#could sonadow fit this?
scrivvle74 · 3 months
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I’ve noticed a consistency in my favorite ships
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sonicattos · 1 year
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i’ve been brainrotting about sonadow being in a secret relationship and hanging out and being mushy I’M SORRY
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jazz-beans · 1 year
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Just caught up with @caffeine-clouds Agent Blue fic and it has me feeling a certain way.
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mephiles-the-jester · 7 months
my favourite part about 'hes not on his own' is how shadow actually said it verbally,,like out loud they said that they were going to stand by sonic to fight after he was clearly hurt by nine's words, like shadow could have totally just stayed quiet and silently join the fight to help but no,shadow wanted to make it clear that they're with sonic and it instantly cheers him up, do you think shadow did that to intentionally make sonic happy do you think they did that for him do you th
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shadow-turtle-234 · 1 year
What If: Sonadow as DamiRae
Shadow being Raven and Sonic being Damien
Shadow and Raven both being "designed" to be a weapon/Trojan horse to their father (Black Doom/Trigon) and being demi-gods (technically, since BD is the head of the Black Arms and there is no other authoritive head at the table, and he literally has a biblically accurate angel form in the shape of a fucking star).
Sonic and Damien both being relatively quick learners and just being quick in general. Both give others a chance and can kick ass fine on their own. (I am positive there is more parallels between the two the problem is that Damien is also a trained assassin and he can slice a bitch up - kinda similar to Shadow - where Sonic wouldn't fucking merk Eggman like that). Insufferable but with a good soul.
Yall, imma draw fucking fanart tomorrow and just be ready
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nova-rpv · 7 months
omg sonadow fan kid guys [spruce, they/them]
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i dont think sonic or shadow would ever want to be parents. at all. BUT the challenge of creating a sonado goblin desing wise is.. irresistable
rant under cut
spruce isnt my first attempt at desinging a sonadow fan kid, but theyre the first one i actually like, cause they fit into the picture without looking too much like their parents. their eyes are up to change tho, theres no reason for them to be yellow (maybe they could change color depending on their mood or smt? like, from red to green and viceversa passing through yellow)
i imagine them as a reaaally quiet kid that appears to be timid and reserved at first glance, but next thing you know theyve burn your house down to build you up a new one just cause the didnt like it
i named them spruce (adj; tidy and clean in appearance) cause, although they cause mischief here and there all of the time, they never leave a single trace on themself
i feel like they would not get allong with many of the cast at first because of the kind of stunts they pull but, because neither sonic nor shadow would be the ideal parents, everyone would have to collectively raise/take care of spruce. amy would be the first one to come arround, and tails would be last (<- his lab has been victim of the new tube baby many times)
omega really likes this kid. they go out to put shit on fire without others knowing
havent figured out their powers yet, but think of spruce as a lil ball made of chaos energy. im thinking of new ways chaos energy can be used in combat to not rely on the moves their parents already have. but its hard mfmdfn my brain hurt
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virune · 1 month
ur literal shadow shadow au/idea is sooo cool and interesting it literally hasn't left my brain since u posted the first artwork, and the sonadow continuation is so sweet :'] the implications and possibilities are really intriguing !! i was wondering if u had any more thoughts or ideas u would want to share? the art is soo cool!!!
awawawwwaa thank you so much!!! honestly it was just something that popped into my head at like 3am (my best drawing ideas occur when i'm sleepy, lmao). it's sort of based on a couple of old ocs of mine that i made like ten years ago ajfhwjjfhksdh but obviously altered to fit the hogs
as for further ideas - this version of shadow could probably be considered a little more clingy than normal? you know how people joke about being followed by your own shadow? kind of like that, but more literal. he has a bit of a fear of getting separated from the person whose shadow he's occupying, since it happened to him before sonic found him (he got stuck in the shadows of a cave alone for fifty years. sonic happened to run by the cave while exploring and rescued shadow by letting him "hop over" to his shadow). he cannot touch light in any capacity, since he's literally the absence of light!
i really appreciate the positive reception to this silly little au!! i drew it on a whim but it's very fun to think about. :)
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sonicdrawsfast · 3 months
Yokai AU. chapter one... (kinda, I'll prob remake it after I have the designs out and more figured out)
WARNINGS (for all chapters): GORE, mentions of abuse, abuse, experimentation, mentions of trauma, uncanon relationships, uncanon world and aged up characters.
Relationships: slow burn SONADOW, Knuxouge, kittails, Espilver, Vectnilla, Leosagi and others.
Other info, I'm not even joking Yokai Watch is my savior for what to call the Yokai, watch it, its such a cool show.
As the Sky Falls Over Us.
New York, a city that always crowded, bright and loud, the city that never slept and most importantly, home of the Ninja Turtles! a team of four teenage turtle mutants that went by the names of Raphael, Donatello, Leonardo and Michealanglo, heroes of the world.
The team of turtles sat atop a building, 'scouting' and defiantly not messing around while the oldest's chasm grew larger, "We're on a MISSION, not a jungle gym" Raphael spoke, sounded a bit agitated as Leo poked the soft shell's cheek, pausing and looking at Raph for good measure. "Relaxxxxx~ no one has been in trouble since we took out the Kraang, chillax, your Chasm only gets bigger~" Leonardo teased, giving a smug look to the eldest Mutant. Donatello pushed Leo's hand away with a mechanical claw, "BUT, something could happen! and you didn't even bring your battle shell! that took hours!" Leo scoffed, "my shell is FINE! I do not need it, I appreciate the work, hermano, I really do, but there's no trouble" Donnie sighed.
During the Kraang's attack Leonardo's shell had been messed up really bad... everything had. The shell and plastron protects all vital organs so it being weak and fragile made Raphael worry, it made everyone worry, except the turtle himself, who refused to lay on his back and winced visibly when it was touched. Of course, as the genius the soft shell turtle was, he made a perfect fit battle shell, not as complex as his own but stronger and more cushioned on the inside than his, not like he'd admit that, not in a thousand years.
Leonardo blew a raspberry, "nothin' it gonna happen anyway, no action, no villains, as the leader I say we go home and eat some pizza!" he cheered, Mikey perked at that, looking up from his mystic chains he'd been practicing, "...I mean, it couldn't hurt, no one as attacked, everyone is still recovering from the attack, especially you, Leo." Raphael sighed but nodded, "fine, Donnie, keep all your tech cameras on banks, museums and stuff like that, just in case.." he side eyed Leo, who was talking to Mikey now.
After riding back to the sewers in the new and improved Turtle Tank 2.0 everyone grabbed a slice of pizza from the leftovers of last night and sat down to eat in the living room. Leonardo laid on his stomach, Mikey sat criss crossed on the arm of the couch, Donatello sat on a purple bean bag and Raphael sat in the one actual chair as they watched Jupiter Jim 34. Donatello carefully studied Leonardo's shell, the cracks... jeez they were big. He noticed as Leonardo shuffled uncomfortably, he expected this, Leo always got a bit of pain when he didn't move constantly to distract himself. He sighed softly as reached into a shoulder compartment on his battle shell, it had pills in it, Midol for April or Leo if they needed it, pain killers, melatonin gummies and anti-anxiety meds, mostly for Leo. Donatello grabbed two pain killers and handed it down to Leo, he whispered, just so Leo could hear it and not above the movie playing on the projector, "take these, I can tell you need them" he said blandly before shoving them into Leo's hand, the blue twin smiled back, "thanks, DonTron..." and shoved them in his mouth and took them dry, which creeped out Donnie but he wouldn't question it.
Elsewhere, the Hidden City.
A blue Punkupine with green eyes, freckles, peach furred arms and heart shaped chest, light blue markings on his face, red shoes with a white strap that connected to a star shaped buckle, white fingerless gloves with a comical amount of sports tape was walking with a tall Kitsune with only two tails instead of the usual six, blue eyes, soft yellow fur with a white furred fluffy stomach with, big ears that wear tipped with brown, just like around his eyes and hands, that sported gloves that only show the tips of his paws so he can touch the hologram screen on his left hand. As the Kitsune typed away, regarding of the Hidden Cities reconstruction after the Kraang attack, they weren't as bad as the above world but some buildings fell through the surface, leaving many worrisome holes.
"Tails, bro, get off the screen for a while, you're gonna go blind!" the short , blue punkupine spoke, looking up at his little brother. The kitsune, now known as Tails, rolled his eyes, "first, no I won't, second, this is important Sonic! three of us best relec shops were destroyed, now human disguises prices only rise!" Sonic shook his head at Tails, "you're just grumpy because the only mint shop was destroyed." he stated a matter-of-factly, Tails grumbled, his tails spun in annoyance for a moment and his ears shifted, "..am not.." Sonic shook his head and chuckled, "whatever you say lil' bro" he waved and rushed off in dart of lightning, going around to check for severe damage and maybe a form of entertainment.
As the blue blur ran he jumped on rumble from the destroyed buildings, he looked to the roof of the hidden city and sucked a breathe in.. Amy was not going to like this. he pressed on his communicator on his wrist and rang up Tails, "heyyyy... maybe I was being a little under dramatic.. but~ the city has a few, like BIG hole leading to City Square, got any sciencey stuff to help?" he make an awkward face, hoping for the best from his genius little brother. He heard a shout on the other end of the line, "WHAT???" Tails yelled, getting some looks from other Yokai around him. He sucked a breathe in and whispered into the communicator, "..what do you mean 'there's a bunch of holes in the roof'?' "I mean, there's a-- WOAH-" static was then heard in Tails's ears as the call ended, Tails immediately panicked and spun his fluffy tails to go find Sonic.
Sonic was now jumping from place to place as more chunks of the roof fell, collapsing so fast he could already see a giant build board and people screaming. It all felt overwhelming, people?? as in HUMANS? bad news!
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northoco · 3 months
sonadow songs
a thing i’ve been thinking about recently is sonic songs that specifically resemble sonadow
now bare with me because i swear i have a point
the songs i think fit most are both adventure 2 songs, one of which is obvious and the other not at all as it’s a pretty underrated song!!
the obvious one is live and learn! the lyrics just scream sonic, and specifically him being the pov singing to shadow
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sonic beats shadow around twice in the game, same for shadow beating sonic depending on if you play hero story or dark story — that second line to me is practically just sonic saying that. life is complicated, ‘tangling you up inside’. one moment the guys on the floor and the next hes towering above him, it goes both ways. right after that we have:
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knowing roughly about the pain he’s dealt with and all he’s paid for, even if undeserved. however by following that grief and negative expectation from others he’s practically pulling himself further down, ‘putting him right back where he came’
then it hits with the live and learn which is obviously just the. you know. final kick. however the bridge sort of just beats you when you’re down because johnny what the fuck is this
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this is just painful (in a sweet way). to me it’s sonic giving shadow that final hope. the entire rest of the song is pretty aggressive, kind of just yelling to live and learn and get over things but the bridge is such a gentle reminder of why he should do it in the first place. ‘hold on to what if’ aka the what if that shadow will move on from the ark and learn to live. that place sonic is referring to the line before is peace and home.
and then live and learn and shadow fucking dies lmao
but i mentioned two songs!! and that’s because the other song is shadows perspective which is somehow more miserable
this song is none other than supporting me for the biolizard, one of my probably top five sonic songs if not number one. i love it so much it’s so perfect
this song is pretty over looked. you hear it in the biolizard fight but you don’t really listen to the vocals. hell when i first played i didn’t even hear the vocals because i was too busy trying not to fall down the streams and slam my laptop in
the song, unlike live and learn, starts out gentle and soft, and only after the guitar picks up does the first line drop:
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after all, it’s what shadow assumes is the final fight. it’s what he thinks is the last thing he needs to do to destroy the threat, hence the desperation.
the verse eventually comes, which could not start harder somehow
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now, important. this song could be viewed as a song about maria and his final words to her before he moves on (which you’ll understand when i bring up the next lyrics) and that’s a perfectly good interpretation of it, and probably the intended one.
HOWEVER, it can still be interpreted as a song to sonic, and there will be more on that soon.
anyway, these lyrics are just so good and well sung. the line “i believe in my future, farewell to the shadow” is him accepting the idea of moving on once defeating the biolizard, and believing in what’s next to come via abandoning his past with the destruction of the ark.
‘it was my place to live, but now i need your hand’ the sibling/maria interpretation would be the fact maria died in what shadow thought was his place, and now he needs her support in?? i can’t exactly figure out the last line and it’s tie to maria— WHICH IS WHERE THE JOINT SONADOW INTERPRETATION COMES IN! it was his place to live, it’s his realisation and moving on of his grudges and self + outward hatred. he needs sonics help, and the thing that makes this more fucking painful is the fact it’s a FORESHADOWING OF THE SUPER TRANSFORMATION WHERE THEY REACH THEIR HANDS OUT TO THE SKY TOGETHER.
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‘lead me out with your light’ and the line below it to me is what slowly underlines the tie to sonic. he spoke to amy shortly before this fight, and then went straight to sonic, being led out by his guidance to help save the world, the light that he was trying to destroy.
and then the fucking HOLY SHIT THIS PART
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this is a straight follow up from the last line before. everything currently IS like an illusion to him, so much is changing and he can barely comprehend its reality.
‘i’ll be losing you before long’ WHICH PLAYS RIGHT AFTER THE LIVE AND LEARN RIFF???? it’s a strong foreshadowing of his death, and the person he’ll be losing is sonic!!! before long!!! it can also be mixed with maria. he’s losing both him and maria by destroying his home and what’s remnant of its present.
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the last lines here are what really made me believe this was more towards sonic lmao. ‘i know you are supporting me’ as sonic is currently doing his part in the fight whilst shadow is facing the biolizard. he knows he’s supporting his decision to join his side, and to realise what the right path is.
anyway that’s about it uh shadria and other weirdos dni also go listen to supporting me
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tyranict · 4 months
Movie Sonadow thought; Imagine Sonic's very first Sonic Boom was done to get back to Shadow after he sent Sonic away so he could deal with the Black Comet himself, even after exhausting himself with the ARK. Imagine Sonic was sent so far across the world by Shadow that it would take a minute (that he doesn't have) to get to Shadow fast enough to save him from sacrificing himself.
Imagine, Sonic is also disoriented from the fight so he isn't really fit to be running at such high speeds; he trips in the middle of it and his body nearly refused to get back up, but his sheer will to save Shadow is what keeps him going. He then sees something collide, something powerful and glinted gold, with the bottom of the Black Comet. Sonic felt quezy at the sight and ran faster; it felt like his fur was being plucked off at the speeds he was running at, yet he still believed he wasn't fast enough.
Imagine, Sonic could see the Comet being pushed up into the atmosphere, he could see Shadow's golden mirage thinning the higher the Comet went. Sonic still was not being fast enough. Then it happened, a blast of blue emitted from behind Sonic, bending trees and scorching the grass beneath his feet and Sonic found himself across the sea. Again, neon blue clashes against the sky and sea, disrupting the waves and the breeze; Sonic found himself near the battle ground with Shadow's wiltering Super form in view.
Time then slows down for Sonic, as Shadow and the Comet began to warp from teleportation, his shoes collided with the floor. A crippling burst of power began to pulsate through him but he could not stop, he needed to get to Shadow, he needed to save him.
And with that newfound burst of power, Sonic shoots forward and up towards Shadow, tackling him away from the Black Comet before he too would disappear.
They both fall into the rubble, under the now unperturbed afternoon sky. The sun slightly peaked out from the ombre clouds, illuminating the embracing hedgehogs' dust ridden fur. Both barely conscious.
Sonic looks down at Shadow then smiles weakly, but triumphantly before passing out. He truly was the fastest hedgehog.
Shadow is paralyzed from overexertion, flitting in and out of consciousness, yet he knew exactly who was holding him. It's tight; he couldn't breath too comfortably from the grip Sonic had on him and his fur in his face. Though, Shadow didn't mind, Sonic won, he was the better hedgehog...at least in his heart.
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corffee · 11 months
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I MADE ANOTHER SONADOW PRIME BINGO SHEET!!!! I added some prompts that could fit possible cliffhangers. I also left some in there from the last sheet since they could happen again. I would love to hear responses as always and again, happy bingo-ing!
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blurredblu · 11 months
Okay okay real talk I'm gonna spitball on why I find sonadow in sonic prime so full of potential and I'll stick a read more before I mention spoilers for s2e1 of prime
Personally (personally!) I don't actively ship it in other sonic media not that ya boy hasn't read fic of it anyway, but I think Sonic's more hyper/puppydog characterisation in Prime lends itself soooo well to sonadow to work in Prime
Like, in the games' iteration of Sonic and the versions of him I tend to prefer, he's calmer, less easy to bother, and confident enough in his friendships to often go off and do his own thing. Prime Sonic would probably be prescribed ritalin. They are both lovable and very much not the same
Shadow, on the other hand, comes off as relatively consistent in his characterisation from what I know of him in the games honestly the trouble is I don't think he appears all that often but that's a separate thing - and he takes nooooone of Sonic's shit and is So Serious All The Time except the moments where his competitive and smug and slightly dramatic nature comes out and he's absolutely great
What I really love is that sonic remains as teasing and full of charm as ever but is more emotionally open and communicative than his game counterpart. It makes sonadow work really well, because you have this potential for intimacy and understanding to form between them on an emotional level in a way I don't think their game counterparts would facilitate as easily. Like, you have Sonic HUG shadow! And even nine in a snippet from the trailer! Game Sonic, my absolute beloved, is no hugger, and not nearly as effusive as prime Sonic is
And that I think paves so much potential for a sonadow dynamic that fits my tastes! Shadow is fiercely independent and, as s2e1 shows, more than ready to just handle things by himself unless he literally can't. For a game counterpart dynamic, in my mind, Sonic is too similar at his core—fiercely independent and ready to handle things himself if need be—for them to have a really solid chance to connect on deeper emotional levels (ntm you got Shadow working for the military(???) and sonic is as anti-establishment as i've ever seen him)
But this Sonic? He's so much more open and flawed and willing to shoulder his faults and fix them - and he loves his friends so much more openly and obviously, too! That's something that paves the first steps towards trust and vulnerability from Shadow, to me - and that's super exciting!
Not to mention their dynamic so far in the episode is so fun as a result! Having a much more emotional Sonic and both of them having streaks of immaturity or smugness to varying degrees results in them being able to grow by being alongside one another. They could already keep each other in check physically in the games, but the tweaks in characterisation here resonates with some more emotional chemistry to me now :))
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nottheweirdest · 11 months
Why do you ship sonadow (I ask this in a way so I can hear your analysis on them ❤️)
Hi!! That's a great question and this might be too long of an answer but I tried to keep it reasonable! 😋 When I started shipping Sonadow I'd just gotten back into the fandom after some... idk... 20 years away. Netflix had added Sonic X (which I'd never seen) and I was like... ooo what's this, my favorite character from childhood!? Imma check this out! And I started watching it and then asked myself the age old question 'I wonder if there's fanfic of this?'
And sure enough....
I started with Sonamy fics until Shadow made an appearance in Sonic X. I had no idea who he was. I'd never heard of him before, but I was immediately swept up in his and Sonic's dynamic. The connection they had was deep and instantaneous. It didn't need words or confessions. There was just something there, some sort of inherent understanding. They understood each other in ways no one else ever could. They were equals, so evenly matched that they constantly pushed and challenged the other to be better, and when it really came down to it, they were there for each other. They fought, bickered, and taunted, but in the end they trusted each other, even with little to no reason to.
Sonic and Shadow don't hold back with each other. Each is exactly what they are in the other's presence. For others, they may be softer, more patient, more reserved, but with each other they don't have to alter themselves. Shadow can take what Sonic can give and vice versa. Shadow, for one, wouldn't want it any other way, in fact, he'd take it as an insult if it were. And for Sonic it's incredibly refreshing to be around someone who doesn't put him on a pedestal as a hero. Sonic's a worthwhile opponent, steadfast in his beliefs and understanding of what's right and wrong, and even though both of those things may irritate Shadow from time to time, he respects it.
In a nutshell, I ship them because each is what the other needs and what no one else could provide. They fit together, like yin and yang, and the amount of beauty in that balance in something that makes my writer heart very very happy. 🥰
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xxe123spiderfreakxx · 5 months
hi hello! sonic prime 3 episode spoilers!!
watch on youtube- link!
Anyway! spoilers and thoughts under the cut!!!
heehee hello welcome ^.^
i have SOOOOOO many thoughts!
firstly, always like in the first ep or couple eps we get a heavy sonadow episode!! this is that my guys!! and it's perfect in general bc it's a good balance of sonadow interactions, action, WORKING TOGETHER GOD I COULD DIEEEE, nine and his plans (i love seeing tails be the bad guy it's so fucking kickass dude yes), and VERY. LITTLE. EGG FAMILY CONTENT. THANK FUCk
so. if the rest of the season is anything like this, including some more good sonic having fits/breakdowns about the betrayal/loss of his friends, i think it'll be a fucking dope season. i hate how little they can show sonic crying, but they never said he couldnt have a panic attack and be comforted....>:) would love some shadow tears too
i love this episode being an episode of sonadow working together, but it showing shadow having to support sonic again and now be his rock throughout. not just pushing him out of the way, talking him down and also bolstering him, but showing them visually during combat being in sync (shadow mostly leading) and them escaping with shadow pushing sonic ahead, launching him closer to the rift with his own body and coming to his rescue throughout combat....THEN SAVING HIM BY SHOOTING HIM INTO SPACE SO NINE CANT FUCKING SUCK HIM DRY OF HIS PRISM ENERGY???
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gay ppl can never be normal in love, etc
throws u cuz i love u throws u cuz i love u throws u cuz i love u throws u cuz i love u throws u cuz i love u throws u cuz i love u throws u cuz i love u throws u cuz i love u throws u cuz i love u
im living im there im winning nothing has ever been wrong ever party rockers in the house tonight ✊️😤💕💕✨️
brb lemme do pt 2 cuz tumblr wants to bitch about an image limit
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beevean · 2 months
brutally honest opinions on sonadow sonamy and whispangle 🙂
bro :P
Sonadow: I should like it. I know I should. It's a very typical rival ship, and a relatively civil one too. But I just find it so boring, sorry 😭 I can't get invested in their relationship at all, let alone see the spark of attraction. I think the issue is that I see Shadow as his own character first, and Sonic's rival as... fifth? I don't like him as Sonic's mirror at all, I prefer other rivals. <- result of playing ShTH before SA2, probably
Another nitpick I have is that usually this kind of shonen rival ship hinges on some kind of obsession, or seeing the other one as special in some way - something like "only I can defeat you". Sonadow... really doesn't have this. Shadow is just one of Sonic's allies. Shadow was mildly intrigued by Sonic in SA2 and Heroes but then he got used to him. I'm really not sure what they're supposed to see in each other.
Fandom behavior, of course, doesn't help - Sonadow is immensely popular, inescapable, and extremely prone to fanonization. Ever since I was a kid I hated how Sonadow almost always meant "seme Shadow/uke Sonic", and from what I've seen, the terminology has changed but the "interpretation" hardly did.
Back in the day I liked He Is My Master a lot, though. Hugely recommend it to modern audiences. It helps that it was a deliberate parody and breaking of the stereotypes of the time :P
Sonamy: I have a bit of a Wildly Inconsistent™ relationship with this one lol. I went from loving it as a kid, to distancing myself by the time Generations rolled in, to accepting it in a different form. I think it has the potential to either be a very interesting take on such a basic premise, or recipe for utter mangling of characterization to fit the characters into prepackaged molds. Solution: I don't engage with the fandom :P
The only version of Sonamy I like is one where the two are very close friends, engage in well meaning banter, and travel and fight together. The relationship should all be about fun, and trust, and appreciating how far they've come together. Despite how basic it looks, I reject the "settling down and having kids" scenario.
Perhaps I'm cheating :P but I think Sonamy can be cute without sacrificing their personalities that have IMO interesting similarities and parallels.
Whispangle: at its core, it's a very cliché "shy girl/bubbly girl" ship, not my thing but it could have worked out nicely. The scene where Whisper opened up about her past with Tangle and she offered her support, showing emotional intelligence despite her antics, is honestly nice.
It could have worked out nicely. Then IDW proceeded to shit on Whisper at every moment, turning Tangle into an utter insensitive dumbass who blurted out the name of her bestie's dead comrades for literal cool points and she got away with a "oopsie daisy" while Whisper had to profusely apologize for daring to still have PTSD over it. And I didn't forget how then the Duo fiasco ended with Whisper being artificially humiliated just so that Tangle could hug her, give me a break. Terrible. Whisper deserves a better friend.
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rainestorm05 · 1 year
Sonic The Hedgehog Ship Teir List
No one ask for this, but I might as well share this since a lot of you guys like my sonic art, so here we go.
1. Sonadow
I’m gonna be honest, I originally checked this ship out as a joke. I saw a funny reaction video with Youtube Shadow and Sonic, looking up Sonadow on Deviant Art. (If you know, you know) So, looked up the ship on Youtube, as in comic dubs and animatics, and eventually Tumblr fanart, and got really into it. The chemistry on these two can be very fun with some good writing, and they can look really cute together. Also, it’s enemies to lovers, which is one of my favorite ship dynamics, so that’s a plus.
2. Knuxouge
Once again, enemies to lovers, it’s just the straight version. I find both these two very amusing when they’re on screen together. Especially whenever Knuckles becomes and angary red face mess. ‘What’s not to love with these two’ is the real question.
3. Tailsmo
Sometimes canon ships could be all you need. I never really watched Sonic X, but I’m definitely grateful for it to bring Cosmo to the fandom. Their relationship is so pure, I melt out of cuteness. It’s basic, but very fitting.
4. Blazamy
Just got into this ship, and I like it. No further explanation there.
5. Tailream
Since Cosmo is gone, I don’t mind Cream being the new girl in Tails life.
6. Espilver
Love their friendship
7. Vectilla
Simple, but still very cute.
8. Whispangle
They’re just a furry version of Lumity, and I love it to death. And until I see them have this much chemistry with other people, they are endgame for each other.
9. Scorge x Fiona (Couldn’t find the ship name)
They are literally made for each other. End of story
And that’s all the ships I like to be canon, I might make a part 2, but we’ll see.
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