#comical nuh uh
devicecontact · 7 months
oh yeah I keep forgetting but here is hakita about the 4-4 text 👍
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hypogryffin · 2 months
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4 year anniversary of royals english release. happy birthday to the single best thieves den conversation
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diathadevil · 8 months
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Day 7 - Scatter
His biggest fear.
(Bonus doodle underneath because I felt bad for Fakir so I ended up making this into a dream sequence comic :'] )
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marenwithanm · 4 months
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Chapter 4 part 3! The girls are fighting once again lol. Also thanks everyone who sent in onomatopoeias for the horn noise lol. (Edit: I forgot Ocean's bracelet lol)
First | Previous | Next | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4
Rock: We have to go, now!
Ocean: No!
Rock: What do you mean no???
Ocean: My sword teacher says to NEVER turn your back on an enemy. We're too close to risk it!
Rock: Yeah well MY grandpa says to know when you're in over your head!
Ocean: We might not be if we use stealth!
Ocean: Just find a good rock, sneak up behind it and-
Ocean: -WHAM!
Rock: That's a terrible plan!
Ocean: I don't see you coming up with a better one!
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sosoribro · 9 months
since khaji is all about keeping jaime alive and well, i also like to think that its always reminding him when to drink water and when to go to sleep and all that
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wrdn-tabris · 5 months
thinking about terry and matt, how matt is just so so important to him. hes a headache and a brat but most importantly terrys little brother, and hes always gonna be his little brother, one of the most important people to him. and terrys his hero, both as just himself and as batman.
i bet matt imagined himself as robin. would daydream of fighting right beside batman without even knowing its terry. and what a terrifying thought it is for terry. his baby brother out there? doing what he does. (not that terrys thinking hes still a kid too)
does terry look at the suits of all the past robins and see matt in one too? theyre heroes, and matt wants ti be a hero, but terry, looking at all these kids in the past, who died or worse? theyre not heroes, just a cautionary tale.
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sadiewayne · 3 months
i was having a conversation with someone and brought up i like dc comics so they asked me who my favourite character was and when i said nightwing they responded with
"he's too good for me tbh, he's a great character but a boy scout, why i like batman because he certainly isn't"
and i didn't know how to respond...
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oleander-neruim · 7 months
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Haha they're awful <3
Inktober Day 25: Dangerous
I love never knowing what possesses me to make these comics btw(lie). Just fun
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Black & white, flat penning, & sketch
And a bonus
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The cover picture for the insta post
Fwhish wants sushi. Nom nom.
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ken-katayanagi · 6 months
I’ve read your google docs of the katayanagi twins’ fashion. Super interesting stuff and I love it as both a fashion enthusiast and fan of the siblings. Your document really emphasizes the distinction between those two even with the very little info we have on them (kyle’s style could be late 80s japanese pop while ken’s style could be more leaning towards visual kei). Also matches their personalities (ramona mentioned kyle is the hothead of the two, so I guess the pretty and proper bad boy kind of look fits him)
Something about your endnote fascinates me, however. You mentioned something about the twins’ relationship being strained but then strengthened after ramona’s betrayal. Would you implore more on the idea? I’m now invested in it very much…. thank you and have a good day
Thank you!!! I mostly based my looks off this piece of concept art by O’Malley, which makes me think the personalities the twins had in their few anime appearances were just parts that weren’t as well communicated in Vol. 5
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(I think that little doddle next to the crossed out “they’re not even Japanese” emphasizes that visual kei comparison you made)
But as for the second bit, I think the twins weren’t exactly on great terms, even before Ramona. A decent part of this has to do with my own personal head cannons surrounding Kyle and how I perceived his and Ramona’s relationship with alcohol, but also with just how different the twins seem to be under the surface. They seem like they would run in almost completely opposite social circles and be invested in similarly opposite things.
And it’s honestly really tied to their teens. Basically, their parents kinda unintentionally set up a dynamic where Kyle felt like Ken got away with everything (piercings, weird clothes, going out to band shows and having a more trusting relationship with their parents) and Ken thought Kyle couldn’t get his act together (partying, showing up back home late, getting in fight with their parents). Neither was true as in reality their parents let a lot of stuff with Ken slide that wouldn’t have otherwise because “well at least he’s not drunk” and Kyle was genuinely going through some serious mental shit but not telling anyone so his actions just looked super random and mean spirited. So by the time they get to college, they haven’t really addressed this weird image they have of the other in their heads.
And it explains how Ramona was even able to two time siblings. They’re not going to the same parties, they’re not really talking at length about their lives (since they never mention enough detail to make the other suspicious), they’re probably not really bothering each other much if they share a dorm. Ramona unconsciously sees and plays this divide, knowing they’re not really together enough for her to get caught.
It also emphasizes for me a very emotional aspect for all three of them. Ramona is hot off a messy break up (Roxie), the breakup that ended her first relationship with a women and also seems to be her first attempt at having something…maybe not serious but genuine (it seemed more important than anything with Matt Todd or Lucas). Shes hardly in the headspace to be in a relationship, and maybe after some nights out, she’s terrified and not sure what to do because whoops she’s in two! And the longer it goes on the less Ramona actually wants to fix it because it’s kinda fun in a messed up way, and the twins aren’t bad company…until it all comes crashing down and she’s out the door before they even notice she’s gone. I think Ramona’s relationship with the twins is her at her actual lowest, with her being most at fault for what happened and the least justified in bolting afterwards. This low point is exactly when Gideon finds her, unsure and upset at herself, in exactly the position to manipulate her. (Sorry if this came off a little Ramona bash-y, I love Ramona but this girl makes bad choices)
As for the twins, I think the really strong emotional beat here is the idea of how avoidable it would’ve felt for them. How if they had just been able to set aside their own bullshit, if they had even bothered to connect at all, they could’ve figured it out in a few days, rather than in a few weeks or a few months. Ramona’s betrayal is catalyst for them to sit down and just…talk out a lot of their own personal crap.
But yeah that’s why. Sorry this got super massively long, but I hope you liked it and it wasn’t too ramblely lol.
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questingfortheworst · 5 months
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wishingly-mesh · 1 year
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”nuh uh”
“FYM “nuh uh””
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superbecky · 11 months
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Frisk wasn't playing around... ( ̄▽ ̄)"
It has felt like forever since I have last posted, even though technically it has not been that long. Truth is, I have been working on my personal projects a lot. Don't know when I will be able to show those, so more Undertale for now!
>Please do not re-post or use my work in any way without my permission! Re-blogging is ok. Thanks!<
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404writes · 1 year
being raised by daryl dixon: part two
Masterlist!! Get added to my taglist!!
Being raised by Daryl Dixon masterlist!! Being raised by Daryl Dixon taglist!!
A/N: ty for all the love on part one!! mwah mwah!! i rlly wanna put it out there, the strong group bond exists! that just isn't the focus of this story so it does get skipped over a bit. also i apologise for this part covering such a short time span. did also change y/n to be feminine, it's needed for some of my later ideas to make sense, which you begin to see in this part. hope you enjoy!! <333
Warnings: Just normal TWD stuff! Also kind of a filler part, nothing too serious happens, just a ton of fun Dad Daryl moments!
Word count: 1.3k
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After the ordeal at the highway, the group spent months travelling on foot. It was during this time your bond with Daryl really grew stronger. You had learnt not to complain about being hungry, or your legs being tired, but Daryl didn't need you to say it for him to carry you on his back and give you more rations than he could spare.
He spent a lot of time separate from the group, hunting whatever animals remained out there. He realised then, that he was doing this for the whole group because he cared about them, not just because he had to.
After a few weeks of travelling, the group reached a promising small town. Hershel was given the responsibility of watching over you whilst houses were cleared, as Daryl was out hunting. That day you got into an altercation with a walker which ended with a bite taken out of your sneaker.
When Daryl came back and Hershel informed him on the situation that day, everyone fell silent in the next room to hear what he would say. "I don't care if she didn't get bit ol' man. If she ever come back to me with a hair plucked out of her head, or god forbid an actual injury, whilst yer the one caring for 'er, you will never see the light of day again, yer hear me?" As Daryl walked into the room, everyone pretended to have not paid any attention.
Over the next few days, Daryl found you proper hiking boots and began teaching you basic knife skills. You told him you were jealous of Carl, because he could shoot, Daryl promised to teach you how to shoot when there was the leisure time and ammo to spare. He stayed around the group as much as he could until he was confident you wouldn't be found in that situation again if he was gone.
Back on the road, scouting out a grocery store, you found a box of pregnancy tests and gave them to Lori because you read the word "pregnancy" and thought of her instantly. She laughed and said "God I can't wait until we really settle down and get these kids learning again." Shortly after, her and Daryl got into an argument because he thought teaching you how to hunt was more important than teaching you how to read, because "Yer don't need to read 'rabbit' to kill it."
You felt much safer after arriving at the prison. As promised, the second working on the prison's security wasn't mandatory for him, Daryl began taking you outside of the perimeter to teach you how to shoot. You were such a natural that after a week of practise, Daryl could move onto teaching you what he really wanted to, hunting skills.
One day, you and Daryl were tracking a squirrel, and just as you were about to take a shot at it with his crossbow, you stepped on a stick and alerted the creature. As it started to scatter away, Daryl ran after it, eventually pinning it on the floor, letting you take the shot again, he knew how much it meant to you.
You were there to witness Lori's death, and it devastated you. You watched everyone piece themselves back together eventually, but you felt on edge constantly, feeling as though something like that could happen again easily at any given time.
You moved into Daryl's cell to make yourself feel safer. At first you snuck in during the night with your pillow and bear, and slept on the cold concrete floor. You woke up that morning tucked into the bed. The next night when you went to sneak in, you were welcomed by three stacked mattresses on the floor, with pillows and blankets on top ready for you. The two of you never said anything about it, but it became routine.
Daryl took on Judith very well, and you helped him look after her whilst Carl and Rick were grieving Lori. You loved the baby. Daryl left you with her once and came back to you telling her that she was "going to beat the world." He told you that "she'd only be learnin' from the best." That made you smile.
When Maggie and Glenn decided to give each other haircuts in the prison barber's, you begged Maggie to cut your hair like hers. Daryl said no because "you'd regret it, yer love your long hair don't ya'?" But really he just thought you'd look so much older with it cut, he didn't want you to grow up. When you told him it was annoying and got in your face all the time, he offered to braid it for you instead. He didn't know how to braid. He got Carol to teach him soon after the exchange, and prepped himself up heavily for the moment you finally came for him to do it.
You finally felt comfortable in the prison at night, so you started sleeping alone in your cell again, that was until Carl came to you one night asking if he could sleep on the floor, Judith was being too loud in the other cell block where he usually slept.
You and Carl spent the next day moving a second bed into your room, Daryl helped you on the condition you wouldn't tell Rick he was involved. You all ran and hid after dropping the mattress from the balcony which made Rick call out "What in the hell was that?" He walked into the silent cell block, but caught you all after Carl started giggling too loudly, Daryl bolted away from the scene and Rick chased after him. You were sore from laughing afterwards.
Daryl made Carol help him give you the boy talk that he felt was growing necessary. Carol gave you the entire talk whilst Daryl sat next to her occasionally grunting in agreement. The only contribution he made was when Carol stared at him, trying to get him to say something encouraging. He said "If a man... or a woman, up to you. If they ever try pull anything on you that yer don't like, you remind 'em who taught ya how to kill." As you looked at him mildly confused, Carol definitely regretted allowing him to speak.
For your thirteenth birthday, Carl recruited Daryl's help to bake a cake for you. They sneaked into Rick's farm to milk the cow and collect eggs. The milk was an easy grab, but they found there were no eggs at all. Daryl, in frustration, held a chicken at knifepoint, cursing at it to "scare it into layin' something." Carl just stared at him. They ended up surprising you with a chocolate bar instead.
You became aware of a prisoner being held hostage in the prison, no one would tell you what her business was being around in the first place, so you decided to speak to her yourself. Michonne explained Woodbury to you, about the Governer and what he would do if he knew the prison existed. But the information that shocked you the most was of Merle's survival.
You knew that if faced with his brother again, Daryl wouldn't know what to do with himself and he'd end up losing all the progress he'd made in the group. You had to look out for him just as he looked out for you. You had to kill Merle before Daryl even caught a whiff of his living existence.
~ taglist: @unadulterated-syd @darylsgarden @lilfishyyyy
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kraang5 · 1 month
Hehehehe I’m cooking >:]
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klwl-truck · 3 months
this is ghostsoap to me
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allykatsart · 10 months
@sassinapaperbag @phoenixvitae and @mimikiplovesgaming have done it again folks! And I still have no words because I'm screaming about how well this was done and how many little things they did that feel right on point. I'm dead and my dying wish is for y'all to watch this.
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