#colin x harry
lumosatnight · 2 years
Kill Your Darlings 2022 Recs!
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@hp-mcd-fest has ended, and I still haven't recovered from all the amazing fics! There were so many (SO MANY) good ones. MCD has always been hit or miss for me, but boy did these fics hit!! And hit reallll good. Here are 7 of my favorite stories from the fest!
💀 Five Graves by Chelonie [Triwizard Contestants, M, 3.7k] 💀 This fic tore my heart out and then pummeled it into the ground. And I would 1000% read it again. What if the Triwizard Tournament went wrong?
"The Departments of International Magical Co-operation and Magical Games and Sports have worked hard to ensure that during this revival of the Triwizard Tournament, no Champion will find himself or herself in mortal danger."
💀 I'll take a quiet life by @deliciousblizzardshark [Harry/Severus, E, 5.0k] 💀 A mourning Harry who is so desperate he brings Snape back from the dead. Absolutely delicious angst.
Severus is dead but Harry, who has just come to understand what they mean to each other, is master of death.
💀 Snake Eyes by @diana-skye [Myrtle/Tom, M, 1.3k] 💀 I ADORE Myrtle fics! She's just a girl, really, an insecure teenager looking for acceptance. The Tom in this is ruthless and amazingly characterized.
There’s a single moment, between yellow eyes and nothingness, where she remembers. [Or - What if Myrtle wasn't a random victim of Tom Riddle? What if he was someone she knew, even someone she loved?]
💀 Breakfast, interrupted by Hrair [Lucius/Narcissa, Hermione/Draco, T, 5.2k] 💀 This fic is so funny. I was laughing the whole time. Who knew MCD could be so enjoyable?
All Lucius Malfoy wants is to have a proper, pureblood heir and to eat his breakfast in peace. Is that really too much to ask?
💀 a long way back to the light by @swoontodeath [Colin/Harry, M, 3.8k] 💀 LOVED this fic. Just the right amount of creepy and also a dash of mystery. Colin is such an underused character imho.
Colin Creevey should have died seven years, three months, and four days ago. Actually, Colin Creevey did die seven years, three months, and four days ago. It just didn’t stick.
💀 Nine Hundred and Twelve by @cannibalschism [George Weasley, T, 5.1k] 💀 TIME TRAVEL, ANGST, WONDERFUL METAPHORS. This story has it all. I love the description of time travel in this fic—as unnatural, unknown. George is so desperate to get Fred back that he forces his way through the unyielding layers of time.
After long nights, impossible exams, and years of studying, my application to join the honourable ranks of those Wixen known only as Unspeakables has been accepted. Dad could not be more proud. Mum bleeding cried at the ceremony. My siblings congratulated me for finally doing something other than grieving Fred. They all said this would be good for me, that this would be a fresh start. They don’t know I did it all for you. All for you, Fred.
💀 Sartre Versus the Stoics by JK_Terfling_Can_Suck_My_Silicone_Dick [Draco/Harry, M, 19.5k] 💀 If you want to have a good cry, I HIGHLY recommend this fic. It deals with grief in such a wonderful, very real way. It definitely has the same vibes as Stop All the Clocks, another heart-wrenching Drarry fic.
After Harry Potter kills himself without warning, his friends and family are left to pick up the pieces on their own
💀 Read more MCD fics in the Fest Collection on AO3 💀
(Also, psssst @bluesundaycake if you're running MCD fest next year, I'd love to help out. I loved it so much!!!)
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hp-mcd-fest · 2 years
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Day 14
Read on AO3
Title: a long way back to the light  Characters/Pairing: Colin Creevey/Harry Potter Rating: M Word count/length: 3809 Warnings: major character death; more tags in notes (contains spoilers)  Summary: Colin Creevey should have died seven years, three months, and four days ago. Actually, Colin Creevey did die seven years, three months, and four days ago. It just didn’t stick. 
Make sure to leave a kudo & comment, and share with all your wretched friends 💜💀💚
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sea-owl · 2 months
Can I just say I adore the husbands the Featherington sisters managed to collect. They all seem so openly loving which is something I feel like all the sisters needed.
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muiitoloko · 10 months
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Harry Hart & Eggsy Unwin
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gnnosis · 1 year
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colin hughes, you would LOVE schitt’s creek
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lanniisters · 6 months
Is the comedy in the room with us?
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weclassybouquetfun · 5 months
The pictures from Ted and Trent's wedding reception are so sweet.
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Ted's Best Woman
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The party is not over for them.
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blondwhowrites · 18 days
Dearest gentlereaders
I'd like to cordially introduce you to our newest addition of our finest of readers, Tom Riddles beloved—Dearest.
I hope you all come to enjoy her as much as I do as I introduce her(you) to this wonderful, dark, world of Tom Marvolo Riddle.
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renx01 · 3 months
You called
Prompt: “You came.” - “You called.” Pairing: Harry Hart x Reader Fandom: Kingsman Warnings: Angst, mentions of blood and injuries, honeypot mission Word count: 1511
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‘Galahad.’ It was barely a whisper which came out of your mouth. The predicament you were in wasn’t as you had planned. The mission in and of itself was relatively simple: go to an event, talk to some high ranking people and criminals in order to gather information, and leave. Yet, here you were sitting on the floor in an alley, bleeding from a gunshot wound.
It had been going quite well. Your target, Vincent Giante, had been at the event early and you had approached carefully but confidently. Merlin had informed you that he was, in fact, a ladies-man, and that it could be of use to, as he said, “throw your womanly charms at him”. You ended up following that advice after the target had shown interest in you, most likely due to the rather revealing emerald-green dress you were wearing. ‘My, my, a lovely young lady at an event such as this one, alone and seemingly without a date.’ Vincent had said to you as he approached. It sounded vulgar as he said it, as if she were a piece of meat, an object which he was intent on owning. That would never happen in a million years if you had any say in it. You did, however, have to play into it. ‘Why thank you, I’m flattered.’ You say as he grabs your hand and leans down to kiss it, his touch lingering a tad too long for your liking. ‘So what’s your name darling?’ ‘Josephine.’ Was what you answered as you heard Merlin in your ear. Target on lock. Vincent made small-talk with you for a bit before the two of you were approached by a man. ‘Sorry, boss, that I have to interrupt your conversation with this lovely lady.’ He leans in and whispers something to his boss which you’re unable to hear. That’s Vincent’s right-hand man, Giovanni. Be careful around him, he can be quite the fighter. Merlin informs you before the pair can shift their focus back to you. ‘Sorry love, I have to go meet with some people.’ He sounded genuinely disappointed. He leans in to kiss your cheek and whispers in your ear. ‘If you’re feeling up for it, meet me outside in an hour.’ 
Time passed slowly as you waited to meet up with Vincent. You were in fact, not feeling up to it, but it was too good of a chance to pass up. During that time, you mingled with some more of the guests, but were unable to gather any information that was particularly of note. Merlin, on the other hand, was able to gather the information that Vincent supposedly had a harddrive with him which contained some secret documents which the Kingsman could use to folly his organisation’s plans. As the agreed upon time approaches, Merlin fills you in about the surroundings and what to look out for. Supposedly, Giante would have the drive somewhere on this person, so the goal had shifted from gaining information to getting the harddrive without being caught. 
Outside, it was quiet, the hustle and bustle of the event left behind. Vincent stood near a statue in the gardens, seemingly alone, yet you knew better. It was likely that multiple of his men would be surrounding the two of you, looking out for his well-being. ‘Josephine, I’m glad you came.’ He smiles and puts his hand on your shoulder. ‘Let us walk for a bit, I’ve been inside all day.’ You take the arm which was offered to you and join him.  After ten minutes you reach a part of the gardens which seemed completely isolated. Slowly, he tries getting closer, putting his hand on your lower back as he whispers things in your ear. You endure them, finding them disgusting but pretending to love the attention. Slowly, he starts kissing your neck and eventually mouth. If it weren’t for your training and experience, you probably would’ve gagged as his hands slowly started lowering further. Finding your focus again, you shifted it to trying to find the harddrive on him, roaming your hands over his body. Eventually, you feel it in one of his pockets, and slowly but surely, you try to get it out. As he starts getting more passionate you manage to grab hold of it. Slowly, you slip it into one of your hidden pockets. After a few more minutes you pull back and look him in the eye, smiling kindly. ‘We should take this elsewhere.’ Taking his hand, you lead him back to where the event was taking place. He seemed quite content for the time being, but you weren’t too convinced. Well done agent Kay, get out of there. 
Vincent leads you back inside to a relatively quiet corner, stopping a moment to talk to one of his men. As you look around, you suddenly hear a click just behind you. ‘Now love, I had so much fun, but I’d prefer it if you handed back that harddrive.’ Vincent sticks out his hand while the man behind you slowly pushes the gun against the back of your head. ‘We can talk about this Vincent.’ You slowly walk up to him. Agent Kay what are you doing? Get out. Merlin almost screams in your ear as you try to remain as possible. You slowly put your hands up, ‘I was enjoying myself quite a bit, but I suppose that is now over?’ your voice is almost sickly sweet. The hand he was holding out slowly wraps around your chin, tilting it up. ‘It’d be a pity to lose this pretty face.’ You were stalling quite a bit, that was clear.
Kay, Galahad is on his way. Just get out of this venue.
Galahad, that was your sign. Your colleague was on the way and you only had to get out of the building. Leaning into his touch, he clearly gets distracted once again, just enough to pull out a small knife and throw it backwards into the man that was pointing a gun at you. Turning, you grab hold of the lead and break the man’s fingers, then shooting him with his own gun, followed by shooting Vincent in the head. ‘A shame really.’ You scoff before turning and running into the crowd, 8 men following you, their guns loaded. Every step felt hot, so very hot, and they were right on your heels. ‘Fuck’, a soft whisper escaping you as they start firing their guns.
Kay, I need you to confirm that you are on the way out. ‘Confirm Merlin, I just have to lose some people.’ Heels continue to click where-ever you go. After turning a corner in one of the many hallways, several more of the men following you go down as you disarm and shoot them. That is until you didn’t have any ammo left. Of course this would happen to you, as if your day wasn’t going terribly already. ‘At least I still have these ones.’ You throw a few knives, hitting several throats. Their blood covers your face. Around you several bodies lay and you are finally able to breathe, even if it’s just for a moment. ‘Galahad, do you copy?’ You say quietly as you continue walking through the maze of hallways. Several footsteps can be heard from several of the hallways around you, so you start running once again. 
‘Merlin, where is Galahad?’ 
You don’t get a response.
Managing to finally get outside, heading into a dimly lit alleyway, you see over a dozen people following you. Pulling out your own gun, you shoot as many of them as possible while continuing to move. They shoot back, one hitting you in the leg. 
They seem to keep on coming, and slowly, they surround you. ‘Galahad do you copy?’ Bodies keep on falling, but time seems to be running out when another bullet hits you, this time in your left shoulder. Frustrated, you throw some more knives and grab one of your daggers. One by one they go down, and with every body that hits the ground, your green dress becomes more red and your limbs are covered in blood. As the last of your energy slowly leaves your body and you start feeling faint. 
It was barely a whisper which left your mouth. Before you are able to say anything else, you feel a gun being put against your temple. ‘Calm down lady, drop the knife.’ There was only one man left standing and he had the obvious advantage. You sigh, letting the weapon fall to the ground. 
You had to find a way out of this situation, you always did, but your body seems to be done. A gunshot interrupts your train of thought, the gun which was held against your head, falling away. Turning, you see Galahad standing there.
‘You came.’
Your voice sounds exhausted as you stand there; shoulders slumped and body aching. Your colleague approaches and hugs your body tightly.
‘You called.’
He whispers in your ear before kissing the side of your head.
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secretnook · 8 months
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this is a part 2 to my last post because I still have too many of these on my phone also I miss this show with my whole being🫡
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krug3r2312 · 2 years
Arthur: Do you remember me telling you that I had a very important meeting with the visiting nobles, and needed my ceremonial armour polished?
Merlin: *nods slowly*
Arthur: *gestures at the dirty armour on the table* and tell me, does it look like it's been polished
Merlin: No
Arthur: No sire
Merlin: There's no need to call me sire Arthur
Arthur: *throws a vambrace at him*
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Colin *she does not have any male relatives* Bridgerton: Well, who should help her?
Everyone: *gestures broadly across the ballroom*
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eroselless · 4 months
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❦ elle or ellie. twenty-three. she/her. colombian.
❦ currently obsessed with some dudes that drive fast cars. 
I write a lot of +18 content, minors dni 
❦ info about requesting:
my request are currently open. however, it might take me a bit to get some time since i can get a little busy with schoolwork for uni.
feel free to request anything for F1, HOTD, Harry Potter, OBX or any other tags you see floating around my page!
❦ I do not post on any other platforms. If you see my work plagiarized anywhere else, please let me know!
❦ I've been going through a bit of a dry spell so my masterlist might look a little sparse. all my writing is linked below!
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[aegon targaryen]
[carlos sainz]
[lando norris]
[charles leclerc]
PATO - charles leclerc x reader , carlos sainz x reader
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Discontinued works
Sebastian Stan
Hopelessly Devoted [one] [two]
Bucky Barnes
Red Swan [prologue] [one]
Ethan Dolan
Life saver [one shot]
In the center of the ring [one shot]
Grayson Dolan
"I love you, please don't leave me..." [blurb]
Linger [one shot]
The floor is lava [one shot]
Shawn Mendes
Señorita [one]
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quotergirl19 · 4 months
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I know how fun it is to speculate, that Mr. Harry Dankworth is a potential suitor for Penelope, but what if he’s not.
There was a scene in Season 2 where Colin makes a comment about how he doesn’t take notice of staff changes.
What if Harry is a footman who could never be a potential suitor for Penelope but he likes her and Colin notices how the man gravitates to Penelope and seeks her out. And Colin finds himself jealous of a footman because he thinks Penelope (who is just enjoying this attention and being nice to Harry) is getting too close to him?
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muiitoloko · 6 months
Kingsman Chronicles
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Summary: Amidst Christmas festivities, a mischievous Eggsy attempts to play matchmaker between Harry and the reader, strategically placing mistletoe to encourage a romantic moment.
Pairing: Harry Hart (Kingsman)× fem!Reader
Warning: none.
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In the festive glow of Christmas lights, Harry's house buzzed with warmth and laughter as Merlin, Eggsy, and You gathered to celebrate the holiday. The scent of pine and cinnamon filled the air, and a crackling fireplace added to the cozy atmosphere.
Merlin, clad in a Christmas sweater adorned with geeky references, raised his glass. "To a successful year and a well-deserved break," he toasted, a twinkle in his eye.
Eggsy, sporting a festive jumper that may or may not have had a bit too much eggnog spilled on it, chimed in. "Cheers to that, mate. And to Harry, for surviving another year of saving the world."
Amidst the festive atmosphere, Harry and You found themselves entangled in the unspoken dance of mutual affection. Both hesitant to confess their feelings, a palpable tension lingered between them, amplified by the Christmas spirit that enveloped the room.
Eggsy, with his own version of holiday cheer and a mischievous glint in his eye, decided to take matters into his own hands. Fueled by the idea of bringing you and Harry closer, he hatched a plan involving strategically placed mistletoe.
First, Eggsy attempted to discreetly place mistletoe over the doorway, hoping that Harry and You would walk beneath it. However, Merlin noticed the attempt and shook his head, muttering about subtlety.
As the festive atmosphere continued, Eggsy's determination to play cupid remained unyielding. Unbeknownst to Harry and You, he discreetly placed another mistletoe near the Christmas tree, hoping to create an opportune moment.
Merlin, observing Eggsy's antics, sighed but decided to play along. "You know, subtlety is an art form," he commented, his tone dry.
Eggsy winked, mischief dancing in his eyes. "Well, Merlin, sometimes you gotta be a bit bold with matters of the heart."
Meanwhile, Harry and You found yourselves drawn closer, the holiday cheer creating a magnetic pull. The unspoken tension lingered, a dance of emotions beneath the surface.
As the clock struck midnight, signaling the arrival of Christmas Day, the twinkling lights cast a magical glow over the room. Eggsy, seizing the moment, decided to make a grand gesture.
"Everyone, gather 'round! It's time for the annual Christmas karaoke!" Eggsy declared, orchestrating a diversion to lead Harry and You to the strategically placed mistletoe.
As the group joined in the festivities, you found yourself standing beside Harry, the mistletoe hanging above like a subtle invitation. A knowing smile passed between you, acknowledging the unspoken connection.
Eggsy, ever the enthusiastic matchmaker, winked at Merlin, who simply shook his head in bemusement. The stage was set for a moment that could potentially bridge the gap between Harry's duty as a Kingsman and the vulnerability of his heart.
Eggsy pointed to the mistletoe with a mischievous grin. "Come on, you two! Tradition's tradition, innit?" he urged, fully embracing the role of the festive instigator.
Harry, feeling the weight of the situation, attempted to gracefully sidestep the expected kiss, insisting that it didn't mean anything. However, Eggsy, fueled by the spirit of Christmas and a dash of mischief, wouldn't hear of it. "Nah, Harry, you can't go breakin' tradition. We're all expectin' it!"
Merlin, usually the voice of reason, surprisingly sided with Eggsy, adding, "Indeed. Tradition must be maintained."
Harry, shooting an exasperated look at Merlin, contemplated how to navigate the awkward scenario. He sensed your discomfort, silently pleading with his eyes for some sort of intervention.
As the group playfully urged Harry to fulfill the Christmas tradition, you surprised everyone, especially Harry, by grabbing his face and pressing a quick, almost chaste kiss to his lips. It was a gesture that held a hint of enchantment, leaving Harry momentarily captivated.
You pulled away, a sheepish smile playing on your lips. Harry, however, found himself pursuing your lips for a moment longer, the unexpected connection stirring a mix of emotions within him.
He, still under the lingering spell of the unexpected kiss, found himself leaning in for another, only to be interrupted by Eggsy's exuberant antics. As Eggsy pulled Harry away, calling him a stud and advising him to save the celebration for a more private moment, you blushed and playfully hit Eggsy on the arm.
"Eggsy, you're ruining the moment!" you exclaimed, laughter bubbling in your voice.
Harry, still caught in the whirlwind of emotions, shot Eggsy a mock stern look. "You have a knack for impeccable timing, Eggsy."
Eggsy, undeterred, grinned. "Just lookin' out for you, mate. But seriously, save the romance for when Merlin and I make our exit. We don't need to witness all that lovey-dovey stuff."
Merlin, observing the playful exchange, raised an eyebrow. "I'm not sure if I should be concerned or entertained."
Harry, regaining his composure, chuckled. "Let's indulge Eggsy's theatrics for a bit, and then we can have our private celebration."
As Eggsy continued to tease, Harry stole a glance at you, a spark of affection in his eyes. The interruption couldn't dampen the connection that had sparked beneath the mistletoe. The promise of a more intimate celebration lingered in the air, creating a warmth that transcended the festive chaos.
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