limitlessend · 2 years
You're not here to convince anyone of anything. You're here to hold the space of truth and to be a living example of the light that they seek— by remaining conscious, aware and focused on your own evolution.
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psychedelicverse · 4 months
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We are the ones pulling the strings
If you're curious about exploring psychedelics, Make sure to visit our website, Wholecelium. Our site is a leading resource for information and products related to psychedelics, including microdosing kits and high-quality mushroom extracts. Join us on a journey of self-discovery and exploration. Visit Wholecelium today!
Website: https://linkin.bio/wholecelium
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soul-wellness · 1 year
I Am She
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I Am, I Am, IAmShe. The God you believe, The Mother God you do not see.
That dwells below and above. The unrecognisable, the formless, The womb that Birthed Light
I Am the breath, given to God that He gave you. The Mother of all mothers. I am Shekhinah. The Divine. The First seed.
The Eternal presence Within and outside of All. I am the Zohar, the stars, the universe.
The Alpha and the Omega. I am She as He is in me, I stand alone and I stand with Him.
I am with you. I am in you.  I am the breast that nourished, The water for your thirst.
The whisper in your soul, The wind that made you soar, The Tree of Life.
The root of consciousness. Close your eyes to see, Your light that has always been.
I have waited, For your return, Come. IAmShe. IamHome.
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What Love Says... Key for Love
Are you the OWLsome caretaker of your heart? Do you lovingly allow yourself to open your heart's desire? You have a magnificent inner guidance that lovingly lights your path, leading you to more of who you are.
Life often provides twists and turns, each bringing growth within. When you create and hold love with a deep inner feeling your path brightens and a sense of knowing inspires you.
Lovingly allow knowing and intuition to expand within – it feels good. Consciously connecting feelings with thoughts words, actions creates an energy which is matched with love, through love.
Whatever feelings you connect to thoughts, words, actions attract more of the same, you have the key to love, knowledge and growth through feeling and choice. Always create from energetic place of love. From all feelings; sadness, anger, love, joy, combined with beliefs you create.
Choices created with loving conscious awareness and your heart's desire open doors for unlimited potential with love and inner knowing, you become a creator. Create OWLsome possibilities from and with your heart. You have the key for loving creation.
Have a hoot.
Jennifer R. Cook @catsinthebagdesignposts invites you to embrace love in your life and enjoy What Love Says series. 
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ontheringsofsaturn · 2 years
there are some who are here to bring about change. these are ones who experience a deep level of discomfort, pain. these are also ones who when embracing their experience on this earth can transmute it to joy, harmony. where they get stuck is in trying to please - searching for acceptance outside of themselves, searching for love in environments not conducive to providing it. this is what is meant in the saying "you can't heal in the same environment that broke you". you're not meant to heal in the house, the situations, the behaviors that taught you. you're meant to break away, she'd your old self, create your new self, shine a light to those willing to watch or see. this path is at times lonely and it's meant to be. it's where you reconnect with your soul. it is then and there you begin to find your soul connections, your support group. the grief felt for those who are not a part of this new community is derived from attachments; to expectations, old conditioning, fear/anxiety. what about those I love, you ask? they'll come along in whatever form they can. they too have a path to walk.
be brave. be bold. be courageous. be love. be light. be your truest self. then you will know what it's like to fully experience and express your self.
set yourself free.
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bookofxandria · 1 year
My Self Love Aestetic for lost souls
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Often, all we can do is ride the wave until we again touch ground with a new knowledge and understanding of ourselves.
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madfoolish · 2 years
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spiritualsoull1969 · 4 months
"Sacred Reflections and Timeless Wisdom: Navigating Spiritual Understanding, Self-Reflection, and Time Perception"
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किसी को समझना है तो उसे बेधड़क बोलने दो क्योंकि हर इंसान अपनी जुबां के पीछे छुपा है!!
एक दर्पण अपनी काबिलियत कभी नहीं बदलता,
फिर चाहे वह दो टुकड़ों में विभाजित हो या हजार टुकड़ों में.....
समय को समझना.. समझदारी.             और समय को समय पर समझना.. ज़िम्मेदारी।
English Translation
"If you want to understand someone, let them speak freely because every individual hides behind their own language! A mirror never changes its capability, whether divided into two pieces or a thousand. Understanding time is wisdom, and understanding time on time is responsibility."
In the realm of spirituality, the profound saying "किसी को समझना है तो उसे बेधड़क बोलने दो क्योंकि हर इंसान अपनी जुबां के पीछे छुपा है!!" carries a timeless truth about the complexity of human understanding. This spiritual insight invites us to explore the depths of communication, self-awareness, and the significance of perceiving time in its true essence.
Understanding the Veiled Truths:
At the core of this spiritual teaching is the recognition that every individual harbors a unique narrative, concealed behind the veil of their words. To truly understand someone, we are urged to allow them to express themselves freely, devoid of judgment or preconceived notions. The saying advocates for a compassionate, open-minded approach, understanding that each person's journey is veiled in the intricacies of their own language and perspective.
In the spiritual context, this principle extends beyond mere verbal communication. It encompasses the art of empathetic listening, perceiving the unspoken language of emotions, and discerning the silent cries of the soul. By allowing individuals to express themselves authentically, we embark on a journey of spiritual understanding, recognizing the divinity within each unique manifestation of life.
The Reflective Mirror of Darpans:
The saying "एक दर्पण अपनी काबिलियत कभी नहीं बदलता, फिर चाहे वह दो टुकड़ों में विभाजित हो या हजार टुकड़ों में...." introduces the metaphor of a mirror, emphasizing the unchanging nature of one's capabilities and essence. In the spiritual journey, this mirrors the eternal soul, unaltered by external circumstances, whether divided into fragments or multiplied a thousandfold.
Each individual is akin to a unique darpān (mirror), reflecting their inherent capabilities, virtues, and spiritual essence. Despite life's myriad experiences and challenges, the core of one's being remains steadfast. This spiritual insight encourages self-reflection, prompting individuals to look into the mirror of their own consciousness and recognize the unchanging brilliance that lies within, regardless of external circumstances.
The Dance of Divided and Multiplied Reflections:
The metaphorical division and multiplication of the mirror allude to life's journey, where experiences may fragment or multiply the reflections of the self. In the spiritual context, challenges and triumphs shape the way individuals perceive themselves, sometimes leading to a fragmented self-awareness or, conversely, an expanded, multiplied understanding of their capabilities.
The saying encourages individuals to navigate life's diverse experiences with equanimity, recognizing that external circumstances do not define the eternal self. Whether the mirror reflects in two pieces or a thousand, the spiritual journey involves embracing every reflection as part of a larger cosmic dance, ultimately leading to a holistic self-awareness rooted in the eternal essence.
The Spiritual Significance of Samay (Time):
"समय को समझना.. समझदारी. और समय को समय पर समझना.. ज़िम्मेदारी।" introduces the spiritual significance of time, emphasizing the wisdom in understanding and responsibly perceiving the temporal dimension of existence. In the spiritual journey, time is viewed not merely as a linear progression but as a sacred rhythm, guiding individuals towards self-realization.
Understanding time requires a depth of wisdom that transcends the conventional clockwork. It involves recognizing the fleeting nature of moments, the cyclical patterns of life, and the transformative power embedded in every ticking second. This understanding extends to acknowledging the responsibility of perceiving time in alignment with its natural flow, recognizing that spiritual growth is intertwined with a conscious awareness of the present.
Time as a Teacher and Catalyst for Spiritual Evolution:
In the spiritual context, time emerges as a potent teacher and catalyst for personal and collective evolution. The saying encourages individuals to learn from the lessons embedded in the tapestry of time, understanding that every moment carries profound insights for those willing to be mindful observers. Time, viewed as a spiritual guide, prompts self-reflection and deep introspection, leading to a heightened awareness of the eternal now.
Furthermore, the concept of "समय को समझना" emphasizes the transformative potential of time when approached with wisdom. Through conscious understanding and receptivity to its teachings, time becomes a facilitator of spiritual growth, guiding individuals towards a more profound connection with themselves and the divine.
In the intricate tapestry of spiritual teachings, the saying "किसी को समझना है तो उसे बेधड़क बोलने दो क्योंकि हर इंसान अपनी जुबां के पीछे छुपा है!!" unfolds as a profound revelation about the complexity of human understanding. Through the metaphors of mirrors, fragmented reflections, and the sacred dimension of time, we explore the depths of communication, self-awareness, and the responsibility of perceiving time in its true essence. This spiritual journey invites us to embrace the wisdom within words and uncover the transformative power of understanding, self-reflection, and timely perception.
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liealonso · 1 year
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When you strip off the bullshit and all that’s left is essence 🐉💎⚜️ #inneralchemy #consciousawareness #consciousdiscipline #pathtomastery #embodiedliving #soulalignment #holisticlifestyle #healthfreedom #soberania #exoticism #mestiça #dragonenergy (at Armação Dos Búzios, Rio De Janeiro, Brazil) https://www.instagram.com/p/CrCYzekrNET/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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uniqueinsights · 1 year
Join us on a journey of self-discovery and exploration as we discover the power of Lucid Dreaming.
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limitlessend · 1 year
So here's the thing: No one can and will ever own you. Anyone who tries to do so will never be free. So how can someone, who's birthright is freedom, ever be abandoned? The only thing that needs to be abandoned is the illusion that your responsibility extends beyond yourself — because of your attachment to control. Control and freedom cannot coexit. They are mutually exclusive. You're either free or trapped by your own illusion.
There's no such thing as the fear of abandonment. What you truly fear, is the loss of control.
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psychedelicverse · 8 months
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Me after my first trip
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giankumar-blog1 · 1 year
The Meaning Of Life
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Life has no purpose on its own; it simply exists. We are free to hold any perspective; our personal living experience may include connecting with people, socializing, thinking on topics, and consciously guiding every scenario. All of this culminates in our current world. We establish our life position, asserting that we are accountable for and have fashioned our own lives out of the existence given to us. As a result, we must emphasize living to comprehend life's worth and give it meaning.
Those who live to savour each day as it arrives are awake and aware of everything around them. They want to make a name for themselves, earn a living through simple methods and feel worthy of whatever they do or want to do. Life is a challenge for them, and they must face it with a positive ego and attentive consciousness. Instead of dwelling in the past and fantasizing about the future, keep watching things and experiencing life to become more aware of experiencing the present. Having a wealth of knowledge and proficiency in many subjects is considerably less satisfying than living and experiencing life moment by moment, intentionally for today.
Living life to its fullest and in the right balance is far more gratifying than being concerned about material accumulations. We should reflect on what we have contributed to society and the world during our lives. Those who have fully lived their lives have no dread of death. Life has a purpose that is for something bigger than ourselves. While some souls are carefree, the majority of us encounter the extremes of worldly living, which we seek to balance with spiritual grace at some point. All we have to do is appreciate both the material and spiritual aspects of life.
Life has no value in and of itself; living is a process that produces a uniqueness that reflects our consciousness. It also has no purpose because that would imply a goal that would confine existence to materialism. The aim of constructing our individuality, which will last in eternity after we die, should be how we reflect in its entirety. The manner Buddha, Lord Krishna, Jesus Christ, and countless others realized from their living, which they left behind for all eternity.
We must recognize that, as physical beings, we experience an illusory drama of existence. The entire purpose of life is to awaken from this state of ignorance. We are neither body, mind, nor consciousness; everything originates from nothing and returns to nothing. Our mission in life is to free ourselves from the mind's illusions and become who we are concerning the awakening of our soul lying dormant within.
It is a waste asking this question when you are the answer. You need to create that uniqueness of what you are today and will become in future. Anything in its absoluteness does not provide its meaning, only its essence. Like the divine with a name and gender has no meaning, provides only belief and faith. However, our thoughts and acts of divinity, love, righteousness and truthfulness express and exhibits a deep sense of our essence.
Similarly,  material living is satisfied by being consistently dissatisfied, leading to temporary identifications and attachments. The meaning in material life ushers more of anger, anguish, anxiety and agitation besides providing ego, knowledge and comforts. However, balancing the material wants with clarity, clairvoyance, contentment, and calmness brings a lot of meaning to celebrating life. Hence, in the nothingness of the universe, life has no meaning; however, a conscious principle in experiencing body, mind, and soul demands a purpose.
 Life is more of survival and propagation for the plants and animals, but for us is to discover and create. From the being to becoming out of that beingness/consciousness is to know who you are inward, what you are outwardly and the direction of the movement of your life existentially from one moment to the next. This means always be alert, attentive and aware in life to create and celebrate happiness and sadness with equal grace and respect with your third eye open so that you live in eternity even when you are not physically alive in the hearts of others.
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What Love Says... Innerstanding You
Awareness of you, innerstanding of you? How do you know you? Who is the you seeing yourself, seeing the outer world? Are you moving through life on auto pilot or truly, lovingly, intentionally living?
Loving and knowing yourself with conscious awareness being present with all of you. All of you is everything, your mind, your body, your soul the very emotions and feelings that bubble up in your awareness.
With inward loving awareness choose innerstanding and acceptance, creating more of you and more magic. Loving all of you just as you are, divine love filled perfectly imperfect and delightful you.
You are a bundle of magic and love playing, laughing, crying and becoming aware through deep innerstanding of self. Lovingly look within as you encounter experiences, choosing to create, feel and believe in your unlimited potential.
Remember your heart, mind and body require full loving presence. You are love becoming more love through conscious awareness and your creative capacity to choose thoughts, words and actions which support inner and outer life.
Inner compassion and love expresses the inner dynamics of you. Ask questions that go deep in order to innerstand and appreciate your courage to be who you are. In each moment examine how you speak to yourself, how you use words, thoughts and actions and you will discover inner and outer love are the same.
Innerstanding you are love. OWLsome love.
Jennifer R. Cook @catsinthebagdesignposts invites  you to embrace love in your life and enjoy What Love Says series. 
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amanitachan · 1 year
Who are you?
I recently decided to start a blog mostly because I feel like my brain is about to explode anytime soon. 2022 has been an interesting year; probably because I couldn't really remember a majority of what was going on. But so many things can happen within a year. This year has impacted my life in the most awakening way: through an end of a long relationship, making bad decisions, falling in love, a dysfunctional family, bouncing through the states, great job opportunities, shitty coworkers, toxic habits, weed, psychedelics, and smashing through what I thought was "Rock Bottom."
This blog is different in many ways, but with the sole purpose of being there for someone who feels like they're alone. First of all, I don't like to sugarcoat things. I tell things how they are, in my own words that I struggled to even comprehend what my mind has been feeding me. Second, to be as honest and genuine as I am about my thoughts in publishing blogs, I write from Cloud 9. Third, I will personally write, edit, and publish my own manuscript, so don't expect this to be a top-notch, author-of-the-year type of work. Nonetheless, I want this blog or book, to be a great story to tell, gossip/tea, a source of guidance, provide some company, and pass on a thing or two you can learn from this chaotic mess for a better future.
I'm Mii. You can view me however you want to see me. But in this blog, I'm an Asian female. Aries, obvi. Has had a troubled life since she was m0le$t3d at the age of 5/6. Being the Blacksheep, a quiet weirdo, cringe, no one really likes her yet pretends to like her just because she's quiet or you have no choice but to be around her. See where this is going? That's me. Good ol' Generation Fucked: too stupid to be a Millenial and too old to be part of Gen Z. Hey, at least you're not the only one feeling like shit about their life. My problems are nothing compared to others, but I think we can learn a valuable lesson by hearing each other's stories about ourselves. This is gonna be a long one, so grab a drink, snuggle up tight, grab the 'Oh Shit' Handle, and follow for more. ✧P+Ty✧
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