#cosmic signs
mafaldaknows · 2 years
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Instagram: 3rdeyehealers
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thespiritualparrot · 7 months
Twin Flame Synchronicities: Key Signs
Welcome to the mystical journey of understanding twin flame synchronicities – a path lined with cosmic signs, profound connections, and spiritual awakenings. If you’ve ever felt a deep, inexplicable bond with someone, experienced meaningful coincidences, or encountered signs that seem too significant to be mere chance, you may be tapping into the world of twin flame synchronicities. In this…
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blumoonin999 · 2 years
Recent signs from the universe
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holistichealingg · 5 months
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manifestmoons · 5 months
2024 The Lunar Calendar
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Using a lunar calendar involves tracking and utilizing the phases of the moon for various purposes. Here's how you can use a lunar calendar:
Understanding the Moon Phases: Familiarize yourself with the eight primary phases of the moon: New Moon, Waxing Crescent, First Quarter, Waxing Gibbous, Full Moon, Waning Gibbous, Last Quarter, and Waning Crescent.
Setting Intentions and Goals: Each moon phase represents a different energy. New Moon is ideal for setting intentions, while Full Moon is a time for culmination and realization.
Manifestation and Planning: Plan important events, projects, or rituals aligned with the corresponding moon phase. For example, start new projects during the Waxing Crescent for growth or release unwanted habits during the Waning Moon.
Spiritual and Personal Practices: Use specific moon phases for spiritual practices like meditation, reflection, and manifestation. Many people find rituals such as charging crystals or performing moon-related ceremonies more potent during certain phases.
Gardening and Nature-Based Activities: Use the moon phases for gardening by planting seeds during the Waxing Moon for optimal growth and pruning during the Waning Moon.
Emotional Awareness: Pay attention to how the moon phases affect your emotions, energy levels, and sleep patterns. Understanding these patterns can help align activities with your natural rhythms.
Maintaining a Lunar Calendar: Keep track of the moon phases using a lunar calendar. Mark important dates and phases to assist with planning and intention-setting.
Remember, while the lunar calendar can offer guidance, personal experiences and interpretations of the moon's phases vary. Experiment with different practices to see what resonates best with you and brings you closer to your goals.
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toxictoxicities · 5 months
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A bunch of silly sketches I've done
AOS @distant-frontier-simp SF @csavii (also sona) CS @trashiiplant
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whimsical-sonic · 4 months
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art blocked </3
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stormikitty · 7 months
Cosmic Love prompt:
Danny and Damian have been engaged since they were babies. The Fentons wanted access to Lazarus water, and they made a deal with the league of assassins to get it. Danny is trans. Danny and Damian haven't seen each other since Damian was 10 (I imagine Danny is anywhere from a few months to a year younger, so Danny was either 9 or 10 at the time). They had been seeing each other twice a year the last time they saw each other. They used to have more time scheduled to spend together before Damian started training to be an assassin. They weren't getting along when they last saw each other. Danny was upset/angry that his life had been planned out for him and that he was going to be in an arranged marriage. Damian was kind of a jerk at the time (because of trauma but he was still a jerk), and he thought Danny was being a jerk too because having his whole life planned for him was all Damian knew and it didn't make sense to him to get upset about it because that's his reality that he just had to accept. Damian does care about Danny, and cares about what he wants too. But they were kids. They were upset about their situation and frustrated and angry with each other and their families. They haven't had contact with each other at all since Damian came to Gotham.
Skip forward a few years and Damian has fallen in love with his best friend, Jon. He tells his family and Jon about the arranged marriage even though it's likely not going to be a thing anymore since he has cut ties with the league.
Damian and Jon start dating.
Danny is 16 and on the run from his parents and the GIW. He only managed to escape after he had already been captured and vivisected. He goes to Gotham because it'll be harder for his parents and the GIW to find him there. He runs into Damian and Jon at a park while he's at a point in his life where he's got nothing left an he's just sad, scared, angry, lonely, and he'd just about sell what's left of his life for a hug.
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stuckinapril · 2 months
do u believe in soulmates
no. I think there are multiple ppl in this world who can fit u like they’re tailor made, and whomever u end up with is just a concoction of circumstances (time, place, convenience) as opposed to preordained odds
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wolvesbaned · 10 months
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one of these is a sona another is a pfp and another one of them is a fucked up people eating alien <3 and all three are going to be in a band bc i say so !!
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neptunianmars · 2 years
accessing your Descendant in astrology through shadow work
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your Descendant is the cusp of your 7H, the exact opposite from your Ascendant/rising. while our Ascendant is how we exist in the world and what’s seen by others, your Descendant is what is hidden from others. it’s the traits we put in the closet so no one finds them. it’s one of the deepest parts of you, because not only is it out of sight from others, but usually out of sight from the individual themselves. you deny deny deny these qualities and find them impossible to be around, yet subconsciously look for them in others because deep down you know it’s part of who you are. some of these traits aren’t even considered negatively, but you will inherently view them as so. in order to come to balance with ourselves, we much accept the dark along with the light. practicing shadow work is a great way to peer into the closet and shed light on these characteristics in order to cope with them healthily. 
Aries Descendant: you deny the individuality in yourself. with a Libra Ascendant, your whole demeanor is dependent on your personal relationships. you hate the idea of figuring out who you are all on your own and rely on others to do it for you. you love to play the amiable card; you are friendly with everyone even if you shouldn’t be, you refuse to take sides, and you refuse to stand up for yourself. people who are too opinionated, loud, or aggressive get on your nerves, so you bury your anger, whether that means you express it only while alone or don’t express it at all. everyone knows the infamous expression: if you bottle it up, the bottle will pop eventually. getting a little fizz in their eyes is better than the bottle cap smacking them in the face. Aries wants you to get off the floor and be your own person, even if that means making a few people upset. 
Taurus Descendant: you deny the simpleness in yourself. with a Scorpio Ascendant, your whole demeanor is a result of the life experiences that have shaped you completely. the rollercoaster is all you’ve ever known, and all you think you can have. you shrug off everything that is thrown your way as if it’s normal for life to come with so many trials, and that you would be illusioned to think or want otherwise. you think people who crave a simple life are boring or unattached to the world, when in reality deep down you crave the same thing. you might even feel that a life of simplicity is a sign of immaturity in terms of life experiences, and so you are almost proud of the tribulations you have undergone to become the person you are. Taurus wants you to make a life for yourself that warrants stability.
Gemini Descendant: you deny the logic in yourself. with a Sagittarius Ascendant, your whole demeanor is configured from your views of the world. you rely on real world experiences to bring you motivation and emotion. you love the pure idea of possibility and never take things at face value. you wish other people shared your same level of thoughtfulness when taking into account the world around us. you strive to reach beyond what you already know and take it a step further. you don’t like when people are too reasonable to look past the facts and develop a more insightful opinion, and so you start to completely ignore facts as a whole. your view of the big picture limits you from seeing key facts inside the picture. Gemini wants you to zoom in and see all the undeniable details. 
Cancer Descendant: you deny the care in yourself. with a Capricorn Ascendant, your whole demeanor is based on the notion that emotions are optional, and an obstacle. you want to get through life by doing the things you know: working hard and being responsible. you don’t do anything that would damage your reputation as a reserved and professional individual. you are extremely self motivated and love to be in control of your own life, so much to the point you view emotions as something that controls you, and so you hide them from the world and from yourself. letting yourself feel even a small ounce of any mood: happiness, sadness, anger, fear, etc. makes you feel as if they control you and your actions. you look down on people who live in their feelings and embrace them. Cancer wants you to dig into these emotions and just feel them, and understand that they aren’t controlling you, but that they’re a part of you.
Leo Descendant: you deny the ego in yourself. with an Aquarius Ascendant, your whole demeanor is dependent on the idea that in the grand scheme of things, you alone don’t really matter. the world is much much larger than you and you know it with every ounce of your being. you don’t care how people view you because unless you’re a big part of their lives, you think that they’ll just forget you in a matter of time. you are wholeheartedly yourself, because you’re too busy thinking of others to try to pretend to be someone else. you become not only annoyed with people who are too interested in themselves, but also with the society that is interested in them. you strongly feel that no one matters more than another, and that everyone should realize and embrace this. Leo wants you to be interested in yourself and realize that you matter more than you know.
Virgo Descendant: you deny the conflict in yourself. with a Pisces Ascendant, your whole demeanor thrives on your intuitiveness with the world around you. you are a reflection your environment; others will almost always see you how they want to see you. although this can be conflicting because not a lot of people will see you for you truly are, you feel that reality has no boundaries. you thrive on the fantasy of the world and almost enjoy that you can be so permeable. you are annoyed by people who throw harsh realities in your face, and wish that they could see the world as the magical place you do. because of this, you can become too averse to reality and stay up in the clouds forever. you ignore yours and the world’s problems. Virgo wants you to come down to the ground every once in a while and take responsibility.  
Libra Descendant: you deny the sociability in yourself. with an Aries Ascendant, your whole demeanor is based off your relationship with yourself. you feel as though you know yourself well, at least enough to be unapologetically you. you prioritize yourself emotionally, even if it means hurting others. you say what you think and feel and have no remorse for it because you are proud of who you are and your beliefs. people who are too wishy washy or act like a doormat annoy you, and so you make sure you are always on a side, especially your own. you hate the idea of other people having a say or influence on who you are as a person, so you push them away. Libra wants you to open up and accept others while granting them the same patience and grace you grant yourself.
Scorpio Descendant: you deny the complication in yourself. with a Taurus Ascendant, your whole demeanor screams stableness and comfort. you appear to be easy going and even-tempered, and want to keep it that way. people who come off too tempestuous are overdramatic and annoying to you, so you hide all of your turbulent, passionate feelings and trade them in for a nonchalant vibe. you feel that if these feelings were on display and someone saw them, they would judge you or think of you differently/negatively for it. in turn, you become passive and start denying your emotions out of habit even when alone or in “safe” environments. Scorpio wants you to look at the deep passion you feel and embrace it. 
Sagittarius Descendant: you deny the optimism in yourself. with a Gemini Ascendant, your whole demeanor is limited to what you know to be true. you go through life with an undeniable colorful curiousness that pushes you to look through the facts and stick to them. once you’ve learned something, you feel there’s no need to keep digging to find more answers. you take the world at face value and appreciate it as is. people who keep looking deeper and ask all the unrealistic “what if” questions annoy you, so you stick to your facts and evidence. it’s extremely hard for you to stop focusing on the details and get out of your head even for a minute. Sagittarius wants you to zoom out and look at the bigger picture and all of it’s possibilities. 
Capricorn Descendant: you deny the cold in yourself. with a Cancer Ascendant, your whole demeanor comes from your emotions. you feel everything so intensely, and the emotions are very come-and-go but seem everlasting. you wear your heart on your sleeve, and feel that it allows you to connect and care for people more deeply. giving is at the forefront of your nature, especially to the people closest in your life. you open up to these people to show your love and affection. people who come across detached can really upset you, and so while you might be shy, you don’t hide your moods away. you sit and embrace your feelings so much to the point that they control you and your relationships, rather than you handling them. Capricorn wants you to detach yourself from your mood sometimes and develop some discipline.
Aquarius Descendant: you deny the unpredictable in yourself. with a Leo Ascendant, your whole demeanor is focused on you rather than the world around you. you feel that you truly have a place in the world and are determined to find it. you know that no matter how large the world may seem, you alone do matter even if others try to make you think differently. because of this realization, your ego can take over and make you hyper aware of how others view you. feeling like you have the magnifying glass on you at all times can cause you to lose sight of the needs of the world. you become annoyed with people who do not focus on themselves the way that you do, because you feel it is the true path to peace. Aquarius wants you to pay attention to the world around you and learn to love it like you’ve learned to love yourself. 
Pisces Descendant: you deny the imagination in yourself. with a Virgo Ascendant, your whole demeanor is based on reality. you see the world for how it truly is, and don’t want to pretend it’s anything else. you like to look at the world as unchanging and unforgiving, because you feel like focusing on dreams only distracts you from cold realities that always find a way to sneak up on you. you can’t help but see everything that is wrong with the world, and wish people were as concerned as you about fixing it. people who aren’t concerned with their problems annoy you, because you feel like you are the only one who is trying. Pisces wants you to relax and find the beauty in the unknown.
shadow work prompts - these are kind of basic/universal but still help!
what are traits that i don't like about myself? can i/should i fix them?
what are traits that i find annoying in others?
what are traits in others that i wish i had?
what is the worst way someone could describe you?
if you could give up one trait of yourself and replace it with something else what would it be and why?
describe your idea of the highest version of yourself.
does any aspect of your current self align with this vision? if no, what can you change to make it a yes?
what are your core morals or values?
are you afraid of what others think? why? how can you remove this fear?
have you ever offered your authentic self to another and been rejected? how did this make you feel?
what is your biggest struggle with loving yourself?
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francestany · 9 months
(Disclaimer : not an astrologer just for hobby)
Note that the Sun and Moon are never retrograde
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Firstly what it is mean retrograde planet ?
Planets and bodies can appear to be moving backwards in the sky for a period of time, and are said to be retrograde.
🪶 Mercury retrograde
This people are genuine social butterflies. They know how to express their ideas. They are real social skilled persons. Despite they might be a bit quiet and shy in their childhoods, afterwards they become the communication specialist. İt is easy to talk with them . Because they know how to approach to people. They talk nearly about everything, and make people comfortable while chatting
🪶 Mars retrograde
They may not show their own inner anger capacity because the planet of action and anger is in retro. But they absolutly have both inner drive and physical power. They may seem so calm and patient people but like mars taurus when they got angry they are really...
🪶 Chiron retrograde
Because the chiron represents past wounds and healing and retro the opposite, this people may find it easy to leave their past behind of time. They are okey with their bygone's residues ..
🪶 Venus retrograde
They may have problems with find their love attitude or how to love someone. But when they found their loved side they are really sweetie. They are tactful person. And have an attitude to love that's devoted and advanced enough.
Didnt mention slow moving planets
That's it for now ...🫡🫡
Stay ln cute 🫶🫶
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🌀 air signs ; intellectual, analytical, social, eccentric, opinionated, idealistic.
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fallenguillotine · 1 year
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DESTINY 2 | LIGHTFALL. dev. Bungie. (2023)
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g-h-o-s-t-2000 · 4 months
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the abyss of solitude
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gaminegay · 11 months
Holy shit the cinnamon togaphry in my dreams
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