#not to mention the victim is trans
switchytransboy · 5 months
everybody fucking leaves
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radical-thots · 1 year
Every time I speak up against trans/gender ideology, I'm terrified of being harassed and doxed like many other women have been. I'm terrified of being stalked and cyber bullied like countless other women have been for sharing our opinions on our own reality and sex. This is not normal. I and other women should not feel terrified talking about female oppression and biological sex. The fact that we feel this scared in 2023 talking about feminism because it will offend men, blows my mind. Seeing trans people on tumblr and twitter make violent comments like 'shoot a bullet through every terfs pussy' or 'every terf should get raped' or 'women should stfu about oppression because it's terfy' and the fact that no one calls them out and the minute they do, they're instantly doxed and bullied off by being called a bigot? When trans people make comments like this towards women, it's no wonder, we do not want to share our spaces with you people. Our concerns are valid and not born out of bigotry or transphobia like so many claim it to be - it is an exact reaction to the violence shown by tra/trans women. At the end of the day, trans ideology is more about male entitlement, male violence and further oppressing the female sex.
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junejasprose-addict · 6 months
So people on Twitter are using a vague deleted contrapoints tweet to wildly speculate that philosophytube is a rapist. Good to know that no one listens to or cares about trans women
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uncanny-tranny · 1 year
Man, as a trans guy and abuse survivor, whenever I see people saying the likes of, "lmao, men shouldn't be allowed in anything deemed 'women's healthcare'!" It just reminds me that - especially in healthcare - my safety and comfort will never matter so long as it continues to condradict people's preconceived notions of what constitutes people worthy of healthcare. It's just something I wish the well-meaning people who are rightfully frustrated with the state of healthcare would take a second to remember.
Yes, the healthcare system sucks and we must fix it. No, that doesn't mean we ought to leave behind people just because they challenge us on our own biases.
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sudaca-swag · 13 days
did you get your idea that sex work isnt real work from actual sex workers or from terfs and evangelicals?
from my real life experience in a 3rd world country in a neighborhood where I see them every day in front of my house, anyways you don't have to agree with MY opinion it's mine not yours, and it's not puritanism to say that sex work is exploitation and an attack for the physical and mental health of poor women, it's the reality, it's not their choice and #empowerment but an act made out of desperation in the worst life possible, anon you're so "woke" you actually woke up in a whole another reality lmao
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spitblaze · 2 years
bro i hate confirmation bias every time i see a terf post going around with ‘TRANS PEOPLE ARE EVIL AND HERES OUR PROOF’ [like five different local news articles of individual trans women who allegedly did something shitty] i wanna make a post thats like ‘VENDING MACHINES ARE EVIL AND WILL KILL YOU THERE IS NO SAFE WAY TO INTERACT WITH THEM AND HERES MY PROOF’ and make a post with a bunch of articles of people getting killed or hurt by vending machines. which are perfectly safe machines in most cases. but sometimes a machine individually has a problem with it. or it was being fucked with by someone who should’ve thought a little harder about what they were doing and then turned around and said it was the machine’s fault after spending half an hour shaking it and abusing it. or maybe its just some weirdo looking for attention or reimbursement. but they’re all dangerous- trust me, these five articles will prove my point, we need to get rid of every vending machine, it’s the only way to ensure our safety.
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eclaire-went-bam · 4 months
i'm THIS close to just making my pronouns he/it, or just it/its, bcs istg ppl see "prefers it/it but also ok with he/they" & think it's a good excuse to not call me by my "weird" pronouns
people hardly ever use "he" either, bcs i don't pass
like. it/it's my preferred pronouns. he/they is tolerable but over time i'm just going to get annoyed. wait till they hear abt my super secret neopronouns
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shiverandqueeef · 1 year
I am genuinely curious how gender critical (and all other ideologies claiming men do not suffer under patriarchy) rationalize global suicide rates being significantly higher for men across almost all countries/cultures
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sureuncertainty · 9 months
at least now i've gone through an important tumblr rite of passage, watching a longtime mutual become a radfem :/
#the thing that really got me was that they were talking about their morality ocd triggering them about it#bc of the way tumblr and the internet in general has this black and white approach to things#and one of those i guess was 'transphobes = bad' which like. is not what i'm ever talking about when i say that things have more nuance#that said i DO think that the way this website prioritizing hating terfs over supporting trans people is kinda gross#but anyway this person was so anxious about it and it just was depressing bc i related to that#they were SO afraid of losing friends or being cancelled over it and i was just like damn i wonder if all terfs are that miserable#but they acted like they just had no choice but to believe this 'thing' that they constantly alluded to but never talked outright about#which i am pretty sure now is just that they're a radfem or at least believe in a lot of radfem ideologies#and honestly? i go back and forth between genuinely feeling so bad for them and being like well that's what you fucking get#i wish i'd had the courage to talk to them about it but whenever i thought about it i got immeasurable anxiety#sorry for the very long tag ramble i just haven't been able to talk about this and it's been eating ME up too for a long time#i just feel horrible. i know in the past they've mentioned too how they want people to tell them why if they unfollow/block them#but i can't. i cannot. and then i'm afraid of just feeding into their victim complex by doing this#i just can't win. and it's like. i'm trans i am literally affected by their bigotry that they're acting like is just not even a choice#ALSO I REMEMBER HOW THEY MADE A POST ONCE ABOUT HOW PEOPLE IRL DON'T TALK ABOUT TRANS STUFF#LIEK IDK WHAT PLANET YOU ARE LIVING ON MY DUDE BUT I HAVE LIKE 5 TRANS COWORKERS AND EVERYONE IS VERY NORMAL ABOUT THEM#like maybe YOU live in a bad area#but you're just a really loud minority#anyway. yeah. just. oof.#still feeling some kind of anxiety about it#win rambles
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dootznbootz · 7 months
There's something so specifically infuriating when someone uses one of your experiences or your demographic in an argument, especially if said argument is about spreading hatred or is just so wrong. They "speak on behalf of the ___" to say such fucked shit.
"You're not thinking of the ___!"
"I literally am ___. You saying that adds nothing as you do not speak for me or for other ___. Shut up."
#I really really hate it. It angers me in such a specific way that just skldjf ksdl#...#vent below. idk. I'm really sorry#Mad rambles#Terfs will be like “oh think of survivors! 'MEN' can share women's spaces!” like shut the actual fuck up. SHUT UP. Shut your damn mouth#A terf is so much more dangerous than a trans person. Me. a tiny cis woman is so much more dangerous to a terf than a transperson is.#Because I will obliterate you. How dare you say you speak on MY behalf? As if I don't know what I'm fucking talking about.#as if you're “protecting me” by spewing such bullshit? by treating someone as a danger when they're not?!#Especially when they believe it's a fucking TRUMP CARD. Like mentioning it means they're right!!! when obviously they're not!!!#Or when they think the fact that I'm cis will make me agree with them! I'm cis simply because I am. I'm not better or worse because of it#being cis doesn't mean I'm fine with bullshit though!#I really hate feeling almost as if like...idk I'm “known” for talking about this but it's just so so infuriating. people will act like they#know when they don't. Obviously every experience is different and terfs who are survivors I hope you find peace and my heart goes out to yo#but you also need to get your fucking head outta your ass. Saying such things isn't the way to heal and you're hurting others with it.#It's NOT about hating men or trans people! the “men are always violent/women are always victims” mentality needs to fuck off#as if it's just the script of life and that it's inescapable no matter what. that it's the truth even if circumstances say otherwise.#...I'm going to possibly block the epic tag for a bit. I have the name of the saga blocked but like... It's just genuinely upsetting.#my story got picked apart too on how it wasn't actually that bad. that I'm actually the fucking worst. “Men are just like that sweetie”#BULLSHIT!!! Gender doesn't dictate a person's morals. Being good and kind does. It doesn't matter what form that takes!#not even saying HE'S good and kind as he's horrible and wonderful at the same time but about this stuff? Do what you want but#I DO think you're insane if you see it as otherwise and it makes me wanna lock my door. You're not a bad person probably but also 🙃#I get that there's history but there's also the fucking TEXT.#I don't know. I'm really sorry#tw trauma#tw sa mention#I'm not necessarily against reblogging this (I don't care) but don't post with tags. please
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answersfromzestual · 8 months
I promised you all a reason why I do not use certain verbals.
Below are personal experiences, and some parts are violent.
Reason as to why I do not use words such as, "fag[got]", "queer", and "dyke" and idenitfying/calling someone "it".
I was always the weird kid, I didn't have much if any real friends growing up.
My own parents and siblings, to this day, call me names. I was a candle burning at both ends.
From an early age (as soon as i could dress myself), I dressed masculine, always wore boy clothes. Mother was okay when I was young because I was just a "tomboy." I had kids starting in first grade of all ages, asking me if I was a boy or a girl.I didn't have the answer. Everyone told me what I was, but I disagreed. I felt like a boy, but the world told me I was a girl... Having younger kids go get a teacher when they saw me in the bathroom, I would always shrug. It was embarrassing other children peeking in the stall... I was bullied into a feminine phase (dressing female, against what I really wanted, age 10-15). I needed to not be bullied as bad anymore. I wanted to push the feelings down and not stand out anymore... I just wanted to fit in and be like everyone else... I prayed to be normal or to leave.
High school was horrible...
I needed to go to the washroom at school during first period, which meant walking by the cafeteria... the seniors had their spare period, and i knew they sat in the cafe. They laughed as I walked by and one yelled "fucking dyke" at me, at the same time two teachers were walking by me the opposite way, talking. We were at the same place in the hall, they didn't say a word. They just kept walking, but they fell silent for a short time...
I had to walk home from school... there was two ways, one was longer and along a main road, where people would yell faggot, queer, dyke, fucking weirdo, out of their car windows at me, random adults and students from both schools in town. The other way was through the alley, faster and no one was around... I was always gambling if someone would jump me (attack me). I was just walking home after abuse from other students and teachers. And a group of guys following you saying "here, here little queer/dyke/faggot" whatever word they felt like using that day. I didn't have anyone to walk with on these days, it was band practice, I stayed later than my friends would...
I would run as fast as I could. They ran faster... Tackled me to the ground and beat me, fracturing a rib at one point. Being told I was worthless and they should kill me that would be doing the world a favor, as their boot hovered over my bloody face... That maybe I need a real man to fuck me to turn me (magically) a straight cis female. I never went to the hospital. My parents never saw the bruises all over my face. (My parents weren't the best). This was at least once a month.
I developed full-blown alcoholism and hard drug addiction by 15-16 years old, trying to numb the pain of everyone in the world rejecting me.
I worked at a fast food joint as a teen. An old man came up to my register, a look of confusion and disgust on his face. I greeted him, smiling. I had just come out to the first person at work, and she was awesome about it, probably half an hour earlier. He slid his empty cup across the counter and asked for a refill. While I was doing his refill, the girl I had just come out also asked if he needed help. He said in a big booming voice, throwing his hands up, "She,him, it, that thing there." *points at me* "has got my refill!" At this point, I no longer felt human. I felt like I was an unknown creature from another planet.
Those are some of the postable, less traumatic reasons why I don't like those words. I grew up, and they were all bad words to be or even be called. I lived in a small, very rural village, and it to this day, people aren't with the times.
These words have hurt me in many ways and I have no intention of the futile attempt to "take things back". Two things you can't take back, history and words. These words will always be hurtful to me, these wounds won't heal. These words are hate to me and always will be.
I do not want to take away your identity, I don't want you to feel negatively if you use them to identify. You are allowed to have your own vocabulary, views, and opinions. The rule is more of reasoning as to why I do not use them most of the time for identities.
If you can, please avoid using those words for me in asks? If you do, it's okay. If it happens too often, though, I may have an issue. I hope you understand and respect my point of view as I respect yours.
Respect the fact we all walk different paths, if you say to someone they have to "deal with it", while that person tip toes around your trauma. Please, respect is a two way street.
This also goes for any other people who have issues with the words, like my partner as well has trauma due to these words (she is part of the lgbtqai as well).
Thank you.
Tltr; I was verbally and physically abused, and the people would taunt me with those terms.
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reconnaitrans · 1 year
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TW : inceste - agression sexuelle - exhibitionnisme - manipulation - police - violence policière - victim blaming - mention de viol 98e témoignage
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woomycritiques543 · 1 year
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Damn, you know that Vivziepop fucked up when even Tumblr itself is too grossed out to show what she said! -and seeing how many shitty things ive seen on here that’s really saying something. DAMN!
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uncanny-tranny · 2 years
Is it that trans people are predisposed to being mentally ill inherently for being trans, or is it that being put in an environment which is actively hostile toward us with very few ways to escape or evade it is mentally harmful?
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fluffytimearts · 10 months
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Here we go...
"First rule of misogyny: women are responsible for men’s actions. "
If were talking about mothers with their sons in terms of parenting, yes. If were talking in general like a girl with her boyfriend or wife with her husband or etc, no, of course not.
"now women giving birth to males means that women are responsible for the evilness men commit. You can’t make this shit up…The mental gymnastics males pull to blame and shame women for the thing men do is truly pure evil!" Actually, that isn't a lie. How a person is raised and what they were raised with does show how a person acts just like a mother does with her daughter. So no this is not a blame or shame game, this is just solid fact in parenting no matter how you twist it or not, now what they do is as a adult is a different matter.
"Nope ! Most women do not report rape due to being shamed and blamed for rape ! There are many societies that forced women to marry their rapists! Many societies that jails, or honor kill women for being raped. Countless women being stoned to death for being raped." This is stastically correct, many women would go to jail even after killing their offenders, This can be found in news reports and proven so I have nothing say for that. However, this post is talking about a experience of being sexually assualted by women, not men. So you are using this to downplay his experience as one who has been SA'd by multiple women in his life and 1 man.
"Yet the worse thing for men is that he might be told he enjoyed it ?
Also who is saying men enjoy rape in most cases ? Other men are ! It is other men that laugh at teenage boy being raped. Proving that men are evil !"
Yes, the men you mentioned in the post below are indeed evil because they laugh and victimize the person who was SA'd by the older woman in the news report. However, the fact you are downplaying and looking over the fact that young boys can't be raped by older or even same age women in sickening in many ways than one. You can believe a man can rape a child, yes, but not a woman? Obvious double standard as well as a core example of not going by character and instead going by gender for being guilty or innocent.
Also yes, the worst thing for men that he is told he was supposed to enjoy it at his age? Yes, because they are normalizing that if you are fucked by a woman forcefully when you did not want it that means you are the problem not the one who did it. This is the same when people tried to say a woman should enjoy it when a man rapes her, it's the same thing and equally as evil and wrong.
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nicname · 1 year
I need more people to understand that the same people who harass women in the workplace also harass trans people in the workplace. A creep will harass anyone who catches their eye, whether they’re a trans man, a trans woman, or a nonbinary person of any AGAB. Even if they don’t admit it, the venn diagram between “pervert towards women” and “chaser” might as well be a circle. Creeps don’t care about the gender of their target.
It is always the problem of the offender, never the problem of the victim.
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