#copywriting formula
anbuselvi1 · 2 years
8+ Proven Copywriting Formulas (& Examples) to Write Like a Pro
8+ Proven Copywriting Formulas (& Examples) to Write Like a Pro
Copywriting formulas are to copywriters what lightsabers are to Jedi knights. They can help you blast through even the most stubborn writer’s block and turn a “meh” piece of text into compelling copy that produces the desired results for your client. Great copy makes you feel like the writer knows Jedi mind tricks — how else could they get inside your head so effectively? In this article, I’ll…
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logansargeantsbabymom · 2 months
so i’ve been stalking your masterlist because you write a lot for logan (who’s super underrated btw) and i took notice that someone copied one of your stories. like i read theirs like an hour before yours and i looked at when both were posted and yours was first. it looks like a direct copy paste but idk if im right or not but i thought you should know.
that’s the link to the story but if i’m wrong i’m sorry for bothering but i think you should look.
@buckyswifesblog for someone who literally said they weren’t coming back to my page it’s crazy that you copied and pasted my FIRST post and made it your first fic.
you thought because it was my first post that it was fine? maybe you did it because i don’t have the “don’t copy or translate and upload as your own” quote on each of my posts but this is insane.
i didn’t blocked you because i felt like maybe you had a bad few days and just took it out on a random person on the internet but i’ve actually had enough.
this is insane behavior and i want you to delete the post. i don’t care if you get inspiration off my posts or whatever but do NOT copy and paste my work and try to claim it as your own.
this is insanity. i am blocking you after i post this so i don’t think i’ll be able to see your account but i hope you really take it down.
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marketingprofitmedia · 4 months
10 Effective Email Subject Lines That Get Your Emails Opened: Unlock Secrets
Effective email subject lines grab attention and compel recipients to open your emails. Here are 10 subject lines that do just that.
Crafting the perfect email subject line is crucial for achieving high open rates. With inboxes overflowing, a catchy and relevant subject line can make your email stand out. It’s essential to understand your audience and what motivates them to open an email.
Whether you’re promoting a sale, sharing news, or providing valuable content, your subject line should be clear and enticing. Personalization and urgency often work wonders, but creativity and relevance are key. Explore these proven strategies to boost your email open rates and engage your audience more effectively. Mastering this skill can significantly impact your email marketing success
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The Art Of Crafting Email Subject Lines
Crafting the perfect email subject line is both a science and an art. It’s the first impression your email makes. A compelling subject line can significantly increase your open rates. Let’s dive into the intricacies of creating effective email subject lines.
Why Subject Lines Matter
Subject lines are crucial. They determine if your email gets opened or ignored. An effective subject line can grab attention instantly. A well-crafted subject line can boost your open rates by up to 50%. It’s the gateway to your email content. Without an engaging subject line, your email may never get seen.
Key Elements Of A Winning Subject Line
Several elements make a subject line effective. Here are the key components:
Clarity: Ensure your subject line is clear and to the point.
Urgency: Create a sense of urgency to prompt immediate action.
Personalization: Use the recipient’s name or personal details.
Relevance: Make sure the subject line relates to the email content.
Curiosity: Pique interest without giving away too much.
Length: Keep it short and sweet, ideally under 50 characters.
Below is a table summarizing these key elements:
ElementDescriptionClarityClear and concise subject linesUrgencyEncourage immediate actionPersonalizationInclude personal detailsRelevanceRelated to the email contentCuriosityEngage interest without revealing too muchLengthShort, ideally under 50 characters
Remember these key elements. They are the building blocks of effective email subject lines.
Leveraging Curiosity For Higher Open Rates
Emails can get lost in crowded inboxes. A catchy subject line can make a difference. Using curiosity can boost your email open rates. Let’s explore how leveraging curiosity can make your emails irresistible.
The Psychology Behind Curiosity
Curiosity is a powerful emotion. It drives people to seek information. When something piques our curiosity, our brains release dopamine. This makes us feel good and want to learn more.
Curiosity works because it creates a gap in our knowledge. We feel the need to fill this gap. Email subject lines that use curiosity can trigger this response. They make readers want to open the email to find out more.
Examples Of Curiosity-inducing Subject Lines
Using curiosity in subject lines can be simple. Here are some examples that can help:
“You Won’t Believe What Happened Next”
“The Secret to [Benefit]”
“What We Found Out About [Topic] Will Surprise You”
“Are You Making These Common Mistakes?”
“This Simple Trick Can Change Your [Outcome]”
“Unlock the Mystery of [Subject]”
“The Truth About [Topic] Revealed”
“Find Out How [Company] Achieved [Result]”
“The One Thing You’re Missing in [Area]”
“Discover the Hidden Benefits of [Product]”
These examples show how to create curiosity. They make the reader want to know more. Use these ideas to craft your own subject lines.
Subject LineReason It Works“You Won’t Believe What Happened Next”Creates intrigue and suspense“The Secret to [Benefit]”Promises valuable information“Are You Making These Common Mistakes?”Plays on fear of missing out“This Simple Trick Can Change Your [Outcome]”Suggests an easy solution
Using curiosity in your email subject lines can make a big impact. Try these examples and see the difference in your open rates.
Personalization Tricks To Stand Out In The Inbox
Email subject lines play a crucial role in whether your email gets opened or ignored. Personalization can make your emails more engaging and relevant. Let’s explore some tricks to personalize subject lines and make them stand out.
The Power Of Personal Touch
Adding a personal touch to your email subject lines can significantly increase open rates. People love seeing their names in the subject line. It makes them feel special and valued.
Here’s how personalization works wonders:
Builds trust with your audience
Grabs attention instantly
Increases email open rates significantly
Incorporating Personalization In Subject Lines
To make your subject lines personal, use the recipient’s first name. Mention something specific to them. These small changes can make a big difference.
Here are some effective ways to incorporate personalization:
Personalization TechniqueExampleUse First Name“Hey [First Name], check this out!”Mention Location“Exciting news for our friends in [City]!”Reference Past Interaction“Loved your feedback on [Product], [First Name]!”
Remember, the goal is to make the recipient feel like the email was crafted just for them. This approach not only grabs their attention but also fosters engagement and loyalty.
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Creating Urgency Without Being Spammy
Crafting email subject lines that evoke a sense of urgency can significantly increase your open rates. But, it’s essential to strike the right balance. You want to encourage your readers to act quickly, yet avoid coming off as spammy. This section explores how to achieve that delicate balance.
Balancing Urgency And Authenticity
Balancing urgency and authenticity is key to successful email marketing. You want your readers to feel a need to act but also trust your message. Here are some tips to help you achieve this balance:
Use actionable language but avoid exaggeration.
Incorporate real deadlines to create genuine urgency.
Avoid excessive punctuation like multiple exclamation marks.
Be clear and concise about what’s at stake.
How To Convey Urgency In Subject Lines
To convey urgency in your subject lines, you need to be strategic. Here are some proven techniques:
Use time-sensitive words like “today,” “now,” or “limited time.”
Highlight scarcity by mentioning limited quantities or availability.
Incorporate deadlines such as “Ends tonight” or “Last chance.”
Ask urgent questions like “Did you miss this?” or “Are you ready?”
TechniqueExample Subject LineTime-sensitive words“Get 50% off today only!”Highlight scarcity“Only 5 left in stock!”Incorporate deadlines“Offer ends at midnight!”Ask urgent questions“Are you prepared for the sale?”
Remember, your goal is to create a sense of urgency without misleading your audience. This builds trust and encourages quick action, boosting your email open rates.
Using Numbers And Lists For Clarity
Using Numbers and Lists for Clarity can greatly enhance the effectiveness of your email subject lines. Numbers and lists help convey a clear and concise message, making it easier for readers to grasp the content at a glance. Let’s explore how you can use these tools to improve your email open rates.
The Impact Of Numbers On Reader’s Attention
Numbers naturally draw the eye and grab attention. They provide a clear expectation of what the reader will find inside the email. For example:
“7 Tips for Better Sleep Tonight”
“5 Reasons to Start Your Day with Meditation”
Numbers in subject lines create a sense of order and promise a specific outcome. This makes them more appealing to the reader. A numbered list feels manageable and actionable, encouraging the reader to click and read more.
Crafting Clear List-based Subject Lines
List-based subject lines are effective because they set clear expectations. To craft a compelling list-based subject line, follow these guidelines:
Be specific and concise: Use clear and direct language.
Highlight the benefit: Make sure the reader knows what they will gain.
Use odd numbers: Odd numbers tend to perform better in subject lines.
Consider these examples:
Subject LineWhy It Works“10 Easy Recipes for Busy Weeknights”It promises a solution to a common problem.“3 Secrets to Boost Your Productivity”It offers valuable information in a digestible format.
Using numbers and lists in your email subject lines provides clarity and encourages engagement. This can significantly improve your email open rates.
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Credit: selzy.com
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Questions In Subject Lines: Engage Your Reader
Email subject lines play a crucial role in catching the reader’s attention. Questions in subject lines engage your reader by sparking curiosity. This technique prompts them to open the email to find the answer. The right question can drive higher open rates and better engagement.
Asking The Right Questions
Asking the right questions in subject lines is key to grabbing attention. The question should be relevant to the recipient’s interests. It should also be intriguing enough to make them want to know more. Here are some tips for crafting the right questions:
Understand your audience: Know what they care about and what problems they face.
Be specific: Vague questions can confuse the reader. Clear, specific questions work best.
Use simple language: Complicated questions can deter readers. Keep it simple and straightforward.
Strategies For Effective Question-based Subject Lines
Using questions in subject lines requires strategic thinking. Here are some strategies to ensure your question-based subject lines are effective:
StrategyDescriptionPersonalizationInclude the recipient’s name or specific details about them.UrgencyCreate a sense of urgency or exclusivity to prompt immediate action.RelevanceEnsure the question is relevant to the recipient’s interests or needs.
Examples of effective question-based subject lines include:
“Are you ready to boost your productivity?”
“What if you could save 20% on your next purchase?”
“Do you know the latest trends in your industry?”
By asking engaging and relevant questions, you can create curiosity and drive your email open rates. Remember, the goal is to make the reader want to know the answer.
Testing And Optimizing Your Subject Lines
Testing and optimizing your email subject lines is crucial. It helps increase open rates and engagement. By refining your approach, you can discover what resonates most with your audience.
The Importance Of A/b Testing
A/B testing allows you to compare two subject lines. You can send them to different segments of your audience. This helps identify which performs better. Use this method to make data-driven decisions.
When conducting A/B tests, start small. Test one variable at a time. This could be the length, tone, or use of emojis. Use these steps to perform effective A/B testing:
Formulate two variations of your subject line.
Divide your email list into two equal segments.
Send each version to a different segment.
Analyze the results to see which subject line had a higher open rate.
Here’s an example:
Subject LineOpen RateGet 50% Off Today!25%Don’t Miss Our Special Offer!30%
Analyzing And Learning From Email Metrics
To optimize your subject lines, analyze email metrics. Focus on open rates, click-through rates, and conversions. These metrics provide insights into what works best.
Open Rate: Indicates how many people opened your email.
Click-Through Rate: Shows how many clicked on links within the email.
Conversion Rate: Measures how many completed the desired action, such as making a purchase.
Use these metrics to identify patterns. For example, if shorter subject lines have higher open rates, consider using more concise language. Over time, you will develop a better understanding of your audience’s preferences.
Here are some tips for analyzing metrics effectively:
Regularly review your email performance data.
Look for trends in open and click-through rates.
Experiment with different strategies based on your findings.
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Credit: www.mailerlite.com
Frequently Asked Questions
What Email Subject Lines Get The Most Opens?
Subject lines with personalization, urgency, and curiosity get the most opens. Use the recipient’s name, create a sense of urgency, or ask intriguing questions. Keep them concise and clear.
What Are Catchy Subject Lines For Emails?
Catchy subject lines for emails include: “Don’t Miss Out! “, “Limited Time Offer! “, “Exclusive Deal Inside! “, “Your Free Gift Awaits! “, “Unlock Your Special Discount! “, “Just For You! “, “Act Fast — Only a Few Left! “, “New Arrivals You’ll Love! “.
How To Get Attention In An Email Subject Line?
Use a clear, compelling subject line. Personalize it with the recipient’s name. Include action words. Keep it short and relevant. Create urgency or curiosity.
How To Write Subject Lines That Get Opened?
Craft compelling subject lines by being clear, concise, and relevant. Use action words and personalize when possible. Create a sense of urgency or curiosity. Test different approaches to see what works best for your audience.
What Makes An Email Subject Line Effective?
An effective subject line is clear, concise, and sparks curiosity. It should also convey the email’s value.
Mastering email subject lines is key to boosting open rates. Use these tips to craft compelling and engaging emails. Experiment with different approaches to find what works best. Keep your audience in mind and stay creative. This will ensure your emails stand out in crowded inboxes. Happy emailing!
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Thanks for reading my article on “10 Effective Email Subject Lines That Get Your Emails Opened: Unlock Secrets”, hope it will help!
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This article Contain may be affiliate links, which means I receive a small commission at NO ADDITIONAL cost to you if you decide to purchase something. While we receive affiliate compensation for reviews / promotions on this article, we always offer honest opinions, users experiences and real views related to the product or service itself. Our goal is to help readers make the best purchasing decisions, however, the testimonies and opinions expressed are ours only. As always you should do your own thoughts to verify any claims, results and stats before making any kind of purchase. Clicking links or purchasing products recommended in this article may generate income for this product from affiliate commissions and you should assume we are compensated for any purchases you make. We review products and services you might find interesting. If you purchase them, we might get a share of the commission from the sale from our partners. This does not drive our decision as to whether or not a product is featured or recommended.
Source : 10 Effective Email Subject Lines That Get Your Emails Opened: Unlock Secrets
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raven-wlsn · 11 months
19 Copywriting Formulas Every Good Copywriter Should Know & How to Use Them
Copywriting Formulas for fast ideas every time!
If you’re a copywriter or a writer, chances are you’ve heard of copywriting formulas. They allow for efficient writing and maximum persuasive impact. That is to say, what makes something a “copywriting formula”? In this blog post, we’ll look at 19 essential innovative copywriting formulas that can help any good writer craft powerful and influential pieces in no time! From understanding the…
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yeastinfectionvale · 7 months
hold up tell me about the job interview
It's a copywriting job working with a bunch of motorsport teams (formula e, formula2, WEC and some drivers) mostly on their press releases, driver profiles and such. Hoping it goes well, they've seen two of my writing examples and are pretty happy so praying this goes well because a) i'm earning more b) FUCKING MOTORSPORTS
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megas190 · 1 month
The Shocking Truth About Affiliate Marketing: What They Don’t Tell You
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Affiliate marketing has become one of the most popular ways to make money online, promising a stream of passive income that can grow with little effort. But is it really that simple? If you’re new to affiliate marketing or even a seasoned pro, you may not know the full story. In this article, we’ll uncover the hidden truths of affiliate marketing, show you how it works, and reveal the strategies that successful marketers use to generate substantial income.
Ready to Unlock the Secrets of Affiliate Marketing? Download Our Secret formula and Start Earning Today!
What Is Affiliate Marketing?
Affiliate marketing is an online business model where you earn a commission by promoting other people's products or services. It’s a performance-based strategy: when someone clicks your unique affiliate link and makes a purchase, you get paid. Sounds simple, right? Well, there’s more to it than just placing links on your website or social media.
How Affiliate Marketing Really Works
1.Choosing the Right Niche: Not all niches are created equal. Some are highly competitive, while others may not generate enough interest to be profitable. The key is to find a niche that has a passionate audience and high-ticket products that can offer substantial commissions.
2.Finding High-Ticket Offers: One of the secrets to making serious money in affiliate marketing is promoting high-ticket items—products or services that offer large commissions per sale. These could be premium courses, software, or exclusive memberships. The higher the price, the bigger your commission.
3.Creating Valuable Content: Successful affiliate marketers don’t just slap links on a page. They create high-quality content that provides value to their audience. This could be in the form of blog posts, product reviews, tutorials, or even videos. The goal is to build trust with your audience, so when they see your affiliate link, they’re more likely to click and purchase.
4.Driving Traffic to Your Content: Without traffic, your affiliate links won’t generate any sales. There are several ways to drive traffic to your content: SEO (Search Engine Optimization), social media marketing, email marketing, and paid advertising. Each has its pros and cons, but SEO and social media offer excellent opportunities for free, organic traffic.
5.Converting Clicks into Sales: It’s not enough to get people to click on your affiliate links; you need them to convert into sales. This is where persuasive copywriting and strategic placement of links come into play. Additionally, understanding your audience’s pain points and presenting your affiliate product as the solution can significantly increase conversion rates.
Don’t Miss Out on the Insider Tips! Get Your Affiliate Marketing Secret formula and Start Profiting Today!
The Challenges No One Talks About
While affiliate marketing can be lucrative, it’s not without its challenges. Here are some of the things most people won’t tell you:
It Takes Time: Building a successful affiliate marketing business doesn’t happen overnight. It requires consistent effort in creating content, driving traffic, and optimizing your strategies. Patience is key.
High Competition: Popular niches often have fierce competition. Standing out from the crowd requires creativity, niche expertise, and a deep understanding of your audience.
Constant Learning: The digital landscape is always evolving. What worked last year might not work today. Staying updated on the latest trends, tools, and strategies is crucial for long-term success.
Dependence on Third Parties: Your income depends on the companies you promote. Changes in their policies, commission structures, or even the viability of their products can impact your earnings.
Proven Strategies for Affiliate Marketing Success
To succeed in affiliate marketing, you need more than just knowledge; you need a strategy. Here are some tips to help you thrive:
Build an Email List: Your email list is one of your most valuable assets. It allows you to promote products directly to your audience and build a relationship with them over time. Offer a freebie in exchange for their email to start building your list.
Leverage Social Proof: People are more likely to purchase something if they see others doing it. Use testimonials, reviews, and case studies to build credibility and trust with your audience.
Experiment with Different Traffic Sources: Don’t put all your eggs in one basket. Explore multiple traffic sources—like Pinterest, YouTube, Instagram, and SEO—so that your business isn’t reliant on just one.
Focus on Long-Term Relationships: Successful affiliate marketers don’t chase quick sales. They focus on building long-term relationships with their audience and the companies they promote. This creates sustainable income and opens up opportunities for exclusive deals or partnerships.
Monitor and Optimize: Regularly review your analytics to see which content, traffic sources, and offers are performing the best. Use this data to refine your strategy, optimize your content, and increase your conversion rates.
Unlock the Door to Passive Income! Get Your Affiliate Marketing Secret formula Now and Start Building Your Online Empire!
Affiliate marketing is a powerful way to generate income online, but it’s not as easy as it might seem at first glance. It requires strategic planning, consistent effort, and the ability to adapt to an ever-changing digital landscape. By understanding the full scope of affiliate marketing—beyond the surface-level promises—you can set yourself up for long-term success.
Whether you’re just getting started or looking to take your affiliate marketing to the next level, keep these truths and strategies in mind. With the right approach, you can unlock the full potential of affiliate marketing and turn it into a lucrative online business.
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some-triangles · 1 year
I have seen a lot of hand-wringing over AI in the art world but I choose to focus on the positives.  AI may be OK at making derivative art but it’s great at making derivative text.   Anything you can write to a formula can be written faster and cheaper by an AI, and once the powers that be realize that we can say goodbye to copywriters, speechwriters, PR flacks, graphic designers, insurance adjusters.  The e-mail job is the sector AI will ultimately hit the hardest, and that’s delicious.  Didn’t think the robots were coming for your useless jobs, did you?   Didn’t think we could figure out a way to make the world even more ugly and venal without your help?
I dream of a future where all those expensive offices stand empty not because people managed to keep working remotely but because all those jobs can be run out of a single server farm somewhere outside Redding.  See how fast we get to universal basic income then.
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louisesloveletters · 8 months
Letter #8: Sit back, relax, and let God do the rest.
“I will refresh the weary and satisfy the faint.”‭‭ -Jeremiah‬ ‭31‬:‭25‬ ‭NIV‬‬
The world we live in today has led us to believe that tasting success requires relentless hard work and aggressive pursuit of our dreams. While this formula works for some, it doesn’t always bring fulfillment and joy.
Many people face burnout, anxiety, stress, and depression despite their achievements. Why? Because they struggle to rest and let go of things beyond their control. Humans are often obsessed with maintaining control over their lives.
For instance, when I worked as a freelance copywriter, I’d finish assignments early, driven by a desire to get things done. Despite loving writing, my dream became a source of burnout and stress. It no longer brought happiness and motivation; it became just a job. I lost touch with myself and the initial dream.
God extended His mercy, saying, “Take a rest, my child.” I had forgotten to be gentle with myself and grateful for what I had. Focused on completing tasks and earning, I lost sight of the original vision – to be a good writer and enjoy what I am doing.
“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.” -John‬ ‭14‬:‭27‬ ‭NIV‬‬
God is so good that He always reminds us to take care of ourselves and to live the life He has given us to the fullest. His definition of living life is far different from what our world teaches us. He doesn’t scold us, yell at us, pressure us or shame us for not doing everything. He just wants us to do what we can do and trust Him to cover the rest of what we can’t do. His love for us is so unconditional that it gives us peace we cannot fathom. The kind of peace this world can never provide us.
I hope you have this confidence that no matter how stressful your day gets or how hard your work life is, God’s got you. You don’t have to work your ass off every time, because He will provide everything you need. You just have to trust Him.
“Do you not know? Have you not heard? The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He will not grow tired or weary, and his understanding no one can fathom. He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.” -Isaiah‬ ‭40‬:‭28‬-‭31‬ ‭NIV‬‬
If you have a tough week, don’t worry, God will give you rest. Take this sweet time to appreciate your wins this week, no matter how big or small it is. God is proud of you for not giving up. Get a good nights sleep and give all your worries to God.
“You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you.” -Isaiah‬ ‭26‬:‭3‬ ‭NIV‬‬
P.S. God loves you.🤍
P.P.S. Have a nice weekend ahead. I’m proud of you. :)
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docholligay · 2 years
Doc are you concerned that AI's will soon be able to write novels?
I was actually talking to someone about AI this morning and it reminded me of this ask.
I am hoping that the whole art AI thing blowing up has made people actually realize what AI actually does and why we all should have been against it in the first place, and maybe, just maybe, this will work, but I actually doubt it.
Like, AI does now, and always has, simply scraped information from the internet and reconstituted into the fast food version of whatever it's being asked for. I do not like this, and I did not like this when it was stealing work from translators, but apparently that made me hysterical and anti-technology and classist or whatever.
So I am a little annoyed that people are now like, "I never thought leopards would eat MY face!!!" about AI, basically because art got involved. But honestly I don't care as long as people actually do turn the tide on it. I can be annoyed. It's a survivable condition.
ANYWAY, am I concerned? I'm not a novelist, and I am lucky that the writing I do about TV shows would be very difficult for an AI to replicate. I'm not a copywriter, another job that is in a lot of trouble from this. So, from a job perspective, no, I'm not concerned. As far as fanfic writing, well, I've read some AI generated fiction writing and I like to think I'm slightly better than that, at the very least. But if I'm not I can probably still feed myself.
I do think YA writers should be concerned because it's a much less complex and formulaic form of writing that's much easier to replicate, and I don't mean that in a shady way at all, children's authors and picture books are in the same book.
But you know who should really be concerned? Colleges. Because you know what is the easiest form of writing to AI generate? Basic paper writing from kids that don't have a lot of analytical skill but can definitely regurgitate simple ideas in a format asked for by the prompt. College degrees are meaningless NOW, I can only imagine how much worse it'll get.
We're living in a hell of our own making! It's kind of like when I was telling everyone, YEARS ago, that putting a whole bunch of connected tech in our cars was bad, got called a grandpa, and now people are like, "BMW can just shut off your heated seats??" and I'm rolling my eyes in my 96 corolla that could be run off a potato.
I'm often accused of having a pessimistic attitude about tech, but in fairness, I'm not often wrong.
So I'm not WORRIED, in that it is not yet my job on the line, but I am so frustrated that I feel like fucking CASSANDRA about this tech shit, and everyone is like, "lol silly Doc!!"
Like when I say a cashless society is bad, actually, and makes you more easily trackable, every single transaction, and that it hurts poorer and homeless people, and that we should be resisting it, everyone is like, "But I love tap to pay!" and laughs at me for using cash everywhere.
We live in the world we deserve, I guess.
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louderfade · 11 months
how do i get to be the person who does creative writing assignments for money. like where do i find rich lazy students bc i will work for cheap. or has that been made obsolete by AI at this point. a few months ago i went deep attempting to answer the question "can AI write poetry" and let me tell you it cannot. not on its own, from nothing. but there are bot things out there that set certain parameters so you can choose from some options and (with very little input) get a kind of a poem out of it. but those are robots designed to produce poems from a human arranged formula. still, i bet AI could create work sufficient for creative writing teachers, who i imagine are all very, very tired. i would lose the will to live if i had to read the prose forced out of unwilling 18 year olds all day. i suppose "i'll do your hw for money" is a career choice of a bygone era.
ok fine then how do i get to be the person who writes the copy on the back of shampoo bottles and cracker boxes. i could do that high af and half asleep. in fact, i think i would be much better at it while high af and half asleep. that's when people say stuff as dumb as the non-essential text they print on products for. well for reasons unknown. why do they even do that. now i'm gonna be reading about copywriting on products all night damn i'm tired of having ideas.
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dasenergi-diary · 1 year
This is for @sjunni-vulturez -
Veronika Archer is my friend of several years. We actually met through a dating app. And although it wasn't a love connection, we remained friends and I helped her launch her private practice: "Veronika Archer International" (by doing copywriting and social media for her.)
Veronika was in a marriage with an abusive narcissist. She talks openly about this in her podcasts and videos. And once she got out of the relationship, she decided to help others who are in relationships with narcissists or are narcissist survivors (even narcissist parents, etc.)
What I really like about Veronika, yes she has the scientific background. But she also works within "woo-woo" magic. Working with her, I also got to work with my higher powers, my higher selves. We meditated together. We did rituals. She does guided meditations. Heck, some of it we did in a coffeehouse together, but she also does most of her work over Zoom, because she has global clients.
Here is how she describes her work: "Veronika Archer is an intuitive transformation coach guiding you from narcissistic trauma survivor to legacy maker so you are open to being loved again, know the gifts of your empathetic nature, and authentically live your purpose."
Here are a few links:
This first one - by signing-up for her newsletter, she's offering a free gift to download:
This is a link to her most recent video series, "Phoenix Rising," I think it is still on-going with one episode a week.
And here is a link to more of her videos:
If you search for her, you can find other resources as well.
Hopefully she resonates with you, and you find her helpful.
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logansargeantsbabymom · 2 months
Done took another story from someone but I can remember who wrote it
That’s literally my story “Show Me” I literally based it off the Bruno Mars song and I have the lyrics in it!
I don’t know what I have to do anymore!! Can you guys please report them! The @ is buckyswifesblog . I’ve had enough with them!
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isbahstudio · 1 year
🌸 Copywriting Sheet
Hey all, I know many of us have small businesses. To market our businesses effectively on social media, we often have to do copywriting (sales writing). So, I created a little freebie. This copywriting planning sheet breaks down all the essential components of compelling copy. Click the link to download!
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annarellix · 1 year
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THE BEACH HUT MURDERS (The Charity Shop Detective Agency Mysteries Book 2) by Peter Boland
My Review: I fall hard for this series when I read The Charity Shop Detective Agency: I loved the solid and well plotted mystery, the quirky characters and the compelling plot. I had high expectations for this book and couldn’t wait to catch with Fiona, Sue and Daisy, the ladies of the Dogs Need Nice Homes, and read about their squabbles with the Cat Alliance. This book is all I loved in the first instalment and something more as the ladies investigates another complex series of murder and use their brain to solve it. I read it in one sitting as I couldn’t stop turning pages as I was having a lot of fun and wanted to know the solution. If you want to read a well plotted and highly entertaining cozy mystery, if you like Richard Osman or Richard Cole novels, go and read this series. Highly recommended. Many thanks to Joffe Books and Books 'n' all Promotions for this digital copy, all opinions are mine
The Book:
It’s almost summer in Southbourne and the ladies of the Charity Shop Detective Agency are ready for another season of sun, sea and . . . murder.
Amongst the rows of charming brightly painted cabins, an elderly man’s beach hut is set on fire in the middle of the night — while he slept inside. By day, Fiona, Sue and Daisy volunteer at the Dogs Need Nice Homes charity shop. But, by night, they investigate crimes. And they’re determined to get to the bottom of this murder. Malcolm Crainey was a bit of an eccentric, but he was harmless really. Who would want to kill him?
The ladies soon uncover a long list of possible suspects. Neighbours who hated Malcolm for refusing to swap huts. Members of the snobby beach hut association who took umbrage with Malcom’s quirky beachcombed cabin decorations. Then another hut is burned down in the dead of night. Thankfully there was no one asleep inside this time. But the pressure is on — can Fiona, Sue and Daisy find the culprit before the beach hut murderer strikes again
THE CHARITY SHOP DETECTIVES Level-headed Fiona has found a quiet sanctuary volunteering at the local charity shop, Dogs Need Nice Homes. A charity shop that raises money for, well, dogs that need nice homes. And she’s found firm friendship with the strong-willed Partial Sue (she’s ever so partial to a cup of tea) and the kindly and surprisingly tech-savvy Daisy. Together, these ladies, with Simon Le Bon, Fiona’s scruffy-haired terrier cross, investigate murders as the Charity Shop Detective Agency.
THE SETTING The lovely coastal town of Southbourne is, on paper, little more than a small suburb hemmed in by Bournemouth to the west and Christchurch to the north. But it’s home to the prettiest avenues lined with gorgeous Georgian homes which lead to a grass-topped cliff standing guard over a sweeping bay of blond sand, soft as Demerara sugar. Some say it’s also home to the best charity shops in the country. The ladies of the Charity Shop Detective Agency maintain that Dogs Need Nice Homes — though musty and more than a little cramped — is certainly number one. Well, they definitely help solve the most crimes at least!
The Author: PETER BOLAND After studying to be an architect, Pete realised he wasn’t very good at it. He liked designing buildings, he just couldn’t make them stand up — a big handicap in an industry that’s partial to keeping things upright. So he became an advertising copywriter, the highlight of which was creating an ad featuring Raymond Briggs’ The Snowman. He then tried his hand at writing his own stories and quickly realised there’s no magic formula. You just have to put one word in front of the other (and keep doing that for about six months). It also helps if you can resist the lure of surfing and drinking beer in a garden chair. The first book in his Charity Shop Detective Agency series will publish in late 2022.
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pergimelaut · 2 years
Annual Writing Self-Evaluation 2022
Tibalah kita di Annual Writing Self-Evaluation lagi. Untuk tahun-tahun sebelumnya, tepatnya 2017-2020, bisa dibaca di sini. Saya kepengin masukin 2021 juga, tapi sepertinya belum sempat, dan karena post-nya ada di Tumblr ini jadi silakan langsung membacanya di sini.
Saya nggak bangga pada perjalanan menulis dan membaca saya di tahun 2022 secara jumlah, tapi ada satu karya yang mau saya ceritakan. Karya apa yang saya maksud? Baca sampai habis ya. (Wah, udah pakai formula call-to-action aja, dasar copywriter.)
List of works published this year.
Menari di Atas Bumi - 23 Februari 2022
Tulisan ini saya persembahkan untuk kawan saya yang saya kenal di bangku kuliah. Terinspirasi dari cerita pendek "Aku Kemari Hanya untuk Meminjam Telepon" karya Gabriel García Márquez. Berkisah tentang seorang pengembara di Mataram, 1556 Tahun Saka (1634 M) yang terjebak di bangsal sakit jiwa Kraton karena dituduh gila.
Beberapa hari lalu, saya dapat kabar kalau karya ini dapat penghargaan Best Adventure IFA 2022. :') Alhamdulillah. Seneng banget rasanya, apalagi mengingat tahun lalu saya juga dapat Best Adventure di IFA 2021. Sejujurnya, genre ini bukanlah hal yang saya kira akan saya sukai (lirik subkategori Best Factual Research/Historical yang sampai sekarang belum pernah saya dapat XD), tapi makin ke sini ternyata saya suka menulis tentang perjalanan, pengalaman baru, dan hence: petualangan. Ternyata maknanya luas juga, yaaa.
Delapan Puluh Tahun Lagi - 19 April 2022
Tulisan ini saya persembahkan untuk kawan yang saya kenal di dunia maya, kami sama-sama suka topik tentang sejarah dan Perang Dunia Kedua, spesifiknya di Eropa. Sekarang kami sudah punya topik kesukaan yang berbeda, tapi saya senang karena kami nggak keberatan untuk menengok kembali apa yang dulu pernah berharga bagi kami---salah satunya lewat tulisan ini.
Kami sama-sama tahu, saya suka Inggris dan dia suka Jerman. Dan di sini, saya menulis tentang dinamika Inggris dan Jerman dari masa ke masa, tepatnya dalam rentang 80 tahun. Tahun 1862 (pernikahan pangeran kerajaan Jerman dan putri kerajaan Inggris), tahun 1942 (Perang Dunia Kedua, tentu saja), hingga ke masa kini, 2022.
Harga Patah Hati - 6 Mei 2022
Tulisan ini saya persembahkan untuk teteh jauh saya karena kisah ini tentang karakter-karakter buatannya. Salah satu karakternya namanya Raka. Saya SUKA banget sama Raka dan mengharapkan kebahagiaan buat dia, dan kesukaan saya terwujud di tulisan ini: Bikin Raka hidup sendirian sebagai seorang pekerja lepas & menua dan terpuruk & kecanduan merokok dan kopi & berakhir di ranjang rumah sakit karena diabetes, tanpa pernah bisa menyatakan cinta ke seseorang yang dia suka.
... Kenapa saya tega menulis kayak gitu, saya juga nggak tahu.
Ketika Kita Mati Nanti - 16 September 2022
Tulisan ini buat kado untuk teteh jauh saya yang (tentu saja) berulang tahun. Masih tentang karakter buatannya, namanya Neve dan Julian. Saya suka dinamikanya mereka karena (saya membayangkannya) mirip saya dan seseorang, tapi tentu nggak dalam konteks sebenarnya karena mereka berdua adalah agen rahasia.
Saya nyaman banget bikin tulisannya, soalnya bagiannya Neve saya tumpahkan semua isi pandangan dan proses berpikir di kepala saya. Jadi pengin bikin mereka lagi.
Mengamankan Bahagia - 18 September 2022
Tulisan ini buat kado kawan saya di dunia maya lainnya yang sama-sama suka sejarah. Dia suka Italia. Khususnya Italia Selatan sih, tapi di sini saya kasih tulisan dengan latar waktu G20 biar lokasinya bisa di Indonesia. Pesan saya di tulisan ini adalah untuk mendoakan kebahagiaan dia, karena makin ke sini saya makin kehilangan kabarnya. Saya seneng banget karena akhirnya tulisan ini tersampaikan.
Gadis Penyulut Lentera - 2022
Nah, inilah satu karya yang mau saya ceritakan. Ini buku cerita anak pertama saya, dan sekalipun ada versi cetaknya, tapi bisa dibaca di sini. Di Annual Writing Self-Evaluation 2021 saya menulis harapan untuk bisa berkarya di dunia nyata, dan jawabannya adalah buku anak ini! Alhamdulillah ada kesempatannya. Proses pelatihan, pengarahan, dan bimbingannya dari awal sampai akhir itu sangat berharga buat saya.
Work you are most proud (and why?)
Mengamankan Bahagia. Saya bangga karena saya menyelesaikan tulisan itu tiga kali: Di perjalanan berangkat ke Solo dari Stasiun Lempuyangan; di perjalanan pulang ke Yogyakarta dari Stasiun Solo Balapan; dan di rumah. Saya ternyata masih bisa melakukannya---menuruti keinginan menulis, tanpa kenal tempat. XD Selain itu, isi tulisannya juga saya suka. Saya selalu suka hal-hal kecil di relasi romantis dua orang---seperti berbagi senyum, melambaikan tangan, saling mengingat ... dan itu terwujud di tulisan ini.
Work you are least proud (and why?)
Kalau harus ada satu, secara mengejutkan, itu adalah Harga Patah Hati yang ironisnya itu saya dedikasikan demi karakter kesukaan saya. Soalnya NGENES BANGET, beneran deh. Suram banget. XD Dan selain itu, tokoh-tokohnya saya buat di paruh akhir 30 tahun. Ini hal yang saya sayangkan, karena setelah saya bekerja di kantor saya sekarang yang banyak diisi Millenials dan Gen X, saya jadi pengin merombak tulisan dan menetapkan bahwa usia mereka harusnya paruh akhir 40 tahun saja.
Favorite excerpt(s) from your writing.
Dari Mengamankan Bahagia:
... dan yang terlihat di ekspresi Arthur adalah senyuman tulus penuh rasa bangga—semua tahu itu hanya muncul untuk Nesia.
(Saya lagi suka menuliskan hal-hal yang subtle, kalau di sini konteksnya tentang relasi dua orang yang saling sayang.)
Dari Menari di Atas Bumi:
"Aku mungkin akan sekali-sekali butuh kamu," ucap Kazuha ketika mereka duduk berdampingan di hadapan api yang menyala. Ia menunggu jawaban... "Aku tahu," jawab Tomo. Kazuha bertanya-tanya kapankah hari ketika Tomo tahu-tahu meninggalkannya.
(Saya lagi suka menuliskan hal-hal yang subtle[2] dan kalau di sini konteksnya tentang relasi satu arah rasa sayang bertepuk sebelah tangan ... XD)
Dari Delapan Puluh Tahun Lagi:
Apakah mereka berdua sama-sama berpikir, betapa jauhnya, mereka bagi satu sama lain?
Share or describe favorite comment(s) you received.
Saya suka waktu teteh jauh saya bilang kalau saya terus menulis, ketika saya kasih tulisan di hari ulang tahunnya. Lengkapnya: "Karena kamu selalu kasih itu dan kupikir kayaknya kamu nggak akan berhenti sekarang." Iya, semoga saya nggak berhenti melakukannya, ya.
Kawan maya saya pernah bilang, perpindahan adegan yang saya buat di tulisan saya pas. Dan ini saya tersentuh banget, karena sejujurnya saya masih nggak percaya diri kalau pengin ganti latar (tempat, waktu, ataupun suasana) tanpa ngasih scene breaks. Terima kasih sangat. Ke depannya saya bakal terus latihan.
Seseorang ada yang meninggalkan komentar di salah satu tulisan saya, dia bilang itu cantik sekalipun sad ending. Saya jarang menulis sad ending, biasanya sad story aja sekalian biar dari awal sampai akhir sedih terus (hahahah XD), jadi senang juga ketika baca komentar itu. Dan yang bikin saya seneng itu ...
Scene(s) or character(s) you wrote that suprised you.
... karena saya nggak meniatkan tulisan itu untuk sad ending. Saya nggak akan sebut judulnya karena sudah telanjur spoiler, tapi tulisan yang saya maksud itu tentang dua orang yang terpisahkan karena suatu kecelakaan. Sejujurnya, rencana awal saya adalah pengin bikin mereka bertemu lagi di akhir cerita. Tapi, akhirnya cerita itu tamat tanpa mereka ketemu lagi ... dan alasannya apa, coba? Karena saya udah capek nulis ... XD Sudah banyak banget jumlah katanya, dan mereka belum ketemu-ketemu juga, jadi tamatin ajalah HAHAHA. Payah banget. Saya malu mengakui ini. XD
Tulisan itu sekalian jadi jawaban pertanyaan ini (Scene(s) or character(s) you wrote that suprised you), karena saya nggak menyangka hasilnya bisa tetap cantik---kayak salah satu komentar yang saya dapatkan itu. Bahkan teman saya yang membaca sampai nangis. T_T
How did you grow up as a writer this year?
Saya senang karena semua---betulan semuanya---tulisan yang saya buat itu saya persembahkan ke seseorang. Tahun 2021 juga sudah saya lakukan, tapi nggak pernah dengan porsi yang sebesar ini. Entah itu kawan di dunia nyata atau di dunia maya, entah untuk kado ulang tahun, pesan semangat, atau sekadar menyapa. Saya merasa kalau saya lebih senang untuk menulis buat orang lain di tahun 2022 ini.
How did you hope to grow next year?
Saya berharap di tahun 2023 ini saya bisa menulis tentang kehidupan kerja atau keseharian orang-orang: seperti sudut pandang seorang kakek yang tinggal sendirian, anak yang hidup di dekat tempat pembuangan akhir, dan peran-peran lainnya---terutama di latar perkotaan.
Selama ini, saya lebih nyaman menulis tokoh yang dekat dengan pengalaman saya (cerita di sekolah, di kampus, pembaca buku, kisah patah hati, dan lain-lain), dan saya tahu kalau banyak di antaranya merupakan kemewahan yang nggak menjadi kesempatan banyak orang (bisa bersekolah, bisa kuliah, bisa punya akses terhadap pendidikan atau teknologi, dan lain-lain). Kalau saya pengin lebih jauh mendalami realisme sosialis, saya nggak bisa terus-menerus ambil jarak dengan masyarakat.
Who was your greatest positive influence this year as a writer (could be another writer or beta or cheerleader or muse or etc)?
Tahun 2022 saya nggak begitu semangat menulis dan membaca. Saya justru banyak menonton film, video, atau kursus online. Kalau saya bisa menyelesaikan sebuah tulisan, itu untuk hadiah bagi seorang kawan. Jadi, jawaban saya masih sama kayak tahun lalu: kawan-kawan saya. Ada teteh jauh saya (yang sekarang makin jauh), kawan kuliah, teman di dunia maya, dan teman-teman baik lainnya.
Anything from your real life show up in your writing this year.
Sekalipun sudah banyak yang bukan sebuah pengalaman pribadi, tapi masih kebanyakan di tulisan-tulisan saya tertuang perasaan saya saat itu.
Any wisdom you can share with other writers?
Setia dengan hobi.
Ini hal yang pengin saya jaga, dan penting buat saya pribadi, dan saya tahu kalau banyak yang nggak cocok dengan pernyataan ini, tapi saya sendiri merasa butuh untuk terus diingatkan sepanjang waktu. Saya telah menulis sejak dulu. Menulis pernah menjadi aktivitas yang alamiah saya lakukan, pernah juga menjadi kegiatan yang untuk melakukannya harus dipaksa, menjadi hal yang menyelamatkan saya, juga menenggelamkan saya. Apa pun artinya itu, saya bersyukur bahwa setelah berbagai pengalaman yang saya lalui, saya nggak menyerah menulis.
Any projects you’re looking forward to starting (or finishing) in the new year?
Menindaklanjuti harapan saya yang saya tulis sebelumnya, ayo, tahun ini kita mengeksplorasi kisah-kisah di masyarakat. Sebetulnya saya sudah memulainya sejak akhir tahun, tapi belum semuanya tergambarkan dengan matang, baik penokohan maupun deskripsi fisik. Ini perlu pelan-pelan, perlu banyak membaca, dan mari kita mengupayakannya.
Terima kasih sudah membaca.
Selamat melalui 2023.
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finance-pro · 2 years
What is SEO and how it works?
You cannot afford to skimp on search engine optimization if you are currently running an internet marketing campaign or want to start one (SEO). One of the most commonly used buzzwords in internet marketing is SEO, but unfortunately, most internet marketers do not have sufficient knowledge of SEO to successfully apply this approach. Even people who are familiar with SEO often have difficulty implementing their SEO ideas in a way that achieves the desired effect.
Any kind of business has to invest a lot in advertising. To find new customers and promote your goods or services, you need to advertise. Whether you run your business online or not, you probably already know how important advertising is. However, if you do, you should be aware that there is a lot of free advertising available in the form of high search engine results.
This means you save a lot of money if your site is already on the first google page.
Let’s take a closer look at this example:
As you can see, on average 30% of people click on your page when you are in the first Google position, and only around 15% when you are in the second position.
In other words:
This simply means that if a keyword has 2000 searches per month, then the first-placed keyword gets 600 views and the second-placed keyword only 300 views, so just about half.
So you see how important SEO is for your website.
The algorithms that search engines utilize may be rather complicated and take a variety of criteria into account. Keyword density,META tags,titles,inbound links,website traffic, and content are a few frequent variables in the formula. Let me explain.
Meta Tags:Some search engines utilize META tags, which are fragments of HTML code, to analyze a website’s content. Some search engines may favor terms included in these tags. To prevent having your website penalized, you should take care not to include irrelevant terms in these tags.
In case you don’t have any meta tags then I would strongly recommend you generate some meta tags. The best way to do this is with a meta tag generator.You only need to enter a few simple data:
Site Title
Site Description
Site Keywords (Separate with commas)
Do you allow robots to index your website?
Do you allow robots to follow all links?
What type of content will your site display?
What is your site’s primary language?
And in case you already have a website that has meta tags, I would have it checked again with a meta tag analyzer.You never know when an improvement is needed.
Keyword density:
The frequency with which a particular keyword appears in the text of your website is called keyword density. The theory behind this idea is that websites that use a keyword frequently are likely to be very relevant to that keyword; however, overuse of a keyword can result in penalties for the website if the search engine determines that it is not being used correctly.
Google itself has said that a keyword should not be mentioned more than 5 times, otherwise it can lead to spamming and your site can suffer massive consequences. Therefore, it is important to check the densityof your keywords.
Inbound links:
Some search engines also rank websites with inbound links. Links pointing to your website are called inbound links. Some search engines take into account the authority of the website linking to your website when determining the value of these inbound links. This means that you should make sure that the websites linking to your website rank highly in order to get the most out of these links.
If you are still a beginner then you can also get help with a backlink generator. And to best check your links then I would personally use a backlink checker. Ahrefs or Semrush have free backlink checker tools.
Finally, the content of your website can significantly improve its position in search results. Most SEO services work with copywriters who are able to create high-quality material that is also optimized for keywords. If the SEO company you choose does not offer copywriting services, you should invest in a qualified copywriter yourself. This way, you can ensure that the text on your website is helpful for both users and search engines. And don’t forget SEO is a process that takes a lot of time and doesn’t happen overnight. It will be worth it in the end. Stay focused.
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