#cosplay as a popular animatronic?
carpeossa · 6 months
I just realized that if it wasn’t for my parents, I would be spending new years alone.
I just tried to see if there were any family get together plans for New Year’s Day and just about every one in my extended family will be spending it with their immediate families.
Which caused me to question what would I do if I didn’t have anyone tospend the evening with.
I have made the grand decision that if I have no one to spend the Eve with then I’ll just be a cryptid and lurk at the local cemetery.
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Tw afab reader, cyprus being horny, reader being cringe on main
Despite Cyprus preferring his girlfriend to be a girly, airheaded bimbo, he's also fascinated by those who are naturally awkward and geeky. The epitome of cringe and would speak in tongues only the chronically online would understand.
Maybe your tactic to ward him off was to be as painfully self-depreciating or embarrassing. You could break out into dances that are popular in some online shooting game in public; he would of course urge you to stop appearing so deviant, even dragging you away by the forearm if you don't stop.
However, you're only endearing yourself to him even more, Cyprus does encourage you to express your interest in the privacy of his apartment, because it's amusing. As long as you're not overly consumed by the internet.
He wouldn't always understand what you're always saying. For example, you would always exclaim that phrase whenever he says he has to use the bathroom. Cyprus wouldn't get why you would go crazy over a few lines in random places, you could be showing him the source material, but he doesn't understand the humor in it.
You could yap about the unending lore of some game that he thinks may be too scary for its intended audience. He would be totally clueless but the way you retell it is so funny, so adorable and enthusiastic, that Cyprus could sit and listen to you talk for hours. But there is always a limit, you would know that you reached it when he began making out with you mid-sentence.
It's your enthusiasm that he's attracted to, it's cute that you're so excited over something so esoteric.
To your surprise, you could purposely make your cosplay costumes or choices as atrocious as possible, thinking he would scrunch his nose in disgust and not want to do anything with you. But it's the opposite. He would burst out into laughter, at first laughing at you, but eventually it turned into admiration for your effort. Cyprus wouldn't help you with your makeup or costume unless you asked, he would be equally as fucked up anyways. So the quality of it wouldn't change too much.
To your surprise, he would get two tickets to the cosplay convention. He would just put on his leather jacket and fingerless gloves, claiming he's cosplaying whatever character closest in appearance despite not having any knowledge of the media. You would be in your own costume, having a blast.
It goes without saying, he will keep an eye out for you. He's oddly much less protective and possessive in conventions (perhaps it's because he believes that the majority is here to only partake in their interests of the arts, no one would want their work to be ruined. And maybe he thinks that your cosplay is weird enough to ward off rivals.) , he allows you to act as "cringey" as you like, but within reason. Because he thinks you're just acting in accordance to the norm there. He wouldn't let you get kicked out.
Cyprus isn't necessarily camera shy. He was an actor and model for a handful of retail commercials, he would still work as one if they pay him enough. He doesn't mind appearing in videos or pictures with you, but don't expect him to learn your little dances.
He would gladly be the cameraman, though. It doesn't take a genius to guess that he's internally dying from second-hand embarrassment through his crumpled face as he watches you act like an animatronic in slow motion.
No pointers, no suggestions on how to make it better, Cyprus lets you be in your element no matter how cringe. He loves it even if it kills him to watch you make a fool out of yourself. It's because he just loves seeing you shine and away from that damn phone for once. You're doing something productive and fulfilling, and that's extremely heart fluttering to Cyprus.
He would definitely tease you, lovingly. But only he gets to do it, no one else. Cyprus barks heavy threats and insults straight to the faces of those who bullies and makes fun of you for your special interests, sometimes it would even get physical if they go too far and actually hurt your feelings. For every tear you shed, your hater will receive a broken bone.
Okay. That did not work, it only made him more attracted to you. At least you had fun.
So now you tried to bore him away, he's generally impatient. Hot headed and needs a lot of stimulation day-to-day. He would definitely want to rip his skin off when you suggest completing a 5000 piece puzzle, right?
Yes, he will groan. He will complain and he will whine. Pawing at you to do something else, your silly dances, your funny cosplaying, to get out of the apartment, to have sex- anything other than this! It's so boring for him.
The first few days, he would just be next to you, trying to convince you to get a new hobby where it doesn't involve boredom. Forcefully dragging you out of the apartment to go on adventures, but you would always go back to completing your puzzles whenever you get the chance.
He would distract you by leaving hickeys on your neck, curling his tongue in your mouth and if you're already at that stage, eating you out like a hungry man. Drinking every drop of your nectar.
Once he realizes that he could give you cunnilingus daily, he's suddenly okay with your "very boring" hobby. But you wouldn't be, so you stopped trying to complete it. This would make him frown, because it always displeases him to have you lose interest in something.
So he very begrudgingly agreed to stop latching his mouth onto your pussy and join you in your quest of completing the picture.
The first few hours would consist of him giving up every five minutes because he couldn't find the next corner piece. He would slide his hands down your underwear and touch you until you cum.
However, if you persevere, Cyprus will eventually find himself enjoying the hobby too. Finding that it's therapeutic and almost hypnotic in a way. But only if you sit on his lap and allow him to bury his cock deep inside you.
Unfortunately, you wouldn't be able to concentrate with his large, hard member slowly but surely stirring your guts for hours. Each time he picks up a piece, his aroused dick would twitch and send shocks into your mushed brain. Or when he gets mildly frustrated, he would bounce you on him until you orgasm- that would reset his patience and keep him going. He stops working on the puzzle for the day when he ejaculates, which would take anywhere between thirty minutes to half a day.
In the end, Cyprus would be the one who finished the puzzle while you're mostly too busy trying not to pass out from cumming too much.
Cyprus would be so proud of himself for doing it, even buying a frame and displaying it in his mostly barren living room.
He would be baffled when you reacted negatively when Cyprus brings back another 5000 piece puzzle for you and him to complete.
To him, you're so predictable and unpredictable at the same time. Your hobbies and interests could change just like that and without warning. But regardless, he loves you even more now since you somehow made something so "soul crushingly boring" like puzzles, into something super fun.
Your attempts to make Cyprus sick of you have failed, but at least you knew that he was supportive in his own special way no matter how much he disliked it in the beginning.
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icarus-suraki · 2 years
dawn, sunburn, sunflower <3
dawn: describe your life with a movie title. Am I supposed to come up with a movie title or use an existing one? What is this asking me? What are the parameters here? Can I use direct-to-video stuff? Is pornography allowed? Could I use the fake porn title of Seven Rears in Tibet? Can it be an English-language title that has nothing to do with the title in the original language? How sarcastic am I allowed to be?
Yeah, no, I can't figure out how to answer this one. I'm just falling down a rabbit hole of movie lists on Wikipedia.
sunburn: what is your favourite hobby? What do you like about it? I feel weird about "hobbies." I've never really thought of things people would count as "hobbies" to be "hobbies." That sounds snobby lmao. But IDK I just did things. I never thought of them as "hobbies" because they never showed up on lists of popular hobbies. I'm gonna say "hobbies" some more so get ready for that.
At the moment, I'm enjoying sewing and making cosplays quite a lot. I admire people who can do all this foam armor and LED lights and animatronic stuff, and I might take on some of those things someday. But right now I'm enjoying figuring out how to best represent or reproduce something in an image in real life. Like how can I get this to drape like that in real life? Or given this character's backstory, would they be more likely to have clothes made of this or that? I like playing with those ideas, which sometimes gets me into trouble. I do bite off more than I can chew, so it's good I'm holding back on the animatronics and all. But I do like studying images and saying "the fuck kind of fabric is that?" or "yeah, no, I'm not doing it that way; this way would be more interesting visually" or just "BITCH, HOW ARE YOU MAKING IT GO THAT WAY?" Sometimes you can get a really good 1:1 match, which is something I've loved since I made a purple vest for a Quatre (Gundam Wing) cosplay way back in the early 2000s. Like, I hung it up in my closet next to the khaki pants and pink shirt I was going to wear with it and it was this great bit of hyperreality--oh, dude, that 2d character's clothes are hanging here in 3 dimensions. I love that weird zoomy feeling I get when I break that dimensional barrier. I mean, just this past May, I stuck a bunch of little silver butterflies meant to decorate a wall all over a bamboo hat and it made me grin every time I walked past it hanging on the back of my door. It's like breaking the 4th wall in reverse. I like that.
And that's gotten me to look into more and other things beyond just "sew a seam." For one thing, although I like to try and make a costume as "realistic" as possible, you've got to think about cosplay like theater as much as anything and be fully ready to cheat on everything if it makes your life easier (see: faking inner linings!). And for another example, I've got a couple of bottles of Rit dye over here because fuck the color selection for the texture I want in some fabric. I'm learning kind of a lot.
Now if this order I put in would get here, I could do some hands-on learning about dying natural fibers…
sunflower: if you could live in any fictional universe, which would you choose? If you've never seen the anime Durarara!!, I highly recommend it--not because it's necessarily a fictional universe I'd want to live in but because there's a line of dialogue in it that has stuck with me for years. Yeah, it's kind of cringy to have a quote from an anime be important but I'm an oldtaku and cringe is dead.
I can't even remember the exact quote but it's something like "you want a different life, you want to find another world, but after three days that world will be ordinary to you and you'll start looking for something even stranger."
This is not to say that changes or strange things are bad or should be avoided. It's more to say that if you think that you'll never get accustomed to something strange and unusual, you'll get accustomed to it sooner than you think. And if you're not careful, you'll just keep chasing that high, looking for something weirder and then something weirder and then something weirder. (And also pay attention to what's around you because things are strange all the time and you just think it's ordinary because you're so used to it. It goes both ways.)
Anyway, that concept of getting used to something new sooner than you expect has followed me around for a long time. Sometimes I'll find myself thinking "Yeah! This is what'll change everything for me!" and then I just think to myself "Ask yourself if that's true in three days." It doesn't necessarily stop me from dip-dying my hair purple, getting the new low-top Converse, driving a new route somewhere, or transferring to a new work location. But it has helped to remind myself how fast the extraordinary can become ordinary.
My point is that it's easy to be like "Oh yeah, I want to live in this fictional universe!" when that universe would pretty soon be as ordinary as the current one. I get it, though. And some universes would probably stay novel longer than others--like if you were at some kind of “school for magic users,” the novelty would last as long as you were learning and using new magic. But after you master the system it's trading "fuck, I forgot to water my tomatoes!" for "fuck, I forgot to water my squiddlebonks!" Squiddlebonks might be purple or something but it's basically the same thing, just in different places.
Fuck this sounds cynical, which is ironic considering the list of potential fictional universes that ran through my head when I read this question. I swear I'm not that cynical! I've just put too much thought into the nitty-gritty of fictional universes, maybe. Like a lack of vaccines and antibiotics and painkillers in Jane Austen Land. Or how the odds are stacked infinitely against being a protagonist (let alone an antagonist) in a fictional universe. I'm just standing behind Mr. J. Alfred Prufrock as he swells a progress here--but not in the very back because there's a kind of distinction in being in the very back too. The odds are not on me being a powerful elf; I'm much more likely to be some rando hobbit or Rohirrim peasant. Not a Jedi, just someone in the background hoping that this fucking galactic war doesn't totally destroy the local economy. Give it up for the long-suffering Ordinary Folk.
Now to really throw a curveball in here, it could be kind of fun to be one of the locals on Summerisle in the 1973 Wicker Man movie. Not that I'm totally keen to be stuck with 1973 technology and medicine and so on, but being part of a little pagan commune would be kind of fun. I already know a lot of the customs so I can just jump right in. I'd still have my religious hang-ups though, so that would make it suck.
Bits of Star Trek, such as I know of it, do make The Future seem bright and possible--which was their intent. I wouldn't be one of the Brave Explorers. I'd just chill on a neat planet, ideally one where I could go on regular flights using wings I'd just strap on (physics suggests that this would be possible in a large enough enclosure of breathable air on the moon), without having to worry about healthcare or income or major conflict or anything. Just do my thing, whatever that might be. Maybe some kind of space librarian, I don't know.
Okay, maybe one of those "gentle fiction" romance novels where everything is beautiful and nothing hurts. Maybe you know the ones: where the protagonists fall in love and maybe have some problems along the way but it ends up okay and one of them probably owns a bookstore in some coastal town where there are never any hurricanes. The big problem is whether there's enough sugar left in the store so everyone can bake things for the bake sale to raise money to replace the boiler in the village school. There's no climate change, no political instability, no issues with money, everybody is fine in every way unless it serves the plot in some way. No COVID, no Cult 45, no wage stagnation, no serious worries, no dim and impossible future…
So yeah, total fiction.
Also Durarara!! is really good and I recommend it.
Summertime asks!
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victoriansummer · 1 month
Can't Wait to Meet You, So Join the Animatronic Family
By: Tory Andrews
Spoilers for the Five Nights at Freddy’s movie ahead, but minimal lore spoilers.
On August 14, 2014, Mark Fischbach, more commonly known as ‘Markiplier’, uploaded a video to his YouTube channel titled ‘WARNING: SCARIEST GAME IN YEARS’. The video featured a simple game playthrough of a nightguard keeping watch of some Chuck E Cheese-esque animatronics, essentially making sure nobody breaks in, and the animatronics stay untouched. As the night progresses, the animatronics, a yellow chicken, a BLUE bunny, a red pirate fox, and a brown bear sporting a top hat, move around the building, making their way toward the security room. Complete with various ominous and stress-inducing sounds, a quick-drying power supply, hilarious commentary, and a limited range of motion, this gameplay would become one of Markiplier’s most-viewed videos. Who knew that this video and countless other videos would spark interest in an indie video game about haunted animatronics?
Now fast forward 9+ years, and now, ‘Five Nights at Freddy’s’ is Blumhouse Studio’s highest-grossing film of all time, beating ‘Split’.
Despite Five Nights at Freddy’s being a video game, a lot of its fans admit to not playing any of the games. This is quite ironic until you find out how popular YouTube ‘Let’s Plays’ are. You can sit back and watch somebody else play all while listening to hilarious commentary. In fact, CoryxKenshin, a popular YouTuber who frequently plays FNaF games, made a cameo in the FNaF movie as the cab driver. Beyond the games, the fandom has taken a life of its own, creating artwork, hilarious and iconic videos, fanfiction, cosplays, fan-made music, and fan-made merch alike! This fandom really knows no bounds, as the fan-made song ‘Five Nights at Freddy’s’ by The Living Tombstone is the ending credits song to the movie. Speaking of the movie, Blumhouse co-founder Jason Blum and movie director Emma Tammi made it their mission to make a movie that would be ‘for the fans’ and not the critics. Since the fandom received it so well, it’s safe to say they achieved their goal. 
Now, you simply cannot talk about FNaF, its fandom, and the movie without talking about the elephant in the room. THE LORE! Scott Cawthon, FNaF’s creator, has really gone all in with his intricate and cryptic storytelling abilities to tell the story of the Afton family, Afton Robotics, Fazbear Entertainment, revenge, atonement, and, of course, animatronic farm animals. And since the lore is so complex and takes a real eye to detail to ‘solve’ it, one YouTuber has made it his mission to piece it all together. Matthew Patrick, also known as MatPat, and his team of theorists on the Game Theorists channel pick apart every game, book, easter egg, announcement, poster, and everything in between to find bits of lore or clues. MatPat’s dedication to solving the story has given icon status within the fandom, so much so that he also has a cameo in the movie. He even says his iconic line, which he uses to end all of his videos, “But that’s just a theory.” I was fortunate enough to see the movie on opening night with a few of my friends and some classmates. One of the friends I went with was MSMU senior Emily Hellstrom, who grew up with the fandom. “Undoubtedly, it’s the memories I associate with it. I have a very clear memory of being in the back of the bus from a field trip to UCLA, sitting while one of my friends was playing the beta of the second game… I have memories of sitting at dinner watching [MatPat]’s game theories and other YouTubers such as [Markiplier] and [jacksepticeye] play the game.” After a night filled with snacks, jokes, lore dumps, and going crazy because of a reference only the fandom would get, the movie ended. “I was almost in tears- but of course, I did cry because my childhood was honored and complete.” Whether you grew up feeling scared of these animatronics or had a friend lore-dump on you on the way to the theater, it’s safe to say that the FNaF fandom and franchise are diehard, iconic, and nostalgic. “The fandom for the game is what truly adds to its magic, I think.”
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fnafcosplay2 · 1 year
FNAF Cosplay
FNAF Cosplay - The Human Side of Five Nights at Freddy's
FNAF Cosplay is an incredible feat that requires a lot of creative inspiration and skill. Animatronic characters like Puppet, Circus Baby, and Foxy are easily identifiable thanks to their unique color schemes and costume details.
Human characters, like Michael Afton and Vanessa, also come with plenty of story-driven inspiration. Incorporating horror and Halloween-style makeup into a character’s look can make them instantly recognizable.
FNAF Cosplay FNAF Costume Sundrop FNAF Cosplay Glamrock Freddy Cosplay
FNAF Costume Sundrop
FNAF Cosplay is a great way to interact with the fan community and improve your creative skills. Whether you're cosplaying for conventions, making costumes for photoshoots, or just expressing yourself on social media, FNAF is a good choice for beginners and pros alike.
Unlike many other popular games, the animatronics in FNAF are not all cute and cuddly. In fact, they're often quite terrifying. This is what makes the characters so eerie and memorable, and it's a great inspiration for any cosplayer.
While most FNAF animatronics are anthropomorphic animals, there are a few human characters as well. These characters are a bit easier to cosplay as they don't require any animal costume pieces. Plus, they usually have a strong aesthetic and plenty of narrative inspiration to draw from.
For example, the character Funtime Foxy is a fan favorite because of her tuxedo-like look and sharp pink claws. And, just like the other animatronics, she has a distinct color palette that makes her instantly recognizable.
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lotusloveslotus · 1 year
Five Nights At Freddy's has become so overwhelmingly popular with children and gone on so long that many of those children are now adults who are using their free time to make full-body, animatronic, lore-accurate costumes to wear at public events like conventions, not at the behest of the FNAF brand, but as independent cosplayers and that is really, really grim. while I applaud the creativity and skill I lowkey wish Cawthon had found a way to restrict this more heavily cause no matter what your little close-knit online fandom squad may believe, the potential for Issues™️ to arise regarding real life children is nauseatingly high. there's a reason you're not allowed to cosplay at Disney.
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kaleidoedits · 2 years
Masterlist of Sources, Whitelists, & Blacklists
Mod Kotoko
Sources: Danganronpa, YTTD, Disney media (all unless otherwise stated), SDV/Harvest Moon, Animal Crossing, NITW, ATLA/LOK, Demon Slayer, BNHA, Koe no Katachi, Pokemon, Mario media, Undertale/Deltarune, & Lalaloopsy. Anything I haven’t listed feel free to request for & I’ll let you know whether I will do it! (Probably won’t do MCYT since I would have to use fanart & I only want to use official art.)
Whitelist: All Danganronpa (exceptions in blacklist), Encanto, Deltarune, Ducktales, Gummi Bears, Pokemon, Nintendo Girls, Sanrio, Kawaii, Soft Kidcore, Pastel, & Color Themed edits!
Blacklist: Real people/Live-Action (Puppets do not count as live-action to me aka they are allowed), NSFW (obv), Shipping Edits, Haiji Towa, Izuru Kamukura, Imagery Involving Harm to Toys, & Heavy Gore
Mod Fukase
Sources: Vocaloid/Synthv/Utau, Pokemon, Nintendo, Toilet Bound Hanako Kun, Vanitas no Carte, Genshin Impact, Cells at Work, various anime, unlisted
Whitelist: Miku, Len, Hanako, Gen 3 Pokemon/Characters, Red, Blue, Light Academia
Blacklist: Tsukasa, KAITO, Allister (pkmn), Cottagecore, Dark Academia
Mod Jethuey
Sources: ducktales , little nightmares , fnaf , eddsworld , the owl house , hilda , batim , animal crossing , gravity falls , a hat in time , deltarune , the walten files , cookie run kingdom , amphibia , other disney medias [ unless otherwise stated ] , hollow knight , cuphead , and more !!
Whitelist:  everyone from ducktales , mono , six , fnaf animatronics , the main four in eddsworld , hilda n twig , frida , david , bendy , alice angel , boris , sophie n jack walten , felix kranken , hat kid , the conductor , spacecore , arcade / glitch / circus core , soft / cute core , light / dark academia , horror elements , branded stuffed animals , etc
Blacklist:  dangonranpa , real life people , mcyt / dsmp , live action , ships , gore , nsfw , jjba , arcane , genshin
Mod Oliver
Sources: Vocaloid, Pokémon, MHA, Vanitas no Carte, Nintendo, TBHK, Sanrio, A Silent Voice, Aggrestsuko and others!
Whitelist: Pokemon, Vanitas, Retsuko, Hanako, Yashiro, Cinnamoroll, Badtz Maru
Blacklist: Allister from pokémon, KAITO, real people, harry potter, DSMP
Mod Mirabel
Sources: DDLC, most musical theatre, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, Danganronpa, Jellycat stuffed animals, Beanie Babies, Build-a-Bears, ALW’s Cinderella
Whitelist: Sing 2, MLP Equestria Girls, Encanto, Heathers the Musical, Mean Girls the Musical, ALW’s Cinderella, Inside Out, Jellycats!
Blacklist: MCYT, anything heavily NSFW, anything Minecraft or Roblox related, Twilight, Falsettos, or The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee!
Mod Epsilon
Sources: red vs blue, fnaf, steven universe, stardew valley, subnautica, cells at work, doki doki literature club, pokemon, minecraft, children’s cartoons, carebears, figurines, indie games like WIRELAND, therapy with dr albert krueger, purrfect apawcalypse, T-gochi!, or any other game played by manlybadasshero. 
Whitelist: pastels, lovecore, alternative fashion, harujuku and related fashion, any puppetry or extreme costuming like clowns, sesame street, yo gaba gaba. adventure time, undertale, anime in general, vocaloids and other ai celebrities, cookie run, kakegurui, webkinz, sanrio, devilman crybaby, ruby gloom
Greylist (mutuals only): mcyt, attack on titan, marvel/dc, mha, ocs for popular content, fan generation of pokemon
Blacklist: gore, self harm, abuse, racist characters or charicatures, characters being depicted as “crazy” or after being triggered, disordered eating, extreme sickness or v*miting, triggering content, cosplay, happy tree friends, hitalia, real people/actors, naruto edits specifically gaara, smashed animatronics, springtrap/malhare/william in general, director leonard church, uncredited fan art
Mod Yuri
Sources: DDLC, most musical theatre, My Little Pony, Super Why, Peppa Pig, Wonder Pets, Doc McStuffins, Peg + Cat, Danganronpa, most Disney and/or Pixar
Whitelist: Sing 2, MLP Equestria Girls, Encanto, Heathers the Musical, Mean Girls the Musical, Danganronpa (especially Toko Fukawa and Komaru Naegi), Sayori, Natsuki, Monika, Hamilton, Inside Out
Blacklist: DSMP, anything heavily NSFW, anything Minecraft or Roblox related, Twilight, Falsettos, The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee, and please be careful/minimal with requesting real people.
Mod Kotori
Sources: love live, bandori, tbhk, genshin, ddlc, mha, yttd, fnaf, komi cant communicate, vocaloid, danganronpa, any non-blacklisted source
Whitelist: yashiro nene, kou minamoto, reki and langa, miya chinen, ran mitake, gorou, softcore, cutecore, spacecore, etc etc
Blacklist: midori/“the real sou hiyori”, haji towa, hisoka, adam (sk8), mineta minoru, real people, dsmp, jjba, any heavy nsfw source
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artsistory · 5 years
Disneyland Day 1! (10.23.19)
It’s here! What we’ve all been waiting for! Tokyo Disney 3 Day Extravaganza!!!
It began with waking up at 5 AM!! We had to arrive before the park opened and it takes an full hour of public trans to get there. So at the crack of dawn we got ready and went.
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We thought we’d be there pretty early but by the time we got to the front gate, a big line was already forming!! Japanese people go HARD at Disneyland. 
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Thankfully, Danni did her research and we knew exactly what we had to do. When the gates opened we ran right to Tomorrowland to get Monsters Inc fastpasses and then get in line for Pooh’s Hunny Hunt, the two best rides in the park!
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Our first ride was Hunny Hunt! The line was super short since it was so early but it wasn’t going to stay that way. This ride blows the Pooh ride back home out of the water! The sets and graphics are crazy and the whole ride smells like honey!!
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We then met some friends in Fantasyland and rode a few rides while we waited for our fastpasses. Don’t underestimate Danni on the teacups. She whipped that cup around so fast, I thought I’d barf.
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We rode the Haunted Mansion which was all decked out for The Nightmare before Christmas. There’s a few extra rooms that we don’t have back home! Then on to Monsters Inc! This ride is so crazy! You get flashlights and shine them all around the fast paced ride which triggers all sorts of things to happen! So coooool.
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Japanese people really go in on the accessories and costumes. Everyone has headgear and lanyards and matching cutesy outfits. Since it was Halloween, adults are allowed to wear actual costumes too. And the cosplay was crazy impressive. You couldn’t really tell the difference between the actual characters and the park goers sometimes. All this to say, I was feeling left out so I bought one of the most popular items, a 101 Dalmatians headband!
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I couldn’t get Makanakai to buy this one.
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And since we got most of the popular rides out of the way in the morning, we took a more leisurely run around the park in the afternoon. Main Street is all under a covered market. Looks so pretty!
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We also had to stop by Country Bear Jamboree which was killed back home but still going strong in Japan. It was a blast from the past for sure! And almost totally not terrifying to see those giant animatronic bears singing California Girls in Japanese on stage. 
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I honestly think my favorite ride was the Tiki Room! I love the original and all but in this one, Stitch crashes the party and they sing Aloha Komo Mai all together! Stitchey is very popular in Japan.
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And let us not forget all the dope snacks at Disneyland! They have such weird and good food! Like these mochi aliens! Hello!!
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Also these pizza spring rolls. What?
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It was super fun just to run around the park and see everything. The magic was real. 
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Especially when we rode Splash Mountain with this man that Danni may or may not have elbowed his wife earlier in the day for crowding up on her at the Small World line.... A magical night!
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We ended the night with the Electrical Light Parade which is still going strong over here. It was beautiful! And also, if you are up front, everyone remains sitting which is wild. It’s all so organized! California would never.
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And then we slumped all the way back home to do it all over again!!
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ladynoir1987 · 6 years
Brothers AU (Youtube)
In my Brothers AU for Young Justice, where Dick/Robin and Bruce/Batman are brothers, I can imagine them sharing a YouTube channel. Selina joins their videos so much that they eventually gave her the log-in info so she can make solo videos of her own like they do. Dick was the one who named the channel “Just Some Gothamites” and the other two didn’t bother changing it. Mostly because they couldn’t come up with anything else.
The most popular video is the time Bruce agreed to finish the first FNAF game. With a catch. Every time he died, he would have to take a certain number of shots depending on which animatronic killed him. Foxy=1, Freddy=2, Chica=3, Bonnie=4, and Golden Freddy=5.
Their channel is random and predictable at the same time. Predictable because every video they post in October is guaranteed to have them wearing either a costume or just a pair of contacts and or a wig. Random because of all the different types of videos they post and that you never really know what they’ll wear in October. Like that time Bruce decided to go all out with a Bendy the Dancing Demon costume or when Selina had on a pair of contacts that had the face of Sally from Nightmare Before Christmas’s face on them. No one knows how she managed to find them.
Their second most popular video is one where they climbed the Wonder Tower with Ally Law himself!
The different videos they have are gaming, prank wars, cosplay convention blogs (mostly Selina and Dick), roof top parkour, school blogs (mostly Dick, though Bruce and Selina did a couple when they were still in college), building things from games and movies, scene recreations, and there’s even some videos just full of bloopers.
The first video ever posted on the channel was one where Bruce and Dick recreated Why Should I Worry from Disney’s Oliver And Company, Gotham style. Alfred made a brief cameo as the driver Bruce “scared”, Alfred then played a bigger part in the next video of Selina and Bruce recreating I Just Can’t Wait To Be King. It was Selina’s idea and Alfred got stuck as Zazu. These were also the only two videos with Alfred in them at all.
There were a few of videos with Wally in them. Mostly just Dick pranking him, but he did star in the video they did for the BATIM song Can I Get An Amen.
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bartoonist · 7 years
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LACC 2017 trip: My comic con trip yesterday was the best day I ever had in two years since I went to Long Beach Comic Con September 2015, and to Stan Lee’s Comikaze on November 2015 (which is now called Stan Lee’s Los Angeles Comic Convention a.k.a. Stan Lee’s LA Comic Con), I met some great cosplayers and great creators I had so much fun taking pictures with, in Photo #1: I met a cosplayer dressed up like Bayek from Assassin’s Creed Origins, in Photo #2: I met a new coming Comic creator named Calvin Nye, who is the Comic writer and comic artists who created his superhero indie comics series of his original Indie Comic Superhero named Joe hero, who is a superhero with Autism, and the creator of the Joe Hero is Autistic himself, just like me (Blake Andrew Roten), it was nice meeting him and I’m glad my Uncle Sean ( who I drew in my family portraits for him in various styles every Christmas of course) had introduced me to Calvin Nye, in Photo #3: I met a cosplayer dressed up as King Dice from the Cuphead Xbox One Indie game which I watched on YouTube as a series of walkthrough videos made by some popular YouTube gamer I can’t recall who recorded and played the Cuphead game, in Photo #4: I saw an excellent cosplayer dressed up as Afro Samurai and it is my favorite cosplay picture I ever took with that Afro Samurai cosplayer😎, in Photo #5: my cousin, Riley took a picture of me and my mom with Tommy Wiseau, in Photo #6: I met the Blue Cat Cafe Webcomic creator, Alexander Lee for the third this year at Stan Lee’s LA Comic Con, I met the creator of the Blue Cat Cafe Webcomic series two times about two years ago in 2015, first time at Long Beach Comic Con, and second time at Stan Lee’s Comikaze ( which is now called Stan Lee’s LACC this year), I really liked meeting up with him again since he’s honestly a really nice guy😄, in Photo #7: I met Kevin Eastman the co creator of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and he marker sketched my favorite ninja turtle, Leonardo on my TMNT 25th anniversary compilation book I bought at LBCC 2015, and I got to take some quick pictures with him, I was so lucky to meet him and I got a chance to a nice talk/chat with him about how he and peter influenced me and I showed him my best Emerald Kappa illustration on my iPhone, he liked it, and he told me to keep drawing, which are the nicest words I ever heard him say, in Photo #8 and #9: I met some TMNT cosplayers dressed as my favorite film series ninja turtles from the original TMNT film series, I took some pictures with my favorite ninja turtle, Leonardo, and a Donatello cosplayer dressed as the Jim Henson animatronic costume designed ninja turtles from the TMNT Indie film adaptation of the TMNT Indie Comic series, and it made me think, why didn’t the filmmakers of the Michael Bay produced Ninja Turtles film series use mocap on the Jim Henson Costume designed turtles and convert the Jim Henson animatronic turtle costumes into CG remodeled characters whose animatronic squash and stretch facial cartoon expressions would be more fluid and life like instead instead of having those reptilian ape like faces? In Photo #10: I met a cosplayer dressed up as a Samurai version of Darth Vader and it was awesome, there are other pics from LACC 2017 I wish I could put in my post but since my tumblr posts can only take up 10 pictures in one post at a time, all I can do is make two honorable mentions of them, my first honorable mention were those two Ninja turtles fan sketches I got for free from the anonymous artist’s girlfriend named Emily and I honestly wish I had ask Emily what her boyfriend’s name is so that I could her artist-boyfriend some credit since he didn’t put his name on the Ninja turtles sketches I got for free, and my second honorable mention is that I got to see a Ralph Bakshi animation art booth and I met Eddie Bakshi who is one of Ralph Bakshi’s adult children, and I actually actually once got Ralph Bakshi’s Lord of the Rings animated movie on Christmas 2001 as a DVD when I was ten years old after the Peter Jackson’s first LOTR movie, the Fellowship of the ring came out that year, and I was 10 years old and the animated LOTR movie was the first Ralph Bakshi movie I ever watched at a young age, it was actually an interesting adaptation of the novel trilogy and I liked it, it was just as good and interesting as the Peter Jackson-LOTR trilogy itself, well that’s about all I can say on this post, and I hope you folks like my recent Comic Con trip pictures I posted on tumblr this year😉?
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ginoplastilina · 4 years
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Freddy de five nights at freddys, realizado en mi clase de plastilina, este personaje aterrador de su video juego es tan popular y recontra pedido por mis alumnos 😄 la verdad que no pensaba que crearía tantos muñecos que estoy por compartir, tanto como los pedidos que tengo, así que estén al tanto. Plastilisaludos #clay #plastilina #clayart #fnaf #fivenightsatfreddys #jumpscare #game #freddyfazbear #freddy #stopmotion #stopmotionanimation #bear #beard #oso #animatronics #cosplay #cosplayer #play #art #polymerclay #fivenightsatfreddys2 (en Huacho, Peru) https://www.instagram.com/p/CAwIw8MHLgg/?igshid=7mghqmfxedj4
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ashen-star-mage · 5 years
My Favorite Fandoms and Why
I’m a huge nerd. Hopefully that’s clear for anyone who follows my blog or posts. So naturally I like a lot of fandoms, but there are a number that I really really like and some I’ve followed since childhood. 
A fandom I’ve followed since childhood. I was part of the original Pokemon generation who were kids when the first games (red, blue and yellow) came out. I love how even in the beginning there was no end of things to do in Pokemon. Bored with your team? There’s 151 of them and more on the way. Then you could battle and min-max your team to your heart’s content, and way back in the day you could even gamble in Pokemon games. I love the art style of Pokemon and the beloved creatures that are way too easy to get attached to. It’s like to the point where when someone (I’m not naming names) KOs your favorite Pokemon and then it’s time for some serious payback. We’re talking Hyper Beam on a 10% health Pokemon payback. Modern games have given us even more to do in games. If battling isn’t your thing, you can breed them for cool moves and other things (and potentially become a twisted Pokemon eugenicist). You can hunt for oddly colored Pokemon (shinies), something I never had the patience for. You can participate in Pokemon contests, and bond with your team by feeding or petting them. Pokemon designs are really diverse too, from ‘normal’ animals to plants to the gods themselves. Gods that can be caught and battled by ten year olds for some reason. Also it needs saying that for some reason teenage boys (and perhaps girls too) detest Pokemon because it’s not cool. What’s cool for teenage boys? Skateboards and saying ‘radical’ all the time? Ninja Turtles reference by the way. I was definitely in the minority liking Pokemon in my teenage years, but when I got to college, suddenly it was cool again and everyone was allowed to like it just like when I was a kid. Pretty awesome right? I’m really hyped for Sword and Shield, just like I’ve been hyped for every new main series game. 
Star Wars
Another fandom I’ve followed since childhood. While Pokemon took us to a land of wonderful creatures of all stripes, Star Wars takes us to that galaxy a long time a go and far far away where there are adventures, cool ships, and magic space wizards. In my opinion, Star Wars introduced the world to some of the coolest and most iconic ships. Like the wedge-shaped Star Destroyers that struck terror into all who saw them, or the Millennium Falcon, the fastest hunk of junk in the galaxy. And who could forget the characters. Definitely a diverse cast in terms of archetypes, Luke the naive and idealist farmboy, Leia the tough no-nonsense princess, Han Solo the lovable rogue, Darth Vader one of the most feared men in the Empire and an extremely iconic villain. The list goes on. Even if the galaxy is almost always at war, be it the clone wars, galactic civil war, or other conflicts, it was somewhere I always wanted to go some day. Meet the characters, try not to get force-choked, fly a ship through hyperspace. Star Wars may have started as three very well-done movies, but it has turned into an incredible multimedia franchise. The Legends series (formerly expanded universe) really fleshed out the galaxy and lore beyond what the movies did and so did the prequels. Say what you will, but they had some really good aspects to them. Then there are the games like my favorite of all time, Empire At War, game that would transport you into that galaxy far far away for a few hours at a time and let you blow up stormtroopers or rebel scum to your hearts content. Or clones or clankers (battle droids) if you prefer that. The fans have definitely done their part too, like the 501st Legion and Rebel Legion, two incredible professional-quality Star Wars costuming organizations (both of which I want to join some day). They really do their part to bring the galaxy to life. 
Ah, Disney, the company that has been entertaining us with beloved child-friendly characters and stories for many decades. A lot of generations can say they grew up with at least one Disney movie. I love how Disney movies appeal to people of all ages. They have characters both kids and adults adore and stories and even humor for both adults and children as well. Then there’s Kingdom Hearts, the massive Disney and Final Fantasy crossover that brings tons of Disney characters into one universe. Also Disneyland and Disney parks which bring the magic of Disney to life with animatronics, costumed actors, and various other things. Unless someone outright hates Disney or animated films, there’s bound to be something in the Disney canon for almost everyone. I have too many favorite Disney films to name, but some I’m particularly fond of are Mulan, Tangled, Wreck-It Ralph, Alice in Wonderland (my namesake). I’m definitely planning some Disney cosplays in the future, and now that Disney owns Star Wars, those characters could count too. 
Fire Emblem
A tactical RPG with one of the world’s saltiest fanbases (at least in my opinion). I’ve described the series as chess-meets-Final-Fantasy to people who have never heard of it. Basically you have an army of very relatable characters who can talk to each other for combat bonuses and you have a bunch of enemies and undoubtably a giant evil dragon to fight. These games have been pegged as being rather difficult, considering weapons can break mid-battle, characters who die in battle never come back (until recent games), and experience points are limited (more in older games). Fire Emblem used to be such a niche series, only known to a few dedicated fans, but luckily Fire Emblem Awakening saved the series and made it really popular, to the point of being a mainstream series now. I only got into the series in high school, but I’ve been hooked ever since. The mix of strategy, RPG elements, and interesting characters and plots really was a winning combination. The character relations are deep, especially when there are 40+ playable characters per game. Each character can talk to around half a dozen others several times, revealing character backstory, personality, and interesting and sometimes funny interactions between them. I think Fire Emblem Awakening is one of my all-time favorites, and not just because it saved the series. It was a great standalone game. Some of my favorite characters are Lilina from Binding Blade, Nino from Blazing Sword (just Fire Emblem in the international release), Lissa, Chrom, Frederick, Robin, and Nowi from Awakening, Flora and Mozu from Fates. I even cosplay Mozu. I should honestly dust that cosplay off and wear it again. I love the character.
 Hyperdimension Neptunia
Definitely still a rather niche series. It’s extremely meta and loves trampling on the fourth wall. This series is basically the video game console war (Wii vs Playstation 3 vs Xbox 360) with all the players (pun intended) personified as anime girls. It’s not just those systems either. Sega is a major player, as in main character major, and video game piracy is personified too. The characters are fantastic and their interactions are equal parts endearing and hilarious. There are way too many video game references and tidbits. Like how Vert (Xbox personification) complains about overheating just like a real Xbox 360. Or how the enemies you fight are based on classic video game enemies like the ghosts from Pac-Man or the space invaders. This franchise is rather unique for me in that I like almost every character. With Star Wars or Fire Emblem for example, there are definitely a fair number of characters I’m neutral towards, but both those franchises have way more characters than Neptunia. I think my favorite characters are Vert and Nepgear (personification of the Sega Game Gear). 
Say what you will about the animation style at first (believe me, I was turned off at first but then I came back years later to give it another try) but this series has some of the most epic fight sequences and choreography in any series I’ve seen. All the main characters have superpowers of varying sorts called semblances and throw in a bunch of cool weapons that are also guns and you’ve got a recipe for epic combat. It’s so tragic and sad that Monty Oum, the series creator passed away, since he was a real driving force behind the epic fight choreography. I normally don’t like series just because the fighting is good (I’m not into most shounen battle anime). There needs to be more than just epic fights. I like character-driven stories and RWBY provides quite the diverse and likable cast. The team dynamics (RWBY stands for the names of the four characters on team RWBY) make for very interesting character interactions. 
Probably the most wonderfully absurd fandom on my list. Disgaea is about playing as the demons as they get into mischief and are forced to fight even worse demons and sometimes rogue human super-villains and angels too. Also did I mention the exploding peg-leg penguins called Prinnies who also talk like surfers for some reason? Because they do exist and they’re so great they even got a few games that star them as the main character... even though they’re supposed to be the fall guy and cheap slave labor of the Disgaea universe. The main characters, Laharl being a great example, are a departure from the ‘good guy’ protagonists of your typical RPG. He’s greedy, petty, and likes to brag about himself. Sure he’ll do the right thing after much prodding, but he really likes to play the role of the villain too. Aside from the absurd characters and plots, there’s the absurd game mechanics. Lv 99 look too low for you? Try Lv 9999 and then reset to lv 1 and grind back to Lv 9999 multiple times. Also stats reaching the millions and billions and damage several magnitudes beyond that with the right overpowered sword (which you can level up by going inside it). 
Tales Series
A series that’s somewhat similar to Final Fantasy in terms of being a mostly fantasy RPG, but also with hack-and-slash team battle mechanics. It’s a series that I feel is terribly underrated and needs more love. Final Fantasy is great but I feel like Tales deserves more recognition. The series has a lot of great characters and heavily emphasizes character interactions and character development. A perfect example is Luke fon Fabre, a character whose spoiled, whiny, abrasive personality makes him hard to like, but due to certain events he becomes one of the most beloved protagonists in the series (and a personal favorite of mine). This series is known for playing archetypes and tropes straight (like the chosen one trope, or unshakable destiny) and then turning them on their heads and deconstructing them, only to reconstruct them, then deconstruct them again. The combat is fast-paced and exciting, and while I love turn-based combat as well, the Tales fights, especially boss battles are fantastic. I describe the series as Final Fantasy meets Super Smash Bros in terms of battle system. My favorite game in the series is Tales of the Abyss. 
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theultimatefan · 7 years
Mike Grell Selected For Wizard World Hall of Legends
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Mike Grell, who since his comics debut in 1973 has brought his own creations and their worlds to life with a cinematic style of visual storytelling, was today named the fourth honoree in the Wizard World Hall of Legends, a new initiative to celebrate the artists, writers and insiders who have built the industry and those continue the traditions. Grell will receive the award at a ceremony at Wizard World Comic Con Chicago on Thursday, August 24, at 7 p.m. on the main entertainment stage at the Donald E. Stephens Convention Center.
These, along with successful runs on such features as BATMAN, IRON MAN, GREEN ARROW, JAMES BOND: PERMISSION TO DIE, the TARZAN Sunday comic strip and the internationally acclaimed LONGBOW HUNTERS, have won him the comic industry’s coveted INKPOT AWARD FOR OUTSTANDING ACHIEVEMENT IN COMIC ART. His own SHAMAN’S TEARS has garnered widespread acclaim in the Native American community as a celebration of Indian traditions and lore. In 1999, he published his first novel, SABLE.
Grell recently announced that he will be returning to GREEN ARROW, just in time to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the release of THE LONGBOW HUNTERS. He will be drawing a dozen variant covers for the series, which is published bi-weekly by DC Comics.
''It's an honor to be inducted into the Wizard World Hall of Legends,” said Grell. “My 44 years in the comic industry has allowed me to tell stories and create characters and worlds from pure imagination—I feel as if I've hardly worked a day of it.”
“Mike Grell is a true ‘legend’ of the comics world, and as a longtime frequent guest at our shows, is an extremely worthy honoree in our Wizard World Hall of Legends,” said John D. Maatta, Wizard World President and CEO. “He remains a significant, vibrant figure in the industry after having thrilled millions with his work over more than four decades.”
Grell joins Rob Liefeld, creator of the popular Cable, Deadpool, X-Force and Youngblood franchises, Trina Robbins, the first woman to draw “Wonder Woman,” and Jeff Smith, creator of the famed comic book series Bone, as previous Wizard World Hall of Legends honorees.
The Wizard World Hall of Legends initiative, which will honor one or more figures from the comics world at each convention, is one in a series of enhancements that Wizard World is making in the comics area. Artist Alley in Chicago features a standout lineup of creators, including James O’Barr (“The Crow”), Ben Templesmith (“Fell,” “The Nightmare Factory”), Philip Moy (“Powerpuff Girls,” “Star Trek/Legion of Superheroes”), Jeffrey Moy (“Legionnaires,” “Star Trek”), Steve Geiger (“Spider-man,” “The Incredible Hulk”), Ant Lucia (“DC Bombshells”), Stuart Sayger (“Micronauts,” “The Walking Dead), Des Taylor (“Scarlett Couture,” “DC Bombshells”), Gene Ha (“Top 10,” “The Forty-Niners”), Alex de Campi (“No Mercy,” “Archie vs. Predator”), Clinton Hobart (licensed Disney fine artist), Simon Fraser (“Judge Dredd,” “Nikolai Dante”), Michael Calero (“Tandar” animatronics, “All New Fathom”), Jeremiah Lambert (“Transformers” franchise, “Masters of the Universe”), Dean Haspiel (“Billy Dogma,” “Spider-Man”), Kurt Lehner (“Gargoyles,” “Marvel Action Hour”), Jorge Molina (“Avengers Assemble,” “X-Force”) and many others.
Comics creators at Wizard World Comic Cons are engaging with fans more than ever. The Creative Stage, active throughout every show, provides attendees additional opportunities to interact with artists and writers, with demonstrations, interactive Q&As, informative discussions, art raffles and auctions, learn-to-draw instruction and more.
Wizard World Comic Con events bring together thousands of fans of all ages to celebrate the best in pop culture: movies, television, gaming, live entertainment, comics, sci-fi, graphic novels, toys, original art, collectibles, contests and more. The 10th event scheduled on the 2017 Wizard World calendar, Chicago show hours are Thursday, August 24, 4-9 p.m.; Friday, August 25, noon-7 p.m.; Saturday, August 26, 10 a.m.-7 p.m.; Sunday, August 27, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Kids 10 and under are admitted free with paid adult.
Wizard World Comic Con Chicago is also the place for cosplay, with fans young and old showing off their best costumes throughout the event. Fans dressed as every imaginable character – and some never before dreamed – will roam the convention floor and participate in the famed Wizard World Costume Contest on Saturday evening.
For more on the 2017 Wizard World Chicago, visit http://wizd.me/ChicagoPR.
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kaleidoedits · 2 years
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Hey I’m mod Epsilon! i’m from the heathen system and i like to edit! you can use he/they/ai/chime pronouns for me. i don’t currently have a personal blog.
i’ll do almost any fandom but i do have preferences! I can make headers, banners userboxes, dni’s, icons, reply icons, make images transparent pngs, whatever!
No irl gore, self harm or ed content, extremism or hate.
love: red vs blue, fnaf, steven universe, stardew valley, subnautica, cells at work, doki doki literature club, pokemon, minecraft, children’s cartoons, carebears, figurines, indie games like WIRELAND, therapy with dr albert krueger, purrfect apawcalypse, T-gochi!, or any other game played by manlybadasshero. my favorite characters to edit are Roxanne wolf, Vanny and the others from security breach, monika from ddlc, peridot or any gem from steven universe,
like: pastels, lovecore, alternative fashion, harujuku and related fashion, any puppetry or extreme costuming like clowns, sesame street, yo gaba gaba. adventure time, undertale, anime in general, vocaloids and other ai celebrities, cookie run, kakegurui, webkinz, sanrio, devilman crybaby, ruby gloom
thin ice (may be done for mutuals exclusively: mcyt, attack on titan, marvel/dc, mha, ocs for popular content, fan generation of pokemon
no: gore, self harm, abuse, racist characters or charicatures, characters being depicted as “crazy” or after being triggered, disordered eating, extreme sickness or v*miting, triggering content, cosplay, happy tree friends, hitalia, real people/actors, naruto edits specifically gaara, smashed animatronics, springtrap/malhare/burnttrap/william in general, director leonard church, uncredited fan art
tagging system:
💭request fulfilled
💭request denied
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find our system at @nickolas-is-a-piss-baby
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