#crypt hop
Raekogg - SixHundredXVIV
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radiofreealbemut · 3 months
Full album in free download here https://archive.org/details/plegarias-infernales
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martyrbat · 2 years
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primal riddle - batman: legends of the dark knight #111
[ID: Batman cradling the body of a woman that died to save him. He has tears streaming down from his cowl as a cop suddenly calls his name and asks, in shock, if he's crying. Batman sobs, “I can if I want to! I won't die – but I can cry if I want to!” END ID]
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myvinylplaylist · 2 months
Supercop (Music From And Inspired By The Dimension Motion Picture) (1996)
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Interscope Records
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almahiphop · 2 years
Jay Royale ft Styles P - End Game Prod by Ray Sosa / Cuts by DJ Crypt
Jay Royale ft Styles P - End Game Prod by Ray Sosa / Cuts by DJ Crypt
Jay Royale ft Styles P – End Game Prod by Ray Sosa / Cuts by DJ Crypt Jay Royale es un rapero estadounidense originario de Baltimore, Maryland. Es conocido por sus letras sobre la vida en las calles y su estilo de rap crudo y auténtico. Ha lanzado varios álbumes y EP, incluyendo “The Ivory Stoop” en 2019 y “Ghetto Tales” en 2021. Styles P, también conocido como The Ghost, es un rapero,…
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Ok, since you guys liked my last silly Merlin au idea, here's another one! :D
I think that the Knights of Medhir should have come back in some way. They're so versatile as villains, and supposedly any sorcerer powerful enough to awaken them could control them.
Combine their versatility in the story with my saltiness that Merlin never really got any minions despite Morgana getting, like, four whole armies, and I think there's a fun little au in there!
So, I'm imagining around season 4 the knights of the round table plus Merlin and Arthur are on a quest, but there's some sudden bad weather, so they need to seek shelter. However, the only shelter around is the ruins of Idirsholas, much to Arthur and Merlin’s discomfort. However, they’re reassured by the fact that the knights of Medhir are long gone after Morgause's failed invasion.
Let's say that Merlin was injured by a bandit’s blade, giving him a shallow but bleeding cut on his arm. They were able to bandage it with some cloth, but it was still bleeding a bit. As the knights and Merlin prepare their camp for the night, Merlin lights a campfire for them in the courtyard, put as he leans over the firepit, his bandage comes loose a bit, causing some of his blood to spill onto the fire. He thinks nothing of it as he rebandages his arm and starts cooking dinner.
Meanwhile, in the crypt underneath the ruins, the Knights of Medhir have been awakened by a powerful sorcerer lighting a fire in the castle, and then got a massive power-up thanks to being awakened by a blood sacrifice by Emrys himself!
So, the Camelot knights settle in and sleep, while the knight of Medhir are waking up more powerful than ever before. However, their new master hasn't given them any commands yet, so they're just... standing around. For now.
The next day, the knights of the round table pack up and leave, heading back to Camelot. The knights of Medhir can sense their new master getting further away, but they still don't have any orders, so they stay put.
After a couple days, the knights return to Camelot, just in time for a big tournament! Of course, with a big tournament, there's a bunch of rude and downright awful noble knights that show up and make Merlin's life miserable by treating him like dirt behind Arthur's back. One in particular throws a goblet at Merlin's head, and not playfully like Arthur does, and it strikes Merlin's head, giving him a small cut and making him bleed.
The knights of Medhir, sensing that their new master is hurt and hopping onto their demonic horses: We ride at dawn bitches!
So, a couple days into the tournament, the knights of Medhir crash the party! But strangely enough, they only attack a group of non-Camelot knights, even killing a few before they suddenly stop their attack. Then, the knights of Medhir make their way into the castle's courtyard and await their master's next commands, as still as statues.
Arthur, Merlin, and the knights of the round table are scrambling to find out what sorcerer summoned these knights, for what purpose, and why were those foreign knights targeted? Merlin in particular is pulling his hair out over this because the last thing he needs right now is another power-hungry sorcerer trying to take over Camelot!
What's the most confusing is why the knights are just... standing in the middle of the courtyard, unmoving. The Camelot knights try to take this opportunity to destroy the knights of Medhir, but nothing works. They try stabbing them, beheading them, drowning them, even setting them on fire, but nothing could destroy the undead knights. The knights of Medhir just stand there, unmoving.
The Camelot knights, after trying and failing to destroy the knights of Medhir for the twentieth time: They're just standing there... menacingly!
Merlin's also tried a bunch of spells to get rid of them, but nothing's working. It's like his magic refuses to destroy the knights! (Because his magic is now connected to the knights, but he doesn't know that.)
After a while, everyone just sorta accepts that the knights of Medhir are apparently just going to be creepy permanent statues in the courtyard, and life goes on. That is, until another assassin sneaks into Camelot trying to kill the king and Merlin's trying to secretly catch them, but is out in public, so he can't rely on his magic.
All of a sudden, and to everyone's horror, the knights are moving again! The knights of Medhir tear through the castle, thankfully not hurting anyone, but not letting anyone get in their way. They eventually make their way into the throne room, where the assassin is about to strike at Arthur. They brutally murder the assassin (whom only Merlin knew about) in front of the entire court and then march back out into the courtyard, going still once again.
And that's when Merlin realizes it: he's the sorcerer who summoned the knights! And now he apparently has them under his command.
Cue Merlin's life getting a hell of a lot easier.
I feel like this could go in a pretty humorous direction, with Merlin trying desperately to hide the fact that the knights are under his control, but he keeps needing to them save his friends (and himself).
But then Arthur sees Merlin and Gwen being constantly protected by the knights of Medhir, and comes to his own horrifying (and incorrect) conclusion that he himself may be the one commanding them, as they seem to be prioritizing their safety (since Arthur doesn't see them saving his life), which is what Arthur does himself. So Arthur thinks that the knights tearing apart people who hurt Merlin or Gwen is the knights acting on his own darkest impulses, and which makes him very uncomfortable.
I think that there's lots of potential here!
Thanks for reading through my rambling! :D
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chloe-skywalker · 1 year
Give Them A Chance - Robb Stark
Robb x fem!reader Baratheon/Lannister
Warnings: GOT
Word count: 1,362
Summary: Robb and Y/n don’t know that their fathers plan to betroth them. But Ned has a reason for not telling. Will his reason work?
Authors Note: Takes place in like the first episode of season 1 Game Of Thrones. Like right after the whole “You got fat” lines.
Game Of Thrones Masterlist
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Y/n watched the exchange between her father and his friend Ned Stark Warden of the North. It was very odd but she thought it was nice that they were such good friends that they still joked around with each other. She didn’t see her father act so freely like this often. It was a rare welcome sight.
“So I take it this is your oldest.” King Robert sighed looking at the eldest of Ned’s children with a scrutinizing gaze before breaking out into a smile.
“Yes, this is Robb.” Ned introduced his oldest son to his friend.
Robert slapped a hand on the young man’s shoulder, smiling widely. “You're a handsome young lad.”
Robb tried to contain his blushing that he was sure he was doing. “Thank you, your Grace.”
“You should meet my oldest. Y/n!” Robert called over his oldest daughter, but not before sparing a knowing glance to Ned. As Y/n came to stand next to her father, smiling politely at the Stark family before her. “This is my oldest. A year younger than you I believe.”
“Princess.” Robb bowed, before looking at the princess. She had caught his eye when she first entered Winterfell on horse back alongside her uncle. He could not deny she was gorgeous, and he couldn’t believe how fast he had started to fall for her.
“Mi’ Lord.” Y/n curtised, biting her cheek. Thus Robb Stark was by far one of the most handsome men she had ever seen. And she had seen a lot of people growing up in KingsLanding. She wondered if his personality was as nice as his looks.
“Would you like a tour of  Winterfell?” Robb asked, offering a way for them to talk and get to know each other a bit. He also was one of the most qualified people to show her around.
“I would love one.” She smiled. Looping her arm through his and the two young adults that in some ways are still kids went off exploring.
While the two went off getting to know each other and everyone else did God knows what, King Robert and Net Stark headed down to the crypts.
“Have you told your son?” Robert asked once they were done talking about Ned’s sister. The King was curious if his friend's son had offered to show his daughter around on his own or out of duty.
“Not yet.” Nod squinted, he didn’t like the idea of taking this choice from his son. But the other part, this was a good alliance, and you don’t deny a king.
“And why not?” Robert had told Ned of the idea to marry their oldest months ago. But to be fair he didn’t tell his daughter either.
“Because I wanted to give them a chance to fall in love before knowing they might be betrothed.” Ned explained his reasonsings, and even though Robert would never admit it he admired Ned’s heart and how he was trying to make this a better situation for their children. It was better than just throwing them together.
“Very well. I didn’t tell my daughter either. She would’ve fought me on coming.” He chuckled. Y/n would’ve tried to fight him or talk him out of it, and it might’ve worked even the slightest. Out of all his children she was the only one that had a somewhat relationship with him.
“They’d be more reluctant if they knew about what we had planned. The two of them being in the dark might lead to them actually gaining feelings for the other.” Ned just hoped that the two would get close and at least see they could make a marriage work. But he was truly hoping that maybe they could fall in love on their own and there wouldn’t be any hard feelings or reluctantness.
^     ^     ^
It had been a few weeks and things seemed to be working out for Y/n and Robb like Ned had hopped. Y/n seemed to fit right into the Stark family. She got along with all his children and they all act as if she’s one of them. Things between Robb and Y/n had taken some people by surprise. The two had been spending almost all their time together. They only separated to sleep it seemed like.
Ned was happy to see they had a lot in common. The two went horseback riding constantly and Y/n seemed to know how to use a bow and a sword no doubt thanks to her uncle. They didn’t even eat apart at meals.
Today Robb and Y/n had gone out riding, once they were far enough away from Winterfell the two dismounted their respective horses walking along next to each other.
“Are you having a good time in Winterfell Princess Y/n?” Robb asked, hoping that the time they’d spent together had been as enjoyable for her as it was for him.
Y/n smiled, nudging him teasingly shoulder to shoulder. “Yes, I am as matter of fact. My favorite part is the company.”
Robb blushed looking down before looking back to her. Robb had no idea why she could so easily make him react like that, but she could and he didn’t mind it. “You flatter me y/n.”
“You’ve been flattering me the whole time I’ve been here. It’s only fair.” Y/n smiled. As they came to the set of trees that they had made their spot over the time she had been in the North.
Robb just stood there watching her for a moment. He never expected to fall in love with her when he first found out the King, Queen, and their children were coming to visit. But he had and he didn’t regret it. “If I may be bold and speak my mind, Princess?”
Y/n nodded, smiling back at him as she turned to face him. She noticed how he wasn’t right next to her and Y/n wondered what had made him stop and if it had to do with what was on his mind. “Go ahead. I won’t stop you.”
“During your time here in Winterfell I have become quite taken with you.” Robb stated walking over to her. He looked in her eye’s trying to notice how his works were being taken.
“And I you.” Y/n blushed, biting her lip at her response back to him admitting his feelings for her. Which she reciprocates.
“I have a proposal for you Princess Y/n Baratheon.” Robb felt an air of convenience hit him at Y/n admitting she feels the same.
Y/n furrowed her brow, it confused her on why he was using her title and first and last name. “Go on Lord Stark.”
Robb took a deep breath, he knew what he wanted he just hoped she wanted it to. “We may not have known each other for very long or very well for the most part. But I would like for us to get to know each other better over time. If you’d like that of course.”
“I would.” Y/n nodded liking where he was going with this so far.
“Would you  also like it if we could become husband and wife, Lord and Lady.” Robb stepped right up to her, reaching out to intertwine their hands. Looking into her eye’s Robb reached up with one hand leaving the other one still in hers, he cupped the side of her face, “Would you do me the great honor and become my wife? For all my days till the end of my days?”
Y/n reached up with her free hand and cupped the back of his neck, while squeezing his hand holding hers. Looking up into his eyes with what could only be happiness and adoration Y/n answered. “I would love to.”
In her short time visiting the North Y/n had really connected with the Starks and of course Robb the most. Yes, she’d miss her siblings (minus Joffrey) and she'd miss her uncles but this felt like the better place for her. And as long as she has Robb, Y/n will always be happy.
Taglist; @gruffle1 @padawancat97 @misspendragonsworld
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druizard · 5 months
For your Gale x reader one-shots- could you do Gale x f!reader, in any situation that involves f!reader enjoying a long-anticipated hot bath? Perhaps with Gale mildly miffed that he wasn't invited, but gloriously welcome when he arrives?
no pressure if this isn't to your taste. This prompt kinda lends itself to E-rated content, but you can totally keep it SWF too, whatever you prefer.
Oh this is absolutely my taste, anon! Thank you for this prompt!! ♥ I decided to go with post game, married Gale/Reader who pursued the adventurer lifestyle, so I hope that works for you too ^^
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Wizard Water Heater
Gale & F!Reader One Shot
Author: Charlee Monstah [Druizard]
Rating: explicit
Words: 1,963
Read on AO3!
“I can't wait to sit down,” you sigh, shifting balance from one foot to another, trying to displace the radiating pain.
“I know, my love, soon,” Gale chuckles, brushing your dirty hair out of your face. After spending the last 48 hours thoroughly exploring an ancient crypt, both of you were elated to find a nice tavern in the nearby village.
“Sorry for the wait!” A little blue kobold sang as she hopped on top of the tavern's front counter. She hands a brass key to Gale, along with a piece of parchment, listing off the tavern's services. “Here is your room key! We have lots and lots to eat and drink! Make sure you try the chef's special!”
“Oh, I'm so hungry, I could eat a basilisk!” You say, turning to Gale and grabbing his hands in yours. “Honey, do you think you could get us something to eat? Maybe a bottle of wine for our room?”
“If the lady wishes to have tasty treatos brought to her dwelling, sir is more than welcome to place an order with the bartender!” The friendly kobold points towards a crowded dining room, where a long line of people stood waiting to speak with the bartender.
“Alright,” Gale sighs, wanting nothing more than to sit down, but he knows how tired and sore you are as well. “Go take our things up to the room and put your feet up, my love. It looks like there's a line, so I'll meet you in the room after I give them our order.” He hands you his pack and plants a tender kiss on your lips before watching your backside as you walk away.
Continue reading on AO3!
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savviathan · 1 year
There is a warden in decked out.
Hypno knows this, partially, because he’s been to level three himself. He knows that wardens roam the catacombs of The Black Mines on every level, sniffing out his scent faster than any ravager ever has—even though his run to level three was short lived—and Hypno knows that because… well, it’s hard not to know things with his namesake. It was a bit of a stand off of senses, really.
But Hypno isn’t talking about those wardens. He’s talking about the one that’s everywhere, and effectively, nowhere all at once. He’s talking about the one he’s heard humming in the shop. He’s talking about the one growling in the crypt. He’s talking about the heartbeat, identical to the thu-thud of Decked Out’s, in the spider’s den and the pirate ship. He’s talking about the sniffling sound, and something akin to a chuff, as he rides the minecart into the dungeon.
Indeed, there is a warden in Decked Out’s walls.
Tango doesn’t seem to be aware of this fact. At least, Hypno thinks he isn’t. Despite the Deepfrost Citadel and Decked Out’s visible complexity and design, Tango’s general observation skills aren’t as cracked up as it seems.
He mentioned his concern to the guy a few days ago, just before phase one ended so it, theoretically, could be fixed before phase two. To ensure fairness, and all that jazz.
As Hypno turns a corner towards the River of Souls and hears the faint groan beneath his feet, he knows it wasn’t fixed. He hops over the hazard trapdoors all the same and bounds towards the stairs of the crypt—and comes face to face with a ravager. He turns around. Whatever. He’ll just go—
The compass flips directly back into the crypt. Darn it.
Deep from below (or left? or right? sometimes it feels like the sounds are right on top of him) a warden chuffs.
It sounds like laughter.
Just yesterday, Hypno asked some of the others in the waiting room—or, the daycare? is that what they were calling it now?—if they’d heard the warden in Decked Out’s walls. False had said she thought she heard one in the circular room towards the front of level one, but she might have confused it for a ravager instead. Gem said she definitely heard one in level two a few days ago. Etho said something about speculating it was some kind of secret regarding the fourth level, which Cub immediately shot down by saying that the distance between levels would be too far if they were to assume level four was below level three.
Scar said he had heard a very loud growling inside the shop. Something like warbling, half jumbled noises and speech that seemed to range between content and very, very irritated. Tango had told him it was a squirrel.
Grian had spun around on a dime and gave the most expressive face he could muster with only his two eyes as he yelled, “Why on earth would there be a squirrel in the dungeon, Scar!”
Good news, Scar no longer thinks it’s a squirrel. Also good news, from that conversation, Hypno had came to the conclusion that he was not, in fact, going crazy.
Bad news—Reckless Charge is played, Tango’s disembodied voice announces, and Hypno scrambles over a nearby shrieker only to trip face first into a dripstone stalagmite in his haste—now that he knows this thing really isn’t supposed to be here, it makes the irritated growling at least ten times worse every time he picks up his frost ember spoils.
Hypno slides into the next room and finds a key laying atop a pile of snow. He scoops it up, shakes his hand free of frozen powder, and turns back around.
Now that he’s thinking about it, Hypno really wishes he’d asked Scar when Tango had told him the warden noises in the shop had come from a squirrel. Having a timeline here would be extremely helpful. If Tango already knew there was a possibility of a loose warden and still lied to Scar… Well, of course, there was always the possibility Tango was just messing with the guy, but…
Hypno drops his key into the slot.
He furrows his brows. Well. That would be really weird.
It would be really weird, actually, because Tango was a game design perfectionist. He set out to make the best possible design and playability in a game known to man, and expected others to do the same. He expected everything to run smoothly, and would test and test and test some more until it would. Everyone knew that. Tango wouldn’t just purposefully leave a warden to wander around Decked Out.
Or maybe he couldn’t find it? Hypno purses his lips. That somehow seemed less likely. Tango knew the ins and outs of this game like nobody’s business. He was tangled up in its redstone guts for thirteen months, for god’s sakes.
So why…
It feels like a truck hits his abdomen.
Hypno yelps, startled out of his thoughts, and crawls back into the entryway of level two. He glares at the ravager, head poking through the doorway innocently. Hungrily. Hypno sighs and begins to stand back up.
Maybe he was putting too much thought into this whole “warden in Decked Out’s walls” thing. He couldn’t even hear it anymore, anyways.
But by god, he couldn’t help it if his head swam with all of the possibilities, the reasons, the details—the fact that the hermits knew it was there, and tango didn’t, and wasn’t that odd—the everything that came along with this game, and this particular unexplainable detail about it.
What a meticulous creation, to have something so uncared for.
Hypno dives into the water. He swerves out of the way of an incoming trident and rolls out onto land, dripping wet and breathing hard. He would have to ring out his bandana between these runs again. That was going to start becoming a hassle very soon. One he would have to endure, unfortunately. God forbid he take off his bandana for a full run and accidentally see where every evoker was hiding in the floorboards.
There’s a key lying on the ground just in front of the dripstone caves. He rushes over to pick it up.
The door chimes. Hypno steps through and down into the darkened stairwell once more, half squatting, half tiptoeing, at the plateaus. Deep below, loud enough to shake the lantern’s flame on the shelf next to him, there is a wet warble of a warden.
It’s appropriately timed now, Hypno thinks, but it still makes the hairs on the back of his neck stand up all the same. The warden is loud now, louder than when it was in the walls, and the floor, and in front of him. It’s almost like being suffocated, the sound bounces off the walls and into his eardrums and makes it sound like it’s on top of him, or just behind him, or—
Or everywhere, and nowhere all at once. In the shop, in the dungeon, in the walls. Always present, never visible.
Hypno freezes in the entryway to the Black Mines. There is a warden in decked out. Two, actually, but that second one is of nowhere near his concern as he looks directly into the spot where this warden’s eyes would be, no more than ten feet away from him.
The darkness pulses around him. Hypno takes a step back, hand searching for the stairwell’s walls and missing, waving at air instead. The warden growls.
Darkness floods Hypno’s vision. It pulses around him, wanes, and Hypno reaches back for the stairwells walls. His hand misses. The warden wails. It bounds off of the walls, reverberates as a horrible shriek. The walls are nowhere to be seen, and the sculk at his feet hums as it reaches closer for his skin, thrumming and shrieking to the same tune. Hypno scrapes his hands on the ground as he falls, staring at black, then blue, and then black, and Hypno sees robes as his eyes widen, darkened and silk in texture with snowflakes embroidered into the seams, and blue, and black, and blue eyes where they shouldn’t be, and the heartbeat is deafening now, he can see it pulse through the warden’s chest as it howls and its chest opens, and Hypno thinks he sees his face in one of the souls it carries there, and black robes, and blue eyes, and a darkened hood, and a cackling laugh, and Hypno screams as the warden blasts his head clean off.
He shoots up in bed. There’s sweat on his forehead. The voices outside call his name. Hypno breathes hard, and sits there, and puts his hands in his hair.
There is a warden in Decked Out’s walls. As Hypno stares up at Tango, a nervous smile on his face, he realizes, there always has been.
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mist-spectra · 1 year
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▲🩸 ♰🩸 ▲♰🩸 ♰🩸 ♰▲
just did a mix inspired in the Romanian-American vampire movie series: "Subspecies". free download it from 3 alternative links:
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mercymaker · 1 month
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years had changed the stormbringer, chipping away her patience for anyone that didn't already have a place in her heart. no longer was she a young adventurer, a free bird exploring everything that life had to offer, hopping from decadent parties to dank crypts to lustful brothels. years of solitude and heartbreak, the many challenges of motherhood, and hundreds of difficult choices gave her an air of solemnity, with laughter and smile waning on her lips, seemingly, with each passing year...
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martyrbat · 2 years
keep thinking about how lee thought my pfp was spongebob,,,, do u think robin! jason would mimic spongebob's laugh on patrol just to throw off bruce?? i think he would.
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blocky-tides · 9 months
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This is a week long writing-based challenge (artists could hop on but I don't how that will work). This will be one (1) singular piece of writing written throughout the week or less if you choose a time based challenge.
You will choose a difficulty level (1-5) to begin. You are highly recommended to not choose Level 5, it is there to be impossible difficulty. Then you will select either a word-count based or time based challenge.
There are no content restrictions and is open to any MCYT community (not just Hermitcraft). I only ask for you to tag appropriately and use common sense.
Decked Out 2 Challenge Week - March 3-9
level one: the frozen crypt - 1k in one week
level two: the caves of carnage - 3k for one week or 2k for five days
level three: the black mines - 6k for one week or 3k for four days
level four: the burning dark - 10k for one week or 5k for three days
level five: beat the dungeon - 20k for one week or 10k in one day
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mechaknight-98 · 5 months
Gathering CEDH Edition: Mana Crypt
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Author's Note: The Optimization continues hopefully
After we finished teaching the girls the basics we went into the second half of the episode, playing a game of commander. As we set up the table and playmats (I had been trusted to get everyone relevant playmats) Aeri smiled as she unrolled hers. “How did you get this,” she asked me.
“Well, I know a guy who does excellent custom work so I had him do all of yours. He just needed high-resolution images,” I reply
“I love it,” Aeri says bright-eyed. When the cameras start rolling I lock in again as we all sit down and start playing. Our setup was a Two-Headed dragon.
Aeri won the dice roll so she went first. “Okay I will start with a Plains and pass.” next came Kkura who did an island into Sol Ring then an arcane signet. After that Jen. Jen started with Mountain into sol ring into Rakdos signet. After that Connor played a command tower suspended a Lotus Bloom and passed the turn. The next turn for everyone was unsubstantial as they mostly played more ramp. Except for Connor, He played Esper sentinel. He laughed manically.
Sakura looked at him worried until I assured her was not going to be an issue.
"Oh and how can you guarantee that," Connor questioned.
"Oh, that's easy. I'll kill him first," I said with a coldness that frightened the group. So to keep the tone light I added,
"Just kidding, but seriously though he won't be an issue," I assure Sakura. I don't want her first game to go poorly as it would look bad for the episode so I am going to intentionally feed her the win. Dexter makes the next significant play a few turns later by playing his commander. I killed it with a slaughter pact that I laid the esper sentinel tax on.
The next major play after that was Sakura’s which I let go without a hitch. After that, she kinda secured the victory with a combo of dual caster mage and twin flame.
After the game, Connorb Aeri approached me.
“Did you let Kkura win,” Aeri asked me. I nodded before replying
“People really like Kkura so putting her in a good light in her show and letting her have the victory was good for her show,” Aeri scowled at me while Connor laughed.
“Why would you do that,” Aeri asked confused.
“Because sometimes to win you have to lose,” Aeri scowled further before walking away with Aeri
“that was fun,” Aeri said to Connor. Connor nods as she cuddles up to him. Jen tenses up a bit which Aeri, and Connor notice. Before that can be addressed Kkura and Dexter arrive. He begins by loading up the van they were all in. When he’s done he hops in.
“Okay, we’re all packed up and ready to go Connor and Hiro.” Connor and I nod at Dexter, and Connor starts the van. Aeri sits next to Connor in the front row while taking selfies, getting you in a couple when the car stops. Dexter reclines his seat exhausted from filming.
Jen, brimming with excitement, exclaimed, "Woo! Let’s party," and everyone burst into laughter. It was then that the girls noticed Dexter’s Ogher Calibur tattoo, their surprise evident in their expressions.
“It’s just like yours, Connor,” Aeri squealed.
“Yeah, Connor and I got them a while back. We wanted them to match,” Dexter explained, while Connor watched the girls' eyes widen in the rear-view mirror. They turned to Connor and Dexter, already anticipating their question.
“We should all get matching tattoos,” Jen declared jubilantly.
“Yeah, and they should be Magic-themed,” Aeri chimed in.
They glanced at Connor and Dexter before deliberating on their choices. Jen took the lead in planning. “Mardu for me. Kkura gets Grixis, and Abzan for Aeri, but what about our three architects and helpers? They helped us build and streamline our decks so well.”
They all looked at Connor, except Kkura, who was focused on Dexter as he tried to go back to sleep.
“Jeskai for Connor, he was so tricky and hard to play around,” she said. Aeri nodded in agreement.
“Definitely,” she added, snapping her fingers. Aeri and Kkura voiced their agreement.
“So that leaves the ferocious Naya for our ferocious Dexter,” Jen concluded.
They finally remembered my presence, and all eyes turned toward me. "Feeding Sakura the win wasn't cool, but very cunning of you," Aeri remarked.
"Yeah, you're quite the sneak," Jen agreed.
"But cunning is Jeskai's thing," I replied.
"Wait, really?" the three girls responded in unison. I nodded intently.
"So, what does that leave us with?"
"Esper, Jund, Bant, Temur, and Sultai," I responded.
"Which one did you play today?" Sakura inquired.
"Oh, Mimeoplasm is Sultai," I responded. The girls giggled as they huddled around Yunjin's phone, presumably searching for symbols. Jen was the first to respond.
"Oh, that's perfect," they said, displaying a series of stylized symbols, each corresponding to one of us present. The last one was a Sultai symbol.
"This one is yours," Aeri explained, and I smiled.
"So even though we may be apart, we will always be connected by our bond," I said absentmindedly. Connor and Dexter exchanged a glance as the girls squealed at my "profound statement."
The girls agreed and began searching for tattoo parlors. They found one conveniently located next to a karaoke hall, so they decided to go from tattoos to karaoke. When we all arrived at the tattoo parlor, Dexter was roused awake by Jen. He looked around, confused.
“Wait, why are we at Mason’s spot?” Connor gave him a surprised look. Mason had done his other tattoo, which was on the other side of his collarbone, across from the Ogher Calibur. Mason chuckled upon seeing everyone.
“I should have known it was Connor and Dexter,” Mason said with a smile.
“I have no idea what’s going on,” Dexter responded.
“I see that you look tired. Get some good shots today?” Mason asked. Dexter nodded.
“So, who’s first?” Mason asked. The girls pushed Dexter to the front.
“Where do you want it, Boss?”
“What is it?” Dexter asked, and Mason showed him the image. Dexter sighed and turned to everyone. He pointed at Connor and scowled. “You put them up to this, didn’t you?” Connor shook his head, and Dexter shrugged. “Well, then just on the back of my neck, right at the collar line," Dexter explained.
Mason nodded and got his stuff ready. When he was done, Dexter got up, and the girls, except Yunjin, who was tall enough to see it, all jumped as they inspected it. The girls marveled at it. At one point, as everyone watched, Connor swore he saw it move. Yunjin, Giselle, and Connor all exchanged glances, and then Kkura went next. She solidified the placement of the tattoos by getting hers in the same place. Jen groaned,
“Ah, Wae Kkura unnie, why did you get yours there?”
“They’re supposed to match, right?” Kura questioned. When she finished, she went to sit down in Dexter’s lap. She looked incredibly comfortable and small there, Connor observed. Connor was next, and as he approached, Kkura spoke up.
“Thanks again, Connor Oppa, Hiro Oppa, and Dexter Oppa, for helping us.” Dexter had spaced out, as usual, leaving Connor and me to be the only present ones.
“You’re welcome, Kkura,” he said, smiling.
After we finished we all piled into the Karaoke joint next door. The girls and Connor all ordered drinks. Since Dexter and I don't drink we got soda. He got root beer, and I got Sprite… or whatever clear lemon-lime soda they had.
"Okay, We all know what music Connor and Dexter like so Hiro you do the first song," Yunjin insisted. I squinted before shaking my head.
"Nah I am too weird you don't want to see my favorite genre,"
"Why is it Emo," Aeri asked. when I didn't respond Giselle smiled. "It is! Well, now you have to sing it. I love emo," Aeri said. I groaned while Connor and Dexter laughed. I got pushed up. I scrolled through the list of thousands of songs looking for one that sings to me. after 15 minutes I find it and started play.
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wyldblunt · 1 year
marina and i are making ourselves insane talking about (and writing about) an au/canon divergence prequel??? where 1. glyndwr never left the nightmare court, which means 2. he's actually there when merrit joins up, so 3. when there's a schism and power struggle to take over twilight arbor he splits off from callas' court and takes merrit in the divorce (and also viper squad are there. for some reason) and 4. sets up, stupidly, in an abandoned crypt in gendarran fields SO CLOSE to the vigil keep that u can literally SEE it from the front door, where 5. alan has just been taken under almorra's wing and stumbles across this new nightmare encampment while on patrol and is like "uh. hi. you can't live here, because you are evil" and glyn is like "[extremely hopped up on bloodstone. yes even more than usual] ACTUALLY I CAN DO WHATEVER I WANT FOREVER" and now they're obsessed with each other and doing a huge elaborate tom and jerry routine while their respective underlings watch uncomfortably
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