#created at 1:49am
firefly-fez · 2 years
me at 8:00: yeah guys i can’t come out tonight. yeah got another insomnia flare-up, really need an early night. have fun tho!
me at 1am: how are we, as a society ever going to destigmatise disability if we won’t even let ourselves say the goddamned word. maybe the reason you think disability is an offensive term is because disability itself offends you. and of course it does, because it is offensive. The notion that a disabled person did nothing to deserve their disability and cannot achieve success the same way you can because of it offends the idea that you are successful because of your vitues, not your luck. It offends the pride you have in uour work, your success, your wealth and whether you truly earnt it. Disability is offensive only because the innate humanity of a disabled person offends the very propaganda our extractive capitalist society relies on to—
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l3m0ncyan · 1 year
New to Life | Chapter 13
MoonKnight System x Hispanic! Latina! Teen! Reader
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Warning: Teen drinking, Vomit lmaoo, men being weird
Y/N sat in the passenger seat of the white pearly cab. Jake kept his sight on the road, remaining silent throughout the car ride. She looked outside, and it was still dark out. Glancing at the analog clock on the radio it was 1:49am
She was only awake in order to keep the destruction of her and the other two alters safe. If it wasn’t in jeopardy, she would have ignored Jake Lockley.
“So why do you need my help again?” She finally broke the silence.
He didn't look at her, instead opening the glove compartment and pulling out a tan file, which he handed to her.
Nothing was written on it, despite her expectation that it would have a case number or the words "CLASSIFIED" in bold lettering.
She paused before peering inside, where she found documents and news articles, but at the top of the pile was a square photograph of a man with stubble and a low ponytail. He appeared to be in his final years of college.
"Okay, what about him?” She shrugged and motioned to the file on her lap.
"Keep looking through it," Jake groaned.
“It would be easier for you to just tell me…” She mumbled.
Y/N did as she was told and flipped through the file's pages. She read the articles and noticed how each one mentioned a cybercrime occurring in different parts of London, far apart from one another. The majority of those were small business owners and middle-class citizens.
“So he’s robbing people virtually?”
"I still don't see why you need my help, he's literally scrawny, and I bet you can take this guy down by yourself," Y/N leaned back.
"I know that, but he is very paranoid. College students are the only ones who can approach him." He cast a glance at her. "Usually, girls with an American accent"
"Hell no," she said as she closed the file, seeing where it was going.
“Y/N,” Jake said firmly.
"No; he's creepy, and me and Mania have only fought ordinary criminals." Like purse snatchers." She drew her arms across her chest.
“Mania?” Jake tossed a quick glance at her before returning his attention to the road, "You named the parasite?"
"Uh, it doesn't like being called that, you ought to apologize," Y/N said nervously.
“I am not saying sorry to a—“
“Don’t” she pleaded.
“He better not go the second time!”
"Parasitic leech," Jake finished, his voice tinged with disgust.
“That is it!”
Mania suddenly stretched out a few limbs. One pair rushed to wrap themselves around Jake's neck. The others clung to the steering wheel. Taking over the driving duties from Jake.
“Shit!” Y/N yelled out
Mania began to swerve the cab on the street. Tires were heard screeching. Fortunately, there were no cars around to play bumper cars with.
Jake would try to steady the vehicle with his hand, but Mania strangling him stopped him. He struggled to peel the black tentacles away from his larynx.
“I am going to kill this piece of shit” Jake said between chokes.
"Mania, stop!" Y/N would grab the stems of all limbs and try to pull them away, but she was being hit side to side as the cab veered left and right.
“Not until he apologizes!”
Y/N grunted as she was once again thrown against the cabs door, “We’ll all die before that happens!”
“I'll make sure this one stays dead” Jake growled, referring to Mania.
A horn blew and there was a flash of lights as they all fought. They all turned to see a massive truck speeding towards them. Mania and Y/N let out a scream, and Jake's eyes widened.
Mania immediately returned to Y/N's body, leaving the wheel vacant. Jake rushed to return the vehicle to its lane. He then slammed into the breaks, creating a large force that caused him and Y/N to violently jolt forward and back.
The truck sent one last blow of its horn as it passed by them.
The two stayed quiet in the cab as only the sound of the sleeping city revolved around them.
Y/N caught her breath and glanced at Jake. He had a frown, and his eyebrows were furrowed as he looked at the street.
“…I still haven’t said yes to the job” She finally speaks.
Jake scoffs, shaking his head in disbelief, “You are still difficult; even after we almost die”
Y/N tightens her lips before continuing, “Technically, we can’t die because I have Mania and you have Khonshu—“
He cut her off, ignoring her last statement, “You tagged along after I said I’d pay you”
Jake finally looks over to her, who has her arms crossed.
"...Money ain't worth this," she crossed her arms. "Can't you just get someone else?"
“You are getting paid”
“Not enough”
“It’s more than what you get a day working in the museum,” he finally looked at her.
“At least my wellbeing is safe,” she said with an attitude.
"Weren't you saying that you don't die because of Manic?" he challenged.
"Mania, and you also have powers to help, far better than what I can do," she clarified.
Jake was on the verge of losing patience, which he never did, but with this girl, he felt like he was conversing with a child who kept whining.
Normally, if someone was being difficult, he'd just kill them, but in this case, he couldn't.
And it appeared that Jake's patience would be tested further as the young adult continued to argue with him. One upping him at every chance she had.
“Nadie te ha dicho que eres la niña mas enfadosa? Quien te entiende, primero que si y ahora que no” Jake pinches the bridge of his nose.
*Has no one told you that you are the most annoying girl? Who understands you, first yes and now no*
“Y nadie te ha dicho que te miras que tienes un pepino en el culo?” Y/N growled at him.
*And has no one told you that you look like you have a cucumber up your ass?*
"Hija de la chingada," he murmurs, "I'll pay you twice as much as I promised."
Y/N thought for a moment before nodding, “Fine”
The cab arrived at what appeared to be a three-story house. The front yard was made up of a stone driveway that circled a patch of rose bushes. It was constructed of red brick with four windows aligned on each floor.
There were flashing colored lights and people dancing inside. Outside the house, there were other people holding red cups, most likely with alcohol. The majority of the guests were college students, much like frat boys and sorority girls in teen movies.
"I've never been to a house party, especially one with people like them," Y/N scrunched her face as she shrank into her seat.
"You don't have to socialize, just go in and find the guy," Jake said, looking over to the group she mentioned.
He opened the window that showed the backseat, “There are your clothes since…”
He turned to face Y/N, who was dressed in pajamas and a large shirt. Her hair was also a mess because she had been sleeping an hour ago.
“This is the new style, you know that right? All the cool kids wear this” she mockingly said as she extended the hem of her t-shirt to show the graphic image.
"Not in England," he said, pulling out a pack of cigarettes and a lighter, placing one in his mouth and flickering the flame onto it, "Hurry and change."
She turned around to see a casual crop top and jeans sitting on the red leather seats. Jake appeared to have gone through her wardrobe before they left. It's no surprise he didn't ask her to change at home. She got out of the passenger seat and went into the back of the cab, nervous.
She approached the front of the large house and gazed at the large social gathering. When she walked in, music was blasting into her ears, and the smell of pot and alcohol enveloped her.
“God, that money better be worth it” she scowled.
A small buzz was heard from her right ear, specifically her earpiece.
“It will, how’s the party?” Jake’s voice came through.
"Just future doctors and lawyers getting high and drunk," she said, placing her fingers on it. "I'm still confused why you have me using this earpiece instead of our phones. It's like I'm in Spy Kids."
“Because the guy we’re trying to catch has gotten everyone’s info from their devices; phones, smart watch, technology”
Y/N stopped, “Isn’t he hearing us talking then?”
“I have our pieces immune to that sort of thing”
Y/N nodded and made her way through the house, intrigued in how Jake is more tech savvy than Marc and Steven.
A large group of people was dancing to the music being played in one large room, which appeared to be the living room. It had a balcony above it where more people were talking or making out.
Walking into the kitchen, there was people having shots as everyone cheered them on. To the side we’re some who were recording while others who were unamused and on their phones.
“Question, why is he getting into peoples phones?”
“It’s a way to find out who you are. Which will be easier for us to catch once he sees who you are”
“…he’s gonna see my shit?”
There was a hum, “Si, just stay calm when he comes around, and it will be fine,”
“Hey I know you!”
Y/N whipped her head around, and before her was a guy around her age.
He was about the same height as she was, maybe an inch or two taller. He had long-ish blonde hair that fell above his shoulders.
His pale skin accentuated his blue eyes and freckles. He wore a blue and white striped sweatshirt with jeans and sneakers.
Y/N furrowed her brows as she stared at him, trying to remember if she had ever spoken to him. His accent matched the rest of England's, and he didn't resemble the man in the photo, so who was he?
He gave a small laugh and said, "Guess you don't know who I am, I'm Nickalus, but you can call me Nick for short. We have the same class; you usually sit next to me?"
Y/N made an ‘ohh’ sound as her head lifted in understanding, even though she didn’t recognize him. “Right, you… sorry I didn’t recognize you”
“It’s alright, no one really does,” he said bashfully.
Y/N gave an awkward smile and nodded, resuming her efforts to look for who she had come for.
Staying in the background didn't seem to be working when a girl their age approached them with two red cups and said, "Come on! Nobody can hide from me, so drink!"
“Nah, I’m good,” Y/N raised her hand to dismiss the offer.
“Same with her,” Nick pointed to Y/N with his thumb.
The girl ignored Nick and turned to face Y/N. “You are from the States, right? You know the legal drinking age is 18, right?” She taunted Y/N as she leaned in close.
The aroma of the dozen mixed alcohols filled her nostrils as she brought the cup closer to Y/N's face. Y/N took a look at the red liquid. It was a lovely ruby color and appeared to be sweet, but she knew it wasn't.
“Y/N…don't do it” Jake came through the small earpiece, “Remember why you are here”
Y/N stayed quiet as everyone in the kitchen began to cheer her on. Nick looked nervous beside her. Hesitantly, the two took the cups in their hands. The yelling became louder, submitting them even more to peer pressure.
“Drink, pussy!”
"Don't," Jake finally said before Y/N chugged it, causing him to sigh.
Her mouth was filled with the bitter taste of alcohol. It left a hot sensation in her esophagus as it passed through. Everyone cheered when she finished the cup and crushed it. Nick could only watch and follow.
Her face felt immediately warm. Her tongue was tingling, and without a pause, the same girl brought more to the two.
And Y/N continued to drink.
She couldn't help herself; after all the stress of college and keeping so many secrets, this was like a breather. It was also the first time she felt like she was in one of those college party movies. With less sex and more booze.
Jake was also there in case anything went wrong. That is, if he didn't decide to abandon her.
She started to feel tipsy after about five drinks, and everything around her seemed a little off. She set the cup down and turned to face Nick, who appeared to be far from sober. Despite the fact that she barely knew him, she grabbed the cup from him.
"OK, bud, I think you've had enough," she said as she patted his back.
He shook his head, “I can take it”
She objected and motioned for him to leave. Everyone else in the room booed, but she ignored them and followed Nick.
"Thank you, we barely met, and yet you helped me out," he said, surprised.
"Yeah, just watch your drinking," she said with a quick smile.
“I will, maybe we should–”
Before he could finish, the screeching sound of a microphone echoed from the living room. Seeing people follow the commotion, they followed as well.
The music stopped, and so did the dancing. They were all looking up at the indoor balcony from before.
The guy from the file was, as expected, at the top. The same stubble and low ponytail.
“How’s everyone doing?!” People cheered, and others raised their cups of alcohol.
“Good, good. Everyone knows, we are close to ending this year, right? Everyone is moving up. But for us seniors, it’s our last fucking year before we actually behave like adults”
People agreed with hoots and cheers. He raised a cup, and so did everyone.
Y/N squinted at his figure, trying to make out his personality, cringing at how he was trying to give off some sort of TV host vibe.
“To the last year of our lives! Class of 2023!”
The audience erupted, and the music began to play again. He sipped from his cup and scanned the crowd.
That's when his gaze was drawn to Y/N. It was a look that showed she was the one he was looking for.
As he smiled and began to walk downstairs, her eyes widened. Y/N slightly panicked, mostly because she was not in the right state to fight if it came to it.
"Fuck, he's coming to me," Y/N said, turning away from Nick and holding the earpiece down. "What should I do?"
“Maybe if you weren’t drinking, you would know." Jake mumbled.
“I could just leave if I want to”
"Do you remember the USB I gave you? Let him take you to his computer, plug in the USB, and wait for everything to download. Flirting is usually useful."
Y/N groaned and turned to face Nick before sneaking away from him. Being left to win the heart of the Alexander Hamilton lookalike.
Jake took another puff of smoke from his cigarette and blew it out the window after turning off the mic. He saw Y/N from one of the large windows while staring into the large mansion. She stood awkwardly by the stairs, waiting for the party's main attraction.
“Why did you lie and say she was needed for this mission? You could have easily went in and finished it quickly if you had not brought her”
Jake didn’t need to look to know who it was. Khonshu sat in the backseat, near the small window.
“I just wanted to see if she could do things like this.” Jake didn’t take his eyes off of her.
"Are you sure she can do this?" Khonshu hummed. "The little maggot can't even kill without causing chaos, let alone do it herself. Her own parasite is doing it for her. She's also now intoxicated."
“She doesn’t have to kill anyone for this,” Jake scrunched his face, “Either way, if she ruins the plan, Ill just step in”
Through the window, he followed her figure as it stumbled her way behind the target and soon disappeared upstairs.
"I just want to see if she can handle herself, just for entertainment," he said, blowing out a cloud and tapping the cigarette to release the bundle of ash at the end.
It was silent before Khonshu continued, “I hope you aren’t already getting attached to her like the other idiots”
Jake stopped from putting the cigarette into his mouth again, “...That won’t ever happen, especially for a brat like her”
He looked to one of the windows on the third story and could see the two teenagers walk in. Y/N, and the guy talked before sitting on his bed.
As the guy made his way to his mini fridge on a table, Y/N drummed her fingers on her knees. She took the chance to look around and try to find the computer, but she felt like she was dissociating. Still, the computer wasn't hard to find when it had a huge set-up like one of those Twitch streamers. She just had to find a way to download the files without him noticing.
“I will do it; keep him busy,” Mania said before coming out of her lower back and grabbing the USB from her pocket.
It made its way to the computer and plugged in the small device. As Y/N stared, her anxiety increased as she realized she was going to be caught.
“What's your go-to flavor for Buzzballz?” He asked.
She looked back at him with surprise and squinted, “Uh…”
“Don’t tell me you never tried it,” he laughed and brought out one, “You look more of a ‘Chili Mango’ kind gal”
He handed her a small round yellow bottle. The top has the silver part that any tin soda can has.
She looked down at it, feeling nauseous about having any more booze. Still, it was a way to keep him distracted. She clicked it open and brought the rim to her mouth, letting her body consume more liquid.
Immediately, her head felt like it was spinning. It was like she just spun in a circle for twenty minutes, and she was still feeling the symptoms.
Y/N felt the right side of her bed dip down. The guy was too close for comfort, and he raised a finger to her face. It then traveled down and rested on her shoulder.
"Too bad I'm graduating, we could have been something," he says into her neck.
Realizing the situation, she sobered up quickly and sat up, “Hey, how about you tell me about your place. It’s real big”
“That’s not the only thing that’s big”
“Done! Let us get out!”
“Okay! Well this was fun but I have to go, exams tomorrow you know” She stood up and began to back away to the door.
He followed and steered her away into a wall. Cornering her.
“Hey, I show you my room and you aren’t going to reward me?” He stood more defensive. Using his size as an advantage.
"That doesn't mean shit," she squinted, attempting to flee from the side but being stopped by an arm.
“Girls like you just make me harder” he smirked which gained him a sickened expression from Y/N.
“Hell no, let me get him!”
Mania took control of Y/N's arms, blackening them as if she had dipped them in tar. It grabbed the guy's shoulders and pushed him up against the wall.
“Oh my god, what the fuck?!” He yelled.
He kicked his legs in an attempt to break Mania's grip. Y/N tried to lunge back to unclutch Mania, but it was obvious that this was not going to work.
"Mania let him go! He isn't worth it!" Y/N grunted as she continued to try to pull away. Mania began choking him gradually before huffing.
It dropped him and retracted back into Y/N’s body. He choked as he used his hand to soothe his throat.
He finally looked up and scowled at Y/N, “What the fuck are you?”
She remained motionless, her mouth agape. Her secret had been revealed, and it was to a complete stranger.
A stranger with the ability to expose her with the click of a few buttons. He had most likely heard about the 'monster' in the news.
He began to stand up, keeping his eye on her, “If you’re that alien from the news, you are about to earn me recognition. I'll let everyone know”
Y/N’s eyes widened, “Look you don’t–”
When they heard sirens outside, their voices fell silent. A blue light shone through the window. When the man rushed to the window sill and saw two cop cars, he knew. People began to flee the house.
“Shit! Shit! Shit!” He ran a hand through his hair, “I’m turning you in to save my arse”
He turned back and Y/N was gone.
Y/N bolted through the back door and, with Mania's assistance, jumped the fence. Her feet landed on the sidewalk. Y/N kept running until the white cab passed her. It honked, and the window slid down to reveal Jake.
“Hurry or i'm leaving you” he said which rushed Y/N to the passenger side of the cab.
As she caught her breath, Jake began to drive away. Her eyes were closed, her head tilted up, and she was heaving from all the running and panic.
"Did you do what I asked?" He cast an eyebrow at her.
She nodded and brought out the USB from her pocket, “Yup, police came right after it finished downloading”
Jake tucked the small device into the pocket of his jacket. He cast a glance at Y/N, who was looking ahead with a worried expression.
He looked back onto the road, “Que paso?”
*What happened?”
“...I screwed up. He found out about Mania and now he’s going to be tell the police and I might be arrested” Her eyes stayed glued to the road.
Jake hummed, “Not going to happen…”
“Huh?” she turned to him
“I called the police. Told them that I wanted to report drug use in a party full of minors. If he does say anything, they'll just think it’s just the effects”
“But there wasn’t any– You planted drugs in the house?” She finally looked at him.
Jake remained silent, with only the low music from the radio playing in the background. "Did you just have some laying around?" she asked, taking his silence as a 'yes'.
He didn’t say anything which made it easy for her to ask, “Can you get me weed?”
“No,” he said with a stern voice.
She huffed and roughly threw her back onto the seat. With that sudden movement, she slowly sat up. Jake noticed her turning pale and looked at her. Sweat started to form on her brow and neck.
Y/N felt nauseous and her mouth began to fill with extra saliva.
Registering what was about to happen, Jake’s eyes expanded, “No, no! Not in here!”
Y/N ignored him as she felt her throat fill with a warm substance that wanted to escape. Her body recoiled without hesitation. Her mouth forced open, letting whatever it was out. Her eyes welled up as she retched.
Jake switched between looking at the road and back at Y/N. As the odor began to fill the car, he grimaced and rushed to lower the windows.
“Whoops…I can clean it up?” Y/N smiled sheepishly.
Jake frowned and stared straight ahead, saying nothing to avoid saying something he would later regret.
Y/N was awakened by a throbbing pain in the head. She tried with little success to ignore it in order to get another hour of sleep. The light from the sun stung her eyes as she slowly opened them, forcing her to close them quickly.
She slowly sat up and used her arm to create a barrier between the beams and her orbs. Once conscious, she felt all the feelings of a hangover.
Her stomach felt empty, as if she had emptied it all out, which she had. Her hair was stuck to her forehead from sweating the night before. Aside from that, her head felt like it was being squeezed with a tight grip.
She held her skull as she slowly stood up and shuffled to the kitchen. She opened the fridge and scanned each shelf. Her eyes fell upon a bottle of water which she quickly took in her hand.
Once she unscrewed the cap, she jugged a huge gulp of the cool liquid.
She wiped her mouth and walked into the living room, then into the bathroom.
When she looked in the mirror, her hair was all over the place and her under eyes were darker than usual.
Her face transformed into Manias within a second, holding a sharp smile.
“You look hilarious”
Not amused, Y/N only stared, “I thought you would have helped with hangovers”
“I only help you not act like a fool, while your body just does it on its own”
Y/N rolled her eyes as Mania chuckled. She reached for her toothbrush and toothpaste to remove the bad taste from her mouth.
“You remember what happened last night?”
“Pretty much, especially leaving Jake cleaning duty” she cringed at the last part.
A knock came from the door which made Y/N stop cooking at the stove and move to the front of the apartment. She knew who it was without looking at the peephole.
Marc was standing in front of her, his hands in his pockets. He looked down and raised a brow, his confused expression quickly turning playful.
“Looks like you had fun last night. You went to one of your first college parties?”
Y/N scoffed, “I thought you would be freaking out right now. You know, especially from you and Steven’s talk yesterday”
Marc shrugged, “You’re standing in front of me aren’t you? So you made it home safe. Plus you might be too busy with a hangover to hear yelling from me. Steven though…”
His body tensed up quickly and Steven took over. He looked over at Y/N immediately. She knew immediately that he was about to talk her ear off.
And here she thought she left her parents lectures back in America.
“Did I not warn you Y/N?! Blimey, I’m surprised you got home last night, you could have woken up on the sidewalk!” He gestures to the outside of the building.
Steven’s yelling feels like it’s piercing Y/N’s mind. She tenses up and squeezes her eyes shut with the pitch sound.
Turns out, Mania wasn’t liking it either.
“Tell him to shut up before I eat his bowels!” Mania screeched.
“Steven! Shh!” She put her pointer finger against her lips.
Steven stopped and realized the situation, “Oh! I’m sorry but that is your fault”
“Okay whatever I’m sorry,” she waved it off and walked over to the stove to finish cooking breakfast which she and the two sat down to eat.
Y/N walked down the brick path of the campus that led to the building of her class.
It was actually sunny out, yet still cold. It left her to wear her usual sweatshirt and jeans combo for the day.
However she wasn’t thinking of the day or about her fashion statement. After exposing herself to a person about Mania, she worries that her secret will be out to the world soon.
She hasn’t even explained it all to her family. Anytime the topic came up, she would change it. Which probably made it worse to gently lay news in the future.
“Why are you worrying about it so much? We are fine” Y/N could hear Mania was smiling.
“For now, what if next time Jake isn’t there? What if we hurt someone, deeming us as a threat to society?”
“That won’t happen, you are exaggerating”
Y/N adjusted the straps of her backpack on her shoulders, “Can you at least put yourself in my position? It would really—“
“Hey Y/N! Is that you?!”
She turned around and saw a familiar blonde running up to her. Reminding her of a scene that would play out in a show.
“How did he know your name?”
“Uh, yeah, Nick right?” She wrinkled her brows together.
“Oh wow you remembered!” His eyes seemed to sparkle with her acknowledgment of his existence.
She gave a small chuckle, “I mean yeah, I don’t forget faces, especially ones that go crazy with frat drinks”
He gave an embarrassed smile, “You remember that huh, thanks for stopping me before it got out of hand. Speaking of which, were you there when everyone got chased out by cops?”
“Yeah, I was able to run out before they caught me”
Nick nodded, “By the way, were you with the host before the cops came? I heard him yelling about an alien or something”
Y/N swallowed thick saliva, “Oh? I didn’t know that. I was in the restroom when I heard the sirens”
“Hmm, weird then, maybe it was the drinks” he shrugged.
Y/N agreed and let out a quiet sigh as the topic changed.
The two continued walking down the path to the building of their lecture block. There the two continued to talk and soon enough, Y/N was able to form a new friendship in London.
Omggg I am so sorry for the 3 (?) month hiatus. I was deep writers blocks ass. Anyways this chapter I kinda wanted to focus more on Y/N’s and Jake’s relationship in order to start off the arc of her figuring out more about Mania. Also new character!
Let me know if y’all want any scenarios added onto here (please I beg, I need more creative juices flowing, college is sucking it all out of me :,))
Tag list: @itsjusspele @dustyinkpages @scoliobean @moonywritings @zeros-rot
Btw let me know if y’all want to be tagged in the next chapters :)
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Equiknots: Harvest & Hunter's Moon
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Fall officially begins on the autumnal equinox: September 22nd at 11:49pm PDT (September 23rd at 6:49am UTC.) The full moon closest to it is called the Harvest Moon, usually in September as it is this year, but not always. The Hunter's Moon then follows and is in October this year.
The September full moon is also known as the Corn, Falling Leaves, Child, and Mating/Rutting Moon. It's the last of four supermoons this year, all in a row, on September 29th.
The October full moon is also known as the Sanguine/Blood and the Travel/Migrating Moon and is on October 28th.
This is a Seasonal event from September 23rd to October 28th.
New or unpublished works. Feel free to combine with other events.
There are 3 ways to participate: writing, art, and/or playlists using 3 or more of the following prompts:
Falling Leaves
–Details below–
3,000 words minimum using 3 or more prompts. This can be one fic or multiple works of at least 1,000 words each.
Combo writers: If you’re doing an art post or a standalone mix too then only the single work minimum is required (1,000 words.)
Use 3 or more prompts to create visuals (drawings, gifsets, manips, vids/edits, moodboards, etc.) Can be one work or multiple.
Combo artists: If you’re doing a standalone mix too then only 1 prompt is required for art.
There are 2 options for standalone fanmixes:
Use 3 or more prompts to make a 18 track playlist. Arrange them however you like: grouped together in segments, whatever flows best, randomly, etc.
Make a playlist using 1 song for every prompt in any order.
If you’re attaching a playlist to a fanfic or art post:
Do whatever you want! But you get extra cool points for using 18 tracks and either including 1 or more songs for every prompt that you use or 3 songs for at least 1 prompt. (Or both!)
Put your playlists on Spotify, YouTube or both so I can listen to them. 😉
Click here for general content and posting info.
Equiknots Ao3 collections here.
Tumblr prompt tags are equiknots 18, equiknots apple, etc.
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dhr-ao3 · 5 days
Happy Birthday Granger
Happy Birthday, Granger https://ift.tt/FVJLh5p by Simply_Lovely_Reader Inspired by a POV created by TikTok user @cortneyreinhardt that said "Draco is venting to his friends about how much he hates Granger but lets it slip that he wants to fuck it out of her…" Or, in honor of the birthday I share with the one and only Hermione Granger today, a one-shot of Hermione overhearing Draco say he wants to shag her and years later challenging him to do just that. Happy Birthday Hermione! Words: 4937, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: F/M Characters: Hermione Granger, Draco Malfoy Relationships: Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy Additional Tags: Harry Potter Epilogue What Epilogue | EWE, Auror Draco Malfoy, Auror Hermione Granger, arguing as foreplay, Pining Draco Malfoy, Pining Hermione Granger, Oblivious Hermione Granger, Idiots in Love, Protective Draco Malfoy, Explicit Sexual Content, Explicit Language, Draco is a simp for Hermione, Happy Birthday Hermione via AO3 works tagged 'Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy' https://ift.tt/aRuLWJx September 20, 2024 at 02:49AM
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Waxing Moon Actions 🌘🌗 🌖
21 May 2023 to 27 May 2023 - Waxing Crescent Moon
Moon phase to-do
Brighter path for romance
Initiate a conversation in person
Banter in person
Hold eye contact
Ask if he's hungry
Ask if he wants to grab food together
Improving confidence and social skills
Initiate a conversation
Hold eye contact
Smile at people
Tell a joke
Practice active listening
Moon sign to-do
Gemini moon (20 May 5:47am to 22 May 2:27pm)
Go to a bar
Message him
Uni work
Use logic and wit
Crack jokes
Cancer moon (22 May 2:28pm to 25 May 1:33am)
Self care and alone time
Rose quarts face roller
Take a bath
Confidence meditation
Relationship podcasts
Communing with loved ones
Text him
Be aware of sensitivity from me and him
Leo moon (25 May 1:34am to 27 May 2:03pm)
Be creative 
Do something cool at karate
Learn a song on guitar
Practice drawing
Go out
Dinner with dad
Virgo moon (27 May 2:04pm to 30 May 1:49am)
See below
28 May 2023 - First Quarter Moon in Virgo
Virgo moon
Clean room
Sleep in
Sleep early
Self care
Take practical steps and action towards intentions (specific to First Quarter Moon)
Note any difficulties achieving my intentions (specific to First Quarter Moon)
If he wants to talk to me he can message me first
Don't stress if he doesn't
Recharge my social battery
29 May 2023 to 3 June 2023 - Waxing Gibbous Moon
Virgo moon (27 May 2:04pm to 30 May 1:49am)
See above
Libra moon (30 May 1:50am to 1 June 10:43am)
Find mutual understanding
Get to know someone better
Text him
Remedy indecisiveness
Find joy in love and beauty
Take photos on a wall
Look at art
Change phone case
Go shopping 
Scorpio moon (1 June 10:44am to 3 June 4:02pm)
Be passionate
Sexual expression
Have a heartfelt conversation 
Put energy into karate
Mindfulness and reducing jealousy
Bond with partner
Text him
Sagittarius moon (3 June 4:03pm to 5 June 6:29pm)
Go out with friends 
Try something new
Short term joy
Here’s the explanation for fellow baby witches
The Waxing Moon is a lunar phase associated with gaining power and energy and acting on intentions that were set during the New Moon. This phase can be split up into three sections.
1. Waxing Crescent
This phase is the best time for planning and announcing what actions you need to do to accomplish your intentions. It's recommended to set to-do lists and note specific activities for the next two weeks to achieve short term goals in line with your intentions set on during the New Moon in relation to the next six months. I wrote my checklist in two parts, one focusing on overall the next two weeks during the Waxing phase and my intentions.
2. First Quarter
This phase is a reminder to take action as the moon is easily visible during the day, and become aware of any obstacles you're facing in achieving them. It's the best time to take practical steps to enforce your intentions that were set during the New Moon. Here I'll try to do something that has a direct affect on my intentions.
3. Waxing Gibbous
This phase is for refinement. If the challenges you realised during the First Quarter phase are hindering achieving your intentions, change your course. When this phase arrives, I'm going to look at my to-do list and see if any edits can be made to make them more achievable.
A lot of my moon phase activities on acting on my intentions during this 2 week period before the full moon overlap, because my romantic life and confidence go hand in hand. I still decided to separate them to distinguish between making progress in my external love life and making internal progress on my self-esteem.
So, since every 2-3 days, the moon enters a new zodiac sign, I made mini to-do lists for the associations of each sign that will also help me achieve my intentions, but more indirectly. I used the descriptions from the app 'It's just a phase' to guide my action plans, then I created more specific to-do checklist items based on my person life and what's actually achievable for me. I did keep in mind my intentions while writing these, but they're less influenced by it than the moon phase to-do list.
Check out the other parts of this series!
Part 1 - Intentions. Last post
Part 2 - Actions. Current post
Part 3 - Spellwork. Next post
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garygnickell · 1 month
Top 10 Most Viral Football Moments: Messi Vs Ronaldo And Iconic Goals
https://ift.tt/tBFrMQC https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BrASFVwbX2s Watch some of the most viral football moments that have captured the world’s attention! From Messi’s World Cup triumph to Ronaldo’s iconic bicycle kick, this video brings you the most unforgettable moments in football history. Whether you’re a die-hard fan or just love watching epic highlights, these incredible moments will leave you in awe. Take advantage of the football highlights that have taken over social media and left fans around the globe talking. Join us as we dive into the most epic moments in football, including Neymar’s tribute to Pele, Mbappe’s historic hat-trick, and many more. Watch as legends of the game make history and create unforgettable memories. If you love football and want to stay updated on the latest and greatest moments, hit that subscribe button and never miss out on the action! This video is about the Top 10 Most Viral Football Moments: Messi Vs Ronaldo And Iconic Goals. But It also covers the following topics: Football Highlights 2024 Mbappe Hat Trick Messi Vs Ronaldo Moments Top 10 Most Viral Football Moments: Messi Vs Ronaldo And Iconic Goals Get your football & soccer fix! Subscribe for the latest news, jaw-dropping goals, and emotional & hilarious moments! https://www.youtube.com/@ScoreSearch/?sub_confirmation=1 Stay Connected With Me. Twitter (X): https://ift.tt/xR9fbVN ============================= Recommended Playlists General Football Knowledge Guess Even More WATCH MY OTHER VIDEOS: Test Your Football Knowledge: Name These Iconic Moments In History! Are You A True Ronaldo Fan? Take This Football Legend Quiz! Son Heung-Min Trivia Challenge: Are You The Ultimate Tottenham Hotspur Fan? Guess The Football Star From Their Transfer – How Many Can You Get? Guess The Star By Their Hair – Football Quiz For True Fans! ============================= About Score Search. Welcome to Score Search! Get into football (or soccer, if you prefer!), where passion, knowledge, and humor come together. What started as quiz videos has now evolved into a full-fledged football or soccer hub. Whether you’re catching up on the latest transfer news, watching unbelievable goals, or just here for the funniest moments, Score Search has it all. Covering everything from the Premier League and La Liga to the Champions League and Major League Soccer, there’s something for every fan. Laugh, learn, and prove you’re the ultimate football or soccer fanatic! Hit the notification bell and join the fun with the Score Search community! Don’t miss out on entertainment! Hit subscribe for all things football & soccer content, the latest news, unbelievable goals, and hilarious moments! https://www.youtube.com/@ScoreSearch/?sub_confirmation=1 ================================= #footballhighlights #viralmoments #messivsronaldo #neymartribute #championsleague #mbappe #cristianoronaldo #soccergoals Disclaimer: I do not accept any liability for any loss or damage incurred from you acting or not acting as a result of watching any of my publications. You acknowledge that you use the information I provide at your own risk. Do your research. Copyright Notice: This video and my YouTube channel contain dialogue, music, and images that are the property of Score Search. You are authorized to share the video link and channel and embed this video in your website or others as long as a link back to my YouTube channel is provided. © Score Search from Score Search https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMCRdPsfjV5B_bxIXWQfyKw via Score Search https://ift.tt/nmUJ8xy August 26, 2024 at 02:49AM
0 notes
abigailrluis · 1 month
Top 10 Most Viral Football Moments: Messi Vs Ronaldo And Iconic Goals
https://ift.tt/8viAyxq https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BrASFVwbX2s Watch some of the most viral football moments that have captured the world’s attention! From Messi’s World Cup triumph to Ronaldo’s iconic bicycle kick, this video brings you the most unforgettable moments in football history. Whether you’re a die-hard fan or just love watching epic highlights, these incredible moments will leave you in awe. Take advantage of the football highlights that have taken over social media and left fans around the globe talking. Join us as we dive into the most epic moments in football, including Neymar’s tribute to Pele, Mbappe’s historic hat-trick, and many more. Watch as legends of the game make history and create unforgettable memories. If you love football and want to stay updated on the latest and greatest moments, hit that subscribe button and never miss out on the action! This video is about the Top 10 Most Viral Football Moments: Messi Vs Ronaldo And Iconic Goals. But It also covers the following topics: Football Highlights 2024 Mbappe Hat Trick Messi Vs Ronaldo Moments Top 10 Most Viral Football Moments: Messi Vs Ronaldo And Iconic Goals Get your football & soccer fix! Subscribe for the latest news, jaw-dropping goals, and emotional & hilarious moments! https://www.youtube.com/@ScoreSearch/?sub_confirmation=1 Stay Connected With Me. Twitter (X): https://ift.tt/xR9fbVN ============================= Recommended Playlists General Football Knowledge Guess Even More WATCH MY OTHER VIDEOS: Test Your Football Knowledge: Name These Iconic Moments In History! Are You A True Ronaldo Fan? Take This Football Legend Quiz! Son Heung-Min Trivia Challenge: Are You The Ultimate Tottenham Hotspur Fan? Guess The Football Star From Their Transfer – How Many Can You Get? Guess The Star By Their Hair – Football Quiz For True Fans! ============================= About Score Search. Welcome to Score Search! Get into football (or soccer, if you prefer!), where passion, knowledge, and humor come together. What started as quiz videos has now evolved into a full-fledged football or soccer hub. Whether you’re catching up on the latest transfer news, watching unbelievable goals, or just here for the funniest moments, Score Search has it all. Covering everything from the Premier League and La Liga to the Champions League and Major League Soccer, there’s something for every fan. Laugh, learn, and prove you’re the ultimate football or soccer fanatic! Hit the notification bell and join the fun with the Score Search community! Don’t miss out on entertainment! Hit subscribe for all things football & soccer content, the latest news, unbelievable goals, and hilarious moments! https://www.youtube.com/@ScoreSearch/?sub_confirmation=1 ================================= #footballhighlights #viralmoments #messivsronaldo #neymartribute #championsleague #mbappe #cristianoronaldo #soccergoals Disclaimer: I do not accept any liability for any loss or damage incurred from you acting or not acting as a result of watching any of my publications. You acknowledge that you use the information I provide at your own risk. Do your research. Copyright Notice: This video and my YouTube channel contain dialogue, music, and images that are the property of Score Search. You are authorized to share the video link and channel and embed this video in your website or others as long as a link back to my YouTube channel is provided. © Score Search from Score Search https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMCRdPsfjV5B_bxIXWQfyKw via Score Search https://ift.tt/8r0HFCd August 26, 2024 at 02:49AM
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parkergdarby · 1 month
Top 10 Most Viral Football Moments: Messi Vs Ronaldo And Iconic Goals
https://ift.tt/5B8cDxy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BrASFVwbX2s Watch some of the most viral football moments that have captured the world’s attention! From Messi’s World Cup triumph to Ronaldo’s iconic bicycle kick, this video brings you the most unforgettable moments in football history. Whether you’re a die-hard fan or just love watching epic highlights, these incredible moments will leave you in awe. Take advantage of the football highlights that have taken over social media and left fans around the globe talking. Join us as we dive into the most epic moments in football, including Neymar’s tribute to Pele, Mbappe’s historic hat-trick, and many more. Watch as legends of the game make history and create unforgettable memories. If you love football and want to stay updated on the latest and greatest moments, hit that subscribe button and never miss out on the action! This video is about the Top 10 Most Viral Football Moments: Messi Vs Ronaldo And Iconic Goals. But It also covers the following topics: Football Highlights 2024 Mbappe Hat Trick Messi Vs Ronaldo Moments Top 10 Most Viral Football Moments: Messi Vs Ronaldo And Iconic Goals Get your football & soccer fix! Subscribe for the latest news, jaw-dropping goals, and emotional & hilarious moments! https://www.youtube.com/@ScoreSearch/?sub_confirmation=1 Stay Connected With Me. Twitter (X): https://ift.tt/xR9fbVN ============================= Recommended Playlists General Football Knowledge Guess Even More WATCH MY OTHER VIDEOS: Test Your Football Knowledge: Name These Iconic Moments In History! Are You A True Ronaldo Fan? Take This Football Legend Quiz! Son Heung-Min Trivia Challenge: Are You The Ultimate Tottenham Hotspur Fan? Guess The Football Star From Their Transfer – How Many Can You Get? Guess The Star By Their Hair – Football Quiz For True Fans! ============================= About Score Search. Welcome to Score Search! Get into football (or soccer, if you prefer!), where passion, knowledge, and humor come together. What started as quiz videos has now evolved into a full-fledged football or soccer hub. Whether you’re catching up on the latest transfer news, watching unbelievable goals, or just here for the funniest moments, Score Search has it all. Covering everything from the Premier League and La Liga to the Champions League and Major League Soccer, there’s something for every fan. Laugh, learn, and prove you’re the ultimate football or soccer fanatic! Hit the notification bell and join the fun with the Score Search community! Don’t miss out on entertainment! Hit subscribe for all things football & soccer content, the latest news, unbelievable goals, and hilarious moments! https://www.youtube.com/@ScoreSearch/?sub_confirmation=1 ================================= #footballhighlights #viralmoments #messivsronaldo #neymartribute #championsleague #mbappe #cristianoronaldo #soccergoals Disclaimer: I do not accept any liability for any loss or damage incurred from you acting or not acting as a result of watching any of my publications. You acknowledge that you use the information I provide at your own risk. Do your research. Copyright Notice: This video and my YouTube channel contain dialogue, music, and images that are the property of Score Search. You are authorized to share the video link and channel and embed this video in your website or others as long as a link back to my YouTube channel is provided. © Score Search from Score Search https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMCRdPsfjV5B_bxIXWQfyKw via Score Search https://ift.tt/UNX4eOV August 26, 2024 at 02:49AM
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junebbugs · 1 month
〔 Sat. ≈ Aug.24; 〕
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When I was in 7th and 8th grade, I had the BEST art teacher (at least, for me personally). She literally never made us do anything. We could come to her class and do whatever, including being on your phone for the entire class if thats what you wanted, which I would do sometimes if I was having an off day. It was a problem for some people ofc, those who didnt actually care about art and just took the class to talk to their friends and browse on their phones every day, never creating any art or learning anything.
But for me it was perfect. I loved drawing, had a passion for it. This gave me a dedicated time to create along with any art supplies I wanted/needed! I studied what I wanted to, on my own. My art improved SO MUCH in that time. I went from squiggly blob-people that werent much better than a stick figure, to having an actual artstyle of my own, improving greatly on my anatomy, posing, shading, lighting... purely from my own natural motivation amd independent study. It was great, I was so happy with myself and still motivated to improve!!
Then I hit high school, and got the complete opposite for a teacher. She had us doing stupid art projects I couldnt care less about, half of which seemed like random crafts you would have elementary schoolers do. It was such a drastic change after the years before, and so many other things were going on in my life at the time as well. I lost my only friend because she moved away. I was struggling with an ED that was only getting worse. I had issues with my bf and we ended up breaking up. My mom was having major mental health issues starting a few years before. I was already dealing with depression and SH for years before that point.
That art class was just the last straw for me. Some things happened, and I managed to talk my parents into putting me in homeschool. (For a second time actually, but the first time is a different story for a different day.) I easily managed to just stop doing the online schoolwork because my parents generally dont know how to parent properly, so... thats how I ended up dropping out of school.
Idk. I saw a post on twitter/X that reminded me of all this and I wanted to share... if you read all this, thank you for taking the time to hear a small snippet of my story. 💚
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〔 1:49am 〕
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rlxtechoff · 2 years
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dailyfrogs · 7 years
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have a happy new year everyone!! i wish you all good health, good thoughts, good wealth, and good frogs!!!! here’s to a brand new year!!! <333
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albatris · 2 years
Hi hello it’s Sunday now but I wanted to place another ask into your backlog again, what got Nat interested in cooking. What made him go “oh actually this is dope“ and excel at it. Also what is his favourite food. Hope you’re doing well 👍
hi hello good morning! which I can technically say because it is 1:49am c: thank you for the ask!! I hope you are doing well also, that work is good and birds are good~
Nat's favourite food is apple and strawberry crumble!! his comfort food however is a specific halloumi, veg and lentil curry :3
so, Nat initially got interested in cooking for, like........ the help it can offer in terms of bonding and friendship :3
it's not too complicated of an explanation! simply put, growing up, very small Nat and his older sister Lyra didn't really have all that many hobbies or interests in common and she was often super busy with study, n he was just really keen for any opportunity to spend time with her and bond with her :P so, since Lyra enjoyed cooking and creating and experimenting with new recipes, Nat decided he would be too
Of Course, I Am Going To Elaborate, Because I Am Me <3
like, he never DISLIKED cooking of course, but it wasn't something he was particularly interested in as a hobby, it was mostly just that he wanted to spend time with his sister and impress her hahaha. so, when they lived together at home, they spent a lot of time in the kitchen together, making different dishes and learning stuff and experimenting, which both of them enjoyed because it was a nice excuse to take a break from other stuff in their lives :P
Lyra is a much better cook than Nat, but Nat is still extremely good compared to a lot of other folks. he did eventually come to find it a genuinely fun and relaxing thing to do, rather than just "I wanna hang out with Lyra 'cause she's cool so I guess I will let her help me make a weird risotto"
I'm not sure anything in particular made him click over from "this is just whatever" to "oh actually this is dope" :P I do think Nat is a far more creative and inventive person than he gives himself credit for, and creativity and inventiveness aren't really aspects of his personality he expresses in most other areas of his life. so he probably enjoys cooking because it hits that particular sweet spot, to some extent. he does get a lot of enjoyment out of it!
BUT mostly, it's for the bonding opportunities I think, both in the creation process and in terms of, like..... I mean, in general, sharing a homecooked meal with someone is a bonding experience, it's an act of connection and community, which Nat really really really likes. in fact, cooking for people or sharing a meal he's cooked is one of the most common ways he shows affection and often how he expresses to someone that he'd like to be friends :3
Nat has long since become estranged from his family, but he still adores Lyra and continues to hone his skills for her hahaha. plus I think the act of cooking is probably a comfort for him, reminds him of nice times...!
at the start of the story, he mostly just cooks for himself and occasionally brings homecooked food to his elderly neighbours as a gift. like, he never used to talk to ANY of his neighbours, but one day they knocked on his door and asked for his help to move some furniture and referred to him as a "sweet young man" and after that he was just kind of like?? friends??? is this how friends happen???? should I start talking to them now?? they were so nice??? idk how to express myself interpersonally so I am going to bake them a pie???
so now he just occasionally awkwardly taps on their door and is like, eyes down, mumbling in a panic, words piling on top of each other, "hello how are you here is a pasta bake I am going back home now" bc..... lmao. it's Nat
when he gets sort of. forcibly absorbed into a number of Quinn's social circles, he jumps at the chance to cook for people :3 it's wins all round for him, since he's often really anxious around people and a bit socially clumsy. he gets to hang out in the kitchen and still be vaguely Present but not in the midst of all the social chatter, he gets to cook something tasty and fun, he gets to share this with people, he gets to feel useful, AND he gets to bask in the inevitable compliments and people going "oh this is delicious how did you make it? :D"
like. if he cooks you something and you say something nice about it or that you really enjoyed it, he will bask in that for hours. he is like a golden retriever that's just been told it's a good boy. this lad is addicted to compliments I think
but yeah as you're probably aware, his self-esteem is not fantastic lol. so as much as he genuinely does love cooking, he also tends to latch onto anything that makes him feel useful and wins other people's approval! whenever he bumps into something that makes him feel capable and appreciated and nice he just sort of. refuses to ever ever ever let go. n cooking has become that for Nat, I think
but yes. friendship! bonding! compliments! feeling useful! and it's a means of expressing affection that actually feels comfortable for him. one of the first questions he will ask anyone he identified as "potential friend" is "what's your favourite food" so he can make sure he knows how to cook it
I think it's just something he's come to associate with friendship and closeness, as well as like.....
A Way To Get People To Want To Be Around You, however warped that perspective is
anyway, apparently I had more Thoughts on that than I thought I did, but I am fresh out of thoughts now! all of the thoughts have left me.
thank you for reading and I hope you're having a cool day!!
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simphellscape · 3 years
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☾ angst and fluff
life has always been almost comically unfair to you. it’s been proven time and time again. so, when the number two pro-hero in all of Japan comes into your piercing shop on the slowest day of the week, you are reminded once more that your suffering is some cruel cosmic joke. unbeknownst to you, this fateful meeting will set off a chain of events that teach you and Hawks a lesson that you both must learn: how to create a life worth living.
☾ (1): MONDAY, NOVEMBER 2ND, 2020 - 11:17 PM
☾ (2): TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 3RD, 2020 - 1:46 AM
☾ (3): TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 3RD, 2020 - 8:53 AM
☾ (4): TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 3RD, 2020 - 5:39 PM
☾ (5): TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 3RD, 2020 - 7:08 PM
☾ (6): WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 4TH, 2020 - 2:14 AM
☾ (7): TUESDAY, AUGUST 22ND, 2017 - 11:08 AM
☾ (8): WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 4TH, 2020 - 3:06 AM
☾ (9): WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 4TH, 2020 - 6:02 AM
☾ (10): THURSDAY, DECEMBER 10TH, 2020 - 2:02 PM
☾ (11) SATURDAY, DECEMBER 12TH, 2020 - 5:24PM
☾ (12) SUNDAY, DECEMBER 13TH, 2020 - 2:38AM
☾ (13) SUNDAY, DECEMBER 13TH, 2020 - 10:49AM
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hvllevator · 4 years
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Please don’t copy or repost my works anywhere. I worked hard to make these and that will be highly unfair.
Please be patient when making requests. Understand that I don’t always have time to create stories.
guide : (♡ — fluff) (✿ — angst) (☾ — smut)
(♕ — fave) (∞ — one shots) (✎ — drabbles)
[1:22am] ♡ ✎
let me love you ✿ ♡ ♕ ∞
[1:30am] ♡ ✎
[2:10am] ♡ ✎
make up ♡ ✿ ∞
bad day ♡ ♕ ✎
[1:27am] ♡ ✎
never let go ✿ ♕ ✎
[12:49am] ♡ ✎
[9:41pm] ♡ ✎
for you ♡ ✎
mishaps ✿ ♡ ♕ ∞
what a feeling ; poly!au ♡ ∞
what a feeling ; poly!au ♡ ∞
jealous chan ♡
stray kids reaction: they get jealous ✿ ♡ ♕
stray kids reaction: their s/o wins an award ♡
stray kids reaction: their s/o falls asleep on another member ♡ ♕
stray kids reaction: their little is needy ♡
stray kids reaction: sitting on their lap ♡
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iron-niffler · 4 years
tagged by the incredible @nutella-28m
name: (would prefer not to share)
gender: she/her
star sign: taurus
height: idk 5'4''? Maybe?
time: 11:49am
birthday: may 1
favorite bands: i really like AC/DC
favorite solo artists: john williams, hans zimmer, alan silvestri, brian tyler, ramin djawadi and many more (couldn't just pick one 😅)
song stuck in head: currently listening to pirates of the caribbean so ig pirates of the caribbean theme
last movie: pirates of the caribbean: dead men tell no tales
last show: xavier riddle and the secret museum (my younger siblings were watching it) last willingly watched show was probably Wandavision last saturday
when did i create this blog: early October 2020
what do i post: a ton of marvel, mainly tony stark things and occasionally some of my art for various things when im feeling ambitious
last thing i googled: delante de in english
other blogs: no
do i get asks: not really but always open if you want someone to talk about fandoms to!
following: 346
followers: 52 (y'all are amazing i've loved interacting and chatting with whoever of y'all are in the ten fandom gcs I'm in)
average hours of sleep: it varies, on weekends like 7-10 hours, on weekdays I'd guess 4-5 hours
lucky number: uh i like 4? I guess? don't have a specific lucky number though
instruments: none currently, i used to play the violin in middle school
what am i wearing: uniform shirt and sweatpants as well as fuzzy socks
dream job: hoping to pursue a career in engineering
dream trip: england for all the Harry Potter things there (warner bros studio and king's cross station)
favorite food: cheeseburgers and french fries
nationality: white
favorite song: either Driving With the Top Down or the Fantastic Beasts End Credits theme
last book i read: I'm currently reading Jurassic Park
top three universes I'd want to live in: MCU, Harry Potter and Star Wars
Tagging: @yes-i-am-happyaspie @life-gave-me-oranges @marvel-mushroom @xartisticaleighxstrugglingx @we-stan-an-iron-man (no pressure obviously) and anyone else who wants to jump in!
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hotarutranslations · 3 years
Today Was Another Hectic Day!
Evening Its Ishida Ayumi
 As my thoughts weren’t organized yesterday, I said that I would write, About the event tomorrow!
 Today was a day,
 That was also hectic……
   I couldn’t put together my thoughts at all in the end! ←
 Going into the 25th year, What I thought I would write about yesterday, Thinking about being glad for those to like us, Since I’ve strongly thought that, after all,
 Yes!! Its that!! What I want to say is!! Lol
 I’m doing more and more of my best of what I can do now
 Also the music that played yesterday,
 Nakimushi My Dream (16th ~That’s J-POP~ Recorded)
 That song flowing in,
 It reallyyyyy made a deep impression
 With lyrics that are like singing my feelings, Everyone’s singing voice was wonderful, I’ve listened to it on repeat many times ❤
 Again, everyone also do that, by all means…
  While saying I couldn’t organize my thoughts, I have some text that I’ve been writing that I wont delete!
  Yesterday’s event,
 It had been since last year’s Christmas event, Since we’ve all been together for an event,
 It really had been a while… ❤
 Therefore I was kinda nervous before it started,
 But the moment everyone stood on stage, I couldn’t believe how excited I was
 The moment we stood,
 Eh!!! I’m happy!!! Its fun!!!
 In a moment I was wrapped in those emotions
 From there we were already in really high spirits—fufu
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  Its been a while? Since an Ayumizuki heart It had been a while so my left hand forgot←
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  We sang together for the unit song
“I’m Lucky girl”
 Ah! I can’t do that calls! there may be those who thought that, Well, We thought about that but← It’s a cool song after all, The 4 of us decided we wanted to sing this
 I’m glad everyone made it exciting with the clapping
 All of us sang,
 “Kono Mama!” and “Bravo--!” as the 14 of us
 It was fun!!! Really!!!
 That’s why there was a loneliness from yesterday……lol
  Always liking something, I really an amazing thing I think,
 In a world with lots of entertainment, There are those that switch, right, There are other things that you’ll be absorbed in, right,
 Saying that you like Morning,
 It makes me really happy so!
   At the same time, There are feelings of it being super frustrating when people switch interests!
 I’ll continue to do my best,
 As you’ll come to us again!!
 I’ll live cherishing the moment!!
   Look, If I write about yesterday, I can’t write about today
   I have to cherish today! Lol
 We recorded for,
 I made an announcement before, We were with Fabulous Sisters, And had our last recording for Season 6,
 Finally we had the completed performance…… ❤
  Was so cool, it was the best!
 Really, you have to see it
 Saying that, I think we have created a work of art
 Look forward to it!!
 Hello Pro Dance Academy
 In Season 5 we learning tap dance, And had a collab with s**t kingz-san
 The first episode will air on October 21st, for streaming, please check it out
  Hello! Project BEST SHOT!! Vol.24 →it was released yesterday, so by all means
  9.14 Goods
 Fall Goods
  Today Tokyo Sports note Series updated↓ #32 Lets Do Our Best In Our 25th Year!
    Morning Musume '21's Morning Jogakuin ~Houkago Meeting~"
Radio Nihon Every Saturday 12:00AM~12:30AM STV Radio Every Sunday 12:30AM~1:00AM KBS Kyoto Every Wednesday 9:30PM~10:00PM
I'll be in attendance the last week of August and the first week of September
Click here for classes that can only be heard here
 These shows have aired for their 2 weeks, if you missed it you can listen here ↑
 September 18th (Sat) 12:54AM~1:49AM Sendai Broadcast “Kono Machi Trial ~Rifu Edition~”
 With Yamaguchi Tomomitsu-san and Nakyama Emiri-san, we went on a location shoot to various places around Rifu I acted as a guide and facilitator
 Please definitely check it out!
  See you ayumin ❤
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