#continuing on lovely Tavs and Durges
zhemariart · 5 months
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@basketobread 's Lunara is the sweetest bab, goddamn I adore her and all the little shenanigans she gets up to with the others <3
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the-eldritch-it-gay · 11 months
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Can't believe I forgot to share my updated Majexatli, giving them the horns, grey hair, wrinkles, and fat that they deserve.
They worship a chaotic evil god of bloodlust and bestial violence and they have so many issues but they also have so many partners and are clinging to hope of a better future with bloodied teeth.
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vorestarr · 8 months
i love when Astarion is mean, and i mean like genuinely mean, saying shitty things and lashing out specifically to hurt someone or push them away. i think it really says so much about him and about the specific situations when he feels the need to lash out. i love seeing it with Durge/Tav, but i'm playing a Karlach origin to romance him right now and he's so mean during his first romance scene when he can't even kiss Karlach.
after playing it, i went to look at the parsed dialogue for that scene because i wanted to see if there were any dev notes, and oh boy are there dev notes. walk with me here while i go through them all. (i didn't add alt text to the images below, but i did transcribe the lines i'm referencing in the images below, so all the important information is in the text of the post itself.)
it's the typical Astarion scene, but after his "i've been waiting to taste you" line, he diverges with: "Although your condition means tasting you could be a risky proposition. You're quite the forbidden fruit, aren't you?"
the player (as Karlach) has a few choices in reply at that point, but as long as they pick one that progresses the scene (i.e., not the one where you reject him last minute), he goes down the same dialogue tree. this tree starts with:
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Astarion: All denied to us because of what Zariel did to you. [devnote: subtext, thinking about Cazador]
so right off the bat he's upset because Karlach's situation is reminding him of his own with Cazador.
but then his next line is:
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Astarion: I - you know, I have no idea what to do with you now. [devnote: Astarion's mask as the flippant libertine is cracking a bit here. He's frustrated but vulnerable here. Because he can't physically seduce or touch Karlach, his usual means of interacting with a person is punctured. He's faced with the reality that he might not know how to handle a situation where he can't bite or seduce his way to the finish line.]
wow. that's a lot in that dev note.
at this point, the player has the option of a few responses, but two options to continue the encounter. the choices to continue it are: "You don't have to 'do' anything. We can just be." or "After the life you've led, I'm not surprised."
if you choose the first option, Astarion is frustrated but less mean. he says:
Astarion: 'Just be' what, exactly? Frustrated? Bored? What do we do, if not... that?
if you choose the second option, he's a little meaner. understandably so, since the player just poked at his painful past:
Astarion: You think you know the life I've led? The experiences I've had? You've no idea the stories I could tell, sweet Karlach. But you - you're just -
then, both the paths converge to the same final statement, which is mean no matter what Karlach has said to this point:
Astarion: Urgh! Why is this so difficult? I'd have already bedded you twice if you were normal.
importantly, there are dev notes for all of his lines here, but the notes are all the same:
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devnote: Masking defensiveness with offensiveness. In truth he really does want what Karlach is offering (to just hang out without having sex) but now that it's within grasp he's floundering.
again, at this point the player has two choices to continue the encounter, and one to end it. i'll go down each continue path separately, since they can diverge quite a bit.
path 1
the first choice is to say: "Twice in this short space of time? Doesn't sound very satisfying."
he gets mad. and mean.
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Astarion: Karlach! You know what I mean. [devnote: Frustrated] Astarion: Or maybe you don't. Astarion: There may be an inferno in you, Karlach, but at the end of the day you've been frigid for a decade, isn't that right? [devnote: Being mean-spirited in an attempt to drive Karlach away, even though he doesn't actually want to do that.]
the player again has two response options to continue the encounter, and one to end it.
the first choice to continue the encounter is: "You want to try that again? Without being a jackass, maybe?"
in response he says:
Astarion: This is impossible - you're impossible! [devnote: Masking defensiveness with offensiveness. In truth he really does want what Karlach is offering (to just hang out without having sex) but now that it's within grasp he's floundering.]
(at this point, the path diverts to merge with the dialogue tree from the previous branch where Astarion complains about Karlach not being normal. so we'll pause here, and continue down that dialogue tree with the path 2 header below.)
the second choice to continue the encounter after Astarion says that Karlach has been frigid for a decade is to say: "What's really going on here, Astarion? Suddenly you're so vicious."
he replies:
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Astarion: Suddenly? Darling, you haven't been paying attention. [devnote: Seething and mean.] Astarion: Listen, it's just - ... I'm sorry, all right? Is that what you want?
again, at this point, he diverts to the same shared dialogue tree as the other response option. that merges with path 2, so we'll continue there:
path 2
to go BACK to the previous branch we went down, where Astarion said he would have bedded Karlach twice already if she was just normal, the other response option for the player is: "I am normal. 'Fucked up' is the height of normalcy."
instead of being mean, Astarion immediately apologizes:
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Astarion: Oh no - don't you tar me with your 'normal' brush. My demons keep me extraordinary. [devnote: Karlach has punctured Astarion's bad mood with a joke.]
and then he apologizes, like he does in the other paths, saying he doesn't know what to do without being able to touch her.
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Astarion: I - ...I'm sorry, Karlach. It's just, not being able to touch you - having to slow down, it's... I'm just not used to it. [devnote: subtext here is on the slowing down. That IS what he wants. But it's hard for him to see that clearly.]
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Astarion: So, can you -... I don't know. Help? Show me what to do? [devnote: First breakthrough. He's asking for help knowing what to do when you can't jump into bed with someone.]
again, at this point, the player has two options to continue the encounter or one to end it.
for the first response to continue, the player can say: "We can just talk. As long as we want. Then we can sleep. Near, but not too near."
Astarion responds to this one pretty positively. he's still a little mean, but it's in his fond teasing way, and not his biting, cruel way:
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Astarion: Karlach, champion of the Hells, wants to talk and then fall asleep? [devnote: Incredulous] My dear, you're much more boring than I gave you credit for. [devnote: Teasing] All right, Karlach. Let's try it your way. [devnote: Gently. He's feeling vulnerable, but sees that this might be a chance to feel safe.]
the second response option from the player is: "I don't know either. This is all just as new for me as it is for you."
he doesn't respond quite as well to this one, and goes back to being mean:
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Astarion: Well. To quote you: 'Fuck.' Astarion: Why don't we put ourselves out of this misery and just sleep? If I can at least look at you, I won't have wasted my whole evening. [devnote: Peak of Astarion sexy toxicity.]
then, the scene fades to black and it transitions to the morning-after scene with Astarion, where the player first sees his scars.
i also think as a whole, this scene is just so representative of Astarion's early-game state of mind. he's following a comfortable script with all his interactions, but when he's confronted with something new, he flounders.
especially when it comes to sex, which is a touchy subject for him, his first reaction to any vulnerability is to lash out and hurt people. in this scene:
if Karlach brings up his past experiences, he lashes out. ("You think you know the life I've led?")
he blames Karlach for the situation because that's easier than addressing that he doesn't know what to do without his script. ("if you were normal")
if Karlach jokes about him ("Doesn't sound very satisfying") he lashes out even further, calling her frigid and impossible and then even doubling down if she calls him out ("you haven't been paying attention").
but if Karlach jokes about HERSELF ("'Fucked up' is the height of normalcy"), it snaps him out of his toxic bullshit and he's able to take a step back and apologize to her.
then regardless, he's also able to recognize that this is an opportunity to get what he wants without having sex, and recognize that he wants that too.
and then to me, Astarion being mean in that last response choice ("I don't know either") makes perfect sense, given the context of his other lashing out earlier in the conversation. even if the player didn't make those previous choices where he lashed out at them, he can still get mean and toxic on this choice.
crucially, with this choice, he's taken that step of hopeful vulnerability where he recognizes that maybe he does want to just spend time with Karlach without having sex, but he doesn't know how to do it. he asks for help.
if the player says they don't know how to do that either, he immediately puts those defensive walls back up. he doesn't want to flounder around, he wants an answer. he wants to know that it's actually possible to have a positive experience with someone without the script he's always used. the player saying they don't have that answer just pisses him off.
wow okay this post got really long, but i really vibed with the dev notes for this scene, and i think you can see exactly these toxic behaviors from Astarion in other scenes and in romances with other characters as well, but it's just so so clear with the Karlach scene and the dev notes just really highlight that.
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avocado-writing · 6 months
I loved your Pregnancy headcannons for the bg3 boys. I was wondering if you could maybe do more and possibly about weird Pregnancy Cravings. I'd think it be funny to have Tav (durge/vampire/or not) just suddenly have this strong craving to drink blood. Or maybe they came across something during their adventures that was just weird and now Tav craves that exact thing.
this made me think about weird pregnancy cravings for each of the bg3 men and how they’d react to you, so here we go. rated M. original
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You have normal cravings, thank the gods. Well, as “normal” as they can get.
Rich and bizarre foods. Filet mignon and sorbet, that sort of thing.
Maybe something a bit spicier if he’s been turned devilish by Mizora, but honestly nothing that counts as strange.
Wyll is a godsend. If you ever mention you have a craving then he goes and gets it for you, even if it’s late at night and you’re both tucked up in bed.
He watches you eat and gets you to give him a little food review! He listens and nods along; it’s playful and sweet.
Constantly whispering to your belly, “you have very odd taste little one… I hope you take more after me and have a normal palate…”
You laugh and shove him playfully, he is enamoured.
It’s not exactly blood that you crave… but a raw steak looks super good right now.
He watches you eat rarer and rarer meat until it’s practically bloody off the bone. Pursed lips, looking at you from over the rim of his wineglass.
“Darling; are you sure that’s… normal?”
You gesture to him wildly with a fork. His eyes go wide, you don’t stop eating.
“You’re the one who fucked a dhampling into me, Astarion! I don’t know what’s normal! This is entirely new territory!”
He apologises and keeps the raw meat coming, taking very good care of you indeed. Even after you give birth, you never go back to anything above medium-rare.
When you’re pregnant with Gale’s baby, he comes home to find you with necklaces in your mouth. Magic ones.
At first it’s just the original talisman that you wore about your neck anyway, something with a charge of Cure Wounds in it, and you’d just end up with it on your tongue without thinking.
Soon it gets too much. You look at someone’s Boots of Brilliance and start salivating.
“This is your fault, Dekarios…” you mutter after he gently pulls a magic glove from your mouth like you’re a cat caught eating something it shouldn’t.
He apologises because, yes, clearly the netherese orb continues to have an effect.
Starts cooking for you more and channels the weave into the food he makes for you, so that you can satisfy your cravings without risking accidentally choking on clothing.
Mostly works… but still sees you eyeing his robes hungrily sometimes. Though actually you may just be checking out his arse.
The need for honey has never been more compelling.
Oh, how you long for it. Directly from the source, thick comb to dance across your lips.
Halsin finds you with your hand in a beehive one day, a ward around yourself to stop any stings. He realises ah, he may have had more to do with your current state than just the act of conception…
Does his best to source you as much honey as he can and as safely as possible. You pour it onto him at night and lick it off, revelling in the taste of it just as much as the taste of him.
You long for salmon, too, if you can. He finds you trying to catch them in the river with your bare hands. It’s so sweet he can only stop and watch for a while before you roar - literally roar - for him to come and help you.
When the baby is born with little furry bear ears and a tail, the two of you think about that… wildshape night.
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alijuan · 6 months
Ascended Astarion is true unlike Spawn Astarion who pretends to be good for Tav
If i see that opinion again i will explode🫠
It's funny because Astarion will only approves if you persuade him not to perform the ritual.
A lot of people don't understand the concept of grey morality and it shows. Many people justify him but this type of AA fan thinks worse of him than he really is. He needs the ritual not because he's a power-hungry villain, but because he needs safety for himself and his lover. Depending on Tav/Durge's actions, he either stays with the feeling of fear (AA is still afraid deep inside, the game files confirm this) or he fights against it and becomes truly free of Cazador and fear (spawn ending). The dialogue with Durge about not being afraid is wonderful and shows difference between SA and AA.
Astarion: This little adventure of ours has taught me that we can't let our lives be ruled by fear. Or else we never really live. Astarion: I'm not afraid. Not of you, not of your darkness, and not of our future.
The point of the spawn ending is that Tav/Durge saw him as more than just an outward image of a power-hungry killer incapable of becoming a better person. But if you can't see beyond that image, he will think that he has no choice but to continue living in the world that Cazador has built for him. If you think that AA is his best ending because he is evil then you have failed to understand his whole personality.
I feel safe with you. Seen.
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Despite of his love of killing (he is a vampire after all), he repeatedly showed compassion and guilt for luring people. Before the ritual, he literally convinced himself that he should kill spawn for power. Astarion rationalises this to protect his psyche, because he’s clearly not the type of guy who can sacrifice thousands of people to the devil and not feel anything about it.
Durge/Tav: This isn’t you, Astarion. Not really. Astarion: It should be.
I really like that the player technically makes the insight check and that there’s an advantage when they're romancing Astarion. Tav/Durge could see through the image Astarion was trying to create. They saw an elf whose fear prevented him from seeing all the possibilities.
Astarion: When I look at my future, anything and everything feels possible now.
Just as Astarion saw Durge not just as serial killer, but as someone who could defeat Urge and become a better person.
Durge: I am myself at last. You don't need to fear anything from me ever again. Astarion: I knew you had that sweat heart all along. I was alarmed by you sometimes, scandalised even, but somehow by your side, I still only ever saw you.
AA fans also often ignore the fact that the game has good and bad endings in the companion stories. And it's not about morality. All companion quests are literally about how the desired and obvious path leads to a bad ending. And Astarion is no exception. In a good ending, he gets the chance to heal and finally acceptes himself and his vampire nature, in a bad ending, he gives up and regresses as a person.
Spawn Astarion knows what he wants and says it. SA is ready for a relationship and sex. Ascended Astarion can’t answer the question of what he wants, so he acts as a vampire lord should. AA is literally back to the state of the first act and has started manipulating Tav/Durge through sex again (even repeating the same phrases). This is why he doesn’t really want sex (he approves if you choose the no sex option and he definitely dissociated during the sex scene) unlike Spawn Astarion who initiated it.
Spawn Astarion is the same Astarion who enjoys “murder and terror” and you can see that clearly in his “hero” ending (more like “antihero”). And this is the ending without romance, he chose it himself. And the whole idea of him pretending to be good for Tav is actually meaningless without romance.
Ascended Astarion is the same Astarion, but stuck in a black and white world of fear and domination.
SA scene ends with hope music (instrumental version of I want to live) AA scene ends with chains.
And there’s so much more. Larian specifically showed the difference between good and bad endings in the dialogues, scenes after ritual, recent updates and even the interview so people would definitely understand, but they didn't🙃 Some AA fans (especially on youtube and larian forum) are on a new level of delusion.
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angiemaniac · 7 months
I absolutely love the What if Durge was a companion comic and really hope you do more! I'd love to see your take on how you as TAV influence a Durge and help him decide who he's gonna become!
Hello!! Thank you so much!!
I've been seeing a lot of comments and tags talking about the Durge Companion AU. And I am going to continue this.
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I'll be trying to do as many Durge companion, romance, and more comics so long as I have time! I just gotta balance the rest of my schedule this week
Expect to see more! I already have the second comic planned out with previews at the ready:
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cambion-companion · 11 months
hi!! binge read all your raphael stuff and i think it added more worms in my brain!! :D thank you!!!
raphael idea: artist!reader (or tav/durge) that raph commissions to paint a portrait of him. maybe how the sitting would go- would he be monologuing? would he be looking over contracts? would he be sneaking fond (in his own way) glances at the lovely little artist sitting in his foyer putting so much passion and concentration into capturing his devilish visage?
or maybe smth like he can't make it to a sitting one day so he sends haarlep to do it expecting that the artist won't be able to tell the difference. instead, his artist refuses to start working since that's CLEARLY not her patron!! his facial structure is off!! that piece of hair doesn't flow down like that!! and his gaze- clearly not!!! so raph comes back hours (or even days) later to find the little artist still in his house, waiting for his return so that they can resume work <3
I LOVE this!
Thank you for reading my work and for sending this lovely message in! This idea kinda ran away with me but I hope you enjoy this drabble!
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“Where is Raphael?”  You squinted at the devil lounging on the gold embroidered cushions.
On first glance, it appeared to be the cambion you’d met yestereve. He had commissioned you to paint a self-portrait for him, showed you the many that already hung from his marble walls. You’d begun your work, sketching the lines and filling them out with practiced dexterity.
Due to time constraints, the devil was a busy man it seemed, you had to cut your painting short, determining to begin again the following day.
Now you sat again, upon the small stool, staring in consternation at the creature who would have you believe it was Raphael.
The fiend stretched, feigning a languid uncaring composure.  In all but those burning eyes, focused so sharply upon your frowning face.
“Whatever do you mean, little succulent?”  It was Raphael’s voice as well, though something was off about the cadence. “You have everything you need right here.”
You shook your head, frustrated, lowering your paintbrush from where it had been poised over the canvas. “No, this isn’t going to work. You aren’t him.”
“My, quite the perceptive thing.”  The devil straightened, looking displeased. “How very annoying.”
“What…who are you?”  You asked, a slight tingle of fear running down your spine.
“I am Haarlep.”  The devil’s long tail swished to curl around his feet.
“That’s an odd name.”
“Isn’t it just.”
Your frown deepened, an annoyed breath hissed through your clenched teeth. “Well, I cannot continue until the real Raphael returns.  When will he be back?”
“The master will not return for quite a while.”  Haarlep rolled his shoulders, looking equally put off. “I do my job quite well. What exactly is the issue?”
You set down your tools and folded your arms, still wary of whatever this creature was. “The way your hair falls, the cadence of your voice…”
“All aspects I am sure you can rectify without too much issue.”  Haarlep interrupted with a petulant gesticulation, but you spoke over him.
“And your eyes.”  Your own eyes narrowed in concentration, focusing on the burning embers within those inky black orbs. “Your eyes are wrong.”
“I’m offended.”  Haarlep deadpanned, then tilted his head with a curious smile. “Explain.”
“I cannot.” You shrugged.
“Then work on painting everything except the face.” Haarlep repositioned himself upon the sofa, his eyes rolling slightly in bemusement.
“For professional reasons, I cannot.”  You didn’t budge. “The master of the house didn’t notify me of this change.”
“The master of the house apologizes.”  Now that voice you recognized, Raphael’s.  Deeper and with more presence than the voice Haarlep used.
Raphael, still in human form, strode into view and offered you a wry smile.  He bowed slightly at the waist, his brown eyes never leaving yours. “I admit to not foreseeing your powers of insight. What a delightful discovery, my dear.”  
He turned and observed Haarlep with mild amusement for a moment. “You’re slipping.”
“Nonsense.”  Haarlep stood from the chaise and flexed his batlike wings. “You know as well as I, some things cannot be replicated.”
“Such as?”  Raphael directed the question to you.
You shifted, your behind slowly numbing from the uncomfortable stool. “Well, the way Haarlep carries himself for one.”  You said carefully speaking the other’s name. “The eyes are also completely different, not in shape or color but the nature they hold within them.”
“Fascinating.” Raphael put his hand to his chin, a slight quirk to his lips. “The eyes.  Windows to the soul.”  He laughed, short and rough.
You didn’t quite understand the joke but smiled politely. “Have you time now?  I can come back later.”
“No.”  Raphael shook his head and placed a firm hand on your shoulder, taking a moment to inspect your canvas. “This is important work. I am at your disposal.”  Raphael’s human form melted away. His hand on your shoulder grew in size and sharp claws bit through your shirt to your skin. Hellfire eyes looked down upon you, familiar, calculating. “For as long as you need me.”
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dark-and-kawaii · 5 months
Have to say, absolutely adore your writing. I eagerly check your blog once a day. So happy to see such a talented writer who loves Haarlep and does them justice. How do you think Haarlep would react to being approached by his little mouse and asking for a baby from them? I'm curious how you think Haarlep would react to being asked to sire a child. I quite enjoy the fics where Tav/Durge is already with child...they are very steamy...>:)
୨♡୧ ᴀᴡʜʜʜʜʜ ɪ ʟᴏᴠᴇ ᴛʜɪꜱ ꜱᴏ ᴍᴜᴄʜ ᴀɴᴅ ᴛʜɪɴᴋ ᴀʙᴏᴜᴛ ᴛʜɪꜱ ꜱᴄᴇɴᴀʀɪᴏ ᴡᴀʏʏʏʏ ᴍᴏʀᴇ ᴛʜᴀɴ ɪ ꜱʜᴏᴜʟᴅ!!! ɪ ᴊᴜꜱᴛ ʟᴏᴠᴇ ᴘɪᴄᴛᴜʀɪɴɢ ʜᴀᴀʀʟᴇᴘ ᴀꜱ ᴀ ꜰᴀᴛʜᴇʀ ᴏʀ ꜱᴏᴏɴ ᴛᴏ ʙᴇ ꜰᴀᴛʜᴇʀ!!! ɪᴛ’ꜱ ᴍʏ ᴀʙꜱᴏʟᴜᴛᴇ ꜰᴀᴠᴏʀɪᴛᴇ!!! ꜱᴏ ᴛʜᴀɴᴋ ʏᴏᴜ ꜰᴏʀ ᴀꜱᴋɪɴɢ ᴛʜɪꜱ <3
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"Haarlep-" As you lay tangled in your sheets with the creature, you rub their chest, your fingers dancing all across the expanse of their chest. "I-" It's been a year since Raphael's demise, Haarlep was now yours, and you were theirs to claim… "I wish to have a child…" You feel their body go stiff beneath you. "I am ready for one, and I want one… With you… An-And only with you..."
Haarlep's eyes narrow as they listen to your words. Their possessive nature taking hold with each breath you take, and a possessive grin spreads across their face. Their hand slides up your thigh, gripping it tightly as they lean in closer to you, their nails digging into your soft flesh.
"Bahaha! Well, well, well," Haarlep purrs, their voice velvety smooth, "You wish to bear my child, do you? To be claimed by me, carrying my spawn within you?" They press their lips against your neck, nipping and sucking on the already bruised and sensitive skin.
You can feel Haarlep's hand trail higher up until their fingers teasingly graze your exposed cunt. "Such a delicious proposition, my little dove. But are you certain you can handle the consequences of being impregnated by an incubus like me? Your body will feel how it suckles on your soul for nutrients, perhaps even steal the very soul that is mine to take... Death is always at your door once your womb is marked by me."
Haarlep's words are laced with a mixture of possessiveness and warning, yet they continue to trail kisses down your body. Their fingers slipping inside you, exploring your gummy walls until you're arching your back moaning their name.
"Once I claim you in this way, there will be no turning back," Haarlep whispers, their voice barely above a whisper, "But if you're truly ready, if you crave the intoxicating pleasure of carrying my seed, then I will indulge this fantasy of yours and make it a reality." Pulling back, Haarlep's fiendish eyes lock with yours, "I will fill you with my seed, make you mine in every way possible."
Their touch becomes more urgent, their movements rough and commanding. Haarlep fucks you with a possessiveness and greed driving them to claim you completely. The air is filled with the sounds of your moans mingling with their growls and grunts, true music to both your ears.
As you both finish, Haarlep's grip tightens, their body shuddering with release. You are theirs, only theirs. Raphael thought he'd have it all including you yet you are Haarlep's, and now so is your precious womb... It elicits a laugh from Haarlep.
But even in the aftermath, a flicker of concern crosses Haarlep's face. They trace gentle circles on your abdomen as you sleep soundly at their side... The incubus cannot help but to fear for your mortal body. Carrying the spawn of an incubus can be quite dangerous... Their possessive nature momentarily gives way to a sliver of genuine concern, a glimpse of the complex emotions lurking beneath their usual nature.
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adaptacy · 10 months
Gale has me in a chokehold, I love his nerdy ass. If you're accepting requests, can I request some angst but then fluff with him? It may just be my own insecure self, but what if his fem Tav still felt insecure and not worthy of him after he spoke to Mystra? Like she tries to smile and nod, but she's actually worried he still has feelings for Mystra?
hiii! so i wanted to actually get to this part before writing for it so i could experience full context instead of just watching a yt vid (200 hrs in the game and i *just* got there... albeit it was with durge tav in an evil playthru (one of like 4 playthrus i've started cause i have no self control), but i got there nonetheless) so sorry for taking a while!! but here you go ^^
Word count: 2k
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"Back on mortal soil once more," he exhales, eyes slightly narrowed in a tense discomfort. He doesn't meet your eye, and his lips part in a doubtful smile, as if he isn't sure whether he's awake or experiencing some sort of dream. He blinks, and meets your gaze, his smile dimming – you’re not sure if it’s the result of a forced calmness, or a natural relaxation in his muscles. “I can’t believe I saw her– after all this time,” he nearly chuckles the statement out, and you suppress a cringe, desperately scanning his features for reassurance before you allow yourself to grow unreasonably anxious.
But he seems caught in a state of wonder, his eyes bearing an uncommon light in them – perhaps due to the astral scenery he just returned from, or, more likely, it could be an emotional occurrence. Either way, it stings, and you hate the way your stomach churns, hanging onto what feels like a thinning thread. He’s grown closer and closer to rejecting her, every new discovery being one more small, but necessary, push away from his faith, from any lingering feelings of affection for the goddess. 
You couldn’t help but feel as though this was a setback. That, maybe, seeing her again, speaking with her again – maybe it reminded him of a time that you knew he missed. A time that, prior to your relationship with him and a few important facts he’d learned about her, he spoke so incredibly fondly of. He stays quiet, pondering the conversation, and you only feel your fearful anticipation growing more with his silence.
In an effort to break it, you muster up enough courage to speak. “A little intimidating,” you try to chuckle, but it only comes out as a painfully stressed hum, followed shortly by an intense urge to withdraw from the conversation, but you manage to override your anxiety’s desires. 
Gale does manage to chuckle, again, nearly effortlessly – especially compared to your own failed attempt. “Powerful, wasn’t it? Magical, just– entirely magical,” he practically swoons, and you force a smile, tearing your gaze away from him. He continues speaking, and usually you’d be keen on listening to his every word, but you can’t help but tune him out. Even so, you can still hear the excitement in his tone, despite refusing to pick up on the words. 
You’re not sure how long he continues for, though you know it ends, because you feel fingers on your chin, and he angles your head slightly back towards him, forcing your attention back to him. He’s wearing a frown now, and you blink, pulling your head away from his touch. “Sorry. Just – not feeling well.”
“Not feeling well? Damn it, I knew that meat platter was a foul idea. Tavern hardly held a shine, I’m hesitant to believe their appetizers were truly safe for consumption. We should return to camp.” He nods, lowering his hand and offering it to you, and although you feel bad for not disproving his assumptions, you take his hand and go along with the lie, walking back towards your camp. 
It isn’t a very long walk, which is most fortunate; you’re hardly eager to strike up conversation, and had it been any longer of a journey, you’re sure that Gale would question your silence. Eventually, you return, and the area is empty, save for the usual occupants that never really left camp. Everyone else was out either exploring the city, settling down for food, finding entertainment, or bargaining with merchants to pawn off the unnecessary equipment they’d picked up. 
Gale didn’t bother making a request or saying anything before immediately leading you to his tent, directing you to sit on one of the few cushions that littered the blue rug on the floor. You did as he asked, and he looked around the camp, focusing more on the area around Shadowheart’s tent, though his search for her was ultimately fruitless, so instead he knelt before you, the back of his hand pressing against your forehead. “Not particularly warm, certainly not alarmingly so – though I’m no medic, I do believe I’ve enough experience to deem you unafflicted by any fever. What are your symptoms?”
“Symptoms?” You repeat, and Gale squints, clicking his tongue.
“Mental fogginess,” he remarks, and you finally shake your head, looking off to the side.
“I’m not sick,” you confess, knowing that he’s bound to ask questions, but deciding you’d rather be honest than have him worry about your physical well-being. 
“Now, there’s no reason to hide it. I’m sure that even a divine being would have gotten some strand of illness from that – what was it? A space hamster? And a mighty undercooked one, at that. I’m merely glad you’re still conscious,” he teases, leaning forward and holding your chin, giving you a quick kiss on the forehead. 
You pull back, shaking your head once more. “I’m serious. I’m not sick. I just – I don’t know,” you sigh, scooting back and frowning. “It’s a lot to take in, isn’t it? All that stuff with Mystra?”
Gale eases back, reading your expression a second time to ensure you weren’t trying to deceive him. Once he’s sure, he lowers himself fully to his knees, and then grabs another cushion for himself to sit on. He thinks over your words, and ultimately nods. “Indeed. Rather unsettling. To now know that the weave I’ve had inside of me for so long is nothing more – and always has been nothing more – than a mystery to me, it’s… unsettling,” he repeats, bending a knee and placing his elbow on it, his thumb running over the hairs on his jaw. 
“She’s been lying to you,” you murmur, and Gale eyes you, his expression that of some internal conflict. A conflict you fear you may be losing, even if he’d never admit it to you.
“As sadistic as it may appear, she had her reasons. Reasons we may never grasp or understand, but reasons, I’m sure. It’s no matter. Granting my disease a name does little to change said disease – or the expectations that come along with it. If I please her, if I fulfill her request of me, I will be rid of it. Free. At last. Though her actions may seem tyrannical to most, you must understand that it is quite a generous offer she is granting me,” he explains, his head tilting as he watches your reaction, though you’re putting too much effort into disguising your true concerns for him to pick up on them.
“Are you going to give it to her?” You ask, silently pleading for a denial -- for a firm and unwavering ‘No.’
“Of course. I have to,” he chuckles nervously, and whatever hope may have been contained in your expression quickly fades, and you have to break eye contact with him. “My love, this may be my only means of safety. Of securing a future. Should I refuse her, my very life would be on the line. And the miracles that have kept this orb from rupturing thus far – Mystra’s miracles, might I add – I would be left completely without.” He reaches forward, taking a hold of your hands, and you begrudgingly look back at him. “How could I possibly deny the chance at a future with you? I would be a madman.”
His words ease you, even if the effect is incredibly slight. You squeeze his hands, and he squeezes back, his small smile brimming with hope. It’s a pleasant emotion to see him with – one that you haven’t truly seen before. The closest has been eagerness, such as the kind he displayed when you learned of, and eventually obtained, the very book that caused this meeting with his goddess. “What if she forgives you?” You whisper, your insecurity underlining every syllable, and if you weren’t so afraid, your shame would have surely manifested in the color on your cheeks. 
Gale pauses, his eyebrows pushing inward as he processes your words a few times over. “If she forgives me?”
“If she calls on you to be her chosen. If you give her the crown, and she excuses your disputes. I want a future with you too, I do. I just… fear a future haunted by her. I want you, exactly as you are.” You inhale, and it’s shaky, but it’s too late to turn back now. “If she forgives you, will you be at her beck and call?”
He smiles again, but it’s nearly a smile of pity. A smile that instills you with a pinch in your throat, daring you to cry. One of his hands slips out of yours, and for a moment, you believe that this is it – that he’ll confess his plans to return to her side, to embrace his faith once more, to leave you behind at the assurance of greener, holier, pastures. But instead, his hand tucks a strand of hair behind your ear, and then holds the right side of your face, his hold warm and comforting. “Once I am cured, once all of this is over – the only person I wish to be ‘chosen’ by is you. I confess that, had I not met you, the outcome may be different.”
Despite the small, mildly reassured smile on your face, and your leaning into his palm, you still contain some worry for the future. And so, against the understanding that you should know better than to wonder, you ask “Different how?”
He sighs, squeezing your hand again. “Before the tadpoles, before you, before any of this – I had always believed that I’d never be free of her influence. She occupied my mind much like our little larva pilots do now. To control the weave – to channel and embrace the weave is to embrace Mystra. Pieces of her, at least. Though it’s hard to feel a piece of her and not reflect on a time when I could feel all of her. Had I any choice in the matter, I would remove her completely from my life. But I am no man without my past, and even less of one without the magic that I have been so consistently entwined with. And yet, it’s with you that I feel unburdened by her expectations, by her authority and judgment.” Gale leans forward, and you do too, your forehead against his. His eyes close, and yours do as well, merely enjoying the closeness, and the gentleness in his tone, the comfort that his words bring. “With you I forget my goddess. I forget my past, I forget my flaws, I forget my mistakes. I have a purpose now. One beyond being a vessel. One beyond being a subservient lapdog for the will of a deity.”
When you open your eyes, you find Gale’s open as well, and he watches your lips, debating something. You grant him a moment to think, and he decides to act, pulling you a little closer for a chaste kiss, allowing it to linger before he pulls back once more, the curl of his lips more assured now.
“I would suffer at the hands of her fate a thousand times over if it meant finding you again in just one life. You, dearest, are the one who my heart worships. Even if I speak the tongue of the weave or spin her spells, I know what love truly is – unparalleled, earnest, generous love – because of you, and only you. Should Mystra find herself munificent enough to shell out a fragment of forgiveness for me, she will, quite quickly, understand I have no interest in being her compliant plaything anew. If Elminster is a case that instills any flavor of wariness, I do believe I’d be better off without such an expansive lifespan, and… intense enthrallment in cheese,” he chuckles, pulling a laugh from you as well. When that laugh trails off, he cuts it short with a kiss, this one lasting a little longer than the one prior. 
“Just us two, then? After all of this?” You ask when the kiss is broken, and he smirks, shrugging.
“Us two and my Tressym, of course. I promise that she’s much better company than a goddess.”
“Of course. I can certainly live with that."
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strawberrypinky · 4 months
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I've been feeling a bit overwhelmed with negativity on the internet recently and thus I've decided to take matters into my own hands and spread some ✨love and positivity✨
And what better way to do that, than to recommend wonderfully written fanfiction I've come across this year? Admittedly, I haven't read as much as I would have liked, but I still want to share the few I did read. So without further ado, here are my fic recs of 2024 (thus far! Might add to this along the line):
Baldur's Gate 3 Fic recs:
O Fortuna [by @gufu-vire] on AO3 - Raphael x Dark Urge ❦ Plot: Post the events of BG3, a redeemed Dark Urge and Raphael renegotiate terms to fulfil a contract sworn upon during the crisis of the Absolute. An adventure fraught with tension, frustration, conflict, and more as the reader partners up with the devil you love to hate…
This is possibly a very biased mention on this list, because I consider Goof a very dear friend and moot, but it is a deserved spot nonetheless! I have yet to catch up with a majority of the chapters, but I'm enjoying a lot of sneak peeks and Gufu's creative process in private in the meantime. Between the conflict this story is utterly hilarious and witty and is a perfect balance between action and idle affairs. There are also so many intriguing takes on Raphael as a character & Harleep deserves a trophy on his own. I could talk a lot about this story, but truly, I cannot recommend it enough!
Sleep Deprivation - [by @nyda-the-tav & Aisln] on AO3 - Gortash x Tav ❦ Plot: As Orin continues to harass the group of misfits trying to stop the Absolute, Ophelia (Tav) looks for safety in the arms of Gortash in an effort to combat sleep deprivation.
I've only recently started reading this story & both authors best believe that once I've caught up with all 50(!) chapters, I'll leave a more detailed review for Sleep Deprivation. But what I've read thus far has been nothing short of a joy, and I'm always down for a good Tav being absolutely ruined by Gortash himself. The dynamic between the supposed enemy and the hero is gripping, hilarious and not to mention really well written! Kudos to the authors! I'm really excited to read more of what you two come up with!
His Star - His Queen [by @random-introverted-blog] on AO3 - Astarion x Tav/Astarion x Dark Urge ❦ Plot: An ascended Astarion kidnaps the Dark Urge/Tav from a different timeline, after loosing her in his. Desperate to save Tav/Durge from himself, Astarion follows her to rescue his love from certain suffering at his own hands.
I was recommended this story on TikTok (of all places, lol) and I wasn't sure what to expect - but holy shit. The first chapter alone had me on the edge of my seat, as you're really thrown into the action from the start, but the entire premise had me hooked as soon as Ascendant Astarion made his appearance. I often have issues with the ascended version of Astarion's character (I just looooove fixing him & I've got issues with the 'make him worse' story arc), but the exploration of what could have been in tandem with trying to save the heroine from inevitable suffering is beautiful & I can't recommend it enough. I've yet to catch up with every chapter (can you tell I've got trouble keeping up with fics, lmfao?) but either way, "His Star - His Queen" is deservedly on this list!
Note: This fic includes non-consensual sexual content
Judgement by the Hounds [by @septembersummer] on AO3 - Gortash x The Dark Urge ❦ Plot: A look into the relationship of The Dark Urge (Seren) and Gortash, from their first meeting up to their shared end. "The rise and fall of the worst situationship of all time" indeed.
This one I actually finished (very slay), though I'm not sure I actually processed it. I went through all five stages of grief reading this and I'm not even sure I can say anything without spoiling the entire premise. Dear author, you have written possibly the most captivating and enchanting portrayal of Durge and Gortash & though I knew how it would end, I was wishing for a happy end through it all. There's nothing to say about this, other than it was utter perfection.
Miscellaneous One Shot recommendations:
legacy with no memory by @discordsmuse on AO3 - Gortash x The Dark Urge The Weight of A Promise by @sserpente on tumblr [Part 2 is equally good!] - Gortash x Tav/OC kiddo. by @avocado-writing on tumblr. - Gortash & OC
to have and to hold by @littlejuicebox on tumblr. - Astarion x Tav
choices. by @deadtired-highkeyenergetic on tumblr - Astarion x Tav
how to win a custody battle in one easy step. by alltears on AO3 - Astarion x Tav
Dangerous by NaeveTheWizard on AO3 - Astarion x The Dark Urge
Honourable Mentions:
I'm also giving a shout-out to @avani-telvanni & @infernaldaydreams, because while neither have written fanfiction I could recommend, I am obsessed with their respective artworks for Tav x Gortash/Durge x Gortash. You guys are absolutely amazing and I'm conistently in awe of what you create. You deserve all the recognition you receive and more 💕
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Hogwarts Legacy Fic rec's: a very short list, but two are dear to me nonetheless!
Victory [by @jonquil] on AO3 - Victor Rookwood x Original Female Character ❦ Plot: Victor Rookwood is enraptured by the new, ancient-magic-wielding student attending Hogwarts - and Victor Rookwood always comes out on top.
Technically I started reading "Victory" in 2023, when it first came out, alas, it was finished earlier this year and I couldn't help but include it, because it remains one of my favourite fanfiction ever. To me, it's the best fictionalisation of "Enemies to Lovers" in a long time, as I was rooting for the villain to win from start to finish. From the wonderful characterisation of Rookwood to the alternative canon timeline and ultimately the victory of the villain - there's nothing like it and I was hooked from start to finish. I am still sad it's over, but I'm excited to read the prequel (as soon as I get to it, lmfao), because I know it'll be equally spectacular!
Note: This fic contains non-consensual sexual content.
Invisible String [by @legacygirlingreen] on tumblr (though it can be found on both AO3 and wattpad too!) - Sebastian Sallow x Reader ❦ Plot: In an alternative, victorian-attitude-compliant timeline, Sebastian Sallow falls for the new fifth-year. This story explores the sweet beginnings of a tender love amidst hardships and battles ahead.
Admittedly, this is possibly the most biased fic rec ever, but I stand behind it nonetheless. While this fic started in March of last year & brought me and my platonic soulmate May, aka legacygirlingreen, together, it remains my favourite Sebastian Sallow fic to this day. The amount of love, time and creativity May put into this has me in awe time and time again. The sweet and tender love the two protagonists experience is perfectly fluffy and slice-of-life, yet the alternative version of the canon events of Hogwarts Legacy add the perfect amount of drama and action. I will always come back to this fic, because yes - It is that good.
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brain-rot-central · 5 months
Sins of the Father
A/N: Basically a short little drabble focusing on vulnerability issues. Anger issues. Self-indulgence. I'll let you guys decide which Astarion this is and if it's Tav/Durge.
Pairing: Astarion x Reader (gender-neutral) Words: 607 Warnings: hair grabbing, physical abuse, threats of violence, angst, emotional incompetence, unhealthy relationship, A has (surrogate) daddy issues, boy ain't ok, angst angst angst, i-went-to-the-family-reunion-and-all-i-got-was-shitty-generational-trauma
The hand in your hair tightens and whips your head back with a quick jerk. A man stands before you, looking down to meet your widened gaze. Distain is written clearly across his face. His eyes flare red hot; molten lava threatening to erupt through his rapidly crumbling resolve. “I could kill you, you know,” he spits through clenched teeth.
The corners of your lips turn upward in a coy smile. “I know,” you answer, “you've told me before.”
His chest rises and falls rapidly now, frustration mounting. “And yet you still test me? Does my darling have a death wish?” He cocks his head to the side in question.
You huff out a laugh and he grips your hair tighter, pulling your head back further. He's baring your neck to him. “You wouldn't harm me.” Your eyes flit closed as you feel the cool puffs of his breath against your throat. The warm spice of his cologne assaults your senses. A rippling flush of warmth rushes through you. “You never do.”
The vampire groans low in his throat. You can't see it, but you know his fangs are out. Poised above your pulse-point as he wrestles with his willpower. Every instinct he has screams at him to sup, to drink of you until he's had his fill and then some. Until your body grows cold, lifeless in his lap. Until he's destroyed you. 
All for the simple crime of seeing him.
For loving him.
In an instant, he retracts. The hand slips from your hair and you feel his presence removed from yours. You open your eyes to find him standing before you, chest heaving, lips drawn into a tight line. “I told you you're no monster,” you say softly to him.
Slowly, he raises his hands above waist level, bending at the elbows. He turns over his palms multiple times. You can't help but notice how terribly his hands tremble. “But I want to,” he admits quietly, continuing to inspect his hands. “I… want to. So badly.”
“To me, or yourself?”
The question leaves your mouth before you have a moment to consider. A slight panic begins building within you, but it's quickly extinguished as a ragged cry breaks free from the vampire elf’s throat.
He sinks to the ground, jamming the palms of his hands into his eye sockets. Another yell, this one more existential than the last. You kneel next to him and place a comforting arm around his shoulder. He takes this as an invitation to melt into you, and you adjust to accommodate his presence.
“You are not your past,” you tell him, soothingly combing a hand through unruly silver locks. “You are not him.” He tucks his head further into your chest, body quaking as the dam finally breaks.
Clinging together, you sit on the ground, holding him as he screams. The sounds are muffled, as they always are. But you stay, because you know that these moments are breakthroughs. Shedding more of the skin to his past. 
When he resurfaces, he'll need you. As he always does, with desperate fervor. The need to be accepted. That this new form hasn't dissuaded you, that you still want him.
Once more, you'll open your arms, part your legs, and bare your soul to him. You'll rock gently with him until his skin grows back over, culminating in one final climax.
For now, you'll stay on the floor, where he needs you. Down here, with him, as he navigates the depths of his despair. And you’ll gladly do this over, and over. As many times necessary, until the sun itself melts.
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bardic-inspo · 8 months
Been thinking about this line you can get if you break things off with Astarion post Act 2 confession, but before dealing with Cazador:
"I - I can hardly blame you. I don't exactly have much to offer right now, beyond new burdens to carry."
"From the start, I was rather counting the hours until it was going to end. Midnight chimes, eh?"
And how much it breaks my heart that, at this point, even if he's with Tav/Durge, even though they're "something real" and figuring out what that means/looks like, Astarion still holds this belief, in his core, that he needs to be offering something. He himself is not enough, he needs to be putting something on the table to get them to stay. It's still a transaction and he feels he hasn't paid what he needs to to keep them.
It can't be sex, and because it can't be, there's this insecurity of what else he could possibly give them. And I think that escalates in Act 3 as Cazador looms closer, and we get this dialogue when his siblings attack:
I'm doing this for you, too, you know. To make sure we're both safe. Forever, for good.
The delivery on these lines...and just, the insight we get into how committed Astarion is to the relationship even early on when playing as durge/how intensely "in it" he is (and I think it's the same with Tav, we just don't get the same opportunity to see it lke we do with Durge), to me, he's already 100% made up his mind to try and "keep" Tav/Durge however he can. Forever, even. Maybe he's even contemplated the idea of turning them. This is the only loving relationship he's ever had, and he's dead set on not losing it. (He frames that as safety for them both, but the relationship makes him feel safe, and I think his reasoning is weighed more towards his own safety when contemplating the ascension.)
And in his mind, the ascension gives him everything. He suddenly has everything to offer. So, I think that contributes heavily, if the player then breaks up with Ascended Astarion, to the big angry blowout that happens. In that version of events, he never thought he was enough just as he was. He never decoupled the relationship continuing/existing from being able to provide "payment" of a sort.
And when Tav/Durge rejects the "immortal gift" he offers? It violates his core beliefs about relationships. It goes against what is supposed to happen/makes sense to him: he's offering power, eternal youth, etc. The only answer that makes sense is 'yes'. And by saying 'no' now, when he feels he has everything to give, when he couldn't ever possibly have more to give in that transactional sense, tells this version of him that rejection/the relationship's end was always inevitable.
So he lashes out, because how dare they make him care at all, ever, how dare they make him go through all of this effort to 'pay' for the love he feels owed/deprived of only to say 'no'? When he's hurling insults, he goes to "ingrate" pretty quickly, I think, from that sense of indignation from having that 'payment' rejected.
(disclaimer disclaimer, it's cool to enjoy both/either route, this is just one perspective, I'm probably missing or overlooking some things, yada yada, etc. etc.)
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dmagedgoods · 10 months
Romancing the Devil We Know
I thought about a Raphael romance today and what it could include or how it could work in the game. My worst fear in this regard, if it ever comes to it, is the thought that he may get changed in ways that soften his personality or take from his implemented edges to portray him as "less evil". It's important to me that he keeps his plans, his issues, and - while I imagine him to show quite a charming side too with someone who intrigues him - it should stay true that he can lose his temper in terrifying ways and has the potential to be very cruel to someone he desires. (Hope.) And what an exciting subtle background threat this could be for those who decide to go that path nonetheless! It would be terribly easy to include a Raphael romance without changing him. It's just a small step from what we already have. - Mostly because I don't imagine it as "full romance" like those of the companions but more like the beginning of something big that will continue post-game. Raphael seems to be slow in those matters, but his fascination with Tav/Durge is quite obvious. The added content I have in mind isn't even that extensive:
Flirting options during all the meetings.
If you pick the flirting options, a scene with Raphael where he shows up in camp at night, unnoticed by the companions, taking Tav/Durge for a walk, reciting a sonnet that's partly a romantic offering and partly a threat. (Of course, the companions did notice his presence anyway and will comment in the morning.)
A scene where you can tease him enough he loses composure, his anger turns into desire and leads to a kiss, maybe even a sex scene.
The option to spare him if you decide to fight him (if you don't romance him too, please).
The option to actively withhold the crown of Karsus from him with the dialogue option to claim its power for yourself resulting in a battle too, including the choice to spare him and make him kneel for you.
Depending on your decision to give him the crown or claim it for yourself, the romance can end in 2 different ways, both including a last conversation with him and the post-game mention on how things will continue: 1. You kept the crown: A battle for power ensues, having him enthralled and furious alike and completely obsessed with Tav/Durge; they manage to put him in his place, maybe even to bind him to them. By power? By love? Who can truly tell with devils. But they clearly gained the upper hand. For now. 2. You gave him the crown: While Raphael follows his ambitious plan and gathers power in hell, so do you, after all, you become his favorite servant. Some whisper that it's much more than this and you're a dangerous weakness of him even. [That's only my very personal idea of it, I'm sure there are many other ways his romance would work too.]
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the-grand-gemini · 9 months
More Gortash Analysis
I've seen lots of posts going over Enver Gortash's appearance and what story telling elements that gives us and I have more thoughts that won't leave me alone.
Gauntlet and Rings
Aesthetically speaking they're obviously pretty (or gaudy depending on how you feel about an all gold arm piece), but also I can't not think that his whole look is to hide himself and make himself look more dangerous/compensate any of his perceived shortcomings (especially those he experienced in the hells).
His rings mimic claws like Raphael and other devilkin he may have dealt with in the hells. A basic weapon available to most deziens of the hells
I imagin that the gauntlet, plus the rings on his other hand, hide and correct crooked fingers while also possibly help with pain. Acting like wrist and finger bracers.
As far as finger braces go even if he wasn't injured reparative writing and working with them (building machines etc) can lead to pain.
But personally I feel like the repeated breaking of fingers is something Raphael and/or Nubalidn may have done to punish him. This could have left lasting pain and possible disfigurement.
A disfigurement he wouldn't want the upper class to see or bother him about constantly. Again even if it wasn't from injury the hands of a builder or fighter (arms dealer/crime lord) will have changes that someone from a softer occupation or a life of leisure won't have. Duke Ravengard as a swordsman probably has hands that show past injury/work, but he's known for and revered for it. While Enver is trying to distance himself from anyone looking into his dodgy past.
ALSO... If anyone wants to write a fic where Tav (or Durge) massages his hands tag me please 👀👀👀 (I'm totally not projecting my own wrist/hand pain here what are you talking about).
The two mainly free fingers... We all know why 👀💦 but also it's probably so he can pick up a pen and write easily/do Archduke paperwork.
The Flame Shirt:
I've seen other posts talking about the flames and how he's laced his shirt and I don't have anything else to add other than ~ Guy Fieri vibes that I can't unsee 🔥🔥🔥
Coat Collar:
Again the coat has been discussed by lots of others in great detail and I love every analysis! However, I do want to talk about his collar specifically.
It's meant to be intimidating, but it also covers all of his neck and a good portion of his head. A very vulnerable location both physically and mentally. It screams I am hiding/anxious to me. He can't wear an all out hood without looking (even more) shady, but the high collar probably still acts as some kind of security. I don't think anyone else in game has a hood like this? There's the odd ruffled collar, but nothing like this outside of armour.
Also! Even though most coats are meant to (in fashion) elongate the figure) I feel that his collar makes him appear shorter. Does it darken his figure and make him stand out? Yes, but I feel like it falls short on making him look larger and more intimidating then it could if it cut off at the neck like a normal collar or continued into a full hood.
IF his coat was gifted to him by Bane (see man who prays to a god of tyranny and fear but his coat prevents him from experiencing the fear spell) I think it actually visually demonstrates how he isn't in charge at all.
Visually it makes him shorter and swallows his head a bit. It seems almost like there is a shadow behind him. Is the coat Bane visually oppressing Gortash? I think it's two fold, Gortash will never escape Raphael's shadow and he is within Bane's controll.
Idk this is probably too meta but the ideas wouldn't leave me alone until I screamed them into the void.
I want to talk about Orin's outfit next ahhhh
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lizzychanstuffss · 1 year
Hi! So a lovely fic idea i have, whats kinda angst in a way/comfort. Not ascended Astarion x redeemed durge Tav(gn). Its been few years since the event of the game, but Tav still has the haunting feeling of the Urge still lingering in their mind. And they sometimes have nightmares of Bhaal returning and the crimes she did. So how would Astarion comfort or console them?
Have a lovely day/evening❤️
oooo you know exactly how to appeal to me, I've had an idea like this many times and most likely would have written a fic about it anyway so enjoy! Also personally just due to how the game works I fully believe that the urges still do thunk about in Durge's head just cause of the weirdness of their blood.
spawn!Astarion x redeemed durge!Tav GN
Requests still open!
2 years....it had been just a little over 2 years since you defended the city from destruction. Since you had rid yourself of the urges, or so you thought. Sometimes you still hear them in the back of your mind. Admittedly much quieter and not nearly as hard to shake off as they were before. But tonight was different, you had stumbled across a particularly bloody mugging on your way back from visiting Shadowheart, alone.
Something inside you rose from the back of your mind. The urge, your head spun and bile seeped into your throat. Suddenly you were that afraid little adventurer from two years who was just trying their best to resist. Who almost killed their lover, who felt ever so guilty at relishing at the blood that spilled from your enemies.
Holding your head in your hands you stumbled to the nearby wall and fell to your knees. Someone noticed you, it was an orphan or what you assumed to be one. She came over placing a hand on your shoulder.
"Are you okay, sear?" the child asked with concern in her eyes.
You couldn't help but just nod too weak to even speak, the child was kind enough to help you up. You had to strain against your mind not to take out your hidden dagger and stab the youngling to death.
she has no parents, she would not be missed. It would be the perfect kill and she's just so innocent.
The voice beckoned you, but you resisted. It was nothing if not painful anytime you resisted the urge, the hunger for murder back in full force. Once you were to your feet you waved at the child as she walked away trying your best to hold it together until she was out of earshot...then you threw up. Coughing and wheezing, it was awful, just like you remembered it to be.
You continued your walk home, stumbling along the way. You were sure this was going to worry Astarion. He had been in the underdark most of the day, normally you would have joined him but Shadowheart extended the invitation last minute and neither of you wanted to turn her down but also one of you needed to check on the spawns. So Astarion took up the task, but you had expected to be home sooner than this. Hoping he wouldn't get worried and just think you and the cleric lost track of time chatting.
After much stumbling and swearing you finally made it to your shared house you had gotten a few months after things started to settle down. You almost collapsed on the steps up to the door but kept it together until you got inside. Astarion heard the door open and came to greet you.
“Did you have a fun night wi-“ His words cut off as he took in your current state rushing to your side hooking your arm over his shoulder. “What happened, love?” The concern in his voice was sweet and would normally be enough to soothe any worries, but right now you were trying not to think about stabbing him to death.
“Th-The Urges…hurry…tie up” You choked out the words and Astarion went into action. You tried your best to stay awake long enough for him to find some ropes to bind you with, and knowing how this goes he had enough foresight to also gag you.
“It’s okay darling, you can let go now” He assured you and then blackness finally took your vision as your body was hoisted from your control
When you woke you were not of your own mind. You felt it before you heard it but there was a rumble of a muffled growl that came from your body. You managed to see Astarion through the blur of bloodlust as your body thrashed about on your shared bed.
He sighed as he watched your body move not of your own will. A gentle and cool hand moved hair from your face only to place itself on your cheek stroking gently. He knew you were in there watching as you had told him as much.
You could barely resist doing anything no matter what you tried. After 2 years any methods you developed to resist were slipping your mind in this moment, not like anyone could really blame you. For the most part Astarion had it under control. His soothing gesture continued, his face though, it wasn't full of concern even though the emotion was most certainly there...but the expression was merely sadness.
The monster inside your head was back and Astarion was sad, for you and in some way you could tell he felt disappointed in himself for not keeping it at bay. You realize you hadn't really informed him of how the urges had been manifesting but you honestly thought they would remain the docile little subconscious things that sometimes popped up when looking at a dead animal or a very rare piece of meat. You really thought nothing of them most of the time and they passed fast enough on their own....so why was this happening now?
This whole time you had been in your head trying your best. Astarion simply had been comforting you, stroking your hair as best he could and cooing sweet nothings to you. He knew you could hear them even if your body disagreed with his sweetness. You did begin to wonder how long this would last, would it be as bad as before or would it pass within the hour.
Within the hour it was, which you were quite thankful for. As you were coming out of it you were on your back staring up at the ceiling, Astarion lying beside you.
"Ah there you are my precious little bhaalbabe." He joked it was enough to coax a giggle out of you as he removed the gag.
"The gag was a nice touch, did you want to touch my face that badly?" Looking over at him to stare into his eyes, also so he could hopefully untie you. Which your vampire lover does oh so graciously.
"Maybe I did?~" He was being strangely lighthearted about the entire ordeal...but honestly you were exhausted and it was nice to not think about it too hard.
"Should we talk about it?" You asked.
"We can talk about it now....or we can do it tomorrow?" He offered the options either way it would need to be discussed, but not now all you wanted to do was have him cuddle you and sleep for several hours.
"Tomorrow, please...I don't have the energy for it right now..." The words left you and then without a second more of ideal conversation almost as if he read your mind, he wrapped his arms around pulling you into his chest. His hand idly playing with your hair and his lips pressing themselves on to your head in a kiss but more so, so he could take in your scent.
He wouldn't admit it unless asked but you knew he was scared, you were too but for now, he didn't say a thing and just held you. Held you until you couldn't keep your eyes open any longer letting your body slip into sleep finally relaxing.
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moyloi · 10 months
I want MORE scenes with gale (Act 1 spoilers)
OK OK OK SO I am currently going through a playthrough romancing Gale and I have a few thoughts! Only gone through Act 1 so far and I'm on my way to the Creche, so things might change, but hear me out. (Act 1 spoilers (????))
With his romance I kind of wanted... more during act 1??? I know, I know.. Mystra and all that and maybe I've missed something but listen:
There's only two romantic scenes with him; - One with the weave - One during tiefling celebrations
and then there's nothing until act 2 apparently.
BUT what if he got TWO more flirtacious scenes as well?
After him showing us the weave, there should be a scene where he is sitting infront of his tent, reading a book (like he's doing while idle, but this might be different book or not idk) and he is so inveloped in the book that he doesn't hear Tav approaching. Lines that Tav could be saying:
"What are you reading?"
2. "(Cough to make your presence known)"
3. Leave him to his book (end scene)
Or something similar.
He is a bit startled but goes on about telling you what kind of book he's reading and insinuates that you might not find it interesting. The two first lines are bringing the conversations forward, to his surprise:
" Sounds interesting, tell me more! / do go on!" (approval)
" Go on..." (approval)
"Those sort of books doesn't interest me" (disapproval, end conversation)
And your Tav sits down next to him while he rambles on and shows you the book if you picked either the first two lines.
Your Tav can ask questions for him to answer but there should be an option that says:
"Stay silent, let him continue"
He will eventually realise he is rambling and says:
"Ah, I do apologise. I must've rambled on about my interests about this book and I'm sorry if I bored you".
Tav could answer something like:
"No please, do continue. I find you ramblings quite amusing/cute." (Flirt)
"Don't worry. You're a good storyteller. Please, do go on." (Flirt)
"hmm? Oh, I must've dozed off" (disapproval, end scene)
AND IF YOU CHOOSE FLIRT-LINES, HE THEN GOES ON ABOUT THAT BOOK AND HIS INTERESTS AND THE NARRATOR COULD SAY SOMETHING LIKE: "And with you telling him to go on, Gale continues to talk about (whatever the book might be). You become more and more enveloped in his storytelling that none of you realise that night has turned to dawn, and a new day awaits."
Both of you could get a debuff, something like: Sleep deprived. -1 to saving throws (Until long rest) OR -1 to intellect and wisdom saving throws (Until long rest) HOW CUTE WOULDN'T THAT BE LIKE OMG
This happens after the celebrations with the tieflings. This can be a hidden scene that won't proc unless you actively talk to him before and after a long rest (Like with astarion and getting the sex scene before the party.. well he didn't have an exclamationmark above his head).
this scene is more guided towards the romatic, non-sexual part.
Here, it depends on if you are playing a Durge or an original Tav. Just a few or one line might be added or changed.
Gale will say something like:
"you know, I feel like I haven't gotten to know you properly."
And Tav can answer with:
"Oh? what would you like to know?"
"Well.. I don't remember much.." (This will be a coninuation and he will ask: well what do you remember? (Durge only))
"And there's a reason why." (Rejection, disapproval. End of conversation)
Gale could then be giving examples of Waterdeep, more about his life before the orb etc etc.)
Your Tav can tell him about:
"A happy memory" (approval)
"A loving memory" (approval)
"A sad/somber memory" (approval, because your Tav trusts him enough to talk about sad shit (????))
"No... I don't need to tell you anything!" (disapproval, end of conversation)
He will repsond accordingly and THEN it will cut to your Tav and Gales faces being mere INCHES from each other.
If you have recruited Scratch, he will interrupt when they were about to kiss. While Scratch is barking after dropping a ball, wanting to play (or talking - Speak with animals activated) and is distractiv Tav, Gale can look at them lovingly, smiling. maybe laughing??
IF you haven't recruited Scratch before this scene, Gale will stop himself. Being hesitant but reassures that wants to kiss tav but he needs to sort himself out first (with the orb and stuff). and maybe Tav can kiss him on the forehead or something.
Thanks for coming to my tedTalk.
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