#corrective sa mention
moneyfor-nothing · 2 years
I feel like it's worth saying that the only reason aspec IDs are "safer" is because we're erased. When bigots do learn about asexuality and grasp what it actually is or we let people know what we are? We often get hurt. Insulted, erased, infantalized, or dehumanized at best and assaulted, face DV from partners, SA, probably murder considering it's not uncommon for SA cases to have dead victims, at worst. Repubs recently went on tangents about asexuality and it pretty much sums up their feelings on us pretty well.
Yes, this, too. Thank you for pointing this out cuz this is a really good point. And *insert trigger warning here*, not to mention “corrective” r**e. It is absolutely disgusting and none of us deserve to face any of this, ever.
I’m autistic and I can relate to the infantilization and it’s fucking exhausting and the worst. We are grown ass adults and we can make decisions for ourselves— this goes for both the autistic community and the asexual community.
Like I said to the last anon, you are worthy of love and respect, and you deserve joy, happiness, and acceptance. No one should have to go through any of what you mentioned.
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bluecloudious · 29 days
This is a essay/character analysis of Pyramid Head and I would like to preface it with four disclaimers:
First, as I will use every valid piece of knowledge that's available of Pyramid Head, I will spoil all of Silent Hill 2, even the Director's Cut of it. It's inevitable, considering how important he is in the game, so be warned beforehand. Play Silent Hill 2 if you haven't, or watch someone else play it. (just keep in mind there are multiple endings.)
Second, I will only use Silent Hill 2 and the tweets of Pyramid Head's creator, Masahiro Ito, as evidence. He knew exactly what the character was supposed to be and Silent Hill 2 is the only appearance of Pyramid Head that he worked on. Thus, it doesn't get more accurate than that to me.
Third, I am not claiming this is gospel. This is mainly a character study done for fun to show off how canon Pyramid Head may act when portrayed in fanfiction or other fan content. It's researched and gathered information that may be used to learn more about the character as well, yes, but I am not claiming this to be the end-all-be-all of his personality. He is a fictional character, and a grown man/creature at that. There's nothing wrong with depicting him however anyone pleases. I personally do not enjoy the r*pey depictions of him, but he's a fictional monster, it's an inevitable take.
And, fourth, expect discussion of topics found in Silent Hill 2. Mentions of death, abuse and r*pe, but I won't be dwelling on any given topic in detail.
So, with all of that in mind…
What was that Red Pyramid Thing? An essay/character study of the manifestation of James' guilt
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Red Pyramid Thing, more commonly known as Pyramid Head, is somewhat of the main antagonist in Silent Hill 2, though I use the term loosely (he certainly does antagonize James). He was made specifically because the game needed a chaser to fulfil a specific role in the story, and he was designed by Masahiro Ito.
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He only appears six times total throughout the game, for around ten minutes all together. Regardless of the brevity of his sightings, he certainly makes a strong impression, if how popular he has become since then is any indication of course. Every single instance of Pyramid Head's appearance in-game has him pushing James forward towards recognizing the error of his ways and remembering what he did in the first place. Mostly emotionally, but he does physically push him once in order to make progress too. The only exception is perhaps his first appearance, where he simply stands there behind a set of bars and stares at James, simply an omen of things to come. Rather nice of him to give a warning, as vague as simply standing there menacingly can be. Other than that, PH is doing his job very actively and without pulling any punches. Only what is needed of him, up until James learns his lesson.
But, what is Pyramid Head and why does he exist? Put short, PH is a manifestation of James Sunderland's guilt and his need to be punished after what he did.
Regardless of what James says throughout most of the duration in-game, his wife Mary did not die three years ago. That's when she got sick, and she's basically been dead to him ever since. She had to be sent to the hospital and throughout the duration of it all, she somewhat made James' life far more difficult, from his own point of view at least. While her wife was fighting the illness, James was fighting his inner lust. Since he couldn't be with his wife that way anymore, and due to her behavior shift during her illness, lashing out at him, James found himself lusting for other women around him. He never acted upon it, but every vaguely attractive woman that caught his sights, whether nurse or patient, was sooner or later a part of his fantasies. And it all became too much for him.
It culminated in James no longer wanting Mary to be in his way, so he wouldn't have to worry about her anymore in every sense of the word. Thus, in an act of desperation, he suffocates her with a pillow. In order to hide the body, he brings her to his car, his mind immediately locking the memory away of what he just did in order to try and continue his life. He then heads directly to Silent Hill, as he finds it calling for him.
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And Pyramid Head is there, ready to remind James of all of it and to make sure he isn't able to forget and move on.
As stated prior, everything that Pyramid Head does after his first appearance is actively to fulfil his role, to punish James Sunderland for his sins. PH doesn't hang out nor do whatever he wants, he's actively terrorizing James every time he appears, even when it seems he might not know James is even there. He knows, and he's acting accordingly. He kills Maria at least twice and chases James around in order to establish that he should be taken seriously. From what I established earlier, this is both a direct display and punishment for exactly what James did. Yet, he shows off that he's actively helping too, since he's actively trying to remove and destroy those lust-based creatures when we see him first doing anything. James just hides from the fact that he ever had those ideas in the first place.
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And, after all of this is done, Pyramid Head offs himself. His job is done, there's nothing else left for him to do, it's completed its purpose. PH is directly tied to James, his existence directly revolves around him and he works diligently to show off as much as well. That's all he was created for and all he ever acted accordingly to.
So… Why is that not how he's depicted anymore? Why is he now a general judge and punisher? When did Valtiel become an important to him? Why is he depicted so lustfully?
Well, the truth is, that's really not the same Pyramid Head anymore.
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Konami couldn't let PH go, mainly due to how iconic his appearance is. If you told someone with little to no artistic skill to draw Pyramid Head, chances are that you'll still be able to flawlessly tell who they drew. A stick figure with a triangle instead of a head and a big sword/knife by his side. Undoubtedly still the same iconic character. And the game, Silent Hill 2, is regarded as one of the best horror games ever by a lot of people. It's hard to not find an avid horror video game fan who hasn't at the very least heard about it; about its atmosphere, how well it depicts what it tackles and how many layers of symbolism there is to pick apart.
So, it's been somewhat inevitable that Pyramid Head became as prevalent in media as he did. If Konami sees dollar signs in their future, they're not ignoring the prediction. They just had to include the Executioner in more media in order to ensure he isn't forgotten and that he'd remain iconic. And that's how he's become what he is now. A deliverer of punishment, working for powers beyond comprehension. Whether it's Valtiel (the subject of worship for the cult in Silent Hill) or the Entity (Dead By Daylight's main antagonist), he's just been delegated to be a brutish goon more than anything.
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That's what's happening to PH in real life, but how would he canonically react to this? How would he, as a character, react to being brought back to life and used as a lackey more or less, punishing whoever is deemed worthy of it? Would he even care?
Well, I have reason to believe that he'd be frustrated. Disappointed and miserable even. And that belief stems partly from Ito's tweets, but mostly from the being most like Pyramid Head of all that James meets during the nightmare he lived through in Silent Hill. Maria.
Maria is the idealized representation of James' wife, Mary. She looks far more outgoing and appealing compared to Mary, flirts with him, works at a strip club and, though she is also briefly shown to be ill, she can just take a few pills and she's fine again. Yet, she's shown to be more than this. She gets upset when James glosses over how she "almost" died, she cares about what happens to Laura and, well, she is still ill. Yes, it's true that this is simply her being a representation of Mary, as those are all traits they'd share.
But there's even more. There's Born From a Wish, a side story in the Director's Cut of Silent Hill 2, where you play as Maria. In it, we see what she did before she met James face to face for the first time. She wants to live, she's scared of the monsters and she wants to be her own person. She doesn't want to believe in fate, especially that it's tied to James, a man she's never met, yet she can just vaguely recall him. She even makes a choice whether to be in control of her fate or not, ultimately deciding to submit.
While Maria is a direct reflection of Mary, just somewhat more idolized, Pyramid Head is more of a reflection in spirit of James.
While it's correct that PH shows off what James did, it was directly to display how awful that behavior was, knowing that James is right there to bear witness. He was directly playing a part, acting even. Even his outfit reflected his part in a way that James would recognize; that of an executioner. Back in the day, Silent Hill was full of them (due to the cult dedicated to making sacrifices to Valtiel), everyone knew an executioner or was directly related to one. Thus, they were depicted in the Silent Hill Historical Society, a place that James and Mary visited. James knows that the thing freaking him out and threatening his life is an executioner, a punisher. Eventually, he realizes it's his punisher.
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But then why did I bring up Maria?
Pyramid Head isn't like all the other monsters. While he causes the radio to act out, he acts far more intelligently and well-thought-out. As I emphasized before, he only appears for around ten minutes in-game. Thus, he is extremely proficient and active at his purpose. None of the other monsters that James faces behave this way; hunting him all the way through Silent Hill, only showing up when the timing is perfect. Pyramid Head knows exactly what he's doing, thus it's not too outlandish to assume that he's sapient (and also insanely dedicated to his job). Thus, him being capable of emotions may not be as far-fetched as first assumed.
Now, with all of that in mind, imagine you're Pyramid Head; created for the one purpose, insanely dedicated to it and with no reason to exist outside of it. And then… You're brought back and are being told to punish some random people that you know nothing about. All that planning and effort that was put into punishing James, that sheer artisan level of skill shown off… Replaced by mere lowly grunt work.
All that have employed Pyramid Head since he got done with James, all of them have misunderstood his point. He isn't merely a punisher and a judge, he's an actor and a skilled planner, his role was all that he ever needed or possibly even wanted to be. He lived and died for it.
And now, he's back. And he isn't allowed to be that skilled professional actor anymore, to show off his full potential. He finished acting school and now, after performing the role of his dreams, he's a clown at birthday parties.
It's rather understandable why I assume he might be frustrated now, isn't it? It's strange to think that even a powerful and assumedly somewhat intelligent being like the Entity or even a godlike being such as Valtiel wouldn't know how to properly utilize him. He gets the job done, sure, but surely there are creatures far more up for the task of endlessly hunting people in someone else's name, right?
The main way I can reason, in-universe, why either would choose him is because they find him neat. The Entity has a clear affinity for well-known slashers and monsters, and PH is definitely iconic. Valtiel however saw what a good job Pyramid Head did and decided "you know what, I'm not done with you yet, you stay". Shallow reasons sure, but still better than the Doylist one.
So, Pyramid Head has gone from the tormentor to the tormented, assuming such from the evidence I have at least. Though there's still a possibility that I overestimated or even jumped the gun on the idea that the Red Pyramid Thing knows or even cares that it's being puppeted, I think it's still a fascinating possibility. Big brutish man that's actually intelligent, but who gets misinterpreted by everyone, to the point that it's landed him a job he never wanted.
Perhaps it's why the bottom of his helm has been covered by flesh over time; so many people disregarded the head that now he's given into the pyramid. That he'll never be regarded as anything other than a mindless monster.
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genderkoolaid · 2 years
part of the reason its pointless to argue with terfs is that they refuse to own up to any member of their group's fucked up behavior.
when it comes to terfs harassing cis women in women's bathrooms, they insist that NEVER HAPPENS. when it comes to transmascs being correctively sexually assaulted by terfs, they insist that's just made up nonsense. there's never any show of concern or even "if that's true we need to hold these people accountable in our communities," it's just "LOL omg what are you talking about!!! no terf has ever done that haha gendies are so crazy" like. maybe people would be more willing to not treat you like a hate group if y'all weren't so set on refusing to accept that people in your group Do Extremely Harmful Things. like even if you still agree with radical feminism, the fact that they won't even admit there are extremely harmful people within that is telling!
and then they act surprised when there's a huge racism (and from what i've seen, intersexism) problem and a ton of TERFs who are abusive in their interpersonal relationships. that happens in like, every hate movement- the baeddels also had a problem with protecting abusers and cult-like harmful behavior towards their own members. hate groups aren't just harmful to their targets but draw in cruel, abusive people because those are the kind of people who want total control over other's lives.
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queersatanic · 1 year
ace people are queer as fuck
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around this time of year, the meme starts going around that says, "it's june which means it's illegal to be straight"
this is all in good fun and understood as such. there is no real threat of such a thing taking place in society
but at the bottom, blending into the background, some versions say, "asexuals are OK but y'all are on thin fucking ice"
and that is not in good fun. or acceptable
. . . for those who don't know, a lot of ace people are targeted with "corrective rape" not only in heterosexual contexts but within the queer community where the assumption is perversely that the problem was they just haven't had the right queer sexual experience yet and need it foisted on them (which is rape) . . .
Now, this is a lot more fucking complicated than we're going to get into in this post, but please do some reading so you don't repeat these sort of ideas that lead to horrendous actual experiences for actual people.
If you have legitimate questions about this, feel free to ask them
but save yourself a little time and see if replacing another marginalized gender or sexual identity sounds really gross and/or terfy when you ask the same of asexual people.
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nezu-mi · 1 year
the fact that social media censorship has been done in such a way to successfully make people believe that not using words and phrases such as "suicide" and "sexual assault" is for tHe ChiLdRen's SaKe!!1, or to protect people from triggers instead of appealing to advertisers is insane
it has created such a sterile environment for the sake of monetization while simultaneously (in my *personal* opinion) diminishing the impact and importance of such words to mere jokes in some instances
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demonic-shadowlucifer · 5 months
im already tired of the 'man vs bear' debate. it went from actually meaningful discussion about sexual assault and how men need to do better to just purposefully ragebaiting incels and nothing of actual value. and that's not even getting into the fact that the discourse only focuses on survivors who are cis women, and less focus on trans survivors, enby survivors (and even male survivors for that matter). hell, transphobes have already started to invade the conversation. we need less rhetorical questions about abuse, and more actual uplifting of survivors and actual education about abuse (for all genders for that matter!)
the man vs bear topic has done nothing to help survivors, and i will die on this hill.
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blusical · 2 months
okay but seriously though. Is there a possibility that bowman has actually done work to make up for his mistakes? yeah. there is always that possibility. Does that mean he should be immediately hired? no. now don't get me wrong, i am all for giving people second chances. we all fuck up at some points. many of our favorites do. however, i will admit, when it comes to situations like sexual assault and abuse (or in this case covering up abuse), it's a bit more complicated (especially as a survivor myself). Now. I will give credit where credit is due; both Bowman and Jackson have been in contact with Beach (With Beach allegedly approving of the hiring) which is good to see. Also worth noting, Sheldon Kennedy, who was abused himself by Graham James, supports Bowman's return.
However, I do think this is something we should hear from Beach himself. Although considering the stress he probably dealt with during the scandal and speaking out, combined with how ruthless some hockey fans can get (especially online), I personally wouldn't blame him for not making a public statement.
Now with that out of the way, none of that changes the fact that Bowman did what he did. It's not going to make what he did okay. Also, keep in mind that there's still another lawsuit Chicago is facing as well, and possibly many more victims out there too, and who knows how they might be feeling right now.
I know people are bringing up the fact that he was also just... really bad as a GM (Which was definitely true, Hawks fans can vouch for this one). But that's not the fucking point here. That's not the problem. The problem is that he ruined a person's life all for the sake of a cup. In terms of forgiveness, that's up to Beach and the other victims, not us. However, we cannot deny that this was a bad decision, especially in the midst of another lawsuit against Chicago, and especially when the OILERS PLAYERS WEREN'T EVEN NOTIFIED ABOUT THIS. Again, I'm all for second chances. And if Beach is okay with this hiring, then great! But even then, we cannot deny the harm he's caused. Just because Beach and Kennedy are okay with the hiring doesn't mean other survivors will feel the same way. And honestly, I feel like in a situation like this, this is something you should give your players a heads up about.
Now, I'm not entirely confident the Oilers will drop Bowman (Keep in mind they still have Evander Kane). However, with the amount of backlash they've gotten, I see no reason why they shouldn't reverse this decision, and there's a slim chance with enough of our rage, we can make them reconsider. (Remember, Boston dropped Miller after both fans and players criticized the signing!). Should Bowman stick around though, we should make sure what he's done is not swept under the rug and forgotten. Nothing will make this okay.
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switchytransboy · 5 months
everybody fucking leaves
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so-long-soldier28 · 3 months
i hate being a low empathy autistic because i never have the correct response for emotional situations. i can't feel the pain that others feel, and i can't "put myself in their shoes" to understand. and it's not that i don't understand sadness, because i do - i understand it greatly, i just struggle with the empathetic part of it. so when i'm approached with others' emotions and they expect me to sympathize with them, i look like a sociopath because i can't, and i can't fake it either. but then i don't show them the correct response - the one they're looking for; the empathy that they seek - and then they get frustrated with me, and it hurts, because i don't want to hurt them just because i don't understand them. it would be easier, sometimes i think, to be a sociopath.
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nyxdimandis · 6 months
with the full disclaimer that i might be missing some context or significant piece of information & am fully welcoming anyone to inform me, i feel like. it really just doesn't seem like a huge deal that one of the "poison" storyboard artists is into "dark" kink. like this really feels like a non-issue to me
#tw sa mention#<- this is the only tag im putting on here cause i dont wanna get jumped#but like. idk. i feel like this is really just coming from people who don't..... understand how kink works?#and to preface im ace im not into kink im DEFINITELY not into hard/dark kink#but like ...... noncon is a whole genre of fanfic. cnc isn't an unpopular fetish. people who are into either of those things aren't#saying they find real life instances of assault to be hot. its fiction. its a fictional fantasy that in plenty of contexts is being#projected onto exclusively fictional characters#it sits super badly with me that people say 'you shouldnt let people with these kinks work on this show/hire these people' because#the sex lives of your employees being a deciding factor in what you allow them to work on seems. hm. really fucking weird ??#and ALSO also this person was JUST a storyboarder. they literally cannot be 'glorifying' or 'romanticizing' or whatever because#they are only STORYBOARDING they do not control the actual writing direction of the issue or#how it is framed by the narrative or handled within the writing#and the writing of hazbin hotel very clearly and repeatedly says 'hey this is a really bad thing that impacts angel super negatively and#he is all but verbatim saying he hates it and it is destroying him from the inside out'#and again i AM open to being corrected on this if there's some crucial info i'm missing or whatever and i DO think#there ARE glaring issues with the treatment of the subject of sa/harassment within the show#im not even going to get into the viv drama on twitter about this because. jesus christ#but. idk. i feel like this detail gets dragged on SOOOO fucking much when there are MUCH more productive discussions we could be having#mine
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straightlightyagami · 8 months
i'm not a prison abolitionist but cmon guys it's a big stretch to say that if someone said they don't support prison even for the worst criminals like sex offenders and murderers that means they think it's totally morally fine for people to do these things and they should be able to do that with no consequence (and an even bigger stretch to use that to call them a p*do or something. like you cannot accuse someone of something like that so lightly, that's a horrible thing to say about someone. you can't throw these words around as just an insult, there is potential to cause serious harm). that's an utterly unhinged and very bad faith reading
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Anyone want some German language trivia of uncertain accuracy and the story of how I (maybe) came to learn the precise meaning of one (1) word? Then you found the right post!
Obligatory disclaimer that I am not fluent in German whatsoever. I discovered this information after rummaging through Google Translate and Wiktionary, so don’t quote me on any of this. I’m 100% sure this is common knowledge to those fluent in German, but I still wanted to ramble about it because it kinda blew my mind. Also I’m going to be talking about a song that may or may not allude to SA or possibly CSA. I don’t linger on it too much but still, read on with caution.
So I love the German heavy metal band Rammstein, have since I discovered them over 10 years ago. I’m not exactly a superfan but they’re one of my all time favorite groups for sure. The first song I heard from them was “Waidmanns Heil,” which roughly translates to “Huntsman’s Salute.”
For context, the song is pretty raunchy (to put it frankly, which is pretty unremarkable for the band), using the metaphor of hunting deer to hunting, uh, partners. I’m not going to elaborate on the intricacies of that, Genius Lyrics has a decent enough English translation if you’re curious. I’m talking about a specific word used in the beginning of the song.
Ich bin in Hitze schon seit Tagen (I have been in heat for days now)
So werd’ ich mir ein Kahlwild jagen (so I will hunt myself a hind)
Genius Lyrics translates Kahlwild (a neuter noun btw!) as “hind,” an older term for a mature female deer that seems to have originally been used primarily when talking about red deer, which are native throughout much of Europe. When I was younger I remember seeing a translation that rendered it as “female game.”
“Okay, it means doe. So what?”
I like etymology, and I know German is known for cramming words together to make a new one, so I wanted to see what the separate components were. I figured the -wild part referred to wild game, so then kahl must mean something on its own, right?
Right! Kahl means bald. So, together it means bald game. Google Translate specifically translates it as bald deer, however. The definition it gives roughly says that it refers to “female or young game [deer] without antlers.”
Kahlwild can refer to does, sure, but it could also be referring to fauns, or at least any deer that isn’t a buck with antlers.
First off, how cool is that? There’s a specific word for “deer without antlers” that isn’t just buck. Languages are so cool.
Secondly, holy shit that could introduce a whole other fucked up level of interpretation to the song. Maybe that wasn’t exactly intended, I don’t know. It wouldn’t be the first time Rammstein has written about either SA or CSA, but still, woah.
This post has been brought to you by Procrastination™️. “Why do The Thing You Should Be Doing when you can comb through Rammstein’s discography and make a playlist instead?”
TL;DR: the German word Kahlwild means “a deer without antlers.” Maybe.
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diceraven · 11 months
thinking about how even after all Jennifer does, Needy kills Low Shoulder for her. She fucks them up for giving Jennifer such trauma, for making her lose the friend she loved,the friend that loved her.
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icannotgetoverbirds · 2 years
hi yeah holy fuck holy shit y'all
gotdamn this is a story for the ao3 author hall of fame. im still homeless and i promptly realized a couple of days afterwards that uh yeah no can do the whole living independently thing so im looking for a group home. in the meantime i managed to get into a decent shelter, get acchs insurance, and am working on getting a case manager.
holy fuck it's been quite the. week or so? the days have kinda been blurring together so idk. hopefully i'll get into a group home soon. i've got some family that i'm gonna try and contact in case they'd be more understanding than my parents about the whole 'being disabled' thing.
anyways that's the short version. long version under the cut
so basically bc im an exmo i've been incredibly isolated as i've tried and failed to build an entire new support system from the ground up. i had one singular friend who i could reliably talk to (i think i have two now and a few case workers so that's an improvement) and even then it was only over the phone. aside from that, i do have y'all online here, but again, i need a device in order to be able to chat with y'all.
and because my body is an absolute shitshow - in addition to my executive functioning issues - i wasn't able to get much done around the house. now, for some reason, my parents looked at me and decided that this shit is all a lack of responsibility. don't get me wrong, i couldn't exactly be responsible for much. but the key word there is couldn't, not wouldn't.
and for some reason, they look at the situation and decide, time and time again, that the best solution is punishment - by taking away my phone and internet access. not necessarily out of the ordinary for most parents, but given the circumstances, that's absolute dogshit for my mental health.
so, when i literally developed a new fuckin health issue that left me bedbound for a couple of days, my mom told me that we were going to 'have a conversation'. aka my shit was gonna get taken. again.
and that would've been it for me. isolated, in pain, sick, tired, without anybody to lean on. so i said fuck that shit, packed my stuff, and walked out.
i started off at a shelter that used to be a prison, and oh my fucking god i don't think i've ever been more pro-prison-abolition or whatever the fuck it is. like goddamn that shit's inhumane. i ended up having to take a trip to the ER because they didn't stock enough water, resulting in me becoming so dehydrated that my ribs cramped to the point of keeping me from breathing.
not long after that i spiralled a bit so i went to a crisis center where i got people that started working on my case. we determined that i'd be best off in a group home and they transferred me to a transitional facility while they got that figured out.
I get there and discover that my hip, which i thought had just popped weird, felt like it had dislocated. Thankfully, i think i just sprained it, but I was in a lot of pain that first night. Night shift came around to take vitals, I told them what was going on, and they proceeded to not only wave me off, but also one of them looked at me - as i was writhing in pain, crying, trying to keep quiet, and digging my nails into my skin to distract myself - with the look you reserve for dog shit you've just stepped in. So, you know, that was fun. Also nobody there got their medications that night. The shitshow that was nightshift there is gonna be important later.
i had tried to make friends with some of the people there that evening, and, being myself, I spoke very openly and honestly about my queerness and sexual history (or lack thereof), like a dumbass, and obliviously believed them when they said that I was one of the guys.
I later overheard them making plans to correctively rape me. Thankfully, I was on my way out to the hospital for my hip, so I notified day shift before I got into the ambulance.
I spent that night at the hospital, sleeping in a lobby chair (the hospital staff were very sympathetic to my situation, thankfully), and then called the crisis center that was attached to the transitional facility. managed to get taken into the crisis center, where i stayed for a couple of days. one of the guys who'd been making the plans ended up transferring into the same crisis unit, so that was a fuckin' blast to deal with. thankfully, the people at the crisis unit cared and did their jobs well, so i had eyes on me at all times and stayed safe.
eventually, i got sent back to the shelter i started at, then transferred back to the original crisis unit where people had been working on my case. i got some rest, got sick from eating gluten because i was so sleep deprived that i didn't care, then they got me into a much nicer shelter. i have a meeting with someone in about an hour and a half to try and get into a youth shelter, and I'm also going to attempt to contact some family members that might be more understanding and willing to help me while I pursue a group home.
I am very fucking tired, and despite everything that I've been through, I still wouldn't go back to my parents to save my life. Definitely gonna be a lot to unpack with my therapist.
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roseofcards90 · 1 year
wait what did i miss how did my satoko get sexually abused by teppei??? 😟
I believe this is more heavily implied? (please correct me if I’m wrong) but there is a TIP in the Tatarigoroshi VN that shows statistics from the Showa Era on conditions of reported child abuse using reported cases from the Ministry of Health, Labor, and Welfare, and along the list of stuff are cases of various abuse which include physical, psychological, sexual, etc. Since the rest of this stuff on this list Teppei has been shown to do to Satoko (like physically abusing her and preventing her from going to school) I assume the rest of the statistics also relate to her in some way as well. Teppei has also been shown to have thought that Satoko could “satisfy him sexually” if she was older, although I don’t think this completely rules out any other kind of sexual abuse he did before to her either since he could’ve obviously still done stuff without assaulting her or anything.
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belle-keys · 2 years
So….I know nothing but based off skimming tv tropes is it true Carden just let’s his friend sexually assault Jude and do nothing about it? Considering drugging a person and making them do sexual acts is sexual assault
So it’s been about 4 years since I first read this book, but yeah, this happened. Can’t remember the exact details of how it went down, but I think the evil traitor friend who was with Taryn (can’t remember his name? wait is it Locke? or the one that Jude killed in the first book and buried???) tried to feel up Jude when she was on the fairy apple juice. But yeah, some awful shit went down in that book on top of all the times Cardan tried to kill Jude.
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