#constitutional role
sparring-spirals · 1 year
Imogen's insistence on making things "GROVEL" when she could. make them "surrender" or "stop" or even "obey" is uh. Its. a choice. its a Very Powerful Choice.
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andi-o-geyser · 1 year
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heh... purvan
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once more, it becomes apparently clear that people are chronically allergic to complex character who make morally grey choices. Do you actually like morally grey characters, or just characters who are rude and sometimes resort to violence - but still always take the morally right choice? Because from my perspective, it seems that people mean the second when they say the first.
Don't be rude to the cast, regardless. Dislike the choices they make all you want, but if you personally attack Taliesin or attempt to speak on behalf of the rest of the cast? You're a massive dick! Period. No nuance, no caveats, you're just a dick.
Out of the 168 hours of the week, you spend ~4 watching a group of people pretend to be other people. You know nothing about them. It doesn't matter that you've been watching them for the past seven years, you still do not know them. And you certainly do not have the right to speak on their behalf ffs
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chirpsythismorning · 1 year
I think because closets have being associated with Mike so much, is why a lot of bylers predict that s5 will finally explore his sexuality.
Why have all that closet imagery throughout the seasons, associated with Mike (even more so than Will), if the resolution to his arc is just going to be, "Will loves me and needs me?! Yay!"
5 years of build-up, hinting at Mike hiding his sexuality, and with an audience that's almost entirely convinced he's straight because he hid it so well, warrants addressing the deeper context of why exactly he felt the need to hide in the first place.
It wouldn't be satisfying, both to ga and milkvans who were straight-baited the entire series, nor to bylers and even viewers open to supporting byler, but who think Will deserves better, all because they don't understand Mike beyond what he's willing to outright tell us.
Mike's character has dealt with so much criticism post s4, to the point where any articles or buzz regarding his arc, minimizes his importance as either being El's boyfriend or how he's basically declined in development over the years from a beloved character to most hated.
To have Mike's arc close with his role going from being El's boyfriend to being Will's boyfriend, wouldn't give closure to what all that closet imagery was meant to represent in the first place; Mike hiding his sexuality.
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heirbane · 1 month
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aka: give us a wrap up for werlyt, squex.
Terncliff had been on the cusp of desperation several times before Endwalker. First, when they believed Gaius van Baelsar came to colonize and eradicate the culture and heritage that the cliffside port had cultivated; second, when his towering form disappeared from the area all together, leaving tints of Garlean occupation without the promise of industry and technology. The magitek units had come, providing the men and women with goods and services beyond any they would have been able to harness on their remote stretch of Ilsabard, and then simply disappeared, leaving infrastructure half-built and their people without the skills to finish it on their own.
When Valens van Varro began to encroach upon Werlytan territory, they had well and truly believed it to be the final chapter for their people. Valens pushed forth magitek reapers, shattering windows and crumbling brickwork with ease. He had been the Imperial officer they truly had expected when Gaius came to their shores over a dozen summers prior.
Valens was the shadow they had feared, and the depths of his depravity saw no end, as violent and unpredictable as the waves against its jagged, rocky cliff side. He had come simply to beckon the wolf out of hiding, the greying hound's children puppeteered by their loyalty.
The strings that bound them to the Empire would gather around their throats, a noose made of good intentions and false hope, and one by one the Imperial Legatus strung them up and let them rot.
Gaius had nothing to bury but broken machinery and the echoes of children at war. When the Warrior of Light finally helped him seek solace for all that Valens had done, he felt as if there was just as little left of himself, too.
It came as a surprise, then, when the sky began to fall, that neither Gaius nor his remaining child turned into their own fear and uncertainty. As the remaining villagers began to transform, skin and bone into decay and death, he and his daughter remained.
What was the end of the world to those who had lost all but each other?
The blasphemy that haunts the forestry around Terncliff screams one night, a sound half torturous and half inhumane, a vicious, guttural laughter that those who encountered Valens van Varro could never forget.
It is dubbed Fimbulvetr. It is a beast not to be ignored, a beast borne of a boy who had his orphanage ravaged by Valens' mechanical soldiers. He had lived through certain death once, and when the sky began to turn red, his peers collapsing into frothing, soot-bleeding things, he believed the worst days of his life were returning. He had fled into the woods, running for his life, until - under the full red moon - he came across the skeletal remains of the Diamond Weapon.
Fimbulvetr towers past the trees. They are part machine and part person, as if it had simply began gathering up the scrapheap remains of a Garlean occupation. When not cowering among the foliage by daylight, they are calling out for whoever can hear them, mimicked laughter and scared sobbing on an endless loop.
With little and less experience in combat and the inability to put down a child the settlement had once known and cared for, panic and unrest becomes palpable. Even if those in Terncliff got aid from others in Werlyt, they were farmers and fishmongers - few had ever involved themselves in conflict by choice.
And so it fell to the man who had seen his own children laid to rest. The man that had slaughtered nine throne usurpers. The man who had extended an olive branch on the Empire's behalf over a decade before and now resided, desolate and alone, at the outskirts of town, still trying to pull the gristly remains of his existence from the broken corpse the Empire had left behind.
He had led before. He would do it again - just once more.
In the ensuing conflict between Fimbulvetr and their cobbled together militia, Gaius cuts down yet another malady of nature. Their wounds weep blood-tinged ceruleum: flesh carves away to steel innards. They laugh. They laugh. They laugh, sick and familiar.
Until they don't, and it is just a boy begging as he had less than a handful of summers before: Don't hurt me. Don't hurt me. Please.
When Gaius awakes, the sky is blue and the moon is silver and full, shadowed by the sun. In the moment he had hesitated, a father looking at a son begging to be put out of his misery, the beast had lunged.
He is told the Warrior of Light appeared. He is told the machina melted into boy and then into soot and ash, that - finally, finally - nothing remained of the Weapons in the cliff side.
When he awakens, it is the middle of the night. Allie is asleep at his side. Severa and Valdeaulin are snoring in chairs brought from his sitting room. There are flowers on his kitchen table and meals in his Garlean icebox.
He is glad to be alive.
Once he recovers and is able to walk again, he adds the boys name to their memorial, etched below the name of his own children.
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heckyeahponyscans · 1 year
I've been DMing my first D&D campaign and having a great time, but one of the players works in the industry (literally for Wizards of the Coast) so he knows all the official monsters too well to surprise him with any of them.
So anyway, which Pokemon should I reskin for their next encounter?
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thoughtportal · 1 year
A federal judge has blocked much of Indiana's ban on gender-affirming care for minors
June 16, 202311:28 PM ET By The Associated Press
INDIANAPOLIS — A federal judge issued an order Friday stopping an Indiana ban on puberty blockers and hormones for transgender minors from taking effect as scheduled July 1.
The American Civil Liberties Union of Indiana sought the temporary injunction in its legal challenge of the Republican-backed law, which was enacted this spring amid a national push by GOP-led legislatures to curb LGBTQ+ rights.
The order from U.S. District Court Judge James Patrick Hanlon will allow the law's prohibition on gender-affirming surgeries to take effect. Hanlon's order also blocks provisions that would prohibit Indiana doctors from communicating with out-of-state doctors about gender-affirming care for their patients younger than 18.
The ACLU filed the lawsuit within hours after Republican Gov. Eric Holcomb signed the bill April 5. The challenge, on behalf of four youths undergoing transgender treatments and an Indiana doctor who provides such care, argued the ban would violate the U.S. Constitution's equal protection guarantees and trampled upon the rights of parents to decide medical treatment for their children.
Indiana's Republican-dominated Legislature approved the ban after contentious hearings that primarily featured testimony from vocal opponents, with many arguing the gender-affirming care lessened the risk of depression and suicide among transgender youth.
Indiana's Republican-dominated Legislature approved the ban after contentious hearings that primarily featured testimony from vocal opponents, with many arguing the gender-affirming care lessened the risk of depression and suicide among young people diagnosed with "gender dysphoria,″ or distress caused when gender identity doesn't match a person's assigned sex.
Hanlon, who was appointed by former President Donald Trump, wrote that he was blocking the law from taking effect because its opponents had demonstrated potential irreparable harm to those undergoing treatment and shown "some likelihood of success" in arguments that it was unconstitutional.
The ACLU had provided "evidence of risks to minors' health and wellbeing from gender dysphoria if those treatments can no longer be provided to minors — prolonging of their dysphoria, and causing additional distress and health risks, such as depression, posttraumatic stress disorder, and suicidality," Hanlon said. "While the State has identified legitimate reasons for regulation in this area, the designated evidence does not demonstrate, at least at this stage, that the extent of its regulation was closely tailored to uphold those interests."
ACLU leaders hailed the ruling as a victory in the fight "to defend the right of all trans people to be their authentic selves, free from discrimination."
"We won't rest until this unconstitutional law is struck down for good," Ken Falk, the ACLU of Indiana's legal director, said in a statement.
At least 20 GOP-led states have now enacted laws restricting or banning such medical treatments for transgender minors after Missouri's governor signed that state's bill into law last week. Lawsuits have been filed in several states against transgender treatment bans. Federal judges have also blocked enforcement of laws in Alabama and Arkansas, and Oklahoma has agreed to not enforce its ban while opponents seek a temporary court order blocking it.
Indiana bill sponsor Republican Rep. Joanna King of Middlebury said as the ban was debated that it would "protect our children from irreversible, harmful, life-altering procedures."
Republican state Attorney General Todd Rokita's office said in a statement it was disappointed in the decision but that "we will continue to fight for the children." The statement said the ruling "recognizes that the State has shown there are good reasons for regulating gender transition procedures for minors."
The office didn't say whether it would attempt to appeal the injunction before July 1. Provisions of the law that were blocked gave trans youth taking medication to transition until Dec. 31 to stop.
A top attorney for the state told Hanlon during a court hearing on Wednesday that risks from gender-affirming treatments during puberty such as future fertility, bone strength, brain development and possible reversibility had not been adequately studied by scientists.
Such factors make it within the Legislature's authority to decide "we don't want our children to be part of this grand experiment," Indiana Solicitor General Thomas Fisher said.
Though guidelines from leading authorities on gender-affirming medical care already say surgery generally should be reserved for adults, with exceptions for older teens who meet certain criteria, the Indiana law calls for an immediate ban gender-affirming surgeries.
The provisions of the law banning gender-affirming surgeries for minors in Indiana will have no immediate impact. Hanlon wrote in his ruling that no medical providers in the state perform those procedures on people younger than 18.
Representatives from Indiana University Health Riley Children's Hospital, the state's sole hospital-based gender health program, told legislators earlier this year that for patients who are minors, doctors do not perform genital surgeries or provide those surgery referrals. IU Health was not involved in the ACLU's lawsuit.
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onlyblackcoffeez · 3 months
just voted :3
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worstloki · 1 year
Thor in Thor 3 and 4 was a 'role model' for boys in the most superficial 'be strong' way. i would rather suggest a deeper reading featuring not minding getting hit on by the GM and Stormbreaker-riding subtext
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pagerunner-j · 2 years
Something of note about the M9 two-shot, which has obviously already been filmed: Cinemark's got the runtimes. Part 1: 4 hr 37 min. Part 2: 5 hr 40 min.
All those of you who are willing to sit in a movie theater for six hours straight: godspeed.
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aeide-thea · 2 years
my tolkien revisitation has involved many big thoughts but my small thought from tonight's grocery-run-by-bike is: WHAT is up with that one 'hive of ants' simile. like. my guy. i am very sure hives are for bees. ants have hills, or nests maybe, or like, a group of them is a colony. but gandalf at the council of elrond is all:
I came to Buckland and found it in uproar, as busy as a hive of ants that has been stirred with a stick.
i mean. radagast would never!!
#like i guess hobbits are too small to be bees so they have to be ants?? although like. hobbits fuzzy. bees fuzzy. seem equivalent 2 me.#bookblogging#the matter of arda#language#(also thots on Class Dynamics like. sam does call frodo 'master frodo' in the movie iirc)#(but on the whole i feel like it doesn't come off like he's a Servant the way he's very clearly a Servant in the book)#(like. carrying frodo's extra personal items he forgot to pack! what kind of camping trip etiquette i ask u!)#(mind u in the movies i feel like sam gets slotted into the‚ like‚ Hollywood Chubby Sidekick role instead which. debatable if that's better)#(but idk i really just have been extremely Struck by like. merry as Young Scion of the Aristocracy and pippin also‚ i think)#(like that really kind of does explain a lot of his haplessness at the outset)#(and then frodo as like. honestly kind of only barely part of the ton as like. adoptive heir of an Eccentric)#(and finally sam as his Loyal Servant)#(and like. idk. the movies i feel like really kind of collapse that into a 'gang of indeterminate mad lads' energy)#which honestly is probably good! although ALSO honestly probably kind of related to the social dynamics hollywood media tends to feature#(i know PJ and co were not american and i'm sure there's also stuff to be said abt like. aotearoan relative informality)#(anyway like. always a question with adaptations. like i think they tried to tone down the class and gender stuff)#(unclear how much of that was deliberate and how much was just like. if you love these books that's not the part that stuck with you prolly)#(but like. arguably a misrepresentation of the original ethos—#altho idt i really care so much abt that‚ like‚ we amend the constitution‚ we can amend tolkien#let's move things towards a truer expression of the humanism their original flawed founders wanted insofar as they could perceive it—#but also like. issue always of like. you make changes to a Beloved Property and then yr changes didn't even fix things...#like. arwen still total cipher. lady waiting around for aragorn to be ready to receive his prize.)#(REALLY if they weren't cowards they'd have‚ i don't know‚ genderswapped boromir or something. ...wow now i want that.)#(...boromir as like. xena except dressed for a northern climate. fuck i'm a genius and i want that desperately now.)#(oh man that sure would throw a spanner in the aragorn/arwen works though.#like. you're really gonna marry someone you can't go camping with#when instead you could marry yr sister in arms and‚ like‚ cement yr position in gondor by joining yr line to that of the stewards#who have kept yr seat faithfully in yr absence all these generations AND she's a fierce proud hot warrior lady)#(i mean i think you'd have to make boromir less of a himbo for that pairing to quite work but like.#everyone in tolkien's a cipher you can do what you want to them really. maybe boromir loves oral poetry. equivalent-of-homer readathons.)
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voidselfshipp · 1 year
Dear Matthew mercer
--love, me after watching this New episode
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luxheroica · 2 years
also my entire brain is just: katabasis katabasis katabasis katabasis katabasis for laudna
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mintlimeginger · 2 years
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Playing around with the corpus of all transcripts from all episodes of CR. After removing the most common English words, these are the top 4-word groupings. Mentally constructing my prototypical CR episode now.
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ghost-in-the-corner · 11 months
Also, props to Allan???
He's a doll most people have never heard of. He got discontinued forever ago cause he was perceived as gay by consumers and they didn't like that.
But I love that he had an actual role in Barbie. He was very queer coded, yeah, but he didn't like when all the Kens turned to Patriarchy. He was so uncomfortable that he wanted to abandon Barbieland all together. He knew it was wrong.
And then he helped the Barbies get themselves back. He had a pink jumpsuit and sunglasses and went out all stealthy to get the Barbies in the van. He even voted at the end to keep the constitution the way it was.
Big Allan fan over here.
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windona · 4 months
I can't believe I read the constitution of Liechtenstein for fic research today.
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