#corona virus animation
happy2animate · 1 year
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Once upon a time this ghost entered world , just drew it with my imagination of this ghost
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iradizainer · 9 months
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recursive360 · 1 year
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(via GIPHY)
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madamepestilence · 6 months
H5N1: What to know before fear spreads
What is H5N1?
H5N1 is a 1996 strain of the Spanish or Avian Flu first detected in Chinese birds before spreading globally across various avian species. H5N1 is similar to H1N1, but spreads slower and has a much higher mortality rate.
H5N1 may also be referred to as Influenza A. The American Association of Bovine Practitioners has seen fit to rename H5N1 to Bovine Influenza A Virus, or BIAV, and are encouraging others to use the same terminology.
I would not be surprised if the colloquial name among the public becomes Bovine Flu or American Flu in the coming months, and may be referred to as the Chinese Flu by the same folks who took the spark of the SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) pandemic as an excuse to be publicly racist to East Asian people without social repercussions.
BIAV is a virus, meaning that it is a (probably) non-living packet of self-replicating infectious material with a high rate of mutation. BIAV is structured similarly to SARS-CoV-2, having a packet of infectious material encased in a spherical shell with a corona, or crown, of proteins that can latch to living cells to inject RNA.
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Image source with interactive model: ViralZone - H5N1 subtype
What is the history of BIAV?
In 1996 and 1997, an outbreak of BIAV occurred among poultry and infected 18 people in Hong Kong, 6 of which died. This seemingly isolated incident then infected ~860 people with a >50% death rate.
At the time, BIAV was known as Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza, or HPAI, and killed nearly 100% of chickens within a 48 hour period.
From 2003 to 2005, continual outbreaks occurred in China and other East Asian countries, before spreading to Cambodia, the Netherlands, Thailand, and Vietnam.
From 2014 to 2016, it began being detected in American fowl, as well as mutating the H5N6 (lethal in birds, no human to human transmission) and H5N8 (largely spread through turkeys, ducks had immunity) viruses.
BIAV has since evolved into a clade known as, and was first detected in 2021 in wild American birds. This then caused outbreaks in 2022 among wild and domesticated birds (such as chickens) alike, but was largely being overshadowed by the pressing SARS-CoV-2 pandemic at the time.
From 2022 to 2023, it was observed to be spreading among various mammals, including humans. Now, in 2024, we're having the most concerning rapid outbreak of BIAV since 2003.
BIAV is known to spread from mammal to mammal, particularly between cows and humans. BIAV may also be spread from cow to cow (highly likely, but not confirmed - this is likely the reason the virus has spread to Idaho from Texan cattle), and is known to be lethal to domestic cats and birds within 48 hours.
How does BIAV spread?
BIAV spreads through fomites - direct contact with infected animals or infected surfaces and then touching parts of your face or other orifices - as well as through airborne particulates, which may be inhaled and enter the sinuses and lungs.
BIAV is known to spread through:
Asymptomatic Ducks, geese, swans, various shorebirds
Symptomatic, may be lethal Foxes, bears, seals, sea lions, polar bears, domestic cats, dogs, minks, goats, cows, (potentially human to human, but unconfirmed - there have only been 8 potential human to human cases in 2024).
How can I protect against BIAV?
As BIAV is a type of Influenza A, existing protocols should do fine.
Current recommendations are to wash your hands vigorously after interacting with birds (I would also recommend doing this with mammals), avoid touching your face or other open orifices, and wear N95 masks.
Avoid sick or dead animals entirely - I would also recommend reporting them to your local Animal Control or veterinary centre and warning them about the infection risk. People who work with animals are recommended to also wear full PPE such as N95 masks, eye protection, gloves, and partake in vigorous hand washing.
If you suspect you've caught BIAV, seek medical attention immediately. Existing medications such as oseltamivir phosphate, zanamivir, peramivir, and baloxavir marboxil can reduce BIAV's ability to replicate.
Standard flu shots will not protect against BIAV. Remember - symptoms of BIAV may not manifest for between 2 to 8 days, and potentially infected people should be monitored for at least 10 days.
How far has BIAV spread?
BIAV is currently a global virus, though the current infection location of note is the United States.
Image Key: Dark red - Countries with humans, poultry and wild birds killed by H5N1 Deep red - Countries with poultry or wild birds killed by H5N1 and has reported human cases of H5N1 Light red - Countries with poultry or wild birds killed by H5N1
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Image source: Wikipedia - Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 - File: Global spread of H5N1 map
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Image source: Metro.co.uk - Map shows where bird flu is spreading in US amid new warning - File: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s H5N1 bird flu detections map across the United States
Should I be afraid?
You needn't be afraid, just prepared. BIAV has a concerningly high lethality, but this ironically culls its spread somewhat.
In the event human to human transmission of BIAV is confirmed, this will likely mainly affect marginalized communities, poor people, and homeless people, who are likely to have less access to medical care, and a higher likelihood of working in jobs that require frequent close human contact, such as fast food or retail jobs.
Given the response to SARS-CoV-2, corporations - and probably the government - may shove a proper response under the rug and refuse to participate in a full quarantine, which may leave people forced to go to work in dangerous conditions.
If this does spread into an epidemic or pandemic, given our extensive knowledge about Influenza, and the US having a backup vaccine for a prior strain of H5N1, a vaccine should be able to be developed relatively quickly and would hopefully be deployed freely without charge - we won't have to worry about a situation like The Stand.
Wash your hands, keep clean, avoid large social gatherings where possible, wear an N95 mask if you can afford them (Remember: Cloth masks are the least protective, but are better than nothing. If you can't afford N95 masks, I recommend wearing a well-fitted cloth mask with a disposable face mask over it to prevent pneumonia from moisture buildup in the disposable mask), support the disabled, poor, and homeless, and stay educated.
We can do better this time.
Further things to check out:
YouTube: MedCram - H5N1 Cattle Outbreak: Background and Currently Known Facts (ft. Roger Seheult, M.D.)
Wikipedia - Influenza A virus subtype H5N1
Maine.gov - Avian Influenza and People
CDC.gov - Technical Report: Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza A(H5N1) Viruses
Wikipedia - H5N1 genetic structure
realagriculture - Influenza infection in cattle gets new name: Bovine Influenza A Virus (BIAV)
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demilypyro · 2 years
How did you get started vtubing?
Admire let's players as a kid
Gain a big tumblr following for some reason by posting about cartoons, anime and videogames
Start streaming on twitch
I hate showing my face because I'm transgender and I have dysphoria but having no face at all feels too impersonal
Research this one clip I saw one time of someone using motion capture on a 3D model of a shiba to sing thunderstruck live on stream
Find the program that they used and start using it in place of a face cam
Vtuber boom happens cause of corona virus keeping people inside
Apparently we're calling these vtubers now
Mfw I coincidentally pre-empted the whole thing by being transgender
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oh-yes-i-did-not · 1 year
Okay so for those either too young to remember or who were alive during but it never really affected them based on where they lived, Mad Cow Disease
Mad Cow Disease was thing in the late 80′s and the entire 90′s, all the way to early 00′s and it was an international scare. Like, we had disinfecting stations on international airports because of it.
It was a virus passed from animals to humans and this didn’t happen somewhere random in Asia, where, idk, bats and pigs interact and infect the food chain, but in Europe. In UK to be precise.
It affected only cows at first and only agriculture paid any attention, since any animal infected needed to be put down. Like no shit, those animals couldn’t even walk with how bad they were shaking and if you want to google this, be prepared. It doesn’t look nice, it looks ugly and horrifying and it will likely traumatize someone.
And the mode of transfer was not evident. There are videos and photos, showing cow carcasses being burned and someone trying to claim that was early days but that was very much not the reality in the beginning. In fact, all the research showed it is not possible for Mad Cow Disease to infect humans. In fact2, a similar disease was already known in lambs for decades and that one could not infect humans, so it was a no brainer to say, a similar disease in cows can also NEVER infect humans, so no precautions with the carcass needed.
But the thing is, how we processed meat had changed drastically between the lambs being a stable, grown at home meat, and then cows, or beef, becoming dominant with supermarkets. This is basically the “you see this, this is animal paste from a teletubby machine” video, except the paste wasn’t fed to humans. It’s known as meat and bone meal and it was all the leftover stuff from abattoirs, ground up and fed back to the animals as valuable protein.
You might see where this is going.
So let’s talk about prion diseases.
Well, as much as I, a random person know about them. Prions are proteins and proteins are not DNA or RNA, which are most likely familiar to anyone who has googled Covid, or any novel corona viruses in general. They’re the viruses a vaccine is made for.
Prion diseases are, in fact, mostly known because of cannibalism. Kuru is a famous disease among one specific tribe on Pacific Islands, caused by their tradition of consuming their relatives flesh after death. In fact, I just fact checked on which ocean and was told that the Kuru was mainly affecting kids and women because the men ate limbs and muscles and women and kids got the brain and basically all the best, fatty parts. Which, ironically, carried the disease.
And yes, in any survivalist culture fat, innards, and cartilage and the “bad parts” are the best because they contain the most nutrients so no, you do no get to twist this into the men taking the best, so fuck of terfs. This post is not for you.
Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease was already known by the time of Mad Cow Disease, it was a brain destroying disease affecting the elderly population. Mad Cow became variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease, or vCJD and was picked up because it mainly affected the young.
And in case you didn’t get it already, the link was infected cow carcasses being processed to meat and bone meal to be fed back to cows, because infected prion diseases spread through cannibalism. Or more specifically, spine and brain stem.
(so you’re relatively safe eating just the thigh or any muscle tbh)
So in the end, Mad Cow Disease didn’t kill that many people, only few hundreds, if I recall correctly.
But the thing that was found out about the prion diseases because of Kuru was that while some people exhibited symptoms and died really early, most had an incubation period of DECADES, aka 50 years. So the inevitable conclusion about vCJD is that it has only claimed it’s first victims and that majority are still waiting to appear and die.
Because the thing about prion diseases? There is currently no cure. And the fact that no one seems to remember this and that there is no awareness of it is not helping.
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inflatablelugia · 4 months
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My favorite seasonal anime didnt get any holiday episodes because of corona virus altering the schedule wow time to shoot myself in the head
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realin808 · 7 months
So todays complaint about the 808 state is how actually people in authority is still hiding because they teamed up with a group thinking they were superior and could over take the government and then take bribes and change identity aka for witness protection and lmao it was illegally and its an island you can’t run nor hide and sorry the virtual face mask comes off and tbh … you need to do cosmetic surgery if you still tryna live in Hawaii and not leave state … why they never left ? Because look the state suppose to help for when this time comes that people could help detect people location and see who actually is doing the crime . And look the original creators that created corona virus disease and look its spiritual but hard to get evidence of spiritual right so they added effects like noises and voices and an image of the person being or to blame and make like hacking the head by beeping noises but really raping the bodies of humans and thinking its ok. I know I’m someone special inside and I was the first one and the state did nothing to prevent it from spreading now we on broadcast and people hate us because the botches won’t get off and stop harassing bullying people and saying stupid shit just to get them to be victimized in crimes and have no one taken seriously . And some be forced to go and do time for them and they escape from doing time because they think they are superior and think they can get away with it. Illegal racist white privileged authorities or personals and thinking that they can get whatever they want and just live off of people !! Like you give everything a bad name and think you’ll get out of it !!! Like come on I’m fucking waiting for you to get to your original born self body !! Ok or soon I guess no matter water just eliminate all. Trust me I keep up with the stories and put it together fast you think you’re going to slide thru and survive but the REAL TRUTH… dead and ending everyone like you because its like a toxic cancer and it spreaded so bad and still causing issues that as soon as you get there bam ! Black out (: thank you for making this a game Hawaii !! Thank you and broadcasting it and trying to lie now because caught look they already knew who was the original and how the original person for the correct stories look like. And once you realize they are stupid because people will tell them things and seen differently or thinking certain things will help them but it won’t because look voice recognition… for any home, phone, google or any other system that recognize your voice because it needs to register yah look in the settings it’s registered and so it can be detected and tell you who that voice is recognized to and what account (: so how you going to change the voice say in the —— voice ? But you spoke it so that part should be detected original owner (: and global tel my voice is my password !!!! Wooooohoooo global !!! The whole world knows your voice !!!! Yah you belong to the system !!! Thank god you over use power in technology that damn caught by voice and the virtual face mask and illegal face mask of identity … yeah comes off and wouldn’t you use animation or animals for that because excuse me you don’t want to do nothing illegal then don’t do that face mask it’s federal illegal action / doings for you stupid people
Saying criminal act / actors (action - of actual showing to do - people can witness and take pictures or do a recording of )… sucks because if it’s real to them they can press charges … or tell authorities about and submit as evidence so doing all this acting is what ? Where the fuck is the authorities??? Oh yeah they corrupted and used all these illegal things to go hiding or blame other and took bribes so right now they hiding … is it clear to come out now … can I get my body back LMAO . Thank you sincerely kealoha investigation !! That remember said would be broadcasted !! And we would watch the trial lmao look it broadcasted to where are you … lol. What did you really do and running away .. so authorities and criminals on the run !! Yes because look I ain’t getting in trouble and some been sabotage because of course abuse of power, racism , hate and now scary … whole world watching … and I’m the little girl who started it all (: and what’s the game ? Be invisible and use people and things to blame someone other than the actual doer and get away with it. But if only they wouldn’t have started talking !!!! You stayed quiet and never talk then bam wouldn’t have been seen or heard be detected who was actually apart of the thing. So thank you for talking and then dressing up with spirit to let everyone identity you as some way or being (: and we are an island so like where you going to really hide and not be seen to where can you go.?! The airports would have wanted people so you can’t fly ?? Sucks .. you talked and revealed yourself and wanted to be celebrities … how and why would you if you identity your self in the streets !? Like common sense right ? Don’t tell people what you actually do right because it may be illegal and people can report you to actual authorities… so what was the purpose ?! Thank god they built a hate group for themselves and lol watch they can’t take the criticism or judgement that look suicide rates are going to go up because bullying invisible to others and then caught or just doing the wrong … just admit it confess and stop lying because to be honest people see what actually happens and it’s embarrassing … most of these people are older and they knew about this and thought they could have people reenact cases to get out of it but if your local and was in the same time era / period with everyone who actually know that story … wouldn’t you think they fix whatever story is now being told about that situation so people be like no that was so and so and look reveal who actually did what to who but question is why are authorities telling others to reenact it oh because they want to be free from doing timing and blame others and also stupid people are on drugs - substance abuse / drunk and then not in the best mind frame so they could manipulate others to do it control people innocent or just scam them and without knowing it intentionally that certain people will do things just to get someone to do the charge . It’s sad because almost 3 years and not even justice to why I never had privacy to now how come I got privacy sometimes ? People say I’m off screen then why the fuck ain’t I off the screen to why is my rights violated and still not getting justice to people confirmed and will talk to me in human face to face interaction … and then some people lying and trying to make like I’m going crazy knowing that they can make someone feel like no one will trust them and that’s what happened to me and caused me and my own family problems to then finding out it links to other family problems to why my mom told us things and we had to be away from my dad and now hearing these people did shit to my dad and thinking it’s ok and then me the daughter dealing with the shit and look where’s the money how come I’m so fucking famous !!! It’s because my fucking right and privacy was violated said it couldn’t turn off and being sabotage and a groups of people tryna kill me and look ruin everything I work for just to steal it from me or make me go so low that you know how much this shit impacted me !
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thouartachoochootrain · 11 months
Okay so... Face Care.
Skin care in general. So @gaphic has more and better thoughts but I saw a post from a gay porn blog that got me thinking so.
There are A Lot of skin care products out there, just like.... So Fucking Many. There are toners, serums, exfoliators, scrubs, soaps, oils, supplements, creams, vitamins, masks, combos of all these and more. However MOST are nonsense, completely useless.
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This is collagen
It is Very Large, as proteins go. It Cannot Fit In Pores. Unless they are injecting it directly into your skin collagen does Nothing, zip zilch Nada. If you consume it, the collagen is broken down like any other protein and is not reconstituted back into the same amount of collagen. It may be used partially to create some collagen, but it is the same amount your body normally produces. Your body is producing collagen and maintaining collagen, it does this using food you eat. Eating collagen is not going to trick your body into making more.
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Vitamin serums, these can be beneficial depending on the person, more often than not though it is an Oil and the benefit is the fact you are applying Oil to your skin because Your Skin is Leather.
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So there are differences between your skin and the skin of an animal in laboratory settings where medical research is done. But when used as leather human skin is Very Similar to any other animal skin. This means that it has similar Needs. You don't clean leather with Water you apply Oils.
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Fats and Oils are Lipids.
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These are essential as shown above in cell protection. Allowing only a specific amount of liquids in, it is essential that cells do not have too much or too little water in them. When we wash our hands we break down this lipid layer of Hopefully harmful pathogens, corona virus for one. This is why handwashing is essential in medical settings and for lower disease transmission. But, that is because your hands touch EVERYTHING. They have a specific set of rules that apply to them for that reason, you aren't going to rub your eye with your knee (if you do weird flex but okay).
So with all this being said what actually does something for your skin. Let's look at what our skin does first. It grows, it sheds by flaking off slowly, it has pores that release oils and sweat, and has layers. As skin cells age they start drying out and flake off. These are pressed off by the new skin being produced underneath, like a tree producing bark. Dead skin cells and dirt and any other contaminants are prevented from harming your skin by a layer of oil. This is commonly where white heads come from, dead skin and dirt and bacteria aren't carried away and congeal in this oil and block a pore. So skin needs to have this top layer of dead skin and oil removed while leaving the oil in our skin and not harming the new skin.
Soap. Soap breaks down oil, it breaks it down really really well. Thats great for dishes and hands and messes all over the house. For your Whole Body it is ATROCIOUS. You wash off oil and dry your skin to then apply moisturizer aka replacement OIL. Your skin uses OIL to protect against bacteria and contaminants.
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Your skin cannot absorb all that water from the shower, if you use soap all over that strips the oil that retain said water and dries out the cells, which you then need to drink water and apply oils again so they can start refilling.
What we will instead do is assist this massive organ in what it already does really really well.
First, exfoliating. Exfoliating just means removing dead skin and the oil that has already done it's work and now has bacteria, skin, and dirt just waiting to be whisked away. Warm water will warm up this oil and fats and your hands or a cloth can remove it. Your hands are rather abrasive so for more sensitive skin or daily washing hands work well and you can wash them after. I use those scrubby gloves they feel Great, I have well oiled skin so the extra scruff just drags away dead skin. I also Highly recommend micellar water for your face. On bad days you can look at the cotton swab and see it become skin colored, just whisks away dirt, makeup, dead skin. Just a cotton swab with some micellar water while in the shower. That's it btw, no lathering needed. You can use soap for spot cleaning or if I work on a car I'll literally have black grease on me and only soap gets that off. Also, I use soap on my ass but I'm gay so there are additional needs being met.
Second, toner. Toner is something I did not think did anything. It does, a good toner will help rebalance the pH of your skin after it getting fucked by a bunch of water, presumably heavily chlorinated water. A good toner will also help reduce bacterial growth in your really sweaty areas like between your legs and pits, reducing harsh smells. I use diluted apple cider vinegar, works great and the smell of the apple cider vinegar when applied to skin goes away in a few minutes. Salt water is also a form of toner in this sense, the salt is antimicrobial and helps stabilize your pH.
Third, oil. Oil is your friend. Oil will change your skin for the better. I use jojoba, it is very similar in consistency to the oil your skin naturally produces. Apply this everywhere, you want it everywhere and it will lock in moisture and assist in protecting your skin throughout the day. I apply a moisturizer before the oil, you really don't have to but I think it feels nice. Most moisturizes will do the trick, just get what you like and is cheap, much like wine.
Fourth, sunscreen. Yeah, listen sunscreen does work. It is real and genuine and you will honestly probably notice a reduction in acne and skin problems once you start. The sun is a deadly lazer. Australian made sunscreen works Really well they have strict standards for efficacy. Don't trust those 150 SPF that's an insane factor that isn't really achievable, they are fibbing usually.
I barely use soap now and my skin is amazing, it feels good. I of course use soap where needed, I work in healthcare so I wash my hands like a fanatic. I have never smelt better, I have never felt cleaner, I save so much money by just not succumbing to this cavalcade of tinctures and potions and snake oils... (Actually snake oil sounds nice) it's hard to describe fully but my skin feels Better.
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It feels like this. Moisturized, full, warm, clean. Thats another thing I'm Warmer since I started doing this, my skin feels warmer and keeps me warmer when I'm well oiled. I don't flake skin like crazy and I itch rarely. I oil my scalp and my hair is thick and luscious and my dandruff went away. I can buy most of these things in bulk, I also don't have a twelve step thirty minute long morning and night routine. I know we hear over and over and over again "omg you don't scrub every inch of your body with soap every day???????? Thats so grooooosssssss thats unhygienic!!!!!!!!" But there just isn't evidence to support that. Yes if you literally do not wash yourself that is unhygienic. You are not making yourself less covered in bacteria by scrubbing with soap. You Are Mostly Bacteria By Volume. You are COVERED in living things, you are ALIVE that is just how it is. The conditions to render something sterile are the conditions required to kill All Living Things. Boiling water, extreme heat, radiation, or a series of some of the harshest chemicals we have. You are not benefitting yourself or others by committing a mass slaughter of your non pathogenic microbiome. You are just gonna be itchy.
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gogonano · 1 year
How to Safely Clean All Surfaces from Viruses?
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Careful hand washing and use of disinfectants and wearing protective masks are an important part of limiting the spread of corona and other viruses. For safe disinfection, we have developed a natural cleaning and disinfecting agent that safely destroys viruses, bacteria, fungi, Gram-negative (for example, the causative agent of tuberculosis) and Gram-positive bacteria from any surfaces and materials.
Corona challenge
In light of recent events, GoGoNano has adapted its core activities as a green chemistry and technology provider to provide support during the global corona pandemic. We remain focused on core values ​​that positively impact people and the environment.
Our mission is to provide products and technology to reduce and/or replace toxic disinfectant chemicals and support people in reducing infectious diseases. With the goal of saving people and making our planet friendly.
Lactic acid is much more effective against corona & other viruses
GoGoNano Anti-Viral is a lactic acid-based deep-cleaning disinfectant that helps fight not only corona but also all other pathogens in a safe and sustainable way. Its biodegradable composition with surface-active particles effectively destroys bacteria, virus particles and fungi and does not damage delicate materials. Therefore, it is well suited for cleaning all objects and surfaces that have come into our homes from the outside, such as food packaging, clothes worn while shopping or other soft objects that cannot be properly disinfected with ethanol.
GoGoNano antiviral and antibacterial disinfectant has been proven effective against various harmful pathogens and bacteria. Corona can survive on different surfaces for several days. Therefore, disinfection and cleaning are extremely important. The product is specially designed for this task.
Lactic acid is a natural, safe and effective alternative to synthetic antiviral agents. It is a naturally occurring acid that is produced during the acidification of milk, as well as in humans and animals as a result of physical activity. While most disinfectants work with the support of three biocidal mechanisms, lactic acid has four of these mechanisms, which is why it is much more difficult for pathogens to become resistant to it.
Thanks to this, lactic acid has proven itself as an effective defense against a large number of different pathogens. Its combination of effectiveness and safety for human health has made lactic acid a popular cleaning agent in both homes and businesses, such as catering kitchens and stores, where the need for deep cleaning and disinfection is constant.
Which surfaces should be disinfected?
During the disease season, surface cleaning should be done daily as a routine. It is important to notice which surfaces come into contact more often, especially in frequently used rooms. If you don’t know which places need to be cleaned, spend some time observing which surfaces people come into contact with most often.
The following areas and items usually require more frequent cleaning:
– door handles – elevator buttons – toilet and bathroom surfaces – switches – handrails – chair armrests – tables – work surfaces
In order to effectively prevent the spread of the virus, surfaces should be cleaned as often as possible. In public spaces, this should be done no less than every 2-4 hours. In addition to the mentioned surfaces, the edges of doors and other shared objects also need attention.
Lactic acid has fast-acting, effective antiviral properties
Most products available take 5-10 minutes to work on viruses, leaving the possibility that not everything will be removed. In addition, a large amount of the product is required for effective work, which limits its use and increases toxic side effects. Our lactic acid based antiviral organic cleaner has been tested and proven to work instantly. It removes all viruses within one minute of use. We believe that it is necessary to invest in a more efficient and ecological solution to prevent diseases along with the safety of our environment and human health.
“Our mission is to provide alternative products and technology to reduce and/or replace toxic disinfectant chemicals on the market and support people in reducing infectious diseases. With the goal of saving people and making our planet friendly,” says GoGoNano creator Kaur Reinjärv. “In the form of lactic acid, we found an ideal tool that fights diseases much more effectively and does not harm people or nature.”
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Nano coatings for clothing, vehicles and electronics
We are an Estonian brand of nanotechnological protective equipment, where apart from fighting diseases, we have also stood up against the modern throw-away culture. Our sustainable nano-protectors help keep electronic devices, clothes, shoes and even cars looking like new for a long time, so that you can use them for as long as possible, thereby wasting as little money and natural resources as possible.
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amaranth-devi1 · 2 years
The scandal continues. The Finnish Institute of Health and Welfare - THL admits that it knew all along that the corona vaccine does not prevent the spread of the disease.
The speeches of the Pfizer management about the tests aroused criticism, but in fact the information was not new, writes the newspaper IL. Although the matter has been discussed on social media as a revelation, the information is not new, confirms THL chief physician Hanna Nohynek. When applying for an emergency sales license for the gene therapeutic injection, priority was given to the safety and immunogenicity of the vaccine, as well as the protective effect of the symptoms against the disease, Nohynek continues. In order to get the permit, the pharmaceutical company was obliged to collect additional information afterwards.
Where is this data collected after the fact? Are they part of the same research data that Pfizer wanted to keep secret for 75 years until a US federal judge denied the request? When this information became public, it revealed several very serious errors during the investigation.
If THL knew that the vaccine was unable to prevent the spread of the disease, what do they mean by their video tweeted on October 21, 2021, where they say that by taking the vaccine you protect others?
On November 9, 2020, newspaper IL told Finns that according to an extensive, third-phase vaccine study, Pfizer's experimental corona vaccine prevents the transmission of COVID-19 by more than 90 percent. Does this article cite a study that didn't study the spread of infection - at all? The same study was the shortest in the history of vaccines, phases 2 and 3 were combined, no animal experiments were performed, subjects significantly younger than the risk group were selected for the study, and the blind study was stopped.
On June 8, 2021, Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla tweets: "Although data shows that severe COVID-19 is rare in children, large-scale vaccination is a critical tool to stop infection." However, on 10/10/2022, Pfizer's manager Janine Small told the EU Parliament that there was NEVER any valid evidence that mRNA vaccines stop the spread of the virus.
The images below show, The darker the red land area, the greater the vaccine coverage. The darker the green, the more corona. Compare the pictures yourself and draw your own conclusions.
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Textile Chemicals Market Size, Share, Growth & Forecast
Textile Chemicals Market was estimated to be around 26 billion in 2020 and is anticipated to display a CAGR of above 4% over the forecast period (2021-2027). With rising technical advancements in machinery and textile manufacturing process for textile and apparel industries and surge in demand for home furnishing products, resulting in demand of large amount of textile chemicals resulting in expansion of textile chemicals market. Textured filament yarn of polyester which is extensively used in knitting and weaving to make home textiles like bed linens and curtains has vast usage in residential, healthcare and hospitality industry which has led to increase in its exports. In addition to this, the increase in manufacture of polyester yarn for exports led to consumption of chemicals for further advancements, thereby expanding textile chemical market. For instance, in 2020, China exported textured filament yarn of polyester was valued to nearly USD 1.6 Bn.
For a detailed analysis of the Global Textile Chemicals Market browse through – https://univdatos.com/report/textile-chemicals-market/
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Novel corona virus has negatively impacted the supply and demand of textile chemicals by suspension of manufacturing units and border closure to stop the spread of virus. However, since pandemic exposes inefficiencies in its value chains, therefore companies and countries have responding by accelerating investments in initiatives to reduce risks, improve productivity, and leverage alternative products, processes, and markets.
Based on fiber type, textile chemicals market is bifurcated into natural and synthetic fiber. Currently, synthetic fibers hold a prominent market share due to large demand of polyester, nylon, acrylic and polyolefin in sportwear market. Natural fiber category is likely to witness high growth rate due to rising awareness among population with the benefits associated with the use of natural fibers. Natural textile fibers are plant-based or animal-based. Both have different benefits for instance, Cotton fabrics are comfortable, very soft, have good heat conduction and absorbency; these characteristics make it perfect for garments that are in close contact with the skin, both in spring-summer and fall-winter seasons.
Based on product type, textile chemicals market in divided into coating & sizing agents, colorant & auxiliaries, furnishing agents, surfactants, desizing agents, bleaching agents, and others. Among all, desizing and colorants holds a considerable market share. This is mainly due to their extensive usage in large segment of textiles. Although, furnishing agents also hold a prominent market share for premium aesthetic textiles manufacturing.
On the basis of application, textile chemicals market is divided into apparels, home textiles, technical textiles, others. Currently, apparels and home textiles hold considerable market share which is mainly owing higher purchasing power of end users. Further, Covid-19 propelled the demand for sportswear. During lockdown majority of population opted to wear comfortable apparels thereby escalating the demand for textile chemicals used in apparel category.
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Additionally, the report provides detailed initiatives that are being taken in the field of textile chemicals. The market is classified into distinct regions including North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, and the Rest of World. Asia Pacific constitutes the prominent market for the industry in 2020 owing to growing population leading to high demand for textiles thus increasing the demand for textiles chemicals.
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mybharatguru · 2 months
A person infected with Nipah virus is likely to die… Vaccination - No separate treatment…. How is it spread..? What are the consequences…?
As a boy died due to Nipah virus attack in Kerala, the state government has taken various measures to control it. How does Nipah virus spread? What are the consequences? Let’s see about that. Nipah virus belongs to ZOONOTIC DISEASE category. That means it can spread from animals to humans, just like the corona virus. Nipah virus is likely to be spread through fruit eaten by bats. The virus is…
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katibis · 2 months
Naruto - Blog Post
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“Naruto” and “Naruto: Shippuden” are some of the most popular, and well-known anime/manga series in the world. However, before today I never watched Naruto nor showed any interest in it because ninja related fiction doesn’t interest me. Nevertheless, I can still appreciate Naruto with its realistic fiction and themes of hope and perseverance.
One issue that is relevant worldwide, that I see expressed in Naruto is social isolation, more specifically, involuntary social isolation. Many people have felt the feeling of involuntary social isolation, such as during the 2020-2021 Corona virus pandemic lockdowns across the world. The lockdowns were a temporary social isolation that everyone experienced but it ended in a year or two. In the case of Naruto, he was socially isolated because he had a curse or demon imprisoned inside of him. This concept is similar to what exists in society. Some people are socially isolated because they have an attribute that they were born with or developed but had no control over. These people tend to develop into social recluses because they fear or cannot integrate with society and are trapped inside of their rooms. This leads to a self-feeding cycle of depression, where feeling worse about yourself leads to worse problems developing in a person. Most people in society would blame the social recluses for being the source of their problem when I doubt that most of the social recluses deserve this blame. This is one of the less mentioned forms of discrimination that exists within our society. I think one reason “Naruto” became very popular is because many discriminated people could relate to Naruto and wanted to watch how he dealt with this problem and see if he could succeed. I believe that Naruto succeeded in integrating into society through hard-work, perseverance, and good intentions. I think that is the message that “Naruto” is trying to convey to the viewers; it is possible to escape social isolation through hard-work and perseverance.
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randomclam24 · 3 months
I was going to pIt's already too late.
Stanley Parable Ultra Deluxe, in medium profile, because I never want to enter the post-7th-gen extra uncanny valley
Honestly just by - thereon playing with the antialiasing level within its bound [ it is set to 2 ], I was able to call back to mind that Siren being on PS2 was a thematic thing in itself and that when those themes were considered that weren't released in the U.S., actual relativism that concerns one's value in reality - [contentious Further down the line, then, the trans movement was like a mustard gas bomb that went through on the localized level for the illuminati elites saying look, he held his and so when they say "corona virus" implicating infection, out of ignorance we don't see the writing on the wall
[ Subtitle opacities are set to 5"""
I got locked out of my aol account. This is what terminated the worldline
When they said Funimation is not your friend, they meant Tears of the Kingdom
Super update This whole first level in Quake 2 - the real money is what people will say despite you And around the other bend - the entire part of this that requires you to crouch in order to get through the rabble, including the part where you have to walk in the dark, that's money - with Kendrick Lamar saying don't try to call me nigga any more, they're trying to tell you that's war criminal - Fallout
You can actually feel the deadzones. For the right stick, because BernardNigga's Adventure Time song has a Qabbalah on a gun having a laser sight, it had to be ten on the left side of what displays
the left stick had to be twenty 6
Update So what, we're just going to be held back like zoo animals? Because of the wiliness of the executive function elites, down the long wind you get zoo Indian philia, which is where you had Lion King just to rectify
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Shingo Tamagawa
Secondary Research;
From childhood Tamagawa has always enjoyed manga and anime. However, it was in high-school that he was truly inspired to pursue a career as an animator after watching Miyazaki’s and Anno’s works as he realized that the quality of animation is dependent on its creator. Having a background in art by pursuing Fine Art in art school, this prompted him to pursue animation to which he dropped out of graduate school and joined the industry. he joined Sunrise studio.
Artistic journey; making of 'Puparia' However, 5 years into his career as an animator he experienced heavy burn out as he mentions “no matter how hard your work, animation is something that is consumable. That's what it is by nature of course.”
The year 2015 is when he officially stopped animation and drawing. As he continued this for about a year and a half, he took up other hobbies such as reading and walking to which ideas started filling his mind and he had the desire to eventually make these come to life as well. The birth of his magnum opus “Puparia” came to life from this period of ‘nothingness’ as he wanted to leave a trace of his mindset from that state of his life by using the animation medium to deliver that.
The motives behind Puparia followed Tamagawa’s feelings that the values of the world had been gradually crumbling before the corona virus and how it created an environment where one couldnt be themself. Keeping in mind Tamagawa did not want to make a patronizing work however he wanted to show a different perspective and an idea of being supported. 
Having made the concept, Tamagawa immediately understood that this project had to be done solo as he knew others would refuse to do it and opted not to bother anyone with it. Puparia was solely made from personal motivations. Since this project was meant to convey Tamagawa’s feelings only, it was always meant to be animated by him only.
this solo project took 3 years to make and although it was difficult, it was an overall surreal experience for Tamagawa who also mentioned how rewarding it felt to actually deliver what the director (himself) envisioned for the first time. his method was idiosyncratic as he had used no storyboard and let the story fold out for itself along with the narration being very abstract.
he had temporarily taken space at Sunrise studio to which the director had allowed him to do his solo project but on the condition that he also helps out with their work as well
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