#comment or reblog your favorites
scribble-kitti · 1 year
Comment or reblog with your favorite adventure time character(s) i wanna know if there’s a collective favorite
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Wang YiBo and His Tiny Handbags
Wang YiBo’s recent photo drop for SDC6 brought back to mind (well it’s always on MY mind, but it seemed to remind everyone else) his love for tiny handbags.
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So please enjoy this selection of Wang YiBo’s tiny handbags:
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arttsuka · 4 months
Characters with blue eyes be like
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🫠 CrowartblockCreature
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Once again blaming Wormtime for this. I love them both so much!!!
I forgot the G in matching-dont know how one does that- so I guess its southern now.
Im gonna stick a crossover idea under the cut….
I need a AU where Ylfa ends up in double life. At the time where most people are yellow or red, she’d be the only green. At first, she wouldn’t meet Pearl, she’d meet everyone else, and sure, they’re pleasant enough, but theres no room for her(not to mention how off putting it would be if she matched Pearl, Wolf ears, tail and paws of a wolf-granted she’d be a noticeably younger-puppy vibes! Not to mention the red cloaks and axes! I know people like to give her a scythe or the other thingy I dont know the name off-but she used a iron axe until the last ep.)
Sooner or later someone(see Ren) would mention that she looks like the resident Demon/witch, piquing Ylfa’s interest, and eventually she’d go looking(she befriends everyone and everything. Dont tell me she wouldnt.) and would easily worm her way into both Pearls and Tilly’s hearts.
(Pack bond-Red life Pearl would chew her own arms off before harming a hair on her head.)
Pearl would become more conscious about taking care of herself(no more powdered snow, sorry not sorry) because now she has to make sure that no harm befalls her new friend. So she has to be ready to protect her from the reds!!
I forget how she lost her yellow life(was it scotts fault, or when she stole from the boat boys?) but WHATEVER IT WAS would be replaced by her killing somebody because the attempted to hurt Ylfa, which I will sound really repetitive, IS NOT ALLOWED.
ALSO because Ylfa wouldnt have a soulbound, Pearl would loud her up with potions, because theres not a soulbound for those to break-!
Ylfa would use one of the splash potions on her when scott tries to blow himself up, so she would die.
And they would remain there until Mother Goose or someone managed to worm their way into the world to get Ylfa but goes back with a extra friend.
(Which would make it harder for the hermits to find Pearl, Oops :) )
I dont know weither or not Ylfa should loss a life for extra angst, or because of Protective Big Sis Pearl she gets to remain on green…
Theres a lot one could do with this XD
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killerandhealerqueen · 9 months
Can I bitch for a second? Like, I just want to understand why, in the past few years, comments and reblogs on fics have gone the fuck down. Like why? What fucking changed?
In 2020 and 2021, I used to get comments all the time on almost all my fics and now it's like...I'm lucky to get any. I also know that I write for small fandoms so like, that's a contributing factor, but still. Even with my latest multichapter fic, there are no subscriptions. Like, everything has just gone down.
And while I realize that the pandemic happened in 2020-2021, the decline has been happening for a while, especially here on tumblr. Comments and reblogs and asks about fics are just...not really a thing anymore.
And people wonder why writers don't wanna continue. Yeah, yeah, that whole thing of write for yourself, we all write for ourselves, lets be honest. We do. But we also want to share our creations with you because that's the whole fucking point of art. You want to share it with others and have them appreciate the work and time you put into it. And we'd like to hear feedback! It's literally not a bad thing to want comments. And people need to stop making writers feel bad for saying they want comments. And reblogs. Likes and kudos are great but they don't do anything. They just tell us that you liked the fic/work. But they don't tell us what you thought, what moved you, what rewired your brain, what made your heart thump or flutter or clench. That's what comments tell us. That's why we want comments. We want to see our fics through your eyes.
Writers shouldn't have to beg for interactions, so please. Reblog and leave comments on fics. Please. It's really the least you could do
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oceanwithinsblog · 11 months
started watching doctor who s5 yesterday and i got curious ~
i'm letting the poll open for a whole week, please reblog and share !! i don't have many dw mutuals on tumblr but i'm genuinely curious to find out which season is most loved by the audience / fandom and why ^^
ps. i've enjoyed every season so far tbh, i think my fav doctor is ten but i'm looking forward to catch up with the episodes i still have to watch <33
pps. as for the companion, it's quite hard for me to pick one as my favorite because i've really liked everyone >.<" but i do wish donna had more screen time (i miss her so much already)
ppps. also my fav aliens / creatures up to now have been the oods, i really hope to see them again !!!
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sugar-grigri · 1 year
I just saw someone name me as their favorite CSM artist? How about I cry in front of you?
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forget love language, what’s your hate language?
mine is either the silent treatment or telling them everything i dislike about them in extreme detail like if i've known them for a long time and seen how they've changed i'll point out every single mistake they've made and the people they hurt/have hurt.. it sounds awful, i know it is but i can’t help it :/
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the-kipsabian · 11 months
a quick hot guide for people that struggle commenting on fics aka things authors love to hear and youre just over thinking it and its actually really simple to leave comments on stuff!!
key smash/emoji spam/reaction image/etc (it conveys emotions way more than you might think)
drop a line you really liked
say how much you love a ship/character and how happy you are that theres content about them
"i liked/loved/enjoyed/whatever it!" its better to say the most basic thing than saying nothing tbh; writers appreciate hearing anything over nothing 💜
"thank you for writing this" its short, sweet, and very powerful
think what kind of feedback you'd personally like to receive on a piece of art you made. try to translate that want into comments you leave for other people too
you dont have to be critical or constructive or anything, even if the author asks for that stuff in their notes. they'll get it from someone else, you just do you
i feel like people make leaving comments too hard on themselves, so really just make it simple. if you really dont come up with anything, just say thank you. youre there reading for some reason, tell the author what it is. fic comments dont need to be book analysis essays (tho those are. incredibly appreciated as well if you want to write one!!), writers publishing their works for free online appreciate any kind of feedback regardless if you consider it good or well written. a comment is a comment
bottom line is, leave comments on fics and other written works. its whats keeping this game alive
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cumulo-stratus · 5 months
if a bot can reblog and comment, so can you
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scribble-kitti · 1 year
I'm desperately craving new media, yall should tell me all your favorite movies, tv shows & books <3
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omensgate · 8 months
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howwnowbrowncoww · 28 days
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Jelbell Crochet!🐙
Been wanting to make something from Moonstone Island since i just beat the story, and though fishbo is my favorite, it seemed a little more detailed, so i went with my second favorite:)
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swampstew · 5 months
What do you like most about Kid? 😍 Looks and personality
That's like asking Sanji what his favorite ingredient to cook with is!
Fuck me I don't know theres so much to love and then some! I mean, have you SEEN him?
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I don't think my answer can be contained to a single post tbh...though i do feel like if you check the #eustasskid tag on my blog you'll find your answers XD
what do YOU like most about this big bastard?
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tojiscumdumpster · 6 months
although my chaptered fics aren’t available for reblog, the summary page (which is linked in every chapter) is. so I would greatly appreciate if you guys could reblog my summary pages if you’re enjoying my work. 🫶🏾
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