#crys yin
khaopybara · 15 days
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❝It's the only thing that can make up for all the wrongs I've done, and prevent other from getting in trouble because of me.❞
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veemark · 14 days
You know YinWar had a hand in the script when things start getting way too real.
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"My ultimate goal is to see everyone in the family live well. My parents won't need to work hard anymore. Dad can come back to Thailand. I'll take care of everyone [...]. I think I can do it". [x] [x] [x]
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raddestrose · 19 days
Some memes cause I’m moving in and my pinterest is blessing me with text posts
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thegreatyin · 1 month
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ive officially entered the stage of OC brainrot where i start putting him in outfits for fun and (zero) profit
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yintsukareta · 1 year
TW// SH, mentions of suicide attempt, blood, topics relating to it, ummm yeah so like maybe this is a vent but like shhhhh
It had all become too much to bear. (name) was tired. They'd ask themselves time and time again why exactly they hadn't continued with an attempt from months ago.
They knew it would be better. It would be much easier to just disappear. To be done with everything, and to just be buried 6 feet under the ground.
They took out a blade from the nearest sharp thing. A pencil sharpener. They took a bit of time to unscrew the nail on it before freeing the blade from the plastic.
(name) stared at it. It was sharp. Sharp enough to cut through the worthless skin of theirs. They took it and they pointed it at their wrist.
Their blood trickling to the surface of each cut. Their mind's thoughts filled with how much they deserved this. How they deserved each scar, each bruise, each little bad thing.
The door opened, letting in the light from the hallway into the room. "(Name)?" A familiar voice called.
Their thoughts dissipate in only seconds as they heard it. The door's light shining exactly on them, and the blade in their hands.
His eyes widen at the sight, before he quickly rushed to your side, taking the blade out of your hands and into his pocket.
He examined the cuts, before he looked up at (name) in a pleading way. His eyes feeling hurt that he wasn't there to bear it with his love.
They only turned away from him, feeling guilty about this. They felt guiltier than they did earlier. And it didn't help that he looked hurt. It only made them feel like they deserved these scars even more.
He quickly and silently finds a first aid kit, returning to (name), who was now sitting on the bed, looking as depressed as ever.
He took some bandages, wrapping it around their arm. After he was done, he put the bandages back, before quickly hugging them.
"Please.. Love, don't do this to yourself." He said, one arm holding their head, the other rubbing their back. "If there's anything.. Anything, at all on your mind. You can always tell it to me."
(name) felt tears forming in their eyes as they blinked, trying to keep them from rolling down their cheeks.
"If you can't tell me in person. Then you can write it to me." He said, still holding them tight in his arms. "If you don't want to tell it to me at all, then that's fine. Just please.."
He looked them in the eyes, his hands now holding (name)'s tear stained cheeks. "Don't do this to yourself.."
(name) couldn't help the sniffles and sobs that escaped from their mouth as they cried more.
He pulled them swiftly into another hug, rubbing their back once more.
"There there.. Let it all out. It'll be okay." He whispered, his voice calming and full of care.
It would be a lie if (name) said they didn't feel calmer. And they thanked the heavens that they had a caring partner like this.
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bepoucorp · 2 months
I really love 2004 Batman, mainly because of the Joker.
The dreadlocks were nifty - they were meant to look like the points of a jester hat/cap - and the red eyes were really good in dark shorts.
Never really liked the purple tux black legging barefoot combo. I preferred his design from the earlier seasons where he was in a modified straightjacket. Made more sense to be gloveless and shoeless.
I also liked the way he moved. Really primal and animalistic, scuttling around and clinging to walls and buildings. The voice was really good too!
Sad not many ppl know about him, or the rest of the 2004 Batman series, because its actually really enjoyable. And the mohawk steroid Bane monster Joker design? It was probably based on, or influenced by, how Joker does the same thing in the series.
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Nice to see u know it. Honestly, its on 2nd place on my animated Jokers list - though every animated Joker voiced by Mark Hamill all share 1st place.
Amazing art BTW. You're doing a really good job. Keep going strong. Al your fans and followers love you, respect you and are proud of you. You dis treat to get to where you are right now. Amazing job. Thank you for everything
THANK YOU SO MUCH!! and yeah!! i feel like 2004 needs to get more attention! its a wonderful show! and Joker's design is fun! I dont like that his feet are out, but like?? his more feral/animalistic vibe is so nice!! His voice is amazing too, i love his laugh! im like... on s4 now(?) i thinks... but yeah
once again thank you for this!! i'll be making more 2004 artwork at some point 🙏
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sweeetsh · 3 months
i hate them so much
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onlydivinething · 4 months
do you guys remember that near the ending of the burning god when rin and nezha were in the grotto and the dragon almost ended rin but nezha stepped forward and literally just offered himself up to the dragon so he could save arlong and rin? they'd pummeled, fought like they were about to rip each other's throats out as if their lives depended on it. rin might be not the only reason why nezha made the decision to sacrifice himself, but in that moment did you guys realize that no matter how much they keep going on about killing each other, in the end, ultimately both of them couldn't bear to see each other actually die?
it's not just nezha. after nezha was tortured by the lightning hesperians throw at him to fight his dragon and looked like he was close to dying, rin was already stepping forward to help him, then stopped herself and thought that she should just let him die, but right then she couldn't even remember how to hate nezha.
and let's not talk about what cruel fates that awaited them in the end, the way there is nothing in the world that will allow them to be together again just like the old times.
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ephemeralzenith · 1 year
fate vs agency: altan trengsin and fang runin
The Phoenix outright states: ‘You humans always think you’re destined for things, for tragedy or for greatness. Destiny is a myth. Destiny is the only myth. The gods choose nothing. You chose.’ But is that true?
Altan and especially Rin were doomed by the narrative the moment Speer was razed, the moment they were whisked from their homes to a lab or an abusive household.
The thing is: nobody actually wanted them. They were dirty Speerly shaman trash; Altan was experimented on and Rin was abused for her entire childhood. Even in Sinegard, they were both discriminated against - Altan’s a freak of nature who is used for entertainment even if people fear him, and Rin is only her skin colour - even though they both worked so hard and DESERVED to go there. Nobody wanted them until they went to the Cike.
This fuels the anger that has been curated since they were literal kids. Of course they’re angry, and of course they don’t know how to express that in a healthy way - they’ve ALWAYS been abused, they’ve never known anything else. Obviously that doesn’t excuse some of the things they’ve done because of this anger (see: Altan’s abusive behaviour and Rin’s genocide), but the people around them, and society as a whole, failed them. There were two children, maybe Speerlies, but they were two hurt and scared children.
They did choose some things, but they were doomed the moment that Nikan decided to place them in Shiro and the Fangs’ hands. They were so angry, so hurt, so scared - they never would know anything else, really.
Fate doomed not only Rin’s fate, but the possible future she’d have with Nezha. They loved each other, but they could never have each other. Rinezha are the star-crossed lovers, the Romeo and Juliet, the Pyramus and Thisbe, the fleeting touch, the only kiss, the necessary betrayal and the leaving one behind. They are a walking juxtaposition - fire and water, general who wants absolute destruction and government official/ruler who needs Nikan to be safe for the future, poor and rich etc etc. And yet, they have these soft moments because they know how war destroys; they love each other in spite of all of this, but they can never have each other, because Nezha is the last Yin left, and Rin will never live in a world where Hesperians rule her home.
The Phoenix (and Rin by extension, I guess) doesn’t believe fate exists - that there is a choice for everything - but literally everything ensured Rin and Nezha would never be happy and in love: their race, their positions in power, their ideologies, their families, their relationships with other people, their thought patterns, their beliefs, their relationship with their power/shamanism… literally everything would’ve fucked them up. And yet, here they are defying fate, only to fall back into it again. Love is not enough.
The same goes for Altan and Chaghan. They can never have a healthy relationship where Altan doesn’t die. Altan cannot live, he’s self destructive and miserable and angry. He lives only to destroy and when he isn’t destroying, he wants to die.
They could’ve made choices, yes, but nobody makes rational choices in war. They were limited by the tools society gave them, and yeah, they were awful people, but fate itself doomed them before they were old enough to think.
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yooniesim · 2 months
Hi uh, I hope it's okay to ask, but which creator are you referring to? Because the whole cp thing is kind of a huge accusation and I'm definitely not comfortable with supporting someone who's into that kind of stuff
to be clear it's not csam (real children) it's fictional (drawn & in sims), but they're extremely creepy as a person & remind me of abusers in my past that exposed me to that same fictional material as a child. it's common for those that do have bad intentions to use it to blur the lines/make minors feel like it's normal/okay so that they're easier to groom & abuse. this isn't something that everyone that consumes this content does, obviously, but the amount of times they specifically have had questionable boundaries raises red flags for me. (Having a minor character in a fetish pose in a preview on a blog they specifically allowed minors to follow for cc, defending that by saying the original mangaka posed the character that way first so it was his fault not theirs, having a discord server with a dead dove channel that minors could access & saying it was ok bc they had to use a react role to get in, calling survivors that were uncomfortable with this crybabies, puritans & dumbasses, etc)
I never could finish the full post i was making about them bc it was frankly pretty triggering to me & I was dealing with my father's passing at the time, but I still have the screenshots despite them changing their name multiple times, wiping their blog of everything & changing their pinned to be 18+ only. There's also other people that have called them out for certain things (like the pose incident) before in the past. I'm not saying they're a predator or child abuser, since I know they'll jump to that immediately- but I am saying they're creepy and their history of a lack of solid boundaries between minors & the adult content they consume is irresponsible and unacceptable. I certainly wouldn't feel comfortable having them in the same spaces as minors in this community. I personally blocked them a long time ago when they were rentbunny bc I saw they (as a non-black person) liked posts that were calling me a c*on and telling me to kms, but the full extent of all the rest that was brought to my attention was staggering tbh.
When I figured out they were in my server at the time (members came to me with the proof & said they were uncomfortable/triggered), I banned them silently. They responded by publicly harassing me for weeks and claiming that I had bullied them. They openly admitted they had only been in my server with the aim of baiting people into talking about them, and then posted screenshots of... people saying their cc was too high poly, had too many swatches for their liking, and someone editing the buns off one of their hairs for personal use. And they listed off usernames of people that had never mentioned them/were not active, purely with the goal to get others to attack them. They also mocked me for being in mourning for my father that had just passed, and after I had blocked them continued to make passive aggressive references to my grief. And this isn't even counting all the cc issues, taking money for commissions & ghosting the commissioners for months, and miscellaneous bigotry & bad behavior they've been involved in. This is all now deleted & they changed their username to yin-shimo directly after acting a complete fool towards me. But none of my posts are deleted, and I didn't forget. A lot of other people haven't either. So overall, I think they have bigger issues in their own house to focus on before worrying about someone else's cc dress.
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bree-paints · 2 months
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2nd most iconic uncle-nephew duo in fiction (they fucking hate eachother)
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yeyayeya · 5 months
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I know you can’t even see his face but this is the closest official art we are going to get for Quan Yizhen… for now
This is from the TGCF Season 2 audio drama preview to those who were curious
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ssuahgx · 2 months
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inspired by this post :3
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ivaspinoza · 6 months
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the dualitiy that exploded in the beginning
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iambecomeyourvillain · 5 months
"Shut up."
"Can't i be happy? I've missed you."
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trexvictorysounds · 9 months
Xiran Jay Zhao has changed my fantasy standards forever. The protagonist of Iron Widow, Wu Zetian, is beautifully unhinged and their sheer force of will is inspiring. The internal struggle of wanting to be a force of change and the brutal toll the current world circumstances have on their mental health is all too familiar to any non-man who has been involved in activism across time. I hear their screams of loss, longing, bitterness, anger, hatred, and determination beyond the page. I hear it in my soul. Iron Widow conquers hard real topics with the brutal honesty and ache I've hardly ever seen, let alone in a sci-fi fantasy romance novel.
Xiran Jay Zhao, thank you, you nonbinary icon.
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This is their official author photo btw 💖🐄💖
Link if you want to know how to support them with your book purchase:
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