#colors of nature legacy challenge
doglover-trait · 2 years
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It was Winterfest, but Rose didn’t have any family to invite over, so she made dinner for Branson and Mayumi instead!
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terreno-baldio · 1 year
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meet ayanna - our firstborn 👧❤️
she already loves farm life!
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nicobees · 7 months
Birds of a Feather Sims 4 Legacy Challenge
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I made this legacy challenge that I call, "Birds of a Feather Legacy Challenge," where every generation is based on a different type of bird!
If you decide to try it use #birdsofafeatherlegacy and tell me about it!
I'll be doing the challenge on my youtube channel @nicobeesims if you want to see and follow along!
Here are the rules:
Generation 1: Owl
You don’t have family or resources, but you do have your mind. Since you were a child, you have been told how wise you are, and you are determined to make a life for yourself out of your academic work-ethic.
Color: Brown
Style: Academia
Traits: Loner, Bookworm, Overachiever
Aspiration: Academic
Start off on an empty lot with zero dollars
Complete the Academic Aspiration
Get married to a student at the rival unviersity
Join the secret society at University
Continue to Live in Britechester after you Graduate
Generation 2: Pigeon
Growing up in a sleepy college town, you’re only childhood ambition is to get out. You did inherit your parent’s love for research and writing, but you would rather apply it out in the world rather than in stuffy libraries. As soon as you graduate highschool, you decide to move to the city and pursue life as a journalist.
Color: Grey
Style: Preppy
Traits: Creative, Ambitious, Outgoing
Aspiration: City Native
Complete your Aspiration
Move to San Myshuno as a Young Adult
Reach Level 10 of the Writer Career in the Journalist Branch
Move to a Penthouse Apartment as an Adult
Marry the first sim you date (Pigeons mate for life!)
gen 3: Chicken
You decide that the hustle and bustle of city life is too hectic. You seem to not have inherited the natural charisma that makes your Parent able to navigate the social life of San Myshuno with ease. You say goodbye to San Myshuno and create a pastoral life for you and your family.
Color: Red
Style: Cottage Core
Traits: Loves the Outdoors, Animal Lover, Outgoing, Socially Awkward
Aspiration: Country Caretaker
Complete your Aspiration
Move to a Pastoral Neighborhood as a Young Adult
Reach level 10 of the gardening skill
Name your children after plants
Become best friends with 3 animals
gen 4: Peacock
Plants and Animals are all well and good, but you are much more interested in people. Specifically people’s eyes on you. You love fashion and fame, and you want nothing more than to have your style become a household name.
Color: Blue
Style: Maximalism
Traits: High Maintenance Self-Assured Self-Absorbed
Aspiration: Admired Icon, World Famous Celebrity
Complete the Admired Icon Aspiration as a teen
Complete the World Famous Celebrity Aspiration in Adulthood
Reach Level 10 of the Style Influencer Career
Reach level 10 of the Charisma Skill
Get a Divorce as an Adult
gen 5: Stork
You love your parent, but part of you resents the time they spent on talk shows, runways, and with fans instead of with you. Witnessing your parent’s divorce as a child left you with an idyllic view of family life that you commit yourself fully to. You vow to always be there for your own children.
Color: Pink
Style: Retro
Traits: Family Oriented Childish Perfectionist
Aspiration: Big Happy Family
Complete Aspiration
Get married as a young adult to your childhood best friend
Make money from a freelance career of your choice
Complete at least 3 gold star toddler playdates during your lifetime
Throw a party for every child’s birthday and every holiday
gen 6: Crow
Your parent obsessed with giving you the perfect childhood, and you are grateful. You live with them well into adulthood, and as you watch all your friends move out and on with their lives, you’re more than happy to live in the place you grew up, spending your time on whatever you find interesting, which is mostly programming and adding to your various collections.
Color: Black
Style: Alternative
Traits: Geek Genius Loyal
Aspiration: Curator
Complete Aspiration
Live with your parent(s) until you are an adult
never move from your hometown
win a contest at GeekCon
reach level 10 of the Programming Skill
gen 7: Penguin
You love anything that gets you active: Climbing, Swimming, Snow Sports! You always needed to be the strongest and bravest of all the kids on the block, You love sports of all types and dedicate your life to achieving your athletic goals.
Color: Orange
Style: Athleisure
Traits: Active Good Bro
Aspiration: Extreme Sports Enthusiast
Complete Aspiration
Reach Football Team Captain as a Teenager
Go Swimming at least once a week from childhood onward
Reach level 10 in either Skiing or Snowboarding
Successfully climb Mount Komorebi
gen 8: Canary
You love making other sims smile, whether that be with a pretty song or a warm baked good! People are naturally attracted to your optimistic personality, and you decide you like playing the field. You tried to pursue a career in music but decided the spotlight was a bit much for you and decided to open a bakery instead.
Color: Yellow
Style: Soft
Traits: Cheerful Music Lover Foodie
Aspiration: Serial Romantic
Win a Karaoke Contest
Never get married
Join the Music Career as a Young Adult
Quit your career as an Adult to open a store that sells baked goods
Reach level 10 of the Singing Skill
gen 9: Parakeet
You love making jokes and making friends. Unlike your Parent, who wanted to stay out of the spotlight, you love being the center of attention and are meticulous about maintaining your online presence. You are extroverted and always need to be surrounded by other people. From housemates to extravagant weekend plans, you organize your life so you’ll never have to be without company.
Color: Green
Style: ‘00s
Traits: Party Animal Goofball Insider
Aspiration: Live Fast, Party Animal
Complete the Live Fast Aspiration as a teenager
Complete the Party Animal Aspiration in Adulthood
Never live by yourself (always have at least one other sim in the household)
Reach Level 10 of the Social Media Career
Perform Comedy at an Open Mic Night (Talent Showcase)
gen 10: Hummingbird
You never could stay in one place for long, and upon graduating, you decide to put this restlessness into use, entering the secret agent career where you are constantly moving and on new assignments. This begins to wear on you, the not being able to get close to anyone, the secret identities, it gets lonely. When you fall in love with one of your fellow agents, you both decide to get out and start over somewhere where your pasts couldn’t find you.
Color: Purple
Style: Grunge
Traits: Non-Committal/(Romantic) Adventurous Jealous
Aspiration: Soulmate
Complete the Soulmate Aspiration
Move to a new town every time you are promoted while in the Secret Agent Career
Marry another Secret Agent, and both quit the career
Replace Non-Committal with Romantic Trait as Adult
Reach Level 5 in 5 different skills
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usnatarchives · 2 months
Tailspin Tapestries: The Colorful Faces of WWII Aircraft 🃏
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Nose art, the decorative painting or design on the fuselage of military aircraft, has a storied history that peaked during World War II. This vibrant, often cheeky artwork served as a morale booster for the crew, adding a personal touch to the grimness of war and providing a sentimental tie to the home they were fighting to protect. The practice traces its origins to Italian and German pilots in World War I, but it was during World War II that American airmen embraced this form of expression with unparalleled creativity.
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World War II represented the golden age of nose art, with American crews stationed in Europe and the Pacific leading in creativity. Artworks ranged from ferocious animals and cartoon characters to pin-up girls and patriotic symbols, each with a unique name that reflected the aircraft's character, the crew's aspirations, or an inside joke among the squadron. Names like "Memphis Belle," "Enola Gay," and "Sack Time" became as legendary as the aircraft themselves, symbolizing the spirit of the crew and their mission.
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Nose art was crucial to boosting morale among crew members, providing a sense of individuality and ownership over their aircraft in an otherwise regimented and dehumanizing environment. This artwork fostered an emotional attachment to their planes, with each piece a vivid manifestation of the crew's bond. It represented a piece of home and personality in foreign skies, a reminder of what they fought for and the camaraderie that sustained them.
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The subject matter of nose art varied widely, reflecting diverse personalities within the crews. Cartoons and comic characters like Donald Duck and Bugs Bunny were favorites for their humor and relatability. Artwork also featured fierce sharks, tigers, and eagles, symbolizing the aircraft and crew's power and aggression.
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Many nose art pieces were painted by the crew members themselves, though some squads had designated artists. Individuals like Don Allen, who painted nearly 100 pieces of nose art, were celebrated for their contributions. Using whatever materials were at hand, these artists created masterpieces under challenging conditions, showcasing remarkable ingenuity and talent.
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The practice of nose art declined after World War II, largely due to stricter military regulations and the evolving nature of warfare. However, its legacy endures, captivating historians, veterans, and enthusiasts. World War II nose art remains a powerful reminder of the human element amidst war's machinery, a colorful testament to the resilience, creativity, and spirit of those who served.
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The National Archives holds a treasure trove of photographs featuring this iconic nose art, often discovered in ordinary crew photos where the art itself isn't the primary focus of the image. This creates a fascinating treasure hunt for enthusiasts and researchers alike, offering glimpses into the past where this artwork accompanies stories of bravery, camaraderie, and the personal touches that made these aircraft more than just machines of war.
More resources on the National Archives website and Catalog:
https://nara.getarchive.net/topics/nose+art https://www.archives.gov/research/military/ww2/photos
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underdark-dreams · 5 months
Hi! I love your Rolan fics so much!! If you’re still accepting ideas, may I request one where Rolan & Tav slow dance together? The two of them just finding their own little corner away from everyone and enjoying a close moment together. Thank you! 😊
Rolan x fem!Tav
"Happiness suits you." Sometimes a moment alone is all you need. After the Battle of Baldur's Gate is past and the dust has settled, Rolan and Tav find the steps forward.
Tags: Slow Dance, Fluff, Mutual Pining | Word Count: 3.5k [Read on AO3]
The high society of Baldur's Gate had its own kind of dance, and Rolan found that the steps came quite naturally to him.
He had always been made for nights like these: the main floor of Ramazith’s Tower filled with lords and ladies of the partriar families, a sea of color and chatter and pure power in one room. All of them here at his invitation.
Rolan had scarcely gotten a moment alone the entire evening. He’d expected curiosity about the new Master of the Tower, but the sheer quantity of it took him aback.
For all their influence across Baldur’s Gate and beyond, it had come as a surprise just how little these people knew about Ramazith’s Tower and its various inhabitants. Evidently many wizards were territorial creatures who hoarded their lives and their knowledge far away from prying eyes. His previous master certainly had been—even with his own student. Ramazith’s reputation was even worse somehow.
It was a legacy Rolan had no interest in continuing. Knowledge had its own kind of magic; when shared, it only multiplied. To his mind, it was also a misstep to ignore the influence that came along with the role of archwizard. He had just as much of a role in Baldurian politics as he would have to research and educate in the arcane.
Once the dust settled after the great battle for Baldur’s Gate, Rolan put his plans into action. Tonight was the first step toward change. Gathering the high families, opening up the Tower to those outside the magical arts—it was at least a start.
Yet even Rolan found himself tiring of it all after several hours of introductions and political discussions. He had retreated with wine in hand to watch the fete continue from the upper mezzanine. There was only one person left in the room who he really wished to speak with, and he found it challenging to get the timing right. 
For the umpteenth time this evening, Rolan found himself searching the floor for Tav. Even in this sea of people her figure drew his eyes as if she had him enchanted.
After months of only knowing her dressed for combat, it was unexpectedly charming to see her dressed in finery. It suited her. Her dress was cut in a simple but elegant shape, with a high neckline that flowed all the way down to the hem brushing the tops of her feet. 
The dramatic detail was in the back: a large keyhole opening which displayed a very generous glimpse of skin from her shoulder blades down to the curve of her lower back.
Rolan found himself continuously distracted by that patch of bare flesh. Throughout the evening, occasionally in the middle of conversation with a council member, his eyes had been drawn to Tav from across the room. He felt it every time she turned her back to him, and he wondered whether she had any idea what she was doing.
But she was in even higher demand than himself this evening. Unsurprising to anyone who knew her role in saving their city from the precipice of disaster. So far he’d only managed to exchange a few glances with her from across the room, though each time she had offered him a warm smile.
Rolan’s fingers nervously adjusted his own lapel. He’d changed his dress for the evening as well; his new robes were light, fine silk stitched with gold trim. Fitting attire for his new station in life.
It was an odd sensation to finally be free of the metal apprentice’s mantel that used to rest over his shoulders. He felt lighter, less encumbered—and strangely exposed because of it.
“Itchy, right?” 
Cal appeared at his shoulder, tugging on the collar of his own dress tunic. He must have interpreted Rolan’s fussing as discomfort rather than nerves. A misunderstanding Rolan was content to let him continue in.
“Enjoying yourself?” Rolan asked dryly. From Cal’s squirming, he’d already guessed the answer.
“Hardly,” Cal muttered. He gave up with his shirt and took a long drink from his goblet instead. “I barely know any of these people. Well, there’s Alfie, but she told me off for trying to talk to her.”
Rolan glanced to the small platform along the far wall below. Alfira had been almost unbearably gleeful when he’d asked to hire her musical talents for this evening. But to her credit, Rolan had to admit that she was the picture of professionalism where she stood. The gentle stylings of her lute floated to fill the spacious room around them.
“Of course she did,” Rolan told his brother. “Tonight’s important for her too, you know. Rich people always have children who need music lessons.”
Cal let out a sigh. “I guess. It’s just weird having things change so much. Tav’s still okay, though,” he added.
To Rolan’s annoyance, his brother prodded an elbow into his side. “She looks nice, right?”
“Fine. Quit it—” Rolan shooed the arm away with an irritable hand.
“Have you talked to her yet?”
“Too busy,” Rolan replied. It wasn’t quite a lie. Despite himself, he cast another glance around the faces below. Tav’s was currently absent from the crowd—he hoped she hadn’t left for the night.
“Sure,” Cal replied knowingly from beside him. But he only drained the last of his wine and turned to leave. “Just don’t wait too long, yeah? You might be busy forever.”
Rolan didn’t deign that with a response as the younger man made his way back down to the party. Cal was right, and he found there was an anxious buzzing between his ears because of it. With Tav currently nowhere to be found, Rolan decided it may be best to gather his head while he could. 
Quietly enough to not attract attention, he slipped up the stairs and out onto the wide circular balcony. A welcome breeze ruffled through his clothing as he stepped out into the starry evening. Passing through the vaulted doorway was like entering a connected but distinct new realm; the sea of voices behind him faded to a soft hum. Only Alfira’s music carried clearly outdoors and into the night. 
Rolan leaned his free hand on the cool stone railing. The peaceful air soothed his mind—he hadn’t realized that a headache had been steadily building behind his skull from hours in a room full of echoing voices. He let out a sigh of relief.
“Thanks for the invite tonight.”
Just as he’d relaxed, Tav’s voice made Rolan start. He finally caught sight of her leaning against a stone pillar to his right—her dark gown must have camouflaged her. Rolan hoped the low light had made his fluster just as unnoticeable. 
Gathering himself, he lifted his wine in her direction. “I’d be remiss to leave out the hero of Baldur’s Gate from such an event.”
Tav pulled a face at the name, but she approached with her own goblet in hand to join him at the railing. “Don’t you start,” she warned playfully. “I got enough of that inside. Had to come out here for a rest from it.”
“Not much I can do to help on that score, I’m afraid. A lot of people will be grateful to you for a long time.” Rolan watched as she settled beside him, then turned with her to look down at the cityscape below. 
From this height, the lamp flames formed strings of luminous pearls through the streets and alleys of the city. A flock of distant white sails waved in the harbor; trade ships waiting like slumbering giants for the return of first light.
“Nice view,” Tav remarked in approval.
Rolan glanced sideways at her face. For one insane moment, he considered parrying that into a compliment on her appearance. She certainly deserved one tonight. But he maintained his grip on sanity, and resisted.
“So—” Tav tilted her head to meet his eye. “How’s life in the Upper City?”
Rolan knew Tav’s expressions well enough by now to suspect she was teasing a bit. “Busy,” he answered truthfully. “So much more than I expected.”
“Everyone’s certainly curious about you,” she agreed. “If there’s one thing lords and ladies can’t resist, it’s a new face in society. This was genius, by the way—” Tav gestured her wine glass back at the gathering inside.
“Is it?” Rolan was skeptical. “It seems like the obvious move to me.” 
Tav grinned at him. “That’s what makes it so genius.”
The conversation lulled for a moment as they stood looking out over the quiet city. Rolan found that his initial nerves at being alone with her like this were melting away. Speaking with Tav was comfortable; even silence with her was comfortable somehow. Rolan was the first to break it.
“What about you? What will you do now?”
She sighed down at the view below. “Honestly? I don’t know. I’d like to stay in Baldur’s Gate if I can. Too many friends here to think about leaving.”
During the pause that followed, Rolan wondered if she counted him among them. He found it was very important to him that she did. Before he could decide whether to ask, Tav continued.
“I did get a few promising job offers tonight, if you can believe it. Including one from Lord Jannath to join his private council. Or maybe that was a euphemism,” she added.
“He’s a cad,” Rolan said immediately.
“Oh, I’m well aware of Raylen Jannath’s reputation. And I’m sure it’s entirely deserved.” Tav looked over at him with a glint in her eye. “Don’t worry. I’m no wide-eyed babe.”
“No, you’re not,” Rolan agreed. His jaw clenched with annoyance nevertheless. “But you care about doing good. Some people will always try to take advantage of that.”
“I’ll just refer them to my friend the powerful archwizard, shall I?”
Rolan exhaled a sharp breath of laughter and tried to ignore the way his stomach flipped at her choice of words.
“You’re always welcome in this tower,” he told her. “If nothing else, I hope you know that.”
Tav regarded him for a moment. The hand holding her goblet swirled the liquid inside in a thoughtful motion. “You’ve changed a lot, you know.”
He was curious what made her say such a thing. “Have I?”
“Sure you have.” Tav’s eyes still moved pensively over his face. “Back when we first met, you didn’t seem…” She searched for the word. “Well. Interested in most of the others from Elturel. And now look at the community you’ve built. Alfira tonight, helping Dannis and Bex get their teashop funded. Even Dammon says you gave him an open contract for any metalwork anywhere in the whole Tower.” 
“You’ve been talking with Lia too much.” Rolan heard the defensiveness in his own voice, but he couldn’t help it. Something about the way Tav was looking at him made his face warm.
“I’m just saying it’s nice,” she finished with a gentle smile. “I always thought you had a bigger heart than you let on.”
“Yes, yes,” Rolan drawled as he raised his goblet. Tav gave thought to his heart—that revelation required wine.
“Remember that night at the Grove?”
Rolan looked at her over the edge of his cup. “That party at your camp, you mean?”
So casual, so unpracticed—as if he didn’t think of that night often.
“Alfira played this song,” she continued.
Rolan had to pause for a moment to focus on the melody floating out to where they stood. When his ear caught the tune, he shifted on his feet. “Ah.”
He knew where she was going with this, but Tav still went on. “Danis and Bex started pairing people up, and I’d already had far too much wine…so I went on and asked you for a dance. Remember?”
“Yes.” Rolan felt a sudden urge to hang his head. 
Tav’s eyes were shining with amusement. She gestured her glass toward him in an expectant motion, as if giving him his cue. Rolan let out a very reluctant sigh.
“And I told you I wouldn’t be caught dead dancing in such an uncivilized place,” he finished.
“I believe the term you used was ‘common,’” she chuckled. “You always did have a way with words.” But then she glanced down to the drink between her hands. “Actually…it was a bit disappointing at the time.”
Rolan’s brow furrowed. “Why?”
Tav looked back up at him as though he’d grown another pair of horns. “Because I wanted to dance with you, Rolan. Why else?” She shook her head as she turned back to the view. “Wizards, I swear…not everything is a riddle.”
Rolan considered her words, considered Tav where she stood beside him. Before he knew what he was doing, his fingers were reaching for the wine glass in her near hand. She allowed him to pluck it carefully from her grip; her face was a mask of puzzlement as she watched him set their drinks aside on the flat of the stone railing.
Rolan turned back to her. “Let me make it up to you, then.” He extended a hand toward her palm-up.
Tav cocked her head at him. The corners of her mouth twitched as if she thought this might be some kind of joke. For a moment Rolan felt every bit the fool, standing here with his empty hand outstretched. 
Then her fingers raised to brush across his. “Deal.”
He almost certainly had this backwards—weren’t the hands supposed to be the other way around? But there was no time to think about that now. 
Tav took a step closer, her long skirt swinging against his legs. She clasped Rolan’s forearm where it hung at his side, guided it around behind her waist, and then laid her other hand against his shoulder.
The cutout in the back of her dress resulted in Rolan’s skin meeting hers a second time. His mind had somehow neglected to prepare for that; for a few seconds it took all of his concentration to keep his movements smooth and controlled.
Tav began swaying in time with the distant music, just a gentle step side to side and back again. Rolan followed her lead. 
“Is this right?” Tav asked. With her face upturned to him under starlight, she looked somehow younger than her years and experience.
“I don’t know,” Rolan admitted. His head was too full of other things—the softness of Tav’s hand in his, the disorienting curve of her back under his palm, not to mention trying like hells not to step on her. “I’ve honestly never done this before.” 
“Oh, come on.” Tav’s expression relaxed again as they swayed back and forth together. “No sweethearts back in Elturel? I find that hard to believe.”
When was the last time you touched someone like this? Unwelcome, embarrassing, the thought nevertheless sprang to Rolan’s mind. It was certainly longer ago than he cared to admit. Then again, maybe he’d never touched someone quite like this.
“No one like you,” he decided.
At that Tav only chewed the inside of her lip and gave a thoughtful hum. Whether she sensed his discomfort or whether he’d embarrassed her himself, she didn’t ask for details. He was relieved as the subject drifted away, replaced by the distant lute song and the soft rustle of her skirt as they moved. 
After another quiet moment, he felt compelled to speak up again. “You were right before, you know. I have changed.”
“Oh?” Tav looked up at him with curiosity. But she waited patiently for him to continue. Rolan was grateful for it; finding the right words took some thought.
“I suppose I've learned that pride and arrogance aren’t the same thing. Lorroakan taught me to see the difference. As did you,” he added. He swallowed against the discomfort of vulnerability. “I was so damn arrogant then…but I wasn't proud of myself. Not really. You helped me find how to be.”
Tav’s eyes moved back and forth between his as she listened. “Then I’m glad for it. You have a lot to be proud of, Rolan.” 
An odd mixture of feelings rose in his throat; he felt humbled and pleased with himself all at once. It was impossible to put into words. Rolan only bowed his head slightly to her, and the space between them lapsed into a comfortable silence once more.
After a while, the dance relaxed into something more casual. Alfira’s lute had taken up a different tune back in the main hall. Their steps no longer kept time with the music now, drifting along with each other in a new rhythm instead. Her hand had migrated from the side of his shoulder to let her wrist hang limp by his collar. 
As they swayed together in silence, Rolan felt her fingers carding absently through the ends of his hair.
When he caught her eye, Tav’s hand stilled. “Sorry.”
“Don’t be,” he told her. “It’s not unpleasant.”
For some reason that made Tav laugh. “There you go again. ‘Not unpleasant.’ Can’t you just say something’s pleasant and have done with it?”
Though their stance was still a bit awkward, something about having her in his arms made Rolan bold. He looked straight into her face. “Then allow me to try again. You look very beautiful tonight.”
Tav’s lips parted in surprise for a moment. Then she glanced away to the side, and Rolan saw a flush of color rise to her cheek.
“Thank you,” she said quietly. “So do you. Handsome, that is,” she added in a rush. “Happiness suits you.”
She had a knack for saying the most perceptive things. Right now, finding himself abruptly launched to the peak of his life’s dream, with the people he cared for safe and provided for, Rolan supposed that he was happy. All the more for the person holding his hand.
“Are you happy, Tav?”
She turned back to him slowly. As she did, her fingers happened to brush against his neck again, sending a shiver up Rolan’s spine that had nothing to do with the evening breeze around them. 
“I am,” she murmured. “Right now…very.”
For the first time tonight, Rolan became aware of just how near her face was. It was tilted slightly up to meet his, and the angle happened to leave a clear path to her mouth. It would take only the smallest movement to close the distance.
And without thinking—just for once in his life—he did. 
As he tilted his head toward her, Rolan felt Tav’s hand curl behind his neck to pull him gently forward. Their lips brushed together soft as a whisper, but the sensation ran through him clear as the ring of a bell. His fingers splayed against the warmth of her lower back, pressing her figure in closer against his own— 
“Rolan, we’ve been looking ev—”
The two of them broke apart as if jolted by electricity. Tav wheeled away, face entirely hidden and one hand clasped up to her mouth. Rolan rounded on the doorway.
“What?” He blurted out.
Cal stood there frozen in place, mouth agape, his eyes flicking back and forth between Rolan and Tav. The air between the three of them was filled with enough raw awkwardness as to make Rolan’s skin crawl.
“Nevermind,” Cal said hoarsely. “It’s—they—nevermind.”
He swiftly turned on his heel and retreated without another word, leaving the two of them standing alone again on their balcony.
But the comfortable atmosphere was gone. Rolan had never felt more uncomfortable in his life. He squeezed eyes shut and pinched the bridge of his nose, allowing a guttural sound to rise straight from the depths of his chest.
“We’ve been alone out here for half an hour—” A few steps away, Tav’s voice was choked with laughter behind her hand. “And the second we even try to—”
Rolan worked his eyes open to glance at her. Her shoulders were shaking with amusement, causing the end of her statement to dissolve helplessly.
“This isn’t funny,” he told her weakly, even as she turned back to him and wiped tears of mirth from the corners of her eyes.
“No,” she said, biting her lip against a fresh burst of laughter. “It’s absolutely hilarious.”
Rolan passed a hand over his face with a groan. “Once, just once, I wanted things to go right with us.”
Something in the phrase quieted Tav’s laughter. Rolan met her eye then, sure she must see how mortified he was—but found a look of delight spreading across her features.
“Us?” She raised her eyebrows at him with a smile.
Rolan could only let out a defeated sigh. “Do I have to say it?”
Tav tried to look like she was seriously considering things, but she couldn’t quite fight back her smile all the way. “Not tonight,” she allowed. “I think you’ve suffered enough.”
“Thank you,” was all Rolan could say. His heart pounded painfully against his ribs from the most confusing swirl of feelings.
They looked at each other for another long moment, communicating a dozen different things without a word.
“Well…” Tav moved forward once more to loop her arm through his. Close beside him, the starlight shone in her eyes. “Shall we go in then, Rolan?”
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jawdzzzz · 1 month
Emotions Legacy Challenge:
Dive deep into the world of feelings with The Sims 4 Emotions Legacy Challenge. In this unique and engaging gameplay, your task is to build a family legacy that explores the vast spectrum of human emotions across generations. Each generation focuses on a different emotion, challenging your Sims in unique and impactful ways that shape their lives and the lives of their descendants. Packs Required: Base Game Expansion Packs - Get To Work, Get Together, City Living, Cats & Dogs, Seasons, Get Famous, Island Living, Discover University, Eco Lifestyle, Snowy Escape, Cottage Living, High School Years, Growing Together, Horse Ranch, For Rent Game Packs - Outdoor Retreat, Spa Day, Vampires, Parenthood, Dream Home Decorater, My Wedding Stories Stuff Packs - Spooky Stuff, , Vintage Glamour, Moschino Stuff, Nifty Knitting, Rules: - Lifespan - Normal - Custom Content & Mods Allowed - No Money Cheats Allowed -You don't have to complete all tasks if you don't want to. I have put an * next to the optional tasks - Each heir including the founder must closely represent their assigned emotion as much as possible including the colors, house, appearance, etc - If you decide to do this challenge please use the #emotionslegacychallenge so i'll be able to see your founder and heirs' stories! - If you're planning on streaming or uploading videos of this challenge please promote me or give me a shoutout - Attributes help get your sim in their emotion or are special interactions you can do to make your sim feel like their emotion ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gens: Gen One Happy: You're the founder of the legacy. You grew up in Pleasantview and you're looking forward to your life as an independant adult! You're a very positive, bubbly and happy person. You never go a day without smiling and laughing. You thrive for having that white picket house on elm street and living a normal happy life! You're seeking fun, a career in your passionate hobbie & settling down having children.
Colours - Green & Yellow Traits - Childish, Cheerful & Art Lover Aspiration - Painter Extraordinaire World - Willow Creek
Complete the Painter Extraordinaire Aspiration
Have the Homey, Natural Light & Sunny Aspect lot traits
Have the Simple Living lot challenge
Perform 20 gigs as an artist freelancer
As an adult quit and join the gardener, education or painter career
Achieve level 10 in the painting & parenting skills
Achieve at least level 5 in cooking & gardening
Live with a roomate for 2 sim weeks
Have a best friend & 3 good friends
Live in a starter home for your young adult life (as an adult till death live in a two story family home worth more than $75,000)
Always have and maintain a healthy garden
Fall in love & marry a homeless sim
Adopt a dog or rescue a stray dog
Volunteer & donate to charities once a week
Have three children, your second child is your gen two heir… Maintain a difficult relationship dynamic with your second born & a close relationship dynamic with your first & third born
Emotion Attributes:
Cheerful Vlog (The More Views Video Station)
Heartfelt Compliment
Brighten Day
Happy Text Another Sim
Cheer up at least 3 different sims from a sad mood
Maintain & have a healthy garden
Gen Two Sad: You're the second born and get constantly overshadowed by your older and younger siblings. Your parents love the rainbows and sunshine whilst you prefer the cold wet weather and getting your rainboots all wet and soggy. Crying is how you comfort yourself... Oh and music, you love music. Music is your escape from your reality and is what you most relate to Colours - Blue & Black Traits - Gloomy, Music Lover, Cat Lover Aspiration - Musical Genius World - Oasis Springs
Complete the musical genius aspiration
Reach level 10 in piano & violin
Reach level 5 of cross stitching & knitting
Have the Great Acoustics , Cat Friendly & Cat Hangout lot traits
Join the entertainer career (musician branch) reach level 10
Runaway from home as a teenager & move to an empty lot (off the grid)
Live in a trailer/caravan as a teen. Build a tiny home as a young adult when you own $10,000 or more
Rescue a stray cat and bring it home as a teenager
Busk for tips playing piano & violin your whole teen years
Find a penpal, later make them in CAS & fall in love with them
Own at least three cats & be close with all of them
Perform at all talent shows
Have one child only
Emotion Attributes: Sad Vlog (The More Views Video Station) Express Melancholy Thoughts (Private journal) Water Plant with Tears Play with Emotion (Violin) Call Sadness Hotline (Phone) Blog About Feelings (Computer) Give Yourself a Pep Talk (Mirror) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gen Three Fear:
Your childhood upbringing was difficult, your gen sad parent was always spiraling in sad breakdowns & always being gloomy. You're a paranoid sim, just thinking about the littlest things in life you fear the present & future. Reading books would help distract your mind & sleeping with a night light on helped comfort you from the darkness of the world... You also fear of the monster hiding under your bed. You hope to one day be an inspiring author and protect other sims from the fear of... FEAR. Colours - Purple & Black Traits - Paranoid, Loner, Perfectionst Aspiration - Bestselling Author World - San Myshuno Goals:
Achieve level 10 in writing & logic skills
Complete the writer career Author Branch
Complete the bestselling author aspiration
Have at least 4 fears (you can choose whichever and to overcome whichever fear you want)
Have the Quake Zone lot challenge
Have the Good Schools, Science Lair & On Ley Line lot traits
Have a girlfriend/boyfriend in high school
Move out as a young adult with your high school sweetheart any apartment you can offord
Become pregnant and have twins
Have your high school sweetheart tragically die after 1 sim week of moving in (you choose the death)
After their death, change the lot type to needs tlc
Be a strict parent & set a curfew for your twins
Never fall in love again or go on dates as a young adult. Eventually find someone that opens yourself up to the potential of having another love as an adult (marriage is optional)
Write novel about losing your soulmate & finally let go
Emotion Attributes: As a child experience the monster being under your bed
Always sleep with a night light on
Experience paranormal activity at least once
Hide Under The Covers (bed)
Take a Panicked Poop (toilet)
Scream incoherently at other sims --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gen Four Anger:
You grew up with only one parent, the one parent you were stuck with was always so paranoid and scared of the littlest of things. You never understood them, if anything just thinking about their choice of living makes you.... ANGRY. You growing up with only one parent makes you angry, your sibling makes you angry, your family home makes you angry, a fly buzzing at your face makes you angry. Anger is all you have, you don't envision yourself being anything without it, you would simply just float away. Working out & being a heavily opinionuated public speaker in debate is how you cope and manage your volcanic erruptions. Colours - Red, Orange & Black Traits - Active, Geek & Hot Headed Aspiration - Bodybuilder World - Evergreen Harbor Goals:
Master the fitness & Research and Debate skill
Complete the body builder aspiration
Achieve level 5 in mischief, charisma & video gaming
Have the Volcanic Activity lot challenge
Have the Bracing Breezes, Mean Vibe & Gnomes lot trait
Create a gym club & gather least once a week
Join the athlete career & get to level 10 in the bodybuilder branch
Join an after school activity in high school
Skip class and get detention at least once
Get into 5 physical fights & win
Go to university and graduate with a degree in Biology
Join the debate guild & win a debate
Juggle two different relationships in university and choose your one true love before graduating
Have 2 children
Emotion Attributes: Provoke Chew Out Insult Face Denounce Friendship Rant and Rave Vent Shout Forbidden Words Belittle Anger (Child and Teens only) Frenzied Kiss (resembles Passionate Kiss) Sarcastic Compliment Attempt To Flirt Belittle Anger
Angry Vlog (The More Views Video Station) Angry paint (easel) Rage-Fueled Run (treadmill) Angry Poop! (toilet) Enraged Reps (workout machine) Kick Down a Trash Can (trash can) Scribble Furiously as a Teen (Private Journal) Blow Off Some Steam (punching bag) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gen Five Disgust: Low qualiy items Ughhhh.... Insects.... EWWW.... Townies fashion choices AHHHHHHH! You're gen five disgust and always are craving high quality, bougie outfits & compliments. You want to be an icon & live in the biggest, most fanciest & of course cleanist mansion in all of Del Sol Valley. You avoid getting poisoned socially & physically at all costs! You're out to shape shift society and smack down a celebrity plaque of your own with an iron fist Colours - Green, Purple & Brown Traits - Squeamish, Neat, Snob Aspiration - Mansion Baron World - Del Sol Valley
Achieve level 10 in the wellness & charisma skill
Complete the mansion baron aspiration
Complete the style influencer career (any branch)
Have the Creepy Crawlies lot challenge
Have the Celebrity Home, Convival & Romantic Aura lot traits
Create at least 3 fashion looks on Trendi as a teen
Own a fashion boutique & get it to 5 stars
Give at least 5 sims a makeover at the styling station
Become best friends with a celebrity & enemies with a celebrity
Become friends with 5 celebrities
Go for a manicure and pedicure at least once a week
Have two or more outfits for each clothing category *
Maintain a healthy lifestyle (eat healthy & exercise)
Have a house of staff (either butler, maid, gardener, chef or all) to maintain your house to perfection so it's neat and tidy
Reach at least 1 million simstagram followers
Become a 5 star celebrity & place your celebrity tile at Starlight Boulevar Love Story (Young Adult): You applied and won to be the next bachelorette
Live in a manor with 7 men, women or a mix of both for 7 sim days
Connect and speak to all 7 sims, go on group dates, speed dates or 1 on 1 inclusive dates
After 7 sim days choose the 3 sims you have the closest relationship with either friendship or romance
Go on vacation with those 3 sims and dedicate 1 day to each of the 3 sims
After the third day make your choice of who you want as your lover
Move in together, get married & have 4 children --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gen Six Envy: You're heavily inspired by your parents lifestyle, you crave the attention they receive, you crave their hair, you crave their wealth, you crave... Being them... wanting to be them... No wait.... BEING BETTER! You're wanting to be... BETTER! You're jealous & insecure of your parents success and want a lavish lifestlye of your own starting from the ground up. You want a penthouse uptown and to become known for not being the offspring of a celebrity.... But being your own celebrtiy
Colours - Celeste & White Traits - Ambitious, Materialistic, Jealous Aspiration - Fabulously Wealthy World - San Myshuno Goals:
Live in the fashion district as a young adult
After aging to an Adult move to an uptown penthouse
Become a Freelance Fashion Photographer & complete 10 gigs
Join the acting career and reach level 10
Complete the Fabulously Weather Aspiration (without using parents money)
Have the Pricy, Penny Pixies & Natural Light lot traits
Have a close relationship with gen 5 disgust
Master the media production, acting & photography skill
Become a 5-star celebrity & place your celebrity tile in Starlight Boulevard
Become friends with 2 celebrities before becoming a celebrity
Get in a relationship with a celebrity before becoming a celebrity
Have 4 children like your gen disgust parent --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gen Seven - Embarassed You tried living up to your grandparents and parents reputation and celebrity status but you struggled.... Struggled hard. No matter what you do you always seem to do it wrong or get judged. You're the blacksheep and misfit. You slip up quite a lot so you distance yourself from your immediate families lifestyle and look elsewhere... Or should i say hide elsewhere.
Colours - Pink & Yellow Traits - Clumsy, Socially Awkward, Cringe Aspiration - Master Mixologist World - Brindleton Bay Goals:
Master mixology, pet training and bowling skills
Reach level 5 of handiness & woodworking
Master the Culinary Mixologist Branch
Have a difficult relationship with your gen six Envy & siblings
As a teenager create a bowling club & go bowling with your friends
Have all friends have a cringe or socially awkward sim trait
Adopt or rescue a dog & cat
Have the Homey, Training Ground & Peace and Quiet lot trait
Have the Gremlins lot challenge
Complete at least 5 of these:
Walk into someone having woohoo
Get reject to prom
Have a dance battle
Pee yourself at least once
Sing karaoke poorly once
Get rejected from proposing
Walk into someone whilst they're peeing
Create 5 embarrassed vlogs
Emotion Attributes: Ask for reassurance Self-deprecating joke Share insecurities Have a cry (children and teens only) Laugh at Embarrassment (children, teens and unfeeling sims only.) Activities Hide from everyone (bed) Give yourself a pep talk (mirror) Tell self-deprecating jokes (social interaction) Hide in the trash can (children only) Confess Embarrassing Moments (private journal—children and teens only) Discuss Embarrassing Mood Embarassed Vlog (The More Views Video Station) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gen Eight Bored (Ennui) You're easily bored... You think life is boring and you're boring. Everything is boring. You succome to boredom and get consumed by boredom. You're always contemplating what to do and before you know it it's 5pm and you haven't done any chores or maintained yourself... Video games take up too much of your time, you're a gamer who has more interest in the games they play rather than their own life the SCI-FI genre has consumed you... Until one day.... You seek adventure like your favorite video gaming characters and crave the impossible!
Colours - Grey, Dark Blue & Black Traits - Lazy, Slob, Glutton Aspiration - Computer Whiz World - Windenburg Goals:
Reach level 10 in programming, video gaming & rocket science skill
Build a rocket and travel to sixam
Complete the computer whiz aspiration
Reach level 10 in the Scientist Career
Have the Filthy lot challenge
Build an underground secret headquarters
Live in a rundown filthy house as a Young Adult (grow a trash plant and have a cowplant as a pet)
Make your house modern as an Adult
Go on vacation at all possible destination worlds you have
Go to all the festivals in San Myshuno
Have a pet raccoon
Marry & have 3 children with an Alien
Have Gen Nine as a science baby
Emotion Attributes: Suggest fun activities Complain about boredom Discuss Bored Mood --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gen Nine Surprise THERES A PARTY.... WHERE? AT MY HOUSE! YOU'RE ALL INVITED..... WHERE? AT MY HOUSE! Party party party! You love to party. You're a bull of energetic energy. Your parents life was always so boring at first, you don't want a waste a single minute of life... You want to have fun, fun & more fun. You hope to live your life to the fullest and enjoy different elements! Turn up the volume to 100 and lets get cracking! Colours - Yellow & White Traits - Goofball, Dance Machine, Insider Aspiration - Party Animal World - Chestnut Ridge Goals:
Have the Party Place & Clothing Optional lot trait
Sneek out of your family home at least once as a teenager
Throw a teen party (try not to get caught by your parents)
Own a pet horse and become best friends
Master the comedy, dancing & dj mixing skills
Play guitar as a hobbie
Make your earnings by doing comedy at longues or dj mixing at dance clubs for your whole sim life
Get gold in every party event that is visible (not including the wedding party events)
Woohoo at every possible woohoo location
Create a club gathering with your siblings & friends and go clubbing at least twice a week
Have 2 children --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gen Ten Guilt: Your parents were too busy partying and living their life to the fullest that they unintentionally didn't spend enough time with you. Without learning morals, boundaries, rights & wrongs you decide to make a go of it yourself. You think "why settle for less"... "why only have one thing when you can have both". No matter how many excuses you end up giving yourself though, you can't help but feel guilty.... Colours - Orange & Brown Traits - Kleptomaniac, Hates Children, Noncommittal Aspiration - Serial Romantic World - San Sequoia Goals:
Acheive level 10 in Law Career - Judge Branch
Complete the Serical Romantic Aspiration
Master the mischef, charisma & singing skills
Have the Cursed lot challenge
Purchase the street gallery, make paintings and mark up the price to 300% to scam townies least once
Take a selfie before breaking up with every relationship & display the selfies on the wall
Serenade all your relationships at least once
Live in a rental containing at least 4 units
Steal an item from each unit
Earsdrop, Snoop for Secrets and break into each unit least once
Blackmail a sim at least once
Get married to a sim that lives in the same rental
Have a one time secret affair after getting married
Have 2 children, 1 with your secret affair being a spellcaster --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gen Eleven - Hate What is there to love? Your parent has destroyed the normal family dynamic. Love at times can entrance but it doesn't stand a chance. It only leaves to heartbreak. Your heart is broken. You were never shown love, except for it to be used and taken away from you. All you have is hatered... Hate for everything and anything. You relate to your sibling with you both being pulled into a dark void, you've both reached the precipice of darkness and have been consumed. If you both couldn't have love than why should others, it's time to destory happy endings together as a dynamic duo.... Did someone say two heirs in one?
Colours - Black, Purple & Red Traits - Mean, Evil, Unflirty Aspiration - Villainous Valentine World - Forgotten Hollow or Glimmerbrook Goals:
Have one Join the criminal & the other the secret agent career
Have the Vampire master Pipe Oragan & Vampire Lore & the Spellcaster master the Medium skill
Have one complete the Villainous Valentine Aspiration & one complete the Public Enemy
Have the On a Dark Ley Line, Registered Vampire Lair & Vampire Nexus lot traits
Have the Cursed lot challenge
Have both sims fail in one relationship each
Breakup with a sim on love day
Convince a sim to breakup with another sim
Have a total of 10 enemies (5 for each)
Have an Atrocious reputation & throw a Lampoon Party
Have one turned into a Vampire & earn the master vampire title and have the other turned into a Spellcaster & earn the Rank 6 - Virtuoso After they both reach their mastered title choose 1 twin to be the center lead
Turn a townie into a Vampire or Spellcaster (depending on which sibling) & move them into your household
Form an Enemies to Lovers relationship with them --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gen Twelve - Love You're the last heir. The last of a family lineage of a variety of different emotions. You're the final straw... The last page of the book. Love is the most powerful thing in the world. You think to yourself "how does someone evil create something so good... unless". You believe in self love and for everyone to have the ability to love and find redemption. You seek to have that classic fairytale and live happily ever after with your soulmate.
Colours - Pink, Red & White Traits - Romantic, Generous, Loyal Aspiration - Soulmate World - Tartosa & Henford-on-Bagley Goals:
Complete the Interior Decorator Career
Master the flower arranging skill
Complete the Soulmate aspiration
Have the Romantic Aura, Child's Play & Great Soil
Have a close relationship with all of your siblings
Have a childhood crush & seperate best friend
Always celebrate love day
Have one pet mate & have a puppy/kitten
Attend the wedding of at least one sibling
Attend the wedding of your childhood best friend
Get engaged to your childhood crush at the romance festival
Throw all wedding party events
Go on a honeymoon with lover
Have 5 Children As an Elder:
Master either cross stiching or knitting
Move to Henfod-on-Bagley and build a Cottage Home
Befriend a wild rabbit & fox
Have chickens, sheep, goat, cow & ilama live on your lot
Grow a money tree
Have at least one grandchild and be close with them
Bond with siblings & rekindle with your gen dark parent
Die peacefully as an elder
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ There you have it, Congratulations! You have completed my emotions legacy challenge. I created this legacy challenge all by myself so i hope that this challenge has given you all motivation, satisifcation & enjoyment. This challenge was inspired by inside out which is one of my favorite disney pixar films. Please let me know how you found playing this challenge and give me any feedback you may have for ways i can improve or if there is something i need to fix!
Feel free to find my socials: Twitch - https://www.twitch.tv/jawdzzz
Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjBjFUvYYlD4pSMRCSdDi5A Twitter - https://twitter.com/Jawdzzzz Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/jawdzzzzy/?hl=en Tiktok - https://www.tiktok.com/@jawdzzzz #sims4 #thesims4 #sims4legacychallenge #jawdzzz #sims410genlegacychallenge #the sims legacy #challenge #twitch #ts4 #ts4legacy
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pamsimmer · 3 months
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When I made "Lunar" someone asked for a legacy challenge for human sims. So I finally wrote one!
Since some people don't like big legacies because it takes forever to finish, I made another small legacy! Only 5 gens.
If you know my stories from twitter or my "pamsimmerstories" you know I usually use a lot of adult themes and this is not different, so be aware this can be a little dark.
TW: Spouse death, while giving birth; Drug Use, alcohol and other drugs; Child Abuse, Neglect; Infetility
Basic Rules:
Start as a Young Adult - any gender you want
Normal/Long lifespan (which one you prefer)
You can use freerealestate cheat if you want to begin.
When I put ( / ) is because you can choose what you prefer or if you don’t have said pack you can choose the base game one.
Colors are not mandatory, but it could be fun?!
Requirements: Cottage Living, University, City Living, Nifty Knitting, Horse Ranch, Get Famous, Get Together, Snowy Scape, Island Living, Seasons, Parenthood.
Mods recommendations (Not required):
McCommand Center,
UI Cheats,
Long Distance Learning,
Basemantal Drugs
Generation 1: “Dandelions” by Ruth B.
You moved from your parents to live in a big city and go to your dream college (San Myshuno Institute)*. You’ve always wanted to be a doctor/veterinarian and this was finally happening!
One day you met the love of your life in between classes (preferably someone you met that is also at uni) you get married, but one day you caught them cheating and you feel like this is the end of the world.
So you leave everything and go to Henford on Bagley and become a farmer. You meet someone that makes you open up again and you two have a beautiful family.
*if you don’t want to use mods like the ”Long Distance Learning” by Ravasheen, you can just pretend you’re going there living in San Myshuno
Traits: Good, Animal Enthusiast/Loves the Outdoors, The last one you pick, to make things interesting, pick a bad trait like high maintenance
Career: Start as University Student in San Myshuno (you can finish it and start the career or you can just drop university in the middle of your term); End up as a farmer in Henford
Skills: Logic/Vetenerian and Cross-Stitch
Hobby: Cross-Stitch or Knitting
Aspiration: Country Caretaker
Relationship: fall in love at university, get cheated on, runaway to Henford and meet someone new. You can have children with the first one if you want to or you can wait until you meet the second sim. It’s up to you.
Color: Green/Yellow
Generation 2: “High” by Miley Cyrus
You grew up in the middle of a bunch of animals, your parent was a nature freak and you became one as well. But your kind of animal is a bit different from your parent. You love horses and you dream in live at Chestnut Ridge and have your own horse and participate in competitions and earn money from it.
You find love, but when your wife is giving birth to your baby, she dies (your sim could be a woman and you use cheats to make her pregnant and if you don’t use mods as RPO/Pandasama you can also cheat to kill the sim).
[The Sims 4 killing cheats: [death.toggle true - kill your Sim] I've never used it, so I don't know if it really works]
So you see yourself as a single parent juggling between parenting and taking care of your horse and participating of competitions.
Traits: Horse Lover, Rancher, the last trait you choose.
Career: Autonomous as Horse Competitor, you can try odd jobs as well
Skills: Riding, Painting/Nectar Making
Hobby: Painting/Nectar Making
Aspiration: Championship Rider
Relationship: Meet someone, become a widow/er. You can find love again if you wish.
Color: Orange
Generation 3: “No Love In LA” by Palaye Royale
When you were born your mother died and you never met her. Your other parent was always busy with his horses and competitions that you now hate Chestnut.
You want more for your life. As soon as you age up, you go to Del Sol Valley and you’re finally able to follow your dream of becoming a star! You want to be a famous actor/actress. But not everything is like you thought it would be, you thought you would become a 5 star celebrity quickier than you did. But you never give up.
Find a celebrity and get married to them just for fame (I guess you’re gonna need cheats for them to meet).
[Modify Relationship
You'll need the full name of your Sim and the celebrity Sim (or vice versa). If it doesn't work, try " LTR_Friendship_Main" at the end.] (I also never tested this one...but in case you don't have mods, try this)
One day you’re gonna meet someone who’s a nobody and fall in love, you’re gonna cheat on your partner and get pregnant/get someone pregnant.
You have two choices:
leave your spouse and be with your love or
stay in a unhappy marriage and pretend the cheating never happened (if your sim is a male, never talk to the pregnant sim again and one day a child shows up at your door, this is gonna be the heir. And if your sims is a female, pretend the kid is your husband’s child. It doesn’t matter, you’re gonna fail as a parent no matter what).
Traits: Self-Assured, Ambitious, and a bad trait of your choosing
Career: Actor
Skills: Acting, Dancing, Photography
Hobby: Photography and also dancing, go to nightclubs often, drink a lot (if you don’t play with mods pretend your sims is an alcoholic, if you play with mods like basemental your sim is definitely an alcoholic and maybe had a drug addiction, let’s go dark here)
Aspiration: Master Actor
Relationship: Marry for fame and cheat on your partner and get pregnant of impregnate someone this is how your heir is gonna be made.
Color: Red
Generation 4: “Flares” by The Script
Your parent should never be a parent.
You grew up in a spolight because of your parent, but you hate it. Everything is so fucked up and you just want to run away as far as possible.
When you become a teen, you're going to run away from home and go to Mt Komorebi, drop from school and work in a part time job.
To scape your own mind you start a few hobbies such as snowboarding/skiing/climbing.
When you’re young adult you meet someone while doing one of those things and you two fall in love. You two start a family and are very happy.
Traits: Adventurous, Loner, and a trait of your preference
Career: Teen: Part Time Job; Young Adult: Salaryperson
Skills: Two of these: (You can choose: Snowboarding/Skiing/Climbing)
Hobby: Choose two from 3 (Snowboarding/Skiing/Climbing)
Aspiration: Extreme Sports Enthusiast
Relationship: Find love when your sim is a young adult and this sim is gonna be actually happy :)
Color: Grey
Generation 5: “Light” by Sleeping At Last
Your parents were loving and you loved Mt Komorebi, but you feel like you need to run away from the cold mountains of Mt Komorebi.
When you grow up you want to live in a summery place, so you choose Sulani.
You fall in love more than once, but your relationships never work. You’re also infertile, but you want a kid so baaaad, so you decide to adopt one after years of trying.
You're going to raise a kid alone, maybe get yourself a dog as well? You want to be the best parent someone could be.
Traits: Family Oriented, Child of the Ocean, and a third trait of your choosing
Career: Any of the freelancer careers
Skills: Parenting, Flower Arrenging/Singing
Hobby: Flower Arrenging/Singing
Aspiration: Superparent
Relationship: All your relationships will fail, no matter how hard you try. One day you finally realize it and just accept that you’re going to be alone and you can be happy like this. Then you adopt a child (could be a baby if you want to) and maybe a pet as well.
Color: Blue
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thesirensims · 2 months
The Bikini Bottom Legacy
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Hi Guys! Oooooo🎙️🎶🎵🎼🧜🏽‍♀️! My name is SirenSims & I have been thinking for a long while about a legacy challenge that I could create that was a bit different from the other challenges I have been seeing. So I thought about the personalities of the Spongebob Squarepants Characters, and so The Bikini Bottom Legacy was formed! There are a ton of personalities to play with in the Sims 3. So this Legacy will help you discover those and have some juicy Storylines to keep it engaging! It was hard to pick just 10 archetypes, and some of these features I’ve never used before so I’m excited to try this out! 
If you decide to do this, tag me thesirensims or bikinibottomlegacy so I can see! And feel free to let me know what you think. This is my first challenge so if there are things I could do differently/better let me know!
Important! - This Challenge is not Basegame only, if you find a way to convert it to Basegame or to the Sims 2, Please tag me! I would love to see that! Also, This Challenge is Story Driven to help it not get boring fast. So try to stick to the required storylines as needed. And please do not use the money or needs Cheats in this challenge if you can manage ( Makes it more fun IMO) <3
And without further ado, the challenge.
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Generation 1 - SpongeBob Squarepants
You have a heart of gold and just want to make others happy with your Cooking! Your Family raised you to be positive, helpful & friendly (even to your detriment!). Moving into a new town you bring light, laughter, and good food. You bought a two-story tiny house for you and your feline friend (Cat with any G name you want). You made two best friends, one Grumpy and one Lazy ( Make them in CAS or find sims with those traits in town). By the time you reach level 6 or 7 seven of your Culinary Career, you feel like spreading your love by extending your family. So you adopt a kid-aged sim ( Easily Impressed & Couch Potatoe Trait required). At this point you know everyone in town & go out whenever you are invited (despite the inconvenience). You have a lot of experiences on your belt and you boast a jellyfish you caught yourself and a few different Butterfly Species you collected on days off (atleast 3 types). You end your life as a wise Chef that people can't help but love!
Traits Needed - (You can use This mod to add more traits if you want, or just choose 5. Natural cook and childish being required.) Natural Cook, Childish, Cat Person, Easily Impressed, Good, Workaholic, Neat, Lucky.
Lifetime Wish - Celebrated Five Star Chef
Career Needed - Culinary (Specifically a Dinner, not the Bistro)
Recommended Town - Any European World You like or Monte Vista.
Aesthetic Color - Yellow (Pastel, Golden, Sunshine, etc...)
Create A Sim Addons - Freckles and or Moles. Bunny or Buck Teeth (Using Sliders and Teeth CC). Blonde hair with any race of sim. Blue Eyes. Uniform for Everyday Outfit (Colored in red, white, and khaki brown). Sim's name must start with Sv or Sp (Otherwise call them a Variant of Bob or Bobbie).
Favorite Food - Burgers (Obviously LOL)
Favorite Music - Island Life
Zodiac Sign - Sagittarius
Voice Pitch - High (Male or Female)
Charity - Give up to $5,000 to charity.
Starter Money - $1,500 (After Decorating or just struggling with bare necessities)
Romance - Meet a Mermaid or Scientist and marry them.
Pet Goal - Become Best Friends with Cat.
Heir - Adopt a sims of child age.
Get up to level 4 or up to 7 in Martial arts skill.
Max the Chef Skill and Charisma Skill.
Brighten 10 Sims day.
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Generation 2 - Patrick Star
You have a soft place in your heart for your parents. Especially the one that adopted you, because life was hard before you met them. You only moved out of their home after you became an adult since you were so comfy. You miss their cooking and how they accepted you for who you are. But since they passed, it's been hard to look at the walls of bright yellow memories. You move into a tiny house or apartment because you don't require a lot to live comfortably. People expect a lot from you, however, you don't have the same work ethic as your parents. You start off as a Day Spa attendant for the perks and to help others relax and have a good time. You go to clubs every weekend and get sloshed. You even have a one night-stand or three. As a hobby, you love to fish (Maybe you could do it for money one day). You just want to relax and live free. Can you survive on a reckless low-maintenance lifestyle?
Traits Needed - Couch Potatoe, Childish, Easily Impressed, Party-Animal, Slob, Absent-Minded, Heavy Sleeper or Angler.
Lifetime Wish - Master Romancer or Presenting the Perfect Private Aquarium.
Career Needed - You can either become a self-employed fisherman or Only work in Part-time Jobs (Specifically the Spa Career).
Recommended Town - Any Island or City World You Like, or Pleasant View
Aesthetic Color - Pink ( Pastel, Hot pink, Rose Gold, etc...)
Create A Sim Addons - Sim must have a few Moles and maybe even a scar. Give sim Pink Hair. Sim must have a fat or thick body type due to years of eating a lot. Beach style or Beach theme party outfit for Everyday wear. Have a piercing or two and tattoos once you become a teen/adult. Sim`s name must start with Pat (Can also be a variant of Patrick or Patricia).
Favorite Food - Tri Tip Steak
Favorite Music - Beach Party
Zodiac Sign - Aquarius
Romance - Have some one-night stands.
Heir - A baby you had because of a one night. (Must have the traits - Grumpy and Artistic)
Charity - Give up to $2,500 to charity in honor of Last Gen Founder.
Catch 3 different Types of Butterflies.
Throw at least 3 Successful Parties.
Visit Parents grave once a week to mourn.
Brighten 5 sims day.
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Generation 3 - Squidward Tentacles
Your Parent was definitely not strict, but they gave you so much freedom that you ended up resenting them and the rest of the town. Their lack of attentiveness caused you to fall off a slide and break your nose, as a preteen, so you had to get it fixed. However, a mishap occurred at the plastic surgeon that made your nose a little longer than normal. You had to move to the City where people are as rude and isolated as you are. One thing that you do thank your parents for is their overbearing but consistent support of your love for Painting and music. Once settled in the new City you make one friend who is so positive you don't see them very often (On Purpose!). You also make an enemy on the first day that infuriates and intrigues you at the same time. Your Dream is to be a composer for Movies, but you`ll be happy just making a living in the arts in general. You hate Butterflies and Jellyfish cause they remind you of your Parent, but you do get a pet and name it after your Parent. (Maybe you do miss them). Hopefully, a life of semi-solitude will fulfill you and help you live your dreams.
Traits Needed - Grumpy, Loner, Artistic, Dislikes Children, Hot Headed, Snob.
Lifetime Wish - Master of Arts or Rockstar
Career Need - Hit Movie Composer or Self-Employed Artist.
Recommended Town - Any City town you want or Bridgeport.
Aesthetic Color - Irish Green (Light green, Pastel, soft green hue, etc...)
Create A Sim Addons - Give Sim a longer Nose. Allow the sim to have a grunge aesthetic with brown and green colors. Sims' hair can also be colored or highlighted a shade of green. Sim can have a nose piercing and one to two tattoos.
Favorite Food - Philly Cheesesteak
Favorite Music - Classical
Zodiac Sign - Aries
Romance - Enemies to lovers (You can have a love child or get married and have a baby accidentally)
Heir - An accidental baby (Must have traits - Frugal and Mooch)
Max any instrument skill in the slowest time possible (Reach lvl 10 as an elder!)
Reach at least Lvl 6 in Cooking skill.
Join or start a band and host at least 1 SUCCESFUL performance (Getting over 100-300 Simoleans in tips)
Heckle at least 5 different sims.
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Generation 4 - Eugene H. Krabs
Even though your Parent did not plan for you, you still had an okay childhood. To make up for the distant Parenting you grew an attachment to the idea of Financial stability. Your parent loved their dream more than providing for the family. You plan to never make that mistake! You are brilliant at selling things and decided to move to an island. This was a strategic move to sell more modern things to natives who live in older comfort. You have a love for food like your grandparents that caused you to sell muffins and lemonade in your childhood. Now as an adult, you are considering being either a Restauranteer or Hotel Mogul. You will use anyone for a quick buck, causing you to sell out your best childhood friend, making them a lifelong nemesis. Despite your success, you feel lonely and have love hidden in your heart that you want to share. So you adopt a girl toddler that looks nothing like you. You shower her with love and even a bit of your money (Through kicking and screaming!). At the apex of your career and wealth, you feel a hole in your heart only a warm body could fill. You meet a sim that makes you feel romantic and alive, you spend some time wooing them. And although it didn't work out, you can look back on your life and say you loved every bit of it.
Traits Needed - Born Salesman, Frugal, Mooch, Ambitious, Natural Cook, Lucky
Lifetime Wish - Swimming in Cash or Resort Empire
Career Need - Self-Employed Resort Owner, or Own The Bistro & Diner
Recommended Town - Any Island World you Like or Isla Paradiso
Aesthetic Color - Green
Create A Sim Addons - Sim has a pudge due to eating well when they made meals. Sim must dye their hair red by Young Adulthood. Sim must wear a suit with blue colors.
Favorite Food - Waffles
Favorite Music - Electronica
Zodiac Sign - Libra
Romance - Fall for someone Older ( One Life State Above Yours - Adult or Elder)
Heir - An adopted Toddler (Must have Traits - Snob & Dramatic)
Mooch over 100 Simoleans from one sim.
Reach Cooking lvl 10.
Only shop with Coupons.
Never buy anything over 300 Simoleans.
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Generation 5 - Pearl Krabs
You loved your childhood and your Single parent. You love the life that you were afforded and you have no desire to give it up. You are a bit of a brat, but that's only because you're a star (Obviously). You plan to make it big in the movies and keep up the family legacy by keeping up the money. So of course you move back to the city of dreams your grandparents used to live in. However, that might be hard considering your eclectic taste in decore and cars. Hopefully, a high-paying profession will make up for your purchases. Despite your Big Features, you`re attractive to most sims around, and you take advantage of this by starting an affair with a wealthy celeb. Hey don't judge, we only mess with sims that impress us. Maybe we will settle down with that same sim one day, or maybe another (😉). During your 7th year as an actress (Level 7), you remember your Parent and what they did for you. So in a moment of passion, you adopted a smart kid and funded their dreams the way your Parent did for you.
Traits Needed - Snob, Dramatic, Schmoozer, Star Quality, Irresistible, Great Kisser
Lifetime Wish - Lifestyle of The Rich & Famous or Superstar Actor
Career Need - Actor or Socialite (Find Socialite Career Here)
Recommended Town - Any City World you Like or Anne Arbor
Aesthetic Color - Hot Pink
Create A Sim Addons - Sim must have Blonde hair despite race. Sim must have some big features and a shapely body type. Must wear Girly pink dresses. Sim must have blue eyes and bangs.
Favorite Food - Lobster Thermidor
Favorite Music - Pop
Zodiac Sign - Leo
Romance - Have an Affair with Married Celebrity. Marry a Celebrity (It can be the one you had an affair with if you like)
Heir - Adopt a child sim. (Must have Traits - Genius & Computer Whiz)
Befriend at least 4 Celebrity sims.
Have one Scandal.
Dance on table at the Club at least once.
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Generation 6 - Sandy Cheeks
You love your Mother for how she supported your dreams. It gave you a leg up in school and allowed you to have some fun while studying in University, You have a logical yet fun spirit that leads you to make the world better using science. You have the spirit of your great-greatx2 grandparent. This pushes you to help others and make advances to make others' lives easier. You have a love of your body that was shared with your mom. However, you take to a different place by learning Martial arts. You gain a high level in that skill during a trip to China. China is where you also find the love of your life (another martial artist) and bring them home with you after a small wedding ceremony in their community. As you advance in your Career as a scientist, you feel further fulfilled by teaching sims martial arts on the side. You cap off your life (aka level 7 of the science career) by making your own offspring. You have a plant-sim baby. This decision will change the lives of others down the line. Was this unnatural child a mistake?
Traits Needed - Handy, Eccentric, Disciplined, Genius, Computer Whiz, Green Thumb
Lifetime Wish - Scientific Specialist or Martial Arts Master
Career Need - Science
Recommended Town - Any Town World or Riverview
Aesthetic Color - Lilac
Create A Sim Addons - Sim must have light brown hair. Light brown eyes. Sim should have buck teeth (which can be simulated using sliders and bunny teeth cc). Sim if a woman must be slim thicc (Small waist, medium boobs, big butt). Sim can wear glasses if you want to show their intelligence that way.
Favorite Food - Grilled Cheese
Favorite Music - Geek Rock
Zodiac Sign - Virgo
Romance - A martial artist from China ( Have a whirlwind romance that ends in marriage before the trip ends).
Heir - Plant-Sim (Must have traits - Evil & Bot Fan)
Max the science skill.
Make your Imaginary friend real.
Have a collection of animals. (Turtles, and other small pets)
Max the Martial Arts Skill.
Max the Yoga & Meditation Skill (Here is the Yoga Mod)
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Generation 7 - Sheldon J. Plankton
You lived in a level of solitude, as your hero parents were not into your brand of social interaction (Klepto and Mean Spirited behavior). Even though you were pretty smart, you still felt the need to take things that weren`t yours. Despite all of this, you somehow managed to be a scientific prodigy like your mom. You had a childhood friend that you had a bad betrayal from, and that sim became your nemesis for life. This betrayal made it hard for you to make friends. You decided to go to University online to hone your skills. After you graduate, you leave home and find a new job to reinvent yourself. So you join the Criminal career so you can become The Emperor of Evil. There's always been an emptiness in your soul that you fill with machines so you won't be alone. In the end, you live life with a robot who loves you and start a makeshift family from that union.
Traits Needed - Kleptomaniac, Evil, Computer Whiz, Eccentric, Bot Fan
Lifetime Wish - Emperor of Evil or More Than A Machine
Career Need - Criminal
Recommended Town -Any Country Town or Lunar Lakes ( You do not have to move for this gen)
Aesthetic Color - Green
Create A Sim Addons - Sim must keep a lean or skinny physique. You can use plant-sim skin and detail replacements. This sim can wear glasses if you like. Sim can wear shades of grey with either a suit or overalls (You decide their aesthetic)
Favorite Food - Hamburger
Favorite Music - Digitunes
Zodiac Sign - Cancer
Romance - Fall in Love with the Sim Bot you plan to make Sentient. ( Call simbot Karen)
Heir - Baby you had with Karen. (Must have Traits - Neurotic & Handy)
Steal candy from a baby.
Burn down a home.
Steal from at least 2 Homes.
Build the Perfect Simbot.
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Generation 8 - Mrs. Puff
Growing up with an Evil parent and a stressed robotic mom didn't help the anxiety you were born with. You always had the uncomfortable feeling that something was going wrong. You helped yourself destress with food, which made you gain a plumb physique. To help you pass the time you gained an obsession with cars. Your evil parent was a mechanical genius and you learned to drive at a young age. You even knew how to fix vehicles as well. However, above all else, you have a knack for home decor and design. you became used to homes as you stayed inside often as a kid to avoid danger. It was your dream to become an interior designer. You find love unexpectedly with a younger wealthy sim. You have a love child by that sim. That boy was born brave and took care of you until you found inner strength.
Traits Needed - Neurotic, Unstable, Hopeless Romantic, Vehicle Enthusiastic, Handy, Frugal.
Lifetime Wish - Home Design Hotshot
Career Need - Interior Designer
Recommended Town - Any Comfy World You Like or Strawberry Acres (you do not have to move for this gen)
Aesthetic Color - Aqua
Create A Sim Addons - Sim must have a bigger body type (Not fit). Sim must have Platinum blonde Hair despite race. Sim must have Hazel eyes. Sim can wear an academia-style outfit with red blue and white color patterns.
Favorite Food - Cobbler
Favorite Music - Soul
Zodiac Sign - Capricorn
Romance - Get into a Relationship with a Wealthy Sim (Get pregnant from this relationship)
Heir - Baby Boy (Must have Traits - Brave & Loves to Swim)
Max the Handiness Skill.
Freak out on at least 2 Sims.
Build one Car.
Own 3 Cars apart from the one you built.
Make all appliances in your home unbreakable.
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Generation 9 - Larry The Lobster
You didn't have much of a childhood, since you spent most of your time protecting your worrying Mother. You were a nice kid who never made friends until you were a young adult. You are all about helping people with their fitness and helping them have safe fun at the beach. So your best path was becoming a lifeguard. One day you get abducted by an alien (Do you become pregnant? Do you keep it?). This experience causes you to take life more seriously and makes you want to protect people even more. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Alternate Option; Instead of Alien pregnancy and a possible love story. You can find love with a mermaid sim.
Traits Needed - Athletic, Brave, Loves to Swim, Daredevil, Charisma, Good
Lifetime Wish - Perfect Mind/ Perfect Body or Seaside Savior
Career Need - Lifeguard
Recommended Town - Any Beach / Island World or Sunlit Tides
Aesthetic Color - Red
Create A Sim Addons - Sim must have Red hair and Green eyes. Sim must have an athletic build. Sim can have freckles. Sim can have a Scar or two. Sim must have Beach type of Attire for every day wear (For males an open shirt, for girls a crocheted top)
Favorite Food - Stu Surprise
Favorite Music - Hip Hop
Zodiac Sign - Scorpio
Romance - Fall in love with Alien or Mer Sim. (Have a half-alien or mermaid sim baby)
Heir - A Female Occult Sim (Preferably a mermaid, but it can be alien too). (Must have Traits - Adventurous and Shy)
Save at least 10 Sims (5 if you're trying to speed up the Challenge)
Break up with 2 Sims before Settling Down.
Host 3 Epic Parties. (Can be any type of Party)
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Generation 10 - Princess Mindy
You grew up in a warm and loving home with a great father who believed in you and protected you. He emboldened you to follow your dreams. Now you want to travel the world and document it with your trusty camera. You have always loved taking pictures and having new experiences, even though you are shy. You want to break out of your shell and become a brave explorer. You are also a good person who always gains bravery from being able to help people. Maybe you will find love during your adventures. And if not who cares!! You`re In love with The Journey Anyway!
Traits Needed - Adventurous, Lucky, Photographer`s Eye, Shy, Good
Lifetime Wish - Seasoned Traveler or Grand Explorer
Career Need - Self Employed Photographer or Monarch (Find Monarch Career Mod Here)
Recommended Town - Any World you Like or Sunset Valley
Aesthetic Color - Turquoise
Create A Sim Addons - Sim must wear glasses. Sim must have Short Black hair. Sim can wear a girly top and a long jeans skirt.
Favorite Food - Kelp
Favorite Music - Island Life
Zodiac Sign - Pisces
Romance - Do whatever feels right to Finish your story!
Max the Photography Skill.
Collect 3 Butterflies (2 must be RARE)
Befriend 1 rich Sim.
Reach at least to lvl 6 or 7 of Model Skill.
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bakersimmer · 1 year
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Sims 4 Flower Garden Legacy
This legacy is inspired by flowers and the meanings attributed to them. I used the interpretations from two books I found on my mother's bookshelf.
These are more like guidelines and thoughts on how to make your different generations more interesting, especially if you are like me, and you need goals and challenges to stay engaged.  I didn't have time to playtest all the generations, but I know it's possible to push your sims to the limit without cheating. 
First things first
TS4 is easy enough to play without cheating
Different generations are linked to different expansions
Objectives are not in chronological order
To add more excitement, try out different mods
There are no assigned traits, but some traits would make your sims life easier. Follow your gut on this
There are no assigned colors. Again, follow your gut
English is not my first language, so please ignore any grammar mistakes 🙃 unless I wrote complete gibberish and you don't understand a single word in a sentence, then let me know
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G1 Azalea
Azalea symbolizes friendship, family, joy, and tradition. With the right amount of sunlight and water, this low-maintenance plant will bring an abundance of color and beauty to your life. 
You have a gentle and nurturing personality, with a talent for caring for others and creating a warm, welcoming environment. You prioritize spending time with loved ones and creating meaningful connections with others in your community. You find joy in the beauty of nature and have a passion for gardening and spending time in the kitchen. 
Aspiration: Big Happy Family
Have at least three kids
Develop the highest possible skill level in cooking, baking, gardening, flower arranging, and parenting
Have some kind of social event with family and friends every Saturday (dinner, bbq, etc.)
Grow at least 10 different types of flowers in your garden (As of May 2023, there are 24 flowers in the game) 
Use only low to mid-range furniture and appliances. Never replace anything, fix it yourself
To make money, you can only sell what you have grown or made yourself (vegetables, flower arrangements, preserves, cakes)
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G2 Hollyhock
Hollyhock symbolizes ambition, abundance, resilience, and determination. With little care, this tall and sturdy flower will bring vibrance to your garden. 
You always felt like you had to compete for the attention. You are highly ambitious, striving to achieve your goals and exceed expectations. While putting a lot of emphasis on your education and career, you neglect your close relationships. You struggle to express your feelings and connect with others on an emotional level. Despite all this, you are a loyal and supportive partner who does everything to show your feelings in a more practical way. 
Aspiration: Academic -> Fabulously Wealthy
Complete the first aspiration and move to the next one
Get the best possible grades in elementary school, high school, and university
Have a career in business. You aim for the top
Marry the first sim you have a romantic relationship with
You are the breadwinner. The spouse quits their job after marriage and never works again
Don't spend much time with your child/children
Your home has medium and high price items. When something breaks, you always replace it with a new one
Pass the family money to the next heir
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G3 Hydrangea
Hydrangea symbolizes vanity, arrogance, and desire. With little care, hydrangea brings elegance to your garden with its large and showy blooms. 
You are highly creative and have a refined sense of style. Being in front of the cameras feels natural to you. You are self-centred and tend to prioritize your needs and desires above those of others. Thanks to your skills and fame, you accumulate a large amount of wealth.
Aspiration: World-Famous Celebrity
Develop the highest possible skill level in charisma, comedy, and acting
Go to a club/restaurant at least twice a week
Have one Meet and Greet in every season
Use mean interactions often
Change your hair color at least 3 times in your life
Hire a butler
In old age, an unexpected wave of generosity hits you, and you donate all your wealth
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G4 Yarrow
Yarrow symbolizes strength, courage, overcoming and recovery. This flower will grow even on the poorest soil and doesn't require any care to thrive. 
You grew up in luxury and wealth, but now you have nothing. Despite the obstacles, you are determined to provide for yourself because you want a stable and secure life. It is very important for you that your children are equipped with the necessary skills to be independent and successful by the time they move out.
Aspiration: Renaissance Sim -> Super Parent
Complete the first aspiration and move to the next one
Start with 0 money and a tent
In addition to work, dumpster dive to find valuables that you can sell (Don't sell collectibles or paintings/music/books for extra cash)
Attend different skill classes
Choose medicine as the last career and work in that field until retirement
Fall in love with a patient and end up marrying them
All your kids must gain a Top-Notch-Toddler trait
Always help your children with homework/school projects
All your kids must gain at least one positive character value trait
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G5 Gardenia
Gardenia symbolizes sensuality, passion, and secret love. This sweet and intoxicating flower requires a little bit more attention from its grower. 
You have a magnetic personality and natural charm. You are a hopeless romantic who tends to get caught in the passion and excitement of new relationships. You avoid long-term commitment because you fear that the daily routine will kill the excitement and passion. For that one special person, you are willing to take a chance on love despite your fears. 
Aspiration: Serial Romantic -> Soulmate
Complete the first aspiration and move to the next one
Have a childhood friend who later becomes your soulmate
Work in Public Relations (Social Media career)
Get married at least 3 times
Woohoo in 10 different locations (As of May 2023, there are 23 locations/ways on the list)
No kids until adulthood
Reconnect with your childhood friend and settle down with them
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G6 Protea
Protea symbolizes dreams, exploration, courage, and resilience. This plant needs a lot of space and sun to grow. It should not be planted deeper than the surface level of the soil. 
You have a strong sense of wanderlust and a need for adventures. You love new experiences and cherish old memories. For you, a job is just a means to an end. 
Complete two adventure/location-based aspirations
Develop the highest possible skill level in fitness, photography, programming, and logic
Work as a freelance programmer
Complete the postcard collection
Move repeatedly and live in at least 3 different worlds
Settle down in one of the desert/warm climate worlds (Oasis Springs, StrangerVille, Sulani, Del Sol Valley, or Tartosa)
Go on a family vacation in every season
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G7 Snapdragon
Snapdragons symbolize passion, deception, denial, duality, and strength. This eye-catching, mostly warm-colored flower spices up your garden. 
You are a master of deception, leading a double life. At first glance, you appear ordinary or even mundane, but looks are deceiving. Beneath your boring surface lurks something more sinister. Your purpose in life is to make others' lives a living hell because seeing them suffer is your favorite pastime. You are very passionate about your hobbies...maybe even a little fanatical.
Aspiration: Chief of Mischief
Develop the highest possible skill level in mischief, singing, piano
Fight with 5 different Sims
Become a Triple Agent (Secret Agent Career)
All your kids have to play one musical instrument at the highest possible skill level before they become young adults
All your kids have to have one negative character value trait
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G8 Daffodil
Daffodil symbolizes new beginnings, rebirth, truth, and creativity. Daffodils love sunlight and well-drained soil. Therefore, the best growing place for this flower is an open and raised flowerbed.
You are a detail-oriented individual driven by a deep desire to uncover the truth. While searching for the truth, you stumble on a secret that will profoundly challenge your worldviews. You are loved and supported by your community, who admires your dedication. 
Aspiration: StrangerVille Mystery & Friend of the World
Work as a journalist
Be a member of at least two clubs and host club meetings every week
Solve StrangerVille Mystery
Get married to a sim who helped you defeat the Mother Plant
Host at least 8 different types of social events in your lifetime (As of May 2023, game has 25 different social events)
All your kids have to complete the Social Butterfly aspiration
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G9 Rudbeckia
Rudbeckia symbolizes justice, fairness, motivation, and optimism. Rudbeckia is a hardy flower that loves evenly moist soil but can also survive drought and scorching sun. 
You are a highly principled individual deeply committed to upholding justice and protecting others. You are willing to make great sacrifices to ensure that justice is served. After work, you enjoy creative pursuits which allow you to unwind from the stresses of your work. You desire balance and harmony in your home life. 
Aspiration: Painter Extraordinaire
Develop the highest possible skill level in wellness, painting, knitting, and cross-stitching
Work as a detective
Have a romantic relationship with one of the suspects but break it off eventually
Own a house with a large and luscious backyard where you spend most of your free time
Be strict with your kids, and never miss an opportunity to discipline them
All your kids have to earn the Emotional Control trait
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G10 Lavender
Lavender symbolizes spirituality, intuition, devotion, and growth. Lavender needs a lot of light and warmth. Although this flower looks hardy, it's highly receptive to changes in the soil. 
You are fascinated by the concept of magical and mystical, so you spend a lot of your time exploring spiritual practices and rituals to connect with this hidden world. You are determined to connect with and become part of the supernatural world. You have a soothing energy that puts others at ease.
Aspiration: Choose a vampire, spellcaster, or a werewolf aspiration
Develop the highest level of Medium skill
Work as a paranormal investigator
Become a friend with a vampire, spellcaster, or a werewolf
Become a vampire, spellcaster, or a werewolf
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ts4challengehub · 6 months
💼 gameplay challenges (A – L)
⤷ browse all by tag
120 Years of U.S. History Legacy
2 Choices Legacy
7 Deadly Sins
80's Classics Legacy Challenge
Aesthetic™ Legacy Challenge
Aesthetics Challenge
Alternate Universe Storyteller Challenge
And So It Begins Challenge
Animal Crossing Legacy
Another Beeping Legacy
Assassin Challenge
Astrology Legacy
Autumn Time Legacy
Avatar Legacy Challenge
Awesomesauce Legacy
Barbie Legacy
Beginner's Drama Challenge
Berry Pastel Rainbowcy
Birds of a Feather Legacy
Boba Tea Legacy Challenge
Bored of Everything Legacy
Bustin' Out Challenge
But Daddy I Love Him Legacy
Charmed Legacy
Checklist Challenge
Chromatic Legacy Challenge
Coin Flip Legacy
Collection Legacy
Colors of Nature Legacy
Colour Legacy
Crybaby Whims
Dark Victorian Legacy
Days of the Week Challenge
Differences in the Family Tree
Disney Movie Legacy
Disney Princess Challenge
Disney Princess Legacy
Disney Villain Challenge
Divine Feminine Challenge
Emotional Rollercoaster Legacy
Enduring Roots Legacy
Eras: The Legacy Challenge
Ever After Legacy Challenge
Everything But Normal Legacy
Expand Your Expansions Challenge
Explorer Legacy Challenge
F.R.I.EN.D.S. Legacy Challenge
Family Dynamics Challenge
Family is Everything Challenge
Family Jewels Legacy Challenge
Family Values Legacy
Fandom Legacy Challenge
Fantastical Whims Legacy
Fantasy Challenge
Fatal Flaws Legacy
Feline Legacy Challenge
Flower Garden Legacy
Follow the Yellow Brick Road
For Rent: Property Management Challenge
Forgotten Realms Legacy
Fruity Legacy Challenge
Gaming Legacy
Garden: A Legacy Challenge
Get a Life Challenge
Globetrotter Challenge
Great Simlish Cook-Off
Greek Gods Legacy Challenge(s)
Groovy Legacy Challenge
Growing Up Legacy Challenge
Halloween Legacy
Harry's House Legacy
Heart Signal Challenge
Herbs and Spices Legacy Challenge
Holiday Legacy
How a Legacy Blooms Challenge
Human Enough Challenge
Ice Cream Legacy Challenge
Icecream Simdae Legacy
I'm a Lover Legacy
I'm Not My Parent Legacy
I'm So Cottagecore Challenge
Insect Legacy
Into the Forest Legacy
Isle of the Midnight Sun
Joy of Life Challenge
Just Desserts Legacy
La Musique Des Sims
Late Bloomer Legacy
Legacy of Wonders
LEPacy Challenge
Literary Twist Challenge
Life Berry Legacy Challenge
Live for Something Legacy
Lovesick Legacy
Lucky 13 Legacy
Luna Legacy Challenge
Lunar Phases Challenge
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🪙 Coin Flip Legacy Challenge
There are two sides to every coin and two paths your sims can take in this new spin on the ten generation legacy challenge. Each generation your sim will be given a basic background and personality along with a set of requirements like usual, but that’s only half the story. You will have to choose either heads or tails in order to decide your sims future, each side with its own pros and cons, effecting not only the required tasks but your sim’s story as well.
Will your sim become a mad scientist or a tomb raiding adventurer? Will they explore their love of nature through gardening, or help animals in need as a vet? Will they become a werewolf, or a vampire? You decide! Or... leave it up to fate, and flip a coin.
General Rules:
No, you do not actually have to flip a coin. I wanted to create a flexible, customizable playing experience, so feel free to choose whichever side you want to play or works best for your story. Though you can certainly flip a coin if you want to.
The challenge is designed so that your heir sims can stay neutral through their baby - teen life stages. You can decide which side they end up pursuing as they grow. However, the deadline to choose a side is when your heir ages up into a young adult.
The only exception to the above rule is the founder, you do not necessarily have to choose which side to pursue immediately, but I’d recommend officially choosing their route by the time they’re at most halfway through their young adult hood.
Each generation must complete their specified career and aspiration.
If the career branch is not specified, you can choose whichever branch you’d like.
Some generations only have 1 required base trait, so if you haven’t decided on a path before your sim becomes a teen, feel free to choose any trait you want and then change it to the required trait once they become a young adult and you’ve chosen your desired path.
Bonus Challenges are optional. Their just fun extra things I thought of to make things more challenging, but they’re not required.
If you decide to play this challenge and share your game play, please feel free to @ me and use the #coinfliplegacy. I’d love to see what you guys create 😊
Gen 1 - Family First
You always loved making things with your hands. You have always forged your own path in life, and that is exactly what you intend to do now. You moved away from home to start a new life that you plan to build up from scratch, literally. Just as you forge bonds with new friends and neighbors, you build the foundation of your legacy. You're a crafter, and you sell your creations to survive, but just what is it that you craft, exactly?
Base Traits: Self-Assured, Family Oriented
Base Requirements:
Start on an empty lot with 0 simoleons
Master Handiness
Meet someone and have at least two kids with them
Craft each piece of furniture and carving on the woodworking table and use it in your home
Bonus Challenges:
Have the “Gremlins” lot challenge on
Fully upgrade every appliance in the house
Furniture! Appliances! Tools! You love getting your hands dirty and are willing to fabricate anything you or your family might need from scratch. You are strong and independent, so when your relationship with your partner takes a turn for the worse you aren't afraid to break things off and become a single parent. Nothing will stop you from living your own way. It’s probably for the best.
Unique Trait: Maker
Aspiration: Master Maker
Career: Freelance Crafter 
Master the fabrication skill
Use every piece of craftable furniture on the fabricating machine, in your home at least once (color variants not included).
Break up with/divorce your partner and become a single parent
Find love with someone who you truly connect with
Later reconcile with your former partner and become good friends
Clothes! Plushies! Decorations! You love putting your own personal flare on things by decorating your home and adorning your loved ones in hand made goods. You are determined and loyal, so when your relationship with your partner takes a turn for the worse you are willing to try and make it work, even if that means you have to make a compromise. You are certain it’s the best thing for your children, even if it’s not the best thing for you.
Unique Trait: Perfectionist
Aspiration: Lord/Lady of the Knits
Career: Self Employed (sell your creations any way you like: through plopsy, on vending tables, or just selling them in your inventory)
Master the knitting and cross stitching skills
Make every type of knitted item (color variants not included)
Make every type of knitted item and use them to decorate your home (size and color variants not included). Have at least one cross-stitch of each size displayed in your home.
Stay with and marry your partner despite your issues, eventually resulting in a loveless (but functional) marriage
Have a secret affair with someone you truly love
Gen 2 - Find Yourself
You were always an energetic kid. You loved going outside and being active. It’s no surprise that you end up getting into fitness. You want to see what the big wide world has to offer, which means you have always been a bit indecisive when it comes to love. I mean, there are so many fish in the sea! Anyways, you want to focus on yourself, follow your dreams, and become the best you can be. The question is: what does that mean to you?
Base Traits: Loves the Outdoors, Active
Base Requirements:
Master the fitness skill
Bonus Challenge:
Complete the Rambunctious Scamp Aspiration as a child
It means finding inner peace. You want to cultivate and maintain a mind-body connection, as well as a connection to the natural world around you. Granite Falls is your favorite place to do so. As for your love life, we’ll, you certainly have options, it’s just a matter of choosing one. You want to make sure you find the person who is truly right for you, and that means getting to know yourself first.
Unique Trait: Vegetarian
Aspiration: Inner Peace
Career: Athlete (Bodybuilder Branch)
Master the wellness and herbalism skills
Travel to Granite Falls at least once a week
Have three love interests at once
After completing your aspiration, choose your partner and start a family with them, having at least two kids
Have a strained relationship with one of your children (the heir)
It means being the best athlete to ever hit the slopes. You chase the thrill of pulling off daring stunts and competing in intense competitions, and what better place to do it than Mt. Komorebi? You end up having quite a few partners in your lifetime, each with a different outcome and lesson to take away, but in the end you realize you're not interested in settling down. You’ll always be chasing that thrill.
Unique Trait: Adventurous
Aspiration: Extreme Sports Enthusiast
Career: Athlete (Professional Athlete Branch)
Master the rock climbing and the skiing OR snowboarding skill
Live in Mt. Komorebi
Have at least five partners over your lifetime (never two at the same time), but end up with none of them
End up being best friends with one, become enemies with another, and accidentally have a baby with a different partner from the other two
Have a strained relationship with your child
Bonus Challenge:
Successfully climb to the top of Mt. Komorebi
Gen 3 - Just Be You
Unlike your parent, your totally uninterested in being active. This causes a rift in your relationship. You’d rather be on your computer than be outside. However, you have an eccentric personality that people are drawn to, and you are incredibly talented in your own right. Unfortunately, your parent doesn’t seem to see that. They think you should focus on “more practical pursuits,” but you intend to utilize your talent to show them how wrong they really are. What is that talent?
Base Traits: Geek, goofball
Base Requirements:
Master the comedy skill
Making online content! People love your posts, videos, and live streams, and you realize you can make a lot of money doing it. You find your own success as a social media personality, despite your parent’s reservations regarding your career path.
Unique Trait: Outgoing
Aspiration: Friend of the World
Career: Social Media (Internet Personality Branch)
Master the gaming and mischief skills
Have a distant relationship with your parents (maintain the “acquaintances” relationship status). Siblings are unaffected by this rule.
Have two roommates who end up becoming life long friends
Find love with a fellow Internet personality and start a family
Hacking! You love making money and spreading mischief with your abilities, and you make a name for yourself in the criminal underworld as one of the most infamous hackers. Your family cuts all ties with you as a result, but you don’t need them anymore anyway.
Unique Trait: Genius
Aspiration: Chief of Mischief
Career: Criminal (Oracle Branch)
Master the programming and mischief skill
Have a bad relationship with your parents and siblings (maintain the “despised” relationship status or worse)
Form your own found family of criminals
Find love with a fellow criminal, and start a family
Gen 4 - Knowledge is Power
Your parent encouraged you from a young age to find your passion and pursue it, no matter what it was. You find your passion is knowledge, and so you embrace your education to its fullest. Your parent supports you every step of the way, even going as far as to completely cover your university expenses. What do you decide to study?
Base Trait: Genius
Base Requirements:
Master the logic skill
Physics! You are obsessed with the laws of aerodynamics, more specifically, how to break them, which leads you to pursue a career in engineering. By day, you pioneer new and innovative forms of technology, but by night you follow your true passion by making your own homemade rocket ship! It may be “unregulated” and “illegal” but they’ll eat their words when you're the first sim to set foot on undiscovered alien planets! You don’t have time for love, but you are determined to have a child of your own.
Traits: Geek, Self Assured
Aspiration: Nerd Brain
Career: Engineering
Master the robotics and rocket science skills
Go to Foxbury, and get a distinguished degree in physics.
Visit Sixam on your homemade rocket (must be after graduating)
Have a child/children by unconventional means: either adopt, use mods or cheat to do IVF, find a surrogate, or have an alien pregnancy
Bonus Challenges:
Complete the Whiz Kid aspiration as a child.
Have 3 children through alien abduction, IVF/Surrogacy, and adoption respectively
Complete the Aliens collection
Psychology! You are fascinated by human nature, which leads you to pursue a career in anthropology. By day, you will be a professor, teaching students about ancient Salvadoradan culture, but by night you will go on daring adventures in the Selvadoradan jungle, exploring tombs and excavating artifacts. All so you can teach your students about them when you return home. Who said being a professor wasn’t cool? You meet someone and have a child with them, but you soon learn that they can’t handle your lifestyle, so you become a single parent when your child is young. It doesn’t get you down, though! It’s nothing you can’t handle!
Traits: Bookworm, Adventurous Aspiration: Archeological Scholar
Career: Education (Professor Branch)
Master the Research & Debate and Archeology skills
Go to Britechester, and get a distinguished degree in psychology
Explore a temple at least once a week after graduating
Meet someone in university and have a child/children with them
Have them leave before your kid ages up into a child.
Bonus Challenges:
Complete the Whiz Kid aspiration as a child
Complete the Omiscan Artifacts Collection
Gen 5 - Love Comes Naturally
Your primary parent is always busy chasing their passions, and your secondary parent is either non-existent or completely absent from your life. As a result, you ended up forming a strong connection with nature from a young age. You spend most of your childhood outside fishing and taking in the world around you. You want to spend your life embracing the natural world, but there are many facets of nature, so you need to choose what you love most about it, what is it exactly?
Base Trait: Loves the Outdoors
Base Requirements:
Master the fishing skill
The plants! Because who needs people? You yearn to spend your days peacefully alone in the wild, nurturing your very own garden, cultivating beautiful flowers and growing your own herbs, fruits, and vegetables. What more could you ask for? You always thought you’d spend your life alone, but you meet a special someone who changes all that.
Traits: Loner, Vegetarian
Aspiration: Freelance Botanist
Career: Gardener
Master gardening and flower arranging skills
Have the Simple Living lot trait
Socialize with other sims as little as possible
Eventually find love with someone who is able to earn their way into your heart
Have a child/children with that person.
Bonus Challenges:
Join scouts as a kid, and try to collect all the badges
Collect all fish
Collect all the magic beans to obtain the forbidden fruit and become a plant sim (you can stay a plant sim for as long as you like after that)
 Complete the Plant collection
The animals! You yearn to spend your life caring for animals by running your own vet clinic and looking after your own pets. After all, there are a lot of animals in need. It’s the least you could do. You don’t have a lot of time to yourself, but your naturally nurturing nature makes you yearn for a family. Unfortunately most can’t handle all the animals you keep… until one day you meet that special someone who shares your passion.
Unique Traits: Animal Enthusiast, Dog Lover OR Cat Lover
Career: Veterinarian
Aspiration: Friend of the Animals
Master: veterinarian, animal training
Run your own vet clinic and get it to a five star rating
Always have at least 2 dogs or cats (depending on the trait you chose)
Have at least two failed attempts at a relationship, then meet the love of your life
Have a child/children with them
Bonus Challenges:
Join scouts as a kid, and try to collect all the badges
Collect all fish
Live in Henford on Bagley and befriend at least one of each farm and wild animal
Also complete the Animal Caretaker aspiration after completing Friend of the Animals
Gen 6 - Define Your Sound
For as long as you can remember you’ve always loved music, and as you get older you realize you want to make it yourself someday. You love the adrenaline and the attention that comes with performing on stage, and dream of doing it for a living. Question is: what kind of music will you be performing? For what audience? And what sort of image do you want to maintain?
Base Trait: Music Lover
Aspiration: Musical Genius
Base Requirements:
Master the singing skill
Join the Entertainer Career (Musician Branch)
You choose classical music. You’ve always had a love for the great composers: Mozart, Beethoven, Bach. You excel at the piano and violin. You hold prestigious concerts that the rich and the elite pay hundreds to see. In turn, you feel the need to become elite yourself. You become obsessed with cultivating your image, an expectation you place on your family as well.
Traits: Snob, proper
Master the piano and violin skills
Maintain a perfect, classy appearance
Marry the “perfect,” upper class spouse
Have at least 2 kids
Hold your children to high standards, resulting in a negative relationship with any child who isn’t the heir.
Bonus Challenges:
Complete the Creatively Gifted aspiration as a child
Max the pipe organ skill
You choose house music. You’ve always loved a catchy beat that makes you want to get up and dance. You quickly pick up the guitar, but more importantly: the DJing skill. You want to make music that everyone can enjoy, especially those who just want to have a good time at the club. You pride yourself on being your authentic self, even if that means living under your means. You want to make sure your family is never negatively affected by any sort of fame or reputation you receive.
Trait: Dance Machine, Insider
Master the guitar and DJing skills
Maintain a decidedly “un-classy” appearance.
Marry your true love, regardless of their personal image
Have at least 2 kids
Protect your kids from the limelight, and give them an ordinary childhood, resulting in a positive relationship with all of them.
Bonus Challenges:
Complete the Creatively Gifted aspiration as a child
Max the media production skill
Get signed onto a music label
Gen 7 - Find Your Flavor
You were so excited when you got old enough to finally help your parents in the kitchen, and as you grew you never got tired of it. Experimenting with ingredients and seeing how they affected the flavor was always something you found fun and exciting. You look up to your musically talented parent and you desperately want to impress them with your culinary prowess. This is what led you to realize you wanted to utilize your culinary skill for a living, the question is how?
Base Traits: Foodie, Ambitious, Self Assured
Base Requirements:
Master the cooking skill
By becoming a chef, of course! You might hate the high stress environment of a restaurant kitchen and the late hours, but it all feels worth it when you see people enjoying the food you made. One day, you’ll become head chef and create an environment where people can come together and enjoy your culinary vision. However, your hard work comes at the expense of your relationship with your family. Can you rekindle your relationship once you’ve made it to the top?
Career: Culinary (Chef Branch)
Aspiration: Culinary Connoisseur
Master the gourmet cooking and baking skills
Eventually run a bakery or restaurant
Marry someone, have a child/children together, but later divorce due to working all the time
You start a relationship with someone new, but it doesn’t work out
After opening your restaurant/bakery, you rekindle your relationship with your ex, but you never remarry.
Bonus Challenges:
Develop the workaholic trait
Run a Bakery AND Restaurant
Create ambrosia
By becoming a mixologist! It’s unconventional, yes, but you love the energetic atmosphere of nightclubs, and the intimate social atmosphere of bars. Plus, you were always a bit of a night owl anyway. Most importantly though, you love providing your patrons with the comfort of a good drink. You find love with said patron, but you soon realize you found each other at the right place in the wrong time. Ironically, the choice to break up was exactly what allowed your relationship to work out in the end.
Career: Culinary (Mixologist Branch)
Aspiration: Master Mixologist
Master the mixology and juice fizzing skills
Eventually run your own juicery (A retail lot that sells the juice you make)
Fall in love with a customer at a nightclub, have a steady relationship before breaking up due to not wanting to commit at the moment
Have a child with another sim as a result of a one night stand
After opening your juicery, you end up reconnecting with the sim you initially fell in love with and get married
Bonus Challenges:
Create every type of juice
Create the Snaggle Fluster Drink (A drink that can be unlocked by a chance card you can receive at level 9 of the mixologist career)
Gen 8 - The Price of Fame
You’ve always been the creative type. Someone who yearns to express themselves through their art. You want an audience, a following, and a big one. It is not enough to be a niche creator. You want to be famous. You want the whole world to know who you are and what you can do. The question is: What can you do?
Base Traits: Creative, Self Absorbed, Art Lover
Base requirements:
Master the media production skill
Become a five star celebrity
You can create! With an eye for composition, you're incredibly talented at painting and photography. You dream of having your works displayed in galleries all over the world, and hope that one day art history books will have an entire chapter dedicated to you and your artistic genius. If achieving that means exploiting your loved ones for fame and profit, then so be it. You look like a kind, caring, family oriented sim on the outside, so what’s on the inside doesn’t matter.
Career: Artist
Aspiration: Artistic Prodigy
Master the painting and photography skills
Marry a celebrity who is one star above you when you first meet
Exploit your family for viral attention, leading to you having a distant relationship with your child/children
While your relationship with your spouse is great, your children come to resent you. Your home life may be messy on the inside, but it looks perfect on the outside.
Have a pristine reputation
Bonus Challenges:
Complete the Social Butterfly aspiration as a child
Open an art gallery OR have a museum dedicated to your work
You can perform! Born with a natural sense of rhythm and a talent for acting, you were cast as the lead for every musical your high school put on. You dream of being Plumbob Pictures’ next big star. You want a role in every big film, and to be nominated best actor for each one. All you ever wanted was to focus solely on your career and your craft, but when you suddenly find yourself married with a child, you are sorely unprepared for the pressure and responsibility. This causes you to act out, and soon you become just as famous as you are infamous for your awful behavior.
Career: Acting
Aspiration: Master Actor
Master the acting and dancing skills
Mary a co-worker, whether it be another actor, a director, or hair/costume designer
Have an accidental pregnancy that you don’t want, and have a distant relationship with your child as a result
Become distant from your spouse as well, leading to you having an affair. Eventually, this affair is revealed to the public, and your partner.
Have the worst possible reputation
Bonus Challenges:
Complete the Social Butterfly aspiration as a child
Get to level 3 of Drama Club before becoming a young adult
Gen 9 - Taking Control
Growing up in your parent’s spotlight made you weary of all the attention. You choose to live a life of secrecy while studying your favorite subject: the paranormal. As you research, you realize your fantasies may be a reality, turning your fascination into an obsession. You leave your normal life behind to follow a lead on your research… Where does it take you?
Base Traits: Loner
Base Requirements:
Master the medium and vampire lore skills
It takes you to Forgotten Hollow, where you discover a community of vampires living in secret. Enticed by the promise of eternal life, you become one yourself and join their ranks. While at first they call you weak for maintaining a human sense of morality, you prove them wrong by becoming stronger than all of them. You vow to overthrow Vlad and create a newer, kinder society of vampires. One where you can live in peace with your partner.
Traits: Good, Gloomy
Aspiration: Grand Master Vampire
Career: Secret Agent (Diamond Path)
Become a Vampire
Develop the Guilty Drinker trait
Meet and fall in love with either a spellcaster, werewolf, or human (non of which can be turned into vampires)
Become a grand master vampire
Make the vampire cure, defeat Vlad in a duel, and then use the “Slay Vampire” interaction to strip him of his power and usurp him as leader
Bonus Challenges:
Live in a haunted house
Never drink from a human sim, and survive solely on plasma fruit/plasma packs
Master the pipe organ skill
It takes you to Moonwood Mill, where you are attacked by a werewolf, and as a result become one yourself. Your new bestial instinct makes you bitter and spiteful. You resent the human world you came from and how you were treated growing up. As a result you join the Wild Fangs, but that’s not enough. You decide that you will become the new leader of the pack, and lead your people into a radical and violent new era. You will wage war on the Moonwood Collective, as well as vampires, spellcasters, and humans alike.
Traits: Evil, Hot Headed
Aspiration: Wildfang Renegade 
Career: Secret Agent (Villain Path)
Become a Werewolf
Join the Wildfangs
Completely cut ties with your old human family and friends
Become enemies with every vampire and spellcaster you meet
Fall in love with a werewolf within your pack
Become the leader of the pack, and defeat the Moonwood Collective’s leader in battle
Bonus Challenges:
Live in a haunted house
Be responsible for the death of the leader of the Moonwood Collective, Vlad, and at least 1 out of the three sages.
Complete the Lone Wolf branch of the aspiration after completing the Wildfangs branch
Gen 10 – Domestic Bliss
You hated being so different from all the other kids growing up. Your parent lived a life pursuing supernatural and political power, but all you want to do is settle down and live a peaceful, domestic life raising a family. You give up your supernatural nature and start a new, normal life with your partner. The question is: what kind of parent will you be?
Base Traits: Family Oriented
Base Requirements:
Master the parenting and writing skills
Your the fun parent! You love to take your kids on fun trips out of the house. Do they have homework to do? Yes, but you're only a child once, and you want to make sure they enjoy it. You might not be setting the best example for your kids, but you are their best friend, and that means the world to you.
Traits: Bro, Childish
Aspiration: Super Parent
Career: Writing Career (Author Branch)
Have at least 3 kids
Be Best Friends with all of your kids (if you don’t have a mod that allow you to have multiple best friends, just make sure the bar is entirely green with all of them)
Go on a fun outing with your kids at least once every three days
Write a children's book and read it to your children
Bonus Requirements:
Max the Bowling skill from taking your family out bowling so often
Max the invisible skating skill while out with your family
You are the strict parent! Your kids might hate doing homework and studying now, but they will thank you for it later. You love your child/children with all your heart, but you want to be sure that they’re prepared for life in the real world. You know you won’t be around to provide for them forever, and you want them to be ready when that day comes, even if that means being the bad guy sometimes.
Traits: Perfectionist, Neat
Aspiration: Successful Lineage
Career: Freelance Writer
Have at most 2 children
Write a novel based on your child’s favorite genera and have them read it
Max all your child’s toddler skills so they get the Top Notch Toddler trait
Raise your child/children to have:
An A in school
A completed child aspiration
At least 3 character values maxed
Bonus Challenges:
Have your child join scouts and collect all badges
Complete all school projects your child receives
Have your child do extra credit at every opportunity
Have your child/all of your children go to university with a distinguished degree
529 notes · View notes
Modern College Student/BF Armin Arlert Headcanons
(rewatching aot and damn I forgot how much I love armin.  someone pls put me onto some good armin fan fiction?  this boy doesn’t get anough attention honestly, lemme know if you guys want me to do anyone else, im thinking eren next?)
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Pre law student
I think in the modern world, Armin would only look at his love for the ocean and nature as hobbies.  When it comes to investing in his education and making money to support himself and his family, he’d go into a major he’s good at just to be safe.  And that’s persuasive arguments, crazy attention to detail and maybe a little manipulation for the greater good so yeah…lawyer it is 🙂
Currently focusing on political science for his BA before law school
Shares a small apartment with Eren and Mikasa cuz they all looked at dorm life and were collectively like “yea, fuck that”
Armin and Mikasa are up first every morning, and they usually share a lil breakfast together before deciding which one should dare try to drag Eren out of bed
Has the best color-coded notes, the type of student to type into the chats links to resources he found helpful when doing the homework, pulls thru with the quizlet right before quizzes
Heavy on that study beats, listens to it even when not studying
Has canva pro and no you cannot use it 🫶🏻
Strict study schedule but he doesn’t go overboard like other honor kids.  He gives himself plenty of breaks and plans his workload so he can enjoy his weekends bc he knows he’ll be useless all burnout 
His Starbucks order is an iced brown sugar oat milk shaken espresso, sometimes with a blueberry muffin, boy likes his sweets
The Starbucks staff around the corner knows him personally and even have a lil crush on him since he's there so often, polite and always puts something in the tip jar (he may get a few free cake pops here and there)
Loves the sims and doing little legacy challenges, the type to get emotional when his sim gets married or has kids because he fr raised them
Deep into the lore too, has his theories about Bella Goth and hates Don Lothario with a passion
One time Eren deleted his saved family and Armin didn’t speak to that man for two weeks
Secretly loves fanfiction but only found family fanfiction bc it reminds him so much of his relationship with Eren and Mikasa. Soft spot for anything Harry Potter tho (proud ravenclaw)
I don’t think he’d smoke weed bc I feel like he’d be a paranoid high so it’d be more stressful than relaxing tbh
But he always trip sits his friends!  
Will go to parties if dragged along but the most he’ll drink is like a twisted tea or white claw and just kinda watch his friends get hammered like 🫣
The type of guy at the party who’ll get dragged into some drunk crying girl’s story about her bf and he’s just sitting there with his one drink, sober asf like, “omfg bestie! you need to dump him, like i’ll help you draft that text rn”
Smells like Johnson and Johnsons baby soap and like he’s so embarrassed about it but his skin is so sensitive he has to use the goo goo gaga stuff
Other than that he kinda smells like fresh laundry?  Uses too much detergent and dryer sheets so his clothes smell like extra good and he doesn’t wear cologne so yeah, hope you like Tide bitches✌🏼
Very loyal to the vanilla bean burts bees chapstick
Has a blue hydro flask that he always has with him, also constantly reminding his friends to drink more water
Totally has scared Eren by telling him about kidney stones and how the dumbass might have to just pee out rocks if he doesn’t drink sum fucking water.
Eren now takes hydrating v seriously :)
Most of his friends will go to him more than their actual advisor bc Armin is just much more helpful tbh and he loves telling them which classes or internships they should take.  
Actually prefers articles and podcasts over books bc of practicality and he already has to read so fucking much for school
But is lowkey one of the annoying ppl where like any conversation you’ll have will end with him like, “Oh earlier I was listening to this one podcast and-”
Has painted his nails a few times but I think he’s a nail biter so he kinda stopped after unintentionally eating so much nail polish
Secret passion for skin care, may or may not be a skincarebyhyram stan
Tried countless times to get Eren to at least wear spf everyday but yea, that bitch don’t listen
Mikasa does tho and they actually go to sephora together once every month for lil skincare hauls (baddie w her baddie friend)
Calls his grandpa everyday, even if it’s just for a few minutes bc he knows his grandpa is all alone now that he left for school and armin just wants him to know that he’s doing fine and making him proud
As your Bf
You guys probably met thru a friend of a friend, most likely you befriended Mikasa or Eren and they started bringing you over and eventually Armin would meet you
Bc in no way would Armin actively search for something romantic when his main focus rn is getting his degree but like damn you were just-
Anyway, as your bf expect literally so many forehead kisses
Kinda clingy bc he is indeed a scorpio, once it’s official between you two every night he’s like “so we sleeping at my place or yours?”
Bc why would you guys just sleep apart from each other?  
Armin fr forgot how to 
Fav cuddle position is you on your back and him with his head on your chest and arms around your waist
Bonus if you play with his hair and whisper sweet nothings by his temple
I’m on team soft dom armin, boy is a ppl pleaser for sure but still a dom
He’s pretty vanilla and heavy on praise, but if you want him to go hard and degrade you or manhandle you, he would as long as you guys set up a safeword first
His post nut clarity would hit hard tho and he would be so afraid you saw him as some sort of sexist pig afterwards
“Babe chill all you did was spank me.”
If you have a vagina, he is like super educated on the anatomy🤓
Fr makes you pee after sex
Washes his hands before fingering you and you’re just sitting there trying to stay in the mood like “😀”
Tbh the only things I think would be off the table for Armin is anything unhygienic or like anything involving other ppl bc boy is too insecure and possessive for anyone else to be seeing you like that
Sex on the beach isn’t happening either.
If you try to convince him he would just be like,”Sand will end up everywhere (y/n)!  Honestly, it’s like you WANT a yeast infection!”
Having a pre law bf is literally having your own attorney at your beck and call
If you have a problem with a teacher for example, Armin would fr hop on a call with the college and be like “sweetie, who was the head of your department again?”
Next thing you know the poor teacher is fired lol
Can and will fight all your battles
The perfect study buddy, like he'll make flashcards for you without you even asking or telling him what the next test was about?
You never have to edit or revise your essays again, Armin is just proud that you wrote it all out, he’ll take care of it from there so all you have to do later is submit
Armin made one day of the week your guys’ date night and literally someone would have to die in order for him to reschudle bc the boy takes it sooo seriously
Literally Eren can call from the hospital and Armin will just be like “you know what day it is?  Right, it’s Thursday.  Which is date night for me and Y/n.  So unless that broken arm turns into organ failure, don’t call me!”  
Date nights are museums, cafes, planetariums, sometimes you guys will even take a class together
But honestly, the best dates are the ones you guys have at home bc he likes just having you all to himself
Boy is jealous, but more so possessive
Like, it takes a very certain action to piss him off enough to act outwardly bitchy
Boys can make you laugh, they can compliment you, they can try to impress you
But if a boy were to try to protect and care for you?
Armin will snap
Thats literally his job and he sees it as a threat
Will go out of his way to make the dude look really incompentent.
Your study partner brought you a snack bc they know you missed breakfast?
“Y/n doesn’t like that brand, it hurts their tummy.  Maybe you should ask before just shoving whatever in their face😒”  
Its cold out and some guy offers you their jacket?  
“Woah there, prince charming, I don't think your 10 dollar Old Navy hoodie is gonna cut it. Darling, why don’t we head inside and get you a hot drink? 😇”  
A guy friend stops by with some medicine bc he heard you were at home sick?  
Armin’s there at the door like, “My baby’s immune system is really weak right now, the last thing they need is strangers just coming over and making them sicker.  How thoughtless are you?🤬”
Fights don’t really happen bc Armin is so good at de escalating situations, he’s also just such a simp for you that you’ll always gets your way
The only fights he won’t back down from are the ones where he feels like your safety is at risk
Over his dead fucking body would you do anything even remotely dangerous
This is where I see manipulative Armin.  He’d use his skills to convince you that you didn’t even care about what you were arguing for in the first place
At first he might feel a little guilty but after realizing you’re objectively safer from his manipulation, he doesn’t feel as bad
Kinda yandere tbh, but really soft and not dangerous
Your location should always be on tho☺️
Fav Nicknames for you: darling, baby, princess/prince
Songs that fit the vibe: Turning Page by Sleeping At Last, Bad Habit by Steve Lacy and As The World Caves In by Mat Maltese 
“Yes, it’s you I welcome death with, as the world caves in.”
“Nothing makes me stronger than your fragile heart.”  
“Thought you were too good for me my dear, never gave me time of day my dear.” 
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And so, it begins... a legacy style challenge
​And so, it begins... a legacy style challenge
For TS4 created by @accomplisheddoubt The official tag for this challenge is… #And so it begins LC
And so, it begins… is a legacy style challenge that will take your family from Base Game to High School Years over several generations. That said, high school years can and will be utilized prior to the final generation just as base game can and will be used after generation one. A few generations will have a sole pack it focuses on, while others may combine two or more packs. This legacy is meant to inspire, provide structure, and most importantly, be fun. If you don’t own a specific pack, or a specific generation doesn’t interest you, change it, make the challenge work for you.
Rules & General Information
This challenge is designed to utilize every stuff, game, and expansion pack for The Sims 4 with a few exceptions.
Each generation will have specific goals and a base storyline to follow, but the rest is up to you. I suggest having ‘wants’ on and going with the flow of the game. 
Aging can be set to normal, long, customized, or even short if you’d prefer the extra challenge.
If a generation doesn’t list all 3 traits (or you use the more traits in CAS mod) you may select traits you’d prefer or randomize them.
No money cheats! Money is easy enough to acquire.
Mods are allowed and encouraged to enhance gameplay.
Unless specifically stated in a generation, the number of children each heir has is up to you. Though you could make things more interesting by rolling 1-6 to determine the amount. Same goes for who is the selected heir. 
Each generation will start with money obtained by their parents, the exact amount is up to you and how much savings the previous generation has accumulated.
Though Cats and Dogs is not fully explored until generation 5, pets are allowed prior.
If you enjoy having an assigned color per generation, you can roll 1-17 for a randomized color or simply assign a color of your choosing per generation. Please note 17 colors are listed in anticipation of add-on generations. 
Apricot, Black, Blue, Brown, Green, Grey, Hot Pink, Lavender, Lime, Mint, Navy, Orange, Pink, Purple, Red, White, Yellow
Remember, while this legacy is meant to help explore the game and provide a set of goals to do so, it is also meant to be fun. If something doesn’t fit your style of gameplay, or your particular interests, change it.
Generation 1
       Base Game + Outdoor Retreat You were recruited into the S.I.M.S.  just out of high school, odd-right? You’ve been relocated to the quaint town of Willow Creek with instructions to blend in and keep your career a secret.  You were planning on taking a year off before finding a career so you could travel. Oh well, you’ll just find time to balance work and travel now. How hard could that be?
Aspiration(s): Neighborhood Confidante + Outdoor Enthusiast
Traits: Genius, Loves the Outdoors, Good
 Career: Secret Agent
World(s): Willow Creek + Granite Falls
Move to Willow Creek with $20,000 in starting funds
Complete the Outdoor Enthusiast aspiration
Max the Secret Agent career in the Diamond Agent branch
Max the herbalism skill
Befriend the hermit in Granite Falls
Complete the insect’s collection and display them in your home
Take camping trips with future child(ren)
Optional: also complete the frogs collection
Generation 2
         Get to Work + Spa Day Your parents kept a collection of insects in the house, how gross! And family camping trips, ew. You would never do that to your children. But there was one thing you agreed on with your parents, taking care of yourself naturally. But instead of concocting herbalism potions, you’d prefer a more mindful and financially appeasing approach.
Aspiration(s): Self-Care Specialist
Traits: Squeamish, High Maintenance 
 Career: Own a Retail Business
World(s): Newcrest
Move to Newcrest as a young adult
 Complete the Self-Care Specialist aspiration
 Own a 5-star retail business selling wellness items and offering spa services (may be in Newcrest or Magnolia Promenade) 
Max the wellness skill
Optional: build a small yoga studio at your business and offer weekend yoga classes
Generation 3
       Get Together Your parents were always so zen, how boring! You never bought into the whole “wellness” thing they profited on. Though you did admire their following. Fashion has always been of interest to you so as a young adult you move to an up-and-coming town in hopes to make a name for yourself. You have a lot of friends but no best friends.
Aspiration(s): Leader of the Pack + Friend of the World
Traits: Dance Machine, Insider, Outgoing
 Career: Style Influencer
World(s): Windenburg
Move to Windenburg as a young adult
Complete the Leader of the Pack + Friend of the World aspirations
Max the Style Influencer career in the Trendsetter branch
Max the dancing and charisma skills
Have at least 2 failed marriages
Fight with partner on a regular basis, you love the drama
Optional: max DJ mixing skill
Generation 4
       Dine Out + City Living You admired your parent’s love for the night life, but you wanted more than Windenburg had to offer. Though they definitely skewed your perception of what love is supposed to look like. The city is full of potential partners and you aim to explore all your options. Your philosophy is to get out the second things begin to get too serious. You saw how often marriage fails, and you’ve got dreams to fulfill, who has time for that unnecessary heartbreak.
Aspiration(s): City Native + Serial Romantic
Traits: Foodie, Romantic, Noncommittal
 Career: Critic and own a restaurant 
World(s): San Myshuno
Move to San Myshuno as a young adult
Complete the City Native + Serial Romantic aspirations
Max the Critic career in the Food Critic branch
Open a restaurant in the city that specializes in experimental food
Max the singing skill
Complete the Experimental Food Prints collection
Never marry; you may have a live in partner, a one-night stand that results in a pregnancy (may be a relationship that ends as partner does not want child), or adopt a baby as an adult
Never prioritize your child + only have 1 child
Optional: complete the city posters and/or snowglobes collection(s)
[if my first pet stuff is owned, use it to decorate generation 5’s room]
Generation 5
       Cats and Dogs + My First Pet As a child you always wanted a pet (cat or dog depending on trait), but your parent claimed it would be too much of a commitment. You resented them for always putting their career and romantic endeavors above you. A pet would never do that. So as soon as you’re of age, you move away from the city and settle down in Brindleton Bay where you open your own vet clinic. And adopt a bunch of pets. You even open your house to strays. Animals are all you need, until you finally find a person who shares your passion and respect for animals that is.
Aspiration(s): Friend of the Animals
Traits: Unflirty, Cat or Dog Lover
 Career: Own a vet clinic
World(s): Brindleton Bay
Move to Brindleton Bay as a young adult
Must have the Cat Hangout + Dog Hangout lot traits
Complete the Friend of the Animals aspiration
Own a 5-star vet clinic
Max the pet training and veterinarian skills
Complete the Feathers collection
Fall in love with the owner of a patient after becoming friends first
Be good friends with your child(ren)
Generation 6
       Jungle Adventure Your parents were comfortable with their routine lives in a small town, but not you. You wanted to see the world, you desired adventure. Upon graduating high school you take your first trip to Selvadorada and it's as beautiful as you dreamed and full of adventure. From thereon you make it your life's mission to uncover all the mysteries of the jungle. 
Aspiration(s): Archeology Scholar + Jungle Explorer 
Traits: Loner, Kleptomaniac, Self-Assured
 Career: Freelancing, selling artifacts, or writing novels
World(s): Oasis Springs + Selvadorada
Move to Oasis Springs as a young adult
Complete the Archeology Scholar + Jungle Explorer aspirations
Max the archaeology skill
Complete the Ancient Artifacts and Omiscan Treasures collections
Have child(ren) as an adult
Optional: fall in love with someone you meet in Selvadorada 
Optional: also complete The Curator aspiration
Generation 7
       Seasons + Parenthood Your parents' life was full of adventure. Which meant you were often left with your grandparents as they explored the wilderness of the jungle. And unlike your parent, you envied the stability of a peaceful routine life. You took up gardening as a teenager and discovered it to be your passion. And while you harbor no resentment for your parents' way of raising you, or lack thereof, you aspire to be a super parent to your future children. You want your children to feel loved and believe they truly can become anything they want to be when they grow up.
Aspiration(s): Super Parent
Traits: Family-Oriented
 Career: Gardener
World(s): any previous world of your choosing
Move to any previous world of your choosing as a young adult
Complete the Super Parent aspiration
Max the Gardener career in the Flower Arranging branch
Max the flower arranging, gardening, and parenting skills
Have 2 - 4 children
Enroll your children in Scouts
Celebrate every holiday with your family
Complete the holiday cracker plushies and decorative eggs collections
Optional: complete the voidcritter cards collection
Optional: have a family member max the skating skill
Optional: move to Del Sol Valley when generation 8’s heir is a teenager
Generation 8
       Get Famous Your parents' always told you that you could become anything you wanted, and well, you aspire big. And your parents are your number one fans. You began showing interest in acting as a child after participating in a school play so your parents enrolled you in a drama club after school where your love for the craft grew. 
Aspiration(s): World-Famous Celebrity + Master Actor
Traits: Self-Absorbed
 Career: Drama club, Actor
World(s): Del Sol Valley
Move to Del Sol Valley as a young adult (if family did not relocate to Del Sol prior)
Complete the World-Famous Celebrity + Master Actor aspirations
Max the Actor career
Max the acting, charisma, and media production skills
Have a child with a fellow famous sim
Optional: enroll child(ren) in drama club to encourage their love for the spotlight
Generation 9
       Strangerville Being raised in the spotlight took a toll on your sanity. As a teenager you began searching for penpals as a way to connect with someone who doesn’t know your family and the fame that follows you. You grew paranoid that no one actually cares for you as an individual but for your family's celebrity status so you decided to move to an odd little desert town where no one knew who you were. And after the strangest welcome wagon one could imagine, you begin to discover something is not quite right in this seemingly ‘perfect’ town. You join the military to blend in and uncover its secrets.
Aspiration(s): Strangerville Mystery
Traits: Paranoid
 Career: Military
World(s): Strangerville
Move to Strangerville as a young adult
Complete the Strangerville Mystery aspiration
Max the Military career in the Covert Operator branch
Max the athletic skill
Be a strict parent as you know the world is unsafe
Enroll your child(ren) in after school activities to keep them busy and productive
Complete the postcard collection
Generation 10
       Island Living Having a military parent was tiresome. Who decided life had to be taken so seriously anyway? And what fun is living in such a hot climate when there is no beach around to cool off in? You very quickly fall in love with the island and seek to help improve it.
Aspiration(s): Beach Life
Traits: Loves the Outdoors
 Career: Conservationist 
World(s): Sulani
Move to Sulani as a young adult
Complete the Beach Life aspiration
Max the Conservationist career in the Environmental Manager branch
Help clean up the island
Attend every island event at least once
Complete the seashells, buried treasure, and underwater photos collections
Optional: have a child with a mermaid and give that child the child of the oceans trait
Optional: have a child with an island local and give that child the child of the islands trait
Generation 11
       Eco Lifestyle + Nifty Knitting (optional) You admired your parents desire for a cleaner environment. But you felt it wasn’t enough. After learning of Evergreen Harbor’s environmental state, you knew it was your destiny to improve it.
Aspiration(s): Eco Innovator + Master Maker (up to level 4)
Traits: Freegan, Green Fiend, Recycle Disciple
 Career: Civil Designer
World(s): Evergreen Harbor
Move to Evergreen Harbor as a young adult
Have the off-the-grid lot trait
Complete the Eco Innovator + Master Maker (up to level 4) aspirations
Max the Civil Designer career in the Green Technician branch
Max the fabrication and juice fizzing skills
Befriend the Master Crafter
Vote on N.A.P.s and improve the neighborhood you live in
Own a meat wall, insect farm, and live in a container home
Optional: obtain at least 50% of your household items through dumpster diving, flea market festivals, and fabrication
Optional: retire from the Civil Designer career as an elder and complete the 5 freelance crafter gigs to complete the Master Maker aspiration
Optional: master lord/lady of the knits aspiration and/or knitting skill as well
Generation 12
       Paranormal + Dream Home Decorator Ever since you can remember you would look at a building or a room and instantly envision how it could be improved. Your parent was a Civil Designer and you always wished they had chosen the civic planner branch.  You just never understood the fascination with going green. You purchase a home with tremendous potential though a bit of a fixer upper and soon discover it's quite haunted. After years of honing your craft of designing, you switch career paths and become a dedicated paranormal investigator.
Aspiration(s): aspiration of your choosing
Traits: Creative
 Career: Interior Decorator, Freelance Paranormal Investigator
World(s): any previous world of your choosing
Move to any previous world of your choosing as a young adult
Purchase a fixer upper home with the haunted house lot assignment
Complete the aspiration of your choosing 
Max the Interior Decorator career + complete at least 5 paranormal investigator gigs
Max the medium skill
Befriend Guidry
Purchase the brave reward trait after mastering the medium skill
Optional: the haunted house you purchase is in one of the occult worlds
Optional: to make this generation less boring, randomize the aspiration, traits, # of children, world to live in, # of romantic partners to be had, etc.
Generation 13
       Cottage Living Your parents may have enjoyed the haunted house vibes, but you certainly did not. You loved your grandparents and their simple ways of living. When they passed you vowed to honor their memory by moving to the countryside and living off the land doing your part to make the world a greener place..
Aspiration(s): Country Caretaker 
Traits: Animal Enthusiast
 Career: selling items from your farm at the market
World(s): Henford-on-Bagley
Move to Henford-on-Bagley as a young adult
Have the off-the-grid and simple living lot traits
Complete the Country Caretaker aspiration
Max the gardening and cross-stitch skills
Run at least 3 errands around town
Befriend everyone you help with errands
Give generation 14 heir the lactose intolerant trait as a child
Complete the Village Fair Ribbons collection
Optional: complete the Freelance Botanist aspiration as well
Optional: have at least 3 children, each getting one of the following traits; overachiever (gen 14 heir), party animal, and socially awkward 
Generation 14
       High School Years + University + My Wedding Stories Country life wasn’t for you. And being lactose intolerant while being raised on a farm really made life difficult. The world was such a big place and you felt trapped in the countryside eagerly waiting till you could explore what was out there. Being your family never made much money, you knew you needed scholarships and part-time work if you were ever going to make it to university.
Aspiration(s): Goal-Oriented, Academic, Soulmate
Traits: Lactose Intolerant, Overachiever, Romantic
 Career: part-time career of your choosing, University student, Education
World(s): Britechester, Copperdale, Tartosa
As a teenager max a part-time career + after school activity
Move to Britechester as a young adult while you work on your degree and move to Copperdale after graduation
Complete the Goal-Oriented, Academic, + Soulmate aspirations
In university join an organization
Obtain a distinguished degree in Economics or Psychology
Max the Education career in the Administrator branch
Max the logic + research and debate skills
Meet your future spouse in university
Plan at least 2 of the events that come with My Wedding Stories
Marry, honeymoon, and later renew vows in Tartosa
Complete the Messages in a bottle collection
Optional: take at least one family vacation with your child(ren) to Tartosa
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theink-stainedfolk · 3 days
OC Interview Tag
Thank you @willtheweaver for this fun game tag♡
I'll be taking Dr. Anselm Ravenscroft from my new obsession WIP Legacy of Creation
1. Were you named after anyone?
Anselm: No, I wasn't named after anyone. My parents chose the name because they liked its uniqueness.
2. When was the last time you cried?
Anselm: It's been a while since I last cried. I tend to internalize my emotions and focus on finding solutions to challenges rather than dwelling on them. (Can't relate)
3. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
Anselm: Not particularly. I prefer direct communication and clarity in my interactions.
4. Do you have any kids?
- Anselm: No, I don't have any kids. My work has always been my primary focus.
5. What is the first thing you notice about people?
Anselm: I usually notice their level of determination and ambition. It's something I can relate to.
6. Scary movies or happy endings?
- Anselm: I prefer movies that challenge the mind rather than those focused solely on entertainment. So, I'd lean towards thought-provoking films over simple categorizations like happy or scary. But if i had to choose from them, I'd pick scary.
7. Any special talents?
- Anselm: I'm quite skilled in problem-solving and analytical thinking. My ability to innovate and create solutions to complex problems is perhaps my most valuable talent.
8. What is your eye color?
- Anselm: My eyes are a deep shade of brown.
9. How tall are you?
- Anselm: I'm of average height, around 5 feet 10 inches.
10. Where were you born?
- Anselm: I was born in a small town on the outskirts of the city, surrounded by nature and solitude. (I haven't decided anything that's why its so vague.)
11. Do you have any pets?
- Anselm: No, I've never had any pets. My work demands a lot of time and attention, leaving little room for pet care. I can't even care for myself.
12. What sort of sports do you play?
- Anselm: I'm not particularly sporty. I prefer activities that engage my mind, like problem-solving challenges and chess. I like moving my body less.
13. What is your favorite subject in school?
- Anselm: I always enjoyed science and mathematics. The logic and precision of these subjects appealed to me from a young age.
14. What is your dream job?
- Anselm: My dream job is to be at the forefront of scientific discovery, pushing the boundaries of knowledge and innovation. Creating something truly groundbreaking that leaves a lasting impact on the world would be the ultimate achievement for me.
I'll tag @cssnder @finickyfelix @sshawthorne @ascotwriting @drchenquill and anyone who wants to play along ☆
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faeriesims · 1 year
˚➶ 。˚  taylor swift legacy challenge (swiftacy) for sims 3
hi! in this post i am gonna be sharing my legacy challenge i created. this also takes inspiration from some sims 4 swiftacys. i hope you have fun with this if you try it! tag me in your gameplay screenies ♡
rules under the cut!
complete the given lifetime wish every generation
each goal must be met before the next heir takes over
♡ generation 1 - debut
colors: blue, green
world: any country-ish town, appaloosa plains
traits:  childish, ambitious, virtuoso, loves the outdoors, over-emotional
career: music
LTW: rock star
hobby: guitar
live in the same town your whole life
frequently play guitar for tips
have an unrequited love with someone in a relationship before moving on and having a fairy-tale romance with your soulmate
master guitar and charisma skill
♡ generation 2 - fearless
colors: gold, white
world: same town as gen 1
traits: equestrian, good, excitable, artistic, easily impressed
career: self-employed painter
LTW: master of the arts
hobby: painting
meet a sim in your teen years that you have an on-and-off relationship into adulthood with—break up twice before eventually getting married
have a close relationship with all your family members 
have a best friend from adolescence till death
have at least one horse (preferably white)
♡ generation 3 - speak now
colors: purple, pink
world: any, hidden springs
traits:  clumsy, hot-headed, bookworm, avant-garde, ambitious
career: journalist or self-employed writer
LTW: professional author
hobby: writing
must write 14 books, each named after a speak now song
date a least one person in the adult life stage during the first half of your young adulthood
fall in love with your best friend and convince them to leave their partner for you, eventually marry your best friend turned lover
specialize in writing romance novels
master the writing skill
♡ generation 4 - red
colors: red, black
world: starlight shores
traits: party animal, irresistible, diva, schmoozer, natural born performer
career: singer
LTW: vocal legend
hobby: social networking 
must experience a very bad break up with a kleptomaniac partner (where’d that red scarf go?)
date at least one celebrity at some point in your life
consistently throw parties with your closest friends
master singing and social networking skill
♡ generation 5 - 1989
colors: beige, dark lilac/blue
world: any city world, bridgeport
traits: star quality, charismatic, social butterfly, photographer’s eye, great kisser
career: actor
LTW: superstar actor
hobby: photography
must have a close group of friends that you meet as a young adult (5+)
take photographs (polaroids) of your life and hang them around your room
have at least 3 failed relationships before finding the one
have one close friend in your teenage years that later becomes your enemy when you’re a young adult 
master photography and charisma skill
♡ generation 6 - reputation
colors: black/gray, dark green
world: any
traits: loner, kleptomaniac, hates the outdoors, brooding, brave
career: criminal
LTW: master thief
hobby: athletic 
have at least 3 enemies and no more than 2 close friends
have 3 consistent affairs before leaving your partner and settling down with the third affair 
must steal something of value + a car from your ex partner
master athletic skill
♡ generation 7 - lover
colors: pastel pink, yellow, & blue
world: any tropical world
traits: excitable, friendly, family-orientated, hopeless romantic, cat person
career: education
LTW: surrounded by family
hobby: cooking/baking
must have at least one cat 
partake in protests when possible 
always wear colorful clothing & makeup
be popular as a teenager in high school (have 5+ friends, have a significant other, join an after school activity, and attend every school dance)
break up with your high school sweetheart when you’re a young adult and find your soulmate while on a vacation—elope with them once you return to your hometown
♡ generation 8 - folklore
colors: light gray, mossy green
world: any woodsy world, moonlight falls
traits: green thumb, perfectionist, unlucky, gatherer, adventurous
career: self-employed gardener
LTW: the perfect garden
hobby: gardening
live in a secluded, woodland area
must be in a love triangle as a teenager
reunite with an old friend from childhood as a young adult
master gardening skill
optional: become a witch as a young adult
♡ generation 9 - evermore
colors: brown, orange
world: any, riverview
traits: commitment issues, genius, loves the cold, rebellious, neurotic
career: law enforcement
LTW: forensic specialist: dynamic DNA profiler
hobby: logic
have a close relationship with your grandparents
kill a friend’s spouse in retaliation for your friend’s murder
reunite with an ex partner from your teen years & marry them
have an ongoing affair during your marriage and end up with an affair baby—swear that it’s your spouse’s child for the rest of your life (this child will be the heir)
master logic skill
♡ generation 10 - midnights
colors: lavender, dark blue, gold
world: any
traits: workaholic, cat person, night owl, perceptive, dramatic
career: fortune teller
LTW: celebrity psychic 
hobby: mixology
have a cat named karma
wait until you are halfway through adulthood to get married
write a single book about your family’s legacy
as an adult, discover generation 9’s infidelity and meet your other biological parent in secret
own a bar & name it after a song on midnights
master mixology
optional: frequently travel to france
: ̗̀➛  if for some reason you prefer to have the rules on a google doc, here's the link to that
thanks for reading!
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thesongthesoulsings · 4 months
Promised Legacy
Tumblr media
Summary: Aesop and Katherine Sharp are not only parents but also lovers - something that often is forgotten in busy everyday life. This OneShot tells a tale about the rekindling of passionate intimacy, the desire for another child, and promises being upheld.
Link to Ao3
He entered the kitchen, breathing in the delicious smell of cake baking in the oven.  
Katherine’s slender form – clad in a summer dress and apron – moved around the room while cleaning. Her soft singing filled the air and her wavy voluminous mane, which was illuminated by the setting sun, moved with her motions; she was barefoot.   
He leaned silently against the doorframe, deciding to watch her for a moment longer, not expecting the profanity leaving her lovely mouth shortly after.  
She turned, feeling eyes on her, and cursed.  
“Fuck! Merlin...” Her wincing was followed by a look at her raised foot, provoking a chuckle in the Potions Master.  
“I told you to stop walking around barefoot.”  
The dark voice was a welcome embrace to her, after having waited for him all day long. The kids, which were now playing outside in the garden, had exhausted her and made it seem like a prolonged waiting period.  
Twisting her mouth she grumbled – a habit of hers he had grown to find endearing.  
“It’s not the bare status of my feet which is the problem, but rather the fact that our children leave their toys wherever they walk. It would’ve hurt just the same if I had been wearing socks, and if I had worn shoes, I might’ve slipped. They truly need to learn to clean up after themselves.”  
“They do”, he agreed, approaching her now to encircle her with his arms. Her hold tightened around him, pressing the feminine curves against his taller frame.  
“I baked your favorite cake today, so we might enjoy it over the weekend. I hope it turned out well – Alethea and Thedore helped with it today.”  
Her irritation had vanished and made room for a joyful disposition, something the wizard was fond of – the forgiving nature of his wife. He squeezed her, burrowing his nose in her soft hair; inhaling her scent. Lavender, Vanilla, Jasmin and Bergamot with a tinge of cashmere wood – all of that mingled with the sweet scent of cake surrounding them. Home, he was home.  
His voice vibrated through her, once he spoke – his grasp around her still strong.  
“I’m sure it will be palatable. There simply is no chance you let them do whatever they please with the ingredients.”  
She grinned up at him.  
“You know me well, Mr. Sharp. I had to keep them in check and prevent a disaster.”  
He was about to kiss her, when running feet and loud voices announced their offspring’s presence.  
“Pa’! I painted something for you!” Alethea’s declaration was followed by her brothers' frantic arm movements demanding to be picked up. “Dada!”  
Aesop loosened his arms around his wife, picking up his son who was – once more – clothed in nothing but nappies. “At least you’ve decided to keep your nappies on for once, son.” He heard Katherine laugh softly behind him, knowing she was sharing his thoughts. Theodore was in the habit of walking around naked, refusing to keep his cloth nappy on while the weather was balmy.  
“See!” Alethea’s warm eyes – which reminded him so much of Katherine’s - looked up hopefully at him, waving the colorful parchment in front of him. “This is us! Mama, Theodore, me and you! And you know what? I also painted another baby – look!” Her little index finger pointed at her mother’s figure on her masterpiece, which included a swollen stomach. The Potions Master looked at his wife, a question in his eyes which was answered with a humored shaking of her head.  
“I have not forgotten to tell you something, it’s simply wishful thinking on our daughter’s part.”  
His dark eyebrows rose, eyes now back on his daughter. “You want a whole Quidditch team of siblings, it seems.” He paused, taking in Alethea’s challenging look. “How about picking up your toys? Your mother hurt herself by stepping on one of those. If you treat them carelessly, I must conclude that you don’t like them much.”  
The little witch’s eyes grew big.  
“No! I do like them very much, Papa! I’ll pick them up, alright.”  
“Toys!” Theodore wiggled in his arms, trying to get down to the toys, now that they had been mentioned. Aesop allowed him his freedom, putting him down carefully.  
“There you go – pick up your toys and wash your hands. We’ll be waiting for you at the dinner table.”  
Katherine’s instructions were given while her hands were busy taking the plates out of the cupboard. Despite her knowing domestic spells quite well by now, and despite her gratefulness for their existence and the frequent application of those, there were some things she simply preferred to do by hand. Aesop assumed it had a meditative effect on her.  
“How was work today?” The question pulled him out of his reverie.  
“Considering that we only had a staff meeting today and time to ready our classrooms, to prepare for the students approaching arrival, I would regard it as pleasant. I cannot claim having missed Black’s antics, but Dinah seems to have spent her time away adventurously in Brazil.”  
The ash blonde witch chuckled.  
“I told you about her plans. She was quite taken with the idea of exploring Castelobruxo during the break, and she mentioned looking forward to meeting Caiporas on the school grounds. Troublesome creatures.” 
Aesop took the cutlery out of the cupboard, helping his witch set the table.  
“Is there anything you do not memorize?”  
Placing the last plate on the table, she looked over her shoulder at him; smiling.  
Their eyes met for longer than would be considered decent if in public, the expression more intense. Katherine could feel the electricity in the air.  
“We should do something tonight.”   
Her voice was lowered and swung with meaning, inviting him to step closer.  
“ Do something? Whatever do you mean?”  
Aesop’s teasing made her pout playfully.  
“Engage in the act of showing physical affection. Affection husband and wife should share. If you do not know what I am referring to, I fear that I won’t be able to help you.”  
He approached her from behind, his arms finding to her waist, his lips kissing her neck leisurely.  
Enjoying his touch and smell, she closed her eyes; leaning back against her favorite wizard.  
“Sex, darling, you want Sex. I’m more than willing to give you pleasure and seek my own. I’ve yearned to have you naked in my arms again, to see and hear your surrender. It has been far too long since I last tasted you.”  
His rumbling voice still captivated her like it had done years ago, and his words did not miss their target. He was right – it had been a while since they had last shared intimacy. Nearly a month had gone by without them doing anything, because the children had been going to bed too late and the days had been rather busy. Whenever they had craved the other, something had come in between.  
Her spoken words came out husky.  
“I’ll ensure the children will rest earlier tonight. I cannot wait for much longer.”  
As if they had called upon the devil, they were once more interrupted by hungry little humans. Their hungry little humans.  
“What are we having for dinner, Mama?!” - “Dinner! Dinner!”  
Two hours later they had eaten, read and played together; the children’s teeth had been brushed. Goodnight kisses were given and promises of ice cream for the next day were made, but various attempts at fleeing the bed by the children followed, nevertheless. Exasperation was growing in both adults. They loved their children – very much so – but they had been trying to take care of everything on their own, and it was simply overwhelming at times. Looking at each other with a sigh of resignation, they sat down at the bedside of their children once more. Katherine was holding Theodore’s hand, while Aesop had decided to sit on their daughter’s bed; a hand placed on top of her head.  
“It’s enough. Your mother and I need to rest, and so do you. It cannot be that you think whatever you want to do is what is going to happen. Sometimes we get our will, other times we do not. Often, we want things that are not in our best interest, and this is one of those instances in your case. We care for you, which means that we must ensure you get proper sleep, and take care of ourselves, so that we have enough energy to spend joyful time with you. If you do not sleep, your body cannot grow and stay healthy, and you probably already noticed that your mother’s patience wears thin, if she does not get some time to herself, haven’t you?” Alethea twisted her mouth, attentively taking in her father’s words.  
“I will make the phonograph play some music for you, but you’ll stay in bed, close your eyes and let it accompany you to sleep. You both are tired, we see it in your faces, so be assured that you’re not missing out on anything adventurous. We’re in the house and will do boring things before we ourselves lay down to bed. Sleep, little star, and dream of something nice. Tomorrow morning you can tell me about it.”  
Katherine Sharp had never doubted her love for the Ex-Auror, but in such moments – moments in which she was short of losing her temper, and her husband stepped in to take control instead – her feelings for him were overwhelming. Seeing that strict man, which so often was grumpy, being patient and loving with their children, was something incomparable. Waving her wand, she pointed it at the phonograph – calm melodic sounds filling the air.  
“I want to dream of mermaids! Or no! I want to dream of fairies! Wait, how about unicorns?!”   
Alethea’s excitement made her mother chuckle.  
“How about you try dreaming about a fairy on a unicorn, visiting her mermaid friend?”  
The little eyes shone with elation.  
“What a great idea, Ma!”  
Looking down at Theodore, his small hand still in hers, she noticed he had already fallen asleep. His little nose, which she knew would end up looking like his father's, was touching his arm. With a smile on her lips, she leaned down to kiss his soft cheek, before pressing her own cheek against the backside of the little hand. Rising, she looked at Aesop, who had – not without a wince -risen himself.   
His eyes held a softness in them that told her he had been watching her moment with Theodore; it made her feel vulnerable in a gratefulness inducing way. She was pleased that he had managed to bring out her soft side with the years, that she did not have to be in a defensive state at any time anymore, and that she was attractive to him in her feminine nature. Her life had been so completely different before Aesop – full of violence which demanded defense, rich in abuse which had made her pull up a wall, packed with a mindset that had demanded to at least partially forego her inclinations. Loss of control and exposure of vulnerability had been her greatest fears, but those had vanished with time and Aesop at her side. Now she was fulfilled in her role as a wife and mother, feeling no need to prove the world how worthy and accomplished she was, having no desire to combat everything and everyone. Nobody who knew her would dare to think her incapable of destruction, so she had learned to simply be . No mask of harsh discipline, no role of invulnerable superiority, no veil of uncaring bluntness.  
She had not lost her temperament, which had always been rather fiery; she had not stopped being outspoken, or willing to engage in confrontation where needed, and she most definitely had not left behind her analytical nature which often did not suit those whose desire was to live an illusion entirely focused on emotion. Nevertheless, she had changed, and Aesop Sharp was glad to have given her a secure base to do so. He had not fallen in love with another version of herself, he had simply fallen in love with her true self and seen it hidden beneath all the covering layers.  
Caressing his face lovingly, she led the way out of the room.   
Hoping their daughter would finally fall asleep with the powerful help of music, they found themselves sitting near the fireplace, nipping on the wine they had decided to enjoy in place of the usual tea. Aesop’s body was relaxed for once, his arm around Katherine’s shoulders. While his thumb was drawing lazy circles on her arm, her hand enjoyed feeling the strength of his leg.  
“I miss you”, she whispered. Her dark eyes found his; the fire illuminating her lovely features. His ministrations came to a hold, the hand now drawing her closer to his side. He didn’t know how long he was lost in his thoughts, while he took in her beauty, instead of answering. Her lovely lips were slightly parted, her delicate nose calling to be traced with his much more prominent one, her hair – which was inviting his touch – shone angelically, and the elegant collar bones longed to be kissed.  
He did not know what he had done to deserve her and everything they had built together, but he thanked God for this best of blessings.  
Finally answering he leaned in.  
“I miss you just as much, Kate.”  
Her appealing lips turned into a smile, her elegant yet capable hands taking his glass from him to place it on the table before them with her own. Facing him now, she took his rough hands into her softer ones, starting to investigate them first with her fingers and then with her lips.  
Looking up at him from under her lashes, she let her velvet tongue glide over his palm, eliciting a sharp intake of air on his part. Pressing an open-mouthed kiss on it gave rise to a growl.  
“Let me feel you tonight. I want you on me... and in me, husband.”  
Rarely addressing him directly as her husband made the use of the title meaningful. It struck a chord in him – one which awoke possessiveness and protectiveness. He would take care of her like he always did and give this stunning creature the pleasure she deserved to experience. The thought of leaving her untouched, making her feel unloved, was inconceivable.  
His strong hands captured her face delicately, as if she were easily breakable. Despite knowing that her porcelain skin had taken damage well over the challenging cycle of her life, he did not dare to handle her roughly – not when he was putting all of his devotion into action. Brushing his eloquent lips against her soft cheek, approaching her eager ear, he spoke – voice low and alluring.  
“I will fill you. First I will adore your body, a body that Aphrodite would envy; then I will enter you slowly but forcefully, reflecting our inner disposition; and afterwards – when I moved in you, reaching places that bring you transcendental bliss – I will empty myself into you, filling you, lining you with my seed. It is that what you want from me, wife, is it not? For me to lose myself in you, gifting you another child? Oh, I saw that flicker in your eyes, when you informed me about our daughter’s wishes, Katherine, do not think me ignorant.”  
Something akin to a whimper left her involuntarily, her hands gripping his sleek hair. She could feel how her body was preparing for his claiming her, how moisture between her legs was inviting his invasion. “Aesop...”, her voice was quivering; chest seeking contact with his imposing form. Wrapping herself around him by positioning herself on his lap, she locked the door and cast a silencing charm. Despite their frankness with their daughter – which included her knowing about the act of lovemaking – they did not want to expose themselves so openly.  
His hands roamed over her curves; his face nestled in her bosom. She felt him inhaling deeply, before a groan left his throat, making his chest vibrate.  
“You have no imagination of how alluring you are.”  
Rocking against him, her hands still in his hair, she closed her eyes – her head laid back, her throat exposed.  
His hands found her nipples through the fabric of her dress, provoking the strong reaction in his wife he had been expecting to receive. A forceful movement of her hips, an impassioned moan, and a strengthening grip on Aesop’s hair kept his attention secured on Katherine’s shapely breasts.  
His manhood was straining against his trousers, yearning to be gripped by Katherine’s hidden garden. His self-control, which had seldomly failed him, was hanging on a thread, since he hadn’t indulged his passions for quite a while.  
The womanly centre feverishly seeking contact with his masculine counterpart was clouding his thoughts, laying a veil of desire over everything.  
It didn’t take long for them to dispose of their clothing. Warm pliable flesh melted against heated solid muscle; audible breathing, moaning, and sighing could be heard, just as much as groaning and soft whispering. As if the weather wanted to emulate their interplay, it started to rain outside – the raindrops falling against the windows, joining their exclamations and the moisture that was building on their bodies.  
His lips did not want to part from hers; every time they attempted to, they peeled slowly from them only to close back in. His mind was lost in everything Katherine was, not thinking about how astonishing it was that he reacted to her so intensely even after all those years. He did not find anything lacking in her, nothing he would want to change. She couldn’t be close enough, so his hands pushed her against his erection – his head thrown back onto the backrest of the sofa, - eliciting a high-pitched yelp from his woman; she couldn’t feel better to him, so his hands drew her curves without having coal to immortalize them on parchment, making her the paper and muse simultaneously; she could not look nor smell better, so he made an effort to take in every detail of her beauty; drowning in her sweet aroma which called him home. He loved her – profusely and unconditionally. Joining their bodies was seldomly an act of lust alone, but a desire to lose oneself in the other; this time being no different.  
Her movements became desperate, making him aware of her haunting her release by seeking friction on his erect cock. Still caught in the delirium of desire, trying to support her in her ambition, he moved her hips. It would be futile to deny that her chasing kindled his passion even further, leading to him losing the fight against attempts at being silent. He moaned in surrender.  
“Use me to your satisfaction, Kate. Show me how greatly you hunger for me.”  
His words ran through her like lightning. To outsiders it may have painted a picture of submission on Aesop’s part, but it was on Katherine to surrender to her souls yearning for her husband. The bidding which had left his mouth awakened the need in her to show him the dedication for him that was a constant companion. Raising her hips, she guided him to her entrance, slowly sinking down; taking him in. A moan of extraordinary pleasurable nature was shared, her walls closing around him. She felt complete in the combination of being stretched by his impalement, and his arms surrounding her. Foreheads touching each other, she began to move on top of him – his hand, which had found to the apex of her thighs, kindling the fire inside. Smelling him – masculine and enchanting – and feeling his hair-covered skin upon hers, supported her inner turmoil of enticing fantasies which fought for dominance. She gave in to the most appealing of all: Him taking pleasure from her, using her and spending himself inside of her to breed. She was the one he chose; she was the one he wanted to not only fuck but make the mother of his children; she was the one he wanted to fill up to the brim with his precious seed, she was the one he made his queen and protected with everything he could. A whimper escaped her, the rocking of her hips quickening. Her hands rove through his bearded distinctive face, up into his hair, their eyes meeting with intensity. It was difficult to comprehend how this capable intelligent man had claimed her, how he was choosing her every single day. The thought and feeling of this powerful wizard driving into her made the friction against her bud effective, shutting her eyes and letting her pale feminine body spasm in ecstasy. Feeling her inner walls gripping him firmly, her beautiful face contorted in the transcendental bliss Aesop had promised her, he had to fight to keep control. Wanting to enjoy the feeling of her for a bit longer, he indulged in her beauty and softness, bringing his hand to his nose, to breath in her arousing musky honey, which he had managed to coax out of her.  
With a dexterous move, earning him a surprised intake of air followed by a chuckle from Katherine, he laid her down on the sofa, now towering above her. His eyes shone in that special way again, reminding her of the time he had approached her at Hogwarts, when he was suspecting her pregnant. Admiration – something akin to it – came closest to describing it accurately. She smiled.  
“What is it?”  
He shook his head slowly, his eyes not leaving her.  
“You are ethereal.”  
Taking his face into her hands again, she smiled – loving amusement dancing in her eyes, which so much reminded him of warming black tea.  
“It would be truth and lie contemporaneously, if I would claim to never be capable of understanding how you can see me that way. Truth, because I do not see myself the way you do; lie, because I can estimate how you must see me due to my similar view of you.”  
She paused.  
“Well, I wouldn’t describe you as ethereal, but there is simply no way of a woman being more attracted to a man than I am to you.”  
A smirk was pulling at the corners of his mouth; his eyes even now fixated on her.  
“Intellectualizing everything... How very Katherine .” His gruff voice mirrored his amusement, before his facial expression turned serious once more.  
Having her laying below him, her hair fanned out around her, was intoxicating. He could see the little scar above her left brow which she had gotten as a teenager, one that barely anyone else could see, unless they were searching for it in her face. He could see the little birthmark on the point of her little elegant nose. He could see the laugh lines that were starting to form, and he loved every single detail about the woman who had willingly chosen to be his companion. Stroking her forehead and gliding over her shining wavy hair, he lowered his lips to her jaw, kissing just below it.  
“What would I be doing without you?”  
She felt his arousal against her thigh, his warm lips at her jaw, and enjoyed his hands now on her throat. He wasn’t choking her, not today, no, he was soothing it with his thumb and making her hope he would proceed in his ministrations. She barely registered his question, wasn’t even sure if she should take it as rhetorical or answer.  
“I do not want to think about that for a second, Aesop. You have me, so come into me.”  
The eyes which had closed as soon as his lips had met her skin opened, begging him for union.  
After one last heated look, his strong hand glid along her leg before raising it, his sex demanding entrance when it met hers. The feeling of him coming into her once again made her back leave the furniture, the sensation of him opening her overwhelming. A silent groan left him, his head seeking comfort at her neck; hair falling into his handsome aged face.  
When he started moving, pushing and pulling his arousal through his wife, making sure he met the spot inside of her which never failed to make her moan exquisitely, he knew that he wouldn’t last much longer. He had needed her for too long as to be capable of resisting her pull on him for any longer; felt himself getting lost in the paradise she was to him – Eden, which welcomed him instead of being a home he had been exiled from due to his transgressions. Lowering his head to the fruit, which was not forbidden to him, he engulfed her nipple with his avid mouth – his hips moving with enthusiasm. The sounds she produced where like a heavenly choir to him, her hands on his solid buttocks grabbing and animating him. Biting his teeth together – hands tightly holding onto her – he drove himself deeper into her, meeting the entrance to her womb. The sweetest sound yet escaped her accompanied by her sex’s rhythmical dance around him. Giving in to the siren her orgasm had become, he drowned, filling her with the last he had to give – semen spilling into her as a witness to his surrender.  
His body, which seconds ago had been strained in effort and anticipation, was now at ease – head lying in Katherine’s lap. His leg hurt more than he wanted to admit, having ignored it while exercising in devotion. Raising himself up with a wince, he sat beside the warm exhausted but satisfied body of his lover. Taking her hand into his, he guided it to his lips – his head resting on the backrest of the furniture. A tired smile came in response to his affection, her breathing evening out.  
“I love you.”  
Her voice was barely a whisper, but neither the fire crackling in the fireplace nor the rain hitting the window managed to silence it.  
“I love you”, he repeated with meaning; his eyes meeting hers.  
As usual they had ended up talking for hours after their shared intimacy – from politics, the state of society, and the future to come, to their children’s seemingly quick growth and what they would like to snack.  
A bath later they were preparing for bed. Having checked on their offspring – which had been long asleep – the phonogram was now playing in the master bedroom. Aesop, who was lying in bed while attempting to read, looked over his glasses at his wife. She was standing at the sink of their bathroom, door open, her body clad in a lilac-coloured silken negligee. Her hair in an up-do, he saw her delicate neck and clavicle. Her hips were softly swaying with the music that was playing, while she made sure to apply cream to her pretty face.  
“I know that you are watching me, Aesop. Does the book fail to entertain?”  
Closing the book and taking off his glasses, he huffed.  
“The book is not to blame for failing to compete with you.”  
He saw her grin while she closed the door behind her.  
“You had your full share of me tonight, Professor. I dare claim that a good book would be able to keep your attention for a while.”  
A wave of her hand turned off the music while she climbed into the bed.  
“You are mistaken. Having had you tonight only put you in your rightful place – right at the centre of my attention.”  
Her eyes spoke of her adoration for him, ensuring him that his efforts at being a good husband were appreciated.  
“Well, we should ensure our time spent in a state of undress doesn’t come too short”, she said with humour shortly before becoming more earnest. “I missed you terribly.”  
He welcomed her into his arms, making sure her head was resting comfortably on his chest.  
“Do you think I put a babe in you tonight?”  
He seemed thoughtful, though not hesitant in seeking an answer.  
She pressed a kiss to his chest.  
“You might have. According to my calendar the possibility is quite high.”  
His hand was massaging her scalp distractedly.  
“The Sharp line continuing.” His voice seemed infused with wonder, acceptance and hope.  
He felt her smile against his chest.  
“The Sharp line continuing. I told you we would build a legacy and I intend to keep that promise.”  
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