drfreex · 1 year
The Return of Crapfest
The Return of Crapfest
And hopefully me. Who knows? I’ve started this post a hundred times or more in my head. Here’s hoping that actually sitting down and typing achieves something. Making that particular set of things occur have been difficult of late. Cast your mind back to 2020 and the week that the COVID Lockdown officially happened – now consider all the plans you’d made for that week. That is what happened to…
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a-very-sparkly-nerd · 5 months
oooh claudia going into the water even deeper than viren but soren doesn't go in at all ahhhhh
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merrysithmas · 7 months
rmbr how disney tried to tell star wars fans The Mandalorian wasnt about din djarin ??? LMAO.
and just expected ppl to be cool w shoehorned bo karen & her uwu space princess terrorist crocodile tear tales
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littletentofblue · 2 years
Rarely Pure and Never Simple - Part 3
"You ever wonder about free will?" Alex asks, out of the blue, over spaghetti.
(Told you it would be soon @duelamort)
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automaticstatic · 2 years
Teo again! 4-0 Jays and down goes Ray! Beautiful.
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hazelfoureyes · 5 months
So a friend read the little gifts that I dropped for you, and her first question was: "They're in a hotel right? Aren't there other people???" You can thank her for this. Btw I'mma roll with the Smut Santa thing now ☄️❤️
"What the fuck is he doin' up there?" Angel mumbled under his breath as he climbed the steps of the hotel. "And why the FUCK am I bein' sent to shut him up? I'm a guest, not an employee in this dump!" He continued to grumble as he made his way closer to Alastor's room, but as he rounded the corner, he knew. Oh buddy, HE KNEW. There was no mistaking that familiar thumping noise of wood against drywall, and there CERTAINLY was no mistaking the cries of ecstasy that could be heard all the way at the end of the hall where Angel stood. "Huh... who knew he had it in him..." he said with a smirk as he reached for his phone, quickly looking for a way to record the sounds coming from his room. But that was before he noticed one of the other doors in the hall was cracked open. Quietly, Angel put his phone away and crept up on the cracked door, trying to figure out who might be listening in on something that had even him blushing like a school maiden.
"Ssshhut up before sssomeone hearsss you!" He heard from the other side, and instantly he knew - it was the drawn out S sound, and the hiss of his tongue darting out between his teeth that have Sir Pentious away. Angel clicked his tongue before he shoved the door open, knocking Pentious on his back and sending his notepad and pencil flying. "The fuck are you doin' in here, huh? Spyin' on the Radio Demon gettin' freaky?" Angel accused him, as if he wasn't just doing the same. "He's gonna kill ya when he- mmmhhh!" The spider demon started in on but Pentious, only to have his mouth covered and his arm nearly yanked out of its socket as Pentious pulled him into the room and cracked the door once again.
"Be quiet!" He hissed, one of his Eggbois bringing the notepad and pencil back to him. "Here ya go, boss!" The creature announced. Pentious hissed at him once again to shut up, and then returned to his spot by the door, scribbling something down as he listened to what was coming from Alastor's room. "I'm taking notesss for when I... for when..." Pentious started, suddenly becoming bashful as he attempted to explain himself. Angel stared at him, one set of arms crossed and the other placed on his hips as he waited for an explanation.
He knew, though. It didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that Sir Pentious had a thing for Cherri Bomb. But Pentious - being the little prude that he was (everyone was a prude to Angel... well, except Alastor, now. He made it off that list.) - quickly covered up the confession he was about to let loose. "I'm writing down everything I hear, ssso I can ussse it againssst Alassstor the next time we do battle!" He covered, flashing a toothy grin at Angel before he went back to his notes. Poor thing thought he was so clever, it was adorable.
Unimpressed, Angeldust stared at Sir Pentious' back for a few moments, trying to decide if he wanted to call him on his bullshit, help the fucker out, or use THIS against HIM later on. But then he remebered: they're supposed to be trying to redeem themselves. That was the whole point of this crapfest they've all come to call home. With a groan, Angel approached the door and yanked it open, grabbing Sir Pentious on the way out.
"Look man, he's gonna kill us both if he finds out we heard any of this." Angel griped, fighting back the urge to shudder at the slimy feel of Pentious' skin. "If ya want pointers on how to impress Cherri, I'll help ya. Just burn that notebook and don't speak about this to anyone! Capische?" It took Pentious a few moments to respond, but ultimately he agreed, slowly following behind Angeldust as they walked down the steps, his Eggbois in tow.
"Hey boss, why does the tall red guy want Y/N to say his name so bad?"
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you can write every character
so well
It’s…. Unfair and upsetting and very exciting
not the wood and drywall
(Smut Santa: @synamartia) 
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dduane · 1 year
A while back you gave amazing advice on a good way to outline. Something like breaking down each plot point into three action items and then again into three points or something. I liked the post at the time, but despite looking in my likes for a couple days, I can't seem to find it. Is there any way you'd be willing to reiterate the method? Thanks!
No problem! The full discussion of the process is over here at Out of Ambit.
(BTW, my apologies that due to the ever-increasing crapfest going on at The Site That Once Was Twitter, the tweets that kicked off this discussions are no longer displaying correctly. :/)
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asherlockstudy · 5 months
Everyone’s about Joost but Greece’s Marina Satti is receiving hate by the whole I*rael at this point, all z*onists and even many right wing Greeks who denounce her and beg J*ws for forgiveness (smh). Several of these Greeks have been also hating her for months, some even years, for being half Arab. She has been the recipient of extreme hate and toxicity, even when her father died three weeks ago.
The reason for the current uproar ? She feigned falling asleep when E*en was saying some pretentious generic bullshit about unity and inner strength. She is blamed for bulling E*en even though Marina was doing that in the opposite corner of the room and E*en didn’t even see her. She is called an evil person although she hasn’t ever said anything bad about anyone and I don’t think she has anything against E*en personally but simply like ALL artists this year, she apparently didn’t want I*rael to participate. She is also in truth a very sharp person and probably listening to E*en’s sugarcoating bullcrap was getting too much for her.
She is blamed for being an antis*mite even though Marina has worked several times with J*wish people in the previous years. Clearly, this was about what’s happening and not about the intrinsic value of a J*w as a human being. She is called envious of E*en and full of contempt, even though she made friends with many people including both Nemo and Baby Lasagna (the ACTUAL favourites to win) and showers them with love and praise.
And of course again, Marina is half Arab. She is even more personally entitled to her actions and feelings than more distant observers like Joost, Dons, Bambie, Gåte and Mustii. And yet she is turned into the absolute scapegoat.
They have all started downvoting her and calling everyone to not vote Greece. Seeing all this massive hate, I see how the insane results released by RAI are explained. Boy, they are MANY and they are voting politically. This year’s crapfest is some stuff of nightmares. And with all the boycotting from the other side, I see I*rael winning with 600 points or something 😞😞😞
I am just concerned about Marina because she has literally gone through it all this week (including illness and a nasty overadministration of medication to get well as fast as possible) and all the previous months. I am pretty sure she doesn’t give a shit about the J*wish / Z*onist votes she will lose (which might be many btw) but I am just concerned she will have a breakdown / anxiety attack tomorrow again ☹️
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goldenkwilde · 6 months
Between the overly chirpy pumpkin spice latte ads everywhere that try too hard to convince me that anyone could feel 'cozy' in this depressing grey, and the constant rain that means I can't wear any real leather, fall is really the crapfest of seasons. The only upsides are that 1) it's Burberry season, but honestly I'd trade that for swimwear any day (I'm a beach girl through and through), and 2) Halloween. The one night of the year where, not only do I look like a total smokeshow, but I also don't get stressed out about other people looking bad because they probably meant to.
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Hey tumblr, first time here!
Today has started out as a total crapfest and I need to know if I'm in the right or not and how to approach what to do next
Storytime, yesterday my mom was coming back from Cleveland with a friend needed me to give her some leftovers when she got home. There was a pot of rice, three pieces of meat, and leftovers from breakfast. I ate some of rice and two pieces of meat because I was very particularly hungry from the drawing I was doing that day. My sister came down and got rice and meat. She got mad at me bc I didn't leave meat for mom and I apologized (although there was still the breakfast leftovers and rice left) Then the next day my mom got home. As I was getting ready for school my mom asked if I took the meat and I said yes. She then yelled at me and called an "ungrateful motherfucker/piece of shit" for doing that. Although I told her I did NOT ultimately left her nothing to eat bc again, there was the rice and leftovers from yesterday but she said that "wasn't food" She reprimanded to the point where I started to cry in my father's car. Then I got a text from my sister saying that I was greedy and that "she hope I'm happy bc I made my mom cry."
-SIGH- Today has been quite a day and I need to know, AITA for not giving my mom meat? Am i greedy for eating two pieces of meat and should eaten one? And is the food that I DID give her "not food"?
What are these acronyms?
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You Couldn't Be Even More Of A Bootlicking Dumbass
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Seriously, more popular stars cost more money which is why they often are for one shot characters or they have to replace them. Again Vivziepoop has been shown not to be good with money and wastes it on having big titles instead of properly paying people. Seriously, we love the pilot because it's what sold us on the show and if it makes drastic changes towards that then you are deflating interest. I know not everything is kept, but those voice actors put this series on the map and they were replaced without a thought. It comes off as ungrateful and not to mention all the charm put into the pilot is lost into this commercialized crapfest.
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deadeyedfae · 5 months
Where r u from faye
Im from the crapfest we call the 'United' kingdom 😤 tbh if i ever get the opportunity to leave, im outta here!
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blue-rose-soul · 2 months
Hi, I am here to say I love your Devil’s Bastard au. It’s so fun to read and funny to see those two fumble around their relationship.
Here an idea branch for the AU: What if Alastor was born later? Like wayyy later, during Lilith 7 year absence. Lucifer will feel super depressed at that time and try to cheer himself up by going up to earth. There was a Marci Gras where he met Alastor’s mother and well you know the rest.
Alastor was born and is around two years old when he and his mother were caught in a major car accident that killed them both. His mother is in heaven but because he his Lucifer son, he ended up in hell even though he is a 2 year old toddler.
Luckily for him, he end up in front of The Happy Hotel right after Charlie’s pilot interview. Charlie heard a noise outside and found this tiny little toddler at her doorstep and immediately took him in without knowing him being her half brother.
There will be a lot of crapfest when the truth is revealed, but for know let’s enjoy a wacky adventure with a baby on the side
Charlie with this random two year old that showed up on her doorstep:
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This sounds like an AU with a lot of comedic potential, but it would also pretty drastically change things up in Hell. Alastor took down a lot of Overlords when he arrived in Hell and, it's implied, helped others rise to power. Would Husk still be an Overlord or would he have fallen to someone else? Would Vox have been able to reach Overlord status without his friendship with Alastor? Would Valentino and Velvette have become Overlords without Vox? How would the Overlords Alastor had taken out be running things? Where is Niffty!?
But Charlie's not worried about that, she's more occupied with the shadow tentacles ripping apart her parlor while the child in her arm is bawling his eyes out. Eventually they manage to get him calmed down and settled in for a nap, but they still need to figure out what to do with him.
Vaggie: We can't keep him, Charlie. Charlie: Pleeeeeease Vaggie? Look at his little hoovsies! Vaggie: [Looks at his little hoovsies.] Vaggie:
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Plus, as Charlie points out, there really isn't anywhere to send this child to. There aren't any orphanages or daycares in the Pentagram, except maybe in Imp City. But those ones are still meant for Hellborns, not sinners. What Hellborn is going to adopt a toddler that will never grow up? They're stuck with him.
On top of which, there's something deeply disturbing about the fact that Heaven rejected someone so young and Charlie's determined to figure it out.
Charlie ends up calling the only person she knows who has any experience with children; her dad. He sounds a little spacey and it sounds like he was only half-paying attention to her but she does manage to get him to agree to come over. Charlie's proven right that he wasn't fully listening when Lucifer sees the baby and freezes in shock as though she didn't tell him exactly what she needed his help with over the phone.
Cue the King of Hell bringing over boxes and boxes of Charlie's old baby things to help set up a nursery in the Happy Hotel.
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atopcat · 7 months
If you had the chance to change something about the dance of the dragons (TV show or book), what would it be? For example, how a character dies, which team a house is on,or an entire character personally. How would you change it to make the story better, in your opinion? 💙💚🖤♥️
House of the Dragon? EVERYTHING and I do mean everything!
Age appropriate actors, why are 20 somethings pretending to be women in their mid to late 30s one of whom is a grandmother?!
More body positivity, Viserys, Rhaenyra and Helaena are all canonically plus size. The excuse Sarah Hess used was disgusting and fatphobic.
Actual development of the characters, I sound like a broken record but omg this crapfest of a show has given me 0 reason to be invested in anyone.
The show should’ve been 13-15 episodes long instead of 10, everything felt so rushed because they were trying to cram as much in with little time.
Don’t make such drastic changes which completely ruin the characters goals and motivations.
Real female relationships. Rhaenyra was a girl’s girl surrounded by women: Laena Velaryon, Rhaenys Targaryen, the Strong sisters, Elinda Massey etc. Alicent was not her friend and she certainly wasn’t her only friend yet for all their airs of “feminist writing” the writers are just as allergic to female friendships as their GoT counterparts.
And most importantly:
FOLLOW THE DAMN BOOK! Condall and Hess have deluded themselves into thinking their fanfiction is better than George’s work and this underserved arrogance destroyed the show before it even began.
DON’T BE SO F*CKING RACIST! The treatment of House Velaryon is an actual joke, of Laena and her girls in particular. I talk about what they did to my dragon girls here (Baela and Rhaena rant), the Velaryons went from being the second most powerful family in Westeros to nothing more than props for white characters. It honestly feels like Ryan decided simply casting black actors is enough, fans shouldn’t be mad their personalities and storylines were ignored in favour of white characters.
With the books my feelings are a little more complicated.
how a character dies
Do I hate that certain characters die? Yes, but no one in the books died for the sake of dying if you catch my drift. They had to die when they did for the story to work. None of their deaths felt unnecessary, they all had an impact on the storyline, that’s what I love about George’s work if one person didn’t die then the events that happen completely change.
Aemma: there’s no civil war full stop.
Laena: Aemond claims Vhagar, loses an eye in the process and triggers the beginning of the inevitable civil war.
Laenor: it was at his funeral people finally called the Strong boys’ paternity out. He was Rhaenyra’s shield against the rumours, which is also why the whole fake death plot was dumb af.
Harwin: pretty much same as Laenor, if he doesn’t die then Rhaenyra has an easy solution to her bastard problem by marrying the man everyone’s accusing of being her sons’ real father. By killing him off she doesn’t have a quick fix, the ghost of Harwin Strong will haunt the Dance.
Lyonel: his death gives Larys control of Harrenhall and allows Otto to be Hand again.
Lucerys: he’s the trigger for the war, Rhaenyra stopped playing nice the minute she found out he died. We forget how evil kinslaying is in Westerosi culture, but she allowed it because she wanted revenge for her son.
Jacaerys: the Robb Stark to Nyra’s Stoneheart, his death triggered her paranoia and slow descent into madness. He was her stability, her rock, without him she already lost even when she finally sat on the Iron Throne.
The Strong boys in general had to die for the sake of everything that happens to House Targaryen post Dance. The only survivors have to be Aegon III and Viserys II. Aegon who was so traumatised he hated dragons and deliberately prevented them from being hatched. Viserys who continued the generational abuse, allowed his daughter to be maritally raped by his son, and usurped his niece’s throne using his own mother as justification for why women can’t rule.
George didn’t kill any of these characters for fun, they all served a purpose to the overall storyline and all their deaths mattered.
which team a house is on
Considering how much George loves his wolf pack it is a little cliche that House Stark is Team Black and House Lannister is Team Green lol, that being said it does make sense.
House Stark and the North in general are isolationists, very rarely do they involve themselves in Southern politics. Jace made a pact with Cregan, offering to make his son the next Prince Consort and gave House Manderly a marriage to Joffrey also. His alliance wasn’t that different to Aemond’s with House Baratheon, they’re not going to involve themselves unless there’s something in it for them.
It’s a nice twist to Robert’s Rebellion where House Stark is anti Targaryen and House Lannister stay loyal.
Jeyne Arryn saying “we women must band together” gives you the impression that they didn’t see Rhaenyra’s accession as a one off thing, they were expecting real change to happen in Westeros.
It also makes sense Team Green didn’t have as much support. House Hightower isn’t one of the great houses, Otto is a second son, Alicent isn’t a dragon rider, Criston is the son of a steward etc. Considering they started this war with the odds stacked against them hats off to them for managing to pull it off I say.
or an entire character personally
I don’t think I’d want to change character personalities, this godawful show tried doing that and look at the absolute mess they’ve made. George wrote well rounded characters, we know their individual motives and goals, he’s not the problem the show is.
That being said I do want more depth to them, especially Harwin because I really want to know what he was thinking when he decided to impregnate the Crown Princess THREE times. So fingers crossed George gets around to writing that Rhaewin novella I guess.
How would you change it to make the story better, in your opinion?
I’d put more focus on the maester conspiracy, Team Black vs. Team Green by itself is dull, reduced to nothing more than woman vs. patriarchy. Unlike Game of Thrones where you can argue in favour of over a dozen characters for the Iron Throne, the Dance is a lot more black and white which makes it more boring.
There’s no philosophical discussion, no critique, nothing to expand on etc. Focus on the maesters makes up for this, now we can have debate on whether or not they were justified in their battle against dragons.
Once the Targaryens lost them they became more dependent on other Houses, they were a stability but no longer a threat. I can see maesters argue about the dangers of Old Valyria, the desecration and blasphemy, the evils of incest and slavery as arguments to destroy the dragons. This is 100x more interesting than simply Blacks vs. Greens.
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lastintheserverbox · 2 months
Hey, big guy? Bonito, was it?
Haven't heard anything from ya in a while. You're probably waiting on hearing back from your kid, but I wanted to check up on ya.
Been lurking for a while. Looks like it's been crapfest after crapfest in these servers, huh? Crazy stuff. Hope you're able to find some peace in all this. Maybe it beats being alone in your old computer, but you tell me.
— Ben
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"Ah'm hopin' they'll be back soon..."
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faustandfurious · 1 year
Facebook as a site is completely unusable at this point, if only because the news feed you get is 70 % “whoever paid Facebook to push their posts to people who don’t want to see them”, aka. all the most annoying meme/clickbait pages you can possibly imagine. In terms of marketing info, Facebook doesn’t have much to go by except my millennial-adjacent age and the fact that I may at some point have been in a Tolkien fandom group, meaning I get an endless stream of lame memes and Old Tumblr Screenshots from such divers pages as “Fandom Memes For People Who Love Fandoms” and “We <3 Fandoms” and at best you’re allowed to snooze the Harry Potter/ATLA/Big Bang Theory crapfest for 30 days so your feed can fill up with fucking UNILAD instead
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