#computer platform
arconinternet · 6 months
Lyle in Cube Sector (Windows, Bogosoft, 2006)
A Metroidvania in which all obtainable abilities are related to using cubes. You can download it here - open the .rar in e.g. 7-Zip.
The developer recently released his first game in over seventeen years, the excellent N64-style 3D platformer Corn Kidz 64.
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hotfudgecherryrosy · 8 months
im tired of scrolling through my code because java sucks
im going to use evil programming methods
edit: predictably, this broke my code
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oldschoolfrp · 1 year
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Wizard, 1984, Progressive Peripherals & Software, North American release box art -- The game was a fantasy-themed platformer, but this scene is an interesting take on a classic dungeon crawl
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lemonadeandlanguages · 6 months
imagine if libraries had subscriptions to streaming platforms so you could just go to the library and watch that one show on netflix or hulu or whatever without actually having to sign up for a subscription you'll forget to cancel once you're done
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beastwhimsy · 2 years
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autismserenity · 4 months
Palestinians to platform, part 1
مؤمن الناطور / Moumen Al-Natour
رئيس الشباب الفلسطيني للتنمية / President of Palestinian Youth for Development
Moumen Al-Natour is amazing. Not only does he run a Palestinian youth organization that is doing great work in Gaza, but he's also one of the organizers of the 2019 anti-Hamas protests.
Even to criticize Hamas, in Gaza, means to be interrogated, and potentially jailed, tortured, and/or killed. To actively protest Hamas is many times more dangerous.
To have survived that work and continued doing it? I cannot imagine the emotional strength this dude has.
Here's what Center for Peace Communications (another great organization) has said about him:
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So many Palestinians, in or from Palestine, are out there talking about what everyday life in Gaza is like. About Hamas, about Israel, about what they want and what they need, about their struggles and their interests and their families.
My goal, in finding people for you to follow and platform, is to help more voices get out of Gaza after years of suppression, and to help more outsiders (like me) connect with them.
People care SO MUCH about Palestine. But frequently, all there is to share is outrage, semi-accurate news, and more outrage. Frequently, we're not calling for the same things they are. We call for a ceasefire; they demand Hamas return the hostages and surrender. We call for Israel to let aid in; they say Israel is letting the aid in, but it's being stolen, and call for air drops rather than trucks. We call for Israel to stop fighting; they say they hope Israel takes Hamas out first.
We aren't centering their voices and experiences. We aren't lending our reach and our strength to their demands.
I want to make that possible.
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Ala Mushtaha, the son of this imam, evidently said, “On Saturday December 30, our front door was busted down and twenty masked men barged in and took my father, a widely respected and deeply learned imam here in Gaza."
“One dragged him by his head and another grabbed him by his beard. My younger brother tried to intervene and reason with the kidnappers, but they beat him. I have a medical condition that makes it hard for me to breathe, so all I could do was watch as the horror unfolded.
“He wouldn’t preach what Hamas told him to. He refused to tell Gazans that violent resistance and obedience to Hamas, is the best way out of our current hell.”
ok this dude needs his own post honestly, he goes on to say so much intense stuff about their lives.
OMG his dad was actually released!
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This is what I'm talking about. This is effective activism. Imagine what all these people could do if they had the entire global pro-Palestinian movement behind them.
Al-Natour posts a fair amount of political commentary.
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The "we want to live" hashtag is a callback to the amazing "We Want To Live" protests he co-organized against Hamas, in Gaza in 2019, and again in the summer of 2023. Activist Hamida Howidzy (who will also be getting a separate post) wrote about them in Newsweek recently.
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Some things he posts in Arabic and then in English. Some of his posts are in Arabic only. In the thread above, he actually posted a couple more that were just in Arabic, presumably aimed at Arabic-language comments.
What I like about Twitter is that you can whack the "translate post" button and get a pretty decent translation most of the time.
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"I saw all the responses... What is wrong and forbidden in reuniting the West Bank, Gaza and Jerusalem through elections in which the people choose who will represent them??!?? Why are all the responses offensive...a collaborator, a traitor, and contain insults that indicate that whoever wrote them needs restructuring?! What prevents us, after ending the war, from returning our choice and choice to the Palestinian people?!+
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"Everyone wrote that I opened??!! how did you know???!! Stopping the war is the most important thing now... Whoever sees the condition of the people and feels all this is easy for him does not have humanity, and is not a human being... Whoever, after the destruction of more than 80% of Gaza and the North, and still writing in a way that wants the war to continue while he lives abroad, should reconsider. He accepted to live the same suffering!++"
Note: I copied the "I opened" bit and threw it into Google Translate separately, because that cannot be right. It still insisted that it meant "I opened".... but it gave me the transliterated words, "ani fatah."
Everyone wrote that he's Fatah -- the party that runs the West Bank, the one Hamas violently kicked out of Gaza in 2007-08.
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"The end of my speech... I know... whoever is not with you is a traitor and an agent... shameful... by God, by God, by God... there will be an account[ing] for all of this talk... so that you understand the word agent... and the account will be through a government of law... It is clear that there are many who benefit from the poverty and destruction of Gaza, and they must be held accountable according to the law.
"Have mercy on people with your tongues"
The comment on that one is noteworthy:
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"Yes, whoever is not with the resistance is indeed a traitor, and those who must be held accountable are the traitors, agents, hypocrites, liars, and racists who slander the resistance and who want to hold it accountable only because it fights the enemy of humanity and defends truth and the oppressed. If you want to apply the law, apply it to yourselves first."
It highlights how much of what we hear in the West is Hamas propaganda. That's a whole other post too. But Hamas claims to be "the resistance," to "defend truth and the oppressed," while arresting people who refuse to preach its propaganda. While jailing and torturing someone 20 times for organizing a protest.
Which are the exact tactics that make it so easy for their propaganda to reach us . And so hard for us to even know that there has been an entire protest movement against Hamas in Gaza, much less to support its activists.
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I'll just cut and paste the translations from his most recent thread, above. All emphasis is mine:
"When demonstrations took place in Israel demanding that Netanyahu stop the war and free the hostages, Al Jazeera and Hamas considered it a victory and an achievement, and that the Israeli government was under pressure. But what is striking is that these demonstrations were not suppressed. They were secured. The hostage issue and public pressure were dealt with professionally.
"The demonstrations that took place in Gaza demanding an end to the war and the return of the displaced...they were classified as suspicious [by Al Jazeera etc] ...even though the displaced Israeli lives in a 5-star hotel and has the privileges of the displaced, and when the Palestinian displaced in Gaza receives help, he needs a mediator, and if he wants a tent, he needs leadership intervention, and if he does not have the mediator And the intervention wants to scratch his pocket..+++
"Why did Israel allow demonstrations and look pressured, always trying to contain everything... while we have a displaced person lost, homeless, and no one is trying to contain him, and when he talks, they call him a fifth column???"
Last month, he posted about pregnancy in wartime. Note the cost of the tent later in this thread! Numerous Palestinians have posted about humanitarian aid getting stolen -- by Hamas, by NGOs, by others -- and sold on the black market. Food and tents especially get mentioned a lot. Everyone mentions the tents are being sold for more than (the equivalent of) $700, even though they were supposed to be free.
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I'll leave you with this one for now:
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You can read all the posts in this series in my "platform gaza" tag.
#platform gaza#free gaza#the hospital#free palestine#free palestine from hamas#long post#wall of words#please note i specifically said platform gaza and not just platform palestinians#platform the west bank too#don't platform and center palestinians who have never been to palestine on issues that specifically affect people IN PALESTINE#like I'm 3/4 Italian and I'm not gonna tell you about what to do for people in Italy ok#I can give you perspective that you may not have otherwise#but there are multiple really awful orgs that claim to be palestinian-led and are in fact led by people in Canada or Brooklyn#it's extremely ironic that I've seen a lot of people accuse each other of like “sitting at your computer in your apartment in Brooklyn”#to mean being out of your lane and talking about stuff you don't understand in I/P discourse#when in fact the woman who runs within our lifetime is literally in and from brooklyn#that's the org that was caught on video doing a protest march that stopped to scream at cancer patients#about how their hospital was “complicit in genocide”#how was it complicit in genocide you might ask? well i guess memorial sloan kettering cancer center accepted a $400M donation#from “a zionist billionaire” which is a gross antisemitic trope thansks#the “zionist billionaire” hilariously turned out to be a billionaire Protestant#whose “zionism” was... that he's a Harvard grad and he told Harvard it should make a statement about the massacre#so obviously#by accepting a massive donation from some rich white guy who#UNRELATEDLY#thought Oct 7 was bad#the CANCER CENTER#is clearly COMPLICIT in GENOCIDE.#this makes zero sense and is bad activism#and the reason i consider it to be bad activism is specifically that it's not trying to achieve anything
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sonknuxadow · 7 months
i know i complained about it a lot already but im actually sooo annoyed about the apple arcade thing like most sonic mobile games are like. just running with no plot or anything. fun way to pass time and they occasionally have cute alternate costumes or bring back characters that havent been around for a while but youre not really missing much by not playing them. that or theyre just mobile ports of already existing games. but now theyre making a mobile game that seems to have an actual story and is introducing a new character and also just looks really cute and fun in general and also they brought back cream as a main character for the first time in like 50 years and theyre not only making it exclusive to apple devices but also locking it behind a subscription service. go to hell like actually
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fantastic-nonsense · 6 months
I feel like it probably says something about me that my "comfort" video game is a difficult puzzle platformer that's famous for players repeatedly dying in very stupid ways and only 25-30% of players (depending on the version) ever finish
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rocketsimp · 1 month
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Stitched flowers featuring ermm, Septembers, Sunflower, Dandelion (wish form) and ones with petals on them :)
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arconinternet · 4 months
Alex the Allegator (DOS, Johan Peitz, 1999)
You can play it in your browser here. I love the title screen music.
Controls: enter on title screen, arrows, right Ctrl.
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gutsandeverything · 2 months
a telegram channel for art posting is a fun idea if you want your audience to know you intimately but the thought that everything there is trapped inside an APP......... awful....... there should be websites
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badgraph1csghost · 4 months
Hey uh like you DO know that anything you write in google docs is being used to train AI right?
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dimalink · 3 months
Jerboa-dinosaur – stars and snails
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Pixel art for today based on videogame Super Wagyan Land 2 for game console Super Nintendo. As usual Super Nintendo – it is most coolest 16 bit graphics. About a question of colors. Lots of colors. And once again a good and kind videogame. Also, for Super Nintendo there are lots of them. For Sega games are so serious. And at the Super Nintendo there are lots of good and kind little games. About one more little animal. Greenish colored little animal, little stars and snail. I think that it is something like Super Mario or about little dinosaur there is one game.
And this is my drawing about the same theme. Green jerboa dinosaur is rather rare little animal in  a forest. And so, he wakes up. And go to snails. He is a friend with snails. Snails – they are quite opposite- there are lots of them in a forest. It is easy to say that it is their forest. And in the air and not high, are in the air little delicious stars. Jerboa dinosaur likes to eat them. They are taste like cookie. But it is not possible to eat some little stars – they are alive.  And they flying high from you.
Snails are crawling somewhere all the time. Thy are never stay still at one place. And if you are going to them as a guest, than you need to know that they are already crawl to another place. And you need to find them. Snails are telling interesting stories. And they are crawling somewhere.
And jerboa has a big deal for today. He is going as a guest to one of these little stars. Which invites him as a guest yesterday. And tomorrow morning jerboa is going to friend. But he forget to ask where little star lives. And it is good to find this place all over the forest.
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Dima Link is making retro videogames, apps, a little of music, write stories, and some retro more.
WEBSITE: http://www.dimalink.tv-games.ru/home_eng.html ITCHIO: https://dimalink.itch.io/ GAMEJOLT: https://gamejolt.com/@DimaLink/games
BLOGGER: https://dimalinkeng.blogspot.com/
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foreversaba · 3 months
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oooh glaze's ui is so intuitive and nice, since the exe is hidden in a sea of files I was scared this was gonna be hell to try but I'm glad it seems so simple! Microsoft defended did try to stop the exe though, I'm gonna have to do some scans after just to clear my conscience
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gremsnleir · 11 months
WILL YOU SNAIL 40% OFF!!!!!!!!!!! ON STEAM RN!!!!!!!!!!! WOOGH GOGOGOGOGOGOGO!!!!!!!!!!!!
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dadfathers · 3 days
my personal stance on Glazing or Nightshading or whatever your images is I would rather get stolen from than spend even more compute resources to potentially not get stolen from because glazing and nightshading are both also compute intensive. my primary gripe with AI other than the labor issues it entails, including stealing from and trying to obsolete creative labor, is the enviro impact
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