#crossover halloween event
alexglitches · 6 months
I feel like Magolor would want to have relearned Dimensional Vanish by Halloween to dodge the Magicam Monsters. But I do think he would try to just not be seen by anyone if he’s not in the school uniform since he’d look like any other beastman. He doesn’t like it but he realizes what he’d rather do.
Glomas is almost a breeze because he just floats sometimes. That is if he gets over the Master Crown flashbacks. He’d also just info dump like the Submas twins about his world.
Playful Land I’m not sure about, but he’s definitely taking notes for his theme park.
magolor jumps from “oh shit this is happening” to “ready to throw down”
he’s playing these guys like 5D chess with multiverse time travel and no one can stop him >:)
and he WOULD info dump, I feel like everyone would be interested in his world
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hyliascommonwealth · 11 months
“The veil between dimensions is certainly at its thinnest this time of year… So then, Is it not wonderful how clearly one could see the worlds if they only had the means..?”
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“Who knows what is out there.. Only legends mark that they’ve crossed our paths before…”
The veil has been altered
The very fabric of this world is becoming
Un noised for your enjoyment
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Drawing I did of @tromroan's character Lord Blue Roan
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He is a tad angry at the moment. Just a smidge. A skosh.
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cloned-soldier · 11 months
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Lost Hope
The Mirny-13 Event of WoT has came back for one last time with the end of the trilogy this year. So I had to bring back this Fury crossover again! :D
🎃Happy Halloween y'all!🎃
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sayuricorner · 11 months
Did you see the CM for the new TWST event?! I felt like I was going to lose my mind!! It looks so good!! And you know who popped into my head for this event? Cedar Wood!! She's perfect for it!! Especially her SDCC doll!!
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I can't wait to see what the story is going to be 🤩😍😁
Once I saw the event, I might try to write some headcanons! ^^
(*Well, once I finished to wrote and post the headcanons part about Way too Wonderland! T_T*)
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6qubed · 1 year
so I finally stopped procrastinating and finished Dying Light 2, and I gotta say, whoever thought "hey, how could we make Virals worse without making them Volatiles? OH I KNOW let's make them soggy suicide bombers!"
well that's a hell of a way to improve on the formula, but I have a different suggestion for improving things, it's called "get in the woodchipper"
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sobremesarp · 11 months
Spooky, scary skeletons have arrived to Sobremesa—and with them come several fun events and features roleplayers can take advantage of for a limited time!
On October 31, 2023 only:
Characters will find themselves trapped in a costume of their RPer's choosing for 24 hours! This can include fandom-based costumes like Jedi robes, Batman's suit, etc. If characters try to take the costume off entirely, it will simply reappear on them within a minute; however, they can make small adjustments like loosening a collar, taking off a hat, etc.
Characters' pets can also find themselves in a costume! These costumes also cannot be removed, as they will simply respawn if someone tries to take them off; however, please avoid costumes that may harm the animals or inflict unnecessary discomfort. They will disappear after 24 hours, just like for the characters.
Until November 1, 2023:
Massive corn mazes can be found sprinkled throughout the woods and fields of both Sobremesa and Asemerbos. Once characters are deep enough in, to the point where its not easy to backtrack, they will suddenly lose all superpowers (just like how it'd be if they walked into Sobremesa, the Colosseum, etc.). They will then have to make it through the rest of the maze powerless. Participants should stay alert! The zombies, cordyceps, and feral animals currently roaming both dimensions also tend to get trapped in the maze.
A haunted mansion can also be found in the center of the Asemerbos city, filled with illusions of pumpkinheads and skeletons partying it up. Endless food, drink, and music can be found in all the rooms and halls, accompanied with abundant spooky decor. Characters should still remain alert though. It's dark and loud inside, making it easy for monsters or those with malicious intentions to slip inside.
As always, these events and features are optional! If you don't want your character in a costume, they don't have to be; the God of Tricks likes their random games.
Want to join in on the fun? Join Sobremesa today—a multifandom roleplaying forum on fanfiction.net. Must be 18 or older to join.
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oneofusnet · 2 years
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Crossover Event #37: Halloween Horror CROSSOVER EVENT #37: HALLOWEEN HORROR Spooky season is upon us! Frights! Plights! Tights! And some gright horror movie recommendations for you! (Gright? sigh). Join Chris Cox, Martin Thomas, and Danni Danger as they pick their most anticipated horror movies coming out in October. WE HAVE A PODCAST! You can listen over at Bell of Lost… Read More »Crossover Event #37: read more on One of Us
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lampmeeting · 12 days
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Just a couple weeks until the end of September, so you know what that means!
Kloktober is almost upon us! 🎃🦇
What is Kloktober?: An incredibly zazzy event taking place in October where we celebrate all things Metalocalypse. There’s a prompt for every day of the month to interpret as you see fit! Draw, write, cosplay, make memes, whatever you like - all forms of participation are welcome!
How do I participate?: Make your totally brutal creation inspired by the day’s prompt and post it using the tag #kloktober2024 - it’s just that simple! Post it here, post it to Twitter, post it to AO3, post it to Instagram, wherever you usually post your creative stuff!
But am I allowed to–YUP, ANYTHING GOES! There are no wrong answers during Kloktober! ✨ However you decide to interpret a prompt, it's valid! If you only want to do a few days, or even just manage to do one, that’s also completely valid. Please don't burn yourself out or stress, this is for fun!
What if I don't vibe with one of the prompts? No worries! If there's a prompt that doesn't suit you, please feel free to reach back in time and choose a prompt from a previous year's Kloktober (2023, 2022, 2021, or 2020). And as always, if you have any questions about anything, hit me up!
(plain text version of the prompts are below for anyone who needs them!)
your favorite character
your favorite relationship
horror movie crossover
dressed to kill
use a self-insert or OC
road trip or drug trip
furryklok or demonklok
a favorite headcanon
use someone's parents
bravery or cowardice
inspired by your culture
tattoos or piercings
use a Halloween treat
one year after AOTD
costume party or sleepover party
use the ghost of a dead character
palling around with another band
what if they never got famous?
Abigail Appreciation Day!
use two character who never met
too much booze or too much sugar
Dethklok as a different music genre
fix them or make them worse
inspired by a metal song
post-apocalypse or cyberpunk
bring back a one-off character
conspiracy theory or propaganda
birthday or funeral
YOUR choice!
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literaryvein-reblogs · 2 months
Writing Notes: Horror
Horror is a genre within creative writing that relies on one thing: instilling a sense of fear in the reader.
The horror genre is multifaceted—there is a kind of horror for every kind of person.
For some, the most effective scare is the idea of being trapped in a haunted house. For others, it’s being chased by a serial killer on Halloween.
Some of the best horror comes from scary things that can manipulate an audience’s feelings, creating a sensation of uneasiness and fear that stretches beyond consciousness and permeates deep within the psyche.
Horror writing is sometimes categorized within the broader category of thrillers, but not all horror follows the thriller structure.
Classic horror fiction—whether expressed as a novel, novella, short story, or film—will tap into topics that reliably frighten most humans.
Common topics include ghosts, werewolves, vampires, zombies, serial killers, murderers, and the fear of the unknown.
These horror tropes can often devolve into clichés.
A downside of horror’s popularity is that many horror books and movies recycle old content in non-creative ways, but when properly executed, horror stories can thrill audiences and even provide commentary on the human condition.
Horror Subgenres
1. Apocalyptic - In this subgenre, the world is ending or society is collapsing. When this happens, it’s usually because of some creature, demon, or religious event (while climate-oriented apocalypses are more sci-fi).
2. Body Horror - Involves the mutilation, experimentation, or violation of the human body. It can focus on disease, dismemberment, infestation, sexual acts, or a complete transformation of the physical form.
3. Comedy - Horror and comedy seem so at odds with each other, but they work so well together (kind of like spice and chocolate). A trademark of comedy horror is how the protagonist somewhat stumbles through the story, arriving at the end through luck and ridiculous happenstance rather than skill or growth.
4. Cosmic/Lovecraftian - With its origins largely attributed to H.P. Lovecraft, cosmic horror makes us feel small against a threat that is ancient, massive, and incomprehensible. Cosmic horror looks at intergalactic entities, ancient gods, the machinations of the universe, and how helpless we are against it all.
5. Dark Fantasy - Another crossover, this time with the fantasy genre. In dark fantasy, you have elements of magic, fictional creatures or worlds, and everything else that makes fantasy great, plus you add in a good dose of scares. This can also involve other subgenres, like body horror.
6. Dark Romance - Another crossover genre, dark romance takes the feel-good romance genre and makes it horrific. While this subgenre can simply include morally questionable characters and a grittier tone than most romance, it can also include kidnapping, forced confinement, BDSM, psychological and physical abuse, and sexual violence or sex where there is no consent. Bear in mind that it still needs to include the tenants of romance stories, though.
7. Extreme Gore - Not for the faint of heart, this subgenre includes books that have detailed torture scenes or otherwise disturbing and depraved acts. This genre is all about shocking your audience with how awful your characters act or are treated.
8. Folk Horror - Embraces urban legends and folktales. These range from old pagan gods in the woods to weird rituals performed by isolated groups or villages. Sometimes there is a supernatural element to them, even if the “supernatural” is simply perceived or believed by some characters (e.g., Midsommar).
9. Found Footage/Documentaries - Though this subgenre is more common in films than books, found footage and documentary horror stories are about a crew of people recording their experiences, usually unaware of the true danger they are about to face.
10. Gothic - The great-grandparent of modern horror, gothic horror is the brooding, atmospheric genre containing what most of us would consider classics (e.g., Dracula and Frankenstein). Sometimes you throw in a dash of romance, but these tales tackle topics like death and mortality.
11. Post-Apocalyptic - After some world-ending disaster, how horrifying have things become? Post-apocalyptic horror shows us a world without rules or structure. It can contain unrealistic elements (zombies, demons, etc.) or realistic possibilities (cannibals, gangs, and so on).
12. Psychological - Places the spotlight on trauma, mental health, manipulation, phobias, and everything else that causes you to become stressed and anxious. Home invasion stories (i.e., The Strangers) fall under this subgenre.
13. Slasher - Involves violent horror that is more about a single killer stalking and eventually killing a group of people (traditionally targeting teens and using a blade). This subgenre isn’t necessarily as violent or gory as others, but uses suspense to make the reader hold their breath.
14. Splatterpunk - Is known for its disregard of limits when it comes to violence—both physical and sexual. Gore and depravity are grossly abundant.
15. Supernatural/Paranormal - Some folks separate these two subgenres into different categories, but there is so much overlap that they’re basically the same. If you have to, think of supernatural horror as stories that involve werewolves, witches, vampires, and other monsters. Paranormal horror, on the other hand, involves ghosts, demons, and haunted houses.
Tips for Writing Horror
1. Read more horror. There’s no better way to understand what a good story looks like than to read one for yourself. Read as much as you can so you are aware of what other horror writers are doing.
2. Focus on your own fears. Much like comedy, horror benefits from authenticity. So get personal: If you can scare yourself, you can probably scare an audience.
3. Create three-dimensional characters. Write characters whose character flaws feed the action of the story. All good literature and film contains well-wrought characters with desires, emotions, and a backstory. The more human you make the characters of your story or screenplay, the more their missteps and bad choices will resonate with an audience.
4. Recognize that the real can be scarier than the surreal. Sure, you can make up an army of googly-eyed bad guys or plant a severed head in your main character’s bed, but will you really scare your reader? Not necessarily. In most cases, psychological horror sticks with audiences far longer than a jump scare or gross-out moment in a slasher film. Toying with people’s real-life fears tends to scare them much more than just grossing them out.
5. Use the environment. Scary movies and television shows can use jump-scares as an easy way to frighten an audience, but writing scary literature requires its own method of manifesting fear. Setup your environment in a vivid way to fully immerse your readers into your setting. Vividly describing an enclosed space can elicit feelings of claustrophobia. A dark and quiet house becomes more frightening when a character suddenly hears the creak of an upstairs floorboard. Being an outsider in an unfamiliar place, like a small town with no cell phone service and where everyone knows each other, is already unsettling—and if you add a malicious paranormal force to such a setting, you can enhance the feeling of isolation and ramp up the anxiety of the scenario.
6. Write longer sentences. You can heighten your readers’ fear by writing paragraphs with longer sentences. Periods provide natural pauses for readers to take a breath, but if you stretch out your sentences, you build anticipation for the reader—which they might not even realize until they reach the end of the sentence. By using tactics like this, you immerse the reader into your horror story, making them feel what the main character feels and creating a heart-pounding connection.
7. Make your readers breathe faster. Whereas long sentences can amplify the intensity of a story, short one-sentence paragraphs can force your readers to take more frequent breaths while following your narrative. Crafting abrupt lines builds tension in your scary story writing, making the readers’ eyes move more quickly down the page searching for the relief that the protagonist is safe. This can make your audience breathe faster, contributing to the feeling of panic and anxiety.
8. Leverage fear of the unknown. Fear of the unknown is a common theme that can be tracked throughout many of the best stories in horror fiction and horror movies. When there is something that negatively affects us that we cannot control or properly identify, it creates a feeling of panic and dread. Teasing your readers with something not quite definable or a bad guy no one knows how to stop can increase the level of tension and fear when writing horror stories.
9. Lean into dark imagery and your readers’ collective imagination. Consider what images might be frightening to a reader (and yourself). How much of a description of a clown do you need in order to make a reader feel uneasy? How large and grotesque does a rat need to be? Leaving some of these images more general than specific will allow a reader to fill in the blanks with what is most horrifying to them. Example: If you read the word beast, what do you see in your imagination? Most words carry connotations and personal connections. Allow your words to work for you to create the maximum scare.
10. Want tension? Sprinkle in some foreshadowing. Foreshadowing is a powerful tool in your writing arsenal, but it is particularly effective in horror, especially when writing in third person. Foreshadowing is when an author alludes to a future event by showing us something now. The key to foreshadowing is to use it sparingly. We want to up the tension and the fear our readers are experiencing while they yell at the oblivious protagonist not to open the door. We don’t want the reader to know every single thing that’s going to happen. 
11. Focus on the moment where things shift. You should consider a pivotal scene in your story idea and try to build around that scene or that moment where the plot actually “shifts.” Sometimes that could be reflected in a realization by the protagonist. Other times it can be represented in some type of ironic twist at the end. By looking at that singular element of your story idea, you cut away the fat so that the reader is left only with the most resonant part of the story.
12. Establish the mundane. Mundane is just a fancy way of saying normal, but the message still rings true. Most story structures tell you to start by establishing the Ordinary World: what our protagonist’s normal life is like. This is important for showing us how important the larger conflict is, because it threatens the protagonist’s normal. In horror, establishing the mundane is arguably more important. In a story where connecting with the character and empathizing with them over the godawful stuff you, the author, put them through, the reader needs to understand just how bad life has gotten. Then you can take both your characters and your reader from a place of comfort and familiarity and plunge them into whatever shadowy hell you’ve concocted.
13. Choosing your POV. By choosing to write your story from a first-person perspective, you are putting the reader exactly where your character is. There are 2 types of third-person POV—limited and omniscient. It is advisable to stay away from omniscient. Part of writing a good horror story is withholding information from the reader, which third-person omniscient doesn’t really allow for. Considering the pros and cons of the different points of view, choose the right one for your story.
14. Avoid clichés. Clichés are boring and predictable, and a horror scene that is predictable is likely to not be scary. A good horror story can still use familiar horror tropes, but a great horror story makes them its own. Look beyond the obvious when trying to write a scary scene—what is something readers wouldn’t expect? How can you surprise them with fear? Use enough of the existing tropes to be identifiable as horror, but make sure you insert your own originality into the mix. One of the reasons people gravitate to genres in general is because they have certain expectations for what should happen in the story. Look for ways to flip archetypes on their heads.
15. Practice. If you’re struggling to get a handle on writing a good story that’s scary, practice with story prompts (see some sample prompts below). Writing prompts can expand your range of thinking and open up new avenues of imagination that you hadn’t thought of before.
Horror Writing Prompts
A scary doll comes to life.
A scene from a nightmare comes true the next day.
Days go by, and your parents don’t come home.
You feel yourself slowly becoming a monster.
Your friends start to disappear, and no one else notices.
You’re lost in the woods, and you don’t know how you got there.
You’re inhabited by a ghost that controls you and makes you do crazy things.
You have no reflection in the mirror.
The teacher is a monster, but no one will believe you.
You hypnotize your brother, and you can’t snap him out of it.
A fortune teller reveals that you are evil.
Someone follows you home, and it’s your exact double.
You find a diary that tells the future.
Every time you wake up, you’re a different person.
Your parents explain that you are actually an alien from another planet.
You know someone is watching you day and night from the house across the street.
You realize you are shrinking.
While reading a scary book, you realize that you’re a character in it.
Someone is living in your mirror.
Everyone knows the new neighbors are vampires, and the kids invite you over for a sleepover.
All the cats in a small town vanish in the middle of the night….and all that remains is a set of big, scary teeth smashed into a car door.
A group of friends takes on the zombie apocalypse.
Strange things start happening after the grandfather clock starts to speak.
You finally meet your child’s imaginary friend. Who turns out to be a serial killer.
When a local police officer goes to investigate the haunted house down the street, he finds a young girl who died decades ago.
Sources: 1 2 3 4 5 6
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gortash-week · 15 days
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October 31st, join me in celebrating GORTOWEEN, a fun gortash themed halloween event! use the tag "GORTOWEEN" to share the horrors!
the devil you know
creator, destroyer
a bloody mess
costume party
final girl (final gort)
sweet delights
horror movie crossover
all art forms are welcome! if you've made it, it counts!
there's no major difference between "trick" prompts or "treat" except that "trick" prompts have a darker undertone to them, and "treat" are a bit more lighthearted!
check out the FAQ for more information! any questions? feel free to ask!
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ectoberweekofficial · 11 months
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Ten years ago, the first Ectoberweek took place. It was part of the beginning years of events celebrating the Danny Phantom phandom's creativity through themed, prompted calendars. But from all the events of 2013, ectoberweek stood out. As a fandom about "the ghost kid show," an event prompting spooky fic/art around Halloween was simply a no-brainer.
Although many events have come and gone throughout the past decade, Ectoberweek has carried on. And now, we are happy to present the Ectoberweek 2023 Calendar to all of you!
Similar to last year, this calendar provides two prompt options for each day: a one word prompt, and a two sentence horror story. You can choose to base your creations off one or both prompts each day.
(Note: The one-word prompts are not limited to artists, and the two sentence prompts are not limited to writers. Both prompts are available to anyone who wants to try them.)
All content directly related to the Danny Phantom cartoon is acceptable for this challenge. Ships, non-ships, crossovers, angst, fluff, classic art, digital art—so long as it relates to the show, how you choose to represent these prompts is entirely up to you.
Tag your work with #ectoberweek2023 so we can all see it. Happy ten years, and we cannot wait to see all the amazing directions you all will take these prompts!
✨ Art credit for this year's calendar goes to @duchi-nesten. Thank you SO MUCH for this lovely calendar! And the Cujo, who is adorable as always! ✨
All Prompts Written Out:
25: Will-o'-wisps It finally sunk in for Jack and Maddie: no matter how alive he seemed, Danny was actually dead. So they buried him.
26: Cults Students start to go missing. At the same time, the Guys in White go quiet.
27: Circus Gothica Blood blossoms weren't named for their blood red color. They were named for the liquid they fed on.
28: Possession It's not an obsession if he can keep it under control. Right?
29: Masquerade "Would you like to know how much time you have left?" Clockwork asked. The endless ticking in the lair had never sounded so ominous.
30: Ecto-acne “Everything that happens twice will surely happen a third time.” Danny doesn’t look forward to his third time getting dissected.
31: Ten Years It had been a decade since anyone last lived at Fenton Works. Or so people thought.
Bonus Prompt: Make a sequel to one of your own works, or create a fic/art piece to accompany an older fic/art from someone else!
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hyliascommonwealth · 11 months
What’s with the grin there Uli?
did you think of something funny?
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rotg-halloween · 2 months
October 19, 2024 through October 31, 2024 - Let's Get Spooky, ROTG Version.
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Header art by @purblzart
13 days, 13 prompts.
Visual, aural, textile, and literary works are allowed - fanart, fanfiction, gifs, edits/manips, cosplay, fanmixes, crafts, or ask-and-answer.  
Unlike other fandom events, reblogs of previously created material are welcome IF THEY FIT THE PROMPT, but creation of original material is preferred.
Inspiration can be drawn from the GUARDIANS OF CHILDHOOD bookverse, the RISE OF THE GUARDIANS movieverse, and any and all associated AUs.
OCs are welcome and encouraged to interact with RotG/GoC characters.
Crossovers are welcome, but please make sure that the focus POV is a character from RotG/GoC.
Works in progress are welcome and encouraged, as long as they fit the prompt. No reason not to celebrate Halloween all year ‘round! No need to worry about having to have something complete before posting.
Don’t feel like you ***must*** post a piece Every… Single… DAY, and/or fill every single prompt.  Burnout is not fun.  But do try to post at least ONE piece during the 13 days of the challenge.
Be sure to tag your works with @rotg-halloween, and list #rotghalloween in one of your first 5 tags.
Please tag works accordingly, and be sure to use any warnings for sensitive and potentially triggering subjects.  
HAVE FUN, and support your fellow creators.
19 October 2024 / Day One: Creak
20 October 2024 / Day Two: Darkness
21 October 2024/ Day Three: Cabin
22 October 2024 / Day Four: Castle
23 October 2024 / Day Five: Apparition
24 October 2024 / Day Six:  Dystopia
25 October 2024 / Day Seven: Howl
26 October 2024 / Day Eight: Talisman
27 October 2024/ Day Nine: Changeling
28 October 2024 / Day Ten: Slasher
29 October 2024 / Day Eleven: Transmogrify
30 October 2024 / Day Twelve: Orbit
31 October 2024 / Day Thirteen: Slither
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Danny Phantom and the Riordanverse
I have some thoughts about a Shared World kind of crossover between Danny Phantom and Percy Jackson & the Olympians. I haven’t done a full rewatch of DP in ages, nor have a read outside the core 5 PJO books, the HOO books, the Kane Chronicles, Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard, and about 2 and a half of the Trials of Apollo books, also been a while. Apologies for any inaccuracies but hey, fanon.
A Glitch In Time canonizes that the Infinite Realms and Material World were once one and the same, but a global war - waged by people who were naturally half ghost the way Danny and Vlad are - split the world in 2. All things regarding Pariah Dark, I’d say he was one of the major powers in this war.
Realms can range from a 10x10x10 room to entire islands with their own celestial bodies like Dora’s kingdom and its sun. Technically we don’t know if the Far Frozen even has an End Point. Doors can lead to alternate timelines; Desiree, Ghost Writer and Clockwork are all able to warp reality, time included, and the Observant Council perceive time in at least 2 dimensions.
In the Riordanverse it is revealed in the few books of the Trials of Apollo that I read and remember that mortal belief from even a relatively small cult can elevate a mortal man to immortal status a la monsters and Gods. Apollo even muses about the way the Gods don’t want to acknowledge how dependent on mortals remembering them they are.
All of this considered, if you want DP to exist in the Riodanverse and even keep the lore of both, then the Realms/Planes/Worlds of the Gods - of Hellas, Kemet, the Æsir and Vanir, the Heavenly Beauracracy, etcetera - are Realms connected to the Spirit World but managed to remain intersected with the Material World through the efforts of the Gods and the memories of Mortals.
The Duat could even be a layer of the Infinite Realms, frankly.
Danny states that his accident was a month ago as of Episode 1, Mystery Meat, which is set April 3rd, 2004. Based on the few concrete date indicators we get in Danny Phantom, the series takes place over 3 years. 4 if you count Claw of the Wild, but that means the trio stays Tiny all the way into Senior Year lol.
Prisoners of Love begins on May 18th, Fright Knight is a Halloween episode, and in Lucky in Love, they’re at a waterpark, which only open in May at the earliest. The Fright Before Christmas is obviously set before and during Christmas and then Reality Trip is set at the beginning of Summer 2006.
In Urban Jungle, Tucker remarks that it’s 90 degrees outside, which means it’s either late May or early June since I do believe they Are in school at that point and iirc global warming hadn’t made it 90 in the midwest early in 2006. Claw of the Wild is an odd camping episode featuring Danny’s class, and I forget in episode details so if this was during school time it had to be during the spring since, again, they live relatively close to the Great Lakes, so it’s gotta be during a naturally warm time. A Glitch In Time, therefore, is set in late spring or early summer of 2008.
Percy Jackson is 12 at the beginning of The Lightning Thief & 13 at the end Iirc since his birthday is August 12th. Either way, this is in 2005. Sea of Monsters and Titan’s Curse are both set during 2006; Battle of the Labyrinth is in 2007, and iirc The Last Olympian is set next year during 2008 and Percy is 16.
Thereby when the Heroes of Olympus books begin in 2008-2009, Danny is 18 and either a senior or highschool graduate. This is a hilarious point in time for Percy to meet Danny, actually, or any of our protagonist crew, if you want to maintain canon for both.
I know most people don’t, in fact, care to keep up DP canon nearly this rigidly, so some other fun thoughts.
In Reality Trip, Freakshow acquires the Reality Gauntlet, and begins the summer (as this begins on a last day of school event I’d say probably even on the Solstice) of 2006 with a reality warping bang. Once he gets the gems, Freakshow transforms the whole world into his circus, until Danny tricks him and gets the glove back, fixing reality to exactly how it was before the change, wiping his identity from the memories of everyone save Tuck, Sam, & Jazz, and then destroyed the Reality Gauntlet in a single shot.
This, I imagine, would grab the attention of The Gods. That’s if the Pariah Dark situation didn’t register to them, even. Considering Percy is 13 at the time and due to deal with the Sea of Monsters situation, the Kane siblings haven’t been recruited yet (I think) and Magnus is still just a homeless kid in Boston, I dunno if anyone from New Rome would be sent but the Gods of various pantheons may investigate directly or through minor gods/spirits.
The House of Life certainly wouldn’t approve of the Ghost Portals, Vlad, or possibly even Danny. Hell, Luke might actually be sent to recruit Danny or Vlad to the Titan’s cause now that I think about it.
With the fact that Danny, Vlad, and Dan were destroying other timelines while smashing into them from sheer speed through the Spirit World during A Glitch In Time, I’d say Danny is at least a 6D being (existing in at least 4 dimensions of space and 2 of time.) If that doesn’t count him as a God, idk what would. Also during Infinite Realms, Vlad and Danny time travel to both ancient Rome during an event in the colosseum and ancient China at a monetary. If these are the same universe as Danny’s, then he and Vlad should have a myth or two regarding one another, which would also put them on the watch list for Olympus and the Bureaucracy of Heaven.
But hey, what do you think? I’m open to talk about this and wanna hear other people’s thoughts and opinions.
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sayuricorner · 2 years
Ever After High x Twisted Wonderland AU Headcanons special (mini) special 7: Endless Halloween
Headcanons part 23              Headcanons part 24
AU concept
Warning: English is not my first language so sorry if it’s confusing.
For this Halloween here’s a little surprise for you all, a few headcanons about the Endless Halloween event! ^^
However, since this event is an extension of the first Halloween event this part will be shorter than the others so see this as an mini extension of the first Halloween special! ^^
-So like In the canon after the NRC’s Halloween event, most of the students outside of a few got kidnapped in the night.
-The EAH transfer students who didn’t get kidnapped: Hunter, Duchess, Dexter and Poppy.
-When the rescue group got separated each non-kidnapped EAH transfer students end up in a group:
-Dexter end up with Silver and Jamil.
-Hunter end up with Riddle, Ruggie and Ortho.
-Duchess end up with Sebek, Trey and Rook.
-Poppy end up with Leona, Ace and Floyd.
-Things go as well as in the canon.(meaning: not so great)
-The kidnapped EAH transfers students who got possessed by ghosts:
-Raven: Got possessed by an haughty and snobbish ghost.
-Daring: Got possessed by an very rude ghost.
-Ashlynn: Got possessed by an germanophobe ghost.
-Ramona: Got possessed by an scary-cat and cry-baby ghost.
-Both Faybelle and Briar were the “final bosses” with Malleus, Faybelle acting as if she was a villainess duchess and Briar acting as if she was vilainess countess.
-After the fight the rescue team realized that Malleus, Briar and Faybelle weren’t possessed by ghosts.
-They even get the surprise to find all the missing students safe and sound and apparently getting ready for a party.
-The explinations are like in canon: The ghosts were sad to had missed NRC halloween event and Malleus decided to help them to had an awesome Halloween.
-In the AU Briar and Faybelle were with Malleus when the latter met the ghosts and agreed to help right away.
-The ghosts had asked Malleus to act as if he was possessed by a general, Faybelle as if she was possessed by duchess and Briar as if she was possessed by a countess.
-The three had a lot of fun in this “little plan” Briar didn’t expected to had so much fun while “playing for once a villain”.
-Despite all the scare and tension of tonight events, the rescue team forgive the ghosts.
-All the students partying at the ghosts’s Halloween party.
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