#collab piece
skritzmin · 2 months
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Some wonderful people and myself did a Pikmin pride collab!
Puddle & Kingsley - @b0nkersbananas
Bernard & Grace - @the-grubdog
Russ - @lotuspikmin
Alphie & Brittany - @xx-gaylord666-xx
Pituna & Sammy - @starlightswordfight
Santi - @ivyrosebeep
Pom & Emma - @sylunisart
Roxanne - @skritzmin (me)
(I'm so sorry this is posted so late, it's been sitting in my drafts and I am still trying to figure out how Tumblr works lol)
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kumada-is-love · 6 months
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justhere4kpop · 11 months
Oh, Nurse!
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Demon! Yoon Jeonghan x Reader
Summary: Your boyfriend's friends think you can't dress up for Halloween, maybe this year you shut them up and win the annual contest.
Genre: Demons, Halloween Costume Party, Fantasy, Fluff, Friendly Competition
Warnings: Suggestive Conversations, Reader has some insecurities that are touched on, Language
~~Collab Piece with @nebulousbrainsoup~~ Here (Go check out theirs!)
a/n: This is my very first Seventeen piece!!! I'm so excited! I've been wanting to write for them for a while now but I never had any good ideas....ironically S.Coups is my bias. Also, this turned into one of my first like solo collab pieces, and yeah. I have some really cool friends. also, @nebulousbrainsoup thanks for editing and overall listening to me ramble. <3 <3 HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!
I hadn’t really planned on a couple’s costume with Jeonghan, nor had I planned on wearing something so…sexy, but when BooSeokSoon announced their annual Halloween party I had to go. And of course the boys had to bring up that I’d never wear something so scandalous..oh how wrong they were. When my demon boyfriend of two years had mentioned he wanted to dress up as a doctor he asked if I would join him. I wanted to surprise him though so I threw him off saying my best friend was gonna be a Tiger and saying I was Soonyoung. He laughed at the thought and nodded saying we’d for sure win the costume contest this year instead of Junhui.
It’s not that I CAN’T dress up, it’s that I don’t want to if I’m just picking him up or hanging out at his place. I have before, he bought a few very nice lingerie sets and we’ve gone out to dinner before at some very nice places but I like cuddling on the couch in pajamas and being comfortable. 
“Do you want me to pick you up?” the text read on my phone.
“No I’ll meet you there Doctor.” I replied with a winky face. I ordered an Uber while pulling on the white lace thigh highs completing the look. 
If there was one thing about a party at BooSeokSoon’s there was going to be drinking, drinking games, karaoke, and real fun time, you know…for it being in hell. My Uber driver’s eyes practically bugged out of his head when I threw on my coat to combat the chilled air of the autumnal season. It was a sexy costume but nothing too revealing, a mini dress, thigh highs and the cheesy headwear, cleavage just tastefully poking out. I was nothing if not classy while proving my friends wrong. I check my heels and makeup one more time making sure I won’t break anything, including my ankle, on the walk up to the townhome, and of course no red lipstick on the teeth. You know how magic works, presentable on the outside portal to hell on the inside.
Seungkwan opens the door for me and he’s casual…until I take off the coat I’m wearing.
“Yeah Kwan?” I look at the man whose jaw is on the floor.
“JEONGHAN YOUR GIRLFRIEND IS HERE!!!!” Hoshi called out, coming around the corner and freezing. “Holy fuck.” he whispered.
“Hi boys.” I smiled and walked past them into the living room where the real party had started. “Paging Doctor Yoon.” I called out to the man who was still turned away from me, two drinks in his hand.
“I see my little tiger has made…it.” his eyes widened.
He dropped the drinks on the floor once turned fully. He’d promised to clean them up later but I think he forgot.
“Fuck y/n. That you darling?” he asked, biting his lip and spinning me lightly to get a good look at the outfit.
“The one and only.” I smiled and kissed his cheek leaving an imprint on his cheek.
“I’m never washing that off.” he smiled down at me, taking a peek at my cleavage. “And to what do I owe the pleasure nurse y/n?”
“Well since your friends think I’d never wear something like this, because your oversized shirts are comfortable…I thought I’d surprise you. And look! Couples costumes.”
“You are just full of surprises, and here I was telling everyone you and Soonyoung were gonna match.”
“It’s why I didn’t want you picking me up Hannie.” I stuck my tongue out at him. “Get me a drink?”
“Anything you want beautiful.” he smiled.
To say I had stunned just about every one of the demons was an understatement. All of them had dropped jaw and dry mouth it seemed. I was a little self-conscious with all the eyes now on me but I knew if I was ever uncomfortable there was Dr. Yoon next to me.
“You know, even after 2 years when I think I have you figured out..you always manage to surprise me.” Jeonghan had chuckled into my ear.
“2 years isn’t that long Hannie.” I took his hand as he lead me to the dance floor.
“Then I can’t wait to see what 20 and beyond look like.” he smiled and cupped my face to kiss me, a few whoops and hollers coming from those around us. “Looks like you stole my breath might need CPR Nurse.” he smiled.
“Oh really, normally people who are choking don’t talk.” I looked at him.
“Oh? Choking? No not me, you later perhaps though.” he winked and kissed me again. 
“You know they say office romance doesn’t work out very well.”
“Good thing this is make believe darling. You’re stuck with me for a very long time…especially now that the guys have seen what should’ve been for my eyes only.”
“Blame them, they said I couldn’t do it.”
“I’m not blaming anyone if I get to see you like this.” he smiled.
Soonyoung had brought drinks around while people were dancing and that seemed to really get the party started, it was practically a frat party in hell at this point. Soonyoung always threw the most elaborate things for having a tiger on the brain. Then in walked Jeonghan’s biggest competition. His brother in arms. Jisoo, or Joshie.
“Hi Joshie!” I squealed and hugged him. “Is your partner around?”
“They’re putting up their coat.”
“I see, no costume again this year?” Jeonghan looked at his twin.
“Oh no we’re doing an angel devil look, they’re of course the angel. And what are you supposed to be?” Joshua’s eyes flashed red.
“A doctor.”
“What do you know about saving people, Jeonghan?”
“It’s called a costume for a reason, besides look at my lovely assistant aren’t they just…delicious.”
“I must say y/n, you know how to surprise us for sure. Never would’ve thought you were one to wear something like this.” he smiled and spun me around gently.
For demons they sure are sweet talkers hmm. Look it’s not my fault you have to give into temptation a little bit. 
“We gotta win this year honey.” Jeonghan pulled me into him slightly as I took another drink.
“Hmm? Don’t want to lose to Joshua again?” I chuckled looking up at him.
“Again? Oh no no I never lose to Joshua.”
“Not my fault you voted for Soonyoung’s tiger last year.”
“I didn’t actually think he would WIN.” he pouted.
“Come on the contest doesn’t start for another hour. Let’s have a little fun.” I pulled him along.
The party was in full swing by the time the costume parade was starting, of course the boys and their partners were participating if they could. Wonwoo and his partner were both black cats…not by his choice of course. Seokmin and Seungkwan were Superman and Lois Lane….Seokmin was Lois Lane. Jihoon was a DJ...so on and so forth. 
“Gyu what are you even talking about?” I laughed at hearing the man get lost in his train of thought again. 
“I don’t even think he knows at this point Jagiya.” Jeonghan snuck up behind me again, his hands finding purchase on my waist. “Mind if I whisk you away your cheeks are looking a little flushed, my nurse, need to make sure you don’t faint on me.” he smiles.
“Oh I’m fine Hannie.” I pout, my words a tiny bit stumbled from the alcohol coursing slowly through my system but he guides me outside calmly and quietly.
“Did you really do this because the guys teased you about not dressing up more?”
“What they said I wouldn’t wear anything revealing or sexy for halloween.” I pout more.
“I’m just saying is this to prove them wrong or give yourself a confidence boost, you always said you didn’t like being the center of attention.” he brushed my hair back. “I’m definitely fine with you showing off for Halloween and the like, I love it when you let yourself relax.” he smiled.
“Oh sure be sweet and kind now.” I held his hand. “I don’t know…I think I just wanted to prove to myself that I could do it too. I’m not the most comfortable with myself sometimes but you tell me to try it out more…why not halloween.” I shrugged. “Maybe I wanted to look nice for you.”
“For me? Baby you always look absolutely delightful. Hard to keep my hands to myself.” he smiled.
“Jeonghan…you know what I mean.”
“And I’m telling the truth. I’ve never minded how you dress or anything, because you’re always you…my little bear.” he smiled and kissed me. “But I do like little surprises.”
“Keep sweet talking me and it’ll be a big surprise later Dr. Yoon.” I stuck my tongue out. “Come on I’m actually starving and there’s pizza….it’s also kinda cold out here.” I pulled him back inside.
“Oh Nurse, you’re going to get me in so much trouble one of these days.” he laughed.
“I thought trouble was your middle name.” I smiled.
“Ready to lose again Jeonghan?” Joshua smiled.
“If I remember last year we had 6 votes and you had 5.” Jeonghan smiled.
“Doesn’t beat that Soonyoung got 12.” they both chuckled.
“I didn’t think that many people were gonna vote for sexy tiger man.” they laughed more at the thought.
“Don’t forget he has to present the winner this year, and you know how he gets about stage fright.”
“Hanniehae!” I called out finding them. “It’s our turn to vote!”
“Well I know who I’m voting for.” he smiled finding my hand as I reached out for him.
“I’m voting for Wonwoo and his partner, I like their cute cat ears.”
“He only has on cat ears, babe. He can literally turn into a cat.”
“Yeah but he has such a cute smile.” I smiled at my very own demon boyfriend.
“You’re just saying that because you’ve been bothering me for a cat for 6 months.”
“They’re cute and cuddly!!!”
“And you’re allergic.” he chuckled and wrote down our names and put it in the box.
“Fine maybe I’ll vote for Soonyoung again.”
“Do you want to lose? I need to keep my beat Joshua streak.”
“Oh you take it way too serious.” I chuckled and wrote down Wonwoo’s name and we left the “booth.” it was just the first floor bathroom with a curtain and a sign that said “private voting.”
Now I know what you’re thinking, who will count these fairly and not forge any for themselves. Our very own father figure, Seungcheol…well and Vernon and Junhui. And you’d think that demons could enchant the box right? Wrong…they take it WAY too serious…they got a special box from a witch that can’t be tampered with..unless you have the key. I mean not every plan is fool proof. 
“Well Doctor…better luck next year.” I smiled at him as Minghao raised the trophy in triumph and the crowd called out for a speech.
“Man I thought we really had it this year.” he smiled and shook his head.
“Well I think you look great.”
“I could say the same for you Nurse Y/n.”
“Did we at least beat Joshie again this year?”
“Of couse we did, and by always…one vote.” he sighed. “Maybe next year we can do Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy.”
“Only is you find us an invisible boat-mobile.” I laughed at the thought.
“You’d look pretty hot in a body suit and pink fuzzy slippers.” he chuckled as we made our way outside.
“Oh are you saying I’m Mermaid Man?”
“Of course, I’m just your humble sidekick.” he kissed me once for good luck and twice because he felt like it. “And in a few years when you’re old and gray we can be the couple from Up. We better win before that though.”
“You sure we’ll still be together by then Jeonghan?”
“Oh I know we will be. I’m not letting you go anytime soon darling.” he smiled and ran in front of me. “Oh Nurse! I believe I need…CPR…For real.” he said laying down on the sidewalk and reaching a hand up.
“Choking people don’t talk Hannie.” I laughed.
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swampstew · 2 years
Day 15 ~ Eustass Kid X F! Reader X Peeping
Note: I am recycling the post from "The Heist" which I did as a collab for @lawscorazon mostly because I love the prompt. I had a different scenario written out but its close to 4K words now, it has some Wano spoilers, and I don't even know where to begin to cut down on it, might just post it as a stand alone for later on!
Word Count: 2.1K CW: 18+ only, Spicy, voyeurism, stalking, masturbation, minor violence, m!n0rs DNI
Part 2 here
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Last DNI/CW warning.
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Eustass Kid slammed his metal arm on to the display table, destroying the glass frame and structure. Glass shattered and covered the carpeted flooring; cheap weapons littered the floor as the merchant backed away from the Supernova. His back to the wall, Kid stomped up to him and grabbed him by the throat.
“You know who I am, how dare you waste my time with this cheap fucking garbage,” he growled, squeezing the man’s throat close.
The man was gasping and with a last attempt to salvage the situation, began to point to the left of him. Kid almost ignored the action, wanting to let his bloodlust overtake him and simply kill the old fool for his ignorance. He tilted his head to the left and he barely loosened his grip on the man, allowing him to greedily suck air into his lungs.
“I’m sorry for making you wait, I was bringing these up from our vault,” a woman was standing by a doorway, pulling a three-tier cart behind her. From a glance, Kid could see the cart was loaded with different weapons. Sparing the old man a final glance the pirate backed off without warning, dropping the old merchant to the ground.
Stomping to the woman, Kid began to dig through the various pistols and swords, examining the quality of the steel, trying to find any imperfections or duds. Finding none, he clicked his tongue and shot the woman a glare.
“These are better but not good enough. What else do you have?”
She gave him a nervous look before glancing at the merchant. “It’s ok Y/N, take him to the vault.”
“Please follow me,” she humbly spoke, abandoning the cart and walking back through the door, Kid following closely behind her.
Descending the steep ramp, Kid spoke. “Y/N? That’s not a name I’ve heard before. You’re not from around here are you?”
Y/N shook her head, “That’s right. I came here a few months ago. Just trying to make some money and then I’ll be leaving again.”
They reached the basement floor and she led him to a vast vault door. Rotating the locking mechanism, Kid roughly pulled her aside and using his power, jerked the vault door open and walked inside. Annoyed that the merchant had in fact kept the good shit hidden away, Kid pilfered through the shelves and display cases.
“Are you looking for anything specific?” Y/N stood by the door as she watched the pirate.
“No,” he didn’t bother to explain himself. He never sought out specific weapons so much as he liked to see what was available and if anything sparked his interest. Finding several guns and daggers he liked, he grunted at the woman to indicate he was done.
The old merchant was not in the shop but he had left behind a note for the young woman. It was a short note: Give him whatever he wants and take whatever he is willing to pay. Try not to die. Close up shop when he’s done.
“Just you and me now,” Y/N scoffed, annoyed at the man’s cowardice that he would up and leave her alone.
A menacing grin spread on his painted lips, “old man too afraid to face me again?”
Nodding, she handed him the note. Letting out sharp laughter, Kid pulled out his money clip and slapped a large amount of berri on the table while Y/N wrapped his daggers into leather sheaths and bound his purchases into a single parcel.
Opening the register, Kid was confused when he saw the woman pulling out all the money and stacking it with the berri he had given her. She ducked below the table and struggled to carry up a heavy steel lockbox, slamming it on the table.
“Can you open this?”
“Why should I?” he mocked her.
“Fuck the merchant, I’m robbing him now.”
Kid was a little dumbfounded at the statement and without much thought, used his power to easily rip the door off the little safe. Y/N quickly pulled out more berri and added it to the pile on the table. Kid could hear the tinkling of treasure but before he could see what it was, Y/N handed him a bloated satchel.
“These are all his prized jewels and gold. Consider it your portion of this little heist. If you want to take anything else go for it, I don’t give a shit. Later,” she casually said as she slipped the stacks of berri into her purse and walked out the front door.
“Wh-what?” Kid stayed glued to the spot, unsure of what to make of everything that just happened. He quickly thumbed through the satchel and was surprised that she had given him all of it, the value in the bag was more than what he paid for and he was sure it was worth more than all the berri she had taken from the shop. He quickly exited the shop, eyes searching the semi-crowded village looking for Y/H/C.
Spotting Y/N’s head, he began to follow her from a distance. Kid quickly realized that she was headed towards the docks and he vaguely remembered there being some shitty excuses for rental rooms nearby where his ship was moored.
He wasn’t entirely sure why he was following her, no he was definitely just going the same direction because that’s where his ship is and that’s the justification he’s sticking to. However, once he saw her turn a corner and into one of the shitty rentals, he found himself stopping.
Shifting the parcel on his shoulder, he weighed his options. They would be leaving the next day so he had the time. On the other hand, did he really need to dick around and stalk some random yet very pretty woman? The answer was yes.
Making sure no one was watching him, he turned the same corner and walked around the perimeter of the room Y/N had entered. The rental unit was truly a piece of shit, the infrastructure was crumbling near the foundation, cracked and broken windows and there were some holes in the roof. He snuck himself in a narrow space where there were partially covered windows looking into Y/N’s rental.
Y/N was sitting at a table and counting her money, writing into a small notebook. After a few minutes, she put it all away into a small wooden box and began to stretch. Kid leered as her top lifted and he could see a roll of flesh. She moved to the end of the room and standing in front of the window he was at, she began to run water into a small, clawed bathtub. Kid shrunk back into the shadows, hoping the partially covered window gave him enough cover from being detected.
Apparently it had as the woman did not raise alarm. Staying in her same spot, she began to undress and stepped into the slowly filling tub. Kid’s eyes did not leave her form, entranced at her curves and nakedness as she began to lower her body into the hot water. He could feel his body reacting but he didn’t dare do anything about it just yet.
Y/N let out a loud, content sigh from the steamy bath. Speaking to herself, “hmm that pirate captain was pretty hot. Should have asked if he wanted to bang before I left. Oh well,” and she ducked her head underwater.
Grateful for her momentary absence, Kid’s jaw dropped from her statement as he pressed against the window, his eyes greedy for more. Kid glanced around to make sure he was alone before he began to palm his erection through his pants. Staring at her naked form in the water, he teased his length with slow motions as he drank in the sight of her. Perked nipples adorning her tits, wide hips, and chunky thighs he wanted to bite into, he groaned softly as he gripped himself harder.
Ducking out of sight again as Y/N’s head broke through the water, she laid her head back against the tub lip as she relaxed, a small hand towel covering her eyes and she occasionally wrung out a loofah over her body to rain warm droplets over her chest when she got chilly. Kid was moments away from walking to her front door when she raised her hands to her chest and began to gently tease her nipples.
Kid’s breath hitched as the woman let out a soft moan from her own actions. A private show? Oh FUCK yes. Feeling braver with her eyes shielded, Kid unbuttoned his pants and pulled his cock out, spitting into his palm and pumping himself while peeping through the window.
Y/N was massaging her body working slowly from her chest to her waist, caressing herself with delicate touches. One hand stayed on her titties as she kneaded them while her other hand drifted in between her legs. Kid stood tall for a better view and he nearly let his tongue hang as he watched Y/N rub small circles on her clit while she let out little whines of pleasure. She was increasing her speed on herself and Kid matched her pace on himself, working himself up as the coil of heat built up inside him.
“Ooh, yes right there,” she whimpered as she slipped her fingers inside her core and began pumping them in and out. “Mmm you feel so good, pirate,” she cooed, hips bucking against her hand sharply. Twisting his thumb over the head of his cock, precum leaked out helping lubricate his member and he began to buck into his hand as well, panting lightly.
Increasing his speed and grip, Kid internalized the vocalizations that tried to leave his mouth, hips jutting as he fucked into his hand while he watched Y/N bring herself to orgasm. Her face was twisted in pleasure as she let out soft wails while she rode her high, three fingers still working herself deep inside. When she pulled the digits out of her body and brought them to her mouth, Kid almost bashed his face through the window, desperate for a taste of her.
Not done with her bath, Y/N brought her hand back down to her clit and worked herself up quickly. Impatient for another release, she began to whisper out dirty things she wished Kid would do to her, still unaware that the man in question was jacking off to her outside. The Supernova listened to her breathy requests, silently agreeing to do them all to her if he found himself still wanting to fuck her when he was done.
“Fuck, I bet he has a huge cock too,” Y/N sighed, the water choppy from her rapid movements as she kept working herself. “I’d let him spread me out and fuck me stupid,” she moaned, on the edge of her second orgasm.
Kid heard her words and he was gone. The bubble inside him burst as his sloppy thrusts devolved into sharp bucking into his hand. His thick, white cum hit the window with soft sounds as he shot rope after rope from his orgasm. It ran down the window like rain droplets, racing to fall off the edge of the pane. Drops of his seed coated his hand too as he kept pumping through his own high, still watching the woman.
Satiated, he slipped himself back into his pants, head snapping up when he heard a frustrated groan. Y/N had stopped her ministrations, softly shaking her hand that had been doing all the work from the cramp she was enduring. “Goddamnit, right on the edge too,” she pouted, ripping the towel from her face and she began to exit the tub while it drained.
Cocky smile plastered on his face when he heard that, Kid wiped his hand on his pants and quickly glanced at his reflection from the second window before walking to her front door, knocking loud and rapidly.
Hearing cursing and movement from inside, Kid’s face remained the same as he propped his flesh arm against the door frame, waiting for the door to open. Y/N’s face turning red, eyes wide in shock when she found him like that.
“You! What, how did you find me?”
“The name is Kid, Eustass Kid. I have a habit of winding up exactly where I’m needed,” his salacious grin evident as he leered at her body.
She had hastily put on a long dress shirt but her nipples were perked against the cloth. He was willing to bet she wasn’t wearing underwear as he saw droplets of water still running down her thighs.
“There was something at the shop I wanted that I didn’t get. I’m here to collect.”
“What? But I gave you all the jewels and anything else you wanted!”
Nodding his head, his grin somehow getting wider. “Talking about you, girly. Now, you gonna keep me waiting outside or are you gonna invite me in so I can fuck you stupid?”
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noffy96 · 9 months
Sun and Moon collab piece
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So....I apparently talk about my new obsession with sun/moon with my translator and friend a lot.
So much so that they decided to draw sun and moon for me. And I just really, really, really loved the lineart they did. So I asked if I could colour it, and she said yes!
And here's the result of that.
I think it turned out amazing!
So check out @sand-shark for more of their amazing artwork. And thank you so, so, so much for letting me colour this. It was so much fun to do
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thedevioussmirk · 1 year
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This is my art for the Leviathan's Bday Collab with the prompt "soulmates"! The accompanying fic made by Vinstars on ao3 named "The colour of my soul" can be found here and the same fic on tumblr is here ^^
And thanks for the collab, I had so much fun 💕
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greatbritishapocalypse · 11 months
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Something mutually possesed my best friend and I, and we made this in like 3 collective hours today.
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Never watched Madoka Magica but I can do devotion :33
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attyrocious · 3 months
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work doodle
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mochispresso · 8 months
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Another one from the cross guild merch collab
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ashoss · 1 month
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couple of insta reqs i liked enough to share here :3
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kumada-is-love · 6 months
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rameiixo · 2 months
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izutzoomie.. sorry
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luckyjorabbit · 1 year
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Soooo... I started reading One Piece again teehee *twirls hair* ( 6w6)
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A couple magma canvases that i did with @fluffyartbl0g !!!
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I was maroon and they were every other color lol
In the second canvas we tried to draw those 3 sets of 2 characters from memory btw
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chaosemmie · 11 months
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zoro proposal aftermath (she didn’t say no just kicked him out)
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