#colorwheel red
eleg-ant · 1 year
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Colorwheel number 4: Inuyasha for red!
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lamelarts · 3 months
Color wheel challenge: Red ❤️
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Jđjjđj i have always wanted to do this but havent got the time and enough characters to do 😩🙏 Til today lol i have gathered enough characters for each colors yipee 👏❤️ I did get a bit greedy and pick 5 for each color 💀 but i have fun drawing all of them so it is finee tho my back is hurting 😭
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The characters names fyi:
- Godart (Doraemon)
- Violence fiend (CSM)
- Marceline (Adventure time)
- Deadpool
- Mei Mei (Turning red)
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hanyoufanny17 · 1 year
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I love his ,,Red Dead of Night" skin. I love his normal design too but this is nice . No matter how much time but I gonna get it someday!😍😍😍😣
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alisontylerm · 1 year
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hyah-lian · 2 years
I restarted my acnh island a few days ago and the hyperfocus I have had on it today is brutal. I went to get dinner and realized how hungry I was and also both my legs are asleep and tbh? I haven't done very much I have just been Vibing and running in circles and collecting wood I am living
I'm v glad I had a huge breakfast and had the forethought to bring like 3 drinks up with me earlier.
I'm trying to hard to figure out how I want to decorate and I'm aaaaaaaa :D
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allerghen · 1 year
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wei wuxian for colorwheel part red, on twitter
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gierosajie-art · 1 year
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Venti AU Colorwheel | Ko-fi link
After months of drawing on and off...I have finally done it. The Color Wheel Challenge but with a different Venti for every color
AU guide under the cut because I have A Lot
Red: Boiling Isles AU - Witch Venti where he is part of the Bard Coven, but still manages to get away with messing around with Oracle magic due to Bard magic's range in spells
Orange: Vessels AU - Bodysharing au with Nameless Bard because gods need vessels to be able to walk among mortals and hide their divinity
Yellow: Possessed concept - that one concept I had about a god from Celestia possessing Venti out of nowhere and he like, keeps the outfit afterward because screw them
Green: Starfall AU - Ghost Trick AU where Venti's a dead magpie that sometimes takes his friend's form in the ghost world
Cyan: The Nameless AU - Honkai Star Rail AU where Venti is a prior Trailblazer of The Nameless on the Path of Harmony
Blue: Gathering of Cloudy Days AU - BlazBlue AU where Venti is an artificial human. Too much to explain but he's in his armor in the art instead of his regular outfit. He has a bunch of swords and keeps having to witness the timeloop
Violet: OG Cryo Archon Venti AU - Basically Venti dies and gets brought back wrong after 600 years or so in this scenario so he's just kinda in the process of crumbling like ice
Magenta: Roleswap AU - Corrupted Venti au where he is the one that's more severely poisoned and Dvalin manages to get through the Cataclysm unscathed. He is Not having a good time
You can also refer to this post for summaries for most of them
I'm also kinda realizing most of them can be grouped together in terms of similarity like, orange, yellow, and green have something to do with possession; cyan and blue are both sci-fi; and then there's purple and magenta being corrupted Venti AUs. Witch Venti is an outlier
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olderthannetfic · 3 months
I really dislike those "How to draw (insert poc)" and then it's a guide telling you DON'T EVER DRAW THESE FEATURES! And then they make a figure with those features and label it "Bad." But the features are normal fucking features, but they made them "extra bad" for the art in some way, maybe by making the skin tone really bad. (Ashy, too saturated, etc.) or by drawing the features in an ugly style.
Maybe if you, on purpose have to make something extra ridiculous and uglified to make a point, then those features aren't actually that ridiculous on a poc? Maybe you just don't like them or are focusing on a very small pool of features you prefer?
Or they completely go off the rails and freak out about artistic shit like "If you draw a black character with blonde (still coily) hair, you're whitewashing them and implying that white traits are more desirable." As if black people can't dye their hair, or straight for that matter... OR WIGS??? Or like "Poc are never this pale." and then just ignore that people can be super pale and still poc. Pale=/=White. You also get hair tutorial posts that will straight up say that the only hair type a black character should have is on the spectrum of complete coily, 4ABC, maybe at most 3C.
Many of these posts don't even consider mixed features, or they ignore varying features because they forgot that poc features exist across a spectrum, especially where a lot of travel happened. A lot of "How to draw Asian (features)" are really hyper focused on East Asian features, which makes the title a lie. How about labelling it "How to draw East Asian (features.)" instead. Then acknowledge that you're still only guiding for a very specific set of features in most cases. (The amount of times these guides have basically completely excluded SEA features, or in other ways said that those features don't exist in Asians. Come tf on.)
Then there's thing like completely misunderstanding undertones, so they completely remove that tone from the colorwheel. Yellow, purple, red, are undertones poc can have, you need to know how to use them, not say "They're racist, never use." Learn undertones, no, no one is bright purple, red or yellow, but you have undertones. That's also how color correcting make-up works, it's about the undertones and then you negate them; color theory. Black people can have purple or red undertone, but they're not "purple" 💜 or "red" 🟥(I question if these people have weird colors on their device, so they might not see it?) Maybe their drawing ends up good, but the advice some give can really handicap a lot of artists with a different method of coloring.
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ivyjinna · 1 year
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Soulsborne Colorwheel - red for Lady Maria.
Next up is orange. Guess who that might be? : D
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freyyzu · 2 years
request of an mc flirting with Mammon. Figure they do it while he's upside down which gives him the excuse of oh I'm not blushing that's from being upside down. mc probably pretends to leave before mammon pulls a wait on them.
Mammon has gotten himself in trouble again and you've decided to make the best out of his worst situation.
a/n; this is so mean just let the poor boy down askjdh
an alternative ending; here
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RAD has been tiring today. Assignments have been piling up left and right, and whilst you may claim to be able to handle everything without a problem—that was quickly becoming a lie.
All you wanted to do when returning home today was relax in your room with some snacks for a good couple hours before finally tackling all your homework.
Instead, what you find as you're on your way to the kitchen is Mammon once again hanging upside down trying his best to break himself free.
You don't dare ask what it is he's done this time, you're sure it's nothing good, but he'll tell you anyways, don't worry.
So what if he tried to skip out on school today to make a little bit of extra grimm? He was one of the seven rulers of the Devildom! He doesn't have to follow any rules!
"You know, Mammon, I'm pretty sure being one of the seven rulers means you're the ones that have to follow the rules the most."
He huffs defiantly, turning his head away from you. Still, you're used to this.
"You know, maybe Lucifer should string you up more, you're cuter this way."
"Cu—?!" He nearly chokes on his spit, and given the fact that he's hanging by his feet you're sure if he wasn't carefully he actually would. "What part about this is cute t' ya?! I'm suffering here I tell you, sufferin'!"
You give him a sly smile, "you might be, but this is fun for me. I can do this," your fingers go to poke and stretch at his cheeks lightly, pulling up and down in all sorts of directions. "And this," you boop his nose. "And you can't do anything about it."
Your actions earn a very, very loud complaint from him and despite all his insisting that you stop, his reddened cheeks tell you otherwise.
"It's like all my stress is melting away," you chime. "Just look at how red you're getting! My own personal hand warmer."
Mammon shakes in his restraints, "argh! If you're not gonna help me down then shoo!"
You blink at him once, and then smile, letting go without a fight. "Alright."
You've barely taken a step backwards when he shouts at you again to hold up. "You're seriously gonna go? Just like that?"
"You told me to."
"W-well, yeah—" You were definitely having too much fun with this. Still, you're sure no one could blame you, it was just a little bit of fun! (Mammon disagrees). "Well before ya leave let me down!"
"I already told you, no can do. Lucifer would yell at me next if I did." He grumbles out incoherent murmurs, no doubt denying that Lucifer would ever yell at you of all people. "Buuut, maybe if you tell me how much you love me I'll pretend I 'didn't see you escape'?"
"You demon!"
"The best one yet!" You huff proudly, putting your hands on your hips. "So, what'll it be?"
You're just about wondering how red on the colorwheel his face can go before a soft mumble parts through his lips. "... 'ya."
"Hm...?" You lean in closer, noses almost touching. "I couldn't hear you."
His voice raises in volume for just a bit, "I said...!" Then once again reverts back to just barely a whisper. "I said, that I love you, alright?! Now let me down already I've had enough of this!"
"Hehe, now was that so hard?" He doesn't answer, but the glare he's giving you is a resounding 'Yes!'.
Within just a couple seconds you've managed to get him down from his restraints and he runs away without so much as a 'thank you' the moment his feet touch the ground. And then within the next hour you're standing in front of Lucifer's desk trying to talk your way out of a three hour scholding session.
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prskcolortheory · 2 months
Delta E scores defined against the RGB color wheel.
Len 🍌 #ffee12 laser lemon: yellow 4.61
MEIKO 🍷 #de4444 mahogany: red 10.33
Miku 🎤 #33ccbb robin egg blue: cyan 12.98
KAITO 🍦 #3367cd navy blue: blue 20.41
Luka 🐟 #ffbacc cotton candy: magenta 29.62
Rin 🍊 #ffcc11 sunglow: yellow 15.33, green 34.96
colorwheel accuracy
(95.39 + 89.67 + 87.02 + 79.59 + 70.38 + 84.67)/6 = 84.45%
colorwheel accuracy with no overlaps
(95.39 + 89.67 + 87.02 + 79.59 + 70.38 + 65.04)/6 = 81.18%
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ssmallbox · 1 year
ok so i wanted to do the colorwheel character like meme thing and i couldnt decide if i wanted to do mutual ocs or popular aus (which ended up being juts papyruses) so i did both. 
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tags/creators: Solus(red): @eballzs Whisper(orange): https://www.tiktok.com/@scashuscashu puppet sans(yellow): @minthy Fog(green): me (i couldnt find a green one) Arc(blue): @static0998 Arz(purple): https://www.tiktok.com/@_danielave16 (that was awful to do) _ ill post the papyruses seperate </3 papyrus...papyruses..papi?..paperi.... hmm...
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imperatricedudu · 1 year
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I do the colorwheel challenge !
Here red and orange, do you know all the references?
Ok now I'll make yellow characters, can you give me some? I'm curious hehe
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Headcanon: Shego and Drakken have no separate bedrooms (long post).
Not sure if anyone has thought about or noticed this before but hear me out!!
In the season 2 episode Sick Day, we can get glimpses of Shego and Drakken's 'bedrooms'.
Following the storyline of the episode, Shego is the first one to get sick because of her fight with Kim, she then stays inside her room to ensure Drakken doesn't get sick after which Drakken teams up with Killigan and then gets sick as well.
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Looking at this room, we clearly can see that it's Shego's. It's green-themed, has a make-up table, drawers for her clothes, etc. But when I watched this episode (multiple times), I was so freaking confused about Shego's bed. It looks so uncomfortable, too small even for a 1 person bed and nothing indicates that this is one of those beds that you can pull the backside up for back support since it's one big 'piece'. Of course, the backgrounds are stylistic but if you look at the drawers for example, you can see the lines that indicate where the drawer can open.
A-ha! This is not a bed, this is a sofa.
Shego likes to read and lounge about, so she would definitely have a nice cozy spot to sit on to read her magazines. But that leaves the Question: Where in this bedroom is her bed? Answer: There's none because there's not even space for an actual bed.
Just like Drakken's bedroom, Shego's room has a moat surrounding the middle platform. Placing a bed here would end up in having a too cramped space in here. Now take a quick look at Drakken's room.
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Something that caught my eye (and surprised me on the first watch after all these years) was how big and RED Drakken's bed is. Both Shego and Drakken have colors that lean towards cool tones rather than warm reds and they (most of the time) stick to their themes. So it's very odd for especially Drakken, who's blue, to have an entire bed that's red. It's not even his opposite color since that would be orange. What else: his entire bedroom is JUST a bed with surround-sound speakers and a TV.
My theory: This is Shego and Drakken's shared bedroom. 1. Shego's bedroom(?) Shego's room in this episode isn't her bedroom but a relaxation room, full of her personal belongings. This is the place where she goes to take a break and be alone. Having her own relaxation room isn't uncommon since in the Christmas episode, it's confirmed that Drakken has a 'mudroom' in the lair but he doesn't even know what it's for. So he either let it be made for Shego not really caring what was in it or doing research or Shego took it upon herself to get one installed. Her mini spa as you will.
So if that's not the room in which she sleeps, what is?
2. Neutral grounds The bedroom we see Drakken in is also Shego's bedroom. Let me explain:
Both characters, like I said before, have 'nothing' to do with red; at least at first glance! If you look at the color wheel, you can see that their specific colors together make for the balanced opposite of red. (I went through multiple colorwheels and posting all of them would make this post even longer so yeah have 1).
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So we can say that this area is neutral terrain for both of them. They can go in and out of here as they please, without any hassle or the other saying "This is MY bedroom." because none of their personal belongings are in this room.
3. But then WHERE is Drakken's stuff? His lab. It's probably all in his lab.
SO HERE'S WHAT HAPPENED: 1. Shego got sick after the fight with Kim, but none of them knew that Shego was infected. Getting sick usually takes a day or two (at least for me) and so Shego found out that she was sick a day or two after the infection.
2. She stayed out of their shared bedroom and remained in her relaxation room to quarantine herself in the hopes that Drakken didn't catch her cold and he could focus on his plans. However, since it's been at least 2 days, Drakken also would be infected because of their shared space.
3. After a while, Drakken got sick as well and went into the bedroom because he had no lounge sofa or anything to lay in. He has just the bed.
My conclusion: Shego and Drakken share 1 bedroom to sleep in. The bed is big enough for 2 people. Shego probably sleeps more than Drakken does and maybe they take routines with one person sleeping at a time or so, maybe they sleep together with each of them at the furthest end of the bed.
Or my whole color theory and background analysis is off and it's just red because it makes the blue in Drakken's character pop, but there's one more piece of desperate-looked-into 'evidence' that shows that they have a 'relationship' in this bedroom:
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May it represents them having 1 strong bond or them screwing each other's brains out on a Friday night after karaoke time, idk. It can't really be a random hole because of the lack of depth and there are no small holes anywhere else in the room. It cannot be a shadow since it doesn't line up with anything else in the room, the underlaying line isn't shown and the color is slightly off/darker when color is picked and compared to the shadows of the tunnel in the back of the room.
So yeah it's just a big heart being there. Probably just to fill up the space but idk, I'd like to think that there's ALWAYS thought and meaning behind every detail in whatever art or media there is. So there you have it! My overly in-depth analysis. I probably went way too deep into this theory, but I like to think of it this way (especially since I've been drawing cozy cuddle scenes that I'll be posting here later).
Anyway do what you want with this info and I hope you have a good day<3
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quinn-of-aebradore · 1 year
NPC Moodboard Colorwheel
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So I saw the character art colorwheel thing going around and wanted to do something with it. I don’t draw but! Moodboards! I am quite pleased with how it turned out. Thank you to my lovely friends @marymauk @fjorests-of-wildemount @spottedenchants @rainbowcaleb @wanderingbasilisk​ for the character suggestions and cheerleading!  💜💜💜💜
Red: Marion Lavorre
Orange: Frumpkin
Yellow: Yussa Errenis
Green: Artagan
Cyan: Dairon
Blue: Allura Vysoren
Purple: Essek Thelyss
Magenta: Shaun Gilmore
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asian-ascian · 1 year
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Meet the colorful students of the Ramshackle Dormitory! 🪄🎩🐭
Did the colorwheel challenge but with my OCs, Grim, & the manga MCs
you can find the previous sequences on my twt thread
Characters & their color under the cut 👇
Red - Micah (OC)
Orange - Rory (OC)
Yellow - Yume-Winry (OC)
Green - Yuuken (TWST Heartslabyul Manga MC)
Cyan - Grim
Blue - Kimi (OC)
Purple - Ascian (OC)
Magenta - Yuuka (TWST Savanaclaw Manga MC)
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