#common picture winged fly
onenicebugperday · 3 months
Having the submission problem, so sending as an ask - any clue who this little fella could be? The wings looked ripped from afar but seem to be black and white upon closer look. Never seen anything like it before! Spotted in Chicago, IL.
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Yup that's just the wing pattern! It's a common picture winged fly :)
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deathtek · 2 years
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itsybitsybatsyspider · 3 months
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I rewatched the Dragon Prince recently since season 6 is coming out next month (WOOOOOO) so naturally i had to put my most recent blorbos in a The Dragon Prince Au
second part :)
Dragon Prince au masterpost
(drawing notes under the cut if you wanna hear my rambling about the designs!)
so Jack is a Skywing elf mage-in-training because the power set of Sky mages seems to match Jack's powers the closest. They create gusts of wind, storms, can fly, breathe ice breaths, and frost touches. It was a tough choice between that or a Moonshadow elf, what with the whole invisibility thing, but i just can't imagine Jack not being able to fly :/
And even though most Skywing elves dont have wings, i gave him the wings because vibes and because i can
i did add some moon opal charms to his staff though, so he can do some small moon spells
i wanted to adjust some of the details to Toothless's design because i didn't want it to be a 1-to-1 of his design in HTTYD. I noticed the dragons in Xadia all have snouts, horns, and muscled forelegs, and i tried to incorporate some of that to Toothless. With a narrower head and longer legs and more hand like claws.
I added more prominent scales, nose plates (like the storm dragons in TDP) and tried to add more horns to spots on his legs and wings.
I also made Toothless a lot bigger than he is in the HTTYD universe because those Xadian dragons?? Excuse me?? Even a common one is still pretty huge!
There's also a dragon that exists in the Dragon Prince universe called a Midnight Dragon, and it's connected to the Moon Arcanum! They're said to have pitch black scales and are sensitive to light, so i thought it was fitting for Toothless. There weren't any pictures of the dragon tho so i kinda just made the design as i went.
i tried using costume designs from both the first two movies, with the vest, the belts, and the pant pattern.
colors took me longer to figure out, because i wanted to have some red (like in RttE) along with the greens and browns. Overall though im happy with how it turned out!
I think Hiccup would be the son of Commander or General Stoic in the Katolis army some years before or during the events of The Dragon Prince/Mystery of Aaravos.
These designs are for early in the story, before Hiccup loses his leg and when he meets Toothless for the first time. Definitely thinking that him and his village are known for their handling of dragons and elves in the region and then Hiccup shoots Toothless down just like in the movie. But as they become friends, Jack finds them and misunderstands the situation and thinks Hiccup is going to kill Toothless.
So that'll be fun >:)
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flawdchaos · 6 months
Opposites Do Attract
Gale ‘Buck’ Cleven x Reader
Word Count - 915
Based off of this request - Can I request a Buck x reader, where the reader is very extroverted, maybe even the opposite of Buck, but they fit so well together. They could be going out for drinks or her meeting the boys or something similar.
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Anyone who met Buck Cleven and Y/N Y/L/N at Thorpe Abbotts shared a common thought - they were an unexpected pair. It had become all too common for the newcomers to assume Y/N was with Bucky with her loud, bubbly energy and it almost seemed brash for cool, calm, collected Buck to be with Ken Lemmons loudest female mechanic but damn, did it work. They had met one morning as Y/N was going over some last minute inspections on Buck’s plane for his daily missions.
“How’s she looking, ma’am?” his voice startled her, her head hitting against the plane’s metal.
“Good lord!” she exclaimed. “Give a girl a warning before you sneak up like that.” she complained, rubbing the back of her head. She fully stepped from under the plane's wings and caught a glimpse of the man behind the voice. Her eyes widened once she noticed a Major was standing before her awaiting her response. “Major Cleven” right hand flying to her forehead to salute “Plane is all ready, sir.”
“No need to salute, ma’am. Thank you for taking such good care of her. I put her through hell.” Buck spoke as he opened the plane’s hatch to stow his bag and she couldn’t stop the scoff that left her mouth. “I think that’s an understatement, sir.”
Most of the guys probably wouldn’t have taken this kind of attitude, per se, from a mechanic - let alone a woman- but he couldn’t care less. The sight of her almost made him want to laugh. There she stood, hip jutted out and hand secured atop it, eyes squinting up at him most likely awaiting some sort of angry remark but all he could do was shuffle the toothpick around in his mouth and nod in agreement. “I’ll be waiting to fix her right back up for ya later, Major.”
The couple had been sealed since. When Buck finally caved and spilled the beans about a woman to Bucky, he thought John was going to have a medical emergency right there in the mess hall.
“You have a woman and you just now think to bring it up?” Bucky said, astonished. “I didn’t want you to scare her away.” Buck quipped. If he only knew.
“Well.” Bucky clapped his hand on his friend's shoulder. “When am I gonna meet this mysterious young lady?” he urged, squeezing his hands down before an idea crossed his mind “Bring her to the pub tomorrow!”
If Buck could have taken a picture of the looks on the boys’ faces when he walked in with Y/N on his arm, he would have framed it and taken it with him on every flight he ventured out on. “Well I’ll be damned, Buck.” Bucky uttered, for once in his life he was almost speechless. Almost.
“I’d suggest you pick your jaw up off the floor, Major. I’d sure hate for you to swallow a bug.” She teased and the entire table erupted in laughter. Buck couldn’t help the small smile that broke out on his own face, a sense of pride soaring through his body. Bucky took a long swig of his drink before retorting. “Seems you’ve got yourself a jokester, Buck.” He nodded. “She’s a little more than that.”
“Wait, ain’t you the girl who works with Lemmons?” Blakely spoke, realization washing over the faces of a few of the men. “Yeah! You’re the girl who fixed my landing gear the other day.” Brady sat up, pointing at the girl standing firm besides Buck.
“You’re welcome by the way.” she waved her hand towards him. “Actually, everyone is welcome. You can thank me for getting you up in the air in the first place. Now I’m getting a drink. Keep the gossip to a minimum while I’m gone, now.” She turned, patting Buck on the chest. “You want something, baby?” looking up at her doe eyed boyfriend. “Just a Coke for me, honey.” She jokingly saluted, walking off towards the bar.
Buck had full confidence Y/N would fit in with his crew of men. Whether most of them had realized it before or not, she was the sole reason they were able to make it off the ground in the first place. He couldn’t help but say it almost made his heart swell with pride watching her interact with his friends. “Should I sing?” Bucky’s voice broke through his train of thought, hands tapping against his arm chair. There wasn’t time for him to protest before Y/N jumped up from her place on his lap. “Let’s go, Bucky!” Y/N’s laughed.
He couldn’t explain the feeling that was coursing through his body but as he watched his best friend - more so a brother at this point - and his newfound love sharing a laugh together over the less than perfect singing, he only grew more confident in his relationship. Many would describe Buck Cleven as a many of very little words but if anyone asked about Y/N, his Y/N, he didn’t think there were enough words in the dictionary to explain just how he felt.
Once the song stopped and the singing duo had left the stage, Buck watched as Y/N headed to the bar and Bucky made his way back to him.
“Buck, I gotta say -“ pausing to take a drink of his whisky. “You’ve found yourself a keeper. You two couldn’t be any more opposite but man, does it work.”
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hellish-sunsets · 7 months
Curses and Blessings - Chapter 1
Chapter 2 ~ Chapter 3 ~ Chapter 4 ~ Chapter 5 ~ Chapter 6 ~ Chapter 7 ~ Chapter 8 ~ Chapter 9
When they found two souls who worked the best together, who would uplift each other to good, they would grasp those two souls at the moment of their birth. This touch would leave behind a mark, each mark varied and unique.
Was this supposed to be a blessing or a curse?
Word Count: 1420
Warning: self harm, self hate, depression
Read on AO3
(set up, baby!)
When she was little, Charlie went to her father whenever she got the chance to hear him tell a story. Her mother would often tell her no, that he was too busy with important work, but if she managed to sneak away, sometimes she could get him to tell her stories. 
Her favorite was about the marks. 
He would say that once, a very very long time ago, the angels looked down upon humanity and saw their struggles. Sin had taken hold of them leading them astray and causing them to get lost. They worried and they fussed and they discussed, until finally they reached a decision. They could not interfere themselves. Now that humanity had the choice, they had to choose to be good themselves. But perhaps, if they had someone else who could help make them better, happier people, that would help.
So, they made a creature, not an angel and not a demon, with no wings for them to fly away and no eyes to see what was happening around them in the present. They took their creation to a room made just for them on top of the tallest tower in heaven, far away from anything and everything, away from the most holy of places and the most evil. They sealed the creature in, and left them for eternity.
So, they started their work. 
With the powers granted to them, they outstretched their hands, and in an instant they saw all the minds of all humanity. In a moment, they knew everyone’s thoughts and hearts. When they found two souls who worked the best together, who would uplift each other to good, they would grasp those two souls at the moment of their birth. This touch would leave behind a mark, each mark varied and unique. Some resembled pictures, others were just a swirl of color and lines, and only those two souls would match each other. 
At first, only humans received these soul marks. It made sense, they were the ones the angels deemed in need of this gift. But isolation leads one to thinking. They wondered why humanity were the only ones to receive such a gift. They knew that, locked away in their empty room in this tower so far away from existence, they knew no one could stop them. So, with a slight twist of their lips, if they did have any, they looked further. 
It wasn’t known who had the first soul mark outside of humanity, whether angel or demon, but it was made clear rather quickly that those naturally born in those realms would also be allowed this gift, though not quite as common. 
“And that is how we all got our marks.” Lucifer told Charlie with a loving smile, cradling the girl in his protective embrace. And every time, she would look up at him with those beautiful, big eyes of hers, full of so much wonder and innocence. He hoped it would never fade. She would giggle with excitement and look at her own mark, a swirl of color on her inner arm. She swore since she was young that it looked like two birds flying together, but he couldn’t see it. Not that it mattered much as long as she was happy. 
“I bet they’re the best person ever! I can’t wait to meet them!” She happily babbled on, and he hummed in agreement, resting his chin on top of her soft hair and returning to the scattered papers on his desk, the sound of the pen scratching against the paper mixing with the sound of his daughters happy chatter. His chest swelled with a never ending fountain of love. 
It was a memory he went back to often as the years turned harsh and empty. In the moments when he felt just as isolated as that poor creature he told Charlie stories about so long ago. In the deadest moments of the night, when it was just him curled up in his far-too-large bed, he sank into those warm memories like a comforting embrace. But it hurt just as much as helped, a reminder of what he had lost and, he believed in his darkest moments, what he would never have again. 
Some nights he would glare at his own mark with red, tear filled eyes. Other nights, it was with a deep longing, the faintest of hopes he knew was pointless and painful. 
When the marks had started appearing so long ago, they appeared only on humans who were just born. Even when the shift happened, it still only appeared with the birth of the demon or angel. Those few who existed before the marks first appeared simply did not get one. For whatever reason, you had to be born with it. 
But Lucifer was not born with his. The only one to just have it appear, as far as he knew. He remembered little about when it happened, but he could vividly recall the sight of when it formed. It was a burst of color, like golden ink sliding up his arm from his wrist and dancing across the pale skin of his arm. He remembered the awe, the confusion, the anxiety, as those golden lines sank into his skin and settled into an array of gold, orange, and pink, like a sunset. It was beautiful, and terrifying. That was when he started wearing the gloves. It was several days before they got the news from heaven about the marks appearing on non-humans.
Of course, he couldn’t hide it from Lillith forever. At the time he thought they had worked through it. He was adamant they could still love eachother deeply despite this mark. The likelihood of him even ever meating whoever this person was was next to impossible. She had his whole heart, his everything. And she seemed to accept it. 
But when she left so many, many years later, that mark, that damned mark, was at the top of her list of reasons. She could only spit out that she was clearly not meant for him as stormed out with Charlie in her arms, his little girl, his world, staring back at him with wide, fear filled eyes. 
And then they were just,,, gone.
He never thought much of the mark until then, his claws digging into the tainted skin as he sobbed and wailed through the night, begging to that being in that damned tower to take it away, to bring back his family. What was the point of it, of any of this?
Was this supposed to be a blessing or a curse? Everyone else considered it a blessing, a promise that someone was out there for them, a hope that they could one day find their better half. 
But there was no such thing for him. He had love, he had a wife, he had his daughter, everything he could ever want. All this damned mark did was take that from him, ruin his life. He was sure it was punishment for his disobedience. He deserved it after he cursed humanity to sin and evil. He didn’t deserve happiness, didn’t deserve love
Still, he couldn’t stop the anger that bubbled up as he sat alone in bed, glaring at the sunset of colors. The finger that was absentmindedly tracing the lines of color flexed, claw digging into his skin, a line of blood falling from the puncture and dripping onto the white sheets. His face twisted, a mix of fury and pain as he sank all five claws into his arms, tearing, Tears streamed down his face as a sob tore through his lungs. The sheets were stained in gold once more, and he almost felt sorry for the cleaning staff. Why was he like this? Why couldn’t he keep himself together for fucking once in his life? 
He knew he was spiraling, but he couldn’t stop. It was only what he deserved, the pain, the injury. Eventually he collapsed onto the mattress, sobbing and gasping, staring at the mess that once was his arm. At least the mark was gone. And yet, he knew it would be back by morning. The damage would heal over and the mark would remain, the reminder of all his failings and downfalls, a reminder of just how worthless and undeserving he was of anything but pain and loneliness and disappointment. 
The bloodloss forced a heaviness on his body and his eyes slid closed, sleep finally taking him into a realm of emptiness.
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sanctus-ingenium · 1 year
What role/niche do dragons fulfill in their environment? Or, if that is [secret]/redacted/Unknown [by universe parameters], are there other, smaller beasts - creatures not within our world, but common in theirs?
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I've been meaning to draw a lot of these for a while now and this was a nice prompt thank you :)
Dragons support a large and surprisingly diverse community of animals. The primary producers are the unique photosynthetic cyanobacteria which are found lining the transparent flotation sacs of cloud fleas. 'Cloud fleas' can refer to any type of airborne zooplankton - that is, animals which do not actively fly but rather drift. Pictured is a daphnia type but there are a few others. The bacteria produce lighter than air gases as a byproduct of photosynthesis as well as nutrients for their hosts. The daphnia type pictured retain their large claws and use them to cling onto other individuals, sometimes producing really large structures which can form fantastic shapes at times. This is how they reproduce also (unlike in the water, they can't just externally fertilise eggs because gravity exists)
When they aggregate in large numbers (swarms reaching billions and billions of individuals), they become easy prey for dragons. The dragons capture the fleas using a dense array of rictal bristles. Living in and among the bristles are the monkey birds, a unique species of flightless bird which act as kleptoparasites, stealing the clumps of fleas bound up in dragon mucous before they can be transported to the dragon's mouth. The bristles are so dense that in order to get in there where the fleas are most concentrated, you wouldn't be able to fly. They spend their lives clinging among the bristles with their feet and wing claws, and they make their nests out of woven strands of mucous. New individuals join the birds' colonies when dragons are mating and their bristles come into contact with one another. Bird populations are controlled by hive serpents, who pick them off for a nice snack.
Barnacles and other filter-feeders are common on the windward-facing side of the dragon (what you'd call the front of the dragon). These do not harm the dragons and offer not much useful food for serpents while being very annoying to eat so they're usually left to their own devices.
The vampire chiton exoparasites can be found basically all over a dragon. They find a piece of cuticle that is thin enough to pierce and drill their siphons down into it to suck the watery connective tissue beneath. They are about a foot long and the main food source for hive serpents.
The serpents themselves are mammals. Nearly every dragon hosts a hive. Despite spending most of their lives on their hosts, they are quite strong fliers; they need to be, in order for the young queens to set out to make their own hives. The 'hive' consists of a reproductive pair and 20-50 of their offspring, with the queen being 1.5x larger than the others and by far the most aggressive. They have one tooth, a single elongated tusk which is used like a crowbar to lever the chitons off the dragon's cuticle. When working on the underside of a dragon, it takes a certain amount of skill to catch the chiton before it falls away. The serpent's neck and legs are very strong to produce enough force to dislodge a chiton, which are often so deeply attached that a human with a pickaxe would struggle to knock one off. The chiton is swallowed whole, and the shell digested.
Serpents viciously defend their dragons, controlling parasite populations and fighting off and attacking humans or large metal creatures they perceive as a threat. The name 'serpent' is given to them in the Mezian theocracy because they are associated with sin; hive serpents can be among the most dangerous combatants a holy beast might face. When the dragon has been killed, its serpents will flee and, more often than not, restart their hive on the ground if they aren't killed first. Outside of the theocracy, humans do raise serpents and use them for various tasks - a baby queen is taken from the wild (by killing every other hive member) and raised to imprint on humans. If their diets are not heavily supplemented with calcium carbonate, they fail to thrive.
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robinofgothamcity · 6 months
"so i cry and i pray for you to love me, love me, say that you love me."
♡ character: damian wayne x reader
♡ pronouns used: she / her
♡ note: not checked for grammar or spelling mistakes / hiiii ik i haven't updated in a while but like life bro lmao anyway im trying to find a new job bc a bitch needs money so like big girl stuff happening around here anywayyyyyy here is a blurb/drabble thing i kinda made it up on the fly so sorry if it's shitty
your rose gold dress was dragging against the floor as you were going around from league member to league member introducing yourself on the behalf of black canary. the annual JLA gala was one with a bunch of uppity superheroes and their sidekicks trying to get on everyone's good side which did not interest you at all.
your domino mask was not comfortable at all, nevertheless, it clashed with your very expensive dress. you knew dinah would have liked you to make your rounds with everyone but you were not interested in making friends with anyone that you weren't with usually.
you had been looking for jon or jaime but you figured that they must have gotten dragged around the gala by batman or even superman for things they didn't want to do themselves.
as you approached the snack table, you noticed the R patch standing right in front of you. you had yet to met the infamous robin and although you figured that batman was going to need your assistance in the teen titans one day in the not so distant future, you assumed that your first encounter with the boy wonder would be there.
you handed robin the drink he was looking for and smiled, "figured it beat having to reach across the table for it," the boy gave you a smirk, instantly making your face warm up, "(sidekick name) right? canary's righthand woman?" you nodded, "interesting way of meeting each other," you replied.
robin chuckled as you heard jaime finally scream your name frantically from the other side of the room, "sorry for cutting this short, duty calls when your dumbass best friend is calling for you," you stated as you grabbed your dress and darted to where jaime was.
damian swirled his drink around for a moment before grabbing his phone. he knew bruce hated when he was on his phone but he never thought that canary's sidekick was this....cute. damian also knew everyone's name, no thanks to bruce, so he knew it wasn't going to be too difficult to retrieve your information.
damian had found your instagram which was public and immediately scrolled through it. he found what was normal for girls your age. pictures with you and your sorority friends in some and others showed pictures of you and your family.
as damian continued to scroll he noticed the eye twitch he'd get when he saw a photo of you and a guy friend with his hand a bit too tight on your upper thigh. he knew that he didn't have any reason to get even slightly jealous, however; it wasn't a secret that whatever damian liked he eventually got.
he chuckled at the picture he saw of you looking up at dinah as you hugged her with a simple heart as the caption. damian knew that you weren't stupid enough to give off any real connection that you had to dinah but he figured that you must've wanted to appreciate for taking you under her wing.
damian made his way to where you were with jaime, bart, jon, and a few others. you were leaning against the bar, having a beer with jaime and jon as jon was the first to notice him.
"hey robin, fancy seeing you here with the rest of us mere mortals," he joked. it wasn't very common to see damian with the rest of the titans and young justice team. he was usually glued to batman's side as it was his duty to fulfill any questions he had of his own but he figured that since had taken an interest with you, one night like this wouldn't be so bad.
jon followed damian's eye trajectory and chuckled in amusement.
"shooting for the big leauges, huh?" jon asked. damian looked over to him so he could elaborate, "canary's sidekick is a very popular girl to say the least. the media loves her, i can't begin to explain how man lovesick letters i've had to sort through from her fans, and the league themselves love her. plus, i've noticed that a lot of our teammates are very interested in getting to know her, if you get what i'm saying."
damian scoffed, "and i'm damian wayne so lets see how that fairs for everyone else," jon knew damian was as cocky as they came but he knew that his confidence was on another level and what he wanted he usually got whether it meant getting his hands dirty for it or not.
the lights in the roomed had dimmed as he noticed that you were now by yourself with a wine glass between your fingers. damian fixed his tie as jon dusted his best friends shoulders off in encouragement. jon was always ready to support his best friend in anyway that he could even if that meant slightly sabotaging his other friend's chances with you in the process.
you were sipping your red wine as damian approached you cooly, "hey robin! nice seeing you again!" he smiled slightly as he took your cheap wine and set it on the table and handed another one for you to tase, "a red wine from napa, 1909 to be specific," your eyes widened as you took a sip.
"it's slightly bitter but it's pretty good," you replied as you took another drink, "thank you for this, i didn't think i'd be getting any kind of drinks from anyone tonight," you added on.
damian put his shoulder against the wall as he noticed how he practically towered over you, "do you think i could have this dance with you?" he asked as he heard the next song start to play.
you were shocked to say the least.
you knew how hard it was to get on robin's good graces and you had practically done nothing to achieve it. the song was slow and he took your hand softly as he led you to the dance floor.
thankfully, the room was dark enough to where others wouldn't notice that it was him dancing, "thank you for asking me. i didn't think i was interesting enough to get a dance from thee boy wonder tonight," damian laughed, "the pleasure is all mine. i didn't think canary had such an interesting protege,"
"i can't say i'm that interesting, i'm still working my way up the league ladder," you replied. damian scoffed, "it won't take long to make you an official hero," he stated, "with someone of your strength and abilities alone, i can imagine you'll be called up in no time."
you giggled excitedly as damian spun you around and had you face him but closer now, "but before that happens i guess i'll teach you the ropes," he whispered, "and can i ask what that might include?" you asked.
damian lifted your chin and stared at you with his emerald eyes.
"i think i can give you a taste test before the exam approach."
damian was never this straight forward, especially when it came to other league members and their sidekicks but he knew what jon said was correct. it didn't take an idiot to realize how loved you were by everyone and he knew his competition, mainly jaime and connor, could easily win you over so he did the only thing he knew to do in a situation like this, act like his playboy billionaire father as much as he could and from what he could tell, he was on the right track.
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lightryi · 2 months
Dragons of Pyrrhia (headcanon designs)
• Skywings:
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-The shape of thorns on the spine is similar to the feathers of birds
-Narrow pupil, giving dragons very good vision, allowing to see a clear picture at long distances
-Arrow point, able to drive through the opponent with a sharp push
-The shape of the wings is similar to that of a bird
-Are the best flying dragons
-High ears, good hearing but inferior to sand and night dragons
-Very sharp claws, thorns, horns
-Pent face; the upper jaw may have various shapes, reminiscent of beaks of different birds
-Height reaches 4 meters
*The design was based on common European dragons and birds
• Mudwings:
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-Rounded horns of various forms (like the horns of sheep, buffalo, bulls and goats). Necessary for defense
-The keeper of the horned nest is bigger than the other dragons from one clutch
-Large lower fangs, needed for eating and defense
-A large, rectangular muzzle with raised nostrils facing upwards so that the earthy could breathe, being almost entirely in water or mud and only looking at the top of its head
-Very mobile ears, necessary to discharge dirt/water that has entered
-Solid scale, which in some way pulls the face, because of which the grounders look almost emotionless and dark (this feature appears with age, so dragons look too cheerful and emotional against their background)
-On the sides of the neck and tail are thorns, same as on the back, extra protection for weak spots of the dragon
-Massive tail with a cluster of large thorns at the end, some kind of a pin necessary for protection. The tail itself is very mobile
-Although they are predatory animals, their pupils have square
-In general, the earthlings are slow moving, fly worse than other dragons due to their massive and heavy
-Some of the largest dragons, second only to ice, due to their short limbs and neck (reaching up to 5 meters)
*The design was based on ankylosaurus, crocodiles and artiodactyls
• Seawings:
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-Long, massive tail with fins that may differ in different individuals
-Behind the ears is a fin with luminous appendages
-Round/oval eye
-Round, flat face (in the perspective where I drew this not very noticeable), giving a more rounded shape to the whole body
-There is a sexual dimorphism (external differences of the sexes). The distribution of the proboscis on the mordocus is different: in males they are near the nostrils, in females on the chin. With age the proboscis becomes longer
-2 row of teeth
-No earshell
-Horns often turn in
-Luminous glands and patterns are not only necessary for underwater communication, but also for attracting marine life in the dark
-They have, like earthen, rather short limbs. Only in the case of marine this feature is caused by frequent presence in water, where they use the tail more often than the paws for movement
-Also, the flying is not very good. But unlike the earthly, they have another reason, namely the anatomy of the wings, which is more adapted to swimming (plays the role of certain fins) than for flying
-Not too big, can reach a maximum of 2.5 meters
*The design was based on sharks, deep sea fish and partly dolphins
• Rainwings:
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-Snake face (or more precisely, face of a cobra)
-The hind legs have a specific structure: 3 long fingers and one opposite finger located on the other end of the paw (structure like bird's feet)
-Double nostrils
-Huge ruffs, which in the stressful environment is fully opened and gives the dragon magnitude
-Eye structure closer to the snake
-Movable thorns on the neck (play the same role as the ruffs)
-Long horns with multiple ends, which resemble tree branches
-The horns themselves are brown in color, with few scales on them to completely change their color. Horns are usually hidden among the same branches, which have grown in the forest
-Long flexible neck, able to writhe like a snake
-The eye also has a collar resemblance, is some protection of the eye from branches and other foreign objects
-Claw on the thumb of wings is very long, the end slightly bent. It is necessary to grab with the help of wings branches
-Height reaches 3 meters
*The design was based on snakes, chameleons, dilophosaurus (Jurassic Park ver.), geckos, flying foxes and partly tropical birds
• Nightwings:
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-Nose of a bat giving dragons good sense
-Huge ears, thanks to which they have a sensitive ear, the best among all dragons
-In addition to silver teardrop scale may have a star on his forehead, which shows the ability to see the future
-There are night with black teardrop and stars indicating that the dragon was born during the moon, but the egg was hidden from their light, because of which the night ability is not and only the black scales indicates its lost ability
-The lower part of the body, from the neck to the beginning of the tail, is present with a small fur that was previously necessary for warming itself and eggs (due to the low temperatures at night, during which the night wakes). But due to the relocation first to the volcanic island, then to the rainforest, the wool became practically useless
-There is a glare in the pupils, it does not affect the vision
-Good night vision, besides their eyes can shine in the dark (like cats)
-Structure of the hind feet specific: 4 long fingers (much longer than rainwing) and one opposite finger. This is necessary for strong coupling between branches and other surfaces
-Claws on the hind legs are also much sharper than on the front (for the same reason as the leg structure itself)
-Small web on the wings between the thumb and the rest. Need to use thumb to grab objects (similarly rainwings)
-Not too big, reach a maximum of 2-3 meters, but there are exceptions
*The design was based on the work of chiroptera, especially bats
• Sandwings:
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-The upper fangs are very close to the nostrils, creating the illusion that they seem to grow from the nose
-Long ears, necessary for heat transfer and to prevent overheating. (the crest, presumably, also plays a similar role) Also add a dragon's pretty good hearing
-More than half of the body is covered with hard scales. Such armor is more necessary for dragonets, whose poison is much weaker than the adult dragons. For protection they curl into a ball, pointing up the tail with a spike. Because of their hard from the genus scales it is difficult to pierce them. By old age, these scales become much softer than in childhood
-End of the tail, namely a thorn, similar in structure to the tail of a scorpion
-Crest has the property of "flattening", so many individuals have some streaks
-Growth reaches 3.5-5 meters
*Design based on girdle-tail lizards and scorpions
• Icewings:
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-The body is covered with sharp scales, from which protrude thorns
-Ear shell, like in the seawings, missing
-Large antlers, resembling deer antlers
-Very long limbs that make their gait remotely resemble a deer
-Have a pointed nose
-There are clumps of scales above the eyes, similar to eyebrows
-There are some small, soft thorns at the beginning of the neck
-The largest dragons in Pyrrhia, capable of reaching almost 6 meters
*Design was created partly based on the appearance of reindeer
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I hated Cassian long before Nesta came into the picture. With SF, since it’s his narration, I hoped it would make me like him. Boy, was I wrong. Here are my reasons.
Cassian has a terrible childhood. He grows up in a camp where the adults are abusive and children are pitted against one another. He has to fight, bet and win supplies from other kids to survive. Until Rhysand’s mother takes him in. His life then takes a drastic turn and becomes far more bearable. Cassian’s basic needs such as shelter, clothing and food are taken care by Rhysand and his mother who live in a magical house that caters to them, while the other kids are scavenging for the same at the end of the day.
If you can’t confer this from the little we know about Cassian’s early life, I don’t think you will understand the rest below.
This is a huge privilege Cassian enjoys but never realises. No one else in the camp is ever subjected to this mercy. Cassian’s behaviour or view doesn’t change after experiencing the shift first hand and still carries the victim mentality after five centuries.
This is shown from the way he and Rhysand treat Azriel. He’s older than the two. He has no experience flying or fighting which is a common knowledge and everyone in the camp considers an ‘embarrassment’. Also, he has scar marks on his hands which are very obvious indication of his prior life. He chooses to learn to fly on his own, away from everyone because of the humiliation. Cassian admits, without remorse to the point of boasting about it, to seeking him out, beating Azriel up, and mocking him. This doesn’t happen in a training pit where they have no choice but to fight. Cassian then offers to help him learn, which is very similar to the ‘reach your hand’ tactic he uses with Nesta later.
He is clearly abusive to Azriel, a boy who’s been traumatised by his half-brothers, without a reason. None of his previous excuses of survival apply here as he doesn’t need it. The next day, Rhysand joins him.
A little tangent, I’m still convinced a little that both of them only chose to help this particular boy because of his shadowsinger abilities. They just didn’t want anyone else to get to him first. In the one year in between, they never took anyone under their wing. If they had truly wanted to help, they could have done very well without the abuse. Mocking I understand since it’s a hostile environment of young boys.
Azriel accepts them as friends which is often used as an explanation for Cassian/Rhysand’s good intentions. His own family treated him like a prisoner, his brothers torturing him whenever they pleased. He’s never met anyone outside the ones chosen by his family or known kindness in his life. He doesn’t see this as abuse because he wouldn’t be able to tell right from wrong. He accepts the two boys who beat him to pulp and then ‘help’ him because they are comparatively better than his true brothers who burned his hands for a laugh. It doesn’t make Cassian/Rhysand a better person.
Coming back to Cassian’s privileges. Rhysand is the heir of HL of NC. Other kids could hate him and beat him up in training but no one would threaten his life even if he hadn’t been the strongest. Illyrians may defy Rhysand and his family, but no one is stupid enough to kill one of them. Now, Cassian is literally adopted by the heir and Lady of NC. He reaps all of these benefits through his arrangement whether he admits or not, and through the whole year before he and Rhysand become friends until Azriel’s arrival.
After Rhysand becomes HL, Cassian is made his War General. Sure, he is powerful, and his seven siphons and the Carynthian status prove it. But in the eyes of other soldiers, he’s the one Rhysand favoured over them because they are best friends. It’s a common mentality in such situations and Cassian doesn’t try to prove himself to them.
Illyrians live only in Illyria and in bands. Cassian moved to Velaris when he’s a War General and expected to live among them. While the other Generals and Lords take care of these people, he lives in a secret city and only visits these camps for appearances. He doesn’t own a place here as he always stays at the same Windhaven house, also considering he doesn’t own one in Velaris either. He essentially strips himself away from their core identity and traditions while expecting them to respect him as their own when he lives like a prince since Rhysand.
He also destroys an entire camp avenging his mother right after he becomes a warrior.
During Amarantha’s reign, he’s in Velaris while Illyria is suffering. Since some of the bands are allied with Amarantha, they must have known Cassian and Azriel weren’t UtM, letting them believe IC has truly abandoned their people. Immediately after her death, the three hunt the rest of these bands and kill them instead of giving a proper justice/punishment. After all this, he expects them to obey his commands in a war without questioning him.
In the 500 years, he does nothing to change the lives of these people. There are few mentions of banning wing clipping which is not enforced though. He could have improved the lives of young boys by advocating for better conditions—hostels, proper meals, and clothes without having to fight each other for it, maybe a few new rules for this brutal training. But none of it. He hands out blankets in winter to his people. Given how much Rhysand and Feyre boast about their wealth, they could ration out these provisions for everyone every month or year instead of making it look like charity from Cassian.
In 500 years, he manages to start a female fight club which garnered like. . .20 women (iirc). It’s obvious it was just a plot leading to Valkriyes and for Nesta’s arc. Even then, these women are doing chores and then training. He berates the men around these women, provoking them and returning to Velaris, leaving them to endure more hatred/violence from their people.
He literally doesn’t do anything of importance. He trains, bullies, and picks fights. His dream to reform his race is pathetic since he literally does nothing.
And then there’s Morrigan situation. Everyone makes it sound like a favour he did to her. Cassian could have denied her. He did it only to hurt Azriel and tear the two apart. He admits to his jealousy, and to his regret which he feels after he gets what he wants. And he so vividly describes how the sex goes. This is how far this regret extends. Playing buffer means being in the same room as them so the situation doesn’t get out of hand, or interrupting the conversion to keep it comfortable. But he flirts with Morrigan knowing it hurts Azriel and exchanges inappropriate gifts with her in front of everyone including his mate.
I’m not going to get into the whole SF disaster here. But, there’s one scene in MAF where they visit the Archeron’s estate for the first time. Cassian has so much empathy for the Illyrian women doing chores in the camps but doesn’t extend the same to Nesta who had been doing it since their mother died (or at least after they lost their servants) and their family fell into poverty. He understands the struggles of being poor and his heart breaks for Feyre who once starved but not Nesta and Elain who must have gone through the same too.
Cassian is not a villain in anyone’s story but he’s a man child and bully. He’s a classic abuser whose targets and methods constantly evolve. He’s a hypocrite. He states how grateful he is to Rhysand but not to the perks he enjoys every single day. He loves to play the victim while abusing and hurting the ones around him. He loves to exercise his power and authority while pretending to be an underdog. Illyria being a fucked up place filled with cruel people is just an excuse for Cassian to be cruel. It’s a cover up for how ugly he truly is.
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ilikeit-art · 3 months
The screaming piha (Lipaugus vociferans ) is a species of passerine bird in the family Cotingidae. It is found in humid forests in the Amazon and tropical parts of the Mata Atlântica in South America. It is a common bird in the middle and lower parts of the canopy at altitudes below about 500 m (1,600 ft), or up to 1,000 m (3,300 ft) in Venezuela and the Andean foothills. It is adapting well to human settlement areas like gardens and parks, and is considered to be of least concern by BirdLife International.
The screaming piha grows to a length of about 25 cm (10 in). Both sexes have dull grey plumage (wings and tail often somewhat duskier) and the underparts are paler grey. Juveniles are grey tinged with brown or rust.
It has a voice that is extraordinarily loud, reaching 116 dB, second only to that of the white bellbird. In the breeding season, up to ten males may gather in loose leks, where they sing to attract females. The Cofán people of Ecuador call it the Pwe-pwe Yoh, which is a reference to its voice. Among the Ecuadorian Secoyas, the bird is known as the Kwow-kwee-yo. The sound is frequently used in movies as a sound typical of the Amazon rainforest.
Despite its distinctive voice, the screaming piha is an elusive bird, remaining still for long periods and blending in with the branches. It is usually solitary, but may sometimes join a mixed species foraging group. It feeds mainly on fruits, but also consumes insects, sometimes flying out from its perch to pluck a fruit or catch an insect in the air with a trogon-like hover.
Description source:
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onenicebugperday · 1 year
@residentbunburyist submitted: Hello! I would like to share this little fellow who had hitched a ride on my car! He looked so interesting. The back half looked like a big ant, and then two black wing-things out the side at a full right angle, and then the front a lighter brown, possibly fuzzy, with a truly impressive snoot. Found in western NY, USA
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Very impressive snoot indeed! This lil friend is a common picture-winged fly :)
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lovecraftian-frog · 8 months
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The common kingfisher (Alcedo atthis) is a very beautiful bird that lives along rivers and migrates when the river it hunts in freezes.
It is quite easy to determine wether you caught a female or a male, a young or an adult. Young kingfisher have brown marks on their feet, adults have bright orange legs. Male's beaks are all black while female have a reddish mark beneath it. A colleague of mine said that "Girls put lipstick on and children play in the mud "
Another funfact is that, because their head is so big and their wings so small, they cannot fly away if they are layed on their back on a plain surface.
/!\ These animals are wild birds. They are protected and so cannot be touched or caught without the proper authorization. I took these pictures while working in a ringing station in Luxembourg to study the migration of waterbirds /!\
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husbandograveyard · 11 months
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🕱 Lovebites Masterlist 🕱 this is a VAMPIRE AU event 🕱 ☽☽Character: Lilia Vanrouge (TWST) x Gn Reader ☾☾ ✩ Requested by: anon ✩ [not fluff, not full angst either. Ending open for interpretation]✩ Warnings: none ✩
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You knew bats were common in the park. There had been public service announcements about not making too much noise after dark, as to not disturb them too much. The park rangers took their conservation very seriously. And you had the occasional run-in with one on your way home. The first few times you had been startled by the sudden swoosh by your head whenever one flew over just a little too closely, but now you started to actually enjoy the sound of their wings flapping. 
If anything, you had found some online material on bats, bat sanctuaries and absolutely adored all the videos these organizations posted on their social media. Especially with the bats wrapped in towels munching on pieces of fruit, they never failed to make you smile.
The last few days had been a unique experience though, with a bat whooshing past you a few too many times. It never bumped into you or attacked you, but you were worried about it still; it was not normal behavior for them to be so close to the humans in the park so many times. 
It hadn’t been once either, it had been 4 times the past few days already, and you were getting worried that it may be sick or need help. You weren’t sure what to do about it though, all the online resources warned you not to touch or interact with bats if you weren’t a trained professional, and since it was still flying around proper, you couldn’t really get close enough to get a height of the situation or take a picture to send to a sanctuary nearby. 
Tonight was another one of those instances, and yet, something felt off. The way the bat hovered next to you a little instead of passing you by. Could bats even hover? You wanted to grab your phone, hoping the light might scare it off or allow you to snap a picture, but the minute you stopped, the few lights in the park went out, and you stood surrounded by darkness. 
It was then you noticed that something else was off: you were all alone in the park. It was late, but not so late that there wouldn’t be anyone else passing through anymore. There was little wind either, all of nature seemed to have quieted down with the lights turning off, not even any owl sounds or rustling of leaves was left. The only sounds were your only footsteps and the flapping of the bat’s wings right next to you still. 
The bat was still hovering right next to you and you grabbed your phone, the light of your flashlight doing nothing to perturb it either. If anything, it squinted its big, curious eyes, an almost humanlike reaction to your tactics. You swore you could see it smirk. 
Unsettled by its behavior more than worried now, you figured a quick picture would be all you did before making your way out of the park. Maybe you’d jog a little, just to be safe. Your gut was telling you to run, after all, and who were you to deny your gut? 
You held up your phone, but were confused to find your screen empty, or at the very least, devoid of the bat. It flew away, almost as if it knew to avoid the camera, and the quick snap you took had not a single trace of the bat in it. 
That was your final sign to run. You started walking towards the exit, eager to be out of the park, and away from the strange bat. You would be doing your research on this weird behavior when you got home, but for now, you just wanted to get out. 
You picked up the pace when you noticed the bat was following you, and you were full on running when you were nearing the exit. You kept looking over your shoulder to see if you could see the winged creature behind you, especially when the noises the wings made were overpowered by your own ragged breaths. 
You nearly tripped and fell when you noticed the bat had disappeared, looking back just a little too long to try and figure out where it went. When you turned around, you smacked into someone, hard. You let out an ‘oof’, as you almost fell over, surprised the other person, who was smaller than you in statue, didn’t seem as surprised by it as you were. 
“Careful now,” they held up a hand apologetically, “if you look behind you while running, you lose sight of what is in front of you.” 
You shook your head, blinking rapidly to regain composure. The voice of the man didn’t match his petite stature or rather flamboyant getup. You wondered how you didn’t see him before, as he did stand out, even in the darkness of the park, none of the lights working still. 
“Sorry”, you apologized, out of breath, heart racing and wondering where the bat went, “I was just being chased-”
You stopped yourself mid-sentence. He was a stranger, first and foremost, but even more so, you’d be looked at as if you were crazy if you tried explaining that you were running away from a bat with human-like features. Now that you thought about it, his eyes- they seemed almost a little similar. You shook your head and smiled apologetically at the man for your odd behavior. Your mind, still riddled with adrenaline, was probably playing tricks on you. 
“Chased by a bat?” 
You blinked in confusion. You hadn’t said that part out loud, now did you? He chuckled, a lighthearted sound that didn’t match the grin he had on his face. You felt your blood run cold. 
“How’d you-” 
He interrupted you before you could finish your question. “I am awfully sorry, I didn’t mean to frighten you. You simply seemed like such a nice person, always kind to the bats. Not to mention that you smell absolutely delicious.” 
There was nothing you could come up with that you could say. Nothing that would make you feel better or more safe. You opened up your mouth, but just closed it again, looking at him with big, confused and frightened eyes. 
“No worries, I will not hurt you. But I would love to properly explain. Care for a walk through the park? I promise I won’t bite.. yet.” 
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lara-cairncross · 6 months
I'm gonna dub myself babbling anon because I know I probably babble a lot. Anyway;
I was thinking about you AU and then I saw a picture of Draxum and thought about him being the pixie dust alchemist or a garden fairy, and then, when I thought about the pixie dust, I thought about the moon stone, which I'm getting off track about. Here are my questions! And sorry again.
1. Do you think any of the brothers would be selected in taking care of the Moonstone?
2. Has any of them been curious about the frost fairies? I'm sure Raph and Donnie has been part of the crews helping the animals cross and making the baskets respectively before.
3. Isn't it common for fairies to use mice to pull their wagons? Wouldn't it be awkward for Splinter to be just a rat?
4. Do you think April would be intrested in Pixue dust alchemy? In the series, she wanted to learn magic in witch town.
That's all my questions, so sorry for the new pile of them. But I also wanna tell you about things I thought about with characters like how Meat Sweats can be a baking fairy, i think that's what they are, and Mikey would drop by the baker fairies' workplace sometimes to watch (imagine Meat Sweats in tiny freaking wings that shouldn't hold him up but it does, haha) but I think I'm being too overwhelming and I should probably not be bothering about this but anyway, babbling again. Thank you for taking your time on this and sorry for wasting it too, haha.
First of all-- I LOVE the idea of Draxum as some kind of Pixie Dust alchemist!! I don't know if I'll ever get around to drawing that, but it's an excellent idea :DD Originally I was trying to figure out if I wanted Draxum or Big Mama to step into Queen Clarion's shoes, but now I'm leaning towards Big Mama as the Queen and Draxum as some kind of fairy alchemist on the lam!
I'm not sure if any of them would be selected, honestly? I mean, the only one who would really be chosen to create the scepter is Donnie-- and although he's talented, he and the rest of the boys are infamous in Pixie Hollow for being, like, SUPER reckless and adventurous! I don't think anyone would trust the four of them around a priceless artifact lmao
Raph definitely takes an interest in the frost fairies/the Winter Woods! He loves helping the animals cross over and seeing their pelts change color, but he does have to be careful-- not only because his wings can get damaged by the cold, but also because it's really easy for him to switch into brumation mode if he accidentally crosses the border. That'd be a disaster all around. Donnie doesn't really care about the frost fairies or the Winter Woods-- he has too much work to do back on his side of the border-- and Mikey doesn't like it over there at ALL, since it's much colder and cloudier!! He thrives off of warm temperatures and sunny skies :DD Leo would probably be pretty indifferent to the Winter Woods, but I can see him challenging himself to fly across the border and get back before his wings get damaged, just to test out how fast he can fly.
Man, I need to figure something out for Splinter. I honestly have no idea where he fits in here! Maybe he could take over Lord Milori's role in the Winter Woods? That could be a fun dynamic to play with when it comes between him, Big Mama, and the turtles :D
April would defffffffinitely be interested in all things related to magic/pixie dust/fairies in general. The turtles tell her all kinds of stories about Pixie Hollow and show off their magic to her, but I imagine that she'd always be sort of disappointed that she can't experience Neverland for herself-- not yet, at least.
Thanks for the questions, dearest babbling anon! They were fun to answer 😚🧡🧡
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mimicha-arts · 1 year
Qian Jin
Hello and sorry. I’m here again with my “catch the details faster than the frame changes.” Let's talk about Qian Jin! I'm pretty sure we'll learn new information in the next episode because of the flashback, so I want to get ahead of things a little and play bingo ;)
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1. Romeo and Juliet Many have discussed this, but we will go deeper. One of the main key points in the s2 is the Romeo and Juliet theme and poster, which we now know is related to Qian Jin's story.
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In my opinion, his whole scene with the poster looked very personal, hardly just "symbolism" of his feelings after losing his wife or something like that. And here I will try to explain why. Because, most likely, the actress on the poster is Qian Jin's wife. Her name was shown for such a brief moment that I actually nearly lost my mind while trying to capture the frame. So, her name is probably Chen Nan (陈楠). And I really don't think it was necessary to include such details if they are minor.
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Well. Pure speculations. We all remember that initially everything was wrong with the case, the suspect in the murder of Qian Jin‘s wife after some time committed suicide and left a note with a confession. Although I can read some words, I can't rely on my eyes, so I can't string them together into complete sentences. But what I can guess is that there are two characters in the signature, and the surname kinda looks like Zhuang (庄).
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So. Which character also has the surname Zhuang, who has already been "shown" in the series… On the same poster of "Romeo and Juliet", where the actress, theoretically, was Qian Jin's wife… Yeah. Zhuang Shuai (庄帅)
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Okay, this could all be a coincidence, my imagination, speculation. But is these details actually connected, for now, until this has been refuted, I suspect that the story of the murder of Qian Jin's wife was much more personal and deep. Like, now we are convinced that after he found out about Cheng Xiaoshi's ability, his motivation is obviously to capture Cheng Xiaoshi in order to rewrite the past. Likely to save his wife (?). But I'm not sure how much more complex it will be?
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If any of this is confirmed, I rather think that Qian Jin's wife was killed by Zhuang Shuai out of jealousy. I also need to say, for now I don't think that 戴绿帽子 is a possible situation here, seems TOO cruel for me, but who knows.
2. Qian Jin and details Eyes. We were all confused because Qian Jin's eyes were not common, but icy yellow. In fact, his eyes can be said to have three states. I also note that sometimes pupils are not drawn or too small because of 2D graphics, so I take into account only obvious close-ups. First type: present, yellow eyes with a vertical pupil. We see that kind of his eyes in most of his scenes. The same type of eyes are in his character design pictures and intro.
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Second type: present, yellow with a round pupil. This type of eyes appears specifically in episode 4.
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(Technically) third type: the past, yellow eyes with a round pupil. In all the close-up scenes in flashbacks, his pupils are round.
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Abilities: It's hard to guess, but at the moment I don't think he personally has any special abilities. It seems to me, given his one line, that Qian Jin relies more on his skills, plans and his people, treating abilities (at least in this situation) in a rather lenient way. Also, his real words sound more special and poetic - If there is a way to reach the sky, it will be difficult to fly away even with wings (friendly reminder, I'm not a translator or native speaker)
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But there is one dubious detail. OK. Speaking of gloves, he probably uses gloves to avoid accidentally touching Li Tianchen and getting controlled, which is a pretty logical conclusion after episode 8. But. At some point, while talking to Li Tianchen, when the frame points to Qian Jin, there is a rather small movement of the hand and the sound of either the rustle of clothes, or the sound of something being handed over (ep 7, 1:22-1:28). This was weird.
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This may be a trick, but at some point, when it gets to 7pm, Qian Jin claps his hands. And given to Cheng Xiaoshi's abilities, we know that clapping can be a means of activating/disabling an ability.
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Speculation: Since we can't fully rely on changing the shape of the eyes, pupil, eye color, due to the change in visual "rules" compared to season 1 + animation errors, but for now I'll make assumptions.
In fact, in some of these scenes, Qian Jin may be possessed by Cheng Xiaoshi (which is trite, but possible)
Someone uses their abilities on Qian Jin, they are in cooperation. This person either possess him either they watches events through Qian Jin's eyes from time to time, as if through a camera.
Qian Jin gave something to Li Tianchen in the car, and that will play a role in the plot.
The change of eyes is an attempt to show the change in his personality, but I don't think it's that simple.
3. Something beyond my understanding
The man with a hat. They are obviously connected, and I already wrote a big theory about this, if the man in the hat turns out to be Liu Xiao, let's not dwell on this, if you want to read, click on - Person in the shadows.
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Dates In his intro, although there is some information, as always, the year is not indicated. Obviously, the current year is still 2021 (according to s1). But in the second season, we are not shown specific dates anywhere (even with the twins, although we can find out their year of birth by literally subtracting 19), and here. There is an event, there is a blurry date. Not specified. I guess something is wrong with time already or is this a hint that it doesn’t matter, because the events are looped / will be erased.
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Player and music And probably the most ??????? thing. When Qian Jin is in the car, there is a VERY short frame before he takes the call. If you catch it... here is a player on the screen. The music is Symphony of Fate (生命交响乐). And the player does not have a "back" button, only forward.
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Time is like music, yeah. Thank you for reading once again ~ I hope episode 9 gives us more information and answers some questions though… *cries*. Feel free to discuss!
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blue--ingenue · 1 year
soft!sebastian headcannons - part 5
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Author's Note: *shakes this post like a bag of cat treats* i'm back with some more soft sebby :) as a reminder my taglist is open, and if you'd like me to write any specific hc, feel free to send me an ask! and if you'd like a break from the fluff i did post some angsty!seb hc (link in my masterlist)
he’s an advocate for house elves. his parents found the idea of keeping house elves bound to their family barbaric, so he never had any growing up. stands up for house elves being mistreated by cruel students, so he’s a natural favorite among the Hogwarts house-elf community
boy is Public Enemy Number 1 for Peeves. they’ve hated each other even before the poltergeist ratted him out in the restricted section. he once dedicated an entire restricted section trip to finding books on how to cast spells to make his day a living hell (most common spells pass right through him). Peeves was livid, and so began a relationship of mutually-assured destruction
(they’ll never reach a truce, but they’ve both decided to keep their distance from the other to avoid further headaches)
back to the house elves, the kitchen elves are especially friendly towards him. he recruited their help to bake you a birthday cake, and they gladly obliged
he inherited his father’s pocket watch. his father had pasted a beautiful photograph of his mother on the inside. he has since stored the picture safely in an album and tucked a candid photo of you in its place
Anne is two minutes older than him, and she uses the ‘older sibling’ excuse to justify bossing him around. he makes it a point to wake up before her on their birthday every year so that he can feel ahead of her for once
if you’re smaller than him, he absolutely loves just picking you up. loves patting you on the head, comparing hand sizes, scooping you into his arms to deposit you in your bed if you fall asleep in the room of requirement
when he’s sick, he’s a total drama queen about it. (especially if he thinks you’ll fuss over him for it). his extra-large slytherin scarf is wrapped around his neck. he’ll pull it over the bottom half of his face and burrow into it while napping during professor binns’ notoriously dry lectures. he positively refuses to take medicine. boy has faced everything from trolls to dark wizards, but will sit and pout like a toddler if madam blainey faces him with a spoon of cough syrup
(it’s gotten to the point where Madam Blainey calls you to the hospital wing before she sends for sebastian because she knows you’re the only person who could convince him to take the medicine)
his parents used to take him and Anne to the seaside every summer. every once in awhile during the warmer months he’ll fly you to the Clagmar coast for a picnic lunch. he ties a basket laden with little sandwiches, delicate cakes, a bottle of champagne, and a blanket to the broom handle before you both take off
he’s constantly keeping an eye out for pretty shells and stones he thinks you’ll like. he's constantly running up to you with his latest "treasures." once he was so excited to show you a whelk shell he tripped over a sand dune and dropped it. he spent nearly half an hour digging through the sand to find it until you reminded him that he is, in fact, a wizard, and could use accio
he manages to find a pearl in one of the clams in a tidepool and uses the muselet from the champagne bottle to fashions it into a ring for you. he kneels in front of you in the sand, exaggerating a proposal and sliding the ring onto your finger. (naturally it’s a perfect fit. he’s spent so long memorizing the warmth and shape of your hands for it to be anything less). you laugh at his antics, but he’s sincere when he tells you it’s merely a placeholder for the real thing 
Taglist: @mlktea13, @mrsbrookesallow, @ithinkweallsing, @snickette, @crispywiz
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