#comparing it's movies to the holocaust
indigosabyss · 6 months
Unexpected Baggage Pt 3
Erik left the bar with three cooling bodies inside, hands tucked into his pocket as the door shut itself behind him.
Kamala was watching him carefully, positioned far away from the windows. He had asked her to wait outside, but he knew she had heard everything. Whether she could speak German or not, the gunshot and screams and blood splatters should be enough context for her to know what happened.
"I know..." He started off uncomfortably, "I know you have nowhere else to go. But that had to be done. The things they've done- you can't imagine."
"It happens, I guess." She replied dully, "Not, not really my place to say, is it? I just want Monica back."
Right. The woman named Monica Rambeau, who Kamala had come from the future to rescue.
"I have no idea how to do that." He admitted, "Searching the entire world is... An impossible task. But I'll try to figure out a way."
Kamala nodded, and briskly began walking away from the bar, "Let's get out of here. You get any information from the Nazis that I didn't hear?"
"He's in Miami." Erik replied, following after her.
"The... Herr Doktor guy or some other person connected to him?" Her question was disinterested, but he knew she was just pretending at it.
"It's Schmidt." He confirmed, and didn't add Finally, but the bitter excitement still poured through.
"He work for HYDRA?"
Kamala nodded, readjusting her grip on her bag, "HYDRA, scientific weapons development division of Nazi Germany? They took over an American counter-terrorism wing after WW2. Huge scandal when the documents all got leaked. My friend Bruno and I learned cryptography to help decode them."
All this she delivered in quick expressionless monologue, and then tacking on, "Or, you know. Things could have gone differently in this dimension."
But too many details were lining up perfectly in his mind.
"Well." Erik decided, "Good thing America is our next stop."
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svankmajerbaby · 2 years
US war movies, and war movies in general, are about Showcasing the Horrors of War and how much these poor soldiers suffered (if youre lucky, you will also see how these poor soldiers made others suffer too). the most important and valuable aspect of all quiet on the western front, what makes it stand out from other war movies, is that it does not have a happy ending. gringo war movies love to put a woman back home so the guy has a wife to come back to, a family to raise and a future to sustain. by focusing on that promise of a better future, we are all the more ready to forget about what happened before (or even worse, to excuse it as the ugly ugly means to get to the good things, a calvary to get to heaven)
postwar movies, as in, movies focused on what happens After the mass suffering and trauma of a society, have a bigger, harder to pinpoint power. these stories actually deal with guilty parties, with responsability and the aftermath of crimes, about the holes in the system that allows surviving victims to go without reparations and genocides and generals to continue to evade punishment. it replaces the adrenaline pumping excitement of a battlefield for the cold professionalism of courts and offices. after every war there is a process of reconditioning and readjustement. and if you cannot make an anti war war movie, then your best bet is a post war anti war movie. the only way you can make sense of the violence is by seeing everything from the distance of the future, and by reorganizing the truth into testimonies that can allow you to learn.
there is little to learn from suffering. there is more to learn from what remains after that suffering has happened.
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fuckbrained · 2 years
i watched netflix’s “you people” and i cant ignore the antisemitism
like the part where eddie murphy’s char is really dismissive of the HOLOCAUST threw me for a loop, he was basically like “you have generational wealth so jews aren’t oppressed.” that was very yikes to me. anyway other than that its just a  midtier movie netflix made to pad its catalog, not too noteworthy, but that scene was really bothersome
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whalerrat · 2 years
just got tricked into being a manic pixie dream girl again!
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angel-maybe-alive · 2 years
More things I hate about modern literature because today is a bad day and I need to be a dick online to feel better:
How much sex there is in everything
And again I am not a prude, erotica has existed for decades and it's okay but every popular YA or adventure book nowadays is a bad erotica with some low stakes adventure in the background
And somehow they are able to be both bad porn and bad adventure
And also people will promote those books as " yes the plot kinda sucks but there's good sex scenes"
The word Mary sue
The misuse of the word Mary sue
Any attempt to make a "LOTR inspired" book made by a man
Because usually the things that made LOTR good go just over the authors head and we end with basically a vin diesel movie set in the middle ages
This is not just about modern literature but books about or set in horrible moments for a oppressed minority(like holocaust or slavery) written by people who aren't part of said minority
Coleen hoover
She did for feminist literature what Seth MacFarlane did for adult animation
The harry Potter/Percy Jacksonification of children's literature
The magical choose one trope being taken to a magical world did irremediable damage to children's literature
The mean girl trope
Books set in fictional middle ages but the protagonist go to balls in fashion show modern runaway style dresses
You know the tacky Pinterest glittery showing shoulders back and leg
Those official arts of the same exactly white women and the same white guy in slightly different clothes with the same 2016 style eyebrows and the sharp jawline and the nothing expression
Characters being described as "golden skin" so depending if the author needs some representation points they can be interpreted as people of color but if no one says nothing they stay as just tan white
Comparing dark skin color to any food
How many authors try to make at the same time "this is brainless wish fulfilment fantasy about being desired by a hot dominating guy" and " this is a profound take about the horrors of abuse"
Usually by having the second love interest to abuse the protag
In the end the message that stays is any abuse is forgivable if the abuser is hot enough
The "I'm skinny but not hot super model skinny I am ugly skinny my bones show because of malnourishment"
"yet I don't feel any other effect of starvation like being weak and I can carry five times my body weight in whatever animal the author needs me to hunt in the beginning of the book because making me a farmer wouldn't be cool"
"I am ugly" cried the skinny girl with locks of auburn hair porcelain white skin and eyes of emerald green.
The jk Rowling stupid name school (she named the werewolf Wolfy mcwolf in Latin and people though it was smart now we have a girl who fights on a island named island and the archer who marries a fae named fae archer )
And again faes because fuck faes
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spottheantisemitism · 12 days
"what if the X-men were black?" is a racist, antisemitic and anti-intersectional screed that 2013 tumblr fell in love with
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Published in 2013 this made rounds of OG tumblr and made Bobby of Pencilscratchins draw all her Jewish X-men characters as brown.
Erik because he has Romani heritage (which is realistic and based and accurate to some comics).
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Anon go kick rocks with your colorism! YOU read holocaust testimonies!
Also fun fact Nazi Germany did not understand black and brown the way Americans do so it was based on ethnicity and not color, a brown Jew and a pale white passing Jew were seen as one and the same to the Nazis
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Guess which article she linked
It's this one!
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But said Kitty was Latine because "the quintessential X-girl of the 70s shouldn't be white"
Kitty already is a queer woman of color because she's Jewish. Jews are POC. Bobby what the hell? Are you implying she's only coded non-white because she's Jewish or Mutant? what the hell?!
(BTW Bobby left Tumblr around Covid but if you send her hate asks because of this essay you'll end up on spot-the-antisemitism blocklist for harrasment)
Where did she get this "Jews are white and should be race lifted?" stuff? Why from Orion!
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Top paragraph is fine!
antisemitism is written the gentile way that supports a racist eugenicist, off to a bad start.
Sexism is not covered? OH explain Storm's arcs of misogynoir or Jean's and Maddy's arc of going insane because she has the power of a god but is forced to be housewife and marry her sweetheart and have kids
Ableism is not explored? I'm sorry what about XAVIER'S ENTIRE ARC OF ABLIEST SELF HATRED AND OVERCOMING IT IN THE PREQUELS? The first class all being rich talented codedly disabled kids going to a prep school for the gifted. Disabled people really liking non human passing characters like Nightcrawler (and hating Xavier since he's too assimilationist to many). I'm sorry why do people fall for such blatant lies? the mentor of the X-men is literally canonically disabled and Orion has the GALL to claim ableism is not explored.
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_ Genosha is half fall of south Africa Apartheid and half the establishment of the state of Israel hence why the metaphor is so messy and problematic
_ Yes that number is deliberately "like the holocaust but worse" because Morrison likes their holocaust appopriation
_ Why didn't you mention it's an allegory for Gay conversion therapy torture because Bryan Singer is gay?
_ Yes Legacy Virus is Mutant Aids good job on your media literacy finally kicking in Orion
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It's racism AND antisemitism but your "antisemtism doesn't exist in america" ass doesn't get that
I do hate "mutie" as slur and the way Kitty thinks it's comparable to antisemtic and anti-black slurs and USES them to make a point, so yeah something Orion and I agree on.
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The sequence used is of Stevie Hunter the human ally character who like Xavier started teaching after she became disabled. She IS used as prop here to say Kitty is right in calling her the n-word (Claremont is racist sometimes).
But Orion can't tell her apart from Storm. Buddy if you can't tell the ONLY two black women in this comic apart, you're the racist.
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OK they're both props but it proves you never actually read the comics or you can't tell fictional black women apart neither of which is a good look
(Cole also points out the Kitty and Magneto are not White but Jewish he is dogpiled and called a fake fan for this (see below))
Keep Shyminksy out of your mouth you racist fake fan
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OH NO! I hate this!
So you decided to go with the colorist idea that the man is darker and the innocent girl in need of protecting is lighter. Gross colorism worthy of a Hollywood action movie where the black guy dies
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"Local black man can't related to white disabled teens facing ableism and makes it about racism so he can relate to it" is giving gamergate chud energy to me
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If you can't see why a Russian man is almost killed by a mob of xenophobic red blooded Americans and HAVE to make this about anti-black racism that's on you and your misunderstanding of the way Russians were hated during the cold war.
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Oh you are race swapping x-men while shitting on Psylocke who the result of basically the same idea? How hypocritical
Dwayne McDuffe does have a point but your quote does not utilize his point in any way.
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Then DON'T raceswap Wolverine if he becomes the angry black man. Think before you can X-men racism and tokenism WORSE with your race-swapping
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NO THEY DON'T strawman rejected
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Ah yes! Magneto, famously a very white man whose childhood was full of white privilege/ Sarcasm
One of the co-authors of the website has the gall to double down on calling Magneto white:
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"as a REAL fan you're fake fan, antisemitism doesn't exist and Holocaust survivor Jews are white" - this racist defending his token black friend's racist screed because some guy called Cole DARED call Orion on his bullshit
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*"I didn't like that the X-men were about white passing and invislbe disability so I made about anti black racism" also "judiasm is just a religion" canard
**Again leave Shyminksy and Morrison's good takes alone
***Yeah you get Luke Cage, that's how you get the racism of bad Luke Cage comics. You ain't inventing the racist wheel here
Orion I hate your take, I hate your misunderstanding of antisemitism and ableism that makes the two main factions tick, I hate your self centerness, I hate your racist and antisemitic co-writer making excuses for you and I REALLY hate that this did to the 2013 X-fandom what Lily Orchard did to the 2019 Steven Universe fandom and we can still see people using your bullshit arguments today
Oh and Cole? thank you for your service you're the real hero of this story, hated and feared for daring to call out the establishment
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shynerdwantscuddles · 9 months
Ok, so I’m going to walk y’all through some of the basics of spotting antisemitism as gently as I can muster, considering a lot of y’all have been ignoring Jews trying to teach you this stuff for years:
Jews controlling the world, banks, or media is rooted in antisemitic conspiracy theories. Another version of this is the idea that Jews are a part of some secret organization.
Jews being stereotyped as greedy, rich, and untrustworthy is an antisemitic trope that has existed since well before the Holocaust.
Anything involving Jews drinking blood, killing babies in rituals, or stealing children is rooted in blood libel, which is old antisemitism and VERY antisemitic.
“Noticing patterns” is an antisemitic dog whistle. Also sometimes spelled “noseticing” to mock Jewish people's noses. It’s tied into the conspiracy theory that Jews control everything.
If you see someone’s name surrounded by parentheses like this ((insert name here)) that’s called the “echo” and is used by neo-Nazis to signal to other Nazis that a person is Jewish.
Saying Jews are in league with Satan is an obvious antisemitic thing, but it can sometimes be snuck into media, statements, and posts in more subtle ways. If someone has the Bible verse John 8:44 in their bio or posts, they’re probably a Nazi. Jews are also sometimes portrayed as having horns or other devil like characteristics. This is also old antisemitism.
Media that portrays characters as having very exaggerated, hooked noses while being stereotypically mean, unattractive, or greedy-looking is often intended to be Jewish caricatures. This one’s a bit harder to explain, but if you want a perfect example of this, look up a Nazi-era propaganda poster and compare it to the goblins in the Harry Potter movies and video game. There’s even a Star of David in the goblin run banks in one of the movies. It’s so blatant.
These are just some common, basic examples of antisemitism. I’ve witnessed almost every single one of these multiple times on Tumblr alone. Some other things to keep in mind are that Jews are only .2% of the population, and I’d be suspicious of anyone trying to make that percentage look bigger to suggest we have more influence and control than we do.
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stripedwolf88 · 6 months
The ability for Jewish people say that a Jewish person is minimizing the atrocity of the Holocaust by comparing it to the genocide in Gaza when he just helped make a movie about one of many stories of Jewish suffering during the Holocaust that won an award. Just goes to show how people will get so defensive when someone points out that what their supporting may be wrong so you twist someone's words so that it looks like an attack on you and you can be the victim that is standing up to their ignorance and bullying.
Maybe if these people broke out of their biases and acknowledged that maybe the victims have now become the bullies they would understand. 'Cause guess what? It's actually pretty common for people to harm others when they have been harmed so is it really out of the question for a whole government to do the same? Really?
I urge people to use their critical thinking skills to look at the facts and remember that having humanity and seeking justice means that you care about the atrocities that happen to any kind of person and not just the ones that are like you.
I am appalled that so many Jewish creators and business people are justifying this genocide by almost saying what their ancestors went through is worse.
I am also simultaneously relieved and proud of every Jewish person who sees the similarities of their ancestors to the suffering of the Palestinians. They and everyone else supporting the Palestinians can fight for people unlike them because they are human beings who do not deserve to be slaughtered. They are being murdered because they are considered to be less than another group with more power. They understand that Palestinians deserve to have a life of peace joy and safety. They deserve to thrive just as everyone deserves a chance to thrive and not just survive.
This genocide is just more evidence to prove that this violence has more to do with caste systems in the world than just basing it off of intolerance of religion, race, gender, sexuality, or any other feature. It is about one group having the power to say I think I am better than you for whatever reason and therefore I have the right to decide whether you live or die and it is okay because I am better than you. It is a fact that because I have more power, I am better than you and I am worth more than you. It isn't just a hate but indifference to those unlike you that is a dangerous thing to have in this world.
I needed to express some of my thoughts on this because it has bothered me so much the way people are overlooking this and reducing what is happening in Gaza.
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fdelopera · 3 months
Jew-hating bigots, get your paws off Moon Knight
What the hell is it with these anitsemitic Moon Knight "fans" who reblog my old Moon Knight posts??
You are engaging with posts written by a Jew, about a Jewish character.
And yet here you are, praising the terrorist organization Hamas, spewing Holocaust inversion, and comparing Jews to Nazis on your blog.
Listen up, you fucking BIGOT, you are a raging Jew-hater, and MOON KNIGHT IS NOT FOR YOU.
I'll go one step further: COMICS ARE NOT FOR YOU.
Comics are a JEWISH artform. Most of the early comics creators like Stan Lee, Jack Kirby, Joe Simon, Jerry Siegel, and Joe Shuster were Jewish, and they coded their superheroes as Jewish characters.
They couldn't write these characters as definitively Jewish because of the antisemitism that pervaded the United States -- antisemitism that still pervades US.
The political source of that antisemitism may have changed from far-right to far-left, but it is as virulent as it ever was.
Let that sink in. You Hamasnik bigots are making the US as antisemitic as it was in the 1930s and 1940s.
Superman, Captain America, Spider-Man ... the list goes on -- they are ALL Jewish-coded characters. Some of them, like Peter Parker, are now intentionally written as being Jewish, based on who is in charge of the movie or the run.
Moon Knight is one of the few canonically Jewish characters in Marvel comics. And he PUNCHES Jew-hating scumbags like you Hamasniks.
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So if you are a Jew-hating bigot, get the fuck off my blog.
But more importantly, get the fuck away from comics. In the words of Jewish actor and national treasure Gene Wilder:
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cookinguptales · 1 year
I got both my flu and covid shot yesterday so today I'm feeling. bad. lmao. But I also saw two movies and had fun at them both!
I'll make posts about both of them, but I guess I'll start with A Haunting in Venice because I have more thoughts about it, I think.
My non-spoilery thoughts are that I actually enjoyed it a lot more than I thought I would! The ambiance was impeccable and I think I'd watch it again just to look at it. It was very pleasantly spooky, more than I'd expected, and despite not having watched the other films, I was able to easily follow along. A lot of the acting was super fun, and Michelle Yeoh was really hot, and it was a spooky ghost story! What more could you want?
(Except subtitles, I guess, because I missed a lot of dialogue. Much more than I usually do. Kenneth Branagh's fake French accent was particularly difficult to decipher.)
Two personal things, which I thought were funny. The children's song heard repeatedly in the movie, Giro Giro Tondo, creeped me out specifically because my mother gave me a doll when I was little that she'd gotten in Italy during a business trip, and when you held its hands it sang that song. I... have a bit of a doll phobia, so I did have a moment of OH NO, IT'S THIS BITCH.
The other is that I was able to figure out the mystery very quickly because of my own special interests, which was very funny to me. I'm sorry that I am too much the target audience for this movie. ;; More on that in a minute.
spoilers below the cut
It was interesting to hear after watching the movie that the original book took place in the UK because the central spookiness of the film did feel very Italian. The old ruined palazzo, the ruinous aftereffects of the Holocaust in Central Europe, the general Vibe. But most of the main characters aren't Italian, so I suppose it makes sense...
It was definitely much darker than I had expected it to be, from a human cruelty standpoint. The allusions to the Holocaust (both when discussing Dr. Ferrier's severe PTSD after liberating Bergen-Belsen and the Romani siblings who were orphaned and forced into very dire straits to survive) were very frank and graphically discussed, which isn't something you actually see in films as often these days, and the fact that impoverished orphan children really were purposefully murdered during the plague had... very familiar vibes after being from a high-risk (and easily dismissed) group during covid.
In the end, the movie ended up being as much about metaphorical ghosts as literal ones, and I can see how a writer struggling with her wartime experiences as a nurse would end up writing a story that so blatantly grapples with the soul of humanity -- and whether it's worth protecting. The medium comparing hearing the ghosts screaming to her time as a nurse during the war treating the suffering... It does make me think about Christie's own experiences, y'know? I haven't read the book, so idk how much of it was invented for the movie, but... it did make me think about her.
As for the mystery itself... I guess there are two things to know about me. One is that I studied mithridatism (and Mithridates himself) when writing fic for Arsenic and Old Lace for YT many years ago. The other is that I wrote an original f/f fic about poisonous beekeeping around the same period. It wasn't my best work, necessarily, but I'll tell you -- I know a lot about mad honey.
So let's just say that the suspense wasn't quite as suspenseful for me lmao. From the second that one woman say "Mithridates" I was pretty ready for what was coming next, and when I saw that she kept bees and everyone kept eating honey... I mean. lmao
That said, the fact that it was very difficult to tell whether the ghostly apparitions were hallucinations or real or some combination of the two was really fun and interesting.
With Christie's Thing for poisons... I guess it's interesting how much fo the movie was about food and hunger and how food can kill you if it's not the right kind -- and how love could go the same way. The discussion of the camp survivors in Germany dying after being given milk, the children being intentionally walled up and starved to death, the siblings eating "non-food", like mice, in order to survive after being orphaned during the war... And obviously the poisoned tea from a mother whose love itself had been poisoned.
And then, y'know, the metaphor flourishing when you see how love itself, twisted into madness, was the reason why so many people had suffered and died. Rowena's fear that her daughter would leave her, Alicia's agony that her fiancé had, Olga accidentally poisoning a child she loved because she was trying to soothe her, Ferrier accidentally poisoning the concentration camp survivors when trying to nurse them back to health, Leopold's desperate attempts to protect and support his father being the exact thing that got him killed...
I'm a little too tired to pull it together into a coherent thesis statement, but... The themes are layered here. Hunger for food and for love and for companionship. Poison being added to the things you think will nourish you and those you love. The desire to be seen, by those you love and those you respect and those who you fear have forgotten you...
You have Ariadne (great name for a spinner of mysteries, btw) using a friend in order to get back her adoring public. Both Maxim and Alicia desperate for the other's attention. Poor little Leo trying to soothe his father's PTSD and being parentified at far too young an age, but desperate to be seen for the marvel he is all at once.
And Alicia's ghost, obviously, reaching out to those she'd known in life and trying to get revenge on those who'd harmed her. She wanted to be seen, too, and she wanted to be understood.
I suppose that's what the whole movie comes down to. Love and understanding and the way it can be twisted horribly even as we crave it.
The movie wasn't perfect and I suspect the subject matter will be far too dark for people expecting something like Knives Out, but I did enjoy it far more than I thought it would. The vibes were genuinely very creepy and the mystery and characters were interesting. I haven't read the book, so I can't tell you how it stacks up there.
I think, sorry Kenneth Branagh, that his casting as Poirot was probably the weakest part of the movie for me. That said, the directing was so good that I at times found myself like "sir?? why not just direct these movies and let someone else play the lead????"
(see: the lin-manuel miranda effect)
But a lot of the other acting was very good, especially Michelle Yeoh who was very hot and very interesting in her role. Boy, I was SO sad when she was the first to die because I was like "OH NO, SHE WAS SO HOT..."
Anyway, tl;dr it was a good movie for the spooky season, even if I suspect some of the subject matter will be difficult for people to handle. (Particularly the child death.) And even if you don't enjoy the writing, the footage of Venice and the overall vibes are impeccable so you can just turn off your brain and enjoy wandering through a spooky ruined palazzo.
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frances-baby-houseman · 7 months
I have now seen NINE of the 10 movies nominated for best picture. I made a specific choice not to see Zone of Interest, bc... holocaust. Dayenu!
Ok my first thought having seen these movies is just what a pointless exercise it is to pick the "best." Like how do you compare Oppenheimer and Anatomy of a Fall? They're just two different animals! But I do have some Thoughts!
In my head I sort of have my own ranking:
Movie I think will win and I'm fine with it I guess:
Movies I think should win but probably won't:
Killers of the Flower Moon
The Holdovers
Anatomy of a Fall
Movies I loved extremely but I think shouldn't win mostly for reasons of draggy plot:
Poor Things
Delicate flowers that I am glad got recognized but we probably don't need 10 nominees sometimes:
Past Lives
American Fiction
Maestro also goes here
Movie I opted not to see because this Jew has had enough holocaust visions of Jews dying on trains:
Zone of Interest
I've mentioned already that I wish Charles Melton, Dominic Sessa and Greta Gerwig (for directing) had been nominated, along with Dance the Night Away and TMNT Mutant Mayhem.
I think that Picture and both supporting categories are locked. I think there's a slim chance it could be Giamatti's year, but the only real acting race is Emma Stone vs. Lily Gladstone. I am hoping ranked choice voting helps Lily. I think Nolan is going to win, which is fine, I like his win for director more than I do for picture (I'm a nolan completist! I freakin love his movies!)
Those are my thoughts. If you want to squeeze one more film in before the awards tomorrow, I recommend American Fiction, which you can rent for $3 on Amazon. I have a LOT of thoughts about it, I will write them up later.
Ok bye bye! Whatever happens, it was a GREAT year at the movies. TWO THUMBS UP.
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beardedmrbean · 6 months
Have you seen that post going around showing pictures of dead Palestinian kids and directly comparing it to Auschwitz? My blood is boiling, dude. I know it's lame to get offended, but holy shit. People have no idea how war works and they clearly forgot how INSANE Auschwitz was.
If it's the one I think it is between two of the ones I've seen one is totally fake and the other is Syrian children that assad gassed.
Did the same thing with the starving child and several other photos of victims of various atrocities not committed by Israel in gaza.
Putin is near universally reviled by people in the west and the pain and death in Ukraine isn't getting anywhere near the coverage as this is and while I understand that as a species we do love a come from behind underdog story, why the movie Dodgeball did so well....... in all seriousness though it's wild and I could understand the visceral hate if Israel had been the one that started this, but since 1948 they've only initiated one war and that was supposed to be a preemptive strike, day 1 they started out under attack and have been in defense mode ever since.
Somehow that involves winning every war they've been in but honestly the folks coming after them have never been professionals, even still as outnumbered as they are they hold and push back and I guess all the people that are tired of losing on the ground decided that the PR machine would be better.
So we get lines of either fake dead children or dead children from a totally different conflict because for all their talk about Jews being white they can't tell the difference between a Syrian, a Saudi, an Egyptian, or a palestenian and if they can't tell nobody should be able to I guess.
They've been attempting to appropriate the Shoah for decades now, sinwar and crew finally thin they're going to manage it.
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and if not, they'll try again.
Everyone believes their claims about mistreatment at the hands of Israel why do they not believe them when they say they're happy to send innocent people into the meat grinder.
The fact that they keep having to pull out pictures and video from other conflicts should say something about how many people aren't dying in gaza.
But we're not supposed to think about that.
Or they don't expect people to at least.
An army letting humanitarian aid through that they know for a fact is being hijacked by the people they're fighting against, but doing it anyways because some of it will get where it's needed isn't going to be in the market to slaughter children on purpose.
We had isis surrounded in their last stronghold, they had no food, people were eating grass, there were innocent men, women, and children in there, they didn't get truckloads of UN aid and nobody was screaming that they should, not much at least if they were.
This is just a weird thing going on, and sickening in places as well, like the Holocaust thing that started the essay that for some reason I just kept typing.
sorry bout that, lol
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waitingonavision · 3 months
Consider this- I headcanon that after the events of Encanto, Pedro NEVER forgave Alma for her actions.
He believed that she had gone “Too far”, and for that he would never forgive her.
“You destroyed this family, you took the miracle for granted, and neglected our son!”
“B-But Pedro…!”
“You caused this whole mess, and you know it. I am sorry, but I refuse to accept your apology. You’ve gone too far.”
🤔 ...I'm of several minds about this...
On the one hand, Pedro is canonically dead. And I'm no believer in an afterlife, a heaven or hell, so respectfully I don't think Pedro has any opinions on the matter...
At the same time, I can totally understand wanting to see someone within the family express their anger and hurt (I mean, my Gd, I admire fifteen-year-old Mirabel for doing that in the movie). I tend to feel deeply ambivalent about Alma as a character. I don't want to villainize her. As a trauma survivor myself, I really feel for her; it's hard not to. And as a person whose parents were abusive/neglectful and who also knows they had issues of their own (going back at least one generation), I can sympathize with Alma, who wasn't ever even able to process her trauma, while not excusing her behavior or overlooking the impact(s) of her (grand)parenting. And and, I can also understand the possible catharsis of flat-out not forgiving Alma/having a character in-universe flat-out not forgive her, if that's what such headcanons provide.
But then, say Pedro survived, or if he could speak beyond death... well, hmm. I've been trying to get through Holocaust survivor Simon Wiesenthal's The Sunflower, a heavy and thought-provoking read which discusses forgiveness and the limits thereof. Now, I am not comparing Alma's and Wiesenthal's experiences. But when it comes to the topic of forgiveness, I'd argue along similar lines as many of the contributors to The Sunflower: that Pedro isn't the wronged party here, so he's not even in the position to forgive or not forgive. Whatever he'd say/not say can't absolve Alma, either. Maybe Pedro would be able to forgive Alma for the "taking the miracle for granted" part. But the other things? Alma needs to make amends directly with the members of the family she hurt, something we see begin to happen in the film. (And really, the family as a whole has a lot of work to do...)
All that to say that forgiveness is complex; it's not automatic, can't always be given when asked for, and survivors aren't obligated to forgive, etc.
Oh, if y'all haven't read "A Place for Crows (to rest their feet)" by @acewithapaintbrush, I recommend it! It's a fantastic post-canon AU fic that explores all the bitter and sweet emotions/events surrounding the premise of "what if Pedro actually lived and years later finds his way to the Encanto and his family...?"
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beevean · 5 months
"Our tribe has been through some tough times, too. He's basically Jewish!" - bruh what. What is it about Knuckles that always prompts this kind of stuff, lmao
I don't know if I want to learn the context or leave it alone and maybe hope that it was fake. "bruh" is really the only reaction you can have.
Isn't that a bit antisemitic, too? Just shoehorning a reference to the Holocaust for shit and giggles? I honestly have no idea. Even ignoring the fact that they're comparing a cartoon echidna who is literally the only survivor of a slaughter (IIRC the second movie) to a real life population that survived similar tragedies... it just rubs me off the wrong way. What is the punchline? That Jewish people compare everything to the Holocaust, that they have to make it all about their past? I'm confused and uncomfortable.
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Jonathan Glazer is not a hero. That’s a fucking awful thing to say. I have many things to say about this so I’ll list them below. First though I will say that the only person who ‘highjacked the holocaust and Jewishness’ was Jonathan himself in his disgraceful speech. He sold his people for money and acceptance from people he should not be trying to please and that is so wrong and pathetic.
1. Regardless of what he actually meant when he said ‘we stand here as men who refute their Jewishness and the holocaust being highjacked…’ that was incredibly poor phrasing and the fact that so many Jews had the initial reaction of thinking he had meant he refuted he Jewishness is enough to show that he was simply trying to be provocative and did not care who he was hurting in the process. Clearly, he was hurting his own community, or shall I say, the community he so desperately wants to distance himself from. So desperately in fact that he had to state it in front of the Many people who watch the Oscars. Anyway, when you have spent time writing a speech, especially about such a delicate subject, you better be careful with how you chose to express yourself. I mean that should be the bare fucking minimum.
2. In his speech, by blaming the events unfolding in this tragic war where both sides have suffered so much loss solely on the occupation, he did what so many have been doing since the 7th which is victim blame. Not only is it historically incorrect that this conflict is a result the occupation (rather, occupation is something that comes as a result of conflicts not what cause them- to clarify- areas of the West Bank are occupied not Gaza) but it is also disgusting to justify the massacre carried out by Hamas which is what led to this war.
3. It’s so telling when someone gains support from many people outside their community while being called out by their own community who feels betrayed by them. Specifically when it comes to Jews who decide to identify themselves as a ‘good Jew’ to supposedly please non Jews and create an illusion of assimilation when we all know that if the nazis or Hamas or any other Jew hater were pointing a gun at him they would not stop to ask if he was ‘a good Jew’. If this happened in any other oppressed minority, and by ‘this’, I mean one person speaking against the communities values and interests and actively promoting hate against that minority, they would not be praised. Because why would they. They would be called out. By their community and people outside of it. So once again ‘I’m not antisemitic I’m just anti Zionist’ yeah I’m gonna need you to shut the fuck up. The double standards when it comes to Jews is horrendous.
4. Jonathan Glazer is not a hero. He is a coward and a traitor to the Jewish community worldwide. He won an Oscar for a movie about the holocaust and failed to mention the Jewish victims who died in the holocaust and specifically in Auschwitz. Not one mention. In his entire speech. And all because it is suddenly trendy to completely dehumanise Jews whether alive or dead to the point where a jew, who should know better, is doing it too. That is not heroic. It is disgusting and dangerous. It’s been so heartbreaking to see holocaust survivors speak about how disappointed and hurt they were by his speech. If that doesn’t bother you then I suggest you start doing some major self reflection. If you are speaking over these holocaust survivors you are a disgusting human being.
5. Instead of opening up much needed, especially in the current climate, dialogue about the holocaust, he made his movie and the conversation about it about the current israel-Hamas war. By doing this, he completely diminished the scale and horror of the holocaust, that no, cannot be compared to other atrocities, no matter how tragic they are. The holocaust is one of a kind because antisemitism is one of a kind. (I’ll attach a clear explanation of this from rootsmetals at the end of the post). By universalising the holocaust, a form of holocaust distortion, he betrayed Jews that have been fighting since the holocaust for their stories to be heard and remembered.
6. By diverting the attention away from the holocaust, he essentially gave permission to non Jews who have been relentlessly attacking Israel and Jews in general, using the holocaust , to continue doing so with the assurance that they are backed by a Jew. We call people like him a self hating Jew but I digress.
7. This leads me to my next point which is this, by linking his Jewishness to Israel in the sense that he must answer for Israel’s actions, he legitimised any attack of Jews in the diaspora in the name of support for Palestine and the fight against Israel. Because if every jew mush condemn israel or else they are a ‘bad Jew’ then why not just attack us all right? I mean ‘globalise the intifada’ and whatnot.
There’s honestly so much more to say and I might add more later but I’ll end with this:
Jonathan knew he was speaking in front of a massive audience. He was obligated to speak of the victims of the holocaust. He didn’t. He could have used the speech to speak out against the rise in antisemitism we are seeing all over the world. He didn’t. He should have used he speech to speak about the holocaust survivors who survived a genoside only to be slaughtered by Hamas. He didn’t.
I saw a comment someone made about this speech which I think sums it up well: “In Jonathan Glazer's "Zone of Interest," you don't see one Jew. Those are the best Jews, according to Glazer: the faceless victims screaming in the distance. Ironically, he's the villain: picking up awards from the bodies of those anonymous dead Jews while ignoring the living ones getting slaughtered in the Gaza Envelope by genocidal murderers.”
I’ll leave you with this quote and hope it makes at least one person question their response to Jonathan and his speech.
The explanation mentioned above about the uniqueness of the holocaust and why what Jonathan did is incredibly disturbing-
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ieatadoptmepets · 1 year
So I just finished gauridans of the galaxy volume 3, spoilers ensue
I cried three times. I don't wanna watch it again and put myself through that agony but I can't wait for it to be on disney+ so I can properly experience that. I can't exactly scream in terror and agony in a crowded theater.
The whole shit with the flashbacks with rocket's friends made me so sad. It was the most gut wrenching thing in any marvel film. Only black panther 2 compares to the emotions of this film
And the music was fucking great. It's always been amazing but the music goes hard. It opens with an acoustic version of creep by radiohead playing and rocket singing alone which is the best. And it ends with the dog days are over playing and everyone is dancing and it's so cute because it paralleled to the dance off in gotg volume 1 and it was so sweet. Drax cried and he danced with the kids my heart melts.
Rocket saving all the baby raccoons and accepting that he is a racoon made me sob all over again like once I started I couldn't stop. There were so many animals there to save and they saved them all because that's what the freaking gaurdians of the galaxy do
Peter freezing in space directly parallels to that scene in volume 1 or 2, we all know it and adam saving him is literally anything. Did anyone else notice when he put his hand out, it looked exactly like that adam and god painting? I mean his name is literally adam, they did that on purpose.
And cosmo, I love her so much. She's such a good dog she's a baby and she's mine I love her so much. I wish she was real because you know what her and krypto would be besties
But again the music because I forgot it was the fourth time I cried. The first end credit scene with rocket and the new gaudians, him asking the little girl what her favorite artist is and her saying britney spears and korn was hilarious. But then rocket saying his favorite song is come and get your love made me sob all over again ajdydjaixjchch. And god the fucking end credits having pictures from volume 1 and 2, my heart can't take this
But enough with the praise, the criticisms:
Why was literally the only Black character the one that reeked of nazism? Why did the entire conflict, all the villains of the movie feel like they drew inspiration from nazis, the holocaust, concentration camps? That shit isn't to be played with for hollywood fun, it's history to be taken seriously. And literally the *only* Black character was the big nazi guy. He's trying to create a perfect society by experimenting on hundreds of species and keeping them trapped in cages. And he does it because he saw the racism and bigotry on earth. So that's fuel for the conservative's fire
It's a good movie but the "subtle" racism just ain't fucking it
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