#creative mixology
bartenderthreads · 2 months
Sours, Sweets, and Bitters: A Journey Through the Heart of Cocktail Crafting
Ever wondered about the alchemy that turns simple ingredients into a mesmerizing cocktail? It’s a sensory journey defined by the interplay of sours, sweets, and bitters. These elemental tastes are the guiding stars for mixologists, blending to create drinks that delight and narrate tales through flavors. Imagine the first sip of a cocktail, where the crisp tang of citrus, the comforting allure…
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techdriveplay · 4 days
Australia’s Best Bartenders’ Favourite Cocktails
Jake Down from Pleasure Club Sydney has been named Australia’s Bartender of the Year, clinching the coveted title at the Diageo World Class competition held in Sydney on Monday, May 27. Celebrating its 15th year, Diageo World Class gathered six of the nation’s foremost bartenders, including James Irvine (Merivale, Sydney), Matt Bodycote (State Buildings, Perth), Rohan Massie (Rude Boy, Hobart),…
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atlastv · 2 years
"I suffer through 6 drinks straight out of a 70's disco hell | How to Drink"
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rensimss · 23 days
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simone andrews.
age 19 birthday 04/10 star sign libra traits determined | foodie | homebody | loyal | neat location arts quarter, san myshuno occupation culinary arts student | fast food cashier likes cooking | jazz | mixology | photography | reading | singing | wellness | writing disikes classical music | purple | small talk
simone andrews is an aspiring chef residing in the bustling city of san myshuno. currently studying culinary arts at the university of britechester, she spends her days honing her skills in the kitchen and her nights working part-time as a cashier at a nearby fast food restaurant. with a taste for adventure and a flair for creativity, simone dreams of one day owning her own little restaurant.
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Here, have a casual glimpse into my thought patterns and creative process:
*just scrolling about Tumblr and vibing to "Too Much Wine" by The Fratellis*
Too much wine?
Mihawk drunk??
Wait wait wait WAIT what are they all like drunk?
GASP s h i n y h e a d c a n o n s
So anyway here's some headcanons about drinking too much (insert adult beverage of choice) with the OPLA boyos.
Implied that Reader is already in a relationship with each character in question.
I shall call it.......
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OPLA!Zoro, Sanji, Shanks, Mihawk, Buggy X AFAB!Reader
NSFW Headcanons
Kinda Kinktober I guess? Borderline shitpost, I had way too much fun with this.
♫♬♫ Too Much Wine - The Fratellis ♫♬♫
I'll take the mead from the table
Talk straight while I'm able
Until I'm nothin' less than a crime
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"Y'know, I actually have four swords, but we're gonna have to go somewhere more private if you wanna see the other one."
Rum, sake, beer, wine, whatever you're down for drinking so is he.
Zoro's got incredibly high endurance and stamina—it's going to take a while for him to show that it's affecting him at all, but once it does, he goes from zero to one hundred faster than you can say "onigiri."
Literally no in between, no tipsy or buzzed. Just sober and then stumbling over his own feet and swearing he absolutely is not drunk the whole time.
All those repressed emotions that he hides behind a mask of dry sarcasm on a day to day basis are coming out in full effect.
That means you're getting one of two Zoros—goofy Zoro or sad Zoro.
Goofy Zoro's going to have his arm around your shoulders, laughing his ass off about that time he caught that idiot Marine brat swinging his sword around bare-ass naked so he chopped off half his hair.
He's likely to get pretty flirty in this state, even downright playful, especially if you initiate it, and it's almost definitely going to end in him dragging you somewhere private to fuck your brains out, because his restraint is totally out the window at this point.
If you end up with sad Zoro, he'll be laying his head in your lap and slurringly asking whether or not you think he's ever really going to be the best swordsman in the world, probably still beating himself up over losing to Mihawk.
Just comb your fingers through his hair and do your best to reassure him that you love him and genuinely believe in him. Whether it works or not, he's going ti end up falling asleep in your lap, so be prepared to be stuck there for a while.
"But like...you really think, like, I can beat that bird-eyed bastard? I mean he fucked me up with a goddamn butterknife."
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"There we are—a beautiful drink for a beautiful woman."
Turbo Flirt Mode: activated.
Sanji is all for pairing wine with food, but if you're looking to get a little sideways, he's going to want to show off his mixology skills to impress you—and he's going to be making some dangerous concoctions, the kind that taste like there's not a drop of booze in them.
The more lit he gets, the less subtle the flirting. If you thought he was clingy sober, you are in for a surprise, because that's just the tip of the iceberg.
Head on your shoulder, puppy dog eyes, telling you how pretty you are and how much he adores you every thirty seconds, with a big silly grin like you're the most amazing thing he's ever seen.
Brushing his lips along your neck and murmuring all the things he's going to do to you once the two of you are behind closed doors later—and he means every one of them, because you're utterly irresistible to him in this state.
He wants you giggling and blushing just as much as he wants you moaning and trembling under his touch.
Super playful once you are alone, even moreso than usual. He's definitely going to suggest doing body shots, he will beg if he has to, but honestly who in their right mind is going to turn him down?
"You're just...just so—so beautiful—honestly, it should be illegal."
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"Hold—hold my rum—no, no, just for a moment, I wanna see if I can do a backflip off the railing—"
Spoiler alert: he can't. Now he's lying on the quarterdeck alternating between hysterical laughter and "Oh God that hurt—"
Probably the most fun drunk in the world, but he can be a hazard to his own health as his judgement begins to lapse so someone's going to have to keep an eye on him.
If you're at a tavern or otherwise public location, do not under any circumstances let the man out of your sight for more than two seconds. He turns into a straight-up child, he can and will wander off, and you'll find him a mile away on top of a building, likely half-naked and singing sea shanties at the top of his lungs, with no clue as to how he got up there...or how to get back down.
He's developed quite a high tolerance over the years and tends mostly toward dark rum, though he won't turn down a stein of ale or beer.
Total life of the party energy—telling jokes and stories, he just wants to see everyone laughing and having the absolute best time.
Super, super flirty, he may as well have written the book on pick-up lines; and he doesn't care that you're already together, he's going to drop every single one of them on you just to see how much he can make you giggle or roll your eyes.
He's very likely to pull you onto his lap at some point and make out with you like no one's watching—he already doesn't really care who sees when you're both sober, but he really doesn't care after a little too much rum, so it's probably best to coax him to bed at this point.
He's perfectly happy with cuddling up, laying his head on your chest and draping his arm over you, just humming in contentment and falling asleep together...but if you want more, don't expect to get much sleep, because he wants you lasciviously.
To taste every inch of you, to suffocate between your thighs until you're screaming, to pull you onto his cock and watch you ride him until you're both too breathless and exhausted to do anything but tangle yourselves together in the sheets and drift off to sleep between slow, sensual kisses.
"Oh, princess, just when I catch my breath, you make me lose it all over again."
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"If you insist on being such a brat about this, you're going to get what's coming to you."
Mihawk has a strong drive to be in total control of himself and everything happening around him at all times, which means he doesn't tend toward getting drunk.
But...he also has this wee little problem with his ego being larger than the entire volume of every combined ocean in the world. If you imply that you could drink him under the table...he's probably going to sneer and tell you to quit being a brat, but he's also going to be quite driven to prove you wrong.
He does love his wine, but it's generally only a glass or two to wind down and relax—he's definitely got a nice bottle of aged bourbon or eau de vie tucked away somewhere that's going to be coming out, because he's got something to prove now.
Unfortunately for him, due to the fact that he so rarely drinks heavily...he's a bit of a lightweight. Which he won't admit even to himself.
But it barely takes a single lowball of harder liquor to get that pale complexion of his a little flushed.
Perhaps just over three for him to start blinking a bit harder than normal in a futile attempt to get his vision to focus, to start speaking a bit slower to attempt to hide the slight slur in his words as you taunt him about it—which honestly only makes it more pronounced, and more amusing.
You had best enjoy it, because it's probably the only time you're going to hear the words, "Fine, you win," come out of his mouth—as well as perhaps the only time he won't be miffed about conceding. The alcohol in his system has him loosened up just enough that he can't pretend he doesn't find your boldness and sass at least a bit endearing...and even more alluring.
That being said, you're still getting punished for it, teased within an inch of your sanity, and he's going to enjoy every single second of it.
Setting his glass aside, plucking yours from your hand, pinning your hands above your head with a devilish smirk and slowly undressing you, his eyes on yours the entire time.
Trailing his fingertips across your bare skin, drawing closer and closer but never quite giving you want you want, his lips barely brushing against your neck, reminding you in an amused murmur in your ear that he could easily do this all night.
You did have the audacity to challenge him, after all—he has no choice but to remind you who's in charge.
"What is it, my little bird? Did you think you were going to get a consolation prize? You're still going to have to beg."
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"Bet you two thousand Berries I can shotgun two beers at once, watch this—"
And he basically ends up halfway drowning himself, but hey, you're two thousand Berries richer!
Honestly, there's no party like a Buggy party, because a Buggy party doesn't stop until someone loses a limb—probably him.
No, really. Don't let him use his devil fruit abilities. Keep a bucket of sea water on hand if you have to, because he may literally misplace one of his limbs and you're going to have to go on a Chop Chop Scavenger Hunt to help him find it while you're both completely smashed.
If Buggy's drinking, everybody's drinking, and everybody is getting completely fucked up. This is non-negotiable, he thrives on chaos and that's what he's intent on creating.
Anybody who passes out before him is getting something obscene drawn on their face in permanent ink. He can definitely hold his liquor, so if you can keep up with him then you can expect to be the last two living souls left conscious on the whole ship.
That being said, he doesn't care who's awake—things are going to get kinky, and he's really not bothered about anybody watching. Or joining in, for that matter. This whole operation very well may devolve into a drunken orgy if he has any say in the matter.
Then again, it may also devolve into him flopping dramatically across your lap and divulging absolutely all of his trauma in an emotionally-charged alcohol-induced rant. He won't remember it in the morning, so please do him a favor and don't remind him.
"Hey, uhh...I los—I lost my foot again. .....Sor—*hiccup* sorry."
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doverstar · 6 months
abed/annie is my community otp, so I would love to hear your essay if you’re willing to share ♥️
girl it would be my pleasure
this is going to be an absolutely enormous word-vomit, please prepare-
I want to start off by saying I actually think Abed is genuinely a little bit crazy. Yes, he might be on the spectrum or have some disorder but the show is so loose with that it never really confirms it, so I’m not going to confirm it either, I just think there’s something-something-spectrum there but I’m not educated enough to understand exactly what they’re communicating he has or is dealing with. I think the safest thing to assume is indeed that he’s insane (he said it himself; he saw literal lava when Troy was leaving) but in a small, functional, unique way that doesn’t make him dangerous except when he wants to cut people’s arms off because “Evil Abed has taken over” hello someone do something about that –
Anyway. It’s super difficult for me to understand what goes on in his head episode-to-episode, but with Annie it’s actually easier? Abed has such a specific set of needs when it comes to relationships that it’s a miracle he found the study group at all. He’s so smart and creative and he’s actually very empathetic and sweet but he doesn’t always seem to know how to express things.
Annie is clearly Abed’s second-best friend in the show (it helps that the actor/actress are best friends too). When he can’t turn to Troy, he can always turn to Annie. She understands him and there’s never been a point where we see that start or end—it just naturally happened and they’re both used to it. Abed is always touching her, always sitting by her, always making eye contact with her, and if you pay close attention to even background scenes, he’s measuring her reactions to things more often than anyone else’s. If I had to guess, I think she’s the group member he understood faster than any of the others. Abed (this is, from what I’m told, part of being on the spectrum? but like I said I am uneducated and don’t want to definitively say something the show decided not to be clear about) needs certain things to be a certain way, or he can’t operate normally. He panics, or gets angry, or tries to mutilate Jeff Wingers. He genuinely thinks he is crazy, and he genuinely thinks no one he meets will be able to deal with him for an extended amount of time. (Let’s begin at the beginning from his POV.) Abed meets Annie (and the group), and she seems like the typical Molly Ringwald girl-next-door; pretty, smart, wants popularity, ambitious. That’s why he chose her when he created the study group. Annie is all of these cliched things, but hey, quickly it’s pretty clear Annie needs things to be a certain way. Annie needs structure and lists and good grades. So she gets it when Abed needs that, what a pleasant surprise! And part of that is that Annie empathizes with everyone around her, without even trying, so much so that she’s depicted often as the heart of the whole study group. She gets Abed, both because they’re the same in lots of ways and they’re the opposite. She can crush easily, explode easily, cry easily, laugh easily. Everything Abed has no idea how to emote. Annie is a volcano of emotions, and they’re triggered most when she’s feeling because of or on behalf of other people.
So here’s this girl near his own age who is orderly and structured, and knows how other people feel and can enter in with them emotionally, including Abed. She’s so nice, and tries so hard. She’s even good at playing pretend (Mixology Certification, party of one?). What a perfect leading lady for the life-movie Abed sees everywhere he goes (because that’s how he makes sense of the world). Annie is the ideal female star he’d want in any story: the girl full of passion and drive.
But then there’s Jeff—the study group’s Judd Nelson—presumably the perfect leading man. When Abed first handpicks the group in the pilot and first season, Jeff wants Britta. Hey, that makes sense, Britta seems to be the leading lady type, actually! She’s nice, she’s strong, she’s beautiful. Works perfectly. And look, Annie wants Troy—the brainy bubbly girl wants the dumb jock, that makes sense too. Everything works. Then things start changing within the dynamic. Troy is actually not that dumb, and not that sports-obsessed—he’s fun, and he’s the ideal bro for Abed, but he doesn’t work with Annie. Britta is not that nice, and not that strong—she’s bad at everything, and she doesn’t understand people, she just wants to and is constantly trying to portray (and then hopefully become) the kind of person that does. And Jeff is a stunted jerk who needs reformation.
Oh, Annie is Abed’s friend now too. She said it herself, and that’s rare in Abed’s life. She called them really good friends, and that’s so important to him that he’ll sit in a room for 26 straight hours with nothing to do because Annie asked him to do it. Troy is not the only character Abed would give up control for. There’s one other from the start, because the moment she told him with all her earnest doe-eyedness they were friends, she had him hook line and sinker.
Season 1 progresses. Jeff and Britta might still work, and Abed seems mildly interested in that if only for the cliches—maybe Britta can make him better. No, wait, Britta is bad at that too. Actually, they’re not good for each other. Actually, they’re bad for each other—they’re bad for everyone. But they have similar terrible flaws and habits, so maybe they do make a good pair. Still fine leads. Still works. And besides, Annie has filled in the place of Troy with hippie Vaughn, which is also fine. Doesn’t really work long-term, but Jeff and Britta drive the plot forward more anyway, so the focus should be on them, right? The group is working. The group is thriving. The TV of life moves along.
(Except Jeff kissed Annie to win the Man Is Good/Evil debate. And Abed predicted it. Which means he was thinking about that as a possibility, because he operates on variables and tries to understand outcomes so that he’s not surprised by anything and can keep his friends for longer by relating to and reacting to them better. Jeff has leading man vibes, Annie has leading lady vibes, that’s one potential outcome. And though he insists he’s just making hypotheses based on what he’s learned about his friends so far, when it does happen right in front of them in real life, they kiss, Abed is just as shocked as the others—he literally can’t take his eyes off them until the debate is won. Then afterward, he tells Shirley he can’t predict the future and uses his plans for Pierce being discovered as a genius next in his home-movies as an example, which he believes would never happen—then Britta calls Pierce a genius right in front of him and Abed looks visibly concerned. Maybe what he predicts about his friends will keep happening, even the things he thinks are the least likely of the potential outcomes. Maybe even Jeff and Annie as the two leads. But that doesn’t make sense, does it? Jeff and Britta are endgame, aren’t they? Annie is too young for a leading man like Jeff. Annie is too nice; Jeff is too selfish. Annie is gorgeous and driven, Jeff is handsome and needs fixing, that would work, no, it would change things too much, it’s too unlikely, back to Jeff and Britta, back to playing with Troy and studying film, don’t give it a second thought—)
Transfer dance happens. Annie is going away for the summer with Vaughn. Classic Annie, has his back, always doing the better thing for the plot, bringing a good end-of-Season twist, but it’s okay, as far as he knows she’ll be back in the fall and besides, Abed’s got to-roomie-or-not-roomie with Troy issues to deal with.
And then the new semester starts after the transfer dance. And Anthropology 101 happens (again, one of my favorite episodes for the group fight at the end when it comes to my lil ships). I’M GONNA TALK ABOUT ANTHROPOLOGY 101 NOW. For A CHUNK of time. Jeff and Britta are doing relationship-drama stuff Abed doesn’t quite care about, until Shirley suggests he’s being selfish and that a real friend would enter into Jeff and Britta’s [incredibly fake and nasty] “happiness” and Abed thinks that could work. Actually, progressing Jeff and Britta’s relationship is a goal he can definitely work with. In fact, if you pay attention to the show, whenever there is an opportunity to advance or out Jeff/Britta, Abed takes that opportunity. And whenever there is an opportunity to put JeffAnnie in an uncomfortable or inevitable, c’est la vie light (which two independence-heavy freaks like Jeff and Annie would consider negatively) he takes that too.
Abed urges Jeff/Britta to get married right there in the library before the fight, gives them the ring, because he thinks that’s the next logical step in their grossness. Special episode, all about Jeff/Britta, endgame endgame endgame! He can work with that. In fact, he’s happy to control that. He leaves the room to inexplicably get an Irish singer, dead-ringer Clooney, and a transportable wedding set.
When he comes back and tries to prep the group for the special wedding episode, everyone is tense and Jeff is bleeding from the nose, and Abed does not notice; he’s intent on advancing the plot and the endgame. Then Troy says, “Abed. Jeff made out with Annie.” And Abed’s immediate reaction is “What? Where? When?” And he looks unhappy, like the rest of them. Jeff made out with Annie, and that means everything Abed thought he understood is incorrect. (And I think it bothers the crap out of him and he doesn’t have the ability to unpack why that is the way most people do because he’s different. Surely he’s just angry for the same reasons the rest of the group is? That must be it. That must be why he’s angry specifically with Jeff, not Britta in any tangible way, or even Annie in a tangible way—until later, which I’ll talk about eventually.) Annie tells him they kissed after the transfer dance in a guilty voice, which is a sheepishness she does not respond with to any of the other members of the group. It’s almost like she’s picking up on Abed’s emotion specifically this time. And while everyone else in the group explodes, and Jeff reduces his kiss with Annie to something he should be ashamed of (accurate) because men are monsters who crave young flesh and Annie looks absolutely crushed like a deer in the headlights, Abed starts packing up to leave. And we only see how angry he is right then—he doesn’t enter into anyone else’s problems. We see him react to “Jeff made out with Annie”, and then this is the next time we see him react. Jeff asks where he’s going and Abed throws out a quippy “I now pronounce you cancelled” with a bounce of his eyebrows in an angry way, at Jeff, and when he tries to leave Jeff hurls insults at his back and Abed stops in the doorway, in a normal-person—again, angry—way and turns around and drops one of the sickest burns of the whole show, that TV makes sense and has “likeable leading men”, and says “In life, we have this. We have you.” And walks out. His anger is not directed at anybody else. He doesn’t help Troy with the Pierce situation. He doesn’t try to fix any of it. It’s like he heard “Jeff made out with Annie”, learned the specifics, and was standing there reeling until eventually he decided he couldn’t deal and went to leave, and wouldn’t have shown just how angry he was with Jeff unless Jeff had provoked him, which he did.
let me pretend I’m a 14-year-old shippy fangirl in my reasoning, okay-
Abed likes logic, and as Season 2 continues, Jeff/Annie gets more and more logical. In fact, even though he has noticed that Jeff and Britta are secretly hooking up in the background of the Season, he is not surprised in Paradigms of Human Memory when Annie calls Jeff out for the will-they-won’t-they he’s been enacting with her, and even says there is something between the two of them, matter-of-factly, which Jeff refuses to own up to. But Abed and Annie are getting closer and closer, too. It’s subtle, but it’s clear they’re 100% comfortable around each other. That becomes super clear by Abed’s Uncontrollable Christmas, when, besides Troy, Annie is the only other character to enter into Abed’s way of thinking and play with him, because it’s genuinely important to him and she recognizes that this is what he needs, when everyone else kind of drops off. She helps Abed and Troy stop Duncan from dealing with Abed in a practical, normal way, because she sees that Abed is dealing with something and can only deal with it his way to get through it. That’s incredibly rare for Abed, we see. He’s very attached to her—like I said, often touching her, often sitting by her, often reacting to her.
(I mean hi, in English As A Second Language, Abed thinks he won’t be affected by Annie’s Disney Face; when everyone else obeys Jeff in closing their eyes to it, Abed doesn’t. “Oh don’t worry about me, I can only connect to people through...movies...” literally stops in his tracks when he sees her Disney Face with the cutest wistful twitch of a smile. Jeff has to Indiana-Jones-reference him to make him look away. He doesn’t only connect to people through movies—at least, Annie can get through to him without the need of movies; he’s not a quirky lil robot, he can have normal feelings, but boy does it seem like Annie is the one bringing them out of him more often than most. she gets under his skin ajhzsdkejdb-)
Abed definitely has a crush on Annie. But he doesn’t know how to deal with that or portray it. To his mind, Annie should be with a leading man. Any time he flirts with her, he is pretending to be a leading man from a movie or show. (For a Few Paintballs More, anyone?) Because that’s who she should be paired off with. And that’s what she wants, right? She loooves Jeff Winger now. Britta’s not the leading lady, she never was, that role was always Annie’s, and it makes sense she wants Jeff, and it makes even more sense that Abed is observing the love story, not part of it. Abed is not the leading man, he’s the computer. He watches, analyzes, does not get involved or get the girl.
But he still wants her around, and he can have that much—in fact, when he moves in with Troy and Annie tells him she loves their place, Abed instantly suggests she move in. Not Abed and Troy. Just Abed, and he does not discuss it with his roommate. And Troy seems confused and surprised and gives Abed such an interesting look right after. Annie moves in, Abed agrees to sacrifice some of his routine for her (blanket fort for he and Troy, full bedroom for Annie), things are happy. Things are fine. She puts away his buttered noodles when he’s not finished with them, but she adapts to his needs when he expresses he doesn’t want her to do that; she breaks his Batman DVD but he adapts by forgiving her in a role he can express that in—Batman himself, plus, bonus, he gets to flirt with her as that leading man—and things are better. But then Annie starts trying to control things. Annie starts trying to make life go according to the movie in her head. She tries to get Britta and Troy together, which not only robs Abed of his best friend for a day and disrupts his routine, it makes him angry with Annie. And not just because she tampered with the group’s dynamic, which he doesn’t want anyone else but him to do. okay we’re caught up NOW I get to talk about Virtual Systems Analysis, which is my FAVORITE COMMUNITY EPISODE-
Throughout that episode, Annie is trying to speak in Abed’s language in the Dreamatorium in order to teach him empathy. In the past, she’s had success in communicating with him on his level, but this seems extra hard for some reason. She sees somehow through his expressionless face right away and sees he is angry with her, and though he tries to deflect by saying she’s going to ruin the group by meddling, she eventually does recognize what the problem is. At first she’s convinced Abed just wants Abed’s way and that he needs to be taught how to think of others first (she’s right), but he hears her say that to Troy and it spirals him right into the worry he always has—that he’s crazy, that he’s a problem, that he’ll never fit in because of that, and that when Annie (and anyone else) tries to deal with or fix him, they will get sick of it, give up, and toss him aside. He was already angry with her for a different reason, not just wanting his way again—but now he’s sure she’s done with Abed, too. So he becomes someone else, everyone else, to make his point: that she’s just messing with Britta and Troy so that nothing will stand in the way of her and Jeff.
DO YOU KNOW WHAT HE SAYS WHEN HE IS PRETENDING TO BE JEFF TO HER? He says, “With Abed gone, and Troy and Britta together, there’s nothing standing in the way of us.” With Abed gone. Why did he say that? Because with Abed gone, Annie gets to be in control of everyone? Obviously not. Or is it because out of everyone, every variable, the only other match that makes sense for Britta is Troy and the only other match that makes sense for Annie is-
Oops, Freudian slip. Oh, she’s not falling for it. And Abed is mad at her because he thinks she set up Britta and Troy so she could be with Jeff. Abed is mad that that’s what she wants. And when she tries to argue it’s not, he literally pretends he is her, logicking it out at her, trying to convince her that that is what she wants, because that’s what he thinks she wants, and her controlling things to cause JeffAnnie makes him mad. But c’est la vie, it’s inevitable anyway, right? Why isn’t she seeing that? Why is she trying to talk about him, he doesn’t want to talk about him, especially not after what she said about him— Then she fights back and tells him that she does not love Jeff, she loves the idea of being loved and if she can teach a guy like Jeff to love her, she’ll never be alone. And then she finds out that’s what Abed is afraid of, too. No—that’s what Abed is used to. “I’ve run the simulations, Annie. I don’t get married. [Why is that the first thing he said?] I don’t etc. etc.”
He’s afraid he’ll be alone, and people will always be getting tired of him and throwing him away. Didn’t Annie get tired of him? But she doesn’t, she’s not—in fact, she understands him. She shows him other members of the group understand that feeling, too. She uses his language to explain to him that he’s wrong, and that neither of them should be trying to make life go according to a script in their heads. Abed sees that she does understand, and if she can get into his head and understand him, she really can do it with anyone, and if she can do it, maybe he can too. Annie helps him and makes him a better person, because she reminds him to empathize, which is something Abed didn’t think he could do. Okay I just spent a long time talking about Abed’s perspective. A tiny bit of Annie now, because this is going on too long. As for Annie, she is afraid of being alone and unloved. She’s “psycho”, she’s crazy too, because someone who empathizes that much and can exude that much emotion does seem crazy to other people. She’s a different crazy than Abed, but her brand of psycho lends itself well to getting and communicating with him, because his crazy is escapism and her crazy is confrontation. His crazy is emotionless, her crazy is emotional. His crazy is control, her crazy is compassion. Her parents cut her off, her high school shunned her, Troy never noticed her, of course she’s scared of being ditched. Of being unimportant. Annie’s need to be perfect comes from the need to feel valued. And doesn’t Abed understand the need to not feel left alone? Doesn’t he understand everything needing to be just so, doesn’t he understand wanting to feel important but never expecting it? Just the computer. Just the observer. Wait. Didn’t he invite her to live with him, voluntarily? Doesn’t he always seem to be choosing her to sit by, don’t they always seem to be reassuring one another with a look or a touch? He gets how she feels about Jeff and Britta and their monopolization (hi Basic Sandwich), he gets when she’s feeling insecure, he gets when she needs to escape, just for a second, to pretend to be someone else in any given scenario so that she can take a risk or get out of her comfort zone, and he excels at that so they often do it together. They don’t have to be alone, they have each other. Annie doesn’t have to be perfect, Abed doesn’t have to be normal, and neither of them have to be in control. But nobody listens to me and instead we have Jeff kissing Annie and Brie Larson in a sweater. And don’t get me started on VCR Maintenance and Educational Publishing and why Abed and Annie are individually trying so hard to fight each other’s third-roommate preferences-
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sovereignsimmer · 1 year
Tips for Maximizing the Use of Clubs in The Sims 4
Greetings everyone,
If you've played The Sims 4, you're likely aware that Get Together is one of the best expansion packs ever released for the game! It adds new dynamics to your gameplay and social clubs that can be used to improve your sims' lives. In this post, I'll share my favorite ways to use social clubs in The Sims 4 to help you get the most out of them.
It may be a lengthy read, so proceed at your own discretion.
Using social clubs to control sims' autonomy 
One of the most significant advantages of social clubs is the ability to control your sims' behavior. Club activities override individual sims' autonomous actions, allowing you to direct their actions in a more productive manner. You could establish a private club for your household and use it to make your sims do chores, study, have fun, or anything else that comes to mind. You can alter club activities at any time as long as you are the club leader.
Creating your own lore through social circles 
Friendships and relationships are easy to establish in The Sims 4, but they are often shallow and meaningless. It's more realistic for sims to be friends with others who share their interests or hobbies. By bringing these sims together in social clubs, you can create your own lore and stories.
In addition, you can cause drama and rivalries between different clubs by encouraging mean interactions or by banning friendly interactions with selected ones. Trust me, it brings so much life to your gameplay!
Using social clubs to explore new spaces 
In The Sims 4, you can easily stay on your home lot and self-sustain indefinitely, making the game feel isolated and limited. By using social clubs, you can direct your sims to hang out at designated lots or locations, allowing them to explore the world outside their home.
Here are a few examples of social that I use in my game, based on different interests and social circles:
Interest-based Clubs
Adventure Associates: Join our nature-loving social club! We hike, fish, climb, ski, and snowboard. Connect with like-minded individuals and explore the great outdoors. (Requirements: Traits like Adventurous, Loves Outdoors, and skills such as fishing, skiing, rock climbing, etc.)
Budding Pals: Budding Pals is a gardening club for nature enthusiasts to learn plant care through sustainable practices. From novice to expert, join us in cultivating a beautiful and sustainable community garden. (Requirements: Traits like Green Fiend, Loves Outdoors, Animal Lover, Recycle Disciple, and skills such as flower-arranging and gardening)
Covalent Bonds: Not intimidated by rocket science? Think you could solve the Unsolvable Hetu Hypothesis if only you had enough moral support? Want to share electron pairs to create a stable balance of attractive and repulsive forces? Join the Covalent Bonds! (Requirements: Traits like genius, geek, overachiever, and skills such as rocket science, logic, robotics, etc.)
Desperate Homemakers: Desperate Homemakers is an inclusive group of close-knit stay-at-home folks inspired by "Desperate Housewives". They gather to gossip, play cards, and enjoy a bottle of chardonnay every now and then. (Requirements: Unemployed Sims)
Digital Divergence: Digital Divergence is a social club for gamers, coders, and streamers. Meet like-minded people, share ideas, and collaborate on projects. Join us for LAN parties, coding competitions, and streaming workshops! (Requirements: Traits like Geek, Creative, Socially Awkward, and skills such as programming, video gaming, media production, photography)
Epicurean Elites: A circle of select foodies who appreciate fine dining and culinary experiences. Members gather for exclusive events and tastings, exploring new flavors, techniques, and cuisines. (Requirements: Traits like Foodie, Snob, and skills such as Cooking, Gourmet Cooking, Baking, Mixology)
Grizzly Gang: Grizzly Gang: the ultimate club for alpha sports enthusiasts who push limits, crush goals, and dominate fields. Join like-minded beasts to unleash your inner grizzly and reach your full potential! (Requirements: Traits like Active, Bro, High-maintenance, Self-assured, Overachiever, Ambitious, and skills such as Fitness, Snowboarding, Rock Climbing)
Major Chords: Major ‘cause we’re important. Chords ‘cause we sound together. Don’t you want to sound together with us? (Requirements: Traits like Music Lover, Creative, Self-centered, Snob, and skills such as Piano, Violin, Singing, etc.)
Readaholics Anonymous: Are you a seasoned bibliophile? An aspiring writer? Grab your book and join us for lively discussions and plenty of page-turning fun! Our welcoming club offers a warm community of like-minded readers! (Requirements: Traits like Bookworm, Geek, Socially Awkward, and skills such as Research and Debate, Writing)
Tapestry Posse: Tapestry Posse is a social club that brings together individuals who share a passion for arts and crafts such as painting, knitting, cross-stitching, and candle-making. It's a friendly and relaxed community for artists and hobbies alike. (Requirements: Traits like Creative, Art Lover, Snob, and skills such as Painting, Cross-stitching, Knitting, Fabrication, etc.)
The High Society™ is a secretive society of the world's most influential people, from politicians to celebrities. Its true purpose is unknown, but membership is the ultimate status symbol among the elite. (Requirements: Wealth (Rich), Career: Law, Politician, Business, Actor, Entertainer, Military, Detective, Sciencist, Secret Agent, Criminal, and traits like Self-assured, Perfectionist, Ambitious, Snob, etc.)
In order to foster a sense of community and belonging, I suggest adding the 'Insider' trait as a requirement for membership in all clubs. Sims with the 'Insider' trait are naturally drawn to social groups and are more likely to participate in various club activities, ultimately enhancing the overall experience for all members.
Age-based Clubs
Lil' Wabbits: Lil' Wabbits is a playful and imaginative children's social club, where kids can make new friends and have fun with various activities. From dress-up to play pretend, it's all about having a great time in a safe and supportive environment. (Requirements: Age - Child)
Seasoned Seniors: Seasoned Seniors is a social club for elderly folks looking for fun and connection. Enjoy games, outings, and social events in a supportive environment. (Requirements: Age - Elder)
Youthopia: Youthopia is a social club for teenagers that offers fun activities and events to promote friendships and a sense of community. Youthopia is the perfect group for teens to hang out with and have a good time. (Requirements: Age - Teen)
Occult-themed Clubs
Aristoclaws: The Aristoclaws are a pack of wealthy and influential werewolves who balance their strength and ferocity with skilled diplomacy. They defend their territory with sharp claws and fierce howls, but also rely on their ability to negotiate and form alliances. (Requirements: Wealth (Rich), Werewolf (Trait))
Council of The Forgotten: The Council of Eternal Night governs all vampires globally from Forgotten Hollow. This oldest organization holds high esteem, guiding its members to reach their true power and potential. Register your household to connect with fellow vampires. (Requirements: Vampire (Trait))
Coven of the Dusk: Led by an enigmatic teen warlock, this coven follows ancient beliefs and practices green and dark magic for protection. Teenage witches gather to perform divination rituals, brew potions, cast spells, practice herbalism, and celebrate nature. (Requirements: Age - Teen, Spellcaster (Trait))
Faelwyn Union: The Faelwyn Union unites elves to promote peace and protect their rights. They preserve nature, known for their elven lore knowledge. Strong scholars with mutual respect for other races. (Requirements: Spellcaster (in my game, my elves are Spellcasters))
Glimmerbrook Magistrate: The Glimmerbrook Magistrate governs spellcasters, ensuring responsible magic use. Experienced members oversee training, investigate disputes, and prevent misuse. Respected authority in the magical community. (Requirements: Spellcaster (Trait)) Ivanovich House: Led by patriarch Dmitry, Ivanovich House is a vampire clan of northeastern heritage. They keep to themselves, wary of outsiders, and are known for their refined taste and skillful manipulation of those around them.
(Requirements: Vampire (Trait), Vampire Knowledge Skill)
Nzarogg Clan: The Nzarogg Clan, descendants of Windenburg's merfolks, now reside in Sulani. Adapting to their new environment, they retain their culture and traditions. They have no hesitation in putting anyone who opposes them in their place. (Requirements: Mermaid (Trait))
Steelfangs: The Steelfangs are a werewolf pack exclusively for affluent teenagers. With power, wealth, and influence, they rule their territory with sharp claws and a howl that strikes fear into their rivals. (Requirements: Age - Teen, Werewolf (Trait))
Tideglow Tribe: Native to Sulani, this conservative merfolk community sees newcomers as potential threats. Their strength and agility make them formidable defenders of their territory, and outsiders are only welcome if they earn the tribe's trust. (Requirements: Mermaid (Trait))
Additionally, you can make more clubs for your Sims' high school friends, university friends like "Foxbury Alumni," and organize annual events and gatherings to reminisce on old times and friendships.
I hope these examples gave you some inspiration to start your own social clubs and use them to their full potential in The Sims 4. Remember, social clubs are a great way to add depth and variety to your gameplay, and they can help you create unique stories and characters in your game.
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psychedelic-charm · 5 months
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This image was discovered by @s1ndle and @simnostalgia. It's a list of icons for "Interests" that EA was originally going to put into The Sims Online, but was unfortunately scrapped. The interests are as follows:
-Adult Entertainment (thank God this one was scrapped because it's too mature for a family MMO)
-Alternative Music
-Alt Lifestyles (in this context it's referring to LGBT relationships, but the phrase "alternative lifestyle" could mean anything)
-Anime (love the Sailor Moon icon!)
-Beer (an explicit reference to alcohol)
-Board Games
-Books (I can see this interest giving Sims an advantage in building their Logic skill)
-Children (I don't think you could even have children in TSO, so what would even be the point of this?)
-Cocktails (missed opportunity to introduce the Mixology skill before The Sims 3 came out)
-Cooking (one of the iconic skills in the franchise)
-Creative Expression
-Crime (committing crimes or solving crimes?)
-Documentary Film
-Entertainment News
-Fine Art
-Fine Dining
-Goth (wouldn't this count as an alt lifestyle?)
-Hip Hop
-Interior Decorating (ironic since one of the features in the Sims is building and customizing your own homes)
-Jazz music
-Moshpit (why?)
-Party Games
-Pets (The Sims Unleashed, which allows your sims to have pets, would not be released until a year after TSO)
-Pro Wrestling
-Sports Fan
-Stage Shows
-Video Games
-Wine (Nectar in the Sims world)
-World News
-Xtreme Sports
Which interests would you have chosen for your Sim?
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septic-skele · 6 months
Sims 4 - UNDERTALE Legacy Challenge
I love The Sims 4. I love Undertale. You know what that means! The "Simdertale Legacy Challenge" :D
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This is a ten generation challenge featuring themes based on fan favorite Undertale characters.
Typical legacy challenge rules apply. No cheats that give you an unfair advantage. Your sims do not have to be named after or look like the Undertale characters. Design them however you like!
This challenge is designed to be base game compatible, which is why some aspirations and career choices aren't right on the money for the chosen Undertale character (i.e. why the Mettaton gen is a style influencer instead of a celebrity, which is only available with the Get Famous pack. If you have that pack and want to go down that career path for Gen 7 instead, feel free!)
Full challenge under the cut!
Generation 1: Asgore
You thought you were more than ready for a family. You married young, maybe too young, and welcomed the arrival of your children with high hopes for the future, but keeping the family together and in harmony turns out to be tougher than you imagined. Maybe tending a garden will be easier than tending to the little ones was. It’s just a different sort of “putting down roots” than you’d initially imagined.
Traits: cheerful, family-oriented, loves outdoors
Aspiration: Successful Lineage
Career: Part-Time Manual Laborer
Start as a young adult and marry as fast as you can
Sell plants from your garden on the side
Use the Tea Magic Personal Brewer at least three times a week
Have two children: one with your partner, one adopted
Have a strained relationship with adopted child
After your children disappear (move out as teens), change aspiration to Freelance Botanist and master it
Have an increasingly strained relationship with your partner, get divorced as an adult and never remarry
Maintain contact with blood child, no contact with adopted child
Generation 2: Flowey
You’ve always known you were meant for more than the quaint little life your parents had to offer. Tea and gardening day in and day out, pretending to be at peace? No, thanks! It’s you and your sibling against the world! You’ve been partners in crime from day one, so why not run with it? You may have inherited a green thumb but what you really want in your hands is the world.
Traits: ambitious, childish, mean
Aspiration: Public Enemy
Career: Criminal – Boss Branch
Upon reaching young adulthood, find a creative way to kill Gen 1
Have a strained relationship with your surviving parent
Have a good relationship with your adoptive sibling, who also enters the criminal career
Max out charisma and mischief skills
Reach level 5 gardening skill
Complete Public Enemy aspiration
Reach the top of the crime boss career
Befriend a good sim, have one child with them, and then become enemies
Generation 3: Grillby
Considering your parent’s mean streak and questionable career, you’ve tried to keep to yourself most of your life; you didn’t want to risk alienating people with your hot head the way they have. Sick of clashing with them over their life choices, you decide to burn bridges and start fresh, where you may have a chance of new, kinder people coming into your life. And what better to bond over than some good food by a warm hearth?
Traits: hot-headed, foodie, loner
Aspiration: Master Chef
Career: Culinary – Chef Branch
Live in a different world than Gen 2
Decorate your home with a fireplace in every main room and only one stereo. Run the stereo until it breaks and never repair it
Make at least three lifelong friends
Go to a bar at least once a week
Max out cooking, gourmet cooking and mixology skills
Reach the top of the master chef career
Adopt two children
Become friends with one or both children by the time they’re teens
Optional: develop and then overcome a fear of swimming
Generation 4: Sans
It would have been easier (and cozier) to live at home your whole life but your sibling was raring to get out into the world and you weren’t going to leave them alone out there. You’re good with people and that more than makes up for your lackluster work ethic. You’re sure you can charm your way into a job that doesn’t feel like work—and hopefully it’ll pay enough to back your one big passion: space.
Traits: lazy, goofball, loyal
Aspiration: Joke Star
Career: Entertainer – Comedian Branch
Move out with your sibling as a teen
Max out charisma, comedy and logic skills
Become best friends with an elder sim
Complete Joke Star aspiration
Reach the top of the comedian career
Collect at least five space prints from the observatory
Have your heir as a science baby
Buy a rocket ship and get your sibling to build it for you
Generation 5: Papyrus
Your parent would be content to live life flat on their back, sharing funny anecdotes with the stars, but you’re more down-to-earth. You’ve got places to go, friends to make, and to do that properly you have to be the best, happiest, healthiest version of yourself that you can be! You’ll always make time to care for the person who raised you but it’s refreshing to get out and connect with likeminded people on a jog or at the gym.
Traits: active, cheerful, outgoing
Aspiration: Friend of the World
Career: Athlete – Bodybuilder Branch
Live with Gen 4 your whole life
Do all housecleaning/repairs/upgrades yourself
Go on a jog at least once a week
Max out fitness, cooking and handiness skills
Become friends with an evil sim (bonus points if they form a negative relationship with your family)
Become best friends with a hot-headed sim you meet at the gym
Reach the top of the bodybuilder career
Develop max affinity with another sim in both the green and pink bars, have child(ren) with them, then ask just to be friends
Generation 6: Alphys
Your parent has always been a health nut, encouraging you to get some fresh air, eat well, touch grass, but the air is fresh enough for you in your room and ramen’s really not so bad. You can make a lot of worthwhile connections online, professional and personal—perhaps very personal. Although, if you tried getting out once in a while, maybe you’d meet the real flesh-and-blood soulmate you’re searching for…
Traits: geek, slob, romantic
Aspiration: Computer Whiz
Career: Freelancer – Programmer Branch
Survive mostly on junk food and quick meals
Get the All-Nighter and Introvert achievements
Own a coffee machine. Drink coffee as much as possible
Max out programming, video gaming and logic skills
Enter a video game tournament at least once a week
Scavenge for parts in the trash as often as possible
Write love emails, poetry and romance books on the side. Self-publish only
Go on a date with at least three other sims before meeting your one true love at a fishing spot
Optional: develop and then overcome a fear of being judged
Generation 7: Mettaton
Your parent is a bit of a shut-in and more than a bit of a mess; you always thought they could be doing much better for themself. That’s why you venture to show them and the rest of the world how to clean up its act. You’re going to set standards, make a name for yourself—and if everybody ends up falling for you in the process, that’s just a pleasant bonus. You love the attention.
Traits: neat, materialistic, snob
Aspiration: Serial Romantic
Career: Style Influencer – Trendsetter Branch
Lose contact with family after moving out
Max out charisma skill
Reach level 5 of the cooking skill
Reach level 5 of the piano skill
Reach the top of the trendsetter career
Complete the serial romantic aspiration
Date a ghost, then break up with them to settle down with a human
Reconnect with family as an adult
Generation 8: Undyne
You certainly inherited your parent’s competitive streak but honestly, you couldn’t be less interested in their fussy put-together lifestyle. Your relationship deteriorated once they started pulling poses on the piano while you were trying to play. So why not play dirty? You don’t need fancy frills to make it big! You’re sweating out your home life frustration on the field, where you know you’ll always have people on your team.
Traits: hot-headed, self-assured, bro
Aspiration: Bodybuilder
Career: Athlete – Professional Athlete Branch
Have a strained relationship with Gen 7
Own a pool and go swimming at least three times a week
Max out fitness, charisma and piano skills
Reach level 5 of the cooking skill
Reach the top of the professional athlete career
Win at least three fights
Befriend one child and become enemies with one child
Fall in love with a sim who has the geek trait
Generation 9: Toriel
Both your parent and grandparent were rising stars in their areas of expertise and you’ve been thrust into the spotlight by proximity, but your hopes are more humble. All you’ve ever wanted are the comforts of home and a loving family of your own, both of which you’ll build better in privacy, away from the world’s lofty expectations. But that doesn’t guarantee it will be a quiet life; you intend to keep busy with quite a big brood.
Traits: neat, family-oriented, bookworm
Aspiration: Big Happy Family
Career: Part-Time Babysitter
When you move out, only take 20,000 of your parent’s simoleons to afford a starter home
Work as a part-time babysitter from teen to elder years
Write children’s books and short stories on the side
Max cooking and gourmet cooking skills
Reach level 5 of the charisma skill
Reach level 5 of the comedy skill
Get married and divorced once; never marry again but feel free to date
Have seven children over the course of your lifetime, however you choose to do so. The last child will be your heir
Generation 10: Frisk
You’ve been raised to appreciate a good story, and your large and eclectic family has passed down plenty of interesting tales for you to tell. That being said, you’re ready to have some adventures of your own too. When you’re not exploring your family history, you’re making your merry way through the wide world, collecting treasures, friends and memories, knowing that home will always be waiting for you.
Traits: good, creative, loves outdoors
Aspiration: Curator
Career: Writer – Author Branch
Have a good relationship with your parent
Be good friends with at least two of your siblings
Make six friends outside of your family
Max out writing and charisma skills
Reach the top of the author career
Complete the Curator aspiration
Optional: write and publish nine biographies for each past gen
This is my first ever attempt to make a legacy challenge so I apologize if it shows and regardless, I hope somebody enjoys it! If you decide to give it a go, use the tag #simdertale legacy so I can see!
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jedusaur · 7 months
hot spiced whiskey sour
I love the vibe of mulled wine in the winter but am not actually that big on wine, so here's an alternative! all you need is:
whiskey (Brown Sugar Bourbon works great for this if you like it sweet) water sugar mulling spices (e.g. cinnamon stick, whole cloves, star anise, maybe some citrus peel, anything you'd put in mulled wine) fresh-squeezed lemon juice
first thing you wanna do is throw some water in a pot with your spices. the amount of water depends on the amount of simple syrup you want to end up with, but don't worry about measuring carefully at this point bc some will evaporate. simmer this until it smells super good (like 10 minutes) then strain out the spices and measure the water. add the same amount of sugar (e.g. if you have a cup of spiced water, mix with a cup of sugar) and stir until dissolved. this syrup should stay good in the fridge for a couple weeks, if you want to make it ahead of time.
now measure out 1 part syrup and 2 parts whiskey (I did 1oz and 2oz) into a microwave-safe mug and heat it up. I put it in for 30 seconds because my syrup was still warm from the stove; if yours is cold you'll need longer. AFTER heating, add 1 part lemon juice and stir.
btw you can do this with basically anything that will infuse into water—one of my all-time favorite drinks is a whiskey sour using strong Earl Grey tea as the water. it's an easy way to get creative with your cocktails without needing a whole mixological education :D
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bartenderthreads · 4 months
Spiked Slushies: The Coolest Trend to Sizzle Through 2024
Spiked Slushies: The Coolest Trend to Sizzle Through The Up coming Summer of 2024! #quadcityslushie #SpikedSlushies #SpikedSlushie2024 #SpikedSlushie #Summer2024 #
Summer Bliss: Tropical Spiked Slushie Introduction: As the Quad Cities basks in another unseasonably warm day with temperatures soaring past 60 degrees in February, the thirst for something uniquely refreshing and delightfully chilled takes center stage. Enter the realm of spiked slushies, the coolest trend that’s rapidly freezing its way to the top of 2024’s must-sip list. Not just a fleeting…
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rejoicingtoday · 4 months
National Margarita Day🍹: A Celebration of the Iconic Cocktail
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National Margarita Day is coming up on February 22nd this year. It’s a fun holiday to celebrate the popular margarita cocktail. Lots of people enjoy margaritas, especially in the summer. The drink is made with tequila, lime juice, and orange liqueur. It has a tangy, citrusy taste that people love.
National Margarita Day provides an opportunity for people to come together and celebrate this iconic drink. It’s a time to appreciate the Margarita’s unique flavors, versatility, and cultural significance. Many bars, restaurants, and cocktail enthusiasts participate in the festivities by offering special Margarita promotions, hosting Margarita-themed events, or crafting new and creative Margarita recipes.
History of National Margarita Day
National Margarita Day is all about celebrating this yummy tequila drink, but where did it come from? No one knows for sure, but there are two fun stories!
One says a bartender named Danny whipped one up in the 1930s for a customer who couldn’t stomach most alcohol. He mixed tequila with lime and salt for a smoother sip, and boom, the margarita was born!
The other story says it evolved from another drink called the Daisy, originally made with different liquors but eventually switching to tequila and adding orange liqueur for more punch.
So, the margarita’s origin is a delicious mystery, but National Margarita Day is the perfect excuse to enjoy this refreshing drink, salty rim or not!
How To Celebrate National Margarita Day
Celebrating National Margarita Day can be a fun and enjoyable experience. Here are some ideas on how to celebrate this special day:
Enjoy a Margarita at a Bar or Restaurant: Visit your favorite bar or restaurant known for their Margaritas and indulge in a delicious Margarita. Many establishments offer special Margarita promotions or menu items on National Margarita Day, so take advantage of the opportunity to try something new or savor a classic Margarita recipe.
Host a Margarita Party: Set up a fun bar with tequilas, mixers, fresh lime, and toppings. Let everyone mix their own masterpieces and hold a taste-off! Don’t forget fancy glass rims and yummy snacks to complete the fiesta!
Try Different Margarita Variations: National Margarita Day is your chance to get fancy with this classic drink! Don’t settle for the usual – try adding fresh fruits like strawberries, mango, or watermelon, or spice things up with jalapeños or habanero. Feeling adventurous? Freeze it for a cool treat! Find recipes online or unleash your inner mixologist and invent your own unique margarita. Cheers!
Attend Margarita Tastings or Events: Check if there are any Margarita tastings, workshops, or events happening in your area on National Margarita Day. Some venues or mixology schools may offer special Margarita-focused events where you can learn about the history, techniques, and art of crafting Margaritas. It’s a great opportunity to expand your knowledge and palate while enjoying the festivities.
Make Homemade Margaritas: Snuggle up and celebrate National Margarita Day at home! Grab some tequila, orange liqueur, lime juice, and ice (recipe optional!), and whip up your own delicious margaritas. Feeling creative? Play with the ratios or add a twist with fresh fruits or herbs. Cheers to a cozy celebration, margarita-style!
Facts and Stats about Margarita
Margarita reigns supreme as the most popular cocktail, with a whopping 60% of Americans favoring this tequila-based delight.
According to a NielsenIQ CGA survey, the Margarita reigns supreme as the most popular cocktail in the United States, with 60% of cocktail enthusiasts favoring it. This classic concoction is followed by the daiquiri (44%), piña colada (36%), Long Island iced tea (33%), and the refreshing mojito (29%).
In the United States, annual margarita sales are estimated to surpass a whopping $800 million each year.
Frozen margaritas have indeed become a popular choice, accounting for approximately 80% of margarita sales at restaurants and bars.
To celebrate the grand opening of the Margaritaville Casino at The Flamingo hotel in Las Vegas, a massive margarita named “Lucky Rita” was created. It took a monumental effort, requiring approximately 300 hours and 60 people to prepare.
58 countries imported over 100,000 liters of tequila in 2023. Among them, 7 saw imports surge past 100%, with Ukraine (+421%), Switzerland (+176%), and Estonia (+131%) leading the pack.
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alltimefail-sims · 1 year
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Quinta is up for Download!
As previously promised, I present to you all...drumroll...my beloved Quinta! As a little bonus, I've also included her parents in a separate zip. You can find the full info about Quinta and her parents below the cut!
They are only dressed in the everyday category. If you'd like inspo for Quinta, check out the lookbook I did HERE. All the CC I used is BGC, but their eyes and some skin details fall in the "occult scar" category. (If you don't have vampires or werewolves you'll need the CAS unlock mod to get the hidden occult categories.) Lastly, I use the Preferences + mod, so you will probably see a like or dislike from that in the mix. If you don't use that mod, no worries - those likes/dislikes just won't show up.
All I ask is that... -> You don't change her physical appearance dramatically. That means you should especially not change her skin or her plus-size body. If you also download her parents, same goes for them. Don't be weird. -> You don't change Quinta's sexuality. She is a lesbian. -> You tag me if you play with her in your game! I would love for her to finally have a life partner 🥺💕
Thank you to all the CC creators!
DL: Patreon (always free)
Note: Quinta appeared as a contestant on @wrixie's "Mini's Match" Bachelorette Challenge, you can find her OG submission post HERE.
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Text transcript of the above picture for anyone who needs it! ↓
Quinta Saeed-Parisi (She/her): - Age: Young Adult - Aspiration: Big Happy Family - Traits: loyal, ambitious, moody, art lover, romantic - Likes: red, classical music, Latin pop music, Indian food, Middle Eastern food, Japanese food, cerebral sims, idealist sims, pet enthusiasts, romance enthusiasts, affection, arguments, deep thoughts, flirtation, physical intimacy, polished fashion, cooking, dancing, mixology, piano, research & debate, violin, writing, museums, beaches - Dislikes: gray, jazz music, metal music, British food, ambitionless sims, rascals, nature enthusiasts, complaints, malicious interactions, pranks, deception, country fashion, baking, fishing, gardening, fitness, handiness, herbalism, mischief, gyms, and shabby decor.
Tanit Saeed-Parisi (She/her): - Age: Elder - Aspiration: Successful Lineage - Traits: bookworm, self-assured, proper, outgoing, neat - Likes: Purple, coffee, classical music, baroque music, soul music, Middle Eastern food, seafood, family-motivated sims, hard-working sims, nature enthusiasts, discussing interests, gossip, compliments, baking, cooking, flower arranging, gardening, the library, cafes, and garden decor. - Dislikes: dj booth music, electronica music, hip hop music, spooky music, metal music, junk food, egotistical sims, rascals, complaints, malicious interactions, deception, programming, video gaming, and shabby decor.
Gabriele Parisi (He/him): - Age: Elder - Aspiration: Successful Lineage - Traits: foodie, creative, good, proper, loves the outdoors - Likes: green, red nectar (red wine), backyard music, classical music, retro music, Italian food, seafood, cerebral sims, family-motivated sims, homebody sims, spirited sims, affection, physical intimacy, silly behavior, pranks, stories, basics fashion, archaeology, cooking, gourmet cooking, writing, volunteering, photography - Dislikes: hip hop music, electronica music, metal music, pessimistic sims, egotistical sims, deep thoughts, malicious interactions, baking, video gaming.
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kleptomaniac-trait · 1 year
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My first post, myself as sim
Creative | Loner | Unflirty Archaeology scholar aspiration Likes painting, writing, gardening, handiness, and orange Dislikes fitness, winter holiday music, romance music, singing and mixology
CC links under the read more
Hair | Glasses | Eyeliner | Lips | Eyelids | Face overlay | Poses 1 | 2 | 3
Everyday | Top | Pants | Shoes | Necklace
Formal | Jacket | Pants | Shoes | Ring
Party | Coat | Pants (base game) | Shoes | Necklace
Sleep | Pyjamas
Swimwear | Swimsuit | Skirt | Sandals | Hat
Hot weather | Top | Skirt | Shoes | Necklace | Watch (vintage glamour)
Cold weather | Coat | Pants | Shoes | Gloves Thank you to all CC creators! @clumsyalienn @goppolsme @miikocc @lamatisse @arethabee @joliebean @jius-sims @enriques4 @serenity-cc @lady-moriel @ooobsooo2 @vittleruniverse @caio-cc @sentate @natalia-auditore @kumikya @madlensims @yun-seol @rona-sims @quen2n
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discoverjoana · 13 days
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End of Generation 2 - Brielle
Wrapping up our 2nd generation with Brielle - her success and family are her topmost priority.
Brielle has been identified as a 3 star celebrity and Bellezza Kuisine has been recognized as one of the fine dining restaurants in SanMy.
Charlotte graduated early from high school which means, she is now ready to move on with her life.
Her twins, Brianna and Elijah are now teenagers and ready for their high school life.
She's also expecting her 4th child, despite having a miscarriage on her last one
Despite having troubles with her married life - having an affair and almost failing her marriage - Brielle was able to put herself back and had come to realize what her priorities are. Aside from all those glitter and glamour and fame - but also her family.
Generation Two: Chef It Up!
Aspiration: Master Chef ✅
Traits: Ambitious, roll/pick the rest [Food Lover & Art Lover]. Buy the Stoves and Grills Master reward trait.✅
Skills: Cooking [Level 10] and Gourmet Cooking [Level 10]. At least level 4 in Mixology. Any required skills from career. ✅
Reach level 10 in the Culinary career (Chef branch) ✅, OR open a restaurant (achieve 3-star restaurant),✅[4 start restaurant]
You must achieve at least a 3-star celebrity level, after all, you are a celebrity chef. ✅
Have a "controversial" relationship. Either date/marry a fellow celebrity (maybe they have a bad rep?), get into a relationship with someone who works for you at your restaurant, you decide! Be creative with it.✅
Throw at least 5 dinner parties throughout your life. No need to go for gold, but hey, why not?✅
Create your chef's dream kitchen in your home. Your sim needs a beautiful place to cook!✅
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mythologicalsims · 11 months
Sims 4 legacy challenge base game compatible
if you use it #simsbookmythologicalsims
Fifty shades of sims
Sims 4 book legacy challenge 
Base game compatible 
This legacy challenge goes through all the book types in the sims 4 such as Fantasy and non-fiction and skill books. It is more the books you can write then all the books you can buy. There will be an extended version and a harder version and mods and cc are allowed and so are cheats. If you don't cheat it will be harder and more of a challenge but I'm not your mom I won't stop you. Sorry if it's badly written Im dyslexic.
Generation one: Children’s book/ toddler books
Outfits: kidcore 
Aspiration: Big Happy Family Aspiration (complete) 
Buy all the kids books and toddler books.
Have at least 3 kids in the spaned of your life (they don't count if they get taken away)
See your grown up kids every other week.
Have all your kids max out a skill at any age.
Your baby daddy or mama has to see their kids every week (if they don't live with you)
Traits: Childish (any other trait that makes you think childish)
Generation two: Short story
Outfit: comfortable 
Job: writer (complete)
Write each type of book (except skill books)
Aspiration: Bestselling Author (complete)
Read to your kids when their kids every 3 days
Have your lover be a character from the game not made.
Treat the next heir as a princess or prince 
Generation three: Poems
Outfit: Renaissance 
Job: Entertainer (level 7)
Max out a instrument level
Aspiration: Musical Genius (complete)
Trait: creative
Sweet heart with significant other
Write a song and name it after your lover
Generation four: Non-fiction books
Outfit: nerd 
Aspiration: Renaissance sim (complete)
Buy: all nonfiction books
Skill: max out logic skill
Job: Business (level 5)
Significant other has loner as one of their traits
Generation five: Screenplays
Outfit: gothic 
Job: style influencer (level 7)
Aspiration: villainous valentine (complete)
Tragedy: like a kid dying or die young or something like that.
Trait: gloomy
Significant other doesn’t help with their kid (they can die or leave)
Has at least 3 kids
Generation six: Fantasy book
Outfit: high fantasy
Aspiration: painter Extraordinaire or location (Complete one)
Job: Freelancer 
House: castle 
One of your baby daddy’s or mommy’s has to be a occult sim (if you can’t then this doesn’t apply to you)
Have at least 4 kids (they can be taken away)
Have a fantasy wedding with the love of your life.
Generation seven: Science-fiction book
Outfit: Sci-Fi/futuristic
Aspiration: computer whiz (complete)
Job: Astronaut (complete)
Trait: Geek
Max out Rocket science skill
Have a baby made through science 
Have a friend that’s a alien (if you can’t make friends with someone with colored hair)
Make a rocket and woohoo/ try for a baby
Generation eight: Mystery book
Aspiration: chief of mischief (complete)
Job: Secret Agent (level 7)
Trait: ambitious
One of your parents go missing (when your sim becomes a teen) you find them when you get to level 7 of mischief
Max out in mixology or violin
Have the next heir with someone that looks like you (the person reading this)
Generation nine: Biographies (This is a fun one it's just everything is how you see yourself.)
Outfit: you
Buy: your favorite book genre 
Aspiration: best fits you and finish it
Get level 10 in gaming (because you play sims)
Traits: your personality
Your partner (wife/husband thing) you have to be your type. (if you like skinny girls with black hair or curvy guys that have red hair etc.) 
Job you wanted to do when you were little and finish the career. 
Make your dream house for your sim.
Generation ten: Skill book
Outfit: Workwear (like mechanic and hard working out fits like construction)
Max out five-ten skills
Max out one of your kids skill
Buy: all the skill books
Never call in a serves to the house (like a handyman)
Job: odd jobs
Aspiration: Nerd Brain (complete)
Generation****: Sad books
Job: unemployed  
Trait: gloomy
Outfit: blue
Aspiration: master mixologist (you don’t have to complete it)
Generation****: Motivational books
Aspiration: Fabulously wealthy
Outfit: professional 
Trait: self- assured
Job: criminal
Generation****: Playful book
Trait: goofball
Outfit: pastel to neon 
Aspiration: joke star
Job: Entertainer (comedian career)
Generation****: romance book
Aspiration: serial Romantic
Trait: romantic 
Outfit: tight fit (hot/sexy)
Job: sugar baby (take the money from the rich and leave)
Generation****: workout guides
Outfit: workout clothes 
Trait: active
Aspiration: bodybuilder 
Job: Athlete
Extreme edition: (Don't use this if you don't want to cry. I tried to make it for people that like legacy challenges but are bored by them not being hard.)
No cheats at all even if you need it, no mccc.
Your main sim has to be a vampire and the next generation has to be a vampire. 
Has to be male lead or female lead it just cant be you changing from female to male or male to female.
You can't control anyone but the heir even if her teen is starving to death and she is home alone.
Try not to kill your unimportant sims like your sister or your mom or your kid that's not an heir. 
Your heir has to write the book it was given (kids book sim you have to write a kids book.)
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