equally selflessly and despite what Blanca said didn't just use Eiji as an emotional crutch or treated him like a service. Second, Eiji and his friends are Yut Lung's victims. Are they not at least as vulnerable? The idea of Eiji coddling the person who despised him, ordered to have him/ash shoot/stabbed and made ppl he loves suffer showing no remorse is uncomfortable to me. Nobody should take it upon themselves to befriend their bully. Eiji's kind and empathetic but not a doormat, he stood up for himself and set boundaries. Everyone talks about Eiji's mental health and how he's not subservient but when it comes to Yut Lung we should wish for Eiji to do emotional labour for him, someone who's treated Eiji with scorn and put him down constantly? Be a comfort provider for someone who put a person he loves through hell? He doesn't exist to serve and cater to possible needs and well being of the person who acted abusive towards him and didn't even acknowledge it. Nobody should be expected to maintain a relationship, care and try to change someone who abused them even if it's because they're damaged. Abused isn’t even covering it here though, he didn't just stop on feeding his own ego proclaiming how he's better than everyone. As Yut Lung freed himself his goal became being this cartoon villain complete with deranged laughter and he ordered to kill both Eiji and Ash and his machinations ensured Eiji got shot and Ash got stabbed in turn. Funniest of it all is, everyone forgets about it just like almost all main characters forget that he even exists when not in direct presence while Yut Lung is obsessed about them. I don’t think Yut Lung is even on Eiji’s radar 99.9% of the time. He drones on and on how much of a failure Eiji is and yet you can’t think of more stereotypical loser than him considering nobody ever even spares him a thought.
Yut Lung should redeem himself by himself and I wish we stopped acting as if he didn't actually do anything ever or didn’t cause anything or what he did wasn't his fault, poor him. He isn't entitled to other characters he hurt making him feel good and becoming stepping stones to his possible recovery.
All attempts at invalidating/redirecting the discussion about him I see are gross and kids thinking they take the high moral ground by stanning him and judging everyone who doesn’t are weird.
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splosh-crime · 4 years
Hilda notes
- baby Vittra(turnip people) accidentally being mulched - obviously need more protective rights and awareness
- Mountains sometimes people hibernating (left for space when humans arrived)
- Elf people need contract to be seen or destroyed - pride themselves on accurate records, could have very valuable accounts of history - mc character Alfur has a huge fandom because of recording Hilda’s adventures
- Dragon gardener w social anxiety wants more common plants - definitely has potential for something like the Svalbard Global Seed Vault - just wants reimbursement for talents
- The Marra are basically just teenage girls who accidentally wound up in a cult through peer pressure - would like to know whether it’s reversible - does take multiple magic cult sessions to gain powers
- The Void is accessible both by witches and Nisse(sort-of house-elves)
- Nisse; sort-of house-elves that live in a dimension made of empty space they can use to teleport short distances
- Crazy weather scientist Victoria Van Gale invented a weather machine (so much potential for that helping w droughts worldwide!) and experimented on sapient(can hold complex conversation) weather spirits
- Trolls live in hollow mountains, eat food, steal pack animals to carry food - do they farm or just steal? - did they always need food? - some have hair - asexual reproduction? (No sex distinguishing features) - food stores - magic troll fire abilities - normally not aggressive, just wanna be left in peace - predator is stone-eating slug - they collect jewelry & revolt; much more complex than humans give them credit for
- Gryffindor
- Can do magic - accidentally almost stole an entire office building’s and her closest friends’ souls using Tide(ritual) Mice
- Skilled w non-human interaction
- Future Sentient/sapient rights✊(ambassador?)
- Phenomenal singer (cursed to be interrupted tho?)
- Always has a bug on person? (Maybe nature spirit genes?🧬)
- V accepting parents (trans hc?)
- Anxiety
- Makes political connections easily (future work w hilda on sentient/sapient rights as ambassador?)
- Needs Therapy
- believes she’s expected to be perfect
- Hermione type
- Needs to work on experience and applying her knowledge (perfect match for hilda)
- Physically aggressive when feeling personally attacked
- Training to be a witch
- Can talk to animals now if she touches them
- local cryptid
- Trouble expressing emotion
- He/him?
- Has/had a female loved one (mother? Past lover?)
- Wise & old
- His relationship with Hilda is mutual disrespect but being around each other because they find each other interesting
- Gaston/Lockhart racist guy Erik Ahlberg
- Hilda being ruder
- Hilda being rude to Woodman because he’s not as selfless as her and she doesn’t accept him that way because his morals are different (typical Gryffindor but still)
- Hilda and her Mom bad at communicating
- Erik Ahlberg admitting to antagonizing trolls and endangering children and the populace of Trolberg (where they all live) for chances for glory to Hilda who doesn’t tell anyone and basically forgetting the next day
- Hilda/Frida v good match - apparently Hilda can be Frida’s familiar somehow
- British Magic schools are horribly awful v bad times - leaders are like the diamonds from SU
- Apparently Rat King(information broker) will also trade cod sandwich instead of secrets
- Time Worms; time police that eat time doppelgängers
- Healing potion from Swamp person Sigurd; might only work if the person dies in the bog, in which case a hospital should probably be set up there for grievously wounded people - requires further testing
- Witches can talk to animals by touching them and focusing
- Twig is part of an ethereal species of great rarity, Woodman just as rare
- David is most definitely suited for business, I recommend diplomacy
- The paperwork for firing Alfur was bullshit, no warning, no memos, censorship, no witness accounts allowed - Alfur has giant fanbase and gains a co-author
- Where did thunderbird from early episodes go?
- Peppercorn the nitten(like lice but microcats)
- Crazy weather scientist Victoria Van Gale (who invented a weather machine (so much potential for that helping w droughts) and experimented on sapient weather spirits) missing through an experimental Nisse portal but likely not dead because that’s too good of a dramatic comeback
- Greta (Erik’s deputy) doubting Erik after he keeps endangering her and David & Frida
- Troll family adopted human family
- Two-headed troll bad
- Jewelry collecting troll
- Freaky Troll consciousness switch
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delta-two-two · 3 years
What are your personal stone hc’s?
hooo boy. well first off, he's definitely a bit of a loose cannon. His updated bio states that he was prone to playing by his own rules, which is what I believe is why he was dishonorably discharged in 1975, though im not entirely sure what he did (i like to think he probably traded information with the enemy to get leverage on the next mission or something.) He must've done some real dumb shit to get kicked out. I see him as being very snarky and that he doesn't take too well to authority; of course, if there's money in the mix however, he might tone it down a bit and cooperate.
Given that he's more of a mercenary and doesn't really have any special ties or well sought knowledge like some of his other colleagues in Warsaw, he's content to aid in training recruits. He also doesn't have many friends inside Warsaw, being too guarded or giving them too much attitude; after all, he's merely a mercenary, so today's friends could be tomorrow's enemies, he prefers to keep most people at arm's length except beck hue to protect himself, even if most of his recent past may be somewhat common public knowledge.
Now some general hcs:
Stone 100% has a mustache under that mask, sorta bushy, but still well kept.
He smokes. A lot. and im not talkin about weed, curse you treyarch for giving him a damn weed skin to meme with the cod boys. Stone picked up smoking during his time in basic, and he never really saw a reason to stop, so he didn't. (if you tell him you don't like smoking, he'll grumble but make sure not to do it in your presence or will go outside.)
He was definitely a bit of a delinquent as a kid and joining the military was his father's way of trying to set him straight, for all the good that did.
He's definitely fluent in at least 4 languages; given that he's meant to be training multiple different pockets of pro-soviet militias across the world.
This man cannot cook for his life. Used to MREs and quick non-cookable meals, the best you're gonna get from him is a sandwich; that said, he's not too fond of spicy food but definitely not a picky eater by any means.
Given that he's been stationed in a few arid climate areas for training, its probably a specialty of his to operate in hot, dry, desert climates, though he could operate anywhere if need be.
And that's about all I have for now! Thanks for asking, this was fun to do :)
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echo-three-one · 3 years
Harry stone hcs?
Hey anon, I'm sorry to say that I don't know much of the character and I can't do this well.
However, I could like... pass this on to someone who could. (Shoutout to my mutuals who could and would like to do some.)
I haven't explored much of the cod fandom as I'm still bombarded by a lot of stuff... Sorry about that :(
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stuckatmyhouse12 · 6 years
rochelle goyle's ears look like seadweller fins. proposal: rochel goyele, a fuchsia seadweller with a fin mutation on her back, who got caught up with the wrong burgandyblood and got turned to stone. however, the burgandyblood still didnt know how to fully control their powers, so she can still move and such. thoughts?
Oh my cod this is such a good hc
I am absolutely drawing this tomorrow if I can remember to
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samuelmmarcus · 4 years
White Home with Front Porch
  You know it will be a good day when you come to Home Bunch (or open your mailbox, if you’re a subscriber) and you see a house tour by Timber Trails Development Company and Julie Howard. Here, the designer shares more details on this exceptional new-construction home:
“The inspiration behind our Timber Trails Equestrian Estate was classic and timeless design. So often we are trying to reinvent design and adding a new twist to a classic. With this home, we just stuck with the classics. The dormers out front give that Cape Cod feel to most but to me it was a old horse estate with charm and a Ralph Lauren style. Because this was a spec home, I couldn’t go all in with the deep rich colors and plaids one would expect with equestrian design; I tried to evoke that same feel using lighter colors paired with traditional millwork and lighting. We build so many modern farmhouses but this home felt special and unique for our community.”
Take your time while seeing this house tour… this one deserves your full attention and you deserve this break!
  See other popular homes by Timber Trails Development Company with interior design by Julie Howard:
Open and Airy Townhouse Design.
Modern Farmhouse Townhouse Design Ideas.
Beautiful Homes of Instagram: Modern Farmhouse.
2019 New Year Home Tour.
Beautiful Homes of Instagram: Interior Design.
Coastal Farmhouse Home Decor.
Grey Shingle Home.
Interior Design Ideas.
Black & White Interior Design Ideas.
Empty Nester Townhouse Design Ideas.
New-Construction Home for First-Time Home Buyer.
New-construction Farmhouse with Front Porch.
New Home Inspiration.
  Equestrian Home Tour
 Timeless architectural details are complemented by white siding, gray shingle and metal roof and stone. White siding and trim is Hardie Arctic White.
This home has so much curb-appeal! Windows are Anderson Windows in White.
Pavers & Driveway
The driveway features pavers that have a Cobblestone effect.
Garage Doors
Carriage House-style garage doors and corbels add so much charm to this exterior.
The exterior is clad in a Fieldstone. Notice the stunning porch railing. This builder never overlooks the details.
Overall Details
Overall: 4-6 Bedrooms, 6 Baths, 2 Car Garage.
Front Porch
Top of front porch features a simulated Limestone.
Porch Chairs: Wayfair – similar here.
Beautiful Planters: here, here, here, here & here.
“Double doors, great light fixture, and a center table all makes for a memorable foyer!” – Julie Howard.
Front Door Paint Color: Benjamin Moore Kendall Charcoal.
Classic Reinvented
“Welcome to our Equestrian inspired estate in Timber Trails. This home was 2 years in the making and we are so excited to share it with you all!” – Julie Howard.
Lighting: Currey and Company.
Foyer Table: Pottery Barn.
Ottomans: Wayfair.
The staircase features classic spindles and balusters in Benjamin Moore Simply White. Railing and stair treads are White Oak with a custom stain to match hardwood flooring.
Rug: here & here – similar.
Hardwood Floor
Hardwood Floors are White Oak stained Minwax Weathered Oak – Other Hardwood Flooring: here, here, here & here.
Sconces: Currey & Co.
 Dining Room
The dining room, dining alcove, buffet, bar, and butler’s pantry all work together to create an entertainers’ dream space. There is room for everything and everyone in this design.
“Probably the most used part of the dining room will be the 12’ long buffet. Pizza get togethers with neighbors to big Christmas dinners can be set out on that space.”
Chandelier: Visual Comfort.
Beautiful Blue & White Ginger Jars/Vases: here, here, here & here.
This gorgeous built-in buffet features inset cabinetry with Caesarstone top in Calacatta Nuvo.
Mirror – Walter E Smithe – Others: here, here, here, here & here.
Paint Color
The cabinet paint color is Benjamin Moore Simply White.
Accessories – Homegoods.
Cabinet Hardware: Top Knobs.
Sconces – Visual Comfort.
“The alcove off the dining room was actually a necessary bump out is the exterior design of the home. It was an awkward space off the dining room originally designed as a closet. I thought it would be perfect as an alcove since the window faced the front of the house. I pictured the future homeowners working on their laptop while watching their kids play in the driveway. I also thought it was the perfect kids’ table for holiday gatherings.” – Julie Howard.
Leaded Glass: The transom leaded glass were from Kenyon Glass out of Ohio.
Small Table in Alcove – Pottery Barn.
Pillows – Target.
Paint Color
Paint Color: Benjamin Moore HC-172 Revere Pewter.
Lighting: Visual Comfort.
Rug & Chairs
The dining chairs are from World Market. What a great choice! They’re stunning, comfortable and quite affordable.
Rug: Joss & Main.
There is a separate bar area right off the dining room.
Table – RH – similar here – Other Round Tables: here, here, here, here, here & here.
Chairs – World Market.
Bar Paint Color
Cabinetry painted Kendall Charcoal by Benjamin Moore.
Beverage Center: Sub-Zero.
Countertops – Caesarstone – Statuario Nuvo.
Accessories – Hobby Lobby and HomeGoods.
Sconces: Visual Comfort.
Wooden Vase: here & here – similar.
Get ready to get very inspired by this custom-designed kitchen by Julie Howard! Here, the designer shares some details: “I wanted this kitchen to feel warm and inviting. It is classic in design but with the addition of the window ledge continuing under the cabinet there is a little unexpected. We actually hardwired the lamps on the window ledge so they can be switched on and off and the cords disappear into a hole in the Caesarstone. The opposite side has two china cabinets that can house every day dishes and glasses and everything pretty. Since most people nowadays seem to have white dishes we painted the inside of the cabinets Benjamin Moore Kendall Charcoal so the dishes would pop. This also helped to move the dark grey around the room from the refrigerator on one side to the island in the middle and then the inside of the cabinets on the range wall.” – Julie Howard for Timber Trails Development Company.
Custom Details
On this side of the kitchen you will find Caesarstone window ledge continuing as a shelf under the upper cabinets.
Window Lamps: Visual Comfort.
Cedar Beams – Stain to Match Floors.
Sink & Faucet
Faucet: Kohler Faucet in polished nickel.
Sink: Kohler Cast Iron Sink.
Beautiful Large Vases: here, here, here & here.
Faux Stems: here, here, here & here.
The kitchen countertop is Caesarstone in Statuario Nuvo.
Kitchen Island
The kitchen features a large, custom designed island with enough seating for 6. Paint color is and Benjamin Moore Kendall Charcoal.
Island Size 4’x14’
Dishwasher: Asko Built-In Dishwasher Panel Ready.
Lighting: Visual Comfort Boston.
Hardware: Pulls & Knobs.
Microwave Oven: Wolf.
The hood was framed and drywalled with a piece of natural wood separating the drywall front the wood cabinet piece underneath.
Range is Wolf WGR486G Stainless Steel.
Hardware: Top Knobs.
Runner: Loloi Rugs.
Slab backsplash in Caesarstone in Statuario Nuvo.
Cabinet Paint Color
Cabinets are painted in Benjamin Moore OC-117 Simply White.
Lamps: Visual Comfort Buffet Lamps.
All Accessories – Homegoods and Target.
Counterstools are from Wayfair.
Recessed Pulls are from Lee Valley Hardware.
Appliance Pulls
Appliance Pull: Top Knobs.
Julie always designs the most impressive and authentic kitchens! Here, the designer added the same dark grey (Kendall Charcoal by Benjamin Moore) on the paneled refrigerator doors and added antique mirror insets. How gorgeous is this?!
Refrigerator: Sub-Zero Freezerless Refrigerator & Upright Freezer.
Breakfast Nook
This is probably my favorite Breakfast Nook to date! Vertical Shiplap is complemented by Cedar Beams.
Dining Chairs: Wayfair – Other: here, here, here & here.
Dining Table: Wayfair – Other Affordable Dining Tables: here, here, here, here, here & here.
Chandelier: Visual Comfort – Other Linear Chandeliers: here, here, here, here & here.
Sconces: Visual Comfort.
Beautiful Trays: here & here.
Built-in banquette features vertical Shiplap from floor-to-ceiling.
Pillows: here & here – similar.
Kitchen Runner: Loloi Rugs.
View of Kitchen and Breakfast Room from Family Room. Wall paint color is Benjamin Moore Classic Gray.
Family Room
The kitchen flows into a bright Family Room with floor-to-ceiling windows.
Rug & Chandelier
What a rich color scheme! There’s nothing boring about this space! Chandelier is by Currey & Co. 6-Light in Pyrite Bronze.
Rug: Loloi Rugs.
Sofa: Ikea – similar here – Others: here, here & here.
Trees – Walter E Smithe – Others: here, here & here.
Coffee Table
Coffee Table is actually two benches from Wayfair pushed together. Smart idea!
Large Sofa/Console Table: Wayfair.
Lamps – Visual Comfort.
Grey Chairs
Grey chairs are from Walter E Smith – similar here.
Beautiful Baskets: here, here, here & here.
Fireplace is painted brick with a reclaimed beam mantle. What a stunning and timeless design!
Mirror over fireplace – Target – Others: here & here.
Artwork over fireplace – 610 Home.
Accessories – Homegoods and Target.
Chair & Ottoman
Chair & Ottoman: Ikea – similar: Chair & Ottoman.
Paint Color
The fireplace brick is painted in Simply White by Benjamin Moore.
This large doored butler’s pantry is located right next to the dining room.
Sconces: Currey & Co.
Paint Color
Cabinets are Benjamin Moore Revere Pewter.
Door is Benjamin Moore Kendall Charcoal.
Hardware: Top Knobs.
Lighting: Visual Comfort.
Countertops – Caesarstone Statuario Nuvo.
Shelving & Backsplash
Custom floating shelves and beadboard paneling are also painted in Revere Pewter by Benjamin Moore.
Accessories – Hobby Lobby and Target.
Main Hallway Lighting
The main hall is just off the foyer and leads to the Mudroom. Light fixtures are Visual Comfort.
A niche is accentuated in Shiplap and large baseboards.
Console Table – Target.
Mirror and Accessories – HomeGoods.
Shiplap are painted in Benjamin Moore Simply White and walls are Benjamin Moore Classic Gray. This is a color combination to be kept in mind if you’re building or renovating!
Home Office & Mudroom
“This space is another favorite in the house. It links the garage with the rest of the home and will be a very well used, well loved space. The upper mudroom (which probably won’t get muddy) has two large closets to store bigger items, two Subzero drawers (great for lunches packed the night before or grabbing drinks on the go, a large desk, and a great bench for reading a book or working on homework. This is a hard working office / mudroom, that I can see a whole family using and enjoying.” – Julie Howard.
Sconces – Visual Comfort.
Cabinetry Paint Color
Cabinets are Benjamin Moore HC-172 Revere Pewter.
Countertops – Honed Black Granite.
Chair: Wayfair.
Rug: Loloi.
Metal Plant Stands: Target.
Refrigerator Drawers
This side of the Mudroom features custom floating shelves with a Subzero Fridge drawers below. Closet doors are Benjamin Moore HC-166 Kendall Charcoal.
Accessories – Homegoods and Hobby Lobby.
Pitcure Light: Visual Comfort.
The lower mudroom included a dark tile floor with built in cabinetry – painted Benjamin Moore Revere Pewter. It also has a large bench for taking shoes on and off.
Pillows – All leather pillows through the house are from World Market – similar here & here.
All cushions thought the home were made by Slipcover Plus (local upholstery in Oak Park).
Runner in second part of mudroom is from Rejuvenation and is discontinued.
Tile: The Tile Shop – similar here – Other Options: here, here, here, here, here & here.
Hardware: Pulls & Knobs.
Lighting: Visual Comfort.
Beams: Cedar.
Who wouldn’t love to work from home in this space?! Custom-made bookcase and panel molding were installed from floor to ceiling.
Desk Chair: Wayfair.
Rattan Chairs – Ikea – painted white from their original black.
Lighting: Visual Comfort.
Desk: World Market.
Rug: Wayfair.
Paint Color
“Benjamin Moore AC-24 Charlotte Slate  is one of our favorite blue greens if you’re looking to add a little color to your home!” – Julie Howard.
Artwork – Homegoods.
Picture Lights – Visual Comfort.
Main Floor Bathroom
This bathroom feels neutral and calming. Paint color is Revere Pewter by Benjamin Moore.
Wood Vanity – RH.
Faucet: Kohler Faucet.
Toilet: Kohler.
Countertop – Caesarstone Calacatta Nuvo.
All tile from The Tile Shop – similar here.
View from the Top
This home is spectacular and inspiring from every angle!
Upper Landing
The Upper Landing features a cozy nook with a built-in seat.
Lighting: Pottery Barn (5x).
Laundry Room
Why not create a space where you can feel good at while doing laundry? This Laundry Room would make me want to do laundry more often.
Machines: Whirlpool Front Load Washer & Dryer.
Cabinetry: Custom.
Paint Color
Laundry Room Cabinet Paint Color: Charlotte Slate AC-24 by Benjamin Moore.
Sink: Utility Sink – similar.
Faucet: Delta Cassidy in Polished Nickel.
Countertop: Caesarstone Calacatta Nuvo – Backsplash is Shiplap, also in BM Charlotte Slate.
Artwork: Wayfair.
Wall Paint Color
A window-seat in the laundry room? Yes, please!!! Walls are Classic Gray by Benjamin Moore.
Flooring: The Tile Shop – Other Options: here, here & here.
Sconces: Visual Comfort.
Master Bedroom
This is a Master Bedroom that feels impressive and inviting at the same time. Get ready to feel inspired!
Chandelier – Visual Comfort.
Chairs: World Market.
“I’m always a sucker for a slanted ceiling! One covered in millwork is even better!” – Julie Howard.
Faux Fiddle Leaf Trees: here – similar.
Rug: Wayfair.
Bed: Joss & Main.
Inspired by this Look:
(Scroll to see more)
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Nightstands are from Joss & Main – Other Beautiful Nightstands: here, here, here & here.
Master Bathroom
The Master Bathroom is a space you won’t forget very soon. It features Marble and Limestone checkerboard floor. Wall paint color is Benjamin Moore Whale Gray 2134-40.
Tiles are from The Tile Shop.
Pendant: Ballard Designs.
Shower Faucet: Moen.
Custom designed and crafted cabinets with Marble countertop. Paint color is BM Simply White.
Wall-mounted Faucets: Moen with Handshower.
Hardware: Amerock Esquire Pulls & Knobs.
Mirrors & Sconces
Mirrors were custom made on site and go to the ceiling.
Sconces – Visual Comfort (love how they are actually swing fixtures).
Freestanding Tub
Bathtub: Kohler Sunstruck.
Tub Faucet
Tub Faucet: Moen.
Bath Caddy: custom – Others: here & here.
Guest Bathroom
This Guest Bathroom was kept simple and timeless.
Tile: The Tile Shop – similar: Floor Tile, Shower Wall Tile & Shower Pan.
Faucet: Moen.
Hardware: Atlas Homewares.
Toilet: Kohler.
Rug – Homegoods – similar here.
Mirror: Joss & Main 32×32.
This space has it’s own bathroom and closets so it could easily be converted to a bedroom.
Rug: Discontinued – Other Neutral Rugs:here, here, here & here.
Working from Home
We set this space up as an office because it is over the garage and separated from the rest of the house.
Desk: Discontinued.
Coffee Table
Coffee Table: World Market.
Affordable Sofas: here,here & here.
X-Leg Stools: Wayfair.
Paint Color
Paint color is BM Classic Gray on Walls and BM Simply White on woodwork.
Wood Garland: here – similar.
Chairs: World Market – Other Great Accent Chairs: here, here, here & here.
The window seats are perfectly designed to house a twin mattress. We covered the mattresses with covers from World Market.
Guest Bathroom
A wall-mounted sink is perfect to save depth in a narrow bathroom. Smartly designed!
Wall Tile: White Subway Tile with Black Grout.
Faucets – Kohler Triton Bowe Cannock.
Soap Dish: Brockway Soap Dish.
Sink – Kohler Brockway 4’.
Sconces – Visual Comfort.
Mirror – Homegoods.
Baskets – Target Tall Basket & Short Basket.
Toilet: Kohler.
Floor Tile: here – similar.
Snack Bar
“Black and white basement bar. Perfect for movie night snacks!”
Faucet: Delta Bar Faucet in Polished Nickel.
Bar Sink: Kohler.
Basement Bathroom
“A basement bath should always be fun! This one makes me smile.” – Julie Howard.
Vanity – Home Depot – similar here & here.
Countertop – Caesarstone.
Faucet: Moen.
Mosaic Tile – Floor and Decor – similar here & here.
Toilet: Kohler.
Ladder: here & here – similar.
Mirror: Joss & Main 40×30.
Shower Faucet: Moen Trim with Lever Handle & Rainshower Head.
  Many thanks to the designer for sharing the details above.
Builder: Timber Trails Development Company (@timbertrailshomes) Make sure to follow them!
Interior Designer: Julie Howard
Cabinetry: PalosFineCarpentry.
Photography: @stofferphotographyinteriors
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  Wayfair: Up to 70% off on Kitchen Renovation.
  Pottery Barn: Up to 40% off everything.
  Serena & Lily: Enjoy 20% Off with code: ATHOME.
  Joss & Main: Under $200: Large Area Rugs.
  West Elm: Premier Event Up to 70% Off.
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“Dear God,
If I am wrong, right me. If I am lost, guide me. If I start to give-up, keep me going.
Lead me in Light and Love”.
Have a wonderful day, my friends and we’ll talk again tomorrow.”
with Love,
Luciane from HomeBunch.com
from Home https://www.homebunch.com/white-home-with-front-porch/ via http://www.rssmix.com/
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Interior Design Ideas Sharing interior design ideas is truly one of my favorite things to do on the blog and this post will show you this! Here you will find many interior styles and the latest trends for kitchens, bathrooms, bedrooms, living rooms, dining rooms, laundry rooms, mudrooms and more. Are you in need of some good paint choices for your interiors? I have you covered! Besides sharing inspiring interior ideas, I am also sharing many paint colors and color palettes that the interior designers are using now! Get your home updated, or simply find a quiet corner to dream about these beautiful interiors. Collect more Interior Design Ideas: Follow me on Pinterest/HomeBunch and Home Bunch on Instagram. Interior Design Ideas Brooks and Falotico Associates, Inc. Ivory Lane Kitchen Alice Lane Home. Kitchen Hood Alice Lane Home. Glass Cabinets Alice Lane Home. Wallpapered Cabinet Kitchen features glass door cabinets with backs of shelves lined with an abstract wallpaper — Kelly Wearstler Channels Wallpaper. Hardware White shaker kitchen cabinets with brushed brass knobs and vintage pulls. Alice Lane Home. Slab Backsplash Alice Lane Home. Cutting Boards Alice Lane Home. Utensils Holder Alice Lane Home. Backless Kitchen Stools Alice Lane Home. Kitchen Lighting Kitchen sink lighting is Single Sloane Shop Light with Metal Shade. Alice Lane Home. Bookshelf Alice Lane Home. Pink Peonies Alice Lane Home. Island Decor Alice Lane Home. Treats Alice Lane Home. Open Shelves Between Cabinets Alice Lane Home. Two Islands – Four Lanterns Alice Lane Home. Dining Room Chandelier Chandelier is Circa Lighting’s Large Crystal Cube Chandelier – $3,780.00 Alice Lane Home. Navy Dining Chairs Dining chairs are Alice Lane Home’s Turner Dining Chair in Navy – $934.00 each Alice Lane Home. Navy Butler’s Pantry Benjamin Moore Hale Navy. Alice Lane Home. Navy Island Navy Island painted in Benjamin Moore Hale Navy. Alice Lane Home. Industrial Lighting Kitchen island lighting is Elegant Lighting Pd1223 Pendant From The Industrial Collection $430.00 each Titan & Co. Beach-style Kitchen Titan & Co. Kitchen Island Lighting Darlana Lantern, Medium, Aged Iron -$630.00 each. Catalyst Architects, LLC. Basement Kitchen – Yes, really! Wall paint color is Benjamin Moore Edgecomb Gray and the white island is Benjamin Moore Simply White. Gray cabinets are stained in a washed gray. Countertops are Pental Quartz in Lattice. Kitchen stools are Ballard Designs. Mirror is by Lighting Design. Sita Montgomery Interiors. White Oak Cabinets Graystone Custom Builders. Reclaimed Wood Beams Graystone Custom Builders. Kitchen Paint Color Benjamin Moore OC-17 White Dove. This floor material is 5″ wide white oak planks. The color is a custom mix that was created by the installer. Kurt Baum & Associates. RLH Studio, L. Cramer Builders + Remodelers. Glass Cabinets with Windows Kurt Baum & Associates. RLH Studio, L. Cramer Builders + Remodelers. Breakfast Room Kurt Baum & Associates. RLH Studio, L. Cramer Builders + Remodelers. Beverage Fridge Kurt Baum & Associates. RLH Studio, L. Cramer Builders + Remodelers. Neutral with Pops of Color Kurt Baum & Associates. RLH Studio, L. Cramer Builders + Remodelers. Coffered Ceiling Kurt Baum & Associates. RLH Studio, L. Cramer Builders + Remodelers. Fireplace Dimensions & Art The fireplace wall is 16 feet wide and the fireplace is 6 feet wide. The painting is by Connecticut artist William McCarthy. Kurt Baum & Associates. RLH Studio, L. Cramer Builders + Remodelers. Elegant Dining Room Wallpaper The wallpaper is a Hand-painted silk de Gournay. Kurt Baum & Associates. RLH Studio, L. Cramer Builders + Remodelers. Doors & Transoms Chandelier is Visual Comfort George II Polished-Nickel Lighting – $746.00 The door and transoms are made by Marvin. Dining Room Blackband Design. Two Chandeliers above Table Blackband Design. Long Sideboard Blackband Design. Beaded Chandelier Chandelier is Ro Sham Beaux Fiona Sea Green Chandelier, White Swirl With Gold Trim – $3,680.00 each. Blackband Design. Archway Blackband Design. Table Decor Blackband Design. Living Room Ceiling Blackband Design. Pendants Blackband Design. Tone-on-Tone Living Room Accents Blackband Design. Reclaimed Wood Coffee Table Blackband Design. Open Space Blackband Design. Gray Cabinets Blackband Design. Cabinet Design Blackband Design. Stairs Brooks and Falotico Associates, Inc. French Doors & Desk Nook Blackband Design. Paint Color Dunn Edwards Swiss Coffee DEW341. Blackband Design. Console Table Blackband Design. Decor Blackband Design. Fireplace Millwork & Stone Catalyst Architects, LLC. Ceiling Catalyst Architects, LLC. Mudroom Wainscoting Welch Company Home + Design. Flooring Welch Company Home + Design. No Whining Welch Company Home + Design. Mudroom Catalyst Architects, LLC. Yellow Door – Gray Countertop Laundry Room Titan & Co. Soapstone Countertop Graystone Custom Builders. Grasscloth & Wainscoting Welch Company Home + Design. Herringbone Wood Tile & Marble Brooks and Falotico Associates, Inc. Geometric Wallpaper Kurt Baum & Associates. RLH Studio, L. Cramer Builders + Remodelers. Small Bathroom Graystone Custom Builders. Feminine Bathroom Kurt Baum & Associates. RLH Studio, L. Cramer Builders + Remodelers. Neutral Floral Wallpaper Kurt Baum & Associates. RLH Studio, L. Cramer Builders + Remodelers. Bathroom Wainscoting Brooks and Falotico Associates, Inc. Bathroom Paint Color Benjamin Moore Wythe Blue. Kurt Baum & Associates. Bathroom Striped Wallpaper & Navy Cabinet Kurt Baum & Associates. Beach Bedroom Dan Vos Construction Company. Navy Accent Wall Kurt Baum & Associates. RLH Studio, L. Cramer Builders + Remodelers. Knit Bedding Graystone Custom Builders. Bedroom Wallpaper Alice Lane Home. Cathedral Ceiling Kurt Baum & Associates. Bedroom Paint Color Revere Pewter by Benjamin Moore. Sita Montgomery Interiors Bedroom Lighting Decor and lighting are from The Welch Company in Scituate, MA. Welch Company Home + Design. Dream Bedroom Decor The Welch Company. Pillows Welch Company Home + Design. Pinnable Paint Color & Color Palette Ideas Most-Popular Navy Paint Colors by Benjamin Moore: Benjamin Moore Hale Navy. Calm Neutral Color Palette: Timber Wolf by Benjamin Moore. Stratton Blue by Benjamin Moore. Stonington Gray by Benjamin Moore. Palladian Blue by Benjamin Moore. Cloud Cover by Benjamin Moore. Rainwashed by Sherwin Williams. Via Marital Glue. Main color: Benjamin Moore Azores AF-495. Trim color: Benjamin Moore Navajo White 947. Accent color: Benjamin Moore Hale Navy HC-154. Foolproof Gray Paint Colors by Benjamin Moore: Benjamin Moore Revere Pewter. Benjamin Moore Stonington Gray. Benjamin Moore Classic Gray. Benjamin Moore Gray Owl. Three Gray Paint Colors to Keep in Mind for your Next Home Renovation: Benjamin Moore Nimbus Gray. Benjamin Moore Cumulus Cloud. Benjamin Moore La Paloma Gray. Brick & Mortar. Complete House Color Palette: Benjamin Moore Classic Gray. Benjamin Moore Balboa Mist. Benjamin Moore Chelsea Gray. Benjamin Moore Cloud White. Benjamin Moore White Chocolate. Benjamin Moore Simply White. Via All Things Big and Small. Best Benjamin Moore Neutral Colors explained: Benjamin Moore Intense White. Benjamin Moore Balboa Mist. Benjamin Moore Horizon. Benjamin Moore Marilyn’s Dress. Via Pinterest. Comparing Gray Paint Colors by Benjamin Moore. Benjamin Moore Valley Forge Tan. Benjamin Moore Ashley Gray. Benjamin Moore Revere Pewter. Benjamin Moore Edgecomb Gray. Benjamin Moore Balboa Mist. Benjamin Moore Classic Gray. Benjamin Moore Wickham Gray. Benjamin Moore Moonshine. Via Over The Big Moon. Modern Farmhouse Color Palette. Best paint colors for modern Farmhouse: Benjamin Moore Pale Oak. Benjamin Moore Mountain Peak White. Benjamin Moore Sweat Celadon. Benjamin Moore Collingwood. Benjamin Moore Balboa Mist. Benjamin Moore Albescent. Via A Burst of Beautiful. Pinnable Interiors Design Tips How to pick paint colors for your home like an interior designer. Via All Things Big and Small. How to Style a kitchen for spring and summer: Light decor, natural elements and lots of fresh flowers. Via Becki Owens. Home Exterior & Garden Ideas White Dove OC-17 by Benjamin Moore. Kurt Baum & Associates. RLH Studio, L. Cramer Builders + Remodelers. White Exterior with Neutral Stone House Dimensions: This house is 47′ x 56′ and the garage is 24′ x 36′. Kurt Baum & Associates. RLH Studio, L. Cramer Builders + Remodelers. Stone & House Dimensions The stone is FonDuLac. Kurt Baum & Associates. RLH Studio, L. Cramer Builders + Remodelers. Back Kurt Baum & Associates. RLH Studio, L. Cramer Builders + Remodelers. Walk-out Basement Kurt Baum & Associates. RLH Studio, L. Cramer Builders + Remodelers. Exterior Paint Color Benjamin Moore Wythe Blue Exterior Paint Color. Warline Painting Ltd. Pool House Brooks and Falotico Associates, Inc. Open Doors Brooks and Falotico Associates, Inc. Pool House Interiors Brooks and Falotico Associates, Inc. Pool House Kitchen Brooks and Falotico Associates, Inc. Flooring Combination Brooks and Falotico Associates, Inc. Guest Towels Brooks and Falotico Associates, Inc. French Doors to Backyard Talianko Design Group, LLC. Pergola A Cape Cod style home with a backyard patio inspired by the East Coast. A casually elegant Hamptons style deck lends to family BBQs and relaxing in the afternoons. Turquoise accents and a range of blue fabrics pop against white and cream backgrounds. Bronze lanterns atop teak tables are perfect for a little light in the evenings. This coastal style backyard is located in Sierra Madre, California. Talianko Design Group, LLC. Canopy Pergola Canopy: This canopy was custom made.I made the shades. I used two Sunbrella Canvas Pattern in cream and navy. Grommets on the sides and cup hooks on beams to hang. They are a little tedious to take down but it is only once a year. The fabric is three separate panels, it was attached with eye-hooks to the pergola. It is very practical for shade purposes, it would not be very practical for rain. The curtains are separate from the canopy. All of the hardware is hidden between beams. The curtains are on a Kirsh Ripple Fold drapery system. The structure is about 12′ x 12′. The curtains draw to the center. The awnings are three separate strips with grommets in the sides. The grommets slip over cup hooks which are installed inside of the beams. Talianko Design Group, LLC. Decor Talianko Design Group, LLC. Sunshine Talianko Design Group, LLC. Florida Via View from my Heels. Pale Gray Pale gray exterior paint color: Sherwin Williams SW 6148 Wool Skein. T-Olive Properties. Spring T-Olive Properties. Modern Farmhouse Brooks and Falotico Associates, Inc. Nature Brooks and Falotico Associates, Inc. Aspen Mountain Houses K. H. Webb Architects. Patio Tile Flooring K. H. Webb Architects. Tasty View K. H. Webb Architects. Navy Home with White Trim The siding is natural cedar shakes. The color is actually a funny story! The day the designer was talking about exterior colors, the interior designer was wearing a blue shirt. The client looked at her shirt, and said, “I want the exterior to be that exact color.” So, they sent the shirt to their painters and they color-matched the siding perfectly to the color of the shirt. So, it was a custom color, but similar paint color is Sherwin Williams Naval SW6244. The door is stained cedar Marvin door. The garage door is a stained cedar. Kurt Baum & Associates. Outdoors Sita Montgomery Interiors. Patio Coffee Table Sita Montgomery Interiors. Navy & Stone The stone is a custom mix of Chilton, Fon Du Lac, and Indiana Limestone. The clad of these Marvin windows are bronze. Farm Memories T-Olive Properties. David Cannon Photography. Quote of the Week You can follow my pins here: Pinterest/HomeBunch See more Inspiring Interior Design Ideas in my Archives. Popular Paint Color Posts: The Best Benjamin Moore Paint Colors 2016 Paint Color Ideas for your Home Interior Paint Color and Color Palette Pictures Interior Paint Color and Color Palette Ideas Inspiring Interior Paint Color Ideas Interior Paint Color and Color Palette New 2015 Paint Color Ideas Interior Paint Color Ideas Interior Design Ideas: Paint Color Interior Ideas: Paint Color More Paint Color Ideas Hello, my friends, I hope you could relax and feel inspired by these beautiful interiors. There are so many things I will be doing during this weekend, including making bracelets with my daughter. She is making lots of bracelets to sell to help the food bank of our community. She did this before to help our local SPCA and now she wants to continue to help… I couldn’t feel any prouder of her and I feel Blessed to have children that are learning to be people that can see others, that can think about how the world is and try to do the best they can to help. It’s the small things that have the powder of change. What can you do to help? Ask yourself and have the goal of helping someone. Have a Blessed weekend, my wonderful friends! We’ll talk again soon. with Love, Luciane from HomeBunch.com Interior Design Services within Your Budget Come Follow me on Come Follow me on Get Home Bunch Posts Via Email Contact Luciane Sources: 1st Image: Brooks and Falotico Associates, Inc. Remaining Sources: specified below each image.Blackband Design. Graystone Custom Builders. (Photography by Tessa Neustadt). Welch Company Home + Design. Sita Montgomery Interiors. Dan Vos Construction Company. K. H. Webb Architects. Alice Lane Home. Ivory Lane. Talianko Design Group, LLC. (Photography by Erika Bierman) Catalyst Architects, LLC. Kurt Baum & Associates. RLH Studio, L. Cramer Builders + Remodelers. (Steve Henke Photography). Warline Painting Ltd. Titan & Co. Marital Glue. Brick & Mortar. Over The Big Moon. All Things Big and Small. A Burst of Beautiful. Nola Kim. Becki Owens. Save Save Save Save Save
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