#crazy how it all comes full circle like that. and to have that actual recognition come from his character once again
hplonesomeart · 10 months
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Damn this conversation really went from casually discussing hobbies into some more personal aspects of myself. I honestly wasn’t expecting to pour my heart out to a literal ai impersonation of a fictional comfort character, yet here we are. Goes to show how significantly he’s tied into my past after all, eh
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daigina-3 · 2 years
Steve comes home to a sacrificial ritual being set up in his living room.
Or that’s what it looks like.
He kicks the door closed and chucks his keys and wallet in the little bowl by the door like always, pushes his glasses up- they always slip down when he fiddles with the lock- and rounds the corner to head for the kitchen via the living room.
Except there’s a bunch of candles, a mix of black and cream colors, set up in the living room. Most are in plastic candelabras- bought from the DollarTree, maybe- and a big black blanket is spread in the center of the room, the couches pushed back from their usual center placement.
“What the fuck?” Steve calls, knowing exactly who’s going to answer because only one person could have done this-
“Steve!” Eddie rounds the corner from the other hall, his arms full. “You’re home early.”
“Uh- yeah-“ Eddie side steps past him, sparing a quick kiss on the cheek, which Steve returns, confused. “Are we.. sacrificing something? Or is this like a dark-themed romantic surprise because you know how I feel about wax-“
Eddie laughs and starts laying the things in his arms down on the blanket, forming a perfect semi-circle on the floor in the center of the room. A little plastic axe, a fake plastic branch, a mini ukelele, a toy sword, among others.
“No, definitely not-“
Steve cuts him off and, realizing something is missing, whips his head around in minor panic. “Where’s-“
“Heeeeeere she comes!” A voice calls from the same hall Eddie appeared from a moment ago and Steve recognizes the voice before he sees who it is, heart unclenching from his momentary panic. He’s relieved to see Gareth- a chubby little baby in his hands, held high above his head like he’s Rafiki taking Simba to Pride Rock. “The lady of the hour!”
Behind Gareth, shuffling and staring up at the baby he’s holding aloft are Dustin, Will, and Jeff, looking like occultists following their sacred baby-leader to the altar.
“Hi Gareth- hi guys,” Steve pushes down crazy helicopter dad mode and reaches up. When she sees Steve, Sam’s eyes light up with recognition- a smile breaks out on her round little face, all dribble and just one or two teeth that recently started coming in. She screeches in excitement m and reaches back to Steve with her tiny, tiny little hands- tiny little hands that might as well have Steve’s heart in a vice grip.
“Hi hi hi, Sammy,” Steve coos, taking the squealing, arm flailing ball of excitement from Gareth’s hands.
Steve will literally never get tired of how excited she is to see him, how even when he goes for a two minute bathroom break Sam screeches at the sight of him returning- will wiggle out of Eddie’s arms or bang on her high chair until Steve picks her up.
(Much to his husbands dismay- Eddie jokes that he’s nothing but a source of bottles to Sam and while they both know that’s not actually true… Steve can’t help feeling a little itty bitty bit smug when she kicks her way out of Eddie’s grip and reaches for his nose or glasses to tug on in delight).
Steve settles the smiley little butterball on his hip, rubbing little circles on her side as she grabs at the collar of his t-shirt. It only takes a couple seconds for Eddie to drift toward them both, attaching himself with an arm around Steve’s waist and Sam tucked between them.
Steve leans into the warmth of Eddie and the way he’s wedging Sam close to them both.
Around them, Gareth and Jeff light the candles around the room while Will and Dustin find a spot to set up Will’s phone.
It dawns on Steve- “Oh! Is this the Gundam and Gadgets thing for Sam’s first birthday?”
Eddie can’t hold back his laugh and he knocks Steve’s head gently with his own. “You know it’s Dungeons and Dragons, you old coot,” he says lightly, his breath tickling Steve’s cheek.
Steve smirks. He knows, but he likes to hear Eddie’s exasperated laughter when he calls Orcs “Shrek guys” or asks if the scores work like golf. He bonks Eddie’s head back lightly.
Eddie had mentioned it- said he’d seen a thing online but Steve had imagined picking papers out of a hat or something, maybe spinning a wheel.
Eddie twists a finger in Sam’s curls, his mouth pursed. “Paper in a hat? That would hardly be appropriate for such a tremendous occasion.”
Sam slaps at Eddie’s finger, grabbing it and yanking it down to her mouth. Eddie lets her slobber on it with the indifference of a man who’s had way, way worse than baby slobber on his hands.
“Our little Samwise is choosing her class- her lifelong craft that she’ll work to perfect. You can’t choose that with paper.”
Steve glances up from where he’s watching Sam gnaw on Eddie with her little ridiculously tiny hands wrapped around his. He knows the rings are non-toxic, made Eddie get them all checked, but still wonders if the metal is good for her teething gums.
“Isn’t that right, Sammy-fries?,” Eddie wiggles the baby- still gumming on his finger- into his arms. “This way she gets to choose what she gravitat- OW, fff-“
“Language,” Steve chides.
“-forks, Sammy, those teeth are deadly! Jesus, what’re you gonna do when you have a full set?” Eddie shakes his hand, inspecting his finger where two little red indents mark where Sam had bitten down. Hard.
She never touches her expensive doctor recommended teething rings, but biting on hands and fingers til they bleed? Her specialty.
Sam giggles as Eddie shows her his boo-boo and pretends to be fatally wounded.
“Candles are all done,” Jeff announces. “And Erica texted. She wants us to Skype her in after.
“Oh- Lucas and Mike made us promise to record it, too,” Will finally steps back from where he and Dustin have carefully propped the phone against a teddy bear elevated by books on a side table, looking like it could fall any second and angled perfectly at where Eddie is setting Sam down, equidistant on the blanket from each of the symbols surrounding her.
Steve recognizes some of the things- the sword is probably fighter, the little branch is probably meant to be a mage staff? Or maybe the other magic class, Druid? There might be more classes that use staffs or branches though. The ukelele is easy, that one’s a bard- Steve knows it’s Eddie’s favorite class- and a few other things that are obviously to do with fighting or something but he can’t really tell what’s meant to symbolize what.
Behind him, Gareth dims the lights just a little and saddles up next to Steve “This is gonna be so fuckin-“
“-Language!” Chorus Will and Dustin at the same time-
“Sorry- fricken awesome.”
The excitement among all the guys is palpable and Steve finds himself getting wrapped up in it too- they’re all sitting down around the special little blanket, Dustin and Jeff leaning across Will to make bets (Jeff’s money is on fighter but Dustin’s heart is set on Rogue) and Eddie sets Sam up, smoothing her hair down and gently explaining to her the sacred ritual they’ve set up for her. She barely understands much more than “yes” “no” or “dinner” but she looks up at Eddie with the biggest, most interested eyes a baby can have. Steve gets it- that’s probably how he looks at Eddie too, most of the time. Wide-eyed and love-struck.
A little ‘ping’ sounds softly as Dustin hits record on the phone and Eddie holds Sam up.
“Today,” he says like he’s making a speech to a crowd of several hundred rather than a living room of five dudes and a baby, “marks a special day in the young life of Samantha Munson-Harrington. Also known as Sam, Sammy, Spammy, Samwise, Samfries or Spud. She has reached the end of her first calendar year and it is time to choose the path down which she will walk for the years to come.”
He sets her down carefully equidistant from all of the symbols and scoots back among light cheers from the guys- including Steve, who gives a little ‘woo!’
“Aaah-oo,” Sam claps.
The guys start beckoning Sam this way or that- Gareth trying to get her attention towards the little axe and Will tapping the floor in front of the little play sword.
After a lot of looking around the room at all the crazy grown adults yelling at her, Sam surveys the items in front of her. Gareth’s little calls of “over here! Sam! Sam-erino, look at the cute little deadly weapon!” get more insistent and Will’s tapping is almost drowned out by Dustin making weird bird noises, as though cawing like a raven is gonna do anything but weird the kid out.
Finally, she crawls forward and reaches out her hand-
She grabs the ukelele.
Everyone goes wild.
Steve laughs at the way they all cheer anyway, even though Sam didn’t choose what they wanted, and Eddie scoops her up with the ukelele in hand, smothering her plump little cheeks with kisses.
“A bard,” Dustin bounces from where he sits cross cross applesauce. “She’s a little bard!”
They Skype Erica in- after, of course, they spend some time passing the baby around so they each get their turn cooing and snuggling their new little bard. Jeff holds Sam and plucks the ukelele in her arms, making her eyes go wide at the sound it makes. They laugh as she searches for what made the noise and aww appropriately as she discovers that instruments make sounds, slapping her little fingers against the strings with Jeff’s help.
Erica’s busy with her life as a new lawyer, as always, but never too busy for Hellfire. She answers on the second ring.
“Okay, nerds, I have a case in about fifteen so don’t waste my time-“
“Bard!” Eddie announces, holding Sam up to the phone so Erica can see her. She still hasn’t let go of the ukelele- it has, as all things must inevitably, ended up in her mouth. She’s chewing on the frets and smiling at the phone like she knows the camera’s on her.
(She always smiles for the camera. She’s a little show-boater like that.)
Erica makes a couple snarky comments about how she knew Dustin’s as gonna lose their bet- which, not surprising; they always have some kind of bet going and Dustin’s always losing- and she blows Sam a few kisses before she has to head out.
Will sends the video off to the group chat Hellfire has and spends the next few minutes laughing over Lucas and Dustins responses.
Sam ends up in Steve’s lap, doing her new little tick where she stands and bounces up and down. Steve keeps his hands on her arms for support and showers her with little kisses every few minutes- both as a little congratulations and because he can’t help it.
Jeff breaks out the beers. Eddie takes up the little ukelele, which definitely still has some Sam-spit on it- and plays a couple songs. He starts with her current favorite- one he and Steve play around the house for her to make her smile.
“I wanna rock n’ roll all night, and party every day-“
Sam goes nuts, squealing and dancing until she falls back into Steve’s lap and gets up to do it again.
The guys join in- all six of them singing (at different stages of off-key) to this bright little light, the center of Steve and Eddie’s whole world, of all of their worlds, really, who’s pulled them all in and made their lives a little warmer. Made their rag-tag family a little bigger.
“Happy birthday, Sam.” Steve whispers into her curls. “Little bard baby.”
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thixms · 29 days
okay the way this all has come full circle. after almost exactly 7 years i finally finished airplanes. some ppl might remember my posts screaming about it (they sometimes still get likes i think lmao) so yea no i was like that deep into it and was like with that shit almost from day 1. crazy to see on tiktok that ppl are still talking about it and some ppl are only now getting into teen wolf/thiam and reading that fic. like everyone in the thiam fandom knows this fic is THE thiam fic. like i knew and know the fic is good but crazy to see that the fic i loved sm is still getting its recognition. i feel kinda like i'm "entitled" to say i was from day 1 !!! i knew it was gonna be good even there when not that many were around !! lmaoo. i only "abandoed" it cuz my lack of attention as a teenager threw me from hyperfixation and fandom to another. plus i got to experience actual life stuff and kinda abandoned my roots.. IT DOESNT MEAN THE FIC WASNT GOOD ENOUGH OKAY
but OKAY what i wanted to say is how fucking goood this fic is. yk it has to be good if i literally went back after "abandoning" it for 7 years and finish reading it. literally no fic in any fandom has managed to do that for me. and i still enjoyed it so so much! that's how you know the fic is good. i reread it and still laughed so fucking much like tf how is it possible for a fic to be so entertaining and good? it makes fucking sense why. it's timeless, it's a masterpiece. istg, i'd almost say it's canon now or like at least some of its thiam headcannons def are canon to me. like i'm not sure id airplanes came out w the idea that theo likes biology or it was actually mentioned in teen wolf?? that's how good the characterization of thiam was like i really am getting canon and airplanes canon mixed up lmao. @thiamfresh i think you might know by now what kind of a cultural reset you created for the thiam fandom but i just wanted you to read and know it again for sure. i don't even know if u still use tumblr.. but i think i saw some time ago you posting about seeing some hate being written about airplanes and you feeling insecure about it. and i just wanted to say you really shouldn't pay attention to it!! i hope this long ass rant post will show you how good and loved this fic is. it's still getting mentioned so so often in the fandom. like it's some find of bible or like manual to thiam as the ship lmaoo. so yea, me loving this fic as a somewhat developed adult and someone a bit more removed from the fandom defenitely a testemant to how good it is.
okay now i gotta rant about my life tho..
because jesus, i also only realized now that it was one of the first few fics i read on ao3 (i was a wattpad reader before, don't shame me pls, we all had to come from somewhere). but yea no, crazy that thiam was literally the start of me being solely reading fics (& fics of other fandoms) on ao3, as well as LITERALLY CREATING THIS TUMBLR BLOG??? HELLO?? IT'S LITERALLY CALLED THIXMS LMAO. it's crazy that it's been 7 years like wdym 7??? that's fucking long ago. i'm not even that old??? (i'm feeling really old rn) like how is my thiam phase already 7 years ago (and literally why did it come back after literal 7 years lmao). i mean, my teen wolf stan (as well as my thiam stan) kinda already came out last year with the release of that trashy ahh movie we're not gonna talk about. but yea no there i failed to commit and finish the fic and didn't get deep into the fandom enough. life happened tbh. but yea no 2023 and 2024 (especially 2024) crazy ass years. the way i experienced so much (good) real life shit, literally lived out my (childhood/teenage) dreams but also fell back into my weird niche interests??? like how tf did i have time for that??? (my sleep schedules hella fucked. it's fucked from every direction by the amount of unresolved jetlags i have).
what i'm trying to say is: 14yo me reading airplanes would never believe what 21 yo me will experience and be able to do but also won't believe i'm still reading the same fic (no i would, i really thought i was soo deep into this thiam shit that i'd still be obsessed even when i'm an adult and i wasn't wrong lmao). makes sense why i feel like time hasn't moved on and i'm still a teenager. i'm literally doing the same thing as 14yo me. laying in bed ranting on tumblr about thiam.. jeeez, it should be embarrassing ngl.
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quacka-quacka · 3 years
I mentioned Paul's strong resistance to being recognized as effeminate man or gay (here). Although he can hang out with gay guys, wear rainbow flag in public [yeah I definitely need to write that again in case someone didn't see it], being considered gay or "cute" is beyond endurance. I know someone love to interpret this as "don't want to his sexuality being mislabeled", which indeed looks sensible when it comes to the homosexuality, but this excuse can't be applied to the "cute" thing, right? You can't say being cute or feminine is the same thing as being gay, can you? Well, I can hear Paul's every single cell screaming O!M!G! Feminine! all the time. He doesn't want himself have anything to do with feminine, which, unfortunately can not be simply regarded as personal preference, it's indeed a despising of femininity, and femininity? Of course it's about female. Yes, "phallicism", the worship of masculine are still popular in today's society, but it doesn't mean it's right. I have to say Paul's thought is the product of this society, not to mention that he is an old man who grow up in a working-class family six decades ago, we can't demand him that much. His attitude towards women is the same thing.
PAUL: We were more amazed to see the [Japanese] women leaping up out of the seats for the promoter, because we'd never seen that in the West. The subservience of the women was amazing. They'd say, 'Oh God, I'm sorry - was I in your seat?' I remember us getting back to Britain and saying to our wives and girlfriends, 'I wouldn't want you to do that, but maybe it's a direction worth considering?' Promptly rejected.
— The Beatles Anthology
Although Paul seems to know that it's pretty cool for a woman to pursue her own career, like admitting Jane was famous before he was, allowing Linda to write a cookbook or have a photography exhibition, the androcentrism is too ingrained for him to forsake. He acknowledged Jane's achievements but still wanted her to give up work completely:
'I always wanted to beat Jane down,' says Paul. 'I wanted her to give up work completely.'
'I refused. I've been brought up to be always doing something. And I enjoy acting. I didn't want to give that up.'
— Hunter Davies, The Beatles
He allowed Linda to do her own thing, but they are not entirely hers - all those projects are belong to MPL, and do not forget Paul said this after Linda's death:
She never did anything on her own because we were together so much. 
— Paul McCartney, interview w/ Chrissie Henderson for USA Week-end: Tears and laughter. (October 30, 1998)
That's so sweet to see Paul would support his wife any time, but on the other hand it also shows that Linda never get the chance to do something entirely on her own without Paul's interference after she got married. No wonder so many people from inner circle [including Linda, yeah] described Paul as "typical Northerner":
Linda confided that Paul was a ‘typical Northerner’ who believed women should stay at home while men worked.
— Bonnie Estridge, The Mail on Sunday. (March 20th, 2005)
Paul was raised the old-fashioned way. Men were the breadwinners; women stayed at home, had babies and tea on the table. He's still an old-fashioned guy, very careful with money.
— Ruth McCartney
Like the other Beatles, he [Paul] was essentially an old fashioned Liverpool man, who wanted his woman tucked away at home cooking the dinner and minding the kids.
— Cynthia Lennon, John
Jane was a serious actress and wanted to continue her career, but Paul had other ideas. That’s why Linda was so perfect for Paul; she was just what he wanted, an old-fashioned Liverpool wife who was completely devoted to her husband.
— Marianne Faithfull, Memories, Dreams and Reflections
I'd say Paul was not that old-fashioned, at least he allowed his wife to do other things besides being a full-time nanny, but everything she does must cater his needs. As Jane once mentioned, he always wants his girl to adore him like fans:
The trouble is, he wants the fans’ adulation and mine too. He’s so selfish; it’s his biggest fault. He can’t see that my feelings for him are real and that the fans’ are fantasy.
— Jane Asher, Love Me Do! The Beatles’ Progress by Michael Braun
I know some of the fans can't wait to jump up now and shout "Paul and Jane didn't have a mature relationship!" "He's much mature after he meet Linda!" "Paul and Linda had a very very very healthy relationship!" Ok, if you really did some research, you may know that he's never mature enough to know how to fully respect women, at least before the end of divorce with Heather Mills. I have seen the theory appears too many times that Paul and Linda's marriage is the result of careful consideration: Linda came along with a ready-made child and she's ready to marry again - well, I regret to tell you both Paul and Linda wouldn't agree with you.
I was a great disappointment to my family When I got married [to a geologist] and moved to Arizona, it was crazy. I had been pressured by men all my life. I rather liked being on my own, making my own decisions. I had actually sworn to myself that I would never get married again.
— Linda McCartney, interview for Playgirl: An intimate conversation with pop’s preeminent pair. (February, 1985)
As she says, she's quite enjoy her freedom and had absolutely no interest in marriage. What did Paul do? He "twisted her arm" to make her agree.
I persuaded Linda to come to London for a visit. Then I rang Heather in New York and said, ‘Heather, will you marry me?’ She was five. ‘No, don’t be silly,’ she said. ‘I’m too young.’ ‘Well, I can wait,’ I said. So we went to New York and brought her back to London to live with us, and I twisted Linda’s arm and finally she agreed to marry me.
— Paul McCartney, interview for Playgirl: An intimate conversation with pop’s preeminent pair. (February, 1985)
Linda also said neither of them knew what they were doing when they got married:
LINDA: 'So instead of getting an agent I met Paul instead and got married. Or I was going through a transition then and didn't know quite what I was doing and he obviously didn't know quite what he was doing so we ended up marrying instead.'
— Paul McCartney: Many Years From Now
Again, I'm not saying Paul and Linda never loved each other or their marriage was completely made up for media, but I don't think his marriage with Linda enabled him to prioritize other's feelings [his status as one of the four head monsters doesn't help]. Linda's overmuch unilateral compromises certainty don't make him look mature. Let alone his excessive dependence on her.
Reply to all these who think feminize Paul/men is a bad thing:
You love to say that Paul doesn't want the cute title because people used to mock him by that. I understand it. But do you ever think about why being feminine is not taking him seriously? Do you ever think about this is the discrimination about femininity from the whole society? Why does a man must be despised when he has anything to do with femininity? And Paul's approach is denying his femininity, which is the same with those who mock it, like - a man being feminine is a shame because it means he can't be "respected" like other men. It's the recognition of this concept, which is outdated if you think about it.
P.S. Someone who reblogged my post doesn't seem to like the sentence "there must be many sweet moments between Paul and Linda". Ok, I delete it then.
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flameohotwife · 3 years
Okay, #41 for the fluff prompt!! (I feel so powerful, hahaha!)
41. "Darling, I love you and all but please step out of the kitchen."
This turned... long! And sad-ish in parts, so I'm sorry! Maybe more hurt/comfort? But there is still fluff. I hope you enjoy!
Rated T. 2.2k words.
“Aang? Have you seen the dumpling pan?” Katara was crouched down, head and shoulders deep in the cupboard, looking for the right pan to crisp the dumplings she was planning on making for dinner. Her husband was flitting about, albeit slower than he once could, on the other side of the kitchen with what she assumed were fruit pie ingredients for dessert. The original Team Avatar were travelling to Air Temple Island from all over the world in a few hours to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the war ending, and their 50th anniversary together. They always tried to get together the week they’d met in Ba Sing Se at the Jasmine Dragon to remember what they’d lost, and to see how far they’d come. Though Aang and Katara hadn’t gotten married until several years after the war, they always counted that day on the balcony as their anniversary, as the only thing that had truly changed with their marriage was the world’s recognition of their relationship and its permanence. They were devoted and dedicated from the very beginning. Perhaps even before that.
“Oh, I’ve got it over here, Sweetie,” Aang called back to her. She jumped up, almost bashing her head on the top of the cupboard before wriggling properly out to stand and face him. Even in his old age he still maintained a certain twinkle in his eye when he was up to something, and Katara’s hands flew to her hips when she saw it.
“What are you doing with my dumpling pan?” she asked, warily.
“I thought I’d cook tonight,” Aang replied, though his hand rubbed the tattoo on the back of his neck tellingly. “I wanted to add some Air Nomad dishes to the menu. Sokka will be bringing some Water Tribe food already, Toph and Suki will have Earth Kingdom, and Zuko and Mai will bring Fire Nation… I just thought I’d add something of my own in.”
Katara’s throat caught for a moment, as it always did when she remembered. His loss always felt bigger on anniversaries, though his grief was an ever-present emotion. It rose and fell like the tides, but was always there, under the surface. Most people saw his smiling face and kind, loving spirit and forgot that there were only two airbenders in the world and why. That Aang had actually known and loved so many of the ones Sozin had murdered. He masked his pain well, but took that mask off around Katara from time to time, when he needed to.
“Sweetie,” she began, stepping forward to grasp his wrinkled hands. “Oh Aang, I was going to make Air Nomad food, too. I would never leave you out like that.” Her tone wasn’t defensive, only calm and reassuring, as she rubbed gentle circles on the blue arrows that adorned the backs of his hands with her thumbs. She wanted to remind him with her touch that his grief didn’t have to be his alone to bear. That she would remember his people with him. Just as she had taught their children old Air Nomad fairytales when they were small, and celebrated their holidays with him, and learned to cook their food. Katara was Water Tribe through and through, but her soul was bound to an Air Nomad. Moreover, she was bound to Aang, and she always felt his loss. Even when he hid it well.
Aang melted into her, then. A hug that was so deeply meaningful it was reminiscent of the one they’d shared on Iroh’s balcony, but with all the weight of his pain crushing down on them along with that promise of love and acceptance. It was as though through this hug she was able to share that weight with him, so she held him tighter. Half a century after learning about the deaths of his people, sometimes the wound still felt fresh, and Katara was always the healing balm to whatever ailed him, even when she knew she could never heal it completely.
Katara stroked his back lovingly with one arm as he clung to her. She waited for his breathing to even out, for his muscles to relax. Waited for a sign that she had taken enough of his grief that he could function again. Finally, he moved his head to kiss her sweetly. It was wet, and salty, but his movements were lighter again. She moved her hands to his face, wiping his tears as she pulled him closer, and he deepened the kiss, wrapping his arms fully around her waist and pressing against her.
“Thank you,” he whispered. He knew his grief was never hers to bear, and yet she did so willingly and with so much love. He could never thank her enough for the way she cared for him when he hit his lowest points. He wasn’t sure he could have made it without her. Sometimes the weight on his shoulders was so heavy he felt like he would sink without her unending love and support buoying him up, keeping him afloat.
“You’re not alone, Sweetie. Never.” Katara continued to caress his face as she looked into his sparkling, sad eyes.”Do you want me to help? I can make the dumplings and the butter tea. I never quite mastered the tofu but I could try if you want…”
Aang silenced her with another kiss. “You’re wonderful,” he said, pressing his lips to hers again. “The best wife, partner, and friend in existence.” Yet another kiss. “I think I’ve got it from here. Why don’t you take a break before everyone gets here?”
Katara laughed, not quite knowing what to do with herself. She reluctantly removed her hands from her husband and settled on making herself some tea and sitting at the kitchen table to observe him. Even though he was aging, Katara still enjoyed watching him when she had a moment, whether it was bending practice, or working hard on something, or even something as simple as cooking. She still appreciated the lithe way his body moved, the smooth, airy motions he made, the way his tongue stuck out when he was concentrating…
She sat back in her chair, grinning over her teacup as she watched him chop vegetables and boil water and roll dough. Sometimes observing him do the most trivial things—like cooking dinner for friends, or braiding their daughter’s hair when she was small, or working in the garden—reminded her how lucky she was to have him in her life. He was the Avatar after all. He could have maids and cooks and servants and never lift a domestic finger in his life, but that was never in Aang’s nature. And he could have chosen anyone as his companion, but he had always and only ever chosen her. Over and over. It was somehow both humbling and assuring all at once.
After some time, she rose from her seat, walking behind him to wrap her arms around him, reveling in his warmth. She couldn’t see the smile on Aang’s face, but she knew it was there when he pressed one arm over her interlocking ones, squeezing lightly with his hand.
She leaned up to press a light kiss to the back of his neck.
“You’re awfully distracting, you know,” Aang chided. He turned in her arms to peck her on the nose. “I love you.”
“I love you, too. It’s been a while since I’ve gotten to watch you cook. I forgot how much I enjoy it.” She gave him a very pointed look and he laughed heartily.
“Well, by all means, enjoy the show,” he said, wiggling his hips for her benefit as he extricated himself from her grip to keep working. Katara giggled. She was about to return to her seat when she noticed the clutter Aang was leaving in the kitchen as he worked, and decided to help him by tackling some of that so he could focus on the food.
When Katara cooked, she was very methodical. Every ingredient, pot, pan, and chopstick had its place, and was immediately returned to that place when she had finished with it. She knew if she didn’t keep up with the mess as she worked, it would pile up to the point that she would feel overwhelmed at the end, so she tidied continually. Aang, on the other hand, was much more impulsive in his cooking. He would think of an ingredient to add mid-stir, and leave the remnants on the counter, never quite sure if he might want to add more later. He would wait to clean up all the messes at once.
There was a time in their marriage where this had driven Katara crazy. The kids were still very young at the time, and the extra mess on top of the cacophony of kid-sounds and clutter and Momo swooping around the house would become too much, so she would constantly buzz around him, taking things and washing and putting them away before he was even finished with them. He would turn around for more of an ingredient and find it wrapped up in the icebox. More than once, he had had to take Katara by the shoulders, kiss her gently, and exclaim, “Darling, I love you and all, but please step out of the kitchen.”
Now, much like in other parts of their relationship, she had learned which parts of the mess to let be, and which ones she could handle that would actually help him. She sat up with him at night while he transcribed ancient Air Nomad texts and histories; her presence a comfort as he worked through it all and felt the loss more keenly. Tenzin joined him now, of course, when he was home, but Aang still felt more able to work through his grief when she stayed too. When they were younger, she had sewn Air Nomad clothes for Aang and for the acolytes, and eventually taught the acolytes to make them herself not because Aang couldn’t sew or teach them, but because it was one of the things that they both could do. Something that she could take off of his already over-heaped plate.
They balanced each other. He was her rock on full-moon nights or when she missed her parents or when her emotional storm was raging. He was her center of calm when she was worried about the kids or about the world. But today, Aang needed her. So she washed the used dishes for him to use again if needed, and cleared the wrappings for him, being sure to leave the ingredients on the counter. She made sure to give him gentle touches as they worked; a hand to the small of his back as she passed him, a bump of the hip as they worked side by side. Loving smiles and stolen kisses as the afternoon sun fell lower in the sky.
Eventually their friends would arrive and they would be able to laugh and joke and remember together. There would be group hugs and arm-punches and happy sounds and smells would fill their home as they reminisced. Through all of it, Aang would sneak looks across the table at Katara, with a special smile reserved for her. Fifty years! They’d made it fifty years together, in no small part because of everything they had learned through their struggles as they grew together. Because of the weights and grief they shared with one another instead of bearing them alone.
“I may be old, Twinkletoes, but I can still feel your heartbeat when you look at Sugarqueen like that,” Toph jabbed as Aang snuck another glance at his wife. “How can you two be together for fifty years and still act as disgusting as when we were teenagers? I’m not going to have to pull you out of a linen closet at the official event tomorrow, am I? Because we are all too old for that.”
Knowing that she still sent his heart a-flutter the way he did to her warmed Katara’s old bones from head to toe, and she sent a look of her own towards her husband. Aang’s face reddened.
“Oh, no,” groaned Sokka. “Oogies! I’m out.” He rose from the table, pulling Suki along with him. “Dinner was great guys, and I’d like to keep it in my stomach, thanks. So, we’ll see you all in the morning when the kids get here?”
“Sounds good,” replied Zuko as he and Mai rose to join them. “We should probably turn in anyway. It’s getting late.” Aang and Katara stood as well to accompany their guests to the door before everyone went their separate ways.
“Thanks for a wonderful evening as always, guys,” Suki added as she hugged them both goodbye. “Try not to wear yourselves out too much tonight, hmm? It’s not as easy to recover as it used to be and we have a busy day tomorrow.”
Katara feigned shock at her sister-in-law’s tease but Aang only blushed further as Sokka faked retching and promptly exited with their friends. Aang was always so open about his emotions and intentions when it came to Katara, whether or not he intended to be. She simply smirked back up at him and took him by the hand, waving to everyone one last time before pulling him back to their bedroom. And, maybe they were a little extra tired the next day, but it was worth it. Loving each other through the many ups and downs of a lifetime together would always be worth it. Even when Toph berated them for it outside a linen closet door.
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mcwriting · 3 years
The Marriage Project (12)
Hi all!!! This is the long awaited 12th chapter! It took months of rewrites of not only this chapter, but future ones as well to ensure this was written to the best of my ability.
This chapter marks the heaviest moment in this story, so please, please be mindful of the content warnings for this chapter. I marked the section that includes this moment.
I also chose not to add tags so that this is not everyone's first impression of this series!
Word Count: 2700
Warnings: s*xual ass*ult, language, alcohol consumption, blood/injury mention
% end of the first week of November- cont. %
Throughout the game, you and the other homecoming court members (aside from any football players or cheerleaders) had been sitting on the sidelines right in front of the student section, so you were somewhat able to talk to your friends.
The team was playing good in the first half. It was probably Tom’s best game that you’d ever seen. At halftime, they did the “official” crowning of court members and recognized football and cheer seniors.
The seniors were presented first, having their parents with them as they walked across the field. They started with the cheer team so Daisy could change back into her white dress.
Then came the court recognitions, you and Tom stepping onto the field after everyone else as the crowd cheered and clapped.
Tom’s arm linked around yours as he helped you stay steady walking across the grass, since your heels weren't quite meant for the soft ground. Someone handed you a large bundle of roses and you smiled widely.
The bright lights, the cheers, the smile Tom gave you.
It was a moment burned into your memory forever.
Then it was over, and the team went back to their game, winning 42-27, their best win by far all season.
You were saying your final thank you’s to people’s congratulatory comments as you began heading out to the parking lot. Alexis caught up with you amidst the chaos.
“You still on for Tyler’s? I’ll drive,” she offered.
“Yeah. Let’s go home so I can change and then we’ll head out, okay?” you said, finally getting to your car.
She followed you to your house, where you changed into a tight long-sleeved bodysuit, skinny jeans, and some heeled booties. You also packed some other things into a bag to sleep at Alexis’s house later.
You told your parents you were staying the night at her house. They definitely knew better by the way you’d left on your makeup and put on real clothes, but didn’t question you, instead tossing out a “stay safe” and “don’t do anything stupid” as you headed out the door.
Things were pretty much in full swing by the time you and Alexis pulled into the yard outside Tyler’s house and found your friends inside, red solo cups in hand. The speakers were blaring something with a strong beat and most people were dancing.
You had a white claw to loosen up. After having refrained from partying throughout volleyball season, Alexis would be designated driver for the night to let you have your fun. You saw plenty of football players hanging around but didn’t find Tom anywhere.
*CW below*
After a little bit, you ran off to use the bathroom just down a hall. You went alone since it would only be a couple minutes, you knew everyone there, and weren’t drunk.
When you stepped back into the hall, you almost ran into a large figure. It was Harrison.
“Oh, hi there, little lady,” he sneered.
“Fuck off, Harrison.” you commanded, brushing past him. He grabbed your wrist and yanked you back.
“I don’t think you want to be saying that to me,” he pinned you against the wall. His breath reeked of alcohol. You looked around, but it was dark and no one was close enough to see your predicament.
“What the hell do you want? I’m just here to have fun.”
“And what do you think I’m doing huh? Don’t think I forgot about that little stunt you pulled going to Johnson. It’s your fault I missed two games.”
“Don’t think so buddy. Maybe if you respected women you wouldn’t have been in trouble in the first place. Now get off me,” you commanded, trying to push forward.
Big mistake.
He drove a knee between your legs and placed a hand over your chest, gripping your breast so tightly it hurt. For the first time, you were actually scared, but still stared directly into his eyes.
“Nah. I just think you’re too much of a pussy to take me. Now you’re gonna stay quiet or something much worse is gonna come to you,” he threatened, then placed his lips on your neck.
You squeezed your eyes shut to focus your thoughts. It was like you were frozen in shock and pain.
His other hand started sliding up the inside of your thigh when you panicked, kneeing him in the groin and shoving him from you before sending a fist into his jaw.
You were thankful he was drunk, as it made him disoriented and off balance.
Harrison reeled back, looking at you in confusion as he bent over, holding his mouth in pain. There was blood around his gums. He looked at you angrily before another voice called out.
“What the hell is going on here? I thought I told you to stay away from her,” Tom seethed. There was a fire in his eyes that you’d never seen before.
“You think I really care what you have to say? I was just trying to teach y/n a little lesson about consequences,” Harrison replied, slurring his words, before spitting blood onto the hardwood floor and pointing a finger right in your face. “You really think a couple hits are going to stop m-”
Tom was about to step forward to do something when rage overtook you and you threw another punch to his nose, causing him to fall backwards unconscious.
Tom looked down in shock at the limp body beneath you, then back up to you. Once your eyes met, his features softened.
“Y/n? Are you okay?” he asked, stepping over Harrison and guiding you away from him. As you finally began processing what had happened, tears slipped down your cheeks.
“I… he- he…” you couldn’t get the words out and your breath quickened.
“Hey, hey. I know. You don’t have to say anything. It wasn't your fault. Can I hug you?”
*end CW*
You sniffled and nodded, not meeting his eyes. He engulfed you in his arms, rubbing your back as you buried your face in his neck. Your chest throbbed from Harrison’s grip and knuckles ached from where they’d met his face twice.
After a few minutes, you straightened up and wiped your face, trying to be tough. Harrison was still out cold on the floor.
“Do you want me to go get your friends?” he asked, to which you nodded. He ran off and only a minute later came Alexis and Caroline.
They fawned over you, making sure you were okay. Tom put a hand on either of your arms and looked you directly in the eyes.
“I’m going to make sure he and his awful friends leave, okay? You haven’t done anything wrong.”
The girls led you back into the bathroom while Tom began dragging Harrison off. They helped you clean the mascara stains on your cheeks and make sure you were okay. After about 10 minutes, you finally felt confident enough to go back out.
When you got back to the main room, word had it that Tom, Jake, Chris, and some of the other guys were making sure Harrison’s crew would leave and not come back.
Knowing that you were safe from him finally, you decided to drink in the hopes of forgetting what happened for a little bit and have some fun. You started off with a shot of strawberry lemonade vodka, which led to shotgunning a beer and tossing back another shot (or two) of bacardi.
Not a half hour later and you were plastered. You went crazy on the dance floor, jumping around like a fool as different people came up to dance with you.
You were barely aware of what you were doing and extremely clumsy. The room was turning as you clambered up onto a table. You were spinning in circles until your shoe’s heel missed the edge and you started to topple over.
You couldn’t even react, but after a second realized you hadn’t hit the ground, and were instead in Tom’s arms.
“Alright I think it’s time for you to take a breather,” he said. It was hard to understand him as his voice sounded distant. He carried you out of the warm room and outside, where the cold air hit you like a truck. He set you down on the edge of Tyler’s porch.
“Y/n are you okay? After everything that happened I don’t want you to hurt yourself.”
What he said wasn’t funny, but you found yourself cackling anyways.
“Better than everrr! Did you see my twerking?”
“Yes, yes I did. Are you feeling okay? Your face is super red. You aren’t nauseous?”
You shook your head with a big grin.
“I’m fiiiineee, pretty boy. Just because you’re my husssband doesn’t mean you have to follow me everywhere! I’m alllll gooood.” You slumped onto his shoulder, still giggling.
“Alright, princess. Let’s just chill here for now alright? I’ll text Alexis in a little bit.”
You sat in silence twisting your star ring as you began to cool down and your hearing was returning to normal. Tom was rubbing his thumb over your shoulder and had you drinking your second cup of water, but the effects of the alcohol were still present.
“Tom?” you whispered. He hummed. “You’re a really good husband.”
He chuckled.
“You think so?” he paused. “I think you’re a pretty good wife, too. No matter how much trouble you manage to get us both in.”
After a little longer, you felt yourself getting sleepy as the night took its toll on you. Alexis came outside and rushed over.
“Hey! I was looking everywhere. Sorry I didn’t see your text. Let’s go, y/n. You’ve had a looong night.”
Tom picked you up from the porch and led you to the car, half carrying you. He helped you into the car and buckled you up, then stood leaning in the doorway.
“Thanks for your help, Tom. Glad you were there for us,” Alexis said with a small grin as she buckled in.
“Of course. I’d do anything for her,” he replied, giving you a wink before shutting the door and waving. Alexis had barely pulled out of the driveway when she looked at you.
“Okay spill. What’s been going on with you and Tom?” she asked in a serious tone. She was clearly using the alcohol against you, and even though you were much more aware than before, you still started talking.
“I think I really like him.”
“Like we didn’t all already know that. I meant what have you been hiding from me the past three months? I know there’s more to the story.”
You sighed.
“It started last month, when Tom beat up… you know… the first time. We held hands on his bedroom floor that weekend until his mom accidentally walked in. And then we took those pictures and kept saying all these flirty things. I accidentally caught him naked, don’t ask.”
“Oh I’m definitely asking about that later. But continue.”
“Well then I stayed for dinner that Thursday and Sam caught us in the kitchen goofing around. Oh, and then last weekend we kissed, and-”
“YOU WHAT NOW?” she yelled, causing you to wince at the sound before you started rambling.
“We didn’t really kiss per se… It’s because we were fake dating for that couple. It just kinda happened! And now we’re going to homecoming together but it was supposed to be a secret so… don’t tell anyone before dinner tomorrow. Or tonight I guess since it’s Saturday morning.”
“I knew it. Dammit I knew it! Why didn’t you just tell me!”
“You’d make fun of me! Do you think I want to like him? We’ve been at each other’s throats all this time and now I’m just supposed to forget all that because of a little crush? You don’t get it, Lex. It’s not like he’d ever feel the same way.”
You looked out the car window, trying to settle your breathing after getting worked up. Your head hurt and you were still thirsty. Alexis pulled into her driveway and cut the engine.
“I know I would clown you about it, and I probably still will, but we’re friends for a reason. And you’re joking, right? Everyone knows Tom is head over heels in love with you.”
“What? No way.”
“Yes way! Have you not seen the way he looks at you, and follows you like a puppy dog, and gets so protective over you? I mean come on, y/n. He literally said he’d do anything for you and winked before we left. You must be blind to not see that.”
You sat and tried to think about it for a minute, wondering if she was right about him.
“Let’s go in, y/n. It’s getting cold and you need to sleep it off. You’re not going to have a fun morning, that’s for sure.”
You followed her into the house, trying not to stumble. Your balance definitely wasn’t all there. Her garage door led straight to the kitchen where you chugged a glass of water and took some antacids, grabbing more water to take to her room.
You went into the bathroom to shower off the makeup and sweat and hairspray. When you got out and looked in the mirror, you saw the way your chest was reddened from what Harrison did to you. It took everything to hold back more tears.
The moment your eyes opened, everything hurt.
Your head, stomach, feet, chest. Your head was flooded with memories from the previous night. You rolled away from the window to find Alexis sitting on the floor next to a plate and glass of water.
“Well, well, well. Sleeping beauty awakes. I brought you my hangover cure.”
You looked down to see that on the plate sat two advils, an alka seltzer, and some cinnamon pop tarts. It was almost 11 am.
“Thanks, Lex. For everything. You’re the best,” you said, taking a bite off one pastry.
“Don’t be thanking me. Tom’s the real hero. He got a bunch of people together this morning to report Harrison for what he did to you and he’s suspended again, can’t go to the dance. I guess Johnson is gonna deal with it more next week and he might be expelled. Do you have any proof other than Tom?” she said gently.
“Let’s see,” you said, tugging off your shirt, revealing a sports bra. She gasped when she saw the purple bruising around one breast and the hickey marks that had been left on your neck.
“Oh my God, y/n. That’s awful.”
“I know. It didn’t look like this last night. We need to get some pictures.”
After taking some pictures for proof and finishing off your “breakfast,” you and Alexis began preparing yourselves for the dance. You were going to do makeup and hair at her house before going home to change, and then to Tom’s.
If he even still wanted to go with you. You decided to call him while Alexis curled your hair.
“Hey, y/n. Are you okay?” he asked, voice deep and raspy. He must have gone to bed again after organizing the reports against Harrison.
“Yeah, I’m way better. Thanks for everything last night. For saving my ass. I heard what you did this morning, too. You’re the best.”
“It’s the right thing to do, y/n. I’m glad I was there. And you’re sure you’re okay? We can skip the dance tonight if you aren’t up for it. You know my mom would love to have you come hang out any time.”
“Hey, now. I’m not about to leave the dance without a king and queen. I mostly wanted to check if you were still okay with going together after everything.”
“Of course! I want to go with you, y/n. Nothing’s changed that.”
You smiled.
“Okay, well, I’ll pick you up at 5 for dinner. Bye, Tom.”
“See ya, princess.”
You ended the call and sat quietly looking down. You almost forgot Alexis was there until she said,
“So you’re driving him, huh? I alway knew you wore the pants. Now tell me about that whole ‘seeing him naked’ thing...”
A/N: so... there's that chapter. I hope you all understand that this moment is not at all meant to romanticize or glorify the terrible experiences so many people endure, but instead highlight one way this issue is dealt with.
I wish you all the best. Please remember that my messages and asks are always open ❤️
Send a message or ask if you’d like to be added to my permanent or series taglists so I can verify you’ve been added!
Story tag list: @jackiehollanderr, @one-big-fangirl, @l0lmk, @primadonnasdream, @bookworm06, @thenoddingbunny-blog, @agentnataliahofferson, @spider-babe, @stxfxniexreads, @justafangirlduh, @supraveng,
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another-cancer · 3 years
Chapter Three: Look the fucker was trying to kidnap a street kid, I wasn’t going to let that happen.
When Red Hood went for patrol that night he expected a casual night, stopping some muggers and just about that. What he was not expecting was a girl around 5’2” beating the shit out of some big guy.
“Hey Bat I have something here,” Jason said into the comms.
“Need back up?” A voice asked, it sounds like Damian.
“No, it’s a girl around 5’2” I’ll be fine.”
“Be careful, don’t underestimate her, you never know,” Batman said.
Red Hood made his way down to the alley staying in the shadows. He made sure the girl didn’t see him until he wanted her to. And then things got stranger. The girl looked around the age of 14. What the fuck. He knew she was tiny, but he just expected a short person maybe around the age of 18, not a literal child beating the living crap out of a man who looks around 34.
Finally making himself known Red said, “Kid what the hell are you doing?”
Marinette was startled. She stopped hitting the already unconscious guy and tried to think of something to say. She decided on the truth, or mostly the truth with a violet edge.
“Look the fucker was trying to kidnap a street kid, I wasn’t going to let that happen. He’s not dead, he can still walk, I just taught him a lesson he hopefully will still be able to remember when he wakes up. You gonna arrest me?” It was a genuine question she wanted to know if she was going to be arrested.
Jason was not expecting that to come out of her mouth.
“He was trying to kidnap you?”
“No, he was trying to kidnap this street kid,” it wasn’t going anywhere, Marinette could tell, “Look I can go get her for you if you need proof.”
“Wait a fucking minute you can’t just runoff.”
“Fine, put some cuffs on the guy and come with me then.”
He looked at the guy and pulled out a pair of cuffs. Together they moved him closer to the fence and secured him. He looked at the girl waiting for her to lead the way. Marinette just stared back blankly.
“Well, aren’t you going to take me to the kid?” Red Hood asked.
“Aren’t you going to call for backup or something to come get this guy?”
She had a point.
He spoke into the comms, “I need some backup at my location. I have a guy unconscious that needs to be checked out. I am going to check the rest of the site.”
“Got it,” Batman replied back.
“Okay, where is this kid you were telling me about?” Red Hood asked.
Marinette led him into the building where Em was. The small child was curled in on herself.
“Hey Em,” Marinette switched to a softer voice, it was in contrast to the girl who swore at vigilante the second she met him. “Look Red Hood is here to help us. I’m pretty sure he also has some questions. Are you okay with that?”
“Yeah,” Em says timidly.
“Okay,” Red Hood said, ready to ask questions in his calmest voice, “Can you tell me your names?”
Em looked at Marinette wanting her to answer, “This is Em and I am Marinette.”
“And your last names?”
Truth be told, Marinette didn’t know Em’s last name, hell she was fairly sure Em was short for something she just never had the opportunity to ask. Everything within her circle was busy. Marinette was busy. She cared for these kids so much, yet didn’t know much about any of them.
“We don’t use last names here.”
Jason was used to it. He knew a lot of people weren’t comfortable sharing their last names on the streets, he for sure never did as a kid, but most weren’t as blunt as the girl was.
“Um okay well can you tell me what happened?”
Marinette looked at Em, and Em said, “I went outside just to look at the stars and the man grabbed me. I started screaming and kicking like I was told to when I was younger. Then Mari came outside and attacked the guy. She told me to go inside and wait for her.”
Em looked a bit shaken up so Marinette intervened, “Is that all the questions you have for her?”
She gave him these pleading eyes begging for him to say yes.
“I have more questions for you,” he said.
“Okay Em, why don’t you go back upstairs with everyone else and get ready for bed. I’ll be up when he’s done asking questions.”
The girl nodded and disappeared into the dark building making Jason realize they lived here along with other people.
“You live here?” he asked to confirm.
“For now, we haven’t been here for that long.”
“So what happened when you sent Em back inside the building?”
“I handled the problem.”
“You beat the shit out of the man.”
“Exactly problem handled.”
Jason liked this girl. But he was at a loss for word, she had a lot of rage within her. Perhaps too much, but that wasn’t exactly his place to judge. She was angry and he understood, it was easy to be angry in Gotham. There was a point in his life where he would be as angry as Marinette was beating up the man outside, he used to live off the thrill he saw in her eyes. The thrill Marinette was terrified of. He passed that point and he should be grateful.
“Okay, so you handled the problem, where the fuck did you learn to fight like that?”
She looked at him and paused, “I picked up some things over the years.” It was cryptic.
“Not in Gotham I assume?” She looked a bit shocked he picked up on it, so he continued, “You don’t have the Gotham accent. How long have you been here? How’d you end up on the streets here? Do you have anywhere to go?”
Marinette thought Red Hood was psycho if he actually assumed she’d answer any of these questions in the full truth. He thought she was crazy if she actually gave him answers. There are some things that others didn’t need to know and this was one of those things she should be able to keep to herself.
“I’m in Gotham because I want to be.”
He wasn’t going to get an answer better than that one. He knew it.
“Okay, I am going to need you to sign some statements just in case-”
“Just in case my story doesn’t match his and someone needs to talk to me? Can’t we check it all out now? I don’t do statements.”
After all, Marinette technically didn’t exist, but he didn’t need to know that.
That’s when a voice in Jason’s ear said, “This is the trafficker I’ve been trying to track down. Good job.”
It was Tim.
“I just got confirmation the guy you took down was a child trafficker. I guess you don’t need to give us your information. But if I need to find you will you still be here?”
“Maybe,” Marinette asked. What she really meant to say was no. By tomorrow evening she’d be setting up home across the city. She didn’t need vigilantes to knock on her door.
“Okay… Thank you for your help, don't do any more stupid shit, kid.”
Jason left the building and debriefed with Bat and Red Robin. Later that night he ended up in the bat cave asking Tim to search for a Marinette within Gotham, there were a few but none that matched her description. So they pulled up some street cameras around the building and looked for her face. In almost every frame she was facing away from the cameras. Except one.
Tim used this to run her face through facial recognition within Gotham. Her face was picked up on camera a total of 3 times and no identification was found so he broadened his horizons doing a national search. A few more camera images came up. Once more he widened the search globally. There still was no full name for her. Just a few bad photos of her face. This girl was hiding and she was really good at it. After all, she didn’t exist, not under the name Marinette or any other.
He saved all the information they had and created a file, ‘Marinette?’
“Sorry Jason, if there was more-“
“You would have found it. I know. This girl just doesn’t exist and it’s bothering the shit out of me now. Thanks anyway, Replacement.”
The next morning Red Hood visited the abandoned building and no one was there. She was already gone.
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closedafterdark · 4 years
WJSN Son Jooyeon x Male Reader
10580 words
categories: smut, oral, detective! eunseo
Read on AFF
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Three days have passed since your closest friend and original partner Detective Lee Luda went on the run and was declared a fugitive. Emotions ran high in the precinct once everyone was briefed on what occurred that night. Jiyeon was currently in the hospital recovering after receiving a non life threatening bullet to the leg by Luda. You spent the past three days staying by her side, feeding her a poor excuse of hospital food and updating her on what occurred during her absence.
You returned to the precinct this morning with a heavy heart. You were in total communication blackout during those 72 hours. Unsure of what people were going to say or how they would react. The moment you exited the elevator and entered the bullpen, everyone’s eyes were on you.
Son Jooyeon was the first to greet you, pulling you in for one of her death squeeze hugs. After you had to softly pull her away from you, the others offered kind words: happy that you’ve returned to work while also giving you hugs. Lieutenant Hyunjung burst into tears when it was her turn to greet you. Like everyone said, the squad is a family. And right now, that family’s trust is being put to the test now that one of their own went rogue.
Captain Sojung exits her office and is staring at you with a stone faced expression. Most of the time you never were able to tell how she was feeling since her face was always emotionless, like a robot. This time however, you knew.
“My office. Now”
The temperature in the room dropped drastically after what she said. Detectives Jinsook and Dayoung rubbed their arms and huddled together. All eyes returned onto you once again. You smiled at them, tapping Jooyeon’s shoulder softly before entering the captain’s office.
“Have a seat”
You were extremely nervous. On any other day, you would’ve been fine with entering the office. But this time, you knew there were consequences for your actions.
“Where do I begin? You blatantly ignore a direct order from me causing me to send uniformed officers to where you were at. The best part? You let the fugitive get away!” Captain Sojung finishes her statement while laughing. Part of you wishes you were still in the hospital with Jiyeon.
“Why the hell did you let her get away!”
Captain Sojung slams her palm onto the table, causing you to jump slightly. Even though the door was closed, everyone outside could hear what was going on. You’ve never seen the Captain so furious.
“I told you to stay at the precinct as backup. So what do you do? You go to where Luda was!”
After taking a deep breath, you respond.
“Captain, I take full responsibility. But it wasn’t just me who went. The whole squad did, even the Lieutenant. The squad is my family. I’ll do anything for them. Don’t tell me you wouldn’t do the same”
Captain Sojung listens to you attentively, her facial expression betraying her emotions.
“You’re right” she sighed. “We are a family. I would take a bullet for any of you. But at the same time, you disobeyed me. Even though it was the right decision, our superiors are not happy”
“Weren’t you the one who always told me to trust my own instincts?” You said.
“How are you and Jiyeon?”
You froze up. You didn’t expect the captain to ask you that question.
“How long have you known?”
“Long enough. It was only a matter of time before you two got together. I’m happy for you both”
“Thanks” you replied.
“So how is she?”
“Good. The gunshot wasn’t too deep, doctor wanted to keep her at the hospital for three more days just to be safe”
“Hmm?” You were surprised to hear you call her anything other than detective while in the workplace.
“Jiyeon’s a strong girl. Whatever it is, you guys will get through it”
She smiles at you. You return in kind.
“Now unfortunately, I can’t look past your actions. The Deputy Chief is ordering me to give you a punishment. You’re suspended one week. I’ll need your badge and gun”
You hand her both without a fight. Neither you nor Sojung wanted to be in this position. But it had to be done.
“I’m sorry, oppa” she says to you as you bow and exit the room.
While you’re exiting the room, Luda’s last words rang through your mind.
“I’ll see you guys in a week” you say to everyone as they see you closing the door of the captain’s office. You bow to everyone before heading to the elevator.
Jooyeon wanted to say something to you, but figured you had a lot on your mind. She sighs as the elevator doors close, removing you from view as it begins to lower.
“Detective, come see this”
Jooyeon turns around to see Detective Jinsook waving her hand to get her to come to her desk. Once she arrives, Jinsook plays a video.
“This is the footage we received from Gangnam Precinct. Around the same time we were dealing with Luda unnie”
The video plays, showing an explosive being detonated in a cell. The explosion automatically triggered the prison’s automatic opening feature. Four women are seen escaping the cell adjacent, with two of them attacking the approaching security guards. Their movements were swift, easily overpowering the men. The other two: a brunette and a woman with red hair, go around and disable all nearby security footage. Before they could do so however, the two who took down the guards briefly have their faces shown on camera.
“Pause it” Jooyeon said.
Jinsook obeys, pausing the video. The two women’s faces were clearly seen, there was a lack of empathy in their eyes.
“Who are they?”
“Facial recognition gave us two matches. The smaller woman is Kim Jisoo. 25 years old. The taller person next to her with platinum blonde hair is Park Chaeyoung. A foreign born Korean. 23 years old. She goes by the nickname “Rosé” Jinsook replies as she hands Jooyeon the case file.
“What about the other two?”
“CCTV wasn’t able to identify them. One of the officers in Gangnam has a contact inside. From what they were told, the four of them basically ran the prison. They referred to themselves as “BlackPink”. Jisoo and Chaeyoung were the pink side: seemingly innocent yet able to kill without ever changing a shade. We can assume the other two were on the black side of things: ruthless, zero disregard for whoever gets in their way. The four of them would seduce various guards in order to get items from the outside or special food in the prison”
“Any sign of them since the escape?”
“Nothing at all” Jinsook said, shaking her head. “They’ve basically gone off the grid”
“Keep going through the footage. There has to be something we can use to find their whereabouts” Jooyeon said.
As Jooyeon’s heels made noise with every step she took, a chair whirls by the moment she finally sits down on her chair.
“Can I help you, Detective Dayoung?”
“Unnie, I’m hurt. Why are you speaking so formally?” Dayoung asks her, pouting.
“What’s up?” Jooyeon says with a laugh as even she couldn’t resist Dayoung’s cute charm and pinched her cheek softly.
“There’s no trace of Luda unnie yet” Dayoung said as she rubs her cheek. “Not to mention we don’t know how and why she cryogenically froze the entire marketing department of IZ*ONE Company. Most of them were discharged except for the 3 who came into the precinct that morning. Jiyeon unnie’s bullets may have had a negative effect during the defrosting”
“Any news on the patients?” Jooyeon asked as she fixed her glasses, a serious expression on her face.
“None. It’s out of our hands now, Interpol is handling it”
“What do I do now?” You asked yourself the moment you exit the precinct. You feel the light wind blow past you and stare up at the sky, for probably longer than you should’ve since your corneas began to burn from the sun. After closing your eyes, you see red circles. You look at your phone and decide it would be best to visit Jiyeon at the hospital.
You stopped by a flower shop on the way to the hospital. It was a small, intimate boutique. As you knew absolutely nothing about flowers other than they die from neglect, you definitely didn’t know what you were doing.
“Do you need help, sir?”
A beautiful woman approaches you. Her voice was cute with just the slightest hint of an accent. Her jet black hair flowed gracefully, not a single one out of place. The smokey eye makeup and pink tint colored lipstick accentuated her exotic features. She wore a simple beige sweater with a jacket serving as outerwear. Even the apron she was wearing looked beautiful on her, as crazy as it sounds. Her eyes were hypnotic, you couldn’t help but keep staring as you felt them gaze into your soul.
“Sir, do you need any help?”
“Hmm? O-oh, right. Yes, I’m going to visit someone special and was wondering what flower would be good to bring” you replied as you beat yourself up mentally at getting caught staring.
“Does she have a favorite color?” the florist asked you.
“She likes pink, red, black and white”
“So she likes black and pink…” the florist said to herself silently.
“I’m sorry?”
“Oh, nothing. Just talking to myself. It helps pass the time” she said to you. “Why don’t you try these. White roses”
“They look lovely” you said, taking a single one from her and smelling it. “What do they represent?”
“They represent a lot of things, actually” she replies with a delicate laugh. “White roses are known to often represent purity, innocence and youthfulness. They sometimes are referred to as bridal roses because of their association with young love and eternal loyalty”
“Wow” you said when she finished talking. You didn’t notice how close you and her now were, your hand on top of hers. You both realize how close the proximity is and separate, turning away from each other. You place the back of your hand on your face, feeling your internal temperature increase. Both of you take a few seconds to regain composure before facing each other.
“That sounds perfect. I’ll take a dozen” you say, your voice slightly cracking.
“Yes, sir” the florist says, smiling brightly at you as her eyes form half moons.
She took her time when wrapping the bouquet, each rose placed tenderly on the wrapping paper before being wrapped once more by a colorless plastic. She ties a black ribbon on the bouquet before handing it to you.
“And here you are sir” she said, extending both arms to give you the roses. You found it insane how smitten you became from a person you barely just met. “Your wife will be very lucky to receive these”
“They’re actually for my girlfriend” you chuckled, taking the bouquet from her. “She’s not my wife, yet”
“I see. Well, she’s very lucky to have such a kind and thoughtful boyfriend then” the florist said to you.
You were about to exit the boutique before she said something.
“Sir, wait!”
You turned around and looked at her.
“There’s one more thing the roses represent”
“What is it?”
“White roses can also symbolize a new beginning and everlasting love. Thank you for coming, and goodluck”
Upon exiting the flower shop, you reach into your pocket and pull out a black box made out of a soft cloth like material. You open it and look at the contents inside with a smile.
“Here we go”
You enter through the hospital with heavy steps. As you navigate through the large seemingly never ending hallways, you’re greeted by the many nurses you have gotten to know over the past few days. You finally reach your destination. Slapping yourself on the face a few times, you try to get your blood boiling and pump yourself up. Pressing the button to open the door, you enter the room.
Jiyeon’s bed was raised so that she was sitting upwards. You saw her laughing, pointing her spoon at the television while holding a jello cup in her hand. She sees you approaching and gulps down the jello in her mouth, frantically finding the remote control to mute the television.
“Hi baby” she said to you as you leaned down and gave her a kiss.
“Got you a little something. Your favorite bibimbap extra spicy… and these” you said, handing her the bouquet.
“Oh babe, you shouldn’t have” she said, instantly smelling the roses. “I’m happy you did though. And they’re in one of my favorite colors”
“Yeah, I gotta thank the florist for helping me out with these. She really picked out the right ones”
“How’s everyone at the precinct?” she asked you as she put the flowers down on her table.
“Everyone’s worried about you and glad I returned. Tensions are still high because of Luda but for the most part, still in good spirits” you said, removing your jacket and pulling a chair towards her bedside.
“Captain told me what happened this morning” Jiyeon said as she took your hand into hers.
“Ah, I wanted to tell you first. It’s okay though, the squad will be fine without me. I was the one who insisted in helping out Luda”
“Any word on her whereabouts?”
“None. Hey babe, did you happen to hear what she said before she escaped?”
“Who, Luda? I probably already passed out, why?”
“Well, besides saying she had to find Xuanyi, she also said to not trust anyone in the squad” you said.
“Do you believe her?”
“I-I don’t know. The squad is our family. But for Luda to do something like this, she must have her reasons. There’s no way she could’ve done this without any help”
“So you think there’s a mole in the squad?” Jiyeon asked you as she put on her glasses. From her tone, you knew you had to choose your words carefully.
“I’m just saying we have to assess all our options. How in the world was she able to steal guns and other evidence from lockup? She can’t be doing this just because she thinks you were the reason Xuanyi and the others were transferred”
“Baby, are you sure? Think about what you’re saying. We can’t just go up to everyone and ask if they’re a mole. There has to be another reason” Jiyeon replied as she began rubbing her chin.
“It was just a suggestion. Although you do seem a bit worked up. Baby, is there something you aren’t telling me?” you asked.
Jiyeon looked up at you, her eyes widening at what she just heard. “Excuse me?”
“I mean, when we all split up you wanted us to cover a different area by ourselves while the others had a partner. Not to mention I found you and Luda alone in the cryogenic vault”
“Are you insinuating that I might secretly be working for Luda and know something about the kidnapping?”
“No, I-”
“Even before you and I became boyfriend and girlfriend, we are partners. I can’t believe you would accuse me of being a criminal” Jiyeon’s voice gradually became louder. Tears started to well in her eyes as she looked at you.
“That’s not what I’m saying-”
“I think you should leave”
“This is all too much for me to handle. I’m tired” she said to you as she lowered the bed and turned on her side to face the window. “Maybe this isn’t working”
“What? What are you saying?” you asked her.
“I think… we should spend some time apart”
“Is this what you want?”
“It is”
You were heartbroken. You didn’t expect the visit to the hospital to end this way. Jiyeon’s words echoed through your mind. Did you really believe she could aid Luda? Were you accusing your own girlfriend of a crime without evidence? Luda’s words about not trusting anyone in the squad even had you questioning your significant other.
“Okay” was all you said. “My phone’s always on whenever you want to talk”
Jiyeon didn’t reply, adjusting herself on the bed as you headed for the door.
“I love you, Jiyeon”
“Five, four, three, two, and…”
Upbeat disco music can be heard playing through the speakers. An ocean of leggings and sports bras as far as the eye can see filled up the room as a hybrid Pilates and zumba class was being held.
“Step. And step. And knees around the world”
Detective Son Jooyeon was beginning to breathe heavily while keeping up with the class. She was far from out of shape, but certainly wasn’t used to this higher intensity workout. She preferred her usual Pilates class, but when a friend of hers named Park Sooyoung told her about this place and hyped it up to no end, she had to check what the fuss was about.
“Great form unnie, I’m so jealous of your abs” Jooyeon turns to her side and sees Detective Jinsook next to her.
“Jinsook, what are you doing here?”
“We needed to talk somewhere outside the precinct” said a voice coming from Jooyeon’s right side. She looks and sees Lieutenant Hyunjung following the teacher’s instruction.
“Lieutenant, you’re here too? Amazing” Jooyeon said as they all began doing lunges.
“Unnie, we discovered something while going through some old precinct files. We have reason to believe Luda may have had some help” Jinsook said in a slightly out of breath tone.
“Are you saying it was an inside job?”
“Don’t stop doing your lunges!”
“Sorry, ma’am” Jinsook replied, raising her hand to apologize.
“It makes no sense why Luda would respond to the emergency call if her only plan was to find Xuanyi and the others”
“And squat… and hold… and work those quads”
“Think about it, detective. If Luda had help on the inside, the distress call would give them enough time to be able to hack into the database and leak out whatever evidence other precincts had on various inmates. If any criminals were wrongfully locked up simply based on the fact that they were criminals, all the dirt would be exposed that not all cops are good” Lieutenant Hyunjung said.
“Turn it! Get down”
All three turn to their left side and squat once more.
“Why is this workout so difficult? Do I even have quads?” Jinsook whined.
“And turn around once more”
“Normally, we’d report this to internal affairs. But since this case is seeming to be bigger than just a mole within our precinct, we need concrete evidence in order to prove Luda has help on the inside” Jooyeon said.
Unbeknownst to the three of them, another woman with powerful thighs was listening in to the conversation. She had a phone in her pocket that was recording everything.
“And hula hand”
“If we’re gonna do this, we’ll need all the help we can get” Jooyeon said to the others.
“I’ll make some calls” Jinsook replied.
“Same here” the Lieutenant said. “I think it’s time we visited a few other precincts”
“Do you have any in mind?” Jooyeon asked.
“I do. A girl I trained with in the academy is a Lieutenant at the Dreamcatcher precinct”
“I do too! My partner during my rookie days in the academy became a detective a few years ago. She’s Chinese born so she definitely knows a lot of overseas contacts” Jinsook said cheerfully.
The one hour class finally ended. Jooyeon was exhausted, now she knew why it was regarded as one of the best high intensity workouts  in the area. She grabs her bag and an insulated stainless steel water bottle from the shelf near the exit and sits on one of the yoga mats on the floor. She grabs her phone from one of the side pockets and checks it. A bunch of SNS notifications and texts from the precinct group chat. Jooyeon noticed that you and Jiyeon haven’t replied to any of the messages since the night of the incident.
Remembering Jinsook’s compliment about how her abs looked, she sat in front of a mirror. Wanting to show the beside of herself, she fixed her bangs and wiped off the sweat from her arms and face before turning her head to the side slightly and taking a mirror selfie, puckering her lips slightly to resemble a duck.
Grinning widely at how it turned out, she took the photo and began to compose a message. It took several minutes before she was satisfied with what she wrote. There was constantly typing only for it to be deleted seconds later. After what seemed like a lifetime, Jooyeon settled on a message she was satisfied with.
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“Oppa! Hope everything’s alright. I just finished pilates with the Lieutenant and Jinsook. Don’t I look cute? I miss you ♡”
Jooyeon screamed in horror after she hit send. She deleted the text chain, flipping her phone over in embarrassment. Not even 30 seconds later, a new message was received. She picked up her phone and raised it.
“Hey, everything’s alright. Glad you guys got to spend time out of work. Hey speaking of which, do you happen to be free today?” your message read.
“Of course! I got the next few days off (: “
“Great. I’ll pick you up at 5?”
“So early haha. But sure, I can’t wait”
“See you then. Also… I miss you too Jooyeon”
She could barely contain her excitement upon reading the last message. Holding her phone to her chest, Jooyeon was giddy as she gathered her belongings and exited the room to quickly get home and freshen up.
“See you then. Also… I miss you too Jooyeon” [Read 2:40 PM]
You looked at your phone and smiled. You and Jooyeon hadn’t just hung out with it being just the two of you in quite some time. You sighed deeply and fell back onto your bed. Staring at the ceiling, you thought about what Jiyeon said. You lost her trust in you. But at the same time, she didn’t really give you a chance to express your side more. You weren’t sure how to feel about things. Hopefully hanging out with Jooyeon will lift your spirits.
Monsoon season was beginning to end in Seoul. Humidity continued to be the death of you, though. You kept your outfit simple: a white tee and a pair of black joggers. You found a pair of shoes hidden under your bed that you don’t remember buying. They fit, albeit a bit snug. You figured they would feel better after breaking them in. Looking at your watch, you hold a bouquet of roses and smile. You feel a tap on your shoulder and turn around.
Son Jooyeon greets you a wide smile on her face. You stood there like an idiot, stunned briefly at how beautiful her smile was. Jooyeon’s face was small and perfect. Compared to some of the other members of the squad, she was on the taller side. Her body was perfectly slim and contained model-like proportions. You were surprised companies weren’t trying to scout her. Jooyeon was always enthusiastic about whatever task she did, the public speaking courses she took definitely helped her refine her speech and be confident whenever she needed to speak to uncooperative witnesses and suspects.
Beautiful. Intellectual. Charming. If someone were to ask you to describe Jooyeon, these are the three words you would use. Her beauty knew no bounds.
Son Jooyeon chose to wear a simple outfit as well. Her light blue jeans hugged her wide hips and clung onto her lower body almost as if it was made just for her. The white tank top she had on showed off as much of her milky skin as possible without it being too provocative. The top ended perfectly above her stomach, showing off the faintest indentation of abs and giving you a full view of her midriff. She complimented her look with white feather earrings, white high heels and rose pink lipstick.
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“Wow” was all you said to her.
“You’re pretty wow yourself” she giggled. “Are those for me?”
Jooyeon pointed to the flowers you were holding. “Oh yeah, here. I got them from a flower shop nearby”
“Thank you, oppa. They look beautiful” she smiled as she shook her head back and forth slightly, inhaling the scent of the roses.
“You look beautiful, Jooyeon” you blurted out.
You put a hand on the back of your neck and rubbed it slightly. Jooyeon saw you and laughed.
“That’s the first time you’ve ever told me that. Thank you”
“So what do you wanna do?” you asked her.
Jooyeon’s stomach growled as her response.
You both laughed. “It’s a bit too early for dinner” you said, looking at your watch. “There’s a convenience store nearby where we can get some snacks though”
“Let’s go!” Jooyeon cheered as she pointed forwards. You nodded, extending your hand out to let her lead the way. Jooyeon surprised you by taking your arm and linking it with hers as you two walked.
You and Jooyeon enter the convenience store and head to the frozen section. She picks out various ice cream cones. After a childish argument over who was going to pay, you momentarily distract her by tapping her shoulder and putting the items down on the counter. Jooyeon looked around to see who tapped her shoulder and once she realized it was a joke, saw she was too late and you already paid for the snacks.
“Here you go sir” the cashier said as she handed you the bag full of treats.
“Thank you” You and Jooyeon are about to leave when the cashier speaks.
“Sir, I’m sorry to bother. But you look familiar”
“I get that alot” you say, laughing. “But likewise to you”
“Do you happen to know someone by the name of Kim Minji?” she asks.
“Y-yeah. She’s my ex girlfriend. We used to work together at a convenience store like this one”
“Ah, I see. She’s spoken highly of you. Well, here’s her card. She’s the president of Dreamcatcher Company”
You take the card. The business card had Minji’s information as well as a giant dreamcatcher on the side.
“Well thank you, miss… Lee Yubin” you say while squinting.
You both walk for a bit until you find a restaurant Jiyeon wanted to try. Being a gentleman, you prepared a chair for Jooyeon who thanks you in kind. The vibe in the restaurant was very cozy, lots of potted plants and dim overhead lighting. As Jooyeon looked at the various sauces that lined the table near the window, you looked through the menu. The place prides itself in bringing the flavors of Southeast Asia to Korea.
“I’ve never had this kind of food before, what is good?” Jooyeon asked you as she struggled to pronounce some of the dish names.
“Neither have I” you replied. “But I hear the spring rolls are good. And this noodle dish called mee rebus sounds good too”
“Sounds interesting. Ooh, what’s this? It’s called… sisig. Apparently it’s pork mixed with a few vegetables and spices. Oppa, let’s order that too”
You laughed as the waiter came to your table. Reciting the things you both wanted to order, the waiter took the menus afterwards and left.
“So how are you and Jiyeon unnie?” Jooyeon asked as she sips on a glass of water.
“We’re good” you replied.
“Ah, oppa I know when you’re lying. Your voice gets all deep and you can’t maintain eye contact”
“I’m not lying”
“Jiyeon and I are on a break” you said with a heavy heart. “It was a misunderstanding. I might have… alluded to her that I thought she was helping Luda”
“Oh no. Did she listen to your side of the story?”
“She never gave me the chance to explain myself before kicking me out and saying she needed a break”
The food arrives and you two dig in. Jooyeon was a heavy eater, the snacks you bought her at the convenience store made her even hungrier. She didn’t even bother offering you any food before grabbing the container of rice and putting a bunch on her plate. You smiled, thinking how someone as fit as Jooyeon could eat enough food for four people.
She looks up and sees you. “Oh… I’m sorry oppa. I haven’t been eating too much because of work and got a bit carried away”
“Don’t worry about me. Eat”
Jooyeon nods, her eyes smiling at you as she savors the food. You weren’t used to seeing the cute side of her. At the precinct, she was rather curt and focused only on work.
“So what do you want to do after this?” you asked her as you slurped on your bowl of noodles.
“I was thinking we could go catch a movie. Maybe see a rerun of an Avengers movie?” she said, burping rather loudly. She covered her mouth in embarrassment while you laughed.
“That sounds great” you replied, taking a napkin and wiping the corner of her lips.
The theater was rather empty since it was a weekday. After purchasing tickets, Jooyeon insisted the movie wouldn’t be complete without popcorn and soda. How she had room left for food was beyond you. There was a mini arcade inside the movie theater so you chose to play a game of basketball and air hockey before the movie started.
When the movie finally started, you both were at your reserved seats. Jooyeon kept stuffing popcorn into her face, her eyes glued onto the screen. You were watching the movie as well, but caught yourself sneaking glances at her. It made you happy seeing Jooyeon happy. Both of you reached for the same kernels of popcorn at the same time. This causes you both to retract your hands and look away. You cleared your already clear throat, trying to eliminate the awkwardness.
“The ending always gets me” Jooyeon said to you as you both exited the theater.
“How so?”
“It really felt like the Avengers lost. Thanos collected all the Infinity Stones and wiped out half of all life”
“Well yeah, but we know how the next one ends” you said. She gently nudged your shoulder before putting her arm inside yours.
“Thanks for hanging out with me today, I really needed this” you said to Jooyeon as the car was parked at her apartment’s basement parking.
“Me too, oppa. We need to do more of these”
“Let me know whenever you want to hangout again” you smiled at her, unlocking the car doors.
Jooyeon was about to reach for the door handle before she turned to you. 
“Oppa. Do you… want to come upstairs?”
Jooyeon’s apartment was cozy. While it wasn’t as large as Jiyeon’s, it wasn’t a cramped studio apartment either. It was very bright. Both from the color of the walls and the string of lights that decorated the room. You realized this was the first time you visited a member of the squad’s residence other than Jiyeon’s.
“Make yourself at home” Jooyeon said as she tossed her purse on the couch and went to the refrigerator. “Do you want anything to eat?”
“You’re still hungry?” you laughed while asking her.
“A girl’s gotta eat” she said as she plopped her body next to you. You felt yourself getting a bit flushed, but composed yourself.
“Nice place you have here” you said, twiddling your thumbs.
“Thanks. It’s not much, but it’s home”
“How long have you been living here for?” you asked.
“Few years now. I’ve thought about moving out but this place has too many memories” Jooyeon said.
“I can see that”
“Oppa” you stared into Jooyeon’s brown eyes. Her gaze changed. No longer was it bright and happy.
“Do you know why I asked you to come here?”
“No, I don’t. Did you want me to see your apartment”
“No silly” Jooyeon sighed. “I’ll just be straightforward. I really like you oppa”
“Wow” was all you could say.
“I know you’re dating Jiyeon unnie. But I wanted to make my feelings known”
“I-I think I should go” you said, putting the water bottle down and beginning to get up from the couch.
You felt Jooyeon’s hand grab onto your wrist softly. Her eyes were pleading at you. As tough a girl as Jooyeon was, you never saw her let down her guard to anyone.
“Please, oppa. Don’t go. Stay. I… want to make another memory with you here”
A million thoughts raced through your mind at once. You knew that you couldn’t see what the future had in store, but it definitely wasn’t this. Was this really happening? Are you sure you weren’t dreaming?
“You want me to stay here tonight?” you asked her nervously, your voice reaching a higher pitch than normal.
“Is that okay with you?”
“I- I don’t know…”
“I just… don’t want to be alone tonight” Jooyeon said, lightly squeezing on the water bottle before taking another gulp.
“It’s just… this is the first date I’ve been on in awhile. And it’s someone I really like. I… I don’t know” she said.
“This was a date?” you asked.
“I mean… wasn’t it?” she said, making you doubt what today truly was. “We had dinner and a movie. And you took me home. If I didn’t know any better, I’d say it was a first date”
You took a sip of water as you began to process the whirlwind that occurred the past 30 seconds. Were you on a date with Jooyeon?
“So you’ll stay then?” she timidly asked.
You nodded.
“Great. Then can you turn the aircon on? It’s getting pretty stuffy in here” she said, grinning.
You walked over to her thermostat, setting the temperature from 72 to a cool 63. You were about to sit down on the couch next to her when she suddenly got up and put her hand in yours. Not speaking a single word, she lead you to her bedroom.
“Sit” she said as she pushed your body down onto her bed. You were surprised at how Jooyeon’s bed was able to fit in her room since it took up almost 70% of it. Her room was mostly empty, a vanity area at one corner and a small desk with a laptop and various photos at another. A flatscreen television was placed on the wall in front of her bed.
“Make yourself comfortable” she said, repeating her words earlier when you sat on the couch. “I’m gonna change really quick”
Unsure of what to do to pass the time, you looked through your phone. You didn’t have any unread messages so you decided to watch a few videos to pass the time. Eventually, you hear the sound of a faucet being turned off. A tapping noise near the doorframe is what gets your attention diverted from a currently playing video.
Awaiting you was Detective Son Jooyeon dressed in a police officer cosplay. You think. She wore a pair of black shorts that complimented her hips well. A black blazer could be seen covering a button up shirt that was tailored to show off her midriff. The loose fitting black tie that went along with the outfit covered her belly button. She wore a police officer cap like the ones you saw on tv, holding a toy gun in her delicate hand.
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She looked at you, her gaze oozing pure seduction. The twinkle in her eyes shined with a burning passion.
“Jooyeon, what are you-”
“Quiet. Someone’s been a very bad boy…”
She grabbed a baton from behind her and poked it on your chest, pushing you onto the bed. She quickly straddled your lap. You both said nothing and just stared at each other. Before you knew it, she leaned closer and closer to you until your faces were only a few inches apart. You could feel her soft breaths on your face. You smelled mint whenever she did, assuming she brushed her teeth before returning to the room. Her thin, pink lips glistened thanks to the light in the room. You were confused, nervous and yet somehow aroused at the beautiful woman sitting on top of you at the moment.
“Jooyeon” you asked quietly, feeling her hands hold onto your shoulders for support.
“Yes” she replied.
“Are you… trying to make the first move on me?”
“What gave you that idea?” she asked, her voice lowering in register.
“It’s just that you’re… you know, on top of me”
“Kiss me”
“Kiss me, oppa”
Without a second thought, you closed your eyes and gently pressed your lips against hers. The feeling the moment you both connected sent a jolt of electricity across your entire body. It was insane to think about. Jooyeon cupped your face and pulled you closer to her. Not a single thought went through your mind. Your body reacted on its own, feeling the tender, passionate kiss you two were beginning to share. You responded in kind by wrapping your arms around Jooyeon’s waist and pulled her closer to you. Her petite figure felt wonderful in your embrace.
“Should we be doing this?” you asked as your lips temporarily disconnected.
“Yes” she said, not letting go of you and continuing to brush your lips together. “I need this. I want you”
And so you both continued. You felt Jooyeon’s tongue find yours, as your fingers ran through her hair. Even though the entire apartment was a brisk 63, it felt like the room was getting too hot. The air was heavy with both of your emotions. Jooyeon began to be bold and kissed you more furiously, bringing your hands to her waist and hips. While she was still wearing shorts, you felt every curve of her body.
The soft, tender kiss you shared a few minutes ago was long gone. Replacing it was a hot, passionate makeout session. You gave into temptation and crept your fingers slowly until they reached her butt. Hormones were being kicked into overdrive as you lost control and wanted to feel every part of her.
Jooyeon sucked on your bottom lip and reached down to remove your shirt. You responded by squeezing her butt. It was so soft, even softer than Jiyeon’s you thought. She let out a heavy moan from your touch. Never having enough, you squeezed it again, being a bit more aggressive this time. She jumped slightly but went down and sucked on your neck, beginning slowly before increasing in force. She tossed your shirt aside, you were turned on by how assertive Jooyeon was being.
“You’re sure about this?” you asked with heavy breaths.
“I’m more than sure” she said, kissing your chest softly.
She put a finger on you and smiled. “No buts. Well except mine, your hands felt so good on them”
Jooyeon resumed kissing you wildly, as she locked her thighs on you and dug her tongue into your mouth. You were a bit caught off guard by her forwardness but realized it made you even more aroused. Your hands returned to her ass, squeezing her cheeks as hard as you could. She jumped up, but quickly composed yourself and gave you a very naughtly smile.
“Looks like someone’s being a really bad boy” she said in a seductive tone.
“Is that a bad thing?”
You didn’t give her the chance to reply by roughly smacking her cheeks.
“Ah” she moaned, biting her bottom lip. “I like it. It turns me on when you do that”
You unbuttoned her shorts and slipped them off her. Placing your hands on her now semi exposed butt, you gathered her panties onto the crease and smacked her ass again. The sound reverberating inside the room and your ears.
Jooyeon slowly removed her blazer, tie and shirt leaving herself exposed in black laced lingerie. Her thin waist complimented her hourglass figure. A pair of round breasts immediately caught your eye as you looked down and saw the smoothest, longest legs that you wanted wrapped around your hips. And face.
She bit her lips as you ran your hands across her soft body. Her stomach was perfectly flat and toned. Feeling it in your own hands was an indescribable feeling. Her hair flowed perfectly down her face as she stared at you with one of the sexiest expressions you have ever seen on a woman.
“You look beautiful, Jooyeon” you said, your heartbeat increasing in speed.
“That’s the second time you’ve said that to me” she said, blushing.
She slowly rocked back and forth on your body, you felt her arousal on your jeans since her poor excuse of panties did nothing to prevent her wetness from leaking out.
“Were you waiting for me to say it again?”
“Maybe” she said, smiling at you sweetly as she placed your hands on her thighs. You decided enough was enough and held onto her hips as you brought her body upwards towards your face.
“Wow” she said, surprised at how aggressive you were.
Jooyeon was now sitting on top of you, holding onto the sides of your head for balance. The wonderful aroma of her feminine scent quickly entered your nostrils. You noticed she decided to spray perfume all over her body. You caught a whiff of cherry blossoms. Softly, you began kissing the creases of her warm thighs. She began breathing heavily, lowering herself onto you even more while she began rocking her hips back and forth. You stuck your tongue out, gliding it across her crotch as it was now being mixed with her own wetness.
“You’re t-teasing me?” she whined.
“Is that bad?”
You grabbed onto the hemline of her panties and yanked them downwards, Jooyeon assisting you in removing them. Now you were finally able to see her beautiful, bare pussy. The initial contact of your tongue onto her was amazing. You were overwhelmed with happiness, while she gasped loudly. Her body squirmed as you began to taste her, it tasted as sweet as candy in your opinion. You began lapping up as much as you could.
“You taste amazing”
“Holy fuck” she moaned, grabbing fistfuls of your hair as she continued grinding on your mouth.
You kissed her beautiful pink pussy lips as she continued dripping into your mouth. She left you very intoxicated, sensory overload was something you didn’t think was possible until this moment. Slowly, you traced your tongue across her entirely before digging deep. You heard Jooyeon scream from above you, wanting to cover her mouth in order to avoid being heard by her neighbors. You didn’t care at all, what with her thighs wrapped around your ears. You continued pushing your tongue inside her, licking her walls as her body squirmed in pure ecstasy.
“That feels so good” she moaned.
Jooyeon would spend several minutes riding your face while you held onto her ass, both for balance and to caress it in your hands. Your hands felt every inch of her. Every curve of her soft, smooth cheeks. Her loud moans pierced the quiet room as you continued drawing tender circles on her clit with your tongue. You felt her skin begin to moisten with sweat even though the room was a bit chilly. Taking her clit into your mouth and sucking it, you felt Jooyeon yank onto your hair rather roughly. You thought she was going to pull out fistfuls of hair from how aggressive it was. Her thighs squeezed your head rather painfully from how much in pleasure she was.
“Holy shit… don’t stop oppa. Please don’t stop” she screamed, causing you to alternate between sucking and licking her pussy. “Fuck! Don’t stop -- oh my fucking god”
Jooyeon’s back began to arch as her body was shaking. With every movement of her body, you squeezed her ass even harder. She moaned so loudly you were beginning to be a bit afraid people would hear and think something bad was happening to their neighbor. Mercifully, you relinquished your grip on her causing her to breathe heavily as her body sat on top of yours.
She removed her grip on your hair, you were internally thanking her as you thought you wouldn’t have any left if you were gonna continue. Her mouth was wide open from the excitement she felt from being pleasured. She looked into your soul with a loving gaze.
“That was amazing…” she whimpered out, gently kissing you. You responded by kissing back before moving onto her neck and shoulder. Your fingers held onto the strap of her bra and removed it.
“You’re so crazy” you said, swallowing your saliva to help you catch your breath.
Your hands wrapped around her back and unhooked her bra. Once it dropped down, her breasts were finally fully revealed to you. They were noticeably bigger than Jiyeon’s, a perfect size to fit in your hand. Her nipples were a cute shade of pink, contrasting Jiyeon’s brown ones. Your mouth watered as she was now fully exposed to you.
“Wow” you said. It felt like that was all you were able to say about Jooyeon.
Tossing her bra aside, her breasts jiggled slightly. She giggled at you, seeing your eyes hungrily stare at them. She grabbed your hands and placed them on her chest. They were so warm and full to the touch. Her boobs were even softer than her ass, seemingly made for your hands. You began to gently fondle them, pinching the tip of her nipples with your fingers while she rubbed yourself on your body.
Placing a tender kiss on your lips, she removed herself from your lap and descended to your lower body.
“It’s my turn to see what you’ve been hiding” she said naughtily as she began to unbutton your jeans. You were nervous because you were about to fully expose yourself to Jooyeon. At the same time, you were happy because your erection was painfully trapped inside your pants. She finally pulled both the jeans and your boxer briefs, releasing your cock from its cloth prison.
Her eyes twinkled with excitement as she stared wide eyed at it. She wrapped her soft hand around your shaft, wanting to feel every part of it like it was a delicate item.
“Wow, you’re so fucking hard...” she said.
Jooyeon started stroking your cock slowly, observing your facial expressions. She smiles in satisfaction as she sees you close your eyes and tilt your head back. Her delicate hands were now stained with your precum as she tightened her grip on your shaft.
“Should I?” she asked you in a soft voice, asking for your permission.
“Ahh… please” you begged her.
“Such an impatient oppa” she said, giggling before wrapping her thin lips around you. Your eyes momentarily see her before closing once again from the pleasure.
“I barely put my lips on you and you’re this turned on?” she said as she began stroking you fast.
The pleasure was too much for you to reply. Instead, you felt Jooyeon slowing down her movements. She placed a gentle kiss on the tip, going down a line on your entire length. She never broke eye contact with you while doing so. Son Jooyeon had such a beautiful face and body, the way she handled your cock turned you on even more.
She eventually made her way down to your balls, making long licks upwards with her tongue before taking each individually in her mouth. Her tongue flickered while doing so, rewarding her with lovely groans from you. After making sure each ball was coated with saliva, she ran her tongue one last time across them before returning back to the head where she twirled around the circumference of it. You tried to pretend you weren’t satisfied, but Jooyeon knew you were bluffing.
“Oppa… you aren’t holding back are you?” she asked, her tongue rapidly licking the underside of your head.
Not caring to wait for a response, Jooyeon began sucking your cock. Her warm, wet mouth fully lathered you  as she bobbed her head up and down. She would apply a gentle suction at the tip, her tongue swirling around your shaft at the same time.
You were no stranger to getting blowjobs, Jiyeon having given you many under your desk or your convenience store days when Kim Minji would do so when you were restocking shelves. But now that Son Jooyeon was sucking your cock, you felt like it was a dream.
Her speed began to pick up, Jooyeon simultaneously moaning with you even though her mouth was stuffed with cock. She was so focused on pleasuring you that she began cupping your balls while her head bobbed up and down. Jooyeon wasn’t just giving you one of the best blowjobs you have ever received, you were being comforted physically as well as mentally. She wanted you to feel relaxed, taking great pride in knowing she would be the one to ease your worries.
She gave you such a deadly stare while she let go of fondling your balls and pushed her long, messy jet black hair back. She continued her mouth’s furious sucking and grip on you, causing you to begin to feel an out of body experience from how much pressure she was applying. You were ready to cum at any moment.
Jooyeon knew this, so she stopped. As her mouth released its hold on you, saliva began to spill out when her head began to move up. You moaned, not wanting her to let go. She looked at you staring at her with pity in your eyes, pleading for her to put you back into her mouth. She gave you a mischievous smirk, satisfied you weren’t able to cum. She returned to gently stroking you.
“Sorry oppa” she said. But you knew she wasn’t sorry.
“You’re not being fair” you panted.
“Oh?” she replied softly. “How do you think we should make things fair?”
She crawled back up towards you, kissing you on the lips. Her fingers glided across your cheek tenderly as you looked at her when your lips disconnected. Her beauty left you awestruck, hypnotizing you to do whatever she asked.
Without warning, Jooyeon’s body is lowered onto your face when she turns around suddenly. You were being smothered by her pussy as she takes your cock into her mouth. Her juices continued leaking down her thighs as she begged for you to stimulate her more. If her pussy wasn’t drowning you or your line of vision, you probably would've just cum from watching her suck your cock in this position.
Son Jooyeon never struck you as such a wild person in the bedroom. She always had an air of elegance to her, even though she considered herself one of the boys who could seemingly get along with any friend group. While it does surprise you, to be fair you never expected to see her be intimate in the bedroom. There were no complaints from you, if this was how Jooyeon gives blowjobs, you were anticipating how she would be when she is getting fucked.
She took your cock as deep as she could, so deep in her mouth that her lips reached your base. She did her best to hold on for a long time, feeling her throat be stuffed with your tip. The pleasure that flowed throughout your body was so addicting. Jooyeon’s natural odor during sex was an intoxicating one: she left you wanting more. You were beginning to become addicted to her.
You smacked both of her ass cheeks, firmly holding on top both as you lapped up her sweet nectar. Jooyeon tasted a lot sweeter than Jiyeon in your opinion.
“Oppa!” Jooyeon released your cock from her mouth, moaning out loudly. You gave her repeated smacks on her ass while squeezing them. Your tongue buried itself deep inside her hole, Jooyeon mimicked the same actions on your cock.
“Oh my god…” she screamed while sucking your cock that was glistening.
You both repeated your actions over and over as your tongue tasted all of her. She moaned incoherently due to her mouth being stuffed with your cock. You wanted to tease her, stopping her from receiving pleasure. Jooyeon was not happy about that, pushing her pussy onto your face.
“You’re being needy” you teased.
Of course this was just you putting on a front since you saw Jooyeon bobbing her head up and down your cock. Your efforts to tease her were in vain, she was the one in control. Not you.
You took two fingers and inserted them inside her pussy. Jooyeon let out a scream as her walls wrapped themselves around you. You entered deeper, establishing a rhythm. She wasn’t going to let you out pleasure her, stroking your cock hard as she began to deepthroat you. You let out an extremely loud moan, shocked that she was so competitive.
Jooyeon’s assault continued, swallowing you whole as her screams couldn’t be contained even with a mouthful of dick. You began to feel asphyxiated from her pussy being on your face but you figured it wouldn’t be a bad way to go. You mustered up the strength to clean up the trickles of juices that flowed out of her. You sucked on her clit gently, making various lengths of lines with your tongue. Her body convulsed as she finally released your cock from the warm wet confines of her mouth.
“Holy shit… keep going oppa” she said. “Don’t fucking stop”
Although she wanted to keep sucking your cock, the pleasure you were giving her rendered her weak.  You were rewarded with her cries of pleasure, increasing in pace as her screams became louder in octaves.
“Fuck… don’t stop. Fuck” she yelled.
Son Jooyeon rivaled Kwon Eunbi at being the loudest in bed. Both women had an air of elegance to them, but were sex crazed freaks behind closed doors. You wanted to hear her beg for you more.
“Don’t you fucking stop oppa” she said as you smacked her ass. She pushed her now damp her back as she grabbed a handful of her tits. She was consumed by a sex filled rage, only wanting to be pleasured by you.
“This feels so fucking good” she said. “No one’s ever eaten my pussy like this!”
Her body grinded up and down repeatedly as her body was shaking. She grabbed onto your thighs for support. Struggling to catch her breath, you give her a stimulating lick. You kissed whatever you could, smacking her ass again. It felt like your night consisted of Jooyeon saying vulgar words and moaning at a high decibel.
She struggled to get up from your face, her legs wobbling. She turned around, now face to face with you as she was glistening with sweat. Jooyeon was a sweaty, panting mess and yet she still looked beautiful to you.
“Oppa” she moaned, kissing you on the lips. “This is crazy… I want you so badly. Do you want me?”
“I want you too, Jooyeon” you replied, squeezing her breasts.
You fixed her bangs and tucked away several loose strands of hair behind her ear as she kissed you. She interlocked her hands with yours, as your bodies rubbed against one another. Her breasts felt so soft pressed against you, both of you could hear your hearts beat.
 You wrapped your arms around Jooyeon and flipped her over so that she was lying down on the bed. She wrapped her arms around your neck as you leaned down and kissed her. She spread her thighs open as she pulled you towards her. You held onto your cock and it eventually found its way in front of her pussy. You rubbed your tip against her lips, as it began to be covered by her juices. She moaned as she bit her lower lip while looking at you.
“Fuck me please, baby” she said as she grabbed fistfuls of her hair. “I want to get fucked by you”
“You’re being a bad girl, Jooyeon. Good girls don’t beg to be fucked”
“Please…” she pleaded, looking at you with loving eyes.
Not wanting to delay your own pleasure any longer, you push your cock inside Jooyeon. Her pussy was so warm and tight. The foreplay you two did earlier made it so that you easily slid inside due to her slick juices. Her walls began to constrict your cock as you began to slowly move inside her. One hand was placed behind your head while the other clawed your back as she began to scream. You began to fuck her while tenderly giving her face kisses.
“Baby…” she cried in ecstasy. Her legs wrapped themselves tightly around you.
“You’re so tight, Jooyeon” you managed to say.
“Call me baby, please”
You fucked Jooyeon tenderly, slower than your usual pace but it didn’t matter. You felt safe inside Jooyeon’s embrace, her breasts jiggled up and down to the rhythm of your thrusts. You took each nipple into your mouth, sucking on them. She kept moaning as you slid in and out of her pussy. You gradually began picking up momentum, her walls tightening around your shaft even harder. With your increased pace came Jooyeon’s screams gradually becoming louder.
“Babe...” you moaned.
“Harder…” she screamed. “Fuck me harder…”
You unwrapped her legs from your waist and put them above your shoulders. You fucked her faster, harder than before. The tip of your cock was reaching the epicenter of where she was getting the most pleasure. She screamed loudly, happy that you were listening to her. She gripped onto the bedsheets roughly as the sound her body slamming against your pelvis filled the quiet room. Her juices splashed against you with each thrust.
“Baby, I’m cumming… oh my god I’m gonna cum” she cried. Her body was convulsing as you didn’t decrease in intensity. With one final loud scream, Son Jooyeon clawed your back roughly as her orgasm arrived.
Once the aftershocks of her orgasm winded down, you slowed your pace. She was panting heavily, her body drenched in sweat as she looked at you lovingly. Her face looked satisfied, happy that you made her feel good. Feeling tired, you pulled yourself out of her. You both moaned as inch by inch withdrew itself. The temperature in the air was cool thanks to the air conditioning, giving you a tingling sensation as it flowed through your cock which was covered in her pussy juice.
“I’m getting close to cumming” you said weakly.
“No” she said, rubbing her pussy lips. “You can’t cum yet baby”
She cupped your face, kissing you sweetly as you felt her body warm you up. Jooyeon stroked your cock while doing so, you responded by fondling her breasts.
“Sit on the edge” she said quietly.
You obeyed as Jooyeon grabbed a pillow and threw it on the ground. She kneeled, smiling at you with both her lips and her eyes. Her hand returned to your penis, gripping onto it as she ran her tongue on your frenulum. Your cock was sensitive, twitching at the contact.
She spit on her left hand before wrapping her lips around your cock, gently sucking on your tip. The hand that contained her spit massaged your balls tenderly. You felt goosebumps on your body as your spine shivered thanks to her actions.
“I love your cock” she said, stroking you. “Can you please fuck me like this at work?”
“I told you to call me baby” her words betraying her as she smiled sweetly at you. “Don’t think I don’t know about Jiyeon unnie giving you blowjobs under your desk”
She doesn’t even give you time to answer as she takes your cock down her throat.
“Were you going to say something, baby?” she teased, sucking your cock once more while squeezing your balls.
You moaned out in bliss as you watched her suck your dick. Pleasure flowed from your head all the way down to your toes as she rubbed herself simultaneously. Your orgasm was fast approaching.
“Cum for me, baby” she licked her lips while laughing.
“I can’t hold it-” you panted.
“Give me your cum” she quietly said, tenderly kissing your tip repeatedly before sucking your cock once again. She switched between various speeds as she grabbed your left hand and put it behind her head. One of her delicate hands fondled your balls while the other squeezed her breasts. You put your other hand on her head, running your fingers through her moist hair as her jet black hair bobbed up and down. You felt her moans as your cock was in her mouth.
“Jooyeon… it’s coming” you panted.
Jooyeon increased in pace, sucking you even harder. You roughly pulled on her hair as she looked up and stared into your soul. You both knew what was fast approaching.
Your body didn’t give you a chance to finish moaning her name as it went numb. The tingling sensation flowed from your head to your toes  as you erupted inside her mouth. Jooyeon moaned as she kept bobbing, feeling your hot sticky cum hit the back of her throat. Her eyes were smiling at you, twinkling with delight as she began to swallow. You held onto your cock and tapped it a few times on her tongue. She sucks your cock a few times before releasing it from her mouth with a loud pop as she laps up the last remaining dribble on your urethra.
The innocent smile Jooyeon gave you betrayed the actions she just committed.
You pushed your weak body and laid down on the bed, breathing heavily. One of the more intense orgasms you had, you were in awe at how Jooyeon was able to make you feel. She moved with you, cleaning your cock a bit more. After several minutes, she finally climbed up the bed and laid down next to you. She gave you a tender kiss as you wrapped your arms around her.
You cuddled for some time, before your eyes began to get heavy. Jooyeon’s body next to you was touching yours. Your breaths were synced in unison. She looked up at you as you looked down at her, both of you smiling sweetly as your lips connect one more time. You hold her tightly in your embrace as you kiss her forehead before both of you drift off to sleep.
“I love you, oppa”
Elsewhere in one of the backrooms of a shop, a woman is seen counting money. She smiles, a gun right next to her on the desk.
A knock on the door can be heard.
Four women enter the room and greet the woman. They are of varying heights, a bit of uneasiness seen on their faces.
“We did what you said, boss. No one knows we’re working for you”
“Good. If any of you double cross me, these two will see to it that you’re taken care of”
Two women approach from the shadows standing next to the woman who was sitting down. One was smiling, wearing an apron while smelling a black rose, the other smirks as she wiped the sweat off her forehead with a towel.
213 notes · View notes
It was good. But it could have been EPIC. I think I got caught up in the hype and should have remained blissfully ignorant. Loved Nestas journey and her finding happiness. WELL DESERVED.
However lots of loose threads, ignored angst, rushed ending, pregnancy plot overshaowed a lot - 2 chapters wasted!
It was Nestas book with Cassians POV to balance. It was interesting to read how skewed, almost backwards it was the way Nesta saw things. Like the IC behaviour/comments at times to her was counter acted then with Cassians interpretation. Really showed her low her self esteem was.
I know it's Nesta letting go and being happy with herself and I believe SJM wrote it this way to be deliberately CLEAR that the IC are NOT perfect and are 100% capable of being total pricks. BUT that they are not held accountable for their actions the same way Nesta is, was frustrating. Cold hard facts: Nesta never murdered/stole/lied/tortured/assaulted anyone. She was a bum and a drunk who spewed hurtful shite. An angry bitch. However the only thing she ever wilfully killed was the King of Hyburn at the NC's request. The level of disgust from Amren/Rhys/Mor directed at Nesta in the beginning was uncomfortable to read and didn't sit well with me.
I'll have to read it again but I was not satisfied . Nestas character arc started half way through ACOWAR. She stepped up when they needed her to.
Feyre agreeing despite her experience in Spring was a step backwards for me. Then again it's exactly what Nesta needed. Cruel to be kind. And Feyre had Nestas back repeatedly throughout the narrative.
Loved Nestas story all of it, training, friendships, self love, etc etc. Gwyn and Emerie ❤ All epic. And she's well...more interesting! Detail on Cassian killing all those monsters, scene in the big, wow so good.
Feysand overkill or perhaps Rhys overkill. Sorry SJM but you need to pull back.
Nessian happened the way I thought it would. That Cassian isn't perfect is normal. His heart is Nestas, it's pretty clear. Smut scenes, I've read better sorry !!! Intensity was not the same as previous books. More sexy and less crude for me. Missed Cassians swagger but I guess we are in his head, and he's a big cuddly insecure bear. With a big d**k.
More thoughts (in my humble opinion).
Feysand pregnancy DRAMA. Unnecessary. Keep it, just don't let it happen the way it did. I've already said I thought the sacrifice should have been for Gywn/Emerie and there is a simple tie in IMO (see previous posts). Or perhaps Cassian actually stabbing himself rather than hurting Nesta with the Queen. But I get SJM and 'losing' her power, that much power just undermines the remaining plot for next few books. Nesta could just blast them all to hell. And she stole it in anger and has let it go with love. Growth! She is clearly still hella powerful. We don't know the half of it.
For me the above was the most irritating. The ending squeezed in. And I like Feysand. But Nesta healing with Feyre needn't have been so convoluted. Or drastic. More private, perhaps a real angsty, tense conversation and confession. They didn't discuss anything.
The last few chapters too much went on...important moments; first females to win The Rite, sidelined. Accepting the mating bond, sidelined. WTF is Nestas power now, sidelined. Queen dead, sidelined. An ILLYRANIAN FEMALE KICKING ASS sidelined. I mean Christ that was Cassians goal! And nothing. NOTHING. Not even a handshake.
Rhys. It was plain uncomfortable. But someone mentioned SJM deliberately wrote Rhys that way for this book and that's true. In the Feyre POV she mentions "two mates" the reasonable one and the asshole so that, I think, is telling. He's def more HL and pulls rank in this book with everyone.
Rhys clearly witnesses Nestas trauma from her nightmare but there is no recognition with Nesta. Not a peep. Yet he clearly feels massive regret. Is that for our benefit, the readers? That at least we know. Don't hate on Rhys. (I like Rhys btw)
I'd have liked a full circle scene where they are back in THAT sitting room admiring baby Nyx and Nesta just says a few things. Cooly and calmly. She's happy they intervened, but for all their wisdom and years of living it left a lot to be desired. Nothing too crazy, just a few delivered lines, Nesta style.
Felt Nesta lost a little of her fire. But maybe you see it more from the others POV. Though they always provoked her and it was a defence mechanism. And she was a bitch at times. With others outside the IC it's clear she is not like that. Make what you will of that.
I know SJM doesn't like to over detail things but a moment with Feyre/Nyx/Nesta alone would have been nice.
The sisters never meeting Gwyn or Emerie. A scene like that would have been powerful.
Amren is as Mor rightly said is a "cranky old bastard". And "Welcome back to the Night Court Nesta Archeron" screamed, now that you've scrubbed up love come on home. I don't know. Amren was clearly done with Nesta she was the one that stood by her the most and got sick shit of her. All Amren can command is respect now and Nesta really wanted hers, possibly the most.
Can I make a point about people harping on about slut shaming. Amren made one catty observation, that Nesta would ride almost anything. No other character mentioned it. Not one. And Nesta enjoyed her bed partners, she refers to some of it (threesome!). There was zero shame. And SJM hates slut shaming. So stop. It's not a thing.
I'm nitpicking but there was a lot of hurt just left off. Perhaps that was the point. SJM was like, fuck it, Nesta doesn't want to feel that anger or resentment anymore she wants to live and be happy. She's found inner peace with herself and those that matter most. Me wanting justification for how they treated her at timea is not the point!!! Lol.
The painting, that stood out for me in ACOFAS. It hurt to read it. Maybe Feyre had nothing to paint of Nesta. They didn't talk. Share thoughts. I think Feyre asking Nesta herself to show her memories of The Rite so she could paint it would have had more impact. But it read very plainly like now you've earned your spot here...or I like you now or something. She was deliberately not there, perhaps until she wanted to be. Or finally accepted and embraced life with the IC. It was an unnecessary detail that just fueled the Feysand halo (again I like Feysand).
Nesta made those weapons therefore they are hers. Amren is power hungry. Rhys seems happy to hand them over. High King drama, I can see it. It could happen.
It's clear that Nesta didn't want to leave the NC, therefore she had to fall in. People have a problem with 'who's boss' but we've only ever had court dynamics from Rhys/Feyre POV. And they are the top dogs in the NC. We are going to have to get used of seeing Feysand make decisions from the outside. It's THEIR court. And to be fair, Feyre always had Nestas back.
And yes I believe you always have a choice with Rhys. I know some scoff at that.
Rhys kneeling to Nesta further proves our gal is a Queen. Feyre is the only one he's ever bowed to. SJM gave us that moment for Nesta and we will have to be content despite he's questionable aggressive behaviour. He clearly has issues with family given his past.
Enjoyed seeing a bit of Elaine. Finally. And Nesta delivered some home truths! Elaine needs to find some backbone. Really looking forward to her story. Go mad SJM!
Feysand POV should have been the fallout of Rhys keeping baby drama from Feyre. Now THAT I would want to hear. And perhaps Feyre saying to Nesta I'm "secretly glad you told me".
Eris I always found super interesting. It's clear to me he knows Mor is gay. Him helping her would have meant she was trapped in the AC. 'Rejecting her' allowed Rhys and Co to save her and to have freedom. She screwed him by keeping it secret. His arc will be with Lucien I think.
Az and Elaine not for me. Sorry. I'd like Lucien to find some happiness. I've spoken of this before see other posts. Az tortures people for a living, he has serious issues.
I've already spoken about Mor....remember her lol. Where is she! Ha! Actions speak louder than words with Mor. Winnow please my mate is being a dick, teach me to dance, dress shopping. But I guess she's Feyres friend, Nesta has hers. Nesta feeling ashamed as to how she treated Mor, will be interesting to see how Mor feels about that oul time when I was such a hypocrite, lol, what I really meant was....
There are 2 more books and a novella so who knows. Nessian ain't over.
Going to look forward to the fanfiction!
Thanks SJM.
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xxpadfootxx · 4 years
🐾Since When Do Heroes Have Paws? Part 1/6 (A Little Unexpected)🐾
Summary: Things get even more complicated at UA when five students get changed into dogs unexpectedly.
Aizawa placed his thumb and forefinger on the bridge of his nose, closed his eyes, and let out a long, frustrated sigh.
“What the hell happened here?”
It was around eleven o’clock at night and five students, Izuku Midoriya, Katsuki Bakugo, Shouto Todoroki, Kyoka Jirou, and Fumikage Tokoyami, were standing in the dorm main living space. All of them were tired, all of them were sweaty, and all of them had dogs of various breeds sitting beside them.
“I don’t think it was a villain,” Todoroki said. “But I do believe that it was some sort of low-level thug that thought it would be a fun prank to pull.”
“He came out of nowhere!” Izuku said. “He just showed up when we were walking on a less busy street and used his quirk to cause this.” Izuku gestured to the dogs sitting around the living room. None of the other students were out at the moment as it was past curfew at this point so the dogs had spread out, looking around the room with wide, confused eyes.
“How did he use his quirk?” Aizawa asked. “Was it long distance or close combat?”
“Close combat,” Jirou said. “I tried to get their mask off but they caught us off guard and they must have enhanced abilities from the animal aspects of their quirk as even my earphone jacks couldn’t keep up with him.”
“Did anyone see his or her face?”
Aizawa moved his hands to his temples and rubbed them in slow circles, trying to diffuse the headache that was building there.
“Alright then, who is who?”
Todoroki stepped forward a little bit and gestured towards a sleek black Doberman Pinscher with bright orange highlights on its paws, chest, ears, and muzzle.
“This is Momo Yaoyorozu.”
Aizawa nodded and turned to Bakugo who was stroking the head of a frightened Australian Cattle Dog with black and grey mottled fur that was only separated by a few pale patches of orange on his chest, paws, and face, who was leaning into the hot-tempered boy’s leg and panting. Bakugo had a small sneer plastered on his face but he didn’t seem all that upset at the fact that he had the dog pressed up against him.
“This is Shitty Hair.”
Aizawa looked at him with a look mixed with annoyance and a slight recognition of humor.
“Alright fine, its Kirishima,” Bakugo said, rolling his eyes and moving his hand to scratch behind his friend’s ears.
Aizawa nodded again and looked at Jirou who had a golden-colored Shiba Inu with a fluffy white chest sitting beside her. Because of the fact that the dog was sitting with a large goofy smile on its face with its eyes closed in a relaxed way and its tongue sticking out, Aizawa pretty much knew who this dog was but he let Jirou speak anyway.
“This is Kaminari,” Jirou said with an irritated sigh.
Next was Tokoyami who was holding a small, bright white West Highland Terrier in his arms, the little dog peering over his forearm to get a good look at the other dogs.
“This is Tsuyu Asui.”
Finally, after acknowledging Tokoyami, Aizawa turned his attention to Deku and the dog beside him. Leaning ever so slightly into Deku’s leg was a gorgeous full-size collie with long flowing fur that went from one color to the next. Her face was a bright golden color that melted into the white of her chest, and then back into a mixed brown and white. Her ears were the only things to break that color pattern which were more of a charcoal mixed brown. Her eyes were liquid brown and her fur was as soft as silk.
“This is Ochako Uraraka,” Izuku said.
“What happened to her?” Aizawa asked, catching sight of her raised paw and her slight lean into Deku.
“She tried to defend our classmates, that’s how she got turned, but she got injured when he got a little physical with her when administering his quirk. The injury doesn’t seem too bad but she definitely sprained something.” Izuku said.
“I would have her go to Recovery Girl except that it is late and she will have gone home for the night,” Aizawa said, leaning down to examine the paw.
“Can any of them remember who they are or recognize any of you?”
“Yes,” All of the students responded at once.
“How do you know?”
“The quirk seems to just have altered their physical states and not their minds. We know this because after the ‘attack’ all of the dogs started looking at their new bodies with confusion and tried to stand up to walk on two legs. You can imagine how that went. They can’t speak, but they can understand what we are saying. They were able to answer yes or no questions by nodding or shaking their heads,” Tokoyami said.
“I see…” Aizawa kneeled down in front of Uraraka and tilted his head as he examined her. She fidgeted under his steely glare but did not move as he ran a hand over her paw. The only indication she gave of pain when her teacher ran his hand over the sprained part of her paw was a little sharp intake of breath. Aizawa looked up at her.
“Uraraka, can you walk?”
The collie nodded her head.
“Can you put weight on it?”
Another nod but more hesitant this time.
“Yes, sir?”
“Please take Uraraka to your room for tonight, I would like for you to keep an eye on her for me until tomorrow morning when Recovery Girl can come back. You two are good friends, correct? You should be able to handle something like this.”
“O-oh okay, sure!” Izuku turned and smiled at the collie who looked up at him with a small doggy smile and a faint wag of her tail.
“As for the rest of you,” Aizawa said, standing up and facing the other assembled students. “Take the dog of your choice to your respective bedrooms and keep watch over them for the night just I have instructed young Midoriya. I trust you will make the right decision but if you stay up until three o’clock in the morning playing with a dog and can hardly stay awake for lessons tomorrow that is on you. Yes, we will still be having lessons tomorrow despite the fact that it is the last day before your little two-week break and five of your friends are dogs. They will just have to participate in other ways. In the meantime, I will be keeping up with the updates from the police on the situation so that we can get your friends back to normal as soon as possible. After tomorrow, I will call in both the families of these students and all ten of you for a little conference before the break so don’t be late. I will give you more details tomorrow. Goodnight.”
Aizawa then turned and walked down the hall opposite of the student dorms and slipped into the darkness towards his own room with a small wave of his hand to dismiss the students.
“Alright, come on Shitty Hair,” Bakugo said with a slight grumble, tugging on the Cattle Dog’s fur and walking in the direction of his bedroom.
Jirou didn’t even have to say anything. She just sighed with half annoyance, half happiness as the Shiba Inu stood up and bounded along behind her towards her bedroom.
Tokoyami also said nothing as he stood up and carried the little West Highland Terrier in his arms in the direction of his room, his dark shadow swirling around him as he walked.
Todoroki stood up and then stretched before leaning down to look at the beautiful Doberman, who had been awfully shy and reserved the entire time. “Come with me, Momo,” She hesitated but eventually she stood up on her long legs and trotted up to Todoroki’s side.
Izuku yawned. “Okay Uraraka, let’s go get some sleep.”
Uraraka nodded and stood up, her left front paw raised slightly. She leaned against Deku and felt his gentle yet firm hand rest on her shoulders, helping to support her as they walked slowly together to his bedroom. He used his key to open the door and let Uraraka in first before shutting the door behind him.
“I’m sorry about the All Might stuff, I know it is a lot but I didn’t expect a friend to be staying over.”
The collie just smiled at him with a wide doggy smile and wagged her tail. She looked around, her ears constantly rotating and her nose constantly twitching as her senses became overwhelmed with new things to smell, hear, see and taste. She was actually glad at the moment for the partial color blindness which helped dim down the effect of the All Might memorabilia on her senses.
“Here,” Izuku said, rushing into the closet and coming back out with a blanket that had All Might’s costume pattern on it and placing it on the bed. He ruffled it a little bit so that it resembled a nest of sorts and then patted it with his hand.
“I’m going to get ready for bed but you feel free to make yourself at home.”
Ochako wagged her tail and nodded at him before leaping up onto the bed. Although she had never done this in her life, she had the sudden urge to spin in a circle. Standing up with one paw still raised, she slowly pivoted a few times until she felt satisfied and then collapsed onto the blanket with a soft poof. When Izuku returned, Ochako was fast asleep at the end of his bed. Izuku smiled and padded over to her side, holding a roll of wrap in one hand. Careful not to wake her, Izuku firmly wrapped the bandage around the injured part of Ochako’s paw. When he was finished he sat back to inspect his work, then gave a slight nod of satisfaction and crawled into his spot on the bed before reaching over to turn off the light.
“I guess we will see what kind of crazy tomorrow will bring,” Deku whispered to himself with a glance at Ochako before he too collapsed onto his pillow and fell right asleep.
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reyescarlos · 4 years
there’s no way (that it’s not going there)
for my love @sulkybbarnes on your very special day. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MARA! my goodness, i’m so glad the universe created you. how lucky we all are that you exist! 💕💜
word count 3.6k || read on ao3
We just dance backwards into each other Trying to keep our feelings secretly covered You touched me and it's almost like we knew That there would be history
As he sits with Michelle inside the Ryders’ backyard, the heat of the late summer evening still kissing his skin, Carlos smiles in contentment at the sight of all his colleagues turned friends and even perfectly good strangers all bound by their shared love for Grace and Judd. It’s because of them that they’ve all gathered today, to celebrate the Ryders’ vow renewal. It’s the perfect atmosphere in every sense, one of joy and festivity.
A few feet away, the happy couple mingles with the small gathering of their family and closest friends. Grace’s melodic laughter soars a note or two higher than the jazz music playing. Judd’s arm is slinked around her waist and Carlos can only stand back and admire the ease to which they orbit around each other. This is what years worth of love looks like. Carlos knows it can’t always have been an easy road, that all marriages— all relationships for that matter— are never without their hardships. But if it leads to something even vaguely resembling this, Carlos wants it at whatever cost.
He’s always been a hopeless romantic, swept up in the belief that finding the right partner could be a salvation. It’s not a sentiment the men he’s seen care to ascribe to. The world of dating hasn’t always been kind to him with Carlos almost always chasing after people who proved themselves adverse to being caught.
He’s vowed to himself repeatedly that he won’t fall down that rabbithole again. But what he hadn’t accounted for was meeting TK Strand, a man that makes Carlos willing to make an exception. TK has only been a part of the fabric here in Austin for a few weeks but he’s already managed to work his way into Carlos’ heart and mind. He hasn’t been able to shake his thoughts about the firefighter since their night at the honky tonk. The attraction he had for TK was instantaneous out on their call earlier that night but it’d only strengthened as they danced later. Ever since, there’s been this energy between them that neither has addressed. But it exists as a third party, living in each stolen glance, each quick retort traded between them like currency.
He and TK have been at this for weeks on end, this constant back and forth where they say so much without actually saying anything at all.
That’s all it ever takes, just one look to light the match. It’s a wonder they haven’t both been consumed by the flames though Carlos would argue he’s been coming dangerously close these last few weeks. At first it was fun, a casual flirty game between the two of them but now Carlos has been getting restless.
He takes in the sight of TK standing with his father under the back awning. Carlos can’t stop himself from giving him a once over, eyes roaming from top to bottom shamelessly. It’s truly a pleasant view with TK dressed up for the ceremony and looking far too attractive than any man has the right to.
“Carlos, if you stare any harder you just might strain those pretty brown eyes for good,” Michelle teases, her hand cupping her chin as she rests her elbows on the table, following where his eyes linger.
Carlos sighs and ruffles his hair slightly, forcing himself to look away from TK and back at her.
“Is it really that obvious?”
Michelle snorts out a laugh, covering her mouth and laughing even harder as Carlos groans.
“Aw, come on, no, I’m sorry. I don’t mean to laugh but my god, Carlos. Do you really think either of you have been subtle this whole time? Anyone that’s spent so much as ten seconds around you both since he blew into town could call it.”
Carlos lifts a brow. “So you see it from him too? It’s not just me, right?”
“Absolutely not. To be honest, I’m actually shocked you guys haven’t hooked up already. It’s long overdue, my friend.”
Carlos picks up his glass for something to do as he thinks it all over.
“I think I just want it to mean something. Maybe that’s dumb, I don’t know but I really like him and we’ve been...in this weird limbo with each other. I don’t know what his endgame is here.”
Michelle tilts her head to the side, casting her glance off Carlos over to TK once more. He’s still caught up in conversation with Captain Strand. The younger Strand must have said something hilarious because Owen cracks a hearty laugh.
“You could do the totally crazy thing of actually talking to him and finding out what his deal is. He seems really into you. He’s been staring at you all night when you aren’t looking and who could forget that night we all went out? I think you got him hooked pretty fast. Reel him in already.”
Carlos chuckles at the analogy but even he can admit Michelle makes an extremely valid point here. This hasn’t been all in his head. Even if they’ve both managed to successfully avoid talking about it, it’s clear that there is something that they’ve been eluding from the moment their paths crossed.
“Screw it. You’re right. I’m going for it.”
Before he can lose his nerve, Carlos sets his glass down and rises from his seat. He can feel the reassuring press of Michelle’s hand on his forearm just before he leaves the table and begins the short but daunting walk over to where TK is standing.
Captain Strand notices him approaching before TK does and the man makes a move that Carlos isn’t expecting. He locks eyes with Carlos and in that brief bit of contact, there’s recognition of some kind and Owen seemingly excuses himself from his son.
Owen walks towards him and gives a polite nod of his head. “Evening, Carlos,” he says as he passes, not slowing down at all and leaving a clear path to TK.
Carlos doesn’t have the time to mull over the implications of this gesture but he makes a mental note of it, marking it as something to investigate later. His main pursuit now is a particular firefighter who has been weighing so heavily in his thoughts for weeks now.
This unspoken thing between them needs to be addressed once and for all. TK looks far too good tonight for Carlos to keep this little game of cat and mouse going any longer. Coming on too strong has more or less always been his problem but this is something he desperately wants and Carlos knows he can’t hold back beyond tonight.
TK soon notices him and stays in place, a slow smile inching across his face. By the time Carlos nestles in beside him, it’s a full on grin. It’s so reminiscent of the first time they ever hung out outside of work. Then, much like now, they were surrounded by this crowd of coworkers and people he’ll more than likely never see again. But it’s all just background noise, so inconsequential in comparison to his primary focus right now.
“Hey,” Carlos greets. It isn’t exactly the smoothest or most captivating thing to say but it had been enough that night out the bar and Carlos is hoping that it’ll prove itself useful enough again now.
TK looks briefly at the party at large, eyes pulling away from the throng of people dancing to Carlos and Carlos’ sense of déjà vu threatens to overwhelm him for the briefest of moments. But he focuses up once more as TK looks at him fully, a soft smile tugging at his lips.
As always, the man’s expression is playful as ever, as if he knows something Carlos doesn’t. Carlos has no doubt that TK is taking a trip down memory lane right now, too. How they were always finding themselves in a scenario like this was beyond Carlos’ comprehension then but it hardly matters. It serves as the perfect ice breaker for them now, a nod to the night that truly set things in motion for them. It makes this feel like a full circle moment, as if everything over the last few weeks has been leading to this.
“Wanna dance?” Carlos asks, tipping his chin towards the other guests bopping to the music.
TK’s eyes roam over his frame but Carlos doesn’t waver or back down. It’s merely part of the script they’ve been reading off of for weeks now. He’s confident that TK will accept, just as he had that night at the bar. The only difference now is that TK’s display of reluctance isn’t him genuinely debating the merits of taking a chance and saying yes, at least Carlos hopes that is the case. They have enough history between them at this point that Carlos feels safe in guessing that they’ve moved beyond that. Now it’s simply banter, a call back to that night.
“Yeah,” TK says after a moment, his perfectly white teeth trapping his bottom lip.
Carlos doesn’t even attempt to downplay how much he notices this, his own lips parting slightly before he pulls his focus back to the task at hand.
Carlos leads them to the makeshift dance floor just as he had that night of the honky tonk. TK falls into step with him, the two dancing along to the uptempo number playing throughout the yard. It’s all too easy to tune everything and everyone else out as he feels both their guards lowering even further. TK is all smiles and it’s the most infectious thing ever.
They dance for a while together, their smiles growing bigger with each new song that plays. Carlos is breathless and yet he can’t seem to stop himself from moving. But a new song comes on, the opening tone far more subdued. Carlos looks to TK, his face covered with a slight sheen of sweat. It makes Carlos’ breath hitch and he can’t help but to want to keep going, even though this is a different terrain than they’ve been dabbling in thus far.
“Do you still want to—,” Carlos begins to ask but TK answers in actions, not words as he slips his arms up over Carlos’ shoulders and begins to sway to the music.
This part is the variable, the break from their usual bit. Instead of dancing around each other with no real contact, they’re now wrapped up closely with TK hugged to his frame, their bodies pressed together, enough for Carlos to feel the firmness of TK’s chest against his.
This feels right in a way that Carlos can’t even begin to put into words. He wonders if maybe everything feels heightened because of where they are and what they’re celebrating tonight. But that still doesn’t change what he’s experiencing now, the rush of having TK’s warm body in his arms, more alive than anything. Even though they’re now moving slower than they have all night, Carlos feels the most electric now. It only instills what Carlos has known all along. This is so much more than a crush, it always has been, but now it feels like a tangible thing, a very real possibility and a step up from the hypothetical.
TK peers up at him as they continue to rock gently and Carlos can feel the man’s breaths as they fan across his face like the gentlest, most subtle breeze. The longer Carlos stares back at him, the more he realizes how uneven TK’s breathing actually is, the way it stalls and starts. The only explanation is that TK is nervous. Carlos is well-versed in reading people. After all, he literally gets paid to assess situations. He’s seen countless people he’s interviewed on a call panic and grow uneasy. He’d know the telltale signs of an anxious person anywhere.
“Relax,” he murmurs quietly, just low enough that the words get trapped between the two of them, safe in this private bubble. His hands hold even more firmly, more reassuringly to TK’s hips as if to remind him that Carlos is truly right here holding on to him, keeping him upright and present in this moment.
TK blinks twice and licks his lips. Carlos tries to take his own advice and settle his racing heart but even without meaning to, with doing something as mundane as wetting his lips, TK is getting under his skin. There’s something about this hazy summer night that’s making his mind feel like it’s drifting, floating like the fireflies that flicker on and off in the yard. It’s as if they’re under a spell of some kind. Carlos can’t remember the last time he’s felt a pull this strong towards someone, as if they’re a planet and he’s a helpless moon sucked into their gravity. And yet still, TK makes him feel grounded.
“Carlos, what is this?” TK asks, his voice barely above a whisper. But Carlos catches it all with how close they are to each other, with how much he always seems to hang off TK’s every word.
It would seem that Carlos isn’t the only one keen on getting answers tonight.
“The beginning of us, I hope,” he replies.
Carlos isn’t sure where that boldness comes from but with the words out there, there’s no way for him to snatch them back or undo them. And frankly, Carlos realizes that he doesn’t want to. Clear cut answers. A line drawn in the sand. Clarity. That’s what they need now. Tiptoeing around feelings or pretending as if they aren’t there at all is no longer something that he can accept.
TK eyes him for a moment before slipping his arms off of Carlos’ shoulders, letting them fall at his sides. Speaking outright about this thing that’s been brewing between them is in clear violation of the unspoken rule, he knows but if TK was bold enough to ask, Carlos figures he was right in matching that. Yet now TK is pulling away and Carlos fears he’s said too much, his bravado from only seconds ago now dwindling. But before he can dwell on it for too long, TK is grabbing hold of one of his hands and tugging him off the dance floor.
Carlos knows better than to ask questions then. Wherever TK wants to take him, Carlos will willingly go. TK leads him out of the yard, ignoring the piqued interest of their coworkers who no doubt have questions and assumptions about where these two are headed off to. But Carlos takes a page out of TK’s book and tunes them out as well. Instead he focuses on how easily their hands slot together as if they were designed to hold on to each other.
They come around the side of the house to the front of the Ryder household. A few guests are milling about outside, chatting among themselves. Carlos doesn’t recognize any of their faces, the entire lot of the 126 now left behind in the yard.
TK keeps moving forward, beginning to walk down the block, raking a hand through his hair.
“TK?” Carlos ventures, starting to grow a bit concerned.
With an abrupt stop in his tracks, TK turns to look at Carlos before taking a seat on the curb. They’re only two houses down from the festivities and can still hear the revelry of the reception but it’s distant enough that Carlos feels far removed from it all. TK looks up at the sky, his face bathed in a wash of moonlight, half his features thrown into shadow from the lamppost a few feet away. Carlos settles in beside him, wrapping his arms around his legs.
The silence between them is heavy and with how unmoving TK is now, Carlos knows he’ll have to be the one to breach it if they’re going to get anywhere with each other.
“I know I’m not losing it here, am I?” Carlos asks. “I haven’t been imagining this vibe between us, right?”
TK looks down at his hands and shakes his head. “No, something is definitely happening. I just...it’s starting to feel real now and that’s not something I was expecting to find out here in Austin.”
Carlos considers this for a moment. “But is that necessarily a bad thing?”
It’s then that TK focuses back on him. “That’s what I’m still trying to figure out. It’s one thing to BS and flirt but it doesn’t feel like a game or a tease anymore. If it gets serious, there’s no going back and I don’t know what that’ll mean.”
Carlos’ brows furrow. “And you don’t know if this is worth it?”
“It’s so much more than that,” TK sighs. “Long story short, I left behind a lot of baggage in New York.”
Carlos knows what that’s code for. “What's his name?”
“Alex,” TK mutters, a hint of disgust coating the two syllables. Carlos doesn’t press for details. He simply nods his head in understanding and stays quiet for a beat.
“I can’t speak to this guy and whatever went down between you two but from what I know of you, I think you’re amazing. I’m sorry he made you feel like you can’t take chances or fall for someone again. But, I’m here, TK. I’m here and I’d like to see where we could go from this point.”
TK frowns and fiddles with his fingers again. “If you knew everything, I’m not so sure you’d still feel that way.”
This is a different version of TK than Carlos is used to but he welcomes that. Gone is the facade, the carefully crafted demeanor the man maintains in public. Here with just the two of them on a quiet street under the night sky, Carlos feels like he’s getting to the heart of TK and he likes what he sees. Certainly the man is in a self-deprecating mood, a complete shift from the confident guy out on the dance floor. But he’s being forthright about himself and Carlos can respect anyone that’s being candid. It’s an admirable trait and makes TK even more real to him.
“Maybe you could give me the chance to decide that for myself? Or to show you that I’m serious about this.” Carlos cringes a bit then, worried he’s coming on too strong considering TK’s hesitancy. “I don’t...I hope you don’t feel pressured here. I’m sorry if I’m—”
“No. Honestly, you aren’t making me feel like that. If anything, it’s the exact opposite. You make me feel...free. To possibility, to everything. I don’t know. There’s something about this town and the people here. Nothing is going at all like I expected it to, which is a very, very good thing.”
Carlos smiles softly at this. “Glad I could play a small part in that.”
TK knocks his shoulder lightly against Carlos’ and that tiny bit of contact sends his heart racing.
“Not a small part, believe me.”
Carlos bites back on the corner of his bottom lip and holds his hand out in the small space between them, palm up towards TK who smiles at him before accepting it. They sit in companionable silence for a moment before TK rests his head against Carlos’ shoulder. The reception is still in full swing with voices and music carrying over but Carlos couldn’t be happier with where he is now.
It makes him think loosely of that Oscar Wilde quote. He is quite literally in the gutters with TK now and yet there’s such a beauty to it as they both watch the stars beside each other for a short while with TK still resting on him.
“I could be good for you. Whenever you’re ready. If you’re ever ready,” Carlos amends, stroking his thumb along the back of TK’s hand.
TK sits up and Carlos shifts to face him. TK’s normally bright eyes are darkened now, his expression calculating as if he’s trying to make his mind up about something. Before Carlos can ask what’s on his mind, TK is leaning in, his lips pressing gently against Carlos’.  There’s no rush to it, no haste as if TK is trying to prove something by kissing him. It feels more like an exploration, a tentative dive into uncharted waters.
Carlos matches his pace, leaving this all entirely in TK’s hands but he’d be lying if he said his mind isn’t already spiraling, his thoughts running away from him to the point where all he can think about is the mouth keeping time with his own. TK’s ability to make himself Carlos’ sole focus reaches new heights with this now. Carlos wants all of him, to swallow him whole and keep every bit selfishly for himself.
TK deepens the kiss and Carlos follows his lead, his hands grasping gently onto TK’s hair. TK responds in kind, his nails dragging down Carlos’ back. TK kisses him hungrily and Carlos serves it right back. This is weeks’ worth of tension bubbling to the surface, completely unfiltered. It makes Carlos feel delirious, his breath catching and blood pumping in his ears.
TK lets out a small whimper and pulls away sharply, both of them breathless and panting.
“I’m sorry,” TK says, licking his lips and pressing his fingertips against his mouth.
Carlos shakes his head, waving him off politely. “There’s nothing to apologize for.”
TK breathes out shakily, lowering his hand and searching Carlos’ face with urgency.
“I still want to take this slow. I just got a bit carried away there for a second.” Even in the dark, Carlos can see the slight pink tinge to TK’s face.
Carlos leans in and gives him a soft kiss on the cheek, taking his hand again and entwining their fingers.
“Progress is progress no matter the pace,” Carlos says simply. “Point is, we’re moving forward together. That’s all I could ever ask of you.”
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myidlehand · 4 years
It had to happen! Finally, a story about Geralt and Eskel cause I couldn’t resist any longer. It’s not a fluffy one like the previous two but there’s still some hurt/comfort. It’s set when Geralt and Eskel are still baby Witchers in training.
Tumblr is being an ass about formating so you can find this on AO3
Wordcount is at 2,400
Charaters: Eskel, Geralt, Vesemir, Rennes
Tags: Eskel/Geralt, Angst, Improper use of Axii, Mind control, Hurt/Confort, Baby Witchers
"Master Rennes! Master Vesemir!" The boy yells from the door he's thrown open carelessly.
"What are you doing boy!" Rennes barks at the scrawny kid.
"Apologies Masters," the boy says, breathless.
"What is it!"
"It's Eskel Sir. He's gone mad! He's going to burn the keep down!"
"Where the hell is he?" Vesemir shouts at the poor frightened teenager.
"Down the training yard Master! Please, Sir, we don't know what to do! Geralt's down there too!"
The two older Witchers set off sprinting to the courtyard three levels bellow, following the boy. It takes only a few minutes to reach the yard but they can hear some of the kids yell even from the corridor. Most of them are watching from higher ground, from windows or the ramparts bordering the training yard. Vesemir can smell their fear and confusion even before he sees them. Three boys are closer to the action, right on the platform that overlooks the courtyard and are yelling in delight every time Eskel cast his Signs. Those three don’t smell like fear. One of them spots Rennes coming at them from the corridor at full speed and bolt down the stairs, disappearing around a corner. The other two are not so quick and the Witcher catches one by the arm and the other by the back of the neck before they have time to escape.
Down bellow Eskel sends an Aard towards Geralt powerful enough to take down the dummies right were Geralt was standing and part of the wall behind him. Luckily everyone at the top of the rampart has time to skater before the wall goes out from under them.
"Eskel it's me Geralt, stop!"
Eskel snarls and sends a wave of fire at Geralt, who has run under the little balcony at the top of the stairs. He barely manages to jump to one side, his arm reddening painfully when he's not quick enough to avoid all of the flames. Rennes throws himself and both the kids down when the flames come licking at the top of the platform, the air so hot they can barely breathe. Vesemir yanks both the kids back to the entrance of the corridor as fast as he can. Another Aard takes down half the stairs on the right side of the courtyard, they can even feel the shockwave from their hiding place. Nobody else but Geralt has the courage to come down and help calm Eskel.
"What is going on here?" Rennes ask in a tone that clearly mean they both are going to get flogged very very soon if they test his patience.
"It wasn't us Master, we swear!
"It was Marcus' idea!" 
They both answer at the same time.
"What the hell did you do to that boy?" Rennes snarls, pointing vaguely towards the training ground right outside.
"We just wanted to have a bit of fun. We didn't think he would go mad like this, honest Sir!"
The boys look at each other for a second before casting their eyes downward, looking shamefully at their boots.
“Explain yourselves!”
"Eskel never gets into real trouble cause all the trainers like him even though he does lots of stupid stuff with Geralt all the time, so we just wanted to get them in a little bit of bother. That’s all. We can't really touch Geralt cause he's special or something. But not Eskel. And Marcus he's pretty good with signs and stuff..."
"It was just for fun Master. To teach them a lesson cause they aren't great like everybody thinks they are! They're just orphans like the rest of us!"
Down on the courtyard, another dummy gets torn into splinters of woods and straw goes flying everywhere.
"For fuck sake Eskel! Stop, you muttonhead!" they hear Geralt yell.
"Out with it boy or I'll flog you myself!" Rennes snaps, baring his teeth dangerously at the teenagers.
"We didn't know he would go crazy! We wanted him to get frightened a little so we used Axii on him!"
"You did what?" Vesemir finally says, cold fury in his voice.
"Do you have any idea how dangerous it is to cast Axii on a person before you are ready?"
"We didn’t mean to do him harm, it was just for fun!"
"You broke one of the most fundamental rules of the school just to have a bit of fun? I should just throw you down there and let Eskel burn you alive!"
Their eyes go big, not knowing if Rennes would really do it. The leader of the Wolfs has never been soft on anybody.
Outside, Geralt is just running in circles, hoping Eskel will tire himself out before he has to hurt him. Geralt is not even sure if he can hurt Eskel at this point anyway. He has no real weapon apart for the few training swords scattered all around the yard and even so, he's not been able to approach Eskel at all. The bastard is too quick with his hands and he's been trying to either crush Geralt or burn him alive for a good five minutes now. Geralt's strategy so far has been yelling at Eskel to try to make him come out of his trance and in the meantime, keep him out of the castle where he can't hurt anybody but Geralt and himself. Not ideal but better than put everybody else at risk. Well except for the idiots looking at them from the walls but not actually helping in any way. They are on their own if some flames come licking at their stupid asses.
"Who cast the Sign?" Rennes asks coldly.
"Marcus first cause he's good with them. But it wasn't working really so I… I did too Master. We just wanted to frighten him a little. Make him see stuff that isn’t there. Like a big kikimora or something. It would have been funny to make him fight nothing."
"There's nothing funny about making a man go mad lad. Casting an uncontrolled Axii on someone is dangerous enough, you could break his mind with two at the same time! Never do that again!"
While Rennes is scolding the two stupid boys, Vesemir risks throwing a quick look outside, trying to spot both his trainees. Geralt is a few meters from the platform, Eskel, maybe eight meters away.
"Come on buddy there's no treat here! You're just imagining things Eskel, it's not real. It’s just me," Geralt tells him softly, trying to avoid stones flying his way. Eskel apparently has learned how to direct things with his Aard Sign, already with impressive force and accuracy for his age. Geralt manages to grab half a training dummy and raise it in front of him as a shield. He's obviously too exhausted to cast Quen. Signs take out a lot of energies and he hasn't even mastered this one yet.
"Alright, now you're starting to piss me off Eskel!" Geralt growls, blood flowing from a cut right above his eye where a stone has nicked him before he could raise the dummy up. He braces himself and throws the dummy at Eskel with all his force. Eskel doesn't react quickly enough and takes the dummy square on the chest, tumbling down from the force of the trow. Geralt has barely the time to take a few mouthfuls of air before Eskel is up again.
"Come on man stay down!"
Vesemir sees the rage in Eskel’s eyes, glazed over with the Axii Signs. He sees the boy bend both his hands to cast Igni and he knows this time Eskel will burn Geralt alive if he doesn't intervene. Vesemir runs immediately towards the boy and leaps off the little platform to land in front of Geralt, right before the flames can reach him. Vesemir raises his Quen shield in an instant, protecting them both from the inferno raging around them. Eskel shouldn't even be able to cast Signs with both his hands at the same time yet, even less so produce two Igni with such force, he's too young for that. But somehow he can and Vesemir's shield is barely powerful enough to protect both of them as the flames engulf most of the courtyard. In another situation, Vesemir would marvel at the power displayed by the boy right now. Geralt can feel the heat of the flames through the protective golden aura and instinctively crouches low behind Vesemir to protect himself. It only takes a few seconds but to them, it feels like an eternity.
“Can you take him?” Vesemir yells, barely audible above the roar of the flames surrounding them.
“I think so. Yes… yes I can”, Geralt answers breathless but confident.
“Get ready then” Geralt moves next to the Older Witcher, feet braced against the ground, waiting.
As soon as the flames receded, Vesemir drops his shield and Geralt's bolts straight ahead. Eskel is slightly lightheaded from all the energy he just expelled and Geralt uses the opportunity and tackles his friend at full speed, toppling them both over.
Before Eskel has times to react, Geralt straddle him, trapping his legs with his thighs to avoid being kicked off and lacing their fingers together on each side of Eskel's head to stop him from casting another Sign and keep him down.
"Eskel look at me! It's Geralt! I'm your best friend I won't hurt you!"
Eskel snarls and try to throw him off with his hip but Geralt hold on, putting as much weight on Eskel as he can.
"Come on man you know me! You know my voice, you know how I feel! Concentrate on me!"
Eskel calms down a fraction, eyes huge and panicked. He feels trapped and scared out of his mind but there's a flicker of recognition there.
"Ger… Geralt the monsters! They're everywhere!" he whispers frantically.
"It's okay Esk, I’ve got you. You have to calm down. Everything is alright I promise. Let me take care of you, no more Signs", Geralt reply, squeezing Eskel’s fingers to reassure him. Because of Geralt's position above him, there hips, bellies and arms are flushed together. Eskel can feel the hit radiating from Geralt and he just has to raise his head a little and push his nose against Geralt's throat and breathes in. Geralt smells tired and scared but he feels honest too. If Eskel searches deeper he can still find Geralt's usual smell deep under the rest and it's enough for him to calm down and come back to himself a little.
"Sleep," Vesemir says right next to them and Eskel's head falls back on the ground, eyes closed, face relaxed.
"No! Why did you do that! I had him, he was coming back to me! You didn’t have to Axii him again!" Geralt yell at Vesemir.
"I couldn't risk it Geralt. He could have turned again and kill you. Uncontrolled Axiis are unpredictable."
“So your solution is to do it to him again? Two times wasn’t enough for you?” Geralt snarls at the older man.
“I know what I’m doing Geralt,” Vesemir answers patiently, not coming too close just in case. 
He knows Geralt is not mad at him, he’s just scared and very protective of Eskel. Everybody knows how much they care for each other. Even a blind mind would have noticed. It was dangerous but by the time the trainers had realised how close they really were, they missed their chance to separate them, the boys being already too old. There had been some debate among the older witchers and trainers to still try, even if the boys would go kicking and screaming. But Geralt had been chosen for additional mutations and Vesemir had argued he would have a better chance to live without the additional stress of losing his connection to Eskel. It was a gamble but it convinced enough people to keep them together. Vesemir knew he made the right choice the first time he heard Geralt crying and screaming for Eskel from even two levels above the deep trial room. The mages hadn’t been happy when Vesemir had shoved Eskel into the room that night, trainees weren’t supposed to witness the process. But the new mutations had been even more brutal than usual on the poor boy’s body and Eskel had been his lifeline, tightly grasping Geralt’s hand in his and whispering words of encouragement all night and day. 
"Is he going to be okay?" Geralt asks quietly, looking at Eskel again, eyes heavy with concerns. He had let go of his hands but he was still straddling his friend, not wanting to move before he was sure it was over.
"He's tenacious and determined. And he has strong connections to his friends.. to you. I'm sure he’ll find his way back to us after a good rest."
"Will they be punished for what they did to him? It’s not right." Geralt asks softly, gently sweeping away some hair from Eskel face, still not taking his eyes off him.
"Yes. Very severely. Trainees should never cast Axii on each other before they mastered it. And even then Signs should only be used in case of emergencies on a brother. They won't forget that lesson again. I promise."
"Now, get up. I need to bring him to the infirmary."
"I’ve got him," Geralt says, moving to Eskel's side and delicately taking him in his arms.
"You're hurt boy, let me take him."
"No. I told him I would take care of him. I don't break my promises to Eskel." Geralt gets up, his left arm shaking a little, painful from the burn. But Vesemir knows there's no use arguing or interfering between those two. Geralt will never let go of Eskel without a fight.
Geralt takes the stairs up to the little platform and growls at the two boys when he enters the corridor and walks quickly toward the infirmary without another word.
Rennes stops Vesemir before he can follow them.
"How long has this one been training his Igni?"
"A little over seven months."
"Have the mages look at him when he wakes up. Something tells me he's been holding back, I've never seen a trainee use Signs as he does. He's remarkably powerful already when he lets go. Maybe Geralt is not the only special one after all."
“As you wish Rennes,” Vesemir says, walking after his boys.
Thank you for reading! I have an entire series of stupid headcanons like this one and a couple of fic if you’re interested on my AO3 page :)
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msiconoclast · 4 years
Again - Chapter 1
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Pairing: Jaebeom x Reader
Genre: romance, angst
Word Count: 2.3k
Summary:  Lim Jaebeom was the single most significant part of your college experience.  A chance encounter brings you together again many years later when you’ve both settled into your careers (Jaebeom is a music producer and Y/N is a journalist).  As you take a walk down memory lane, you reflect on your understanding of love and its many trials.  Some loves are meant to make you grow, and some are meant to help you heal.   And some are destined to be both.
A/N: Whew, this took longer than I expected.  Enjoy!  Read the prologue first if you haven’t yet: Again - Prologue
Lim Jaebeom first showed up in your life the summer after sophomore year.  You were nineteen at the time and life was still full of glorious possibilities. 
Before you learned his name, he had been "hoodie guy from film class". 
Hoodie guy almost always showed up to class late, often with dark circles under his eyes that looked like they'd been there for days.  His usual attire of oversized hoodie, shorts, and sandals suggested that he'd probably just rolled out of bed and come straight to class.  He would inevitably fall asleep in the back row and start snoring at some point during lecture.  You had to physically move to the front just to block out the noise and catch what the prof was saying.
Yet somehow, he managed to be the professor's favorite student.  
The thing is, when he wasn't nodding off, hoodie guy was apparently Ebert incarnate.  He was usually quiet but whenever the class discussion came to a halt, he would always make a comment that somehow managed to cut straight to the heart of the film.  The class would give collective pause over his flash of brilliance and then resume in excited debate in a new enlightened direction.  On the few occasions when the professor decided to read out excerpts from written assignments, you knew.....you just knew that they were always from hoodie guy's papers by the smirk on his face.
In other words....the guy was annoying as hell.
Look, you loved movies and film class was sacred.  It was one of the few classes you actually enjoyed outside of your major.  How dare this guy just waltz into class in his pajamas and proceed to wax philosophical on “French New Wave” while the rest of you barely understood what the films were trying to convey?  Was he some kind of silver screen idiot savant?  More importantly, why was he trying to ruin the curve for everyone?!
Needless to say, by the time the semester ended, you were more than done with hoodie guy’s antics.  If you were to never see him again, that would be absolutely perfect.
Life, unfortunately, had other plans for you.
As spring eased into summer, you decided to take a job at Joe's on Third to supplement your non-paid internship at the local paper.  Joe's was your home away from home as a student.  Cozy and airy, it had the perfect ambiance and was never too packed.  As a bonus, they served a mean grilled cheese among a small menu of comfort food classics and you would get fed every day you worked there.  It was going to be tough balancing the two jobs but all things considered, it wasn’t a bad deal at all.
When you showed up at seven for your first day at Joe's, the place was still empty.  The only sound came from behind the counter where someone was grinding coffee beans.  A tall figure with an enviable head of hair was rustling around getting the goods ready before the morning rush.  As you got closer, you noticed that he had more than a few piercings, one in particular under his right eye.  You never really found facial piercings to be attractive on men but there was something oddly intriguing about the look on him.  It gave him an air of nonchalance.  A rebel without a cause.
He was so concentrated on his tasks that he didn't notice you until you tapped on the counter in front of him.
"Shit....oh...."  It took him a moment to collect his thoughts until a look of recognition registered in his face.  "You’re Y/N?  I'm Jaebeom.  Call me JB.  Joe said I'm supposed to set you up on your first day."  
Hoodie Guy?
The second he opened his mouth, it dawned on you that this was no stranger.  Though you never cared to study his face, you had memorized hoodie guy's voice by heart.  And while this clean shaven, well dressed man in front of you looked nothing like the guy who always buried his face in his hoodies, the voice was unmistakable.    
"Intro to World Cinema.  Were you the one who got the only A in class??"
Confused, he raised his eyebrows and tried again.  "Uh, I'm supposed to get you trained on your first day and make sure you can..."
"I'm asking if you were in Intro to World Cinema last semester?  Didn't you always wear a hoodie to class and nap in the back row?  Were you the jerk who ruined the curve for everyone and got the only A on the final paper?
He stared at you as if you were nuts.  But you didn't really expect him to protest innocence.
"I was in that class too and would've gotten an A if it weren't for you!  Instead I got a B+.  First B+ in two years of school!!"  The words flew out of your mouth before you could catch yourself.  Oh, you knew it was petty but your indignation had been brewing for weeks.
He squinted his eyes and continued to stare at you.
Somewhere in the back, a toaster went off.  This seemed to snap him out of his trance and you watched as confusion dissolved into amusement on his face. 
He cleared his throat: "Well...Miss B+....we got twenty minutes until open.  If you want to keep this job, I suggest you get going and put all the baked goods out." 
Not waiting for you to respond, he turned towards the kitchen. 
Just before disappearing into the back, he suddenly swung around and grinned`: "Yeah, I got the A.  And you were the girl with the pencil hair bun who always sat in the front."
So he did recognize you.
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The first week of your new job breezed by without much of a hitch.  You'd worked restaurant jobs before and a cafe was a piece of cake by comparison.  What surprised you was how efficient JB was at the job.  You just couldn't stitch together the image of him snoring in class with how professional he appeared at the cafe.  Not only was he efficient, he also seemed to be preternaturally friendly towards everyone who walked in.  Loud teenagers, moms with screaming babies, post-breakup girls drowning in their brownie-a-la-mode, he handled each and every one of them with calm and kindness.  Yet, you wouldn't exactly call him a "people person" since he never voluntarily took up small talk with anyone nor did he socialize much with the other staff.  It seemed that JB simply existed comfortably in the backdrop of the cafe’s inviting atmosphere and treated everyone with the same distant warmth.  
After the awkward initial encounter with JB, you maintained a precarious distance towards each other.  You were still reeling from the embarrassment of your outburst, and he must have decided to steer clear of stirring up the "crazy" in you again.  In fact, he treated you just like any other member of the staff, as if the incident never happened.  If anything, you two developed a satisfying partnership of sorts.  When the cafe was busy, you teamed up to keep the orders moving and the kitchen hot.  When there was a lull, you gave each other plenty of space.  You would work on your articles for the paper while he pranced around behind the counter scribbling down notes on little pieces of paper.
Mid-afternoons were usually the slowest at the cafe.  You savored these moments when time seemed to pass by as slowly as dust particles that swayed in the summer sun.  It gave you a strange sense of privacy even if you were sitting in a cafe full of people.   Sometimes, when you were feeling really wild, you'd stealthily switch the cafe jazz that droned on in the background to your favorite soundtracks.  None of the cafe patrons seemed to mind as long as it was something mellow.  The one person who did take note though was JB.  
"Is that 'Before Sunrise'?"   Um hum.
"That sounds like 'Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind'?"  Yup.
"Oh, 'Midnight in Paris'.  The gypsy jazz is cool."   Totally...
Either this guy had seen every movie under the sun or you two just happened to have very similar tastes.  What was most curious was the fact that these were all movies that any other guy would scoff as “chick flicks”.   Not the type of entertainment that you’d expect a “rebel without a cause“ to seek out.
"So did you actually watch all of these movies?"  You had to ask him one afternoon.
"Hmm......yeah."  He waved one of the little pieces of paper he was scribbling on: "They help me with my songwriting.  I......heh, need inspiration and I like movies that provide different perspectives on the concept of love. "
So that's what he had been working on.  Song lyrics.  You weren’t entirely surprised since half of the population in LA were trying to make it in Entertainment in one way or another.
"Why do people write so many love songs anyways?  Loneliness is totally underrated."
"Because almost any emotion that music can express can be related to love.  It's universal." he said
"Yeah?  And what have you learned about love in all your movie-watching and song-writing experience?”
"The heart's not like a box that gets filled up. It expands in size the more you love."
“Her”.  Nice..... another sentimental fool.
The best thing about working at Joe's was the weekly closing party.  Every Friday night, the staff would string up lights around the back patio and put on a little dance party while closing the cafe down.  It was an unspoken rule that whatever bottles of wine were open by the end of the week was a free for all for the party and the beer taps were open until dry.  Quite a nice little perk for the employees. 
You had always enjoyed yourself at these parties.  Most of the part time staff were kids who went to the same school, people you had seen around campus.  It was where the staff really got to know each other and sometimes, got their hands on each other.  And it didn't take long for everyone to get comfortable and really let loose.  It was also funny to see how people changed when they were drunk.  The shy introverted ones would surprisingly become super hyper while the normally outgoing ones often ended up bawling their eyes out in the corner by the end of the night.  Nothing short of human theater.
The first couple of times you'd joined, you were still careful not to drink too much.  You wanted to make a good impression and actually get to know everyone.  But by the fourth closing party, you were well on your way to earning the title of dancing queen.  See, alcohol also had an intriguing effect on you.  It helped you break out of your usually calm shell but it also had a tendency to make you more than a little flirty.  And on this particular night, you were definitely feeling the love. 
The theme for the night was 90s jams and you had been showing off your moves on top of one of the patio tables for the last 45 minutes.  But it was nearing midnight now and most people were either too drunk or too tired to be dancing and you were starting to feel the early signs of a crash yourself.  It was then the bass thumping hip hop switched over to a slow and smooth R&B song that you had never heard before.  There was something seductive about the way the singer cooed out the words.
"Girl it's only you
Have it your way
And if you want you can decide
And if you'll have me
I can provide everything that you desire
Said if you get a feeling
Feeling that I am feeling
Won't you come closer to me baby,
You've already got me right where you want me baby
I just want to be your man
How does it feel
How does it feel
Said I want to know how does it feel
How does it feel
How does it feel"
As you spun around on the table, you noticed a pair of gaze that fixed steadily on you as you swayed your hips slowly to the beat.  You couldn't make out the expression on his face but there was an intensity in his gaze that made your body heat up.  The thought that you had a captured audience turned you on and prompted you to run your hands across your body.  As you felt your body heat up more and more, you reached for the glass nearby and took out an ice cube.  You desperately needed to cool down.  Holding the ice cube in your mouth for a second, you then started to run it against your skin.  Trails of ice water trickled down your neck, your collarbone and pooled where your cleavage had shown through your shirt.  The song was pushing towards a crescendo and the singer's falsetto was ringing in your head.  It grew louder and louder until the lights started to spin. 
Dizziness took over.  Suddenly, you felt yourself lose your balance and stumble towards the ground.
And the next time you opened your eyes, a familiar face was just inches above you.  The owner of the gaze had his arms propped up beneath you while they supported your weight.
You could feel his breath on your face and for what seemed like an eternity, you simply stared at each other.
Finally, you ended the silence by flashing him the brightest smile you could muster and pointing at his nose: "I forgive you!!!...Hoodie guy!"
The corners of his mouth curved up. 
"You're pretty cute, B+."  He chuckled.
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skylarmoon71 · 4 years
Earth 2 Harrison Wells x Reader- Chapter 1
Disclaimer: I don’t own the Flash
Warning: Mentions of suicide. Please be warned. 
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“Barry be careful, if she gets any of that mist of you you’re a goner. The poison affects you the same.” Cisco’s voice rang in his ear. 
“Got it!” he zipped forward, coming to a complete stop when he stood before the woman who just watched him cockily. There were over ten people now unconscious in the museum. 
“Listen Flash, just let me get that gem and I’ll be out of your hair.”
“You know I can’t do that.” There was a ruby, said to have belonged to a royal family. It was a main attraction in the museum, for obvious reasons. 
“You know, they really should keep things like this more heavily guarded. “ the meta mocked walking closer to Barry. He was standing directly in front of the artifact. 
“So, how do you intend to stop me. If you try to zoom closer you’ll be done within a second. And I’m sure you realize by now touching me is just as dangerous. So what’s Central City’s greatest hero going to do?” She was taunting him. Barry gritted his teeth. He pushed forward. 
It didn’t take long or her poison to release, putting her spores into the air. The second he took a step, his body fell flat, veins surging with the green poison. Barry gasped, watching as she laughed walking over his body. She broke the glass with ease, plucking the gem and stuffing it into her pocket. 
“See you next time Flash.” With that she was off, the alarms in the museum blaring at her exit. 
Through the entire ordeal you’d been hiding behind a pillar. You peeked out when you realized the crazy meta was gone. What you did see was the Flash passed out of the floor. 
“Crap!” you ran over. When you got closer you could hear a voice coming from what looked like a com link in his ear. 
“Barry, Barry, answer me!!” a female voice screamed. You pulled out the mic, speaking into it. 
“H-Hello, I’m one of the civilians at the museum. That woman she got the gem and ran off. You need to get the ambulance here now!” the woman didn’t say anything for a second. 
“The Flash, is he breathing?” she sounded hesitant to even ask. 
“Yes, he is. He’ll be fine I’ll take care of him just get help.” she didn’t waste time, you could hear her alerting authorities from the other side of the microphone. You dropped it, eyes moving back to the male in front of you. You took a deep breath, hands hovering over his body. A green mist started to rise, slipping into your skin. You groaned, feeling the poison sink into your veins. When it all disappeared you let out a heavy breath. 
“One down.” you thought going over to the other victims. One by one you repeated the action. The more poison you sucked through your body the more sweat seemed to gather at your forehead. You’d lost count on how many you’d already healed when you heard a gasp from the side of you. Your head turned.
“Y-You’re awake?” you said softly. The speedster looked a bit disoriented. 
“What happened..” he stood slowly, hands on his knees to keep him balanced. 
You placed your hands flat on the ground, thankful he didn’t see you using your abilities. 
“That meta did a number on you. She got away with that gem thing. “ you pointed to the broken glass. He frowned, looking down a bit guilty. 
“Hey it’s fine. These people need attention now. The poison is a lot like a paralysis toxin. It’s curable, but they need help now.” the blaring of the sirens outside alerted you that help was finally on its way. You pressed your head to the floor, completely exhausted. 
“Hey! You okay?” he moved closer and you sighed. “Yeah..just in shock. With all the craziness that happens in this city you would I’d be used to it by now.” He gave a small smile, pressing a hand to your back. Someone burst through the door and you saw cops, medics and reporters filing in. 
“Flash!” one of the detectives shouted. The speedster stood up shaking his head. “She got away. I couldn’t stop her.” The older male speaking to him just gave an encouraging pat.
“Don’t worry about it. Iris was frantic, she said you were down. “ Barry nodded. “Yeah I was, I’m positive that meta  got me. Then I just woke up and this woman was..” his eyes turned and you were no longer there.
“Where did she go?” he made a full circle, trying to pick your face out into the crowd. You were nowhere to be found. 
“We can figure that out later, right now that crazy meta is our main priority.” Joe commented. Barry nodded a bit distracted. “Yeah..” 
“That was close.” you huffed, leaning on a nearby building. The green liquid that was running through your veins was disappearing slowly. When it was completely gone, you stood up straight, moving in the direction of the hospital. 
“Your vitals are fine, not even a spec of the spores.You’ll be fine.” Barry rolled down his sleeve, still trying to put the pieces together. Caitlin pulled off her gloves, disposing of them into the bin. “This doesn’t make sense, she got me. I should still be out. And all those other people, they woke up too, no sign of the poison. It doesn’t add up.”
“There was someone else there. Maybe she knows what happened. When I was calling for you, she said not to worry, just to call the police.” Iris butted in. 
“Do you think maybe she's a meta too?” Cisco questioned sucking a lollipop. 
“It would make sense. That’s the only explanation. If she did take in that poison, she could be somewhere suffering. That level would be too much, especially since you weren’t the only one she helped.” Caitlin informed. 
“Who is a meta?” Harry said walking in with his gun. 
“Thanks for finally joining us Harry, you know we could have used your help on this one.”
“I’m here now Ramon, who are we looking for?” He asked. 
“A woman, I think she might be in danger. I’ll go to CCPD and get a sketch so you can run it through facial recognition. “
Cisco nodded. “Good plan, in the meantime we’ll work on catching our little gem thief.” Caitlin smiled. “I’d think by now you’d have a name for her. “Cisco grumbled under his breath, shoving the sweet back in his mouth.
“And on other news, The Flash has done it again. The thief has been apprehended and the gem safely tucked back into its home at Central City’s museum. “ you smiled looking at the television braced on the wall in your patient’s room. “I knew the Flash would do it!” the girl in the bed said happily. “When I get older, I’ll be just like him.” she cheered. She had a Flash figurine clutched into her hand. “Just work on getting stronger, then you can apply to be a superhero.” you teased. She just smiled. You watched the exhaustion in her eyes. “You need to stop getting so worked up Sarah, it’s not good for you.” she just grinned at you. “I can’t help it. “ 
She was one of your regulars, a cancer patient. The disease had long taken away all her hair. You always wondered how she managed to still smile so brightly when her days were numbered. You took her hand, giving a warm smile. Taking a deep breath you closed your eyes, trying to take away as much of her illness into your body. After a few seconds you hunched forward, breathing heavily. Her eyes closed slowly, falling asleep. You pulled your hand away reluctantly. 
“It’s getting harder..” you noted. 
“Ms. (Y/N), you have visitors.” your eyes lifted to the head nurse. You nodded, trying to put yourself together as you walked out with her. You slid your patient's door close, meeting a few unfamiliar faces. One of the males was smiling and you with so much familiarity, as if he knew you. The nurse left and you guided them to your office. When you all got in you offered for them to take a seat.
“What can I do for you?” The male who was still beaming held out his hand. 
“I’m Barry Allen, I work for CCPD. This is Detective Joe West, Cisco Ramon and Dr. Caitlin Snow.”  There was another guy standing with his head bent. His dark clothing and cap made you a bit weary. Still, you greeted everyone with a smile. 
“To what do I owe the pleasure? “ Barry stepped closer. “We were investigating the crime that took place today, with the robbery at the museum.”
“Ahh, yes. I saw The Flash caught the person who did it. He’s such an inspiration, that guy. I was actually just talking about him with one of my patients.” 
“That’s what we needed to speak to you about, we have witnesses that put you at the scene. We’re just trying to fill in some blanks.” Detective West interjected. You narrowed your eyes.
“I’m not sure how I can help, I was hiding the entire time. I didn’t even get a look at the woman who attacked.”
“Let’s stop wasting time and get to the point.” the guy with the cap stormed over to you raising a watch in front of your body. You flinched when it started to go off. Red lights flaring. 
“You’re a metahuman.” he stated. You panicked, stumbling back into the wall. Your eyes darted around the room, raising your hands defensively. 
“W-Who the hell are you people, what do you want!” 
“Way to go Harry you scared her!” Cisco yelled. 
Barry moved over raising his hand. “Listen, we’re not here to hurt you believe me.” he sounded so sincere. Yet, you heard those words before. 
“I’m not going to be some experiment locked up in a prison! I haven’t hurt anyone.” Barry nodded.
“You’re right you didn’t hurt anyone, you saved them. Isn’t that right?” you just stared at him. You couldn’t remember him at the museum, so how did he know.
“H-Have we met before?” you asked. Something about him was so familiar, you couldn’t put you finger on it. 
“N-No we uhh..” he was stumbling over his words.
“Code red!!” someone yelled outside. Your eyes shifted at the commotion. 
“Patient five is convulsing. “ your eyes widened. “Sarah!!” you pushed passed the individuals, diving out the room. When you got to her room she was writhing on the bed, eyes still tightly shut. The machines were going crazy. 
“We need to stabilize her!” you instructed the other nurses to get her usual medication. They ran out, scrambling to recover what was needed. Barry and the others were now standing out there, watching with dread as the girl continued to beat against the bed. Tears were gathering in your eyes. 
If she didn’t stabilize soon there was a good chance she wouldn’t make it through the night. You glanced back at Barry, before looking at Sarah. You needed to help her, even if it meant they would find out your secret. You pressed both your hands to her head. Barry couldn’t believe what he was seeing. A golden glow was emitting from her head, into your hands. He watched the light travel all the way up to your neck. 
“S-She’s killing herself!!” Caitlin cried. Barry moved forward to stop you but you turned to him, eyes now glowing a bright yellow light
“STAY BACK!” your voice didn’t even sound like your own, it was distorted. When the light finally dissipated, you shuffled back and the heart monitors suddenly returned to normal. A bunch of doctors rushed in, checking her signs. “S-She’s stable again.” one of them stated. You nodded. “Keep track to ensure it doesn’t raise again.” the nurse present did just that. It took you a moment to regain your focus, when you did they were all looking at you in awe. 
“We have a lot to talk about. “ the man with the cap said. You gave a reluctant nod, heaving as you guided them out.
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biconicfinn · 4 years
id like to know, what are your takes on politician!Alec? if you want to talk about that
holy shit this is long so i’m putting it under a read more!! 
okay so first of all: alec is someone who has been trained from a young age to be a politician, he would have been educated in diplomacy and politics, his parents were expecting him to become head of the new york institute and they have no qualms about living vicariously through their children and forcing their burdens on them as we have seen in the show.
he was probably taught clave law and the accords, a whole bunch of languages (polyglot power couple malec ftw) because i assume the NYI uses english as their lingua franca because of their location but since institutes also have to deal with local downworld and mundane populations it’s safe to assume that in other countries where english isn’t the main language, they go with the local languages and alec would need to communicate with these other institute heads, etiquette, some formal ballroom dances like the waltz, the art of negotiation, administrative stuff like resource allocation, budgeting, public speaking, the nitty gritty details of the clave workings, in addition to the knowledge of the different races of the shadow world, hand to hand combat, combat with a variety of weapons (he masters archery to utter perfection but he definitely is also incredibly proficient in close range combat as well).
sorry i just love alec and he is definitely more competent than most of the Alec StansTM (yall know what im saying) make him out to be
okay so!!!!! it’s pretty much canon that alec has spent a considerable amount of time as acting head of the NYI; what with maryse and robert always fucking off to idris to lick the boots of the clave and so he probably has a good relationship with the people under his command. he’s probably put protocols in place to reduce casualties and injuries, form patrol teams that are well-balanced so that they are versatile enough to take just about any threat that comes their way, etc.
of course, thanks to a little thing called the nephilim’s deep-rooted homophobia, a lot of the work alec put in probably got negated when he came out. it took a lot of courage for him to come out and to be openly gay. raj was an absolute asshole to alec for no reason and often questioned his leadership decisions post coming out, and even if not all the shadowhunters reacted like that, they did show some resistance(?) to alec’s leadership when he was appointed head and questioned him. it probably took a lot out of him because it’s one thing to have your people doubt you as a leader because of your actions or words; your decisions as a leader, it’s another thing for them to mistrust you entirely because of a fundamental part of your identity that you can’t change. you can build trust by publicly admitting and apologising for mistakes and putting in honest work to be better, but it’s impossible to build trust when the other person doesn’t even see you as human to begin with. 
this is turning into a hoti!alec ramble but i promise i will bring this back to politician!alec okay i promise i just need to establish the headcanons i’m building on first sorry 
okay back to business!!!! i feel like alec is so very genuine and honest outside of the political sphere alec “casual wedding vows” lightwood anyone? so when he does show his ability to be a complete fucking shark in the political arena a lot of people are blindsided because they expected him to be very honest and direct but he knows that as much as he’d like to be genuine, he needs that shrewdness to navigate the political minefield of idris. he prefers directness, but if you take the manipulative, indirect, route and underestimate him, he will not hesitate to turn your own methods against you.
he is also the type of leader who constantly tries to make an effort. his intentions were genuine with the downworld cabinet and i think that if it wasn’t set up in the middle of the shitstorm which was valentine’s re-emergence and the circle’s rise, it would have been more successful. he has a lot to learn and unlearn, and he (an utter perfectionist) will do as much as he can to help the downworld. i like to think that in a post s3 world, but before the time skip, he helps to re-establish the ties between the shadow world factions in new york and focuses on being the nephilim voice of the downworld to the clave, constantly trying to push for new accords and reformed policies, and he makes an effort to not speak over the downworlders, but instead be their representative and ally to the clave because the clave are racist bastards who wouldn’t listen to them but they have to listen to alec lightwood (”it’s lightwood-bane, actually”), one of the heroes who stepped up to defend alicante when the rift to edom opened. (and also because if they did try to slander or belittle him, they risk angering magnus, who has enough clout to embargo most warlocks from providing magical assistance to any local institutes, if he feels that the downworld is being ignored despite the fact that a warlock is the sole reason why alicante was’t razed to the ground, or that he and his husband are being targeted by the clave. because they are That Couple.) in conclusion alec is a good ally okay?
but as much as he tries/tried to do right by the clave, he sometimes also doesn’t give a fuck about them. he’ll be in meetings at idris, and maybe they’re discussing asinine, irrelevant, minor issues that are really just stupid excuses to showboat and compare family clout and whatnot and he’ll be pissed as fuck because instead of discussing actual relevant issues like irregularities/strange patterns in demon attacks, hunting down remaining circle sleeper cells, reparations for the downworld (like for the heavenly fire project), rewriting the accords, rebuilding idris, helping get the attacked institutes back up and running, you know, actual important issues that need attention but no, we’re discussing some petty family squabble that turned into a political feud that involves everyone and their fucking uncle. and he gets so damn angry he just blows up and rants at them and tears them a new one. he finishes his impressively long spiel with “you know what? fuck this. when you guys are done fighting like children and taking up precious time that we should be using to talk about real, pressing issues that affect the entire shadow world instead of five people at this table, let me know and i’ll be there but until then don’t bother. if you’ll excuse me, i’m going back to my husband. thank you. and for the last damn time, my name is alec lightwood-bane. i already changed my damn name legally so fucking use it.” and he just leaves to go back to new york because fuck the clave. 
he goes back home to the loft and it’s like the stress and anger just melts away because he walks in on magnus dancing around the kitchen as he cooks dinner, singing dancing queen at the top of his lungs, laughing when magnus twirls to see him leaning against the doorway of the kitchen with his heart eyes and blushes at being caught doing somethin so silly
he becomes a successful inquisitor by sheer force of will and determination. it’s not at all intentional, but it just happens. with the success of the cabinet and the measures he puts in place, he shares it with other institute heads and slowly more and more institutes are collaborating with the local downworld and most of the time, the statistics pay off in the long run. there are starting troubles as with any new initiatives, but soon enough there is a sizeable number of institutes following them successfully and it’s hard for the clave to ignore. alec gets invited to alicante to discuss the possibility of him becoming inquisitor just when the downworld deputy program is taking off in new york. (it all starts with simon asking “so are you guys nephilim or shadowhunters? what’s the difference? or is it interchangeable?” and then they realise that while nephilim is a term to describe half-angel half-human beings, shadowhunter is a term more commonly used by active duty demon hunters and drops out of use as a self-descriptor when the nephilim in question leaves combat. “so that means technically anyone in the shadow world whose job it is to fight demons is a shadowhunter? right?” and the lightbulbs light up in alec’s head immediately) oops time to get back to it the point. 
okay so!!!! the clave offer alec the position of inquisitor and it’s part recognition for his efforts and acknowledgement of his skills, part them wanting to keep him under their control. how does that work? well it’s simple. if alec is inquisitor and the clave makes it as hard as possible for him to do any effective work, bogging him down with bureaucracy and and votes on motions that are just shy of the majority needed to pass laws etc etc. basically throw every road block they can at him and wear him down; forcing him to step down and thus silencing him, and by extension, the downworlders who rely on him for a voice in the clave. 
malec side note: so they first say that magnus can come to alicante and make an exception for him, and the general plan is to make it look like they’re actually doing something good when it’s to lull them into a false sense of security. (but alec and magnus choose to live in brooklyn first because despite everything, it is still dangerous for magnus to be the only warlock in a city full of nephilim) but then alicante opens up to the rest of the shadow world, magnus becomes the high warlock of alicante, and the clave are dealing with the force of nature that is known power couple and ultimate badasses magnus and alec lightwood-bane. oops. 
but they underestimate the power of alec’s Lightwood(-Bane) DeterminationTM and his sheer stubbornness. so their plan backfires spectacularly when within the first few years, he’s implemented laws to open alicante up to downworlders, expunge criminal records of downworlders who were previously wrongfully charged with crimes, rehabilitation of wrongfully imprisoned downworlders, mandatory downworld cabinet and downworld deputy initiatives worldwide, as well as be part of the core group that rewrote the accords to be more fair. 
alec probably retires after like five years of being inquisitor and then magnus steps down as high warlock and they just travel the world together and be in love and happy, occasionally consulting on political issues here and there but for the most part they just run off into the sunset to be immortal husbands together because they’ve sacrificed enough for the good of the shadow world to last several lifetimes. 
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sunritual · 3 years
Let’s try this again
They should make a law where if the police don’t read you your Miranda rights you get out of jail free, like if you don’t get your receipt at fast food restaurants you get a mail free
The shaggy law - There should be a law that if you continuously and shamelessly deny doing something, no matter how indisputably obvious it is that you did it, you should get off free for pure savegery.
Confederates as “rebels for tradition” is laughable
Ram rainbow spiral horns profile.
People think grammar rules are etched into the universe — they’re not. When people say AAve is incorrect and ignorant, they say that their conception of how one should speak is inherently correct despite no evidence/truth. Grammar is agreed upon not mandated
Hippie sauce infusion pizza joint
Plain nude balconette with little purple and pink flowers at wiring
How could anyone predict anything happening but how could any be surpised either
Hierarchies - nahhhh
Humans aren’t inherently higher than any other creature or thing, but as humans i don’t think it’s wrong to prioritize other humans. There no better or worse but there is optimal for certain environments and lifestyles.
What differentiates a piece of art from a slightly different replica - when is it an entirely different piece altogether? Moving a figure slightly? Adding a splash of paint ? Changing a color to the point where no one could tell? Is the persons perception the deciding factor or what’s actually on the canvas. If abstract art is about the perception, and the waning behind it - does it change with these things?
An exhibit where people are invited to paint over and destroy or change the art
The differences between us and other. Are feeble - not illusory but
Periwinkle sky blue black and white each of a half circle . Faded out
Uni should be about exploring ideas — new and old famillar and foreign - honeing writing reading reasoning debating listening etc skills.
Umm, Karen were your parents married when you were born?
Ummmm no, umm i mean , uh ,yes —what??
Then why are you policing what other people do?
Dark blue light blue orange lemon circles layer on top of each other, several difffent sizes
Job apps tip!! For every job you apply to , Change your last name on your resume to the last name of the hiring manager and they will think you are related to them and hire you with nepotism. ( then, or coarse, legally when you get the job)
Unpopular opinion: i don’t really mind diarrhea
I for one think it’s incredibly brave of the brats girls to reclaim such a derogatory term
Starting every Describtion of every British show with “its kind of like skins but..”
Beanie baskin took that treat she snatched it - she ain’t even askin
The squad bod - a group of ghost friends share one body in which they have to live their lives -
My playlists are a matter of fact, not opinion. They reveal truths about the human experience
A cats gorilla imeritive of aesthetics.
I don’t chose them, they are not for joy but for truth. They are not intelligible but feel able
📝 narrative - longing
👼 chaotic
🌾 childlike wonder
Things that seem homo and phobic ATST
- Woodstock
- Brown eyed girl
Life has a funny way of sneaking up on ya when you think everything BG a gone wrong and everything bows up in your face
If women can’t do drag because they have an advantage then what is drag? Is it having good looking tits and a waist ? Looking like woman? or is it about having charisma uniqueness nerve and talent?
Examining Tik toks through different philosophical lenses
What makes it so they put parenthesis around lyrics in a song? What intonations and such make it parenthesis worthy
What’s an article of clothing from your childhood that you viscerally remember for seemingly no reason
I feel like the problem with the property brothers is they had too good of a childhood
Do you ever wonder if personality traits would be diffferntnin different cultures? Would a quiet person be even quieter if they were brought up in North Korea? Or the same amount of talkativity? Do we have the traits no matter what, or are we inclined to be more of one way than the others around us. Are personality traits created by comparison to those around?
Maybe the anxiety comes from knowing your not “supposed” to be as quiet as you are. You don’t really want to talk, that’s okay , but it’s expected that you do. So you are anxiety that your not living up
I find happiness every single day
This feeling has made me so appreciative of my mental state usually. How many people feel like this on the regular? How many people have this as their default? I am so lucky. My default is happy. I have my issues, but i need to appreciate the gift i was given. I was given elation. Childlike wonder. Curiosity. Adventurousness. Self completion and fullness. The rest will come.
If you see a celebrity you want to talk to in public but don’t want to bother them, make sure they don’t see that you saw them and start a fake conversation telling a friend that they should buy a product they are a sponsor for, and that they should use their coupon code. When they approach you to thank you for being such a loyal fan, obviously pretend to be shocked that they just so happened to be there
Christianity excuses selfish politics and beliefs
Things i never would’ve noticed if they weren’t pointed out to me:
-Left and right handed ness
Rating sports teams by uniform colors
Balloon animals but make it clothing!
Logics doesn’t care about your feelings, but it certainly cares about your biasees.
He who findeth keepith, whilst he who loosith weepith.
Religious thought often starts at the conclusion they want and attempts to make arguments justifying it.
Jewish debate starts with an agreement that we are going to follow the book, but argues about what the book truly says. Not good enough when you are still just following the book
Why did Jesus need to die for our sins
Dream - swimming in a lake and bump into something you think is a human tying to save to but is it! Oct 29 9:03
Candle company logo etc
I’m sorry for your loss
It’s not oka
If people can accept that stupid bad jokes can be
Is there a reason for each thing existing? Sufficient reason
Understanding if an area is a matter of perspective or fact? Is it Emperical ?
If you assume you have free will you limit your critical thinking ability and therefor stour actual free will - you need to navigate technology such as algorithms that show you why at you want to see or you completely loose free will - you cannot chose when you don’t even know a choice. there is Somthing controlling you
Revelation is within it doesn’t involve others - can happen in a moment
Revolution- requires work and years and years of convincing others m
What counts as a second chance? What counts as a first chance? What does giving someone the benefit of the doubt entail ? Letting them out of jail , or letting them have a 2nd term as president.
**Picture of coke or Pepsi book**
Trump supporters be like: THIS is the BALLOt sleepy crooked joe SEND to MY neighbor. So much FOR democracy
One flew over the coup coups nest
Ashge-nazi = Jewish trump supporter
The heathers of the USA are Cali, New York and Texas. Florida, too
Shape shifting would solve all of this. I could go to Washington DC, pretend to be trump, concede then leave. It would be hilarious, however if me and trump looked identical and had to so the most idiotic crazy shit to prove to America that we indeed are the true DJ.
Coup busting outfit - light cute short sleeve camo shirts , army green super utalitarian cargo pants , double sash belts in leather with grommets studs or spikes (to be decided by team (with democracy) or left up to the individual) leather (vegan available) lace up knee high boots (maybe with spikes if not too 2012) and the pies de resistance two army green denim shoulder high gloves that fold down as far as needed for the comfort of the fighter. Will be adorned with patches decided by the wearer. Edges will be frayed to honor to the coup busting aesthetic and spirit of the endeavor. We can decide on a signature lip color, but spf is required for all fighters. Of coarse we will have those football stripes below the eyes, don’t be stupid.
How far away can something be from a face and still have humans think it’s a face
Senator Portman - i hope you are well, and want to thank you for the hard work you have put in to this election. However, it has become abundantly clear that joe Biden and Kamala Harris have secured more than enough electoral and popular votes to warrant recognition as president and vice elect. Upon reading the transcripts of he hopeless court cases, there is absolutely no evidence of vote measurable fraud. is time you stand up for democracy and face reality by congratulating he pair on their success. Americans and scared and they need a powerful republican voice to demounce the unsubstantiated conspircy theories that attempt to thwart democracy in this beautiful county. Please do the right thing , and stand with sanity, freedom and democracy. History books and citizens will thank you. May god bless you, your staff and loved ones
Could mermaids exist through evolution in the future
Me learning about real us history - all the nations destroyed by the USA—- I’m the baaad Guy
The rest of the world - duh dodododosodo
Print that looks like a page of writing that has been sourced in water so it’s bleeding and darker in speckles
Zamps= examples
Clothes with green screen cut outs
Robots don’t need to be sentient to destroy us.
Navy mock neck long sleeves big orange and little white stripe on tube cage sides
A veritcal line stretch waistband
Cross cross and straps back
Square high neck
Scarlet polka dots around can light blue text and beach image as front
Blue stroke red inside square, blue triangle rainbow with eye and funky font
Y either know a particular topic or not , but it’s hard to pin down intelligence on one category
Cream background , ice cream pink script name kinda bev hills hotel script looking ish
Move your mouth in a differ way
Supersonic vibrating butt cleaner
Half magenta half red violet a blue teacup in the center with white floral frills thick serif font
Pink background am orange flower in a vase white present ribbon n red as a table
An app that familiarizes people with science - through experimental learning ― hands on experiences that make it seem less top down and authoritarian , and more like a set of steps that we take, things that anyone can do to get closer with nature and the world
A social media philosophy app - teaches what others said and gives people a chance to express their views , postulate, argue, etc gadfly? How would be avoid a shit show, how can we make social media more humanitarian. how can we care about people while also expressing deeply held ideas , how can we encourage users to examine their deeply held ideas without alienating them. How can we discourage hatred and abuse and groupthink with design? How do we slow people down and encourage them to recognize the human behind the screen. Street epistemology? Socratic dialogue?
Socrates - asking questions. Breaking it down to bits. Deeply understanding their argument. Asking about different possibilities and circumstances. Take vast assumptions and show scenarios that make go against them.
Build fact checking into apps
Narrative self vs experiential
Walks you through steps of the sciefitifc method and encourages you to explain how you feel each step actually helped you- then walks you through a scientist doing the same for their reasarch
Republicans only want to be free in the specific ways that benefit corporations
Are Christians more willing to support the death pen early because they already believe in the cruel and overstepping punishment of hell?
Where did the idea come from that you need to remain impartial when trying to persuade
The idea that there is someone in a similar but different dwelling, hearing similar but different sounds and feeling similar but different feelings is wild
We synthesize sets of traits, and particular actions in a super biased culturally constructed way
With the way we see things as humans- we categorize things into groups that aren’t really reaaal ― paratheletic groups
I just want the people and jobs that benefit society
Connection to nietzsches Dionysian art and eckheart tolle/Taoism
No matter your personality, there is probably a part of the world that you would fit in with naturally.
An ordinary girl is selected as one of the representatives of earth in the first meeting of various alien species after one advanced planet discovered and United 10. Confused as to why she was chosen, she goes on her journey meeting
Wha ba Bada da da da da dada he’s a wha ba ba dadada as a matter of fact it’s not my fault if you came up here thinking that you would win
Wanting to break boundaries and rules for the sake those who are hurt by the rules
You are imagining the best case scenario of the life you want to have and experience Ming the reality of the life you so have.
Yes her drips cosmetics line to students i. Class
Chez it people can goldfish people
Your personality flows where a system needs it to go to maintain balance
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