#colin ritman reader insert
imaginedisish · 6 years
I Can’t Lose You (Colin Ritman x Reader) (Bandersnatch)
A/N: LADIES AND GENTS LET ME TELL YOU I AM WINDED. This took SO LONG. It’s SO LONG. No one asked for this, but I’m sad and oddly emotional due to crazy things from the past????? Idk, enough of my drama y’all came for the imagine...here’s some crazy angst WITH LOADS OF FLUFF DON’T WORRY!!!!! I won’t be able to post tomorrow, but I will DEF BE POSTING THE OTIS SMUT AND THE COLIN FLUFF ON SUNDAY!!!!!! IT’S GONNA ACTUALLY HAPPEN PEOPLE! ANYWAY, PLS ENJOY THIS!!!!!
Summary: Colin reveals his past trauma with his father to the reader, and the old man pays an unwanted visit.
Warnings: Mentioned/implied child abuse/physical abuse, implied fighting, mentioned/implied mental abuse, lots of language, angst, FLUFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Word Count: 2,318 uuuuuuuuuuwwwwwuuuuugggggghhhh so long
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Your forehead presses against the cold and unwelcoming glass, yet you stay exactly where you are, peering down at the city street underneath you. It’s dark and late, the only light coming from other buildings and neon signs. The few people walking below look so small, so insignificant compared to the problems happening up above, yet the movement made your heart clench with fear. 
One of those people would be Colin, and in practically no time at all he would come up to your shared flat, and then… 
Well you didn’t know what would happen past that, specifically because you didn’t want to. You just knew that Colin hadn’t been there, that he had been so rushed with you lately. You were tired of it. After dating him for three years, and knowing each other for even longer, you expected more from him. It wasn’t even as though you expected perfection. 
You simply expected his love. 
The love he promised he would never be able to lose. 
You and Colin had clicked instantly. In fact, you had a crush on him from the very first second you saw him. You were going to meet your friend, Stefan, who worked at Tuckersoft, for lunch when you came across the blonde haired boy. He charmed you with the cock of an eyebrow, the glimmer of his crystal blue eyes. A slight adjustment of his square, silver frames, a quick kick to obnoxiously rest his feet on the desk in front of him, and you were all his. 
But it felt like things had changed. You imagined that on the nights that he told you he was working late, he was really with another woman. 
Maybe Kitty came back? Maybe it’s someone new? You think to yourself. The “Kitty” scenario was the scariest to you, because it was the most realistic. Kitty had left Colin three months before you and he started dating, and she took Pearl with her. You were Colin’s best friend at the time, and you consoled him throughout the whole ordeal. If she came back all of a sudden, especially with Pearl, you thought maybe, just maybe, Colin would go back to her. 
When you asked Stefan, about it, he immediately shut you down. “No way, Colin legitimately is working on his game. Don’t worry (Y/N), we both know how Colin was when Kitty left, and just from that I can easily tell you he’d never go back to her,” Stefan had reassuringly said to you. A week later, you still didn’t believe him.
Suddenly, you hear the handle of the door to your flat twist, bringing you back to reality as keys jingle from the other side of the door. You immediately tense up, goosebumps spreading up and down your arms. You shudder, swallowing deeply as you push your fly-aways behind your ears. The door opens, and a familiar, tall, blonde figure trods into the flat. 
He removes his glasses and rubs his face tiredly, too caught up in his exhaustion to even notice you sitting on the couch as he passes you right by. 
“Colin, it’s one in the morning,” You choke as you feel the inevitable tears rush to your eyes. 
Colin jumps at your words. “Jesus Christ I didn’t see you there, love,” Colin mumbles, walking over to the couch, a hand brushing through his platinum blonde hair. He stands in front of you, placing his silver rims back on the bridge of his nose. He smiles lightly, and you shake your head. 
“We need to talk, Colin,” You finally muster the courage to say. Colin glances at you, a confused look spreading across his face. He pushes his silver rims farther up the bridge of his nose and takes a deep breath. 
“Look, I know I haven’t been home very often, but I-,”
You cut Colin off, holding back your tears with all of the strength inside of you. “Just stop, Colin. I feel like I don’t know you anymore. It isn’t that you aren’t home very often, you’re practically never home at all,” You pause, collecting your thoughts. “You leave before I wake up, and you come home when I’m already sleeping. And God, when you are home you’re such jackass to me…” You trail off, not sure how to go on. Those words hurt to say more than you thought they would. 
“I know and I’m so-,” 
You cut him off again, “Listen, if you don’t love me anymore,” You pause, taking a deep breath as tears roll down your cheeks, “just fucking tell me now. We can’t keep doing this Colin. I can’t keep doing this.” 
Colin shakes his head as he takes a seat in the chair next to you. His elbows rest on his knees, and he puts his head in his hands. “You really think I’ve fallen out of love with you, don’t you?” Colin asks, looking up for a split second before crashing back down to where he was. 
You nod. “Yes,” You say, studying his position. He looks miserable, almost as if your accusations and assumptions made him feel even worse than he had been. He really didn’t see this coming, You think to yourself.
“That’s absolutely fucking ridiculous,” He says, standing up abruptly. He paces the room angrily. “I’d do anything for you. I’d sell my soul, I’d jump in front of a train, hell I’d jump off the bloody balcony!” Colin shouts like a mad man, pointing towards the terrace as his ocean eyes grow wider, his nostrils flaring. You stare at each other intensely for a second, before he proceeds to pace back and forth across the flat. 
“Then why don’t you act like it, Colin?” You scream finally, standing up now as well. Colin stops pacing, his back now facing you. Silence falls upon the room once again. It feels like hours go by, and Colin still says nothing. 
“Fine,” You mumble, “Then I guess I’m leaving…” You trail off, running into the bedroom, ready to collect your things and leave. You hear Colin’s feet shuffle across the floor as he chases behind you. 
You violently throw the bedroom door open, rushing over to your shared dresser. Before you can open a drawer, Colin grabs your shoulders, forcing you to face him. 
“I’ve been pushing you away because I’m afraid I’m going to lose you!” Colin shouts, his face bright red, tears filling his eyes. 
You’re speechless. Colin had never said anything like this before. 
Colin breathes deeply, and then continues. “Kitty left me, and I thought she loved me. I know you aren’t her, I’m bloody terrified nonetheless.”
“I’m not Kitty, Colin. I’m not just going to be here one morning and gone the next. I love you.” Your voice is soft and reassuring. 
“Th-there’s some s-stuff I-I haven’t t-told you yet, too,” Colin stutters, turning away from you, moving towards the bed and sitting down on the edge of it. 
“You can talk to me, Colin,” You say calmly, sitting down next to the blonde boy. You grab Colin’s shaking hand, holding it carefully in yours.
“It’s about my family, (Y/N),” Colin says, his left knee bouncing anxiously. Every time you had tried to ask Colin about his family, he’d brush the topic aside. You assumed he would tell you when he was ready, and now he was. 
“My mother d-died,” Colin swallows harshly, “when I was young. And my father started drinking. He’s a real asswipe, you know?” Colin chuckles, trying to make a joke out of his trauma. “He’s the type that t-takes o-out the g-good old b-belt a-and…” Colin chokes, tears streaming down his face. 
He takes off his glasses, setting them down next to him. Colin rubs his face, practically sobbing into his hands.
“Colin, you didn’t deserve to be treated that way, no one does. I’m so, so sorry,” You whisper, your heart clenching as you imagine the abuse Colin as endured. 
“Well, he’s back. He came to the flat in the middle of night two weeks ago, while you were sleeping,” Colin breaths, squeezing your hand tightly. “He somehow knows who y-you a-are, and he said that h-he’d hurt you i-if,” Colin pauses, “i-if I didn’t pay him off.” 
You don’t know what to say. Fear and anger fill your gut. You were terrified of Colin’s father, and you wanted nothing more than to make him feel all of the pain he made Colin feel. 
“I’m working extra hours to give him what he wants, but God I’m afraid to lose you. I can’t fucking lose you. I j-just c-can’t,” Colin sobs, shaking his head violently. “I’d rather die than lose you. I’ve lost so much, (Y/N), and I don’t want to lose you next.”
You shake your head, wrapping your arms around Colin, pulling him into a tight embrace. “You’re never going to lose me, Colin,” You hum, planting a kiss into the crook of his neck. Colin breathes heavily and sniffles a bit before pulling apart from you.
“My mom would’ve loved you,” Colin whispers. A small smile spreads across his face, and you imagine that he’s thinking of a reality in which you get to meet her. You had never seen Colin this vulnerable before. He was always so nonchalant, so cool, so collected. It was such a stark contrast from the usual Colin you saw every day.  
A violent knock, followed by a chorus of loud rapid ones boom from the front door, destroying the moment you and Colin had been sharing. Colin jumps up to his feet, fear filling his eyes. 
“Colin, is it him, your dad?” You ask, standing up as well. 
“S-stay here, okay? Things are going to be fine,” Colin says, kissing your forehead lightly before leaving the bedroom. You watch from the doorway as Colin moves across the flat and towards the door. He looks through the peep hole. “Shit,” he mutters under his breath. 
“Open up, boy! Right now!” A voice shouts from the other side of the door. Colin jumps in place, and turns around towards you. 
“I need you to close the bedroom door, and lock it. Right now. Do you understand?” Colin’s voice is firm and controlled. You shake your head violently. 
“No, I’m not letting you do this alone. What if he hurts you? Why don’t we just call the police, Colin?” Your voice is shaky, your gut filling with panic. Colin shakes his head. 
“Lock the door, (Y/N),” Colin says, facing you, his hand on the handle of the door, ready to open it. 
“I love you, Colin,” You whisper. 
“I love you, (Y/N),” Colin says back. You look deeply into his eyes one last time before closing and locking the door. 
You hear the door slowly creek open. 
“You better have the fucking money, you piece of shit!” A deep, evil voice yells from the front of the house. 
“Get the fuck out of my life you prick!” Colin screams. “It’s one thing to threaten me, but it’s another to threaten the love of my life, the future mother of my children!” 
“Please, I’m more than positive the last one left when she figured out the truth about you. No one wants you, Colin!” The voice booms. “No one wants a fucking damaged, worthless piece of nothing like you!”
“I’m not the worthless one here,” Colin says back. 
“Oh yeah? So then why did Kitty leave with your daughter? Why don’t I love you? Why is this new girlfriend going to leave you just like the last?” The voice questions angrily. “You’re a creep, Colin! A fucking weirdo with your silly video game whatever-the-hell-you-do! Worthless nonsense, just like you!”
“Fuck you!” Suddenly, you hear a thud, a groan, and then you feel the floor beneath you shake. Your heart beats rapidly out of your chest. “That’s what you fucking get!” Colin shouts. “Stay on the ground you fucking ass. You’re the pathetic one, not me. Now you’re going to crawl your way out of my flat, and I’m going to call the police. How’s that for a plan, huh?” 
“This isn’t the end. You’re a Ritman, you’ll turn out like me one day, trust me,” the voice says. 
“I will never, ever be you. Trust me,” Colin says firmly, and suddenly the door slams shut. 
You unlock the bedroom door, and swing the door open. “Colin?”  You whisper nervously. You spot the blonde haired boy, still standing at the front door. He turns around, his bright blue eyes somehow glimmering intensely even in the dimly lit flat. 
Colin rushes over to you, wrapping his arms around you, pulling you into his chest. 
“I’m so sorry, love,” Colin whispers into your ear. 
“You don’t need to apologize, Colin. None of this is your fault,” You breath. “I love you, and you deserve the world,” You pull apart from Colin, staring deeply into his eyes. 
Colin presses a soft, warm kiss against your lips. Your heart flutters in your chest, just like it did the first time you saw him, the first time you talked to him, the first time you hung out as friends, and the first time you hung out as more than friends. He made you feel so special, so needed, and you hoped that you made him feel the same. 
“Thank you, (Y/N),” Colin says as he pulls his lips from yours. 
“For?” You ask, not sure what it is you did. 
“You haven’t left me yet,” Colin giggles lightly, trying to poke fun at the extremely serious situation. 
“And I never will,” You say, smiling widely. He pulls you back into his chest, his warmth making you long to stay in his arms forever. 
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shinydixon · 4 years
I'd really like to come back to this blog and writing, but my fandom tastes changed over the past 2 years, so I don't really know if my followers would like it.
For example, I'm not into The Walking Dead anymore, I've lost interest on writing about Daryl, and I'm not inspired on writing about Nick Jakoby (still waiting for Bright 2).
As for now I'm really into:
- Stranger Things (I'd like to write about Steve X Reader)
- Little Hope ( Andrew, Abraham, Daniel and Dennis are my bae ♥️)
- I'm still interested in writing about Will Poulter's characters like Gally (TMR), Colin Ritman (Bandersnatch) and Mark (Midsömmar)
Should I give it a try? Would you be interested?
Keep in mind that I have a new job and I have really strange shifts so I'll try to post as fast as I can.
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imaginesbymk · 5 years
Dating Colin Ritman Would Include...
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smoking and taking LSD with him
he often disappears and you constantly worry about him
you’re not very fond of stefan and you find him weird and responsible for colin’s actions
running your hands through his blonde hair
owning cassettes
your shared apartment with him is cluttered with records, plants, posters, and of course, his drugs
it’s quite big enough and he makes it look like you two have the money for it
he’s the first one to wake up and he leaves for work in the morning without kissing you bye or anything
not that it mattered, he still loves you
owning matching headphones
not really getting his video game programming techno-stuff
your relationship isn’t sunshine and rainbows
it’s melting sunshine and rainbows due to the LSD
chilling on the balcony with him at night
he’s pretty snarky but in a playful way
“who the fuck is jerome f. davies?”
he tosses the heavy biography book at you
no pda, only when you guys are alone he gets affectionate here and there
his boss really likes you because he thinks you’re as cool as colin
testing out colin’s game ‘nosedive’
getting addicted to video games because of him
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cosmicflowchart · 6 years
Colin Ritman/Reader - We’ve Met Before [Part 1]
Summary: “We’ve met before,” he tells you. You don’t believe him. Warnings: memory loss, multiple timelines, mentions of possible stalking Word Count: 1575
In your mind’s eye, you’re riding shotgun in a car while “Change of Heart” by Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers plays from the stereo. Your feet are up on the dashboard while your brother drives just a little too fast down suburban streets. You’ve got a serene smile on your face. Everything’s okay.
But in reality, you’re walking down a street with your headphones on, the same song playing. The sound’s up so loud you’re pretty sure other people can hear you--you get a few dirty looks from older folks as you pass by them, but in your defense, it’s a good album to blast: for you, it’s calming yet driving. If you had the guts, you’d probably blast this song on a boombox. Instead, your Walkman bounces in your pocket as you walk, out of sight except for the cord leading to it from your headphones. Your head’s bouncing too, but anyone passing by probably wouldn’t notice. It’s a slightly worn copy of your brother’s Long After Dark cassette tape. But he’s long since forgotten that he’d lent it to you.
And to be honest, you aren’t going to remind him, nor do you intend to give it back. It’s like a little jump back in time when you listen. It’s also your favorite way of tuning the world out while you try to sort through work problems.
You stop at a crosswalk to wait for the light to change in your favor. The second chorus ends as you wait.
Someone taps on your shoulder, and you almost throw a punch. But instead, you flail like you’re a newcomer in a kung-fu movie, and you spin around.
You spot the person who got your attention. The guy’s eyebrows are raised on the outer ends, judging your strange reaction. You would be too, honestly, but you clear your throat and pause the tape, pulling one headphone back. “Yes?”
“It’s (y/n), right?” are the first words out of his mouth. He stares at you expectantly through silver frames, head tilted down slightly to show more of his bleached blond curls. His hands are deep in his pockets. Every hair on your skin stands on end.
“Who the hell are you?” you almost yell, glancing around to see if anyone’s watching.
“Colin,” he responds casually. “We work in the same building. We’ve met before.” His eyes twinkle and you’re immediately nervous.
“I know three different Colins, which one are you?” you wonder. “Wait. You don’t work at Tuckersoft, do you?”
“I do.”
“Then…” you narrow your eyes. You’re not sure why you’re interested in actually figuring this out, but your brain begins to turn anyway. “Colin Ritman?” you guess. He points a finger at you in confirmation. “Oh shit! Okay, yeah, I do know you, just haven’t seen your face much. I’m more used to seeing the back of your head, I kind of run around the office doing chores most of the time.” He’s got a look on his face like he knows already. In your defense, he’s making you nervous, and you’re not sure quite why. “I don’t think we’ve ever, uh, talked. I don’t think.”
“Not in this lifetime.”
It hits you at that moment. He’s that Colin Ritman. You ignore his remark, mostly because your brain has no idea what to make of it. You’ve heard a few stories floating around the office about him and his weird conspiracy theories. You’re pretty sure you have to do several more types of drugs to understand what the hell he just said. “That explains my confusion, and how you’d know me, I guess. Still, that’s a little creepy, yeah?”
“Fair enough,” he takes his hands out of his pockets, now holding a pack of cigarettes and a lighter. He pulls a cigarette out as he talks. “You got anywhere to be later?”
You’re watching him with suspicion. “If you’re asking me to come home with you, it’s a no. I just found out who you were today. Some of us have standards.” He snorts. “Well, I do, anyway.”
“No, I know,” he agrees, cigarette in his mouth. He lights it--the sound rings a bell deep in your memory. But you’ve heard people flick lighters open before. You’ve even done it once or twice yourself (though smoking ended up not being for you). Why is this special? “You know what you want, and what you don’t.”
“That’s right,” you agree, still suspicious. “How do you know so much about me? Have you been taking notes or something?”
He doesn’t answer.
“Okay,” you decide that maybe you ought to track down a payphone and call the police, “nice talking to you, Col. If I can call you that. I just remembered, I need to call my brother and wish him a happy birthday. I’m sure you have somewhere better to be than just talking to me.” You pull your headphones back into place, turning away from him. He doesn’t make a move to stop you.
“(y/n),” he calls loud enough for you to hear him through your headphones. Reluctantly, you just look over your shoulder at him, fiddling with your Walkman. You want to start the song over so you rewind as quickly as you can. But Colin’s not done. All he says is: “The White Queen walks.”
You turn to him. He’s got that face again, like you’re supposed to know something and you don’t. You thought that look wouldn’t haunt you after middle school, but there you are, feeling like an idiot. It doesn’t last long, as he makes a face almost of disappointment and leaves you there.
Fuck no, your inner voice speaks up, he’s not getting away that easily. You need answers.
You don’t hide your frustration as you catch up to him. You pull off your headphones and respond: “I don’t know what that means, Mr. Ritman. Explain yourself.”
“That’s new,” he remarks, almost amused. “You’ve never called me Mister before. Now we’re getting somewhere.”
“What the fuck are you talking about?” You’re just a step behind him now. He walks awfully fast for someone who programs all day.
“‘The White Queen walks, and the night grows pale.’ You know what that means.”
“...White Queen?” you repeat. “That’s, I know that lyric. That’s from--”
“Queen II,” he finishes. “I know. You told me that that song made you cry. I hate to bring up bad memories, but you’ve also said that sad memories make you remember more. Don’t know if that’s true, you still look like you think I’m bonkers.”
“When did I talk to you? I’ve never seen your face in my life,” you insist. But you doubt it the moment the words leave your lips.
“Technically, I haven’t seen your face either,” he agrees. “But that’s the funny thing about memory. Comes back at the least convenient times. Or the most, depending on who it benefits. You’re still not freed yet though, not in this timeline.”
“Okay, look, I don’t know what all this timeline shit means, and I’m still unclear how you know how I feel about that specific song, from that very obscure album, but I’m getting kind of sick of it. What do I have to do to get a straight answer from you? Did we, like, did I have a drunken one-night stand with you and completely black out?”
As you finish your rambling, trying to put together what he’s been implying (and failing), he sticks his hand in his back pocket and produces a small folded paper. “Lucky for you, I’m prepared this time.” He holds it out to you, stopping.
You stop too. You regard the paper in his hand as you would a philosophy book with a long, boring title.
“To be fair, it was your idea this last time. You were stuck, so was I. We realized our place in the world, but we couldn’t accept the ends given. So you threw this out as an idea. Figured it couldn’t hurt, so I kept it. I meant to give it to you earlier but I thought I’d be more of a gentleman about it. Didn’t work, obviously. Sorry about that.”
Previous you? Stuck? The words should mean something, and the phrases are bugging you--the memories are at the tip of your brain stem, but they’re stuck. What he’s saying is supposed to mean something.
Your curiosity defeats your suspicion.
You take the paper gingerly from his hand and unfold it, occasionally glancing back up at him. As you read, your eyes race faster and faster across the page. Everything you read once again feels familiar. It’s in your handwriting, there’s no doubt about it, but you have no conscious memory of writing this. For a moment you feel like something’s knocking you upside the head, like someone’s trying to tell you something and you’re not answering the damn door.
You read it again. This time, you actually process the words. There’s memories in here, phrases you heard Colin use, and some that you do recognize as your own words. The letter details a history of your decisions, beginning at the dawn of the current day, and ending in several ways. But none of those endings have happened. Perhaps it’s a premonition of some kind, or a vision. It’s in your hand and yet you don’t remember it.
It dawns on you, all of it, it floods back.
You’ve met before.
A/N: Edit! You can read Part Two here: https://cosmicflowchart.tumblr.com/post/182281002389/weve-met-before-part-2final-colin
Sorry for the cheese ending, I might repost this all as one (below a cut obviously). 
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Reality (3) // Colin Ritman X Reader
A/N: Hey loves, I was busy with finals and everything is pain when I tried to edit the original for this and it fucking deleted itself on its own when I tried to edit it. I’m very upset and angry at tumblr for it but I guess I can’t do shit about it so I had to remake it entirely. Yay.
But this did give me a chance to remake this part into something better. It’s not as good as the original part, but it’s what I tried to make close to it. It was 1:00AM when it happened and I was too damn stressed, depressed and reading obsessed to even write it then so I’m writing it as finals are coming in soon. Anyone who loved the original, I am so sorry. You can blame tumblr for it.
Requested: Yes
Warnings: Drugs usage, cussing...oh and death
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Not my gif!! (Please tell me if you, the owner, would like me to take the gif down!)
What seemed like forever, you and Colin made it to his flat building. It was big, definitely a place what someone as rich as Colin could afford. You wondered if he lived alone. Did he have someone living with him? Flat mate? Girlfriend? I hope not, you thought.
You were secretly hoping that he didn't have a girlfriend or wife. You never really heard about anything of Colin having a lover, but it wasn't like you had a chance with Colin. He focused on his video games and your main focus was your game.
The both of you took the lift up to his floor and you continued to follow him as the two of you walked through the halls. You looked down at the floor then over to the windows you passed by. You were on one of the top floors, making a large view of a lot of homes over the building. You weren't the biggest fans of heights, but continued to walk and said nothing anyway.
Upon reaching his flat, Colin grabbed his keys from his pocket and unlocked the door. He tossed his keys onto a side table right by the front door and you trailed from behind him, fidgeting with your sleeves.
Walking fully into the developer's home, you got a good look of the living room of it. It was what you expected, a regular home with styled walls, carpet and long couches.
After taking in the whole place, you noticed a small balcony with a woman with short, frizzled and fiery red hair standing in the middle of it, cradling a small baby. You titled your head in confusion and frowned a bit in disappointment. I guess he does have a lover, you thought to yourself.
Colin walked up to the red haired woman and slowly grabbed the baby from her arms. He bounced her lightly up and down and you almost gushed at the sight. He was so gentle with her, making you adore him even more.
"(Y/n), this is my sister, Kitty." Colin introduced you, not taking his eyes off of his baby girl for a moment. The fiery red head waved at you with a tiny smile on her face.
A wave of relief washed through you. You were mostly glad he wasn't in a relationship, still, your mind continued to persuade you that you had no chance.
"(Y/n) is Stefan's twin sister." Colin informed his sibling. Kitty made a hum noise in response.
"And this is Pearl," his baby, Pearl, reached one of her hands toward Colin. "Daddy's little legacy." Colin slightly smiled at the baby's action.
"(Y/n)'s in the hole, Kit." The blond informed the red head. Kitty nodded understandingly.
"Poor girl. You gonna get her out?" Kitty asked, her arms crossed. You looked down at the ground in a bit of shame.
Colin let Kitty take back Pearl and started to walk into another room. You looked over to Kitty and gave a shy smile, to which she returned. You were about to go follow Colin into the room he went into before you were stopped by the red head herself.
"You like him, don't you?" Kitty asked, a smirk plastered on her face, while yours immediately flushed red.
"W-what? H-How did you..?" You stuttered.
"I won't go all 'protective sister' on you. But just be careful with him, (Y/n)." She told you. You responded with a simple nod and left the room.
You went into the room where Colin entered and found him sitting on a white chair. In the opposite position was a long, curved and black couch. You noticed on one of his computer desks that there was a mug of tea sitting there.
"Grab a pew, love."
You shot your gaze over to him when he called you the nickname, and all he did was smile back at you. You brushed it off and grabbed the mug and sat in the middle of the black couch opposite to him.
You took a few small sips of tea before setting it on the table between the two of you. While you were doing that, Colin took out another cigar roll-up and lit it with a lighter. He took a pew puffs before leaning over and reached it out to you.
"Here." He said.
"O-oh..I haven't really ever..." You stuttered out, embarrassed.
"Come on." Colin pressed a bit.
Hesitantly, you grabbed the cancer stick from his hand, brushing yours lightly against his a bit, causing you to blush slightly. You ignored your feelings and put the cigar between your lips, taking a puff of it. You struggled to keep yourself together and started to cough almost immediately after you took it away from your lips.
"That's alright, love. You'll get the hang of that." Colin says while reaching into a small black box. What was up with him and calling you that?
You finally managed to calm yourself down and looked up to find Colin with his right index finger out to you with a little thin tablet thing on it, something you've never seen before.
"You want it?" He asked you.
"What-what is it?" You questioned him.
"It lets you see the bigger picture." He nodded towards it.
"I-I...I don't know..." You didn't know if you wanted it or not. You wanted help but you didn't know if having a strange thing you've never taken before was the best way.
"It'll help you understand." Colin explained.
"Do you want it? It's your choice." He asked you, once more.
Yes // No
"Y-yes." Shaking a bit, you grabbed the tablet from his middle finger and stared at it.
"Just watch me, darling." Your gaze followed back up to Colin and you watched at he moved his fingers beside his head, one which held his own thin tablet on his index finger, then opened his mouth wide and stuck his tongue to put the tablet onto it.
He closed his mouth and took the tablet with ease. Anxiously, you looked at him before opening your mouth to take your own. The tablet left a....strange taste in your mouth but you sucked it up and took it anyway.
"Now what?" You asked. He smiled.
"We wait."
Colin them stood up and walking behind the couch you were sitting on. He went over to a turntable and inserted a record. Once the needle hit the disc, music started to play softly throughout the room.
He sat back down onto his white chair and the two of you stared at each other before the drugs started to finally take effect. The posters on the walls began to move and the light hitting Colin's face flowed brighter in different colors.
"I think...I think it's working." Your mouth started to form into a large grin and you began laughing randomly.
"Don't worry, love. It gets better." Colin's face transformed into a wide smile once he heard you laughing. It was strange how it attracted him, your laugh wasn't like a high pitched girly laugh but it sounded like the laughs that Colin would hear from Stefan.
A few minutes later, you were touching a painting on the wall that looked like it was mixing in with water. Every time you touched the painted or blew on it, the painting would move and the colors of the painting would combine.
To say you were having a blast was not even close to what you were feeling. The stress and anxiety weighing on your shoulders took off and you felt like you were having fun. Then again, you were high.
"People think there's one reality, but there's loads of them, all snaking off like roots. And what we do on one path affects the others." You turned over to Colin and saw his expression was serious, almost like he was positive about what he was saying.
You sat on the black couch and started to stare at your hands. Every time you moved them, trails of colorful lines followed them, making you giggle to yourself. You continued waving your hands as Colin sat on the couch with you and ranted.
"There's messages in every game. Like PAC Man! You know what PAC stands for?" Suddenly, Colin stood up and paced back and forth.
"P-A-C. Program and Control. He's program and control man." Colin ranted and told you all about the 'real' world of PAC Man.
"It's all code. If you listen carefully, you can hear the numbers." Colin said, his forehead rested against his balcony glass door. You were now standing up, looking around the door and wobbling a bit. He turned over to you and continued.
"There's a cosmic flowchart that dictates where you can and can't go." All of sudden, Colin took off his glasses and grabbed your face in his hands.
You laughed at him, still in your high state. You grabbed his face as well and stared into his blue eyes. You caressed his cheeks and fought the urge to kiss him right there. Even if you did kiss him, there would be no chance he remembered it, right?
"Your eyes are so pretty." You stated. Colin said nothing but you saw the corners of his mouth rise a bit.
"I've given you the knowledge. I've set you free. Do you understand?" The blond asked. His eyes began to grow in size to you, probably because of your state. It startled you for a moment before you answered him.
"Yes...maybe...I don't know." You giggled. Your mind was making everything seem so fuzzy to you that you barely comprehended his question.
"I'll show you what I mean. Come with me, love." He let go of your face and opened his glass balcony door. Colin walked out and you followed from behind.
He stood on the right side of the balcony while you stood on the left, looking over the ledge in a bit of fear.
Stay still // Grab Colin's wrist
You grabbed onto Colin's wrist, as if it was an instinct or impulse that caused you to. You gripped his wrist tightly in order to comfort yourself from the view.
"We're on one path right now, you and me. And how one path ends is immaterial. It's how our decisions along the path the whole that matters. Do you believe me?" Your gaze switched over to him.
"I-I don't know..." You responded, still smiling despite the situation.
"I'll prove it. One of us, is going over. Over there." The game developer pointed his arm over the ledge and your eyes widened, your smile dropping. With a sharp turn of your head, you gazed at him with searing fear in your eyes.
"No-no no no! Y-You'll die! You'll die!" You cried out.
"It wouldn't matter because there are other timelines, (Y/n)!" Colin said, as if it was a matter of fact. Your heart was doing flips and you began to feel sick to the stomach.
"Dammit Colin, when I asked for help I didn't mean this! I don't wanna do this." You practically begged him.
"Love, how many times have you watched PAC Man die? Doesn't bother him." He shrugged, as if it fixed the whole situation. "He just tries again."
"One of us is jumping. So who's it gonna be?"
Your mind and mouth both contemplated your next words.
"It's a nice breeze up here." Colin said, trying to lighten the mood a bit.
"Come on, love. Which one of us is jumping?" He asked once more.
(Y/n) // Colin
"I'll do it." You decided.
"I like your style. Are you sure, love?" Colin smirked before checking with you.
"Y-Yes." You stuttered a bit. Finally realizing what choice you made, you forced yourself onto the ledge of the balcony, almost falling over in the process.
You gasped out in surprise but never the less, started to laugh incoherently. Colin watched as you pushed yourself up and his mind started to sober up, but not enough to make him realize what was going on.
"Colin." You turned towards him and grabbed onto the collar of his shirt.
"Yes, (Y/n)?" He stared into your (e/c) eyes.
Kiss him // Say goodbye
"Kiss me before I jump."
"Hello, Kitty."
"Hello, Stefan! Are you here for (Y/n)?" Kitty asked.
"No, actually. I'm here to ask something from Colin. But (Y/n) is here?" Stefan questioned, his brow furrowed.
"Yeah. He's getting her out of the hole." Stefan froze. He knew of Colin's ways of helping people out of the hole. They weren't exactly good ways.
"Where are they?"
"Kiss me before I jump." You asked of him, still hanging on the ledge but not bothering to look away from his eyes that glowed in the light.
"Sure thing."
You leaned down and pressed your lips against Colin's own and closed your eyes. You tilted your head for easier access for Colin and he found himself easing into the kiss as well, putting his right hand on your cheek to pull you closer to him. Your lips fit together almost perfectly, as if they were made for each other. Finally, you unwillingly pulled away from the sweet kiss and looked into his blue eyes.
"See you in the next reality." You grinned at him. He returned it.
"In the next reality."
You let go of the ledge and leaped over it to fall your way to your death. Colin watched as your body landed on top of a large crate, blood spilling out from your body. You killed yourself for the man who had taken your heart.
The sound of your body hitting the bottom sobered Colin up completely. He glanced at your body on top of the crate and stared at it. No other emotion shown on his face but sadness and regret.
Just then, the sound of slow footsteps from behind him caused him to look up, but not at the person.
"Colin. Where is my sister?"
"Colin what did you do?!
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bandersnatchmywigho · 6 years
Colin Ritman Imagine - Pizza and a Shower
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A/N: This is my first fanfic… hope y’all dirty whores enjoy this nasty shit.
Summary: You and Colin have been best friends for a couple years now. You’ve always had feelings for him, but he’s never shown any signs of reciprocation... Until one day (😉).
Pairing: Colin Ritman x Reader
Requested: No
Word count: 1,918 words
Warnings: Strong language, maybe a little bit of angst (only if you squint), choking, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it, kids), and water
You lazily turned over on the couch as something meaningless played in the background on the telly. Hour number four on the couch was slowly creeping up on you as you struggled to actually get up and do something productive for the day. Deciding against it, you continued laying on the couch and begrudgingly watched Channel 4.
Your attention was torn away from the television when you heard keys jingle outside the front door of the apartment. It’s probably Colin, you thought. Your thoughts were proven correct when he stepped in, removing the keys from the lock.
“(Y/N), are you here?” your best friend, Colin, stated as he aimlessly searched the apartment for you.
“Yeah, Colin. What’s up?” you responded.
“Nothing much. Thakur was on my ass all day today to finish Nohzdyve. I’ve never wanted to punch that man so hard in his fucking face,” he sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose as he dropped into the couch seat next to you. You rubbed his back to relieve some of the stress from his hard day at work as he slowly laid his head into your lap.
You lived for moments like this. You’ve had feelings for Colin ever since you saw that bleached head of hair across the room at Tuckersoft on Opening Day at the new office in London. Alas, he didn’t outwardly reciprocate those feelings and just, kind of, treated you like one of the guys at the office. You were glad to stay his best friend, though, because that meant you still had some connection to him. However, carving out time to hang out with him was getting harder and harder, especially since you landed a new and better position over at Electronic Arts.
Your attention focused back on Colin as he made himself comfortable on the pillow that was your thighs. Your heart fluttered as he moaned softly when you lightly dragged your nails across his back, up his shoulders and neck, and into his scalp.
“(Y/N), if you keep massaging me like this, I’m gonna fall asleep right here,” Colin chuckled.
You laughed in response but continued to massage his body softly.
After about five minutes, you heard snoring coming from the boy in your lap. You silently giggled to yourself and decided to keep watching the television program from earlier. Your eyes remained focused on the telly for about twenty minutes until you felt a stirring in your lap.
“Oh, my God. How long have I been asleep for?” Colin remarked as he slowly rose from his position in your lap.
“Only about twenty minutes,” you replied, not tearing your eyes away from the program on the telly.
“Oh, okay. I’ll be back. I’ve just got to shower for a bit before dinner and then I’ll be back,” he stated as he walked away and to the bathroom.
“Alright!” you yelled.
You threw off the blankets and pillows from your lap and stood up from your position on the couch. As you headed to the kitchen, you picked up the house phone to order some pizza for dinner. You dialed the nearest pizza place’s number and ordered a plain cheese pizza for Colin and a barbecue chicken pizza for yourself.
“Hi, can I place an order for deli-” you started to say before you were interrupted.
“(Y/N), I ran out of body wash! Can you get me some from the closet?!” Colin hollered from the shower.
“Yeah, hold on! I’m on the phone. Sorry about that. Can I place an order for delivery?... Great, can I get one large plain cheese pizza and one large barbecue chicken pizza?... Yes, the address is 266 High Street and it’s for a (Y/N) (Y/L/N)… Okay, thank you. Have a nice day.” You continued.
You hung up the phone and placed it back down on the counter. You walked over to the supply closet in the hallway, opened the door, and picked out the first bottle of body wash that caught your eye. You closed the door and headed to the bathroom.
“Colin, I’m coming in!” you stated before stepping into the steamy bathroom, shielding your eyes from any unwanted sight.
“Here!” you said, holding the bottle out whilst facing away from the curtain.
All of the sudden, a strong arm pulled you into them. At first, you were confused at what was going on until you realized something.
Colin was kissing you. Naked. And wet.
You immediately pushed him off of you.
“Colin, what the fuck?!” you remarked.
“(Y/N), I know you like me. Stop acting like you don’t…” he answered.
You stood there in disbelief. Did he really just kiss me? And admit that he knew I liked him? You stared at him with a look of incredulity for a while before anything. Colin maintained his gaze on you until you took the two short steps towards him and enclosed his lips with a passionate kiss.
You pushed him back into the shower and ran your fingers into his wet hair as you feverishly kissed each other. Discarded clothes were tossed onto the floor of the bathroom as your bodies became glued to each other.
Colin moved from your lips and continued his kisses down your jaw and onto the sweet, sensitive spot on your neck. You moaned softly and felt him smirk against your skin as he moved slowly and painfully down your body. Your hips jerked towards him in response to his delicate kisses on each of your hips.
“Not yet, darling,” he smirked.
His mouth edged closer and closer to where you needed him most, but he refused to give you immediate satisfaction. Colin began to kiss your inner thighs and everywhere around your heat, except for where you actually wanted him to.
You whined when he kissed right above your heat, which only resulted in a ‘shush’ from him.
He slowly licked a long stripe up your folds and swirled it around your clit. Your body jerked forward in response and you had to balance yourself on his shoulder as he took your left leg and placed over his other shoulder.
His tongue worked on you as he moaned slightly into you. You gripped his hair and guided him to where you needed him most. He began his attack on your clit, causing your legs to uncontrollably shake. He gripped your legs tighter to keep you from entirely collapsing when he, all of the sudden, decided to insert a finger. It caught you by surprise, but the lust-filled look on his face when he caught you moaning from it was priceless.
He moved his long digit in and out of you and slowly inserted a second finger, stretching you out. The pressure from the sucking, moaning, and fingering began to build up within you and caused a twisting feeling to occur. The coil within your lower abdomen started to tighten as he relentlessly continued his attack on your heat. It became tighter and tighter until, finally, it snapped.
“Colin!” you moaned as your orgasm hit you like a wave.
You swore your eyes rolled to the back of your head as your legs shook from the sheer power of his motions on you. He continued his actions to drag out your orgasm and slowly retreated from you when he estimated that you were done. He slowly stood up.
You looked down. Fucking hell he’s huge, you thought while gawking at his sizable dick.
“Do you like what you see, love?” he said sheepishly with a hint of confidence.
“Very much so, love,” you whispered in his ear as you gripped him.
He half-moaned and half-chuckled as you moved your hand up and down his length, teasing him.
“You’re gonna be the death of me, sweetheart,” he groaned, “but I’ll be damned if I let you take over,” he asserted as he pushed you back up against the shower wall.
He kissed you with a fiery passion and teased you with his length in between your thighs. You returned the kiss with the same fiery passion and ran your hands all over his body. He broke the kiss to look at you for consent and you nodded fervently.
Colin returned to his position from earlier and placed himself in between your thighs. He slowly entered you and carefully gauged your response. You winced slightly, immediately causing him to pull back out.
“I’m sorry, love, are you okay? We don’t have to do this if you don’t want to,” he worriedly said.
“No, Colin, please, I’m fine. Just go again. I can take it,” you replied.
He silently nodded and slowly re-entered you. You felt your walls stretch with a slight burning sensation, but it wasn’t anything you couldn’t handle. Colin stopped for a second before he began to move.
A loud moan escaped from you as he slowly thrust in and out of you. He looked up at you with a smirk on his face and continued his thrusting. You grabbed him by the back of his head and pulled him in for a kiss. He grabbed the same thigh from earlier and placed it on his hip, hitting you in deeper spots than before. You moaned again, earning a strong hand around your neck.
You looked down in confusion at his hand but decided to go along with it.
“Fuck,” Colin muttered to himself as he snapped his hips back and forth, in and out of you.
You felt that familiar coil inside of you begin to tighten again and Colin sensed this. He pulled away from you and placed a hand on the shower wall for balance. He surprisingly moved at a faster pace than before, forcing your orgasm to completely collapse on you. It was stronger than the first one and had you seeing stars.
You tried to moan out his name, but nothing came out. Soon after you finished, his orgasm arrived and he milked it out by continuing his thrusts until it was over.
He pulled out of you and rested his back against the shower wall, chest heaving up and down. You looked at him with a smirk on your face.
“Did we really just do that?” Colin asked.
“Yes, we did,” you laughed. “You have no idea how long I’ve been waiting for that, Colin,” you said.
Shortly after that statement, a doorbell rang throughout the house.
“Oh shit, the pizza!” you yelled.
You quickly jumped out of the shower and rushed to put your bathrobe on as you ran down the hallway to answer the front door.
“Pizza delivery for (Y/N) (Y/L/N)?” the pizza delivery man questioned.
“Yes, yes, that’s me,” you answered.
You threw the money and tip into his hands before closing the door. You rested your back on the back of the door and released a breath that you didn’t realize you were holding in.
“What kind of pizza did you get?” Colin asked, stepping out of the hallway with just a towel lowly hanging around his hips.
“Plain cheese and barbecue chicken,” you responded while walking over to the kitchen counter to place down the pizza boxes.
You both took a seat and grabbed slices from your respective boxes. About 15 minutes after you started eating, you both finished and leaned back in your seats. You and Colin gazed longingly at each other, reminiscing on what had just happened not even an hour ago. One of you stood up and held out a hand.
“Round 2?”
A/N: Thank you so much for reading!
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rae-gar-targaryen · 6 years
Oh, Let’s Get Lost [Colin Ritman Imagine]
A/N: I should be doing about a thousand other things. But then I was struck with a thought... So here we are. In any case, this probably came out really dumb. And I’ve never claimed to be a writer, beyond some questionable poetry. But if you like it, or would be interested in offering thoughts, please let me know! 
Pairing: Colin Ritman x fem!Reader (It’s left vague. Feel free to make this a self-insert! It’s sort of what I was going for anyway.) 
Warnings: None? Mentions of dream weirdness and timehopping. Some Colin Ritman chain-smoking. A couple of drinks. Bad poetry. Insomnia-friendly reading, sure to put you to sleep. 
Summary: Colin ends up in a local jazz club as a means of dodging the rain. There’s something about the singer that strikes him as familiar. A truly timeless quality, he supposes. 
**Gif is not mine!**
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Colin wasn’t entirely sure how he’d ended up here.
The jazz club was dark, the air heavy and permeated by thick clouds of cigarette smoke. He supposed he could appreciate that.
This was no Asylum -- no punk rock club. He’d ducked in to get out of the rain. He supposed, begrudgingly, he’d be more at home in a record store while waiting for the downpour to pass. Thumbing through titles that promised either heavy synth, or the thrumming guitar that would accompany some Bauhaus-esque post-punk number.
Still, with the emergence of New Romanticism that the 1980s promised, he supposed he could appreciate a resurgence in the relevance and beauty of jazz music, even if it wasn’t what he listened to in order to “get into the flow.”
Huffing, Colin plopped into a lounge chair in view of the center of the room. The clink, followed by the flicking thwip, of his lighter as he puffed on a new cigarette was almost instantaneously soothing to his frazzled nerves and rain-wrought annoyance. He leaned forward in his seat, swiping a hand through his peroxide locks. Roughly, he tugged crumpled, slightly damp, notes out of the back pockets of his high-waisted plaid bondage pants. No time like the present to get a little work done, he supposed. His almost indecipherable etchings held all the promise of another hit game. After the whirlwind success of Metl Hedd, he felt a secure, smug sense of unstoppability. He truly was quite enjoying this lifetime.
He sat in the dim, smoky room, otherwise occupied as other patrons filtered in and out, They chattered lowly, the zip of gentle jazz filtering through as time pressed on.  Of no bother to him, really. But the passage of time so rarely bothered him. He ordered a few drinks, smoked, and idly wondered if the people snobbishly opining on Ellington would have heart attacks if they’d heard Black Flag, the Cure, or Tomita.
The smooth rumble of a voice announced the hour’s lounge singer, though he hadn’t heard the name.
A tune he vaguely recognized as familiar began, though he couldn’t think of where he would have heard it. Or when. When seemed the better question.
Let's defrost in a romantic mist, Let's get crossed off everybody's list. To celebrate this night we've found each other... Oh, let's get lost…
He looked up, the singer’s voice surrounding his person like a suffocatingly familiar fog, drowning in the up-keyed Chet Baker cover.
Her smile, painted red, propped up in a tip-lipped grin.
Her hair, shining softly under the lounge’s dim lighting, ethereal.
Her voice, clear and lilting, passing over the notes with an almost easy depth and passion.
Her eyes, so sharp and astute, had a glassy, timeless quality. As hers met his, he was struck with the sudden feeling they evoked: timelessness-- no, transcendence.  He was struck with the thought. Perhaps she, like him, had explored the paths and possibilities, the snaking roots that a life free of the shackles of time promised. Had she?
Had he met her before? Strange that he was the one asking that question.
He huffed quietly, sardonically, to himself. If you had asked Stefan, it was Colin who typically held answers to questions like that. Yet here he was, quizzical and intoxicated, full of unexpected astonishment at the vocalist before him.
Timely and timeless, he thought, that he would see her today of all days. That the rain would drive him in here.
“Oh, let’s get lost.”
Her song finished, and he joined in the smattering of applause provided by the relatively small crowd, still staring at her.
She stepped down from the stage and began a circuit of the room-- idle hellos for familiar faces, a throaty chuckle for a quick joke.
At last, she stopped in front of him. He flicked the cover of his lighter as she approached. Clink. Thwip. Should he speak first?
Colin wondered: What do you say to the woman you could swear you have seen before. Hadn’t you? Or felt before? Whose presence is reminiscent of a dream-- familiar, but the exact remembering is beyond comprehension. Like... tugging a loose thread. The memory of the dream unravels, until you’re left with nothing. Nothing but words of vague description and the ideas, the feelings it left you with upon your waking.
No. Not subtle, Colin. Don’t lead with that.
She blinked down at him through his cloud of smoke. Lips still tipped in not-quite Cheshire grin. She truly was a vision, he thought, until…
A honeyed voice…
“Hello, Colin. Nice to see you.”
A/N: That’s it. Should there be more? Or does this stand on its own? Tagging folks who might want to read my bad writing, but feel free to ignore: @andallthatmishigas @for-ests @hey-its-grey @mythologicalmango @doctoraliceharvey @tigerlilynoh 
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imaginedisish · 6 years
I’ll Be Your Mirror (Colin Ritman x Reader) (Bandersnatch)
A/N: I’M SORRY FOR NOT POSTING ANYTHING AAHHHH!!! I’m sorry guys...I just got so busy and I lost track of time. But don’t fret, I’ll be going back to posting at least once a day hehehehe! Tomorrow will be some Stefan smut, and if we’re lucky I’ll have the Otis smut as well. If not, then the Otis smut will be released the day after tomorrow. ANYWAY, I wrote this one because I wanted to. I needed some Colin fluff. The title and parts of the imagine are heavily based on I’ll Be Your Mirror by The Velvet Underground and Nico. GO listen to it PLS! ALSO I HIT 600! THANK YOU SO MUCH I LOVE YOU ALL! Okay on with the show...
Summary: Colin helps you through your trust issues, reassuring you that he’ll be there for you no matter what.
Warnings: Language! Some (semi) angst, references to cheating (not Colin though, the reader’s parents), reference to sex, FLUFF MEGA FLUFF OMG FLUFFFFFF!!! 
Word Count: 2,179
Also someone send me gifs pls i need more.
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The harsh wind cuts through the tension in your body like a knife. The cold bites aggressively at your nose, and it begins to feel as though icicles are growing upon the tip. You curl your knees into your chest in retaliation to the less than pleasant weather as you look over the city street below from the balcony, fidgeting uncomfortably in your old, white, wrought iron chair.
You try to forget your problems as you watch the couples below walk hand in hand, one occasionally resting his or her head on their partner’s shoulder. However, it was no use. Nothing seemed to change. You still felt destroyed, disgusted, and empty. 
At times like these, moments of sheer hopelessness and helplessness, you took yourself out to the balcony. You would sit there, taking deep breaths as you tried your best to understand whatever situation you were in. This time, however, things seemed impossible. 
Earlier that day, your mother had told you the unbelievable, the unfathomable:
Your father had cheated on your mother.
The two people in your life you thought were in such true and real love were not. It felt almost as if your life was one big lie. It hurt like hell. 
While you recognized that cheating was an unfortunate, yet real aspect of life, the idea that your father could do that to your mother was haunting. You felt terrible for your mother, and on top of that, you felt as though you and your siblings weren’t good enough to make your father want to stay. 
You felt betrayed, hurt, damaged. 
Worst of all, the situation made you question everything, even your relationship with Colin. You felt a sense of insuperable paranoia. 
What if he doesn’t love me anymore? What if he leaves? What if he’s been cheating this whole time? You think to yourself. 
You wrap your arms tightly around your knees. Your eyes begin to sting as tears quickly surface. Breathing deeply, you attempt to hold them back. 
Suddenly, you hear the front door of your flat slam shut, causing you to jump in your seat.
“(Y/N)?” Colin calls out. “I’m home!”
You don’t move, nor do you say a thing. You stay exactly where you are as the tears you once held in begin to stream down your cheeks at free will. 
“(Y/N)? Where are you?” Colin asks, shouting now. You don’t respond. You can’t bring yourself to say anything. 
Then, almost involuntarily, your tears quickly turn to heavy, audible sobs. It was all too much to keep locked away inside of you. The sobs must have given away your secret hiding spot, as the glass doors swoosh open behind you, and you feel a warm, familiar presence come to your side.
“Oh my God, what happened?” Colin whispers, kneeling down by your side. He adjusts his silver rims, pushing them a bit higher on the bridge of his nose. 
Not a word comes out of your mouth as your thoughts continue to plague you. 
Colin furrows his eyebrows, concern plastered across his face. “Talk to me, please,” Colin begs pain prevalent in his voice. He brings a hand to your knee, rubbing it softly with his thumb. 
“M-my parents,” You finally mutter in between sobs, “a-are getting a divorce b-because…” You trail off. The sentence hurt far too much to finish.
“Take your time, love,” Colin coos, his hand still on your knee. He looks up at you with wide eyes, a small, reassuring smile stretching across his face. 
“M-my dad cheated.” You choke on your words, closing your eyes tightly, still in disbelief at the news. 
Unexpectedly, you feel two strong, comforting arms wrap around you. You push your face into Colin’s chest, and you sob into him. He squeezes you tightly, trying to help release the obvious tension and stress that had extended throughout your body.
“C-Colin I-I-,” You stutter, unable to form a sentence.
“Shhhh, love. I’m here, it’s okay,” Colin whispers in your ear. 
In that moment, you almost feel the need to pull away from him. You kept thinking about the “other woman,” from your father’s affair. She was a family friend who knew you, your mother and your siblings so well. You had called her your aunt for years. It was as though you could no longer trust anyone, including Colin. 
You lightly push him off of you, but he immediately gets the hint and steps back completely. He looks at you, confusion spreading across his face. 
“I don’t know who I can trust, Colin,” You say firmly as his intense blue gaze meets yours. 
Colin furrows his eyebrows. “You can trust me, (Y/N), you know that.” He steps towards you again. You get up in response, quickly walking towards the edge of the balcony. Colin follows behind you. “Say something,” Colin says, concern heavy in his voice. 
You place your right hand on the railing of the balcony, and look down to the streets below. “I-If my parents were truly in love, how could something like this happen?” You ask, turning to Colin. The sadness in your voice now replaced by extreme anger. “How do I know if…” You pause, trying to collect your thoughts.
“How do you know if, what?” Colin asks, walking closer to you. He places his hand on top of yours, but you instantly pull it away. “Tell me what the bloody hell is going on!” Colin’s voice is now filled with vex. 
Tears fill your eyes yet again. “Colin, I’m worried you’re going to leave me,” You mumble, the tears now pouring down your cheeks. “I’m worried that I’m not good enough, that you’re going to cheat on me, that you don’t really love me.” 
Colin shakes his head, and walks to the other side of the balcony. He sits down in the chair you had been sitting in before. He takes off his glasses, and places them on the matching white, wrought iron table in front of him. He rubs his eyes. He’s clearly exhausted and frustrated as he rests his head in his hands. 
“You really think I’d do or believe all of that?” He says, looking back up towards you, staring deeply into your eyes. “Because if you do, you’re so incredibly wrong.”
He pushes the chair back, the wrought iron scraping roughly against the concrete below. Colin stands up, and rushes over to you. 
“I’ve been in love with you from the very second I met you, and I can promise to God,” He pauses, pointing his finger towards the grey clouds above, “or whatever the hell is up there, be it some person controlling us or an omniscient being, that I will love you, and stay in love with you forever.” 
You’re at a loss for words. Colin had told you a million times that he loved you, but it was never anything like this. It was never anything so definite, so serious. You knew you wanted to spend the rest of your life with him, but you never truly knew how he felt on the matter of the future. 
“And as for that cheating bullshit,” Colin pauses, pressing his lips together as he arches a brow in your direction. “I would never cheat on you because no one on this planet, or in any other universe, for that matter, will ever amount to your worth. You’re more than good enough. I’m the one who doesn’t deserve you.” 
You feel a droplet of rain fall from the dark, thick clouds above, and then it slowly begins to drizzle. 
“Colin I’m so sor-,”
He cuts you off. “No, I’m not finished yet.” Colin’s face is slowly turning red. He takes another step towards you as the rain grows heavier. “Our love isn’t defined by other people’s failed relationships. You aren’t your parents, and I sure hope to hell I’m not mine.” 
Your stomach churns at the mention of Colin’s parents. Colin’s mother was just fine, but his father was a physically and mentally abusive, horrendous person. He made Colin’s childhood a living hell, and you wanted to kill the man for it.
Colin lowers his voice, almost as if he doesn’t want to be heard. “I mean hell, if I was my fucking father we would never be able to have children, and I would hate that.” 
The rain begins to pour. “Colin wh-wha-,”
Colin cuts you off again. “You heard me. I said it before and I’ll say it again,” He steps closer to you, so that his nose brushes against yours. He brings his hands up to cup your cheeks. “I want to spend the rest of my life with you, and nothing can ever change that. You’re always on my mind, (Y/N), and I’m so sorry if it doesn’t seem like that.”
Colin’s lips suddenly come crashing down on yours, and you hum in response. The kiss is languid and warm, yet passionate at the same time. You pull away for some air, but Colin pulls you right back in. 
“You really thought you could get away, didn’t you?” Colin mumbles against your lips, smiling. You can’t help but giggle. He finally pulls away, combing a hand through his soaking wet, platinum blonde hair. 
“I’m sorry Colin. I don’t know why I would assume all of that,” You say softly. 
“Don’t worry, love. You heard about what your father had done, and everything suddenly changed for you. It happens, and you don’t need to apologize,” Colin coos, wrapping his arms around you once again. “Promise me something though, okay?” Colin asks.
“Of course.” You say back, ignoring the fact that the rain had completely drenched your hair and clothes. None of that mattered, because you were with Colin.
“Let me be your mirror,” Colin says matter of factly, swaying you side to side, humming the tune of “I’ll Be Your Mirror,” by The Velvet Underground and Nico softly in your ear. It was your favorite song off of the The Velvet Underground and Nico record, and one of your favorite songs of all time. 
“I find it hard to believe you don't know, the beauty you are. But, if you don’t, let me be your eyes,” Colin sings softly, and you can’t help but smile. “I’m not going to stop until you promise me you’ll let me be your mirror, reflecting all that you are, just in case you don’t know,” Colin says, chuckling lightly, still swaying with you. 
“I promise,” You giggle. 
“Good,” Colin says, pulling apart from you. “Now let’s get inside and dry off, yeah?” You nod, and Colin grabs your hands with his, pulling you inside the flat. 
You shake off the rain, quickly running into your bedroom to grab a change of clothes. Oddly enough, Colin hadn’t followed you into the room. You get changed, and walk back into the living room. 
There was Colin, standing in front of the record player. His The Cure shirt was completely soaked, his blue jeans, drenched. He turns around to you, a smile plastered on his face. 
“I’ll be your mirror, reflect what you are, in case you don’t know…” Nico’s voice echoes through the apartment. Colin had put the record on. 
You laugh a bit. “Colin, I already said yes. I promise, I promise that you can be my-,” 
You stop talking as you realize Colin is down on one knee. 
“I’m so deeply in love with you, and I figured there was no better time than the present to do this…” Colin trails off nervously. “(Y/N), I can guarantee to you that if there are a million timelines, a million universes, this is the only one I’m truly happy in, and that’s because in this one, I have you.” He pauses again, swallowing harshly. 
“Marry me, (Y/N).” 
Your heart flutters in your chest, the way it did on your first date, the way it did when you and Colin shared your first time together. Everyday felt like the first with Colin. He was your mirror, and you’d be an idiot to say no to the person who wanted to show you how special you were, the person who wanted to be there for you no matter what. 
“Yes Colin, of course yes,” You practical shout, running over to him. You press your lips against his, but all you can do is smile into the kiss. You were so unbelievably happy. “I love you so much,” you say, pulling your lips from his. 
“And I’m so deeply in love with you, (Y/N).”
“When you think the night has seen your mind
That inside you're twisted and unkind
Let me stand to show that you are blind
Please put down your hands
'Cause I see you
I'll be your mirror
(reflect what you are)
I'll be your mirror
(reflect what you are)
I'll be your mirror
(reflect what you are)
I'll be your mirror
(reflect what you are)
I'll be your mirror
(reflect what you are)”
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imaginedisish · 3 years
Hi guys!!!
I think I’ll be posting another multi part Neil x reader fic over the next few days.
Right now I’m quite wrapped up in Tenet, so if anyone has any specific requests for it, feel free to hmu or place a request in the request thingy!!
I also have a good deal of bandersnatch requests, so I may have to do something with that...
Finally, feel free to ask me what fandoms I write for (I write for a lot). I promise I’m not a scary person to talk to LOL. Request anything!!! You can also check out my masterlist as a frame of reference for what I’ve already written for :)) (I added some tags to show some of what I write for but there’s more!!!)
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Anyway this is ^^^me trying to figure out a writing schedule/what to write for while balancing college and work ahhhhhhh!
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imaginesbymk · 5 years
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requested by: anonymous / gif imagine! (gif is not mine!)
YOU WALKED INSIDE on what you assumed to be the offices where your brother Stefan worked at. Each cubicle you walked past you checked to see if Stefan was sitting in one of them working away on his new video game he’s been so passionate about.
Eyes fixated on a door to a room, without thinking you turned the knob and let yourself inside, only to find that you were greeted with Stefan, his boss and a blonde guy with glasses.
Your cheeks turned red and so did your brother’s.
“Y/N?” Stefan got up from his chair and walked over to you. “What are you doing here? I’m working.”
“You forgot your notebook, dumbass.” You tossed it at him and he caught after almost dropping it completely.
“Well, fuck me. Who’s this?” the blonde guy asks, eyeing you up and down.
The first thing you noticed when you looked at him was the fact that he had a spliff in his mouth and it reeked the entire room.
“Er, Colin this is Y/N,” Stefan says. “My sister.”
He grinned a bit. This should be fun. “Well hellooo Stefan’s sister.”
191 notes · View notes
imaginedisish · 6 years
Imagine-dis-ish Masterlist
Requests are open, and they always will be! Soooo go request some jazz!!
~All I Need (Logan Howlett x Fem!Reader)
Your period is awful this month, but Logan is there to take care of you...in more ways than one...
Warnings: 18+ MINORS DNI!! SMUT!!! Fingering, PIV, period sex, soft!Logan, praise kink (if you squint), friends to lovers, softdom!Logan (if you squint again), mentions of blood (bc period), so much fluff, feelings, cursing, afab!reader/fem!reader.
~Hungry Like the Wolf (Logan Howlett x Fem!Reader)
You're cornered by a scum-bag frat-boy while on a mission in a club, and Logan gets possessive, deciding he needs to remind everyone who you're really with.
Warnings: 18+ MINORS DNI!!! SMUT!!! Oral (f!receiving), fingering, Unprotected PIV (wrap it up), rough/jealous sex, jealous!Logan, softdom!Logan, implied!age gap, creepy unnamed OC who doesn't fuck off, Logan gets a little (very) possessive, breeding kink?(if you squint), mention of alcohol, cursing.
~The Promise (Logan Howlett x Fem!Reader)
You want to relax after a long day, so you decide to let off some steam alone in your room. But, you're not as alone as you think. Logan can hear you loud and clear...and he's happy to help.
Warnings: 18+ MINORS DNI!!!! SMUT!!! Masturbation (f!), oral (f!receiving), fingering, Unprotected PIV (wrap it up!), porn with NO PLOT, softdom!Logan, cocky!Logan, friends to lovers, feelings, afab!reader/fem!reader, cursing.
~Unchained Melody (Logan Howlett x Fem!Reader)
You and Logan decide to go to Rogue and Remy's wedding together, but you don't know what together means. Logan helps to clarify...
Warnings: 18+ MINORS DNI!!! SMUT, thigh riding, oral (f!receiving), fingering, unprotected PIV (wrap it up!), softdom!Logan, praise kink, cocky!Logan, multiple orgasms, aftercare, Logan will do anything for you, afab!reader/f!reader, reader wears a dress, feelings, so fluffy and cheesy, cursing.
~One for the Road (Logan Howlett x Fem!Reader)
Forty-five minutes is simply too long of a car ride for you to wait to take care of Logan...Or: you give Logan head while he's driving and he absolutely loses it.
Warnings: 18+ MINORS DNI! Sexually explicit content, Oral (f! and m!receiving), fingering, unprotected PIV (wrap it up!), multiple orgasms, porn without plot , car sex, rough sex, cocky!Logan, softdom!Logan, aftercare, established relationship, cursing.
~Poker Face (Logan Howlett x Fem!Reader)
You and Logan are alone in the mansion for the evening, and after a few drinks, your game of Blackjack turns into strip poker...
Warnings: 18+ Sexually Explicit Content MINORS DNI!!! Oral (f!receiving), Fingering, Unprotected PIV, multiple orgasms, softdom!Logan(?), cocky!Logan, alcohol consumption (neither reader nor Logan get drunk), feelings, friends to lovers, strip poker!, f!reader/afab reader, cursing.
~Modern Love (Logan Howlett x Fem!Reader)
The team goes out to an arcade, and Logan is his usual grumpy self...but his soft spot for you is more clear than ever.
Warnings: Suggestive content, tooth rotting fluff, friends to lovers, kissing, cursing, grumpy!Logan.
~Wild Horses (Logan Howlett x Fem!Reader)
Logan takes you out for a friendly drink...that ends up being more than just friendly.
Warnings: 18+ SEXUALLY EXPLICIT CONTENT MINORS DNI! Oral (f!receiving), Fingering, Unprotected PIV (wrap it up), multiple orgasms, overstimulation, porn with very little plot, implied!age gap, friends to lovers, alcohol consumption.
~My Love All Mine (Logan Howlett x Fem!Reader)
Logan told you to stay in his bed so he could have you when he got home from a mission, but he finds you in the kitchen instead...and he isn’t happy.
Warnings: 18+SMUT! MINORS DNI!!! Oral (f!receiving), Fingering, Unprotected PIV (wrap it up!), Porn without plot (literally), multiple orgasms, overstimulation, softdom!Logan, established relationship, f!reader/afab!reader, cursing
~Liquid Smooth (Logan Howlett x Fem!Reader)
A simple mission deep in a forest alone with Logan quickly gets out of hand when you just have to go and pick a flower...
Warnings: 18+ SMUT MINORS DNI! Dry humping, Oral (f!receiving), Fingering, Unprotected PIV (wrap it up!), Sex Pollen (so dub!con just to be safe, but not really), Multiple orgasms, Porn Without Plot...literally, implied!age gap, cursing, friends to lovers.
~Is It Casual Now? (Logan Howlett x Fem!Reader)
You can’t handle just a casual affair with Logan. You need more. 
Warnings: SMUT 18+ MINORS DNI! Oral (f!receiving), fingering, unprotected PIV (wrap it up!), cockwarming, feelings, friends w/benefits/secret affair to lovers, Logan is afraid to love but goddammit he loves you, angsty asf, cursing, fem!reader/afab!reader.
~See You Again (Logan Howlett x Fem!Reader)
You're convinced Logan hates you. But when you're forced to run a drill in the danger room, alone, everything changes.
Warnings: SMUT 18+ MINORS DNI!!!! Oral (f!receiving), fingering, Unprotected PIV (wrap it up!), afab!reader/f!reader, enemies to lovers, forced proximity, cursing, some angst, cocky!Logan/teasing!Logan, praise kink, softdom!Logan, mutant!reader, canon typical violence.
~Savior Complex (Logan Howlett x Fem!Reader)
You are willing to give up everything, including your own life, to save your found family. Logan, however, is not willing to let you do that. And he finally shows you why.
Warnings: SMUT 18+ MINORS DNI!!! Unprotected PIV (wrap it up), Oral (f!receiving), fingering, multiple orgasms, friends to lovers, hurt to comfort, mutant!reader, omega!mutant!reader, fem!reader/afab!reader, allusions to death, canon typical violence, cursing.
~Nothing’s Gonna Hurt You Baby (Logan Howlett x Fem!Reader)
Logan's kindness towards you is strictly friendly. Until it's not just friendly anymore...
Warnings: SMUT 18+ MINORS DNI! Unprotected PIV, Oral (f!receiving), fingering, multiple orgasms (uh, they're outside...), cursing, major angst, comfort, fluff, references to canon typical violence/death/conflicts, f!reader/afab!reader.
~Lover, You Should’ve Come Over (Logan Howlett x Fem!Reader)
You've been pining after Logan since you joined the X-Men, and you're convinced he'll never love you back. He’s obsessed with Jean—always has been. Or...maybe he's not.
Warnings: Warnings: SMUT 18+ MINORS DNI, Oral (f!receiving), fingering, Unprotected PIV (WRAP IT UP!), overstimulation, multiple orgasms, f!reader/afab!reader, telepathic!reader, cocky!Logan, softdom!Logan, non-canon compliant, cursing, angst, feelings, implied mutant trauma.
~Heart to Heart (Logan Howlett x Fem!Reader)
Logan doesn't seem like himself on the car ride up to Lake George to meet the other X-Men for the weekend, and you're not going to leave him alone until you find out why (it's car sex, the whole fic is basically just rough car sex). 
Warnings: 18+ SMUT MINORS DNI, Unprotected PIV (WRAP IT UP!), Oral (f!receiving), fingering, rough sex, fem!reader, AFAB!reader, cursing, cocky!Logan, softdom!Logan, feelings, pre-relationship 
~ Inside Out (Logan Howlett x Fem!Reader)
After a tense battle, you and Logan have it out (in more ways than one). 
Warnings: SMUT! 18+ Minors DNI! Oral (f!receiving), Fingering, PIV (unprotected...wrap it up, this is fiction!), Allusions to PTSD/mental health, Frenemies to Lovers, Fem!reader, AFAB!reader, cannon typical violence/allusions to death, non-sexual intimacy becomes sexual intimacy, angry!Logan, major angst.
~Need 2 (Logan Howlett x Fem!Reader)
You and Logan have always been plagued with nightmares, so avoiding sleep is just something you two have in common...until you find yourselves in each other's beds, helping one  another through your nightmares. 
Warnings: 18+! Smut! Minors DNI! PWP. Unprotected PIV (wrap it up), Fingering, AFAB!reader, fem!reader, Reader has some hair at the nape of her neck that can be played with (length, color and texture are not described!), mutant!reader, cursing, canon typical violence, angst, praise kink, feelings, nightmares, friends to lovers.
~I’m Not In Love (Logan Howlett x Fem!Reader)
After harboring a crush on Logan for months, things finally come to a head while on an overnight mission.
Warnings: SMUT. 18+ Unprotected PIV sex (wrap it up), Oral (f!receiving), AFAB reader, Sizekink!(this was a specific size kink request, and so the reader is therefore described as being smaller than Logan/his shirt being big on her), cursing, praise kink, OOC!Logan, cocky!Logan, softdom!Logan, one bed.
~ I Want You To Love Me (Bruce Wayne x Fem!Reader)
You and Bruce get into your biggest fight yet, which leads you to find something you shouldn’t have seen.
Warnings: Major mutual pining, lots of angst but eventual fluff. Cursing most likely, mentions of gun shots/wounds/blood/typical cannon violence. Probably some grammatical errors I didn’t catch.
~ Running Up That Hill (Bruce Wayne x Fem!Reader)
After the paranoia of becoming a vigilante settles in, Bruce offers for you to stay the night at the tower. It doesn't go as either of you planned.
Warnings: SMUT! (friends to lovers + one bed lol) 18+ Praise kink, cursing, mentions of violence/death, established lifelong friendship + vigilante!reader, probably some grammatical errors, but that's all I can think of.
~ Like an Animal (Bruce Wayne x Fem!Reader)
After the Riddler strikes again, he leaves some unusual clues behind for you and Bruce...including a strange green dust.
Warnings: SMUT! It’s completely consensual (and there is mutual pining), but bc this is a SEX POLLEN fic, imma give a dub!con warning. 18+, cursing, violence, grammar mistakes, and once again, some canon divergence with a Nightwing!reader/life long friend!reader but it’s not really important to the plot at all so you won’t even notice.
~ Oblivion (Bruce Wayne x Fem!Reader)
After you’re captured by The Riddler, it’s up to Bruce to save you.
Warnings: Spoilers...go see the movie!! Kidnapping, violence, MAJOR CANON DIVERGENCE: Nightwing/PreviouslyRobin!Reader...who also happens to be Bruce’s lifelong friend (so they have to be around the same age, which is also major canon divergence), cursing, and most importantly SMUT!!! 18+ Unprotected PIV (wear a condom), oral (female receiving), probably some grammatical errors considering I only really read through this once...that should be it.
~ Space Song (Bruce Wayne x Fem!Reader)
Bruce has been mysteriously distant from you over the past week, and you’ve had enough. You decide it’s time for some answers.
Warnings: Cursing, angst, mentions of parental death, probably canon divergence with the whole *SPOILER* identity revealing thing, but that’s kinda the point. Probably some grammatical errors as well, but that’s about it.
~ I Bet On Losing Dogs (Bruce Wayne x Fem!Reader)
After a terrible night, Bruce’s worries and stresses overwhelm him, escalating to something neither of you expected.
Warnings: SMUT! This is seriously smutty...18+. Oral (female receiving), PIV, no protection (wear a condom kids), dom!Bruce tones. There’s some major angst, cursing, references to violence, injuries, etc. Probably some grammatical errors.
~ Yr City’s a Sucker (Bruce Wayne x Reader)
You decide to chase after Bruce like you do most nights, but you discover far more on this mission than you bargained for (established friendship).
Warnings: Violence, blood and death -- basically typical violence found in the movie. Guns, gunshots, cursing, angst, maybe some grammar mistakes, and some nice fluff at the end :) Oh also, Selena basically doesn’t exist in this bc lazy writing.
~ how do you sleep? (Ben Solo/Kylo Ren x Reader) - multi-part, non chronological fic. Can be read in any order, and each part can be read as a one shot: ||We’ll Never Have Sex||
You and Ben have been students of Master Skywalker your whole life, but what happens when the years you’ve spent pining after one another finally come to a head? (Takes place the year before Ben turns to the dark side, and also the aftermath of his turn).
Series Warnings: SMUT, so 18+, obviously canon divergence, all chapters can be read as a one shot with no context, series warning for canon typical violence, cursing, probably poorly proofread, etc.
~ Rebellion- Lies (Ben Solo/Kylo Ren x Reader) (TROS) ||PART 1|| ||PART 2||
You have an incredibly strong force connection with Ben. You two grew close, training under Luke together, constantly being with one another. It was you and he who created balance in the galaxy. However, what happens now that Ben is chasing after Rey? Jealous!reader
Warnings: This is set within TROS, so be warned!! There are spoilers!! And some language, mentions of death, stuff like that.
~ The Only Exception (Din Djarin x Fem!Reader)
Din has been wildly overprotective of you lately, but maybe it’s because there’s something lying deep below the surface that’s been threatening to bubble over...
Warnings: SMUT!!!!! 18+ Please!!! Oral (f!receiving), fingering, PIV sex, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it), cursing, canon typical violence, Jedi!reader, Razor Crest still exists (and it’s def bigger in my head than it is in the show), praise kink, friends to lovers, angsty but fluffy and smutty dw, I only proofread like 2 times so it may be bad (it’s 3:16am...so...we die like men!), AFAB reader, uhhh I think that’s it...
~ Home (Din Djarin x Fem!Reader)
Din learns the truth about your past...
Warnings: SMUT, 18+ fingering, unprotected PIV (wrap it up), praise kink for sure, hurt to comfort, friends/idiots to lovers, Jedi!reader (implied conflict/is training Grogu), implied kidnapping (Inquisitors kidnap reader as child), cursing, Crest still exists because I’m lazy, probably grammar mistakes because again, I’m lazy.
~ Fade Into You (Din Djarin x Fem!Reader)
You’re injected with something mysterious while hunting down a bounty...and Din takes care of it.
Warnings: THIS IS SUPER SMUTTY OML. 18+ Sex Pollen, dubcon bc of that, but there really is no questionable consent here...they both clearly give it. Oral/fingering (f!receiving), PIV-unprotected sex (wrap it up folks), canon typical violence, friends to lovers, greyjedi!reader, cursing, probably a good deal of grammatical errors, Crest still exists, and I sorta ignore Grogu at the end...yeah that’s it.
~ illicit affairs (Din Djarin x Fem!Reader)
You're supposed to be training with Luke, but your secret affair with Din is worth the risk of losing everything you've worked for.
Warnings: SMUT! 18+, like literally right under the cut LOL (oral f!receiving). Cursing, lots of angst, Luke is in this for two seconds idk if you need a warning ab that, Jedi!Reader, cheating on the Jedi code LOL, maybe violence? that's it.
~ Graceland Too (Din Djarin x Fem!Reader)
You’re terribly sick, but one night and one fever dream might just change everything for you and Din.
Warnings: SMUT! 18+, Praise kink (imo at least), oral (f!receiving), fingering, reader is sick, Jedi!Reader (it’s like I only know how to write Din x Jedi!readers I stg), idiots/friends to lovers, pining, mentions of death/major violence (canon typical I'd say), cursing, probably some grammar stuff....that’s it I think.
~ cardigan (Din Djarin x Fem!Reader)
After you’re shot, Din decides he can’t risk losing you (Jedi!reader).
Warnings: ANGST, so much angst. But fluff, and smut so minors get out of here. 18+ (PIV, mentions of fingering). Mentions of alcohol/consuming alcohol, description of injuries, canon typical violence, friends/absolute idiots to lovers, major pining, probably some grammatical errors.
~ Sparks (Din Djarin x Fem!Reader)
Din looking out for you turns into so much more than either of you could have ever imagined (featuring the classic...*there’s only one bed* trope). 
Warnings: Major pining, Jedi!reader, SMUT so 18+, cursing, PIV, fingering/oral (f!receiving) no mentions of birth control so WRAP it before you TAP IT FOLKS, references to canon typical violence and injuries, idiots to lovers, crest still exists bc im a lazy writer... I think that’s it...
~ Two Weeks (Din Djarin/The Mandalorian x Fem! Reader)
Chapter 1: Two Weeks
After running away from Luke’s training, Din is tasked with bringing you back to him. What neither of you anticipated was the connection that would come with being stuck together for two weeks.
Warnings: Most chapters will include smut, most will also include canon violence, death and injuries, but see individual chapters for more specific warnings!
~ Nothing New (Din Djarin/The Mandalorian x Fem!Reader)
After a rather distant week from Din, you completely screw up a hunt in an attempt to get him back. After your colossal mistake, you’re afraid Din won’t want you to be his partner anymore.
Warnings: Angst...so much angst, suggestive themes, normal Star Wars violence, mentions of death/descriptions of death and injuries. Probably multiple grammatical errors.
~ Pink in the Night (Din Djarin/The Mandalorian x Fem!Reader)
You and Mando have the same routine every night...until a life threatening situation alters your course (major mutual pining!!).
Warnings: Violence, angst, mentions of death, hostage situation (somewhat), disgustingly written bad guy, lazy writing where I pretend the Razor Crest still exists, probably a grammar mistake or two...that should be it?
~ Heaven or Canto Bight (Din Djarin/The Mandalorian x Fem!Reader)
Boba sends you and Din on a mission to Canto Bight, and things don’t exactly go as planned...as always.
Warnings: SMUT. SOOOOO MUCH SMUT. THIS IS 18+ PLEASE. Some kinda sorta Dom!Din. He’s def a top in this one. Cursing, brief (super super tiny) implied sexual harassment, some descriptions of violence and death, angst, and again SMUT.
~ Liability (Din Djarin/The Mandalorian x reader)
After being cast out of Jedi training by Luke, you’re sent to work for MANDO. Nothing goes as Luke planned, and one extremely cold night with only one bed to share changes everything for you and the Mandalorian.
Warnings: SO MUCH FLUFF. Some brief cursing, maybe a little violence. Mean!Luke...dude deserves his own warning.
~ Back to the Old House (Loki x Fem!Reader)
After an intense nightmare, Loki tries to comfort you. But being that you have Pyrokinesis and Loki is a frost giant, touching each other can get incredibly hard...or can it be easier?
Warnings: SMUT!!!! Cursing, violence, mentions of death, angst, and most likely grammar errors bc it’s too late to proofread twice :)
~ I Know The End (Loki x Reader)
Thor and Tony tease Loki about never being able to find love. That’s not true, as far as you’re concerned, especially given your feelings for Loki. Except there’s one issue: he doesn’t know about them, at least not yet.
Warnings: a good deal of angst, but it turns to fluff! Some cursing too, but I think that’s it.
~ American Girl (Loki x Reader)
You think no one’s home to catch you dancing in your room at Stark Tower, but you’re most definitely wrong.
Warnings: some minor cursing, mentions of trauma from missions, but nothing too bad. Oh, and FLUFF! So wholesome ngl.
~ One of These Nights (Loki x Fem!Reader)
It’s Just another one of Tony’s parties, that is, until a game of Seven Minutes in Heaven begins, and you’re paired with Loki...
Warnings: smut, angst, cursing, and a hint of dom!loki :)
~Someone Great (Steve Harrington x Reader)
(Season 4 Volume 2 Spoiler warning!!!) As Steve’s best friend, you think you know everything about him. But you don’t know about his dream to have a Winnebago filled with Harringtons, and that you’re in it.
Warnings: SPOILERS INCOMING FOR SEASON 4 VOLUME 2!!!!!!! Canon divergence! I literally ignore Nancy and completely replace her in the Winnebago scene LOL. Cursing, character deaths from season 4 volume 2 mentioned below the cut so beware! Canon mentions/depictions of violence and death in general, friends to lovers. Also, probably tons of grammatical errors. Takes place the day before that “two days later”...
~ She’s My Collar
You and Rob are friends with benefits, but after saving you from a horrendous night out with your friend, you find that your relationship means more than just that.
Warnings: Sexual harassment/assault (the warnings on the actual fic give a better description), SMUT, cursing, violence/mention of blood.
~ Devil’s Advocate (Chaptered Fic)
Chapter 1: Paper Planes
Chapter 2: I’ll Try Anything Once
Chapter 3: North American Scum
~ The Adults are Talking (Neil x Reader)
(dom!)Neil teaches you a lesson for being forgetful and late, and it’s the type of lesson you're sure to never forget. 
Warnings: SMUT!!!! This is SMUT!! Minor violence, major cursing, all that jazz...18+...
~ Instant Crush (Neil x Reader) Part 1 ///// Part 2
Neil knows his fate, he knows he’ll have to go back and sacrifice his life in order to save the Protagonist and the world, but how could he ever leave you behind? Maybe he won’t have to, especially when you’re willing to do everything in your power to keep him alive. (AU in which Neil knows how his timeline will end)
Warnings: MAJOR ANGST, cursing, mentions of death, implication of sleeping together/*friends with benefits/lovers*, and that’s about it!
~ Feels Like We Only Go Backwards (Neil x Reader)
You allow your feelings for Neil to get in the way, causing you to compromise the mission and put everyone in danger, but Neil is there to fix things as usual. (This is a bit of an AU, since it’s obviously a reader insert and this particular scene doesn’t happen in the movie)
Warnings: Violence, mentions of death, guns, blood, wounds, cursing, angst, possible implications of being “lovers (or friends with benefits)” and luckily fluff:)
~ Let It Be (Crowley x Reader) (college au) Crowley comforts the reader after the reader receives devastating news. Crowley takes the opportunity to reveal a secret he’s been keeping for a long time
Warnings: Language, depressive thoughts, depression, mental breakdown, some angst, overall sadness, mentioned and implied death of loved one(s) oh and FLUFF AS ALWAYS :)
~ Wish You Were Here (Ben Hargreeves x Reader) You’ve been kidnapped by Cha Cha and Hazel, but Ben is there to comfort and help the reader
Warnings: Violence, death, cursing, too much fluff with Ben!
~ Shine On You Crazy Diamond You have gone 10 years without self harming, and the Hargreaves siblings want to celebrate you and your strength! (Ft. Special attention from Klaus :))
Warnings: References to self harm, some cursing
~ Atlas: Touch (Five Hargreeves x Reader) Five comforts the reader after having a vision she really wishes hadn’t seen...(Reader can see the future)
Warnings: References to murder, killing, blood, language, implied panic attack, a really terrible childhood, angst, cliffhanger (that will be resolved in part 2) FLUFF!
~ Supersymmetry (Five Hargreeves x Reader) You’re in love with Five, and he has no idea. You decide to finally confess your feelings for him, when suddenly Vanya attacks the Academy, and all hell breaks loose...
Warnings: ANGST, violence, blood, fighting, stabbing, implied death, language, flufffff is guaranteed don’t fret kiddos :)
~ I Think We’re Alone Now (Five Hargreeves x Reader) You and Five are seventeen, and have just started dating, but you feel the need to hide your relationship from the rest of the Hargreeves. One night, you decide to sneak into Five’s room, and chaos somewhat ensues...
Warnings: MEGA FLUFFFFFFF AHHhhhh! Language, awkward reference to sex from Luther bc Luther is Luther...smh Luther.
~ Fakin’ It (Five Hargreeves x Reader) You and Five have obvious chemistry, but you’re both oblivious to the fact that you’re in love with each other. It takes a life threatening fight with The Handler and The Commission to make Five realize he needs to tell you how he really feels.
Warnings: language, angst, killing, guns, killing with guns??? FLUFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF!!!
~ Across The Universe (Five Hargreeves x Reader) Five suffers from nightmares due to all he’s experienced in life, as do you, but Five feels as though these past experiences, as well as his flaws, deem him unable to be loved. You make sure he realizes otherwise...
Warnings: language, angst, references to kidnapping/murder/death...FLUFFFFF!!
~ Happy Together (Five Hargreeves x Reader)
After altering the timeline to save your life, Number Five gets in some trouble with The Commission...which prompts a not-so-welcomed cost from The Handler
Warnings: Language, angst, blood, fighting, implied violence/murder, FLUFFFF!!
~ Meeting the Mom (Diego Hargreeves x Reader) (HEADCANON!!!) Diego introduces you to Grace!
Warnings: a tad bit of language, FLUFFFFFFFFFF!!!
~ I Can’t Lose You: (Colin Ritman x Reader) Colin reveals his past trauma with his father to the reader, and the old man pays an unwanted visit.
Warnings: Mentioned/implied child abuse/physical abuse, implied fighting, mentioned/implied mental abuse, lots of language, angst, FLUFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
~ Relax: (Stefan Butler x Reader) You help Stefan relax (if ya know what I mean) as Stefan is working on Bandersnatch
Warnings: SMUUUUTTTT!!! Language, angst, fluff!
~ I’ll Be Your Mirror: (Colin Ritman x Reader) Colin helps you through your trust issues, reassuring you that he’ll be here for you no matter what.
Warnings: language, (semi)angst, references cheating (not Colin, the reader’s parents), references to sex, MEGA FLUFFFFFF AH!
~ Shout: (Colin Ritman x Reader) Thakur sexually assaults you in a meeting, and Colin refuses to let his disgusting behavior slide.
Warnings: Sexual assault/sexual harassment, angst, lots of language, fighting, references to blood. (don’t worry there is lots of fluff when Colin comes in...)
~ Don’t You Want Me Baby?: (Colin Ritman x Reader) You and Colin work together at Tuckersoft, and it seems as thought you two can’t stand each other...until one day...when things get rather heated.
Warnings: SMUT! Dom!Colin, lots of language, some angst, choking kinda???
~ Bizarre Love Triangle: (Colin Ritman x Reader, Stefan Butler x Reader, Colin Ritman x Stefan Butler x Reader) You and THE Colin Ritman are best friends, and have been for quite some time. One day, he introduces you to Stefan Butler, and you immediately fall for the emerald eyed boy. However, Colin quickly becomes jealous, and drama ensues...
Warnings: some language, MEGA canon divergence, jealous!Colin, and eventually smut.
|Chapter 1 | Chapter 2|
~ I Will: (Stefan x Reader) You and Stefan babysit your sister’s children, which prompts a fluffy and adorable discussion about what the future has in store for you two :)
Warnings: none! Mega fluff hehehe
~ Noise Pollution: (presentday!Colin x Reader) Colin and the reader meet after an English lecture at university, and they quickly hit things off. (lots of fluff...and getting high)
Warnings: Drug use, some language, that’s it. OH AND MEGA FLUFF HEHEHEHEHE!!!!!
~ This Charming Man: (Colin x Reader) Colin comforts you after a long, tiring day with some cuddles, snuggles, and Star Wars :)
Warnings: a bit of language, fluff overload hehe!
~ We Don’t Deserve Love: (AU!Stefan x reader) You and Stefan have your first fight...and let’s just say it ends up going in a completely DIFFERENT DIRECTION....(smut ;)
~ Just Like Heaven: (AU!Colin x reader) Colin picks you up from dance, and to your surprise comes in to watch. Things get…interesting to say the least.
(Warnings: Language, references to drug use, OVERLOAD OF FLUFF hehe)
~Hold Me Now: (Colin x Reader) An unexpected, distressing family emergency arises, but Colin is there to pick up the broken pieces and help you every step of the way. (Mega FLUFF)
(Warnings: panic attacks, mental illness, suicidal thoughts of a loved one, depression of a loved one, speed racer Colin (who knew Colin was a speeder?), some language (but not really), over all sadness, but loads of fluff.)
~ Heroes: (Stefan x Reader) (anon request) You’re an art student working on a portrait of David Bowie as your final project. The painting becomes extremely stressful…but Stefan is there to make you feel better :)
~ Uncontrollable Urge: (Colin x Stefan) What would happen if Colin was able to stop Stefan from kill his father? Guess what...he can. (Warnings: Lang, angst, ref to drugs + murder, implied panic attack...FLUFF!)
Part 1 Part 2
~Early Relationship Headcanon!: (Colin x Stefan) Title explains it all!
(Warnings: MEGA CANON DIVERGENCE. Ladies and gents I REFUSE to write an unhappy or morbid headcanon. Not in my house…(unless requested of course, then I’d consider), implied sex…but no smut. Also, references to suicide and murder, and drug use.)
PSA: (i will GLADLY write Stefan x Colin!!!!!! but i feel weird writing Colin x Kitty idk why...)
~ I Wanna Be Yours: (Otis Milburn x Reader) (Eric Effiong x Adam Groff) After months of separation, Eric and Adam are reunited at a school dance, which prompts Otis to tell you how he really feels.
Warnings: Language, MEGA FLUFF!!!
~ You Only Live Once: (Otis Milburn x Reader) You’re in love with Otis, but you don’t know how to tell him. So, you concoct a plan to do so through the sex clinic with some help from Maeve.
Warnings: some language...but FLUFF!
~ Ask Me I Won’t Say No. How Could I?: (Otis Milburn x Reader) You and Otis are best friends, but you’re head over heels in love with him. You decide that it’s time he knows the truth, even if he’s in love with Maeve.
(Warnings: some language, mega fluff!)
~ Take On Me: (Otis Milburn x Reader) You and Otis decide that it’s time to take things to the next step in your relationship...for the first time...
Warnings: SMUTTTTT AH! Language...flufff!
~ In The Heat of the Morning: (Otis Milburn x Reader) A/N...this is a continuation of Take on Me y’all...but you can read this without reading that first...) You and Otis wake up after sharing your first time together...and Jean decided to...well she decided to be Jean...MEGA FLUFF!
Warnings: References to sex, language, IMMENSE FLUFF!!!
~ Shadowplay: (Donnie x Reader) //coming SOON!// (anon request) Donnie wakes up from one of his nightmares. However, something is different this time. Instead of sleep walking throughout the town with his friendly neighborhood imaginary rabbit, Frank, he is completely aware of his surroundings, and calls you for help.
(Warnings: making out, IMMENSE JOY DIVISION REFERENCES BECAUSE... UM...I CAN... fluff, probably language, maybe some angst…but cuteness over all)
~No title yet: (Al x reader) //coming SOON!!// (anon request) AMera!Alex surprises you by coming home early from being on tour! (Allll da fluff)
~Keep Your Kings in the Back Row: (Holden x Reader) //coming SOON!!// lets hope Holden doesn’t think I’m a phony y’all...bc I have no idea what to write for this one yet.
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imaginedisish · 6 years
Don’t You Want Me Baby? (Colin Ritman x Reader) (Bandersnatch)
A/N: OKAY IM SORRY THIS TOOK ME SO LONG I JUST GOT OUT OF DANCE AHHHHHH!!!! Okay so ummm this is MAD EXPLICIT. YOU ALL ASKED FOR THIS....so here it is. NSFW!!!!!!!! The concept itself is based on some requests I got, and the title is based on the song of the same name by The Human League. (Yes my taste is music is wack) I hope you all enjoy hehehe....also thank you for all your kind words as usual <3 it means the world to me. OKAY ON WITH THE STORY! 
Summary: You and Colin work together at Tuckersoft, but it seems as though you two can’t stand each other...until one day...when things get rather heated.  
Warnings: SMUT! SMUT! SMUT! Dom!Colin ahhhh, lots of language, some angst...ermmm kinda sorta choking AH OKAY BYE.
Word Count: 1,907
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“So, what do you think?” You ask, a smile spreading across your face. You were so proud of what you created.
Over the past few months, you had been working at Tuckersoft, developing different games for the company. However, out of everything you had produced, you were convinced this was your best yet. 
You sat quietly, awaiting Thakur’s praise.
“Well…” Thakur trails off. “I’m sorry, but it isn’t exactly your best work, mate.” A look of disappointment spreads across his face as your jaw drops. 
“I-I worked so hard on this game, I-I d-don’t understand,” You stutter, choking on your words as tears angrily force themselves into your eyes. 
Thakur reaches a hand across the table, patting your shoulder awkwardly in an attempt to comfort you. You brush the gesture off, violently pushing the cold, metal chair you were sitting on out from under the white table. 
“Fuck off, mate,” You yell as the sound of your boots thumping across the floor bellows throughout the small space. You storm out of the room. Thakur follows close behind, trying to catch up. 
“A-alright, mate. W-we’ll catch up later! Cheers!” He calls out nervously, waving in your direction like the clueless prick you knew him to be. 
You pick up your pace, practically sprinting at full speed down the hallway. Out of the corner of your eye you spot the bleach blonde haired boy you simply couldn’t stand. He speeds up to you, walking at your side. 
“Ritman,” You scoff, trying to walk faster as to avoid Colin. But, it’s no use, Colin simply matches your speed. His hands nonchalantly slide into his pockets. 
“What’s the rush, (Y/L/N)?” Colin questions in a sarcastic tone, knowing full well what had just happened. A joint sits precariously between his lips. You roll your eyes as the air presses agains your body. You were walking so fast at this point that you created a wind. 
Suddenly, Colin grabs your shoulders, stopping you in your tracks. You practically fall forward into him.  
“I asked you a question, (Y/N),” Colin says firmly, casually dropping his blunt into the silver wastebasket next to him. “What’s the rush?”
“Why do you even care, Colin?” You ask as you arch a brow in his direction. You harshly pull away from his grasp, continuing to walk forward, only for Colin to stop you once again, almost instantly. 
“Did your game flop, or something?” Colin asks, searching into your eyes for some sort of answer. Even in the horrendous fluorescent office lights, Colin’s ocean eyes danced like stars in the night sky. He holds your shoulders tightly, reassuringly brushing over them softly with his thumbs. 
Is Ritman really trying to comfort me? What the hell is happening? You think to yourself. You quickly remember that he’s most likely being the dick he usually is, and that he’ll say something along the lines of I told you so. 
You’re surprised when several seconds of silence go by. There was no witty comeback, no sly remark. Colin stares into your eyes, patiently waiting for a response. 
“Colin, just fuck off,” You say, breaking the silence and pulling away from him once more. But, Colin is persistent, and he chases after you. 
“Would you stop running away from me for five seconds and let me fucking help you?” Colin shouts angrily, grabbing your right wrist with his hand, pulling you close to him.
Your eyes meet his, the crystal blue gaze intimidates you, causing a strange sense of excitement to bubble in the pit of your stomach. 
You can’t help but think…
Is Colin Ritman turning me on? 
No, he can’t be. 
But the feeling creeps up again, making your heart flutter rapidly against your chest. You realize how close you are to him, his nose practically brushing up against yours. Your stare falls down unto his lips, wishing that he would just take you exactly where you were standing. 
No, You think to yourself, shaking off the feelings of attraction you’ve somehow acquired for Colin. 
“Y-you’re an e-egocentric maniac, Ritman.” You breath heavily, Colin’s face becoming even closer to yours.  
“Trust me love, I know.”
Hips lips come crashing down on your own with a force you’ve never experienced before. The excitement in your stomach replaces itself with pure fire and lust. 
The kiss is hungry, messy and rushed. You try gasping for air, but Colin takes the chance to slip his tongue into your mouth. His tongue dances with yours as a single finger creeps up your leg. You moan in anticipation. 
Colin’s hand comes up to cover your mouth. “Don’t make a sound, or we’re going to get caught,” Colin demands, pushing you up against a random door behind you. “Do you understand?” You nod in response to Colin’s question. 
He fiddles with the knob for a second, until the door finally opens and you two stumble into an old, unused office. Colin slams the door shut behind you. 
“On the desk, now,” Colin commands, pointing to the other side of the room. You turn around and walk towards the empty desk, sitting down on the edge. “Spread your legs.”
Heat rises to you cheeks, and stop for a minute, taking in the situation. All your hesitations melt away as you meet Colin’s alluring gaze from the other side of the room. 
You do as he asks, spreading your legs on either side of the desk, your knees propped up. Colin steps towards you slowly, licking his lips. “What do you want?” He asks, placing his hands on either side of your legs, looking down at you, his forehead pressing against yours. 
“I-I…” You trail off as the fire in your stomach begins to grow. All you wanted was for him to fuck you. 
“I asked you a question,” Colin whispers in your ear, coming closer to you as his hand wraps around your neck. “Now tell me what you want.”
“F-fuck me,” You mumble. 
“What did you say?” Colin asks again, his grasp on your neck becoming a bit tighter. 
“Fuck me, please,” You beg. Colin smirks as he pulls your skirt down, and shoves his hand between your legs. 
“Much better,” He says as his fingers pull at the hem of your panties, pulling them down and throwing them to the side. He slowly begins to massage your clit, sending wave after wave of wave throughout your body. A finger travels down towards your wet folds, teasing you, making you want Colin even more. 
“Now what?” He asks, pulling his hand away for a second, disappointment filling your face. 
“P-please Colin,” You whimper, desperate for his touch. “I want your fingers inside me.” 
Without hesitation, Colin does as you ask, sliding two fingers into your opening. “Sh-shit,” You cry out. The hand grasping your throat quickly makes it way up to cover your mouth in an attempt to keep you quiet.
“You’re so fucking wet, and I’ve barely touched you yet.” Colin’s smirk is wide, and he arches a brow in your direction, pushing his fingers into you harder. He knows what he’s doing to you. 
And he loves it. 
His fingers thrust in and out of you, with each thrust growing deeper and deeper every second. You let out small, incoherent moans and profanities, unable to keep them in. Colin’s thumb continues to toy with your clit. The sensation is overwhelming, and is quickly pushing you over the edge. 
“Colin I think I’m going to-,” 
But to your discontent, Colin stops you before you can feel any sort of relief, pulling his fingers out of you, and into his mouth, tasting you. The sight itself could push you over the edge, his teasing driving you insane. 
“Hmm,” Colin purrs. “You taste quite good.”
You wanted, no needed, Colin inside of you. 
“P-please Colin, I need you,” You plead. Colin comes closer to you, standing over you, his index finger trailing slowly across your jaw, and down your neck. 
“What happened to telling me exactly what you want?” Colin asks, staring deeply into your eyes as his hand comes up to cup your throat lightly again. You move your hand down to the bulge in his jeans, palming him slowly. 
Colin grabs your hand in response, placing it by your side. He quickly takes out his wallet from his pocket, and pulls out a condom. He then unzips his jeans, undoes his belt, and slips his pants off, his erection standing out in his light blue boxers. He stands there, looking deeply in your eyes as he unwraps the condom, and slides it down his shaft. 
“I want you to fuck me, Colin, please,” You beg. Colin takes his hard cock into his hand. He comes closer to you once again, lining himself up with your opening. He rubs his tip against your entrance, teasing you yet again.
“Please Col-,”
Suddenly, Colin thrusts deeply inside of you. “F-fuck. You’re so tight,” He moans as he begins to pump in and out of you. You hook your legs around his waist, raking your nails into his back in an attempt to stay up. 
“C-colin, f-fuck,” You cry out as Colin’s grip on your throat becomes tighter. His thrusts become harder, more intense.
“You feel so fucking good,” Colin coos, his hips slamming into yours. His words alone could make you come. He quickly grabs your hips, sinking his hard cock deeper inside of you. 
“How does this feel?” Colin grunts as his thumb begins to draw circles around your clit. You moan loudly in pleasure, the sensation overwhelming you. Suddenly, he hits your G-spot, making you scream in delight. 
“Holy shit,” You whimper. “S-so good.” He adds more and more pressure to your clit, speeding up his movements, hitting the right spot with every pump. “Colin I think I’m going to…” You trail off, choking on your words. 
“Me too, love. L-let go,” Colin breathes, his cock pulsing inside of you, his grip on your throat increasing slightly. His thrusts grow sloppy, and you know he’s seconds from reaching the edge.
“Colin!” You scream, your walls fluttering around his hard member. Rippling waves of pleasure hit you one by one as you come undone.
“Shit,” Colin breathes heavily, burying his cock deeply into you as he comes. He pulls out of you slowly, leaving an empty feeling where he had once filled you up. 
You lay back on the desk, and Colin joins you, pulling you into his chest, playing with your hair. It’s a stark contrast from the Colin you had just seen, and it honestly made you want even more. 
“You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to do that,” Colin says, smirking, kissing your forehead lightly. 
“I thought you couldn’t stand me,” You giggle, surprised at Colin’s true feelings. You trace circles around the center of his chest, pressing kisses there every chance you get.
“I’ve been trying to think of ways to ask you out, actually…” Colin trails off nervously. You’re shocked. After all this time, Colin had taken an interest in you, and you never knew. 
“Well then,” You say, pushing yourself to sit up on the desk. “Would you like to go on a date, sometime, Ritman?” A wide smile spreads across Colin’s face. 
“I’d love to, (Y/L/N).”
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imaginedisish · 6 years
We Don’t Deserve Love (Stefan Butler x Reader) (Bandersnatch)
A/N: MY FIRST SMUT EVER OMGGGGG!!!! GAAASSSSP! So this is based on a request someone made a short time ago. The title and parts of the imagine are based on an Arcade Fire song of the same name. Go check it out its a BOP!  I figured you all deserved some smut so I WROTE ITTTT!!! I hope it’s okay. Colin fluff and Stefan fluff will be released soon! And then Donnie Darko, and then Catcher in the Rye. (Unless a request REALLY speaks to me, then things may change) Okay... ENJOY!!! 
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Summary: You and Stefan have your first real fight, but it ends rather well...if ya know what I mean...(aka MEGA smut AHEAD!)
Warnings: SMUUUUTTT! angst, LOTS OF LANGUAGE, au...
Word Count: 2,053 ;)
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The sun sets peacefully over South London as you walk back to your flat. Oranges, purples, yellows and reds stretch across the sky, each color fighting for dominance, yet failing to do so. Instead, the colors smoothly blend together, coexisting despite their differences. Soft, thin, clouds dance in front of the vibrant colors, some trailing behind, taking on the appearance of the sky behind it, others continuing on, remaining white. 
It had been such a stressful day. People in your office bothered you constantly, critiquing your most recent work. You worked as an author for a company. You loved your job, it had been your dream ever since you were a child. Unfortunately, your co-workers loved to act as though they knew everything about literature. 
“I mean, this is a joke right? Come on, (Y/N), you’re practically plagiarizing Austen!” That was just one of the comments you received today. 
And it was a compliment compared to all the others. You try your best to shake off the events of the day as you approach the steps to your building. 
You rush up the stairs to your flat, wanting to get inside and forget about all your troubles. 
Maybe Stefan is making me dinner, you think to yourself, trying to see the bright side of your terrible day. 
You approach the door to your flat, and push down on the handle. The door opens, which means that Stefan must be home.
Sadly, there’s no delicious scent coming from the kitchen. The lights are off, and you see Stefan standing by the huge, open window opposite the door, staring down at the city below him.
“Stefan?” You whisper softly. You know that he gets like this sometimes, depressed, angry, filled with guilt, but something felt off. Something felt wrong this time. 
You walk over to him slowly, stepping through your living room. You avoid hitting into your maplewood coffee table, and successfully make it past the large, navy couch. You step closer to the window. 
Stefan’s reflection shows in the window. His eyes are bloodshot and puffy, most likely from hours of crying. Worry fills your gut. 
“Stefan, are you-,” He cuts you off, whipping around to turn towards you. 
“We need to talk, (Y/N)” Stefan croaks. His brown, fluffy hair is a mess. His pale skin lacks the shine it usually holds. He’s disheveled, and looks sleep deprived. You look into his deep green eyes, searching for some sort of an answer, but there is none.
“I’d sure say so.” You wanted, no needed to know what was going on his mind at that moment. Stefan moves over to the navy love seat adjacent to the couch. He sits down, placing his head in his hands. 
“I-I, I don’t d-deserve you,” Stefan says, refusing to look up at you. 
“That’s impossib-,” 
“Let me finish!” Stefan shouts, cutting you off, staring angrily at you. You furrow your brows. Where the hell was this coming from? “You would be so much happier without me. I’m a burden to you.”
You shake your head. How could he actually believe that? You think to yourself. Stefan makes you happier than anyone else can.
“You’re not a burden, Stefan. And you never will be,” You say calmly, trying to keep your cool. “You make me so amazingly happy. Why are you thinking like this, what happened?”
Stefan pulls at his earlobe anxiously. You want nothing more than for Stefan to calm down. Yet, he doesn’t. He begins to shake his leg up and down, staring into the beige wall behind you, saying absolutely nothing.
“I love you, and I can guarantee to you that I will love you forever.” Your voice is reassuring and warm. You stare up at Stefan lovingly, and you two meet each other’s gaze for a second, until he quickly turns his head away from you, avoiding your eyes. 
“B-but I don’t deserve to be loved by you, (Y/N). I don’t deserve love at all,” Stefan states matter of factly, looking back out the window. You look out as well, noticing that the once vivid colors of the sunset faded into a grey mess. The once small, thin, white clouds grew large, dark and menacing. 
“This is ridiculous, what are you trying to say?” You shout this time, turning back to look at the brown haired boy, completely irritated with everything that he is saying. 
“You’re too good for me. Don’t you get it? Don’t you see it?” Stefan stands up now, his voice is wild with emotion. “I’m holding you back. You should be some best selling author already. Bloody hell, you should be married to some fucking rich bloke by now!” Stefan’s face is bright red from all of his screaming. Tears begin to fill your eyes. You try your hardest to fight them back. 
“Bullshit!” You yell at the top of your lungs. “If I wanted that, I’d have that. I want you, Stefan, open your eyes!” The tears free themselves from your eyes, and slide down your cheeks. 
A moment of silence falls upon the room. After a few seconds, Stefan quietly chimes in.
“I-I don’t know what to say,” he says, sitting back down on the couch. 
“Well I fucking do.” God you’re mad. You can’t comprehend the idea of not loving Stefan, or not being with him. “Stefan, I want to-, no I need to be with you. You are all I need in my life. You deserve all the love in the world.” You pause, putting your head in your hands for a second, trying to collect your thoughts. 
“No, you deserve more than that,” you continue on, looking back towards Stefan. “I’m not leaving you, I refuse to leave you. Don’t ever think you aren’t enough for me! It’s bullshit, and so is this damn argument!” 
You storm out of the living room, tears streaming down your cheeks at free will. You make a line for your bedroom. 
Is this really it? You think to yourself, reaching your hand towards the door to your room. 
What if he…what if he breaks up with me?
Suddenly, a set of hands grab your waist, spinning you around. Stefan stares down at you.
“Fine, (Y/N)! You win!” Stefan shouts, holding you in place for a second, not allowing you to move. “I’m deathly afraid… t-t-to…” He trails off nervously. 
“To what?” You whisper firmly. You wanted to know why he was acting this way.
“T-t-to lose you.” Stefan’s voice is hoarse. His emerald eyes shine, even in your dark apartment. There’s something so spectacular in those eyes of his, yet also something so torn and damaged. 
Then, you quickly realize what all of this is about. Stefan had lost his mother, the one thing he loved more than anything else in this world. 
Now, he fears the same thing will happen with you, that he’ll lose the very thing he loves more than anything else in the world. The universe, even. 
Stefan steps closer to you, closing the gap that separated you from him. He rests his forehead down against yours. You bring a hand to his cheek. 
“You never will,” You say back to him. Stefan’s eyes light up with a jolt of intensity that you had never seen before. 
His lips come crashing down on yours. The kiss is languid and passionate. You feel every muscle in his once tense body relax. Slowly, his tongue swipes across your lips, asking for permission to enter. You let him in, enjoying the sensation of his tongue dancing with yours. 
Stefan’s hands drift up and down your body as he pushes you up against the wall behind you. He grabs at your waist, slowly making his way down to your bottom, squeezing softly. 
The tension of the past few minutes replaces itself with warmth and a longing that no one else could ever make you feel. 
You wanted Stefan.
You needed him. 
You hum in desperation, and Stefan quickly picks up on this. Without breaking the kiss, he lifts you while your back is pressed up against the wall. You wrap your legs around his waist, and he carries you into the bedroom. 
Stefan places you on the end of the bed and crouches down. He unzips your jeans, and slowly peels them off of you, right leg, and then left. He pushes your panties to the side, but looks into your eyes for permission before going any further. 
“Please, Stefan,” You whimper. He smirks, knowing the hold he has on you. Stefan begins to toy with your clit, speeding up with each second that goes by. Then, to your dismay, he stops. 
“Wha-,” But before you can say anything, he slips a finger into your opening. “Oh my g-god.” 
“Y-you like that?” Stefan says, slipping in another finger. 
“Y-y-yes,” You whimper, writhing under his touch. Stefan picks up his pace, his fingers going in and out of your wet lips quicker and quicker. 
You grind against his touch, wanting more of him. Stefan brings his thumb to your clit, adding more and more pressure. You were going to come any minute now, as the combined stimulation was far too overwhelming to bare. 
And that face, that sexy smirk, You think to yourself, could send you over the edge by itself.
You feel your orgasm building in the pit of your stomach as his fingers reach deeper inside you. “I’m going to…”
“Let go, love,” Stefan coos. You do as he says, your walls fluttering around your fingers, coming undone. 
Stefan seemed incredibly soft and innocent, but it was moments like these that proved to be the exception to that rule. 
“S-stefan,” You whine, looking down at the bulge in his jeans, wishing that he’d just take you already. He stands up, undoes his belt, and then slips out of his pants. 
You stare at him, your core aching for his touch. Stefan walks towards you, pulling his boxers down. He takes his throbbing member into his hand, and lines it up with your opening.
He looks deep into your eyes, licking his lips. 
Stefan groans as he thrusts his cock deep inside you. 
“Stefan! Fuck!” Profanities are all you can muster as your walls flutter around him, adjusting to his length. Stefan waits a minute, and then looks at you again, as if to ask you if you were okay. You nod to him in response. 
Stefan begins rocks his hips with yours, pushing in and out of you. You feel so full, so good. 
“Y-you feel amazing,” Stefan says, taking a fistful of your hair in his hands. 
“Harder, please,” You cry out, begging for more. Stefan does as you request, and his thrusts become deeper, more intense. His hand reaches down towards your clit, rubbing slow circles there. It was overwhelming.
“I’m-I’m going to…” Stefan trails off, breathing heavily. 
“M-me too,” You mutter. God he made you feel so good. Your walls clench around his hard cock, and you feel yourself coming undone. 
“S-stefan!” You cry out, finally coming around his 
“F-fuck…” Stefan says, coming to the sound of you screaming his name. He absolutely loved how it sounded. He slows his hips, pulling out of you. 
You two fall on the bed. Stefan pulls you into his arms, your head resting on his chest. 
“You’re so beautiful,” Stefan says, playing with your hair. “I’m so sorry about before. I-I just lost it.”
“Stefan, you deserve so much love. You are more than enough for me, never forget that,” You say, gazing lovingly into his eyes. 
“I’m so sorry if I hurt you,” he pauses. “I’m just so in love with you. I-I-I…” Stefan struggles to finish his thought . 
“You don’t have to worry, I’m not going anywhere. You know why?” You ask him. He shakes his head. “Because I’m just so in love with you,” You say, leaving a trail of kisses down his neck. 
You rest your head back on his chest, planting one final kiss on his collar bone. Stefan pulls the covers over the two of you, and you close your eyes, now feeling at peace.  
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imaginedisish · 6 years
Shout (Colin Ritman x Reader) (Bandersnatch)
A/N: WOOAAAHH TWO IMAGINES (kinda because it’s technically tomorrow since it’s 12:17 am where I am) IN ONE DAY???? WHAAATTT!!! I felt bad because my posting schedule was extremely off this weekend, so I wrote this up this evening. This is based on an anon request I got a few days ago, and the title is based on the song of the same name by Tears For Fears. This imagine is pretty dark...so make sure you check out those warnings...anyway...Stefan smut will be posted tomorrow! Until then...enjoy this! (P.S: I hope I wrote this okay...I really don’t want to offend anyone...I just write what I get requested and hope  that I do the request justice. If you are offended, pls lmk...I will rewrite this or remove it immediately)
Summary: Thakur sexually assaults you in a meeting, and Colin refuses to let his disgusting behavior slide.
Warnings: Sexual assault/sexual harassment, angst, lots of language, fighting, blood, and luckily mega fluff in the end and as well as the middle for some relief...obviously mega canon divergence
Word Count: 1,983+
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Your knee bounces up and down anxiously as the secretary to your left types away violently at her typewriter. You felt like a child waiting to be called into the principal’s office, and you hated it. 
It had been three months since you had started working at Tuckersoft as a game designer, and you absolutely loved it. You had made great friends, one of which being The Colin Ritman. You didn’t see him as any sort of celebrity, though. You saw him as someone you could depend on, someone you had come to love.
You and Colin clicked the very second you stepped foot into Tuckersoft. What started out as him simply admiring and appreciating your work flourished into a beautiful friendship, and eventually, a bit of a massive crush on your end.
Everything seemed to be going extremely well. That is, until you were called into Thakur’s office. His secretary had paged you so harshly, far too harshly for there not to be some sort of problem.
“(Y/N), Mr. Thakur will see you now.” Your head snaps towards the secretary, who’s words brought you back to reality. You stand up slowly, trying to brush the wrinkles from your dark green cargo pants away. You then reluctantly trod towards the door to Thakur's office, your heeled black boots thumping heavily against the carpeted floor. 
You hesitate before pulling down on the door handle as an unsettling feeling fills your gut. Your instincts beg you not to enter the office, but you know you have to. 
You take a deep breath, and slowly open the door. 
“(Y/N)! It’s good to see you mate!” Thakur calls out, a smile plastered across his face. “Now we need to talk! Take a seat!” He seems to be rather cheerful as he motions for you to take a seat in the armed chair across from him.
You nod in response, pulling out the chair and quickly sitting down. Thakur clasps his hands together under his chin. 
“You know what?” Thakur questions, pausing for a second. “I hate this space between us, don’t you?” Thakur quickly stands up, dragging his large, black swivel chair behind him as he walks in your direction.
He finally reaches you, plopping himself down in his chair. Maybe it was the fact that he smelt like wet dog, but there was something that made you feel extremely uncomfortable about this interaction with Thakur. 
“This is better, no?” Thakur questions, smirking like the cheshire cat. 
You ignore the strangeness of his actions. “So what was it that you wanted to talk to me about, Thakur?” You ask, cutting straight to the point as you anxiously pull on the collar of your The Cure shirt. 
“Ah, yes!” Thakur scooches closer to you, “About the release of your game…” He trails off, pointing a finger in your direction as he rolls the chair even closer to you once again. You begin to feel more unsettled as the apparent space between you and Thakur seemingly disappears into thin air. 
Your heart jumps into your throat. “It’ll be released just in time for Christmas, I know. We talked about this already.” Your words are hurried, as you want nothing more than for this meeting to be over.
“About that,” Thakur pauses, moving closer to you so that his knee is now pressing up against yours. “That’s not going to happen, love.” You cringe at his use of the word love. It was something Colin called you often, but never Thakur. It felt so wrong to hear that word come out of his lips. Thakur opens his mouth once more. “That is, unless…”
Suddenly Thakur’s hand lands on your thigh, brushing the area slowly, making its way towards the last place you would ever want Thakur to touch you. 
You quickly push yourself back, jumping out of the chair. “What the hell?” You shout out, feeling nauseous and absolutely disgusted. 
Thakur pushes himself out of the chair, and rushes over to you. “Oh come on! Don’t be such a prude!” He says, walking closer towards you. You try to back away, but he has you cornered. He grabs your wrists forcefully with his hands. 
He pushes you up against the wall as tears rush to your eyes. 
“Get the fuck off of me!” You scream. But Thakur doesn’t listen. Before he could do anything else, you forcefully bring your knee up into his crotch, successfully kneeing the prick in the balls. 
“Holy shit!” Thakur cries out in a high pitched voice, backing away from you in pain. You take this chance to run out of the office. 
“What the bloody hell was going on in there?” The secretary asks firmly, standing up from her desk. You ignore her, and proceed to sprint down the hallway. 
Tears continue to rush to your eyes, an it feels as though the walls are closing in on you. The fluorescent lights burn your skin. You stop running, and rest your back against the wall. You slide down to the ground, pulling your knees into your chest. 
That’s when the tears begin to fall at free will. You sob heavily to the point where you can no longer breathe. It feels as though a million elephants are sitting on your chest. The world was spinning. You put your head down to rest on your knees. You feel helpless as your panic attack grows worse and worse. 
Then, out of nowhere, you hear a calm, familiar voice. “(Y/N)?” Colin coos. You lift your head from your knees, and you see the blonde boy crouching in front of you. He brings a hand to your cheek, trying to wipe the uncontrollably falling tears away. “Are you alright? What happened?” His voice is soft and reassuring. 
“Th-thakur…” You can’t speak. You didn’t want to recall what had just happened. It was all too painful.
“Did that son of a bitch fire you?” Colin’s voice is firm. “I swear, I’m going to kick his ass if he did.” You say nothing in response, and Colin brings a hand up to the back of your neck. He begins to play with your hair.
“H-he d-din’t fire me,” You’re finally able to stutter, inching closer to Colin. “H-he…” You trail off, staring into Colin’s eyes through the silver rims resting on his nose. You wished he could read your mind so you didn’t have to say what Thakur did to you. 
“Wait a minute,” Colin’s eyes widen with shock. “D-did that prick,” He pauses, attempting to fathom the words that were about to come out of his mouth. “Did he touch you?” He questions  softly, still combing his hand through your hair. 
You nod, suddenly sobbing heavily once again. Colin drops to his knees, wrapping his arms around you and pulling you tightly into his embrace. 
You whimper and sob into Colin’s chest as Colin plants soft kisses on the top of your head. 
“I’m so sorry, love. I’m here, and I’m not going anywhere. Everything is going to be fine,” Colin whispers, his arms still wrapped tightly around you as he gently rubs the small of your back. 
You feel safe in Colin’s arms. You feel like no one could hurt you now. Your troubles, while still in the back of your mind, melt away temporarily as your nose is filled with Colin’s distinct scent of vanilla, cinnamon and cigarettes. 
“Th-thank you,” You mumble into his chest. Colin continues to pepper the top of your head with gentle kisses. 
“There’s no need to thank me, love,” Colin purrs, pulling apart from you. “Now, I’ve got something to take care of quickly. Stay here, I’ll be right back.”
Before you could protest, Colin quickly pushes himself off the ground, adjusting his silver frames, and storming off in the direction of Thakur’s office. 
“Colin, wait!” You call out, standing up, attempting to catch up with the blonde boy. He ignores your call, and continues to sprint towards Thakur’s office. Colin turns a corner, leaving your line of sight. 
What the hell is he going to do? You think to yourself as you pick up your pace, turning the corner that Colin went down. 
You spot Colin as he approaches Thakur, who’s back is facing Colin. 
“Hey, dickhead!” Colin shouts, causing Thakur to turn around instantly. 
Without hesitation, Colin runs up to Thakur, his hand in a fist. 
“Fuck you, you fucking prick!” Colin yells, his fist coming up to punch Thakur with all the strength he has inside of him. “That’s what you get for touching her, fuckface!” Colin screams as Thakur falls to the ground in shock. 
“Stop Colin, please don’t hurt me anymore mate!” Thakur cowers, cover his face with his hands. 
Colin’s knuckles are bleeding. He ignores his injury, standing over Thakur, grunting as he harshly kicks Thakur in the crotch. Thakur’s hands immediately move to the affected region as he cries out in pain.
“I’m in love with that girl! How dare you fucking touch her?” Colin yells, pointing towards you, his face red, and his brows furrowed in anger. His eyes don’t leave Thakur for one second. “And I swear to fucking god, if you ever even think about touching her again, you won’t just be on the ground,” Colin spits in Thakur’s right eye, “You’ll be in it, mate.”
Colin swiftly kicks Thakur in the groin once more, and storms towards you. 
Once Colin meets your side, he slowly intertwines his fingers with yours, and pulls you out of the Tuckersoft office. 
You don’t know what to say as you and Colin walk down the many flights of stairs, exiting the building and walking out onto the streets of South London. 
After some thought, you know exactly what to say.
“Y-you’re in love with me?” You ask, stopping in your tracks, staring up at Colin. He nods once, as if it was a widely known fact. 
“Yes, of course I am,” He states matter of factly. Colin continues to walk along, in turn pulling you along with him. He stares deeply into your eyes. “I don’t expect you to give me any sort of answer. I know how much you’ve been through today, and I don’t want to pressure you into anything.” Colin looks forward again, pulling you swiftly through the city streets. 
But you stop again, pulling Colin closer to you. “I-I l-love you too, Colin. I-I really do.” Your quick answer takes him by surprise.
Colin smiles widely, his brows arching upwards. You had always seen him smirk, but you had never seen him smile. 
That smile, that damned smile made your heart flutter in your chest. It made you feel safe despite everything that had happened. 
Colin pulls you into a tight embrace, one hand pressed against the small of your back, the other on the nape of your neck.
“Thank you, again, Colin,” You whisper into his chest. You pull apart from him, and look down at his right hand. His knuckles are still a bloody mess. You grab his hand, holding it carefully in yours. 
“I’m fine, Colin says, his ocean eyes staring into yours. He adjusts his glasses nonchalantly with his free hand. You shake your head in disagreement. 
“Let’s get you cleaned up, yeah?” You giggle for the first time all day. Colin smiles again, and nods in response. You pull lightly on his hand, leading him forward. 
“But, if you get to take care of me, then I get to take care of you too, got it?” Colin says firmly, arching a brow in your direction. You nod in response, and the corners of Colin’s mouth turn upwards. 
While you had been through so much, Colin seemed to make things feel okay. 
You felt better now, especially with him. 
And that meant the world to you.
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imaginedisish · 6 years
I Will (Stefan Butler x Reader) (Bandersnatch)
A/N: SO THIS MORNING I HIT 100 FOLLOWERS AND I JUST WANNA THANK YOU ALL FOR THE LOVE AND SUPPORT!!! I meant to post two imagines today but unfortunately I did something I never do today...I left my house and hung out with my friend LOL! Sorry guys :( I’ll write two imagines tomorrow though because itsssss Saturdaaayyy!!! I hope you all enjoy this fluff ball of a request from an excellent anon. Enjoy. Thank you all for everything. You guys mean the world to me.  Xxxxxx <3 :) (p.s the title and parts of the imagine are based on I Will by the Beatles. This song really reminded me of what I wanted to write so I thought I’d reference it)
Summary: You and Stefan babysit your sister’s kids. It’s fluffy, adorable, romantic, aaaaannnnd um !DOMESTIC STEFAN! Who doesn’t want that???
Warnings: NONE HEHEHE! (oh mega fluff)
Word Count: 2,034
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“You’re sure you really want to come with me?” You ask Stefan as you put your seat belt on.
“Positive,” Stefan says, a small smile stretches across his face, he pulls out of your driveway. Stefan had planned a beautiful date for you. He had made reservations at your favorite restaurant, and after you two planned to to walk around your favorite park, just talking and laughing. 
But, life unfortunately tends to get in the way of things. Your sister called earlier in the day, explaining that she was called into work and needed someone to take care of her kids.
“I’m sorry to bother you, (Y/N),” Your sister said hurriedly over the phone. “I just got called into work, it’s for an emergency surgery. I need someone to take care of the kids, are you available? You’ll probably have to sleep over since I won’t be home until much later.” Your sister was a doctor, and so was your brother-in-law. Unfortunately, this sort of thing happened often. You always reminded your sister that she could depend on you. Just like she was constantly on call, so were you. 
“Yes, of course.” Obviously, you had no choice but to say yes. She was your sister, after all. How could you say no? Still, you hated the idea of cancelling your date with Stefan. You love that boy more than words could ever describe, and the last thing you wanted to do was disappoint him. 
You picked up your phone and called Stefan immediately, hoping he wouldn’t mind the change in plans. “I know you went through so much trouble to get those reservations tonight, but my sister needs me to babysit. She got called into work. It’s an emergency” Your voice was soft. 
Then, before Stefan could say anything in response, an idea popped into your head, and you cut him off.
“What if you came with me?” You said excitedly, practically shouting over the phone. Stefan lets out a light chuckle. While he had met your family, Stefan had never spent very much time with your nieces and nephew. Those kids meant so much to you, so naturally you wanted Stefan to get to know them better.
“I’d do anything and go anywhere if it meant spending more time with you,” Stefan says over the phone, his voice timid. He was still nervous to say things like that to you, and it was adorable. You felt so lucky, so special that it was you he was saying those things to.  
God, did that boy make you so unbelievably happy.
Now you two were driving to your sister’s house. Stefan fidgets in his seat every now and then. He was clearly nervous.  
“I hope they aren’t too crazy tonight,” You say to Stefan, trying to make conversation. At the end of the day, all you want is for him to love the kids just as much as you do. 
“You think they’ll like me?” Stefan asks nervously, his grip on the steering wheel growing tense.
“Of course! I mean, they already know who you are, so things should be relatively easy.” You say back, flashing a reassuring smile in Stefan’s direction. 
After a short drive, Stefan pulls into your sister’s driveway, and puts the car in park. You unbuckle, and open your door. Stefan is frozen, his left leg bouncing up and down. You let out a giggle.
“Come on, silly. They already like you, and now they’re going to love you.” You put a hand on Stefan’s shoulder in an attempt to comfort him.
“I just…” Stefan trails off.
“You just what?” You question, staring into his emerald like eyes, sparkling in the rays of light that peeked through the windshield. 
“I know how important they are to you.” Stefan’s voice is quiet. He runs a hand anxiously through his fluffy, brown hair. “And I mean, you know…the future? They’ll have to like me if…” Stefan trails off again. 
“If? If what?” You ask, the corners of your mouth turning up.
The future, you think to yourself, smiling widely now. Images of what your future with Stefan would be like pop into your head. Moving in together, getting married, making a life together. It makes your heart beat rapidly against your chest. The thought of spending your lives together is so appealing to you. 
“Nothing.” Stefan’s cheeks grow red, and he tries to hide a slight smile as he gets out of the car, probably envisioning the same future you were.
You wait for him to come around to your side of the car, and you grab his hand the second he meets your side. You two walk up to the door, and you press a finger to the doorbell. Stefan anxiously pulls at his earlobe with his free hand.
“It’s going to be fine. They are going to love you,” You say, squeezing Stefan’s hand tightly in yours. He squeezes your hand back, and leans in, pressing a kiss against your cheek. The simple kiss makes your heart flutter, and your stomach do back flips. 
Suddenly, the front door swings open, bringing you back to reality. 
“Aunt (Y/N)!” Your niece, Catherine shouts loudly, her arms only reaching to your hips as she pulls you into a tight hug. You hug her back, picking her up off her feet and placing her carefully back down on the ground.
“I brought someone special with me!” You exclaim, pulling away from Catherine. Her face lights up with excitement for a second time as her eyes wonder to the tall figure standing next to you. 
“Stefan!” Catherine shouts, moving over to Stefan, practically pushing him to the ground as she wraps her arms around his legs. Stefan giggles, putting his arms around Catherine. 
“Well hello to you too!” Stefan says, a huge smile spreading across his face. 
“Where are your brother and sister?” You ask Catherine, who seems to be refusing to let Stefan go.
After a few more seconds of holding Stefan captive, she finally lets go of him. “They’re inside. Come on!” Catherine opens the front door, and skips inside. You and Stefan follow her in. Stefan seems to be much more comfortable already. Your words of reassurance and Catherine’s loving (yet forceful to say the least), hug clearly instilled some sort of confidence in him. 
“They’re here!” Catherine calls out. The sound of heavy foot steps shake the house, and two blurs of colorful motion flash before your eyes. 
“Aunt (Y/N)! Stefan!” You niece Louise and your nephew David cheerfully shout in sync. Louise runs over to you, and David to runs over to Stefan.
“Stefan, come to the basement and see my new toy truck!” David says, pulling on Stefan’s hand with a wide, toothy smile spreading ear to ear. 
“Sure buddy, lead the way!” Stefan says laughing as he’s pulled across the room by David. Catherine and Louise run after the two boys, heading to the basement as well.
Your sister rushes in from the kitchen, her bag in one hand, a cup of coffee in the other. She presses a quick hello kiss to your cheek. 
“Thank you so much, (Y/N)! Duty calls! A doctor’s work is never done!” Your sister says, walking towards the door. “Bye loves! I’ll be home as soon as possible!”
Your nieces and nephew don’t respond, clearly wrapped up in Stefan’s presence. 
“I’ll tell them you left, that is if they give me the time of day with Mr. Popularity running the show down there,” You laugh. Your sister thanks you again, and heads out. You make your way downstairs, hoping your nieces and nephew haven’t torn Stefan limb from limb just yet. 
“I want Stefan on my team!” 
“No he’s on my team!” 
“What about me?”
And Stefan thought they wouldn’t like him? You think to yourself, smirking. 
“No one wants me on their team?” You say, reaching the bottom of the stairs, walking into the playroom. 
“We all want Stefan on our team!” Louise says with a frown on her face, standing up and pointing to Stefan. Stefan looks helpless amongst the three children as they surround him like friendly vultures. It’s absolutely adorable to you. The kids really love Stefan. He sits on the floor in the middle of them as they continue to fight over him.
“What game are we playing?” You ask, plopping down on the floor next to Stefan. Stefan holds up a box. Pictionary. You laugh hysterically. 
Eventually, you and Stefan somehow convince the kids to watch a movie on the couch instead of playing a game. Of course, it was another big argument to chose a movie, and then an even bigger debacle when it came to deciding who got to sit next to Stefan. 
In the end, The Rescuers is the winning movie, and you decide that you would be the one to sit next to Stefan. David, however, somehow managed to squeeze on the other side of him, and in the middle of the movie, Catherine made her way in between you and Stefan. Louise sat next to you, and passed out almost immediately. 
It only took an hour for Catherine and David to fall asleep as well. You and Stefan watch the rest movie, your head on his shoulder, and his hands combing through your hair. 
The movie ends, and you look over to the clock. 
10:30, it reads. 
“Should we bring them up to bed?” Stefan whispers, trying not to wake the kids up with his voice. You shake your head.
“They’re light sleepers. They’ll wake up for sure,” You say, standing up. “They can stay down here. We just need to grab some blankets and tuck them in.” Stefan nods his head in response, standing up with you. You walk over to the closet adjacent to the couch, and you take out three, fuzzy grey blankets. 
You pass one to Stefan, and he carefully drapes it over David. He presses a kiss to David’s head, which makes you smile. You pass him another blanket, and he does the same to Louise. You tuck in Catherine, and then head upstairs into the guest room. 
You and Stefan change into your pajamas, brush your teeth, and climb into bed. Stefan pulls you close to him and you snuggle against his chest. You listen to Stefan’s heartbeat, your eyes beginning to feel heavy with sleep. 
“R-remember before, when I said that thing about the f-future?” Stefan stutters quickly, the nervousness in his voice evident. 
“Yeah, of course,” you say, perking up a bit. You had a hunch as to what he was going to say, but you weren’t completely positive. You simply hoped that he envisioned the same future that you did. 
“W-well I was too scared to say it before b-but,” Stefan pauses. “I see one with you. G-getting m-married…” He stops again. You look up at him, his eyes are soft and full of love. “…and well, having kids. I want that. I want what we got to do tonight every night. I want that with you.” 
The corners of your mouth curl upwards. You heart flutters in your chest. You were surprised by what he said, only because he seemed so nervous up until now. You thought he’d never say that. 
But you were so glad he did. 
He searches your eyes for some sort of an answer. “Was that too much?” He asks, rubbing his eyes, heat rising to his cheeks as they redden. You shake your head. 
“No. It was perfect. I feel the exact same,” You say softly, looking deeply into his eyes, a smile still plastered on your face. He cups your cheeks, and presses a soft kiss against your lips. You smile into the kiss, your heart filled with more exuberance and more joy than you could ever explain in words. 
“I love you. I’ll love you forever, and forever, and I will always feel the same,” Stefan coos. You lean back against his chest and shut your eyes. 
“I love you more,” You whisper back, kissing the center of his chest. 
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imaginedisish · 5 years
I’m thinking of writing an imagine about either Colin (Bandersnatch), Five (The Umbrella Academy), or Otis (Sex Education) taking care of the reader while they’re sick. I don’t know which character to write for, however. Soooo, VOTE!!! MOST VOTES WINNNNN!!!
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