#cthulhu brainrot
eldritch-flower · 10 months
The need to scrap everything I'm writing atm and focus on my cosmic horror/detective-noir brain child is stronger than my will to live
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thechampagnesocialist · 3 months
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↳ Impossible Landscapes - The Night Floors
Impossible Landscapes - Arc Dream Publishing // Cry wolf -Borja González // Why Are You Haunted? - Joan Tierney // Kalliope Amorphous // Hotel New Yorker Archives
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silesianna · 1 year
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I was planning on drawing something new for pride month but I don’t think I’ll be able to so have this, since I’ve already been meaning to post it Happy Pride everyone
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sweet-as-peach · 10 months
hi I don't actually know/remember what call of cthulu is BUT I want 2 learn/remember so tell me abt ur characters
call of cthulu is a TTRPG based off of HP lovecraft's (incredibly problematic) worldbuilding and related cosmic horrors. u can play in a handful of historical eras, but the "default" setting is america in the 1920s.
ok so basically zelda albescu (real name lily knight, born ~1906 in rural indiana) is a circus performer! shes pretty tall + thin esp for a 19 year old in the 1920s so she just kinda looks like a vampire. she's one of 13 kids and was raised until age 11 by her incredibly fundamentalist christian parents who thought her albinism + left handedness was a sign of the devil. (it was a sign of their own inbreeding.) so they treated her terribly. she would play by herself in the woods a lot and learned that she was naturally very flexible and strong so she was like fuck these people i'm gonna go join the circus and be a sideshow attraction for a few bucks. she got taken under the wing of the adults in the circus, esp the fortune teller and her fellow acrobats.
i have more characters so if u want another rambling incomprehensible blurb u can just ask but theres no pressure <3 /gen
heres some slightly more intelligible things i wrote abt her:
A very strange looking individual. born with albinism, her stark white skin, massive height, and watery red eyes have always unnerved people. as she got older, she eventually joined the circus- first in the sideshow, at the age of 12, and gradually worked her way up to become an acrobat.
While not necessarily "attractive" in the traditional sense of the word, she is very alluring. after becoming an acrobat, she started regularly dying her hair jet black and doing her makeup to match. her eyes are usually heavily lined with kohl, and is often known to wear dark red lipstick as well. Her personality is strange but alluring as a result of her highly unusual upbringing. lies about her age habitually. usually says she is 21 until forced to admit otherwise, mostly because she thinks it sounds decidedly more mature than her actual age.
under ideology/beliefs:
Life and God are the same thing- it is what you make of it. does not subscribe to any one particular religion, but very bound to her values of kindness, acceptance, and family. vegetarian.
under scars/injuries (tw for mentions of religious trauma and abuse): Scars all over her center and lower back from a childhood of being regularly beaten by switches/riding crops by her VERY Christian parents (hardcore fundamentalists).
Many scars on hands and legs from botched flips/falls/etc.
under heirlooms:
Her single most prized possession is a hairpin made of bone given to her as a gift by the "Magnificent and Mystifying" Madame Albescu. (An older woman who served as the fortune teller at the circus and acted as her foster mother. the source of her chosen last name.)
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zephyr-draws · 10 months
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leigh and jonah college au doodles because i am delusional
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piscespixiewastaken · 3 months
I was just smacked upside the head with the memory of this fic I read a few years ago that combined the world of Avatar the Last Airbender and the Cthulhu Mythos, and oh my word… this fic literally altered my brain chemistry. Like I never looked at horror the same after it. It was the spookiest, greatest masterpiece I’ve ever read in any fandom and just… wow. So I had to go and bookmark it when I couldn’t find it, and now I’m sharing it because, fuck it, I want to.
Like I enjoyed the spooks and angst before, but this fic just fundamentally changed my understanding of eldritch horror and probably kickstarted my love for horror podcasts. The atmosphere, the monsters’ descriptions, the way the characters were written… Just absolutely amazing, 10/10 story. Highly recommend, okay enough rambling, here’s the link, go read it.
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draco2368 · 11 months
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Art dumping my character refs continues
Zeke was made to be the caretaker to a sickly child but kinda gained sentience through becoming the vessel of an eldritch god and things got complicated from there
Link to his TH: https://toyhou.se/17913622.zeke
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caffeineinmyspleen · 8 months
The brain rot sure do be rotting
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Whenever I see people making theories about YHS and the reboot I always feel like we as a collective fandom forget that Sam is like. Immortal now. Forever cursed to be 16 or 17 by Cthulhu when he like . Ended the universe . And that’s why a lot of cool theories always fall flat for me when ppl discuss the series :,)
My personal current crack pot theory is that the world restarted (do not ask me how) and Sam has been living in it for. A while now. As a 17 year old immortal.
The exact timeframe for how long the worlds being going for again is uh . Currently impossible to piece together, but two things stick out. The first more canon-complaint one is that none of the faculty seem to know about Yuki, Sam or the graves. Suggesting that some time since those events has definitely passed, because Yuki IS there, the graves are THERE, and Gareth’s classroom is ALSO still there, meaning everything that went down in the OG series happened in this one too (minus Paul Blarts death I guess????)
Second, the less canon thing, Jerry. I KNOW he appeared in ONE episode that is specifically non-canon BUT!!!!! That episode DID have canon elements !!! Like Lilith and Lighty being friends/something romantic !!! And if Jerry, somehow, is one of those canon elements, then time has ABSOLUTELY passed. Jerry was a teenager, the same age as Taurtis when he came into existence (cuz clone stuff), so for Jerry to be a grown ass man with his own business?? And for him to recognise and know Sam like an old friend ???? I smell sum fishy.
Anyways I have no idea if any of this makes literally any sense LMAO I simply needed to share my godawful brainrot with the world :D
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thefiresofpompeii · 5 months
some people don’t understand what differentiates a special interest from an ordinary interest for autistic people. for me it’s about more than just intensity: when i’ve got an SI on a piece of media, i see almost everything i come across through the lens of it, like i’m wearing a [media]-shaped filter on my glasses. to allistics and some other autistics (no generalisations here — this is my personal experience only) this may seem like “obsession” or “narrow-mindedness” or “brainrot”… “why are you associating this totally unrelated thing with the fictional world you’re stuck in at the moment”?
an example: the poem i just reblogged below, by heidi priebe. my first thought upon seeing it was “this is the advice madame vastra gave to clara in deep breath”. but due to internalised cringe culture (ableism. call it what it is) i felt ashamed of tagging it as such and resorted to vagueing instead.
i remember when i was obsessed with the cthulhu mythos last summer, and suddenly every mention of the devil anywhere was nyarlathotep and every mention of new england and especially rhode island was a lovecraftiana reference. you get the gist.
i’m trying to cast off shame but it festers like a parasite within you
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kaynes-secret-blog · 27 days
I go watch anime to see if my malevolent brainrot gets a little better and suddenly who appears on screen? FUCKING CTHULHU
Honestly I can stand being haunted by the sex freak misogynist but I draw the line on Lovecraft
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gtraccoon · 1 year
ok so i have an idea for my au thing i’m working on and i want your opinion-
so as I have it right now only one of the four main boys is tiny and that feels a little unbalanced so my first thought was what if i make Kenny a sizeshifter? Idk why i think it would fit him, i just think it would.
probably not a normal shifter, like i don’t think he’d have control over it, but he does have his weird cthulhu immortality so maybe everytime he dies it takes him a day or two to return to normal size? like he dies, spends a day tiny, and the day after that is spent slowly growing back to human size?
Or maybe sometimes when he dies he just comes back tiny and stays that way until he dies again and has no idea why. I can totally see him just waking up tiny one day after dying and everyone is panicking until he dies again later and wakes up human sized again. It’s like a 50/50 shot on whether or not he’ll come back tiny or normal.
Also every time he wakes up tiny he has to deal with all his friends being like “oh my god why are you small?!” and panicking all over again cause they never remember when he shrinks cause it’s linked to his deaths that they also can’t remember.
Also a weird thing but what if borrowers could remember Kenny’s deaths? I don’t have a solid reason for that but i feel so bad for him just dying and never having anyone remember. At least if the borrowers remembered he’d have some support system. Like, everyone is panicking over Kenny being tiny for like the fifth time that month and Butters is just like “oh, again? neato” and they proceed to go on a tiny adventure together. I think it’d be cute but i’m not entirely sold on it, idk
and i totally agree with that, i think that makes sense and it’s really cool, especially the park where the borrowers can remember, because it is canon that some people can remmeber (for example timmy remembers kenny’s deaths) and even if it’s just for a joke it’s still TECHNICALLY a canon!!
i literally love this idea and would definitely eat up anything you made for it, brainrot is hard to live thru when me and soda r like some of the only ppl who post for sp g/t
the 50/50 thing is funny too, like he’s dying and he’s like “please PLEASE don’t fuck me over universe PLEASE” but it happens anyway. i imagine the kids being like “holy shit he’s tiny” and after awhile kenny’s just like “yea whatever” and goes and hangs out with butters </3
i also wonder how his family would react, or if he’d hide from them. anyway, overall an awesome idea! super creative as always @cyncerity 😎😎😎
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utilitycaster · 1 year
Some of the resentment I've seen of FCG's coin feels like it stems from viewing FCG as less a character than a vehicle for Sam to do bits. They view the coin as Sam doing a bit that isn't landing and is taking up time and space that could go to the actual characters in the group that have stories instead of what they view as a bunch of disconnected jokes. I saw this with FCG going into the Grand Ring, too. People on Twitter saying that that was Sam trying to get the group killed for a laugh.
Truly I have to believe there is either one server or just like...a bunch of very stupid people who all follow each other and parrot each other's takes because the reaction to the Grand Disk especially is absolutely batshit fucking nuts:
If you give a heroic adventurer a weird noise, they are probably going to investigate it. If they investigate it, they are probably going to check it out. If FCG hadn't run in, someone else would have.
This show has been on for literally 8 years now and there has never been a main campaign TPK. Truly the Otohan fight is the only one where I take serious issue with the balance and signaling, and even then, so what, half the party died, they fixed it. Why is this fight different from all other fights?
On top of that this happened before we knew resurrection was broken, too, so like, the reaction during the episode truly makes no sense; the audience knowledge was that this party has THREE people who have revivify and two with Raise Dead and only one true glass cannon. They are arguably better positioned to take on threats than like, Bells Hells the regular party.
If a character dies the cast member will play another character and just based on the track record of past replacement characters the chances are high that they will be just as good if not better. If you don't want to watch a show in which permanent character death is an option then go do that.
I have, recently, actively tried to push back on the "bro do you even play TTRPGs" attitude people sometimes have regarding really stupid criticism, and to be fair this is narrative criticism too but like...unless a TPK is explicitly the goal or baked into the setting as a possibility (eg: Calamity; Neverafter; games designed for it like the Tomb of Horrors module or Call of Cthulhu or something) the GM absolutely does not want a TPK. Do you know how much fucking PAPERWORK is wasted in a TPK. If they had a TPK Matt would have had to look at an entire encounter and backstory regarding, say, Oltgar and Drixlitch, that he had lovingly designed, and go "well, guess that's fucked."
So anyway if you saw FCG go through the gates and your thought was not "ooh, combat" but rather "this will be a TPK" idk work on your breathing exercises or something because that's a wild leap.
Anyway the funniest thing in all of this is that the most recent episode made it clear that it's not just a bit. Also though it's like. Which "actual" characters? Chetney has been pretty decently served as a character, all things considered; the entire solstice plot revolves around Imogen so it's time for Laura to get a well-deserved break so Imogen can actually process and develop as a person rather than just be under constant nonstop stress; I love Fearne but this arc is just not really about her whole deal; and both FRIDA and Deanna have gotten plenty to do. Honestly while balance between characters is not really a thing in the sense that some people make D&D characters with tons of hooks and things to do and paths to take and some do not, and also the overall narrative of the party is important to consider*, the character balance of this particular arc has been the best of the whole campaign.
*most people get this intuitively UNLESS they are particularly stupid, or have either shipping or My Blorbo Is The Protagonist brainrot, to the point that you can diagnose these conditions when someone's previously decent understanding of story falls off a cliff
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yourdeepestfathoms · 2 years
I have such chaos choir brainrot because of your blog, dude.
That being said do you have any silly little headcanons about the choir kids? Much appreciated if you do :)
i do!!
Ride the Cyclone Kids Playing A D&D Game Based On Silent Hill
(based on my own Silent Hill-based dnd game, which i DM!)
(there’s gonna be A Lot of references to the Silent Hill franchise/lore and to the Call of Cthulhu module, so try to keep up!)
BASICALLY, it’s a completely original storyline and everything, but it uses the Call of Cthulhu module for rolls and stats
Penny is the DM!
Good Lord
This girl is RUTHLESS
Her mind? Oh my god. Some of the shit she’s come up with is fucking INSANE.
But we’ll get more into Penny’s mercilessness soon
All the others were given simple instructions
Spin a wheel with a bunch of themes on it. They get three themes, and then they must build a character around them
(My players got to pick theirs, but Penny’s doing is differently)
(As in, I’m spinning a wheel to determine the themes for the kids so I can make them random characters)
Ocean’s themes were: Corruption; Identity; and Murder!
Noel’s themes were: Justice, Injustice, and Revenge; Body Image/Body Shaming; and The Meaning Of Happiness and Sorrow
Mischa’s themes were: Murder; Trauma and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder; and Bullying
Ricky’s themes were: Corruption; Rebirth; and Love and Hate
Constance’s themes were: Depression, Grief, and Mental Illness; The Human Condition; and Psychology
The characters were made!
They then did their stats and gave Penny their backstory and reason for being in Silent Hill
Penny, looking at Ricky’s 80 Luck: nice!
Penny, noticing his Sanity is 40: oh no
(Luck is used to negate damage and stuff like that. You can also do a Hail Mary aka Avoid Sudden Death if you have 30, which will allow you to survive an attack that would have killed you otherwise!)
(And then Sanity determines how a character will react to something traumatic or disturbing. You roll to see if your character will be able to tough it out, or if they’ll take Sanity damage. If they take a certain amount of Sanity damage in one session, they’ll suffer a Bout of Madness, which Penny has a WHOLE LIST of effects for. And if you lose ALL your Sanity, your character becomes an NPC and the DM can play them however they want.)
They play in Mischa’s basement, and Penny goes ALL OUT. She’s got props, costumes, the whole nine yards. She does character voices and everything! It’s INCREDIBLE
Finally, it was time to go into Silent Hill!
The plot is this: The party has woken up in a motel to find that the whole town of Silent Hill has become shrouded in fog. They can’t get out of the town, forcing them to traverse the place to find a way to escape. And to get out, they must enter five different Otherworlds designed after each of their character’s, which are made to torment them and put all their trauma and flaws on display. They even get their own customized bosses based on the PCs (player characters), which are HORRIFIC.
There’s also these creatures called the Dark Tormentors, which stalk the PCs and appear from time to time to psychologically torture them. They’re born from the darkest parts of the PCs, can speak, and cannot be killed.
Yeah, Penny went ALL OUT
But the game!!
First session is relatively chill for a horror game about everything that’s horrid in the world. The party starts in South Vale and ends up in Brookhaven Hospital after the Fog World starts to transition into the Otherworld.
Penny BLASTS foghorns for that part, it’s fuckin menacing
While in Brookhaven, the party must compete this puzzle. There’s a door made out of flesh that won’t open without four offerings: a finger, an eyeball, a tooth, and a tongue. These items can be found throughout the hospital, acting as rewards for their own puzzles (but Penny, being the menace she is, does attempt to get the characters to have their PCs maim themselves for the items)
In the kitchen of the hospital, there’s a cooked dog, and Penny deadass looks them in the eye and asks if they want a bite
(She has a whole prepared description of the taste if they say yes)
(None of them do)
(She’s a little bummed)
Penny, after the party enters a cramped room: Are any of you, by any chance, claustrophobic?
Ocean: Yes.
Penny: Interesting.
Noel: No.
Penny: Oh, you will be. You will be.
Noel, fearfully: Wh
Noel: What
Penny: :)
They end up fighting the Missionary from Silent Hill 3 and complete session one!
After that, the pure disturbing horror that Penny has prepared for them is ramped up to one hundred
I’m not gonna go into detail about each and every session they have because I would be here for awhile, and I’m already kinda worried this isn’t the most entertaining batch of headcanons, but I’ll give A TON of highlights!
At one point, the party goes to this market, which has a ton of supplies for them to find. However, there’s a Two-Back sleeping inside of the market, meaning that they have to roll Stealth every single time they want to go to a different stall
THIS is a Two-Back
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What do you know, Ocean fails her VERY FIRST Stealth roll, and the whole party has to flee
Ricky, after the party comes to a locked gate: Can I roll Locksmith to try and open it?
Penny: Of course!
Ricky: *rolls Locksmith*
Ricky: *fails*
Penny: You’re a bit rusty on your lockpicking skills. So are your tools. They’re as weak as the branches of the trees all around you and snap with ease. You failed. But that isn’t a surprise, is it? All you do is fuck up. Maybe don’t volunteer unless you know for sure you won’t waste everyone’s time.
Ricky: 😥
Like I said, Penny as a DM is RUTHLESS
But her cruelty is mainly the narrator in the script she has for each session. She purposely wrote the narrator as bitchy and cruel toward the PCs whenever they fuck up.
She had to let everyone know that nothing of what she said was a personal attack, and she loves them all very much
Mischa: Can I try to bust this door down?
Penny: Sure!
Mischa: *rolls*
Mischa: *fails*
Penny: You try to bust the door open, but this is wrought iron you’re dealing with, and you’re basically the Christian version of one of those inflatable men outside car dealerships. You were never going to get it open. Maybe conceal your hubris next time before you embarrass yourself again.
Constance, who wanted to ask if she could pry the door open with a crowbar her character had found: *slowly puts her hand down*
There’s this part where the party encounters this hole in the floor, and Mischa has his character hop down. It ends up being this well, and he shouts up to the others to not come down. Penny asks the rest of the PCs to roll Listen to see if they can hear Mischa’s character tell them to not come down. They all fail. They all then jump down.
Penny, after the party can’t get through a gate around an area they want to explore and are beckoned to follow an unknown voice: Surprisingly, the force doesn’t seem very threatening, just eerie. Will you follow, or do you think you’ll be able to sprout wings and fly to the other side of the fence?
Noel: No.
Penny: Pussy.
Noel: >:O
Okay, so Penny came up with this REALLY COOL puzzle that damn near made Constance shit herself.
So one of the Otherworlds the party explores is in Toluca Prison. In the Interrogation Room, there’s an item that they need to progress sitting on a table. Noel’s character picks it up, which causes his arm to be ensnared by this bear trap-like contraption. To free him, someone must go into the actual interrogation space and lock themselves in these chains attached to the wall. Once they’re in the chains, they gotta make three successful Strength rolls, and doing so will release the trap on Noel’s character.
Here’s the rub: The door to the interrogation space will slam shut and lock the moment someone enters. The whole room is soundproof, and what they thought was a wall of glass is actually a one-way mirror. So the character inside can’t see out to their party, they can only see themselves.
So, Constance’s character is the one who steps into the interrogation space first, which forces her into the role of being Noel’s character’s savior.
She locks herself in the chains and starts the rolls.
First roll is a success! Yay! That’s good!
That’s when Penny pulls Constance out of the room to talk to her one-on-one.
And when she talks to her one-on-one, she describes something absolutely horrific that only Constance’s character can see.
Penny: You notice something in the mirror. There’s something against the wall directly behind you. At first, you think it’s just a trick of the light on the dirty white paint, but then you see it move. You realize that it’s a hand. And if there’s a hand, that must mean there’s a… A body. Something is pushing its way out of the wall. It has no face—instead, there is only a gaping hole. Its limbs are thin and disjointed, and it looks almost mutilated and disfigured. Even without eyes, you know it’s looking directly at you.
To make it even worse, she shows Constance a picture of exactly what she’s dealing with here
This is the creature! It’s called a Raw Shock!
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Anyway, Constance’s character must now make three more Strength rolls, but this time with a penalty. And each time she rolls, the Raw Shock gets closer and closer and closer.
She fails.
Which leads her to getting THIS description.
Penny: You feel something snag on the back of your head and pull you backwards by the hair. The creature has caught you, and its touch is icy cold. The longer it has its hands on you, the more warmth you can feel draining from your being, as though this thing is sucking out your body heat to take for its own. The creature, surprisingly strong for its skeletal frame, begins to pull you to the wall it had come from. It seems to want to take you back with it. It also seems to have friends, as you start to notice other hands pushing out from the wall, reaching for you, beckoning for you. The bodies soon follow, and they’re all abstract beings of nightmares: bodies with exaggerated female forms, organs and bones and nipples exposed; bodies that are terribly bloated, bubbles and fungi consuming the pale flesh; bodies like disks, bearing a sliced appearance, as though a knife had been taken to their skin and slashed them to pieces. Whispers fill your ears. Whispers that call your name, that tell you that you’re home, that say it’s safe now, and the voices sound so warm, so genuine. Maybe this is home…
Constance is fucking HORRIFIED
Her character is fine, though! The trap releases Noel’s character, and they all get out!
But Penny has successfully scarred both Constance and her PC
Which is what she wants >:)
*The party is at a door that won’t open (because they need certain puzzle pieces for it)*
Ocean: Maybe you have to…say a magic word?
Ocean: Abra kadabra!
Nothing happens.
Ocean: I don’t know why I thought that would work.
The party takes this LONG ride in an elevator, and while they wait, Penny starts going around, asking everyone who they would eat first if they had to resort to cannibalism to stay alive 😭
Ocean: Can I drink some water?
Penny: Absolutely! Can you just roll me Spot Hidden real fast?
Ocean: Yeah.
Ocean: *rolls*
Ocean: *gets a Regular Success*
Penny: Cool, thanks!
Five minutes later, Penny stops roleplay to tell Ocean that her character has started to violently vomit her blood everywhere
Penny: Hasn’t your mommy ever told you not to drink random water bottles you find in alternate dimensions? Fucking idiot. If you haven’t noticed already, that wasn’t water you drank. It was actually water mixed with hydrochloric acid! You’re going to continue regurgitating your blood for an hour. Also you take 1d8 damage every time it happens. Good going. Stupid bitch.
Ocean was so sad
They go to YET ANOTHER market, and this time there’s no Two-Back there to screw them over
But there ARE a BUNCH of weird as hell stalls for them to explore
One in particular is called Caricature Cabin
Penny, doing the voice of the faceless person who runs the stall: “Hiya! Would you like to have your caricature done?”
Noel: No.
Penny: Then what the fuck are you even doing here?
Constance: I will have my caricature done! Please.
Penny: “Wonderful! Here, sit down! It won’t take very long!”
Penny: You sit down. The artist examines you with eyes that aren’t there, then gets to work. They sketch and color and paint diligently. Once they’re done, they show you, radiating great pride.
Penny: It… it isn’t a caricature. It’s just you drawn as a turtle wearing a wig.
The whole party was HOWLING with laughter
Penny made her own painting of this just for the session
There’s also a stall called “I Sell Weird Lemons”
Penny: The stall consists of a singular lemon sitting on a table. It has googly eyes glued to it. It’s being bidded on.
Penny: The highest bid is $500,000.
Ricky’s character bids on it
He puts $500,001
(He wins the bid)
(The lemon appears to him two sessions later)
The party encounters a pack of Wormheads. Mischa’s character accidentally alerts them and gets attacked by one.
Penny: The Wormhead’s head whips up. The maggots and grub making up its whole face shift around restlessly, emanating a wet sound. Then, suddenly, it’s lunging directly at you.
Penny: Surely it can’t bite with it’s head full of worms, you think to yourself as its head full of worms splits open horizontally to reveal a gaping, oozing maw of insects.
Penny: Oh.
The whole party: 😟
Noel was GAGGING
I just remembered this trap from my own game
This one is GOOD
The characters are all in this Otherworld for Ricky’s character, and one of the traps is in the Study Room
When they step into the Study Room, they’re all lashed up into those baby bungie harnesses and suspended above the floor
This talking parrot begins to tell them about a game called Truth or Dunk. The parrot will ask them the questions, and as long as the characters answer truthfully, they won’t be dunked into the FLOOR OF DOOM!!!
(It’s just the regular floor)
Ricky’s character is the first to lie, but the harness just lowers a little bit
Ocean’s character is the second to lie, and instead of just being lowered, she drops STRAIGHT through the floor
Because the “regular floor” was all a lie
It seemed to be an illusion of sorts
Underneath it is a giant pit full of needles
Which Ocean’s character is described to be plunged into in very graphic detail
Constance’s character is the third one to go into the pit because the character mentions God at one point, and she refers to him with “he/him” pronouns, when in Silent Hill lore, God uses “she/her”
So into the pit Constance’s character goes!
One of the Dark Tormentors is named Ideal Daddy (the character it belongs to has daddy issues lol), and when the party meets it, it holds them hostage in a tea party (which Penny brings props and food for!)
But during it, Noel and Mischa’s characters get into this really heated argument over morality
And then others are just There
Ocean, while Noel and Mischa are verbally tearing out each other’s throats: I’m going to offer Daddy some more cake
The party wanted to enter a building Penny didn’t have any content for, so when Mischa’s character tried to kick the door down, she just made the entire building (minus the door) fall out of existence
There was this One Boss
A boss that fucked over EVERYONE
This boss belonged to Ocean’s character
It was called the Bloated Lamb, and it was this DISGUSTING fleshy sheep monster that had a very, how do I put this, phallic head
Everyone was groaning in disgust by just its DESCRIPTION
And then combat starts
First round
Two characters die INSTANTLY
Everyone had known about the possibility of death in the game, but they had managed to tough it out for several sessions. There was one close call where Ricky’s character got dropped all the way down to 4 HP (they all got to start with 100), but they used a healing item called an Ampoule on him (which Constance’s character kept in her cleavage lol), which would raise anyone all the back back to full HP
So yeah, they knew about the dangers of death in this game. But they didn’t think much of it because they had managed to get through so much!
They let their guard down.
Foolish mistake.
Penny had been waiting for this day, and it finally came true.
After surviving fights with a scorpion abomination with guns for pincers, a 300 foot long flesh mermaid, a horrifyingly uncanny sphinx monster, a walking skin sack with a giant drill for a hand, the embodiment of toxic masculinity itself, it took just one (1) attack from a big dick sheep to wipe nearly half the party out.
The blood that was spilled that day was delicious.
The victims were Noel and Mischa’s characters.
The Bloated Lamb reared up from the water the battlefield was set on (they were fighting on a ferry) and sprayed acid on them (you can probably get the euphemism here)
However, Mischa actually had enough Luck left to use his Hail Mary, which meant his character got to survive and be set back to full health
Noel’s character, however…
The party got an EXTREMELY detailed description of how their beloved party member looks as he is melted by the Bloated Lamb’s acid
Everyone is now terrified but also PISSED
They gotta get their heads in the game
…Perhaps that is taken a little too literally, though
Round two begins
Constance’s character is killed
The Bloated Lamb literally smashes her into an incredibly gory pulp with its head
And then Ricky’s character is fucking LAUNCHED across this underground lake they’re fighting in because the Bloated Lamb smacked him with its flesh hoof, and he DROWNS
By this point, Mischa and Ocean are STRESSING because they might get a TPK (total party kill)
The entire table is fucking RATTLED
Noel had to get up and walk around because he’s So Overcome, Constance has her head in her hands, Ricky is just in shock because oh my god did his character really DROWN, Ocean and Mischa are SWEATING
And then Penny looks absolutely sinister, feeding on their fear and stress
She Loves This
By some fucking miracle, Mischa and Ocean manage to kill the Bloated Lamb
Even still, the whole party is mourning the loss of their companions…
But then, they get revived! A monster they met before named Valtiel revives the three who died! (but if they die again, then they’re actually fully dead)
And so, the nightmare continues >:)
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coolcattime · 2 months
Hiya it's the Usual anon here.
All the recent post about the Noir au has me caught up in it again. I really do love some magic and eldritch horror themed noir. I especially love the your Under The New Moon story from earlier. (IF YOU HAVEN'T READ IT YET READ IT #ad) now i might be getting the mianite brainrot again so i've been re looking over my noir au notes and
My original idea for the noir was someone (originally was going to be champwan, in disguise sent by dec, but i also left a note that i didn't really like that idea too much.) came to tucker with a case of a series of missing people connected to a cult, and a man with a skull mask that seems connected. Originally the story was going to eventually lead to the fact that the police force are involved with the cult and
sonja goes undercover and joins the cult and finds that they are worshiping an eldrich god that promises them all great power, and in the altar to that god sonja feels an allure from the ancient statue of the god. a shadow creature with hundreds of lashing tentacles shaped like wisps of smoke. She doesn't submit to it but from that point on it lingers in her mind enthralling and beckoning to her from that point she can draw on it's powers the same way she can draw on Mianite's. From that point on she finds her struggles against the corruption infesting the police and her friendship with tucker both weakening
Tucker, Is quick to realize a pattern in the missing cases and realizes there are two separate cases of people going missing, but they are both very similar conditions, one is just much easier to find information on and investigate, the other is way more difficult and tucker realizes that the police are covering up the latter. Turns out there is a splinter cell in the cult and now two competing factions both heading for similar ends, but for different reasons
I have no notes on what the ianitees are up too, the section with them are just completely blank i think i got caught up in writing angsty stories instead right after this lol
Hi Anon!
I’m so so so happy that you like Under the New Moon 🥰🥰🥰 I had so much fun typing it up and editing it these past couple of days and I’m so glad that people have enjoyed it! I absolutely love to vibes of magical and eldritch horror in detective and noir stories (a TTRPG channel I watch has released two Call of Cthulhu oneshots in the past month and I have been absolutely consuming them).
Okay, I love these original notes so much! So Under the New Moon would, if I continue it, follow the plot idea I laid out of the group trying to track down the serial killer who kidnapped Redbeard, but gods do I really love the idea of Sonja going undercover in a cult to the Shadows. Like it works so well with her character and I also love the angle of Tucker realising the cult has split into two with the police being loyal to one half. It works so well as a noir eldritch horror mystery.
If I continue Under the New Moon, I’m definitely stealing the Sonja and the Shadows cult ideas, possibly with it being linked to the serial killer, possibly just because the time limit is getting desperate and she feels the need to do something extreme for information. Idk which one but the cult vibes that you described are just so !!! and I wanna play with them!
Thank you for the ask! Glad you’ve still vibing with the AU ❤❤❤
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edgyandoverzealous · 10 months
Thinking about A Kenny son of Prometheus SP Au where instead of praying and practicing dark arts for Cthulhu, the cult the McCormick's were involved with was trying to raise the Titans to rule again and Carol McCormick was chosen for the Children of the Titans initiative, children born of Titans to help overthrow Olympus' current rulers. Kenny is a child of Prometheus, obviously, he has the same gift curse as his Father Prometheus, he will die once every day just to come back the next, he's immortal, a perfect little soldier. The other of the main 4 are also children of Titans + Clyde and Craig. Titan parents tbd.
There's a rival cult that's set on keeping the Greek Pantheon in rule with a similar initiative program, with the exception of Artemis of the hunt of which children are offered to her for her to train into soldiers, who chose a select few women of the cult to bear children of the gods to fight their rival cult set on overthrowing the current rulers. These children include Butters, who was an offering to Artemis, of which she gladly accepted because and I quote, "what a polite well mannered child. They shall be a wonderful addition to my hunt." Butters is a complete Mama's "boy" in my mind for this as an fyi. Due to Artemis normally only accepting female hunters debating Marjorine/genderfluid Butters. Will probably have another post explaining that dynamic once I decide, leaning towards genderfluid because I really like the idea of Artemis having a genderfluid hunter. Tweek and the rest of Craig's group, Greek god/goddesses parents tbd.
Though also wanting Tweek to be a hunter of Artemis as well because he totally would be and I love giving my traumatized blorbos good parenting. Again possibly noncis Tweek in that case. I'm thinking ftm Tweek because I vibe with Artemis being completely chill with that. But also considering Son of Dionysus Tweek because that would be really fitting I think.
Anyways the kids meet and become friends, maybe more and then destroy the cults that raised them. Possibly freeing the Titans and creating peace in Olympus as well. Or telling both of them to suck it because they're just kids and it's not their responsibility to fix their parents problems.
Can you tell south park brainrot has set in again? I'm 100% gonna write fanfic for this because Greek mythology kids never escape it, we just get dragged back in violently whenever we remember/are reminded and then we smash it together with our other favorite things.
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